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Planetary Longitude and Stock Price

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The blog post discusses planetary cycles and how they can be used to determine stock market turn dates. It also shares charts analyzing historic planetary data and Dow prices corresponding to a predicted major high in May 2013.

The Seasonal Chain Relative method averages historic Dow prices for each planet when those planets are at specific heliocentric longitudes, and then averages the planetary prices to give a projected Dow price.

Jay is working on refinements to the way he calculates Link Relative returns for planets at one degree intervals, as his current approach is flawed. He expects to complete the analysis and share updates in the next few weeks.

Planet Forecaster

Using planetary cycles to determine stock market turn dates. Much of this work is
based on Bradley Cowan's book, "Pentagonal Time Cycle Theory". Planetary charts are
in heliocentric orientation unless otherwise noted. This blog does not give
investment advice. Please consult your financial adviser before making investment

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Planetary Longitudes and DOW Prices

Reader Nate has been studying Jay's work on the Seasonal Chain Relative method for
forecasting DOW prices.

In Jay's work, for each forecasted date, he first finds the heliocentric longitude
(or position with respect to the Sun) of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, and then
averages the historic DOW prices for each planet when these planets were at that
longitude. Finally, the 3 planetary prices are averaged. Jay's graphs are meant to
highlight directional changes in price, not the prices themselves. Projections are
accurate to +/- 2 weeks. Jay cautions that this gives more weight than we would
like to Uranus because of its large moves during 1929-1949 and because there is not
as much historical data for Uranus due to its slow motion as there is for the other

As a preliminary exercise, Nate has plotted the historic values of the planets for
their May 21, 2013 (Beast Cycle) longitude. We are of course interested in this
date as a possible major high for 2013. I thought this would be of general interest
to others here studying Jay's work, so with Nate's permission I provide the charts

In the first chart, historic (since 1900) DOW prices for Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter
and Ceres at their May 21, 2013 longitudes are shown in black, red, blue and green,

We can see from this chart that the longitudes associated with this date are often
indicative of a major turn, although sometimes it is a low.

In the next chart, Nate shows recent corresponding DOW pries for Earth, Venus and
Mars in black, red and blue, respectively. Jay warns not to use these, so they are
shown for curiosity only.

(Jay and Nate: Please provide clarification and corrections as needed.)

Posted by platy at 10:44 AM
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AGoldhamsterJanuary 27, 2013 at 2:30 PM

Platy why are you removing my questions?

Now 3rd and final try - 2 Questions for Jay:

1) Jay do you have the next turndate and top according to your composite Model?

2) Do you already have something (another composite chart) for Gold?

Thanks in advance.


platyJanuary 27, 2013 at 6:48 PM

Sorry AG, I removed that entire post.


AnonymousJanuary 27, 2013 at 3:21 PM

Hi Platy,

Firstly, I would like to say how much I enjoy this site, especially since most
readers tend to leave their egos at home. It is refreshing.

Anyhow, my question is: Cowan gave the date of the Beast cycle as 4/29/2013. Jay
has it at 5/21/2013. Can you please explain the difference for us?

Many thanks.


platyJanuary 27, 2013 at 6:54 PM

Cowan has several possible dates for the cycle if I recall. I studied the past
cycles and came up with what I thought was the best trigger, and that is the date
I'm going with. Jay's work is independent of Cowan's methods.


JayJanuary 27, 2013 at 7:12 PM

I am working on some refinements. One of the issues with my approach is that the
way I calculate the Link Relative returns for a planet at one degree intervals is
flawed. I realized this recently and have a fix for it. It doesn't make a whole lot
of difference to the projections but the shape of the projected cycle is somewhat
different. Unfortunately, I have not had much time to work on my analysis. I expect
that I will complete the analysis and share it with all of you in the next few
weeks. Until then please bear with me.


platyJanuary 27, 2013 at 7:34 PM

Thanks so much Jay, we all really appreciate that you sharing this with us!

platyJanuary 27, 2013 at 7:38 PM

Jay, have you tried using Ceres in the composite model?

JayJanuary 27, 2013 at 8:00 PM

No, I have not. But I have tried Chiron and it didn't make much of a difference to
the shape of the projected curve. I think the planets and planetoids closer than
Jupiter are problematic for the model. I suspect this has to do with the way I
calculate the composite cycle as a simple average of the returns. Ideally, we
should calculate a weighted average with the planets further out being given larger
weights. But, it is not clear to me how to determine what weights to use.

platyJanuary 27, 2013 at 8:04 PM

Ok thanks. Looking forward to your update!


