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Mars Testament Catastrophe

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The article discusses the Hellas impact basin, Tharsis volcanoes, and Valles Marineris on Mars and suggests they are related due to a major Martian catastrophe similar to the Genesis Flood on Earth.

The Hellas impact basin, the Tharsis volcanoes, and Valles Marineris are discussed. These are some of the largest geological features of their type in the solar system.

The relationship between these gigantic features is unlikely to be coincidental, suggesting a cause and effect relationship between them implying a global Martian catastrophe.

Answers Research Journal 1 (2008): 8993.

Mars, a Testament to Catastrophe

Charles Creager Jr., 301 Spruce St., Greenville, SC 29611, USA.

Opposite Hellas, the largest impact basin on Mars, are the Tharsis volcanoes, the largest volcanoes in
the solar system. Directly opposite the center of Hellas impact basin is the volcano called Alba Patera. Alba
Patera is the largest Martian volcano by surface area. Coming off of the Tharsis plateau is Valles Marineris,
the largest known valley in the solar system.
The unlikely geographic relationship between these gigantic features suggests a cause and effect
relationship between them. This implies a global Martian catastrophe comparable in scale to the Genesis
The twin rovers, Opportunity and Spirit, have provided evidence in support of a Martian geological
catastrophe. Data sent from Opportunity (and from orbit) show that it landed in an area that was
catastrophically ooded from the south forming a large splat zone in the north.
Current data provide an excellent starting point for a young Mars catastrophic geologic model allowing
the formation of a core young Mars model.

Keywords: astronomy, Mars, impacts, volcanoes, Hellas, Tharsis plateau, Alba Patera, Valles Marineris

Introduction despite uniformitarian claims of it having been a

Mars captures the imagination more than any long-standing sea.
other planet. No other known planet has as earthlike
an environment as Mars, but yet they are still very Uniformitarianism on Mars
different. Mars is enough like Earth that evolutionists Even on Mars, uniformitarian geologists are so
have expected to nd life there, but none has yet been locked into the idea of geological ages associated with a
found. geological column, that when they see different layers
Probes sent to Mars have sent back gigabytes of of rock they think geological ages. Researchers at JPL
data which have been made readily available on the (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) are already claiming that
Internet. This wealth of data not only provides a the rock layers, found by the rover Opportunity, are
unique opportunity to watch uniformitarian geologists billions of years old before even one radioisotope has
build a model of planetary history from scratch, but been measured (Chang 2005). It has been stated that
it also provides creationists with an opportunity to do these layers represent different epochs of Martian
the same. history despite evidence that they are only a local
In this case the raw data are readily available to occurrence. They do this based on their preconceptions
anyone with a computer, so that research can be done resulting from how they think the solar system formed.
even with the smallest of budgets. The result is as It is evident that by the time these rocks are actually
nearly level a playing eld as is likely ever to exist radiometrically dated, uniformitarian geologists will
between competing ideas. already know how old they are so that they will
Using this wealth of data has revealed a know which results to disregard as contamination
relationship between three different major Martian and which to make public.
geological features, all of which are among the largest
of their type in the solar system. These geological Creationist Opportunity
features include the Hellas impact basin, the Tharsis Mars presents creationists with an opportunity
volcanoes, and Valles Marineris. The relationship to build a model of planetary geological history
between these gigantic features is unlikely to be from scratch. Furthermore, because the raw data
a result of chance, suggesting a cause and effect of JPLs Martian probes are freely available on the
relationship between them. This implies a global Internet, Mars can be studied on even the smallest
Martian geological catastrophe comparable in scale of budgets.
to the Genesis Flood. Uniformitarian theories of Martian geological
The idea of this Martian catastrophe is supported history will likely be used against creationists in
by additional evidence from the twin rovers the future, but because of the availability of the data
Opportunity and Spirit. Opportunity seems to have creationists have the opportunity to be prepared in
landed in an area that was catastrophically ooded advance.
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The views expressed are those of the writer(s) and not necessarily those of the Answers Research Journal Editor or of Answers in Genesis.
90 C. Creager Jr.

