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Design of a Formula Student

race car chassis

Jannis D.G. van Kerkhoven, 516303

DCT 2008.154

Masters thesis

Coach: Piet van Rens

Vision Dynamics B.V.

Supervisor: Prof. dr. ir. M. Steinbuch

Eindhoven University of Technology

Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

Department Mechanical Engineering
Dynamics and Control Technology Group

Eindhoven, December, 2008

"Adding power makes you faster on the straights,
subtracting weight makes you faster everywhere."

- Anthony Colin Bruce Chapman -

Founder of the British sports car company Lotus


The design of race car for the Formula Student competition involves more
performance parameters then for regular racing. In addition to achieving high
strength and stiffness for a very low overall weight, the car must be easily manu-
facturable and maintainable to stay within budget. In this report an approach is
presented on designing a lightweight hybrid race car chassis consisting of a fiber
reinforced composite cockpit combining structural, esthetic, ergonomic and crash
properties, and a tubular space frame engine compartiment, meeting stiffness and
strength demands while remaining easy to maintain and manufacture, thus keep-
ing production cost low.


July 2008: the University Racing Eindhoven team heads for the Silverstone circuit
to enter the Formula Student competition in great anticipation and hungry for succes.
Fifty men and a women strong, the basecamp is set up and the final preparations are
completed. Amongst this large team, a small band of outlaws roam freely through the
paddock and they have their minds set on winning. Undistracted by all the heavy pon-
dering on the track and the pure chaos of the pitlane they are heading for the ultimate
price: the overall Class 3 Award for best design concept.
As the moment of truth approaches the tension rises to an unknown level. The cost
reporting is up first: the professionalism radiates from the large flat screen while sheets
concerning cost management strategies and flow charts of strategic planning dazzle the
judges. Notes are made for implementation at their own employers while our manu-
facturing specialist comes up with cost efficient techniques and processes they never even
heard of!
One down, two more to go, the technical quality of the concept must be accounted
for next: the engine specialist has a jungle of hair held up straight by the engine grease
from his hands from a long night of work while the Constant Variable Transmission
rests enlightened on her pedestal accompanied by the stereo-lithographic chassis model.
The judges closely investigate the ideas and their technical justifications, the motives, the
drive, the team spirit and they are impressed. First place!
The final run for victory is set in motion as the team manager and his loyal ac-
complice head for the stands to roll out the red carpet and sell the concept to potential
investors with a plan that involves millions of euros. "Great enthusiasm", "Very profes-
sional", "The best question and answer session yet", "Well done guys!!"
Slowly the dust, thrown up by hundreds of feet driven by the adrenaline of intense
competition, settles, as all teams packs their bags. University Racing Eindhoven has done
what it came to do: it won!!
During my final thesis, Ive had the unique opportunity to be responsible for
the teams entry in the Formula Student race car design competition. We won
the awards for best technical design as well as the overall ranking. Many thanks
are owed to all the people involved, some of them briefly, others for years, for their
help, their advice, their support, their feedback, their teaching and the many, many

Jannis van Kerkhoven

Eindhoven, december 2008


Abstract ii

Preface iii

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Formula Student: The Challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Problem Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Design Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2 Design Specification 4
2.1 Formula SAE rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2 Stiffness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.3 Structural strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.4 Low or lightweight? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.5 Manufacturability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.6 Ergonomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

3 Loads on the chassis 11

3.1 Hardpoint load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2 Torsional load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.3 Front impact load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

4 Overview of used materials 14

4.1 Fiber Reinforced Plastics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.2 Core materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.3 Core insert materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.4 Tube materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21


4.5 Global laminate stiffness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

4.6 Global ply failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.7 Laminate design consideration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.8 Local ply failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.9 Insert design consideration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

5 General structural considerations 32

5.1 Torsional stiffness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
5.2 Bending stiffness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5.3 Multi-Shell Assembly Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5.4 Tubular rear frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

6 Ergonomics 38

7 Final design 41

8 Stiffness and strength analysis 45

8.1 Torsional stiffness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
8.2 Specific stiffness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
8.3 Stress peaks due to geometrical inefficiencies . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
8.4 Eigen mode analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
8.5 Hardpoint analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
8.6 Rear frame tension and buckling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
8.7 Front impact equivalency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
8.8 Side impact/front roll hoop bracing equivalency . . . . . . . . . . . 67

9 Conclusions and Recommendations 68

Appendix A Why lightweight? 70

A.1 The downside of load transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
A.2 Low and lightweight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Appendix B Cockpit regulations 75

Chapter 1


1.1 Formula Student: The Challenge

University Racing Eindhoven (URE) is a racing team ran by and consisting of

students, mainly from the Eindhoven University of Technology. Each year the team
designs, builds, tests and eventually races their car against other university teams
from all over the world in the Formula Student competition.
The students are to assume that a manufacturing firm has engaged them to
produce a prototype car for evaluation. The intended sales market is the non-
professional weekend autocross or sprint racer, and the firm is planning to produce
1,000 cars per year at a cost below EURO 21.000.
The car must be low in cost, easy to maintain, and reliable, with high per-
formance in terms of its acceleration, braking, and handling qualities. Watched
closely by industry specialists who volunteer their time each team will go through
the following rigorous testing process of their car:
Static events:
Design, Cost and Presentation Judging
Technical and Safety Scrutineering
Tilt Test to prevent cars rolling over
Brake and Noise Test
Dynamic Events:
Skid Pad (Figure of 8)
Endurance and Fuel Economy

Chapter 1. Introduction

1.2 Problem Definition

A typical open wheeled single seater chassis in the Formula Student competi-
tion consists of several parts:
a lightweight structural and protective driver compartiment or cockpit
a lightweight structural engine compartiment
esthetic and aerodynamic exterior
crash impact attenuators

So far the team has been building the cockpit using aluminum honeycomb
sandwich panels [19]. These panels have a very high stiffness to weight ratio, or
specific stiffness, and are fairly cheap. However to use them correctly in a race car
is very difficult because they offer very little design freedom. Problems are met
when trying to attach the advanced suspension system to the structural cockpit.
Addition material is required to meet stiffness and strength demands which partly
cancels the advantage of the lightweight panels. The necessary addition of material
increases the material cost and the increase in vehicle mass and center of gravity
height reduces performance in handling.
In the past the team has constructed the engine compartiment from these
sandwich panels as well. This resulted in problems with heat dissipation from
the engine and great difficulty reaching parts. This reduced the maintainability
severely and, because of difficult maintenance and overheating, the reliability. Last
year a change was made constructing the engine compartiment from a steel tubu-
lar space frame. A trade-of was made to increase maintainability and reliability at
the cost of additional mass. An additional benefit was the straightforward manu-
facturing and assembly.

Figure 1.1: Former design of a URE hybrid chassis using aluminum

honeycomb panels and a tubular space frame

The esthetics and aerodynamics of the car consisted sofar of separate body
panels that were basically 5 kgs worth of stickers. In manufacturing these body
panels the team gained its first experience with carbon fiber reinforced plastics.

Chapter 1. Introduction

The team has seen the advantages of carbon fiber reinforced plastics (cfrps)
in structural parts of a race car chassis. They offer superb specific stiffness and
strength characteristics and great design freedom. Parts made from cfrps how-
ever are often difficult to manufacture and very costly regarding materials. The
challenge then is to find a way of applying these high end materials in such a way
that an easy manufacturing process reduces the production complexity and thus
the cost.
The crash impact system is found mainly at the front of the car. Tight regula-
tions determine maximum decelerations and minimal dimensions. In the past a
foam crash cone glued to a thick obligatory anti-intrusion plate was bolted to the
chassis to meet these demands.
The engine department is still to be constructed as a open space frame. It can
be severely optimized however to form a strong, simple and yet lightweight rear
Using the design freedom of the cfrps, the esthetic and aerodynamic exterior
can be integrated in the structural driver compartiment as well as possible crash
impact properties. Regarding the relatively low speeds in the competition aerody-
namics are less important. Drag resistance reduction and underbody effects can
be used to further improve the cars performance. These are outside the scope of
this report however and are researched separately to improve future designs. The
detailed design and testing of the front crash impact, being the nose cone, is done
separately as well.
Summarizing the above, the challenge becomes: Design a lightweight hybrid race
car chassis consisting of a fiber reinforced composite monocoque combining structural, es-
thetic, ergonomic and crash properties, and a tubular space frame engine compartiment,
meeting stiffness and strength demands while remaining easy to maintain and manufac-
ture, thus keeping production cost low.

1.3 Design Approach

To achieve a high quality design the following approach is used:

The design specifications that follow from the problem definition are stated
The loads that act on the wheel centers of a Formula Student car have been
analyzed previously by Lamers [15] and are used to evaluate the quantity and
quality of the different loads that act on the chassis
The structural possibilities and limitations regarding the available materials
are investigated
The structural engineering aspects regarding a lightweight though stiff and
strong and easy to manufacture design are presented
Ergonomic and safety issues are evaluated
All these factors are then combined in the final design that has been found
iteratively using extensive FEA techniques

Chapter 2

Design Specification

The performance is off course the main issue in designing a race car. In the
Formula Student competition the biggest advantage over the competition is achiev-
able through superior handling of the vehicle, or lateral grip. Besides the mass of
a vehicle there are a number of parameters that influence the vehicle handling are
discussed below.
In the Formula Student competition performance is not the only important
design parameter however. The car has to be built by untrained students with a
relatively small budget. So the chassis must meet the design specifications at all
time while remaining simple and straightforward to built.
What the team lacks in funding and extensive experience in composites it
makes up for in cheap and abundant labor and knowledge.

2.1 Formula SAE rules

Every race car competition has an extensive set of rules to provide the necessary
safety and to prevent the competition from becoming unfair. Theres a number of
very strict rules that have to be taken into account in designing the chassis for the
URE09, manly with respect to safety issues. These rules are explained throughout
the report when decisive for the design.

2.2 Stiffness

The most important performance measure for a race car chassis is the hub-to-
hub torsional stiffness (see Figure 2.1). To find an optimum in suspension setup,
the smallest variation in front and rear anti-roll stiffness should be felt immediately
by drivers. To ensure this, high torsional rigidity of the chassis with respect to the
anti-roll stiffness is required.

