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Saipem Sustainability 2015

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saipem sustainability

We approach each challenge with innovative, reliable and secure solutions to meet

the needs of our clients.

Through multicultural working groups we are able to provide sustainable development

for our Company and for the communities in which we operate.

saipem sustainability

s u s tain


ilit y

A look ahead
Saipems sustainability approach for long-term success

A dialogue between Stefano Cao, Saipem CEO, and Marco Frey1, Chairman of Global Compact Network Italy Foundation.

Marco Frey
Mr. Cao, 2015 was an important year for sustainability: new objectives were set in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development. Then there was the COP 21 in Paris, which led to an agreement among several countries for an overall
commitment regarding Climate Change. So to a certain extent, there is an international framework that recognises the
significance of all sustainability issues. How is a company like yours, which has always been engaged in Sustainability, also
for reasons related to its core business, experiencing this moment?

Stefano Cao
There is no doubt that 2015 was a very important year. For Saipem in particular it has been a very intense period. A new Industrial
Plan was defined, the Companys cost structure was modified and an increase in Saipems share capital2 was completed in the first
weeks of 2016. In addition, the market scenario that the Company had to face was very complex and multi-faceted, from the point of
view of the socio-economic contexts of the countries in which we operate and in terms of energy outlook.
Being present in many areas of the world, together with having a highly diversified business offer, is our anchor. This
clearly implies exposure to global Sustainability issues and their evolution. Given this context, we have to move forward
with the topics linked to the scenario, hence to corporate restructuring, while at the same time we need to tackle the
ones that are part of the reality in which we operate. Sustainability has always been in Saipems DNA. We are now adapting
to the changing context by leveraging on our skills and abilities, as well as on the network of relations we have established
in the countries in which we are present. In fact, our presence in these countries was initially focused on promoting health
and safety at work and respect for the environment. Considering the existing and future scenario, together with our highly
diversified business offer, our long lasting local commitment becomes an opportunity for us. Today we are committed to
making the Company processes more effective, efficient and transparent. And all of this will have an impact on specific local
issues and contexts ranging from the management of our people, to suppliers and communities.

Marco Frey
Being able to strike the right balance between standing on solid footing while embracing elements of change has various
manifestations. In my opinion, the most significant among these is governance. Facing the issue in a way that is both
appropriate yet transparent implies adopting a governance where sustainability is fully integrated and legitimised. Can you
tell us what you have done and what you are doing in this regard?

(1) Marco Frey is also Director of the Institute of Management of SantAnna School of Advanced Studies, Full Professor of Economics and Business Management,
leader of the Sustainability Management Research Group (SuM) at SantAnna School, Research Director at IEFE (Centre for Research on Energy and
Environmental Economics and Policy - Bocconi University) and National President of Cittadinanzattiva, a non-profit organisation.
(2) In addition, Eni sold a holding amounting to 12.5% of the share capital of Saipem to Fondo Strategico Italiano (FSI) and the governance covenants set out in the
2 Shareholders Agreement aim to achieve joint control of Saipem.

Stefano Cao
Thanks to its recent evolution, today Saipem is equipped with an advanced Corporate Governance system. The only way
to operate in many countries of the world and with such complex and diversified businesses is indeed to have robust
governance structures. In view of continuous improvement it is essential that this system be in constant evolution, not
static. However, this evolution should not be guided by the pursuit of compliance. In this framework it is important that
sustainability be a foundational element of governance, a natural element spread throughout Saipems leadership model,
increasingly integrated into the Companys processes.

Marco Frey
I wholeheartedly agree with your statement. Another field that spans between sustainability and the need for innovation is the
relationship with the local contexts. Saipem is the demonstration of a modus operandi where the logic was to build relationships
throughout the territory that would make it possible to give back some benefit to the countries. That is probably no longer the
challenge today. Giving back has now taken on a much more innovative and evolutionary meaning because these countries have
grown a great deal over the years. In this mindset, what are the new challenges related to local contexts?

Stefano Cao
For many years it was of great importance to employ local resources and create opportunities for professional growth.
Building industrial bases and fabrication yards were essential to obtain a licence to operate in a broader sense. Over time,
these conditions ended up being necessary but were clearly not enough. The real challenge is to focus on the aspects
that will ensure the socio-cultural growth of these areas. The process is underway and we must see to it that our level of
engagement continues to be attentive and widespread throughout.

Marco Frey
Another important aspect correlates to this. In global competition, there is a need to rethink the logic of the relationship
with ones own supply chain, and the overall offer that an operator such as Saipem can provide. In the past, project
success was guaranteed by having highly-skilled and quality people. Is the ability to contribute to the development of local
contexts becoming nowadays a part of the supply system?

Stefano Cao
Absolutely, the contribution to the development of local contexts is now part of the supply system. The evolutionary
process is leading to a kind of multi-location identity. The Company is still Saipem but it is perceived differently in every
country. Saipem contributes to the socio-economic development without being philanthropic, successfully integrating
its activities within the socio-cultural fabric of the country. In this sense, I am in favour of Saipem joining the UN Global
Compact in 2016. I see it as a roundtable for continuous discussion in order to gather ideas for improvement and to which
we can bring, with humility yet with great conviction, our contribution by way of our vast and wide-reaching experience.
Our commitment has always been focused on sustainability as an increasingly integral part of the planning system. This
also culminates at the end into the management incentive system. We must make it a rewarding and measurable goal,
something that contributes to the orientation of resources and also to the improvement of the Companys functional

Marco Frey
This is consistent with the objective of the Global Compact to integrate sustainability into the business by way of its operational
nature. If you had to choose a sustainability indicator that the stakeholders could use to measure you, what would it be?

Stefano Cao
The instinctive answer to such a specific question is: the ability to innovate, an aspect that has always distinguished
Saipem and that will increasingly characterise it in the future. Innovation across the board: technological innovation,
offered critically and constructively in the face of issues, not taking anything for granted nor as a given, not falling into the
trap of simplifying by saying we have always done it this way, always asking if the current approach is still effective or if
we should adapt it to new contexts.

Marco Frey
In fact, continuous improvement pursued through innovation.

Stefano Cao
Indeed, I think this is the main challenge that we are facing and that we will be able to overcome thanks to Saipems
integrated approach to sustainability.
Materiality assessment:
identifying sustainability
A strong and focused materiality assessment is the cornerstone of a sustainability strategy that is consistent with the core
business, meets stakeholder expectations, and produces high-impact results for the Company and for society.
Materiality is about identifying the issues that matter most to Saipem and its stakeholders. Saipem plots the issues that are
considered important for its long-term business success against those that pose risks or opportunities to the Company.

Framing Prioritisation Validation

Research & Analysis Employee engagement Validation by the
analysis Sustainability
Identification of significant
issues External stakeholder survey Committee
Saipem Management
working session
Final results

Anti-corruption Transparency Ethical Labour Safety Safe operations,

and ethical business supply chain rights asset integrity
practices and process safety

Spill prevention Technological Training and Local Local Local

and response innovation and development social licence employment procurement
business flexibility to operate

2016 Sustainability Plan 2015 Sustainability Report

see page 10. content definition

Materiality process in numbers

5th 31 7,428

76 23 12

Saipem Sustainability 2015

Saipem Sustainability 2015 provides an in-depth analysis of the most significant issues for business sustainability identified
by way of the materiality analysis previously described (see page 4 and pages 90-93).
A variety of focuses on country and geographical areas throw light on how policies and strategies are applied at local level.



16 A comprehensive approach to value creation

21 Integrity-based business

29 Ensuring safety, integrity and reliability of operations

36 XX Operational excellence: built to be at the top

42 A multinational Company with a local presence

48 Italy

54 Angola

58 Congo
62 Nigeria

66 Azerbaijan

70 Kazakhstan

74 Gulf Cooperation Council countries and Middle East

78 Indonesia

82 Brazil

86 Other South American countries



I Approach to Sustainability

II GRI Content Index

Scenarios, business environment and market outlook
In a scenario where the volatile aspects of the energy market are largely out of the control
of industry leaders, the Oil & Gas business is characterised by increasingly consistent and
evolving levels of criticality.
Global oil price dynamics today are shaped by many factors, mainly the imbalance between supply and demand, the
macroeconomic and geopolitical situation, the dynamics of the USD exchange rate and global financial market conditions. Over
the short to medium term, the prices of oil, gas and coal are predicted to remain depressed, keeping pressure on producers
to improve operations, cut production and reduce capital investments. Forced to deal with these increasingly complex
challenges, Saipem must turn this situation into opportunities by leveraging its ability to deliver technologically advanced
projects in extreme environments. In this difficult market context, the Company has planned a number of specific actions
to be implemented over the next few years in order to remain competitive and overcome the downturn. The main strategic
objectives to put into practice through the Fit for the Future project are centred on the optimisation of cost structures and
the efficiency of processes. This will be achieved by streamlining the organisational and operational structure at the global
level and by implementing a strict financial policy aimed at rebalancing the financial structure and refinancing the current debt.

Market trends
Today, Saipem operates in a complex scenario that is influenced by significant macro-factors:
An increase in political risks generally concentrated in a small number of countries, particularly North Africa and the Middle
East (MENA) and the economic consequences of tensions between Russia and the Ukraine that have led the European Union
to apply sanctions on the former.
A difficult scenario marked by hostilities in the Middle East and by the nuclear agreement (Joint Comprehensive Plan
of Action) signed in July 2015 which requires Iran to dismantle much of its nuclear infrastructure in return for the removal
of many international sanctions placed on it over the past five years.
An oversupply of oil, that started in 2014, caused by increased production in North America, a demand for oil in Asian
countries that is below expectations and the conscious decision of OPEC countries not to regulate the overcapacity of global
supply by reducing their production.
A collapse in oil prices beginning in the second half of 2014, during which the price reached a minimum of below 30 USD/bbl.
This has impacted all oil companies who have seen their revenues and future investment plans significantly reduced, forcing
them to restructure in order to improve internal efficiency and reduce operating costs.
The slowdown of emerging economies, in particular Brazil and Russia, the deterioration of terms of trade among primary
commodity-exporting countries, currency volatility, capital flight, Chinas partial economic deceleration and the rise of Islamic
extremism in most countries with significant Muslim populations.
Collective support for an effective global climate change agreement with a joint collaborative declaration, expressed
by the member companies of the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI), recognising climate change and the role of current
emissions. However, the global agreement on climate change action at the Paris COP21 meeting seems insufficient to alter
world carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and deter the rise in global temperatures by 2 C by 2050 (*).
Despite the downturn, investment in clean energy in 2015 totalled around USD 330 billion, an overall increase of 4%
compared to the previous year. Driving these figures are the Far East and South America markets (Brazil, Mexico and Chile)
in particular, as well as Morocco, a new entrant. According to Bloomberg, renewables will represent 60% of new capacity
and 2/3 of power investment globally by 2040.

To meet the challenges of the market, Saipem intends to recover efficiency through distinctive elements such as technology
and innovation. In particular, it will target segments with higher added value, such as SURF (Subsea Umbilical Risers and
Flowlines), floaters dedicated to natural gas liquefaction such as FLNG (Floating Liquefied Natural Gas) units and export lines
and trunklines.

Oil & Gas contractor business environment

On a global level, one third of investments in Onshore E&C were made in the Middle East (mainly Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia
and the UAE), with over 80% of these in the Refining and Upstream segment. Other significant investments were recorded

6 (*) Source: Global Energy Watch, February 2016.


in North America (USA and Mexico), where there have been major contracts in the LNG, Petrochemical, Fertiliser and
Refining segments; Asia-Pacific (China and Pakistan), mainly in the Pipeline and Petrochemical segments; the CIS (Russia
and Uzbekistan), with contracts awarded in the Refining and Fertiliser segments; and Central Africa (Uganda) and North Africa
(Egypt), where contracts in the Refinery segment have been awarded.

The Offshore E&C market recorded a lower number of contracts awarded due to budget cuts by many operators, which led
to a reduced level of investment during 2015 compared with 2014. To face the recession, many players have decided to cancel
or postpone the construction of new vessels, thereby contributing to a re-equilibrium in the Offshore E&C market.

During the year, the volume of investment from oil companies in Onshore Drilling registered a decrease from around USD 230
billion in 2014 to around USD 130 billion in 2015. Among all geographic areas, North America was the most affected.
The same trend is visible in Offshore Drilling, with a conspicuous decrease in investments, in particular in Asia-Pacific.
Starting from the end of 2014 there have been several cases of reduction or postponement of previously planned drilling

In order to face this difficult market environment, Saipem has initiated a long process of refocusing its portfolio through
the revitalisation of leadership, in particular in the Offshore E&C business, and the gradual recovery of the economic
and financial performance of the Onshore E&C business. Simultaneously, a process is under way to reduce the risk profile
of the business in which the Company currently operates. In particular, it aims to increase the share of EPCM (Engineering,
Procurement, Construction Management) services, strengthen cooperation with strategic partners in the value-added
segments, give more attention to the phases of the project management process and emphasise relationships with major
customers in order to prevent and reduce potential grounds for dispute.

Market outlook
In this context, the markets are registering a hard landing and the worlds wealth is growing at a slower rate than expected.
Negative GDP trends can be seen especially in the CIS, South America and China, while a slow recovery is registered in Europe.
The expansion of the global economy could be led by a combination of solid growth in the United States, a slight pick-up
in the pace of the Eurozone and Japanese economies and more monetary stimulus in key markets, adding up globally to a
growth of around 3% in 2016 and an average of 3.3% over the following five years.
While lower energy prices will benefit large energy-consuming industries and should also provide some marginal benefit
to individual consumers across the world in terms of greater spending power (thus helping to fuel an eventual economic
recovery), continued falling prices could be harmful for many emerging-market commodity exporters and would also mean
headwinds for business investment in resource-rich advanced economies such as North America, Australia and Norway.
The stagnant growth in oil consumption, without regulation of production, has favoured the decrease in upstream spending,
seeing a reduction in total investment of around USD 195 billion between 2014 and 2015, in particular in North America (-60%)
and Asia-Pacific. The return to previous levels of investment opportunities is now broadly expected to occur in the medium
term, through a slow recovery over the next few years.

Orders by geographic area ( mln) Backlog by geographic area ( mln)

Total: 6,515 Total: 15,846

279 Italy 2,509 Middle East 496 Italy 5,798 Middle East
322 Rest of Europe 126 North Africa 587 Rest of Europe 4 North Africa
1,725 CIS 956 South and Central Africa 2,410 CIS 4,651 South and Central Africa
123 Oceania and rest of Asia 475 Americas 370 Oceania and rest of Asia 1,530 Americas
Saipem at a glance
Saipem is one of the world leaders in drilling services, as well as in the engineering, procurement, construction and installation
of pipelines and complex onshore and offshore projects in the Oil & Gas market. The Company has distinctive competences
in harsh environments, remote areas and deep water. Saipem provides a full range of services with turn-key EPC and EPCI
contracts and has distinctive capabilities and unique assets with a high technological content. Saipem has been listed on the
Milan Stock Exchange since 1984.


46,346 128

59% 32,931
Percentage of Vendors
HOURS ATTENDED employees covered
BY EMPLOYEES by collective
8.3 bln contracts
Total goods and
services ordered
234 mln

0.31 1,504
LOST TIME INJURY Scope 1 emission

Main results in 2015

Issue 2015 Objective Results KPI/reference
Anti-Corruption Promote employee awareness of Provided training and refresher 1,929 people trained on
and ethical Anti-Corruption. courses for Saipem personnel Anti-Corruption, Model 231 and the
business Check Human and Labour Rights and Compliance Committees on Code of Ethics. Further information
practices on Saipem sites. Anti-Corruption, Model 231 and the is available on page 25.
Code of Ethics.
Delivered training on Human Rights to 1 training programme delivered
Saipem local management and client in Angola. Further information is
representatives. available on page 56.

Transparency Provide complete information Continued to adopt a flexible and Refer to pages 12-13 for further
that meets stakeholder diversified approach to stakeholder information on stakeholder
expectations and current engagement. engagement in 2015.

Training Bringing peoples competencies Continued mapping, developing and 4,897 skill evaluations.
and development in line with business needs. monitoring skills. 18,446 employee performance
Further information is available on
page 40.

Safe operations, Ensure integrity of assets Strengthening of efforts on asset Commenced the integration of
asset integrity and process security by integrity and process safety human factor issues into the
and process strengthening the managerial management. management system. For further
safety levels involved. details please see page 30.

Safety Reinforce H&S processes Improvement of Total Recordable TRIFR (1.08) slightly down compared
and managerial capacities, Incidence Frequency Rate (TRIFR). to 2014. Further information is
including those of vendors and available on page 32.
contractors. Continuation of the We Want Zero Further details on page 18.
Continuation of the LiHS programme Further details on page 41.
Leading Behaviours.
Renewed commitment to the Life Further details on page 20.
Saving Rules campaign.

Social licence Boost work with local Continued Saipem effort to Refer to the section Saipems world
to operate stakeholders, including strengthen fruitful relations with local (page 47) for further information
universities and training centres. stakeholders. on local stakeholder engagement
and on partnerships held with local
community representatives.

Local Increase local personnel, Promotion of Local Content, including 80% of total workforce is local.
employment especially middle and senior through specific training and career
managers, taking gender equality programmes for the development Further details on programmes
into account. and professional growth of local aimed at developing local skills are
personnel. available in the section Saipems
world (page 47).

Local Prioritise controls over Human Confirmed commitment to supporting 68% of goods and services ordered
Procurement Rights, with specific reference to local economies, optimising local locally (+12% compared to 2014).
geographical area and coverage. orders. 13 audits held in India, China, Saudi
Audits carried out on vendors in Arabia and Bahrain. Further details
relation to workplace principles and on page 75.

Spill prevention Reduce the frequency and Continued the effort to reduce the Reduced number (38) and volume
and response volume of spills, and improve frequency and volume of spills. (2.18 m3) of spills compared to 2014
spill response measures and (50 and 21.6 m3).
systems. Continued effort to consolidate spill Saipems approach and efforts can
response measures. be viewed on pages 33, 34 and 53.
Anti-corruption and ethical Safety: reinforce safety processes
business practices: run operations and people competencies,
respecting ethical business best including those of vendors and
practices. subcontractors.
Promote employee awareness
of anti-corruption.
Safe operations, asset integrity
Transparency: provide complete and process safety: run safe
information that meets stakeholder operations for people and the
expectations and current environment and ensure integrity of
regulations. assets.

Ethical supply chain: engage supply Spill prevention and response:

chain on business ethics aspects. reduce the frequency and the
volume of spills, and improve spill
Labour rights: respect international
response measures and systems.
best practices on labour rights
and monitor the effective


Technological innovation and Social licence to operate:

business flexibility: align Saipems further integrate the Company
technologies to business needs and with the local context through
the market scenario. the active engagement of local
Training and development: bring
resources skills in line with Local employment: attract and
business needs. develop local skills.

Local procurement: increase the

quality and the volume of local goods
and services in strategic areas.


Stakeholder engagement process

The identification and involvement of all bearers of legitimate interests are fundamental
aspects of the Companys sustainability strategy. Dialogue and sharing of objectives
with all stakeholders are the tools through which it is possible to create reciprocal value.
Since 2014, Saipem has published a Management System Guideline (MSG) entitled Sustainability stakeholder engagement and
community relations, defining the methods to be followed in the process aimed at taking into account stakeholders interests
on matters regarding sustainability. This method includes the ability both to listen to stakeholders on sustainability themes and
propose and implement initiatives aimed at reinforcing Saipems social licence to operate in local areas.

1 2
Identification Definition
and analysis of the relations
of stakeholders strategy

Monitoring Implementation
and of
reporting relations
4 3

This general approach was developed to guarantee open, transparent relations
with the parties involved, tending to promote positive and reciprocally advantageous
interactions. This approach has also enabled Saipem to build successful relations with
its stakeholders in many parts of the world over the years, thereby ensuring a lasting COUNTRIES WHICH HAVE A
presence and effective implementation of its activities in the areas where it operates. STRUCTURED PROCESS IN PLACE


Dialogue with individual To protect minority interests, the Board of Statutory Auditors
shareholders is overseen by one Statutory Auditor and one from the list put forward by the
the manager of the Company Alternate Statutory Auditor from minority shareholders.
Secretary function. Information of the Board of Statutory Auditors The dialogue with all the other
interest to shareholders is made are chosen from among the categories of financial stakeholders
available on Saipems website candidates put forward by minority is guaranteed by the Investor
or can be requested via email from: shareholders. The Shareholders Relations function. Meeting appoints the Chairman of
Stakeholder engagement in 2015
Identifying stakeholders and understanding their needs and expectations is an essential step for defining an effective
engagement strategy in every location where Saipem operates.

Presentation of the new Business Plan and
the overall strategy, including the launch
of a capital increase in 2016 during the
Approach Investor Day held in London in October. Feedback
Saipems investor relations are based Organisation of 13 road show days The financial stakeholders are very
on continuous dialogue with the financial and attendance at 3 international interested in the Companys management
community. This is carried out in investor conferences where Company practices, particularly in corporate
compliance with the rules and regulations representatives exhibited Saipems governance and the system of internal
designed to ensure full transparency activities and results. control. Another topic considered highly
and equal access during the disclosure 2 reverse-road show days hosted in Milan. significant concerns the management of
of confidential information. Over 450 individuals, including portfolio human resources. The stakeholders who
Information is directly shared with managers and buy/sell side analysts, responded to the questionnaire assessing
Financial investors and the market through press
releases, periodic presentations of
contacted through one-to-one meetings,
group meetings and conference call or
materiality issues said that sustainability
is already, or will soon become, a factor
stakeholders financial results and the documentation video conference meetings, while more affecting investment decisions. Investors
widely made available on the Company than 1,350 people attended the four showed interest in Saipems approach to
website, as well as periodic meetings quarterly financial results conference calls climate change. Indeed they renewed the
with institutional investors and financial and webcast. invitation to Saipem to participate in the
analysts. Individual shareholders are mainly 10 financial stakeholders involved in Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) 2016.
involved through interfacing with the Saipems Materiality Assessment.
Company Secretary function. Preparation of specific reports regarding
aspects of sustainability for Engagement
International, the Ethical Council, FTSE4Good,
Generali AM, GES, ISS Ethix, MSCI,
RobecoSAM, SustainAlytics and Vigeo.
Saipem also participated in the Carbon
Disclosure Project (CDP).

Reporting on operating projects is
constant: project managers and project Feedback
staff meetings with clients, who are often The clients provided their feedback through
present on-site, and reply on-the-ground to the Customer Satisfaction questionnaires
Clients their queries and requests. Clients are also Engagement (91), also expressing their opinion on
involved in HSE training initiatives, such as Customer Satisfaction questionnaires. the methods used by Saipem in its
environmental awareness campaigns or Direct meetings with clients in countries management of local stakeholders and the
the LiHS (Leadership in Health and Safety) like Azerbaijan, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, value generated in the area.
programme. At the end of each project, and Mozambique, Oman and the United In addition, the questionnaire for the
on an annual basis, the client is asked for States, to involve them in sustainability assessment of materiality was used
feedback using the Customer Satisfaction aspects. to indicate their expectations from a
tool. Furthermore, meetings with clients or 29 clients involved in Saipems contractor like Saipem. A number of very
potential clients are organised in pre-bid Materiality Assessment. interesting issues linked to operating
and bid phases and can involve a number Direct involvement in a few projects, efficiency and the protection of health
of specific aspects such as Saipems especially in Angola and Indonesia, in and safety, promotion of Local Content and
approach to sustainability. initiatives for the community in the area. community relations, arose from the study.

Launch of the second Strategy LineUp, a
cascade-type process of communication
of the strategic priorities and corporate
goals to all Company employees. It was
implemented in 54 countries around the
world, for a total of 80 meetings. Feedback
Inclusion for the first time of the This year, the Company obtained direct
sustainability section in the 2015 feedback through the Engagement Survey
Engagement Survey and responses regarding the expectations and level
Approach from about 8,000 employees. of satisfaction of its own employees.
Employees Human capital is a fundamental asset for Involvement of local employees in several The majority of employees show strong
the Companys long-term success. Saipem countries, such as Brazil, Indonesia, attention to sustainability themes and
is particularly committed to recruiting Kazakhstan, Peru, and Venezuela, in local recognise their importance in Saipems
talented personnel and promoting their sustainability initiatives. economic performance and future
development, their motivation and their
Organisation of the HOPE (Human strategy. Safety, People Management
OPerational Environment) programme, and Technology Innovation were the most
Saipem works to guarantee a safe, a specific training course on Human important issues.
healthy working environment and to have Rights, involving local management and
a stable relationship with trade unions clients representatives in Angola.
so as to ensure an open dialogue based
on cooperation.
Meetings and workshops on sustainability
targeted at managerial positions.

Institutional relations and, in many
cases, proactive cooperation
to implement joint local development
Approach initiatives.
Engagement with governments and, above Cooperation with health ministries,
all, local authorities is defined in relation to hospitals or local medical centres for
the circumstances in which Saipem awareness raising projects concerning
Local authorities operates, taking into consideration the diseases such as malaria or AIDS in
specificities of the country and the social countries, for example the Congo, Angola Feedback
and governments context. Alongside institutional and official and Nigeria, and other types of cooperation Observance of local laws and cooperation
relations with the authorities, Saipem with local health authorities in Peru, Angola, are priority requirements for the
cooperates with public bodies to launch Brazil, Indonesia and Kazakhstan. local authorities and governments.
initiatives in favour of local communities A number of cooperation projects The opportunity to cooperate proactively
and the development of local areas. on different issues undertaken in on matters that are important for the
Kazakhstan, Italy, Indonesia, Azerbaijan country is always considered constructive
and Angola. and beneficial to both parties.
5 representatives of local authorities
in Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Brazil and
Italy involved in Saipems Materiality
12 Assessment.

Aofpublic meeting held with the population
the Kuryk village to present and
Feedback discuss the Ersai sustainability plan.
Feedback obtained from the local Several meetings held in Nigeria with
Local communities
communities is monitored as described the Rumuolumeni communities with Approach
in the Stakeholder Engagement process a view to updating the Memorandum Saipem considers the needs of the local
(see page 11). In some countries, such as of Understanding (MoU). communities and contributes to their
Nigeria and Azerbaijan, the Company has Initiatives and projects for cooperation progress in terms of social and economic
also implemented grievance monitoring with local communities implemented development and improvement of living
systems. in Angola, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, conditions. Each operating company or
Representatives of the local communities Congo, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, project has a specific approach to relations
have used Saipems Materiality Assessment Peru and Venezuela. with local communities that takes account
questionnaire to express their opinions Cooperation in many countries with of Saipems role and the socio-economic
about how Saipem operates and what their local schools and universities to and cultural context in which it operates.
priorities are. encourage the development of human Saipem actively involves local communities
capital. Some initiatives include the in the implementation of initiatives aimed at
organisation of internship and research promoting socio-economic development.
projects (Angola, Azerbaijan, France
and Indonesia), the distribution of
scholarships (Croatia and Nigeria),
and the provision of training courses
(Nigeria and Italy).
7 representatives of universities and
other local institutions, associations
and non-governmental organisations in
Europe, South America and Asia involved
in Saipems Materiality Assessment.

Several initiatives for communities
developed through partnerships and
cooperation with non-governmental
Cooperation with the Eurasia Foundation
Feedback of Central Asia (EFCA) in Kazakhstan Approach
Non-governmental organisations can with a view to completing initiatives Through its institutional channels, Saipem
express interest in one or more specific aimed at education in the local regularly publishes information about its
topics on which they focus their attention community. corporate governance and internal control Local organisations
and mission. Work with Junior Achievement system, its company management systems,
In general, the issues that appeared most Azerbaijan (JAA) to reinforce the as well as its objectives and performance. and NGOs
important to these stakeholders concerned technical skills of university students Moreover, in order to facilitate the
education, environmental protection continuing in the programme. implementation of specific projects,
and biodiversity, and respect for Human In Angola, cooperation with the Saipem identifies organisations of proven
Rights with particular attention to the Mentor Initiative on projects aimed experience with which to establish short
subject of diversity. at combatting malaria, and improving or medium-term relations.
Generally speaking, the possibility the skills of local medical personnel.
of cooperating directly with Saipem on 3 representatives of non-governmental
issues of interest is considered positive organisations involved in Saipems
and advantageous. Materiality Assessment.

