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Bloom Berg) Volatility Cube

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The document describes how to construct a volatility cube object which takes various inputs like yield curve, caplet and swaption volatility matrices and computes swaption volatility for any option tenor, swap tenor and strike. The volatility cube is used for pricing non-standard vanilla and exotic deals.

The steps involved are: calculating implied Black volatilities from eurodollar future option prices if included, stripping constant caplet volatilities from given cap volatilities, building maturity interpolators, fitting strike interpolators for each option tenor, filling out the whole volatility cube grid.

The two types of interpolation spaces discussed are the maturity interpolation space and the strike interpolation space. The interpolation can be either functional form interpolation using functions like piece-wise polynomials or stochastic interpolation using models like CEV or SABR.

Interest Rate Volatility Cube: Construction

And Use.
Pat Hagan, Michael Konikov
20th July 2004

1 Introduction.
This document describes how to create a volatility cube object. The volatility
cube object is an object that takes as input a yield curve, cap volatility
matrix, swaption volatility matrix, and, possibly, eurodollar future option
(EDFO) prices, and is able to compute a swaption volatility for any given
triplet of option tenor, swap tenor, and strike. This object will be used in all
the nonstandard vanilla deal pricing and all the exotic deal pricing.
Figure 1 explains the inputs and the geometry of the volatility cube.
Caplet volatilities that will be stripped from the given cap volatilities fill one
face of the cube, since caplets are a special case of swaptions with swap tenor
equal typically three months (at least for USD). Swaption volatility matrix,
on the other hand, is given for all the swaption tenors both in option and swap
directions, but only at-the-money, i.e, only for a strike equal corresponding
swap rate. From this inputs, possibly using EDFO prices instead of short
term caplets, we need to fill the whole cube of swaption volatilities for all
option terms, swap terms and strikes.
The construction of the volatility cube object consists of the following
steps. If we include eurodollar future option prices in our construction (ED-
FOs for short), we first calculate implied Black volatilities from EDFOs
prices. Then we interpolate those along the strike direction on the set of
cap strikes, since volatilities obtained from EDFOs will be used for short
maturities in the cap stripping procedure. Lastly, for each strike we fit a

Figure 1: Interest Rate Volatility Cube

corresponding functional form that would be used in the cap stripping pro-
cedure. These functional forms will be used as the first function for each
corresponding maturity interpolator.
Next, for each cap strike, we strip constant caplet volatilities from given
cap volatilities inverting numerically Black’s pricing formula. If the specified
stripping method is the constant caplet volatility one, we are done with
stripping. Otherwise, we further find volatility values for cap terms and use
them as initial guess in optimizational stripping with piece-wise linear or
quadratic stripping method. At the same time as we do stripping, we build
a collection of maturity interpolators that will be used in the next step.
Next, for each swaption option tenor, we find interpolated volatilities
for each of the cap strikes using maturity interpolators. Then we fit these
vector of volatilities to a given type of smile (strike) interpolator, building,
therefore, a collection of strike interpolators for each swaption option tenor.
Lastly, we fill out the whole volatility cube by assigning to swaption volatility
grid node (optionT enor, swapT enor) a strike interpolator by taking a cap
strike interpolator for a corresponding option tenor, and adjusting one of
its parameters to match the at-the-money (ATM) swaption volatility at the

2 Interpolation Spaces.
There are two types of interpolation spaces in which we work. They are
related to maturity and strike interpolation methods. In general, one needs
to distinguish between functional form of interpolation, in which just a simple
deterministic function is used, such as piece-wise polynomial interpolation,
for instance, and stochastic interpolation, in which a stochastic model is used,
such as CEV or SABR, for instance, as different rules may apply, as we will
see, depending on which type given interpolation belongs to.
The two types of spaces in which we work are the strike type spaces and
the volatility type spaces, and each volatility cube construction is specified
by the pair of such spaces. The strike type applies only to functional form
of smile interpolation, since stripping is done per strike, and stochastic in-
terpolators do not care about strike space as well. If strike type is absolute
strike, we use strikes as they are, and if it is relative strike, we use money-
ness, i.e., ln(K/F ), where F is the corresponding at-the-money rate, and K
is given strike. To illustrate how it works, lets take a linear interpolation as

an example. In absolute space we would have
Vi (Ki+1 − K) + Vi+1 (K − Ki )
V = , (1)
Ki+1 − Ki
where as in relative space we would have
Vi (ln(Ki+1 /F ) − ln(K/F )) + Vi+1 (ln(K/F ) − ln(Ki /F ))
V = , (2)
ln(Ki+1 /F ) − ln(Ki /F )
The second type of spaces is the volatility type. We consider three types
of volatility: normal, CIR, and Black. They represent volatility for the CEV
dFt = σFtβ dWt , (3)
corresponding to the 0, 12 , and 1 values of β respectively. In practice, we do
not convert volatility between these types exactly, since we only interested
in nature of volatility here and not the exact model, so, since the original
volatilities are always the Black ones (β = 1), what we do is the following.
VCIR ≈ VBlack (F K) 4