Chapter 2. Design Specification

Figure 2.1: The most important bending mode of a race car chassis,
longitudinal torsion [12]

Another important factor is the influence of chassis torsional stiffness on the

lateral load transfer balance between the front and rear wheels. An example is
presented to illustrate this:
When the car enters a corner the steering wheel is turned, this means that, at
this instant, the front wheels generate lateral force because, while the rear wheels
dont do anything yet. This lateral force at the front wheels is inherently connected
to load transfer from the inner to the outer wheel (see Appendix A). Lets assume
a point mass on the front wheels mf and one on the rear mr with the chassis tor-
sional stiffness connecting them. When the front wheels experience lateral force
due to the steering wheel angle, the mass mf experiences a lateral acceleration
causing the mentioned load transfer. Note hereby that for masses higher then
the orad surface lateral grip cannot exist without load transfer [?] If the chassis tor-
sional stiffness is very small the rear wheels dont feel any load transfer yet - it takes
a while before the car enters the corner properly and the rear mass starts feeling
lateral acceleration as well causing load transfer and thus lateral grip. This means
that together with the mass distribution over the front and rear wheels the torsional
stiffness determines the distribution of dynamic lateral load over the front and rear
wheels. Because load transfer und thus lateral grip also inherently decreases the
lateral grip that he tires can deliver (see Appendix A) the dynamics of the lateral
load transfer and thus the chassis torsional stiffness has an influence on the under
or over steering character of the car. Deakin et al [3] have shown that cars with
low torsional chassis stiffness are mostly understeered. Considering understeered
behavior is already a problem for the most Formula Student cars, a high torsional
rigidity is desirable.
Different approaches exist to estimate a target for the specific torsional stiffness
[12]. In general targets are varied from 2-10 times the roll stiffness. The URE05 is
fitted with an anti-roll stiffness off about 50 kNm/rad front and rear. The highest
chassis stiffness in the competition is for a full monocoque structure being ap-
proximately 300 kNm/rad weighing little over 20 kgs (Bayreuths FR8 Chromo).
The competition average stiffness lies around 140 kNm/rad for an average chassis

Chapter 2. Design Specification

weight of 25 kg . So 3-6 times the anti-roll stiffness seems a more realistic target,
Deakin et all state a factor of 4 is sufficient for Formula Student cars.
Very high stiffness is usually achievable, though at a severe weight penalty,
thus the stiffness per kilogram chassis - or specific stiffness - is a more appropriate
measure. In addition, increasing the chassis stiffness is not very effective above a
certain value. To illustrate this we model the car as three torsion tubes in series (see
Figure 2.2); a front and rear tube representing the suspension system stiffness in
torsion ksusp and one for the chassis with stiffness kchassis . Their respective stiff-
ness can be added up to represent the total vehicle resistance to torsional deflection
kveh . To make it more clear kveh is then divided by the total suspension stiffness
to indicate the stiffness relative to the rigid case.

k k k

Figure 2.2: Simplified model of the suspension and chassis torsional stiffness

1 1 1
= 2 +
kveh ksusp kchassis
krel =

Assuming the resistance to torsion by the suspension front and rear is repre-
sented by the anti-roll stiffness (50 kNm/rad front and rear) we can plot the total
vehicle stiffness as a function of the chassis stiffness (Figure 2.3). It is clear that
upwards of 90% of the rigid case, about 4 times the anti-roll stiffness, it becomes
less interesting to pay an increasingly large weight penalty for only slight improve-
ments in vehicle stiffness.
Considering the team has a hybrid chassis a trade-off is made between achiev-
able stiffness, weight and manufacturability and maintainability. The target for the
chassis stiffness is set to at least 4 times the anti-roll stiffness and well above the
competition average.

Chapter 2. Design Specification


Relative vehicle stiffness kNm/rad







0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Chassis torsional stiffness [kNm/rad]

Figure 2.3: Effect of increasing the chassis stiffness at a severe weight penalty
on the total vehicle stiffness relative to the rigid case

mass stiffness specific stiffness

Competition low 30 kg 50 kNm/rad 1.7 kNm/rad/kg
Competition average 25 kg 120 kNm/rad 4.8 kNm/rad/kg
Competition high 20 kg 300 kNm/rad 15 kNm/rad/kg
URE05 chassis <25 kg >200 kNm/rad >8 kNm/rad/kg

Table 2.1: Current status of torsional stiffness in Formula Student race cars

2.3 Structural strength

The chassis has to withstand the loads from the suspension system and reac-
tional forces from the driver and the engine. These loads are presented in Chap-
ter 3. For the structural driver compartiment the hardpoints are critical, the force
interface points on the CFRP monocoque. Furthermore no stress peaks may occur
due to geometrical inefficiencies (sharp angles in load paths for instance). Re-
garding the rear frame, tension and buckling limits in the frame members are
Among other requirements, the vehicles structure must include two roll hoops
that are braced (main and front), a front bulkhead with an impact attenuator, a
driver restraint harness and side impact structures. These crash safety features
add structural demands to the chassis. The corresponding parts of the mono-
coque chassis must be equivalent to a steel tubular structure in yield and ultimate
strengths in bending, buckling, and tension. The main roll hoop with its bracing
must always be built out of steel tubes, as well as the front roll hoop. For the other
parts the equivalent steel tubular minimal dimensions are shown in Table 2.2.
The side impact structure in tubular form, as well as the roll hoops are shown in
Figure 2.3.

Chapter 2. Design Specification

Component Outer diameter x wall thickness

main and front roll hoops 25.0 x 2.50 mm or
shoulder harness mounting bar 25.4 x 2.40 mm
Side impact structure, front bulkhead, 25.0 x 1.75 mm or
roll hoop Bracing, driver restraint 25.4 x 1.60 mm
harness attachment
Front bulkhead support 25.0 x 1.50 mm or
25.4 x 1.25 mm or
26.0 x 1.20 mm

Table 2.2: Minimum mild steel tubular dimensions the monocoque must be
equivalent to

The front impact attenuator must be fixed to the front bulkhead of the mono-
coque so that it is equivalent to a regular steel tubular frame front bulkhead sup-
port. From the rules it follows that the chassis must be able to withstand a static
force of 120 kN.

Figure 2.4: Monocoque side impact strength must be equivalent to a certain

steel space frame [1]

Chapter 2. Design Specification

2.4 Low or lightweight?

Lamers [15] has investigated the sensitivity of lateral grip in gs to both the
overall mass in kgs and the center of gravity height in cms. He came up with a
two convenient numbers to indicate these sensitivities respectively:

Lateral gs to mass 2.49 103 [g][kg]1

Lateral gs to COG height 11.75 103 [g][cm]1

Table 2.3: Sensitivity of lateral grip to total vehicle weight and CG height

Lamers states that physically lowering the mass has about five times the effect
on vehicle handling than lowering the mass numerically. However the sensitivity
for CG height is measured in centimeters. Now considering the URE04 has a
center of gravity height of approximately 280 mm (including the driver) weighing
a formidable 240 kgs. The orders of magnitude for these parameters are quite
similar so perhaps these sensitivities would make much more sense if stated in
[g][kg]1 and [g][mm]1 . Then lightweight design would become more interesting
to increase lateral grip. In Appendix A is explained more thoroughly how the total
mass and center of gravity height influence the lateral grip.
According to the drivers that have been interviewed, the URE04 has good han-
dling characteristics. Looking at the possibilities, the center of gravity can be low-
ered further by changing the drivers seating position. By decreasing the angle of
the drivers back with the horizontal his center of gravity is lowered. In addition
this would allow for a lower main roll hoop (this is more thoroughly explained in
Chapter 6). The total vehicle weight can be lowered by using the design freedom of
the CFRPs to reduce the additional material that has to be added to the structural
driver compartiment to meet stiffness and strength demands. In addition more
parts can be integrated in the design such as the head rest and the dashboard.
The only real indication that can be given is, improve with respect to last years
car. Lower both the vehicle weight and center of gravity height. In a previous
paragraph a mass limit for the chassis has already been set to <25 kgs (much
lighter then the URE04) and the CG height of the chassis should be as low as

Chapter 2. Design Specification

2.5 Manufacturability

The cost aspect is very important for the team to be able to actually built the
chassis but even more so the technical skill that is required to do so. The mate-
rial and tooling cost must be kept low. This makes it easier for the team to find
sponsors. The complexity must be limited to allow the team to built the chassis
themselves using the available labor to further reduce manufacturing costs for the
This means for the monocoque: Use as few molds as possible without com-
promising the required design freedom. And for the steel rear frame: A simply
weldable rear frame.

2.6 Ergonomics

One of the most determining factors in the competition is the driver. The
driver can be aided in his performance by ensuring that all controls can be easily
reached, he has a comfortable seating position and that visibility over the front of
the chassis is sufficient. Besides being comfortable the driver must be safe at all
times. In addition to the structural demands with respect to crash safety, there
are some tight geometrical regulations regarding the cockpit to keep the driver
safe. This involves mainly dimensional demands for the cockpit to allow for quick
driver egress in case of accidents (Appendix B) and the roll hoops that surround
the driver. These roll hoop regulations are often with respect to a so called 95th
percentile male. This is a statistical representation meaning that at least 95 percent
of the male population must be able to drive the car safely (dimensions given in
Chapter 6).

Chapter 3

Loads on the chassis

As mentioned in Chapter2 the main loads on the chassis are from the suspen-
sion system and reactional forces of the driver and engine (the main masses) to the
lateral longitudinal and vertical accelerations. The suspension geometry that has
been designed is shown, as well as the positions of the driver and engine. The def-
inition of the different rods is shown and the major force directions are indicated.
Important is that the connection rod forces are merely push and pull forces due to
an advanced multi-link system.

Figure 3.1: The suspension geometry, main accelerations ax , ay and az and

front right tire forces Fx , Fy and Fz

During the design of the suspension system by Lamers [15], a virtual reality
analysis has been completed to give good estimations of the dynamic forces Fx , Fy
and Fz that occur in the tire road contact patch. These are translated to the forces
and moments in the wheel center (wc) using the mechanical and pneumatic trails
(t and c) and the wc height. An analyses has been made for maximum accel-
eration/braking, cornering with 70 km/h and a bump manoeuvre driving over a
40x40 mm obstacle. On-track measurements are currently in development to ver-

Chapter 3. Loads on the chassis

ify the simulations. These are however not finished on the time of writing. A worst
case scenario of cornering with 70 km/h, full braking and hitting a bump is used to
evaluate the maximum forces and moments at the front right wheel center, where
the largest forces occur in a left corner. The brake and bump forces are added to
the cornering forces (Table 3). Directions are defined as shown in Figure 3.

cornering braking bump Total

Fxwc 0 -1750 -200 -1950 N
Fywc -2450 0 0 -2450 N
Fzwc 1300 +500 +2500 4300 N
Mxwc 700 0 0 700 Nm
Mywc 0 +500 56 556 Nm
Mzwc -10 0 -10 -20 Nm

Table 3.1: Front right wheel center forces for a left corner

Reactional forces from the engine and driver are determined by the maximum
longitudinal, lateral and vertical accelerations ax , ay and az . Both longitudinal
and lateral accelerations are limited by the maximum coefficient of friction of the
tyres. Extensive tire analysis shows 1.55 g in both directions to be a maximum
(reference not yet available). Riley et al [12] found vertical accelerations of 3.5 g
to be the maximum bump acceleration on Formula Student tracks. Simple vector
calculation shows that the maximum acceleration for any mass in the vehicle is:

amax = g 2 1.552 + 3.52 4g 40 m/s2 (3.1)

3.1 Hardpoint load

To determine the maximum hardpoint force, the suspension forces and reac-
tional forces are compared.
Firstly lets assume the driver, the largest mass, is suspended in the monocoque
from a single point. A maximum acceleration of 40 m/s2 for a 70 kg driver would
result in a maximum force of approximately 2.8 kN, stated that this is already a
very unrealistic situation.
Looking at the worst case scenario mentioned above - i.e. adding the maximum
force of braking, cornering and bump - an FEA model is used to calculate the
reactional forces in the connection rods. The wheel and upright are modeled as
rigids and the connection rods are 3 DOF connected to the chassis, simulating ball
joints. The stresses in N/mm2 in the rods are simulated and shown in Figure 3.1.
Considering the connection rods have a surface of 70 mm2 the maximum force
for the worst case scenario is approximately 5.6 kN.
Considering both these situations a hard point load of 10 kN is used in the
strength analysis of Chapter 8.