The suppliers involved in the training
sessions provided highly positive feedback Engagement
on the activities organised. Periodic meetings with vendors
The six Italian suppliers interviewed with strategic agreements.
described Saipem as an important partner sites in India,
Audits on social responsibility at vendor Approach
with which they had been able to grow, China, Bahrain and Saudi Vendors are often considered key partners
participate in challenging projects and Arabia. for the success of Saipems business.
cooperate for many years with satisfaction. HSE and social responsibility forums for Saipem is committed to developing and Vendors
The results of Saipems Materiality local vendors in Angola, Saudi Arabia, maintaining long-standing relations with
Assessment highlighted the attention of Nigeria and Turkey. its suppliers. The process of Vendor
the suppliers to issues of development of 89 suppliers surveyed, as part of the
project of participation in the OECD
Management makes it possible to assess
personnel and protection of their safety, the reliability of suppliers in terms of
security of assets and business ethics. Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible technical, financial and organisational
Supply Chains of Minerals from capability.
Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas.
Interviews with Italian vendors Organisation of a Due Diligence day.
can be read on pages 50-51. Engagement of local vendors
to participate and support community
initiatives in Kazakhstan, Peru and
19 suppliers and business partners
involved in Saipems Materiality
Interviews with 6 Italian suppliers of
goods and services.
14 F.C. Zingale, Handle With Care, Nigeria


Saipem has grown from being an Italian-based company

established more than 60 years ago, to a global leader in the
Oil & Gas contracting services sector specialising in onshore,
offshore and drilling services.
Since the beginning of its operations, the focus on working
responsibly, collaborating with local stakeholders,
creating long term value, and providing innovative solutions
for its clients, have been key drivers of Saipems business
strategy and have generated success and recognition
worldwide. These are the founding elements of Saipems
shared value approach.
This section illustrates the Companys approach to its
material issues, describing commitments and the main
initiatives undertaken in the reporting year.
A comprehensive approach
to value creation
Creating shared value implies embedding sustainability in the corporate culture, meaning an
inclusive business model and opportunities to generate long-term positive value for society.

E. Lattuada, The Three Musketeers, Nigeria

creation of employment opportunities and a robust

Shared value through and widespread capacity-building effort aimed at
Local Content strategy know-how transfer for local workers, the most
important legacy Saipem leaves in the countries where
The Companys inclusive business model aims to it operates. In order to support its strategy, Saipem
reinforce market opportunities for local suppliers has developed a method to quantify this legacy in terms
and subcontractors, including by strengthening their of both benefits for the people trained and for the
competitiveness and capabilities. In 2015, about 68% of country as a whole.
goods and services were purchased locally, amounting to The Human Capital Development model measures the
4.43 billion. direct economic effect of training (calculated as the
Complementary strategies are focused on the costs of training in the country), the indirect effect

Innovation, Research Local hiring and Human Local and ethical

& Development Capital Development supply chain
Value for

Providing the most advanced Generating profit through Simplifying the supply logistic.
solutions to clients. a competent and committed Reducing counterparty risk and
workforce. operational costs.
Strengthening employee
attraction and retention.
Value for

Enabling the industry to meet Creating job opportunities Supporting the local market.
the global energy demand. and increasing skills for local Strengthening entrepreneurial
development. capabilities.



HCD 1.61
EI 1.74

Canada France Kazakhstan (2010)

(2011-2014) (2010-2011)

HCD 2.90 HCD 1.68

HCD 1.80
EI 1.90 EI 1.33
EI 2.02
Algeria (2010) Australia
Mexico El Encino GNLG project
Topolobampo HCD 2.43 (2011-2014)
project EI 1.84 HCD 6.50
(2013-2014) Saudi Arabia
(2011-2013) EI 1.90
HCD 2.80 Nigeria
HCD 2.20
EI 1.70 (2011-2012)
EI 1.20
Suriname HCD 5.18
TLF Refinery EI 1.57 Indonesia
Expansion project (2011-2012)
Brazil Angola (2011) HCD 14.70 Australia
HCD 5.32 Peru Guaruj Yard HCD 2.80 EI 1.62 Ichthys project
EI 1.45 (2009) (2012-2014) (2012-2015)

HCD 2.97 EI 1.32 HCD 4.59

HCD 2.80
EI 1.50 EI 1.40 EI 2.10
HCD = Human Capital Development.
EI = Economic Impact.

(the increased lifetime earning expectancy1 associated into the economy by Saipem through local spending, local
with training), and the induced effect (calculated as the wages and taxes paid.
overall effect in the country of the increased earning In a country like Canada, each Canadian dollar introduced
expectancies, household consumption and taxes). into the economy by Saipem has a total multiplier effect
The results (see map above) show that in a country like of 2.02, meaning that it has generated an additional
Angola, each dollar invested by Saipem to train local 1.02 Canadian dollars (2011-2014). For Australia and
employees has generated an additional 1.80 dollars in the France, the multiplier effect is between 2.10 and 1.90,
Angolan economy. Similar multiplier effects have been respectively. Countries with less structured industrial
obtained for France, Brazil and Saudi Arabia, while for a contexts show a more reduced but nevertheless
country like Indonesia each dollar invested has generated significant impact, with multipliers of 1.20 for Saudi
an additional 13.70 dollars in the local economy, resulting Arabia, 1.33 for Kazakhstan and 1.32 for Angola.
in a total impact of 15 million USD spread over 5 years. Strengthening the competitive context in key regions
Similarly, the value generated in the local economy where Saipem operates is a way of contributing to
by Saipems activities and operations is calculated by the countrys growth, as well as to the Companys
considering the multiplier effect of each dollar introduced effectiveness and productivity.

(1) Calculated over a 5-year timeframe.

Local community Long-term partnerships Safety

programmes integrated with local stakeholders
into business
Enhancing stakeholder engagement Strengthening Saipems licence Guaranteeing a safe workplace.
and licence to operate. to operate. Increasing operational efficiency.
Reducing the risk of work

Supporting community well-being. More influence in addressing Spreading a safety culture.

Saipems areas of intervention
for local communities.
solutions, starting from their own experience, expertise
Creating value through safety and professionalism, but with a renewed awareness of
Being a global leader carries with it the duty to operate the problems affecting the organisation that may have
responsibly towards a number of stakeholders and negative effects on its safety performance.
towards society. The explicit and clear commitment Following identification of the main causes of problems
of the Company towards environmental and social (20% of causes produce 80% of the problems) in the
sustainability has historically been an integral and four business lines of the Company, and the definition
important element of its business model. The safety of twelve action plans to tackle them, a number of
of its people, local communities and partners is a top programmes were initiated in 2015 covering all four
priority for Saipem. The Company has in fact developed areas of intervention identified. These are: reinforcing
comprehensive management systems that meet the leadership and commitment of management to safety;
requirements of applicable laws and are certified in giving priority to a competent, reliable and motivated
accordance with the most widespread international workforce; proper management of subcontractors in
standards. But the meaning and value ascribed to human order to ensure their full compliance with Saipems
life by Saipem goes beyond all this. safety standards; and defining a new approach to
For several years, as a pioneer in the Oil & Gas problems related to routine risks.
contractor sector, Saipem has been proactively The quantity and scope of the actions, both completed
developing innovative cultural change programmes and currently under way, created value by spreading
aimed at protecting human life, fostering a strong a robust global safety culture shared with a broader
organisational safety culture, and disseminating safe community beyond the workplace and inspiring
behaviours that exceed traditional safety practices. transformative behaviours within the business network
During 2015, Saipem proceeded with the We Want Zero and areas of influence.
initiative with the goal of achieving zero accidents in the
workplace and answering the question What extra effort
is required to achieve zero?. In other words, We Want See the We Want Zero initiative in
Zero motivates people to seek innovative and effective action on page 19.


initiatives in action
Area of intervention Actions
Rig Tutoring: appoint experienced Saipem Rig Toolpushers to monitor rig activities and
I Reduce
Expected/achieved targets
number of accidents by delivering
I Status
tutor the drilling crews with the purpose of correcting hazardous conditions see page 87.
on-the-job training to rig crew.
and unsafe acts that may lead to accidents (pilot programme in place in Venezuela).
Local cultural training for expatriate personnel: training involved 36 expatriate Help improve communication within the workforce
personnel from Italy, Peru and Colombia working in Venezuela, with the purpose of in multi-cultural environments, creating trust
explaining the countrys culture, customs and practices, and how see page 87. and cooperation and facilitating the transmission of
to communicate with local personnel. procedures/documents to local drilling personnel.
HSE real time operations: installation of video cameras on 2 drilling rigs connected to the Real-time monitoring of rig activities and remote
Petrex Venezuela Base, allowing real-time monitoring of critical rig operations. intervention in the event of observed unsafe
see page 87. operations. Images can be used in the event of
accident investigations.
Job Safety Analysis (JSA) for routine operations: revision of JSA for routine operations Facilitate the steps of explaining activities
and use of pictures to facilitate the explanation of critical routine tasks to rig during the tool box talks.
see page 87.
Take care of your colleague: 5 training sessions organised in Venezuela Improve team work and communication skills
see page 87.
involving a total of 60 people working on 2 drilling rigs. of rig crew members.
Daily Tour and Five Stars intervention: random visit on site (every 2 hours) performed Immediate intervention in the event of unsafe acts or
by Rig Supervisors and HSE personnel to assess the working areas, ensuring they are conditions, identification of improvement areas
free of unsafe conditions and have a good level of housekeeping, with application and increase in the number of SHOC cards compiled.
see page 87.
of the Five Star intervention method to STOP unsafe acts/conditions.
Safety Leaders championship: Safety Leadership sixth-month contest organised Active involvement of workforce and reward
on board the Saipem 12000 involving crew personnel with the motto see page 32.
for proactiveness.
each of us must become a safety leader.
Leadership & communication workshop for drilling team leaders: 26 rig team leaders Improve communication skills and build a commitment
and Rig Senior Managers from Saipem 12000 and Scarabeo 9 involved see page 31.
to action by integrating the new skills in the
in a two-day workshop. operational environment.
Human factors training course for area managers: 28 Drilling Managers from various New Oil & Gas standards presented
departments participated in a course focused on the importance of human factors and to management.
non-technical skills in drilling crew management and how these elements
see page 30.
impact operational safety.
Know you barriers campaign: definition of the offshore drilling units barrier concept (i.e. Ensure rig personnel and rig management are
barriers preventing major accidents and controlling the escalation of incidents) to see page 30.
aware of and made responsible for the barriers
identify a method for barrier management and share it with relevant personnel. they are managing.
Tool Box Wrap Up: introduction of a dedicated time organised on a weekly/daily basis Involvement of the workforce to make a day-by-day
by supervisors with the participation of the workforce to discuss and focus on the lessons contribution to safety discussions.
learned and main events of the week (e.g. incidents, near misses, safety observations).
Top Management HSE inspection: HSE Management Meetings between CEO, COO Fostering an HSE culture and discussing HSE
and Onshore BU top management and Managers and Superintendents at site. project performances; enabling CEO, COO and
Onshore BU top management to receive tangible
feedback on safety from site personnel.
Development of a Model to calculate cost for incidents: to determine the economic Demonstrate that working safely is more effective
benefits of working safely, considering both direct costs (e.g. insurance) and indirect costs in terms of costs than working unsafely.
(e.g. lost time, production delay, extra wages or overtime payments, sick pay, fines, legal
costs, investigation time, loss of business reputation and contracts).
Reinforcing Subcontractor management: development of a more cogent methodology Improve safety alignment and performance
for vendor qualification and bidding phases; development of a safety training package of subcontractors.
specific for vendors to be used during the project execution phase, already validated
at the Karimun Fabrication Yard; development of a communication guideline for endorsing
the best subcontractors and to improve the vendor feedback evaluation.
Use of a 3D model to prevent accidents: a 3-D model has been tested to anticipate Improve HSE management during execution phase,
HSE issues during the project execution phase (construction, fabrication and installation). especially when Saipem is in charge of integrating
This facilitates the organisation of virtual safety walks with views during the construction/ and/or installing equipment or modules supplied
fabrication/installation phase, thereby anticipating the main risks and allowing possible by others.
modifications in the plant to provide safer working conditions.
Highlight hazards of routine activities on board: reinforcing requirements for vessel Enhance synergies among teams and capitalise
management to coordinate and carefully plan routine tasks. on experiences.
Improve learning from mistakes: production of animations on significant high-potential Capitalising on experience enables learning from
incidents (development of 16 high-impact safety movie clips for employees and mistakes and leads to continuous improvement.
contractors, as part of the Life Saving Rules campaign), distribution of safety bulletins
and discussion (i.e. weekly meetings, ad-hoc meetings, etc.).
Competencies Assurance System: developed for Floaters personnel in order to ensure Enhance technical competence of the workforce
that competence evaluation is done through a structured and transparent system (revision and develop appropriate training.
of hiring criteria), identifying potential gaps and planning the relevant training accordingly.
Already used on the Cidade de Vitoria project and on the Gimboa project.

reinforcing leadership and management commitment to safety manage subcontractors in order to guarantee their full compliance with Saipem
safety standards
competent, reliable and motivated workforce new approach to problems related to routine risks
Renewed commitment The initiative was designed to revitalise awareness and
application of the IOGP LSR, tailoring it more to Saipems
to the Life Saving Rules specific context, and focusing on what each individual
can do to ensure that the rules are known, understood
As an outcome of We Want Zero, at the end of 2015 and internalised within the Company.
senior management presented a campaign aimed Saipem has developed its own updated materials
at reinforcing the application within Saipem of the (interactive movie, pocket booklet & card, printable
International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) poster, digital presentation materials, Tool Box Talk and
Life Saving Rules (LSR). The LSR are a set of non- supporting safety alerts, etc.) to reflect the operational
negotiable industry standard rules relating to the safe realities of the Companys various working environments.
operation of a number of activities common to the These have been translated into several languages
energy sector. Saipem has already been and currently and are accessible through a dedicated web page to
is complying with the scope of the rules as set out by allow individual personal learning or as part of a local
the IOGP, as they had already been an integral part of campaign or initiative for the wider workforce.
the Companys workplace policies and procedures for The campaign was launched by Saipem CEO Stefano
many years. But senior management has considered it Cao and, based on the Companys risk profile, three
worthwhile to recognise once again the importance of core rules, namely, Safe Working at Height (already
having the same rules across the industry as a powerful started), Confined Spaces and Moving & Energised
way of ensuring a consistent approach to controlling Equipment, were chosen as the main focus. Initiatives
high-risk activities, and as an additional incentive to will be developed locally in the operating areas based
engage subcontractors towards achieving the Zero on the local operational reality and the LSR tools will be
objective. customised as the local teams deem appropriate.

Life Saving Rules Campaign

Stage I No. of I No. of I Saipem No. of participants

LSR stage 1 - Campaign Launch

I events
I sites
I 11,632 I Subcontractors
I Clients
I Total
LSR stage 2 Core rule Working at Height 58 20 1,288 753 45 2,096

In 2010, Saipem founded the LHS experience has, over the years, communication
Foundation, which took its name helped nurture a desire to make campaigns
from the Leadership in Health these values available outside the and sports
and Safety (LiHS) programme boundaries of the Company itself. and cultural
developed and implemented The LHS Foundation is a non-profit initiatives
successfully at Saipem beginning organisation whose mission is targeted at
in 2007. The aim of LiHS is to to contribute, via research and businesses
stimulate, at every level in the continuous innovation, to the and freelance workers, students
Company, a leadership mentality dissemination of a culture of and, more generally, the entire
oriented towards the protection of health and safety. It does this by community.
basic Company values: health and developing
safety in the workplace. training Further information on the LHS Foundation
20 Saipems extremely positive programmes, can be found at:

Integrity-based business
Integrity and transparency are the principles that inspire Saipem in defining
its Corporate Governance system, a basic element of the Companys business model.
Saipem is committed to maintaining and reinforcing the Corporate Governance System,
in line with the standards of international best practices and well-suited to the
complexity of the Companys structure.

G. Turrini, Code of ethics. Lets wear a new PPE, Italy

The Governance system, along with the Companys Governance Committee has, among it its tasks, also the
strategy, is aimed at maintaining a relationship of trust assessment of the appropriateness of the commitment
between Saipem and its stakeholders and contributing to the issues of corporate social responsibility and its
to the achievement of business results, creating external reporting.
sustainable value in the long run. The Sustainability Committee is the body ultimately
Saipems organisational structure is characterised by responsible for the definition of the sustainability
the presence of a Board of Directors1 (BoD), a pivotal strategy, its integration with the objectives of the
body in the governance system, to which management business and the assessment of the achievement
of the Company is exclusively entrusted. Supervisory of expected results. The body, chaired by the Chief
functions are the responsibility of the Board of Statutory Executive Officer and composed of the Directors of the
Auditors, whereas external auditors are in charge Corporate Functions and Business Units, met 3 times
of the legal auditing of accounts. 3 committees with in 2015 to discuss the previous years results, to approve
advisory and consulting functions have been set up the Sustainability Report 2014, to approve the content
within the BoD. These are the Audit and Risk Committee, of the 2015 Sustainability Report and the Sustainability
the Compensation and Nomination Committee and the Plan 2016, resulting from the structured process of
Corporate Governance Committee2, an expression of materiality assessment conducted on both external
the Board and chaired by the Chairman. The Corporate stakeholders and on management and employees.

(1) The Shareholders Meeting manifests the will of the shareholders through resolutions adopted in compliance with the law and the Companys
Articles of Association. The current Board was appointed by the Shareholders Meeting on April 30, 2015 for a three-year period, its mandate
expiring at the Shareholders Meeting called to approve the Financial Statements at December 31, 2017. The Chairman of the Board of
Directors is a non-executive, independent Director.
(2) Further information regarding the previous positions and qualifications of the individual members of the Board of Directors are available from
their CVs which can be found in the Governance section of the Corporate website and in Saipems Corporate Governance and Shareholding
Structure Report 2015.
Corporate Governance structure
Shareholders Meeting
Management and Control Bodies

Board of Statutory Board Auditing

Auditors of Directors rm
Chairman Chairman
Mario Busso Paolo Andrea Colombo Reconta Ernst & Young SpA
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Statutory Auditors Stefano Cao
Mario Invernizzi
Giulia De Martino Directors (non executive)
Maria Elena Cappelloa
Alternate Auditors Francesco Antonio Ferruccia
Paolo Domenico Sfameni Flavia Mazzarellaa
Maria Francesca Talamonti Guido Guzzettia
Nicla Picchia
Federico Ferro-Luzzia
Leone Pattofatto

Board Committees

Audit and Risk Compensation Corporate

Internal Compliance Committee and Nomination Governance
Audit Committee Committee Committee
and Model 231 Chairwoman Chairwoman Chairman
Nicla Picchia Maria Elena Cappelloa Paolo Andrea Colombo
Manager Chairman (external)
Luigi Siri Angelo Cas Members Members Members
External Member Guido Guzzettia Federico Ferro-Luzzia Leone Pattofatto
Mario Casellato Flavia Mazzarella Francesco Antonio Ferruccia Francesco Antonio Ferruccia
Internal Membersb
Mario Colombo
Dario Gallinari
Luigi Siri

(a) Independent.
(b) The Compliance Committee includes two external members, one of them appointed as Chairman, and three internal members of the following functions: (1) General Counsel,
Company Affairs and Governance; (2) Human Resources, Organisation and Services for Personnel and (3) Internal Audit.
As of January 21, 2016.

Performance management the activities carried out in the exercise of the delegated
and assessment duties on the Groups activity and on major transactions
carried out by the Company or its subsidiaries, and
At least once every three months, the BoD receives, receives information every six months from the Board
from the Directors with executive powers, a report on Committees. The BoD approves the Strategic Plan which,
alongside specific economic and financial themes,
includes objectives related to the sustainability aspects
TRAINING PROGRAMME of Saipems business.


OF DIRECTORS Further information on BoD
responsibilities, functions and powers
Saipem has prepared and implemented a can be found in the Corporate
Board Induction programme to allow the Governance and Shareholding
Directors to gradually get to know the Company. Structure Report 2015.
The programme, which consists of 3 modules and
also involves the Statutory Auditors, was designed
to provide the Directors with in-depth knowledge The performance is presented and discussed during the
of both the industry and the Companys activities Board of Directors meetings, which subsequently issues
and organisation. In a series of meetings held with operative instructions.
the top management, the programme detailed Saipem has therefore established a comprehensive way
the activities and the organisation of the single of assigning objectives every year and evaluating the
business units and the main subsidiaries, while performance of senior management.
22 also covering sustainability strategy topics. The first step is to define the Sustainability Plan. This

document is essentially a collection of the sustainability RMI Process

objectives that have been systematised and integrated
into the business strategy, operations and management Risk Assessment
systems. Based on the outcomes of the materiality & Treatment
analysis, the specific objectives are defined for each 2
material issue. Once the general plan is approved by the Tools
Sustainability Committee, a number of objectives are
assigned to functions and business units. 1

RMI Monitoring
Guidance &
in Reporting
Given the cross-cutting nature of Risk
sustainability, setting objectives Management Methods
and quantitative/qualitative targets
for management is one of the ways 3
to ensure full consistency between
commitment and performance.

Saipem senior managers are directly involved in order of the Group Risk Assessment, the CEO presented the
to guarantee the comprehensive integration of the Board of Directors with details of the main risks to which
Sustainability objectives with the overall Business Saipem is exposed, as well as indications on the trends in
objectives of the Company. Each year, most of the project based industrial risks.
approximately 400 Senior Managers are assigned
individual objectives specifically regarding sustainability.
The specific objectives defined take into consideration
Integrity and transparency
the managers roles within the organisation and their Directors shall meet the honourability requirements
contribution to reaching Company targets, mainly prescribed by regulations, possess the professional
directed at the maximisation and development of Local expertise and experience to carry out their mandate
Content, effective engagement of stakeholders, and efficiently and effectively, and be able to dedicate
minimisation of the social and environmental impacts sufficient time and resources to their offices.
of activities. In compliance with the Corporate Governance Code,
the BoD carries out a yearly Board Review on the size,
In general terms, all managers are required to promote, composition (also in terms of gender and qualifications)
support and provide adequate resources for the and level of functioning and efficiency of the Board and
implementation of sustainability initiatives and methods its Committees. To this end, it relies on the assistance of
that are material to the specific function, area a specialist external consultant.
of responsibility or business unit.
The Saipem procedure, Transactions involving interests
Risk Management of Directors and Statutory Auditors and transactions
with related parties, aimed at guaranteeing full
The Integrated Risk Management (RMI) function was set transparency, as well as procedural and effective
up in 2013. In line with the policies defined by the Board fairness for transactions with related parties, was
of Directors with regard to the Internal Control and Risk approved by the BoD in 2010 and modified on March
Management System, it supervises the development and 12, 2012.
maintenance of Saipems Integrated Risk Management Saipem provides employees and stakeholders with
System, the aim of which is to identify, analyse, treat and an information channel through which it is possible
monitor risks the occurrence of which could affect the to report any problems related to the internal control
achievement of the Companys objectives. system, financial reporting, corporate administrative
In 2015, the management of industrial risks was liability, fraud or other topics (i.e. violations of the Code
integrated into the RMI function. of Ethics, mobbing, theft, security, etc.).

During 2015, the RMI function carried out its 3rd cycle
of Group Risk Assessment and developed a monitoring
system for the main risks. It also performed a Risk
Assessment of 21 strategically relevant subsidiaries. Further information is available online
On February 24, 2016, and on the basis of the results in the Corporate Governance section.
Since Saipem SpA has its headquarter in Italy, both the
Responsible Leadership Company and its personnel are subject to Italian law and,
Saipem is facing new business challenges that require in particular, to the provisions of Legislative Decree No.
it to revamp its professional identity, starting from the 231/2001, which regulates the administrative liability of
principles and values that drive the organisation, and to legal entities deriving from offences, such as internal
develop new models of leadership. and international bribery, committed by their directors,

employees or associates, in Italy or abroad, in the
interest or to the advantage of said legal entities.
As a multinational organisation doing business in 70
The world is changing and leadership countries and jurisdictions around the world, Saipem
is not an exception. Leadership is not and its personnel are also subject to the laws of many
other countries, including any laws ratifying international
static; it is in continuous evolution. conventions, and prohibiting the corruption of Public
The definition of leadership is changing3. Officials and private parties.
These include:
the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign
This is the reason that inspired Saipem to develop its Officials in International Business Transactions;
own Leadership Model, a new reference model that all the United Nations Convention Against Corruption;
Saipem people should adopt in line with the new Company the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) issued in the
strategy and identity, where the term leadership means United States;
more than just a tool for managers, as it also concerns the UK Bribery Act issued in the United Kingdom.
the behaviour expected from each employee, regardless
of his or her role. In accordance with the principle of zero tolerance for
The model is based on the following pillars: corruption expressed in the Code of Ethics, Saipem
knowledge, vision, integrity, decision, people and decided to face other risks head-on which may be
communication. encountered by the Company in its business activities by
It was designed using an integrated top-down and implementing a detailed system of rules and controls to
bottom-up approach: the top-down approach was prevent corruption-related crimes (the Anti-Corruption
realised through an interactive workshop with top Compliance Programme), which is characterised by its
management at the end of 2014 to define the models dynamism and constant attention to evolving national and
fundamental principles and values. international legislation and best practices.
The bottom-up approach was developed throughout
2015 thanks to 11 workshops involving Saipem personnel The Compliance Programme was introduced in
from Italy and abroad from different group companies, accordance with applicable Anti-Corruption provisions
taking various operational processes into consideration. in force and with the international conventions listed
The first semester of 2016 will see the integration of above. As part of the continuous improvement of the
the leadership behaviours identified within the main Anti-Corruption Compliance Programme, the BoD of
processes of human resources management, such as Saipem SpA approved the update of its Anti-Corruption
recruitment, training, development and performance Management System Guideline in June 2015, further
evaluation. reinforcing a number of internal rules, among which the
main improvements can be summarised as follows:
Fighting Corruption specific rules which require Saipem Personnel to avoid
and report any situations that can lead to or cause a
One of the key factors of Saipems reputation is its ability conflict of interest between their personal and family
to conduct business with loyalty, fairness, transparency, financial dealings and the tasks they carry out in the
honesty and integrity in compliance with both domestic organisational structure or body to which they belong;
and foreign laws, regulations, similar mandatory more stringent criteria regarding gifts, payments or
requirements and international standards and guidelines any other financial benefits, from and to Company
that apply to its business. personnel, to guarantee that they do not secure an

improper advantage;
specific rules were introduced concerning
Saipem rejects Anti-Corruption activities to be implemented in relation
to local community initiatives;
any form of corruption.
introduction of a wider definition of Covered Business

24 (3) Source White R. P., Hodgson P., Crainer S., The future of leadership: rising the corporate rapids into the 21st Century.