Martian Geographic Oddities and 40N) (Malin space science systems 2003) is the
Hellas is not only the largest impact basin on western side of Alba Pateras caldera. Alba Patera is
Mars; it is one of the largest known impact basins in the largest Martian volcano by surface area. Coming
the solar system. Hellas is in basically a crater which off of the Tharsis plateau is Valles Marineris, the
is about 2,100 km (1,300 miles) in diameter and 9 km largest known valley in the solar system.
(5.6 miles) deep. For comparison Hellas is about half Yet another Martian geographic oddity is that most
the size of the continental United States and about as Martian craters form a hemispherical pattern on the
deep as Mt. Everest is high. surface. Furthermore, the center of this hemispherical
Hellas center is located at about 70E and 40S. pattern is about 30 west of the center of Hellas,
The bottom of Hellas is the only place on Mars with placing Hellas near the center of this hemisphere
a high enough atmospheric pressure for liquid water (Figure 1).
to stay on the surface (Phillips 2000). The energy
of the Hellas impact has been estimated at about Spirit and Opportunity
5.33 1026 joules (Spexarth 2004). This is a blast of In January 2004 the twin rovers, Spirit and
1.27 1011 megatons which is equivalent to 8.48 1012 Opportunity, landed on Mars and since then they
atomic bombs the size of the one dropped on Hiroshima have sent back a wealth of data. Both rovers found
(U. S. Department of Energy 2000). that Martian soil is largely volcanic dust (NASA/
The Hellas impact dwarfs any known impact sites JPL/Cornell/ASU 2004a; NASA/JPL/Cornell/ASU
on Earth. For example, the famous 1908 Tunguska 2004c). Many of the rocks examined by these rovers
explosion is estimated at about 500 kilotons. are composed of basalt, a volcanic rock (NASA/JPL/
(Hartmann 2003). The Chicxulub impact, thought Cornell/ASU 2004b). Furthermore, many of the rocks
by evolutionists to have killed off the dinosaurs, seen by Spirit are broken, as if damaged by impacting
is estimated at about 108 megatons and produced the ground.
a crater at most 180 km across (Kring 2008). Even When Opportunity landed in the Meridiani
Earths largest known impact crater the Vredefort Planum region of Mars, the scene that it showed was
dome is only about 300 km in
diameter (Spray et al. 2008). 0 180
Despite their relatively small
size, these Earth impact sites do



provide insight into the results of


large impacts. For example, the
Chicxulub impact would have
put so much dust into Earths
atmosphere that it is accredited


by most paleontologists with



killing off the dinosaurs. The
Hellas impact would clearly have
thrown up thousands of times
as much dust into the Martian 60 8
If the impacting body came
from the asteroid belt the 4
impacting velocity would be
about 7 km/s. Using the formula 0
B E 0
for kinetic energy (K = mv2)
results in a mass of 2.2 1019 kg. -30
This is a mass similar to that of F A -4
the asteroid Juno, which has a -60
diameter of about 206 km (Weast
et al. 1983). 180 240 300 0 60 120 180
Opposite Hellas on the
Figure 1. Map of Mars global topography. It shows the uneven crater distribution.
Martian surface are the Tharsis Retrieved from (Courtesy
volcanoes. These also are the GSFC/NASA). Note:
largest volcanoes in the solar A Hellas impact basin. D Alba Patera.
system. Directly opposite the B Tharsis plateau and its volcanoes. E Valles Marineris.
center of Hellas (at about 110W C Meridiani Planum. F Argyre impact basin.
Mars, a Testament to Catastrophe 91

