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EPR Spectroscopy-App in Chemistry & Biology (Topics in Current Chemistry v.321) - M.drescher & G.jeschke

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The document provides an overview of topics covered in recent and forthcoming volumes of the journal Topics in Current Chemistry.

The document covers topics in chemistry, biology, materials science, and physics based on the volume titles and editors mentioned.

Some of the volume editors and titles mentioned include EPR Spectroscopy: Applications in Chemistry and Biology (Editors: Malte Drescher, Gunnar Jeschke) and Radicals in Synthesis III (Editors: Markus R. Heinrich, Andreas Gansa?uer).


Topics in Current Chemistry

Editorial Board:
K.N. Houk C.A. Hunter M.J. Krische J.-M. Lehn
l l l

S.V. Ley M. Olivucci J. Thiem M. Venturi P. Vogel

l l l l

C.-H. Wong H. Wong H. Yamamoto

l l
Topics in Current Chemistry
Recently Published and Forthcoming Volumes

EPR Spectroscopy: Applications Unimolecular and Supramolecular

in Chemistry and Biology Electronics II
Volume Editors: Malte Drescher, Volume Editor: Robert M. Metzger
Gunnar Jeschke Vol. 313, 2012
Vol. 321, 2012
Unimolecular and Supramolecular
Electronics I
Radicals in Synthesis III
Volume Editors: Markus R. Heinrich, Volume Editor: Robert M. Metzger
Andreas Gansauer Vol. 312, 2012
Vol. 320, 2012 Bismuth-Mediated Organic Reactions
Volume Editor: Thierry Ollevier
Chemistry of Nanocontainers Vol. 311, 2012
Volume Editors: Markus Albrecht,
F. Ekkehardt Hahn Peptide-Based Materials
Vol. 319, 2012 Volume Editor: Timothy Deming
Vol. 310, 2012
Liquid Crystals: Materials Design Alkaloid Synthesis
and Self-Assembly Volume Editor: Hans-Joachim Knolker
Volume Editor: Carsten Tschierske Vol. 309, 2012
Vol. 318, 2012
Fluorous Chemistry
Fragment-Based Drug Discovery and X-Ray Volume Editor: Istvan T. Horvath
Crystallography Vol. 308, 2012
Volume Editors: Thomas G. Davies,
Multiscale Molecular Methods in Applied
Marko Hyvonen
Vol. 317, 2012
Volume Editors: Barbara Kirchner, Jadran Vrabec
Vol. 307, 2012
Novel Sampling Approaches in Higher
Dimensional NMR Solid State NMR
Volume Editors: Martin Billeter, Volume Editor: Jerry C. C. Chan
Vladislav Orekhov Vol. 306, 2012
Vol. 316, 2012
Prion Proteins
Advanced X-Ray Crystallography Volume Editor: Jorg Tatzelt
Volume Editor: Kari Rissanen Vol. 305, 2011
Vol. 315, 2012 Microfluidics: Technologies and Applications
Volume Editor: Bingcheng Lin
Pyrethroids: From Chrysanthemum Vol. 304, 2011
to Modern Industrial Insecticide
Volume Editors: Noritada Matsuo, Photocatalysis
Tatsuya Mori Volume Editor: Carlo Alberto Bignozzi
Vol. 314, 2012 Vol. 303, 2011
EPR Spectroscopy
Applications in Chemistry and Biology

Volume Editors: Malte Drescher  Gunnar Jeschke

With Contributions by

E. Bordignon  M. Drescher  B. Endeward  D. Hinderberger 

I. Krstic  D. Margraf  A. Marko  D.M. Murphy  T.F. Prisner 
E. Schleicher  S. Van Doorslaer  J. van Slageren  S. Weber
Dr. Malte Drescher Dr. Gunnar Jeschke
Department of Chemistry Laboratory of Physical Chemistry
University of Konstanz ETH Zurich
Konstanz Zurich
Germany Switzerland

ISSN 0340-1022 e-ISSN 1436-5049

ISBN 978-3-642-28346-8 e-ISBN 978-3-642-28347-5
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-28347-5
Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York
Library of Congress Control Number: 2012932055

# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012

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Volume Editors
Dr. Malte Drescher Dr. Gunnar Jeschke
Department of Chemistry Laboratory of Physical Chemistry
University of Konstanz ETH Zurich
Konstanz Zurich
Germany Switzerland

Editorial Board
Prof. Dr. Kendall N. Houk Prof. Dr. Steven V. Ley
University of California University Chemical Laboratory
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Lensfield Road
405 Hilgard Avenue Cambridge CB2 1EW
Los Angeles, CA 90024-1589, USA Great Britain

Prof. Dr. Christopher A. Hunter Prof. Dr. Massimo Olivucci

Department of Chemistry Universita di Siena
University of Sheffield Dipartimento di Chimica
Sheffield S3 7HF, United Kingdom Via A De Gasperi 2 53100 Siena, Italy
Prof. Michael J. Krische Prof. Dr. Joachim Thiem
University of Texas at Austin
Institut fur Organische Chemie
Chemistry & Biochemistry Department
Universitat Hamburg
1 University Station A5300
Martin-Luther-King-Platz 6
Austin TX, 78712-0165, USA
20146 Hamburg, Germany

Prof. Dr. Jean-Marie Lehn Prof. Dr. Margherita Venturi

ISIS Dipartimento di Chimica
8, allee Gaspard Monge Universita di Bologna
BP 70028 via Selmi 2
67083 Strasbourg Cedex, France 40126 Bologna, Italy
vi Editorial Board

Prof. Dr. Pierre Vogel Prof. Dr. Henry Wong

Laboratory of Glycochemistry The Chinese University of Hong Kong
and Asymmetric Synthesis University Science Centre
EPFL Ecole polytechnique federale Department of Chemistry
de Lausanne Shatin, New Territories
BCH 5307 (Bat.BCH)
1015 Lausanne, Switzerland Prof. Dr. Hisashi Yamamoto
Arthur Holly Compton Distinguished
Prof. Dr. Chi-Huey Wong Professor
Department of Chemistry
Professor of Chemistry, Scripps Research The University of Chicago
Institute 5735 South Ellis Avenue
President of Academia Sinica Chicago, IL 60637
Academia Sinica 773-702-5059
128 Academia Road USA
Section 2, Nankang
Taipei 115
Topics in Current Chemistry
Also Available Electronically

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Aims and Scope
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Aims and Scope

The series Topics in Current Chemistry presents critical reviews of the present and
future trends in modern chemical research. The scope includes all areas of chemical
science, including the interfaces with related disciplines such as biology, medicine,
and materials science.
The objective of each thematic volume is to give the non-specialist reader, whether
at the university or in industry, a comprehensive overview of an area where new
insights of interest to a larger scientific audience are emerging.

viii Topics in Current Chemistry Also Available Electronically

Thus each review within the volume critically surveys one aspect of that topic
and places it within the context of the volume as a whole. The most significant
developments of the last 510 years are presented, using selected examples to illus-
trate the principles discussed. A description of the laboratory procedures involved
is often useful to the reader. The coverage is not exhaustive in data, but rather
conceptual, concentrating on the methodological thinking that will allow the non-
specialist reader to understand the information presented.
Discussion of possible future research directions in the area is welcome.
Review articles for the individual volumes are invited by the volume editors.
In references Topics in Current Chemistry is abbreviated Top Curr Chem and is
cited as a journal.
Impact Factor 2010: 2.067; Section Chemistry, Multidisciplinary: Rank 44 of 144

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy [1-3] is the most selective,

best resolved, and a highly sensitive spectroscopy for the characterization of
species that contain unpaired electrons. After the first experiments by Zavoisky in
1944 [4] mainly continuous-wave (CW) techniques in the X-band frequency range
(9-10 GHz) were developed and applied to organic free radicals, transition metal
complexes, and rare earth ions. Many of these applications were related to reaction
mechanisms and catalysis, as species with unpaired electrons are inherently unsta-
ble and thus reactive. This period culminated in the 1970s, when CW EPR had
become a routine technique in these fields. The best resolution for the hyperfine
couplings between the unaired electron and nuclei in the vicinity was obtained with
CW electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) techniques [5].
Starting in the 1960s, stable free radicals of the nitroxide type were developed as
spin probes that could be admixed to amorphous or weakly ordered materials and as
spin labels that could be covalently attached to macromolecules at sites of interest
[6,7]. In parallel, theory was developed for analyzing linewidths and lineshapes in
CW EPR spectra in terms of molecular dynamics [8-10]. At about the same time a
few select groups in the Soviet Union and the USA worked on pulse experiments,
using spin echo phenomena to measure electron spin relaxation [11], to detect
hyperfine couplings by electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) techni-
ques [12], to acquire ENDOR spectra in a broader temperature range than with CW
methods [13], and to measure distances between electron spins [14]. These devel-
opments were pursued by physicists, were heavily focused on methodology, and
were hardly recognized by mainstream chemists even by the end of the 1980s when
the groundwork was all done. As a result, EPR spectroscopy acquired the reputation
of an old-fashioned, somewhat obscure technique applicable to only a small range
of compounds. Many chemistry departments considered it as dispensable.
Several developments in the 1990s prepared the stage for the renaissance of EPR
spectroscopy that we now experience. Concepts of pulse NMR were introduced into
pulse EPR [15,16], which lead to a zoo of new experiments for the separation of
different interactions of the electron spin with its environment [3]. After an

x Preface

induction period a new generation of EPR spectroscopists started using these

techniques in the established application fields of transition metal catalysis and
metalloenzymes. Within the same decade the application field in structural biology
was extended tremendously by the introduction of site-directed spin labeling [17],
which made diamagnetic proteins accessible to EPR spectroscopy, among them
many that were difficult to study by x-ray crystallography or NMR spectroscopy.
The third major development of the 1990s was the systematic combination of
EPR measurements at multiple frequencies (multi-frequency EPR) to study more
complex problems, and, in particular, the extension to higher fields and frequencies,
made possible by new microwave technology and by the superconducting magnet
technology developed for NMR spectroscopy [18,19].
This volume of Topics in Current Chemistry is devoted to the consequences that
these three parallel developments have had on the application field of EPR spec-
troscopy. It is no exaggeration to state that the major part of the systems studied
nowadays by EPR spectroscopy was inaccessible two decades ago and that for the
remaining systems information can be obtained, which was inaccessible at that
time. The scope of EPR spectroscopy arising from this combination has been hardly
realized even by the most advanced practitioners.
This volume starts with three chapters that illustrate the wealth of information
which can now be obtained in some of the traditional application fields of EPR
spectroscopy. Chapter 1 by S. Van Doorslaer and D. Murphy is an in-depth review
on work in catalysis focusing on the mechanistic information that can be obtained
from EPR spectra. Work on radical enzymes is exemplified in Chapter 2 by
S. Weber and E. Schleicher on the example of flavoproteins which play a role in
both chemically and light-activated electron transfer processes. Chapter 3 on
synthetic polymers by D. Hinderberger argues that careful analysis of mundane
nitroxide spin label or spin probe CW EPR spectra can reveal a lot of information
which is hard to obtain by any other characterization technique.
The following three chapters explore the opportunities provided by site-directed
spin labeling of diamagnetic biomacromolecules. Intrinsically disordered proteins
are one class of such biomacromolecules that is hard to characterize by established
techniques. Chapter 4 by M. Drescher discusses how EPR spectroscopy can con-
tribute to better understanding of these proteins. The main application of site-
directed spin labeling techniques is on membrane proteins, which are more difficult
to study by crystallography and high-resolution NMR spectroscopy than soluble
proteins. EPR on membrane proteins is treated in Chapter 5 by E. Bordignon, with
an emphasis on the nuts and bolts of the approach. During the past few years
application of spin label EPR to nucleic acids has emerged, and Chapter 6 by
I. Krstic, B. Endeward, D. Margraf, A. Marko, and T. Prisner provides a compre-
hensive overview of both spin labeling and EPR techniques applied in this field and
on the information that can be obtained.
Finally, an emerging application field is discussed. The application to molecular
magnets is a result of parallel development of new approaches in inorganic chem-
istry and new high-field and high-frequency EPR technologies. In Chapter 7 J. van
Slageren discusses the newly emerging technologies of frequency-domain
Preface xi

magnetic resonance and Terahertz spectroscopy and the importance of relaxation

studies in the field of molecular nanomagnetism.
Due to space limitations only a selected range of systems can be covered. Recent
good reviews exist about EPR spectroscopic studies on photosynthesis [20-22] and
metalloproteins [23-26]. Strongly physics-related application fields, such as quan-
tum computing [27], electrically detected [28] and optically [29] detected EPR
spectroscopy of dopants and defects in solids are left out. Furthermore, this volume
does not cover technical issues that are mainly of interest to method developers
rather than chemists. Pulse EPR spectroscopy [3], high-field EPR spectroscopy
[19], and quantum chemical computation of EPR parameters [30] were all subject
of monographs. Note also that EPR distance measurements between spin labels in
biological systems are covered by two forthcoming volumes of the series Structure
and Bonding that are edited by C. Timmel and J. Harmer.

M. Drescher
G. Jeschke


1. J. A. Weil, J. R. Bolton, J. E. Wertz, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, Wiley, New York

2. N. M. Atherton, Principles of Electron Spin Resonance, Ellis Horwood, New York (1993)
3. A. Schweiger, G. Jeschke, Principles of Pulse Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 2001.
4. E. Zavoisky, J. Phys. USSR 1945, 9, 211-216.
5. H. Kurreck, B. Kirste, W. Lubitz, Electron Nuclear Double Resonance Spectroscopy of
Radicals in Solution, VCH Publishers, New York (1988)
6. A. K. Hoffmann, A. T. Henderson, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1961, 83, 4671-4672.
7. O. H. Griffith, A. S. Waggoner, Chem. Rev. 1969, 2, 17-24.
8. D. Kivelson, J. Chem. Phys. 1960, 33, 1094-1106.
9. J. H. Freed, G. K. Fraenkel, J. Chem. Phys. 1963, 39, 326-348.
10. J. H. Freed, G. V. Bruno, C. F. Polnaszek, J. Phys. Chem. 1973, 75, 33853399.
11. A. M. Raitsimring, K. M. Salikhov, B. A. Umanskii, Y. D. Tsvetkov, Fiz. Tverd. Tela 1974,
16, 756-766.
12. W. B. Mims, Phys. Rev. B 1972, 5, 2409-2419.
13. W. B. Mims., Proc. Roy. Soc. London A, 1965, 283, 452-457.
14. A. D. Milov. K. M. Salikhov, M. D. Shirov, Fiz. Tverd. Tela 1981, 23, 975-982.
15. P. Hofer, A. Grupp, H. Nebenfuhr, M.Mehring, Chem. Phys. Lett. 1986, 132, 279-282.
16. J. M. Fauth, A. Schweiger, L. Braunschweiler, J. Forrer, R. R. Ernst, J. Magn. Reson. 1986,
66, 74-85.
17. W. L. Hubbell, D. S. Cafiso, C. Altenbach, Nat. Struct. Biol. 2000, 7, 735-739.
18. A. K. Hassan, L. A. Pardi, J. Krzystek , A. Sienkiewicz, P. Goy, M. Rohrer, L. C. Brunel,
J. Magn. Reson. 2000, 142, 300-312.
19. K. Mobius, A. Savitsky, High-Field EPR Spectroscopy on Proteins and their Model Systems:
Characterization of Transient Paramagnetic States, RSC Publishing, Cambridge, 2008.
20. A. Savitsky, K. Mobius, Photosynth. Res. 2009, 102, 311-333.
21. A. van der Est, Photosynth. Res. 2009, 102, 335-347.
xii Preface

22. G. Kothe, M. C. Thurnauer, Photosynth. Res. 2009, 102, 349-365.

23. M. E. Pandelia, H. Ogata, W. Lubitz, ChemPhysChem 2010, 11, 1127-1140.
24. B. M. Hoffman, D. R. Dean, L. C. Seefeldt, Acc. Chem. Res. 2009, 42, 609-619.
25. R. Davydov, B. M. Hoffman, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 2011, 507, 36-43.
26. J. Harmer, G. Mitrikas, A. Schweiger Biol. Magn. Reson. 2009, 28(1), 13-61.
27. M. Mehring, J. Mende, W. Scherer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2003, 90, 153001.
28. A. R. Stegner, C. Boehme, H. Huebl, M. Stutzmann, K. Lips, M. S. Brandt, Nature Physics
2006, 2, 835-838.
29. L. Childress, M. V. G. Dutt, J. M. Taylor, A. S. Zibrov, F. Jelezko, J. Wrachtrup, P. R.
Hemmer, M. D. Lukin, Science 2006, 314, 281-285.
30. M. Kaupp, M. Buhl, V. G. Malkin, Calculation of NMR and EPR Parameters. Theory and
Applications, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2004.