Chapter 3. Loads on the chassis

Figure 3.2: The stresses in N/mm2 for the front right connection rods for a left
corner, while braking and hitting a bump

3.2 Torsional load

To simulate the torsional loads, the maximum vertical wheel load from Table 3
of 4.3 kN is used. A safety factor is applied and the torsional load is modeled as two
vertical loads of 10 kN in opposite direction on the front wheel hubs. This load is
used to determine the stiffness of the chassis, to identify geometrical inefficiencies
and to analyse the rear frame.

3.3 Front impact load

A static analysis of a front impact situation is mandatory. The force that acts
upon the front bulkhead of the chassis was calculated in section 2.3 being about
120 kN. This force is evenly distributed over the outer edge of a front bulkhead
going straight into the side walls of the chassis structure.

Chapter 4

Overview of used materials

For a closed box structure with a high specific stiffness, relevant criteria for the
materials used are, according to Oomen [16]:
, the specific modulus in tension or compression
, the specific shear modulus
or E3 , in bending or buckling where E I is the relevant parameter

Carbon fiber reinforced plastics are very useful in such structures considering
their high specific modulus. Even more so in the form of sandwich panels, to
increase the bending stiffness of plates (see Chapter 5). These sandwich laminates
are constructed from several plies of CFRP and a core material (Figure 4.1). The
fibers are oriented in a certain direction and held together and protected by a resin
The local ply orientation is indicated with respect the laminate main direction
e1 or global x-axis (see Figure 3). Typically 0 and 90 plies are used to increase
bending stiffness and 45 laminae are used to increase torsional rigidity (see sec-
tion 4.5).
Most materials used in the chassis cannot be chosen solely based on their prop-
erties. The race team has several technical partners and is often reliant on those
partners to provide the materials.

4.1 Fiber Reinforced Plastics

Uni-directional prepreg CFRP plies are supplied by a technical partner. These

are sheets of carbon fibers pre-impregnated with a resin. Uni-directional or u.d.
means that a large percentage of the fibers has the same orientation. These plies al-
low for higher specific moduli in the main fiber direction compared to for instance
0/90 woven semi-isotropic prepregs with comparable mass and density. This
has to do with the percentage of the total amount of fibers in a certain direction
and that in a woven ply, these fiber are not completely stretched to start with (Fig-
ure 4.2). Woven plies are however easier in the manufacturing process. The first
argument also touches on the most important quality parameter of CFRPs, the

Chapter 4. Overview of used materials

Figure 4.1: A typical laminate using CFRPs and a PVC core

fiber percentage Vf , defined as the total fiber volume divided by the total laminate
volume. In practice this must be kept as high as possible.

fiber volume
Vf = (4.1)
laminate volume
Because of their specific properties, u.d. prepregs allow for in material engi-
neering by varying ply fiber direction and the number of plies. They has some
implications for the design in general:
The laminate must be carefully constructed to ensure symmetric properties
of the sandwich panels with respect to the core
For a known stress distribution the materials anisotropic character can be
used optimally
The stress distribution can be homogenized by locally strengthening the
laminate at the hardpoints

Chapter 4. Overview of used materials

Figure 4.2: u.d. and 0/90 woven prepreg

By varying the core thickness the structures bending and buckling strength
can be increased severely
The final product quality becomes less sensitive to manufacturing skill due
to a predetermined fiber percentage

On the other hand some problems must be taken into consideration:

The prepregs require high end tooling and production facilities
Laminate edges can be problematic and must be specifically designed
De final product quality is highly determined by the manufacturing process
The used molds must be high temperature and pressure resistant

The required tooling and production facilities are currently available to the
team, as is the knowledge to use these facilities. The cheap and abundant labor
available in the team can be used to complete the labor intensive manufacturing
process. A good alternative for the future is to focus on vacuum injection mold-
ing processes. These processes use dry (prewoven) plies and insert the resin by
applying a vacuum at one end of the mold and inserting resin in the other. The
vacuum sucks the resin through as well as providing a surface finish at the mold
side due to atmospheric pressure at the open side. This is a process that requires
hardly any high end manufacturing facilities. Also the molds need not to be high
pressure and temperature resistant. In the past these techniques were only capa-
ble of achieving low fiber percentages, however current technology achieves the
same percentages as the use of prepregs. A technical partner has been approached
however a interesting cooperation wasnt established.
Alternative fibers to use are E-glass, S-glass, aramid (Kevlar 49) or P.E. fiber.
Carbon fibers are however far superior when it comes to specific moduli where
aramid is superior when it comes to specific strength. One could consider in future
designs to implement aramid fibers in crash sensitive parts of the structure.
Alternative resins are polyester and vinylester. They are outperformed by epoxy
however with respect to ultimate strength, bonding properties and temperature
resistance [16]. In addition epoxy shows very good fatigue properties and low cure
shrinkage in manufacturing [18].
The properties of several fiber materials are shown in Table 4.1. These can only
be used as an indication, actual parameters should be obtained by testing. An addi-
tional benefit is then that the influence of the manufacturing process is accounted
for. In Figure 4.3 trends for the specific stiffness and strength of commonly used
structural materials are shown (all fiber materials are u.d. epoxy composites) [18].
The materials available to URE, are in the middle region of the IM Carbon com-

Chapter 4. Overview of used materials

Glass [16] Kevlar 49 [16] u.d. CFRP 1 0/90 CFRP

Vf [-] 0.45 0.60 0.6 0.6
[kg/m3 ] 1800 1460 1578 1578
E1 [N/mm2 ] 38600 76000 145000 77500
E2 [N/mm2 ] 8270 5500 9500 77500
G12 [N/mm2 ] 4100 2300 5800 5800
12 [-] 0.26 0.34 0.25 0.31
21 [-] 0.056 0.025 0.016 0.31
X [N/mm2 ] 1062 1400 1550
X 0 [N/mm2 ] 610 235 1250
Y [N/mm2 ] 31 12 70
Y 0 [N/mm2 ] 118 53 200
S [N/mm2 ] 72 34 90
t [mm] 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4

Table 4.1: Mechanical properties of several fiber materials

Vf = fiber percentage
= Material density
E1 = Elasticity modulus in the fiber direction
E2 = Elasticity modulus transverse to the fiber direction
G12 = In-plane shear modulus
ij = poissons ratios
X = Longitudinal tensile strength of a u.d. ply
X = Longitudinal tensile strength of a u.d. ply
X 0 = Longitudinal compressive strength of a u.d. ply
Y = Transverse tensile strength of a u.d. ply
Y 0 = Transverse compressive strength of a u.d. ply
S = Inter- and intra-laminar shear strength of a u.d. ply
t = ply thickness of a u.d. ply

The properties for CFRPs are obtained from Futura BV, the teams technical partner on
CFRPs products

Chapter 4. Overview of used materials

Figure 4.3: Trends for the specific strength X and modulus of structural
materials and u.d. fiber composites [18]

Chapter 4. Overview of used materials

4.2 Core materials

A selection of Rohacell core materials are available from one of the teams
technical partners. They are PVC foams already widely used in composites sand-
wich structures. The foams are easily processable, cheap and isotropic, making
them easy to model.
Relevant properties of core materials are:
Specific shear-modulus and strength
Specific compression-modulus and strength

Alternative core materials are (balsa-)wood and alloy or aramid honeycomb.

The honeycomb structures are far superior to foams regarding strength proper-
ties. They are however rather expensive and difficult to bond to the laminate faces.
It is advisable however to investigate the possibilities of obtaining a technical part-
ner that can provide Nomex honeycomb. This is an aramid based paper honey-
comb structure and its difficulties in production are far outweighed by its specific
strength. The honeycomb stiffness properties however appear to be lagging behind
compared to the high end Rohacell foams. The properties of several core mate-
rials are shown in Table 4.3. In Figure 4.4 the specific strengths in compression
and shear are shown for several core materials.
Rohacell Rohacell Rohacell Aluminum Nomex
71 IG 2 110 IG 200 WF honeycomb [18] honeycomb [18]
[kg/m3 ] 75 110 205 3

E1 [N/mm2 ] 92 160 350 0.45 [4]

E3 [N/mm2 ] 16-1484 120 [4]
G12 [N/mm2 ] 29 50 150 7-31 2-9
G13 [N/mm2 ] 14-63 3.7-17
X [N/mm2 ] 2.8 3.5 6.8
X10 [N/mm2 ] 1.5 3.0 9.0 125-1870
X30 [N/mm2 ] 4.2 73-620
S12 [N/mm2 ] 1.3 2.4 5.0 1.48 45-395
S13 [N/mm2 ] 2.38 85-480

Table 4.2: Mechanical properties of several core materials

Rohacell properties are obtained from Evonik Rhm Gmbh
Honeycomb density is strongly dependent on core thickness and cell size
Compressive modulus in local z-direction - i.e. the cell direction for honeycombs

Chapter 4. Overview of used materials

Figure 4.4: Specific compressive and shear strength of core materials [18]

4.3 Core insert materials

At the so called hard points, where transverse forces interface with the mono-
coque, local strengthening of the core is required to redistribute the concentrated
loads. This is achieved by replacing the core locally with stiffeners of a less compli-
ant material (Figure 4.5). It should be able to withstand the compression forces im-
plied by a bolted-on mounting bracket while bending enough to prevent high peak
stresses around its circumference [6]. This can be done by choosing the correct
material and creating a smooth geometrical boundary between the core materials.
A well-known insert material aluminum although conventional plywood as well as
end-grain balsa wood show very interesting properties for this purpose [6]. This is
more thoroughly explained in sections 4.8 and 4.9.

Figure 4.5: Typical transverse loading of a sandwich panel with insert

5 for DIAB ProBalsa HW

Chapter 4. Overview of used materials

Aluminum Birch plywood [5] end-grain balsa Epoxy adhesive [8]
[kg/m ] 2700 750 221
E1 [N/mm2 ] 70000 7070 6.8 2500
E3 [N/mm2 ] 1130
G12 [N/mm2 ] 530 230
G13 [N/mm2 ] 130
12 [-] 0.3 0.31 0.3
13 [-] 0.05
X [N/mm2 ] 31 20.6 50
X 0 [N/mm2 ] 21.9 200
S [N/mm2 ] 4.5 45

Table 4.3: Mechanical properties of several core materials

4.4 Tube materials

Colddrawn seamless tube is readily available for the team and it is used for
the main and front roll hoops and its bracing. This material has a yield strength
of 350 700 N/mm2 . One could use higher end materials such as chrome-moly
steel, however the minimum dimensions prevent the application of tubes with a
smaller wall thickness, so the benefit in weight savings using stronger steel cannot
be obtained. Regarding the rear frame however the tube material can be freely
chosen as well as its dimensions. For manufacturing convenience however the
same material is used and only the geometry is varied to cope with the applied
loads. Hereby the outer diameter of the rear frame tubes is kept the same as the
roll hoop, again for manufacturing ease, so the only variable becomes the wall

