Dielectric fluid in the spark gap is ionized under the pulsed application
of DC
Enabling a spark discharge to pass between the tool and work piece
Each spark produces enough heat to melt and vaporize a tiny volume of
work piece material, leaving a small crater on its surface
It can be controlled so that the MRR, surface finish and tolerance can
be predicted
Other dielectric fluids are silicon oils, deionized water and polar
liquids such as aqueous solution of ethylene glycol
Dielectric Fluid
The choice of dielectric depends on the work piece size, complexity of shape,
tolerance, surface finish and MRR
White spirit is used to machine tungsten carbide and small parts with
complicated details and good surface finish
Surface finish of 1.6 m and above dielectric of viscosity 6-12 Cst used
The dielectric liquid is kept in circulation through the machining gaps by the
use of pumps
The main draw back of these generators are that the current, discharge duration
and energy are inter dependent and cannot be chosen individually
The values of these vary from cycle to cycle and the machining process is
The time required for charging the capacitor is high and consequently it limits
the use of high frequencies
The introduction of pulse generators has over come the draw backs of the
relaxation generators
Pulse Generator
These generators possess the accurate control over discharge duration
pause time and the current
Metal spraying, press forming & electro plating techniques are also used
Graphite materials are widely used because of low cost & wear resistant
The taper shank system also provides for high accuracy as in the
magnetic system
EDM Tool Design:
Use more than one operation to achieve required surface finish and
accuracy viz; roughing, semi finishing and finishing
Three operations are employed if required surface finish is 1.2m & less
Spark gap does not include a safety margin to take into account
The roughing electrode is longer than the finishing electrode, to take into
consideration higher rate of wear during roughing
Machining Time:
The data supplied by the manufacturers also includes the MRR for the
settings chosen
1. Pressure flushing
2. Suction flushing
3. Side flushing
This is due to the particles being forced up the sides of the electrode
producing lateral discharge
The dielectric is sucked either through the work piece via a pot or
through the electrode
Vacuum is provided by the same pump unit by changing the pump and
the filter out put connections
Side Flushing:
Side Flushing:
This is the case when machining coining dies or deep narrow slots
The direction of the flushing must coincide with the inset form of the
work piece
The spark gap is under dielectric pressure only during that part of the
cycle when no machining takes place, thus reducing the wear of the
EDM Process Characteristics:
Also defined as the volume of metal removed per unit time per ampere
which then yields a basis for the out put comparison of different
machines or different electrode materials
For precision machining with low amperage and high frequency the
MRR is as low as 2 mm3/min
Table: MRR as a function of current and pulse frequency
65 20 4-12 2.5-4
Corner Radii:
Corner radii is minimum in finish machining where a very low spark gap
is used
Overcut Chart:
Surface Finish:
High frequency and low-amperage settings give the best surface finish
The work piece material which gets melted is not completely expelled
during the process
Thermal stresses, plastic deformation and fine cracks may form in this
grain boundary
Produce cavities with minimum corner radii, low electrode wear and
better surface finish
Electrical Discharge Grinding:
wheel can be easily formed to any complex shape and desired profiles
can be obtained on the work piece
By 1975 its popularity was rapidly increasing because the process and its
capabilities were becoming better understood by industry
Wire EDM differs from conventional EDM in that a thin 0.05 0.3 mm
in diameter wire perform as the electrode
The wire unwinds from the spool, feeds through the work piece and
taken up on a second spool
DC power of high frequency pulses are supplied to the wire and the w/p
The gap between the wire and w/p is flooded with deionized water,
which acts as the dielectric
There is no contact between the wire and the w/p in wire EDM
The high degree of accuracy & fine finish can be obtained by wire EDM
It consists of a CNC 2-axis table and some cases, an additional multi axis
wire positioning system
Unique feature of this system is that it controls the gap between wire &
work piece
If wire should come in contact with the w/p or if a small piece of metal
bridges the gap and causes a short circuit
The positioning system must sense this condition and back up along the
programmed path, re-establish the proper cutting gap conditions
Wire Drive System:
The wire drive system continuously deliver fresh wire under constant
tension to the work area
After supply spool, the wire passes through the several wire feed and
wire removal rollers
Major portion of the spark discharge occur at the leading surface of the
wire which passes through the work piece
As a result, the wire is no longer round after one pass through the work
piece and hence it is discarded
Dielectric System:
Having low viscosity, high cooling rate, high MRR and no fire hazard
Power Supply:
Major difference between the power supply used for wire EDM and
conventional EDM are frequency and current
Wire EDM power supplies are built to deliver the current less than 20A