Partners4 and more specific rules with respect to the issued, its updating and development will continue with
due diligence process to be carried out before signing the design phase (where necessary) and the delivery
an agreement with counterparties and the clauses to of training initiatives to offer a vast, uniform and
be included in the agreement; systematic training catalogue (including both classroom
with reference to the recruitment process, specific and e-learning courses).
pre-hiring checks were introduced in accordance with
and as permitted by applicable local laws; Anti-Corruption themes play a central role within the
with reference to acquisitions and disposals, a framework of the new matrix.
broader due diligence process was introduced with The Company organises institutional training meetings
reference also to the activities performed by the dubbed Welcome to Saipem, for newly-recruited
target Company; graduates, with the goal of providing a general overview
introduction of a specific reference to relations of the Saipem Group and its values and mission.
between Saipem personnel and Public Officials or It also organises courses on the Legal, contractual
Relevant Private Entities5. In this respect, a specific and insurance aspects of projects for employees
Standard Corporate Procedure was issued in August with a more advanced level of seniority and expertise,
2015; especially for personnel working in the Procurement and
with reference to Anti-Corruption training, a specific Project Management areas, providing tools to assess
rule has been introduced clarifying mandatory training the impact of national and international regulations on
programmes as a contractual obligation for Saipem contractual provisions and the precautions required
personnel. to mitigate any associated risks. In addition, specific
training sessions are organised for At-Risk Personnel
(employees who have contacts with public officials or
Business ethics who may enter into contracts with third parties on
training programmes Saipems behalf) working in the countries where Saipem
operates. Moreover, a specific e-learning module on the
Saipem personnel are regularly informed of and Internal Control System over Corporate Reporting was
trained in the Companys Compliance and Governance delivered to Saipem personnel in Italy and abroad.
systems, as well as in the importance of compliance with In the framework of the Organisation Management and
legislation and related procedures, so that they clearly Control (OM&C) model and Anti-Corruption training,
understand the different crimes, risks and relevant Saipem organised numerous training sessions in 2015:
personal and corporate responsibilities, and the actions
to implement in order to avoid being penalised for
violating them. 19
Given the criticality of these issues, a training matrix on
Compliance and Governance topics has been defined.
In particular, it takes legal requirements and Company
standards into consideration, as well as the jobs and
responsibilities of the resources to whom the training is

With the goal of consolidating everyones knowledge

and awareness of Compliance and Governance and
Respecting Human Rights
providing greater clarity and consistency as regards Human Rights-related risks are inherent to Oil & Gas business
the numerous training initiatives launched over the last operations in terms of security management, intercultural
years, the matrix is a comprehensive tool for planning, and workforce issues, relations with local communities, etc.
executing and monitoring Compliance and Governance Human Rights topics were also included in the revision
training. of the internal Company procedure for the social impact
assessment study issued in September 2015 that can be
The training matrix on Compliance and Governance applied to any new project, plan or intervention, to identify
topics is not a static tool. Rather, even after it was and assess all social impacts connected with Human

(4) Covered Business Partners include those partners who act not only on behalf of Saipem but also in its interest or is likely to have Relevant
Contact with a Public Official during the course of its work for or on behalf of Saipem (for example, joint ventures, intermediaries, consultants,
distributors, vendors at high risk, agents, franchisees, brokers, etc.).
(5) Relevant Private Entities are companies, consortia, foundations, associations and other private entities, even entities without legal personality
(including credit rating agencies) performing professional, institutional or business activities, whose performance or non-performance may
produce an advantage for Saipem or which may be of interest to Saipem.
Rights topics and, whenever possible, to modify, adapt or personnel and for the people employed by vendors and
change a projects solutions to eliminate or minimise any employment agencies.
negative impacts. The vendor qualification system includes requirements
for complying with social and labour rights, with a special
Security practices focus on child and forced labour, freedom of association
With regard to security management, Saipem has been and the right to collective bargaining, as well as on
asking its external security companies since 2010 to remuneration, working hours, discrimination, disciplinary
include clauses that guarantee the respect for Human procedures, and health and safety issues.
Rights in its contracts. Any non-compliance is due grounds

for cancellation of the contract.
Every security contract must include QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRES ON WORKERS
clauses guaranteeing the respect
In addition to the above, at the end of 2015, an updated
for Human Rights. internal procedure concerning the local employment
In addition to this, for all new operational projects in agency management was issued. The aim was to
which Saipem is responsible for Security, a Security Risk reinforce the monitoring of ILO principles of the
Assessment of the country in question is made prior agencies, both during the recruiting phases and after
to any offers being tendered. If a decision is made to the signing of the contract with the employee, for
proceed with the offer, a Security Project Execution Plan example in terms of insurance coverage, timely payment,
is also prepared. The Security risk related to the operating compliance with all legal obligations and work permit
activities and context is analysed, including any issues of validity.
potential Human Rights violations.
Reporting alleged Human Rights violations
Labour standards Since 2001, Saipem has instituted a procedure for
Saipem is committed to progressively improving its reporting grievances regarding the System for Internal
capacity to monitor compliance with International Labour Control and Risk Management and other Issues in Violation
Organisation (ILO) conventions and encouraging third of the Code of Ethics (that formally include the protection
parties to comply with them. of Human Rights). The grievance mechanism is accessible
This is valid both for the management of its own to workers and third parties.

Human rights files

Total, of which:
I 2013
I 2014
I 2015
founded or partially founded 2 1 1
unfounded 15 16 8
pending - 2 6


To translate commitment relevant countries/operating sites. Participants of the HOPE
into practice and ensure After the 2014 operational session programme are in fact expected to
enforcement of respect for both in the Karimun Yard, in 2015 a discuss and familiarise themselves
a comprehensive and practical workshop was implemented in the with relevant Human Rights
approach to Human Rights, in Ambriz Petromar fabrication Yard in concepts and to identify risks
2013, Saipem launched an internal Angola. connected with Saipem operations
awareness training programme The Ambriz workshop was in the specific area. One of the
called HOPE (Human OPerational specifically structured and adapted characteristics of the programme
Environment) specifically for people to the local Angolan context. is to analyse the social, ethical
working in community relations, In this case client representatives and cultural environment and to
Human Resources, Operations, of the Kaombo Project also attended be able to simulate a virtuous
HSE and Security to help identify the workshop bringing their decision making process in case of
appropriate managerial and experience in this topic and actively conflicts.
behavioural solutions. participating in
The programme is interactive and the discussion and For further information on the HOPE
26 is intended to be implemented in role games. workshop in Angola see page 56.

In addition to this, Saipem is working to develop an and/or gold (known as 3TGs or Conflict Minerals)
internal procedure to better define specific grievance and if their trade has directly or indirectly financed
mechanisms for collecting and managing complaints armed groups operating in the Democratic Republic of
and claims from local communities for use by the whole Congo (DRC) or adjoining countries (Angola, Rwanda,
group, in addition to a number of companies that already Burundi, South Sudan, Congo, Uganda, Zambia, Republic
have their own systems in place. of Tanzania and the Central African Republic).
Saipem is making progress in its effort to increase
A sustainable supply chain awareness and further sensitise its suppliers with
regard to the issues of conflict minerals.
Following up on the project started in 2011, Saipem In 2015, Saipem implemented the following actions:
organised its fifth audit campaign in 2015 at selected the Company listed products and materials containing
vendor operating sites to assess compliance with social 3TGs necessary for business activities;
responsibility throughout the supply chain. it surveyed the vendors supplying these products;
The audits aim to collect information on the performance it issued a specific procedure, with the aim of
of suppliers on major social responsibility issues such standardising the internal process to identify suppliers
as child and forced labour, freedom of association and involved in the annual survey, to define due diligence
the right to collective bargaining, remuneration, working activities, and to obtain more manageable and
hours, discrimination and disciplinary practices, and measurable results.
health and safety. Surveys conducted in 2015 on 89 suppliers have shown
As a further objective, the campaign also verifies vendor that 44 suppliers were conflict free and 45 suppliers
compliance with Saipems principles. needed to be involved in follow-up activities in order to
The results of the visits are condensed into audit reports further analyse their supply chains.
that are submitted to the Sustainability Committee.
As in previous campaigns, improvement actions are
proposed where appropriate.
In 2015, the main objectives were to:
Follow-up on the improvement actions identified
in previous audits to check their effective
Perform two new assessment visits to China and India,
as they are considered significant business countries.
Focus on countries not covered by previous
campaigns. Due to Saipems current operations,
Bahrain and Saudi Arabia were selected.

Central Africa Sudan
Although the audits were performed in critical contexts,
the overall results showed no major problems in terms of Congo Uganda
child or forced labour and improvements were identified Democratic
in employee management both in terms of health and Republic of the
Congo (DRC)
safety and working hours. Tanzania

An analysis of the follow-up audit reports demonstrated

the effectiveness of Saipems vendor social responsibility Angola
campaign: more than two-thirds of the vendors identified
had implemented the corrective actions requested
during previous audit campaigns.

For further information on the campaign

in the Middle East see page 75.
Conflict minerals
Saipem proceeded with its programme to check the
disclosure of the products it manufactures or contracts
to manufacture containing tin, tungsten, tantalum,
Moreover, in March 2015 Saipem organised its first work one on one with each supplier to better
Due Diligence Day involving suppliers that did not understand the usage of 3TGs in their products,
respond to the 2014 survey or only replied partially or the origin of 3TGs and which smelters are used in
provided inconsistent information. The main objectives of supplier supply chains;
this initiative were to: better understand the main obstacles to finding out
describe in detail what the SEC (Securities and the information Saipem asks of its suppliers;
Exchange Commission) rule requires and what promote the use of conflict free certified smelters.
obligations Saipem needs to fulfil;
better explain how Saipem must comply with these
obligations and what information Saipem expects to
receive from its suppliers in terms of 3TG usage and


The win-win strategy Saipem has importance of a safety vision for up the debate, highlighted the
established with its subcontractors projects. strong points and the areas for
also includes cooperation and They discussed: improvement on the site and in
engagement in HSE-related issues. data analysis, explaining how good project HSE management.
Over the past few years HSE forums HSE performances can positively 6 main subcontractors were
were delivered in different countries impact productivity; asked to explain, by means of
to subcontractors to help improve essential points for creating a a presentation on a dedicated
their knowledge and culture in the safe worksite. topic, how each activity should
field. In order to focus on the main be performed following HSE
On October 6 and 7, an HSE aspects to be covered during procedures. Then, some examples
Workshop was held in Aliaa the workshop, a brief recap on of misalignment with the HSE
(Turkey) for the Aegean Refinery Health, Safety and Environmental requirements during site activities
project with the attendance of requirements was held. were presented by the Project
15 subcontractors, together with During the two-day session HSE Manager and led to an open
members of the TSGI JV (Tecnicas subcontractors participated in discussion among the parties.
Reunidas, Saipem SpA, GS and proactive activities such as: At the end of the debate,
Itochu) and SOCAR (the State Oil Co Communication: at the very subcontractors filled in an Action
of Azerbaijan)/STAR (Saipem Taqa beginning, subcontractors Plan for each topic. They committed
Al Rushaid) top management. were asked to share something to implementing 3 actions at
The event was conceived with the personal. management/site level regarding
dual goal of focusing: first, the Learning: after this ice-breaking safety aspects within an established
attention of the subcontractors top moment, subcontractors watched date.
management on the six main causes videos related to the importance The follow up of these actions
of accidents at project sites: of safety leadership and how it will take place during the monthly
road transportation and driving; can impact their own family. meeting with subcontractors.
working at height; Action: the interactive session At the end of the workshop, after
installation and hand tool use; ended with a special exercise. the final review, all the Action Plans
material handling; Subcontractors worked in were presented and everyone
heavy equipment in operation; groups to question their own participating in the two-day session
maintenance of equipment. expectations. signed the wallpaper to confirm
And second, on the importance Sharing and discussion: the their commitment to:
of Safety leadership to get the project team made the same The HSE values of the project.
subcontractors top management list of expectations and the Take charge of the relevant actions
to commit to improving the Safety Project HSE Manager, wrapping described in the Action Plans.
Culture on site.
The workshop included speeches
made by different top managers Further details on HSE forums in Nigeria and Saudi Arabia
28 are available on pages 65 and 76, respectively.
sharing their experience on the

Ensuring safety, integrity

and reliability of operations
The pursuit of integrity in operations, meaning safeguarding people, partners,
Company assets and the environment during the performance of Saipems activities,
is a top priority and a shared value among Saipems people.

O. Furci, Close To The Connection, Brazil

Saipem adopts and implements international principles specific objectives. The Saipem HSE Management
and best practices in order to safeguard integrity in System combines Health, Safety and Environment
operations. into a single comprehensive and harmonised overall
Within the framework defined by the company policy, management system. The company is committed
The Integrity in our Operations, roles, responsibilities to certifying the effectiveness and reliability of its
and processes that entail the integrity of Saipems management systems, as proven by the high percentage
operations are defined in company procedures that of group companies covered by certification: in fact most
specify how to carry out processes from planning, to
execution and control.
The three pillars of Saipems approach to asset integrity
employee expertise;
maintenance process; Asset integrity is related to preventing major
operational capabilities. incidents; it is an outcome of good design,
Currently Saipem is designing a set of Key Performance construction and operating practices and it is
Indicators in order to monitor the effectiveness of achieved when facilities are structurally and
the three pillars for each asset of its drilling fleet, mechanically sound and perform the processes and
introducing threshold acceptability limits for each produce the products for which they were designed.
element and setting annual targets for improvement. The emphasis is on preventing the unplanned release
of hydrocarbons that may, either directly or via
The safeguarding of health, safety and the environment escalation, result in a major incident. Structural
is carried out in accordance with the principles of failure or marine events may also be initial causes
precaution, prevention, protection and continuous that escalate to becoming a major incident.
improvement, endowing all levels of the Company with [Source IOGP Report Asset Integrity the key to
responsibilities for HSE issues, and the definition of managing major incident risks]
Implementation of international defined objectives, analysing approach in mitigating risks, as an
principles and best practices. variances, identifying and carrying integral part of management and
Acquisition of certificates that out any corrective actions. business activities.
attest conformity with national Involvement of employees and Promotion of behaviours that
and international standards. development of training initiatives are in line with its standards of
Clear definition of roles, aimed at promoting cautious and integrity in operations along the
responsibilities and procedures preventive behaviours. supply chain.
to carry out planning, execution Risk prevention,
Further information can be found in
and control of processes. through a
The Integrity in our Operations.
Monitoring the achievement of proactive

of the Saipem Groups operating companies (excluding Saipem recognises the managements commitment and
immaterial subsidiaries and subsidiaries that do not have leadership as primary drivers for a proper and effective
control or do not manage operating projects) are OHSAS approach to future actions, as they generate employee
18001, ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 certified. In addition, involvement with shared responsibility based on open
some companies are working to extend their certification and honest communication.
or for new certifications. To accomplish this, programmes have been designed to
The effectiveness of the systems in place is involve Company managers in the process; the first one
demonstrated by the substantial improvements Saipem was a one-day informative/formative workshop held in
has seen in Total Recordable Incident Frequency Rates March 2015. The event involved 28 Drilling operational
(TRIFR) in the last years. department Senior Managers and administrative staff
management. What human factors are, how human
The year 2015 has seen the pursuit of the Barrier factors elements influence performance, and how
Management Programme, initially launched on human factors can be integrated in the organisational
Scarabeo 5 and 8, both operating in Norway, and aimed processes were presented during the training session.
at training, informing and further empowering staff on The next steps will see a more operative implementation
process safety, safety cases and barrier management. of human factors management in drilling operational
The barriers (technical, procedural and organisational) activities through the development of training packages
are identified as any actions that limit the occurrence and workshops, and in accordance with IOGP guidelines.
of a top event, an adverse event related to major
hazards in operating activities. At the end of 2015, 96%
of personnel onboard Scarabeo 8 and 95% onboard
Human Factors Engineering
Scarabeo 5 underwent training. Human Factors Engineering (HFE) focuses on the
application of human factors knowledge for the design
Human factors: the new and construction of socio-technical systems, to ensure
that systems optimise human contributions to production
frontier for the process and minimise the potential for design-induced risks to
safety management health, personnel or process safety.
Many human factors engineering issues can be
The human factors discipline is concerned with controlled by ensuring proper compliance with the
understanding the interactions of individuals with each technical standards already in place. However, there
other and with other elements of complex systems are cases where what is specified in the standards
(facilities, equipment and systems), and how these does not necessarily cover design features necessary
interactions could contribute or not to ensuring a for supporting efficient, reliable and safe human
safe workplace. Significant improvement in safety performance.
performance could be achieved by taking better and Saipem has developed specific processes and
more explicit account of the way people interact methodologies to control human factors engineering
with every aspect of the workplace while also taking related risks, as in the three modules described below:
the personnel culture and local environment into HFE in projects, whose purpose is to ensure that
consideration. Dealing with human factors means systems are designed to optimise human contributions
applying a mix of scientific principles, lessons learned to production and minimises potential design-induced
from previous incidents and operational experience risks to health, personnel or process safety or
to optimise the well-being of people working on a wide environmental performance through effectively
range of company aspects. integrating HFE principles in project development,
Conscious of the important contribution that the proper from the bidding stage and after contract award.
management of human factors could make, Saipem HFE during project development (Construction/
has started to integrate human factors issues into its Fabrication/Installation), aimed at ensuring that
30 management systems. human factors are taken into consideration during

HFE during project development

HFE Screening HFE Design HFE Design HFE Reporting

Workshop analysis validation
multidisciplinary Review
applicable 3Dreview
model HFE
to ensure
HFE Report on
Results of the
and facilitated
workshop that
Valve criticality
efficient and safe
access, operability
previous HFE
analysis and
aims to define the
required scope
room HFE and handling,
for the following
of HFE activity
by reviewing
Safety Critical
Tasks analysis
and weather
conditions by
project phases

the project for the full range

potential HFE of potential
risks, issues and personnel
opportunities HFE design review

the definition of construction methods and erection The interaction of human factors
sequences to achieve a design that is safer to
construct. The core of the process involves HSE experts
participating during the Constructability Reviews and Individual factors
the early identification of Construction Hazards. Knowledge, expectations, attention,
goals, health, fatigue, age, culture,
Human Factors General Assessment provides a tool body size, strength, stress, etc.

to review Company Assets from an HFE standpoint

in order to define possible reasonable improvements
to be implemented or to proceed with a cost/ Workplaces Management
Workplace design Systems organisational
benefit analysis to evaluate the feasibility or relevant Facility layout, workstation management
configuration, accessibility, etc. Organisation of work, policies,
Human Factors General Assessment investments. management decisions, etc.
Equipment design
The goal is to provide a tool to assess existing Displays, controls, interface, Job design
feedback, warning systems, Work schedule, workload,
facilities (e.g. fabrication yards, vessels, etc.) from ease of use task design,
job requirements, etc.
an ergonomics stand point by means of structured Work environment
Noise, vibration, lighting, Information transfer
walkthroughs, to be performed when required by site temperature, Communication (written and oral),
chemical exposure, etc. instructions, labels, signs, etc.
personnel and involving Management, Operations and
HSE Personnel. Improvement actions indicated by
the checkpoints are based on ergonomic principles
applicable in the workplace and are usually directed to Source: International Association of Oil & Gas Producers.
particular aspects of materials storage and handling,
machine safety, workstation design, lighting, premises,
welfare facilities and work organisation.
Currently HFE activities are being developed on projects that encouraged knowledge sharing, where theory and
in Kuwait, Egypt and Indonesia. best practices encountered rig operational experience.
The second day saw the participation of Offshore Rig
Senior Management. Through practical exercises and
For further information on HFE examples from day-to-day rig operations, team leaders
activities in Indonesia see page 81. explored the importance of verbal and non-verbal
communication, the barriers to good communication and
how to improve communication skills. Another theme
Soft skills development dealt with Leadership styles in an operative context, and
to guarantee based on the participants experience, their influence on
team motivation was analysed.
safe operations As a result of the workshop, the participants identified
Both technical and soft skills are necessary improvement areas to ensure a better communication
competencies for successful and safe operations. flow between departments and within the teams.
Considering the history of major incidents in the The Saipem 12000 was the scene of another innovative
drilling industry, in 2015 Saipem developed a specific project aimed at reinforcing leadership attitudes of the
Leadership & Communication workshop for drilling crew in guaranteeing safe operations.
team leaders assigned on Saipem 12000 and Scarabeo
9. The two-day workshop took place at the Milan head The Safety Leaders Championship was developed by
office with 26 participants hailing from 8 different a multidisciplinary workgroup with the aim of increasing
nationalities who were actively involved in an atmosphere individual and collective leadership, recognising and
This course allowed us to share our professional experience
with individual personalities, putting people with different roles and experiences
side by side around the same table.
The workshop produced a strong commitment on the part of the participants because
it facilitated the exchange of ideas, speaking in public, working on the same team
with management, and allowing us to make our own contributions to projects.
Feedback from a rig manager on the Leadership & Communication workshop

rewarding good initiatives (operational safety and Emergency preparedness and immediate response is a
operational improvements) performed by personnel, clear imperative for the entire Oil & Gas business, also as
empowering the crew to intervene and stop unsafe acts a consequence of past tragic events. All the companies
and stimulating participation in HSE training courses. have been required to demonstrate their full capability and
The Championship, which lasted six months, involved all capacity to responding to any kind of emergency whether
departments working on the vessel, divided into 22 safety they encompass medical, environmental, asset emergency
teams, each one captained by a safety leader (appointed or natural disasters such as flooding, earthquake, etc.

by rotation on a two-week basis) responsible for motivating
their team to actively participate in the Championship,
using the safety tools available and spreading the safety
As a consequence of its renovated
orientation within the team. The safety teams competed to commitment to the total integrity of its
reach the highest championship score, calculated based operations, in 2015 Saipem developed
on a series of indicators (On The job Assessments and a new emergency response model.
Safety Hazard Observation Cards Analysis completed and
participation in HSE Training Courses).
During the championship, 3 training courses to improve
the communication and leadership skills of crew, The model clarified and reinforced the roles and
personnel and the working team and on operational responsibilities of all the functions involved in operations,
safety were organised. from corporate to operating companies and projects,
with a special focus on their duties in analysing potential
Emergency preparedness risks and threats and the processes to respond to
them in a coordinated manner. Local crisis units and
Managing asset integrity means also planning and a Corporate Crisis Committee, represented by the
implementing robust emergency response barriers. Companys top management, was set up. In addition


million man-hours LTI & TRI Frequency Rate
TRIFR (Total Recordable Incident Frequency rate) in 350 2.0
2015 was 1.08, hence below the established target
of 1.09. Overall TRIFR performance in 2015 improved 280 1.6
by 1% compared to the 2014 result of 1.09. This
data underscores the fact that the overall number of 210 1.2
accidents has decreased.
The Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) is 0.31 140 0.8
(0.28 in 2014).
Unfortunately, two fatalities occurred in 2015 70 0.4
(Offshore & Drilling). The first was recorded during
an offshore operation on board the Castoro II, when 0
2013 2014 2015
a worker was crushed between pipes in the conveyor TRI Frequency Rate (worldwide)
area while blasting. The second was recorded on an LTI Frequency Rate (worldwide)
onshore drilling rig when a worker sustained a fatal It should be noted that safety data also includes Saipems subcontractors operating within
head injury, caused by the impact of a falling slip the work perimeter (not necessarily geographical) in which Saipem is responsible for
defining, implementing and monitoring HSE standards.
32 segment from a casing spider elevator.

to the revised crisis management model, Saipem has Starting from the identification of the main situations in
created a fully digital and best in class emergency which a spill of pollutants may occur, specific procedures
and crisis room located in the Milan main offices, with define systems to control and avoid any release.
satellite and digital communications, video conference All personnel involved in spill response are duly trained
facilities and several phone land lines. in emergency drills, carried-out regularly as part of the
A new web based portal was also realised, named annual drill plans, also in collaboration with clients and
Pangea, to collect and monitor all the documentation other entities involved.
of the companies, vessels and projects related to the The drill scenarios taken into account are of various
Emergency and Crisis process including emergency types in order to cover all possible kinds of spills.
response plans, medical response plans and other Concerning specifically offshore activities, in 2015,
information necessary to ensure a prompt response in Saipem vessels and offshore drilling rigs started the
case of an escalation of an emergency situation. process of mapping oil spill critical areas/equipment
in order to identify and document sources of potential
Reinforcing pollution, assess the risk of spills and define mitigation
oil spill prevention This is an essential step in the development of a
and preparedness response strategy, but also a crucial tool for assisting
responders in case of an incident.
Maintaining the integrity of company processes and
assets also means preventing and minimising spills. Total spills
In line with its HSE Policy, Saipem adopted a pollution
No. m3
prevention approach as a guiding principle for all of
150 150
its activities, using its best efforts to prevent and
take all reasonable precautions to avoid pollution or
120 120
contamination of the land, air or water. Given the results
of risk analysis on Saipem operations, spill prevention
90 90
and preparedness are a top priority for Saipem.
During the course of an operating project, every 60 60
effort shall be made to ensure that all operations
are conducted in order to avoid the risk of a spill 30 30
situation or, whenever an incident occurs, to implement
measures and actions to prevent its escalation. 0
Among the three main phases when facing a spill 2013 2014 2015
contingency, which are prevention, preparedness and Volume of spills
response, the first phase is clearly the most important In 2015, spill number (38) and spill volume decreased compared to 2014 (50) and 2013 (77).
All incidents are reported and investigated appropriately in order to establish the causes
area to be taken into account. and identify corrective actions to prevent such events from happening in the future.


Saipem has a specialised Oil Spill authorities and private companies, IMO as an institute that can certify
Response Team (OSRT) based as well as actively participating in company staff without having to
in Fano (Italy) that is capable of oil drills. resort to external certifications.
providing a high level of Oil Spill Since August 2011, the OSRT In 2015, OSRT signed an agreement
Response Services. The Team is has been supplying courses on with Altec SpA, an Italian company
specialised in marine protection the subject of Oil Spill Response specialised in engineering and
activities to fight pollution caused (OSR) and issuing certifications logistics services to support
by the dredging of contaminated of attendance as a Certified operations and utilisation of
basins/industrial port areas Trainer by the Nautical Institute the International Space Station.
and the management of vessel (NI), in accordance with IMO-OPRC The agreement is meant to regulate
demolition at certified sites regulations (International Maritime cooperation in the development of a
in accordance with the latest Organisation - International research project concerning the oil
international regulations. Convention on Oil Pollution spill response sector, called EWIS:
Since the 1990s, the OSRT has Preparedness, Response and Early Warning Integrated System.
been providing support to prevent Co-operation). The Saipem OSRT
and respond to spills in the is the first entity among Oil & Gas Further information
Mediterranean Area to Italian public operators to be accredited by the available on page 53.
To date, these studies were evaluated on various types
Environmentally efficient of assets, including offshore vessels (Saipem 7000),
and reliable operations land and sea drilling rigs, fabrication yards and
office buildings. Downstream of these studies, the
Reliable operations mean also guaranteeing that interventions deemed most cost-effective were
Company activities do not cause damage to the selected and appropriate measures were immediately
environment. implemented, allowing a saving in terms of energy

consumption and emissions. In terms of replicability and
reliability, the main interventions were as follows:
Saipem promotes different approaches Power Load Management - to manage loads when
multiple generators are used.
that limit consumption and subsequent Heat Recovery - to recover heat from flue gas or other
emissions into the atmosphere through process fluids that would otherwise be dispersed.
the use of proven technologies and Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) - to modulate
proposals for innovative solutions. consumption of electric motors based on the actual
Through energy assessment studies conducted on Company Standby power reduction - to avoid hidden residual
assets, the main energy flows are identified starting from consumption on equipment not on line.
the source (local self-generation or electricity network) up to Optimisation and replacement of lighting systems with
end users. Technological solutions and operations can then more efficient technologies.
be defined in order to reduce consumption and increase the Elimination of leaks in the lines (example: compressed
overall efficiency of the asset. air).

Total GHG emissions Total energy consumption

million worked man-hours Mt CO2 eq emissions million worked man-hours ktoe
350 2.0 350 700

280 1.6 280 560

210 1.2 210 420

140 0.8 140 280

70 0.4 70 140

0 0,0 0
2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2015
Scope 1 emission Scope 2 emission Total energy consumption
In 2015, the total value of Saipem Scope 1 emission is 1,504 kt CO2 eq (1,420 in 2014 and In 2015, Saipem consumed 514 ktoe of energy (564 in 2014 and 622.6 in 2013). Energy
1,539 in 2013). It should be noted that the methodology to calculate direct GHG emissions consuption by worked man-hours increased slightly in 2015 (2.19) compared to 2014 (2.12)
was modified in 2015. Regarding Scope 2 emission the total value is 43 kt CO2 eq. Further and to 2013 (2.08). Further details on this performance can be found in the Sustainability
details and a description can be found in the Sustainability Statements of the Annual Report Statements of the Annual Report 2015.


Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) December 2015. efficiency initiatives, targets
is an international non-profit Saipem has participated in the and GHG emissions data); the
organisation that collects data Carbon Disclosure Project since Performance Band from A (max)
and information on GHG emissions 2009, increasing its score from to E (min) measures performance
and company strategies and 47 (2009) to 92 B (2015) and in terms of GHG emissions,
actions to reduce emissions and has also shown a positive trend reductions due to specific activities
face climate change risks. GHG considering its 2014 score (81 and accuracy of GHG data.
emissions reduction is one of the C). The Disclosure Score (0-100) It is worth mentioning that
most important environmental measures the completeness and Saipems 2015 score was higher
aspects for society as also transparency of a companys compared to the 2015 Industry
confirmed by the COP21 agreement disclosure on climate change Group Average and the overall
34 signed by 195 countries in Paris in issues (strategies, energy 2015 CDP Programme Average.


As stated in Saipems Sustainability environmental management create awareness and reinforce
Policy, the conservation of systems applied to operating the concept of biodiversity and
biodiversity and ecosystems projects include the proper ecosystems as contributing to
is an essential component of identification and evaluation of all value creation for society.
the Companys approach to potential impacts on biodiversity Furthermore, Saipem is committed
environmental preservation in and ecosystem services deriving to promoting research and
project execution. Based on a from its operations, and the development and technological
projects peculiarities, these implementation of appropriate innovation to reduce the impacts on
aspects are considered and mitigation actions to minimise any the environment and biodiversity,
integrated into the objectives and adverse effects. using both internal resources and
operating practices along the In addition to that, further collaborating with other experts
projects entire life cycle, applying initiatives could be defined, also in in the engineering and Oil & Gas
principles that are consistent partnerships with local entities, to sector.
with internationally recognised
guidelines and standards on
biodiversity. Some more practical examples of Saipems commitment
In particular, the Companys are described in the Biodiversity leaflet.