Chapter 4. Overview of used materials

4.5 Global laminate stiffness

To calculate the chassis stiffness and global first ply failure Altair Hyperworks
uses the classical laminate theory to transform local ply properties to global lami-
nate properties. The global and local strain directions and ply angles were already
defined in Figure 4.1. The following macromechanic assumptions are made for
laminate calculation [13]:
Uniform linear strain and stress distribution
Plane stress conditions
Each ply is quasi-homogeneous and orthotropic. This means the material
properties are symmetric with respect to the two perpendicular planes through
the main strain directions x and y.
Flat laminate sections remain flat in both tension and compression. This is
due to the plane stress assumption. Combined with the plane stress condi-
tion it reduces the number of independent material parameters to 4 (Ex , Ey ,
xy and Gxy )
The bonding between the plies is assumed to be homogeneous

Consider plane stress conditions (out-of-plane stress z = perpendicular shear

stress xz = yz = 0) of an orthotropic u.d. ply of CFRP. For a ply k with it s
midplane at a distance zk with respect to the local ply reference plane trough e1
and e2 with z = 0, the compliance constitutive relation comes down to [11][13]:

= Q

1 Q11 Q12 0 1
2 = Q12 Q22 0 2 (4.2)
6 0 0 Q66 6
E1 21 E1
1 112 21 112 21 0 1
2 = 12 E2 E2
0 2
112 21 112 21
6 0 0 G12 6

With 1 and 2 the local in-plane normal stresses, 6 the in-plane shear stress and
Qij the corresponding stiffness with respect to the in-plane normal strains 1 and
2 and the in-plane shear strain . E is the modulus of elasticity and poissons
ratio. Transformation to the global laminate directions ex and ey gives:

x x
y = Q0 y
s s

x Qxx Qxy Qxs x
y = Qxy Qyy Qys y
s Qxs Qys Qss s

Because of the assumption of a flat laminate remaining flat we can write the ply
strains in global coordinates with respect to the laminate reference plane (z=0) as:

Chapter 4. Overview of used materials

x x x
y = 0y + z y (4.3)
s s0 s

With 0x , 0y and s0 the strains of ply k projected on the reference plane, x , y ,

s the curvatures of the ply and z the distance of the ply midplane to the laminate
reference plane. Now using the strains from equation 4.3 and looking at Figure 4.6
we can write the laminate stiffness matrix as:

Nx Axx Axy Axs Bxx Bxy Bxs x
Ny Axy Ayy Ays Bxy Byy Bys 0y
Ns Axs Ays Ass Bxs Bys Bss
= s (4.4)
Mx Bxx Bxy Bxs Dxx Dxy Dxs

My Bxy Byy Bys Dxy Dyy Dys y
Ms Bxs Bys Bss Dxs Dys Dss s

Figure 4.6: Loads on a piece of sandwich

This matrix is crucial as it allows the engineer to actively tune the contribution
of each ply to the global laminate behavior under different loading conditions. It
is constructed by adding the contributions of all plies. In this compiled stiffness
matrix the in-plane stiffness is represented by A, of which the components can be
written in terms of the distance of each ply to the reference plane zk zk1 :

Aij = (Q0ij )k (zk zk1 ) (4.5)

Chapter 4. Overview of used materials

The coupling matrix B represents bending of the laminate by in-plane forces and
in-plane strains caused by out-of-plane moments and is governed by the square of

1X 0
Bij = (Qij )k (zk2 zk1
) (4.6)

The bending stiffness of the laminate is represented by matrix D which is deter-

mined by the third power of z:

1X 0
Dij = (Qij )k (zk3 zk1
) (4.7)

The exact contribution of the fibers and resin materials to the laminate stiffness
considering ply angles and fiber percentage is investigated more thoroughly in [11].
In this project Altair Hyperworks is used to calculate the equivalent stiffness
matrices A, B and D. Hereby the ply thickness and angle can be varied, as well
as the core thickness. It becomes clear immediately that the bending stiffness is
heavily dependant on the core thickness (increase in z) while the in-plane stiffness
can be tuned by varying the u.d. ply angles. The laminate should be symmetric
with respect to its midline to prevent unwanted bending due to in-plane loads
and in-plane stresses due to applied moments. In addition Altair Hyperworks
calculates the equivalent material parameters with respect to the global laminate
directions to quickly check the effect of changes in the lay-up. A typical laminate
build-up in Hyperworks is shown in Figure 4.7.

Figure 4.7: A typical lay-up in Altair Hyperworks (left) with equivalent

material matrices (right)

Chapter 4. Overview of used materials

4.6 Global ply failure

Altair Hyperworks is also used to evaluate the stresses per ply. The global
stresses from section 4.5 are calculated back to the local ply directions to check
whether maximum stresses are exceeded. For this purpose several ply failure cri-
teria are used:
1. Tsai-Hill criterium:
A criterium based on the deformation energy and comparable to the Von Mises
criterium for isotropic mayerials:

12 1 2 22 62
+ + 1 (4.8)
X2 X2 Y 2 S2

2. Hoffman criterium:
The Tsai-Hill criterium however doesnt account for the differences in tensile and
compressive strengths of composites. Hoffman implemented this characteristic
and wrote for plane stress conditions:

12 1 2 22 X0 X Y0Y 62
+ + 1 + 2 + 1 (4.9)
XX 0 YY0 XX 0 YY0 S2
X = Longitudinal tensile strength of a u.d. ply
X 0 = Longitudinal compressive strength of a u.d. ply
Y = Transverse tensile strength of a u.d. ply
Y 0 = Transverse compressive strength of a u.d. ply
S = Inter- and intra-laminar shear strength of a u.d. ply The Hoffman criterium

is used and can be easily extracted from analyses in Altair Hyperworks . Global
ply failure typically emerges around discontinuities of the fibers - i.e. around bolt
holes, on sharp edges or corners and especially at open fiber ends. They should
be avoided where possible. True failure is difficult to analyze because especially
around such discontinuities the planes stress assumption doesnt hold. Global ply
failure analysis can thus be used as a tool to identify local failure hotspots in the
design. If these are caused by avoidable geometrical discontinuities, they are called
geometrical inefficiencies, and they should be redesigned. In section 4.8 a more
thorough analysis of local laminate behavior is presented.

Chapter 4. Overview of used materials

4.7 Laminate design consideration

From the analysis above and general structural considerations a number of

rules of thumb hold for structures built from multi-layer and multi-directional
The bending couplingterms Bij are responsible for laminate warpage during
curing cool down and thermal loading. These terms should be kept zero by
building the laminate lay-up symmetrical with respect to its central reference
Shear coupling terms Axs and Ays cause in-plane shear deformations un-
der in-plane normal loading. These terms should be kept small by keeping
the lay-up balanced and cross-ply. A balanced lay-up means semi-isotropic
equivalent properties. A cross-ply lay up is for instance a 0/90/90/0
The torsion coupling terms Dxs and Dys are responsible for twisting defor-
mation under cylindrical load and may cause severe interlaminar stresses in
bending. Building the laminate anti-symmetric or cross-ply reduces these
terms to zero. The only lay-up that produces all three couplig terms zero is
cross-ply symmetric - i.e. 0/90/90/0. Symmetric and balanced lay-ups
can be created with Bij = 0 and Ais = 0 but usually Dis 6= 0.
The difference in orientation between subsequent plies must be kept as
small as possible, this will reduce the torsional coupling terms Dis
Avoid laying plies with the same orientation on top of one another, this will
reduce the torsional coupling terms Dis
Avoid sharp corners and open fiber ends at loaded edges such as bolt holes

4.8 Local ply failure

At the hardpoints, where loads are entering the chassis perpendicular to the
plane, the plane stress assumption is rendered obsolete. Therefor in section 8.5 a
3D analysis of a circular insert is done to evaluate the local stress effects around
such an insert. According to Bozhevolnaya et al [7] these local effects manifest
themselves by significant increases in bending stresses in the vicinity of material
discontinuities that come with the use of core inserts. These increased bending
stresses ar displayed as increases in normal stresses in the sandwich faces and
transverse normal (or peel) and shear stresses in the core. The height of the occur-
ring stress peaks around core inserts is determined by two parameters [6]:
r s
Gc1 Gc1 hc (hc + hf )2
g= and = kv (4.10)
Gc2 Ef h3f

With: Gc1 and Gc2 the shear moduli of the PVC foam and the insert, respectively,
Ef and f the equivalent elastic modulus and poisson ratio of the sandwich faces -
i.e. the equivalent parameters of a stacked number of u.d. plies. hc and hf are the
core and face thickness (see Figure 4.8) and kv = (12f )/4(1f ). N (x), M (x)

Chapter 4. Overview of used materials

and Q(x) are the global resultants that, according to classical laminate theory are
divided over the sandwich parts. The normal force N (x) and bending moment
M (x) are carried by the sandwich faces while the shear resultant Q(x) is absorbed
by the core.

Figure 4.8: A circular non-tapered insert in a sandwich panel

The three main resulting locally induced stresses on the insert/core boundary
are: an in-plane bending stress in the faces f , a shear stress in the core c = zx
and a transverse normal/peeling stress in the core c = zz at the upper a lower
face/core interfaces. It has been shown that for non-tapered inserts the global
shear stress resultant across a core junction Q(x = 0) = Q0 determines the local
stress peaks. Assumed for now is the shear stress over the core junction to be
0 = (4.11)
hf + hc
The local stress peaks are expressed as a function of this constant shear stress
0 [6]:
hc (hc + hf )
f = 0 F1 (g, , x)

c = zx = 0 F2 (g, , x) (4.12)

c = zz = 0 F3 (g, , x)

Herein the factor functions F1 , F2 and F3 depend on the two parameters of Eq.(4.10)
and dominate the the behavior of local stresses over the insert/core boundary. The
length over which these local effects disturb the global stress balance is expressed
dimensionless and shown in Figure 4.9 for two scenarios. A very stiff, steel, in-
sert in a compliant core (left) and a more compliant, plywood, insert in the same
core (right). Important is to see that not the height of the peak is of importance
but the localization of discontinuities in the factor functions. A plywood insert
leads logically to lower material discontinuities and much smoother curves in Fig-
ure 4.9. The characteristic length from the insert/core boundary after which the
local stress effects stop being of importance is hc , so it is advisable in designing
inserts to stay away from geometrical discontinuities a distance of approximately
the core thickness.

Chapter 4. Overview of used materials

Figure 4.9: Discontinuity of the form factors whose shape determines local
stress effects around an insert/core boundary: (left) a steel insert in a
compliant core (right) a plywood insert in the same core [6]

Furthermore the functions from Eq. (4.13) only hold for the following condi-
h2f << h2c , Ef hf >> Ec hc , r0 >> hc (4.13)
With r0 being the radius of the insert. In order to estimate the local effects on
the insert/core boundary the factor functions F1 , F2 and F3 can be looked up in
Figures 4.10a-d and implemented in Eq. (4.13). These form factors are derived in
detail in [6].
This analytic model has been compared extensively to FEA results and good
similarities have been found for the all three locally induced stress peaks f , c
and c [6]. The model used in this reference is extended and used to analyze the
particular application discussed in this report and presented in section 8.5.
In the theory described in this section an important factor is missing though.
In the analysis of Bozhevolnaya et al the load is applied as a pure shear force Q0
at the centerline the insert. In reality the force is inserted into the sandwich by a
mounting bracket that is glued to the top face of the sandwich. The edges of this
mounting bracket form another material discontinuity that cause localization of
stresses due a step in the section area perpendicular to the plane in Figure 4.11.
The peaks in the stresses due to this mounting bracket are actually much higher
then the peaks due to the insert/core boundary. In section 8.5 the occurring local
stresses are analyzed and different measures to reduce the stress localization are
described in the following section.