Figure 4. The deep layers of the Burns Cliff at

Figure 2. Erosion patterns found by Opportunity. Endurance crater. Retrieved from http://photojournal.
Retrieved from (Courtesy NASA/JPL/
catalog/PIA05237. (Courtesy NASA/JPL/Cornell/U. S. Cornell/U. S. Geological Survey).
Geological Survey). inow channel has ridges that are consistent with a
strange even for Mars. The soil was darker than that ow channel and the splatter zone shows evidence of
at other landing sites and the ground was covered owing over underlying terrain in a chaotic fashion
with innumerable spherical hematite nodules (NASA/ similar to the termination of a mud-ow. This evidence
JPL/Cornell/ASU 2004e; NASA/JPL/Cornell/ASU suggests that Meridiani Planum suffered catastrophic
2004h). The outcropping of rocks in the crater where ooding at some time in the past. The fact the craters
Opportunity landed are layered and show evidence of studied by Opportunity were blasted through layers
having been laid down by water (NASA/JPL/Cornell/ of rock shows that the ooding happened before these
ASU 2004f; NASA/JPL/Cornell/ASU 2004g). They impacts. However, other craters in the area show
were also strangely eroded. The rocks had hematite evidence of having been formed before the ooding in
nodules embedded in them (Figure 2) and some had the sedimentary patterns of the craters. These craters
the nodules out on sticks of rock (Figure 3). These have sedimentary deposits up against the crater wall
patterns have persisted throughout the area explored opposite the direction of the ow of water.
by Opportunity, though the deeper craters show
deeper rocks with layers of different rocks (Figure Discussion
4). Chemical analysis shows that much of the rock The Hellas impact would have sent a shock wave
in Meridiani Planum contains sulfates which are a around and through the planet that would have been
by-product of the reaction of sulfuric acid and water focused onto the exact opposite side of the planet (Alba
(NASA/JPL/Cornell/ASU 2004d; NASA/JPL/ Patera) from the impact. This focusing of the shock wave
Cornell/ASU 2004i). would have caused cracks in the crust. Furthermore, if
The Meridiani Planum region shows evidence of the crust were particularly weak in the area with a pool
large amounts of water owing into it in a catastrophic of magma below it, such a crack would have resulted
manner, including an inow channel at one end and in a sudden burst of volcanic activity at this point. It
a splatter zone at the other end (Figure 5). This is also possible that cracks could have continued along

Figure 3. Erosion patterns found by Opportunity, Figure 5. The Meridiani Planum region of Mars, the
including hematite spheres on sticks. Retrieved from region where Opportunity landed. Note the inow channel to the south east and the splat zone in the
(Courtesy NASA/JPL/Cornell/U. S. Geological north. Retrieved from:
Survey). catalog/PIA00004. (Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech).
92 C. Creager Jr.

