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Scope and Power of Court To Seek Bond Under Section 88 CRPC by Rakesh Kumar Singh

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A brief note on Section-88 CrPC: by Rakesh Kumar Singh

There are two types of litigants in general if we talk about criminal cases, one who can
afford to create fantasy in the realm of legal procedure and the other, rest of the persons. Presently,
we are considering the matter from the eyes of the persons who fall within the former class of

2. The first and foremost necessity of a person accused of any offence is securing a
discretionary liberty called bail from the court. If he is able to secure a bail, the trial hardly matters
for him. Reason is not far to seek. Once he is on this discretionary liberty of bail, he may assume
himself to be entitled to play all the tricks in & out of the book and one of those may be that he may
choose not to appear for one reason or the other and may delay the matter through some legal
experts and even if courts take some adverse step, he may get through with the help of several
technical loop holes.

3. Experience has shown that unless there is some media trial, the persons of the aforesaid
class are hardly found in the police net during the investigation period and the specious premise
normally projected by the investigating agency is that power of arrest does not necessarily mean
that the arrest is always mandatory. So much so that a Learned Magistrate in Delhi apparently
facing difficulty on this count had to send a reference to the Delhi High Court inviting it to give
authoritative pronouncement on such type of attitude of the investigating agency. The said reference
was apparently decided by the High Court holding that discretion of investigating agency regarding
arrest or non arrest cannot be questioned by a Magistrate. This situation will however be the subject
matter of some other paper. Presently, it may be sufficient to note that in such cases, the
investigating agency when files the charge-sheet before the court, does not produce the accused
before the court or forward the accused to the court. The court taking cognizance normally issues a
summon for appearance. The person appears in the court and wants that he should be granted
liberty. What he knows is that if he goes through the bail provision, the court has to deal with the
matter on the basis of merits projected. It is at this stage that he chooses to create a fantasy and
claims that the court may require him to execute a bond for appearance.

4. For this, the smart accused normally relies upon Section-88 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure, 1973 which reads as 88. Power to take bond for appearance.- When any person for
whose appearance or arrest the officer presiding in any Court is empowered to issue a summons or
warrant, is present in such Court, such officer may require such person to execute a bond, with or

without sureties, for his appearance in such Court, or any other Court to which the case may be
transferred for trial.

5. Honble High Court of Delhi in Sanjay chandra vs CBI 23.05.2011 has considered the
scope of Section-88 CrPC and has come to the conclusion: The interpretation sought to be given
by the petitioners is misconceived and based upon incorrect reading...........On reading of the above,
it is obvious that Section 88 Cr.P.C. empowers the court to seek bond for appearance from any
person present in the court in exercise of its judicial discretion. The Section also provides that
aforesaid power is not unrestricted and it can be exercised only against such persons for whose
appearance or arrest the court is empowered to issue summons or warrants. The words used in the
Section are "may require such person to execute a bond" and any person present in the court. The
user of word "may" signifies that Section 88 Cr.P.C. is not mandatory and it is a matter of judicial
discretion of the court. The word "any person" signifies that the power of the court defined under
Section 88 Cr.P.C. is not accused specific only, but it can be exercised against other category of
persons such as the witness whose presence the court may deem necessary for the purpose of
inquiry or trial. Careful reading of Section 88 Cr.P.C. makes it evident that it is a general provision
defining the power of the court, but it does not provide how and in what manner this discretionary
power is to be exercised. Petitioners are accused of having committed non-bailable offences.
Therefore, their case for bail falls within Section 437 of the Code of Criminal Procedure which is
the specific provision dealing with grant of bail to an accused in cases of non-bailable offences.
Thus, on conjoint reading of Section 88 and 437 Cr.P.C., it is obvious that Section 88 Cr.P.C. is not
an independent Section and it is subject to Section 437 Cr.P.C. Therefore, I do not find merit in the
contention that order of learned Special Judge refusing bail to the petitioners is illegal being
violation of Section 88 Cr.P.C.