Saipem also has an engineering unit dedicated to Finally, Saipem has solid experience in the technologies
developing innovative solutions to reduce the electricity that make up the chain of CO2 Management, from
needs of existing or new industrial plants, thereby capture, transport and storage.
making the process more sustainable in terms of It has developed projects and case studies in CO2
resource consumption. The development of technologies segregation through technical Acid Gas Injection (AGI),
such as ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) and Mini-Hydro are or Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR).
examples of what has been achieved by the Company,
as well as developments for introducing the use of
renewable resources for the production of process heat
or as stand-alone plants.

For further information see the Saipem

innovation showcase on page 37.
Operational excellence:
built to be at the top
Saipems capacity to innovate is a key component of value generation. In fact, the most
important contribution Saipem makes in creating value for social progress is in its
capacity to innovate, in the widest sense of the term, doing its business: enhancing its
technical and engineering knowledge, developing more efficient systems and processes
to make the most of natural resources, applying its expertise, talent, and resources to
serve as a catalyst for development by a range of partners.

W. Z. Tang, Castorone, Singapore

Saipems history is based on a strong propensity to Innovation is one of the main

change, technological development, new instruments and pillars for meeting the competitive
successful operating methods. It is in the companys DNA.
The success of many of Saipems projects, as well as challenge.
one of the main sources of Company competitiveness, Over the years, Saipem has counted a great many
are driven by technical advances: indeed, technology in-house innovations which brought and are still bringing
innovation is essential to the Companys success of most significant added value to Saipems current and future
of its operations as it enables Saipem to identify and projects, whose most recent include:
anticipate the future needs of the Oil & Gas industry, as new and faster pipeline welding technologies which
well as to provide clients with the most advanced solutions. allow an increase in productivity and the quality
But technological innovation nowadays is often aimed also of girth welds on clad and carbon steel pipes,
at either improving energy efficiency, saving in terms of increasing the reliability of the final product;
reducing the quantities of raw materials used, reducing the innovative laying and trenching technologies,
environmental impact or the risk of undesired events. also allowing for successful operation in shallow
Technology innovation for Saipem is, on the one hand, and ultra-shallow waters and in very cold climates;
an enabling factor for achieving improved operational development of innovative solutions for subsea
performance, for exploiting new and challenging field exploitation, comprising new SURF and subsea
opportunities and, on the other, an essential element for processing technologies and development of an
reducing the impacts of construction activities. industrial model for a subsea factory;
It is either developed in steps from initial idea to innovative FLNG offloading systems;

application, or conceived directly in the field as a adoption of new drilling techniques for
result of a problem solving approach. ultra-deepwater operations;

innovative rigs for harsh/arctic operations; high pressure and high temperature applications.
continuous development of advanced solutions in the Saipem Welding System (SWS): an automatic welding
flagship urea synthesis process technology, which machine to optimise sealine installation.
greatly contributed to improving the success in selling
licenses and plants on an EPC basis; Offshore technology
worldwide recognised know-how and technological Subsea field developments: development of skills, high
capability in very complex technologies such as LNG technological leverage and strong contents in subsea
and gasification or hydrotreatment of heavy oils. processing and subsea remote operations, especially
for subsea water treatment and injection in subsea
Saipem innovation showcase gas/liquid separation, liquid/liquid separation, repair
and connection systems, and other subsea engineered
A list of the latest and most significant innovations by systems.
area of application is provided below. FLNG business: qualification of a new tandem offshore
system that uses cryogenic floating hoses developed
Technology for the SURF market in partnership with Trelleborg to increase LNG
Single independent riser technology: designed offloading operation up-time and safety.
to improve fatigue behaviour and to extend the
application range far beyond 3,000 m of water depth. New remote intervention technologies
Heat traced pipe-in-pipe for rigid J-Lay: extends Remote operation and intervention technologies are
the application of the most efficient active heating key to the success of subsea installation and in the life
technology to larger diameter risers and flowlines, of field subsea markets.
for even longer tie-back lines. Saipem, through its Sonsub business line, has just
Fusion bonded joint technique: enables the installation developed and manufactured the first prototype of the
of plastic-lined pipes for highly corrosive fluids, instead Innovator 2.0, the new generation, high power, work
of more expensive clad pipes and is an example class ROV (Remote Operated Vehicles).
of technology designed to reduce costs, an aspect This is a vehicle with very high reliability (certified by DNV
of paramount importance especially in the current low and Norsok), rated for a power of 200 hp in 4,000 metres
oil price scenario. of water depth, high bollard pull, high payload and with
advanced navigation and extended survey capabilities.
Materials technology Following the success of one of the most challenging
Internal plasma welding technology for carbon steel subsea interventions ever carried out, the oil recovery
and clad sealines, successfully used on projects from the Prestige wreck, OSRL (Oil Spill Response Ltd, a
in Asia, the Middle East and the Caspian area to consortium comprising most of the major oil companies)
increase productivity and achieve higher quality assigned Saipem with a project to conceptualise,
at lower costs. New and even faster welding and design, test and fabricate a novel system to transport
field joint coating techniques, exotic and composite and install a hard-cap on a subsea well in blow-out, in
materials for pipes, spools and ancillaries are under less than 500 m of water depth, a range considered
development, to fight corrosion and fatigue and for critical. The system, now under construction, should
indeed allow installation operations to keep a distance
of at least 500 m from the spill, minimising risks for the
Collaboration with intervention fleet and ensuring response readiness.

the Politecnico di Milano Main fleet vessel innovations:

for LNG regasification Normand Maximus
Normand Maximus is a new, top-class, offshore
technology construction vessel owned by Solstad and chartered
The regasification of LNG (liquefied natural by Saipem currently under construction at the VARD
gas) is obtained using the heat supplied by sea
water in a relatively inefficient way. Saipem has
studied several options for enhancing the energy
efficiency of regasification of LNG in collaboration
with the Politecnico di Milano, the most prestigious
technical university in Italy. Results show a
significant reduction in energy consumption
compared to state-of-the-art is achievable by
combining known and new techniques. The most
promising solutions identified will be further
developed to achieve commercial readiness.
Saipems E&C flagship
The Saipem Group possesses a strong, technologically advanced and
highly versatile fleet, as well as world class engineering and project
management expertise. These unique capabilities and competencies,
together with a long-standing presence in strategic frontier markets,
represent an industrial model that is particularly well suited to EPCI shipyards and with delivery expected in 2016. This
projects. DP class 3 vessel is the result of an innovative design
philosophy that couples SURF installation capabilities
Castorone with ultra-deepwater field development activities, as
per Saipem requirements. It combines high-end subsea
lifting capabilities of up to 900 Te with exceptional
main deck and below deck payload abilities and with
a 550 Te vertical laying system. Normand Maximus is
designed to perform under the harshest environmental
conditions, with multiple levels of redundancy. It will
be equipped with two Innovator 2.0 ROVs in enclosed
hangars with dedicated moonpools and cursor systems
Ice class pipelaying vessel which can perform S-lay in shallow to allow deployment of the ROV with up to 7 metres of
waters and steep S-lay in deepwaters (more than 2,000 m/6,562 significative wave height. The vessel received the Clean
ft), switching to J-lay mode for ultra-deepwaters (up to and more Design Class Notation, achieving a 95% NOx emission
than 3,000 m/9,842 ft) or where the project requirements limit pipe reduction with the selective catalytic reduction system.
bending and longitudinal stresses. This versatility has been achieved
through numerous distinctive features such as a DP-3 dynamic Urea plants
positioning system designed for pipelay operations; a high bollard pull Snamprogetti Urea Technology: Saipem has
to counteract pipe bottom tension; and a ramp system with pipe roller contracted or licensed more than 130 plants with its
supports that is fully remote-controlled without having to abandon the proprietary technology for a total urea production
pipe, and capable of attaining a near-vertical ramp exit angle. exceeding 222,000 tonnes per day all over the world.
The fluid dynamics of a urea reactor can be significantly
Saipem 7000 improved by the introduction of the latest generation
Semisubmersible of high efficiency trays recently invented and patented
crane vessel with by Saipem. The support of a systematic plan of
a state-of-the-art fluid-dynamic simulations was a significant contribution
J-lay tower, to the development of the innovative design.
upgraded dynamic Snamprogetti SuperCups greatly increase the mixing
positioning of the liquid and gaseous phases, thus optimising the
capability and product conversion rate in the reactor: the immediate
fast ballasting benefit is the lower specific steam consumption
system. It has the requirement in downstream sections and, therefore,
capacity to handle the entire workscope of offshore construction lower emissions of GHGs. Implementation of the new
developments worldwide, encompassing pipelaying in water depths internals for the urea synthesis reactor was recently
greater than 2,000 metres and heavy lift operations up to 14,000 and positively carried out in two industrial plants.
tonnes. The vessels Class 3 DP system of 12 thrusters ensures that In newly-built plants the chance of building smaller
the vessel maintains good station keeping even in the most difficult reactors for the same capacity will also lead to savings
weather conditions. in the needed amount of expensive construction
materials. At the same time the Urea Zero Emission
FDS 2 project is proceeding and several solutions are
currently being developed to make urea plants
completely neutral toward the external environment.

Other activities
Moss ECO solutions - Moss Maritime, an engineering
company fully owned by Saipem, has developed the new
Moss ECO line of green technologies for application
on drilling semisubmersible rigs, drill ships, platform
supply vessels and anchor handling tugs. These solutions
share the common goal of maximising energy saving and
Multipurpose monohull dynamically positioned crane and pipelay minimising the environmental impact during offshore
(J-lay) vessel utilised for the development of hydrocarbon fields in drilling operations.
deep waters, equipped with cutting-edge class 3 DP and pipeline
fabrication systems. The FDS 2 has a vertical J-lay tower with New technologies for energy recovery in onshore plants
a holding capacity of 2,000 tonnes capable of laying quad joint - Onshore plants, like oil refineries, petrochemical units,
sealines of up to 36 in diameter and also possesses the capability and oil extraction plants, typically use energy derived from
38 to lay pipes in S mode. fossil fuels, either produced on site by fuel combustion or

imported as electrical power. There are however many

situations, both logistically and geographically, that may Saipems Drilling flagship
favour the use of renewable energy, reducing the import
of conventional energy and enhancing sustainability of At year-end 2015, the Saipem offshore drilling fleet consisted of
operations. Saipem has developed a series of studies, taking 15 vessels: 7 deepwater units for operations at depths exceeding
into account different types of renewables. For example, 1,000 metres (the drillships Saipem 10000 and Saipem 12000
options were studied and defined for the exploitation and the semi-submersible drilling rigs Scarabeo 5, Scarabeo
of water heads typically present in hydraulic loops of 6, Scarabeo 7, Scarabeo 8 and Scarabeo 9), 1 for mid water
refineries and petrochemical plants for the production of operations at depths of up to 500 metres (the semi-submersible
hydro-electric power (at zero carbon footprint) resulting Scarabeo 3), two high specification jack-ups for operations at
in a lower need to import energy. While other studies were depths of up to 375 feet/114 metres (Perro Negro 7 and Perro
carried out on the oil extraction fields, in which steam Negro 8), 4 standard jack-ups for activities at depths up to 300
injection is used for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), and feet/91 metres (Perro Negro 2, Perro Negro 3, Perro Negro 4 and
steam is usually produced from the combustion of fossil Perro Negro 5) and one barge tender rig (TAD).
fuels, thus contributing to increase the carbon footprint of
oil production. The alternative use of Concentrated Solar Saipem 10000
Power (CSP) was studied, resulting in a more sustainable 5th generation ultra
approach to EOR. deepwater drillship,
can operate up
Continuous improvement for remediation - Saipem to around 3,000
owns specific knowledge in the field of environmental metres underwater
protection and remediation, applied either in specific and drill up to
remediation projects for clients or in EPC projects approximately
and continuously improved through innovation. Among 10,000 metres in
the latest achievements, it is worth mentioning the depth. The ship
development of a SoilGis software to define the has an integrated, automated control and monitoring system.
propagation (Fate and Transport) of contaminants The drillship is designed to function as an integrated unit allowing
deriving from accidental oil spills and chemical releases all systems including propulsion, power management, power
in the soil to ensure prompt and efficient containment generation, fluid flow systems, fluid storage systems and drilling
and remediation actions. systems to be monitored and controlled via a single integrated
monitoring and control network. The unit is zero pollution
Engaging employees certified.
and energising innovation
Since 2003, with the institution of the Innovation Trophy, Scarabeo 8
Saipem has sought to reward employees who bring their Last generation semisubmersible
innovative spirit, advantages and concrete results to drilling unit, it represents
the Company. Since its inception, attention was mostly the state-of-the-art of harsh
directed towards technology development and several environment and unmanned
hundred proposals respecting the main criteria that operation drilling units. The unit
define innovations (originality, resulting benefits, spirit complies with Norwegian
of initiative) were received. A few of them have laid out regulations and standards and
Saipems most important successes in the recent past. holds the Basic DNV Winterization
It was decided to launch a new edition in recent years class notation level. Scarabeo 8
that would also target innovation developed outside of is classified to operate with a dynamic positioning DP3 system
the traditional R&D/technology development efforts by or moored thrusters assisted. The unit is designed to be zero
awarding Management Process innovations. pollution and zero discharge in compliance with the strictest
Finally in 2015, a new special prize was introduced for environmental regulations.
technology innovation to acknowledge the sustainability
value of Company operations. Perro Negro 8
Beside these efforts, Saipem has recently encouraged Self-elevating, non-propelled drilling
other forms of innovation, i.e. promoting innovative platform, suitable for worldwide
behaviour for the day-to-day operations of the Company. drilling operations. It is rated for
A new initiative was launched at the end of 2015, called Idea 350 feet water depth and has a
Innovation Challenge (IIC), to encourage new innovative drilling depth capability of 30,000
ideas through collaboration and knowledge sharing using ft. The jacking structures consist
crowd-sourcing tools. The IIC involves all Saipem people in of three columns, connected to the
the innovation process, allowing them to propose their own hull around the leg well at the lower
ideas to solve real specific business challenges. side and by means of bracings at the top above the main deck.
In 2015, the internal Innovation pipeline in a tunnel. sustainable practices. As pointed
Trophy prize was awarded by the The Narrows Marine Crossing out by the jury, the massive pipeline
Narrow Marine Crossing project in project is an example of technological project to cross The Narrows
Australia where Saipem realised one excellence applied to sustainability waterway in Gladstone offers vastly
of the worlds longest trenchless which aims to reduce the improved environmental benefits
marine pipelines. environmental footprint of all the compared to other construction
In order to minimise the operations, particularly in areas options and trenching in particular.
environmental impact of pipeline with a delicate ecosystem. Beside Building the tunnel eight metres
construction activities, Saipem the internal award, the project below the seabed has prevented
built a 4-metre wide undersea technologies innovation developed disturbance to marine habitats,
tunnel enabling the pipeline to cross for the Narrow Marine Crossing wildlife and surrounding coastal
the Narrows without causing any project in Australia also won the environments. The tunnel has set
disturbance to the local marine 2014 Premiers Sustainability new standards for marine crossings
habitat, wildlife and surrounding Award, for the Innovation in in environmentally-sensitive areas
coastal environment. The most Sustainable Technologies category. and is already being adopted by
innovative aspect of this project, The Premiers Sustainability Awards industry peers as best practice.
never performed before in the Oil are a state-wide programme that [source:
& Gas industry, is the utilisation of recognises the achievements premiersawards/2014-finalists-winners.html]
a pipe thruster machine to launch a of Queenslanders in adopting

The Knowledge: development of resources. The main initiatives included in

the K-Model, as a knowledge management system, are:
a key factor for Saipem Review of internal development paths with a focus
on crossover skills, an even tighter link for planning
Within Saipems commitment to having a competent resources, valuing the singularities of the local
workforce, the goal of the K-Factor project is to improve entities with the goal of ensuring carefully targeted
the Companys ability to map, develop and monitor skills communications aimed at people.
considered critical for ensuring the reliable development Definition and update of the Training Matrix with the
of operations. This special project represents a critical definition of the training contents available in Italy and
success factor for Saipem thanks to the investment in abroad.
the knowledge and skill of its people, a key element for a Definition of the Job Training model to monitor, track
knowledge-based organisation such as Saipem. and assess the transfer of know-how on the job.
The K-Factor project has two core activities: the K-Map and
K-Model initiatives. The K-Map campaign, launched to map
the professional skills and experiences of the Companys
crucial roles, is still under way. Mapping is achieved mainly
through the skills evaluation process (which allows for EVALUATED
identifying the Professional Role coverage). At the beginning
of 2016, around 3,600 resources were mapped, covering
116 roles. The mapping output makes it possible to analyse
the role coverage and any relevant gaps and professional
1.64 mln
experiences gained, all core elements in the training and TRAINING MAN-HOURS DELIVERED

Degree of role coverage*

Summary view of the population involved in the K-Factor 1.7%
100% skills
953 25.5%

Skill evaluation 90100% skills

Skill evaluation
in progress
5090% skills

3,589 27.2%
50% skills
40 (*) Figures as at February 29, 2016.

The new LiHS Reboot strategy targets first line

LiHS Reboot onboard supervisors, as well as the key link between VMT and
Saipem Offshore the workforce. First line supervisors are often young,
Construction Fleet energetic and as such, the perfect target for creating
and spreading a new generation of conscious Safety
Within the framework of the We Want Zero programme, Leaders. Thus the Management is committed to calling
the need to reboot the Saipem LiHS programme was all first line supervisors for a 5-day training workshop,
identified by the workgroups of the business lines. encompassing several technical and non-technical
An analysis of the current situation revealed that, topics, among which 2 out of 5 days are allocated to HSE.
due to the high turnover of the vessel crews and Supervisors are hence exposed to the LiHS message
to a project-based approach to the roll-out of the and called to become active participants in the overall
programme, a large portion of the crew, even at the roll-out. They are in the perfect position to lead by
highest ranks, was not fully aware of and engaged example in the fundamental Intervene! behaviour (*) that
in the LiHS programme, the leadership development triggers every cultural step change.
and cultural change programme developed by Saipem Another key point learned from past experience is the
and launched in 2007. The programme has been need for continuous support from the Line Management
developed to foster a strong organisational safety and HSE, taking advantage of every visit onboard to ask
culture by disseminating safe behaviours throughout for feedback on the progress of the roll-out and on the
the organisation, with a strong focus on leadership outcomes and effect on the crew.
development at all management levels.
For this reason the management has renewed its
commitment, especially within the Offshore business
unit, so that LiHS will be re-injected.

A new strategy was developed using the lessons learned
in the previous roll-out experience, Vessel Management
Teams (VMT) and their first line supervisors will be
involved first-hand by personally building the detailed A real cultural change takes a long
planning of the five LiHS Programme Phases and time, during which a relentless effort
delivering the message themselves. will be made by the Safety Leaders
For this reason the standard one and a half day LiHS
workshop for Managers was customised by creating a to positively influence the style
full second day in which the VMTs have the chance to of all crew members.
practice cascading the LiHS message using the various
tools available. VMTs are called to deliver their personal
speech and commit to concrete actions to improve the
safety culture onboard.

The 5 LiHS programme phases and 2015 results

LiHS Workshop Cascading Five Stars Leading Choose Life

Events Intervention Behaviours*

An innovative engaging LiHS cascading is a An interactive and engaging The Leading Behaviours A workshop that aims to
workshop experience structured event designed to workshop for operational strategy focuses on five encourage workers to adopt
designed for all management help managers demonstrate personnel (supervisors simple and transferable positive health choices,
levels. a visible commitment to the and workers) focused on non-negotiable behaviours, focusing specifically on
LiHS workshops inspire and Companys Safety Vision effective intervention, (Start, Recognise, Intervene, lifestyle, malaria and
strengthen awareness and and align the workforce which employs a simple and Challenge, Share) carefully transmitted diseases.
commitment, all the while on the need for change, practical tool to support developed based on the
providing participants with empowering them to communication in safe and collective experiences of an
effective tools to influence stop and intervene when unsafe situations. Operational Management
behaviours and engage them necessary. and HSE Workgroup.
as key sponsors of a solid Its objective is to eliminate
and lasting cultural change. unsafe acts and conditions
and accelerate the cultural
change process.

119 230 361 247 215

A multinational Company
with a local presence
As an international company working in several countries and continents, Saipem
is aware of the need for effective interaction with local stakeholders, and communities
in particular, which is essential for ensuring the successful execution of projects,
as well as for the long-term perspective of its business.

C. Ayu, Brotherly love with Indigenous People, Indonesia

Fostering dialogue Understanding the results of the engagement actions

to build consensus is hence important to further refine and fine-tune the
approach with the local stakeholders.
Depending on the type of project executed, the Dialogue is essential for sharing information and
impacts generated and the geographical location, local identifying issues and ideas, concerns and potential
stakeholders can have different expectations. The ability conflicts and instantly defining possible actions to
to identify and address these expectations and potential address them. This is not always easy considering that
concerns is crucial for the effective and timely execution different stakeholders can have different and sometimes
of activities. divergent expectations; however an open, transparent
To that end, Saipem has set up an internal process and and constructive dialogue with all legitimate stakeholders
appropriate tools for the assessment of stakeholders is sought as an opportunity for building a fruitful
and management. coexistence in the area of operations.
The first step concerns the identification and Setting up a dialogue means also giving all local
assessment of all legitimate local stakeholders to stakeholders a chance to express their opinions,
understand their interests and expectations, or possible whether positive or negative. In this view a guideline
concerns. defining the general rules and basic requirements to
The next step includes the definition of activities, implement a grievance management system is under
actions and the means for addressing any concerns and preparation. It will then be tailored for each area/
42 creating a dialogue with local stakeholders. country based on their local characteristics, customs

and contexts. This guideline is part of the stakeholder local communities where Saipem operates.
management tools Saipem is implementing, based on the This is achieved by providing job opportunities,
experiences gained in the past years while also taking supporting local business and entrepreneurship,
guidance documents developed by well recognised transferring know-how and capabilities, cooperating with
international organisations into account. local organisations, institutions and authorities, as well
Dialogue and engagement with local stakeholders are as by contributing to foster the increase in wealth of
the basis for the definition of a community development local communities with local projects and initiatives.
strategy aimed at providing sustainable benefits for the

Saipems presence

project site

Short-medium term Presence Long-term

Carried out mainly by the client, while

Saipem collaborates and participates Local stakeholder Initiated directly by Saipem through
in the implementation of activities involvement a structured and durable approach

Adaption to the different operational Promotion Long-term commitment through

contexts, in observance of national, of Local direct investments to create shared value
local or client requirements Content

Organisation of initiatives Socio-economic Long-term investments

to support the client's local strategy development and collaboration with local
of the local area stakeholders

Saipem has always applied a comprehensive Local Content has a long tradition in effective local engagement,
approach, aware that this represents a distinctive providing considerable social benefits to the host country
factor. Thanks to a consolidated local presence and a in terms of investments, employment, development of
decentralised and multicultural organisation, the Company subcontractors and other factors.

Local Content strategy

Local skills Employment Local business Partnering local

development opportunities optimisation communities
Saipem issues scholarships, Maximising local employment A series of measures, such Saipem renders local
sets up apprenticeship is a universally valid as medium-to-long-term communities inclusive and
programmes and provides business principle that has agreements, contribute partecipatory, employing
on-the-job training to gradually gained a foothold to developing forms of dedicated tools, techniques
increase the number of local in all operating contexts. multi-year cooperation. and methodologies aimed
employees and to promote Saipem helps local vendors at forging a tailor-made
their professional growth boost their skills, expand stakeholder engagement
and skills. their businesses and satisfy strategy over time.
Saipems requirements.
Saipems workforce
Geographical areas Total employees Number of women % of local employees % of local managers (*)
Americas 8,226 943 82 39
Europe 10,553 2,441 90 54
CIS 4,550 588 60 15
Middle East 8,779 168 83 31
North Africa 710 45 57 36
South Central Africa 7,310 479 76 49
Oceania and Rest of Asia 6,218 593 79 57

In 2015, Saipem directly employed 46,346 people, of which 38% with stable work contracts and 99% with full-time contracts. In addition to these
numbers, Saipem employed 4,489 people through employment agencies. There was a total of 5,257 female employees representing 11% of the
workforce. 80% of the Companys 46,346 employees were employed locally, with the highest percentage in the Americas, the Middle East and
Europe. The percentage of local managers (*) (sum of local managers and local senior managers) was 44%, a 1% increase compared to 2014.
This percentage was calculated by excluding data from France and Italy, since inclusion of those countries would have lead to a figure of 75% of
local managers. This methodology used shows, with transparency and without distortion, the constant commitment of Saipem to the promotion of
Local Content, including with regard to management positions.

Saipem works with 32,931 suppliers all over the world, knowing purchased and its complexity. Depending on the criticality of
full well of the strategic value of Local Content and sustainable the supply, Saipem always checks the first-tier suppliers and
development of local economic and business realities. Saipems reserves the right to avail itself of other suppliers whenever
supply chain is very differentiated based on the type of product necessary.


