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Accoustical Consideration

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Proceedings of the International Symposium on Room Acoustics, ISRA 2010

29-31 August 2010, Melbourne, Australia

Acoustical Considerations in the Design of

Heydar Aliyev Center Auditorium
Zhre S-Gl (1) and Mehmet alkan (2)
(1) Department of Architecture, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey; MEZZO Studio Ltd. Ankara, Turkey
(2) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

PACS: 43.55.Br, 43.55.Kr

The auditorium within the Heydar Aliyev Center serves for an audience of 1200 and incorporates conference, concert
and opera use altogether. Confronting the multi-functional performance program of the space together with uncom-
promising aesthetic considerations, coupled space concept has been adopted as an acoustical and architectural design
aid. This paper presents mainly the dependable acoustics attained by the coupling of auxiliary spaces by employing of
the right-sized coupled volume connected with proper finishing materials and variable aperture size which conse-
quences in the differentiation of reverberation time within the main volume -namely multi-purpose auditorium- and
the coupled room. Fixing the volume and room finishes as for getting the desired energy decay behavior, aperture
size has come up to be the essential parameter to concentrate on. The proposed solution for conference, music and in-
ter-related activities is for the best of early and late sound field energy decay control. The proper reverberation times
are studied for the main hall alone and coupled space separately to find the results as of the optimum reverberation
times over frequency range of the auditorium for performance-specific. Aperture size has an essential role in balanc-
ing the reverberation time distributions of the auditorium and coupled space. Stage tower acoustics and thoroughly
wooden surfaces of auditorium are studied together with the coupled volume in search of optimum reverberation
times for different purposes of coupling spaces. Within this study coupled volume is used as a design tool out of re-
cent acoustical innovations. The form and materials within the main volume is worked out together to get the opti-
mum sound energy decay forms for different activities. Apart from coupled space concept, stage house design, audi-
torium main back-wall design and side-wall face irregularities are studied within the aim of having an even-
distribution of sound field throughout the hall. This paper presents the successful outcomes of a coupled volume de-
sign within such a collection of irregular forms out of minimum aesthetic compromises.

The museum building faces out into the landscape with its
Heydar Aliyev Center as a landmark building for the city of glass facade forming the mild rising crest. The other dominat-
Baku, Azerbaijan houses majorly a library, a museum, an ing figure of outer skin is the library building. This north
auditorium and a multi purpose hall. This paper intends to structure has a more distinctive inclination rising out up high
discuss the acoustical properties and corresponding research from the landscapes natural topography.
on probable acoustical measures and design solutions of audi-
torium within the limits of architectural and aesthetic consid-
erations. Having the signature of Zaha Hadid the proposed
design has an exterior skin as a single continuous surface
folding around in defining individual functions of the Center,
while providing each element its own identity and privacy
(e.g. Figure 1).

Source: (Zaha Hadid Architects, 2010)

Figure 2. Heydar Aliyev Center, auditorium

The conference hall building as of the lowest portion of the

Source: (Zaha Hadid Architects, 2010) exterior shell accommodates two major spaces including
Figure 1. Heydar Aliyev Center, cultural plaza auditorium (e.g. Figure 2) and multi purpose hall. The outer
shell of the auditorium leans into the Cultural Plaza creating
the inclination for the seating and connects to the natural

ISRA 2010 1
29-31 August 2010, Melbourne, Australia Proceedings of the International Symposium on Room Acoustics, ISRA 2010

slope of the topography. The auditorium and multi purpose Table 1. Space configurations for different scenarios
hall with their associated facilities have a direct access to the Design Stage Pit Coupled Orchestra
plaza. The auditorium is located in the void created by the Proposal shell room
outer skin being stretched between volume of the museum apertures
and the library tower. Confe- Lifted and Closed Closed Absent
rence Use stored in
The auditorium serves for an audience of 1200 and incorpo- the stage
rates conference, concert and opera use altogether. The visi- tower
tor main entrances of the auditorium open into the inner gal- Concert In place Closed Open On the
leries (e.g. Figure 3) of the Center, the acoustical characteris- Use stage
tics of which are to be presented within the scope of a sup- Opera Lifted and Open Partially In the pit
plementary research paper [1]. Use stored in open
the stage
Source: (alkan, 2004) [2]

A different graphical model for computer simulation, com-

prising 6270 plane surfaces is developed by MEZZO Studio
for use with ODEON version 10.02. The model basically
made up of 3-D face elements is obtained after simplifying
the graphical model supplied by ZHA Architects. In this
process of modification the geometry and dimensions in the
graphical model is completely preserved in great detail (e.g.
Figure 4).