VN ormal ≈ VBlack F K

So, we use the approximation on the right hand side of the equations above
to go from Black space into normal and CIR ones. Again, this only applies to
the functional types of smile interpolation. But here we also need to use the
same space in stripping as we use in the smile interpolation, since stripping is
a functional type of interpolator. To give an example, if we are in the relative
strike space and normal vol space doing a piece-wise linear interpolation, we
would use the following formula
√ √
Vi F Ki (ln(Ki+1 /F ) − ln(K/F )) + Vi+1 F Ki+1 (ln(K/F ) − ln(Ki /F ))
V = √ .
F K (ln(Ki+1 /F ) − ln(Ki /F ))

3 Stripping Caplet Volatility Methods.

In order to build a volatility cube, one of the things we need to do is to
extract caplet volatilities from market quoted cap volatilities and to be able

Figure 2: Stripping Methods.

to interpolate in between cap terms in a smooth and consistent with cap
volatilities fashion. This process is called stripping cap volatilities. We tested
four types of such stripping:
1. Constant caplet volatilities,
2. Piece-wise linear ameliorated caplet volatilities,
3. Piece-wise quadratic inexact ameliorated caplet volatilities,
4. Piece-wise quadratic exact ameliorated caplet volatilities.
The result of stripping is a collection of maturity interpolators (one per
strike), where each interpolator consists of term grid and a collection of func-
tions defined on each of the intervals between the neighboring grid points.

3.1 Constant Caplet Volatilities Method.

This is the most basic method to strip cap volatilities. This method will
always be used for other methods to get initial guess values for stripping
optimization, since all other methods require such an optimization. This is
the only method that requires just a series of one-dimensional root solvers.
This method is guaranteed to work if the data is consistent, i.e., if all the
forward values are above the corresponding intrinsic values. Thus, if this
method complains that it cannot properly strip cap volatilities, the data
should be questioned. Cap volatility data is quite sensitive, since it arrives
in an asynchronous fashion, and far out-of-money or in-the-money data may
not be updated often enough. Note that other methods in principal may
fail to strip, in which case we recommend to fall back to simpler methods
instead. The data may still be questioned for validity. Let {Ti }ni=0 be cap
terms, where T0 = 0. Let {Σi }ni=1 be corresponding cap volatilities for a given
strike K, and {σi }ni=1 be the constant caplet volatilities that we are trying to
compute. The stripping is done by the following bootstrapping mechanism.
First, we compute cap prices from cap volatilities
[0,Ti ] (K, Σi ) = CapletK
[tj−1 ,tj ] (Σi ), (6)

where {tj }N n
j=1 are the caplet terms and {Ni }i=1 are such that tNi = Ti . For
convenience, let Cap[0,T0 ] (K, Σi ) = 0. Cap terms are usually spaced one year

apart, when as caplet terms are spaced typically three months apart (for
USD), although this may depend on currency. To compute caplet prices, we
use Black’s formula

[tj−1 ,tj ] (σ) = B(0, tj )∆(tj−1 , tj ) (F N (d1 ) − KN (d2 )) , (7)

where F = F (0, tj−1 , tj ) is forward Libor rate’s value, B(0, tj ) is zero bond’s
value (both can be obtained from today’s yield curve), ∆(tj−1 , tj ) denotes
year fraction between tj−1 and tj , and

ln(F/K) σ tj−1
d1,2 = √ ± . (8)
σ tj−1 2

Then we compute forward cap prices:

F orwardCapK K K
[Ti−1 ,Ti ] (K, Σi ) = Cap[0,Ti ] (K, Σi ) − Cap[0,Ti−1 ] (K, Σi ). (9)

It is important to remember that for first cap we don’t take into account first
caplet interval, since it has volatility zero. Now, to find caplet piece-wise
constant volatilities, we need to solve the following equation of one variable
F orwardCapK
[Ti−1 ,Ti ] (K, Σi ) = CapletK
[tj−1 ,tj ] (σi ). (10)
j=Ni−1 +1

Solving these equations for σi completes the caplet volatility stripping pro-
cedure. In order to get a volatility now for the same strike K and some term
T , we find i such that Ti−1 < T ≤ Ti , and return σi . If there is no such i,
i.e., T > Tn , we return σn .