91% of local
l orders

North Africa 1,399
52 70% of local orders
46% of local orders

Middle East
68% of local orders

682 Oceania and Rest of Asia
77% of local orders South Central Africa 338
86% of local orders
51% of local orders

In 2015, Saipem ordered 8.27 billion in materials and services, of which 1.71 billion were for asset investments, staff costs and other operating
costs not allocated at geographical level. Of the total amount ordered for the operating projects with an identified project operational area, 68%
was supplied by local vendors. The above map shows amounts in millions of euro and the percentage of local orders by each geographic area of


According to the World Health this interaction. non-immune employees attended
Organisation, the malaria incidence Saipem has implemented the Malaria Awareness Lectures. The
fell 37% globally between 2000 Malaria Control Programme overall Malaria Case Rate (MCR)
and 2015 and death rates fell (MCP) since 2003 to prevent and for 2015 was 0.13, defined as the
60%. However, there are still control the spread of malaria incidence of stewardable malaria
serious obstacles that prevent at its worksites operating in cases per 200,000 exposure-
full access to malaria prevention, high-risk areas in 3 continents: hours. There were 2 fatalities due
diagnostic testing and treatment. South America (Peru and Ecuador), to malaria complications, both
Progress has been uneven, Sub-Saharan Africa (Angola, consisting of nationals of malaria
with some countries carrying a Congo and Nigeria) and South-East endemic countries.
disproportionately high share of Asia (Indonesia). Participation

the global malaria burden. is a mandatory requirement for Stop malaria! is the latest
all Saipem employees working at initiative of Saipems MCP campaign
onshore, drilling or offshore units that was strategically developed to
Fifteen countries, (due to the possible risk of malaria spread awareness and to increase
mainly in Sub-Saharan infection during transit), as well as compliance in the use of protective
for all subcontractors. measures.
Africa, account for The framework of the MCP is built The campaign package contains an
80% of malaria cases around the principles of malaria MCP video and new posters that
and 78% of deaths prevention (primary, secondary focus on the ABCD strategy. The
and tertiary prevention), focusing video provides messages from
globally. on the ABCD plan: A [Awareness], the Saipem Regional Manager
In the Oil & Gas industry, malaria B [Bite prevention], C of Central Africa, as well as
is a major cause of sickness [Chemoprophylaxis], and testimonials from employees who
and an important cause of D [Diagnosis and Treatment]. experienced malaria infections.
death. This involves a complex In 2015, all 48 Saipem worksites
interaction between biological and located in high
environmental variables, and social risk malaria areas
Further details on MCP initiatives in
and behavioural practices. Saipem were included in Angola and Congo are available on
operates across a multitude of the MCP. A total pages 55 and 59, respectively.
countries and cultures that involves of 6,258 (100%)

Overall Malaria Case Rate


0.13 0.13




2013 2014 2015

46 A. Napolitano, Guidelines, UAE


Saipem operates in 70 countries and is present in almost

every Oil & Gas market around the world.
The Company has a decentralised organisation in order to
better respond to local needs and sustainability challenges.
Wherever it works, Saipem plays an active role in the local
community, contributing to promote the socio-economic
development of the areas where it operates.
Saipem has always sought to engage and develop relations
with all of its stakeholders.
Saipems world focuses on 8 countries and 2 geographical
areas which have been selected as the most representative
in terms of business operations and local impacts.
This section describes the Companys presence, business
context and future outlook.
It also explains how the above commitments and approaches
are implemented at the local level.
SAIPEMs presence in:

Saipem (Societ Azionaria Italiana Perforazioni E
Montaggi) SpA is an Italian company that was founded in
the 1950s. During the 1950s and 1960s, the Company
acquired expertise in the onshore pipeline sector,
construction of offshore and onshore rigs, and drilling. It
initially operated as a division of Eni, before becoming an
independent company in 1969.
The Company has been listed on the Milan Stock TOTAL ITALIAN EMPLOYEES
Exchange since 1984. The Saipem Group (of which
Saipem SpA is the parent company) is one of the
world leaders in the Engineering & Construction
and Drilling businesses with a strong orientation
towards Oil & Gas-related activities in remote areas
and deepwaters. The Company identifies itself with
the provision of engineering, procurement, project
management and construction services with distinctive
capabilities in the design and execution of large-scale TOTAL TRAINING MAN-HOURS DELIVERED
onshore and offshore projects. TO SAIPEMS EMPLOYEES IN ITALY

Saipems activities for Eni, the FEED contract for engineering services on
the SSV (Sviluppo Sostenibile Val dAgri) project at the
The main projects in Italy are as follows: Val dAgri plant has been completed.
for Rete Ferroviaria Italiana SpA (Ferrovie dello
Stato Group), work is under way on the contract for
the detailed engineering, project management and
construction of a 39 km section of a high-speed railway
line and an additional 12 km of interconnections with the
existing conventional railway along the Treviglio-Brescia
section across the Milan, Bergamo and Brescia
provinces, as well as all associated works, such as
power lines, reduction of road interference, road
crossings and environmental mitigation;
the project for the dismantling of the Costa Concordia
in the port of Genoa is in progress in a joint venture
with San Giorgio del Porto;

An excerpt of the interview with San Giorgio

del Porto can be read on page 50.

for Versalis, activities have commenced in relation

to the Versalis-Ferrara IT EPC contract for the
construction of a fourth production line to operate
alongside three existing lines, in addition to increasing
production capacity and upgrading the plants outside
battery limit auxiliary systems;
in the onshore drilling sector, operations in Italy have
been realised with the deployment of one rig which
performed work for Total in the Tempa Rossa area.
Claudio Donini,
Another rig is undergoing upgrading works in the Internal view of the derrick from drill-floor
48 country;

On-the-ground presence and technological innovation. This culture is in turn

transmitted to the thousands of companies that work
The character and international competitiveness of with and for Saipem and consolidates the strength
Saipem has its roots in Italy, where the Company was of Italys economy in such a way that it can face the
founded and where it still carries out its fundamental challenges of global competition more efficiently.
role in the national economy. A study conducted in 2015
by Saipem with Nomisma Energia analysed and quantified
Saipems contribution to the Italian economy in the years
1.7 billion
Saipem generates value in Italy FROM ITALIAN VENDORS
Saipem purchases many products and services in
Italy, including for projects it executes abroad. In 2014
alone, Saipem purchased goods and services from
Italian vendors totalling 1.7 billion. The Company paid
2.8 billion
323 million in wages to its Italian employees and over
200 million to the Italian state in taxes overall. In 2014,
Saipem put around 2.2 billion into the Italian economy.
This figure has remained constant over the last three
years. According to the analysis, this 2.2 billion has
in turn generated added value for the Italian economy TOTAL JOBS ASSOCIATED WITH SAIPEMS
amounting to 2.8 billion. ACTIVITIES
Saipem employed1 over 7,000 Italians working both in
Italy and abroad. Saipem and its suppliers
Purchases by Saipem in Italy generated a further Saipem is a catalyst for the growth and
13,000 jobs along the supply chain. Moreover, household internationalisation of the Italian companies that work
consumption and taxes paid by companies along the with and for it. This is because Saipems operational
Saipem supply chain contributed another 7,000 jobs excellence demands that these companies acquire
nationally. competencies which in turn strengthen their
competitiveness at the global level.
Saipem spent about 13 million per year on training its
Italian employees, with an average of 35 hours of training
per participant. This investment is three times more Some testimonies collected from a sample
than the average Italian company of comparable size2. of Saipems Italian suppliers can be
found on pages 50-51.

Investment in training over the past three years has
had a positive impact both on workers and on the Italian
economy. The benefit for workers, calculated in terms of
expectations of higher salaries, has been quantified at 3,716 Italian companies work
5.5 million (over the next 5 years), which should lead to with Saipem and of these
a growth in consumption levels and tax contributions of
about 18 million (again over the next 5 years).
more than 2,200 have collaborated
Furthermore, ongoing training bolsters a culture with the Company for over 5 years.
of health and safety, respect for the environment

(1) Employment data refer to 2014.

(2) ISTAT 2013 training in enterprises report (a similarly sized company spends an average of 4 million per year with 23 hours of training per
single participant).
Re.mac.ut Srl movement system, the rollers procedures, for example in the field
A talk with Paolo Portonero for the stinger and the control of health, safety and environmental
system for the abandon/recovery protection, which constitute
winch. Re.mac.ut supplied the J-lay an indispensable requisite for
tensioners and the crane control competing in the offshore sector.
system for the Saipem 7000. Currently our company is ISO 9001
Furthermore, in collaboration with and ISO 14001 certified and is
Saipem we designed and realised completing the process for OHSAS
advanced recovery and repair 18001 certification. Thanks to this,
systems for deepwater pipelines. alongside our traditional client
portfolio, we are seeking to enter
San Giorgio del Porto SpA the offshore and LNG sector in
Have your companys working A talk with Manolo Cavaliere an increasingly significant way.
methods changed since you began and Paolo Trombetta We believe we can become key
working with Saipem? If so, how? How would you describe your players thanks to our important
Our company was founded in the relationship with Saipem? facilities and to our competencies.
1950s as one specialising in the We have been working with For the dismantling of the Costa
design, construction and overhaul Saipem for several decades now, Concordia we have also obtained
of machine tools for production and still today our collaboration ISO 30000:2009 certification for
lines in the automotive sector. continues with important contracts. Ship Recycling Management, above
The encounter with Saipem gave Indeed, we are involved in a new all in the perspective of future
us the opportunity to commence partnership which is a source of development of the ship dismantling
production in a different industrial great satisfaction for the company. market.
sector. This was a winning card This is the Ship Recycling Consortium
for us since it meant we could dismantling the shipwreck Costa F.lli Righini Srl
specialise and continue to carry Concordia (picture on page 52). A talk with Renzo and Rodolfo Righini
out our activities even when the This project is probably one of the
automotive sector showed signs most challenging that we have
of crisis in Italy. Our company has realised, in terms of dimensions
changed significantly, specialising and complexity. Let us not forget
in the engineering phase and in the constant media attention
the development of increasingly surrounding the Costa Concordia.
innovative equipment. In terms of Previously in the period 2013-2014,
production, the component parts we carried out maintenance and
are manufactured by a group of upgrading work on the Castoro Sei.
specialist suppliers, all Italian, This was an important project on How would you describe your
while assembly is carried out which we worked for 7 months, and relationship with Saipem?
in-house, as is the production of is a source of great satisfaction Our commercial relations with
control systems and hydraulic and for both parties. Moreover, it has Saipem have lasted almost
pneumatic plants. allowed us to face the crisis that 40 years and have allowed us to
What is the most challenging hit the market and has contributed develop a relationship of mutual
project you have developed for to reinforcing our relationship with trust and to tackle many complex
Saipem from the technical and Saipem even further. technological challenges. Saipem
technological standpoint? Have your companys working has always realised challenging
Among the most challenging methods changed on account of projects that no one else could,
projects was the Castoro Sei, your collaboration with Saipem? and at the same time has pushed
our first contract for Saipem. Over the years San Giorgio us into doing likewise, placing
We equipped the vessel with new del Porto has modernised a lot of trust in our abilities for
tensioners for the Nordstream progressively in order to adapt to development and technological
project. For the Castorone we the new techniques and innovations innovation. It has stimulated
supplied complex equipment in the sector. Working with Saipem and encouraged us to take on
50 such as tensioners, the stinger has helped us to develop skills and increasingly demanding projects

and to believe in our abilities and Saipem) of considerable size and and today still is the benchmark
potential for improvement. manufacturing complexities. for other players in the pipeline
Has your client portfolio also Has your cooperation with sector. Ongoing investments and
changed over the years? Saipem influenced your business our ability to diversify by adapting
Initially, we had an exclusively prospects? to the requirements and needs of
Italian client base, mainly in the From the very outset, working with the market have led us over the
Ravenna area. However, the Saipem became a launching pad for last ten years to enter the offshore
experience gained on the projects our company as regards local and business field as well.
realised for Saipem, and the foreign projects. And in over 60 Can you tell us about a particularly
development of our commercial years of collaboration, we can say innovative project that you have
strategies, has allowed us to that we have walked many miles developed in this new business?
compete on the international together. The Castorone, Saipems most
market and to broaden our range recent pipelaying vessel, is equipped
of clients. As of today, we work not Goriziane Group SpA with a firing line designed and
only for Saipem but also for the A talk with Pierluigi Zanin built by us. We also manufactured
main international players in the the Telescopic Linkage, designed
offshore Oil & Gas sector, adapting especially for Saipem, facilitating
on a case by case basis to their variation of the angle of the
specific requirements. stinger, even during navigation.
At the moment, the Castorone is
Tectubi Raccordi SpA the only vessel in the world with
A talk with Renato Velli this technology, and we are very
proud to have built it.

Have you diversified your business CS Impianti SpA

over the years? A talk with Roberto Monzini
Of course. We have never stopped Have your companys working
investing and diversifying. methods changed since you began
Historically speaking, we were working with Saipem? If so, how?
Has collaboration with Saipem over founded as a repair, maintenance, Working in the engineering field,
time increased your competencies overhaul and upgrade company we have always evolved over time,
and know-how? for machinery or equipment in the keeping abreast of technological
We are a manufacturing company defence sector, and subsequently developments in IT systems, in
that has progressively developed also in the industrial, earth terms of 3D modelling of plants,
the capability to support clients movement and railway sectors. as well as calculations and
during the engineering phase of Our first experience with Saipem electro-instrumental engineering.
projects (in terms of support for consisted in the repair of machines At any rate, in relation to standards
the definition of specific techniques used in the realisation of oil applied and IT systems used,
for new items and materials and, in pipelines in the Middle East, in Saipem has always been our
some cases, co-engineering). This, countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran benchmark as regards organisation
for us, is added value placed at the and Iraq. Thanks to the experience and project management. In
disposal of clients. It has proven and skills acquired on those terms of numbers, our company
itself to be a winning approach, projects, including working side by has more than quadrupled since
above all with Saipem. Tectubi side with Saipem operators and its incorporation: we currently
Raccordis collaboration with technicians, we ourselves began have around 100 employees
Saipem has in fact facilitated the to build several machines which working in our 4 premises in Italy.
execution of extremely innovative at the time no one else in Europe Furthermore, we have opened two
and technologically advanced was manufacturing. Saipem was joint venture companies abroad,
products, such as the recent our first client for this new line of one in Canada and one in Saudi
realisation of a special stainless business and this meant we could Arabia, in order to follow projects
steel Y piece (a mechanical device enter the vendor lists of clients the more effectively in these two
with technology developed by world over. Indeed, Saipem was areas.
Costa Concordia and Saipem 10000 in the port of Genoa


an Oil Spill Response service provider
The Saipem Oil Spill Response Team (OSRT) has provided Oil
Spill Response Services since the 1990s. In 2015, the team
provided technical support for the execution of a spill drill
promoted and organised by the Ministry of Environment in
collaboration with the Coast Guard and Eni UPS (Upstream
and technical services). The drill, called Pollex 2015, took
place October 13 in the waters off the port of Crotone.
The purpose was to test the organisational machinery A Sinergia programme class
implemented to combat a pollution scenario caused by the
spillage of hydrocarbons at sea during refuelling operations between schools and businesses is really possible.
from the storage tank of the emergency power generators Specific afternoon courses were held on several training
on the Luna A platform. topics of interest to Saipem and with the A. Volta school
OSRT collaborated with Eni UPS in maintaining relations in Lodi with more detailed activities being developed.
with local authorities and organising and managing More specifically, during the reporting year the project
operations. The results were good and the various was extended to classes III and IV and Saipem modules
maritime authorities directing and supervising the were integrated into the daytime training syllabuses of
drills were unanimous in recognising their overall class V in accordance with other subjects of study.
responsiveness and organisation. Similar emergency drills The lessons included both general and highly technical
were performed in the offshore sites of Ravenna-Pesaro topics, ranging from the oil cycle to real-life company
and Gela. case studies, and comprising subjects such as
automation, welding, design, 3D modelling, and health and
Fruitful relationship safety in both offshore and onshore contexts.
with local high schools Given the markedly technical and specialist nature of
The Sinergia programme, launched in 2012, aims to Saipems activities, students majoring in mechanical
develop concrete communication between educational and electrotechnical techniques were involved. Project
institutions and the workplace and to strengthen the internships were available for several students who thus
technical capabilities of students in a way that will had the opportunity to see where they stood in relation
facilitate their job search upon leaving school. With the to real, concrete issues.
cooperation of two high schools (E. Fermi in Lecce The project is undergoing constant transformation and
and A. Volta in Lodi), the project has in fact proved updating and is an example of an effective and mutual
beyond all doubt that fruitful and long-term partnerships beneficial partnership between companies and schools.


In 2015, the LHS Foundation the afternoon a seminar
reaffirmed its position as a global based on the Leadership
centre of knowledge, information in Health & Safety
and divulgation in the industry, methodology for university
thanks also to the organisation of students, professionals and
the event Italia Loves Sicurezza, businesses; and, in the evening, the Milan, Piacenza and Turin and the
repeated in various Italian cities play, Giorni Rubati (Stolen Days), regional government of Piedmont.
and specifically on April 28, World open to all the residents of these On the wave of this success, the
Day for Safety and Health at Work. three cities. Partners in the 2015 event will become annual, with the
The event involved various initiative included the Politecnico aim of involving an increasingly
actors from schools, institutions, di Milano, AIAS Academy, INAIL, large number of people in many
associations, businesses and Richmond Italia, ANMIL, Granarolo, other Italian cities.
universities from Milan, Turin and FCA and Galbusera. The event was
Piacenza. The format was the same also made possible
in the three cities: in the morning thanks to the
Further information on LHS Foundation
activities can be found at:
a safety workshop dedicated sponsorship of the
to primary school students; in municipalities of
SAIPEMs presence in:

Saipem has been present in Angola since the early
1980s through several joint venture companies and local
subsidiary businesses:
Saipem SA Angolan Branch (for offshore and
onshore E&C activities).
Saipem Luxembourg Angola Branches (for Drilling
and FPSO activities).
Kwanda Lda (for Logistic Base, Dock, Warehouse,

Workshops, Storage Areas, Accommodations in Soyo).
Sagio (for FPSO Operation and Maintenance).
TCPI (for E&I works).
Deepwater Engineering and Technology (for
Engineering and project management services).
Offloading (FPSO) were recently awarded, and a
Saipems long-term and deep-rooted presence has seven-year operations and maintenance contract
played an important role in the evolution of how it for the Kaombo Field Development project, located in
operates in the country and the significant long-term offshore Block 32.
investments made by the Company are proof of that as Mafumeira Sul EPCI 2 Offshore Pipeline: consists of
seen in the following: an EPCI project composed of the Fabrication of 2 Tie-
Ambriz Yard was redeveloped and requalified after In Skids (89 t) and 48 spools Cabinda Gulf Oil Co Ltd
2002. It is used for all types of modules and steel (CABGOC) EPCI 2 Offshore (149 t).
structures utilised in projects for the development of Girri FPSO Modifications: the contract includes
offshore oilfields: platforms, jackets, topsides, decks, engineering, procurement, construction, installation
piles and subsea structures such as flexible pipes and and commissioning of modifications to the multiphase
jumpers. pumping systems of the topsides of the Girassol and
Malongo (Cabinda) fabrication workshop used for Dalia FPSOs. Offshore activities started in 2015 mainly
the construction of jackets and decks. using Saipem 3000.
Soyo Yard specialised in the construction of Kizomba Satellites Phase 2: is an E&C contract
deepwater facilities. consisting of the development of Block 15,
approximately 150 km off the coast of Angola, at a
Saipems activities
water depth of approximately 1,350 m.
Congo River Crossing: the scope of work includes
Saipem has a strong track record in Angola in EPCI of three subsea pipelines, 20 and 22 in
executing both offshore and onshore EPCI projects, in diameter, with a total length of 110 km, in water
performing advanced ultra-deepwater offshore drilling depths of up to 117 m.
projects and in managing fabrication and operations
for all the oil majors present there. As far as drilling activities are concerned, Saipem has
Today Saipem undertakes activities in various areas been awarded numerous offshore contracts for the
across the country. Here a list of the main current Saipem 12000 and Scarabeo 9 vessels. Saipem 12000 is
projects: presently working in local waters for Total and Scarabeo
East Hub Development project: the scope of work 9 for Eni Angola.
includes the provision of 5 flexible risers and 20 km
of rigid flowlines, as well as installing SURF facilities
which include umbilical sections, rigid spools, well
Business outlook
jumpers and 14 Pipeline End Terminations (PLETs) to Angola represents a very active market for Saipem.
be fabricated in Angola. Indeed Saipem is pursuing numerous commercial
Kaombo FPSO project: engineering, procurement, opportunities, in particular in the offshore market, in the
installation contract and commissioning of 2 converted short term with proposal preparation and in many cases
54 turret-moored Floating Production, Storage and negotiations are well under way.

On-the-ground presence Fighting malaria

In 2015, Saipem continued its malaria prevention
Since the outset of its activities in the country, Saipem programme in line with the National Malaria Control
has contributed to the local socio-economic and Program (NMCP). The main areas of interventions
sustainable development through a strong Local Content are: providing prevention measures at all worksites,
focus and commitment to know-how transfer, training as well as in the local communities and training local
and health promotion. This can be seen clearly in the health personnel.
programmes described below. As part of prevention, the Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS)
campaign was carried out in Soyo in 616 households.
Local Pool of LiHS Trainers in Angola This consisted in the application of long-lasting
In October 2015, Petromar achieved autonomy with insecticides to the walls of houses.
regards to the delivery of events as part of the A total of 159 malaria awareness sessions were held
Leadership in Health & Safety (LiHS) Programme. in the community by the trained technician and also
This achievement is the final point of a structured by nurses before implementing IRS while distributing
process. The LiHS Programme has been implemented 2,000 Impregnated Mosquito Nets (ITNs) through the
in Angola since 2009 through the deployment of several community health posts to the families.
LiHS Workshops and Five Stars courses1. To contribute to increasing the number of skilled local
In 2011, a series of Five Stars Train the Trainer courses healthcare personnel, the training of laboratory personnel
(TTT) were delivered to allow the local company to is an essential component for the acquisition of skills for
independently deploy Five Stars courses. The most the laboratory diagnosis of malaria and improvement in
capable individuals were involved in 2013 in an LiHS TTT the management of malaria cases.
to become LiHS Facilitators2. Saipem contributes to the standardisation and
In the framework of the We Want Zero campaign, a plan harmonisation of malaria laboratory diagnostic
to create local pools of trainers was designed in the techniques present in the country based on international
strategic fabrication yards, including Ambriz. standards set by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
In July 2015, a second LiHS TTT was delivered to selected Moreover, Saipem organised two initiatives in
local employees, who passed their formal assessment partnership with The Mentor Initiative3 in Soyo:
and became LiHS Facilitators in October. a 10-day training session for 16 Lab Technicians from
Meanwhile, the previously trained Five Stars trainers the Health Unit of the Zaire Province that took place in
attended a refresher course. For the first time the July 2015;
entire group of LiHS personnel is composed of a 3-day training course involving 34 nurses according
Angolans. to WHO instructions in June. The course consisted
This pool of trainers will support all Saipem companies, of intensive theoretical and practical sessions that
projects and vessels in the country. Angola can be focused on prevention, testing and management of
considered an example of an LiHS Hub replicable in malaria cases.
other areas.


Lab Technicians during a Malaria awareness session

(1) Phase 3 LiHS programme: a safety intervention training course dedicated

ateed to the entire workforce.
(2) LiHS facilitators are trained to perform the LiHS workshop addressed too management.
(3) A local NGO committed to promoting health conditions operating mainlyy in Africa.

Increasing awareness on ethical business
Lab Technicians during a Malaria awareness session practices

In Ambriz the Malaria prevention programme started

with the selection of attendees and with purchase of
the necessary material for IRS training. At the end of
the course, 10 community people were certified as
IRS technicians. The initiative included the fumigation
campaign involving local households.
Due to the noticeable deficiencies which characterise the
struggle against malaria in the local rural communities,
Saipem selected and trained 20 nurses to manage
The HOPE Training session at the Ambriz Yard
malaria cases. In addition, a lack of medical equipment in
the community health posts was identified; therefore, it
was decided to purchase the necessary medical items The HOPE (Human OPerational Environment) training
which will be ordered and distributed. programme was implemented at the Ambriz Yard on
November 26. It consisted of both plenary and group

16 sessions to raise awareness and encourage discussion

in a specific socio-cultural environment, to help develop
better management understanding of key Human Rights
risks and issues for the Oil & Gas industry.
This exercise is expected to be a support for the
54 fulfilment of local stakeholder expectations and
requirements and to become familiar with Saipems
NURSES TRAINED TO MANAGE MALARIA CASES existing framework, resources and behaviours in
the specific operational areas (including cultural/
sustainability factors).
Subcontractor Workshop This is a practical way to implement Saipems statement
Saipem is committed to contributing to local economic in the Code of Ethics and in the Companys sustainability
growth through the active promotion of local principles, besides the Security Policy where respect
subcontractors. for Human Rights is an essential part of any contract
In cooperation with the local Chamber of Commerce that Saipem enters into with security service providers.
(Centro de Apoio Empresarial-CAE), Saipem organised The HOPE Training Programme is going to be replicated
a workshop for subcontractors which also saw the in other countries/operating sites in 2016 in accordance
involvement of client representatives. CAE identified a with local business needs.
list of potential subcontractors to be invited to the event
which was held on July 23, 2015.
The objectives were to:
identify new potential local subcontractors;
give local subcontractors a medium-term vision of
Saipem activities in the country and encourage their
qualification; Developing young talents
develop collaboration with CAE. Cooperation with CAE The Talentissimo programme in France is a consolidated
was fruitful and can be replicated for future market programme launched every year by Saipem SA in Paris
scouting activities. and addressed to French engineering schools.
About 120 subcontractor representatives actively In 2015, the Talentissimo programme reached its 9th
participated in the workshop which focused on current edition: in total over 600 students and 128 teams have
Kaombo project needs and covered several issues participated until now. Based on real Saipem design case
56 specific to the Oil & Gas industry. studies, this contest represents a very good opportunity

Saipem launched an agricultural

development initiative
Saipem officially launched an agricultural development
initiative, Alegria do Ambriz, developed in collaboration
with the Municipality. At the opening ceremony held at
the project location in Ambriz, the client representatives,
the provincial governor and the local authorities were
The project, in line with Saipems strategy of building
Selected students attending class
sustainable value in the communities in which it
operates, is being carried out 10 km from the town of
for students to discover the Oil & Gas industry and Ambriz in the northern part of Angola. The main purpose
understand Saipems activities. is to strengthen agricultural activities in the area in
In 2015, Talentissimo was also launched in Angola with order to contribute to the income of family communities
the objectives of: of small farmers living near the Quinje lagoon.
Enhancing Saipems recognition at universities and The project focuses on increasing agricultural
engineering schools. productivity by building up farmers skills and knowledge,
Developing student competencies in offshore reintroducing agricultural technologies and supporting
structural design and offshore piping design thus and strengthening agricultural extension services.
enhancing their employability. Saipem has already repaired roads and prepared the
Developing a new piping and structural design course soil for cultivation, as well as built storage and training
in the Angolan engineering schools which their existing facilities, and is now installing irrigation systems which
curricula lacked. will provide each land parcel with water access.
Attracting the best students for potential recruitment.
The Angola Talentissimo programme was designed in a
slightly different format than the one existing in France.
Two preparatory classes for structural design and piping
design were organised in order to align the students
skills and knowledge. These preparatory classes, which
started in mid-May 2015 and lasted 10 weeks, were
carried out by Saipem engineers. After a selection
process, 58 of the most motivated students from two
Angolan engineering schools (Agostinho Neto and
Catholic universities) were selected to take part in the
The students had the opportunity to use state-of-art design
tools, becoming familiar with this type of technology that
they are likely to find in most of the Oil & Gas companies.
The students worked on a design case study under the
supervision of a Saipem engineer in small teams.
An award ceremony was organised in Luanda at the
end of the programme in October. During this event,
the most innovative and interesting reports presented
by the student teams were selected by a jury composed
of Saipem management and the Clients representatives.
Representatives from the participating universities were
present at the ceremony. 4 students from the 2 winning
teams were selected for an interview for a 3-month
internship programme that will take place in 2016.

58 A sign marks Alegria do Ambrizs land

SAIPEMs presence in:

Saipem operates in the Congo through two companies:
Boscongo SA (since 1981) was originally created
to improve Congolese employment through Oil & Gas
development. Nowadays, wholly owned by Saipem, it SAIPEMS EMPLOYEES
focuses primarily on the fabrication of large modules

and steel structures.
Saipem SpA Congo Drilling Branch (since the
1970s) manages both onshore and offshore drilling
Saipem can also count on the Boscongo Fabrication Yard,
recently redeveloped to achieve the fabricated tonnage
of 12,000 tonnes/y, as well as the Boscongo Marine Base,
strategically very important for providing the technical back- OF PEOPLE WORKING FOR SAIPEM ARE LOCAL
up of Saipems fleet for South Atlantic offshore operations.

Saipems activities Drilling offshore TAD (Tender Assisted Drilling):

in operation on Enis offshore Litchendjili blocks.
Onshore & offshore
Litchendjili Onshore and Offshore Development Onshore rigs 93 and 95 have been demobilised.
project is a series of EPC contracts on which Saipem
has been working since November 2013 with the Maritime works
following Work Packages (WP): PAPN (Port Autonome de Pointe-Noire): a contract
- WP 5: an EPC contract for the design and dedicated to the improvement and re-construction of
construction of a Gas Treatment Plant, located the existing D Quay has been awarded to Saipem/
15 km south of Pointe-Noire, under construction and Boscongo.
- WP 4: an EPC contract for the offshore installation Saipem is also developing 3 main maintenance contracts
of a WH platform, jacket and deck transportation, for Eni (offshore platform).
sea line laying from platform to shore and a jetty
construction to support and accommodate the sea
line in the surf zone (completed).
Business outlook
- WP 10: an EPC contract dedicated to WH platform The Congo is focusing its efforts on launching a strong
jacket (substructure) fabrication (completed). Local Content policy for the Oil & Gas industry, similar
MOHO North Offshore deepwater development to the ones developed in other countries in West Africa.
project: Boscongo is the subcontractor for the FPU In July 2016, there will be a new presidential election
(Floating Production Unit), TLP (Tension-leg platform) that might affect the business scenario in the country.
and STAD anchoring pile fabrication (completed) and for Saipem is well equipped to compete in this country, in
the Suction Pile System (SPS) fabrication (2300 T). particular in the offshore and deepwater fields.