Source: (Zaha Hadid Architects, 2010)

Figure 3. Main lobby, serving auditorium and library

In this further paper, auditorium within the Heydar Aliyev

Cultural Center Auditorium is studied for providing the limits
of certain acoustical parameters in relation to functions to be

The acoustical design of the auditorium in Heydar Aliyev Source: (MEZZO Studio, 2010)
Cultural Center incorporates the challenge of providing multi Figure 4. View from Stage, auditorium
purpose requirements of the hall. Considering the conference,
Estimated main hall acoustical volume excluding stage is
concert and opera uses to be embraced in one single enclo-
8215m. A series of new simulation studies is carried out by
sure, the optimization of the functional needs through the
MEZZO Studio using this new graphical model and acoustic-
acoustical requirements is of priority.
al data obtained by measurements in the laboratory for wood-
In brief, the given pre-design concept project has proved not en surfaces.
to be efficient for providing the acoustical parameter limits
Recommended ranges for acoustical parameters used in the
for these three functions. The finishing cloth as announced to
assessment study are listed in Table 2. Sources and corres-
be hardwood floor, wall and ceiling material is respected in
ponding receivers are defined and located in major locations
terms of architectural requirements. However, having this
(e.g. Figure 5). The present condition of the concept design
highly reflective material lined out through such single and
and the proposed alternative acoustical design solutions are
multi functional space some further precautions are thought
discussed in later sections. Ray tracing is used majorly in
to be in the core of major consideration.
sound path analysis (e.g. Figure 6).
The challenge has started with fixing the requirements for
conference and concert use, or for concert and opera, and for
opera and conference uses. No tolerance has given to any
visual alteration in architectural design terms. As presented in
following sections of this paper the required absorption for
the conference use has become above limits for the concert
use in a very brief assessment. Considering the design strag-
gles and prospective variable acoustics, the coupled space
concept has been found to be the most realistic and managea- 1

ble manufacturing guide.


The optimization of acoustical functions has lead to certain

acoustical parameter up limit corrections. MEZZO Studio has
considered three different scenarios of use in the acoustical
analysis of the hall. The prospective design solutions are
listed as follows; Source: (MEZZO Studio, 2010)
Figure 5. ODEON acoustical model with source (red) and
receiver (blue) positions, auditorium

2 ISRA 2010
29-31 August 2010, Melbourne, Australia Proceedings of the International Symposium on Room Acoustics, ISRA 2010

