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Silbermann Booklet L 1

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Bet Knesset Hod VeHadar,

Kfar Saba, Israel

8 June 2007
Table of Contents
Introduction ......................................................................................................1
Speeches .........................................................................................................7
A Tribute to Rev. Silbermann .......................................................................8
Honouring Rose Silbermann ......................................................................11
The Impact of the Silbermanns on the Pretoria Jewish Community ...........13
AUSTRALIA ...............................................................................................16
ENGLAND .................................................................................................26
FRANCE ....................................................................................................28
ISRAEL ......................................................................................................29
SOUTH AFRICA .......................................................................................38
After the Event ...............................................................................................60
Pictures, Videos, and Audio ...........................................................................63

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007


Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Rose and the late Siegbert Silbermann were influential figures in the Jewish
education of many Pretorians. As a tribute to their work, a get-together was
organized with the participation of Rose Silbermann, who is turning 90 this
year, and their daughter, Carmella, grandchildren and great-grandchild

The event was held on Friday morning, June 8, 2007 at the Conservative
Synagogue in Kfar Saba, (Bet Knesset Hod VeHadar).

By all accounts the event was a great success. Close to 90 people were
present and more than 60 messages were received from all over the world,
attesting to the high esteem in which the Silbermanns are held by so many
and the profound influence they had on all of us.

Addresses were presented by Selwyn Meyers, who paid tribute to Rev.

Silbermann; Phyllis (Kacev) Gork, who spoke about Mrs. Silbermann
(Geveret); and Ralph Lanesman, who talked about the role the Silbermanns
played in the Jewish Education of the Pretoria community over a period of
more than 50 years.

Messages from Derek Ossip, President of the Pretoria Hebrew Congregation

and from Sidney Shapiro, director of Telfed The South African Zionist
Federation (Israel) were read. Maish Isaacson, chairman of Telfed (and an
ex-Pretorian), brought greetings in person from Telfed and a number of
messages were read out by participants. Bentley Novis played a recording of
Rev. Silbermann singing from the Torah, Cantillations (trop) and blessings

A presentation was made to Rose of a necklace made by Leah Sher and a

booklet containing all the messages received. In addition, a donation was
made, in honor of the Silbermanns, to a charity selected by Rosethe Society
for Children at Risk

Rose expressed her appreciation in the following response, which was read
by Dorothy Mandelzweig.

Dear Ex pupils, families and friends,

Its so wonderful to see you all again

To quote from the bible. Jacob, before giving the

blessing to Josephs offspring said, God not
only granted me to see you, he also showed me
your offspring.

I am absolutely overwhelmed and moved by

your gesture of paying tribute to the late Rev.
Silbermann and myself.

I feel so gratified to know that our labour of love,

to inculcate and instill in you Jewish values has
not been in vain. You have come on Aliya! You

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

speak Hebrew! You live Jewishly and Im sure you are an asset to your
communities and to your country. You are links in the golden chain of our
Jewish existence.

Now in a lighter vein. I want to tell you a few anecdotes out of babes
mouths so to speak.

I had a new group of Grade one pupils and on asking each one his or her
age and name, I had the same question put to me as regards age. When I
said 21, the reaction was Wow, so old! At the end of the year, pupils wrote
thank you notes. One note read, Thanks for everything you did to me.
Another remarked, I like Hebrew, its my best object.

On behalf of the late Rev Silbermann and myself, I wish to thank you once
again for this great honour bestowed on us today. It was such a privilege for

I wish you all good health, much Nachat and P.G. we shall meet again. Rak

This booklet includes the texts of the speeches, messages received,

responses after the event, links to pictures, and links to videos and audio on
the web. A contact list including e-mail and postal addresses and telephone
numbers of all who attended and/or responded to our announcements is
available as a separate document.

Finally, we wish to thank you all for helping to make this event so moving and

Special thanks to Evelyn Zway and Joan (Ginsburg) Mori for their help.

Organizing Committee

Alfie Feinberg Selwyn Meyers Bryan Slater

Bernice Meyers Ruth Slater

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Message from the Pretoria Hebrew Congregation

Dear Rose,

On behalf of my self, my family and the entire Pretoria Hebrew Congregation,

we wish you a very happy 90th birthday.
I remember with great fondness the Hebrew both you and late Sigbert taught
All 12 years of my Hebrew studies were taught to me by you both, most of the
time at the South Street campus.
My early introduction to Yidishket by you both, the love you showed for
everything Jewish has always stayed with me.
I am sure this also played a part in the way I live my life and my involvement
with the Pretoria Hebrew Congregation .

Kindest regards to the entire family,

Derek Ossip
President Pretoria Hebrew Congregation

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Message from the South African Zionist Federation (Israel)

Dear Selwyn,

Would you kindly convey to all present at the Pretoria Reunion my very best
wishes for an enjoyable and successful function. Kol Ha'Kavod on the
initiative to pay just tribute to Mrs. Rose Silbermann, and the late Rev.
Siegbert Silbermann who have touched so many of your lives.

Best Wishes

Sidney Shapiro.
South African Zionist Federation (Israel)
Rehov Schwartz 19/1
43212 Ra'anana

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007


Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Selwyn Meyers

A Tribute to Rev. Silbermann

In the 70s, 80s, and part of the 90s I used to

travel from Israel to South Africa every year,
always during Pesach or Rosh HaShana, to spend
time with my parents. As the years passed and
members of my family passed away, I started
going to the cemetery on each of these yearly visits
to SA. I would usually start with the uncle who died
when I was still a child, and who lies in the front
row on the left, and would work my way through
the rows to my grandparents, and then on to my
uncles and aunts, and eventually my parents. I
usually had to seek them out because I could
never remember exactly where they were, and in
so doing I would come across others, not of my family, whom I had known
over the years. Over the years the ground began to fill up with new rows
appearing first on the left and going west, then over to the right and coming
down to the east. And, alas, more and more names of people I had known
began to appear.

Then, one year, I came across a grave, over on the right near the hedge on
the right of the ground and, if memory serves me right, under a tree and set
slightly apart from the others in the row. And on that stone was written:

And in English:

An erudite, loved, esteemed and educated educator.

Passed away 15 October 1988

I had not known that Mr. Silbermann had passed away. On those annual visits
to Pretoria I would sometimes meet him in shul and we would exchange a few
words (in Hebrew), but that was all. So the discovery came as a surprise and
immediately brought back memories of the past and also a sudden
understanding of the meaning of all those names that brought back such
feelings of affection

For they were not, except for a few exceptions, my contemporaries. They
were a different generation, my parents generation. They were my parents
friends and my friends parents; they were the parents of many of those
present here today; they were the people with whom I had come into contact
as a Habonim representative on various communal bodies such as the
Pretoria Zionist Council and the Pretoria Jewish Council.

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

All of us were influenced by such groups of people with whom we came into
contact; a sort of extended Jewish family; a circle of influence. Primarily, of
course, our parents but also our teachers, and all the other members of the
community. And I believe that it was the influence of all these people that
shaped us and prepared us for the future. For each of us the group of people
that influenced us in this way was different. But there was one person who
had an influence on every single one of us, and that was Mr. Silbermann.
At that time, before the Reform Congregation started up in Pretoria, almost all
the kids (especially the boys) were taught by Mr. Silbermann. I look through
the reports from the Miriam Marks Talmud Torah (which my mother kept with
all the other documents recording childhood milestones) and I see that except
for two or three semesters in a period from 1946 to 1958, the comments are
written in the hand of and signed by S. Silbermann. We all came under his
influence: we all learnt Hebrew and Tanach with him; He prepared each of us
for his Bar Mitzva; he was there to guide us in the services of the Pretoria
Jewish Youth Congregation.

I remember his kindness and encouragement, his intelligence and humor. The
Hebrew I learnt from him served me well in integrating into Israel in general
and the university in particular (though the first time I had to stand up and talk
to a class full of fellow students was a disaster). He instilled in me a love and
interest in Jewish History and Religion that has remained through all these

These were the thoughts that went through my mind that first time that I came
across his grave, and whenever I visited the cemetery after that I would make
a point of spending a few minutes beside his grave. And as the years went by
these memories remained and I began to appreciate even more his
significance and influence in all of our lives. And gradually the idea of having
an evening to remember and to pay tribute began to crystallize.

I began to sound people out on the idea. Whenever Pretorians get together,
more often than not one of the subjects of conversation is Pretoria and what
has happened to the people we knew and grew up with. Invariably, I would
bring up the subject of an Evening for the Silbermanns, and everyone would
agree that it was a good idea. This continued for a number of years. About a
year ago, a number of the boys got together for a Friday morning breakfast
and the question arose, but nothing materialized; a few months later, Jon
Freedman phoned me up and said: Ive just been to the bank and who do
you think I met?. It turned out to be Carmellas son and I think that on the
spot they phoned Rose and had a chat. Then in February of this year, My
sister Bernice, the Slaters, the Feinbergs, and I were at Evelyn Zway one
evening and again the subject came up. It was becoming a ritual. I would
say:What do you guys think about organizing an evening? and they would
agree that it would be a good idea. But this time there was a difference. The
next day Bryan phoned me to inform me that he had spoken to Carmella and
she wanted to have the function in two weeks time! Well, we had to defer the
date, but Alfie, Bryan and I got together and formed an organizing committee,
and later invited Ruth Slater and Bernice to join us.

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

So here we are today. Each of us has his own story and his own memory of
Siggya man who was generous and kind, always willing to further our
education in all things Jewish. And for this I am grateful.

In conclusion I cannot do better than quote from a message received from

Louis Meltz, now living in the USA:

He was a dignified and gentle soul, a man of strong moral

character who continually reinforced the notion that goodness,
honesty and truthfulness would always prevail. He was a Tzadik,
in the true sense of the word.

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Phyllis (Kacev) Gork

Honouring Rose Silbermann

It is indeed an honour for me to have

been asked to say a few words about
you, Rose. You are known to some of us
as Rose, to others as Mrs. Silberman
and many of us still refer to you
affectionately as Geveret .

Rose, your name is one of the most

beautiful of all flowers. It is a symbol of
love, fragrance, royalty and loveliness.
Throughout the ages the rose has been
referred to as the queen of the flowers
. Rose, today you are our queen - so
royal and regal .

In a rose garden, roses thrive in strong soil with plenty of sunlight, water,
shelter, nourishment and attention. Rose, you nourished us with wisdom,
inspiration and encouragement. You did not allow any thorns to get in your
way and we thrived and blossomed under the shady protection of your

You are a true Eshet Chayil and I quote,

She opens her mouth with wisdom, and a lesson of kindness is on her
As a teacher, you taught us to appreciate virtues and values, as well as to see
the good in everything rather than seek out faults.
We never ever heard you say a bad word about anyone.

We thank you for your dedication and wonderful contributions filled with so
much love and graciousness. You contributed so much and deepened our
roots and love for Israel, the Hebrew language and Jewish History. You
helped to pave the way for our Aliyah and many of us were automatically put
into high Ulpan classes. This formed a strong foundation for successful
integration into the Israeli society and way of life. For this we are grateful and
cannot thank you enough.