6. The above said judgment was challenged before Hon'ble Supreme Court in Criminal
Appeal No.-2178/2011 dated 23.11.2011 and same contention was raised therein by the accused
persons. Though the court granted bail on factual position but specifically clarified that it was not
expressing any opinion on the legal issues raised by the parties. Relevant observation is In the
view we have taken, it may not be necessary to refer and discuss other issues canvassed by the
learned counsel for the parties and the case laws relied on in support of their respective
contentions. We clarify that we have not expressed any opinion regarding the other legal issues
canvassed by learned counsel for the parties.

7. It is not as if Section-88 is a new provision. In CrPC 1898, it was also available in the form
of Section-91. The provision had come before the Honble Supreme Court and it had considered its
scope. The seven judges bench of Honble Supreme Court in Madhu Limaye Vs Ved Murti AIR
1971 SC 2481 has held as In fact section 91 applies to a person who is present in Court and is free
because it speaks of his being bound over, to appear on another day before the Court. That shows
that the person must 'be a free agent whether to appear or not. If the person is already under arrest
and in custody, 'as were the petitioners, their appearance depended not on their own volition, but
on the volition of the person who had their custody. This section was therefore inappropriate and
the ruling cited in support of the case were wrongly decided as was held by the Special
Bench...........It is not necessary to take a bond from a person who is already in detention and is-not
released. The danger arises when the man is free and not when he is in custody. It is to prevent his
acting that the bond is taken or he is kept in custody till he gives the bond.

8. When a person should be deemed to be in custody has been the subject matter of several
pronouncements. However, it has been accepted that the judgment rendered in Niranjan Singh vs
Prabhakar Rajaram Kharote AIR 1980 SC 785 has been the locus classics on this point and is a
binding precedent. This judgment in its relevant portions read as When is a person in custody,
within the meaning of Section 439 CrPC? When he is in duress either because he is held by the
investigating agency or other police or allied authority or is under the control of the court having
been remanded by judicial order, or having offered himself to the court's jurisdiction and submitted
to its orders by physical presence. No lexical dexterity nor precedential profusion is needed to come
to the realistic conclusion that he who is under the control of the court or is in the physical hold of
an officer with coercive power is in custody for the purpose of Section 439. This word is of elastic
semantics but its core meaning is that the law has taken control of the person. The equivocatory
quibblings and hide-and-seek niceties sometimes heard in court that the police have taken a man
into informal custody but not arrested him, have detained him for interrogation but not taken him
into formal custody and other like terminological dubieties are unfair evasions of the
straightforwardness of the law. We need not dilate on this shady facet here because we are satisfied
that the accused did physically submit before the Sessions Judge and the jurisdiction to grant bail
thus arose. Custody, in the context of Section 439, (we are not, be it noted, dealing with anticipatory
bail under Section 438) is physical control or at least physical presence of the accused in court
coupled with submission to the jurisdiction and orders of the court. He can be in custody not merely
when the police arrests him, produces him before a Magistrate and gets a remand to judicial or
other custody. He can be stated to be in judicial custody when he surrenders before the court and
submits to its directions.

9. What becomes clear from the aforesaid judgments is that Section-88 does not cover a person
who is accused of an offence. Such person has to be governed by the provisions related to bail as
available in CrPC. If the offenes is bailable, the accused is entitled to bail as a matter of right by
virtue of Section-436 which is mandatory in nature. If the offence is non-bailable, such accused
cannot claim bail as a matter of right as the governing Section-437 is discretionary and has several
other limitations.

10. It can safely be said that even if an Investigating Officer chooses not to arrest any person
during the course of investigation for any reason and files a charge-sheet in court showing the
accused as non-arrested, the Court is bound to follow any of the course suggested by Section-204
CrPC and it may issue summon or warrant, as the case may be, for securing appearance of the
accused before it. Accused cannot apply for utilization of Section-88 CrPC. If accused has been
summoned for a non-bailable case, he has to apply for bail in terms of Section-437 CrPC and the
Court has to decide the application on merits. In such consideration, non-arrest during the
investigation may be taken as a factor in favour of the accused but it need not to be a sole factor. I
have already, in some other paper, shown as to why the contrary decision of Honble Delhi High
Court in Court On Its Own Motion v. Central Bureau of Investigation 109 (2003) DLT 494
mandating the bail of such not-so-arrested accused, does not remain a binding precedent. Need
therefore is not felt to again re-discuss the same point in this paper also.


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