3.2 Piece-wise Linear Ameliorated Caplet Volatilities

Piece-wise linear ameliorated caplet volatilities method is a method using
piece-wise linear continuous functional form. On each interval between two
neighboring cap terms, it is a linear function. It is completely determined
by its values at cap terms, since for a linear function, knowledge of values at
any two points is enough to define the function completely, and, hence, on
each interval our function is completely defined by the node values. Thus, we
have N + 1 degrees of freedom (N + 1 node values) and N cap volatilities to

fit, where N is the number of intervals. This gives us only one free parameter
if we want an exact fit, say f (0) - left end value. From our experience, such
a fit results in a very unstable functional form, in a sense that it depends
largely on the value of the free parameter, and produces rather rough shape
for caplet volatilities. What we decided to do instead is to do an inexact fit
with an extra penalty term responsible for smoothness, or amelioration, of
the resulting caplet surface. The minimization function has the form
X  2
F (f0 , . . . , fN ) = wi F orwardCapK
[Ti−1 ,Ti ] (K, Σi ) − F orwardCap K
[Ti−1 ,Ti ] (K, f )
X −1
+ λ (βi−1 − βi )2 , (11)

where F orwardCapK [Ti−1 ,Ti ] (K, f ) is the forward caplet price calculated with
interpolated volatilities, βi is the i-th slope, i.e., βi = Tfii −T−fi−1
, and wi was
taken to be Ti , although we do realize that it is neither optimal nor unique
way to choose weights for this problem. It seems to work fine though in
the spot tests that we have performed so far. λ is a parameter controlling
how much precision we are willing to trade for additional smoothness of a
resulting caplet volatility surface. It is constant during the calibration. In
practice, we set it equal to about 10−4 − 10−3 , since we do not want to loose
too much precision.

3.3 Piece-wise Quadratic Inexact Ameliorated Caplet

Volatilities Method.
Piece-wise quadratic inexact ameliorated caplet volatility method is very
similar to the previous one. The only difference is that on each interval it is a
quadratic function. We parametrize it with values at end points and the mid
point of each interval. This is convenient for two reasons. One reason is that
we know the range of values for volatilities, hence, it is easier to bound them
from below and from above, unlike say the coefficients of quadratic function
that can have any values. Another reason is that we need mid values anyway
to compute two slopes on each interval: one between left point and mid point
and one between mid point and right point. These slopes we will use in the

penalty term in our nonlinear least squares optimization. Since
fi = fi−1 + C1 (Ti − Ti−1 ) + C2 (Ti − Ti−1 )2
1 1
fm = fi−1 + C1 (Ti − Ti−1 ) + C2 (Ti − Ti−1 )2 , (12)
2 4
we can derive that
(fi − fi−1 ) − 2(fm − fi−1 )
C2 = 2
(Ti − Ti−1 )2
fi − fi−1
C1 = − C2 (Ti − Ti−1 ). (13)
Ti − Ti−1
Thus, the parameters of the minimization are (f0 , f1m , f1 , f2m , . . . , fN −1 , fN m , fN ),
and the function we are minimizing is
X  2
F (f ) = wi F orwardCapK
[Ti−1 ,Ti ] (K, Σi ) − F orwardCap K
[Ti−1 ,Ti ] (K, f )
X −1
+ λ (βi−1 − βi )2 , (14)

km −fk−1
Tkm −Tk−1
, i = 2k
βi = fk −fkm
Tk −Tkm
, i = 2k + 1,
Tk−1 +Tk
where Tkm = 2

3.4 Piece-wise Quadratic Exact Ameliorated Caplet

Volatilities Method.
The only difference between this method and the previous one is that here
we are not willing to give up any precision at all. Since we have an extra
degree of freedom compare to piece-wise linear interpolator, we use it to fit
cap volatilities exactly, using the rest of the parameters for amelioration.
The most natural way to achieve this is to use the fkm ’s for the exact fit and
to use fk ’s for amelioration. Thus, our parameters are (f0 , . . . , fn ), and our
minimization function is
X −1
F (f ) = (βi−1 − βi )2 , (15)

but on each parameter change we fit fkm ’s to the forward cap prices on each
interval. This method has the advantage of being exact and smooth at the
same time, but it is computationally very expansive, since besides the global
optimization problem, we have to perform one-dimensional root solving every
time parameters change, for every interval.

3.5 Choosing Node Values For Non-Piece-Wise Con-

stant Stripping Methods.
All the other stripping method besides the piece-wise constant one are global
optimization type of methods. The dimensionality of these optimization
problems can be quite high, and it is very important to get a realistic initial
guess. For the piece-wise linear stripping, we need to choose the initial node
values (values at the cap terms), and for piece-wise quadratic ones, we also
need the mid-interval points. The mid points we choose so that the initial
functional form of all the quadratics is linear, i.e.,
fk−1 + fk
fkm = . (16)
To choose the node values, we use method proposed in [4]. We will not
discussed it here in detail, and interested reader is refered to [4]. In short,
we use the following formulas
σk−1 (Tk −Tk−1 )+σk (Tk+1 −Tk )

fk =
 Tk+1 −Tk−1
, k = 1, . . . , n − 1,
3 1
f0 = 2 σ0 − 2 f1 ,

fn = 32 σn−1 − 12 fn−1 .