A coupled-volume system is typically defined as two or more

spaces that are joined by a common acoustically transparent
surface, known as a coupling aperture. In a coupled-volume
system, if the times required for sound decay in each space
are unequal, there will be an excess energy in one of the
spaces during the decay process when compared to the other
one. This leads to energy transfer from the energy surplus
room to the energy deficient room, which can produce a
sound decay proper for desired acoustic qualities within a
space. Designers are attracted by the coupled volume con-
cept, because it proposes a compromise between the compet-
ing acoustic conditions for both reverberance and clarity [5].
Source: (MEZZO Studio, 2010)
Figure 6. Ray Tracing, auditorium There are mainly two types of acoustical coupling which are
source-area coupling (stage house coupling) and distributed
Table 2. Space configurations for different scenarios coupling (reverberation chambers). In source-area coupling
Parameter Recommended Just noticeable source is in the auxiliary room and auxiliary room is the stage
range for theatres difference and stage tower above. Distributed coupling employs the
T30 1.0 to 1.4s 5% (i.e. about 0.1s) volumes above ceiling or behind side walls and source is
EDT 0.9 to 1.4s 5% (i.e. about 0.1s) away from the room as it is on the stage.
SPL Minimum 2dB
Variations in SPL In acoustical coupling, to provide a sound field that is varia-
C80 0 to +4dB 1dB ble, longer, distinct, and performance-piece-specific depends
Recommended on certain architectural parameters. Geometric volume, form,
range for concert
materiality and aperture size are variables that affect reverbe-
T30 1.7 to 2.4s 5% (i.e. about 0.1s) ration of sub-room and consequently energy flow to the main
EDT 1.7 to 2.6s 5% (i.e. about 0.1s) room. Achieving desired energy decay for performance-
SPL Minimum 2dB specific purposes necessitates an intensive study on those
Variations in SPL variables. Reserving certain amount of volume at the upper
C80 -4 to 0dB 1dB parts of the Heydar Aliyev Center Auditorium (above ceiling
LF > 0.20 0.05 in between auditorium shell and roof/wall main structure) and
Strength - Less than 10dB 2dB aperture in desired dimensions (as removable ceiling panels
G variations
on ring T3 in this design) are architectural measures that will
range for opera enable acoustical designers to work with coupled rooms.
T30 1.4 to 1.8s 5% (i.e. about 0.1s) PRESENT CONDITION
EDT 1.4 to 2.0s 5% (i.e. about 0.1s)
C80 -2 to +2dB 1dB The concept project is initially assessed for its acoustical
LF > 0.15 0.05
Strength - Less than 10dB 2dB
performance. No additional coupled volume or stage back
G variations house is added to the main hall as in architectural drawings
Source: (alkan, 2004) [2] provided by the design team in this first phase. Wooden
curved surfaces with no rectilinear corners are composing the
The present concept design and acoustical alterations are core concept of this project. Considering the wooden wall
discussed in following sections for conference, concert and and ceiling sections are forming the principal surfaces to
opera uses. carry acoustical meaning, the real-size measurements are of
priority for accurate results to be obtained from simulations.
CONCEPT OF ACOUSTICALLY COUPLED For that reason, the sound absorption coefficient tests are
hold in a laboratory set-up for 50mm perforated wood sam-
ROOMS ples and the results are used in acoustical simulations. The
estimated global estimate reverberation times for the initial
This section is added to give brief information on above men- design concept with no modifications for specific functions
tioned design solution namely Acoustically Coupled (conference, concert and opera uses) are displayed in Figure
Rooms/Spaces. Architectural acousticians have been increa- 7.
singly interested in halls that incorporate coupled-volume
systems because of their potential for creating desirable ef-
fects in meeting conflicting requirements. Those require-
ments could either be having a variable sound field within the
hall for speech and music or maintaining a variable reverber-
ance for different music performances. Inclusion of a rever-
berant auxiliary room (or rooms) connected to the primary
space has proven to be a useful technique in the design of
concert halls and multipurpose auditoria [3,4].

Some important cases of halls worldwide that utilize coupled

room system and so the double decay phenomena as part of
their acoustical design are as follows; Festival Hall in Tampa, Source: (MEZZO Studio, 2010)
FL; the Great Hall in Hamilton, Ontario; Lucerne Concert Figure 7. Estimated global reverberation times for present
Hall in Lucerne, Switzerland; the Myerson-McDermott Hall condition
in Dallas, TX; Verizon Hall in Philadelphia, PA; Bass Per-
formance Hall, Fort Worth, TX; Symphony Hall, Birming- Global estimates indicate average mid frequency reverbera-
ham, UK. tion time of 1.57s and average low frequency reverberation

ISRA 2010 3
29-31 August 2010, Melbourne, Australia Proceedings of the International Symposium on Room Acoustics, ISRA 2010

time of 1.93s. The original design without any acoustical This acoustical precaution helped greatly to decrease overall
intervention does not function for multi-purpose functions reverberation by around 0.3s (e.g. Figure 8) throughout the
including conference, concert and opera uses altogether. full octave frequency range. Certain amount of diffusion on
Thus, the coupled space concept is chosen to be the most the rear wall that can be obtained through various diffuser
effective variable acoustics solution and presented for appli- designs is also kept in place for minimizing probable echoes
cable activities in following sections. caused by the large concave surfaces of rear wall. On the rear
wall as long as opening area is 30% of total area a lot many
CONFERENCE USE ANALYSIS different alternatives of diffusers can be worked until it satis-
fies architectural design group. With all the precautions taken
Conference performances involving activities related to the Auditorium has come to a point that minor later tunings
speech is known to be the initial use of this multi-purpose on materials will help for the performance needs together
auditorium. For that reason, the hall is designed for speech with a good electronic sound amplification design (e.g. Fig-
performances initially. Adjusting the excessive reverberance ure 9).
due to highly reflective wood surfaces and extreme volume is
the first goal for providing sufficient speech intelligibility.
The Auditorium is initially tested with its present condition
as given in previous section. Adding absorptive materials to
the rear wall and increasing the amount of absorption sup-
plied by the seating area is helpful to some extent but not
totally fulfill the requirements. The need for another design
solution is ended up by using the advantage of stage tower as
a sound attenuation center of the hall.

