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Chris Adams Superintendent Contract

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THIS AGREEMENT is made this 13th day of January, 2015, by and between the
district of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with its principal office located at 200 Church
Street, Landisville, Pennsylvania (hereinafter referred to as "District"), and DR. CHRISTOPHER
S. ADAMS, who resides at REDACTED (hereinafter referred to as "Adams" or as

WHEREAS, at its meeting held on January 13, 2015, the School Board of the District
voted to appoint Adams as Superintendent for a four (4) year period, commencing July 1, 2015,
through June 30, 2019.

WHEREAS, both parties desire that Adams shall be Superintendent upon the terms and
conditions hereinafter set forth and in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Public
School Code of 1949 (hereinafter referred to as "the School Code"), as amended, and the laws of

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and premises herein

contained and intending to be legally bound hereby, the parties agree as follows:


1.01. Term of Employment - The School District hereby employs Adams and Adams hereby
accepts employment as Superintendent for a four-year period, commencing July 1, 2015 and
ending June 30, 2019, subject, however, to the prior termination of this Agreement as provided


2.01. Duties: During the term of this contact the Superintendent agrees to serve as the Chief
Administrator of the School District and as Executive Officer for the Board, and perform the
duties of the district superintendent in a competent and professional manner in accordance with
the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the policies of the School District, and the
provisions of this Agreement. Among other things, the Superintendent shall direct and assign
teachers and other employees of the schools under his supervision; shall organize, reorganize,
and arrange the administrative and supervisory staff, including instruction and business affairs,
as best serves the School District; shall select all personnel subject to the approval of the School
Board; shall from time to time suggest regulations, rules, and procedures deemed necessary for
the well ordering of the School District; shall make recommendations to the Board with regard to
employment, suspension and discharge of administrative, professional, and non-professional
employees; and in general perform all duties incident to the office of the Superintendent and
such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board from time to time.

2.02. Full Time Service and Outside Activities: The Superintendent shall devote his entire
time, skill, labor, attention and energy to said employment during the term of this Agreement,
provided, however, that the Superintendent may undertake consultative work, speaking
engagements, writing, lecturing or other professional endeavors and obligations that do not
unduly interfere with his responsibilities to the District, with prior approval of the School Board.


3.01. Base Salary. For all services rendered by the Superintendent under this Agreement, the
District shall compensate the Superintendent at an annual base salary as follows: 2015-16,
$168,300; 2016-17, $171,666; 2017-18, $175,099; and 2018-19, $178,601. The annual salary
shall be paid in equal installments in accordance with the policy of the District governing
payment of professional staff members employed on a twelve (12) month basis. In the event the
Superintendent receives an unsatisfactory annual performance evaluation, there shall be no
increase in annual base salary the following school year (this provision does not waive any other
possible actions by the School District).


4.01. It is intended that the Superintendent shall receive the same fringe benefits provided
pursuant to provisions of the Act 93 Agreement for Administrators effective July 1, 2013, with
such additional benefits as the Board may approve for the Superintendent. Without limiting the
foregoing, The Superintendent shall receive the benefits set forth below:

4.01.a. Sick Leave. Twelve (12) days of sick leave will be granted per year cumulative,
for twelve-month employees. Unused sick leave will be accumulated from year to year.
Compensation for accumulated unused sick leave upon retirement of the Superintendent shall be
paid at $55 per day or any higher amount as may be provided in subsequent Act 92 compensation
plans. Reimbursement at the time of retirement for sick days unused will be capped at 100 days.

4.01.b. Professional Development. The duties of the Superintendent require continued

professional development in order to remain knowledgeable of pertinent issues and information
and to maintain required certification. The annual budget approved by the Board shall include a
line item covering the costs associated with the Superintendent’s membership in professional
organizations and attendance at work-related meetings, conventions, conferences, and continuing
education programs or courses. The Superintendent shall notify the Board of the use of such
budgeted funds, and shall receive advance approval from the Board of any professional
development expense exceeding the budgeted amount.

4.01.c. Life Insurance. The School District shall provide term life insurance for the
Superintendent in the amount of $300,000. If the Superintendent retires before or at the end of
this Agreement and the District continues its current practice of purchasing term life insurance
through PSBA or some other group plan, the District shall pay life insurance coverage premiums
for the retired Superintendent until age 65 at a face value not to exceed $150,000.

4.01.d. Medical Exam. The School District shall provide a medical examination
annually to the Superintendent at the School District’s expense.