4 Incorporation Of EDFOs.
Currently, we are not using EDFOs in the volatility cube construction, since
the data is unavailable, but since this will change in the future, we have a
flag that indicates wether we are incorporating EDFOs or not. If EDFO
prices are used, we go through the following procedure. First, we convert
prices into volatilities inverting Black’s formula. Then for each maturity we
interpolate these volatilities onto cap strikes using the same smile interpolator
as will be used in the rest of the volatility cube construction for consistency.
This step is potentially dangerous, since for very short maturities we may

have only volatilities concentrated around the ATM, and when we will try to
extrapolate those on the cap strikes, which is a much wider set, we may get
some pretty large errors at the wings. One way to deal with this problem is
to resort to the constant or linear extrapolation for far out- or in-the-money
Next, for each cap strike we fit a functional form to the volatilities using
simple linear regression. For consistency functional form should be the same
as would be used in the stripping procedure, i.e., constant, linear or quadratic
function. We use the obtained functions as the first interval functions for the
corresponding maturity interpolators (interval [0, 1]). Also, in the stripping
procedure, we consider the first interval to be fixed (to have fixed parame-
ters). Thus, we do not perturb these parameters in the optimization, and for
constant caplet volatility stripping, we use the values from the first interval
instead of the first cap volatility.

5 Smile Interpolation Methods.

We have implemented five smile (strike) interpolation methods in this projects:
1. Piece-wise linear,

2. V-shaped,

3. Hyperbolic,

4. CEV,

5. SABR.

5.1 Piece-wise Linear Method.

The piece-wise linear method is the simplest one, and the only method that
fits the original data exactly. The formula to compute interpolated value for
a given x ∈ [xi , xi+1 ] given values yi and yi+1 at xi and xi+1 respectively is
yi (xi+1 − x) + yi+1 (x − xi )
y= (17)
xi+1 − xi
where x’s and y’s depend on the space we are in, x’s can be strikes or money-
ness, and y’s are normal, CIR or Black volatilities respectively. We determine






1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 3: Piece-wise linear method. Blue lines are fitted vols and green lines
are the original ones.

the value of i using binary search algorithm described in [5]. To see how ex-
trapolation is handled, please, refer to [4].
This method has no restrictions on the number of strikes needed for its

5.2 V-Shaped Method.

The V-shaped method is not a precise method. We use a nonlinear least
squares method described in [5] to find a set of parameters which minimize
an L2 -error. As in the previous method, we assume we are given vector of
abscesses {xi }ni=1 and vector of values {yi }ni=1 . The optimization algorithm
used for the nonlinear least squares is a variant of a trust region algorithm
designed and implemented by Arun Verma. The function being minimized
in this procedure is
wi (y(xi ) − yi )2 (18)

The method has four parameters (x∗ , y ∗ , β1 , β2 ). The formula for y as a

function of x is (
β1 (x − x∗ ) + y ∗ , x ≤ x∗
y(x) =
β2 (x − x∗ ) + y ∗ , x ≥ x∗ .
The shape of the function y(x) consists of two rays initiated at the point
(x∗ , y ∗ ), with left slope β1 and right slope β2 , hence, the name ”V-shaped”.
Typically, β1 ≤ 0 and β2 ≥ 0. The weights used in the calibration are
wi = 1+(xi1−x∗ )2 , although, we realize that this is neither optimal in any sense
nor unique weighting scheme, and we may try other weighting schemes in
the future. It seems to work fine in the few cases that we spot tested.
This method requires at least four strikes per maturity, since we are
fitting four parameters. If fewer strikes are given we recommend using other
methods instead.

5.3 Hyperbolic Method.

Hyperbolic method is very similar to the V-shaped method described above
and, in fact, it is a refinement of the latter. It is not an exact method as
well, and is fitted using nonlinear least squares procedure. The relationship






1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 4: V-shaped method. Blue lines are fitted vols and green lines are the
original ones.