In 1959, Carmel School started. I was in the first intake of 49 kids that started
in the house in Hatfield on South Street. Rose, you were our Hebrew teacher.
The highlight of the week was a Friday when the whole school gathered on
the stoop or veranda (which was also our playground) for a Kabbalat
Shabbat Party. The Ima lit the candles and the Aba made Kiddush. We
were all given a sip of red juice in an egg cup and a piece of hot challah
bought from the Hatfield Bakery across the road. This had such a strong

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

impact on many families over the years that a Chinese kid from the Embassy
insisted that his Mom light candles every Friday night too.

You cultivated, watered and nurtured us, your saplings with knowledge and
information. You also firmly secured strong roots and a strong foundation that
ensured that the traditional link would continue from generation to generation.
You taught us the same traditional Shabbat songs and songs for the Chagim
that our grandchildren sing today.

All the chagim at school were celebrated in a special and meaningful way. On
Purim there was so much excitement when we came to school in simple
costumes - queens, kings or clowns. You put so much work and effort into the
preparation of the annual Pesach sedar. On Lag Baomer we brought
decorated, colored hard boiled eggs to school. On Shavuot you organized an
impressive Bikkurim ceremony for the whole school at the big Shul. How can
we forget the magnificent Bat mitzvah ceremonies that you presented and
presided over each year.

When I qualified as a teacher and was the first ex-Carmel student to join the
teaching staff in 1973, you were still teaching at the school. You were a pro
and a pleasure to work with. I was fortunate to work side by side with you and
saw that whatever you did was a true labor of love. You put your heart and
soul into whatever you did. You worked with so much dedication, commitment
and devotion. I admired your immense enthusiasm, sensitivity and endless
energy. Always immaculately dressed, hair elegantly styled, eyes vibrant and
glittering with new ideas, energy and intensity.

Rose, you epitomize this following quotation by Carl Jung, a Swiss

psychologist - and I quote, One looks back with appreciation to brilliant
teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The
curriculum is necessary new material, but warmth is the vital element for the
soul of the child. Rose, throughout your teaching career you touched many
of our souls.

The real flowers that decorated your life (besides your family) were your
students. I admired your extraordinary loyalty to your students whom you
loved so profoundly and sincerely.

Rose we all love you. Mazaltov on your 90th birthday. I wish you Hashems
richest blessings of good health, happiness, peace and love till 120. (

May your rose buds continue to bloom and blossom, and may all your petals
continue to flourish fragrantly and give you plenty of nachas and joy.

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Ralph Lanesman

The Impact of the Silbermanns on the Pretoria Jewish


I have been asked by the Committee

organizing this mornings function to say a
few words about the impact of the
Silbermans on the Pretoria community. I
think by this very fine turnout, you have
expressed much louder than any words of
mine the love and respect for Rose and
the late Siegbert that they so richly

Rose, with her empathy, care and regard

for each of the many hundreds of young
pupils who passed through her hands,
instilled in them, which to many was their
initiation into Jewish practices and
customs, an abiding knowledge which
they carried with them throughout their lives, and particularly, to quite a
number, the embodiment of the realization of Zionism in their Aliyah to Israel.
First impressions last throughout ones life and the positive aspects so clearly
enunciated by Rose impacted on so many lives. Although coming from a
Lithuanian background Rose Silberman had easily absorbed modern teaching
methods with the result that initially at the Talmud Torah and subsequently at
the Carmel Primary School, the children enjoyed the lessons immensely and
reacted in a positive manner to her teaching methods. To the wider public, the
bat-mitzvah ceremonies which culminated a year of studies in which she
instructed her pupils in the knowledge of what their heritage should mean to
them, were a pleasure and delight to behold. In all fairness, I must mention
that the Talmud Torah had around 1950 instituted confirmation classes for its
pupils at the instigation of Mr. Silberman, but with the wider scope made
possible by the day school environment much more was achieved. Rose was
a precious jewel in the educational system of Pretoria.

It took a long time for some balebatim in Pretoria to realize what a fine
educationalist they had in their midst and to extend to Mr. Silberman the
recognition he so richly deserved. Born in the German city of Karlsruhe he
grew to manhood in the 1920s which saw Germany as the epicenter of the
modern Hebrew revival. The poet Chaim Nachman Bialik, Shaul
Tshernikovsky and the novelist Shai Agnon lived in Germany prior to moving
to Israel. The Weimar Republic, reflected a burgeoning interest in Hebrew and
Jewish Culture which motivated Siegbert throughout his life. The German
Jewish tradition of Orthodoxy in which he was raised followed the teachings of
Modern Orthodoxy or Neo-Orthodoxy as pioneered by the famous Rabbi
Samson Raphael Hirsch during the second half of the 19th century, strongly
affirmed the Galut as a means to fulfil the Jewish mission to the nations.
Educated at the Jewish Teachers Seminary in Wurzberg, Bavaria, he was

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

fully equipped to act as a teacher in Pretoria, but in his thirst for self-
improvement and adaptation to local conditions, he earned a B.A. and a B.Ed
at the University of South Africa. In a letter in the Pretoria Jewish Review of
November 1950, he expressed a very strong conviction of the dynamic force
of Zionism. At the same time he always manifested a very positive attitude to
the work of the Talmud Torahs in maintaining Jewish life in the Galut and
deprecated any pessimistic views regarding the operation of the Jewish
educational system.

However, it is no secret that the community leaders never fully respected the
work done by the Talmud Torah and until the advent of the Carmel School,
were most parsimonious in providing funds for Jewish education and suitable
premises and amenities for carrying on this great task. Similarly, the absence
of a sympathetic attitude on the part of parents mitigated against the teaching
staffs efforts to bring a sound Jewish education to their children.
In a series of three articles written in the March, April and May 1951 editions
of the Pretoria Jewish Review he analysed the position of Jewish education in
the English-speaking world, reviewed the educational problems affecting
these communities and offered some suggestions whereby educational
standards could be improved, foremost of which was the concept of the
Hebrew Day School. These articles influenced much positive thinking in the
community, and the year 1959 saw the inauguration of the Carmel School with
Rose Silberman in charge of Hebrew education. When the High School was
established, Mr. Silberman was appointed as supervisor of the Hebrew
Department in addition to his position as principal of the Talmud Torah, where
he had commenced teaching some 30 years previously and on the resignation
of Rev. Martin Bloch, appointed as principal.

It was not only in the educational field that Mr. Silberman functioned but also
played a role as well in many of the cultural activities of the Congregation and
the Community, including the Pretoria Junior Hebrew Congregation and Youth
activities of the Community Council. He was active in the Histradut Ivrit, where
Hebrew speaking adults met at regular intervals to listen to lectures, hold
discussions, etc. He acted as Librarian of the Pretoria Jewish Library, which
he improved immeasurably in the years he served in that capacity. He spared
no effort, giving the Library the exposure it had not found before. When the
Peoples College was inaugurated in Pretoria, Mr. Silberman played a leading
role in steering its programme.

A notable achievement was his appointment by Mr. Dave Melamet, President

of the Pretoria United Hebrew Congregation as the Reverend in charge of the
Adath Israel Synagogue where he performed a variety of congregational

This has been a concise review of the part played by the Silberman family in
Pretoria and an acknowledgment of the many directions in which they had
participated and carried high the flags of the Hebrew language, Jewish
religious values and Jewish culture. Sad to tell the Pretoria community did not
always recognize the calibre of the couple, but you by your presence here
today have shown the love and respect I mentioned at the beginning of my

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

People were invited to send a written message, greeting, anecdote or
photographs relating to the Silbermanns and Pretoria. Over 70 messages
were received, from 7 different countries: Australia, Canada, England, France,
Israel, South Africa, United States of America. The messages presented here
include those collated and presented to Mrs. Silbermann at the event, as well
as those received after the event.

Because of the personal nature of these messages, efforts were made to

leave these in their original format. Minor changes were made where
necessary to facilitate editing.

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007


Shirley (Lanesman) Atlas, Perth

Mazal Tov, Geveret!

What an amazing achievement. I am told you haven't aged a day since you left Carmel Schoo!.
I have been teaching Hebrew at Carmel School in Perth, Australia, for 15 years now and want
you to know that you have been my inspiration throughout all this time. I have based many of
my lessons and ideas from the wonderful grounding I and so many other lucky students
received from you.

Shirley (Lanesman) Atlas

Gail (Silberman) Berman, Perth

Dear Mrs. Silbermann (Geveret)

I was delighted to read about the celebrations of your life in Pretoria.

As a pupil of yours from 1969 to 1975 I have only the very best memories of primary school
and learning Hebrew and Jewish Studies. I am now a teacher myself and I can truly appreciate
what a wonderful educator you are and how lucky we all were to have you as a teacher.
For a number of years I taught Hebrew and Jewish Studies at the Perth Jewish Day School
alongside Shirley Atlas (lanesman) and we talked about you many times and commented on
how much of our own teaching style was influenced by you.
I wish you mazaltov on this wonderful occasion and wish you all the best.

With much love and appreciation

Gail Berman (Silberman)

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Sharon (Stein) Dresner

Dear Rose,
I am delighted to send a message to you on your special birthday.
I was at Carmel School from 1958 to 1970 and you and Rev.Silbermann played an enormous
part during that time. My memories of you are very special.
May you have a wonderful birthday, celebrating with family and friends and I wish you many
years of good health and happiness. Mazal Tov.
Fondest Regards,
Sharon (Stein) Dresner

Claire (Stein) Fremder, Australia

Dear Rose

I don't know after so many years if you will remember me and my family. However, you made
such an impression on me as a child that I still remember you in great detail. Only a woman of
such greatness could leave such a lovely picture so clear in my mind.

I attended Carmel school for all of my school career and had you teach me Hebrew in the
Primary school. My memory does not serve me well enough to be able to recall the grades I
was in but I do know it was primary school.

My name is Claire Fremder now but I was Claire Stein. I have a sister, Sharon and a brother
Calvin and my parents Mannie and Ghita Stein. Sadly my father, Mannie passed away ten
years ago. I live in Australia and have Sharon and Calvin and my Mom here as well. I am
married to an Australian and have two beautiful children - a daughter of 18 (Candace) and a
son of 15 (Dean).

We recently visited Israel and I was proud to say that my Hebrew education from all those
years ago stood me in good stead. Although I could not speak freely in Hebrew I did
understand most conversations when they were spoken slowly. This is due to your great

I wish you a hearty mazeltov on the occasion of your 90th birthday and wish you good health
and a long life.

I thank those who thought of this wonderful idea to send you a message as it truly is an honour.

Best regards

Claire (Stein) Fremder

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Ginsburg Julien, Sydney

My poem dedicated to the memory of the late Rev. S. Silberman

He had a nervous spirit imbued with glee.