Chapter 4. Overview of used materials

(a) F1 (g, ) for 0.02 < < 0.2 (b) F1 (g, ) for 0.2 < < 2

(c) F2 (d) F3

Figure 4.10: Charts of form factors for calculation of local peak stresses [6]

4.9 Insert design consideration

To reduce the local effects around insert/core boundaries and at the mounting
bracket edges a number of measures can be taken. The first is to reinforce the
CFRP-plies externally to allow them to absorb the induced local stress peaks (Fig-
ure 4.11). Perhaps not surprisingly this local strengthening reduces all three of the
local stress effects, and not just the normal in-plane stress in the sandwich faces
f . However it creates another material discontinuity around its edge and to pre-
vent local effect influencing each other the radius of the ply strengthening should
be about hc away from other discontinuities.
The second is to reduce the material discontinuities across core junctions -
i.e. reduce g by choosing a material that has Gc2 closer to Gc1 . To still provide
enough stiffness in the hardpoint one might want to add an additional ring of
insert material around the insert that has properties in between those of the insert
and the compliant core. A so called core patch (Figure 4.11).
The third is to decrease the material discontinuity geometrically by tapering
the insert as shown in Figure 4.11 and secondly by making sure the applied force
on the outer face is introduced into the sandwich panel gradually by tapering the
mounting bracket and making sure the force approaches under an angle (a practi-

Chapter 4. Overview of used materials

Figure 4.11: Reducing the local stresses around hardpoints

cal value is 45). The other measures have been investigated by Bozhevolnaya et al
[7][6][5] and the results are shown in Figure 4.12.
The analytic model from section 4.8 clearly shows that the shear moduli of
adjacent inserts and cores play a major role in the occurrence of local stress peaks.
However the main goal of inserts is to locally strengthen the sandwich to distribute
transverse loads. Thus while a small Gc2 for the insert is desirable at the same time
a large transverse stiffness is of interest. This implies the use anisotropic materials
would be very interesting for inserts with a high transverse elastic modulus E3 and
a small transverse shear modulus G13 . This is the case for plywood and especially
for end-grain Balsa which shows an extremely large ratio between transverse elastic
and shear moduli:

Birch-plywood: Ec /Gc = 1130 N/mm2 /130 N/mm2 = 8.7

DIAB ProBalsa HW: Ec /Gc = 6840 N/mm2 /240 N/mm2 = 28.5

It is therefor advisable to investigate the use of DIAB ProBalsa HW to create

tapered inserts that are reinforced by additional plies of CFRP.

Chapter 4. Overview of used materials

(a) Stress reduction due to local strengthening with additional CFRP plies

(b) Stress reduction due to adding a core patch

(c) Stress reduction due to insert tapering with


Figure 4.12: Effects of several measures to reduce local stresses around inserts

Chapter 5

General structural

As mentioned in Chapter 2 the designed monocoque should be stiff in tor-

sion as well as having high strength in tension, bending and buckling. Firstly a
simplified approach to achieving torsional stiffness is introduced. Secondly this is
combined with manufacturing simplicity and the rules that apply to the structural
cockpit. Then is analyzed where equivalency with a steel tubular frame is required
so the material can be engineered to do so.

5.1 Torsional stiffness

For a closed box structure very high torsional stiffness is achievable with a very
small wall thickness, provided that section cuts perpendicular to the torsion axis
remain the same shape. In the of the URE05 however the cockpit opening is large
compared to the overall structure. The minimum cockpit opening is mandatory
(see Appendix B). This means that it becomes an open box structure. The closed
edges in part I of the cockpit are still loaded with shear stresses while the open
edges in part II are subject to bending stresses and want to form an S-shape. A
simplified overview of the cockpit is shown in Figure 5.1. It is illustrated how the
closed edges are subject to shear stresses while the open edges experience bending

Chapter 5. General structural considerations

Figure 5.1: A simplified overview of the chassis in three parts: I, a closed

profile, II, an open profile and III, a tubular space frame

In Figure 5.2 section cuts are shown for a closed and an open profile. The
torsional stiffness for these profiles is k = GI/l. For similar material and length l
the stiffness is determined by the second moment of area I.

Figure 5.2: Torsion stiffness in a closed profile depends on the enclosed volume
while for an open profile the thickness of the material is dominant

Chapter 5. General structural considerations

For the second moment of area of a closed profile, Ic , and an open profile, Io , we
can write [14]:

4Acirc t
Ic =
Amat t2
Io =
With Acirc the surface enclosed by the perimeter O over the center line s, t is
the thickness and Amat the surface of the section material. For a closed profile
the material is used about three times as effective in resisting torsion. Looking at
the weakest link the open section must be made stiffer in torsion. Hereto the wall
thickness can be increased as well as the and the amount of material in the section.
Very important is the resistance of the plates that form the profile to shear
stresses. As can be seen from Figure 5.1 the main load on the panels is shear
stress. The fibers must in this case be placed under an angle of 45 and -45 to
provide maximum equivalent panel shear stiffness. The panels that experience
bending moments should have fibers in the and 90 direction for optimal bend-
ing stiffness

Figure 5.3: Fiber direction for large shear (left) and bending (right) stiffness in
sandwich panels

To keep the section cuts in Figure 5.2 in the same shape under a torsional
load perpendicular to the plane, one could make a significant stiffness increase by
adding bulkheads on certain points in the structure, preferably where loads enter
the chassis. They would keep the section of the open box the same shape thus
increasing the resistance to torsional deflection [14]. The placement of bulkheads
however means an increase in the number of components and manufacturing
complexity in general. If possible this should be prevented.
Furthermore the load is not pure torsion. It must be taken care of that where
the loads enter the structure, plate is placed in the proper direction - i.e. the loads
are applied in-plane instead of perpendicular to the plane.

Chapter 5. General structural considerations

5.2 Bending stiffness

If one needs the open box structure in Figure 5.1 to be stiff in torsion the open
part should be focussed on. Hereby the bending stiffness of the open edges is
of great importance. As mentioned in Chapter 4 the bending stiffness of a plate
depends on EI . A number of possibilities exist to increase the I of a plate:
Used materials with a high specific stiffness E , E2 and E3
Fold the open edges perpendicular to the plane
Increase EI by applying ribs over the surface of a plate or an open edge
Increase EI by making the plate a 3D profile
Increase EI by applying a sandwich construction

As mentioned in Chapter 4 high specific stiffness materials in a sandwich

structure are taken as a starting point. Furthermore, besides increasing I around
the open edges, another issue is that one must prevent open ply ends because here
delamination typically initiates. In Figure 5.4 is shown how open ply ends can be
prevented while increasing the second moment of area I. Looking back at Eq.(5.2)
one see right away that an increase in I of the open edge also increase Amat and a
local increase in bending stiffness relates to a global increase in torsional stiffness!

Figure 5.4: Prevent open ply edges (left), increase edge bending stiffness
(center) and combining these measures (right)

Chapter 5. General structural considerations

The same measures are taken for the side impact area and front bracing area
where high buckling strength is required. The buckling strength, as well as the
bending stiffness for plates depends E I. These two areas can be made strong
in buckling mainly by increasing the thickness of the sandwich panels and cre-
ating 3D profiles. This is illustrated in sections 8.7 and 8.8. A few possibilities
are shown in Figure 5.5. The first option leaves open ply ends, the second one
requires an additional production step to apply the stiffener while option three can
be manufactured in a single mold.

Figure 5.5: Increasing the buckling strength of sandwich plates

5.3 Multi-Shell Assembly Approach

Most options discussed in the previous sections make the monocoque far more
complex. When implemented in the chassis to increase the total torsional stiffness,
stiffen all the chassis load points and make the side impact and front bracing areas
stronger in buckling the chassis becomes very difficult to manufacture.
Weidner et al came up with a solution however for implementing complex
structural shapes in a simple four part assembly monocoque [10]. They approach
the design of a monocoque structure as that of an pressure vessel using two inner
shells, that in this case form the two sides of the monocoque, and two outer shells
that are used to complete the chassis. By clever implementation of this technique
all structural demands can be integrated into only four relatively simple molds.

Chapter 5. General structural considerations

Figure 5.6: The multi-shell Assembly Approach by Weidner et al [10]

5.4 Tubular rear frame

In Figure 5.1 the tubular rear frame is shown as part III. To make this frame
stiff in torsion triangulation must be applied. A very simple solution is imple-
mented requiring a minimal number of tubes. Three simple V-shapes are com-
bined fixating the rear bulkhead to the monocoque structure. The goal hereby is
making the inner angle of the V as large as possible while looking at packaging
criteria. This angle must be large to make sure that the used tubing is loaded in
tension and compression rather then bending.

Rear Bulkhead

Monocoque backpanel

Figure 5.7: A simple though very stiff tubular rear frame

Chapter 6


One of the most important factors in the Formula Student competition, and in
any race competition, is the driver. He or she must be comfortable at all times and
and able to easily reach all controls. The ergonomics have been investigated using
a mock-up to find an good compromise between performance and comfort (see
Figure 6.3). The available drivers have been fitted in as well as the 95th percentile
male template and all the variables have been determined and implemented in the
The variables used in looking for a good seating position of the driver are the fol-
The vertical and horizontal position of the steering wheel
The horizontal position and angle of the seat with respect to the horizontal
The horizontal and vertical position of the pedal assembly
The height and horizontal position of the dashboard and front roll hoop

The goals of this study were:

Reclined seat back angle with respect to the horizontal: lower the overall
center of gravity without compromising the drivers comfort
Create a seat thigh angle, to prevent the driver from shoving into his or her
restraint harness when braking (the restraint harness is mounted in between
the drivers legs)
Steering wheel location in such a way that:
the drivers can turn the steering wheel without hitting his or her legs
the driver can operate the pedals without hitting the steering wheel with
his or her legs
Dashboard/front roll hoop such that:
the steering wheel complies to the FSAE rules (see Figure 6.2)
the driver can see ahead of the car and especially ahead of the front
Dash/floor and dash/seat clearance sufficient to pass the cockpit template
test (see Appendix B)

Chapter 6. Ergonomics

Position of the pedal assembly so that all drivers can easily reach them
Determine the dashboard/front roll hoop height in such a way that the hel-
met clearance rule for a 95th percentile male is met (see Figure 6.1)

Max 25.4 mm

Head restraint
300 mm

280 mm

Head incl helmet

200 mm



200 mm

Figure 6.1: 95th percentile male driver template

Figure 6.2: Geometric rules considering the front and main roll hoops

Chapter 6. Ergonomics



Figure 6.3: A wooden mock-up and the URE04 are used to analyse the driver

Chapter 7

Final design

Combining all that has been mentioned sofar with the design tools from Chap-
ter 8 a final design has emerged. It has been an iterative process of which the final
results are presented in this Chapter.
In Figure 7.1 the final design is presented in an exploded view. What can be
seen immediately is the application of the Multi-Shell Assembly Approach con-
sisting of side shells and a top and bottom shell. These two side shells form the
structural monocoque and consist of sandwich panels. The top and bottom shell
consist of only a few plies of CFRP. Furthermore the nose cone is shown which is
being implemented in another project to form a crash impact attenuator. At the
rear a simple tubular frame has been designed that supports the rear suspension
and the engine. They aluminum rear bulkhead completing the rear frame is de-
signed outside the scope of this report. The main and front roll hoops are shown
in the figure as well. Note that the main roll hoop is integrated in the rear frame.