The removable ceiling panels on the stage shell that are as-
sumed to be raised in opera/ballet performances are removed
for conference use as well. By opening the panels on stage
shell, stage tower is coupled to the main hall. Stage tower has
to be made totally absorptive for decreasing the excessive
reverberance of the hall. Leaving the backstage floor area as
similar to the stage floor, rest of the surfaces including walls Source: (MEZZO Studio, 2010)
and ceilings are covered with highly absorptive materials Figure 9. STI distribution map, for conference use
made up of rock wool with geo-textile facing.

Maintaining sufficient absorption in the hall for speech pur-

poses, the challenge has come to adjust it for music perfor-
mances. The geometrical restrictions of the hall eliminate
some of the variable acoustics solutions. The most reasonable
solution in terms of acoustics and implementation is found to
be applying coupled space concept for concert performances.

Source: (MEZZO Studio, 2010)

Figure 8. Ray tracing of conference use acoustical model

A different graphical model for computer simulation, com-

prising 8426 plane surfaces is developed by MEZZO Studio.
Estimated acoustical volume for conference use including
stage tower is 18729m. The room consists of 10 different
finish materials. Ray tracing of the model for conference use
is given in Figure 8.

Source: (MEZZO Studio, 2010) Source: (MEZZO Studio, 2010)

Figure 8. Estimated reverberation times for conference use Figure 10. Location of the coupled volume above ceiling

4 ISRA 2010
29-31 August 2010, Melbourne, Australia Proceedings of the International Symposium on Room Acoustics, ISRA 2010

On concert use all of the materials applied for conference use

are kept in place and orchestra members as a surface is added A single big opening is not the only solution. On the con-
on to the stage. The removable ceiling panels that are raised trary, having multiple apertures with smaller areas could help
for opera and conference use are closed as stage acoustics for a better diffusion and flow of surplus energy from
necessitates good reverberant field, satisfactory ensemble coupled room into the main hall. Coupled space aperture
values and enough reflections from the covering stage shell. alternatives distributed around coupling area are studied (e.g.
To increase the reverberance to desired limits for concert Figure 13 and 14). Going too down in the width of aperture
performances and satisfying clarity at the same time is nor- may have ended up with a resonance at a certain frequency
mally a challenging requirement for acoustical designers. resulting in coloration and lessen the effect of acoustical
Coupled space/room design is the best approach for handling coupling.
those two conflicting requirements. Coupling some volume
(in between auditorium shell and roof-side wall structure)
into the main (e.g. Figure 10) hall with an aperture (remova-
ble ceiling panels) has ended up with a very good decay
curve in full octave bands and conformed acoustical design
targets for concert use.

The reverberation time of the coupled room has to be higher

than the main hall for providing extra energy fed to the main
hall. The volume and aperture size are studied for obtaining
acoustical coupling within two rooms. The coupled room
surfaces are left mostly reflective for achieving the desired Source: (SANSET IKOOR, 2010)
target reverberation time. After working on various designs Figure 13. Coupling room aperture alternative proposed by
the mid frequency reverberation of the coupled room is fixed SANSET IKOOR
in 3.71s in best alternative. In this design, the auxiliary vo-
lume is added to the main hall over ring T3 as shown in arc-
hitectural drawings (e.g. Figure 10). The room has a height
around 5 m and a length around 25m located centrally above
ring T3. 1m gap from roof surface and auditorium shell sur-
face is left for probable construction limitations. The acous-
tical volume of the room is estimated to be 600m. The aper-
ture opening is in the center of aperture surface and of area
around 19m with a width of 2m. The aperture size and vo-
lume is approximately calculated in this initial study.

Estimated acoustical volume of the graphical model for con-

Source: (Zaha Hadid Architects, 2010)
cert use excluding stage tower and including coupled room is
Figure 14. Coupling room aperture alternative proposed by
18326m. The room consists of 11 different finish materials.
Zaha Hadid Architects
Some cases of the acoustical simulation results of this first
coupling alternative for concert use are presented below.
The aim of this initial proposal is to estimate the approximate
amount of volume and aperture area that provides required
acoustical characteristics for different scenarios of use. At
any limitation or different expectation of architecture or im-
plementation, the volume, aperture size/dimensions and loca-
tions could be adjusted by a further detailed study on other


Source: (MEZZO Studio, 2010)

Figure 11. T30 distributions at 500Hz, concert use

Source: (MEZZO Studio, 2010)

