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DP Self-Study Questionnaire (Group 3)

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The key takeaways are that the document is a self-study questionnaire for the Diploma Programme that covers areas like curriculum, teaching and learning, assessment, and action planning.

The purpose of the self-study questionnaire is for schools to evaluate their implementation of the Diploma Programme against the IB standards and practices and identify areas for improvement in an action plan.

The different sections covered in the questionnaire include philosophy, organization, curriculum, teaching and learning, assessment, and the action plan.

Self-study questionnaire:

Diploma Programme
For use from January 2016
Standard C. Curriculum

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 2

Standard C2. Written curriculum: The schools written curriculum reflects the IB

Practice C2.1. The written curriculum is comprehensive and aligns with the requirements of the

1. Do students enrolled in the programme have to fulfill other mandated requirements?

Yes No

a. If yes, indicate which requirements must be fulfilled in each year of the programme.

Exam Curriculum Teaching Timetable Other


Year 1
Year 2

Additional comment

b. Please identify programme implementation challenges resulting from these

requirements and explain how the school addresses those challenges.

c. If the requirements were introduced or changed in the period under review, how did
the school address them in order to comply with them and with the IB requirements?

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 3

IB will also evaluate this practice by reviewing the information gathered under Practices
B2.10 and B2.10c.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Requirement C2.1.a. The curriculum fulfills the aims and objectives of each subject group
and the core.

The IB will evaluate this requirement by reviewing information gathered under B2.10,
course outlines, and resources dedicated to the extended essay.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this


Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Requirement C2.1.b. The curriculum facilitates concurrency of learning.

The IB will evaluate this requirement by reviewing information gathered under Practice

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this requirement.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Requirement C2.1.c. The curriculum is balanced so that students are provided with a
reasonable choice of subjects.

Indicate what subjects or levels were added to or removed from the offer to students and
indicate the reasons for these decisions. If the school does not offer a subject from
group 6: the arts, explain why.

IB will also evaluate this requirement by reviewing information gathered under Practice

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this requirement.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Requirement C2.1.d. The school develops its own courses of study for each subject on
offer and for theory of knowledge.

The IB will evaluate this requirement by reviewing course outlines.

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 4

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this requirement.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C2.2. The written curriculum is available to the school community.

1. How is the written curriculum made available to the school community?

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C2.3. The written curriculum builds on students previous learning experiences.

The IB will evaluate this practice by reviewing information gathered under Practice C1.4 and
course outlines.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C2.4. The written curriculum identifies the knowledge, concepts, skills and attitudes to
be developed over time.

Describe how the written curriculum creates opportunities across all subject groups for the
introduction and reinforcement of ATL skills (thinking, social, communication, self-
management, research) that will develop the whole student.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C2.5. The written curriculum allows for meaningful student action in response to
students own needs and the needs of others.

1. How does the school ensure that the students are given opportunities to choose their
own CAS experiences? Give three examples of students initiatives.

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 5

2. How does the school promote students undertaking activities in a local and/or
international context? Indicate any challenges that the school may face in trying to
achieve this objective.

3. How are the students advised to plan their CAS course, taking the learning outcomes
into account? How do you ensure that each students plan shows balance between
creativity, activity and service?

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C2.6. The written curriculum incorporates relevant experiences for students.

The IB will evaluate this practice by reviewing information gathered under Practice C2.5.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C2.7. The written curriculum promotes students awareness of individual, local,
national and world issues.

The IB will evaluate this practice by reviewing information gathered through the self-study.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 6

Practice C2.8. The written curriculum provides opportunities for reflection on human
commonality, diversity and multiple perspectives.

The IB will evaluate this practice by reviewing information gathered through the self-study.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C2.9. The written curriculum is informed by current IB publications and is reviewed
regularly to incorporate developments in the programme(s).

Describe the process by which the written curriculum is reviewed regularly to incorporate
developments in the programme.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C2.10. The written curriculum integrates the policies developed by the school to
support the programme(s).

Provide examples of the ways in which the written curriculum integrates each of the policies
developed by the school to support the programme.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C2.11. The written curriculum fosters development of the IB learner profile attributes.

The IB will evaluate this practice by reviewing information gathered under Practice C1.9.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 7

Indicate the practice(s) that produced more diverse answers across subject groups. In one
or two paragraphs, identify the differing views and how the consensus was reached.