1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 5: Hyperbolic method. Blue lines are fitted vols and green lines are
the original ones.

between x and y is assumed to be

y 2 + β1 β2 (x − x∗ )2 − (β1 + β2 )y(x − x∗ ) = y ∗2 , (19)

where β1 β2 < 0. This is obviously a hyperbola and y(x∗ ) = y ∗ . If we divide

throughout equation by (x − x∗ )2 , we can rewrite it in the form
2 1
k − (β1 + β2 )k + β1 β2 = O , (20)
x − x∗
y−y ∗
where k = x−x ∗ , which shows that the curve y(x) has two linear asymptotes

with exactly the same equations as V-shaped function with the same param-
eters. Thus, we can think of the hyperbolic method as a smoothed version
of the V-shaped method. In order to derive y(x), we just need to solve a
quadratic equation, and get:
1 p 
y(x) = (β1 + β2 )(x − x∗ ) ± (β1 + β2 )2 (x − x∗ )2 − 4(β1 β2 (x − x∗ )2 − y ∗2 )
1 p 
= (β1 + β2 )(x − x∗ ) ± (β1 − β2 )2 (x − x∗ )2 + 4y ∗2 )
1 p 
= (β1 + β2 )(x − x∗ ) + (β1 − β2 )2 (x − x∗ )2 + 4y ∗2 ) (21)
We choose plus sign, since only this sign makes sense. If we set x = x∗ , we
get back y ∗ , and if (x − x∗ )2 ≫ y ∗ , we get
y(x) ≈ ((β1 + β2 )(x − x∗ ) + (β2 − β1 ) | x − x∗ |) , (22)
where the right hand side is exactly the V-shaped formula. The function
being minimized in this procedure is the same as in the previous method
wi (y(xi ) − yi )2 (23)

where weights are wi = 1+(xi1−x∗ )2 just as for the V-shaped method.

This method requires at least four strikes per maturity, since we are
fitting four parameters. If fewer strikes are given we recommend using other
methods instead.






1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 6: CEV method. Blue lines are fitted vols and green lines are the
original ones.

5.4 CEV Method.
CEV method is a stochastic interpolation method using CEV model to model
Libor forward rates as described in [3]. The way the model was used though
is through asymptotic approximation formulas as described in [1]. We refer
an interested reader to these papers for exact formulas. We assume we are
given a vector of strikes {Ki }ni=1 and a vector of Black volatilities {σi }ni=1 .
The fit is done again in the sense of the nonlinear least squares. The model
is described by the SDE
dFt = αFtβ dWt , (24)
and, hence, has two parameters (α, β). The function being minimized in this
procedure is
wi (blackT oN ormal(σi , Ki ) − cevT oN ormal(α, β, Ki ))2 (25)

where blackT oN ormal and cevT oN ormal are conversion functions from [1],
and the weight function is wi = √ 1 2
. CEV model can be viewed as a
1+(Ki −F )
special case of the SABR model discussed next.
This method requires at least two strikes per maturity, since we are fitting
two parameters. If fewer strikes are given we recommend using other methods

5.5 SABR Method.

SABR method is a stochastic interpolation method using SABR model to
model Libor forward rates as described in [3]. The way the model was used
though is through asymptotic approximation formulas as described in [1].
We refer an interested reader to these papers for exact formulas. We assume
we are given a vector of strikes {Ki }ni=1 and a vector of Black volatilities
{σi }ni=1 . The fit is done again in the sense of the nonlinear least squares.
The model is described by the SDE

= σt Ftβ dWt1 ,

 dFt
= νσt dWt2 ,


 < dWt1 , dWt2 > = ρdt,
σ0 =α






1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 7: SABR method. Blue lines are fitted vols and green lines are the
original ones.

and, hence, has four parameters (α, β, ρ, ν). The function being minimized
in this procedure is
wi (blackT oN ormal(σi , Ki ) − sabrT oN ormal(α, β, ρ, ν, Ki ))2 (26)

where blackT oN ormal and sabrT oN ormal are conversion functions from [1],
and the weight function is wi = √ 1 2
. The calibration is done in two
1+(Ki −F )
stages. First, we fit CEV, which can be viewed as SABR with ν = 0. Then
we fit SABR using β parameter obtained in the previous stage as SABR’s
initial guess.
This method requires at least three strikes per maturity, since we are
fitting three parameters. If fewer strikes are given we recommend using other
methods instead.

6 Volatility Cube Creation I.

To construct the volatility cube we go through the following steps. First we
strip cap volatilities creating maturity interpolators along the way. Then we
add an ATM caplet column to the swaption matrix. To do this we compute
the forward Libor rate for each of the swaption option terms, and then in-
terpolate on the swaption option terms and these forward rates to get the
corresponding volatilities. We usually interpolate first along the term direc-
tion using maturity interpolators, and then do smile interpolation.
Then we change swaption option terms to be equally spaced grid going
from cap frequency to the highest swaption option term with cap frequency
step. We interpolate linearly to fill out the missing cells. This is done because
we want to be able to recover cap volatilities exactly without the need to fit
smile interpolators in the getVol function. Then for each of the grid nodes,
we fit smile interpolator to the caplet volatilities.
Next, we fill out the whole swaption matrix with smile interpolators using
these initial ones that we have in the caplet ATM column adjusting one of
the parameters to match the swaption ATM volatility. For each of the smile
interpolator type it is done a little differently.

