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Advanced Algorithms Course. Lecture Notes. Part 9: 3-SAT: How To Satisfy Most Clauses

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Advanced Algorithms Course.

Lecture Notes. Part 9

3-SAT: How to Satisfy Most Clauses

The Satisfiability problem (SAT) asks to assign truth values to the variables
in a boolean formula so as to make the formula true. Specifically, the formula
is given as a conjunction of clauses, where each clause is a disjunction of
literals, i.e., unnegated or negated boolean variables. SAT appears directly
in many real problem settings where logical variables have to satisfy certain
constraints. In 3-SAT, every clause has 3 literals. 3-SAT is a classical
NP-complete problem. MAX 3-SAT is the following natural relaxation of
3-SAT: If the formula is not satisfiable, find an assignment of truth values
that satisfies as many clauses as possible. By an obvious reduction from
3-SAT we see that MAX 3-SAT is also NP-complete.
On the other hand, if any conjunction of k clauses with exactly 3 literals
is given, we can easily find an assignment that satisfies most of the clauses,
namely 0.875k in expectation. An extremely simple randomized algorithm
will do: Assign truth values 0 or 1, each with probability 1/2, to all variables
independently. The analysis is very simple, too: Every clause is satisfied
with probability 7/8, hence, by linearity of expectation, an expected number
of 7/8 of all clauses is satisfied.
We can conclude more from this result: Since an expected number of 7/8
of all clauses is satisfied, there must always exist some truth value assignment
that actually satisfies at least 7/8 of the clauses. This easily follows from a
general argument: Consider the random variable X indicating the number
of satisfied clauses. The expected value E[X] is the average value of X,
weighted by the probabilities of values. Hence any random variable X can
take on some value greater than or equal to E[X].
This reasoning is the famous Probabilistic Method: When we look for a
certain combinatorial structure (here: a truth assignment satisfying many

clauses), we may apply some simple randomized algorithm and show that
the desired structure is produced with some positive probability. Hence this
structure must exist. Of course, the approach does not work for any such
problem (due to lack of a simple randomized algorithm), and it proves only
the existence of the thing we are looking for, but it does not say how we can
find it efficiently. These questions must be studied for any specific search
problem at hand.
In the case of MAX 3-SAT, how difficult is it to actually find an assign-
ment that satisfies at least 7/8 of the clauses? The obvious idea is to iterate
the above algorithm until success. We analyze the expected number of iter-
ations needed. Let pj be the probability that exactly j clauses are satisfied.
Since the expected value of j is 7k/8, we have the following equality, where
the sum is already split in two cases:
7k/8 = jpj = jpj + jpj .
j j<7k/8 j7k/8

As an abbreviation define p := j7k/8 jpj , and let k 0 be the largest integer


with k 0 < 7k/8. We upperbound the sum generously and obtain

k 0 pj + kpj = k 0 (1 p) + kp k 0 + kp.
j<7k/8 j7k/8

Thus we have kp 7k/8 k 0 , which is at least 1/8 due to the definition

of k 0 . Thus, a random assignment succeeds with probability p 1/8k,
and the expected waiting time for success is at most 8k iterations. (If we
independently repeat a random experiment with success probability p, the
first success comes after 1/p expected iterations. This is intuitively clear.
It requires an exact proof, but this proof is simple as well, and not too
Note that this randomized algorithm does not solve the actual MAX
3-SAT problem. It guarantees only 0.875k satisfied clauses in every input.
But what if, for example, 0.95k clauses are satisfiable ...?

Median Finding and Selection

The so-called Selection problem is to find the element of rank k in a set S
of n numbers ai . The rank is the position that the element would have if S
were sorted. (A simpler formulation is: Find the k-th smallest element in
S.) Note that S is given in arbitrary order and in general not sorted. The

element with rank bn/2c is called the median. Median finding and Selection
has nice applications in geometry and in the analysis of statistical data.
(Side remark: In the refined greedy algorithm that gave an approxima-
tion ratio 1.5 for Load Balancing we had sorted the jobs by length. A closer
look reveals that we actually need much less: It is enough to separate the
k longest jobs from the shorter jobs, since the analysis does not use any
sorting within these two sets of jobs.)
We may first sort S in O(n log n) time, which makes the Selection prob-
lem trivial. But the nice thing is that we can bypass sorting and solve Selec-
tion directly in O(n) time. There exists a deterministic divide-and-conquer
algorithm for Selection, but it is a bit complicated and, more importantly,
the hidden constant in O(n) is rather large. It is much more advisable to
apply a simple randomized algorithm like the following.
Just for simplicity we assume that all ai are distinct. The scheme of
the algorithm is as follows. Choose an element s S called the splitter.
Compare all elements to s, in O(n) time. Now we know the rank r of s. If
r > k then throw out s and all elements larger than s. If r < k then throw
out s and all elements smaller than s, and set k := k r. If r = k then
return s. Repeat this procedure recursively.
Correctness should be obvious. The only unspecified step is the choice of
the splitter. Let us use the above scheme with a splitter chosen uniformly at
random. That is, every element of S becomes the splitter with probability
Intuitively, this is a good algorithm because a random element will usu-
ally split the set in two reasonably well balanced subsets, hence the number
of elements to consider should exponentially decrease in each iteration. For
a rigorous analysis of the expected runtime we just introduce a cut-off
point that defines when the split is well balanced or not. More precisely,
we call an element central in a set if this element is smaller and larger,
respectively, than at least 1/4 of the elements. We say that the algorithm
is in phase j if the number of remaining elements is between n(3/4)j+1
and n(3/4)j . Clearly, our random splitter is central with probability 1/2.
It follows immediately that the expected number of splitters needed in any
phase j is 2 = O(1). Furthermore, since j n(3/4)j is a geometric series

converging to some O(n), the total expected time is O(n), but now with
some moderate hidden constant. Once we have chosen the right approach,
the analysis is not too complicated, is it?

A Simple Analysis of Quicksort
The basic version of the famous Quicksort algorithm (which we do not repeat
here) works with a random splitter in every recursion step. For the sake of
a simple analysis we slightly modify the algorithm, however we keep it close
to the original Quicksort: We check after comparison to all other elements
whether the random splitter is central, and if not, we discard it altogether
and pick a new splitter. Of course, this is a certain waste of time. Hence
the original Quicksort performs no worse than this modified Quicksort.
We say that a subproblem is of type j if the number of elements is
between n(3/4)j+1 and n(3/4)j . As in the previous section, we find a central
splitter after an expected number of only 2 attempts. Thus, the expected
time spent on any subproblem of type j is O(n(3/4)j ). Moreover, since we
accepted only central splitters, we can easily see that all subproblems of type
j are disjoint, i.e., they deal with disjoint subsets of the entire set. Hence
at most (4/3)j+1 subproblems of type j can exist during the execution of
the algorithm. By linearity of expectation, the expected time spent on all
subproblems of size j is therefore O(n). Since O(log n) types exist, the total
expected time is O(n log n).

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