I shall remember my Cheder teacher and me.
A conservative man with sparse time for leisure
Teaching and learning was his only pleasure.

My memories of him remain deep and secure

My knowledge of Hebrew will thanks to him endure.
We were naughty boys then and often went too far
Stuffing sandclods into the exhaust of his Studebaker car.

Such a modest man with humility and a warm smile

On Shabbat after shul his lone walk home beyond a mile.

The childrens service on Shabbat morn held in the Jewish Memorial Hall
Overseen by Sigi and conducted by the boys ever so tall.
After the service for those without Barmi classes did up and go,
We raced down to Church Square to the Capitol show.
How we made it on time to this day I dont know.

As our Barmis drew nearer wed have to stay after Shul

To play outside silently and await our turn was the rule.
Sigis voice was heard chanting Brochot and maftirs along
Not all the boys voices could perform with sweet song
I recall some of his suits: a beige and one a dark grey.
The special dark blue he wore on Yom-Tov day.

Sigis big brown eyes had a sparkle of brightness and wit.

He once cast his wrath upon a boy and his gold watch did split.
His gold-rimmed spectacles were not often removed
But once off his face we saw dark rings under his eyes and his face grooves.

We were young and boisterous and did not like to learn

Our antics and behavior was often out of turn.
I recall the Rev. Silverman with fondness and pride
I am so sorry that I can no longer learn at his side.
When I now read, write and speak IVRIT I acknowledge this debt
For it was Sigi who taught me with much labor and sweat.

A habit I remember almost as if it was right now

Was for our Melamed to slide his black yamulka forward and then back onto his brow.
His method of teaching was strictly word by word
We as young boys thought this to be absurd.


Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Ravia (Yudelman) Maureen, Sydney

Shavua Tov you all,

I know this is a bit late but i only remembered it now. Please convey my good wishes to Mrs
Silberman. I presume she can still read Hebrew (lol), so just to show her that her lessons
never went astray, here goes

, .

( )

Naomi (Cohen) Ruttenberg, Perth

My name is Bernice (Ruttenberg) Sandler.

I am writing this email on behalf of my mother, Naomi (Cohen) Ruttenberg.

Naomi is first cousin to Rose Silbermann.

Naomi's late mother was Doreen (Silverman) Cohen and her late father was Bennie Cohen.

Naomi wishes to congratulate her wonderful cousin Rosie on attaining her 90th birthday and
wishes her all the mazel and love, and would dearly love to hear from her.

Naomi is currently living with me, (Bernice) in Perth, Western Australia.

All the best,

Bernice Sandler.

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Diane (Stein) Stollard, Melbourne

Dear Mrs. Silbermann,

It was with great joy that I heard of your special birthday this year and I wanted to wish you a
hearty mazeltov on this special occasion and wish you many more to come in good health and
happiness. (ud meah v'esrim shana.)

I don't know if you remember me - my name is Diane Stollard (nee Stein) and I was one of your
students at Carmel school in Pretoria and I was fortunate to learn Ivrit from you and today I am
an Ivrit teacher.

I am B"H married to Lwarence and we have B"H three children : Chanan, Liora and Malka.
We live in Melbourne, Australia.

All our love for a very special birthday and remembering all the good you did for our Pretoria

Diane (Stein) Stollard.

Percy and Reva Schwartz, Perth

Dear Mrs Silbermann,

On behalf of the Schwartz family of Perth ex-Pretoria. Percy, Reva, Pearl, David, Ian and Lynn.
We send you our warmest wishes on this very special occassion of your 90th birthday.
We are all currently living in Perth, where Percy and Reva, are enjoying their retirement and
are still involved in communal affairs. Percy and Reva were proud to have had all 13 of their
grandchildren at Carmel school, Perth. Pearl, married to Hilton Kirstein, a dentist, has 3
children all living in Perth. Pearl teaches at Carmel School as a relief teacher. David married to
Melanie also have 3 children. Both, Pearl and David were amongst the first children at Carmel
School in South Street and then moved to Lukasrand. Ian married to Felicia have four children
and Lynn married to Jerome Swersky have 3 children.

In recalling our fondest memories of both Mrs Silbermann and the late Reverend Silbermann,
we think of wonderful happy times singing songs, learning Hebrew language, "chaggim", and
Torah. We will be eternally grateful for the solid grounding and foundation in the Hebrew
language and the love of Yiddishkeit that you provided us, and hundreds of Carmel School
children. This has been perpetuated through to our next generation.

Mrs Silbermann, we wish you continued good health, mazel and brocha in these golden years
of your life.

With best wishes for a happy birthday,

Pearl (nee Schwartz) and Hilton Kirstein and family
and on behalf of Percy and Reva Schwartz,
David and Melanie Schwartz and family
Ian and Felicia Schwartz and family
Lynn (nee Schwartz) and Jerome Swersky and family.

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Stan Taback, Melbourne

If you are in touch with Mrs Silberman, please pass on my very best wishes, love and regards.
She made Hebrew so meaningful for me. There are many teachers in my primary school whom
I have forgotten, but certainly not MRS SILBERMAN.

I am in Melbourne and my 3 kids all went to Carmel School while we were in Perth. The last
finished off at Mt scopus, in Melbourne, last year.


Stan Taback

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Geoffrey Berkow, Vancouver

Mrs Rose Silberman:

As a Hebrew teacher 'Mrs Silberman' was exceptional in every way. But for me, what stands
out above all her too-many-to-mention wonderful qualities, is that Mrs Silberman cared. She
cared about her family. She cared about her students. She cared deeply about Jewish
teachings, traditions, and values, and conveyed through example and by being such a perfect
role model, the message of being Jewish and above all, being a mensch. It's always more
meaningful to learn from people who practice what they preach, and there can be no finer
example of this than Reverend Siegbert and Mrs Rose Silberman.

I will always have very fond memories of Mrs Silberman, and count myself fortunate indeed to
have had her as my role model, teacher and source of inspiration.

Mrs Silberman, B'H, mazal tov on reaching this milestone in your life, and thank your for your
many years of dedicated service to me personally as a former student, to Carmel Schools
Pretoria, and to the Pretoria Jewish community at large.

Kind regards,

Geoffrey Berkow, (Matric class of 1975)

Pamela (Mayerowitz) Chasen, Montreal

dearest mrs silbermann (or geveret as you were known to us at carmel for so many years)

how excited are we to participate in such a celebration!

when we received the notification of your birthday from mervyn isaacson, we were so excited,
but immediately thought, 'no, mrs silbermann, can't be 90!' for to us you are and will always be
the epitomy of energy, willingness, devotion, happiness, knowlege, wisdom and some kind of
'never getting old.'

if my parents, joyce and louis mayerowitz, were still alive, they would recall with fondness your
wonderful bikurim ceremonies at the pretorius street shul in pretoria, the annual batmizvah

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

ceremonies, the choirs - with you singing and conducting so beautifully - and of course the
ability of hundreds of carmelites who speak and love the language of hebrew is to your credit.

you were a teacher who was loved by all - parents and children. you were an enormous asset
to carmel school and the jewish community of pretoria.

on behalf of my husband martin, my sister natalie, myself and our families we sincerely wish
you a very happy 90th birthday. 'ad mayah ve-esrim.' may you be blessed with health, may
your positive attitude, sense of humour, ability to adapt to changes (as you have always done)
be the characteristics that accompany you for many years to come.

with all our love and sincere wishes

pamela (mayerowitz) chasen

Freda (Opert) Cohen, Toronto

Regrettably Im unable to attend the get-together but would very much like to send my fondest
wishes to Rose and Carmella. The invitation was forwarded to me by my cousin Charlotte
residing in Holland. I was so excited and emotional at the same time, because it brought back a
flood of wonderful memories. Siegbert, or Siggy, as I recall him, was my Cheder teacher from
1950 when my parents, Harry & Salome, my sister Shirley and my then baby brother, Bernard,
arrived in Pretoria from Israel. I was enrolled into the then Cheder school, where the classes
shifted around from Hatfield School, Brooklyn School and even at Beatrix Street. What comes
to mind most prominently is that I was the only girl in a class full of boys. I was in my element,
but very shy in those days. In fact, quite a number of the gentlemen shown on the e-mail sent
to me could have been in my classes. I also remember the boys playing soccer before the
class began and was coerced into being the goalie if my memory serves me well, this was
Herman Aronsons idea. Aah, memories.

I also recall being in the very first Batmitzvah group held in the new Pretoria Big Shul. Both
Rose and Mr. Silbermann had a hand in the tutoring and getting us girls ready for this great

Rose, I raise a glass of wine to you and the memory of Siegfried. Kanen Hora, zol zein

I am now in my 9th year living in Toronto, Canada. Luckily, I have my baby brother, Gavin and
his family here as well. As a matter of fact, Siegfried also trained him for his Barmy (I think?)
For sure he did Bernards.

My love and good wishes to Rose & Carmella and Hi to all the boys Ive known before. The
older I get the less shy I become.


Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Joss Gershater, Toronto

This message is to you Rose, on this wonderful occasion which I am unfortunately not able to
be part of. How many years have passed since those wonderful days of our youth in Pretoria.
We were encouraged and coaxed in our Hebrew and Jewish education by yourself and Sigbert
. At that time, sitting in a stuffy classroom at the Miriam Marks Hebrew School at 4.30 p.m. in
the afternoon for one hour Monday, Wednesday and Thursday was a huge sacrifice for me,
who would rather have been riding a bike on the makeshift dirt track which we used before
Hebrew lessons in the afternoon. Or maybe Hebrew interfered with my passion for Rugby at
Pretoria Boys High.

Well 50 years have elapsed since then I now fully understand how you and Sigbert were the
most important educators that I had outside of my home. Your warm enthusiasm for the
Hebrew Language and Jewish culture are deep in my bones

Thank you .God Bless you. Have a wonderful Birthday .

Joss Gershater

Martin Ossip, Toronto

My memories of Siegy are very good. I remember him as a very intellectual teacher far superior
to almost all my others. My Hebrew was not fantastic but especially in the later forms, I looked
forward to his lessons which encompassed a lot more than just Hebrew or Tanach. I certainly
found him more interesting than the stuff offered at Boys' High.

Best regards,

Martin (Ossip)

Stanley Shear, Vancouver.

Dear Mrs Silbermann

When I think about you, it brings back such a flood of memories about growing up in Pretoria,
and the wonderful association that I had both with your late, and esteemed husband, and
yourself. So many years have passed, and so many things have happened in our lives.

And now you are approaching another milestone in your life with the advent of your 90th
birthday this year. I so wish I could be with you on Friday to share all the memories. However I
am now in Vancouver, which is a long way away from Israel.

Amongst the fine memories that come back to me are of course, Cheder lessons. Rev.
Silbermann was a born teacher, and in those days, when there were no Jewish Day Schools,
he filled an important role without the true formalization of a school pedagogic environment.
And he did a fine job. I still have my Cheder reports, in which poor Rev. Bloch constantly

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

points out how naughty I was in class, and if I could overcome my "peculiar childish behaviour"
I could be top of my class. And your husband, having to cope with all this!

