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ACLED User Guide For Media 2017

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Armed Conflict Location & Event

Data Project (ACLED)

Guide for Media Users

January 2017

Further information and maps, data, trends and publications can be found at or
by contacting

Follow ACLED on Twitter for real-time updates, news and analysis @ACLEDInfo


The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) is Terminology:
a publicly available conflict event dataset designed for
disaggregated conflict analysis and crisis mapping. The Political violence refers to any act
dataset contains information on the dates and locations of involving force or aggression, carried
all reported political violence events in over 50 developing out with the purpose of pursuing a
countries, with a focus on Africa. The data are drawn from political agenda.
news reports, publications by civil society and human rights Events refer to the individual
organisations, and security updates from international incidents which make up periods of
organisations. instability and war: discrete battles,
An estimated 1.5 billion people worldwide live in conflict- attacks on civilians, riots and protests
affected countries where repeated cycles of political and are coded individually to provide
organised violence hinder development, reduce human information on the overall level of
security, and result in massive humanitarian suffering conflict occurring at a given time in a
(World Bank, 2011). A core challenge in understanding and location.
analysing the sudden onsets or spikes in political violence, Conflict actor refers to the individual
or particular conflict actors, is situating these phenomena in organisations or groups involved in
the longer history and wider context of conflict in a given conflict. Because the type of groups
country or sub-national region over time. involved in conflict varies across
context and time, we use ‘conflict
The ACLED dataset can be used to inform evidence-based actor’ in this guide to cover a wide
analysis and illustration of political conflict by journalists and range of groups such as rebels,
conflict researchers. Almost all conflict-affected contexts militias, militaries, and organisations
are complex, volatile and affected by limited information responsible for terrorist attacks.
and competing reports of activity. In seeking to understand,
explain and analyse these complex scenarios, ACLED can
help journalists and researchers:
 Understand the levels of conflict in Africa, a region, a country, or sub-national location.
 Identify patterns and levels of conflict over time.
 Illustrate dynamics of particular conflict actors over time and space, for example, whether
they increasingly or decreasingly target civilians; are active outside their historical
strongholds, etc.
This short guide provides an introduction to the structure of the dataset, key terminology used,
potential uses by humanitarian and development practitioners, and answers to frequently asked
Supporting documentation, including the project Codebook (detailing the data collection and
recording process), a general user guide, and working papers which explore sources and methodology
in greater detail are all available online at

The ACLED Dataset

ACLED is a publicly available conflict event dataset designed for disaggregated conflict analysis and
crisis mapping. This dataset contains information on the dates and locations of all reported political
violence events in over 50 developing countries, with a focus on Africa.
This section provides a brief overview of the data structure and components. For more detailed
information, please consult the ACLED Codebook, which contains full descriptions of coding practices,
procedures, and ACLED definitions, available online at
The ACLED dataset is made up of thousands of individual data points, each referring to an individual
event (a battle, an attack, a riot, etc.). Each event contains the following information:
 The date – the day on which the event took place;
Data Structure:
 The type of violence – what kind of violence (as
detailed below) was involved; The most important categories for
most users of the dataset are:
 The actors involved – violent actors identified by group
name or type (for example, the LRA or Protesters); The date – which allows users to
 The type of group – actors identified by a numeric code, specify a timeframe for their analysis
(for example, in the last 12 months;
indicating whether the actors are part of state forces
or since a particular policy or law has
(military or police), rebels, militias, communal/ethnic been in place).
militias, etc.
The type of violence – which allows
 The country – the state in which the event took place; users to focus on particular
 The location – several columns detailing the modalities of violence (for example,
administrative zone and town / village location at which on civilian targeting in a conflict zone,
the event took place; or on battles between armed
 Latitude and longitude coordinates – the geo- groups); and
reference for the individual event; The location – which allows users to
 The source of the report – the source in which the identify sub-national areas (regions,
description of the event was found; districts and towns/villages) where
conflict occurs, so programming and
 Event notes – a brief description of the event;
practice can be designed or adjusted
 Fatalities – the reported number of fatalities. in response.

ACLED distinguishes between different types of violence to allow users to distinguish between
different dynamics of conflict. Not all researchers are interested in the full range of political violence
which occurs in many countries. Some focus only on violence against civilians; others are concerned
with battles between combatants.
The various types of violence categories in ACLED are detailed below:
 Battle-No change of territory – A fight between two violent armed groups where control of
the contested location in which the fighting takes place does not change.

