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IL-3 2012 IEEE International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis

23-27 September 2012, Bali, Indonesia

High Voltage and High Current Test Techniques

Ernst Gockenbach
Schering Institute
Leibniz Universitt Hannover
Hannover, Germany

AbstractStarting with a short description of the former impulse voltage divider. Already at this time the discussion
recommendations in the field of high voltage testing and starts about the check of the linearity of an impulse voltage
measuring techniques the actual changes in the recently divider because the rated voltage of the reference voltage
published recommendations are described. The time to peak of dividers was limited.
switching impulses and the front time evaluation of lightning
impulses are the most important changes in the field of high Together with the application of digital recorders the
voltage testing. The main changes in the high voltage measuring automated evaluation of the digital recorded impulse starts and
technique are the use of digital recorders and the related leads to some problems concerning the reproducibility of the
evaluation software and its performance check. Finally the new test voltage for lightning impulse and the evaluation of the time
recommendation regarding high current test techniques will be to peak for switching impulses due to the fact, that the at this
shortly explained. time existing recommendations were based an analogue
measuring technique and the evaluation of the parameters were
Keywords-high voltage, high current, test techniques, done by experienced test engineers.
I. INTRODUCTION Furthermore the very old recommendation for sphere gaps
The international recommendations for high voltage and in air, with which the peak value of the breakdown voltage
current test and measuring techniques will be handled under under AC voltage stress and the 50 % breakdown voltage under
the responsibility of the Technical Committee 42 (TC 42). The lightning impulse voltage stress could be measured, was
TC 42 is a so called horizontal committee which means that the extended to 50 % breakdown voltage under switching impulse
recommendations of this TC should be used in all other stress.
apparatus or system recommendations, but particular Finally the high current test technique, which was described
requirements which may be necessary for some equipment in the former recommendation for high voltage test techniques
could be introduced, e.g. the front time of lightning impulse only in a few paragraph was extracted from the voltage test
voltage is increased for cable testing due to the usually large recommendations and introduced in an own recommendation
capacitance of the cable to be tested. dealing only with high current test techniques.
Due the horizontal function of the TC 42 recommendations The high demand on quality assurance was the driving
these recommendations have a long validity, sometimes up to force for recommendations for on-site testing including the
some ten years. The main recommendations under TC 42 measuring technique. The requirements could be less stringent
responsibility are IEC 60060, Part 1 to 3 High Voltage Test for some parameters due to the different purpose of the tests
Techniques, IEC 61083, Part 1 and 2 and in future Part 3 and 4, compared to design, routine and acceptance tests in a factory
Instruments and software used for measurement in high- and due to some on-site conditions which prevent the
voltage and high-current tests, IEC 62475 High current test compliance of some requirements.
techniques, IEC 62478 Partial discharge measurement and IEC
60052 Standardized air gaps. II. HIGH VOLTAGE TEST TECHNIQUES
Before the future of the TC 42 recommendations could be The increase of the voltage level up to 1200 kV leads to
described it is necessary to look back on the changes of the larger equipment and to larger test facilities. For AC voltage
above mentioned recommendations. One of the major changes and DC voltage withstand tests the increased test voltage level
in the past was the introduction of reference measuring system up to the required test voltages is not a problem for the
in the high voltage measuring technique due to the increasing generation of the test voltage but may be for the correct
demand on traceable measuring uncertainty which was up to measurement of the voltage.
this time not applied in the field of high voltage measuring The increase of the equipment size leads to larger gaps in
techniques. There were several attempts to describe the transfer air and it should be discussed and decided, if the actual time to
behaviour of an impulse voltage divider by time parameter in peak of 250 Ps for a standard switching impulse is still
order to qualify or disqualify an impulse voltage divider, but appropriate for the test of equipment in the Ultra High Voltage
finally the recommended method was the comparison between (UHV) range. Fig. 1 shows clearly that the minimum in the so
the impulse voltage divider to be calibrated with a reference