• For piece-wise linear interpolator, we simply scale of the values by a

constant to match the right swaption ATM volatility.

• For V-shaped and hyperbolic interpolators, we change y ∗ to match the
right swaption ATM volatility.

• For CEV and SABR interpolators, we change α to match the right

swaption ATM volatility.

The third one involves a one dimensional root solving. Lastly, we allow a
user to provide his parameter changes and adjust our parameters according
to these changes. Now, we have all the components to interpolate in the

7 Volatility Cube Creation II.

In some cases, cap volatilities may have been specified not on a uniform grid
of strikes vs. maturities, but on a nonuniform grid, when each maturity
has different set of strikes. Such situation, for example, may arise when cap
volatilities are specified for relative strikes in terms of moneyness. In this case
our stripping procedure will not work, since we could only strip before smile
fitting when we had all the cap volatilities for a given strike. Now, we need
to combine stripping and smile fitting in the stripping step. The algorithm is
as follows. For each cap maturity, for each strike at this maturity, we get all
the caplet volatilities for this strikes for all the preceding maturities using al-
ready constructed smile interpolators for these maturities. Then we compute
all the forward cap values for each strike by subtracting cap value for this
strike and last maturity (computed using the caplet volatilities for preceding
maturities we obtained on the previous step) from the current cap value for
this strike (computed using the given cap volatility for this strike and matu-
rity). Next, we fit a smile interpolator to these forward cap values, and add
the resulting smile interpolator to our collection of smile interpolators. This
concludes the step. Across maturity, we assume constant caplet volatilities
for now, although this assumption may be relaxed in the future versions.
After obtaining all the smile interpolators for all the cap maturities, we use
piece-wise constant interpolation across maturity (for consistency with strip-
ping method) to fill the smile interpolators for all the swaption option terms,
and proceed the same way as in the previous section.

8 getVol Function.
The signature of the getVol method of the volatility cube class is
double getVol(double optionTerm, double swapTerm, double strike).
We will use the following notations: Tio for the i-th option term, where
i = 1, . . . , N o , Tis for the i-th swap term, where i = 1, . . . , N s , and Ki for the
i-th strike, where i = 1, . . . , N k .
The algorithm consists of several steps. First, using binary search algo-
rithm, we find the corners of the cell in the swaption volatility grid containing
given point (T o , T s ). Denote them TLo , TRo , TLs , and TRs respectively.
If T o ≤ T1o then TLo = TRo = T1o .
If T o > TNo o then TLo = TRo = TNo o .
If T1o < T o ≤ TNo o then TLo = TIoo and TRo = TIoo +1 such that TLo < T o ≤ TRo .
If T s ≤ T1s then TLs = TRs = T1s .
If T s > TNs s then TLs = TRs = TNs s .
If T1s < T s ≤ TNs s then TLs = TIss and TRs = TIss +1 such that TLs < T s ≤ TRs .
Next, we get interpolated volatility along the strike direction for each
corner of the rectangle with vertices, and do a bilinear (or linear, if TLo = TRo
or TLs = TRs ) interpolation with option direction first.
The function that interpolates along the strike direction has the following
double clippedInter(int optionIndex, int swapIndex, double strike).
First, we clip the strike, i.e., if K > upperI o ,I s we set K = upperI o ,I s . Sim-
ilarly, if K < lowerI o ,I s we set K = lowerI o ,I s . Here upper and lower are
two dimensional arrays of upper and lower boundaries respectively of the
strike range on which we do smile interpolation/extrapolation. On the rest
of the strike values we just perform flat extrapolation. Now, we simply in-
voke StrikeInterpolators(I o , I s )’s interpolation method with the argument
K. Lastly, we use the four volatilities we just obtained (or 2 or 1, depending
on the position of (T o , T s ) on the swaption volatility grid) to perform linear
interpolation and return the resulting value. Formula for linear interpolation
(xi+1 − x)yi + (x − xi )yi+1
y= , (27)
xi+1 − xi
where xi < x ≤ xi+1 .