the area of weakened crust forming other volcanoes. 4,000 km (2,500 miles) long, which is about the same
This is supported by the fact that four of the Tharsis size as the continental United States. Its identity
volcanoes (Ceraunius Tholus, Ascraeus Mons, Pavonis as a rift valley is supported by a sudden decease in
Mons, and Arsia Mons) form a nearly straight line. crust thickness under the valley (Zuber 2000). This
While connections between Hellas and the Tharsis suggests that the crust has been stretched in that
volcanoes as well as Hellas and Alba Patera have area. The cause could have simply been the seismic
been suggest before (Scott et al. 2001; Spexarth 2004), activity associated with the Tharsis volcanoes, but the
they have been limited to the basic concept and not as proximity of the Argyre Impact Basin offers another
detailed a model as presented here. possibility. The shock from this impact may have
While no earthbound impacts show this type of rotated the crust under the southern part of Tharsis,
affect, Mercury shows that they can occur. Mercurys stretching crust at Valles Marineris and compressing
largest impact basin is the Caloris Basin. It has it to the southwest.
a diameter of 1,300 km (800 miles), which is about The ooding at Meridiani Planum seems to have
two-thirds that of Hellas (Hamilton 1995b). On the originated at about 12S and 31E. This is based on
opposite side of Mercury from the Caloris Basin is the patterns of deposited material in the surrounding
a lineated and hilly area about 100 km (62 miles) terrain. The eruption of water from underground
across where the crust seems to have been broken seems to be the most likely source of water, since
into jumbled blocks by the Caloris impact (Hamilton underground water would be under pressure causing
1995a). it to be ejected at high velocity, resulting in the erosion
The result is that massive amounts of volcanic of considerable amounts of material to become the
activity would have occurred, lling the atmosphere sedimentary rocks found by Opportunity. However,
with volcanic ash. Included in the mix would be a large an impacting body cannot yet be eliminated as a
mount of sulfur. If the volcanic activity were high possible source, because an eruption point has yet to
enough the ash would increase Mars atmospheric be found.
pressure to a point where liquid water could exist. While some of the oodwater went in different
Much of the volcanic material would form the volcanic directions, most of it would have rushed downhill into
mounts. In Tharsis, the concentration of volcanoes the Meridiani Planum region. This water would be
would have caused a pile up of volcanic material loaded with material, some of which was deposited
forming much if not all of the Tharsis plateau. The over the area explored by Opportunity. Since
remainder of the volcanic ash would have covered the sedimentation in moving water can form multiple
planet, becoming a major component of its soil. layers simultaneously (Berthault 2008; Reed 2008),
At rst glance the hemispherical pattern of craters such a sudden ow of rushing water could have easily
seems hard to explain by the resurfacing of the lightly laid down the rock layers observed in the Meridiani
cratered north. The fact the Hellas is near the center Planum region. The leading edge of the owing water
of this hemispherical pattern further complicates the would form a splat zone, as is observed to the north of
problem, but the relationship between Hellas and the Meridiani Planum region.
Tharsis provides a solution. A closer look shows that Once ooded, the water would likely have remained
the southern dip in the crater pattern is entirely part as long as the volcanic ash covered the planet. As the
of Tharsis, suggesting that the plateau likely covered volcanic ash settled the sulfur would have reacted
part of the southern highlands making them look with the water to form sulfuric acid. As a result the
more hemispherical (Figure 1). This is also supported environment of this temporary lake would have been
by crustal thickness measurements from Mars more like that of a car battery than an ocean. The
Global Surveyor (Zuber 2000). Furthermore, the fact presence of concentrated sulfuric acid would have
that Hellas is on the opposite side of the planet from aided the formation of the hematite spheres that
Tharsis would naturally place it near the center of Opportunity found all over the area.
hemispherical pattern. The craters studied by Opportunity seem to be the
Since the northern lowlands have a lower elevation result of impacts that occurred while the area was
than the highlands, considerably more of the volcanic ooded. The concentrated sulfuric acid would have
and ejected impact material settled in the northern eroded the exposed rocks producing the observed
region of the planet. This is because it is easier for erosion patterns, including hematite spheres on a
dust to be blown from a higher to a lower elevation. stick of rock (Arlauckas et al. 2004).
This process would have been aided by the fact that Given the evidence that the Earth received a
the most, if not all, of the volcanism occurred on signicant number of impacts during the Flood
thinner lowland crust. The result would be a nearly (Spencer 1998), and that the size distribution of
complete resurfacing of the northern lowlands. craters show that the Earth and Mars were hit by
Valles Marineris is a large rift valley about the same population of objects, it is likely that these
Mars, a Testament to Catastrophe 93
events occurred at about the time of the Genesis from
Flood. Available data is consistent with such a Kring, D. A 2008. Discovering the crater, JPL. Retrieved
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Malin space science systems. 2003. MGS MOC Release No.
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MOC2-588. Retrieved from
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but the rest of Mars as well. Mars presents an mineral on Mars. Retrieved from http://photojournal.jpl.
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many riverbed-like channels that suggest Meridiani NASA/JPL/Cornell/ASU. 2004b. PIA05174: Adirondacks
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autograph. Retrieved from http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.
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relationship between them suggests a cause and effect gov/catalog/PIA05587.
relationship. Finding the largest known impact basin, NASA/JPL/Cornell/ASU. 2004f. PIA05624: Upper Dells
volcanoes, and valley in the solar system in a cause clues to watery history. Retrieved from http://photojournal.
and effect relationship suggests a major catastrophe
NASA/JPL/Cornell/ASU. 2004g. PIA05625: Last Chance
in Martian history. evidence of ancient water ow. Retrieved from http://
Despite the evidence for catastrophe, the geologists
at JPL interpret what they see as being laid down NASA/JPL/Cornell/ASU. 2004h. PIA05640: Keepers of the
over a long period of time. This is a natural result of hematite. Retrieved from
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While data from both Spirit and Opportunity NASA/JPL/Cornell/ASU. 2004i. PIA06013: The colors of
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Opportunity has shown that Meridiani Planum was gov/catalog/PIA06013.
Phillips, T. 2000. Making a splash on Mars. Retrieved
catastrophically ooded at about the same time as the
other catastrophic events on Mars, with these events
occurring about the same time as the Genesis Flood. Reed, J. 2008. Toppling the timescale. Part II: Unearthing
This provides a starting point for a young Mars the cornerstone. Creation Research Society Quarterly 44,
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