O. Furci, Looking beyond the border, Congo


On-the-ground presence theoretical and practical aspects. Participants received

information about the disease, preventive measures,
Saipem companies operating in the Congo have a transmission, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
long-term and deep-rooted presence in the country. Subsequently, they learned how Saipem addresses
Sustainability is an important way of conducting business positive cases, as well as about available treatments
effectively, and of ensuring dialogue and cooperation and the use of diagnostic kits, including how Rapid
with all stakeholders in order to maximise the reciprocal Diagnostic Tests (RDT) work. At the end of the workshop
positive effects of the relationship between the Company they received tips on useful solutions to be applied at
and the local entities impacted by its activities. home (such as homemade mosquito traps and protective
lotions) and repellent sprays, maps and leaflets on
Fighting Malaria in the Congo malaria.
The team from the malaria diagnostic techniques laboratory


A similar initiative was organised for Saipems

subcontractors. Also on this occasion, participants were
informed about malaria, transmission, changes within
the human body, treatments, symptoms and prognosis.
Malaria is the second cause of death in the Congo Subcontractors were shown how to use RDTs and make
(source WHO). As in previous years, Saipem launched a mosquito trap at home. At the end of the event they
a variety of initiatives to raise awareness of the were also actively involved in a quiz focused on what
disease and the need to tackle it. Community members, they had learnt. Repellent sprays were distributed and
employees and subcontractors were involved. information brochures and maps were given to each
In the framework of the National Health Development participant.
Plan (PNDS), Boscongo decided to support a training

programme for the fight against malaria in 2015. The
initiative was targeted at 3 health workers from the
Kouilou rural areas and was carried out in partnership
with the Biomedical laboratory and the Kouilou Health SUBCONTRACTORS PARTICIPATED
Department Direction. The latter identified the trainees
who will transfer the acquired knowledge to their Boscongos internship programme
colleagues. They were trained in the laboratory in malaria Among the initiatives for local communities promoted by
diagnostic techniques using a microscope provided by the Litchendjili project, Boscongo organised an internship
Boscongo. The duration of training was approximately 50 programme to overcome the lack of apprenticeships in
days. The goal of the initiative was to increase the health the local educational system.
workers skills and capabilities, and consequently increase To analyse the feasibility of initiating the programme,
the quality of healthcare in rural areas. some technical public schools were screened during
the planning phase, and the Thomas Sankara school in

Pointe-Noire was selected. In January 2015, 9 trainees
started the one-month internship in Mechanical,
Electrical and Civil Engineering.
HEALTH WORKERS WERE TRAINED All of them concluded their internship programme with
IN MALARIA DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES a satisfactory report from the Boscongo manager
in charge of supervision in their field. The students
In the framework of the Litchendjili projects sustainability appreciated the experience and in just one month
programme, an in-house workshop for employees was acquired a degree of knowledge that they could have
organised in Saipems offices. The initiative covered both gained only by working in a company. The school staff
have welcomed the programme and have asked for it to
be extended officially each year to enable local education


Opening of a documentation
and information centre

Water well handover ceremony

potable water wells.

After consultation with the administration and the
interested parties, Boscongo decided to build two water
wells in Cte-Matve, in areas with a high population
concentration and accessibility. One water well was built
inside the Cte-Matve primary school yard while the
second was built close to the area called Onze Mort.
In respect of local traditions and beliefs, on March 3,
2015, local communities performed a ritual ceremony for
Local students at the Documentation and Information Centre the launching of the works. Construction of the well was
completed in May 2015 and in June a handover ceremony
Boscongo supported the creation of a Documentation for the potable water wells and table-benches was held
and Information Centre (Centre de Documentation et at the Cte-Matve primary school. The ceremony was
dInformation - CDI) in the professional centre Madre chaired by the Administrator Mayor of Borough No. 6
Morano located in Pointe-Noire. The CDI was opened in of Pointe-Noire and saw the involvement and active
April 2014. It allows and helps students and community participation of local stakeholders.
members in general to have free access to the Internet. Boscongos commitment to developing the social
CDI visitors are also supported in the use of the wellbeing of the communities impacted by its activities
computer and in carrying out job searches. was welcomed both by the targeted and surrounding
In 2015, local students enrolled in several awareness communities.
courses including an introduction to the Internet and,
in partnership with the ONG Renatura, environmental
protection. Additional activities to increase employability
are planned by the centre for 2016.

Promoting the wellbeing

of local communities
The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
carried out identified many possible alternatives for
community initiatives. To better select which initiatives
to implement, field surveys, consultations with local
communities and a local context analysis were
The lack of a water network clearly emerged as one
of the main problems of the targeted communities of
Cte-Matve, in the area where the Litchendjili project
is being executed. Indeed, to access water the local
communities have to go to a nearby area equipped with


C. A. Guiche, Pipe initation operation, Nigeria

SAIPEMs presence in:

Saipems presence in Nigeria dates back to 1965 through
Saipem Nigeria Ltd (SNL), a subsidiary operating as an
onshore and offshore drilling Contractor and, since 1989,
through Saipem Contracting (Nigeria) Ltd (SCNL)
operating as an EPC Contractor. The head office is based
in Lagos with two logistics bases in Onne and Warri and
a yard at Port Harcourt where all the main fabrication
activities are performed. OF WHICH ARE LOCAL

Saipems activities
Saipem has a significant track record in the country both
in the onshore and offshore business.
Escravos Gas to Liquids Complex for Chevron Nigeria
Ltd represents Saipems biggest ever modularised
plant (pipe rack modules of over 1,000 tonnes each,
process modules of over 2,000 tonnes each) and also OF GOODS AND SERVICES ORDERED LOCALLY
the first application of the Gas-to-Liquids technology on

a world-class scale.
Southern Swamp (Associated Gas Solutions -
SSAGS) project is a lump sum turnkey contract for
the construction of compression facilities at the four
sites of Ogbotobo, Beneside, Opukushi and Tunu, and
of new gas Central Production facilities in Tunu, which
will treat the routed associated gas.
Dangote Fertilizer project consists in the
implementation of 2x2,200 tonnes/d Ammonia Plants
based on HTAS (Haldor Topsoe) technology, 2x3,850 In 2014, the Company was awarded two FEED (Front
tonnes/d Melt Urea Plants based on SnamprogettiTM End Engineering Design) contracts, respectively for the
technology, 2x3,850 tonnes/d Urea Granulation Plants Quantum project (production of methanol and associated
based on Uhde Fertilizer technology including 22 km of utilities and off-sites in Ibeno city in the state of Akwa
a raw water Pipeline and 5 km of a gas Pipeline plus all Ibom), and for the Brass Fertilizer project (construction
the associated utilities. of a 5,000 tonnes/d Methanol plant, a 2,200 tonnes/d
Egina project is considered a milestone in the offshore Ammonia plant to produce 3,850 tonnes/d Urea,
deepwater field (1,700 m of water depth, 52 km of associated utilities and power generation). Both FEED
oil production/water injection flowlines, 20 km of gas contracts were completed in mid-2015.
export pipelines and 80 km of umbilicals off to the
Nigerian coast, South of Port Harcourt). The majority
of the activities are performed in Nigeria, involving local
Business outlook
vendors and confirming Saipems strong commitment to Nigeria is considered an important market for Saipem.
Local Content in the country in line with the Nigerian Oil Saipems strategy in the country has always been based
and Gas Industry Content Development Act of 2010. on a willingness to stay with a strong commitment
Bonga North West project is an important reference to create added value to Nigerias economy and
for Saipem for the production of pipe-in-pipe flowlines, society. The Company is working on the promotion and
water injection flowlines, as well as related production development of Local Content with long-term investments,
facilities. The project was completed in 2013. partnerships with local companies and maximisation of
Okwori 22-26 is the main reference for drilling value in terms of local employment and procurement
activities performed by Saipem with Scarabeo 3. of material and services for projects executed in the
Water depth 130 m. country.

On-the-ground presence defining the procedures for managing Saipems

Saipem mainly operates in the Niger Delta area, relationship with the community within the specific
where the management of relations with project host context.
communities is a fundamental aspect: Saipem has
developed strategies, procedures, action plans and In this framework, the community is usually encouraged
initiatives to manage relations with communities within to nominate representatives who can articulate its
its operational area with a view to achieving a conducive interests and expectations during scheduled meetings
business operational environment. for negotiation of the MoU. Correspondingly, based on
the available proposals, Saipem Management grants
The MoU definition process the requisite mandate to the Community Relations
Local expectations and political activities make the Department to represent it during MoU negotiations.
identification and engagement of key stakeholders In some cases, the Council of the Local Government Area
fundamental from the very beginning of the project. or the Government of the State hosting the project is
Conversely, an attempt to commence work without the represented during the negotiations both as stakeholder
appropriate pre-entry community relations activities and third-party moderator of the proceedings.

could result in a false start. During the negotiations, Saipems representatives

summarise the scope of the project and the
Among the community engagement Companys sustainability approach for the community
representatives in order to place the prospective
approaches developed by Saipem, discussions within context. Negotiations are centred on
a critical one at the pre-entry stage dialogue and consultations, aiming to create a mutually
is a Memorandum of Understanding beneficial relationship between the parties, to identify
(MoU) between Saipem and the host and define rights and obligations, to outline procedures
for community relations actions and to establish or
community. recognise liaison structures that will constitute the hub
Amongst other things, the MoU is essential for: of community relations activities during the project.
streamlining the joint and several interests, as well as Topics of discussion can include employment and
the expectations of members of the host community; subcontracting opportunities for and optimisation of skilled
defining the mutual obligations of Saipem and the local people, Human Capital Development, Community
community; and Development projects and grievance handling mechanisms.

F. C. Zingale, As A Painting, Nigeria

At the end of negotiations draft copies are made and them to gain relevant experience and complement their
reviewed by the representatives of the stakeholders academic course. The duration varies from 3 to 12
involved who must then confer with their principals for months depending on the course and level of study.
approval before putting the final signature to the MoU.

Community Youth Training

As part of its commitment to host communities, in 2015
SCNL continued to promote skill acquisition through a
series of vocational skill training programmes for youths
in communities located in the vicinity of operations. 37,574
The Rumuolumeni Community benefited with 40 TRAINING MAN-HOURS RECORDED
candidates trained in two categories via vocational and
graduate internships. The vocational internship was Human Capital Development (HCD)
for 18 welders and 16 fitters, while the graduate one Programme
involved 2 HSE officers, 3 Quality Assurance/Quality As part of the requirements of the 2010 Nigerian Oil and
Control officers and 1 ICT technician. This aimed not Gas Industry Content Development Act and the Nigerian
only to broaden their skills but also to increase their Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB),
employability, capabilities and competences. Saipem promotes local skills development by engaging
University graduates in project activities.
In Igbo-Etche, the host community of the Northern Option
Pipeline (NOPL) project, Saipem awarded certificates to The Egina project has been assigned a total of 20
a total of 60 youths trained in vocational skills. Some of trainees throughout its duration. These are divided into
the training focused on pipe welding/fitting, scaffolding, a first session rounded off in June 2015 and consisting
NDT (Non-Destructive Testing) and rigging. of 9 people, and a second group of 11 that began in
September 2015 and will end in 2016. They have been

100 training in Quality Control (QC), Fabrication Support (FS)

and Installation Engineering (IE).
In addition, in 2015, SCNL awarded certificates to 36
trainees on the SSAGS project and 8 in Otumara. All
graduates from the SSAGS project were employed as
Saipem staff on the project.


Post Graduate Training Programme

The initiative, started in 2014 to provide training for
specialised skills in Offshore Engineering through
internship programme and workshops, continued in 2015
for 5 new students from the Offshore Technical Institute
of the University of Port Harcourt.
Pipe fitting trainees They were assigned to the Technical Service Department
(TSD) and Technical Office Offshore Fabrication at the
SCNL Port Harcourt Construction (PHC) base for 3
Industrial Training for undergraduates months of intensive training. During the programme,
Further on-the-job training by SCNL can be found on the the students underwent training such as HSE Induction,
Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES). mastering the MathCAD Software, Process Simulation,
This is a training programme initiated by the Federal Process Plant Safeguarding, Process Calculation,
Government of Nigeria designed to prepare students Process Utility Systems, AutoCAD, Preparation,
from Tertiary Institutions for real working environments. Application and Relevance of Typical Drawings to Pipeline
These students are placed in various departments based Construction, Pipe Laying Analysis, Hydrodynamic Forces
64 on their course of study. This on-the-job training enables acting on Offshore Pipelines, Technical Procedure and

Specifications, Structural Members Grade and Category,

and Preparing and Issuing Shop drawing.
On completion of the programme, trainees will benefit
from their practical experience in the industry and will
be equipped with the necessary technical skills to enable
them to add value to the Offshore Oil & Gas industry.

Brainstorming during an HSE Forum

Commitment towards continuous the workplace?. It had to provide a solution which a

improvement in subcontractor selected team member then shared with all the other
HSE standards participants.
As consolidated practice, SCNL convenes The active participation of attendees, in both the first
subcontractor representatives for a safety forum and second parts of the forum, demonstrated the
to raise awareness on Quality, Health, Safety and interest of subcontractors to these issues, as well as
Environment issues. the effectiveness of this annual event.
The 2015 forum was held on July 6 at the SCNL Port
Harcourt Base Training Centre. It was introduced by
the HSE Country Manager and consisted of two parts.
The first focused on the safety performance and ethical
behaviour of Saipem personnel and subcontractors, SUBCONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVES
corporate social responsibility and environmental issues ATTENDED THE HSE FORUM
(such as waste monetisation, energy saving and water
saving). The forum also included a presentation held by a
subcontractor representative who talked about how HSE
training and competences can improve the performance
of HSE personnel.
The second part saw the active participation of
attendees, divided into 6 groups. Each group was given
the challenge How do you achieve zero accidents in

Corporate Social Responsibility Award

On the occasion of the 2015 IPLOCA targeted at 15 women, provided
(International Pipe Line & Offshore knowledge and understanding of
Contractors Association) Corporate how to set up a private business
Social Responsibility Award, Saipem in Nigeria, boosting skills in fashion
was named runner-up in recognition design and sewing, and helping
of its commitment to social local women to start up a tailoring
responsibility. The mention referred business.
to the Women Empowerment The grounds of the recognition
Initiative, implemented by Saipem were the Promotion of
in collaboration with the NGO Entrepreneurship Opportunities,
Kinabuti Fashion Initiative (KFI) a long-term and self-funded
in 2013-2014. The initiative, programme.
SAIPEMs presence in:

After a brief spell in 1996, Saipem has been continuously
present in Azerbaijan since 2002 as an installation and
fabrication contractor for the Azeri Oil & Gas industry.
Today, Saipem operates in Azerbaijan mainly through
Saipem Contracting Netherlands BV Azerbaijan Branch.

Saipems activities
Saipems recent activities in the country can be
summarised as follows:
Azeri-Chirag-Gunashili (ACG) oil field development 82%
project: Saipem worked on a project known as the OF GOODS AND SERVICES ORDERED LOCALLY
contract of the century, from 2002 until 2008. The
field produced close to 1 million barrels of oil a day.
Furthermore, Saipem was contracted to provide
inspection, maintenance and repair of the related
production installations.
Shah Deniz 2 (SD2) gas field project & South
Caucasus Pipeline Expansion (SCPX) project: in 2014,
Saipem was awarded multibillion contracts by BP for contain options that could extend Saipems activities to
the installation of all the offshore structures of the new 2022 or later.
Shah Deniz 2 gas field project and for the construction A relevant key factor for the success of the project
and commissioning of the SCPX project in Azerbaijan award is the fact that, in line with its sustainability
and Georgia. Shah Deniz Stage 2 project activities are policy, Saipem has formed partnerships with local
carried out in the Shah Deniz field (Caspian Sea), 90 km companies, the most important one being with BOS
offshore Azerbaijan in water depths between 75 to 550 Shelf, a local fabrication company originally founded
metres. The scope of work of the project includes the by Saipem in a JV with Socar, the National Oil & Gas
transportation and installation of jackets, topsides and company. The ownership of this company has now been
subsea production systems and structures, the laying of transferred to Socar; the company will provide a large
over 360 km pipelines, diving support services and the part of the fabrication work for the SD2 project as a
upgrade of the Pipelay Barge Israfil Huseynov (PLBH), partner of Saipem in a Consortium.
Dive Support Vessel Academic Tofig Ismayilov (DSV ATI)
and Derrick Barge Azerbaijan (DBA) installation vessels.
The SCPX project, whose scope of work consists of
Business outlook
laying 487 km of pipeline (of which 63 km are located Particular focus will be placed on the Downstream & Power
in Georgia), is being implemented by the Saipem-Azfen Generation field. Azerbaijan is looking to diversify its
Joint Venture (SAJV), formed by Saipem and the local natural resource-dependent economy. In the meanwhile,
Oil & Gas contractor, Azfen. These contracts are the country is moving forward with ambitious downstream
considered very strategic for BP and for the Republic projects, most notably in petrochemicals. This is largely
of Azerbaijan, as the projects will deliver gas to Europe supported by capital generated during the expansion of
via the TAP pipeline. The execution of these contracts national oil production in the 2000s. Azerbaijan represents a
will last at least until 2018. However, the agreements good area of opportunity in the near future for Saipem.

S. Gasimov, Sunrise & Chirag 2, Azerbaijan


On-the-ground presence internship programme, the Company invites interns to

continue and develop their careers at Saipem.
The sustainable business approach of Saipem in
Azerbaijan contributes to the development of local Observing the lack of local engineers in the market and,
communities by offering employment opportunities, therefore, recognising the importance of developing
training and transfer of know-how, and working local specialists through educational and hands-on
efficiently with local suppliers and subcontractors. initiatives, starting in the 2014-2015 academic year,
To develop the Local Content in line with the Saipem implemented an Engineering Module with the aim
nationalisation programme, Saipem initiated the system of developing local young resources with a specialization
of Competency Assessment through the creation of in engineering. The principal target of the initiative is
a training scheme, utilising specialist trainers both to increase the number of participating universities
in and out of the country to promote and support the in order to engage more students in the activities
advancement of Azerbaijanis. that are to provide them with the necessary skills and
capabilities, based on the corporate and industry-
Young Graduates Internship Programme specific requirements and potential expansion in the
Caspian Region and beyond. The programme is being
implemented at Qafqaz University and Azerbaijan State
Oil Academy in collaboration with the universities career
planning centres.
As a result, 4 interns successfully passed the selection
and evaluation process and were recruited as Engineer
Trainees. The company designed a specific career
development path for the selected young engineering
Saipem decided to continue the programme in the
2015-2016 academic year and expanded the Engineering
Young graduates during a training class Module implementation by actively involving BOS Shelf.

For the 6th year in a row Saipem successfully

implemented the Young Graduates Internship
Programme. The initiative was established to provide
Saipem a mechanism that would allow young talents to
benefit from on-the-job experience during internships
prior to their formal entry in the labour market.
The initiative was implemented in cooperation with Junior
Achievement Azerbaijan (JAA), a local organisation with TOTAL STUDENTS SELECTED
extensive experience in business education. Since 2010, FOR THE INTERNSHIP
Saipem and JAA selected and trained 120 students in
their final year of study. During the implementation of
the initiative Saipem established good working relations
with the network of 8 local universities, both state and
private. The training consists of academically-enriching
and experiential learning sessions on work-readiness Improving skills of local medical personnel
education and career perspectives. Based on their Saipem implemented a professional training course for
performance during training, Saipem business needs 9 local doctors working for Saipem offshore projects.
and interviews, students advance to the next stage The Company succeeded in reaching the agreement
of the programme to take advantage of the industry to conduct specific training with the Republican
induction and internship opportunities at Saipem offices Narcological Centre of Azerbaijans Ministry of Health,
in the country. the state organisation that is the only competent
Following the completion and results of the six-month authority with such potential, but at the same time that
does not provide training services for external entities. communities to inform them of project vacancies, how
The aim of training was to provide them with the to apply for open jobs and the selection process. These
necessary competencies for drug and alcohol activities will be continuously conducted as per project
testing onboard. In general, the process of training progress and construction schedule.
and intercommunication between Saipem medical As part of its support to the development of Local
personnel and the Narcological Centre was significant Content and enhancement of the subcontractors
for the exchange of experience and information, and qualification process, Saipem set up an audit plan to
professional development. The content of the training verify the subcontractors compliance with international
programme provided by the Centre was unique, as it and corporate standards and requirements.
incorporated the expertise of medical staff directly The audits cover recruitment processes, Local Content
involved in the field of drug treatment. This experience development requirements, personnel training and
showed that the necessary resources can be found development, community and employee grievances and
within the country. Participants obtained official labour rights in general (salary, working hours, overtime).
certification following the training. In 2015, 5 local companies were audited by Saipem internal
Additionally, in order to improve the Centres ICT personnel and non-conformities and improvement areas
infrastructure and prepare them for long-term were identified. The outcomes of the audits were shared
maintenance, Saipem supported the Centres with the subcontractors and they were requested to
modernisation with IT equipment. The initiative was perform corrective actions.
successfully completed in July 2015. Thanks to its extensive experience in recruitment,
training, development of local personnel and local

9 vendors, the SAJV successfully achieved and exceeded

the defined targets for the SCPX project.
SAJV together with the Client company (BP), are now
planning initiatives to promote the socio-economic
development initiatives for local communities
surrounding the pipeline route.

Protecting biodiversity
The SCPX pipeline route is located in the Kur-Araz Valley
and Floodplain Ecoregion, not crossing any ecologically
protected areas but passing through impact-sensitive
Since several ecological sensitivities were identified,
the SCPX project includes many stringent environmental
requirements related to ecosystems, habitats and
sspecies protection before and during construction:
Medical training course
disturbance minimisation;
working width restriction;
Promoting Local Content flora and fauna translocation;
in operating projects avoiding seasonal sensitivities;
The SCPX project has different challenges: the number traffic restrictions; and
of local communities potentially affected by project aquatic environment protection.
operations (147 Project Affected Communities (PACs), All these aspects are managed and described in an
of which 102 PACs in Azerbaijan and 45 in Georgia) and Ecological Management Plan. The client appointed
the challenging local content requirements also involving an Ecological Management Contractor (EMC) that
subcontractors personnel. is coordinated by Saipem and that carries out
With the aim of bringing awareness to local communities Preconstruction Ecological Surveys for all project
located within the Project Zone of Influence, SAJV areas. The Preconstruction Ecological Surveys report is
organised periodic public meetings to inform community used as an environmental document to compile all site
members in advance about project activities to be held specific ecological baseline conditions and proposed
in their particular areas and how these operations could mitigation actions. EMC performed the pre-construction
affect and impact them. 21 community safety meetings survey undertaken in the 0-69 km section of the SCPX
and 18 school safety sessions were held. route in order to identify the presence of the Iris
In the framework of the project local employment Acutiloba species during and after the flowering season,
68 strategy, SAJV carried out awareness sessions for local between April and May.

Digging out the plant and bulb with native soil during
Pre-construction survey of Iris Acutiloba transplantation of Iris Acutiloba

Iris Acutiloba is an endemic and rare Caucasian species Spill prevention and preparedness
which is included in the revised Red Data Book of in sensitive areas
Azerbaijan (2nd Ed., 2013). Its National IUCN Status was The Shah Deniz 2 project takes into account a wide range
recorded as vulnerable. of international and regional environmental conventions
Flowering Iris Acutiloba were found at 47 locations and commits to complying with national environmental
during the first part of the survey. An additional larger legal requirements and industry best standards and
area with flowering plants was found immediately practices.
outside the route. A dedicated site meeting was held by The Caspian Sea is an area of high environmental and
the SAJV Environmental Team and other staff to provide socio-economic sensitivity due to its geographic position
information on how to ensure effective protection of the and singularity (it is the worlds largest salt-water
area. lake). Ecologically, it is an important spawning, feeding
The second part of the survey covered the remaining and migration area for a number of fish species, such
part of the potential habitat along the SCPX route up to as sturgeons; it is the principal flyway for waterfowl
km 69. Both flowering and non-flowering plants were and shorebirds migrating from Africa and the Middle
found at 11 locations of this section. 7 flowering plants East to northern Russia and Siberia, as well as the
were also found at 2 sites outside the route. home for the endemic and endangered Caspian seal.
Overall, more than 360 individual Iris Acutiloba plants From a socio-economic aspect it possesses a great
were found inside the 0-69 km section and were commercial fishing value and is one of the worlds major
immediately transplanted in receptor sites carefully oil-producing regions.
selected to provide a suitable micro-habitat and In order to preserve the Caspian Sea and ensure
exposure. Rounds of monitoring were carried out to long-term and sustainable operations, the project
observe the condition of the plants and confirm the has recognised spill prevention as one of the main
success of the transplantation. environmental objectives and has developed pollution
hazard maps for all worksites (Pipelay Barge Israfil

Huseynov, Derrick Barge Azerbaijan, Dive Support
more than Vessel, as well as landfall site). The pollution hazard
maps contain information about the sources of
IRIS ACUTILOBA PLANTS TRANSPLANTED potential pollution, the location of spill response
equipment, as well as the quantity of spill response
materials. These maps are posted in various locations
around the project worksites and communicated by
each supervisor to the workforce during regular Tool
Box Talks.
The maps are continuously updated in line with changes
in areas for the storage of potential sources of pollution.
Identification and mapping of spill sources in the facilities
(e.g. vessels and landfall site) is only the first step in the
overall spill risk assessment process. However, it is a
crucial element in ensuring reliable and high-quality input
The Iris Acutiloba
tto spill response planning and control.
SAIPEMs presence in:

Saipem has been present in the country since 1995.
It is represented by different companies, namely:
Ersai Caspian Contractor Llc, founded in 2003 in
Aktau, operating the Kuryk shore yard, located 70 km
south of Aktau City in an area of about 220 hectares,
a fully-equipped construction base with fabrication
and personnel accommodation facilities. Ersai is now
the leading company in the Mangystau region and OF WHICH ARE LOCAL
can provide a very large range of services, such as
all types of cutting, bevelling, welding and painting
equipment and cranage with up to 1,000 tonnes lifting
Saipem SpA Kazakhstan Branch, with offices in
Almaty, Aktau, Uralsk, Atyrau, and Aktyubinsk.
Saipar Drilling Co, a joint venture company with
Parker, based in Aksai.
Saipems activities TO SAIPEMS EMPLOYEES

Saipems experience in the country is primarily in

relation to the Kashagan Field Development project,
the first large-scale offshore petroleum development
in Kazakhstan and one of the largest and most complex
industrial projects currently being developed anywhere in
the world. Co NV, the installation of 2 pipelines (August 2014,
In particular, Saipem performed major activities ongoing), 28 x 95 km gas CRA (Corrosion Resistant
between 2004 and 2012 for Agip KCO, as operator Alloys) clad trunklines from Island D to onshore
of the North Caspian Sea PSA (Production Sharing processing facilities.
Agreement) including the engineering, procurement, Other projects highlighting the strong presence of
laying, burying, testing and commissioning of pipelines, Saipem in Kazakhstan concern the Karachaganak
fibre optic cables and umbilicals of trunklines and field, the drilling/workover operations in Uralsk and
production flowlines, installation of modular barges, Aktobe provinces, and two contracts encompassing
flares, piperacks, connecting bridge and other the decommissioning and transportation of two rigs
structures at Islands D and A, mobilisation and owned by the Client.
installation of 2 drilling plants at Island D, fabrication The EPC of a jack-up drilling rig, awarded to the
of piperacks in Kuryk, and trunklines and production of Consortium Ersai/Keppel Kazakhstan in 2012, is
clad flowlines. ongoing.
For this project, the recent activities, partly ongoing,
encompass the hook up and commissioning of offshore
facilities, pre-fabrication and completion of modules at
Business 0utlook
Kuryk Yard (May 2007, December 2013), the hook up Thanks to its specific experience in Kazakhstan in
and pre-commissioning of the Island D portion of the offshore and onshore activities, and based on its
plant in 8 areas (April 2011, December 2013), the EPC competitive advantages due to the Local Content
and transportation of 2 topside clusters (June 2013, strategies, Saipem is in a position to manage future
ongoing), the Installation of 2 CLAD trunklines from business opportunities in the country, namely the
Island D to the onshore plant (August 2014, ongoing). projects coming from the planned major development of
Saipem also provided, for Daewoo Shipbuilding and fields such as the Kalamkas, Aktote, Kairan, Pearls and
Marine Engineering (DSME), the fabrication, assembly Tengiz. Local Content is the critical market differentiator
and commissioning of a semisubmersible drilling barge in the country and creates a strong competitive
70 rig (2011, 2012), and for North Caspian Operating advantage compared to the other companies.