9 Test Results.
We have tested our methodology for four major currencies: USD, GBP, EUR,
and JPY. For each date the data consisted of a yield curve, a cap volatility
matrix, a swaption volatility matrix, and EDFO prices or volatilities.
• A yield curve consisted of terms starting at one day and ending at 30
years. It was stripped from cash rates under 2 years, and swap rates
from 2 years on provided by Bloomberg function SWDF.
• A cap volatility matrix was a matrix of volatilities for given pairs of
absolute strikes and cap maturities. The number of maturities was
usually ranging from 10 to 20 with maturities ranging from 1 year up
to 10 or 20 years. The number of strikes ranged from six to twelve.
The ATM volatilities were not included at the current stage. The
provider we used was ICAP, and the Bloomberg commands to get the
corresponding volatility matrices for the currencies above are ICAU,
ICAB, ICAE, and ICAJ respectively.
• A swaption volatility matrix was a matrix of the ATM European swap-
tion volatilities for given pairs of option and swap terms. The swap
terms ranged from 1 to 30 years, and the option terms ranged from 1
month to 10 years. The volatility taken was the average of bid and ask
volatilities. The provider we used was Tullet & Tokyo. The way to
obtain these matrices is to start with Bloomberg command MRKT,
and then follow the instructions.
• EDFOs come in two different forms. The historical data is stored in
terms of prices, when the current data is the implied volatilities. The
ticker consists of four or five characters: first two identify the EDFO’s
code for particular country(ED for USD, ER for EUR, YE for JPY
and L for GBP), the third character identifies the month (H for
March, M for June, U for September, and Z for December), and
the rest identify the year (last digit for current and future ones and last
two digits for the years in the past).
Table 1 provides timings of volatility cube construction in milliseconds
for different stripping methods and different smile interpolation methods.
Since the construction consists of stripping and filling the cube with smile
interpolators, these parts can be timed separately.

Table 1: Volatility cube construction timings
Construction Part Method Time
Stripping Piece-wise Constant 13
Stripping Piece-wise Linear 400
Stripping Piece-wise Quadratic 1410
Smile Interpolation Piece-wise Linear 15
Smile Interpolation V-Shaped 63
Smile Interpolation Hyperbolic 196
Smile Interpolation CEV 277
Smile Interpolation SABR 387

10 Conclusions And Recommendations.

From the tests we have conducted so far, we think the best method would
be piece-wise quadratic inexact stripping with amelioration in conjunction
with SABR interpolation across the strikes. Since some of the other meth-
ods like piece-wise constant stripping and piece-wise linear stripping with
amelioration, for instance, and piece-wise linear smile interpolation seem to
be market’s standard methods, we propose that they also to be available to
our clients.

11 Future Work.
One of the possible things to do in the future is to use different interpola-
tion types in getV ol function across the swaption volatility grid. Instead
of bilinear, we can use a biquadratic spline with amelioration, for instance.
Another direction for future development can be incorporation of the relative
strike space into getV ol function. We can do it the following way. First, for
each caplet node, say (t, K), we find cap maturities Ti−1 and Ti such that
Ti−1 < t ≤ Ti , use smile interpolators to get volatility for (Ti−1 , Fti−1 ) and
(Ti , FtTi ), and interpolate between them linearly in time to get the volatility
at (t, K). Then we compute the resulting forward cap values, and corre-
sponding implied cap volatilities. Next, we perform a few (possibly just one,
for speed considerations) iteration consisting of stripping the cap volatilities
again, fitting the smile interpolators, and performing the relative strike pro-
cedure we described above. After we are satisfied with the error between

reconstructed cap volatilities and the original ones, we can interpolate in the
described way on any given relative strike and maturity.

12 C++ Classes.
• VolCube - Volatility cube class encapsulating cap/floor volatility ob-
ject and swaption volatility object, and providing an access function
getVol as described above.

• CapVol - Cap/Floor volatility interface performing stripping and smile

interpolation. It can also reconstruct the original cap volatility surface
for validation reasons.

• CapVol1 - class extending CapVol interface. Implements uniform

strike stripping.

• CapVol2 - class extending CapVol interface. Implements nonuniform

strike stripping.

• SwaptVol - Swaption volatility class.

• EDFVol - Eurodollar Future options volatility class. Performs conver-

sion of EDFOs’ prices into their implied Black volatilities.

• YieldCurve - Yield curve class providing various curve functions such

as rate, discount, forward (continuous), libor (simple), swap rate, etc.
Allows to be constructed from simple and swap rates by standard strip-

• SwapCurveStripper - Swap Curve stripper class. Performs stripping

swap rates into discount factors for the yield curve class.

• Conventions - a header file with usual cap and swap date frequencies.

• ConversionFormulas - a collection of volatility conversion functions

between Black, normal, CEV and SABR models.

• ImplVol - Implied volatility class. Performs conversion of prices into

Black implied volatilities. Uses bsUtils function collection (cumulative
normal, inverse cumulative normal, Black’s formula, etc.), OptData

class for data encapsulation, and RootFinderBrent class for 1D root

• ForwardCapVolCalc - Forward cap volatility calculator. Calculates

forward implied cap volatility. It is very similar to the ImplVol class,
and, therefore, will probably be eliminated in the future.

• RootFinderBrent - 1D Root Finder using Brent’s algorithm from [5].

• RootFinderNewton - 1D Root Finder using global Newton’s algo-

rithm from [5].