Figure 7.1: An exploded view of the final design using the Multi-Shell
Assembly Approach

Chapter 7. Final design

The structural monocoque deserves some more explanation. It consist of sand-

wich panels of with 10 mm Rohacell 71 IG core and 45/0/-45/90 laminates
of u.d. plies on either side. Woven plies could be use instead to improve the man-
ufacturing ease. One can see that the chassis bulges up in the area of the front
suspension. This is done so the suspension system can be mounted on the out-
side of the car. This allows for the components to be reachable at all time and it
lowers the center of gravity because of the quite significant masses of the suspen-
sion system. Taking a close look one can see all the separate surfaces that have
been designed. These are all mounting surfaces for the different connection rods,
rockers etc. All these surfaces are made in such a way that the component arrives
at that surface under an angle of 45 making the force application mores smooth.
In addition one can see that all the surfaces where important components are
mounted to the chassis are supported in such a way that the force is absorbed by
sandwich plates that are loaded in right way - i.e. they are loaded in-plane. In
most cases this means that a small mounting surface is created surrounded by
surfaces in the right direction that guide the applied forces away from the loading
point. An example of this is the side wall stiffener that flows across the side of the
monocoque (Figure 7.2). This stiffener supports both the upper front suspension
points and makes for an important part of the side impact area (see section 8.8).
The mounting bracket that is seen on Figure 7.2 is designed separately and is not
discussed here. Note also the folded dashboard to give the open edge over the top
bending stiffness. The head rest has also been integrated in the monocoque.

Figure 7.2: Detail of the suspension mounting point at the side wall stiffener

The bottom shell is a straight forward plate that covers the bottom of the rear
frame to protect the engine department from road rubble etc that is disturbed and
thrown up by the front tires. In addition it closed the bottom of the side pods.

Chapter 7. Final design

The top shell is slightly more com-

plicated. The most important struc-
tural part is the cockpit rim stiffener.
The top shell falls into the monocoque
along the cockpit sides and goes over
the edge towards the outside, creating
a spacious profile. This is illustrated in
detail in Figure 7.3. In Chapter8 the
influence on the torsional stiffness of
adding the top shell is shown. Further
more the major part of the side pods is
formed by the top shell.
The rear frame consist of the main
roll hoop, the main frame and a sub
frame to mount the rear suspension.
The engine is mounted to the rear
bulkhead as well as the sub frame
while the suspension connects to the Figure 7.3: Detail of the cockpit rim and
rear bulkhead and the subframe. This side wall stiffener, the top shell is glued
is shown in more detail in Figure 7.4 to the monocoque creating an spacious
as well as the mounting areas to bolt profile
the rear frame to the chassis. These
mounts have been designed parallel to
this report and are not discussed here.
All four main parts are manufac-
turable requiring only one mold each.
One might consider manufacturing
the molds from several parts because
of the size though and an additional
mold is needed for the nose cone.
The manufacturing process however is
rather straightforward and combining
the four shells with the nose cone and
the rear frame, one comes to the fi-
nal design: a lightweight hybrid race
car chassis consisting of a fiber rein-
forced composite monocoque combin-
ing structural, esthetic, ergonomic and
crash properties, and a tubular space
frame engine compartiment, meeting
stiffness and strength demands, which Figure 7.4: The rear subframe that holds
is fairly simple to produce. Structural part of the rear suspension and the
and crash properties are evaluated in engine
the next Chapter and regarding the es-
thetics, see for yourself: Figure 7.5.

Chapter 7. Final design

Figure 7.5: The final design

Chapter 8

Stiffness and strength analysis

In this Chapter the final results for the stiffness and strength analysis are pre-
sented. A model is presented to analyse the torsional stiffness and total mass and
the results are compared to the design goals. Two methods have been used to meet
these goals. Firstly, the geometric efficiency, to remove local stress peaks due to in-
efficiencies in the material allocation. Secondly eigen modes analysis identifies
weak spots regarding specific stiffness and it is used to advise on further improve-
Failure initiation typically occurs around hardpoints - i.e. points where loads
enter the chassis, often transversely. A model has been set up to investigate the in-
fluence of several measures mentioned in section 4.9 to reduce stress localization
and a detailed model is used to look at the stresses occurring in the current design.
The tubular rear frame is examined to advise on the required geometry and
material of the tubes and finally for several areas on the monocoque, the rules
state that from a safety point of view, the structure must equivalent to a certain
steel tubular frame. Calculations are made to show that the current design can
meet those demands.
Analysis has been done using Altair Hyperworks for meshing and global cal-
culations, MSC Marc/Mentat for detailed calculations and Matlab to process
most results.

8.1 Torsional stiffness

The model is build up in Altair Hyperworks using 2D plane stress shell ele-
ments for the monocoque, 1D beam elements for the tubular rear frame and the
connection rods and 3D solid elements for the rear bulkhead. The connection rods
are 3 DOF attached to the monocoque, rear frame and rear bulkhead simulating
rigid ball joints. The wheel hubs are modeled as rigids as well as all the mounts
of the rear frame to the monocoque and rear bulkhead. The model is shown in
Figure 8.1. The monocoque laminate is built up from 10 mm of Rohacell 71 IG
with faces of 45/0/-45/90 0.2 mm plies of u.d. CFRPs. The rear frame consist

Chapter 8. Stiffness and strength analysis

of mild steel and the rear bulkhead of aluminium. Furthermore the connection
rods of the suspension are modeled as tubular profiles of u.d. CFRP oriented in
the direction of the rod center lines and plywood inserts are used. The properties
of the materials used in this model are found in Chapter 4.

Figure 8.1: The model set up in Altair Hyperworks

A vertical load of 10 kN is applied to both the front wheel centers in opposite

direction to simulate the torsional load wheel the rear wheel centers are constraint.
This appears to give the most realistic results considering the analogy with the
real torsional load. In addition the stiffness of the connection rods is added to
the equation. Two situations are evaluated: the structural monocoque by itself
(Figure 8.2a) and the structural monocoque with the cockpit rim stiffener added
(Figure 8.2b), to show the influence on the stiffness of adding the rim stiffener.
Note that this rim stiffener consists of a rib over the back panel as well as the top
shell part glued over the rim and to the side stiffener.

Chapter 8. Stiffness and strength analysis

(a) No rim stiffener

(b) Rim stiffener added

Figure 8.2: Vertical displacement in mm under a torsional

Chapter 8. Stiffness and strength analysis

To calculate the torsional stiffness, the average vertical displacements of the

front right and left wheel centers 4z is taken from Figure 8.2b. These are com-
bined with the torsional load which results in:
k =

with the torsional moment M = 2F l

and the angular deflection = tan1 ( )
2F l
k = 260Nm/rad
tan1 ( 4z
l )

With F = 10 kN, l = 0.6125 m (half the trackwidth) and 4z 29.

8.2 Specific stiffness

Using Altair Hyperworks the total weight of the analyzed model can be cal-
culated. Although some additional material will be added at certain places, the
calculation from Hyperworks is a very good indication. Combining the weight
of the CFRP sandwich panel monocoque, the wooden hardpoint inserts, the steel
main roll hoop, the rear steel tubular frame and the aluminum rear bulkhead, a to-
tal weight of approximately 22 kg is found. A comparison of the calculated specific
stiffness with the set design goals is shown in Table 8.1.

mass stiffness specific stiffness

URE05 chassis targets <25 kg >200 kNm/rad >8 kNm/rad/kg
URE05 chassis calculated 22 kg 260 kNm/rad 11.8 kNm/rad/kg

Table 8.1: Current status of torsional stiffness in Formula Student race cars

Chapter 8. Stiffness and strength analysis

8.3 Stress peaks due to geometrical inefficiencies

Using the torsional model the stresses are evaluated using the Hoffman cri-
terium. For all plies of CFRP the global failure indices are calculated, these are
not shown here because of sheer amount of data involved. In general the crite-
ria are met easily for the torsional loadcase regarding global ply failure and the
method has been used specifically to detect stress peaks and critical areas. Regard-
ing geometric inefficiencies, around corners, sharp edges, and geometric changes
close to the hardpoints, stresses typically rise to unacceptable levels. By smoothing
the geometry - i.e. by removing discontinuities - most of these local stress rises
due to geometric inefficiencies have been accounted for. One problem area still
remains however. This is the area under the legs of the driver where the front
suspension system is mounted close to the gluing seam of the two halves of the
monocoque. In Figure 8.3 the problematic area is shown. This must be dealt with
by applying ply strengthening - i.e. locally reinforcing the sandwich faces. In addi-
tion the plywood insert can be extended over the seam to take part of the load and
the mounting bracket must be of a bridge like shape connecting the suspension
mounting points on both sided of the seam, carrying the load over the seam.

Figure 8.3: Hoffman failure index in one of the plies for the remaining problem
area in the design due to high stress localization in the vicinity of a gluing

Chapter 8. Stiffness and strength analysis

8.4 Eigen mode analysis

The first eigen mode of a structure are determined by k/m which means that
they are a convenient measure for the specific stiffness of the structure. It allows
for quick identification of areas where either stiffness is required or where mass
can be removed. This has been an important tool in achieving the high specific
stiffness presented in section 8.2.
The first eigen frequencies have been analyzed using an expanded version of
the torsional model from section 8.1. With all four wheels constrained and the load
removed, any number of eigen modes can be extracted from it. They first modes
are all under 10 Hz, which is important because the engine constantly excites the
chassis at frequencies above 25 Hz. Furthermore the lateral frequencies of a typ-
ical Formula Student slalom lie between 1 and 3 Hz so the torsional and lateral
eigen frequencies of the chassis are designed to be between 5 and 10 Hz. Problem
areas such as the cockpit rim and the front suspension mount could be evaluated
and measures such as the cockpit rim stiffener and the side wall stiffener were
implemented using eigen mode identification. Other interesting areas that been
improved severely due to eigen mode analysis are for instance the head rest and
the dashboard (which functions as a stiffener for the top side of the monocoque
A problem area that still remains difficult to tackle is the most forward upper
front suspension mount. A known solution is to glue bulkheads in the cockpit to
stiffen these areas. However there is hardly any room to add material because of
the internal cockpit dimensions regulations (Appendix B) and it was mentioned
earlier that the number of parts is to be kept at a minimum. Already it has been
severely improved using the side wall stiffener but other measures could be taken
still in the manufacturing process. It is suggested to fill the rib locally with foam
and add additional plies on the inside of the rib to further stiffen this area. In
Figure 8.4 the eigen that identifies this area is shown and in Figure 8.5 the way to
fill the rib is shown.
Another problematic area that was already identified from the start is the cock-
pit rim. By properly gluing the top shell to the structural monocoque the stiffness
is already improved severely. Considering however that the second eigen mode is
dominated by the compliance of the cockpit rim (Figure 8.6) it remains an area of
interest. A suggestion to improve it even further during the assembly process is to
glue foam in between the surface of the top shell and the monocoque as shown in
Figure 8.7.

Chapter 8. Stiffness and strength analysis

Figure 8.4: The eigen mode (magnitude is shown in the y-direction,

f = 2.6Hz) that occurs due to compliance around the front suspension mount
at the side wall stiffener.