Conclusion of Standard C2

Identify who was involved in the completion of this part of the questionnaire.

Add rows as necessary.

Name or group Position Role in the completion of

this part of the questionnaire
(eg, leader, contributors)

Indicate what additional stakeholder groups were involved in the completion of this part of
the questionnaire.

Select all that apply.

Governing body
Community member
Local education authority
Ministry of education

Per Standard C2, the schools written curriculum reflects the IB philosophy.

Requires significant attention

Requires further development

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 8

Shows satisfactory development

Describe any major achievement(s) related to this standard during the period under review.

Based on your assessment of this standard you may wish to add an action to your action plan.

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 9

Standard C3. Teaching and Learning: Teaching and learning reflects the IB philosophy.

Practice C3.1. Teaching and learning aligns with the requirements of the programme(s).

The IB will evaluate this practice by reviewing information in the self-study documents.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Requirement C3.1.a. Teaching and learning at the school addresses all of the aims and
objectives of each subject.

The IB will evaluate this requirement by reviewing information in the self-study


Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this requirement.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C3.2. Teaching and learning engages students as inquirers and thinkers.

1. Describe the efforts made by teachers to engage all students as inquirers and thinkers.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C3.3. Teaching and learning builds on what students know and can do.

The IB will evaluate this practice by reviewing information in the self-study documents.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C3.4. Teaching and learning promotes the understanding and practice of academic

The IB will evaluate this practice by reviewing information gathered under Practice B1.5 and
the schools academic honesty policy.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C3.5. Teaching and learning supports students to become actively responsible for their
own learning.

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 10

The IB will evaluate this practice by reviewing information in the self-study documents.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C3.6. Teaching and learning addresses human commonality, diversity and multiple

The IB will evaluate this practice by reviewing information in the self-study documents.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C3.7. Teaching and learning addresses the diversity of student language needs,
including those for students learning in a language(s) other than mother tongue.

1. Describe the efforts made by teachers to address the diverse learning, cultural and
linguistic needs of students.

IB will also evaluate this practice by reviewing information gathered under Practice B1.5b
and the language policy.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C3.8. Teaching and learning demonstrates that all teachers are responsible for
language development of students.

The IB will evaluate this practice by reviewing information gathered under Practices C3.7,
B1.5b and the schools language policy.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C3.9. Teaching and learning uses a range and variety of strategies.

The IB will evaluate this practice by reviewing information gathered under Practice C3.7.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 11

Practice C3.10. Teaching and learning differentiates instruction to meet students learning
needs and styles.

The IB will evaluate this practice by reviewing information in the self-study documents.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C3.11. Teaching and learning incorporates a range of resources, including information

The IB will evaluate this practice by reviewing information in the self-study documents.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C3.12. Teaching and learning develops student attitudes and skills that allow for
meaningful student action in response to students own needs and the needs of others.

The IB will evaluate this practice by reviewing information gathered under Practice C2.5.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C3.13. Teaching and learning engages students in reflecting on how, what and why
they are learning.

1. Describe the efforts made by teachers to develop students metacognitive and transfer
capabilities enabling them to reflect on how, what and why they are learning, and
become actively responsible for their own learning.

The IB will also evaluate this practice by reviewing information gathered under Practice

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C3.14. Teaching and learning fosters a stimulating learning environment based on
understanding and respect.

The IB will evaluate this practice by reviewing information in the self-study documents.

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 12

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C3.15. Teaching and learning encourages students to demonstrate their learning in a
variety of ways.

The IB will evaluate this practice by reviewing information gathered under Practices A.2,

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C3.16. Teaching and learning develops the IB learner profile attributes.

The IB will evaluate this practice by reviewing information gathered under Practice C1.9.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Conclusion of Standard C3

Identify who was involved in the completion of this part of the questionnaire.

Add rows as necessary.

Name or group Position Role in the completion of

this part of the questionnaire
(eg, leader, contributors)

Indicate what additional stakeholder groups were involved in the completion of this part of
the questionnaire.

Select all that apply.

Governing body
Community members
Local education authority
Ministry of education

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 13

Indicate the practice(s) that produced more diverse answers across subject groups. In one
or two paragraphs, identify the differing views and how the consensus was reached.