Another prominent memory I have is of the Shabbat youth services at Miriam Marks, where
your husband used to lead the services. His beautiful layening is still very clear in my mind.

And then of course the shul choir, in which Rev. Silbermann played such an active role. He
had a lovely voice. I remember when my daughter was born and we had named her Lynne. I
asked him what her Hebrew name should be and he said "Leora". It was such a beautiful
name that we changed it from Lynne and her English and Hebrew names are now both

And you were constantly there, inspiring your husband, contributing to the strong Pretoria
Jewish Community, which was truly a strong community in those days, and, despite it having
become much smaller, still remains an active and forceful kehilla, largely due to the efforts of
people like the Silbermann's.

A fond memory I have of your family lies in the music books of your late husband, which you
gave me after he passed away. I have used them well, and they remain amongst my cherished

And so, on this day, when your friends gather around you to praise you and remember those
good old days, I join them in wishing you, hatzlacha, b'racha, joy and happiness for your
special day and for many years to come.

With fond memories, thoughts and love

Stanley Shear.

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Loren (Fasser) Krish

Some of my early years in primary school remain, like many, very formative
and deeply memorable. Learning Hebrew with you Mrs. Silberman remains
one of these experiences. I remember so well your energy and almost thrill in
teaching the subject. And so what seemed to some like a deep and terrible
code to crack, I remember the very exciting moment that you helped transform
my confusion into something exciting and thrilling too. From then on I worked
for the utter thrill and joyous pleasure that my learning seemed to give you.
Holding such pleasure in her students learning I think remains sadly rather

Another and possibly even more important memory remained as deeply

reparative in my childhood development. When I thought the entire school
must know how the head teacher had summoned and punished me for being
apparently such a wicked and horrible little girl (for an event that I hasten to
add was never truly explained to me), I lived in the terrifying supposition that
my adored Mrs. Silberman must surely know how horrible I really was.
Unbeknownst to you, you restored some of my own faith in myself when after
speaking enquiringly with you one day I realized that you simply had no idea
what I was talking about and expressed a wish that I should continue into the
secondary school. This was a moment of liberating absolution for my sins
and I was deeply grateful that the most important teacher in my life still
seemed to believe in my potential! You cannot over-estimate the immense
relief and hope this held for me. You probably remain entirely unaware of the
ameliorative and reparative part you played that still leaves me feeling quite
tearful to recall.

This does not mean you were idealized as some super-human being. I
remember the shock at first and then the delight in your honesty when one
day after a particularly difficult day of our class, you stamped your foot and
said how our class made you vomit!

I would so love to meet you again and give you a great big hug to thank you
for being one of the most important and formative teachers of my life, more for
what your spirit conveyed than even the subject you taught so well.

Loren (Fasser) Krish

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Additional information:
I was at Carmel School in Pretoria during the years with Pam Meyerowitz and
Hillary Zawels and Hazel Lanesman, Stanley Shiller etc. I think that was from
about 1962 - 1969 ?? I now live in a small village in Kent in the UK and
struggle to find even matzo meal.

I perhaps should have added in my note that thanks to Rose and helping me
through my batmitzvah the whole family look to me for guiding them through
pesach, chanukah, Rosh hashanah etc as although my husband is Jewish he
never had a barmitzvah, (my parents have recently passed away) - everything
I remember is from my Carmel days; I could do with a bit of a brush up. If you
know anyone who does that sort of thing in London it might be good to hear -
or better still someone in Kent. I must try to find out ....

I also remember that my older brother used to very much enjoy the choir with
Mr. Silberman I think?? at the main Shul in Arcadia. Rose and her husband
seemed so well liked by everyone...

Wish I could be there. Have a wonderful time. I look forward to hearing about

With best wishes,


Ryan Seligmann, London

Dear Mrs Silbermann

Happy Birthday and Many Many More.
Great to hear that you are well.
You taught me Jewish Studies at Carmel Primay back in the 80's, I would
think in 1985 to 1988.
I am now married and living in London.
Ryan Seligmann

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007


Les Kellen, Bordeaux

I am an ex Pretorian who was taught by Rose Silbermann in primary school. I

remember her with great affection as an empathetic, kind, and inspirational
teacher.I was recently in Pretoria following the death of my dad, and caught
up with among others, Ruth Guinsberg, Julian Pokroy and David Conroy all of
whom were in my class at Carmel School of which my late dad was a founder
and supporter.

I went on to do a B.Com at Tuks, and an LLB at UCT. I was the founder of the
Boston College and City Campus group as well as the schools of advertising
in SA, and so have proffessional appreciation for Mrs Silbermanns expertise.I
now live in Bordeaux France where I have a little hotel built in 1860, and teach
the appreciation of Wine, wine courses and do tastings at the most famous
Chateaux in the world, such as Mouton Rothschild, Latour etc.

I would like to send my best wishes to Rose on the occasion of her 90th
birthday, and regret that I will not be able to join the celebration in Israel. It
goes without saying that if she is able and ever wishes to visit France it would
be at my invitation. I had reason to appreciate her dedication during the period
of mourning for my dad, as I was able to pick up the Hebrew after many years
of non exposure.

Anyway, you also have an invitation if ever you are in Europe, and my
congratulations to you and the organisers of this fitting tribute to a truly
exceptional woman.

If there is any contribution I can make to enhance her day please let me know.

kind regards,

Les Kellen

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007


Harriet Bark

To Rose, my mentor and dear friend,

Carmel Primary School was where I had my first teaching post as a qualified
Hebrew teacher and was honored to be able to have you as my senior
We had some wonderful times working together, preparing the children for the
and best of all getting ready for the end of year concerts.
But we also had some sad and tense times, especially when the Six Day War
broke out and you came running to my class in tears because Carmella was in
Israel and you were so worried. We listened to every news broadcast and felt
that this was also our war.
I spent two (or was it three, cant remember) wonderful years working with you
at Carmel and had the pleasure of teaching some terrific kids, some of whom
live in Israel today and I am sure I would not recognize them if I saw them.
Many years passed (31 to be exact) and once again we met in Ganei Omer
about 5 years ago. You looked exactly like the Rose I knew way back when
with just maybe a few more grey hairs and a few more wrinkles, but the same
Rose with the same smiling face.
I wish you a very happy 90th year and am pleased to be here to celebrate it
with you.

Harriet Bark

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Alfie & Myra Feinberg, Raanana



The first time I set eyes on Gverret Silbermann was in the playground of the Hatfield Menorah
Nursery School which was next to the Talmud Torah School in South St, Hatfield
At that time it was the temporary premises of the Carmel School. Her elegant style, well
coiffured hair, fancy spectacle frame and pleasant speaking voice seemed to take my attention.
I was just 5 years was.1959
The next year when I went to Grade I in the fresh new building of Carmel School in Lukasrand,
I was delighted to find that this elegant lady whom I had seen was to be my Hebrew teacher
So began the relationship between the Silbermanns and me
The little blue and white JNF box for the "pruta" on Fridays
the Shabbat kiddush with red Lecol juice but real challah, the stories of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob, the tales of our heritage and the long dream of Zionism which at that time had been
recently fulfilled with the establishment of the State of Israel were the contents of the lessons
which she taught with a love and a passion
Special in my recollections is the ceremony of TuBishvat, when we youngsters took delight in
planting saplings around the playground of our new school sharing the idea with the work of the
JNF growing new forests in Israel.
This was really where the seed of my eventual wish to live in Israel was planted and began to
take shape
Gverret Rose was always present at these events.

When I went to high school I was lucky to have Rev. Silbermann as my Hebrew teacher.
Here a new world opened for me

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

He was a man of the Book .Whereas before we were introduced to the stories he analysed and
explained, brought thought and deep meaning and significance to the concept of Judaism, the
Jewish people and Israel..
He was one of his kind in the Pretoria community at that time. Although we were a community
of strong traditions and had a sincere attitude in preserving our roots, the old Orthodox
customs were disappearing, but he held on fast and fastidiously which maybe made him
different to the regular community member, but certainly made him special, honorable and holy
beyond words

These are two people who have played a huge role in educating and moulding whole
generations for over half a century and I'm sure that many of you here today can vouch for the
influence that these two had on you to be here in Israel. For sure one of them planted the seed
that grew, flourished, bore fruit and has reseeded in the Land of Milk and Honey
A full circle has been closed with us all here today.

God Bless Geverret Silbermann with health and nachus which she well deserves for the
greatness of her efforts and essence of her task as an educator and wonderful human being.


Once there was a tree

A girl and a teacher
The girl planted the tree
And the teacher gave the girl a dream
The tree grew
The dream came true
Now there stands a tall tree
A fulfilled girl
And the teacher to enjoy
The fruits of her work
God Bless her


Lynn (Wayburne) Gamady, Rosh HaAyin

I would love to be able to express my thanks and appreciation to both Rose and late Mr
Sibermann, without whom my life in Israel may have had difficulties! The basis I got from them
as teachers stood me in good stead to teach English here at schools for 35 years and tutoring,
over forty. I also got such a knowledge of Hebrew at their lessons that I was able to write my
matric and study at teachers' seminary a little over a year after we arrived in Israel. What a
wonderful opportunity to be able to have a ceremony of recognition for these two amazing
dedicated people/educators.

Lynn Thanks

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Katz (Zwick) Ora (Andrea) Andy

Dear Mrs Silberman

Happy 90th birthday!
What a privilege it is to have the opportunity to thank you after all these years.
For me, I would like to say thanks, for introducing me to G-d.
That may seem exaggeratedafter all, I went to a Jewish nursery school, and went to shul on
Friday nights and chagim, but the reality of a G-d who was with me, watched me and cared
about what I was doing, was learnt from you. I heard from you about waking up in the morning
and acknowledging His existence, and washing my hands like a Jewish person should, and I
did these things even when I was doing very little else that was Jewish. I also remember your
teaching us the proper way to daven the Amida with a recognition of, and respect for G-ds
presence. You were the first person to address me by my Jewish name and to make me feel
that there was more to being Jewish than I thought.

You, and your late husband, represented a picture of proper Jews, which few of us had
access to in Pretoria.

I am grateful, of course also for the Hebrew you taught me, which is the foundation for my
Hebrew today.

Though you obviously dont remember all your students, I am certain there are hundreds of
people who not only have vivid memories of you, but who also feel indebted to you.

May all the wonderful things that you did bring blessing to you and all your family.

Much happiness and good health

Ora (Zwick) Katz Andrea (Andy)

Sheila (Levinkind) Levithan, Rishon LeZion

I should like very much to be invited to this get together as Mr Silverman
taught me in Pretoria before I left for Capetown and I remember him fondly as
a lovely human being and a dedicated teacher.

Sheila Levithan (nee Levinkind)

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Harry Lipchin, Kfar Saba

I remember well "Sikkie's"saying "I don't stand for any nonsense and that is
why I am always sitting."

