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Our Tail Gas Unit Is Performing Below Spec-English

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Q Our tail gas unit is performing below spec. We are

8 4.0
experiencing high levels of heat stable salts in the solvent. How
7 3.5
do we deal with this?

Excess hydrogen after

requirement, kmol/h

Total reducing gas

6 3.0

quench, % wet
A Eric Roisin, Claus & TGT Catalysts Business Line Manager, 5 96.9%

Axens, 4

The presence of heat stable salts does affect the per- 3 1.5

formance of the amine solvent,1 consequently H2 S slip

2 1.0
from the absorber may increase dramatically. To bring 1 Gas requirement 0.5
Excess hydrogen 96.0%
the H2 S slip back to acceptable levels, the amine sol- 0 0
vent needs to be restored back to pristine conditions, 3 2 1 0 1
Excess air at SRU tail gas, %
2 3

either by a reclaiming process or by partial or full

Reviewing the results of the amine analysis and Figure 1 Effect of air demand on the reducing gas requirement
focusing on the main identified heat stable salts should in a two-stage SRU tail gas, 70% H2S acid gas at SOR conditions,
help in understanding the root cause of the problem. 97% recovery efficiency2
Let us assume that the involved amine is used exclu-
sively to treat the outlet gas of the quench column Poorly performing catalyst: the first indicator would
downstream the Claus tail gas hydrogenation reactor, be the temperature profile across the bed since most
and that heat stable salts are mainly thiosulphates (but of the temperature rise should occur on the top sec-
may be also sulphites or sulphates). Such species are tion of the fresh catalyst bed, moving down as the cat-
likely formed because of the abnormal presence of SO2 alyst ages or gets contaminated (usually by soot or
in the feed gas to the absorber, assuming that there is no oxygen coming from the upstream reheater). There are
possibility for oxygen to contaminate the amine. two types of hydrogenation catalysts: older genera-
SO2 should have reacted with hydrogen on the CoMo tion which need to be operated at an inlet temperature
catalyst. A breakthrough of SO2 from the reactor can higher than 270C (520F), while some more recent
only result from three potential causes: products can be operated colder, down to 200-240C
Hydrogen deficiency: each mole of SO2 feeding the (390-460F) inlet.
reactor requires 3 moles of H2 to be transformed into In case the performances of the catalyst are suspected
H2S on the catalyst. Since the amount of SO2 in the to be insufficient, increasing the inlet temperature by
Claus tail gas does vary over time, so does the hydro- 10-20C (20-35F) may solve the problem, if allowed by
gen requirement. In case hydrogen is missing, SO2 the installed reheating equipment.
breaks through. In case no SO2 analyser is installed to Catalyst bypass: a leaking feed effluent heat exchanger,
detect it, SO2 does have consequences for the opera- or a channel across the catalyst bed (rupture of cata-
tion of the quench column: drop of pH, higher caustic lyst supporting grid, movement of catalyst in the reac-
consumption, corrosion of internals, filtration of solid tor due to inhomogeneous gas distribution, equipment
deposits. left inside the reactor during loading) would also result
As a safe operating guideline, Axens recommends in a fraction of the Claus tail gas feeding the quench
maintaining the hydrogen concentration measured at column.
the outlet of the quench column above 2.5 mol%. If the
measured hydrogen partial pressure is too low, some References
designs include a trim line of hydrogen to adjust it. 1 Sivasubramanian R H, Weiland M S, Effect of Heat-Stable Salts on
Another possibility to mitigate the risk of lacking Amine Absorber and Regenerator Performance, AIChE Meeting, Austin,
hydrogen at the hydrogenation section is to operate the TX, USA, 7 Nov 2004.
Claus furnace slightly deficient in air (meaning less SO2 2 Crevier P P, Roisin E, Klint B, Cundall M, An Assessment of Reducing
feeding the TGTU) by targeting an H2 S/SO2 ratio out Gas Production and Demand in the SRU/RTGU - How much is enough
of the Claus section higher than 2 (typical target 4 to 6). and what does the RGG contribute?, Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning
Refer to Figure 1. Conference, Norman, OK, USA, 21-24 Feb 2010.

Additional Q&A can be found at PTQ Q4 2017 5

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