Application Startup
Application Startup
Application Startup
2. Contact details:
i. Designation
ii. Email
b. Registered Address
d. Email
e. Office Phone
f. Website
5. What problem are you trying to solve? <Describe the market need / gap that your product /
service addresses>
i. What is the estimate of the addressable market size. Describe how you
arrived at this and indicate assumptions used.
6. Describe your offering (product or service) with key features, Explain how it addresses the
7. Describe your offering (product or service) with key features, uniqueness and differentiator.
Explain how it addresses the need>
8. Who is/are the END CUSTOMERS? and why they would use your product / service?
iii. If Off the Shelf comments on the innovation from the startup
10. Explain the Innovative/ Novelty / Unique Features of your core offering. How is your
solution different from existing/competitor products/substitutes?
11. Who are your competitors and what is your competitive advantage? (Comparison with
Existing Products / Companies)
12. Explain how the business generates revenue, the expected volume (if estimated)>
a. What is the current status of the business - ideation/ under development/ pilot
launch/ revenue generation started etc . If already launched, describe the traction
so far.
b. Do you have paying Customers ? If yes then how many are repeat customers
(indicate %) and what is the current Order Book Size
14. What is the annual turnover of your company since Incorporation (as per IT Returns filed)?
Turnover in
INR lakh
15. Details of all Founders:
16. In case Shareholders / Founders are also share holders in other companies (Pvt. Ltd. /
Partnerships), the same MUST be declared separately.
17. Capital structure with name of shareholders for Pvt. LTD company:
a. Authorised Capital
b. Paid up Capital