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Software Requirements Specification

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Software Requirements


ART CLUB Project

Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by

1. Akash Saxena(A00155793)

2. Hannah Ho (A00146832)

3. Adreana Fernandez(A00153773)

Group III

19 December 2017

Copyright © 2013 by Karl Wiegers and Seilevel. Permission is granted to use and modify this document.
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page ii

Table of Contents
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................. ii

1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Project Vision ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Project Scope ............................................................................................................................... 1
2. Overall Description .......................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Product Perspective..................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 User Classes and Characteristics ................................................................................................. 2
3. System Features .............................................................................................................. 3
3.1 System Feature 1 ......................................................................................................................... 3
3.2 System Feature 2 ........................................................................................................................ 4
4. Data Requirements .......................................................................................................... 6
4.1 Logical Data Model ...................................................................................................................... 6
4.2 Data Dictionary ............................................................................................................................ 7
5. External Interface Requirements ...................................................................................... 9
5.1 User Interfaces ............................................................................................................................ 9
6. Quality Attributes .......................................................................................................... 11
6.1 Usability ..................................................................................................................................... 11
6.2 Performance .............................................................................................................................. 11
6.3 Security ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Appendix A: Glossary........................................................................................................... 12

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1. Introduction
The beginning of this report is an overview of project’s vision and scope, and its content covers five main
sections of Software Requirements Specification. First, it starts by listing all the user classes and their
characteristics. Second, the two most important system features (Membership and Show Title
Management) are presented in user case diagram and functional requirements. Next, the data requirement
is documented by domain class diagrams and data dictionary. The second last topic is user interface of two
major processes which also plays a vital role in this document. Finally, some non-functional requirements
are written down to consider during the design phase.

1.1 Project Vision

For the executive and general members who manage the art club activities and follow the page, the Art
Club website is an information system that will be where new members can register, pay annual fee online,
post their art pieces and the executive members can manage members and art show as well as make
payment for artists, and extract weekly/monthly reports. This can also enhance the confidence of
information thanks to role assignment and save time for updating new contact information. Unlike the
current manual managing processes (using excel spread sheet), our product will support all activities online
and generate all required and consolidated reports automatically.

1.2 Project Scope

Feature Release 1
FE-1, Create / edit New member can create account of one or more than one of 4 local art clubs
account A current member can change their personal information

FE-2, Pay annual fee Member can pay their annual fee by a valid credit or debit card of any bank
which has branch in Canada
FE-3, Manage Membership reports can be designed, displayed or extracted (include
membership information: Member ID, name, Art club, status, Start date, End date, show
titles, …)
FE-4, Post show title Create new show title(s) for an art show, and all mandatory fields must be
entered and validated.
FE-5, Manage show titles Show title reports of any art show shall be generated in standard or customized
view as Executive members require.

FE-6, Manage sales Not implemented

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2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
The Art Club comprises of 50 to 200 local artists in each art club, who involves themselves in various shows
on a daily basis. They are working together to build a system to manage their work online as they currently
are managing them in Spreadsheets. A system, website, is a proper tool to manage their show titles,
members, and sales.

2.2 User Classes and Characteristics

User class Characteristics

President and Vice Sponsor and approver for project as well as indicate the objects of project.
President Their expectation of new system is that it shall eliminate or reduce manual
workings and improve efficiency of management activities.

Treasurer, Secretary Take care of administrative activities of art clubs, and be key users to provide
business processes or requirements of their sections.
New system shall support them in ne member registration and mange income
from annual fee and sale commission more effective and systematical.

Managers (for Manage members and show titles, and be the vital representatives of project
Membership and who will participate in most of stages.
Show Titles) New and update information related to members or show titles shall be stored in
database of system in which they are more accessible and traceable.

Administrator This is the new role to support and train users get familiar to new system, and
reflect changes or updates into system as Executive members require.
Administrator has a full access to system.

Artist Members post their art pieces to system and view sale revenue of their art
The most important feature to this user class is to create show title and upload

Project team (Business Create and monitor project plan, accomplish requirements elicitation, implement
Analysts, Developers, and maintain system in the sensitive time, and provide training for users.
Testers, Project

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3. System Features
3.1 System Feature 1: Membership management
3.1.1 Description

This feature shall provide some functions such as: creating member account, modifying member’s
information, changing member’s status (active, inactive, terminated), paying annual fee as well as viewing
and extracting reports related to members.