I also have some personal wonderful memories of Sikkies teaching which I will
be happy to share at the event.

Bentley Novis, Kfar Sabal

My first experience wth Hebrew school (heder) was at the Arcadia School, in
about 1948. My teacher was a Mrs Wolenchick ("Chicken"). After she came
and hauled me off the soccer field as I had chosen to play a game rather than
attend heder, I left her class and joined the class run by the late Sigbert
Silbermann ("Siggy") at Hatfield School. I studied with him for about the next
seven or eight years. He was undoubtedly one of the major figures who
instilled in me a love of yehadut. He always said that when we start dreaming
in Hebrew, we would really have learnt the language. Unfortunately, I still
dream in English!
Who doesn't remember the Saturday mornings after the junior service from
one year before our bar mitzvahs, sitting in the classroom learning the "trop"
as a group and then by seniority, adding one or two new verses per week.
The ones whose bar mitzvahs were further away often were taken at 1 o'clock
in the afternoon, until which time we played soccer in the old pavilion at the
Miriam Marks School. To this day, whenever I can, I do my Haftorah using the
trop Siggy taught us.
After having settled in Israel and when visiting Pretoria, both he and Rose
were always so pleased to be able to talk to me in Hebrew!

Bentley Novis

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Eunice and Max Peisach

It is a great pleasure for us to be able to extend to Rose our sincere and heartfelt
congratulations on this, her important birthday. We were privileged to get to know Rose during
the inception years of the Carmel Primary School in Pretoria. Fate decreed that our association
would be short, because we were due to leave for Israel the following year. In the starting year
the staff consisted of Mrs Grossfeld, as Principal and Grade 1 teacher, Rose Silbermann as
the Hebrew teacher and Eunice Peisach for the combined classes of Grade 2 and Standard 1.

Max was the Chairman of the first PTA and played an important role in getting the school
established. He was instrumental in obtaining the site for the school, and used his connections
with the CSIR to obtain the report of the Building Institute that had been prepared for the
Transvaal Education Department. Thus Carmel became a showpiece as the first school to be
built along the most modern lines.

At the public meeting under the chairmanship of the late Berol Factor, called to launch the new
Jewish Day School, Mr Factor said that if he obtained five enrolments, he would start the
school. Max immediately announced that only 3 more were needed, as we had twins ready to
start school. Thus Lynne and Bee became enrolments numbered 1 and 2. Incidentally, David
Conroy (who became Lynne's husband) was number 5. The school was ready to start in
January, 1959, but was limited by the Transvaal Education Department to a maximum of 50
children, because of the size of the available grounds. This figure was reached even before
the school opened its doors. The next year the new buildings at the new site were ready to take
the extra class and increased numbers.

It was Rose's enthusiastic and cheerful teaching, which instilled in our children a love of the
Hebrew language. Today's gathering is ample proof of the high regard in which she is held and
the effect she had on a whole generation of the Jewish youth of Pretoria. All her ex-pupils
speak very highly of her and say how grateful they are at having had such a caring personality
to introduce them to the language of our forefathers.

We wish Rose many more years of healthy and fulfilling retirement.

Eunice and Max Peisach

Dov Bernard Randel

Some Ruminations on the love of Israel, Judaism Hebrew studies as instilled by the
Silberman's. This preamble says it all.

There is absolutely no one from the 50's to the 80's who grew upon Pretoria , attended the big
Shul on Pretorius street, the Talmud Torah on South Street, the Adath Synagogue at Carmel
school, (before it degenerated to plain Crawford College bereft on any Jewish aspect) the daily
and Saturday children's services who did not encounter Siggie or Rose Silberman in one or all
these places. The Silbermans were and remain a Pretoria and Carmel institution.

From here, Bet Knesset Hod V'Hadar in Kfar Saba, Israel on Friday 8 June 2007, Kaf Bet
b'Sivan Tashs"av (22 the dual pillars of the Silberman's) I send 90 year birthday greetings to
Rose, "she tihye briya v'chazaka ad meia v'esrim", her daughter Carmel and "brachot l'ilui
nishmato" shel Siegbert Silberman, who was so instrumental in the Hebrew and Jewish

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

education of those of us who've made our homes and lives in Israel, others spread over the
four corners of the world and those who remained in south Africa. The common denominator of
Judaic values joins us all.

We were young "hooligans" in many ways and on behalf of those who did not always
appreciate the devotion of Siggie to the Hebrew language, Tanach and Jewish studies (I was
one of the goodie goodies in Hebrew as it was my favorite subject but also added to the
"rorking") humbly ask Siggie to forgive us and be proud of the heritage he and Rose left.

So many of us know how to "daven," chant from the torah and feel at home in any synagogue
due to Siggie's ministrations and labor of love.

I am sure many of you here today, like me, remember with fondness the renowned children's
service in the longitudinal and quite small hall annex to the big shul. We ran the service from
start to finish, Siggie was the torah reader but on many occasions it was the youngsters who
read with him at our sides. The daily service at Carmel, in the basement of the Adath, where
we were obligated to attend as part of the curriculum. We laid tefillin, read the Torah portion
Monday's and Thursdays. We heard divrei torah and some even prepared a drasha standing
them in good stead for later years. Even some of the Carmel "goyim" attended if they wanted
to. The Germiston boys of soccer fame, the Chinese pupils who were conversant in Hebrew,
the sons of Indian green grocers and one or two ambassadorial black sons who sought out the
best school for their children. It was the height of the odious apartheid system and Carmel a
small island of sanity and tolerance as we were a private Jewish school. They too probably
have good memories of Judaism, and the Jews from their Carmel and Siggie days.

Towards matric I developed many extra curricular interests, photography, philately, selling and
buying stamps and first day covers to sell to the other kids, girls (though I was still one of the
"shy" ones) and of course Habonim which took up most of my time. Studies and matric played
a secondary and even tertiary role in the great manner of things. From an outstanding student I
became mediocre and passed with a just OK matric but the love of Hebrew and Judaism
remained and was fired by Siggie. I achieved distinction in Hebrew because of him. English
too I think but that was the home environment. When I went on aliya in 1970 after machon, the
Hebrew that Siggie taught was sufficient to jump me three University mechina classes. That
stood me in good stead for years to come and throughout my life in Israel.

Thank you Siggie and Rose. May you be blessed.

Dov Bernard Randel

Carmel Pretoria 1960-1970

Cecile Rechtman, Raanana

Dearest Rose,
It is with deep regret that I am unable to attend the "Get Together" at Telfed this coming Friday.
The reason is that I will be in Jerusalem celebrating my granddaughter Jessica's
batmitzvah.(This is Nicole's eldest child) She also has a boy of 10. They live in Atlanta USA.
Juliet, Nicky, George (now Gershon) would all have loved to have been able to come to see
you and recall their childhood memories at Carmel and your having been their teacher.

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

I have been living in Ra'anana for the last 14 years. Gershon and Juliet have been in Israel for
21 years.
Juliet is a lecturer and teacher of Massage Therapy and has her own Training School. She has
two children, Gilon age 24, recently engaged and Danit age 22. Both are lovely children and a
great source of nachas. They all live in Petach Tikva.
Gershon is married to Chana with two girls.. 5 and 2 and he and his family live on Maale
Gilboa. He is a Tour Guide and informal educator.
Rose dear, I would love to speak to you. Could you call me on 077800609 or 0507593713.
I want to wish you mazeltov on your birthday and pray that you will enjoy many more years in
the best of good health, enjoying nachas and pleasure from your family.
Fondest regards and have a lovely trip down memory lane with all the ex Pretorians on Friday.
Yours with affection.
Cecile Rechtman

Ruth & Bryan Slater, Raanana

My association with Rev. Silbermann spans some three decades from the 1950's to the 1980's.
Firstly as a "cheder" pupil when he taught me for matric. I remember well the repetativeness of
of the declentions and the ruler which went up and down accompanying the teaching of
"dikduk". I am proud to say that the foundation which I received stood me in good stead when
coming on aliya many years later.

I also remember very well the youth services held in the small shul in Pretorius Street, which
were led by Rev. Silbermann, and which we all attended - of course this was the social scene
as well !! Years later Rev. Silbermann conducted the funeral services of my parents - the
sincerity and personal references were so comforting.

It is with great joy and anticipation that Ruth and I look forward to the get-together on the 8th of
June when we will all be able to wish Mrs Silbermann a happy 90th birthday in the coming

Bryan Slater

Rene (Hirschman) Weinberg, Israel

My name is Rene Weinberg (nee Hirschman)and Rabbi Silbermann

used to give me Hebrew lessons. My late dad - Cecil
Hirschman opened the first and only Kosher delicatessen in
Pretoria and we used to see the Silbermann's on a weekly

It would be a great honor to see her again.

Best regards and wonderful work

Rene Weinberg

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Michelle (Kacev) Wolff, Raanana

Rev and Mrs Silberman, as long as I can remember, were a part of my life in Pretoria for all the
years that I lived there. What stands out in my mind when I think of Rose Silberman is my
lessons for my Batmitzvah exam, we were in her class when we got the message that the six
day war had started, I will never forget that.
I would like to wish Rose a very happy 90th birthday and many more.

Regards from
Michelle (Kacev) Wolff

Ann (Katz) Zakheim, Jerusalem

I was never at Carmel school so I was not taught by Mrs Silbermann: but as a pupil at the
Miriam Marks Hebrew School I was taught by Rev Silbermann. To this day I pay him tribute
and feel that the grounding he gave me in Hebrew (which he taught me until matric) enabled
me to become integrated more easily here in Israel and to work in my profession for which I
rely on language to a very large extent.
Mrs Silbermann exemplifies to me an "Aishet Chayil" . She and her husband always stood
together and she supported him through thick and thin. I have fond memories of the evenings
when Mrs Silbermann would fetch her husband at the Hebrew school at the end of the day and
would often give me a ride home on their way. Hebrew classes finished at 7 pm and Mrs
Silbermann would patiently wait outside in the car for Rev Silbermann to finish teaching (in the
winter it was of course already dark by then) and on the way home they would share the days
My other pleasant memories of the Silbermanns are from the shul where Rev Silbermann was
the Baal Korei for many years. There was seldom a Shabbat or Yomtov that Mrs Silbermann
didnt accompany her husband to shul and wait for him to accompany him home after the
davening. In later years I can well imagine that this was not always easy for them both but I do
not think that they ever considered an alternative like giving up the job or complaining that it
was too much. If I am not mistaken even the day that Rev Silbermann was niftar he had been
in shul and done the leining before coming home and collapsing.
Mrs Silbermann in no small part has to be given credit for this because as we all know a man
needs the support of his "Eishet Chayil " to be able to continue his job with devotion and may I
hesitate to add in a sometimes thankless task ministering to the Jewish community.
We wish Mrs Silbermann Many happy returns of the day "Ad 120" with only good health and
happiness and Yiddische naches from her family
Ann Zakheim

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Phyllis Askew, Pretoria

a very happy birthday mrs. silberman from phyllis askew and davina.