EPR Spectroscopy in Catalysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Sabine Van Doorslaer and Damien M. Murphy

Radicals in Flavoproteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Erik Schleicher and Stefan Weber

EPR Spectroscopy in Polymer Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Dariush Hinderberger

EPR in Protein Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

Malte Drescher

Site-Directed Spin Labeling of Membrane Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

Enrica Bordignon

Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159

Ivan Krstic, Burkhard Endeward, Dominik Margraf,
Andriy Marko, and Thomas F. Prisner

New Directions in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

on Molecular Nanomagnets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
J. van Slageren

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235

Top Curr Chem (2012) 321: 140
DOI: 10.1007/128_2011_237
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
Published online: 17 September 2011

EPR Spectroscopy in Catalysis

Sabine Van Doorslaer and Damien M. Murphy

Abstract The modern chemical industry relies heavily on homogeneous and hetero-
geneous catalysts. Understanding the operational mode, or reactivity, of these catalysts
is crucial for improved developments and enhanced performance. As a result,
various spectroscopic techniques are inevitably used to characterize and interrogate
the mechanistic details of the catalytic cycle. Where paramagnetic centres are involved,
ranging from transition metal ions to defects and radicals, EPR spectroscopy is without
doubt the technique of choice. In this review we will demonstrate the wealth and breadth
of information that can be gleaned from this technique, in the characterization of
homogenous and heterogeneous systems of catalytic importance, whilst illustrating
the advantages that modern high-field and pulsed EPR methodologies can offer.

Keywords EPR  Heterogeneous catalysis  Homogeneous catalysis

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1 The Importance of Catalysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Mechanistic Understanding of Catalysis: The Role
of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Scope of the Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 Origins of Selectivity in Asymmetric Homogeneous Catalysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1 Non-Covalent Interactions in Asymmetric Complexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2 Chiral Amine Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 Chiral Recognition and the Role of the Outer-Sphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3 Active Catalytic Oxygen Species: Model Bio-Mimetic Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

S. Van Doorslaer (*)

SIBAC Laboratory Department of Physics, University of Antwerp, Universiteitsplein 1, 2610
Wilrijk, Belgium
D.M. Murphy
School of Chemistry, Cardiff University, Main Building, Park Place, Cardiff CF10 3AT UK
2 S. Van Doorslaer and D.M. Murphy

4 Ligand- Versus Metal-Centred Redox Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

5 Mechanistic Insights into Ethylene Polymerization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
6 Catalytic Activations and Transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
6.1 Selective Oxidation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
6.2 CH Bond Activation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
6.3 DielsAlder Transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
7 Nanoporous Catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
7.1 Microporous Zeotype Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
7.2 Mesoporous Siliceous Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
7.3 Plugged Hexagonal Template Silica: Combined
Zeolite-Mesoporous Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
7.4 Porous Titania for Photo-Catalytic Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
7.5 Metal-Organic Framework Compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
8 Conclusions and Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

1 Introduction

1.1 The Importance of Catalysis

Catalysis is an extremely important branch of science, which is vital in our modern

society. It is estimated that about 90% of all processed chemical compounds have,
at some stage of their production, involved the use of a catalyst. In general, catalytic
reactions are more energy efficient and, at least in the case of highly selective
reactions, lead to reduced waste and undesirable compounds, which is an important
consideration with dwindling global reserves of raw materials [1]. Many of the
catalysts used in the modern chemical industry are well established, particularly
those utilized in bulk chemical production and energy processing. Because catalysts
are so firmly embedded and established within the chemical industry, one could
imagine that the research and development into new catalysts would present limited
opportunities for industrial and academic research. However, nothing could be
further from the truth. In the past 10 years alone the Nobel Prize in chemistry has
recognized the outstanding achievement of nine scientists whose work has a strong
bias in homogeneous catalysis: 2010 (R.F. Heck, E. Negishi and A. Suzuki) for
palladium-catalysed cross couplings in organic synthesis1; 2005 (Y. Chauvin, R.H.
Grubbs and R.R. Schrock) for the development of the metathesis method in organic
synthesis2; 2001 (W.S. Knowles, R. Noyori and K.B. Sharpless) for chirally
catalysed hydrogenation and oxidation reactions3. Their combined work has
revolutionized the field of fine chemical synthesis and chiral feedstock production
using well defined and discrete homogeneous organometallic catalysts. Classic

EPR Spectroscopy in Catalysis 3

examples of this work include olefin methathesis using ruthenium carbene catalysts
(Gubbs catalyst) [2], the Heck reaction using palladium-based catalysts [3] and the
enantioselective preparation of 2,3-epoxyalcohols from primary and secondary
allylic alcohols using a Ti tartrate catalyst [46].

1.2 Mechanistic Understanding of Catalysis: The Role

of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance

Despite the phenomenal success of these homogeneous catalysts, further

developments of new asymmetric catalysts, bio-catalysts and heterogeneous
catalysts will benefit from a greater understanding of the mechanistic pathways
involved in the catalytic reactions [7]. A good illustration of this process is the
hydrolytic kinetic resolution of racemic epoxides using a Co-based Salen catalyst
[8]. Detailed kinetic measurements of the catalytic reaction revealed, rather unex-
pectedly, that the mechanism was second order with respect to the catalyst [9]. This
mechanistic insight served as the inspiration for the further development of cyclic
oligomeric salen complexes, which displayed dramatically enhanced reactivities
and higher enantioselectivities relative to the monomeric counterparts [8, 10].
Undoubtedly a greater understanding of the mechanism can lead to enhanced
performance, even with well established catalytic systems.
In most cases, paramagnetic metal centres or reaction intermediates are involved
in many catalytic cycles. For example, organometallic catalysts based on Ti, Mn,
Cr, Fe, Co, Cu or Ru frequently undergo redox changes during the reaction whilst
heterogeneous catalysts may involve a defect site or transient species [1], so that in
principle Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, a technique
targeted at unravelling structure and dynamics information of paramagnetic
compounds, becomes an important tool in their characterization. Indeed, EPR has
been used for a number of years in the analysis of heterogeneous catalysts [particu-
larly at conventional microwave frequencies (9.5/35 GHz) and in the continuous-
wave (CW) mode], and this area of research has been reviewed several times over
the years [1115] and more recently from the perspective of in situ methodologies
[1618]. Surprisingly, the EPR technique has not been exhaustively or widely used
to examine homogeneous catalysts [19, 20]. Considering that most homogeneous
catalysts are based on paramagnetic transition metal complexes and organometallic
systems, this absence is unusual. In the last 10 years, with the advent of higher
microwave frequency capabilities [2124], high-frequency/field (HF) EPR has
begun to be applied in the realm of high-spin states in catalysis, notably in recent
work by Telser and co-workers [25, 26] and Gatteschi and co-worker [27]. The
large zero-field splitting (zfs) in some of these transition metal ions precluded their
analysis in the past by lower microwave frequency spectrometers so that they were
largely ignored or inaccessible until the advent of HF EPR.
But the modern EPR arsenal of techniques entails far more than just CW EPR
alone; the plethora of old and new hyperfine methodologies, such as Electron
4 S. Van Doorslaer and D.M. Murphy

Nuclear Double Resonance (ENDOR), Electron Spin Echo Envelope Modulation

(ESEEM) and HYperfine Sublevel CORrElation (HYSCORE), and the methods
targeted at extracting inter-spin distance information, like Pulsed ELectron-electron
DOuble Resonance (PELDOR) or Double Electron Electron Resonance (DEER),
have all reinvigorated the field [28]. Most of these methodologies were rapidly
adapted by many research groups to the study of the fields of macromolecular
assemblies, enzymes and proteins (effectively natures more advanced and elegant
equivalent of the man-made asymmetric homogeneous catalysts) [2936]. The
success of these combined techniques in characterizing the biomolecular world
should inspire the same approach to characterize the numerous classes of homoge-
neous catalysts. Homogeneous catalysis is not just about electronic structure and
high-spin to low-spin transitions as probed by field-swept EPR techniques, such as
CW EPR; its also about changes to the ligand environment during the reaction, as
potentially probed by these above-mentioned hyperfine techniques.

1.3 Scope of the Review

The aim of this review is therefore to provide a selective, rather than exhaustive,
review of the literature over the past 10 years, primarily in the field of EPR applied
to studies in catalysis. From an EPR perspective, the emphasis will be placed on the
role of advanced EPR techniques to study the structure and reactivity of homoge-
neous and heterogeneous catalysts. We will begin with a case study based on our
recent work, demonstrating the role for weak outer-sphere forces in controlling
asymmetric interactions. Next we will review recent developments in the prepara-
tion of model complexes with reactive active oxygen species, used as model
systems for biocatalysts. Recent evidence has also shown how non-innocent
organic ligands play an important role in modulating the redox properties of
organometallic complexes, and how EPR is used to study these ligand-based
radicals. We will then present some recent representative examples of more tradi-
tional areas of homogeneous catalysis where EPR has played an important charac-
terization role, such as polymerization, selective oxidations, CH activation and
DielsAlder reactions. Finally, we will turn our attention to a number of heteroge-
neous systems, specifically focusing on porous catalytic materials.

2 Origins of Selectivity in Asymmetric Homogeneous Catalysis

2.1 Non-Covalent Interactions in Asymmetric Complexes

There are two fundamental processes of key importance in asymmetric homoge-

neous catalysis: first the stabilization of the transition state and second the
efficiency of chiral information transfer between substrate and ligand [7].
EPR Spectroscopy in Catalysis 5

The identification and investigation of both processes by spectroscopic techniques

is not straightforward. In the latter case, the investigation requires the detection of
weak inner- and outer-sphere substrate-ligand interactions, which are difficult to
interrogate by most spectroscopic techniques as the perturbation to the metal centre
can be quite small. These interactions can, however, be investigated by EPR
techniques. By probing these key structure-reactivity relationships, one can build
an accurate model for enantiomer discrimination and ultimately provide a funda-
mental basis for improvement in the operation of enantioselective catalysts.
Chromium and manganese complexes of ligand (1) (Fig. 1) have been shown
to be highly effective catalysts for the epoxidation of alkenes [37, 38]. The cobalt
derivative of (1) is also highly effective for the hydrolytic kinetic resolution of
terminal epoxides [39]. Because chiral epoxides are formed or hydrolysed,
respectively, in these two types of reactions at the metal complexes, we sought
to investigate the nature of how chiral recognition occurs in the first place
between the epoxide substrate and the asymmetric complex. Owing to the general
reactivity of the Cr, Mn and Co ions towards epoxides, we utilised a less reactive

H Ha
Hexo Hendo

[VO(1)] [VO(2)]

Hexo Hendo


Hexo Hendo
Hexo Hendo

[Cu(1)] [Cu(4)]

Fig. 1 Structures of complexes (1)(4)

6 S. Van Doorslaer and D.M. Murphy

Lewis acid centre ([VO(1)]) simply to focus on the role of outer sphere
interactions in the chiral transfer step (in the absence of unwanted ring opening
reactions). Using CW-ENDOR spectroscopy, we observed the enantiomeric dis-
crimination of chiral epoxides (specifically propylene oxide, C3H6O) by a chiral
vanadyl salen-type complex [VO(1)] [40]. CW-EPR and 1H-ENDOR spectra of
R,R0 -[VO(1)] and S,S0 -[VO(1)] were systematically recorded in R-/S-propylene
oxide. Whilst the EPR spectra of all enantiomeric combinations were virtually
identical, the 1H-ENDOR spectra were characteristically different; the
heterochiral pairwise combinations of R,R-[VO(1)]+R-C3H6O and R,R-[VO(1)]
+S-C3H6O yielded slightly different 1H-ENDOR spectra, which was attributed to
the presence of diastereomeric pairs [40]. This result showed for the first time
how the subtle structural differences between the diastereomeric adducts in frozen
solution could be detected by ENDOR [40]. Importantly, when racemic-[VO(1)]
was dissolved in racemic-propylene oxide, the resulting 1H-ENDOR
spectrum was found to be identical to the spectrum of the homochiral enantio-
meric pair R,R0 -[VO(2)]+R-C3H6O. This result represented clear proof for the
preferential binding of R-C3H6O by R,R0 -[VO(1)] (and likewise of S-C3H6O by
Although CW-ENDOR revealed the presence of the diastereomeric adducts, it
did not provide any evidence of how the adducts are actually formed and stabilised.
Therefore we prepared two derivatives of ligand (1), [VO(2)] and [VO(3)] (Fig. 1),
and studied their interactions with simple epoxides [4144]. CW ENDOR was
used to identify the role of H-bonds responsible for the stabilisation of the
[VO(1)]+cis-2,3-epoxybutane adduct [41]. By comparison, no evidence for binding
of the trans-2,3-epoxybutane isomer was found. In combination with DFT, a series
of weak H-bonds, formed between the vanadyl complex and the epoxide substrate
were identified. Notably, an H-bond was observed between the epoxide oxygen
atom, Oep, and one of the methine protons (Hexo) of the cyclohexyl group in
[VO(1)]. Two additional H-bonds were also found to exist between the vicinal
epoxide protons and each of the two phenoxide O atoms of the salen ligand.
Crucially these combined H-bonds were proposed to facilitate the overall orienta-
tion of the more symmetrical cis-epoxide between the metal centre and the chiral
salen backbone [41]. The role of these H-bonds in orientating the substrate was
furthermore confirmed using the phenylene derivative [VO(2)] [42]. In the absence
of the key Hexo proton in [VO(2)] (Fig. 1), the H-bonding between the epoxide
and the complex was weakened [42], as evidenced not only by ENDOR but also
by CW EPR.
Other weak outer-sphere forces, such as electrostatic interactions [43] and
steric contributions [44], between the substrate and the VO-complexes [VO(1)]
and [VO(3)] were also shown to contribute to the mode of chiral binding in the
asymmetric adducts. In the specific case of [VO(3)], removal of the bulky inner
tert-butyl groups from the 3,30 positions was not found to moderate the electronic
properties of the VO centre (revealed via EPR) or its interactions with the
surrounding ligand 14N nuclei (revealed via HYSCORE), but was found to
reverse the stereoselectivity of epoxide binding [44]. Whilst homochiral
EPR Spectroscopy in Catalysis 7

enantiomeric adducts were preferentially formed in [VO(1)]+propylene oxide,

EPR unambiguously proved that the opposite heterochiral enantiomeric adducts
were formed in [VO(3)]+propylene oxide [44].

2.2 Chiral Amine Recognition

Observation of the stereoselective manner of chiral substrates binding to these

asymmetric metal-salen complexes was not confined to [VO(1,3)] or chiral
epoxides. Recently we showed how asymmetric copper salen complexes, [Cu(1)]
and [Cu(4)] (Fig. 1), could also discriminate between chiral amines (R-/S-
methylbenzylamine, MBA) as evidenced by multi-frequency CW and pulsed
EPR, ENDOR, HYSCORE and DFT [45]. The discrimination of the MBA
enantiomers was directly observed by W-band EPR. By simulating the W-band
EPR spectra of the individual diastereomeric adduct pairs (i.e. R,R0 -[Cu(4)]+R-
MBA and R,R0 -[Cu(4)]+S-MBA), accurate spin-Hamiltonian parameters could
be extracted for each adduct. The EPR spectrum of the racemic combinations (i.e.
rac-[Cu(4)]+rac-MBA) was then simulated using a linear combination of the g/A
parameters for the homochiral (R,R0 -[Cu(4)]+R-MBA) and heterochiral (R,R0 -[Cu
(4)]+S-MBA) adducts. An analogous series of measurements was performed for the
[Cu(1)] complex. This revealed an 86:14 preference for the heterochiral adducts
(RR-S and SS-R) compared to the homochiral adducts (RR-R and SS-S) in [Cu(1)],
diminishing to 57:43 in favour of the heterochiral adducts in [Cu(4)] [45].
DFT also sheds light on the origins of this selectivity. The computational results
revealed that the bulky phenyl ring of MBA destabilises the formation of any
adduct whereby the MBA-phenyl ring is placed over the tert-butyl groups at
positions 3,30 and 5,50 of the complex (Fig. 1). Instead, the steric hindrance between
the complex and MBA is minimised when the MBA-phenyl ring is positioned
over the phenyl rings of the [Cu(1)] complex. Two stabilisation sites could be
identified in the homochiral adduct R,R0 -[Cu(1)]+R-MBA with one structure
slightly preferred by 2 kJ mol1, due to the small unfavourable steric interactions
between the MBA-phenyl ring and the ligand cyclohexyl ring that occurred in the
other structure. However, the most stable site was found for the heterochiral adduct
R,R0 -[Cu(1)]+S-MBA, in agreement with the experiments. This site was found to be
slightly preferred by 5 kJ mol1 compared to the homochiral adduct sites. In this
heterochiral case, the a-proton of S-MBA was found to point away from the ligand
methine proton; the reverse situation occurred in the homochiral adducts.