Describe any major achievement(s) related to this standard during the period under review.

Based on your assessment of this standard you may wish to add an action to your action plan.

Per Standard C3, teaching and learning reflects the IB philosophy.

Requires significant attention

Requires further development
Shows satisfactory development

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 14

Standard C4. Assessment: Assessment at the school reflects the IB assessment

Practice C4.1. Assessment at the school aligns with the requirements of the programme(s).

The IB will evaluate this practice by reviewing information gathered under Practices C4.3,
C4.4, C4.8, the assessment policy, examination results and the calendar of school
deadlines for student submissions of internal and external assessment components.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Requirement C4.1.a. Assessment of student learning is based on the objectives and
assessment criteria specific to each subject.

The IB will evaluate this requirement by reviewing examination results and the calendar
of school deadlines for student submissions of internal and external assessment

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this requirement.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C4.2. The school communicates its assessment philosophy, policy and procedures to
the school community.

The IB will evaluate this practice by reviewing the information gathered under Practice

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C4.3. The school uses a range of strategies and tools to assess student learning.

Describe how the school uses a range of assessment strategies and tools to inform teaching

Describe how the school uses a range of assessment strategies and tools to evaluate
students' development of approaches to learning skills.

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 15

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C4.4. The school provides students with feedback to inform and improve their learning.

Describe how the school uses a range of assessment strategies and tools to provide
students with feedback to inform and improve their learning.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C4.5. The school has systems for recording student progress aligned with the
assessment philosophy of the programme(s).

How does the school record the progress of the students CAS course?

How does the student record his or her CAS experiences and reflections?

IB will also evaluate this practice by reviewing school's assessment policy and information
gathered under Practice B1.5d.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C4.6. The school has systems for reporting student progress aligned with the
assessment philosophy of the programme(s).

1. What process does the school use to report on the assessment of the DP to parents?

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 16

2. How does the school report on the students CAS experiences to parents?

3. How does the school promote the students achievements in CAS within the school

The IB will also evaluate this practice by reviewing the assessment policy and information
gathered under Practice B1.5d.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C4.7. The school analyses assessment data to inform teaching and learning.

1. Describe how the school analyses assessment data.

2. Include analysis of the examination results within the period under review and how those
results inform teaching and learning (include Diploma Programme subjects, TOK and
extended essays). Describe actions taken as a consequence.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 17

Practice C4.8. The school provides opportunities for students to participate in, and reflect on,
the assessment of their work.

Describe how the school uses a range of assessment strategies and tools to promote
meaningful student reflection on their development as learners.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Practice C4.9. The school has systems to ensure that all students can demonstrate a
consolidation of their learning through the completion of the PYP exhibition, the MYP personal
project (or community project for programmes that end in MYP years 3 or 4), the DP extended
essay and the CP reflective project, depending on the programme(s) offered.

The IB will evaluate this practice by reviewing the description of extended essay process.

Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of this practice.

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Excelling

Indicate the practice(s) that produced more diverse answers across subject groups. In one or
two paragraphs, identify the differing views and how the consensus was reached.

Conclusion of Standard C4

Identify who was involved in the completion of this part of the questionnaire.

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 18

Add rows as necessary.

Name or group Position Role in the completion of

this part of the questionnaire
(eg, leader, contributors)

Indicate what additional stakeholder groups were involved in the completion of this part of
the questionnaire.

Select all that apply.

Governing body
Community members,
Local education authority
Ministry of education

Per Standard C4, assessment at the school reflects IB assessment philosophy.

Requires significant attention

Requires further development
Shows satisfactory development

Describe any major achievement(s) related to this standard during the period under review.

Based on your assessment of this standard you may wish to add an action to your action plan.

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 19

Conclusions of the self-study process
After analysing the outcomes of the self-study process, the school has established the priorities
used to create the school action plan included with this questionnaire (see chart 7).

We agree that this questionnaire, whether signed electronically or not, and supporting
documents will be understood by the IB Organization to have been read and endorsed by the
head of school, without a signed hard copy being necessary.

Name and title of head of school

Signature Date

Name of head of section where the Diploma Programme is implemented (if different from head of school)

Signature Date

Name of Diploma Programme coordinator

Signature Date

Complete the charts that appear on the following pages.