978-1-4673-1018-5/12/$31.00 2012 IEEE 91

called V shaped curve of the breakdown voltage as function of voltage as function of the duration of the overshoot or the
the time to peak (in former times time to crest) is shifted to correlated frequency of the oscillations near the peak area. Fig.
longer time to peak value for larger air gap distances. 2 shows the well-known example of the two cases where for
According to [1] the air gap distances for 800 kV equipment the curves a) and b) the test voltage is the extreme value of the
will be in the range of about 7 m and for that distance the time recorded curve and for the curves c) and d) the maximum value
to peak of 250 Ps is near the minimum of the so called V-type of the mean curve, shown only as dotted curve without any
curve. For 1200 kV equipment however the air gap distances further definition or requirement. In the time of analogue
will be in the range of 13 m and this requires a time to peak of measuring equipment this definition was not very critical
about 600 Ps to reach the minimum of the V-t curve. Therefore because experienced engineers evaluated the test voltage with a
a discussion and a decision are required concerning the small uncertainty and a high reproducibility. The later chapter
adjustment of the time to peak for switching impulse voltage dealing with the measuring technique will give some more and
tests, but it should be noted that the results in Fig. 1 are for air detailed information.
gaps like rod plane configuration.

Figure 2. Overshoot evaluation according to IEC 60060-1:1989, Figure 10

Mean curve (dotted curve) shall be drawn by experienced engineers

The evaluation of the test voltage in case of overshoot or

oscillations near the peak required a revision, because the test
voltage could change from impulse to impulse if the frequency
of the oscillation was near 500 kHz or the duration of the
overshoot near 1 Ps due to definition of the test voltage in the
former IEC 60060.
Figure 1. Flashover voltage at switching impulses as function of time to peak These changes are now included in the latest revision of
[2] IEC 60060-1 and details will be explained in another
contribution to this symposium. Fig. 3 should only demonstrate
The tests on inductive test objects like power transformer the evaluation process using a simulated lightning impulse
require a certain voltage rise which may be not reached by an voltage. Curve (1-blue) is the recorded impulse with a high
extended front time, but usually such equipment will be overshoot and an oscillation frequency near 500 kHz. The base
stressed with chopped lightning impulse where the decline time curve (2-green) replaces now the former mean curve but
of the voltage is much shorter than the rise time and the stress calculated by an algorithm described in the IEC
on the insulation due to the non-linear voltage distribution recommendation which leads to a very high reproducibility of
much higher. the base curve. The difference between the recorded and the
base curve is represented by the so called residual curve (3-
However the revised IEC 60060-1 [3] defines already an green) which can be interpreted as the superposition of the
average rate of rise slope as the best fitting straight line, oscillation on the base curve.
calculated from the recorded curve, using all the data points
between the 30% and 90% of the extreme value levels, usually This residual curve will then be filtered with the
expressed in kilovolts per microsecond. Furthermore a peak experimental evaluated so called k-factor or test voltage factor
time Te is defined as the extreme value of the recorded voltage in order to take into account the influence of the superimposed
divided by the average rate of rise. overshoot or oscillation near the peak to the breakdown or
withstand behaviour. The characteristic of the filtering is
The evaluation of the impulse voltage regarding the test similar to a high pass filter because it was already recognized
voltage seems to be solved in the revised IEC 60060, even if in the past that higher frequency content of the superimposed
the change of the evaluation method was not influenced by the oscillation are less important as higher the frequency [5].
increase of the rated voltage levels of transmission systems but
necessary due to the ambiguous definition of the test voltage The test voltage is evaluated from a calculated curve, which
level in the former version of IEC 60060. This defines the test is the addition of the base curve and the filtered residual curve.