MPJanuary 27, 2013 at 8:28 PM

This also works with my view that we see a divergence on the weekly Stoch. chart
with higher prices into it. but because we are expecting divergence I would say the
move up to new highs before may will be swift. This should keep the bulls piling in
and the bears capitulating.


platyJanuary 27, 2013 at 8:32 PM

Nice, thanks for the update MP!


kisa139January 28, 2013 at 3:41 AM

Lord I think the clarity in your reasoning will make book-Barbara Koval-time and
money-aligning its arguments to the methods Ganna began to receive much the exact
point of reversal markets weekly live


AGoldhamsterJanuary 28, 2013 at 5:58 AM

As thsi was earlier post and lost - once again:


"The longer play is still favoring gold physical till 2016. The hardest hit will be
felt in the bond market within the next three month with the crisis period sitting
between May 21 and June 24. Within these 2 months the capital markets as we know it
will disappear. The stock markets will hit their first bump the coming 2 weeks and
will hit the second one around march 28 with the final one 23rd of May with a
rebound into June 18 ,after it will be a straight decline into September.
In summary the bond market is the finger to watch as the hit will be instantaneous
while gold will run."


"Energy is projected to peak in June with gold while the general markets are in
decline one month prior. The Nasdaq might have already topped out in the 4th week
of March. Cycles are giving the metals a strong uplift from the third week of
February. Copper will signal first with the general markets the highs."


Mahendra gets smoothly nervous - and already called to take all profits in
international markets last week - and to hold still 25% (if I got that right) of US
He expects a 3-5% correction starting somewhen within next 2 weeks.
Then more towards da moon - as he's bullish Indices for the next couple of years.

Now connect the dots.

4 more days until the Legatus meeting.


AGoldhamsterJanuary 28, 2013 at 6:00 AM

Sorry - around 8-9 days until Legatus meeting.


curiousmindJanuary 28, 2013 at 5:29 PM

Platy, if wave 4 is starting, when and where do you think it will take us before
the final wave 5 to new high? Thanks


platyJanuary 28, 2013 at 5:37 PM

Hi CM, I really should have been clearer in the post, sorry. This should be a wave
4 pull-back of the rally since 12/31, so it's just a minor correction I'm
expecting, maybe 15-20 points.


AnonymousJanuary 29, 2013 at 3:35 PM


I am a new user and really enjoy reading your blog. Also, I am interested in
learning more on Jay and Nate's work. I couldn't find more information in this blog
to understand above charts. Could some one please help me understand how to plot
planetary info on price charts.



platyJanuary 29, 2013 at 3:56 PM

Hi and thanks for your interest. Let's take Jupiter as an example. On May 21, 2013,
Jupiter will be at 26 Gemini. So Nate has gone backwards in time to look at the
previous dates when Jupiter was at this position, and these are marked in blue on
the first chart.


AnonymousJanuary 29, 2013 at 5:13 PM

Thanks for the quick response to explain Nate's work!!

I recently started looking into Gann/Cowan/L pesavento work on cycle analysis and
it looks very promising. But none of the authors talked about price projection
using planetary info. Have you or any of your readers tried to construct future
price charts based on planetary Longitude? such as weekly, Monthly, yearly high/low
for stocks/commodity indices. There is a section in Daniel Ferrera's books on how
to convert Longitude into price, but not sure this method would work in real world
investing. If you or any of your readers interested in talking about price project,
i would like to join the discussion.


platyJanuary 29, 2013 at 5:25 PM

I have only very limited knowledge on this subject but am also interested to learn

Please see this post:


AnonymousJanuary 29, 2013 at 5:41 PM

Thanks!! If i find any additional information on this subject, i will share with
you and your readers.


platyJanuary 29, 2013 at 6:18 PM

Thanks :)


AnonymousJanuary 30, 2013 at 1:16 AM


In reference to converting planetary positions to prices I recommend Patrick

Mikula's books, especially Gann's Scientific Methods Unveiled. Both volumes.
Excellent books.




AnonymousJanuary 30, 2013 at 6:37 AM

Interesting. Just downloaded his books.. Also, he has a web blog with articles. . Have you ever used the market warrior software
sold on his website?

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