Howard Berkow, Pretoria

The names of Reverend and Mrs.Silbermann evoke the warmest memories of

the halcyon days of Pretoria in its heyday.
"To Mrs. Silbermann-----------every best wish on the occasion of your 90th!-----
-may you have many more".
Best Regards,
Howard Berkow
Pretoria, RSA
Carmel School(1959-1970)

Martin Brauer, Johannesburg

Dear Geveret Silverman

I was thrilled to hear that you are shortly reaching the tender age of 90.
Mazaltov and Yom Huledet Sameach! It is people like you that make this
troubled world a better place.
I hope you live until 120 and that you will soon see true peace in Eretz Yisrael.
Your name is mentioned every year at the Pesach table when we say:
"Geveret Silverman taught us this song..."
I live in Johannesburg but still travel to Pretoria every weekday to my legal
I am blessed with a wonderful wife and two children - my daughter was
recently married and lives in London and my son lives with us and is studying
Kindest regards and best wishes,
Martin Brauer
(Melech Menachem Mendel)

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Bregman families, Pta Jhb and USA

Dear Mrs Silbermann

Mazaltov on reaching this fantastic milestone.

Many more healthy birthdays .

From the Bregman families in Pta Jhb and USA

Roland & Desre Russell & Cheryl Mark & Jacqui Belinda and
Robin and all the children

Sheila Bogatie and Family, Johannesbrug

Wishing a most gracious lady a Hearty mazaltov on the occasion of your

forthcoming 90th Birthday.
We remember the many Shabbat meals we spent together in Pretoria. I must
admit I was never a very obedient pupil of your husbands but yet nevertheless
I passed matric Hebrew due to his excellent teaching.
Sorry I am not able to be at your party.
Love, Sheila.

Carin (Kaplan) Danon, Gayle (Kaplan) Dolgoy and

Roland Dolgoy

Dear Mrs. Silbermann,

Happy birthday and many, many more!

Wishing you much love and happiness on your special day. We will always
remember you fondly, the lady who taught us Hebrew and Jewish studies with
such passion and gusto! We will never forget your kindness and dedication.

Wishing you many blessings.


Carin (Kaplan) Danon, Gayle (Kaplan) Dolgoy and Roland Dolgoy

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Zipporah (Schwartz) Ellis, Johannesburg

Gveret Silbermann was my teacher and as the picture shows also when I
qualified as a Hebrew and Jewish Studies teacher returned to Carmel to
teach with Gveret Silbermann in her department. This photo was in the
Pretoria Jewish Chronicle.
My late Parents Sam and Betty Schwartz knew the Silbermann's well.

Rev. Silbermann taught my late Father and we davened at the Adath where
he was the Rabbi.

My sister, Merle Katz & my brothers Barry & Selwyn Schwartz also had Mrs
Silbermann. We remember fondly the films shown before the chagim & the
Kabbalat Shabbat services.

We all wish her a very happy birthday and many more "ad meah v'esrim

Zipporah (Schwartz) Ellis

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Basil Faktor, Pretoria

Hi There All,
On this special day in your life Rose I send special & warm greetings to you

as all the expats remember you & your dear husband & the great input you have had on our
lives over all these years.
I can truly say that both yourself & Siegbert besides what my parents taught me were one of
the greatest influences on my Jewish awareness & the youth of Pretoria in those fond years
past. I remember with fondness all the fun times we used to have& also the mischievous
goings on at the Miriam Marks in South street.
I have in the last few years been in touch with your cousin Maisey in Walnut Creek(San
Francisco) where my daughters live & we often spoke of all the Silbermans. Our familes do
have a long connection which goes back over these many years.
Have a great day all of you & may you be spared many more .Bis a hundred en twantsig.
All my love,

Basil Faktor & all my family

Lockie, Bessie, Mark, Cheryl, Colin and Deon Feinblum,


Dear Mrs. Silbermann,

We were all so delighted to hear that a get-to-gether was being organised for your 90th
birthday, and only sorry that none of us will be there to celebrate this wonderful occasion with
you. However, our thoughts are with you, and we wish you a very happy birthday, and may
Hashem bless you with many more years in good health, happiness and peace for all Israel.
With fond memories of both you and Rev. Silbermann,
Love, Lockie, Bessie, Mark, Cheryl, Colin and Deon Feinblum.

Ruth (Goldblatt) Ginsburg, Pretoria

How I wish I could be there with you all to celebrate this very special occasion. Mrs. Silberman
(and her husband) were truly meaningful in the lives of so many youth in Petoria. She had a
profound influence on my life, instilling in me a love for Israel, Judaism and the Hebrew
language which I still try and speak whenever I get the opportunity. People always remark on
how good ny grammar is a direct tribute to the Silbermans. I would like to send a short
message for inclusion.

Dear Mrs. Silberman,

I dont know if you remember but when you retired from Carmel school I made a short speech
paying tribute to you. At that stage you had taught not only me but my two children .

I said then that you were truly like a rose, both gentle and beautiful. That is how I always think
of you. You had such an influence on me in my growing up years and if I close my eyes I can
still se you and hear you with a wonderful gentle voice, teaching us and showing us maps of
Israel. You taught us about the Jewish holidays and Shavuot is specially meaningful for me, the

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

services at the great synagogue in Pretoria where we took fruit for under privileged children.
The bikkurim I will never forget.

I wish I could be there with you, but I will be thinking of you on this special day.

My very best love and good wishes,

Ruth (Goldblatt) Ginsburg

Phyllis (Lurie) Glass, Pretoria

I would just like to say I had the privilege of learning Hebrew with both Rose & Siegbert
Silbermann. I rode my bicycle to their home on a Sunday morning for lessons with Rose.
I attended Cheder with Mr Silbermann at South street and remember clearly that the boys,
Basil Faktor, Stephen Weiner, Roy Goodman, etc were always playing jokes on him. He would
nod off and they would tell him the phone was ringing, hide his stick etc.
That is about all, but remember they were always friendly and kind. So sorry I can't be at the
Regards from all

Phyllis (Lurie) Glass

Doron Goldstein, Pretoria

Dear Mrs Silbermann,

A Hearty Mazal Tov on the occasion of your 90th birthday.
It was 42 years ago that you taught me hebrew in grade 1at Carmel School
It seems like yesterday, and the picture I have of you in my mind is still so clear.
I hope you have a wonderfull celebration.
Fond regards,
Doron Goldstein

Dr Doron Goldstein

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Helene Grinblat

I was reading the Telfed online magazine and saw the article on "Calling on Ex Pretorians".
Rose Silbermann was my hebrew teacher 40 years ago. I am sitting to the left of her in the
attached photograph. She would remember me as Helene Grinblat. My hebrew name is Hinda
but she insisted it was not a hebrew but a Yiddish name and she used to call me Chemdah.
You will never believe who taught the Silbermanns their hebrew? My late great grandfather
whose name was Michael Silber.

The picture was taken at Carmel School in Pretoria where I lived until aged 30. I was in
standard 3 then. It must have been 1970.

Carmel School. Std. 3, 1970

Vivienne (Novis) Hosiosky, Johannesburg

Dearest Morah Silberman,

Memories of my primary school years at Carmel are filled with thoughts of you and the
wonderful Hebrew lessons we enjoyed. I see before me your beautiful smiling face, styled
blonde hair and gorgeous attire. Your abundance of warmth, care and love for your subject
and pupils will never be for gotten and I feel privileged to call you my teacher.

I wish you mazeltov on achieving this milestone - may you be blessed with many more years in
good health and happiness.

Happy happy 90th birthday Morah Silberman.

With my love and thoughts

Your pupil
Vivienne (Novis) Hosiosky

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

jackie and marge isaacson, Pretoria

dear mrs silberman,

jackie and i wish you a hearty mazaltov on this special birthday and may you enjoy many more
happy years in good health.
rev silberman taught steven his barmitzvah portion and both steven and jackie spent many
happy hours at your home on sunday mornings.
with very best wishes
jackie and marge isaacson.
do hope you and your family are well

JOCUM Hilary and Hirsch, Pretoria.

Dear Mrs Silberman

Hirsch, Hilary ,Darren,Jonty and Gary Jocum salute you on the occasion of your 90th birthday
and pay tribute to the immense influence that your teaching had on their lives. You established
a strong foundation when teaching alef-bet and then in imbuing the children with a sound love
and knowledge of Yiddishkeit and of Eretz Yisrael.
May you be spared to enjoy many more birthdays.
Darren (24) is a qualified Actuary, Working in Cape Town.He shares a flat with Jonty (22) who
is in his 5th year of Medecine at UCT..Gary (18) , who you never had the opportunity of
teaching is studying to become a vet her in Pretoria. They are Shomer Shabbat and very
involved with the community.
We remember you fondly and wish you a hearty MAZALTOV
With love and best wishes

Isadore and Muriel Kahanovitz, Pretoria

I cherish a high regard for Mrs Silbermann as a human being and consequently as an educator
and one who was respected by all those who worked with her.
Unlike the teacher who when asked about a pupil replied, "He sat in my class. But I cannot say
whether I taught him anything."
All learnt from her.
Her influence and that of her late husband was felt beyond the walls of the classroom. With
vision and an unclouded sense of reality, they educated a generation. They understood the
truth of Proverbs 22.6. "Bring up a child in the way he should go, and, when he is old, he will
not depart from it."
[Apologies.. It needs to be written in Hebrew. I have not the Hebrew script.]
Enjoy your 90th Rose, and be well and happy and more years in which to spread your charm
and graciousness.
Affectionately..........................Isadore and Muriel Kahanovitz

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Roslyn (Finkelstein) Kanichowsky, South Africa

Dear Mrs Silbermann,

So pleased to hear you are celebrating this wonderful milestone. May Hashem bless you with
many more wonderful, happy, healthy years ahead of you. I have only very fond memories of
my years being taught by you.

I am an estate agent and I have 3 children, a daughter who got married a year ago and she is
in marketing, another daughter of 24 who is living in London for 2 years working as a
physiotherapist and then I have a son of 16 at King David. My husband's sister lives in
Ra'anana (Sharon & Cecil Bergman) and my mother-in-law lives in Ra'anana too (Selma
Kanichowsky), don't know if you know them.

Warmest wishes and keep well. Enjoy your birthday celebration!!