• MinimizerTrust - Trust region based optimization method used in

all the optimizations throughout this project. Originally provided by
Arun Verma in C.

• Eigen - Linear algebra operations for Arun’s optimization routine.

• NLSSolver - Non-linear least square solver class, extends Minimiz-


• ModelParam - Model parameter class encapsulating parameter and

boundaries vector, used in NLSSolver.

• Matrix - generic 2D array. There is also a collection of elementary ma-

trix operations MatrixOper, LU, and SVD performing correspond-
ing matrix decompositions and also applicable for a simple linear regres-
sion. In the future, I intend to unify all the linear algebra operations
in the NumMatrix class that will extend the Matrix class.

• ReportDate - generic date class. Originally provided by Mircea Mari-


• Parser - generic tokenizer class. Originally provided by Mircea Mari-

nescu. Alternatively, I have also used a C-style function collection

• StopWatch - a class performing task timing operations.

• Exception - an exception class. All the error handling was done using
C++ exception mechanism.

• Cap - Cap class. Encapsulates cap instrument and performs its pricing.

• Swaption - Swaption class. Encapsulates European swaption instru-

ment and performs its pricing.

• Stripper - Stripper interface to all the stripping methods described

in this document. It has only two methods: it runs and can return
maturity interpolator when asked.

• ConstStripper - Constant caplet volatility stripper.

• LinearStripper - Linear caplet volatility stripper.

• QuadraticStripper - Quadratic inexact stripper.

• QuadraticStripper2 - Quadratic exact stripper.

• Function1D - a 1D function interface, possibly excepting parameters,

and possibly integrable. Used as a building block of all the splines.

• BSearch - generic binary search class implemented from [5] algorithm.

It is used in all the splines at interpolation stage.

• MaturInter - Maturity interpolator class. It has a collection of point-

ers to Function1D objects, and a binary search pointer for effective

• ConstFunc - Constant 1D functional object. Used in the piece-wise

constant caplet volatility stripping.

• LinearFunc - Linear 1D functional object. Used in the piece-wise

linear caplet volatility stripping. It is parameterized by the end points

• QuadFunc - Quadratic 1D functional object. Used in the piece-wise

quadratic caplet volatility stripping. It is parameterized by both coef-
ficients and end points plus the mid point values.

• StrikeInter - Strike interpolator interface to all the smile interpolators

described in this document. It is also used to set the space flags (strike
and volatility).

• PWLinearInter - Piece-wise linear smile interpolator.

• VShapedInter - V-Shaped smile interpolator.

• HyperbInter - Hyperbolic smile interpolator.

• CEVInter - CEV smile interpolator.

• SABRInter - SABR smile interpolator.

• SmileCalibrator - a class performing smile fitting. For a nonuniform

strike case, I also have another version called SmileCalibrator2.

• CEVAdjuster - class performing a 1D root solving to find an appro-

priate ATM adjuster of caplet CEV smile interpolators to fit a swaption
ATM vol.

• SABRAdjuster - class performing a 1D root solving to find an ap-

propriate ATM adjuster of caplet SABR smile interpolators to fit a
swaption ATM vol.

• ValFactory - an interface to all the value factories that take flat for-
ward values and return node values. It is used in both yield curve
construction and initial guess for linear and quadratic stripping. There
are three class derived from this interface ValFactory1, ValFactory2,
and ValFactory3 respectively. The first and the third are different fla-
vors of linear values factory, and the second one is used for the quadratic

13 Prototype And Pictures.

We have developed a C++ prototype with Matlab interface that allows a user
to enter business date, currency, choose the interpolation types, volatility
and strike spaces, and indicate whether to use EDFOs or not, and plot the
interpolated caplet volatility surface or smile fits for chosen option terms.
Below are some pictures from some spot tests performed using this interface.
They illustrate the ideas conveyed in this document.

Figure 8: Piece-wise constant stripping with piece-wise linear smile.

Figure 9: Piece-wise linear stripping with V-shaped smile.

Figure 10: Piece-wise quadratic stripping with SABR smile.

[1] Pat Hagan, “Equivalent Volatilites For Determinstic Vol Formulas“,
Bloomberg Technical Report.

[2] Pat Hagan, “Volatility Cube“, Bloomberg Technical Report.

[3] Patrick S. Hagan, Deep Kumar, Andrew S. Lesniewski, and Diana E.

Woodward. “Managing smile risk“, Wilmott, 2001.

[4] Pat Hagan, Michael Konikov, “Interpolation Methods“, Bloomberg Tech-

nical Report.

[5] William H. Press, Brian P. Flannery, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T.

Vetterling, “Numerical Recipes in C : The Art of Scientific Computing“,
2nd edition, May 18, (2004).

[6] Graeme West, “The SABR Model For Equity Derivative Smiles“, Fi-
nancial Modelling Agency

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