3.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences: Use case diagram

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Software Requirements Specification for Art Club Project Page 4

3.1.3 Functional Requirements

1. System shall display log in / sign in page for user to create member account

2. User shall enter all required inputs

3. System shall validate user’s information

4. System shall create a member account for a valid set of input information

5. System shall show an error message if an invalid set of input information is entered

6. Member shall view his/her information

7. Member shall be able to pay annual fee by either debit or credit card

8. System shall send a reminder for a late payment of annual fee

9. Executive members shall view membership reports

10. Reports shall be extracted to Excel or another format file

3.2 System Feature 2: Show Title Management

3.2.1 Description

This feature shall provide some functions such as: creating and editing show title, posting the art piece
image, printing show tile, viewing historical and current show titles, emailing to ask for more submission
and generating reports related to show titles.

3.2.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences: Use case diagram

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3.2.3 Functional Requirements

1. System shall display page for member to create show title

2. Member shall enter all required inputs for show title

3. System shall generate a label of show title which is ready for printing

4. Member shall edit information of show title before the art show happens

5. System shall show an error message if a member attempts to edit show title of others

6. Member shall view all his/her show titles

7. Member shall be able to create more than one show title for an art show

8. Administrator shall send email to ask for more show title

9. Executive members shall view show title reports

10. Reports shall be extracted to Excel or another format file

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Software Requirements Specification for Art Club Project Page 6

4. Data Requirements
4.1 Logical Data Model
Domain Class Diagram

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Software Requirements Specification for Art Club Project Page 7

Member structure chart

4.2 Data Dictionary

Data Data Data Type Length Values Description

table Element
Member Member ID Number 6 Primary, ID of member is a unique
(Primary) system- auto-generated value and
generated primary key of this table.
+ First Name varchar 30 Not null First name of member
+ Last Name varchar 30 Not null Last name of member
+ Email varchar 30 Not null Any valid email
+ Address Number 10 Not null
+ Street varchar 30 Not null
+ City varchar 30 Not null
+ Province varchar 30 Not null
+ Postcode varchar 7 Not null Postcode and address must be
+ Listed Number 10 Accepted null Phone number of member is
phone an optional field

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+ Start Date Date 10 Not null The first day that member
(dd/mm/yyyy) joins art club
+ End Date Date 10 Accepted null The day that member leaves
(dd/mm/yyyy) art club

Show Show Title Number 8 Primary, Show Title table indicates

Title ID system- information of an art piece
generated posted by member.
sequential Show Title ID is a unique auto-
integer generated value and primary
key of this table.
Member ID Number 6 Foreign key The member ID of member
who create Show Title
Show Title varchar 100 Not null Name of show title
Media varchar 100 Not null List of media for selecting:
acrylic, watercolor, pen and
ink, colored pencils and
pastels, etc.
Frame size varchar 50 Not null Frame size is in inch, member
just enters the numbers
Price Number 10 (no Not null Price in Canadian dollar
Posted Date Date 10 Default System date at the posted
(dd/mm/yyyy) (system date) time is added to this field
Posted by Number 6 Log-in Member ID of member who
member ID log-in and post art piece is
added to this field

Art Art Show ID Number 5 Primary, Art show table indicates

Show system- information about an event in
generated which many show titles are
sequential exhibited.
integer Art show ID is a unique auto-
generated value and primary
key of this table.
Show Title Number 8 Foreign key Show title ID which is
ID exhibited in the art show
Art Show varchar 100 Not null Name of art show
Time & Date Time & Date 40 Not null This field indicates when the
art show happens, it contains
time and date
Location varchar unlimited Not null Location shall be the address
of and may include name of
venue as well.
Show Number 6 Not null The member ID of person who
Manager ID manage the art show

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5. External Interface Requirements

5.1 User Interfaces

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6. Quality attributes
6.1 Usability
The system shall provide a uniform look and feel between all the web pages. The system shall
provide a digital image for art work. The system shall provide use of icons and toolbars.

6.2 Performance
The product shall be based on web and has to be run from a web server. The product shall take
initial load time depending on internet connection strength which also depends on the media from
which the product is run. The performance shall depend upon hardware components of the
client/customer goals right with the corresponding functional requirements, rather than collecting
them in this section.

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6.3 Security
All the security will be assessed by this roles and permission matrix.



General Public



Show Title
Roles and Permission Matrix
System Operations
Creating User Account *
Membership Validation * * *
Sending notifications to Artists * *
Changing status from active to inactive
Change/Submit own Art Work * * *
Change/Submit art work on behalf of
others * *
Changing Roles of the members
Print Title report and labels of art for Art
Show * * *
View Confidential information * * *
Terminate membership * *
Can see/Buy Art Work *
View all entries of past and current Shows * * *
Accounts and Finance
Send Due payment notice * *
Accepting Art Work Payments *
Collect Membership fees * *
Change Account * * * *

Appendix A: Glossary
SRS – Software Requirement Specification
Client – Art Club
UI – User Interface
WebUI – Website User Interface

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Copyright © 2013 by Karl Wiegers and Seilevel. Permission is granted to use and modify this document.

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