device and to reduce the amplitude with an additional divider
just at the input of the digital recorder. Such a solution has a
further advantage, that the second voltage divider could be
1 used to adjust the transformation ratio of the measuring system
2 and this in a remote control version.
The digital recording system allows also an automatic
evaluation of the impulse parameter using a computer with the
relevant software. But here some problems arise due to the fact
that the requirements and rules for the evaluation of the
3 impulse parameter like test voltage amplitude, front time and
time to half value were based on analogue systems and some
details should be adjusted to digital recorded impulses.
The first digital recorders were limited in sampling rate and
resolution, but nowadays and also in future the sampling rate as
well as the resolution is not any more a problem; sometimes in
Figure 3. Principle of filtering the overshoot according to [4] with the the other direction that the available sampling rate and the
recorded (1), base (2) and the residual curve (3) resolution should be limited to a reasonable value.
The reasonable combination of a digital recording systems
This procedure is only possible if the recorded impulse and a computer for the evaluation of the recorded data leads to
shape is available in digital form. It is also the first time that IEC recommendation for the hardware, the digital recorder, and
within an IEC recommendation the procedure to calculate a the software implemented in the computer, because this could
parameter, here in this case the base curve, is described and not also contribute to the total uncertainty. The actual situation in
only the requirements and the tolerances. Therefore some this field is the planned revision of the IEC recommendation
discussion takes place if the IEC will change its philosophy for the hardware, IEC 61083-1, which up to now includes also
from describing only requirements and tolerances to describing analogue recording systems, and an expected Committee Draft
fixed procedures in the recommendations. To explain this in for Voting (CDV) of the revision of IEC 61082-2 which
more details on the example of the lightning impulse contents a number of digital available impulses with which the
evaluation the calculation of the base curve is defined by an evaluation procedure of a measuring system could be checked
algorithm where the sample range is given. All samples from and approved. The so-called Transient Digital Generator
20 % of the extreme recorded value in the front up to 40 % of (TDG) is part of the IEC recommendations and available as
the extreme recorded value should be used to find the best fit of software. With the TDG the used recorder could be simulated
the two exponential functions as shown in Equ. (1) in a general and a data set generated which represents a real measurement
form. regarding sampling rate, resolution and some characteristics of
u (t) = U (e -t / W1 - e -t / W2 ) (1)
a digital recorder like internal noise and jitter of the sampling
starting point. This revision deletes some bugs of the former
The advantage of such a procedure is the high version where the software could be managed in such a way
reproducibility of the base curve which was in the past only that all available test impulse could be evaluated within the
defined by the drawing shown in Fig. 2. The disadvantage may given tolerance, but other impulses not.
be the fact that the given procedure prevents the invention or
development of a more clever, cheaper, faster or whatever The digital recorder influences also the evaluation
method to calculate the base curve. procedure of the time to peak for switching impulses. Due to
the fact, that a large number of samples in the area of the peak
It is worthwhile to mention that the filtering has the main have the same level the former definition of the time to peak
purpose to increase the reproducibility of the test voltage was not anymore valid, because depending on the program
evaluation and to prevent the sharp step and change of the test different samples with the highest level could found. The
voltage if the frequency of the oscillations is near 500 kHz. A solution was a change in the evaluation procedure, the same as
further advantage concerning the evaluation is the fact that the for the front time of lightning impulse, using the 30 % and 90
calculated test voltage curve is a smooth curve and the %level of the test voltage curve. But this change leads to a
evaluation of the 30 % and 90 % point is simple due to the lack change in the value of the time to peak and therefore the time
of oscillations at this level. to peak is defined according the following equations:
The recording instruments have experienced a large change Tp = K TAB, (2)
within the years; starting from the analogue oscilloscope with a where K is a dimensionless constant given by
high input voltage over the storage oscilloscope up to the actual
K = 2,42 - 3,08.10-3 TAB + 1,51.10-4 T2 (3)
The use of digital recording system in the high voltage test
area starts with some problems concerning the electromagnetic where TAB is defined as t90 t30 and T2 is the time to half
interference of the recording and storage device. The solution value, both times are in Ps. In the IEC recommendations for on
was to keep the high signal of up to 1200 V on the transmission site tests [6] the calculation of the time to peak is much simpler
system between the impulse voltage divider and the recording as following:

Tp = 2,4 TAB (4) Table I shows some example of current impulses but in the
annex H of [7] a long list of current impulses is given based on
From the test point of view the difference between the Equ. the different IEC recommendations in the field of testing of
(2) and (4) is not very large, but Equ, (2) leads to time to peak surge arrestors, surge protecting devices for different
values which are closer to the values evaluated by the former installations and electronic devices.
definition, but the new Equ. (2) has two variables which means
the jitter could be larger. TABLE I. TABLE TYPE STYLES
IEC 61083 Instruments and software used for
measurements in high-voltage and high-current test with the
following parts, Part1 - Requirements for instruments for
impulse tests, Part 2 Requirements for software for impulse
test, Part 3 - Requirements for instruments for tests with
alternating and direct currents and voltages, Part 4 -
Requirements for software for tests with alternating and direct
currents and voltages.
During the revision of IEC 60060 it was also realized that The current measuring system is usually connected to the
the part dealing with currents was not adequate to the neutral terminal of the transformer (or reactor) and/or to a
importance of the current test techniques. Therefore all parts terminal not subjected to the impulse voltage. The main
related to current were moved to another IEC recommendation objective is to verify that the impulse current varies linearly
624574 [7] which was approved recently. with the applied test voltage, thus providing proof that no
internal breakdown has occurred. No requirement is posed on
The structure of this recommendation is very similar to the determination of actual current values.
recommendations for high voltage tests. After the general
chapters like scope and references the chapters follow the But in dielectric tests, particularly for the insulation of
recommendation for high voltage tests concerning procedures transformers, the record of the current will be used for
for qualification and use of a measuring system, which comparison or for the calculation of the transfer function,
describes the different checks and tests as well as the operating which could be e.g. the ratio of the impulse voltage and the
conditions and uncertainty. One chapter refers to tests and test output current, both in the frequency domain. Then the
requirements for an approved measuring system with the resolution and reproducibility of the shape of the current
details on calibration, linearity, dynamic behaviour and short through the test object may be of high importance.
term and long term stability. Furthermore the uncertainty The new recommendation ends with a short description on
calculation, interferences tests and withstand tests are described the requirements on reference measuring systems which are
in detail for references as well as for approved current very general like the following statement. A reference
measuring systems. measuring system shall have an uncertainty sufficiently low to
The definitions of the impulse current shapes were permit the required uncertainties in calibration of approved
unchanged related to the current impulses described in the measuring systems to be reached. It shall also be traceable to
former recommendations for high voltage testing. Fig. 4 shows national and/or international standards of measurements
a typical impulse current with the superposition of the two through an unbroken chain of comparative measurements all
exponential functions. The definition of the front time is having stated uncertainties.
different from the front time of high voltage impulses but this REFERENCES
was already given in the former recommendations.
[1] IEC 60071 - Insulation co-ordination- Part 1: Definitions, principles and
rules, Amendment 1, 2010
100 %
[2] International Symposium on Standards for UHV Transmission, New
90 %
Delhi, India, 2009
[3] IEC 60060 - High-voltage test techniques Part 1 General definitions
and test requirements, 2010
50 % [4] M. Hinow, W. Hauschild, E.Gockenbach: Lightning Impulse Voltage
T1 = Front time
= 1,25 T
and Overshoot Evaluation Proposed in Drafts of IEC 60060-1 and
T2 = Time to half-value
Future UHV Testing, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical
Insulation, Vol. 17, No. 5, 2010, pp. 1628- 1634
10 %
[5] S. Berlijn, F. Garnacho, F. Simon, E. Gockenbach, P. Werle, K.
T Reversal peak Hackemack and M. Watts, Final report: Digital measurement of
parameters used for lightning impulse tests for high voltage equipment",
T1 EU contract no. PL- 951210-SMT-CT96-2132, 1999
T2 [6] IEC 600-60 High-voltage test techniques Part 3: Definitions and
requirements for on-site testing. (Only required for on-site testing.),
Figure 4. Typical impulse current [14]
[7] IEC 62475 - High-current test techniques - Definitions and requirements
for test currents and measuring system, 2010


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