2.3 Chiral Recognition and the Role of the Outer-Sphere

Homogeneous asymmetric catalysts often deliver enantiomeric excesses (e.e.s) of

greater than 99%. The structural features of the ligand are clearly important to
8 S. Van Doorslaer and D.M. Murphy

achieve these high e.e.s, since the ligand not only stabilises the transition metal ion
and associated transition state, but also modulates the trajectory of the incoming
chiral substrate. Bulky framework substituents (such as tert-butyl groups) are
known to prevent stabilisation of transition states, since these have similar energies
for the two diastereomers. This is particularly true in chiral metal-salen complexes,
whereby the efficiency of the catalyst depends on the nature of the bulky
substituents at the 3,30 and 5,50 positions and regulates the orientation of the
incoming substrates, creating a high diastereofacial preference.
It is clear from the work summarised above [4045] that diastereomeric discrim-
ination of chiral substrates occurs in asymmetric complexes. On the one hand in [Cu
(1)], W-band EPR revealed a strong preference for the heterochiral adducts of [Cu
(1)] compared to the homochiral adducts [45]. On the other hand, X-band ENDOR
revealed an exclusive preference for the homochiral adducts of [VO(1)] with chiral
propylene oxide [40, 43]. The origin of these selectivities was shown to arise from a
combination of weak outer sphere interactions including H-bonding [40, 41],
electrostatic influences of the substrate [43] and the subtle steric perturbations of
key functional groups on the asymmetric ligand [45]. Whilst the bulky tert-butyl
groups may affect the stability of the transition states during the reaction, these
groups undoubtedly also affect the stereo-discrimination of chiral substrates. It is
important to note that, whilst the presence of such diastereomeric adducts are often
presumed as mechanistic intermediates, they are rarely observed directly in cases of
weak complexsubstrate interactions. The results reported here therefore demon-
strate the useful role of EPR techniques in probing such diastereomeric adducts,
which may be of direct relevance to studies in homogeneous asymmetric catalysis.

3 Active Catalytic Oxygen Species: Model Bio-Mimetic Systems

Nature has evolved iron enzymes, like non-heme iron oxygenases, capable of
carrying out hydrocarbon oxidations with high degrees of selectivity under mild
conditions [4650]. Significant efforts have therefore been made recently to repro-
duce these reactions for fine chemical production by synthesis of low molecular
weight (homogeneous) analogues. A particularly active field of research is the
preparation of artificial metalloenzymes for enantioselective catalysis [36, 51]. In
the specific case of Fe-based systems, one key part of this effort is to determine the
reactivity of non-heme iron-(hydro)peroxo species in oxidation reactions [52] and
thus to understand and mimic the key structural and functional properties of the
natural enzymes. Paramount to these investigations is the availability of synthetic
analogues that can react with molecular oxygen (O2) and its reduced forms (O2
and H2O2). A number of groups have synthesised metal complexes that mimic the
iron site in superoxide reductase (SOR) and thus developed bio-inspired iron-based
oxidation catalysts [53, 54]. The ferrous site in SOR is based on one cysteine and
four histidine ligands bound to the iron centre in 5-coordinate, square pyramidal
geometry. The mechanism of O2 reduction is not well known, but participation of
EPR Spectroscopy in Catalysis 9

a (hydro)peroxo-ironIII intermediate [FeIII-OO(H)] is considered likely [5557].

Identification of such an intermediate is not, however, straightforward.
Jiang et al. [58] therefore prepared the [FeII([15]aneN4)(SC6H4-p-Cl)]BF4 com-
plex (5), which reacts with molecular oxygen at low temperatures to yield the Fe-
OOH centre (6) (Fig. 2). The X-band CW-EPR spectrum of the centre was
attributed to a low-spin species with principal g parameters of [2.347(2), 2.239
(2), 1.940(2)], consistent with the p-bonding between FeIII and the hydroperoxo p*
orbitals, which destabilizes the dxy orbital relative to the other t2 orbitals and results
in the unpaired electron being predominantly in dxy [58]. A possible assignment
assuming a peroxo bridge di-FeIII complex was ruled out based on quantitative
measurements. Analysis of the EPR spectrum also gave the ligand-field splitting
parameters |D/x| 7.85 and |V/x| 2.6. These values were found to be compara-
ble to those of other FeIII-OOH (or R) complexes [59]. This ferric-hydroperoxo
complex (6) was unable to oxidise PPh3 to OPPh3. This lack of reactivity in
electrophilic oxidations has been seen before for non-heme FeIII-OOH complexes
[58]. However, complex (6) was found to react towards weak acids.
Ferric-hydroperoxo and -peroxo centres based on tris-(pyridylmethyl)ethane-
1,2-diamine ligands have also been studied by EPR [60]. The two complexes
displayed in Fig. 2 were characterized in solution as the purple low-spin FeIII-
OOH complex (7), which converts upon addition of base to a blue FeIII-2-peroxo
species (8). The low-temperature CW-EPR spectrum of (7) displayed a character-
istic low-spin ferric spectrum, with g [2.12, 2.19, 1.95]. However, the low-
temperature CW-EPR spectrum of (8) was quite different, with strong signals at
g [7.4, 5.7, 4.5] typical of high-spin ferric species (S 5/2). The high-spin EPR
signal of (8) had almost axial zero-field splitting. The signal at g  7.4 and g  4.5
were assigned to the effective values g0 y and g0 x of the mS 1/2 Kramers
doublet, respectively. The signal at g  5.7 corresponded to the effective g0 z of
the middle doublet mS 3/2. Furthermore, this peroxo complex (8) exhibited
well resolved magnetic hyperfine patterns in the Mossbauer spectra that matched
the EPR results.
The chemistry of heme and non-heme iron in high-valent states is also of great
interest. A problem encountered in this chemistry is that the porphyrin ligand
itself can also be oxidized to form a p radical. Reactive FeIV-oxo units can then
be coordinated to an oxidized porphyrin radical. In such complexes the oxidation
state of the iron would actually be higher if it were not for the oxidation state of
the porphyrin. In non-heme iron systems, the ligands bound to iron are generally
considered to be redox innocent, and intermediates containing FeIV and FeV have
been postulated. An experimental and theoretical approach was taken by Berry
et al. [61] in the investigation of electron-transfer processes for three ferric
complexes of the pentadentate ligand 4,8,11-trimethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclo-
tetradecane-1 acetate (Me3cyclam acetate) with axial chloride, fluoride and
azide ligands. This provided a unique opportunity to observe iron-centred redox
processes in FeII, FeIII and FeIV complexes with essentially the same ligand
10 S. Van Doorslaer and D.M. Murphy

+ HOO +

II O2 (g) III
Fe Fe
N CH3CH2CN or CH2Cl2 N

(BF4-) (BF4-)
Cl Cl

(5) (6)

(S = 1/2) Fe - H+ Fe (S = 5/2)
N + H+ N

(7) (8)




2- -
But But
O [Cp2Fe]BF4 O
But Bu But But
DMF Ar -45C

N DMSO Ar, rt N

(10) (11)
Fig. 2 Structures of complexes (5)(11)
EPR Spectroscopy in Catalysis 11

Whereas the above cited works of Jiang et al. [58] and Simaan et al. [60] were
heavily focused on the spectroscopic (EPR) characterization of the model FeIII-
hydroperoxo and FeIII-peroxo complexes, Bilis et al. [62] investigated the catalytic
oxidation of hydrocarbons (cyclohexane) by homogeneous and heterogeneous non-
heme FeIII centres using H2O2. The FeIII complex was based on 3-{2-[2-
propen-1-ol [Fig. 2; complex (9)]. CW EPR initially revealed the presence of a
high-spin FeIII (S 5/2) centre in a rhombic field characterized by E/D ~ 0.33.
This signal was, however, found to be heavily solvent based, since in the presence
of CH3CN a new FeIII signal with g parameters [2.052, 2.005, 1.80] was observed to
form at the expense of the high-spin EPR signal. This low-spin FeIII centre was
proposed to be FeIII-OOH. In situ EPR revealed that this low-spin EPR signal is
progressively lost during the catalytic reaction, whereas the high-spin EPR signal
remains unaffected, indicating the role of FeIII-OOH in the catalysis.
The investigation of reactive metal centres bearing oxygen intermediates has not
been confined to iron. Manganese [63, 64] and copper [65] have also attracted
significant attention. Parsell et al. [64] investigated the properties of a MnIV
complex bearing a terminal oxo ligand, which converted some phosphines to
phosphine oxides. This complex was formed starting from an [MnIIIH3buea(O)]2
([H3buea]3, tris[(N0 -tert-butylureaylato)-N-ethylene]aminato) (10) (Fig. 2), a
monomeric MnIII-O complex in which the oxo ligand derived from dioxygen
cleavage or deprotonation of water. This [H3buea]3 ligand is important since it
regulates the secondary coordination sphere by providing a sterically constrained
H-bond network around the MnIII-O unit. The MnIV-oxo species (11) (Fig. 2) was
then formed using a mild oxidant at low temperatures. The low-temperature (4 K)
X-band EPR spectrum of (11) revealed principal g values of [5.15, 2.44, 1.63],
corresponding to a system having an S 3/2 state with an E/D 0.26 [64]. The
temperature dependence of the EPR spectra and simulation of the signals indicated
a value of D 3.0 cm1 and a 55Mn hyperfine coupling of 190 MHz, comparable
to other MnIV complexes. Complex (11) did not react with PPh3 or PCy3 in DMSO,
but did react with PMePh2 via O-atom transfer to produce OPMePh2 in 5070%
yields. Oxygen-atom transfer is normally a two-electron process and would yield
phosphine oxide and the corresponding MnII complex. Evidence for the formation
of this reduced complex came from the X-band EPR spectra.

4 Ligand- Versus Metal-Centred Redox Reactions

For the past 10 years, chemists have been interested in how to define the charge of a
metal ion in complexes bearing non-innocent ligands, most notably through
the works of Bill and Wieghardt [66]. As J orgensen [67] suggested many years
ago, an oxidation number that is derived from a known dn electron configuration
should be specified as the physical (or spectroscopic) oxidation number. However,
12 S. Van Doorslaer and D.M. Murphy

this is not always straightforward. When organic radicals with open-shell electron
configurations are coordinated to a transition metal ion, the oxidation state of the
metal is less well defined because the oxidation may be ligand- or metal-centred:

Mn  O  R ! Mn  O  R or Mn1  O  R (1)

For example, in the Fe (d5) coordinated phenoxyl-radical complex (FeIIIOPh),

the formal oxidation state of the metal is classed as +IV, since a closed shell
phenolato anion would have to be removed. However, in many cases spectroscopic
measurements, amongst others EPR, have proven the presence of a high-spin
d5 electron configuration at the iron and a phenoxyl ligand in such complexes. In
this case, the iron ion has a physical oxidation number of +III even though the
formal oxidation state would be classed as +IV. As a result of these potential
confusions, several research groups have prepared numerous examples of metal-
coordinated ligand-radical complexes, particularly coordinated phenoxyl radicals,
in order to examine the nature of the metal oxidation states and the extent of spin
delocalisation in such complexes.
There is also another important reason for studying these coordinated (phenoxyl)
radicals. The inter-conversion and synergism between the redox active metal
centres and proximal organic cofactors is very important in many biological
reaction centres, particularly those including ET reactions [68]. A good example
is the two-electron oxidation of primary alcohols with O2 to produce aldehydes and
H2O2 as catalysed by galactose oxidase (GAO). The active site in GAO is a Cu
centre ligated by a cysteine-modified tyrosine group. Owing to the growing number
of metal-phenoxyl radical systems, chemists have developed strategies to prepare
and characterise model compounds containing coordination Cu-phenoxyl radicals
[68]. Studies of these model complexes have provided important insights into the
structure and function of the GAO enzyme, and, equally important, have acted as a
cornerstone in the recent development of bio-inorganic catalysts [69]. The inactive
site of GAO is EPR active, and produces an EPR spectrum with well defined
parameters [70]. Unfortunately the active and reduced forms of GAO are EPR
silent. Therefore EPR is of limited use in the characterization of true GAO mimics,
since the magnetically coupled spins of the active state produce a diamagnetic
ground state. Whilst EPR has naturally been used to investigate many of these
model CuII-coordinated phenoxyl radical complexes, significant attention has also
been given to the EPR characterization of phenoxyl radicals of CrIII, MnIII, FeIII,
CoIII and NiII [7177].
Coordinated phenoxyl radicals in Schiff bases and phenolate ligands have
understandably attracted the most attention in the past 10 years because of the
reversible redox states that can be achieved [7882]. The most striking example of
this redox chemistry was demonstrated by the recent findings with NiII-salen
complexes [77, 78]. Shimazaki et al. [78] studied the electrochemical oxidation
of [Ni(1)] (Fig. 3). The NiII-radical valence isomer could be obtained in CH2Cl2
and converted into the NiIII-phenolate valence isomer simply by changing the
EPR Spectroscopy in Catalysis 13

+ +


[NiIII(1)]+ [NiII(1)]+

OAc- OAc-


OAc- OAc-

[CoIII(12)(OAc2)] (R,R)-[CoIII (1 )(OAc2)]

CoIII t-butyl
N O t-butyl

[Co(13)] t-butyl



LnMm+ NR2 LnM(m+1)+ NR2


Cu N
Rh OTf-
OH I(16)]
[Rh N



Fig. 3 Structures of complexes (1), (12)(16)

14 S. Van Doorslaer and D.M. Murphy

temperature and the solvent. At low temperature (123 K), a NiIII-phenolate complex
was easily identified by EPR, based on the characteristic rhombic g tensor
(g [2.30, 2.23, 2.02]) typical of a low-spin |z2, 2A1 > ground state. However,
at elevated temperatures (158173 K), this rhombic signal evolves into an isotropic
EPR signal with giso 2.04, which was assigned to the NiII-phenoxyl radical,
indicating the tautomerism that can exist between the two redox states ([NiIII(1)]+
or [NiII(1)]+) (Fig. 3).
Most recently, Rotthaus et al. [80, 81] extended this study to a range of closely
related Schiff base NiII complexes, proving the formation of the NiII-phenoxyl
radical with partial delocalisation of the SOMO onto the metal orbitals. Pratt and
Stack [83, 84] have also generated and characterised the coordinated phenoxyl
radical in [CuII(1)] (Fig. 1) (labelled [CuII(1)]+) as a bio-mimetic model for
galactose-oxidase complexes. The EPR data reported in their study was consistent
with the formation of an anti-ferromagnetically coupled CuII-phenoxyl complex,
whereby oxidation of the CuII complex to CuII-phenoxyl simply resulted in an
attenuation of the original CuII EPR signal by ~15%.
In a more unusual case of a coordinated phenoxyl radical bearing a Schiff-base-
type ligand, we recently reported the identification of [CoII(1)(OAc)n](OAc)m
(n m 1 or n 2, m 0), simply by treatment of [Co(1)] with acetic acid
under aerobic conditions [85]. These conditions are analogous to those employed in
the activation of [Co(1)] for the widely used hydrolytic kinetic resolution (HKR) of
epoxides [8, 9]. Initially we investigated the electronic properties of the parent pre-
catalyst [Co(1)] in the absence of acetic acid and subsequently followed the changes
to this catalyst after the addition of acetic acid under anaerobic conditions [86]. The
pre-catalyst complex produced a CW-EPR spectrum typical for a species
possessing an |yz, 2A2 > ground state. Upon acetic acid addition under anaerobic
conditions, new high-spin [87] and low-spin [86] centres were generated. The latter
low-spin centre was characterized by the parameters g [2.41, 2.27, 2.024];
A [100, 70, 310] MHz indicative of a |z2, 2A1 > ground state, induced
by acetate ligation to the CoII complex. When molecular oxygen was introduced
into this system (or alternatively when the acetic-acid addition was conducted
directly under aerobic conditions) a new signal assigned to the phenoxyl radical
was observed. This signal was characterized by the parameters of g [2.0060,
2.0031, 1.9943]; A [17, 55, 14] MHz, readily identifiable at X- and W-band
microwave frequencies (Fig. 4) [85]. A combination of HYSCORE, Resonance
Raman and DFT results proved conclusively the presence of a coordinated phenoxyl
radical, as opposed to a bound (ligating) substrate based radical [85].
The formation of the phenoxyl radical was proposed to occur in the presence of
acetic acid by coupling the two-electron, two-proton reduction of molecular oxygen
to H2O2 [85]. In some way this process is reminiscent of the half reaction observed
in GAO. The unusual aspect, however, was its identification in the activated HKR
reaction system, although there was no evidence for its involvement in the hydro-
lysis of epoxides [85]. As Wieghardt noted in earlier works, bulky substituents are
required for stabilization of metal-coordinated phenolate radicals [66]. We con-
firmed this by activation of a Co-salen derivative, [Co(12)] (Fig. 3). In the absence
EPR Spectroscopy in Catalysis 15