4.01.e. Medical/Dental Insurance. The Superintendent will receive the same health and
dental insurance coverage that bargaining unit employees receive. This benefit is subject to any
further co-pay agreement, which is implemented.

4.01.f. Income Protection. The School District shall provide disability income protection
that shall pay the Superintendent seventy percent (70%) of his salary for up to two (2) school years
covered by this agreement, upon exhaustion of all other paid leave and upon being determined to
be disabled from performing the duties of Superintendent by a physician and (if required by the
School Board) verified by an Independent Medical Examiner selected solely by the School
District. There is a two (2) year limitation on this income protection benefit during the professional
staff member’s working career.

4.01.g. Personal Leave. The Superintendent will receive three (3) personal days per
school year. Such days may be carried forward with the specific prior approval of the School

4.01.h. Holidays. Holidays shall be in accordance with a published Board-approved list

of designated days for all twelve-month employees for the school year.

4.01.i. Vacation Days. The Superintendent will receive twenty-five (25) days vacation in
Year 1 of the contract; this total shall increase by one (1) vacation day in each subsequent year of
the contract (i.e. twenty-six days in Year 2, twenty-seven days in Year 3, etc.). Vacation days
may accumulate up to a maximum of thirty (30). The Superintendent shall notify the School
Board regarding any vacations that exceed three (3) work days.

The Superintendent may accumulate vacation days earned during a fiscal year (July 1 through
June 30) as follows (mandatory use or lose requirement):

(a) The Superintendent must use all but five (5) of the vacation days earned in any
given year.
(b) Unused days up to five (5) days from each subsequent year will potentially be
added to the accumulated vacation balance.

Annual Buyout of Excess Days: The maximum carry forward balance allowed to July 1 of any
subsequent fiscal year is 30 days.

(a) If the potential accumulated vacation leave balance is more than 30 days, the
Superintendent will receive an employer payment to a 403(b) TSA account at
their per diem rate, up to a maximum of five (5) days, to reduce the carry forward
balance to 30 days.
(b) The per diem rate will be determined based on the just completed fiscal year (not
the new fiscal year). Employer payments will be made as soon after the end of
the fiscal year as final balances can be determined and payments processed.

At retirement, the actual vacation leave balance, up to 5 unused vacation days from the final year
of employment and up to 30 accrued vacation days from prior years of employment, for a
maximum of 35 vacation days, shall be paid at per diem rates as compensation that is not eligible
toward PSERS benefits.

4.01.j. Work Days. The Superintendent shall work a two hundred sixty one (261) day

4.01.k. Retirement. In the event the Superintendent retires before or at the end of the
term of this Agreement with at least five (5) years administrative experience in the School District
and provides at least twelve (12) months written notice of retirement, the Superintendent shall be
entitled to the following: $5,000 added to his salary during his final working year.

4.01.l. Retirement Insurance Benefits. If the Superintendent retires before or at the end
of this Agreement, the District will pay health and dental insurance premiums for the retired
Superintendent and his current spouse until age 65, with the amount subsidized by PSERS per
month to be paid to the District by the retired employee or the current surviving spouse.

4.01.m. Work-Related Travel Expenses. The Superintendent shall be reimbursed for

work-related travel, both within and outside the School District, including mileage at IRS
approved rates.

4.01.n. Waiver of Sabbatical. The Superintendent hereby waives any right to take a
sabbatical pursuant to the Pennsylvania Public School Code.

4.01.o. Other. The Superintendent shall receive any additional benefits provided by the
School District in accordance with and not less than the collective bargaining agreement or the
Act 93 Agreement. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall preclude the School District from
providing additional benefits to the Superintendent as agreed between the Superintendent and the


5.01. Qualifications. The Superintendent covenants that he possesses all of the qualifications
required by law to serve as superintendent of schools in Pennsylvania. The Superintendent agrees
to maintain throughout the term of this Agreement a valid and current commission or other legal
credentials as may be required by law and to present the same to the Board. He further agrees to
subscribe to and take the proper oath of office before entering upon his duties. The Board's
appointment of the Superintendent and his continued employment under this Agreement are
conditioned upon the issuance to him of a commission by the Secretary of Education of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
5.02. Performance Review. There shall be an annual evaluation meeting conducted in executive
session, to be held by 30th day of June each year of this Agreement, at which time the Board will
provide the Superintendent with a written annual evaluation. The Superintendent shall be
evaluated based upon objective performance standards, which may include the following: student
achievement on Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (“PSSA”) tests and Keystone Exams;
student growth as measured by Pennsylvania Value-Added Assessment System; student attrition
and graduation rates; financial management of the District; overall job performance; successful
completion or implementation of the Superintendent’s professional goals jointly established by
the Board and the Superintendent; and/or other additional criteria regarding School District
operations that may jointly be agreed upon by the Superintendent and the Board.

