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Pushdown Automata-PDA: Prof. (DR.) K.R. Chowdhary

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Pushdown Automata-PDA

Prof. (Dr.) K.R. Chowdhary


Formerly at department of Computer Science and Engineering

MBM Engineering College, Jodhpur

Saturday 25th February, 2017

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Introduction to Pushdown Automata (PDA)

A PDA consists: a infinite tape, a read head, set of states, and a start
state. The additional components from FA are: Pushdown stack, initial
symbol on stack, and stack alphabets (). PDA M = (Q, , , s, , Z0 ),
Q is finite set of states,
is finite set of terminal symbols (language alphabets),
s start state (q0 ),
is transition function: : Q ( { }) finite subset of
Q .
The transition function of a PDA is so defined, because a PDA may have
transitions without any input read.

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Introduction to PDA
The PDA has two types of storage; 1) infinite tape, just like the FA, 2)
pushdown stack, is read-write memory of arbitrary size, with the
restriction that it can be read or written at one end only.
Input tape

a a a b b b

Readhead Direction of Read head movment

pushdown stack


ID (Instantaneous Description) of a PDA is: ID : Q , start-id
{q0 } {Z0}, e.g., start ID may be (q0 , ax, Z ).

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PDA Transitions
(q, a, Z ) = finite subset of {(p1 , 1 ), (p2 , 2 ), . . . , (pm , m )}. Therefore,
(pi , i ) (q, a, z)), for 1 i m.
By default, a PDA is non-derministic machine. Due to this fact, a PDA
can manipulate the stack without any input from tape. Following are
some of the transitions in PDA:

Case - I: A PDA currently in symbol , moves to state qj

state qi , stack symbol A, with and write A on stack:
input , moves to state qi and (qi , , ) = (qj , A).
write on the stack:
(qi , , A) = (qi , ).
Case - II: A PDA currently in , A| , |A
state qi , with input, and
stack symbol , moves to qi qi
state qi , and writes A on Case-I Case II
stack: (qi , , ) = (qi , A).
Case - III: A PDA in state qi , qi
, |A
Case III
reads input , with stack

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Language recognition: an b n
A move of a PDA is defined as (q, ax, Z ) M (q , x, ), if
(q , ) (q, a, Z ). (In Z , Z is top symbol on stack)
Construct a PDA to recognize L = {an b n |n 0}.

Solution: The transition function, (q0 , aabb, Z0 ) (q0 , abb, AZ0 )

moves, and PDA are shown below. (q0 , bb, AAZ0 )
M = (Q, , , s, F , , Z0 ) (q1 , b, AZ0 )
= {a, b} (q2 , , Z0 ),
Q = {q0 , q1 , q2 }, F = {q2 } the PDA halts and accepts.
(q0 , , ) = (q2 , )
(q0 , a, ) = (q0 , A)
a, |A b, A|
(q0 , b, A) = (q1 , ) b, A|
q0 q1
(q1 , b, A) = (q1 , )
, | q2 , |
(q1 , , ) = (q2 , ) ;accept
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Language Recognition: wcw R

Construct a PDA to recognize L = {wcw R |w {a, b}}.

Solution: Transition function, (q0 , c, ) = (q1 , )

moves, and PDA:
(q1 , , Z0 ) = (q2 , Z0 ) ;accept
M = (Q, , , s, F , , Z0 )
= {a, b, c}, d {a, b}, (q0 , aabcbaa, Z0 )
(q2 , , Z0 )
Q = {q0 , q1 , q2 }, F = {q2 },
= {a, b, Z0 }
1. (q0 , c, Z0 ) = (q2 , Z0 ) ; accept d, |d d, d|
with w = w R =
q0 , | q1
, / q2
2. (q0 , d, Z0 ) = (q0 , dZ0 )
(q0 , d, ) = (q0 , d )
c, /
(q1 , d, d) = (q1 , )

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PDA moves

PDA moves
1. (q, x, ) (q , , ) (q, xy , ) (q , y , )
2. (q, xy , ) (q , y , ) (q, xy , ) (q , y , )
The case 1., above is obvious, however, the case 2., is not
guaranteed due to the trace of computation shown below.

b b

b b




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