Fig. 4 Schematic illustration of the coordinated CoII-phenoxyl radical, bearing coordinated

acetate groups, derived from [Co(1)] after addition of acetic acid under aerobic conditions. Top:
(a, c) the X- and W-band CW EPR spectra of [CoII(1)(OAc)n](OAc)m (n m 1 or n 2,
m 0) and (b) the X-band CW-EPR spectrum of [CoII(1)(Py)2]. Bottom: the DFT-computed spin
densities of [Co(1)(OAc)]+ shown from the side and top elevation. Blue is positive spin density,
green represents negative spin density. Adapted and reprinted with permission from [85]. Copy-
right 2011 American Chemical Society

of the cyclohexyl backbone, but importantly in the presence of the tert-butyl

groups, we confirmed (using EPR, HYSCORE and DFT) that coordinated phenoxyl
radicals could indeed be generated and stabilized in [Co(1)] [88].
Thomas et al. [74] have also studied the one- and two-electron-oxidized (elec-
trochemically generated) radicals of [Co(13)], [Co(14)] and [Cu(15)] (Fig. 3). The
X-band CW-EPR spectra of [Co(13)] and [Co(14)] were shown to be typical of an
S 1/2 ground state. The di-radical of [Co(14)] was also prepared electrochemi-
cally, and in this case the X-band CW-EPR spectrum of the di-radical (recorded at
100 K) was replaced by a signal typical of an S 1 spin state observable at 9 K.
The Curie plot revealed that the triplet corresponded to the ground state and thus
coupling between the two radical fragments was ferromagnetic [74]. This coupling
generally arises from a lack of overlap between the SOMOs and thus a co-planarity
between the two rings. This interpretation was also in good agreement with the
structure based on the bis-phenolate precursor [Co(15)], thereby revealing that the
global arrangement of the complex did not change significantly upon two-electron
16 S. Van Doorslaer and D.M. Murphy

oxidation. The behaviour was also in good agreement with the S 1 ground state
recently reported for the di-radical ZnII analogue of (14) [89]. As anticipated, the
oxidized [Cu(15)] complex was EPR silent (a residual, 30%, CuII EPR signal
remained in the electrochemically oxidized solution) due to the magnetic interac-
tion between the phenoxyl radicals (S 1/2) and the CuII spin.
The study of coordinated ligand radicals in metal complexes has not been
confined to phenoxyl radicals. Although much rarer, the analogous coordinated
aminyl radicals have also being investigated. B uttner et al. [90] revealed how a Rh-
based coordination complex could also support an aminyl radical, [RhI(trop2N)
(bipy)]+OTf (trop 5-H-dibenzo[a,d]cycloheptene-5-yl) labelled [Rn(16)]+
(Fig. 3). The complex essentially consisted of a trop2N radical coordinated to the
cationic Rh centre. Just like phenoxyl radicals, the unpaired electron in these
coordinated radicals may either be at the N centre or at the metal, but advanced
EPR techniques and DFT demonstrated the existence of the ligand-based paramag-
netic centre. The experimental S-band CW-EPR spectrum was simulated using a
rhombic g matrix [2.0822, 2.0467, 2.0247] and a large 14N principal hyperfine
coupling of 98 MHz [90]. Davies-ENDOR spectra were measured in order to
determine the extent of spin delocalization onto the ligand. HYSCORE was also
used to determine the principal values and orientations of the hyperfine and
quadrupole tensors for the strongly and weakly coupled nitrogens. A large Aiso
for the apical nitrogen atom of 45.1 MHz was identified. This nitrogen has pro-
nounced anisotropy, indicating the unpaired electron resides in an orbital with high
p-character. These experimental results were fully supported by the DFT
calculations and proved the paramagnetic centre was best described as the aminyl
RhI complex, rather than the RhII-amide complex (Fig. 3).
The chemical reactivity of [RhI(16)]+ was also examined in reactions with H-
atom donors, where the complex behaves as a nucleophilic radical [90]. The reaction
rates were dependent on the XH bond dissociation energies, reacting rapidly with
stannane (Bu3SnH) and thiophenol, more slowly with tert-butyl thiol and
thioglycolic acid methyl ester and not at all with phenol and triphenylsilane [90].

5 Mechanistic Insights into Ethylene Polymerization

Linear alpha olefins (LAOs) are useful intermediates for a range of important
commodity chemicals (including surfactants, lubricants, plasticizers, etc.). They
are produced via ethylene oligomerisation, using transition metal catalysts. A major
problem associated with these catalysts is the formation of a broad chain length
distribution of a-olefins. One approach to solving this problem, operating via a
uniquely different mechanism, is ethylene trimerization and tetramerization to
1-hexene and 1-octene, respectively [91]. Recent developments have focussed on
designing highly selective catalysts and, to date, Cr catalysts account for >90% of
the literature of ethylene oligomerization, with Ti, Co, Ta and Fe catalysts also
available. The mechanism is thought to follow a metallacyclic route, involving
EPR Spectroscopy in Catalysis 17

oxidative addition of two ethylene molecules to the metal followed by insertion of

another to yield a metallacycloheptane species [91, 92]. Concerning the Cr oxida-
tion state, there is evidence for CrI/III and CrII/IV couples [93, 94]. Attempts have
been made to determine the oxidation states by experimental and computational
studies [95]. The debate still continues, and, while the precise nature of the redox
states is not known, very little consideration has been given to the spin states
As stated above, chromium has been used mostly extensively as a catalyst for
ethylene polymerisation, and several groups have studied the catalytic system by
EPR [9699]. For example, Br uckner et al. [97] has used in situ EPR to monitor the
changes to the oxidation state of a Cr(acac)3/PNP mixed catalyst [PNP Ph2PN(i-
Pr)PPh2] and also in a [(PNP)CrCl2(m-Cl)]2 complex for ethylene oligomerization.
The authors demonstrated that, for the Cr(acac)3/PNP system, the initial CrIII centre
was reduced to a low-spin CrI centre upon activation with methyl aluminoxane
(MMAO). It was proposed that the major active species in the reaction were EPR-
silent centres, possibly anti-ferromagnetic CrI dimers. The authors also reported the
decomposition of the [(PNP)CrCl2(m-Cl)]2 complex into a bis-tolyl centre, reported
to be [Cr(6-CH3C6H5)2]+, which may deactivate the catalytic system [97].
Skobelev et al. [98] also examined the nature of the redox changes in Cr(acac)3/
pyrrole/AlEt3/AlEt2Cl and Cr(EH)3/pyrrole/AlEt3/AlEt2Cl catalytic systems by
EPR (acac acetylacetonate). These systems were chosen specifically to model
the Philips ethylene trimerization catalyst. The initial pre-catalysts, Cr(acac)3, had
reported parameters of gx gy gz 1.97, D 0.413 and E 0.011 cm1,
whilst Cr(EH)3 had parameters of gx gy gz 1.982, D 0.052 cm1 and
E 0.008 cm1 [98]. Following activation with AlEt3 two types of EPR-active
chromium species were identified in both catalytic systems, including CrIII and CrI
complexes with proposed structures of CrIII(Pyr)xClyEtzL and CrI(Pyr)L respec-
tively, where L was (an) unidentified ligand(s). The authors also proposed that the
major part of the chromium probably existed in the form of EPR-silent CrII species.
The ethylene trimerization activity of the catalyst systems studied correlated with
the concentration of CrI species in the reaction solution. The data obtained therefore
supported the CrI,III mechanism of ethylene trimerization [98].
Whilst many groups investigated the role of the CrI,III couple in ethylene
trimerization, starting from the air-stable CrIII precursor, McDyre et al. [99] have
taken an alternative approach to probe the mechanism by starting from the CrI
precursor. Using CW-EPR and ENDOR, a series of structurally related CrI-car-
bonyl complexes [Cr(CO)4L]+ [L (Ph2PN(R)PPh2)/(Ph2P(R)PPh2)] complexes
were investigated (complex (17) in Fig. 5). The EPR spectra were dominated by the
g anisotropy, with notably large hyperfine couplings from the two equivalent 31P
nuclei. The spin Hamiltonian parameters [g (gx gy) > ge > g|| (gz)] were shown
to be consistent with a low-spin d5 system possessing C2v symmetry, with a SOMO
where the metal contribution was primarily dxy for all complexes [99]. Attempts to
correlate trends in EPR-derived parameters with the catalysis data revealed no
obvious connections. However, upon activation of the [Cr(CO)4L]+ complex
using AlEt3, the spectra changed dramatically. No evidence was found for the
18 S. Van Doorslaer and D.M. Murphy

CO +
Cr (R)

Al(OC(CF3)3)4]- Co N
CO Ph2 Cl


(ClO4)2 O O
Fe (20a)
(19) Cu O

Fig. 5 Structures of complexes (17)(20)

formation of any CrIII centres. Instead a new series of CrI complexes was formed,
some of which retained the coordinated PNP or P(R)P backbone (i.e. [Cr(CO)xL]+)
whilst in other cases new CrI complexes having undergone a ligand slippage
process were identified [100].
A significant number of oligomerisation studies have also been devoted to
cobalt, as investigated by CW EPR [27, 101, 102]. Bianchini et al. [27] showed
how the position of the sulphur atom in the thienyl groups of 6-(thienyl)-2-(imino)
pyridine ligands ((18) in Fig. 5) strongly affects the catalytic activity of the
corresponding tetrahedral high-spin dihalide CoII complex following activation
with methylaluminoxane (MAO). In catalytic experiments, CoII complexes bearing
a sulphur atom in the 3-position of the thienyl ring were found to catalyse the
selective conversion of ethylene to 1-butene. From an EPR perspective, in situ
experiments revealed the occurrence of a spin-state changeover from high-spin
tetrahedral CoII to low-spin CoII following activation with MAO. The tetrahedral
(imino)pyridine cobalt complexes were EPR-silent at room temperature. However,
at low temperatures (10 K), a broad signal was detected for these high-spin states.
After MAO addition the signal changed dramatically, reverting from high-spin to
EPR Spectroscopy in Catalysis 19

low-spin (S 1/2). The most likely coordination geometry of the CoII centres in
the activated species was proposed to be square planar with two nitrogen atoms
from the (imino)pyridine ligand, a carbon atom from a methyl group released
by MAO, and a fourth ligand that might be provided by the organyl group in
the 6-position of the pyridine ring. Indeed, in the absence of either ring, as in
CoCl2N2Br, no EPR signal appeared upon treatment of the complex in toluene with
an excess of MAO in the temperature range from 293 to 20 K. It is therefore very
likely that the organyl group in the 6-position interacted with the cobalt centre.
The nature of the active sites responsible for ethylene polymerisation was also
examined in a series of related Fe and Co bis(imino)pyridine complexes [102, 103].
In these studies EPR was used as a complementary characterisation technique, in
conjunction with M ossbauer and NMR, revealing a change in oxidation state upon
activation with MAO and triethylenealuminium.

6 Catalytic Activations and Transformations

The catalytic activation of small molecules is an extremely important area of

research. For example, the ability to activate CO and CO2 or the activation of
CH and CC bonds as a potential source of chemical feedstocks, is a strong
motivation in todays chemical industry. Recently cationic Ir- and Rh-carbonyl
complexes were shown to be effective for CO activation [104], whilst Pd, Mo and
Ru polyoxometalates were also shown to be very good candidates for CO [105] and
CO2 [106] activation. In the particular case of alkene epoxidation, the highly
desirable epoxide derivatives are used as valuable chemicals in organic synthesis
and in the manufacture of commodity chemicals. Transition metal-catalysed epox-
idation is one of the most efficient approaches for this transformation. Metals such
as manganese and chromium complexes, with ligand frameworks such as salens
[37, 38, 107, 108], porphyrins [109111] and aromatic N-donors [112114], are
among the most widely used and investigated systems. Not surprisingly, EPR has
played an important role in understanding the mechanistic details of all these small
molecule activation processes, as illustrated in the following.

6.1 Selective Oxidation

Whilst [MnCl(1)] complexes are effective in the epoxidation of Z-alkenes [38,

107], the [CrCl(1)] complex is also very suitable for epoxidation of alkenes.
In order to identify the paramagnetic intermediates involved in the [CrCl(1)]
epoxidation reaction, Bryliakov et al. [115, 116] studied two structurally related
complexes, [CrCl(1)] and racemic-N,N0 -bis(3,4,5,6-tetra-deutero-salicylidene)-
1,2-cyclohexanediamino chromium(III) chloride. The effective g values of g  4
and 2 identified in the spectra of both complexes were assigned to an S 3/2 spin
20 S. Van Doorslaer and D.M. Murphy

system. Zero-field-splitting parameters revealed moderately large D values

(~0.70.8 cm1) and a small rhombicity parameter, E (~0.1080.042 cm1). The
addition of pyridine (Py) as an activator produced a decrease of D (~0.60.67 cm1)
and an increase in E (~0.1190.150 cm1), indicating a noticeable structural change
upon complexation with Py.
The identification of the reaction intermediates formed between [CrCl(1)] and
iodosylbenzene (PhIO) were also investigated by EPR [115, 116]. The first inter-
mediate was characterised by the reported spin-Hamiltonian parameters of
g 1.9701.974, ACr 54 MHz, AN 4.55.6 MHz, whilst the second species
produced the parameters of g 1.9761.980, ACr 54 MHz, AN 5.66.4 MHz.
Based on the CW-EPR and 1H-NMR investigation, the first intermediate was
identified as a reactive mononuclear oxochromium(V) intermediate, labelled
[CrVO(1)L] where L Cl or solvent molecule. The second intermediate was
identified as an inactive mixed-valence binuclear [L(2)CrIIIOCrV(2)L] complex.
Bryliakov et al. [115, 116] thereby proposed that the [CrCl(1)]-catalysed epoxida-
tion of alkenes proceeds in accordance with a modified oxygen rebound cycle.
In the case of [MnCl(1)], Campbell et al. [117] sought to provide direct spectro-
scopic evidence for the formation of the MnVO species, widely believed to be
responsible for the high enantioselectivity of the epoxidation reaction, by applying
dual-mode EPR during the epoxidation of cis-b-methylstyrene. The parallel
mode EPR spectrum of [MnIIICl(1)] consisted of many (>16)55Mn hyperfine
lines possessing distinct temperature dependencies, arising from two or more
coupled MnIII centres [117]. In the presence of NMO or 4-phenylpyridine-N-
oxide (4-PPNO), the EPR spectrum showed six well-resolved hyperfine lines. The
authors assigned the EPR lines to transitions between the MS  2 levels, which
are the lowest energy levels for the [MnIIICl(1)] when the axial zfs parameter is
negative. The results indicated that NMO and 4-PPNO alter the ligand field around
the initially five-coordinate [MnIIICl(2)] complex by binding to MnIII, forming an
axially elongated six-coordinate complex, before the formation of any reaction
species. Following addition of the oxidant NaOCl to the [MnIIICl(1)], no parallel-
mode EPR signal was observed; this implied oxidation of all MnIII species. Subse-
quently signals assigned to an MnIII,IV dinuclear complex were identified during the
course of the reaction. The authors thus demonstrated that the use of dual-mode
EPR techniques provide a sensitive probe to changes in the ligand environment
of the MnIII centre and enables one to observe reactants, Mn intermediates and Mn
by-products simultaneously.
As non-toxic chiral FeIII complexes have recently been used as catalysts
[118120], increased knowledge of their structure-reactivity relationships becomes
pertinent. X-band CW-EPR spectra of [FeIIICl(1)], reported by Bryliakov et al.
[121], were found to be typical of high-spin S 5/2 FeIII complexes with
E/D  0.15. Using this complex, the conversion and selectivity of the asymmetric
sulphide oxidation reaction was investigated in a variety of solvents. In previous
studies [122], the active site was proposed to be the [FeIVO(1)]+ species.
However an alternative active species was proposed [121]. Oxo-ferryl p-cation
radicals are expected to have typical S 3/2 spectra with resonances at geff  4
EPR Spectroscopy in Catalysis 21