 Battle-Non-state actors overtake territory – A fight
where non-state actors, such as rebels, win control of Data Analysis:
the location in which fighting takes place; Data analysis allows users to collapse
 Battle-Government regains territory – A fight in or group categories according to their
which the government regains control of the location research requirements. For example,
in which fighting takes place from another group; when constructing a pivot table, it is
 Riots/Protests – Protest describes a demonstration possible to group the various Battle
categories into a single event type,
against a government institution or policy in which the
rather than differentiate between
participants are not violent. Riot describes a violent them.
form of protest, or a spontaneous, disorganised act of
It is also possible to exclude some
violence against property or people by a mob;
event types from analysis, for
 Violence against civilians – An attack in which any example, leaving out all non-violent
armed / violent group targets unarmed civilians / non- strategic developments
combatants; (Headquarters or base established;
 Remote violence – Remote violence describes an Strategic development; and Non-
attack in which the perpetrators are spatially removed violent transfer of territory).
from the target of the attack. Examples include IEDs,
drone activity, air strikes and mortar attacks. Remote
violence can be against people or infrastructure and
so the category is still applied when an attack does not
result in casualties.

There are also a small number of non-violent conflict event types in the ACLED dataset, which do not
involve actual violence, but are included because to capture pivot events or critical junctures which
are relevant to the wider conflict. These include:
 Headquarters or base established – A violent actor establishes a permanent or semi-
permanent base or headquarters in a territory.
 Strategic development – Activity by a conflict actor that does not involve fighting but is within
the context of a war / unrest, for example, recruitment drives, troop movement, or
participation in peace talks. This category can also refer to failed attempts of remote violence,
for example the disarming and defusing of improvised explosive devices by security forces.
 Non-violent transfer of territory – When territorial control is transferred from one group to
another without violence or force being used, for example, by a group withdrawing without

The most recent version of the ACLED dataset (Version 7) covers all political violence in Africa, from
January 1997 – December 2016. It is available online here. Earlier versions of the dataset (Versions 1,
2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) contained data on Africa from 1997 to 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015, in
addition to short periods of coverage for regions outside Africa. These are available online here.

In addition to the published datasets which cover full years, ACLED produces updated data on political
violence in Africa in 2017 every week. This data is published every Monday and are available online
on the realtime data page.
Alternatively, data updates and other ACLED resources can be sent through our distribution list. A
sign-up form for email alerts is available on our website at

How can the data be used?

ACLED data have been used extensively in academic research of conflict, civil war, peace-building and
development. It is also a valuable resource for journalists and researchers with a focus on real-time,
on-going conflict dynamics.

 Understand the levels of conflict in Africa, a region, a country, or sub-national location. For
example, by contrasting levels of violence in different countries, states, or sub-national
regions. ACLED data can also be added to data such as population statistics to show rates of
violence per 100,000 people, or per capita.

Figure 1: Conflict Events per 100,000 Population, 2012, 2013 and 2014. Population Data Source: World Bank
Development Indicators: Population (Total), 2012,

 Identify patterns and levels of conflict over time. For example, by showing how conflict
patterns and dynamics have changed in response to particular developments such as policies,
interventions or tactical changes.

Figure 2: Al Shabaab Activity in Kenya, December 2009 - September 2013.

Alternatively, by showing changes in the use of particular conflict tactics by different conflict actors.

Figure 3: Remote Violence Across Africa by Actor Type, January 1997 - December 2014.

 Illustrate dynamics of particular conflict actors over time and space. For example, whether
they increasingly or decreasingly target civilians; are active outside their historical
strongholds, etc.

Figure 4: Conflict Activity by Boko Haram by Type and Location, 2009 - May 2014.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can anyone use the dataset?

Yes, the dataset is publicly available free of charge. The published data contain no confidential
information. The dataset can be used by anyone provided they cite the data fully in any publications
or referencing. The data can also be shared among users freely.

How do I cite the dataset?

If using ACLED data in a written report, please kindly cite:

 Raleigh, Clionadh, Andrew Linke, Håvard Hegre and Joakim Karlsen. 2010. Introducing ACLED
- Armed Conflict Location and Event Data. Journal of Peace Research 47(5) 651-660.

If using ACLED Conflict Trends reports, regional profiles, working papers, etc., please kindly cite the
individual report and the website, for example:

 Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project, Conflict Trends Report, No. 24, April

If using ACLED data in a visual, graphic, map or infographic, please kindly attribute the source data on
the visual / graphic itself or within the key. Examples can be found at:

 “Five Years of Attacks by Boko Haram in Nigeria”

 “Peacekeepers and Rebels in Eastern Congo”
 “Political Violence in Zimbabwe”

Do users need specialised / technical skills or software to analyse the data?

No, the data are downloadable in Excel files to maximise accessibility for users without specialised
skills or operating with limited technological resources in field locations. Anyone with a familiarity with
Excel can produce tables and charts which detail levels and patterns of violence, changes over time,
and breakdowns by location, event type and other categories.