The Board and Superintendent shall identify, in writing and no later than the second voting
meeting in August of each school year, mutually agreed-upon performance goals that will be used
for the Superintendent’s evaluation the following school year. The following provisions shall
apply to the Superintendent’s annual evaluation process:

a. The mutually agreed-upon objective performance standards for the assessment of the
Superintendent’s performance for each school year shall be publicly posted on the
District’s official website, as required by law;
b. The Board reserves the right to exercise maximum flexibility in determining the
mechanics of the Superintendent evaluation, so long as the evaluation model satisfies
the requirements of the law and the terms of this Agreement;
c. Evaluation procedures may be developed and contained in forms prepared by the
Board in accordance with Board policies, District procedures, the School Code and
State Board of Education regulations;
d. A copy of the written evaluation shall be delivered to the Superintendent at the
executive session by the President of the Board of School Directors;
e. The Superintendent shall have the right to respond in writing to the evaluation and
request an opportunity to appear before the Board in a closed executive session;
f. The written evaluation and response shall be held in strict confidence between the
Board and the Superintendent, and in no manner shall be permitted to be disseminated
to the general public by any member of the Board or by any District employee;
g. After completion of the Superintendent’s evaluation for a particular school year, the
Board shall post on the District’s official website the date on which the evaluation was
completed and whether the Superintendent satisfied the agreed objective performance
standards identified in Paragraph 4.a., as required by law; and
h. Any failure to meet or perform other evaluation activities described herein shall not
impact the other terms and conditions of this Agreement.


6.01. This Agreement may be modified or terminated by mutual consent of the parties.

6.02. The Superintendent shall be subject to discharge for reasons set forth in Section 1080 of
the School Code, and in accordance with the provisions thereof and of the Local Agency Law,
and other applicable statutes of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. In the event of discharge,
this contract shall terminate.

6.03. This Agreement may be modified by mutual consent of the parties. Modification of this
Agreement must be in writing and approved at a duly held public School Board meeting
approved by a majority of School Board members.

6.04. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to provide written notification to the Board
twelve (12) months prior to the expiration of his term as to the expiration of said term. Within six
(6) months thereafter, the Board shall advise the Superintendent whether or not the Board intends
to retain him for any further term of office. The Board shall be required to take action with
regard to the renewal of this Agreement, i.e., there shall be no automatic renewal without Board
Action. If the Superintendent is to be elected to another term of office, the number of years of
this term of office will be mutually agreed upon and the conditions of this Agreement shall be
incorporated into a successor agreement, unless mutually agree otherwise by the Board and the
Superintendent. The parties waive the provisions of Section 1072, 2nd paragraph, of the School


7.01. Notification. Notification of the School Board shall be defined as written notification to
the President of the School Board or his or her designee.

7.02. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties
except as otherwise stated herein and supersedes all other agreements and representation, written
or oral, on the subject matter of this Agreement, including any statements in referenced exhibits
or attachments that may be in conflict with the statements herein, ans shall be binding on the
heirs, successors, assigns and legal representatives of the parties.

7.03. Jurisdiction and Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Jurisdiction and venue hereof
shall be in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

7.04. Conflict with Law. It is the intention of the parties that the terms and conditions of this
Agreement shall be consistent and in full compliance with the provisions of the School Code and
the laws of Pennsylvania and that this Agreement shall be construed accordingly. If any
provisions of this Agreement are determined by any court to be invalid or inconsistent with the
law, it is the intention of the parties that all valid provisions which are severable from the invalid
provisions shall remain in effect and that this Agreement shall continue to be effective to the full
extent that is consistent with the law.

7.05. No Representation on Taxation or PSERS Eligibility. The School District makes no

representation to the Superintendent regarding the taxable status or eligibility under the
Pennsylvania State Employees’ Retirement System with regard to any payment or benefit
provided hereunder. The Superintendent is wholly responsible for the consequences of such
status or eligibility.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement this 13th day of
January, 2015.

William Otto, President
Hempfield Board of School Directors

Mary Lynne Kniley, Secretary
Hempfield Board of School Directors

____________________________ _____________________________________
Witness Christopher S. Adams, Superintendent

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