and geff  2. Treatment of the [FeIIICl(1)] complexes with PhIO and m-CPBA did
not lead to formation of S 3/2 type spectra; instead a sharp peak at g 4.2
belonging to an unidentified S 5/2 species was found. The species associated
with this signal did not contribute to the catalytic cycle, and the intensity of its EPR
signal accounted for only 10% of the total Fe concentration. From this data, the
authors proposed a new catalytic system for the asymmetric oxidation of sulphides
where the active species was shown to be an [FeIIICl(2)]+PhIO complex [121].
Iron complexes with aminopyridine ligands are also known to catalyze selective
olefin oxidation efficiently using H2O2 or CH3CO3H as terminal oxidants. Duban
et al. [123] used EPR spectroscopy to identify the intermediates formed during
the reaction cycle of [FeII(19)(CH3CN)2](ClO4)2 (Fig. 5). EPR spectra recorded
after the onset of the reaction of [FeII(19)(CH3CN)2](ClO4)2 with CH3CO3H
showed a signal at g 4.23, an axially anisotropic signal with g [2.42, 2.42,
2.67] and a broad signal at g  2. On warming the sample to room temperature,
the signal at g 4.23 decayed and was replaced by a weaker, sharper signal with
the same g factor that remained stable over several hours. The species causing
the axial signal was tentatively assigned to a mixed-valence FeIIIFeIV complex,
In contrast, the EPR spectrum recorded after onset of the reaction between
[FeII(19)(CH3CN)2](ClO4)2 and H2O2 showed several signals. Low-spin ferric
hydroperoxo intermediates [FeIII(19)(OOH)(CH3CN)]2+ (g [2.218, 2.178,
1.967]) and [FeIII(19)(OOH)(H2O)]2+ (g [2.195, 2.128, 1.970]) were observed,
in addition to the dinuclear mixed valence FeIIIFeIV complex described above
[124]. Different reaction intermediates were therefore observed under the different
catalytic conditions and coincided with the differing reactivities and selectivities of
the epoxidation of olefins. Whilst it was not clear if the dinuclear FeIIIFeIV complex
could possibly act as an active species in the corresponding catalytic systems, it was
certainly clear that in the [FeII(19)(CH3CN)2](ClO4)2/H2O2/CH3COOH systems
the mono-nuclear FeIV species [FeIVO(19)(S)]2+ did play an important role.
More recently this group has followed up this work by investigating the oxidation
reactions of a series of iron complexes with aminopyridine ligands [123, 125].
Although much less common for selective oxidation, catalytic vanadium- and
copper-based complexes have also been investigated by EPR [126, 127], including
vanadium complexes based on salen derivatives [128]. These catalysts are particu-
larly active using H2O2 as a readily available oxidant. Maurya et al. [126] examined
the oxidation of p-chlorotoluene and cyclohexene catalysed by the polymer
anchored oxovandiumIV and copperII complexes of amino derived tridentate
ligands (20a, 20b) (Fig. 5). CW-EPR was primarily used to characterise the VO
and Cu EPR signals before and after the reaction. Whilst the VO catalysts displayed
minimal changes, significant changes were detected in the CuII system after the
catalytic reaction. The structural nature of the recovered CuII catalysts was not
however assigned [126]. Di-nuclear and tri-nuclear copper clusters, derived from
the enantiomeric octadentate ligand S-21 (a 1,10 -binaphthyl-2,20 diamine ligand),
were also successfully used in the oxidation of L-/D-Dopa derivatives to quinones
[127]. High enantioselectivities were observed in the oxidation of L-/D-Dopa methyl
22 S. Van Doorslaer and D.M. Murphy

Pi Pr2
Pi Pr2 CH2tBu

(21) (22)

N Cu Cu
N Pi Pr2
Pi Pr2


Fig. 6 Structure of complexes (21)(22)

ester catalysed by the dinuclear Cu complex, which exhibited strong preference for
the D enantiomer. The enantioselectivity was largely lost for the trinuclear Cu
complex. A detailed X-band CW-EPR study was undertaken on these copper
complexes. The EPR analysis of the trinuclear complex, [Cu3(S)-21]6+ (Fig. 6),
had some remarkable similarities to the copper cluster found in multicopper
oxidases such as laccase. The dinuclear CuII complex exhibited the most interesting
behaviour [127] because it allowed stronger chiral recognition by the binaphthyl
residue. As the authors demonstrated convincingly, the origin of the enantios-
electivity in their complex was indeed ligand induced.

6.2 CH Bond Activation

As mentioned earlier, activation of CH bonds is an important area of research

owing to the dwindling reserves of global hydrocarbon feedstocks. Andino et al.
[129] therefore investigated the activation of benzene to benzyne, a very useful
intermediate for a variety of selective transformations in organic chemistry. The
homogeneous catalyst used was the vanadium-based [V(22)] complex, a vanadium-
alkyl complex of the form (PNP)V(CH2tBu)2 (where PNPN(2-P(CHMe2)2-4-
methylphenyl)2) (Fig. 6). The inherent reactivity of these complexes arises from
the formation of a transient alkylidene (PNP)VCHtBu [V(22a)] (Fig. 6), active
towards two-electron oxidants. High-frequency and -field EPR (HF EPR), from 50
to 300 GHz, was then used to study the oxidation state of the [V(22)] complex. The
224-GHz spectrum produced a readily recognizable spin triplet (S 1) state of
EPR Spectroscopy in Catalysis 23

near axial symmetry. Simulation revealed the parameters S 1, D +3.93 cm1,

E +0.145 cm1, gx gy 1.955, gz 1.99. The relatively large magnitude of
D for [V(22)] was consistent with a system best described as VIII rather than as an
organic (ligand centred) di-radical, expected to produce zero-field splittings much
below 1 cm1. The observed D value was also larger than that for five-coordinate
VIII centres, but lower than that expected for classical octahedral S 1 complexes
[130, 131]. The spectroscopic data in this study showed nicely how high
frequencies combined with high resonant magnetic fields allows observation of
EPR resonances from systems traditionally regarded as EPR-silent. This is
especially useful in homogeneous catalysis where multiple oxidation states may
be involved in the reaction.

6.3 DielsAlder Transformations

A number of EPR techniques have also been used to investigate the mechanistic
details of the catalytic DielsAlder reaction. Using CW EPR, HYSCORE and
pulsed ENDOR, Bolm et al. [132] examined the changes in the ligand sphere
surrounding their homogeneous CuII catalyst, a chiral bis-sulfoxime CuII complex
bearing labile triflate groups. Introduction of the dienophile [N-(1-oxoprop-2-en-1-yl)
oxazolidin-2-one] resulted in the formation of a new complex with well defined
hyperfine spectra. The geometry of the complex at the different stages of the
catalytic reaction was determined by EPR. In solvent-free conditions, the initial
bis-sulfoxime CuII complex possessed square planar geometry but upon addition of
the dienophile, the EPR parameters were found to be typical of a distorted, non-
symmetric square pyramidal geometry. Mims ENDOR also revealed that at least
one triflate anion directly participates in the first coordination sphere of the CuII by
occupying an axial site [132].
Although the choice of the anion (such as triflate, TfO) in the CuII complex did
not affect the overall conversion in DielsAlder catalysis, the stereoselectivity of
the reaction was considerably influenced by the choice of anion used. The authors
used EPR to investigate a series of CuII catalysts bearing TfO, SbF6, Cl and Br
anions in the presence and absence of the dienophile [133]. The profile of the EPR
spectra were significantly different for the complexes bearing the halide anions
compared to those bearing the bulkier TfO and SbF6 anions, and the spectra were
also notably dependent on the presence of the dienophile.
The authors concluded that using the anions TfO or SbF6, a complex was
formed involving an asymmetric coordination sphere around the CuII bis-sulfoxime
complex (bound via two non-equivalent nitrogens). The dienophile was suggested
to replace the two equatorially bound counterions (bound via two non-equivalent
oxygens) and the weakly bound counterions in an axial position [133]. In contrast
to this, two distinct complexes were established using the anions Cl or Br.
The first revealed CuIICuII electronelectron interactions via the halogen atoms.
Upon addition of the dienophile, this orientation was changed towards a distorted
24 S. Van Doorslaer and D.M. Murphy

arrangement with strongly tetra-coordinated counterions and N atoms coming

from the bis-sulfoxime ligand. The authors concluded that high levels of stereo-
selectivity requires weakly coordinating counter-ions that are able to move to axial
positions during the catalytic cycle, thus allowing the substrate to occupy equatorial
positions [133].

7 Nanoporous Catalysts

7.1 Microporous Zeotype Materials

Zeolites, i.e. microporous aluminosilicate materials with pores smaller than 2 nm,
play key roles in the fields of sorption and catalysis [134, 135]. The global annual
market for zeolites is several million tons. In the past few decades a large variety of
zeolites and related zeotype materials have been produced, whereby transition
metal incorporation is extensively used to modulate the catalytic characteristics
of these materials. Since the catalytic properties depend on the structure and
accessibility of the transition metal sites, a lot of effort is put into probing these
sites. Nevertheless, the exact nature of the transition metal incorporation is often
strongly debated, since most spectroscopic evidence for isomorphous substitution
is indirect.
If the transition metal ion is paramagnetic, EPR techniques offer an unambiguous
way to unravel the nature of the metal incorporation. This is convincingly
demonstrated in the work of D. Goldfarb and co-workers, who used high-field
ENDOR in combination with DFT to probe the isomorphous substitution of MnII
into aluminophosphate zeotypes [136, 137]. They studied a large variety of zeotype
structures, serving as examples for different channel morphologies and framework
densities of the zeolite family. In all cases, the observation of strong 31P hyperfine
interactions proved that MnII can replace the framework Al. Furthermore, high-field
ENDOR allowed these researchers to map out the full process of MnII incorporation
into different aluminophospate zeotypes during synthesis [138].
A careful X-band 27Al HYSCORE and W-band 1H ENDOR analysis showed
that from the three CuII species found in Cu-containing Si:Al zeolite Y (Si:Al 12
and 5), only one CuII was bound to the framework oxygens [139]. The other species
consisted of a copper ion with a complete coordination sphere of water and no direct
bonding with the zeolite framework. In a similar way, combined CW-EPR and
Al HYSCORE provided evidence of the interaction of CuII with the framework in
copper-doped nanoporous calcium aluminate (mayenite) [140]. In mayenite,
the positively charged calcium aluminate framework is counter-balanced by
extra-lattice O2 ions. Such free oxide ions are responsible for the ion conductivity
of the materials and are readily replaced by various guest anions, such as O2 and
OH. A native O2 species could indeed be identified with EPR in the Cu-doped
mayenite materials [140].
EPR Spectroscopy in Catalysis 25

Hyperfine techniques also allow for the probing of the accessibility of the
paramagnetic transition metal sites to gases and small molecules. When ammonia
is adsorbed to vanadium (VO2+)-exchanged ZSM-5, 14N HYSCORE features
typical of equatorial ammonia ligation to the vanadyl site are observed [141].
Copper-exchanged zeolites have been known for a long time to be active in NOx
decomposition. The decomposition of NO is shown to occur via formation of a CuI-
(NO)2 dimer with a paramagnetic CuI-NO monomer as a precursor [142]. This has
prompted A. P oppl and co-workers to use multi-frequency pulsed EPR and ENDOR
techniques to investigate CuI-NO adsorption complexes in a range of copper-
exchanged zeolites prepared by both solid- and liquid-state ion exchange
[143145]. 27Al HYSCORE and ENDOR analyses of these complexes in Cu-L
and Cu-ZSM-5 zeolites allowed the estimation of hyperfine parameters of an
aluminium nucleus found near the CuI-NO site. The data showed that the Al
atom is located in the third coordination sphere of the adsorbed NO [144], and
hence supporting the O2AlO2CuINO structure proposed earlier on the basis of
quantum-chemical computations [146].
In contrast, zeolites with poor de-NOx properties may be very promising as
materials to store and deliver NO under controlled conditions in clinical
applications. Indeed, nitric oxide is a crucial biomolecule in the cardiovascular,
nervous and immune systems. The non-toxic zinc-exchanged Linde type A (LTA)
zeolite has a relatively high storage capacity for NO and is hence a promising
material for clinical applications. EPR revealed that the NO monomer is interacting
more strongly with the metal sites in Zn-LTA than in the corresponding
Na-LTA [147].

7.2 Mesoporous Siliceous Materials

Despite the current importance of microporous zeotype materials, they have the
drawback that the size of their pores limits their applicability to smaller molecules.
To overcome this, many efforts have led to the production of a wide variety of
mesoporous (2 nm < < 50 nm) siliceous and non-siliceous materials [148]. In
this respect, the discovery of the M41S family by researchers from Mobil Oil
Corporation has played a crucial role [149, 150]. The synthesis process of
mesoporous materials is based on a self-assembly process of organicinorganic
composites where the organic self-organized structures serve as a template for the
inorganic skeleton. One of the most intensively studied M41S materials is MCM-41
that possesses hexagonally packed uni-dimensional cylindrical pores with pore
diameters between 2 and 10 nm. This silica material is synthesized using the
ionic surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium bromide as template. Conversely,
mesoporous materials with larger pores and higher (hydro)thermal stability can
be obtained using non-ionic block co-polymers. In this class of materials, SBA-15
with large tailorable uniform pores (315 nm) is found to be particularly promising
26 S. Van Doorslaer and D.M. Murphy

The formation of mesoporous materials can be followed via EPR using nitroxide
spin probes (i.e. nitroxide radicals) [154]. By introducing such a spin probe into the
system, or by labelling a molecule with this nitroxide, EPR can be used to monitor
the direct environment of this radical. The spin probe thus acts as a spy that keeps
track of the changing environment during the formation reaction. Spin-labelled
surfactants, silane-based spin-labels and spin-labelled pluronics are ideal to monitor
the formation of templated mesoporous materials [154]. By varying the type of
probes added in the reaction mixture, different regions in the forming mesostructure
can be studied. CW-EPR experiments give a direct insight in the polarity and
microviscosity of the local environment, while ESEEM experiments reveal the
water content and the presence of additives or ions in the proximity of the label
[155157]. Variations in the size of the micelles can be probed during the initial
stages of the reaction by using DEER spectroscopy, a pulsed-EPR technique
targeted at determining inter-spin distances [158].
Transition metal-based redox centres render the mesoporous silica materials
catalytically active. The transition metals can be introduced during synthesis or
postsynthetic (e.g. by impregnation) and the local structure of the transition metal
site will determine the catalytic properties. As also demonstrated for the zeolite
cases, EPR offers a unique tool to monitor these local sites. The observation
of strong 29Si hyperfine couplings in the HYSCORE spectra of vanadium-doped
MCM-41 unambiguously proved the framework incorporation of vanadium [159].
The material was obtained via a direct synthesis method at room temperature. When
vanadia was post-synthetically deposited on the surface of MCM-41 by the mole-
cular designed dispersion (MDD) method using vanadyl acetylacetonate complexes,
the vanadyl ions were, in contrast, found to be fully hydrated with no binding to the
silica walls. This agrees with our earlier findings that the vanadyl acetylacetonate
complexes have a great tendency to increase their coordination sphere by
coordinating waters when deposited on SBA-15 [160]. Interestingly, this tendency
is highly reduced when a Ti environment (e.g. a TiOx layer) is present [160].