On-the-ground presence
Starting from the analysis of the needs of local
communities and their expectations, every year
Ersai defines a Sustainability Plan in agreement with
local authorities and local communities.
This includes all initiatives mainly aimed at creating value
in communities through health promotion, education and UNIVERSITIES INVOLVED IN THE PROGRAMME
environmental and cultural awareness. In particular, For 2016, Ersai is planning to enrol 5 more students
the focus on youngsters and their education and under the Ersai Scholarship Programme.
wellbeing is an essential aspect to guarantee the future
development of local communities. Boosting entrepreneurial potential
Ersai, in partnership with the Eurasia Foundation of
Ersai Scholarship Programme Central Asia (EFCA), supports the entrepreneurship
Since 2009, Ersai has successfully implemented its programme in Kuryk.
scholarship programme for school-leavers from The project Boosting Entrepreneurship Potential
low-income families in Kuryk village. in Kuryk is designed to address the unemployment
The main purpose is to support students from needy challenges in Mangystau Oblast.
families by financing their studies at one of the State To achieve its goal, Ersai and EFCA have adopted two
Universities of Kazakhstan in the specialisations required approaches:
by the Company (i.e. welding engineers, electricians, 1) Develop business skills and opportunities of Kuryk
mechanical engineers, ecologists, certification citizens in order to encourage them to start or improve
engineers, etc.). Ersai provides tuition payment for 5 small businesses that serve local community needs.
years, a monthly allowance and transport costs. 2) Introduce handicrafts as a professional opportunity
The annual selection of candidates takes place in two and a source of income for Kuryk women.
stages: a preliminary test and an interview. As part of the first business development component,
Ersai focuses on conducting business development

training by organising business plan competitions and
providing small grants and ongoing assistance to new
entrepreneurs. As part of the second handicrafts
GRADUATE STUDENTS WORKING IN ERSAI development component, Ersai focuses on holding
craft workshops, performing arts-marketing and basic

Start-up development workshop

business training, organising crafts fairs and assisting programme (a model of human development and a
artisans in partnership development. related educational approach based on that model)
The project has achieved the following major results: was designed for Kuryk caretakers. The programme
8 new businesses were created (quail farm, beauty aims to improve the professional qualifications of
salon, shoe repair workshop, taxi service, felting kindergarten caretakers and administrators, strengthen
workshop, turning shop, bakery and greenhouse) parent-kindergarten partnerships by fostering parent
continued operating and expanded their activities. involvement in the classroom, and increase community
3 women who participated in the crafts workshops engagement in the education of young children in Kuryk.
in 2014 established handicraft clubs in local schools, In 2015, experimental Montessori environments
receiving additional financial compensation for their (provision of equipment and materials for each age
activities and for the sale of their products. group) were created in Kulynshakh, Akboken and
9 women from Kuryk can sustain themselves thanks to Aygolek kindergartens to host 80 children. Kuryk
regular income from handicrafts. kindergartens are the first public kindergartens in the
The EFCA approached the United Nations Development Karakiya district to introduce free innovative Montessori
Programme (UNDP) to request that it expand methodologies for children. 24 Kuryk kindergarten
its business development programme to Kuryk teachers were trained by Montessori specialists who
and provide access to capital to other potential were hired as consultants to provide printed and video
entrepreneurs, who can now take out loans at a methodological materials to the trainees. Montessori
facilitated interest rate. As a result of the positive specialists visited each kindergarten and helped create a
outcome, the UNDP showed interest in the initiative. Montessori environment in separate rooms.
In addition, 36 teachers (18 from Kuryk kindergartens

1.5 mln tenge

and 18 from elementary schools) were trained on how
to make the transition of children from kindergarten to
school less stressful.
TOTAL INCOME EARNED BY THE FAMILIES Leaflets and booklets were prepared for parents
PER MONTH covering all kinds of preschool education issues,
practical advice and parenting tips, as well as Montessori
2 mln tenge
recommendations. These leaflets aimed to reach out
to parents and encourage them to participate in the
TOTAL TAXES PAID BY THE FAMILIES (*) education of their children.
Monitoring and evaluation were implemented in 2015.

27 Two major assessments were conducted in October-

November to observe initial project outputs and
outcomes, discuss progress and challenges with diverse
JOBS CREATED stakeholders, and solicit feedback for forthcoming
project activities.

around 300 The Mangystau oblast Department of Education, the

National Centre for Improving Teachers Qualifications
Orleu and the Republic Centre Pre-school Childhood
were interested in the programme and approved
the activities organised. Representatives of these
Supporting the education institutions participated in the demo-classes organised
system in Kuryk Village and appreciated the initiative.

In June 2012, Ersai in cooperation with the EFCA,

conducted a research project to assess the level of
the educational system in Kuryk village. It led to the
identification of the following initiatives.

Pre-school education initiative

As part of the Growing Together Preschool Education
Initiative launched in 2013, a tailored Montessori

72 Montessori training
(*) June 2014-December 2015.

We started Montessori group in our kindergarten in April 2015 and have already
received positive feedback from parents Children really enjoy being in a Montessori
environment, as they calm down and learn things... The more I work with Montessori
methodology the more I love it, feel it and understand it. Now I dont want to go back to
conventional education. Montessori has become my lifestyle!.
Teacher, Aygolek kindergarten

Master classes and psychological training for 32

students have been organised to help them prepare for
the final Common National Test.
Ersai has held two competitions among teachers and
students. The best teachers received prizes and the best
students visited the capital of Kazakhstan (Astana).
Some additional results proving the effectiveness of the
programme include:
All 32 Kuryk school students involved passed the final
Montessori training Common National Test.
Kuryk schools improved their overall ranking from 7th
place to 5th place among Mangystau Oblast schools.
The introduction of Step by Step and Montessori 1 graduate from Kuryk received the Altyn Belgi
methodologies has improved the level of primary (Golden Medal) status and will have an opportunity to
education in Kuryk. receive higher education for free.
Teachers who participated in professional
School Education Development project development training reported the success of their
Launched in 2013, the three-year School Education students.
Development project focuses on improving teacher The project and Ersai company received the American
qualifications, increasing student motivation through Chamber of Commerce award for the projects
the development of leadership and communication skills achievements.
and, finally, building strong partnerships among schools,
parents and the community.
The programme has involved about 55 elementary
teachers trained in innovative teaching methodologies
for Maths, History and the Kazakh language. ELEMENTARY TEACHERS TRAINED

Fostering local manpower in maritime industry

As part of the Sustainability Officers and 6 Marine Engineers an academic partner of IMCO.
and Local Content Development received their Bachelor Degree Cadets were trained in the best
Programme, Saipem implemented Diploma in Nautical Studies and innovative learning environment
a 4-year Marine Training initiative Marine Engineering, and a Certificate by teachers with a professional
in cooperation with International of Competence in accordance seaman background and from
Maritime College Oman (IMCO) in with STCW (Standards of Training, different parts of the world,
Sohar (Oman) to foster professional Certification and Watchkeeping for thereby improving their practical
manpower for operations in the Seafarers) standards. skills on up-to-date simulators,
maritime industry. The academic programme, which and benefiting from a 12-month
The 16 best candidates selected from consisted of theoretical and sea apprenticeship on the
the top Kazakhstan Universities were practical classes, was developed Atlantic Ocean and Caspian Sea,
sent to IMCO, and on December 16 the and delivered by the STC (Shipping which enabled them to meet the
first 8 cadets sponsored by Saipem and Transport College) Group requirements of the international
successfully graduated. 2 Deck from Rotterdam (Netherlands), maritime and Oil & Gas companies.
SAIPEMs presence in:

Gulf Cooperation Council countries and Middle East

Saipem has a strong presence in the Gulf Cooperation
Council (GCC) countries and in the Middle East. In
particular it operates in:
Saudi Arabia - Saudi Arabian Saipem, Snamprogetti
Saudi Arabia and Snamprogetti Engineering
& Contracting Co Ltd at Al-Khobar and STAR - Saipem
Taqa Al Rushaid in Dammam.
Qatar - Saipem SpA Qatar Branch in Doha. OF WHICH ARE LOCAL
Kuwait - Saipem SpA Kuwait Branch in Kuwait City.
UAE Saipem SpA Sharjah branch and SCN BV Sharjah
Branch in Sharjah, Saipem SpA Dubai branch in Dubai
and Saipem SpA Abu Dhabi branch in Abu Dhabi.
Oman Saipem SpA Oman Branch in Al Khuwair,
Sultanate of Oman.

Iran Saipem SpA Iran Branch in Teheran.
Iraq - Sajer, a JV with local partners, registered in
Iraq since 2009, in Baghdad - Rumailah Camp Facilities FRAMEWORK AGREEMENTS SIGNED
in Rumailah.

Saipems activities 317,522

Saipem has a significant track record in the area in both
onshore and offshore activities. As of the end of 2015,
Saipem was working on projects in Saudi Arabia and
Construction is underway and the project is expected
Saudi Arabia to be commissioned in the first half of 2016. Saipem
Saudi Aramco represents a strategic partner for Saipem is responsible for the EPC contract for the naphtha
in the area. The major projects underway, all awarded by reformer unit and the aromatics complex.
Saudi Aramco, are listed below. Al Wasit Gas Programme: Saipem is developing
Jazan Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle the Arabiyah and Hasbah fields which includes the
(JIGCC) project: Saipem is responsible for the EPC engineering, procurement, fabrication and installation
of Package 1 (Gasification) and Package 2 (Sulphur of a total of 12 wellhead platforms, 2 tie-in platforms
Recovery) of the 400 kbbl/d grass root Jazan Refinery and 1 injection platform, as well as a 36-inch
and Terminal project being developed in the Jazan 260-kilometre long export trunkline, approximately 200
Economic City (JEC) in the southwestern region of kilometres of mono-ethylene glycol (MEG) pipelines,
Saudi Arabia. The design feed capacity of the IGCC 200 kilometres of subsea electric and control cables
is expected to be about 110 kbbl/d of VR (vacuum and 40 kilometres of offshore flowlines. All fabrication
residue) and/or HSFO (high sulphur fuel oil) and will activities are carried out in the yards of Dammam
export a minimum of 2.4 GW of net power to the grid. and as regards the larger structures, in the Saipem
Contract awarded in May 2014. yard at Karimun, Indonesia. The offshore activities are
Khurais Expansion project: contract awarded in performed mainly by the Castoro II and Castoro Otto
October 2014 for the bulk of the construction activities vessels.
at the Khurais field. Expansion of Khurais involves the Saudi Aramco Karan: an EPCI contract which
installation of crude handling, stabilisation and gas involves the engineering, procurement, transportation
compression facilities to increase production up to and installation of offshore structures including
1.5 million bbl/d. observation platform, wellhead production deck
Rabigh Phase II project: it involves the expansion of module, auxiliary platforms, 20 internally cladded
the Petro Rabigh Refining and Petrochemical Complex flowline and composite power cable. Offshore
74 located approximately 150 km north of Jeddah. installation activities will be performed offshore.

Kuwait On-the-ground presence

Al Zour New Refinery project (NRP) - Packages 4 Saipem has a long-term deep-rooted presence in
and 5: contracts awarded in August 2015 by Kuwait the area, especially in Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
National Petroleum Co (KNPC). Package 4 is related to The Company is committed to promoting local
the implementation on an EPC basis of the tank farm socio-economic development in the areas where
and associated utilities in JV with Essar Projects Ltd it operates but the approach highly depends on
while Package 5 is related to the implementation on an its kind of presence (short, medium or long term).
EPC basis of the marine works of the refinery in JV with The programmes described below highlight Saipems
Hyundai E&C and SK E&C. commitment in practice.

Business outlook A sustainable supply chain in the Middle East

Since 2011, Saipems Social Responsibility Campaign
This area, without a doubt, represents one of the most has aimed to assess the alignment of suppliers with
interesting for Saipem considering both its experience Social Responsibility International Standards and
and the consolidated relationship with clients. The Saipems principles. Bahrain and Saudi Arabia were
abundance of reserves and a growth in oil consumption included in the campaign for the first time in 2015 and
that is below expectations mainly support the two vendors were actively involved and audited on social
downstream segment, especially in Saudi Arabia and in responsibility issues. Results were satisfactory since no
Iran. Oman and Qatar plan to invest in the infrastructure criticalities related to topics such as child labour, forced
in which Saipem has significant experience having or compulsory labour or discrimination were found. The
concluded the Shah-Habshan-Ruwais Etihad Railway audits identified areas for improvement in the companies
project (UAE) in 2015. policies and employee management in terms of health
Qatar will also invest in offshore gas production systems, and safety, remuneration and working hours. Saipems
as well as in the downstream field where Saipem has findings were submitted to the two suppliers in the form
an excellent track record having concluded the largest of an improvement plan. The suppliers will be required to
fertiliser complex Qafco V and VI for Qatar Petroleum show evidence of implementation during 2016.
in 2014. As a general approach, suppliers from Middle East

A. Napolitano, Desert snake, UAE

countries such as Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and Saipems performance on each theme selected.
Iraq are required to report their practices in terms of In the second part of the workshop a sustainability
social responsibility issues as part of the qualification action plan was developed and a roadmap established.
process. An analysis of 2015 questionnaires shows that For each area of intervention, more details were
results for the Middle East area are in line with those provided about the activities needed in order to define an
from other geographical areas. implementation plan for the next few years.
The participatory approach of the workshop resulted in
A Saudi-focused sustainability charter the creation of the Saudi Arabia Sustainability Charter,
where the strategy for the country was stated.


Sustainability Strategy Workshop

Working with subcontractors
t guarantee safe operations
T characteristics that enable Saipem to stand out
In 2015, Saipem organised a Sustainability Strategy ffrom its competitors are its roots in the country, its
Workshop in Saudi Arabia in order to define strategy and eembedded HSE culture, its sustainability strategy and its
key areas of intervention appropriate to that specific Code of Ethics.
context. A significant proportion of work in construction and
18 participants from the management of Saipem Saudi drilling activities in Saudi Arabia is carried out by
Arabia companies were involved. subcontractors, over which Saipem has a supervisory
The first part of the workshop focused on the creation duty. This consists in ensuring that subcontractors are
of a Sustainability Charter, consisting of a mission capable of supplying a competent workforce and are
statement and a strategy definition. The mission aware of Saipems requirements in terms of HSE.
statement concentrated on key aspects such as Following the one organised in 2014, a second HSE
long-term growth, local stakeholders and local Forum was held on December 7 and 8, 2015 and involved
development. The strategy definition included 3 steps: 17 major subcontractors. The forum was attended by
1. the selection and definition of sustainability themes local Saipem companies and project representatives, as
which are more in line with the Saudi Arabian context well as by the top management of the subcontractors
(Local Content, stakeholder engagement, safety involved in project operations.
and asset integrity); The forum included a Leadership in Health and Safety
2. a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and workshop. It proved to be a positive, constructive
Threats) analysis, to identify the criticalities connected experience that was appreciated by all those who took
to the themes; and part. A common commitment to health and safety will
3. the identification of 3 areas of intervention to improve allow significant benefits to be obtained on all project

Shah-Habshan-Ruwais Etihad:
infrastructure project of the year
Saipems Shah-Habshan-Ruwais Etihad Rail is expected to benefit
Etihad Railway project was named local communities and the national
Infrastructure Project of the Year economy greatly.
at the Construction Week Awards Giuseppe Iocco, Project Director
2015 held in Dubai. The project at Saipem, said: The scale and
encompassed the engineering, complexity of this project was
procurement and construction of a immense, so to win this award is
railway line for the transportation extremely gratifying. We actually
of granulated sulphur, linking the set a new world record during the
natural gas production fields of Shah construction 70 km of track laid
76 and Habshan to the port of Ruwais. in a single month.

activities in terms of results, as well as in terms of levels top quality training courses to continue to empower
of integration and team work. employees with the right knowledge and expertise.
Saipem will monitor progress towards the 2016 Here are some significant training sessions:
undertakings throughout the year and these will be Training programme for Iraqi nationals: as per
discussed at next years HSE Forum, which will become project requirements, 30 Iraqi SOC (South Oil Co,
an official event in Saudi Arabia Operations. Achieving the client) employees were trained and divided in
improvements in the HSE culture of subcontractors three different groups (Technical, Operation and
represents a concrete investment in the local economy Management and AFC). The trainings were composed
and will be of direct benefit to Saipem. of 3 modules: Soft and Professional skills, Oil & Gas
Industry Knowledge and Technical skills. The training

started in June 2013 and was concluded in December
Training programme for Mozambican graduates:
as support to Saipem Mozambique, 13 graduates
attended classroom training sessions in Sharjah.
The Training courses conducted focused on the
Saipems training hub in the Middle East following areas: Project Management, Engineering,
The Saipem Sharjah Training Centre was formally Construction, Quality, HSE, Project Control, Contract
established in 2011 with the completion of the Training Administration.
Centres main building at Saipems Logistic Base located Saudi internship programme of Al Wasit project: in
at Port Khalid. The primary goal of the Training Centre June 2011, 10 local engineers in multiple disciplines
was to cater employee training needs by delivering were hired by Saipem and were provided on-the-job
top-class courses, while being the epicentre of training training, development programmes and responsibilities
excellence in the Middle East region. within the Companys organisation. They were
To date, the Saipem Sharjah Training Centre has widened mobilised to the Design Office, Fabrication Office and
its horizon by also assisting other Saipem Branches the In-Kingdom Work site and Offshore spreads. The
outside the Middle East. programme started 60 days after the beginning of the
In 2015 alone, the Saipem Sharjah Training Centre project and lasted till its completion.
delivered an average of 3 training sessions per month. In addition, the training centre developed a successful
The three sessions conducted covered managerial, partnership with King Fahad University & Minerals
technical and safety topics. The training courses (KFUPM) for project environmental services and
were attended by employees from different Saipem compliance monitoring in the Al Wasit project.
companies/branches. The university (located in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia)
Since its inception, the Sharjah Training Centre had is a local leading educational organisation for science
already facilitated more than 500 training sessions and technology that conducts high quality monitoring
and thousands of man-hours. Yet still, it remains fully and research studies for Oil & Gas projects.
committed to improving and excelling in delivering Saipem requested the KFUPM Research Institute
to prepare a report on Environmental and Compliance
Training man-hours per training type Monitoring for the activities associated with the
in Sharjah Training Centre development of the Saudi Aramco Arabiyah and Hasbah
Gas Field. Monitoring was conducted between the
years 2012-2015, and a monthly monitoring report was
submitted by KFUPM. No major non-compliance issues
24% were observed.


SAIPEMs presence in:

Saipem has been operating in Indonesia since 1995,
represented locally by PT Saipem Indonesia (PTSI).
It is based in Jakarta with a Branch on Karimun Island,
where the fabrication yard was officially opened in 2011.
The subsidiary is active in Saipems Offshore, Floaters,
Onshore and Drilling businesses.
Saipem Karimun Fabrication Yard is currently the OF WHICH ARE LOCAL
biggest fabrication installation in Southeast Asia,
acting as a key player in the Oil & Gas industry in
Indonesia where, jointly with the Jakarta EPCI Centre,
Saipem Indonesia is qualified to perform Engineering,
Procurement, Construction and Installation for both
Offshore and Onshore projects.
Furthermore, in recent years PT Saipem Indonesia has
operated deepwater drilling vessels such as the Saipem
10000 and currently the Scarabeo 7 for the development TOTAL TRAINING MAN-HOURS DELIVERED
of the Eni Muara Bakau field (Jangkrik Complex project). TO SAIPEMS EMPLOYEES

Saipems activities
Saipem is a landmark contractor in Indonesia thanks
to its offshore track record. Its reputation today is
enhanced by the execution of extremely complex
projects in the Jakarta Operating Centre, as well as
operations on Karimun Island.

Jangkrik FPU EPCI: a barge shaped FPU performing Business outlook

full offshore processes and exporting treated gas
onshore near the Sapi plant for tie-in to the 42 The landscape of the Oil & Gas industry, both in Indonesia
pipeline at the Badak Plant, as well as stabilised and globally, has experienced drastic changes in recent
condensate to the 20 existing pipeline at the Senipah years. The future of Indonesian energy is gas. New
Plant. An additional tie-in to an existing 20 pipeline pipeline exports are also transforming Indonesias
is envisaged to route part of the produced gas to the gas industry and driving up domestic gas demand. 60
domestic market. sedimentary basins and 39 tertiary and pre-tertiary
Jangkrik FPU Drilling: 11 wells with drilling activities basins showing promise in hydrocarbons are
performed by Saipem using Scarabeo 7. under-explored. The gas reserve is 153.75 Tcf (Trillion
cubic feet), while unconventional Oil & Gas reserves
Tangguh LNG Onshore FEED: new offshore facilities, such as Coal Bed Methane are estimated at 453 Tcf
including wellhead platforms and pipelines, and onshore and the shale gas reserve at 574 Tcf. According to the
development on the existing Tangguh brownfield Indonesian Oil & Gas outlook, this will lead to 75 proposal
site. The new onshore facilities include one additional developments in the forthcoming years.
natural gas liquefaction train of similar design and Within this business outlook, PT Saipem Indonesia is
capacity to the existing trains, an onshore receiving currently exploring all available opportunities for 2016,
facility (ORF), new LNG and condensate loading berth, focusing its main efforts on tenders related to gas field
additional boil off gas (BOG) recovery, condensate development.
storage tank, utilities, flares and the infrastructure to Other opportunities can be found in the area of East Java
support logistics and the associated increase in the connected to gas monetisation. In the offshore business,
temporary and permanent workforce. This project was the area of the Abadi Field constitutes an opportunity for
78 successfully completed in December 2015. the development of FLNG and subsea projects.

On-the-ground presence Saipem constantly monitored the effectiveness of the

initiatives and shared the results with the Regency.
The long-term presence of Saipem in Indonesia has
always been characterised by a sustainable approach, Health care for local women
focused on Local Content promotion, skills development, In the second half of 2015, after dedicated meetings with
support for the welfare of employees and a serious local women, Saipem defined a programme to support
engagement process with stakeholders. the new Community Health Post located in West Pangke
However, activities and commitments have been tailored Village, the community surrounding the Karimun Yard.
to the operating contexts. As can be easily understood,
the impacts of Saipems operation in Jakarta, the The Health Post is targeted at mothers, their children
largest city in Indonesia, are very different from those and elderly women, and is visited twice a month by
on Karimun Island, where Saipem is the main industrial doctors and nurses from the local hospital who provide
player. Consequently, the approaches adopted vary. health assistance or improve awareness on certain
topics. The new Health Post was built by drawing on the
Sustainability approach Development Fund of the Karimun Regency, but Saipem
decided to contribute to the project by refurbishing the
on Karimun Island Post with windows, air conditioning and a playground and
by providing medical equipment. Works will be completed
Emergency management capacities in the first few months of 2016.
of Karimun Hospital
The Company plans to provide further assistance to the
village in 2016, in collaboration with the local hospital.
Saipems doctors will implement training courses and
other programmes based on the needs identified.

Sanitation system improvement

in schools
Following an analysis of school facilities, and bearing in
mind the increased number of students over the last years,
Saipem decided to improve the Pangke Village Elementary
School sanitation system to better meet pupil needs. Toilets
aand wash basins were installed and the plumbing system
A shared commitment to health care w
was repaired in the first few months of 2015.
TThe opening ceremony was held on May 9, 2015 and
Saipem has identified the promotion of health and safety ssaw the participation of local authorities such as the
as an area of intervention, actively involving several rrepresentatives of the Health Office, the Education
local stakeholders. In 2014, PT Saipem Indonesia signed O
Office, the Head of West Pangke Village and the Head
an MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the of West Meral Sub-district. On this occasion, Saipem,
Regency of Karimun in order to improve the emergency in cooperation with Women Empowerment and Midwife
management capacities of the local hospital. Association, organised games and dances for children to
show them the proper way to wash their hands, as well
The initiative, completed in February 2015, consisted in as general hygiene best practices.
refurbishing the hospitals emergency room, providing
new equipment and organising a three-day training Introducing children to safety
session on General Emergency Life Support (GELS) for and environment protection
about 40 doctors from Karimun and other islands nearby. On August 2, 2015, in cooperation with its client, Saipem
The training was officially opened by the Karimun Regent. launched a sustainability initiative called Little-LiHSE
It was the first time they had attended this kind of (Little-Leadership in Health, Safety and Environment).
training programme delivered by an international The programme focuses on employee children aged
company and all feedback was positive. During 2015, between 7 and 11 years and aims to develop their
Promoting local employment and skills development
Due to the high workload in the (SIKB) conducted a recruitment
Karimun Yard, including activities for campaign in the Karimun regency and
topside fabrication on the Kaombo
project, an intensive recruitment
in other Indonesian regions (Cilegon,
Cilacap, Surabaya, Medan, Dumai,
process was undertaken in 2015. Palembang, Jakarta and Batam). PEOPLE TRAINED
Several additional production The campaign will continue in 2016,
positions, such as supervisors, pipe consistent with project schedules.
fitters, welders, riggers,
painters/blasters and helpers, were
In accordance with operational
needs, SIKB planned and realised
needed to manage operations. several training programmes, mostly TRAINING HOURS
In order to fulfil project requirements technical and HSE, conducted by DELIVERED
and maximise local employment, the external providers or in-house at the
PT Saipem Indonesia Karimun Branch SIKB training centre.

Little-LiHS workshop Sustainability approach

in Jakarta
A responsible company
in an urban environment
In accordance with the Community Initiatives Plan,
PT Saipem Indonesia in Jakarta organised 2 initiatives
to support the national educational system, the first
one focusing on capability building and the second on
improving school infrastructures.

Since 2015, Saipem has implemented a programme to

awareness of safety and environmental protection. develop the skills of local young students in cooperation
The workshop covered several topics such as Road with University of Indonesia and Bandung Institute
Safety, Safety at Home, Ergonomics, Healthy Lifestyle of Technology, two prestigious Indonesian universities.
and Safeguarding the Environment. Practical sessions, In both universities the Company organised a dedicated
games, quizzes and competitions were organised to event to introduce itself, with a specific focus on its HSE
involve the children more effectively. This first workshop system and approach.
was a success with 48 children present and the active Tests and interview sessions were carried out during
participation of local management and representatives the day. As a result, 2 students were selected to
from local authorities. participate in Saipems internship programme on the
HSE Management System. After finishing the internship
A further 4 sessions were organised with the same both students were evaluated and 1 is currently working
format during the remaining part of the year involving for Saipem as an HSE System Engineer.
a total of 231 children. The programme is expected to
continue in 2016 with an additional 4 workshop sessions. Moreover, Saipem actively supported improvements to
part of the infrastructure of SMP Negeri 68, a junior high
school in Cipete, South Jakarta. The Company cooperated

231 with a local contractor to refurbish two student toilets

which were damaged, unhealthy and unsafe. These were:
the boys toilet, consisting of 4 urinals, 2 squat toilets,
CHILDREN PARTICIPATED IN THE INITIATIVE 1 seat toilet, 2 washbasins, 3 water taps, mirrors,
80 walls and tiled floors;

This refurbishment has really helped reduce the hygiene problem at our school
and we are happy and satisfied with the whole improvement,
thanks to PT Saipem Indonesia.
Feedback from a student

the girls toilet, consisting of 2 squat toilets, 1 seat Promote innovation through sharing of knowledge and
toilet, 2 washbasins, mirrors, walls and tiled floors. ideas between young and experienced staff.
In addition, this refurbishment included ceiling and The programme consisted in both individual and group
plumbing arrangements. The initiative was highly sessions based on case study discussion and problem
appreciated, especially by the students. solving. Mentors and YEs provided materials, presented
the case study and managed the group sessions.
Mentors analysed the potential of YEs, and supported
Scouting young talents them from beginning to end in approaching the case
The Young Engineer Sustainable Development study and evaluating their improvements through
Programme (YESDP) started in 2015. Launched in individual assessment.
Jakarta, it involved 13 young engineers (YE) who were
assisted by 5 seniors, their mentors. YESDP aimed to:
Develop the soft skills of young resources, such as
communication, negotiation, leadership, organisation,
problem solving and decision making.
Foster an understanding of the Oil & Gas business,
project management methods, EPCI project flow and
technical engineering competencies.