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 20

Chart 1: Update of organization of teaching time

Diploma Programme subjects Subjects completed in one year

Subject Subject level and hours of instruction Language(s) of Current number of students Add an X in the appropriate column if
Indicate the name of the subject Indicate the hours of instruction instruction any of the situations allowed by the IB
under each group. (1 hour = 60 minutes) allocated to the levels of (as described below the chart)
If it is offered online, add online the subjects the school offers. apply in the school. *
next to the name of the subject.
Add rows as necessary. Hours of instruction Hours of instruction Higher Standard Standard level Standard level
at Higher level at Standard level subject(s) subject
completed in completed in
Year 1 Year 2 Year 1 Year 2 Year 1 Year 2 Year 1 Year 2 year 1 year 2

Group 1: Studies in language and literature

(indicate the language: eg, English A: literature)

Group 2: Language acquisition

(indicate the language: eg, English B)

Group 3: Individuals and societies

Group 4: Experimental sciences

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 21

Diploma Programme subjects Subjects completed in one year

Subject Subject level and hours of instruction Language(s) of Current number of students Add an X in the appropriate column if
Indicate the name of the subject Indicate the hours of instruction instruction any of the situations allowed by the IB
under each group. (1 hour = 60 minutes) allocated to the levels of (as described below the chart)
If it is offered online, add online the subjects the school offers. apply in the school. *
next to the name of the subject.
Add rows as necessary. Hours of instruction Hours of instruction Higher Standard Standard level Standard level
at Higher level at Standard level subject(s) subject
completed in completed in
Year 1 Year 2 Year 1 Year 2 Year 1 Year 2 Year 1 Year 2 year 1 year 2

Group 5: Mathematics and computer sciences

Group 6: The arts

* All Diploma Programme courses are designed as two-year learning experiences. However, up to two standard level subjects, excluding languages ab initio and pilot subjects, can
be completed in one year, according to conditions established in the Handbook of procedures for the Diploma Programme.

Number of hours Number of hours Language(s) Number of Number of

instruction/activity instruction/activity of instruction students in year 1 students in year 2
in year 1 in year 2


CAS n/a

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 22

Chart 2: Update of Diploma Programme teaching staff, qualifications and IB-recognized professional
IB-recognized professional development consists of activities as listed on the IB events calendar on the IB public website ( or in-school professional development
activities organized by the relevant IB office.
Location: In the chart below, indicate where the training took place.
For IB regional workshops attended name the city.
For IB workshops organized in the school use IS.
For IB online workshops use Online.

Subject/role Subject level Teachers name Teacher Number of Full/ IB activities in which teacher IB-recognized professional
Indicate the name of the qualifications years at part-time is or has been involved in development attended during period
subject offered under (degrees, diplomas) this school (use FT/PT) period under review under review
each group. (eg, examiner, moderator, Or if outside the period under
Add rows as necessary. workshop leaders, site visitors) review, please indicate the most
recent IB-recognized professional
development attended.
Please indicate the most recent
category 1 or 2 workshop for all
teachers in addition to the most
recent training

Higher Standard Location Date Workshop

name and

Group 1: Studies in language and literature

(indicate the language: eg, English A: literature)

Group 2: Language acquisition

(indicate the language: eg, English B)

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 23

Subject/role Subject level Teachers name Teacher Number of Full/ IB activities in which teacher IB-recognized professional
Indicate the name of the qualifications years at part-time is or has been involved in development attended during period
subject offered under (degrees, diplomas) this school (use FT/PT) period under review under review
each group. (eg, examiner, moderator, Or if outside the period under
Add rows as necessary. workshop leaders, site visitors) review, please indicate the most
recent IB-recognized professional
development attended.
Please indicate the most recent
category 1 or 2 workshop for all
teachers in addition to the most
recent training

Higher Standard Location Date Workshop

name and

Group 3: Individual and societies

Group 4: Experimental sciences

Group 5: Mathematics and computer sciences

Group 6: The arts

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 24

Subject/role Subject level Teachers name Teacher Number of Full/ IB activities in which teacher IB-recognized professional
Indicate the name of the qualifications years at part-time is or has been involved in development attended during period
subject offered under (degrees, diplomas) this school (use FT/PT) period under review under review
each group. (eg, examiner, moderator, Or if outside the period under
Add rows as necessary. workshop leaders, site visitors) review, please indicate the most
recent IB-recognized professional
development attended.
Please indicate the most recent
category 1 or 2 workshop for all
teachers in addition to the most
recent training

Higher Standard Location Date Workshop

name and


CAS coordinator

DP coordinator

Head of school

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 25

Chart 3: Update of school facilities that support the implementation
of the DP
The information formerly included in chart 3 is now incorporated into the self-study questionnaire under
practice B.2.5. Completion of chart 3 is no longer required.