Roslyn Kanichowsky (nee Finkelstein - late Beatte & Bennie Finkelstein's daughter)

Jill Katz, Johannesburg

I am so pleased to be in Israel at this time and be able to participate in the Tribute to the
Silbermanns. They were an integral part of the Pretoria Jewish community and to all of us who
were there at the time were great examples to emulate.
When I came to Pretotria in 1954 Siegbert and Rose Silbermann were established teachers
there and I know that they are remembered fondly by countless ex-pupils who passed through
their hands either at Carmel School or in the Talmud Torah. There must be large numbers both
here in Israel and in many other parts of the world who were taught their Hebrew and Judaism
by either Siegbert or Rose Silbermann.
My four children learned for Matric with Mr Silbermann and all continued with their Hebrew
studies at University, their sucess being based on the early beginnings under his guidance.
And there are many more like them.
Now we are celebrating with Rose for her 90th birthday. We cannot pay tribute to her alone,
because she and her husband were such a close unit in the Jewish education of young
Pretoria. But we do wish Rose a very happy birthday and many more years in peace and good
health to enjoy her retirement.
From Jill Katz. Pretoria 1954-1991

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Frank & Sharon (Wapnik) Kramer, Johannesburg

Robert & Mary Kropman, Johannesburg

Dear Rose,
From our first day in Pretoria you and Siegbert ZTL and family were our silver lining. We were
privileged to share so many Yom Tovim (and they were good days) as well as many simchas.
You Rose, laid the foundation of our children's Ivrit and lumedai Kodesh - we and our
grandchildren are still benefiting!
We are happy to be able to join you once again at this special simcha of your 90th birthday.
Mazeltov, mazeltov biz 120.
Fondest love,
Robert and Mary Kropman

Ingrid, Mary and Robert Kropman and Rev. Siegbert Silbermann

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Linda (Katzeff) Levy, Johannesburg

Dearest Geveret Silberman,

My husband Alec Levy and I want to wish you a very happy birthday for your 90th.
I am sure you are still as beautiful as ever. You were always one of my favourite teachers, all
the Hebrew I know is due to your excellent teaching. Thank you for all the hard work that you
put into teaching me.
Do you remember you taught my son Joel (Yosef) in the afternoons at your house. He
remembers you fondly and also sends a special Mazeltov. He is now married and living in
I wish you another 10 good and healthy years (Im Yertze Hashem). May Hashem fill your days
with nachus and love.
Sending you a huge boquet of broches and love.
All my love
Linda Levy (Katzeff

Anne (Falkson) Nikfard, Johannesburg

8 Iyar 5767, 23 rd day of the Omer
Gevurah shebeNetzach

26 April 2007
To the Honorable, Mrs Silbermann,

Greetings from Johannesburg, South Africa, on the occasion of your birthday, may it be filled
with Hashems richest blessings!
He should give you Good Health, Yiddische nachas from your children, grand-children and
great grand-children.
May you always be blessed in every way and receive only kind rewards for the great
contribution you have made to the Chinuch of the Jewish Community of Pretorias children and
all their children who benefit in turn. All the generations, ad Moshiach.!
Thank you for laying the ground work of my own chinuch which began at the Carmel School in
grade 1, through High School, Universtiy of Cape Town (B.A. major in Hebrew) B.A.Hons
(Religious Studies) major in Judaism.

Today, mother of 4:
a son, (24), Yisrael, married and in Kollel in Jerusalem bli ayin hora
a son, (22), Yehuda, working in Johannesburg - bli ayin hora
a daughter, (20), Rosey, doing an education degree (with a mind to teaching Limudei
Kodesh) at J C E. bli ayin hora
all of my first marriage to Stein.
Another daughter, (9), Touba, at the Torah Academy in Johannesburg, in the Heder
programme, learning Limudei Kodesh, Hassidut, in Hebrew and Yiddish. bli ayin hora, of my
second marriage to a Persian, Yitzchak Nikfard.

Other than my workaday life: business, house-keeping and chief cook and bottle washer roles,
I attend several Shiurim in Chumash, Tnach, Hassidut: Maamorim, Tanya etc. weekly, all with

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

a heavy reliance on Hebrew and Yiddish textual skills. BH these language skills are intact and
healthy, a tribute to your incredible founding, grounding teaching methods in the early 1960s.
THANK YOU TO YOU, and your late husband, the Reverend Silbermann.

But more than that:. Do you recall how each early morning before the lesson started, a game
where all the children had to cup their hands on their desks and one child would go round the
classroom and place a penny into the childs hands of his/her choice, then, yet a third child
would have to guess who had received the lucky coin for the pushka.
Anis sam /samah prutah achat .

Better still, the Erev Shabbos Chagigot, Friday mornings:

Abba, Imma, Yeled, veYaldah holchim le Beit haKnesset ve hozrim haBayita aharei ha Tefillah.
I can still taste that delicious wine and challah of Grade 1 at the Carmel School.

These teaching techniques will long outlive us all, in our children and childrens children, IYH.
They are the Torah of a grand and dedicated Lady who lit up the home, greater yet, by being a
wonderful Dugmah Hayah to all her pupils.
Today, after I say morning brochas and before I read the Shema, I place my coins in the
pushka, as I saw my teacher do in my early childhood. My children have been taught to do
likewise. This is to Mrs Silbermanns credit.

So, thank you Mrs Silbermann.

Yashar Koach !
and the very best of wishes from all my family, but most especially,

..Ad Meah veesrim

Anne Nikfard (nee Falkson)

Pokroy Julian and Corinne, Pretoria

Dear Gveret Silbermann,

In 1959 with advent of Carmel Primary School, a Hebrew Department was established.If
memory serves us correctly then Julian was in the first Hebrew class,being taught the language
by you. A couple years later Corinne (nee Grupel) joined the class as well.
We both were taught by you until Standard 5 when you late husband took over High School
Hebrew and continued to teach us both.
Reverend Siegbert Silbernmann taught Julian a big part of his Barmitzvah portion and how to
conduct services in the Beit Hamidrash next to Pretorius Street Shul.
Julian matriculated in 1968 having passed Hebrew with flying colours, much to the surprise of
Reverend Silbermann, and has maintained the ability to read and write the language fluently
and to speak (rather slowly), the language.
In 1978 when we decided to get married, then our logical choice for a marriage officer was
Reverend Sibermann, who had just registered as a marriage officer.
Over the years we maintained regular contact and recall several visits to your Park Street

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Our children perptuated the Carmel tradition by both learning Hebrew and Jewish studies in the
proud legacy left by both you and your late husband in the Hebrew Department at Carmel and
subsequently its successor in title Crawford College.
We thank you for the excellent grounding that you both gave us, which has stood us both in
good stead.
May you have a wonderful 90th birthday and many more happy and healthy ones. Mazal Tov.
Shalom and LHitraot
Julian (Matric of 1968) and Corinne (Class of 1973)

Selwyn Price, Johannesburg

Dear Rose,

We wish you all the best on this auspicious occasion and hope that you celebrate in health and

With best wishes

From Selwyn Price and Family

Maish Stein, Pretoria

Please send my best wishes to Rose Silberman for attaining this wonderful milestone.
I am sure she remembers me and my late wife Charlotte Feinberg (Alfies sisiter) very well.
The late Rev took us both for Hebrew in the good old days
Maish Stein

Wainer Family (formerly Tainow), Prertoria


Dear Mrs. Silbermann,

A sincere and huge big MAZELTOV on the occasion of your 90th Birthday A wonderful
achievement to a wonderful
Lady whom we all fondly remember from many years ago when we were children and came
with our parents,
ABE & BERTHA TAINOW zl to visit you and your husband in Pretoria then many years later
you were there to
teach our children, Shawn (Shlomo) & Clyde Hebrew at Carmel School today Shlomo has his
own Chabad Centre
in Umhlanga Rocks and Im sure your Hebrew classes must have had some impact on him in
those very early days -
All these wonderful memories are fondly remembered when we think back on Geveret
May you be spared for many more Healthy Happy and good years Biz 120 Baruch Hashem

Wainer Family (formerly Tainow)

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Clyde, Jadene & Tannah Wainer, Kwazulu, Natal

Dear Mrs. Silbermann

Wishing you a very happy 90th birthday!

Our memories of you and your family are often spoken of in everyday conversations. Your
teachings are now being passed onto the next generation and for this I am forever grateful to
you and your wonderful husband. His memory has always been a good one in our family and
he is missed tremendously! May you have plenty of nachas from all those who surround you for
many more years to come!

Our fondest regards,

Clyde, Jadene & Tannah Wainer

Gilda (Berkow) Worms

I would like to wish you a very hearty Mazeltov on the occasion of your 90th birthday! I have
very fond memories of my primary school years, with you teaching us Hebrew and being our
class teacher in Standard 3, in 1976. (See attached picture)

All the best!

Lots of Love
Gilda (Berkow) Worms

Carmel School, Std 3, 1976

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007


Feinblum Colin and Shelley, Coral Springs, South


Dearest Mrs. Silberman

We were absolutely thrilled to hear of your upcoming birthday.
Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov!!
Our memories of childhood are made all the more sweet with thoughts of you.
You shared your love of Judaism, the Hebrew language and the Land of Israel with your
students with such generosity and enthusiasm. For this and so much more we are forever
Wishing you much happiness and good health.
Colin and Shelley Feinblum

Philip Ginsburg, San Diego

I was delighted to read about Rose Silbermann in Stans newsletter. She was my favorite
Hebrew teacher during my 12 years at Carmel School, and her late husband taught Judaic
studies during my high school years. I matriculated in 1973.

Im a pathologist living in San Diego, and wish I could attend the celebrations, but wont be able
to be there due to another commitment.

Please send Mrs Silbermann my best wishes, and may she have many more happy years.

Thank you,


Philip Ginsburg.

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Katzeff Leon, Brooklyn, New York

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Roslyn (Sholk) Rudnick, Denver

Dear Gveret,

I am thrilled to have this opportunity to wish you a happy birthday - Ad meiah vi esrim!

I have very fond memories of your Hebrew classes and they stood me in good stead when I
lived in Israel for 7 years.

You will be pleased to know that I followed in your footsteps and was a Hebrew teacher in San
Diego where I lived for 10 years and also for awhile in Denver where I have been living for the
past 9 years.

I wish I could join you on this wonderful occasion and wish you a Happy Birthday in person.

I hope you have a very special time and that you enjoy seeing a lot of old faces.

With love and best wishes.

Roslyn (Sholk) Rudnick

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Sandra (Slomowitz) Kotzen, Brooklyn New York

Dear Mrs. Silberman,

This is Sandra Slomowitz/Kotzen writing to you from America, where we have been living for
the past eighteen years. I was so excited when my cousins Bernice and Selwyn Meyers told
me that Selwyn was one of the organizers of this wonderful tribute to both you and late Rev,
Silberman A'H. I wish I could be in Eretz Yisrael to be part of it all!

The last time that I saw you was when you and your late husband came to our wedding in
Johannesburg, over 30 years ago. It meant so much to me then that you came that long
distance. I have never forgotten that, all these years later.

As I mentioned, we now live in the USA, Brooklyn, New York to be exact. We even speak with
a little bit of an American accent! We have, bli ein hara, eight children, seven daughters and
one son. Six of the children are married. Three couples live in Eretz Yisrael and three in
Lakewood, New Jersey. We still have two daughters at home, Yael our 16 year old and
Devorah, our bat zekunim, who is 9 years old!