Human Factor Engineering on Saipem Indonesia projects

Human operating and maintenance the health and safety of personnel. End Engineering Design) phase.
errors on projects or Saipem These include operability,
assets can be significantly reduced The application of HFE Work maintainability, entrances/
through the review of human Instructions by PT Saipem exits, manual material handling,
factors (ergonomics, or human Indonesia started during the communication, labelling and
engineering) during the facilities projects design phase, when, in environmental conditions.
design and construction phases. cooperation with the projects In the project transition phase
Since Saipem was requested stakeholders, the applicable legal (i.e. from engineering to
to develop different types of and regulatory standards and construction or from construction
facilities in compliance with HFE HFE Design requirements were to commissioning and start-up)
requirements from the design reviewed. Once the definition of there is a higher risk level related to
phase, and since there was no requirements had been finalised, safety issues and to the increased
recognised engineering practice in a HFE Design analysis was carried number of personnel involved. In this
place, HFE Work Instructions were out. The analysis focused on phase, a rigorous bow-tie analysis
developed in 2013 as a benchmark various activities such as: is carried out using the outcomes
for Saipem projects, assets and HFE critical analysis of valves and of Hazard Identification (HAZID)
procedures. instrumentation; and Risk Assessment at a High or
This regulatory step demonstrates Skid package screening; Medium Risk ranking.
Saipems commitment to creating Safety Critical Task analysis; As a next step, the HFE
a comfortable working and living Control room design; construction team will conduct a
environment, facilitating the 3D model HFE review. regular HFE workaround by giving
development of a healthy workplace On complex projects, HFE HFE Awareness and Auditing
culture through good ergonomic requirements are implemented courses in order to prevent and
layout and design, and protecting starting from the FEED (Front mitigate human errors.
SAIPEMs presence in:

Saipem has been active in Brazil since 2002 and currently
operates through its local entity, Saipem do Brasil
Servis de Petroleo Ltda (SdB). Recently Saipem
completed its world-class offshore prefabrication
yard located in Guaruj, a metropolitan area in the
coastal region of the So Paulo state which is very
well-positioned to serve the rising offshore Santos
basin. The Centre for Technology and Construction OF WHICH ARE LOCAL
Offshore (CTCO) of Guaruj consists of an operational
base with onshore facilities for storage, assembly and
submarine component shipment, in order to support
offshore activities carried out by Saipem in Brazil. CTCO
supports offshore field development projects both as a
yard (e.g. for the fabrication of subsea structures, riser
systems, buoyancy elements) and as a logistics base
(e.g. for the prefabrication of pipe joints to be installed
offshore). Moreover, Saipem expanded its Rio de Janeiro TOTAL TRAINING MAN-HOURS DELIVERED
engineering and project execution centre, therefore TO SAIPEMS EMPLOYEES
positioning itself as a partner of choice for Petrobras,
capable of serving the National Oil Co as EPCI main Onshore business
contractor with local project teams in full compliance with Saipem has provided Braskem with its Snamprogetti
Brazils Local Content requirements. proprietary license for ETBE (Ethyl tertiary butyl ether),
a bio gasoline additive produced partially from ethanol as
Saipems activities a sustainable alternative to MTBE (Methyl tertiary butyl
Offshore business
Saipem completed for Petrobras:
challenging deepwater subsea field developments such
Business outlook
as P55 steel catenary risers and flowlines; Notwithstanding the current global Oil & Gas downturn,
offshore deepwater pipelines such as Sapinho (Guara) coupled with reduced spending by Petrobras now
& Lula-NE pipelines and Lula NE-Cernambi pipeline. resulting in a regional slowdown, the offshore basins
Today, Saipem is executing several important deep and in Brazil have a very high potential (Petrobras alone
ultra-deepwater EPCI projects for Petrobras, including: has huge reserves of some 16 billion bbl of oil) and are
Sapinho Norte and Cernambi Sul subsea offshore expected to keep the industry busy again in the medium
development; to long-term. Future opportunities will come not only from
Lula Norte, Lula Sul and Lula Extremo Sul pipelines and the currently declining mature areas but also and mainly
free standing hybrid risers (FSHRs). from further developments in the pre-salt area, including
the huge and technologically challenging Libra field, for
Drilling business which Petrobras, with its partners Total, Shell, CNPC and
In recent years Saipem operated a few onshore rigs for CNOOC, has scheduled a first pilot to go online within the
Petrobras through Petrex, Saipems drilling subsidiary in first quarter 2017. Finally, Brazil is increasingly attracting
South America. the Majors to take operatorship roles.

O. Furci, We are connected, Brazil


On-the-ground presence and economic costs. In 2015, Baixada Santista, an area

which includes Guaruj, saw a dramatic increase in
Saipem proactively engages local stakeholders in order dengue cases compared to 2014 (see the infographic
to promote a constructive and open dialogue and to below). To educate personnel on this issue, Saipem
support the well-being of communities surrounding its organised internal awareness campaigns in February
activities. and December. The goal was to inform Saipems
The general objective is to transfer knowledge and employees of the risks and prevention measures, such
to spread HSE culture to employees and external as not allowing standing water to be left out and not
stakeholders. The main initiatives implemented in 2015 disposing of rubbish in the yard in which water can
are detailed below. accumulate. The 2016 campaign will be extended to local
community members with the same purpose.
Initiatives addressed to employees
Several internal campaigns were carried out for
Saipem employees focusing on health, safety and
environmental promotion and topics related to business
ethics. For example, an internal campaign raised
awareness of the serious social problem of child sexual
exploitation. On that occasion the issue was the object Brazil celebrated Fauna Defence Day on September 22,
of active discussion and information brochures were demonstrating the countrys commitment to protecting
distributed. the natural environment and biodiversity. To celebrate
As part of the Companys commitment to keeping all this day, Saipem held toolbox talks in Guaruj for the
employees informed of the Code of Ethics, induction entire workforce focusing on wild animal rescue in the
moments for new employees and training sessions were yard and the danger of running over animals on the roads
organised to strengthen the knowledge of all Saipem outside the yard. The appearance of animals inside the
personnel. yard and on nearby roads is very common due to the
rich vegetation found in the area. For this reason a Wild
Concerning health protection, particular attention was Animal Rescue system is in place. Every animal identified
paid to promoting awareness of dengue: indeed, Brazil in the yard is rescued by the environmental team and then
is a hotspot for dengue fever, a disease caused by a sent to the proper destination: if hurt, the animals are
virus spread by mosquitoes causing fever, dehydration sent to a treatment centre to receive proper care, if the
and haemorrhaging that can be fatal. It is one of the animal is not hurt, it is returned back to its natural habitat,
most serious endemic diseases in terms of public health away from operational activities. About 60 animals were

Dengue cases in Baixada Santista region

in 2014
in 2015

Dengue cases in Guaruj 416
in 2014
Source: Jornal A Tribuna. in 2015
rescued in the last 2 years. Saipem also installed banners Practical training for the voluntary fire brigade
and distributed leaflets on the road outside the yard to
everyone passing by calling attention to safe driving to
prevent animals from being run over on the roads around
the yard and all around Brazil. More than 475 million
animals are run over each year on Brazilian roads.
The motto of the day was: Respect the speed limit.
Respect life!.

about 60

Welcoming new employees Guaruj) fires, accidents or other domestic emergencies

In 2015, Saipem do Brasil launched Compagno occurred frequently. In August, as part of the Be Safe/
Programme in the fabrication yard. This initiative aims Live Safe Campaign, theoretical and practical training
to make the first few days of new employees easier at conducted by the Fire Department was offered to 20
Saipem do Brasil, focusing on Safety. Each newcomer community volunteers. At the end of the training session,
is assigned for up to 90 days to a current employee the voluntary fire brigade received fire extinguishers
from the same area who can act as a role model, clarify and the participants were awarded a certificate.
procedures, introduce the new employee to the team, The initiative strove to improve fire prevention knowledge
etc. The Compagno is not the supervisor, but works close and contribute equipment to the community and to
to him or her in order to guarantee proper support. provide support to the local fire department.
The initial feedback has been very positive.

Promoting the well-being

of local community
Many initiatives carried out were aimed at the local
community and mainly focused on safety, environment The Guaruj and Santos areas are marked by the
and education. presence of the biggest port in South America, whose
In the area of Santa Cruz dos Navegantes (a district of activities highly impact the surrounding environment.

Share & shape: a follow-up

Share & Shape, a project which and to work on its implementation. & Shape participants;
invites young employees to share This committee was composed of internal training sessions to
their ideas and help shape the future representatives from different increase the understanding
of the Company, was carried out in functions selected by the Share of the different department
Brazil. In December 2014, the work & Shape work groups and a tasks, challenges and objectives.
groups presented top management representative of top management. This allowed people to have a
with their ideas and projects they Among the initiatives identified, better understanding of the
developed with the aim of achieving three were implemented: final outcome of their work, ask
continuous improvements in terms establishment of periodic members of top management
of both Company processes and department meetings questions and promote a sense
work life in general. to strengthen communication, of belonging. This initiative
In 2015, a team composed teambuilding and employee empowered employees
of management representatives engagement; to act more confidently
analysed the feasibility of the improvement of transparency and developed a broader
proposed initiatives. in the Performance Evaluation vision of internal processes
The Managing Director created a process in accordance with reinforcing cooperation between
84 committee to define an action plan suggestions made by Share departments.

Collecting waste during Coastal Cleanup Day in August on subsea engineering to the students of the
University of Ribeiro Preto (Unaerp), one of the largest
higher education and technology centres in the state of
So Paulo, to provide a comprehensive description of
projects developed by Saipem in Brazil and worldwide.
For the occasion the SELCE Brazil study (carried out
in 2014) was presented, pointing out the positive
contribution of the Company in Guaruj and Baixada
Santistas socio-economic context.


In this framework, on September 17, CTCO celebrated

Coastal Cleanup Day, an event created by Ocean Strengthening local suppliers
Conservancy (an international NGO) 30 years ago and Saipem contributes to the development of the local
celebrated in more than 120 countries. On this occasion economy by also engaging with its local suppliers.
Saipem with its cleanup team, and in partnership with Saipem is striving to increase the number of local
two maritime and land transportation companies, suppliers involved in its activities. To achieve its goal,
removed 121 kg of waste from nearby rivers and the in cooperation with SEBRAE (Brazilian Service of
surrounding sea: a great deal of light and micro waste, Support for Micro and Small Enterprises), the Company
such as plastic and paper packing and Styrofoam, was organised a business meeting in December attended
removed. As part of the same initiative, Saipem also by 44 entrepreneurs from Guaruj. On this occasion
supported Gremar, an institute for the rehabilitation of the participants had the opportunity to become familiar
marine animals and environmental education in Baixada with the projects developed by the Company and the
Santista, to clean up the beaches around Guaruj city. qualification process.
Saipem distributed water and high visibility vests to
participants. 700 people participated in this event and
collected 748 kg of waste. 44


Guaruj Yard


The Oil & Gas industry is relatively young in the Guaruj

and Santos areas. For this reason Saipem held a lecture

Introducing Saipem to Unaerp students

SAIPEMs presence in:

Other South American countries

The main company operating in the area is Petrex SA.
Founded in 1983 and owned by Saipem since 1998, the
companys head office is in Lima (Peru).
The companys core business is onshore drilling. In 2015,
Petrex operated in Peru (19 rigs), Venezuela (28 rigs),
Colombia (6 rigs), Ecuador (4 rigs), Bolivia (3 rigs) and
Chile (2 rigs).
Saipems activities
2015 saw a significant slowdown in activities, with a
significant reduction of operating rigs (37 operative
in December 2015). This was mainly caused by the
significant drop in oil prices.
In July 2015, Petrex SAs Chilean branch was awarded
a contract for the construction and installation of a 160
km piping system for CODELCO (Corporacin Nacional
del Cobre de Chile), one of the biggest copper producers
worldwide. In Colombia, during the years 2010-2012, the Saipem
This project represents a record for Saipem. Indeed, the Group completed implementation of the Porto Nuevo
pipe will reach an altitude of 3,000 m above sea level and project, which consisted in the construction of a first
will be used to upgrade the extraction levels inside the phase of new coal direct-loading facilities for ships in the
Radomiro Tomic plant, located at 1,670 km from Santiago. Caribbean Sea.
Completion date is foreseen for the end of 2018.

Marine works
Business outlook
A few years ago, Saipem Group, together with At the end of 2016, at Mariposa lake, 300 km from
Oderbrecht as commercial partner, implemented two Santiago, Petrex will start drilling for a new geothermic
marine works in Peru on an EPC basis: project on behalf of EDC, a Philippine company operating
Puerto Callao Muele Sur: construction of a large pier in power generation from unconventional sources.
with relevant infrastructures at Puerto Callao, near Looking to the near future, opportunities may arise
Lima, for the Dubai Port World (2008-2010); for Saipem, particularly in the onshore downstream
Puerto Melchorita LNG: construction of the port of business (refining segment).
Melchorita for Peru LNG (2007-2010).

A. Dadasovic, Castoro 10 offloading, Curaao


On-the-ground presence FamiLiHS: Saipem cares about

its employees families
Petrex is aware of its responsibility towards its
stakeholders within and beyond the organisation. Spreading a safety culture among employee families
The companys employees, their families, local
suppliers and the host communities are included in its
Sustainability Programme. Petrexs sustainability actions
are especially focused on guaranteeing the welfare
of employees in the workplace through activities such
as health training, medical counselling and medical
emergency response plans. Furthermore, being aware
of the companys impact on employee families, Petrex
considers their wives and children to be very important
stakeholders and, in order to improve their wellbeing,
promotes several initiatives to promote healthy lifestyles,
strengthen entrepreneurial skills and improve education. Over the past few years Saipem has extended its
In addition to this, Petrex is firmly committed to sustainability actions to its employees, their families,
supporting efforts to improve the living standards local suppliers and the host communities where the
of host communities. Support covers education, Company operates.
environment, health promotion, local employment and the In this framework, Petrex began to organise workshops
local supply chain. to extend the health and safety culture to its employees

We Want Zero in Venezuela

In 2015, Petrex launched a WWZ courses were organised for 36 the implementation of two actions.
programme to reduce the number expatriate personnel, aimed at The first was the connection
of incidents involving rig operational understanding the Venezuelan of two remote rigs to the main
personnel and equipment. A series context and culture, and at offices via the installation of
of actions addressed to operational improving communication and video cameras that facilitated
personnel were implemented relations with local personnel; monitoring critical operations in
focusing on: Competence, Awareness communication and teamwork. real time and intervening in cases
and Responsibility. Team work training courses of unsafe actions or hazardous
With regard to Competence, the for rig crew personnel were situations. The second action was
action implemented aimed to held aimed at reinforcing the implementation of multiple daily
improve the technical operative communication and working tours on each rig performed on a
skills of rig crew personnel, team together as a team. 5 sessions regular basis by Rig Supervisors.
coordination and safety awareness. were organised involving a total The purpose was to enhance
This activity was carried out number of 60 local personnel; the safety awareness of rig
by involving 4 experienced comprehension of HSE personnel and improve the sense
Toolpushers. They were tasked documents. of responsibility of Rig Supervisors
with acting as tutors for the drilling Job Safety Analysis was revised, to HSE topics through intervention
crew, performing on-the-job including pictures of correct and in case of unsafe acts. As result of
training and, if necessary, safe sequences of operations in this activity, the number of Safety
indicating training needs. order to facilitate comprehension Hazard Observation Cards compiled
The theme of Awareness was of the safety precautions by by Rig Supervisors and HSE
approached focusing on: rig personnel during routine workers increased significantly,
cultural dimension. operations. from 24,017 in 2014 to 68,341
3 local culture training The Responsibility dimension saw in 2015.
As a family we learned about the importance of safety in all kinds of work
and in our homes. I liked it all; the talks, the teaching, the integration with other families,
but above all the message of safety.
Wife of a welder (rig PTX 5815, Peru)

families, introducing the principles of prevention and the temporary hiring of local inhabitants among its
making them capable of identifying the hazards of contractors.
everyday activities, and raising their awareness of
Saipems operations and its Health and Safety Vision.
In 2014, Petrex improved the programme by integrating
elements from the LiHS programme. Since then, the INTRODUCTION TO DRILLING WORKSHOPS
programme has been called FamiLiHS. CARRIED OUT

FamiLiHS has become a tool to gain the allegiance

of families in the effort to work in a zero-accident
environment. But beyond this, families learned a way to LOCAL INHABITANTS TRAINED
strengthen bonds through FamiLiHS.
FamiLiHS Facilitators were also able to learn from this Campaign for prevention and control
experience by developing their leadership skills and of dengue in Peru
spreading belief in Saipems Health and Safety Vision.


Introduction to drilling in Venezuela

The Introduction to Drilling workshops are an innovative
and effective method to achieve different goals at the
same time, namely, contribute to local growth, comply
with Petrexs standards, reduce the risk of accidents Awareness campaign against dengue
on temporary workers, and comply with the clients
objective of distributing the benefits of the Oil & Gas Petrex joined the Peruvian Ministry of Health to support
industry among the local population. the Campaign for Control and Prevention of Dengue fever
The workshops provide basic training to local inhabitants in endemic areas of greatest risk in Talara, a town that
of the communities where Petrex operates; not only do suffers from inadequate water services.
they learn about operations and tools used for drilling, This chronic shortage causes the water supply
but also safety, health, environment, and labour rights. from other sources and water stored in pits, plastic
The participants become capable of covering temporary recipients, jars and buckets, to become breeding sites
job positions in local Petrex operations. for the dengue mosquito. In order to mitigate this
This initiative was part of Petrexs attempt to comply situation, which undermines the security and health of
with the Sistema de Democratizacin del Empleo residents, the Ministry of Health conducts an annual
(SISDEM), established by the client PDVSA to promote programme in Talara to prevent and fight dengue.

Thanks to Petrex, today we learned important things that will serve as the basis
for future employment opportunities.
We hope they will continue with these workshops, helping many more people,
just like they helped us.
An Introduction to Drilling participant

We overcame our cultural differences by working with women

from the five villages in Rionegro.
After this experience, we are motivated to form a group to resolve the cultural
differences between our communities and start working together.
Thanks to Petrex for integrating our communities.
A woman from Maracaibo Community

In 2015, the Petrex Base in Talara joined the programme Promote recycling in Bolivia
and facilitated expansion of the projects scope to areas
at greatest endemic risk. The health campaign was
developed over two phases in June and in September-
October: the first involved publicity through posters
placed in public places; the second consisted of
in-home inspections in sensitive areas of Talara,
reaching 4,410 homes and 16,379 habitants.

Introducing children to recycling

Productive Unit for Women in Colombia

The rig PTX 5815 is located in the rural municipality Currently the recycling management policies in the town
of Rionegro, Colombia. This area is characterised by of Santa Cruz are inadequate. Children represent an
a high rate of gender inequality and social conflicts opportunity to change this situation in the future. In June,
generated by cultural differences; the economy Petrex developed a workshop to train how to correctly
depends on the oil sector, impacting job opportunities recycle at home. It was addressed to employee families
for women in the area. in Santa Cruz and involved 57 participants.
For this reason, Petrex decided to encourage womens The children learned through games and quizzes how to
empowerment by sharing knowledge and tools to start classify, recycle and reuse the waste and also discussed
new businesses in their communities. In this way women the responsible consumption of water.
can generate new income and raise their self-esteem by
developing their entrepreneurial skills.
30 women participated in a pastry training programme
and 4 new businesses were created. In this
framework, the client Ecopetrol participated as a key
partner for contacting and facilitating the programme
in 5 communities.


In the workshop we learned how to classify waste at home

and the importance of the rational use of water. The presentation was very pleasant
and I enjoyed the participation of children.
Wife of a mechanic (rig PTX-27)
Methodology and Reporting Criteria
Reporting principles
Saipem Sustainability provides complete, detailed information about the matters of greatest interest to the Companys
stakeholders. The document is prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guideline version G4
In Accordance with the Core Option. The following principles have been used to identify the contents of the document:
materiality, stakeholder inclusiveness, sustainability context and completeness. To guarantee the quality of the information
contained in the report, the principles of balance, comparability, accuracy, timeliness, clarity and reliability were followed,
again as per GRI guidelines. Disclosure on management approach are described in Annex I of this document.
The report is published annually and is approved by the Sustainability Committee, the Corporate Governance Committee
and the Board of Directors. It is distributed at the Shareholders Meeting convened to approve the Annual Report.

Materiality analysis
In order to define the sustainability themes considered most significant, both within the Company and in relation to
stakeholders, a materiality analysis was once again carried out in 2015, hence for the fifth year running.
The first step entailed identifying the significant aspects which are considered in the analysis in order to pinpoint those
that are material. The identification is based on the sustainability context and on the analysis of the stakeholders involved.
In order to simplify analysis and comparison of results, the 31 topics identified were broken down into 5 macro categories:
Environment, Business Management, Employees, Human Rights and Local Communities.

Final long list of issues

I Topic
Climate change mitigation, GHG emissions, Energy efficiency,
Water management, Water pollution, Biodiversity and impact on ecosystems,
Waste generation, Spill prevention and response, Renewables.
Business Management Anti-Corruption and ethical business practices, Public policy engagement,
Transparency, Corporate governance, Safe operations, Asset integrity
and process safety, Ethical supply chain, Innovation and business flexibility.
Employees Global diversity and inclusion, Gender diversity, Training and development,
Health, Safety, Talent attraction and retention.
Human Rights Child labour, Forced and compulsory labour, Labour rights, Security practices.
Local Communities Local Social Licence to operate, Local Procurement, Local employment,
Community Initiatives, Charity, Donations and volunteering, Emergency

The level of external interest was defined by interviewing and surveying a balanced mix of external stakeholders, in terms of
types of organisation (29 clients, 10 local community/NGO representatives, 19 business partners and vendors, 3 business
associations, 10 investors and 5 government and regulator representatives) and geographic focus (6% international, 24%
European, 16% from CIS area, 20% African, 25% American, and 9% Asia-Pacific area). The results were integrated with the
results collected in the sustainability section of the Engagement Survey which involved more than 7,400 employees.
In order to define the level of internal significance, a working session was organised in November 2015. A representative
panel of Saipem management actively participated. In the first part of the working session managers were asked to
identify the most important themes, in terms of risk and opportunities, for the long-term success of the Company.
The materiality of topics is determined by the nexus of internal and external significance. In the second part of the session,
they were divided in 4 working tables (according to their areas of expertise) to discuss the resulting material issues.
The discussion provided the input for the preparation of a first draft of the 2016 Saipem Sustainability plan.
The materiality analysis results and the draft of the 2016 Sustainability plan were verified and approved by the
Sustainability Committee in December 2015.

The 2016 Sustainability Plan is available

on page 10.

Materiality analysis results and report content

The most significant themes form the basis of this document and provide qualitative and quantitative information on the
Companys sustainability performance. They are present in the upper right quadrant of the matrix (see below).
They are: (a) Anti-Corruption and ethical business practices; (b) safety; (c) safe operations, asset integrity and process
safety; (d) local employment; (e) training and development; (f) transparency; (g) spill prevention and response; (h) local
procurement; (i) innovation and business flexibility; (j) labour rights; (k) ethical supply chain; (l) local social licence to
90 operate.

Sustainability priorities

sec spi tr
Importance to stakeholders


so lp fle
eme wp
bio cg en tal
cc ci
wg h
chi wm

div re

Importance to business
Environment Business Management Employees Human Rights Local Communities
bio Biodiversity and impact ass Safe operations, asset div Global diversity and inclusion chi Child labour, forced ci Community initiatives
on ecosystems integrity and process safety gen Gender equality or compulsory labour cha Charity donations
cc Climate change mitigation cg Corporate Governance h Health lab Labour rights and volunteering
en Energy efficiency eth Anti-Corruption and ethical saf Safety sec Security practices eme Emergency preparedness
ghg GHG emission business practices le Local employment
tal Talent attraction and retention
re Renewables fle Innovation and business lp Local procurement
tr Training and development
spi Spill prevention flexibility so Local social licence to operate
and response pub Public policy engagement
wg Waste generation sup Ethical supply chain
wm Water management tra Transparency
wp Water pollution

The vertical axis of the matrix represents the Importance to Stakeholders, and the horizontal axis represents the
Importance to Business. The GRI G4 guidelines recommend that reporters define the vertical axis as Influence
on Stakeholder Assessments and Decisions, which corresponds substantially with the above mentioned definition
(Importance to Stakeholders). The GRI also recommends that reporters define the horizontal axis as Significant
Economic, Environmental, and Social Impacts. After internal consideration, it was decided to retain the Importance to
business definition for the horizontal axis in order for the materiality matrix to focus on Saipems overall sustainability
strategy, rather than on simply identifying impacts.
Selection of the activities and programmes to be reported in detail in relation to the themes identified as material was
carried out with due regard for the sustainability context in which Saipem operates.

How Saipem creates shared value Saipems world is available

is available on page 15. on page 47.

Greater weight was assigned to those issues and geographical areas in which the Company has a more significant impact.
Where possible, project performance indicators reported were contextualised with reference to detailed information on
local conditions.
The reporting boundary
In order to facilitate reader comprehension of performance trends over time, Saipem Sustainability contains information
on, and a description of, the sustainability initiatives and the performance indicators of Saipem SpA and all of its
subsidiaries, including any companies involved in joint ventures with it, for the 2013-2015 period. According to the GRI G4
guideline, the boundary of Saipem material issues refers to the description of where they occur (both inside and outside
the Company boundary). Saipems material issues and the corresponding GRI G4 aspects are listed in the chart below.

Material issue
1) Safety
I Corresponding GRI G4 aspect
Occupational Health and Safety
2) Safe operations, asset integrity and process safety Occupational Health and Safety
3) Spill prevention and response Effluents and waste
4) Local employment Market presence
5) Local procurement Procurement practices
6) Local social licence to operate Local Communities, Indirect economic impacts
7) Anti-Corruption and ethical business practices Anti-Corruption, Labour Practices Grievance
Mechanism, Human rights Grievance Mechanism,
8) Innovation and business flexibility n.a.
9) Transparency n.a.
10) Ethical supply chain Supplier environmental assessment, Supplier
Assessment for Labour Practices, Supplier Human
Rights Assessment
11) Training and development Training and education
12) Labour rights Employment, Freedom of Association and Collective
Bargaining, Child Labour, Forced and Compulsory
Labour, Non-discrimination, Diversity and equal

Other issues still considered of high importance for financial stakeholders:

Material issues
Energy efficiency
I Corresponding GRI G4 aspect
Climate change mitigation Emissions

Internal boundary
The above issues are material for all Business Units. As regards financial data, in line with the drafting of the financial
statements, the reference perimeter corresponds to the area of consolidation. Alongside financial performance,
sustainability reporting also describes social and environmental performances and hence includes numerous topics for
which perimeters differing from those used in financial reporting are applied. For HSE data, the reporting perimeter
includes all activities in which Saipem is responsible for setting HSE standards and for ensuring and overseeing their
application. As regards other thematic areas, Saipem reports 100% of operations in which Saipem SpA or one of its
subsidiaries exercises operational control.

Companies included in the reporting boundary are listed Further details are available
in the Saipem Group Structure in the Annual Report. in the Annual Report.


External boundary
For some material issues, the impact of Saipem activities occurs beyond the organisation boundaries.
In the External boundary column the stakeholder categories impacted by Saipem operations are specified for each
material issue. The limitations that arose that refer to the boundaries of each material issue were also reported (when
needed) in the table below under the Limitations column.

Material issues
1) Safety
I External boundaries
Vendors and subcontractors
I Limitations
Partial for vendors
2) Safe operations, asset integrity and process safety Vendors and subcontractors Partial for vendors
3) Spill prevention and response Vendors and subcontractors Partial for vendors
4) Local employment Local communities, agency personnel -
5) Local procurement Local communities -
6) Local social licence to operate Local communities -
7) Anti-Corruption and ethical Business partners, vendors and subcontractors -
8) Innovation and business flexibility - -
9) Transparency - -
10) Ethical supply chain A Group of vendors Partial for vendors
11) Training and development - -
12) Labour rights - -

Other issues still considered of high importance for financial stakeholders:

Material issues
Energy efficiency
I External boundaries
Vendors and subcontractors
I Limitations
Climate change mitigation Vendors and subcontractors Vendors

With regard to the material issues for which reporting has not been extended to the external scope (G4 - omissions),
Saipem will assess the feasibility of increasing the reporting boundary. More details are described in the GRI content index.

Assurance Statement
To assure the reliability of the information provided and to improve the reporting process, Saipem Sustainability 2015 is
subject to limited assurance by Reconta Ernst & Young.

Annexes are attached to Saipem Sustainability 2015 and can be found at the following link:

Annex I Annex II
Approach to Sustainability GRI Content Index
Assurance Statement

Headquarters: San Donato Milanese (Milan), Italy
Via Martiri di Cefalonia, 67
Branches: Cortemaggiore (PC), Italy
Via Enrico Mattei, 20

Societ per Azioni

Share capital: 2,191,384,693 fully paid up
Tax identification and Milan Companies Register
No. 00825790157

What you think of the Saipem Sustainability Report matters to us.
As we are constantly striving to improve our reporting, we would very
much welcome your feedback. We will also be pleased to answer any
questions you may have.
You can submit your comments by email to:

Special thanks to all those who contributed to the drafting of this


Operator: +39-025201

Translation and proofreading:

Translation Dept. Saipem SpA
Layout and supervision: Studio Joly Srl - Rome - Italy
Printing: Grafiche Porpora Srl - Segrate (Milan) - Italy

Cover picture: Desert Souls, by Fabrizio Severini, UAE.

Most of the pictures included in this report are the work of Saipem
colleagues who participated in the annual in-house Sustainability
saipem SpA
Via Martiri di Cefalonia, 67
20097 San Donato Milanese
Milan - Italy

Saipem. Engineering Energy

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