7.3 Plugged Hexagonal Template Silica: Combined

Zeolite-Mesoporous Systems

While mesoporous materials have the advantage of larger pores, the crystalline
microporous materials are much more stable. When the silica/surfactant ratio is
increased during the SBA-15 synthesis, microporous amorphous nanoparticles are
formed inside the mesoporous channels [161]. This leads to mechanically more
stable SBA-15 materials that are named plugged hexagonal templated silica
(PHTS). When vanadium-activated zeolitic nanoparticles are deposited inside the
mesoporous channels of SBA-15 via a post-synthetic dry impregnation with the
zeolite nanoparticles, a catalytically active PHTS is formed [162]. The detailed CW
and pulsed EPR analysis of these materials not only revealed valuable information
EPR Spectroscopy in Catalysis 27

Fig. 7 The observation of strong 13C [C(2)] and weak [C(1)] hyperfine couplings in the
HYSCORE spectra after adsorption of 13CO2 to a PHTS formed by deposition of vanadium
silicate-1 nanoparticles in SBA-15 reveals equatorial and axial ligation of CO2 to the vanadyl-
sites. Adapted and reprinted with permission from [164]. Copyright 2011 American Chemical

about the stability, H2O, CO2 and NH3 accessibility of the vanadium sites [163,
164] (Fig. 7) it also gave new insight into the formation process of vanadium
silicalites [163]. In order to obtain the silicalite nanoparticles, the zeolite growth
needs to be stopped by acidification of the solution. Although this has been known
for some time, it was never clear what triggers this process. Our results clearly
showed that acidification affects the stability of the tetrapropylammonium-
hydroxide template molecules such that one propyl ligand is lost by acid hydrolysis.
It was also shown that at this stage of the zeolite synthesis, the vanadyl species are
not fixed completely within the hydrophilic network. The true incorporation of the
vanadyl species in the zeolite only occurs when the solvated vanadyl species get
trapped between the aggregating nanoparticles during the hydrothermal growth of
the zeolite.

7.4 Porous Titania for Photo-Catalytic Applications

Titanium dioxide-based photocatalysts promise to be excellent materials for alter-

native water and air treatments, because the photo-induced oxidation processes may
achieve a complete mineralization of most pollutants [165, 166]. One of the
limiting factors is, however, the wide band gap (3.03.2 eV) [167] of most conven-
tional TiO2 materials, so that the transfer of electrons from the valence band to
the conduction band, the key step in the photocatalysis process, needs light in the
UV region (wavelength less than 380 nm). Considerable effort is therefore put in
the synthesis of TiO2 materials with a lower bandgap via different doping of the
materials [168] or by synthesis of stable TiO2-based mesoporous materials or
nanoparticles [169]. The latter materials have the added advantage that they
have a large active surface. In order to come to a targeted synthesis of TiO2
materials, a thorough understanding of the photocatalytic working plays a key
28 S. Van Doorslaer and D.M. Murphy

role. Upon light-irradiation, a large number of (EPR detectable) paramagnetic

centres are formed that stem from the light-induced electron-hole pair. Trapping
of an electron by a Ti4+ ion leads to different Ti3+ sites [170172]. Combination of
surface Ti3+ with O2 can result in formation of O2 [173] that in turn can break
down organic molecules. Trapping of a valence-band hole by O2 can lead to the
paramagnetic O that can further react with O2 to form O3 [173]. The conduction-
band electron can also be trapped in an oxygen vacancy, leading to an F+ colour
centre [174]. In addition, the dopants may also be paramagnetic, either before and/
or after light illumination [175, 176]. It therefore will not come as a surprise that
EPR in combination with light illumination has been used as a prime technique to
understand the mechanistic steps involved in this type of photocatalysis [170173,
One of the problems of using EPR to study these materials lies in the fact that a
large amount of paramagnetic centres are typically formed. At X-band, this tends to
lead to strongly overlapping EPR signals, which may hamper interpretation in terms
of the individual centres. This is clearly demonstrated by our recent study of TiO2
nanotubes [180]. In this work, we combined a catalytic study with an EPR analysis
of multi-walled hydrogen trititanate nanotubes. A calcination of the latter material
leads to the formation mixed-phase anatase/trititanate nanotubes. Although clear
spectral differences could be observed for the two types of nanotubes that could be
linked to the catalytic activity under UV and visible-light illumination, a detailed
analysis of the paramagnetic oxygen-based species formed could not be achieved
due to strong spectral overlap in the g ge region. This is a common problem also
found with the analysis of TiO2 nanoparticles [173, 178, 179].
The high resolution of HF EPR may allow a more detailed analysis of these
oxygen-based species, although first attempts [177, 182] have shown that this
technique will have to be combined with other variations, such as variation in
the atmosphere (O2, N2, . . .), the calcination and measurement temperature and the
irradiation conditions, to allow a full disentanglement of the spectra. Combination
of EPR on samples treated under controlled circumstances with DFT computations
promises to enhance further our understanding of the photocatalytic systems as
shown by one of us for the interaction of molecular oxygen with oxygen vacancies
on thermally reduced TiO2 [181]. HF EPR also offers added possibilities for
studying doped TiO2 photocatalysts. Fittipaldi and co-workers used W-band
CW EPR to disentangle the EPR contributions of different paramagnetic
species in B-doped TiO2, including a paramagnetic species mainly centered on
the B atom [176].
Up till now, the use of hyperfine techniques has been very limited in the analysis
of light-induced species in TiO2-based materials. Nevertheless, a recent combined
CW-EPR, HYSCORE and ENDOR study of UV-photo-induced Ti3+ in titanium
oxide-based gels shows the potential of such an approach [183]. Not only could the
kinetics of the formation of different Ti3+ centres under UV-irradiation be followed
with CW-EPR the hyperfine techniques revealed strong hyperfine couplings with
nearby protons stemming from organic ligands. It can be expected that a combina-
tion of both HF EPR and an in-depth pulsed EPR/ENDOR analysis of TiO2-based
EPR Spectroscopy in Catalysis 29

photocatalysts will give paramount information about the different paramagnetic

species formed following the initial electron-hole creation. Studies of relevant
model systems [184] and theoretical analyses will further extend these possibilities.

7.5 Metal-Organic Framework Compounds

Metal organic framework (MOF) compounds are novel three-dimensional, crystal-

line solids that are based on metal ions linked by bridging ligands containing
organic carbon [185]. Depending on the metalligand combination, (meso)porous
materials can be obtained with different physical and chemical properties. The
probing of these properties is not trivial. Although the field is still relatively young,
the group around A. P oppl has shown that EPR offers an excellent tool to study
these materials [186189].
Using a combination of Q-band CW-EPR and Davies and Mims ENDOR, they
were able to study the incorporation of chromium in the MOF compound MIL-53
[187]. The data convincingly showed the transformation from an open to a closed
pore structure upon change of the temperature.
The EPR analysis of the MOF compound Cu3(BTC)2(H2O)3 H2O (BTC
benzene 1,3,5-tricarboxylate) revealed the presence of cupric ions in two different
chemical environments [188]: Cu2II clusters in the paddle-wheel building blocks of
the MOF giving rise to an anti-ferromagnetically coupled spin state and CuII
monomeric species accommodated in the pores of the system. In a next step
[189], the authors substituted CuII ions with ZnII, thus forming paramagnetic
binuclear CuZn clusters that allowed EPR monitoring of the interaction of the
CuII ions with adsorbates such as methanol.

8 Conclusions and Perspectives

With the continuing presence of paramagnetic transition metal ions or defect sites
in homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, the important role played by
advanced EPR techniques to uncover the mechanistic details of the catalytic
cycle is clear and justified. The electronic structure and symmetry of the metal
centre are crucial elements of the catalytic active site. These properties can be easily
probed by EPR, whilst the additional resolving power of HF EPR, ENDOR,
ESEEM and HYSCORE offers further insights into the extended (ligand) structure
around the catalytic site. In many ways, when paramagnetic centres are involved,
these combined techniques provide an unparalleled glimpse into the actions of the
working catalyst. The coupling of the traditional CW-EPR techniques with the
more advanced methodologies that have been developed over the past 20 years
facilitates the improved characterisation and indeed the detection of paramagnetic
and radical intermediates of relevance to catalysis. Although this family of EPR
30 S. Van Doorslaer and D.M. Murphy

techniques offers tremendous opportunities to investigate mechanistic pathways

and transition states in future catalysis research, they are often underused in the

Acknowledgments DMM would like to thanks EPSRC for funding (EP/H023879/1). SVD
thanks the University of Antwerp for support (via NOI-BOF funding).


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Top Curr Chem (2012) 321: 4166
DOI: 10.1007/128_2011_301
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
Published online: 19 November 2011

Radicals in Flavoproteins

Erik Schleicher and Stefan Weber

Abstract Current technical and methodical advances in electron paramagnetic

resonance (EPR) spectroscopy have proven to be very beneficial for studies of
stationary and short-lived paramagnetic states in proteins carrying organic
cofactors. In particular, the large number of proteins with flavins as prosthetic
groups can be examined splendidly by EPR in all its flavors. To understand how
a flavin molecule can be fine-tuned for specific catalysis of different reactions,
understanding of its electronic structure mediated by subtle protein-cofactor
interactions is of utmost importance. The focus of this chapter is the description
of recent research progress from our laboratory on EPR of photoactive
flavoproteins. These catalyze a wide variety of important photobiological processes
ranging from enzymatic DNA repair to plant phototropism and animal magneto-
reception. Whereas increasing structural information on the principal architecture
of photoactive flavoproteins is available to date, their primary photochemistry is
still largely undetermined. Interestingly, although these proteins carry the same
light-active flavin chromophore, their light-driven reactions differ significantly:
Formations of photoexcited triplet states and short-lived radical pairs starting out
from triplet or singlet-state precursors, as well as generation of stationary radicals
have been reported recently. EPR spectroscopy is the method of choice to charac-
terize such paramagnetic intermediates, and hence, to assist in unravelling the
mechanisms of these inimitable proteins.

Keywords BLUF domains  Cryptochrome  ENDOR  EPR  ESR  Flavoprotein 

Photolyase  Phototropin  TREPR

E. Schleicher and S. Weber (*)

Institut fur Physikalische Chemie, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg, Albertstr. 21, 79104
Freiburg, Germany
42 E. Schleicher and S. Weber

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2 EPR Investigations of Flavoproteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3 ENDOR Investigations of Flavoproteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.1 ENDOR Investigations of (64) Photolyase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.2 ENDOR Investigations of LOV Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4 Transient EPR Investigations of Flavoproteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.1 TREPR Studies of Reactive Paramagnetic Intermediates in Cryptochrome . . . . . . . . . 55
4.2 TREPR Studies of BLUF Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5 Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

1 Introduction

During the past two decades an increasing number of enzymatic reactions were
found to proceed via mechanisms involving radicals as intermediate states (see,
e.g., [15]). Hence, a paramagnetic transient state is formed for a diamagnetic
resting state of an enzyme. Radical reactions in enzymology are most often
associated with redox-active cofactors, which can be divided into three subgroups.
(1) Enzymes carrying a transition metal, such as iron or copper, are often involved
in one-electron transfer processes. However, it has to be noted that, depending on
the type and redox state of the metal ion, the resting state of the metalloenzyme
could be intrinsically paramagnetic. (2) A few enzymatic reactions that involve
molecular oxygen as one substrate proceed without cofactor involvement if
the other substrate possesses appropriate chemical properties [6]. (3) Most radical
reactions in enzymology utilize redox-active organic cofactors, such as the hetero-
aromatic heme group, flavins, or quinones. To comprehend the reactivity of these
enzymes on a molecular level, it is necessary to localize and characterize the
paramagnetic center and its close vicinity, and to collect chemical and kinetic
information on reaction intermediates. This also includes electronic and geometric
information of traits that control the reactivity of enzymes. Protein systems are
usually quite complex; hence, the complementary use of various molecular and
structure determining methods is mandatory to obtain such details. However, for
the characterization of the radical state itself, EPR spectroscopy is usually the
method of choice that provides the most reliable and detailed information. To
illustrate how various EPR techniques can be used for this purpose, we focus in
this review on proteins carrying the flavin cofactor, which is the most ubiquitous
redox-active organic coenzyme.
Flavins (Fl) catalyze many different bioreactions of physiological importance
[79]. Riboflavin, flavin mononucleotide (FMN), and flavin adenine dinucleotide
(FAD) have the 7,8-dimethyl isoalloxazine ring in common but differ in the side
chain attached to N10. With their five redox states, fully oxidized, one-electron
reduced semiquinoid (FlH and Fl), and fully reduced hydroquinone (FlH2 and
FlH), flavins are involved in one-electron and two-electron transfer reactions [10].
Radicals in Flavoproteins 43

Flavin semiquinones were one of the first enzymatic radicals identified in electron-
transfer reactions of flavoproteins and reactions of dihydroflavins with molecular
oxygen [11]. Flavin semiquinones function in terminal electron transport complexes
by facilitating electron transfer between obligatory two-electron-reducing agents
(e.g., NADH), and one-electron acceptors (e.g., iron sulfide centers). These pro-
cesses are often further mediated by quinone cofactors such as the coenzyme Q [1].
Moreover, flavin semiquinones play important roles as intermediates in many light-
activated processes ranging from blue-light photoreception [1216] and magnetor-
eception [17, 18] to DNA photorepair [1921].
This review is divided into the following sections. First, EPR measurements of
g-tensors of flavoproteins and the modulation of the principal values of g by the
protein surroundings of the cofactor are discussed. Then, two recent examples of
application of pulsed ENDOR spectroscopy will be reviewed, and, finally, time-
resolved EPR spectroscopy, that is most favorably used to study photo-excited
triplet states and radical pairs, will be introduced.

2 EPR Investigations of Flavoproteins

In studies of paramagnetic flavin species application of EPR has traditionally been

very valuable to distinguish the protonation state of flavin semiquinones by means
of the signal width of its typical inhomogeneously broadened EPR resonance
centered at giso 2.0034 [22, 23]. Anion flavin radicals (deprotonated at N5)
show peak-to-peak line widths (of the EPR signals in the first derivative) of around
1.21.5 mT, whereas neutral flavin radicals (protonated at N5) exhibit significantly
larger spectral widths (around 1.82.0 mT) due to the presence of the additional
large (and anisotropic, see below) hyperfine coupling from the H5 proton of the
7,8-dimethyl isoalloxazine moiety [2427]. However, because hydrogen bonding
of variable strength of surrounding amino acids to either N5 in anion flavin radicals
(Fl) or from NH5 in neutral flavin radicals (FlH) contributes to the EPR signal
width, a clear-cut assignment of a flavin semiquinone signal to either a neutral or an
anion flavin radical is often not possible based on the peak-to-peak EPR line width
alone. Therefore, recent studies have been targeted on precisely measuring the
g-tensor of protein-bound flavin radicals to correlate this quantity to the chemical
structure of flavin semiquinones [2835]. Because in most cases the principal
values of g only deviate marginally from the free-electron value, ge  2.00232,
rather large magnetic fields and correspondingly high microwave frequencies are
required to resolve the very small g anisotropies of flavin radicals. With the recent
availability of powerful EPR instrumentation operating at high magnetic fields and
high microwave frequencies, it is nowadays possible to perform such precision
measurements that are not feasible at standard X-band frequencies where strong
hyperfine inhomogeneities typically obscure the g-anisotropy [36]. In Fig. 1, char-
acteristic high-magnetic-field/high-microwave-frequency EPR spectra of three
44 E. Schleicher and S. Weber