Figure 15. View from back seats, opera use

For opera and ballet function the pit cover is opened and an
orchestra surface to represent the orchestra is added into the
pit. The shell is removed exposing the stage tower (e.g. Fig-
ure 15). All other materials applied for conference use is kept
Source: (MEZZO Studio, 2010) in place. Initially, aperture of the coupled room is kept
Figure 12. C80 distributions at 500Hz, concert use closed. The auditorium with full audience is found to be too

ISRA 2010 5
29-31 August 2010, Melbourne, Australia Proceedings of the International Symposium on Room Acoustics, ISRA 2010

dead for an opera performance as the reverberation time is CONCLUDING REMARKS

low around 1.40s in mid frequency bands. Later, the coupled
room is added to the main hall. Opening aperture surface The global reverberation times obtained from acoustical si-
fully, resulted in excessive reverberance. Finally, an aperture mulation of the auditorium at mid frequencies in anticipated
size of 4m is found to be efficient in adjusting hall reverbe- conference use indicate an average mid frequency reverbera-
ration for opera performance in this design (e.g. Figure 16). tion time of 1.43 s in terms of T30 with relatively smooth
distribution within the Auditorium. This value is very close to
the targets specified in Table 2. Even with a single source on
the stage and a background noise rating of NR-25 as speci-
fied in the HVAC noise specs, an average STI of 0.58 is cal-
culated. This representative average figure corresponds to
almost good speech intelligibility rating. With a proper sound
reinforcement system design and loudspeaker placement the
speech intelligibility could be improved and managed as
P1 depicted by Long [6]. The average clarity figures in the Audi-
torium conforms the target specification for the conference
use as well as the distribution of A-weighted sound levels
complies with the requirement of maximum 10 dB difference
within the hall.
Source: (MEZZO Studio, 2010) For concert use, with assignment of absorption to the perfor-
Figure 16. Ray tracing model, opera use mers on stage and exposing the coupled volume increases
global estimated reverberation times expressed in terms of
Considering the case that main aperture will have to be seg- T30 to levels just over 2 s at mid frequencies. This is the
mented to be raised for implementation purposes, aperture for ideal value falling at the midst of the range specified in Table
opera use could easily be operated independently. The esti- 2. This allows almost all kinds of classical music perfor-
mated acoustical volume of opera use graphical model in- mances. On the other hand, reverberation times at low fre-
cluding stage tower and coupled room is 20567m. The room quencies are increased with an apparent improvement of the
consists of 12 different finish materials. Some cases of the warmth of the hall. The bass ratio that came out in this confi-
acoustical simulation results of opera use are presented in guration is 1.30 which is the ideal value for this size of halls.
Figure 17 and 18. Brilliance at 2000 Hz is lowered with a corresponding ratio
of 0.85 which is less than the ideal figure of 0.93.

Brilliance at 4000 Hz comes out to be a bit lower with a ratio

of 0.70 whereas the corresponding ideal figure is 0.84. These
two outcomes can be attributed to the high absorption coeffi-
cients of the heavily upholstered seating at high frequencies.
Early lateral energy fraction figures need improvement due to
their lower values than the targeted ones for concert use. This
outcome can be attributed to the location of the coupled space
over the auditorium ceiling. Such spaces located on both
sides of the hall like the ones in Myerson-McDermott Hall in
Dallas would definitely have higher values for lateral energy
fraction. This alternative can be tried in further studies, if the
concept is approved by the design group.

In opera-ballet use, the orchestra shell is removed and the pit

Source: (MEZZO Studio, 2010)
is opened with the performing orchestra as for practical per-
Figure 17. SPL(A) distribution maps, opera use
formance reasons. Stage tower acoustical design is kept as it
is solved for conference use. Absorptive treatment in the
form of 100 mm thick, black porous cloth coated rock wool
boards of density of 48-52 kg/m3 are applied onto the interior
wall surfaces of the stage tower to handle excessive reverbe-
ration. This first attempt is ended up with a lower value for
opera use in mid frequency range by around 1.40 s. Later, the
coupled room (reverberation chamber) is added to the main
volume by opening of 1/4 of aperture area specified for con-
cert use. The segmented movable ceiling panel concept
makes it possible to change aperture area size for two differ-
ent scenarios of use.