Figure 8.5: By filling the side wall rib with foam and adding plies on the
inside of the chassis it can be made less compliant.

Chapter 8. Stiffness and strength analysis

Figure 8.6: The eigen mode (magnitude is shown in the y-direction,

f = 3.2Hz) that occurs due to compliance of the cockpit rim.

Figure 8.7: By filling the area between the sandwich structure and the top
shell with foam during assembly it can be made less compliant.

Chapter 8. Stiffness and strength analysis

8.5 Hardpoint analysis

The strength of the hardpoints is determined by two material discontinuities,

the discontinuity due to the mounting bracket and the one caused by the insert/core
junction. The stresses across the insert/core boundary and around the edges of the
mounting bracket are evaluated using FEA models. Different scenarios are used to
show the influence of the measures to reduce stress localization. These scenarios
for the current design, shown in Figure 8.8, are :
A: a straight insert with a straight and rigid mounting bracket
B: a straight insert with a straight and rigid but glued mounting bracket
C: a straight insert with a compliant/tapered and glued mounting bracket
D: a tapered insert with a compliant/tapered and glued mounting bracket

Figure 8.8: The scenarios for the current design modeled in MSC
Marc/Mentat , hf = 1 mm, hc = 10 mm, hg = 0.2 mm, ro = 25 mm,
rm = 17.5 mm

The materials used are as presented in Chapter 4. The CFRP is modeled as a

quasi-isotropic material equivalent to a 45/0/-45/90 lay-up with 0.2 mm layers
- i.e. hf = 0.8 mm. Again the cheapest available core is used, Rohacell 71 IG
with hc = 10 mm, and Birch-plywood is used for the 50 mm insert - i.e. ro = 25
mm. A steel mounting bracket with radius rm = 17.5 mm and 1 mm thickness
sits on top of a 0.2 mm layer of epoxy adhesive glue. For convenience this epoxy
is assumed to be equal to the epoxy in the prepreg CFRPs. The used material

Chapter 8. Stiffness and strength analysis

properties are presented in Table 8.2.

Plywood 71 IG CFRP Steel Aluminum Epoxy

Ex [N/mm2 ] 7070 92 56300 210000 70000 2500
Ey [N/mm2 ] 7070 56300
Ez [N/mm2 ] 1130 11200
xy [-] 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
xz [-]
yz [-]
Gxy [N/mm2 ] 530 21720
Gxz [N/mm2 ] 130 4660
Gyz [N/mm2 ] 130 4660

Table 8.2: Material properties used in the hardpoint analysis

The models used to analyze these scenarios are built in MSC Marc/Mentat .
They consist of simply supported axi-symmetric models of a circular insert. In this
way a 3D analysis can be done with a 2D mesh, simplifying the model severely
and thus reducing calculation time. 2D quadratic elements are used because they
describe bending behavior much better compared to first order elements. For now
a fixed displacement of 3mm is applied to the mounting bracket to evaluate the
effects of transverse loading. A contact is simulated between the mounting bracket,
the layer of epoxy adhesive and the plies of CFRP. The stresses of relevance - i.e.
normal stresses x and y , peel stress z and shear stress xz - are analyzed on
the face/bracket interface and the face/core interface because on these interfaces
failure typically initiates. To obtain the results the stresses are calculated at the
Gaussian points and extrapolated to the element nodes. The difficulties in analyses
across material discontinuities can be partly solved by making the mesh elements
small enough. An example of such a mesh is given in Figure 8.17.
The results of the face/bracket interface for the four scenarios are shown in
Figures 8.9 to 8.12. The effects of delocalization on the height and distribution of
the stresses can be seen clearly:

1. Severe reduction of the peak stress on the mounting bracket edge (x = rm )

due to the application of a 0.2 mm layer of glue and a compliant bracket

2. Strong delocalization of the stress due to the application of a 0.2 mm layer

of glue and a compliant bracket

3. Severe reduction of the local effects across the insert/core boundary (x = ro )

due to tapering of the insert

In addition some major local effects can be seen around x = 6.5. This due to the
fact that the displacement is forced upon the nodes up to x = 6.5. This creates
another discontinuity and thus peaks in the stresses. Considering the properties
of each material the normal stresses x and y are taken up by the tensile and
compressive strengths of the CFRP plies. For x 17.5 the normal stress z and
shear stress xz however must be absorbed into the epoxy adhesive that bonds the

Chapter 8. Stiffness and strength analysis

outer ply to the mounting bracket. For x 17.5 mm the limiting factor is the
epoxy that bonds the fibers.

Figure 8.9: Effects of in-plane stress delocalization on the face/bracket

interface for the four scenarios

Figure 8.10: Effects of in-plane stress delocalization on the face/bracket

interface for the four scenarios

Chapter 8. Stiffness and strength analysis

Figure 8.11: Effects of transverse stress delocalization on the face/bracket

interface for the four scenarios

Figure 8.12: Effects of shear stress delocalization on the face/bracket interface

for the four scenarios

Chapter 8. Stiffness and strength analysis

Chapter 8. Stiffness and strength analysis

For the face/core interface a different picture is seen (Figure 8.13 to 8.16). One
can again see a huge reduction in peak stresses due to a compliant mounting
bracket and tapered insert. Due to the overall lower stresses however, the local
effects due to the boundary conditions become more dominant. In reality however
these effects are far less due to the more gradual introduction of the force into the
mounting bracket.
Again the normal stresses x and y are absorbed by the CFRP plies. The peel
and shear stresses at x = rm are absorbed by the tensile strength of the epoxy and
the transverse compressive strength of the plywood insert. At x = ro however the
critical strength becomes the tensile and shear strength of the foam core.

Figure 8.13: Effects of in-plane stress delocalization on the face/core interface

for the four scenarios

Chapter 8. Stiffness and strength analysis

Figure 8.14: Effects of in-plane stress delocalization on the face/core interface

for the four scenarios

Figure 8.15: Effects of transverse stress delocalization on the face/core

interface for the four scenarios

Chapter 8. Stiffness and strength analysis

Figure 8.16: Effects of shear stress delocalization on the face/core interface for
the four scenarios

Chapter 8. Stiffness and strength analysis

Now that the effects of stress delocalization measures have been shown on the
two critical boundaries, the final design is examined further. The model consists
of scenario four from Figure 8.8, expanded to a dubbel sided compliant mounting
bracket glued to the outer faces. A transverse as well as an in plane force are
applied to the outer mounting bracket. The model as well as its mesh are shown
in Figure 8.17.

Figure 8.17: The model created in MSC Marc/Mentat for the final model

Chapter 8. Stiffness and strength analysis

The results for the face/bracket and face/core interfaces on both sides are
shown in Figures 8.18 to 8.21. In these figures the relevant maximum allowable
stresses for an u.d. ply of CFRP, the epoxy adhesive and the foam core from Chap-
ter 4 are identified. The relevance of the allowable stress depends on the fact that
for the different stress peaks at the different discontinuities other materials ar crit-
ical with respect to failure initiation. This is beneficial because it also allows for
specific local solutions to further reduce the local stresses. Note in addition that
the peaks at the discontinuities are partly caused by numerically discontinuities,
especially at the bracket edge.

xmax : The maximum stress does not exceed either maximum compressive or
tensile strengths.
ymax : The tensile stress is critical for u.d. layer of CFRP. Therefor a woven or a
90 u.d. ply is added to locally strengthen the laminate to distribute both the
x- and y-component of the stress smoothly into the laminate.
zmax : The peel stress peaks severely at backside of the laminate along the mount-
ing bracket edge. In fact it shows a similar pattern as that of the rigid bracket
in Figure 8.11. It is therefor advisable to machine the bracket to be as thin
as possible, especially along its edge. Another measure to decrease the peel
stress is to make sure the adhesive is thick enough and choosing an adhe-
sive with low E [8]. In manufacturing the adhesive must be applied very
carefully to create a smooth tapering of the adhesive along the bracket edge.
Local peaks are also seen across the insert/core boundary. Here the tensile
and compressive strength of the core becomes very critical. In practice, there
will be a little space between the insert and core material. This will be filled
with epoxy during the manufacturing process. This acts as a buffer reducing
the local stresses [9]. Also the above suggested ply strengthening will reduce
these peaks.
xzmax : Again at the bracket edge, the peaks are disturbing. Taking the measures
mentioned above will reduce the peaks however it is advisable to apply core
patching at the hardpoint that are loaded the strongest. The WF 200 variant
of Rohacell shows very promising properties.

Chapter 8. Stiffness and strength analysis

Figure 8.18: The stresses in x-direction are very acceptable for u.d. plies

Figure 8.19: The tensile stresses in the y-direction exceed the allowable stress
for Y for u.d. plies

Chapter 8. Stiffness and strength analysis

Figure 8.20: The peel stresses in the adhesive Xadh and the core Xcore are
critical as well as the compressive strength of the core Xcore

Figure 8.21: The shear stresses of both the adhesive Sadh and the core are
critical Score

Chapter 8. Stiffness and strength analysis

8.6 Rear frame tension and buckling

From the torsional model the stresses in the rear frame can be evaluated as
well. These stresses are shown in Figure 8.22. In the model the tubes have an

Figure 8.22: The stresses in the rear frame under torsional load

outer diameter OD = 25 mm with a wall thickness of t = 1 mm. Now looking

at the stresses the maximum tensile and compressive forces are calculated and,
assuming the tubes are loaded in pure tension and compression, they are eval-
uated for tensile and buckling strength. The maximum stress is approximately
300 N/mm2 which for the given tube geometry results in a maximum force of
300 N/mm2 /75.5 mm2 = 22.5 kN. Now the maximum tensile strength for mild
steel (max = 350 N/mm2 ) is easily calculated by:

Ftensmax = max A = 26.5 kN (8.1)

For the buckling strength we assume a maximum length of L = 0.9 mm at the

tubes to be clamped at one end. For the maximum buckling force we can write:

4 2 EI
Fbuckmax = = 45 kN (8.2)
With E the modulus of mild steel and I = /64 (OD4 (OD t)4 ) the tubular
second moment of area. For the given material and geometry the frame would
suffice. However one might consider to use slightly better steel to be on the safe
side regarding tensile strength.