Fig. 1 High-magnetic-field/high-microwave-frequency continuous-wave EPR spectra (first

derivatives) of various flavin radicals. Left: 360.04-GHz EPR spectrum of the stable anionic
FAD radical of Aspergillus niger glucose oxidase (pH 10) recorded at 140 K [33]. Middle:
360.03-GHz EPR spectrum of the neutral FAD radical of E. coli CPD photolyase [28]. Right:
360.03 GHz EPR spectrum an FMN radical, which is bound at its N5 position to the LOV1 protein
domain (C57M mutant) of C. reinhardtii phototropin [32]. Experimental and calculated EPR
spectra are shown as solid and dashed lines, respectively. The red shaded areas show ranges for the
respective principal values of g that have been measured by high-magnetic-field/high-microwave-
frequency EPR experiments (3.5 T/95 GHz)

different flavin radical species, namely neutral, anionic, and 5-methionine flavin
radicals, are depicted and the ranges of typical g-principal values are shown.
For protein-bound flavin radicals it turned out that the g-tensor reflects the
overall electronic structure on the redox-active isoalloxazine ring, and thus is
potentially a valuable probe by which chemically different flavin radicals
(e.g., non-covalently vs covalently bound at specific isoalloxazine ring positions,
and neutral radical vs anion radical) may be distinguished [32]. This is because the
g-principal values of non-covalently bound flavins seem rather unaffected towards
changes in the isoalloxazines local surroundings, unlike other organic cofactors
(such as quinones, tyrosines, or tryptophans) or the nitroxides frequently used in
spin-label EPR studies [37], which show broader distributions of gX-, gY-, and gZ-
principal values, depending, e.g., on the polarity and/or the hydrogen-bonding
situation of the cofactor binding pocket. Flavin neutral radicals in quite dissimilar
protein surroundings, however, render g-principal values that are quite robust,
and hence the subtle differences of gi, i {X, Y, Z}, in different flavoproteins, can
only be observed by EPR performed in very strong magnetic fields.
So far, no single-crystal EPR studies of flavin radicals have been reported.
However, the orientations of the g-principal axes relative to the molecular frame
of the flavins isoalloxazine moiety have been derived from orientation-selection
effects of the quite anisotropic hyperfine coupling of H5 (or D5 in an isotope-
exchange experiment) of the neutral flavin radical, both with EPR [28] and ENDOR
Radicals in Flavoproteins 45

[30, 38]. As expected, the Z-principal axis of g is oriented perpendicular to the

p-plane of the flavin ring. Analyses of EPR and ENDOR data revealed angles of
(29  4) and (14  2) between the X axis of g and the N5H5 (or N5D5)
bond in (64) photolyase [38] and cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (CPD) photolyase
[28, 30], respectively. The factors that cause the reorientation of the X and Y axes of
g of a neutral flavin radical in the two highly homologous cofactor binding pockets
of CPD photolyase and (64) photolyase remain elusive. Also, the orientations of
the principal axes of g relative to the molecular frame of the isoalloxazine ring of a
flavin anion radical still need to be determined experimentally.
In high-field EPR studies of nitroxide spin labels, quinones, and tyrosines, the gX
principal component of the g-tensor is usually most sensitive towards changes in
the hydrogen-bonding situation or the polarity of the radical surroundings. In the case
of neutral flavin radicals, however, the gY component of the g-tensor seems more
responsive than gX. This dissimilarity presumably lies in the different symmetries of
flavins as compared to nitroxides [37, 39] or para-quinones [40, 41]. The latter have a
well-defined symmetry axis with X aligned along the NO or CO bonds, respec-
tively, and there are high unpaired electron-spin densities on the oxygens. Flavins, on
the other hand, have much lower symmetry with the two carbonyl groups being meta-
positioned. Furthermore, the unpaired electron-spin density is mostly localized on C4a
and N5 rather than on the carbonyl groups. Hence, hydrogen bonding to H5 is also
expected to alter the spin distribution on the isoalloxazine ring. Clearly, additional
experimental studies assisted by quantum-chemical calculations of g principal values
are needed to substantiate these preliminary findings further and to rationalize the
different behavior of flavins as compared to other organic radicals.

3 ENDOR Investigations of Flavoproteins

ENDOR spectroscopy is nowadays used on a routine basis to determine the

geometric and electronic structure of radicals by hyperfine interactions between
nuclear magnetic moments and the magnetic moment of the unpaired electron spin.
For flavin radicals, these interactions are in most cases too small to be resolved in
EPR spectra. Via the hyperfine coupling constant, the electron-spin density at the
positions of magnetic nuclei can be evaluated. Several excellent review articles
are available which provide detailed descriptions of the basics and the application
of this technique for structure determination in paramagnetic proteins and
biomolecules [4244]. In brief, by ENDOR spectroscopy hyperfine couplings of a
particular nucleus can be directly determined from pairs of resonance lines that are,
according to the condition nENDOR |nn  A/2|, either equally spaced about the
magnetic-field-dependent nuclear Larmor frequency, nn, and separated by the
(orientation dependent) hyperfine coupling constant A (for the case nn > |A/2|), or
centered around A/2 and separated by 2nn (for nn < |A/2|). Traditionally, ENDOR
studies on flavoproteins have been performed using the continuous-wave method-
ology; for reviews see [22, 45, 46]. In recent years, however, pulsed ENDOR
46 E. Schleicher and S. Weber

techniques (primarily based on the Davies pulse sequence) became increasingly

popular [25, 33, 34, 4753]. In pulsed ENDOR experiments, the signal is obtained
by recording an echo intensity as a function of the frequency of a radio-frequency
pulse. Changes in the echo intensity occur when the radio frequency is on resonance
with an NMR transition, thus generating the ENDOR response [43, 54, 55]. The
pulsed methodology offers many advantages over continuous-wave ENDOR, in
particular when protein samples in frozen solution with a dilute distribution of
paramagnetic centers are to be examined. Pulsed ENDOR generates practically
distortion-less line shapes, and is particularly useful when strongly anisotropic
hyperfine interactions are to be measured [24, 25]. Furthermore, in the pulsed
mode, the ENDOR intensity does not depend on a delicate balance between
electron-spin and nuclear-spin relaxation rates and the applied microwave and
radio frequency powers as for the continuous-wave technique. Its implementation
is therefore much simpler as long as the relaxation times are long enough.
A characteristic pulsed proton ENDOR spectrum of a flavoprotein with the flavin
cofactor in its neutral radical form is shown in Fig. 2. In X-band ENDOR, the
detected resonances can be grouped into five spectral regions between 1 and about
37 MHz. (1) The central so-called matrix-ENDOR signal extends from about 13 to
16.5 MHz and comprises hyperfine couplings from protons whose nuclear spins
interact only very weakly with the unpaired electron spin, e.g., protons from the
protein backbone within the cofactor binding pocket, protons of water molecules
surrounding the flavin, and also weakly coupled protons directly attached to the 7,8-
dimethyl isoalloxazine ring, namely H3, H7a, and H9. (2) Prominent features of axial
shape are observed in the flanking 1012- and 1719-MHz radio-frequency ranges
and arise from the hyperfine couplings of protons of the methyl group attached to C8.
Signals of this hyperfine tensor are in general easily detected in proton-ENDOR
spectroscopy on flavins [29, 33, 52, 5659], and are considered to be sensitive probes
of the electron-spin density on the outer xylene ring of the flavin isoalloxazine
moiety. Furthermore, theory shows that the size of this coupling responds sensitively
to polarity changes of the protein surroundings [60]. (3) Flanking the H8a signals at
around 910 MHz and 1920 MHz are found the transitions belonging to one of the
two b-protons, H1, attached to C1 in the ribityl side chain of the isoalloxazine ring
[45, 56]. (4) Signals arising from the hyperfine coupling of the H6 proton occur at

Fig. 2 Pulsed ENDOR on a

neutral flavin radical. E. coli
CPD photolyase was
investigated with pulsed
Davies ENDOR spectroscopy
at T 80 K (for details, see
[25]). Detectable protons are
marked accordingly
Radicals in Flavoproteins 47

around 12 MHz and 17 MHz. (5) The broad, rhombic (Ax 6 Ay 6 Az) feature
extending from 21 to 34 MHz in the pulsed ENDOR spectrum is assigned to the
proton bound to N5 [24, 25, 38]. Its contribution to the overall spectrum is easily
discriminated from that of other protons in the isoalloxazine moiety due to the
exchangeability of H5 with a deuteron upon buffer deuteration. Observation of this
very anisotropic hyperfine coupling beautifully demonstrates the advantages of
pulsed ENDOR over the conventional continuous-wave methodology. In the latter
the first derivative of the signal intensity (with respect to the radio frequency) is
recorded, which becomes very small when broad spectral features are to be measured.
Hence, such couplings often escape direct detection in continuous-wave
ENDOR [25].
A flavin anion radical shows a markedly different proton ENDOR spectrum as
compared to that of a neutral radical. The most pronounced differences are, of
course, the absence of the signal from H5 and the larger splittings of the signal pairs
arising from H8a and H6 in the anion radical case. Hence, in addition to the
g-tensor, the hyperfine pattern of a flavin radical allows for an unambiguous
discrimination of the radicals protonation state [33, 34].
With the commercial availability of pulsed EPR instrumentation, other pulsed
methods such as electron-spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) or hyperfine
sublevel correlation spectroscopy (HYSCORE), which are quite useful to study
specific hyperfine and quadrupolar couplings, have also been applied to
flavoproteins [59, 61, 62]. These studies have been reviewed recently, e.g., in [46].

3.1 ENDOR Investigations of (64) Photolyase

Pulsed ENDOR has been favorably applied to characterize the electronic structure
of the FADH cofactor and its surroundings in (64) photolyase. Photolyases are
DNA repair enzymes that restore damaged and potentially lethal DNA by splitting
UV-generated cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) or (64) photoproducts in a
light-activated electron-transfer reaction, thereby preventing erratic DNA replica-
tion [19, 20]. For CPD-repairing CPD photolyase, the proposed repair mechanism
includes a photo-induced single electron-transfer step from the fully reduced FAD
cofactor (FADH) to the CPD, resulting in the formation of a CPD anion radical and
a neutral FADH radical [63]. The cyclobutane ring of the putative CPD radical then
splits, and subsequently the electron is likely to be transferred back to the FADH
radical, thus restoring the initial redox states [19]. Hence, the entire process
represents a true catalytic cycle with net-zero exchanged electrons. In contrast,
(64) photolyases are unable to restore the original bases from DNA containing
(64) photoproduct lesions in a single reaction step; rather, following binding of the
DNA lesion, the overall repair reaction consists of at least two different steps, one
of which could be light-independent while the other must be light-dependent
[6466]. Hitomi and coworkers first proposed a detailed reaction mechanism
based on a mutational study, model geometries calculated on the basis of previously
48 E. Schleicher and S. Weber

published CPD photolyase coordinates [67], and the important finding that the
repair rate of (64) photolyases strongly depends on the pH [68, 69]. In the initial
light-independent step, a 6-iminium ion intermediate is generated from the (64)
photoproduct aided by two highly conserved histidines (His354 and His358 in
Xenopus laevis (64) photolyase). The 6-iminium ion then spontaneously
rearranges to an oxetane intermediate by intramolecular nucleophilic attack [66].
The oxetane species was proposed earlier in analogy to the repair mechanism of
CPD photolyases, and because it was identified as an intermediate in the formation
of (64) photoproducts [64, 70]. This putative repair mechanism of (64)
photolyase requires one histidine to act as a proton acceptor and the other as a
proton donor, which implies that the two histidines should have markedly different
pKa values. The subsequent blue-light-driven (350 < l < 500 nm) reaction splits
the oxetane intermediate presumably via an electron-transfer mechanism similar to
that of CPD photolyases.
The unanswered question regarding the detailed repair mechanism of (64)
photolyases and the involvement of functionally relevant amino acids led to the
design of an ENDOR study [56] which will be briefly reviewed here. In general, as
the function of a histidine is markedly influenced by its protonation state, it seems
likely that the histidines at the solvent-exposed active site cause the unusual pH
dependence in the (64) photolyase repair activity in vitro [68]. The principal idea
was that the protonation of a histidine alters its polarity, which may be indirectly
probed by proton-ENDOR spectroscopy using the neutral radical state of the FAD
cofactor as the observer molecule. Figure 3 depicts sections of the complete
ENDOR spectra (in the radio-frequency region between 17.8 and 21.2 MHz
corresponding to hyperfine couplings between about 6 and 13 MHz) of X. laevis
(64) photolyase, where the three H8a and one of the two H1 protons resonate;
compare Fig. 2.
It is apparent that the intensity of the H8a ENDOR signal changes significantly
as a function of pH. In contrast, the resonances of the other protons are pH
independent (data not shown) [56]. For a detailed data analysis it was taken into
account that the signal of H8a overlaps with that arising from H1; by spectral
simulation, the individual signal contributions of these protons could be
deconvoluted. The overall shapes of the ENDOR spectra of the H358A mutant
protein largely resemble those of the wild type at the respective pH conditions. In
contrast to the wild type (or H358A), the ENDOR spectra of the H354A protein are
markedly different. Thus, replacement of His354 with alanine leads to significant
modifications of the cofactor-binding site at the 8a-methyl group and at the linkage
of the ribityl side chain. Hence, as a first result, structural information regarding the
distance and the location of the two histidines with respect to the flavin observer
was obtained: the strong shift of the isotropic hyperfine coupling of H1 in H354A,
as compared to the wild type or the H358A protein, observed at all measured pH
values, suggested that His354 is close to H1 (it has to be mentioned that experi-
mental data on the structure of a (64)-photolyase enzyme was unavailable at the
time when the ENDOR experiments were performed). A slight geometrical reori-
entation due to the histidine-to-alanine replacement results in an altered direction of
Radicals in Flavoproteins 49

Fig. 3 ENDOR experiments on wild type, H354A and H358A X. laevis (64) photolyase
measured at pH 6.0 and 9.5, respectively. Upper part: experimental (dots) and simulated (dashed
line) pulsed ENDOR spectra of different X. laevis (64) photolyase samples. The red and the blue
curves show the contributions of the H8a and the H1 hyperfine couplings to the overall ENDOR
spectrum [56]. Lower part: three-dimensional structure of the active site of (64) photolyase
including selected amino acids [71]. Proposed changes in the protonation state of His354 and
His358 upon pH variations are displayed

the C1H1 bond with respect to the p-plane of the isoalloxazine ring, thus
changing the dihedral angle, and, hence, the strength of the H1 hyperfine coupling.
On the other hand, the shift of the isotropic hyperfine coupling of H8a, with respect
to the wild type, was larger in the H358A mutant than in H354A. From this finding
it was concluded, that His358 is closer than His354 to the H8a protons.
As a second result of the ENDOR study, the H8a ENDOR signal in the H354A
mutant was also demonstrated to be strongly pH-dependent, an effect that must
originate from a protonation change of His358 when going from pH 9.5 to pH 6
[56]. For steric reasons, it was concluded that at pH 9.5 the (deprotonated) His358
residue should turn towards the smaller Ala354 in the H354A mutant, which affects
50 E. Schleicher and S. Weber

the axial symmetry of the hyperfine tensor. This implies that His354 does not
change its protonation state when going from pH 9.5 to pH 6. Hence, the protonated
histidine that is proposed to catalyze intermediate formation must be His354,
because His358 is deprotonated at pH 9.5; see Fig. 3. In summary, these findings
beautifully demonstrate the potential of ENDOR to study protonation states of
amino acids by probing them with a nearby radical, such as the intrinsic flavin
radical in the working site of photolyases.
Very recently, the long-awaited crystal structures of Drosophila melanogaster
(64) photolyase in complex with DNA containing a (64) photoproduct lesion, and
in complex with DNA after in situ repair were presented (see Fig. 3, lower panel)
[71]. The overall structure of the (64)-photolyase looks surprisingly similar
compared to the previously published structures from CPD-photolyases [67, 72],
although the binding pocket for the DNA lesion is smaller but deeper than those
from the CPD-repairing enzymes, and governed by less hydrophobic amino acids.
This change in amino acid composition reflects the altered geometry of the enzyme-
bound (64) photoproduct and could be an argument for an alternative repair
mechanism. The previously discussed two conserved histidines are indeed located
in the binding pocket of the substrate, even though only His354 was found to be in
direct contact with the (64) photoproduct lesion via hydrogen bonding. Based on
their structure data, the authors proposed a new mechanism for the repair of the
(64) photoproduct [71]. However, in contrast to previously suggested reaction
schemes, this mechanism does not involve an oxetane intermediate, but electron
transfer from the flavin directly to the (64) photoproduct. Protonation of the one-
electron reduced (64) photoproducts 5-OH group by the nearby histidine then
facilitates elimination of a water molecule, which subsequently attacks the
acylimine molecule. This intermediate is proposed to split into the two thymines
in the DNA lesion and, after back-electron transfer to the flavin, the intact bases are
restored. During the last year, a number of studies, from both theoretical and
experimental groups, have been published [7375]. Surprisingly, all these recent
studies favor yet other, substantially different, reaction mechanisms for the enzy-
matic repair of (64) photoproducts. Clearly, from structure data alone, the pending
question on the reaction mechanism of (64) photolyase cannot be solved. Cer-
tainly, further EPR/ENDOR spectroscopic studies might be useful to solve this
interesting problem.

