Applies to:
SAP NetWeaver Process Orchestration, Secure Connectivity Add-on 1.0 SP0
This article explains various use cases and corresponding configuration options of PGP modules that are
available as part of SAP NetWeaver Process Orchestrations Secure Connectivity add-on.
Author Bio
Sivasubramaniam Arunachalam is a developer at SAP Labs. He is currently working with
development activities of SFTP, PGP and OFTP components.
Table of Contents
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Cryptographic Privacy (Encryption/Decryption) .............................................................................................. 4
Authentication (Signing/Verification) ............................................................................................................... 4
Message Compression ................................................................................................................................... 4
ASCII Armor Protected Data Transfer ............................................................................................................ 4
Different Types of Data Transfer ..................................................................................................................... 4
Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................... 4
PGP Keys ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
Supported Algorithms ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Encryption ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Signing ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
Compression ................................................................................................................................................... 5
PGP Modules ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
Module Configuration Parameters ...................................................................................................................... 6
Common Parameters ...................................................................................................................................... 6
keyRootPath ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
partnerPublicKey.......................................................................................................................................................... 6
ownPrivateKey ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
pwdOwnPrivateKey ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
PGPEncryption Module ................................................................................................................................... 6
format ........................................................................................................................................................................... 6
asciiArmored ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
applyCompression ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
applyEncryption ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
applySignature ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
encryptionAlgo ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
signingAlgo .................................................................................................................................................................. 6
PGPDecryption Module................................................................................................................................... 7
Default Values .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Example Scenarios for PGP Module parameters configuration ......................................................................... 7
Reference Scenario Table .............................................................................................................................. 7
Scenario - 01 ................................................................................................................................................... 7
PGPEncryption Module ................................................................................................................................................ 7
PGPDecryption Module ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Message Flow in PGPEncryption Module .................................................................................................................... 9
Message Flow in PGPDecryption Module .................................................................................................................... 9
Scenario - 02 ................................................................................................................................................... 9
PGPEncryption Module ................................................................................................................................................ 9
PGPDecryption Module ............................................................................................................................................. 10
Message Flow in PGPEncryption Module .................................................................................................................. 11
Message Flow in PGPDecryption Module .................................................................................................................. 11
Scenario - 03 ................................................................................................................................................. 11
SAPs Secure Connectivity Add-ons PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) module offers the following major features.
Authentication (Signing/Verification)
Digital Signature (Signing & Verification) is used to demonstrate the authenticity of a message. A valid digital
signature gives a recipient reason to believe that the message was created by a known sender, and that it
was not altered in transit. Digital signatures are commonly used in financial transactions and in other cases
where it is important to detect forgery or tampering. During Signing, the message is signed with the sender's
private key and appended to the original message. The reverse process of verifying the sender at the
receiver end is called Verification.
Message Compression
The message which is about to be transferred can be compressed to for optimized transfer through physical
medium. At the receiver end, it will be uncompressed to the original size.
PGP modules should be deployed as per the supplied installation guide of secure connectivity add-
The JVM should be installed with unlimited JCE policy (SAP Note 1240081)
ASCII armored keys representing two different trading partners as explained in the next section
PGP Keys
Other PI related prerequisites will apply
PGP Keys
The ASCII Armored PGP keys can be created by using the steps mentioned the wiki
As of now, SAP Netweavers key storage does not support PGP keys. So it needs to be stored in file
system where PI is installed.
The relevant file system access is required to store all the key files used
It can be relative (or) complete path.
Relevant OS level permissions need to be configured to secure the key files and to prevent
unauthorized access to the keys, especially private keys.
Read access needs to be given to the folder containing the PGP Keys for the Operating System user
that runs the PI JVM. Please check with the system admin for the corresponding user name.
Supported Algorithms
CAST5 (Default)
SHA1 (Default)
ZLIB (Default)
PGP Modules
localejbs/PGPEncryption (Encryption)
localejbs/PGPDecryption (Decryption)
The operating system path where the keys are stored. This should be same as the path used for storing the
PGP keys in the prerequisite step.
The file name of the partners public key. This file should be available and accessible in the configured
The file name of the own private key. This file should be available and accessible in the configured
The password to read the configured private key. This should be same as the password given in key
generation step. (Reference wiki)
PGPEncryption Module
The message format during data transfer. It could be either binary or text. The default is binary
The ACSII Armor protection can be turn on/off. To enable, set this parameter as true and disable, set it as
false. By default, the messages are ASCII Armor protected.
The message compression can be turned on/off during data transfer. To disable, configured it as none. To
enable, specify the supported compression algorithm. It would be any one these ZIP, ZLIB or BZIP2. By
default the compression is enabled with ZLIB algorithm.
The message encryption can be turn on/off. To enable, set this parameter as true and disable, set it as
false. By default, the messages are not encrypted.
The message signing can be turn on/off. To enable, set this parameter as true and disable, set it as false.
By default, the messages are not signed.
If the applyEncryption is true, the specific supported encryption algorithm can be specified. By default it is
If the applySignature is true, the specific supported encryption algorithm can be specified. By default it is
PGPDecryption Module
This module doesnt have any special configuration parameters other than common key related parameters
mentioned the previous Common Parameters section. It will identify the algorithms for
decryption/verification/un-compression from the message header.
Default Values
PGPEncryption & PGPDecryption modules use the default values under the following conditions
If the parameter is not configured
If the parameter is configured with incorrect value
01 text True none false true Not Configured
02 binary False ZIP true false Not Configured
Incorrect Not
03 ZLIB true AES_128 true RIPEMD160
Value Configured
Scenario - 01
PGPEncryption Module
This scenario is configured with the following options.
Text format
ASCII Armor Protected
No Encryption
No Compression
PGPDecryption Module
Scenario - 02
PGPEncryption Module
This scenario is configured with the following options.
Binary format
Message transfer is not ASCII Armor Protected
Compression using ZIP algorithm
No Signature/Signing
Since encryptionAlgo is not configured, it will use the default CAST5.
PGPDecryption Module
Scenario - 03
PGPEncryption Module
This scenario is configured with the following options.
Incorrect format
Encryption using AES_128 algorithm
Compression using ZLIB algorithm
Signature/Signing using RIPEMD160
As asciiArmored is not configured, by default, the message will be ASCII Armor Protected
As format is configured with wrong value, it will use the default binary mode.
PGPDecryption Module
The configured module parameters can be verified with the channel logs
The encryption and decryption modules can be combined with other modules. But the payload is
unreadable after applying encryption module
The algorithm name used for encryption visible in decryption module logs
If the JVM doesnt have unlimited JCE policy, the algorithms which uses more than 128 bit wont be
These modules are compatible with other third party PGP solutions
d) PGP Module
d) OFTP Adapter
e) X400 Adapter
f) EDI Separator
j) B2B Content
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