Chapter 8. Stiffness and strength analysis

8.7 Front impact equivalency

Regarding the front impact support equivalence is determined with respect to a

standard tubular frame, in addition it must be able to withstand 120 kN static force.
A steel tubular frame would consist of 4 horizontal tubes in the forward direction
while the monocoque is assumed to be a square section. For convenience only
quarter A of the structure is evaluated as shown in Figure 8.23 which is assumed to
have length L = 500 mm perpendicular to the drawing plane and is clamped at one
side. The compressive strength and the modulus EI, determining bending and
buckling strength, are calculated around the dotted line in quarter A and presented
in Table 8.3. Note that for the monocoque only the faces are evaluated because
maxf maxc and Ef Ec . In addition because the maximum allowable
stress for a laminate with different ply orientations is difficult to evaluate, only the
surface area of one ply with tf = 0.2 mm and tensile strength X = 1550 N/mm2
is used to for comparison. To compare the bending/buckling strength the whole
thickness tf = 1 mm is used, with Ef the value from Table 8.2. In Table 8.3 is
shown that equivalency is easily achieved for the front impact support as well as
the 120 kN demand. For the second moment of area we can write for the tube and
the monocoque respectively:

Itube = (DO4 DI 4 )
tf (h31 + h32 )
Iplate =

Tensile strength: Bending/buckling Buckling force:

max A modulus: EI 4 2 EI/L2
tube 39 kN 1.6 109 Nmm2 250 kN
monocoque corner 240 kN 68 109 Nmm2 1100 kN

Table 8.3: Equivalency of one-fourth of the monocoque front bulkhead support

Figure 8.23: Simplified section cuts of the front impact support for a tubular
frame and the monocoque, h1 = b1 = 200 mm, h2 = b2 = 188 mm, tc = 10
mm, tf = 1 mm, OD = 25 mm and ID = 22 mm

Chapter 8. Stiffness and strength analysis

8.8 Side impact/front roll hoop bracing equivalency

The side impact structure in a tubular frame consists of 3 tubes as shown in

Figure 2.3. A simplified drawing for the side impact is shown in Figure 8.24. The
tubular is modeled as 3 horizontal tubes while the monocoque side impact is mod-
eled as a plate with a rectangular rib on the surface. For the front roll hoop bracing
a very similar analysis is made except that it consists of two tubes. Furthermore
the monocoque shows a strongly curved plate where the front equivalency must be
achieved. For convenience it is modeled as a plate with perpendicular edges. Anal-
ogous to section 8.7 the equivalent strength parameters are calculated and shown
in Table 8.4. For the second moments of inertie we can now write:

Itube = (DO4 DI 4 )

2h(( 12 tc + tf )3 ( 21 tc )3 ) + 2tf b3r + hr ((tr + tf )3 t3r )

Isideimpact = (8.4)

2h(( 12 tc + tf )3 ( 21 tc )3 ) + 2tf (b3s1 + b3s2 )

If rontbracing =

Tensile strength: bending/buckling modulus:

max A EI
Tubular side impact 3 45 kN 5.4 109 Nmm2
Monocoque side impact 260 kN 6.4 109 Nmm2
Tubular front bracing 2 45 kN 3.6 109 Nmm2
Monocoque front bracing 217 kN 6.3 109 Nmm2

Table 8.4: Equivalency of the monocoque side impact and front bracing

Figure 8.24: Sections cuts of a simplified tubular side impact/front bracing

and equivalents in the monocoque, h = 350 mm, tf = 1 mm, tc = 10 mm,
tr = 55 mm, br = bs 1 = 75 mm, bs2 = 63 mm, hr = 50 mm, OD = 25 mm and
ID = 21.5 mm

Chapter 9

Conclusions and

This report describes the design of a lightweight, high stiffness, hybrid chas-
sis consisting of a carbon fiber reinforced composite monocoque combining struc-
tural, esthetic, ergonomic and crash properties,and a steel tubular rear space frame.
The available materials have been evaluated and specifically the limitations and
opportunities of engineering with fiber reinforced composites have been explored.
They have been implemented in the monocoque design, keeping in mind the de-
mands for high specific stiffness and strength. Stiffness and strength issues have
also been approached from a pure structural design point of view, resulting in
geometrical improvements of the chassis as a whole and the loading points in par-
ticular. The complex shapes required from monocoque cockpit designs with im-
plemented structural, esthetic, ergonomic and crash properties are all combined in
only four simple basic molds using the Multi-Shell Assembly Approach, making
the chassis fairly simple to produce. Finally the monocoque has been optimized
using global ply failure analysis to remove geometrical inefficiencies and the first
eigen modes have been used to improve weak spots regarding specific stiffness.
Also equivalency to a certain steel tubular frame regarding crash sensitive areas
has been established. Furthermore the rear frame tube dimensions have been
chosen such that a lightweight though stiff and strong tubular frame emerged,
again using extensive FEA techniques.
The loading points in composite material structures are a field of expertise in
their own. The variables in reducing the peak stresses around the hardpoints have
been identified and suggestions have been made to reduce them. While extensive
analysis has been done on these so called hard points and the effect of quite a few
measures to reduce the stresses has been shown, testing is required to evaluate the
results and prove that the strength targets are met.
Testing is also required when the car is finished, to evaluate the torsional stiff-
ness analysis and to determine the overall mass and center of gravity height.
For future chassis designs one might want to consider to implement a carbon

Chapter 9. Conclusions and Recommendations

fiber tubular rear frame or something equivalent. Analysis has shown that another
7 kg of weight can be saved on the rear frame alone. Crucial hereby is to design
a method of efficiently bonding the carbon fiber tubes to each other and the other
chassis components. For ideas one could look at the bicycle industry.
For the future I also strongly recommend to reevaluate the suspension system
parallel to designing a new chassis. By good interaction of the two design processes
a lot of difficult engineering issues could be prevented by making the suspension
system and the chassis more compliant to one another, instead of having to work
around a predesigned suspension system.

Appendix A

Why lightweight?

A lot of effort generally goes into the development of lightweight vehicles. A

compromise must be found however between lightweight design and the cost that
is paid to achieve this. A simplified vehicle model is used to analyse reasons for
lightweight design. Besides the obvious benefit of lightweight design with respect
to the power to weight ratio, the achievable cornering velocity is strongly deter-
mined by the C.O.G. height and vehicle mass.

A.1 The downside of load transfer

The main issue in vehicle dynamics is the load transfer that occurs during
cornering, braking and accelerating. During cornering the outside tyres are more
heavily loaded than the inside tyres due to a momentum that results from the
lateral acceleration ay (centrifugal force) of the car. The load is "transferred" from
the inside to the outside tyres. While accelerating and decelerating the same holds
for the rear and front tyres respectively. In Figure A.1 the forces are shown that
act on a simplified two-wheel model of a cornering car. In this figure m is the
vehicle mass, the roll angle, h the C.O.G. height and hrc the roll center height.
Roll center R has a stiffness c . Note that this is just the front or rear axle, so in
calculations half the vehicle mass is used, assuming a 50-50% weight distribution
over the front and rear axle.
Load transfer results here in an increase in the left vertical tyre force FzL and a
decrease in FzR by Fz . The amount of lateral tyre force Fy that the two tyres gen-
erate together determines the amount of lateral acceleration that can be achieved
i.e. how fast the car can get around a corner. Because Fy is simply the lateral fric-
tion coefficient y times the vertical tyre force Fz , one would expect that the totally
produced Fy remains equal, because the sum of FzL and FzR remains equal. This
is however not the case. First of all the peak lateral friction coefficient y of the
tyres actually decreases for an increasing vertical tyre force. The influence of the
vertical tyre force on the friction coefficient differs for each type of tyre. In Fig-
ure A.2a this effect is shown for the tyres used by URE (20.5x6-13 R25A Hoosier)1 .

Appendix A. Why lightweight?

s1 s2

Figure A.1: The forces on a simplified two-wheel model with body roll

The total lateral force Fy produced by the two tyres equals [2]:

(Fz1 F )(y1 + ) + (Fz1 + F )(y1 ) = 2Fz1 y1 2F (A.1)

The loss of produced lateral force then consists of : 2F .


-F +F

Figure A.2: The loss in peak lateral friction coefficient due to an increasing
vertical tyre force

Appendix A. Why lightweight?

The second cause of loss in produced lateral force comes from the non-linear
relation between the vertical tyre force Fz and the cornering stiffness Cf . The
cornering stiffness determines the lateral tyre force Fy for small tyre side slip an-
gles as shown in Figure A.4. The loss of cornering stiffness due to an increase
in load transfer is illustrated in Figure A.3. Cf is shown for several small side
slip angles showing the shift of the peak cornering stiffness down and to the right
for increasing side slip angles. This means that for larger , one suffers additional
loss in generated lateral tyre force on top of the effect shown below.

Loss due to
load transfer

-F +F

Figure A.3: The loss cornering stiffness Cf due to an increasing vertical tyre

Both the degressive friction coefficient and cornering stiffness have been analyzed for this
specific tyre using the DELFT-TYRE module in Matlab (

Appendix A. Why lightweight?

A.2 Low and lightweight

The effects described above are the reasons why race cars are engineered to
have a low C.O.G. At a certain point however further lowering the C.O.G. will be-
come technically, financially and practically impossible given the circumstances.
To find an optimum the effect of the C.O.G. height h and vehicle mass m on the
amount of load transfer is calculated. Firstly the loss of produced lateral force Fy
is determined by looking at the left and right tyre forces as a function of the tyre
side slip angle and lateral vehicle acceleration ay . This is compared to the situa-
tion where no load transfer would occur during cornering. Here a 250 kg car (incl.
a 68 kg driver, currently 298 kg) with a C.O.G. height of 250 mm is analyzed. The
analysis consists of a steady state cornering test, meaning that the longitudinal ac-
celeration is assumed to be very small. Also dynamic effects resulting from sudden
changes in the lateral acceleration are excluded. Looking at Figure A.4 one can see
that for small , thus small ay , the cornering stiffness determines the lateral tyre
force. For larger the lateral friction coefficient becomes more important. Not
surprisingly the difference in produced lateral force with and without load transfer
increases for larger , peaks at the point where the tyre starts slipping and then
reduces again (Figure A.5a). Because this is the critical point, further analysis is
executed with a tyre side slip angle alpha of 5 . The analysis includes lateral ac-
celerations of up to 2 g, as can be seen from Figure A.5b, which is the maximum
lateral acceleration a formula student race car experiences on a typical event track
according to Dr Blake Siegler [17]. This is still a very high value for the lateral
acceleration. Most of the time during cornering it will be nearer to 1 to 1,5 g.



Figure A.4: Produced lateral tyre forces with and without load transfer (m =
250 kg, h = 250 mm)

It is clearly beneficial to minimize the amount of load transfer that occurs dur-
ing cornering. From force and momentum equilibrium in Figure A.1 is derived

Appendix A. Why lightweight?

1 25

Rel. lateral tyre force Fy []

Lateral acceleration ay [N]

0.97 15


0.94 5



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 5 10 15
Tyre side slip angle [deg] Tyre side slip angle [deg]

(a) Fy vs (b) ay vs

Figure A.5: Relation between the tyre side slip angle and the lateral
acceleration ay and relative produced lateral Fy

that the load transfer and corresponding vehicle roll angle can be written as:

hrc Fy + c Fz ( 12 s1 21 s2 )
Fz,roll =
s1 + s2
2 may (h hrc )
c 12 mg(h hrc )

Note that half the vehicle mass is used because of the simplified single axis
analysis and equation A.2 only holds for small . So besides the vehicle mass
m and the C.O.G. height h, the roll center height hrc and the trackwidth s1 +
s2 determine the amount of load transfer during cornering. The roll stiffness is
indirectly of influence. It doesnt decrease the load transfer but the roll angle .
Body roll increases s1 (C.O.G. shifts to the left), increasing the load transfer, so
a larger roll stiffness does decrease Fy . The change of h due to body roll is
neglected because of the small roll angles.

Appendix B

Cockpit regulations

Regarding safety, a driver must be able to egress from the cockpit very easily.
For this reason some very demanding rules have been stated for the cockpit di-
mensions. A horizontal profile of the shape shown in Figure ??a must be able to
fit into the cockpit opening to a height of 350 mm above the ground. In addition a
profile of the shape shown in Figure B.1b must fit through the cockpit forwards in
vertical position right up to the pedalbox.

(a) (b)

Figure B.1: Minimal cockpit dimensions


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