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 26

Chart 4: Update of implementation budget
Indicate the currency the school uses. If possible, use USD, GBP, CHF or CAD.
USD = US dollars GBP = Great British pounds CHF = Swiss francs CAD = Canadian dollars

IB World School Year 2 after Year 3 after Year 4 after Year 5 after
current year evaluation evaluation evaluation evaluation

Academic year

Annual fee

assessment fees


IB professional



Approved by Position

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 27

Chart 5: Overview of levels of achievement of the standards in section C
In the table below, indicate with X the levels of achievement for the standards as identified by each subject group.

C1 C2 C3 C4

Requires Shows Requires Shows Requires Shows Requires Shows

Requires Requires Requires Requires
further satisfactory further satisfactory further satisfactory further satisfactory
significant significant significant significant
developmen developmen developmen developmen developmen developmen developmen developmen
attention attention attention attention
t t t t t t t t

(as declared
in the self-
study to be
submitted to
the IB)

Group 1:
Studies in

Group 2:

Group 3:

Group 4:
l sciences

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 28

C1 C2 C3 C4

Requires Shows Requires Shows Requires Shows Requires Shows

Requires Requires Requires Requires
further satisfactory further satisfactory further satisfactory further satisfactory
significant significant significant significant
developmen developmen developmen developmen developmen developmen developmen developmen
attention attention attention attention
t t t t t t t t

Group 5:

Group 6:
The arts



Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 29

Chart 6: CAS programme outline
The information formerly included in the CAS outline is now incorporated into the self-study questionnaire. Completion of chart 6 is no longer required.

Chart 7: Update of action plan

IB World Schools are expected to update their action plan at least annually. It must be organized according to the IB Programme standards and practices and include all information in the
template below. Submit the action plan for the current school year. Include objectives drawn from the outcomes of the self-study process.
All recommendations from authorization or the previous evaluation must be addressed in the action plan. Indicate clearly which objectives address recommendations. In addition, if the school
has continued efforts to improve in an area in which they received a matter to be addressed in the previous evaluation, this should be indicated.
Add rows as necessary.

A: Philosophy
The schools educational beliefs and values reflect IB philosophy.

Objective Actions Date to be Person/group responsible for Budgetary implications Evidence of achievement
achieved achieving this objective or of progress towards
achievement of the objective

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 30

B: Organization
B1: Leadership and structure
The schools leadership and administrative structures ensure the implementation of the Diploma Programme.

Objective Actions Date to be Person/group responsible for Budgetary implications Evidence of achievement
achieved achieving this objective or of progress towards
achievement of the objective

B2: Resources and support

The schools resources and support structures ensure the implementation of the Diploma Programme.

Objective Actions Date to be Person/group responsible for Budgetary implications Evidence of achievement
achieved achieving this objective or of progress towards
achievement of the objective

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 31

C: Curriculum
C1: Collaborative planning
Collaborative planning and reflection support the implementation of the Diploma Programme.

Objective Actions Date to be Person/group responsible for Budgetary implications Evidence of achievement
achieved achieving this objective or of progress towards
achievement of the objective

C2: Written curriculum

The schools written curriculum reflects IB philosophy.

Objective Actions Date to be Person/group responsible for Budgetary implications Evidence of achievement
achieved achieving this objective or of progress towards
achievement of the objective

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 32

C3: Teaching and learning
Teaching and learning reflects IB philosophy.

Objective Actions Date to be Person/group responsible for Budgetary implications Evidence of achievement
achieved achieving this objective or of progress towards
achievement of the objective

C4: Assessment
Assessment at the school reflects IB assessment philosophy.

Objective Actions Date to be Person/group responsible for Budgetary implications Evidence of achievement
achieved achieving this objective or of progress towards
achievement of the objective

Approved by Position

Self-study questionnaire: Diploma Programme 33

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