You know, Mrs. Silberman, I think of you so often, you and your late husband a'h are really part
of daily lives. Our children and even our grandchildren know about you. They have heard the
same stories over and over again, especially when Leon Katzeff comes to us for lunch on

My late mother a'h, after she became a widow, decided to send me to Carmel School in 1959
because she said, she knew nothing about Yiddishkeit, and my father who had been the
knowledgeable one, had died. So she sent me to Carmel School "to get a Jewish education".
You and your husband became her "shlichim" and you did a more than wonderful job!!!

From a Torah perspective, teachers are regarded as parents and you and Rev. Silberman a'h
certainly provided the very solid foundation for everything that I and my family have today. I
always say, I was so lucky, I had you, Mrs Silberman throughout primary school, and we had
Rev. Silberman throughout Highschool. Who could be so lucky to have the same consistency
and dedication throughout one's Jewish education?

You are so much still part of my life and I think about you often and remember...............

I remember you teaching me the "alef bet" Gad yeled gadol...those words are still imprinted on
my mind. I remember the big fuss you made when I read for the first time because I started
school in Grade 2 and everyone else was ahead of me!

I remember Shabbat parties with little mommies and daddies and soft white challah and red
coldrink (petel). Yumeee.....

I remember way back when you came to school with your little yellow car and Lorraine
Seligman a'h.......

I remember your wonderful stories and how inspiring they were. Chanah and her seven sons. I
told all those stories to my dollies. (Remember, I was an only child!)

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

I remember how mind boggled I was with the story of Yosef Mokir Shabbos. I still read it to my
children and grandchildren.........

I remember Erev Pesach and digging in the garden with our cutlery. My mother thought I was

I remember you teaching us the hora in your lounge on a Sunday with Carmela .I still dance
those same steps at weddings that I go to all the time.....

I remember you taught us how to make Kiddush. I still use the same tune when I make Kiddush
for myself on Shabbos mornings.....

I remember you suggested the name "Kalbi" for my dog!!! And that is what we called him...

I remember all the beautiful songs you and Rev. Silberman taught us. Every Chag that comes
along, you introduced us to and taught us the words and niggunim....

I remember going to Shul every morning in Highschool. That's where I learned how to daven....

I remember the whole school squashing into the sukka at 555 Sibelius Street and making the
bracha on the lulav and etrog.........

When I visit my family in Israel, people invariable remark that my "dikduk" is "so good for a
foreigner" Only you and Rev. Silberman can take the credit for knocking those "binyanim" into

As you see Mrs. Silberman I can just go on and on....There is no end......Just as there is no
way to adequately thank you and your dear husband ah . I guess my life and that of my
children and grandchildren who are all shomer Torah Umitzvot, is the most powerful way we
can possibly thank you, your husband and my own dear mother who had the foresight to send
me to Carmel.

I just want to end with an old family joke. Often when my husband, Zalman opens up a new
bottle of wine for Kiddush and he begins to pour it and it's very quiet at the the table, and as he
pours, the wine makes that gurgling sound as it comes out the bottle, we laugh and we say
"that sound coming out is "bak-boek bak-boek" It's an onomatopoeia. That's why a bottle is
called "Bakboek" in Hebrew! That's what Rev. Silberman used to say.....That's when the kids
laugh and roll their eyes.....They've heard that story many times before.........

So you see Dear Mrs. Silberman, that you are so much part of our lives. Its been wonderful
reminiscing and writing this heartfelt letter to you. I just wish you much naches from your family
and your extended family (your students).



Your talmidah,

Sandra Slomowitz/Kotzen

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Louis S. Meltz, New York

Dear All,

I remember the Silbermann family very well.

Although Rose never had the misfortune of teaching me, her devoted husband, Reverend
Silbermann, taught me Hebrew and Jewish History on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.
Reverend Silbermann devoted a considerable amount of time in preparing me for my bar
mitzvah and I will always cherish fond memories of him providing moral support and
encouragement while standing next to me on the bimah in the "Big Shul."

I was a "wildegaai" and had no interest in school, let alone Hebrew and Jewish History, but
Reverend Silbermann never gave up on me. He may have recognized that lurking within the
soul of this little "wildegaai" was some spark that needed nourishment, encouragement and
direction. He enriched my life with his warmth, humor, generosity and intelligence. He was a
dignified and gentle soul, a man of strong moral character who continually reinforced the notion
that goodness, honesty and truthfulness would always prevail. He was a Tzadik, in the true
sense of the word, and I am sure that he would be amused, and hopefully proud, that his little
"wildegaai" was involved in the establishment of an Orthodox Shul in Westchester, New York,
and that he regularly participates in Talmud classes with the Rabbi.

This is a testament and tribute to his life and the significant impact that he had on me, my sister
and my family.

Rose, thank you so much for devoting your life to educating the children of the Pretoria Jewish
community. I am certain that without your dedication and perseverance, a significant number of
children within the Pretoria Jewish Community would have grown up sans Yidishkite,
intermarried and assimilated with the rest of the population.

God bless.

Die "wildegaai" en sy familie,

Louis & Joann Meltz, Joseph (12), Lauren (9) and Danielle (7)]

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Address unknown

Gil and Adi Levy

H!A!P!P!Y! B!I!R!T!H!D!A!Y Mrs Silbermann

WOW What an incredible milestone to achieve - MAZALTOV!!!
Your Jewish Studies lessons to us in Std 4 and 5 at Carmel Primary School
remain embedded such was the impact you made upon us.
Pesach seders in the school hall with you teaching us the songs and what to
eat and when with horseradish stinging our eyes and staining on the hall floor
as well as the grapejuice "wine" we used to pretend was making us drunk are
some of our fondest memories from primary school.
Terrific news to hear of your birthday and we're glad for the opportunity to be
able to send you our warmest and very best wishes.
With fond memories and much love.
Gil and Adi Levy
(Son and Daughter of Esme-daughter of the late Rose Katz-and David Levy)
Carmel Primary 1984-1988 and1991

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

After the Event

Comments and Responses

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Harriet Bark people that I have not seen in period of

Dear Selwyn, time.
I must congratulate you and your
committee for a wonderful event. Even Is it possible to send all the emails of those
though I was not from the Pretoria that were present and perhaps others that
community I could see how happy you have been in contact with? This will
everyone was to see each other once enable a continued way to correspond with
again. I also met several people there people and perhaps meet up with at a later
whom I havent seen for nearly 30 years. stage.

I am sure that Rose was extremely pleased Once again, Kol Hakavod !!!!!!!!!
with this lovely morning.
Perry (Franklin) Gonen (Goldberg)
Well done and very nice meeting you.
Phyllis Gork (Kacev)
All the best, To the organizers of the "remembering the
Harriet Bark Silbermans " function the Meyers ,
Feinbergs and Slaters,
Michelle Borinstein
Thank you so much for arranging this You put so much into organizing a
wonderful reunion and tribute to Mrs Rose memorable and fantastic function. What a
Silverman. How rarely educators are special morning for a "special lady " Thank
appreciated, and such a show of hakarat you for all the hours you spent planning,
hatov (appreciation) is well deserved phoning, e-mailing etc. etc. I've attached a
copy of my speech and a few pictures.
Hillel Faktor
The reunion/tribute was an outstanding Once again thank you and Shabbat
success and perfectly organised, Hillel Shalom.
Basil Friedman Phyllis
Good luck. We really enjoyed the get
together with old friends. Wish we had this Vanessa (Behr) & Mark Jaffe
more often We regret that we were unable to be with
you. We wish you health, happiness and
Lynne (Wayburne) Gamady everything of the best. Regards
Col Hacavod to you all that have
reconnected me with my childhood. I love Mike Kanowitz
being an Israeli but lost my "previous life" Regret missing the reunion. Will be glad to
on the way. keep in touch or begin correspondence
with anyone from the old school . I
Perry (Franklin) Gonen (Goldberg) Marticulated in 1975 so Mrs Silverman
Hi all taught me in primary school and was one
of the best teachers I ever had, She was
I would like to thank you all for organizing someone special and friendly face on that
this reunion. It was done in the superb way very challenging and daunting first day in
that South Africans and especially grade 1
Pretorians know how to organize. It was
very moving to meet Mrs. Silberman after
almost 45 years and also to meet other

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Gail Kaplan welcome at our little 1860 hotel, lots of

Thank you for the "fantastic" morning - my good wines(kosher too).
first thought when I walked in - was what
am I doing here - I don't know most of Freda (Opert) Cohen
these people - in the end it turned out that I Thank you so much for sending me a follow
knew more than I originally thought and up of the Remembering the Silbermans
that it really didn't matter - most of us had and the Photograph of Rose who, by the
grown up in Pretoria in the fifties and sixties way, has not changed at all
and what we all had/have in common was
being part of a vibrant Jewish Community. Freda and Ralph Lanesman
Kol Hakavod for the great idea and pulling Great Morning. It was good to see old
of such a fantastic event. friends

Thanks Dorothy and Gordon Mandelzweig

Thanks very much for a wonderful morning
Gail and Kol Hakavod for all your hard work

PS Also spoke to my brother in the States Anne (Falkson) Nikfard)

for over half and hour giving him all the Thanks for including me in this worthy
'dope" and also asking about people who tribute. Best regards
attended that I didn't know as he lived in
Pretoria a lot longer than I did - said he Dov Randel
would have loved to attend. Great initiative and enjoyable Event.
Ad Meia V'Esrim
Aliza Karpes
Thank you for a truly moving morning. It Les Tainow
was meticulously planned and perfectly Rev. Silbermann prepared me for my
executed. I am delighted that Mrs Barmitzva. My parents were always very
Silbermann was given the opportunity to close to the Silbermanns. I left SA in 1957.
realise what an important role she and her Have always held them in high esteem
husband played in so many young lives. It
is a privilege few attain. For my family and Ann Zakheim
I, the privilege is all ours Kol hakavod on the wonderful reunion you
organised. I think it was thoroughly enjoyed
Leslie Kellen by all.
Well done, sounds like it was a great and
appropriate event If anyone on your list is
in Bordeaux ever they will have a great

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Videos, and

The following internet links will enable you to access the pictures, videos, and
audio we have received. Many thanks to the contributors of this material.

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, Israel. 8 June 2007

Joan (Ginsburg) Mori. Two sets of pictures: (1) Pictures taken at the door as people arrived. (2) A selection of pictures

Bernice Meyers. A selection of pictures received.

Lynn (Wayburne) Gamady took a video of the event, excerpts of which can be accessed from the following links:

(When you get to the site, double click the picture to start the video)

Opening Remarks: Selwyn Meyers

Tribute to Rev. Silbermann: Selwyn Meyers

Honouring Mrs. Silbermann: Phyllis Gork

The Silbermanns and the Pretoria Community: Ralph Lanesman

Bentley Novis. In April 1988, Bentley recorded Rev. Silbermann singing from the Torah, Cantillations (trop), and blessings.

(When you get to the site, double click the picture to start the audio)

Remembering the Silbermanns

Kfar Saba, 8 June 2007

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