The added volume of coupled room has increased reverbera-

tion times and ended up in a very smooth transition of double
decay in non-exponential energy curves. The reverberation
time of 1.65 s falls into the recommended range of 1.4 s to
Source: (MEZZO Studio, 2010)
1.8 s at low frequencies. Best acclaimed opera houses in the
Figure 18. EDT distributions at 500Hz, opera use world are known to have mid frequency reverberation times
of 1.6 s to 1.8 s. The bass ratio is calculated to be 1.18, quite
favorable for opera and ballet performances. The brilliance at
2000 Hz is ideal since the ratio of reverberation times is
equal to 0.93 whereas this subjective property is just a little

6 ISRA 2010
29-31 August 2010, Melbourne, Australia Proceedings of the International Symposium on Room Acoustics, ISRA 2010

short at 4000 Hz with a ratio of 0.79, that is, lower than the 3 J.C.Jaffe, Selective Reflection and Acoustic Coupling in
ideal value of 0.84. The distribution of sound levels within Concert Hall Design, in Music & Concert Hall Acous-
the auditorium also complies with the requirement of level tics Conference Proceedings from MCHA 1995, (Aca-
differences to be less than 10 dB. Clarity aspect also con- demic Press, New York, 1995), pp.85-94.
forms to the targeted values. 4 R. Johnson, E. Kahle, and R.Essert, Variable Coupled
Volume for Music Performance, in Music & Concert Hall
A design proposal is presented above for the improvement Acoustics Conference Proceedings from MCHA 1995
and adjustment of acoustical characteristics of the Audito- (Academic Press, New York, 1995), pp.372-385
rium in Heydar Aliyev Center to manage three different sce- 5 Z. S, Systematic Investigations on Energy Decays in
narios of use anticipated by MEZZO Studio. The proposal Acoustically Coupled Spaces Using Scale-Model Tech-
involves adoption of coupled space concept by forming a nique, (Masters Thesis, RPI, July 2006, Troy, NY, USA)
volume of specific size with definite aperture dimensions 6 M.Long, Architectural Acoustics, (Elsevier Academic
within the space over the auditorium ceiling. The motivation Press, 2006)
behind the proposal is the proven record of coupled space
concept in some well known halls built in recent years all ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
over the world. It is believed that this choice is attractive in
halls like the one in Heydar Aliyev Center because any poss- Authors are indebted to Ms Deniz Manisal and Mr. Saffet
ible loss in visual appearance due to flexible passive reverbe- Bekiroglu of Zaha Hadid Architects of London for granting
ration control approaches cannot be tolerated. permission on the use of images and support. SANSET
IKOOR, the subcontractor of the auditorium is gratefully
In the proposal the hall is firstly tuned to acoustical require- acknowledged for the cooperation and support for this study.
ments of speech-centered conference use as 70% of use has
dictated to be for speech-oriented performances in the pro-
gram. Major differences from the present design concept lie
in the assignment of heavily upholstered seating for the au-
dience area and removal of orchestra shell from the stage. For
reverberation control the stage tower required to be treated
with absorptive material. These attempts have yielded rela-
tively flat reverberation time profile with frequency, well
suited for the conference use.

The sound reinforcement system is crucial in the manage-

ment of sound intelligibility as carefully selected and placed
loudspeaker systems are instrumental to increase the contri-
bution of direct sound in the total sound heard. The other
factors affecting the sound intelligibility are the reverberation
time and background noise levels. A noise rating of NR-25
which is considered to be high for the specified functions has
been assigned previously for HVAC noise in the hall. This
adversity would reduce signal-to-noise ratios within the hall.

When the orchestra shell is placed on the stage with the pit
closed, the resulting mid frequency reverberation times along
with the bass ratio perfectly match to the requirements of a
concert hall for symphonic music. However, there is a need
for fine tuning for the improvement of lateral energy fraction
figures. When the pit is opened with the performing orchestra
for opera-ballet use and the stage tower is exposed after re-
moving the stage shell, the inclusion of the coupled space
above the ceiling increases the mid frequency reverberation
times to the ideal levels. Bass ratio is improved resulting in
the favorable warmth characteristics for this mode of func-

Consequently, upon evaluations of initial simulation results

for the Auditorium for three different uses, the coupled space
solution is demonstrated to be feasible though it still needs
fine tuning and optimization of matching between reverbera-
tion times of the hall and coupled space(s). The proposed
acoustical design alternative is considered as a state of art
approach in design of multipurpose auditoria. It is well suited
to cases where visual appearance of auditoria is desired to be
the same for all possible uses.

1 Z. S-Gl and M.alkan, Acoustical Design of Inner
Galleries in Heydar Aliyev Center Proceedings of 20th
International Congress on Acoustics, ICA 2010, 23-27
August 2010, Sydney, Australia.
2 M.alkan, Architectural Acoustics, Lecture Notes,
(IZOCAM Isolation Education Center, 2004)

ISRA 2010 7

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