Is ACLED data reliable?

Yes, ACLED data are reliable and verifiable, and have been subject to rigorous peer review mechanisms
by academic researchers, policy and practitioner communities, and country experts.

However, users should be aware of some limitations in the data before conducting analysis: the first
is that most of the data is gathered based on publicly available, secondary reports. This means that
the data is in part a reflection of the coverage and reporting priorities of media and international
organisations. One of the effects of this is that it may under-estimate the volume of events of non-
strategic importance (for example, low-level communal conflict, or events in very isolated areas). We

work to address this possibility by triangulating data sources to include humanitarian and international
organisation reports, rather than media alone; and by conducting ground-truthing exercises in which
we present data to local organisations and partners to assess its validity among people working
directly in conflict-affected contexts.

All data, however, remain subject to some limitations, and this is particularly true of fatality data.
While the ‘hard facts’ of data such as the date, location and actors have been shown to be largely
consistent with those of private, closed security sources (see Weidmann, 2014, for example), fatality
data are particularly vulnerable to bias and inaccurate reporting. If there are conflicting reports of the
number of fatalities, ACLED researchers will note down the varying reported figures in the Notes
column and use the figure cited by the most authoritative source. In the absence of a definitive
authoritative source, ACLED will assign the most conservative estimate cited to the Fatalities column.
Users are urged to remember that fatality figures reflected reported levels of deaths, and have not
been independently verified by team researchers.

Can I use ACLED data to tell me how many people have been killed by a particular group?

ACLED does not code fatality figures according to which group suffered casualties because most
source reports do not offer this level of detail, and instead report on the total number of deaths arising
from a conflict event. For this reason, the figure in the Fatalities column reflects the total number of
deaths reported for a given event, and may include some deaths of group members you wish to study.

The exception to this is in incidents of violence against civilians: because ACLED only codes events of
violence against civilians where the targets were unarmed, non-combatants, the number of fatalities
reported for each event of violence against civilians is taken to be the reported number of civilians

What is the difference between the monadic and dyadic files?

ACLED makes its data available in two formats: dyadic and monadic.

Dyadic is the standard data format. Most data analysis can be carried out using the standard Excel file.
In this file, both Actor 1 and Actor 2 appear in the same row, with each event constituting a single unit
of analysis. However, in order to analyse conflict actors and actor types, a monadic file is more useful.
This is a file in which Actor 1 and Actor 2 appear in a single column, with each actor’s activity
constituting a single unit of analysis. This allows users to analyse things like the proportion of events
in which a particular actor or actor type is involved; or the geographic patterns of activity of specific

Creating a monadic file involves duplicating the events so that each actor is represented as
participating in a single event (all the actors from both Actor 1 and Actor 2 are placed in a single
column, with the corresponding details of the event for each). For this reason, monadic files are not
useful for analysis of the number of events or overall patterns of violence in a country, etc. They should
be used for analysis of specific actors, actor types and patterns in their activity.

For example, if you are interested in the number of events involving Boko Haram attacking police
forces in Nigeria, you can use the dyadic file to identify how many total events occurred in Nigeria or
a particular location in Nigeria. In the dyadic file, a battle between police forces and Boko Haram would
appear as a single event. However, you can use the monadic file to isolate Boko Haram activity only,
and show the number of locations in which Boko Haram were active specifically. In the monadic file,
a battle between the police forces and Boko Haram would appear as two events – one involving the
police, and one involving Boko Haram. If you are analysing a specific group, however, this does not
increase the number of events for that particular group.

What is the difference between Version 7 and the real-time data?

Version 7 is the most recent fully reviewed annual update to the dataset. It covers the years 1997 –
2016, and is available online here.

The realtime data is updated on a weekly basis. It is available on the realtime data page. It will be fully
reviewed, geo-referenced and added to the existing Version 7 in the next annual updated in early

To view all data for a particular country or group from 1997 to present, users can combine the real-
time data with Version 7, or submit a request via our contact form for a particular dataset.

Additional ACLED Resources

In addition to the full dataset, ACLED researchers produce the following resources which are useful
for humanitarian and development practitioners:

 Monthly Conflict Trends reports, which detail levels, patterns and dynamics of violence in
select African countries;
 Country Profile reports, which highlight historical and contemporary patterns of violence in
country cases;
 Working Paper reports, which address thematic or methodological themes such as data
collection, sources, particular group types, or types of violence

All of the above are online at

In addition, ACLED releases weekly updates, analysis and trends on our blog at

We are continually working to improve the quality, reliability and accessibility of the dataset, and
welcome your suggestions, comments and feedback at


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