3.2 ENDOR Investigations of LOV Domains

First discovered as tandem sensor domains in the plant photoreceptor phototropin

[76], lightoxygenvoltage (LOV) domains have since been found in several
plant, fungal, and bacterial proteins [77, 78]. LOV domains are distinguished from
other flavin-based blue-light photoreceptors by their characteristic photochemistry.
After absorption of a photon in the blue spectral region by the dark-adapted state,
the FMN cofactor undergoes within picoseconds efficient intersystem crossing to
Radicals in Flavoproteins 51

yield a triplet intermediate state [79]. On a microsecond time scale, a covalent

thioether bond between atom C4a of the FMN ring and a conserved nearby cysteine
residue is formed [80, 81]. The photoreaction is fully reversible and the signaling
state thermally reverts to the dark state. Despite closely similar amino acid
sequence and three-dimensional structure [8284], individual LOV domains differ
markedly in the kinetics of their photocycle. For example, the time constants for
dark recovery in phototropin LOV domains vary between 10 and 100 s [85], but
much longer (or even irreversible) kinetics have also been found [86]. Signal
transduction from the location of primary photochemistry to the kinase unit in
full-length phototropin is far from being understood, although some key results
begin to shed light onto the principal signaling mechanism. Results from NMR
spectroscopy show a reordering or even an unfolding of a helix (named Ja-helix)
that bridges the LOV domain and the signal transduction domain [87].
The slow dark-state recovery and the remarkable divergence of this reaction are
still incompletely understood topics in LOV chemistry. One approach for under-
standing this phenomenon is to assume that subtle changes in the protein environ-
ment lead to specific conversions in protein conformation. These conformational
changes in turn could alter the stability of the C4asulfur bond, and thus, modulate
the reaction rate of the DG-driven CS bond splitting. To find evidence for this
notion, an ENDOR study was designed in which parts of the microenvironment in
the close vicinity of the FMN cofactor of a LOV domain were altered and, via the
determination of hyperfine couplings of the FMN in the radical state, the influence
on the proteins reactivity was probed [52]. From these data, the internal energy of
the system and, hence, the strength of interaction between the FMN cofactor and its
surrounding was estimated.
All mutant Avena sativa LOV2 (AsLOV2) domains examined contained an
additional second mutation; the reactive cysteine residue was replaced by an
alanine to prevent the light-induced formation of the FMN C4a adduct and to
generate a meta-stable neutral FMN radical as an observer instead. Surprisingly,
rather unexpected ENDOR spectra were recorded for AsLOV2; see Fig. 4 (upper
panel). Specifically, restricted 8a-methyl-group rotation was observed starting
already at rather high temperatures (T 110 K). This is quite unusual because it
seems generally accepted that methyl group rotation is activated even down to
liquid helium temperatures. Apparently, due to steric restrictions, such motion is
strongly affected in AsLOV2. To identify protein-cofactor interactions, a mutagen-
esis study has been performed: three amino acids, namely Leu496, Phe509, and
Asn425, all located near H8a, were examined for their impact on methyl group
rotational dynamics (see Fig. 5).
Mutations in these three amino acids clearly showed changed ENDOR spectra,
which is consistent with predicted altered sterical interactions (see Fig. 4) [52].
Results obtained from spectral simulations of individual hyperfine couplings of
FMN in the AsLOV2 samples can be divided into two parts. (1) Point mutations of
specific amino acid residues that change the temperature dependence of methyl
group rotation in AsLOV2 proteins containing mutations of the amino acid
Leu496 do not seem to have strong impact on the 8a protons as the spectra recorded
52 E. Schleicher and S. Weber

Fig. 4 ENDOR spectra of various A. sativa LOV2 domains. Left panel: pulsed X-Band Davies-
type proton ENDOR spectra of various AsLOV2 single - and double mutants. Spectra were
recorded at 120 K (dashed lines), 80 K (black lines), and 10 K (gray shaded) for all samples.
Right panel: sections of AsLOV2 spectra (dashed lines) recorded at 10 K with accompanying
spectral simulations (spectral contributions of individual hyperfine couplings are shown in color
shades of blue, green, and red; the superpositions of all deconvoluted hyperfine contributions are
shown as thick black lines). Two protein samples, AsLOV2 C450A/F509A and AsLOV2 C450A/
N425C, require another hyperfine component of axial symmetry for accurate spectral fitting. This
feature represents hyperfine coupling from fast rotating 8a-methyl group protons (H8aisotropic) and
is shown in orange. Adapted from [52]

at 120, 80, and 10 K are highly comparable to those of AsLOV2 C450A samples.
On the other hand, mutations of Phe509 and particularly Asn425 lead to a drasti-
cally altered temperature behavior, which is illustrated in the left panel of Fig. 4.
Conservative mutations such as F509V cause only subtle changes, whereas F509A,
N425S, and especially N425C show an increase in rotational freedom of the methyl
group even down to 10 K, which makes spectra of the latter mutation highly
Radicals in Flavoproteins 53

Fig. 5 FMN binding site of

AsLOV2 C450A. Schematic
representation of the FMN-
binding site of AsLOV2 with
amino acid residues that are in
close proximity to the FMNs
methyl group at C8a [87]

Fig. 6 H8a hyperfine couplings as a function of the rotation angle of the methyl group. Hyperfine
coupling values of the three H8a protons as a function of the rotation angle were obtained from
density functional theory. In gray, the isotropic part of the calculated hyperfine tensor for each of
the three hydrogens is shown. The dots mark the isotropic hyperfine values of two 8a protons
obtained by spectral simulation of the experimental data set. The inset shows a graphical view of
the angles of the three 8a-methyl-group protons with respect to the isoalloxazine ring plane for
AsLOV2 C450A, and for C450A/N425C. Adopted from [52]

comparable to those obtained from other LOV samples, such as LOV1 from
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (data not shown) [52]. (2) Point mutations of specific
amino acid residues that change the angle of the arrested 8a-methyl protons with
respect to the isoalloxazine ring plane based on results from density functional
theory (DFT), dihedral angles could be determined, in which methyl rotation comes
to a halt (see Fig. 6). Compared to the C450A samples, mutations of Asn425 change
this situation dramatically: whereas the angle in N425S samples is only moderately
increased, N425C mutations shifted the dihedral angle by about 10 [52].
54 E. Schleicher and S. Weber

It turned out that some of the above-mentioned mutations with strong impact on
methyl group rotation also exhibit significantly altered dark-state recovery, i.e., the
breakage of the FMN C4aS bond, when introduced into wild type AsLOV2.
For example, mono-exponential fitting of the back reaction of the N425C mutant
results in an adduct-state lifetime of only 7.5 s, which is sixfold decreased as
compared to that of wild type AsLOV2 (45.8 s) [52]. Hence, interaction between
Asn425 and the 8a methyl group seems to coerce the FMNs isoalloxazine
moiety into a specific conformation, thus stabilizing the intrinsically weak FMN
C4aS bond of the cysteinyl-FMN 4a adduct. Replacement of the amino acid leads
to an increase in conformational flexibility of the FMN cofactor and, thus, to a
destabilization of the SC4a bond. Hence, careful examinations of hyperfine
couplings of a paramagnetic cofactor, and their modifications as a function of the
cofactor surroundings, revealed protein sites that have previously escaped attention
because they are rather remote from the location of FMN adduct formation.

4 Transient EPR Investigations of Flavoproteins

Short-lived paramagnetic intermediates such as triplet states or radical pairs

generated in the course of (photo-)chemical reactions can be favorably studied by
measuring the EPR signal intensity as a function of time at a fixed value of the
external magnetic field [88, 89]. Typically, the best-possible time response of a
conventional EPR spectrometer that is dedicated to continuous-wave fixed-
frequency lock-in detection is in the order of about 20 ms. By use of magnetic-
field modulation frequencies higher than the 100 kHz usually employed in
commercial instruments, the time resolution can be further increased by one order
of magnitude, which makes the method well suited for the study of transient free
radicals on a microsecond time scale. By completely forgoing the magnetic-field
modulation, the time resolution can be pushed into the 108- to 1010-s range
[9092]. A suitably fast data acquisition system comprising a broad-bandwidth
microwave frequency mixer read out by a fast transient recorder or a digital
oscilloscope is employed to detect directly the transient EPR signal as a function
of time at a fixed magnetic field. In transient EPR spectroscopy (TREPR), para-
magnetic species are generated on a nanosecond time scale by a short laser flash or
radiolysis pulse, which also serves as a trigger to start signal acquisition. A
complete TREPR spectrum comprises a series of time profiles recorded at mag-
netic-field points covering the total spectral width. This yields a two-dimensional
variation of the signal intensity with respect to both the magnetic field and the time
axis. Spectral information can be extracted from such a plot at any fixed time after
the laser pulse as slices parallel to the magnetic-field axis.
In Fig. 7a, the TREPR signal from the photo-generated triplet state of FMN,
detected about 1 ms after the laser pulse, is shown as a function of the magnetic field
[93, 94]. Due to signal detection in the absence of any effect modulation (e.g.,
modulation of the magnetic field), the sign of the resonances directly reflects the
Radicals in Flavoproteins 55

Fig. 7 Triplet and radical-

pair TREPR spectra of
flavoproteins. (a) TREPR
data set of the photoexcited
triplet state of FMN in frozen
aqueous solution measured
1 ms after pulsed laser
excitation at 80 K [93].
(b) TREPR spectrum of a
photogenerated radical pair
comprising a flavin and a
tryptophan radical in E. coli
CPD photolyase, measured
1 ms after pulsed laser
excitation at 274 K [19]

emissive or enhanced absorptive polarizations of the EPR transitions. Electron-spin

polarization arises due to the generation of the electron-spin state with an initial
non-equilibrium energy-level population [9597]. The width of the signal reflects
the mutual interaction of the formally two unpaired electron spins in the triplet
configuration. Because both spins are localized on the same isoalloxazine moiety,
the dipolar spinspin interactions are quite strong, and hence TREPR spectra of
flavin triplet states are fairly broad [93, 94]. The weak transition at low magnetic
field represents the DMS 2-transition.
In radical-pair states, the average distance between the two unpaired electron
spins is typically much larger than in triplet states. Hence, TREPR spectra of photo-
generated (and electron-spin polarized) radical pairs are narrower due to the
reduced mutual dipolar and exchange interactions as compared to flavin triplets.
This is shown in Fig. 7b, where the TREPR signal of a flavin-based radical pair in
photolyase is depicted [19]. Analysis of the spectral shapes of TREPR signals yields
information on the chemical nature of the individual radicals of the radical-pair
state, and the interaction of the radicals with each other and with their immediate

4.1 TREPR Studies of Reactive Paramagnetic Intermediates

in Cryptochrome

Redox reactions have been proposed to play a key role in light-responsive activities
of cryptochromes [98, 99], blue-light photoreceptors in plants, animals, and bacte-
ria with widespread functions ranging from the regulation of circadian rhythms of
plants and animals [13] to the sensing of magnetic fields in a number of species
56 E. Schleicher and S. Weber

[17]. Both in vitro and in vivo experiments suggest that the FAD redox state is
changed from fully oxidized (FADox) to the radical form when it adopts the
signaling state [50, 51, 98]. The results agree with the redox activity of photolyases,
which share (to a high degree) amino acid sequence and three-dimensional structure
with cryptochromes [20]. Despite this similarity, cryptochromes generally do not
show DNA repair activity. In photolyases, when starting from FADox, photoin-
duced intraprotein electron transfer produces a radical pair, comprising an FAD
radical and either a tyrosine or tryptophan radical, which is directly observable by
time-resolved EPR [19, 100]. The specific amino acid involved in photoreduction
of FAD in Escherichia coli CPD photolyase was first identified by a comprehensive
point-mutational study in which each individual tryptophan of the enzyme was
replaced by phenylalanine [101]. Only the W306F mutation abolished photoreduc-
tion of FADox or FADH. Trp306 is situated at the enzyme surface at a distance of
approximately 20 A to FAD [67]. However, this distance is too large for a rapid
direct electron transfer between Trp306 and the FAD, which is completed within
30 ps, as has been determined recently by time-resolved optical spectroscopy [102].
Hence, a chain of tryptophans comprising Trp359 and Trp382 was postulated early
on upon elucidation of the three-dimensional structure [67] of the enzyme to
provide an efficient multistep electron-transfer pathway through well-defined
intermediates between Trp306 and the FAD [103]. This chain of tryptophans has
been conserved throughout all structurally characterized photolyases to date and is
also found in cryptochromes. While the relevance of this intraprotein electron
transfer for photolyase function is still under debate [104], the cascade is believed
to be critical for cryptochrome signaling. For example, it has been shown recently
that substitutions of the surface-exposed tryptophan or the tryptophan proximal to
FAD reduce in-vivo photoreceptor function of Arabidopsis cryptochrome-1 [105].
Radical pairs generated along the tryptophan chain by light-induced electron
transfer to FADox in cryptochromes have been proposed to function as essential
ingredients of a biological compass to collect information on the geomagnetic
orientation in a large and taxonomically diverse group of organisms [106]. In
principle, a compass based on radical-pair photochemistry requires (1) generation
of a spin-correlated radical pair with coherent interconversion of its singlet and
triplet states in combination with a spin-selective reaction, such as further for-
ward reactions that compete with charge recombination (which regenerates the
ground-state reactants) the latter is only allowed for the singlet radical-pair but not
the triplet radical-pair configuration, (2) modulation of the singlet-to-triplet inter-
conversion by Zeeman magnetic interactions of the unpaired electron spins with the
magnetic field, and (3) sufficiently small inter-radical exchange and dipolar
interactions such that they do not attenuate the radical pairs singlet-to-triplet
interconversion [17]. Hence, understanding the suitability and potential of
cryptochromes for magnetoreception requires identification of radical-pair states
and examination of their origin, and the detailed characterization of magnetic
interaction parameters and kinetics. TREPR with a time resolution down to 10 ns
allows real-time observation of such spin states generated by pulsed laser excita-
tion. Cryptochromes of the DASH type are ideal paradigm systems for such
Radicals in Flavoproteins 57

Fig. 8 TREPR spectrum of a

photo-generated radical pair
in X. laevis cryptochrome-
DASH. (a) Complete TREPR
data set of X. laevis
measured at 274 K [109]. (b)
TREPR spectrum of wild type
(solid blue curve) and W324F
(solid green curve) X. laevis
recorded 500 ns after pulsed
laser excitation. The dashed
curve shows a spectral
simulation of the EPR data of
the wild-type protein using
parameters described in the
text and in [109]. (c) The
conserved tryptophan triad of
X. laevis cryptochrome-
DASH. Figure taken from

studies, because these proteins can be expressed from diverse species, their three-
dimensional structure is known [107, 108], and they are stable and available in the
amounts required for spectroscopic studies.
Recently, a TREPR study of light-induced paramagnetic intermediates from
wild-type cryptochrome DASH of the frog X. laevis was presented and the results
were compared with those from a mutant protein (W324F) lacking the terminal
tryptophan residue of the conserved putative electron-transfer chain [109]; see
Fig. 8.
The TREPR signal of wild-type cryptochrome recorded at physiologically
relevant temperature is depicted in three dimensions as a function of the magnetic
field and the time after pulsed laser excitation. Positive and negative signals
indicate enhanced absorptive and emissive electron-spin polarization of the EPR
transitions, respectively. The signal is assigned to a radical pair based on its spectral
shape and narrow width. A spin-polarized flavin triplet state detected under com-
parable experimental conditions would span more than 150 mT due to the large
spinspin interactions between the two unpaired electrons (see above). The time
evolution reveals that the radical-pair state exists for at least 6 ms; a more precise
determination is not possible because the exponential signal decay is affected by
58 E. Schleicher and S. Weber

spin relaxation of the electron-spin polarization to the Boltzmann equilibrium

population. The spectrum of X. laevis cryptochrome resembles those obtained
earlier on light-induced short-lived radical-pair species in FAD photoreduction of
photolyases [19, 100]. The origin of the radical-pair signal in cryptochrome could
be unraveled by examination of a single-point mutant, W324F, which lacks the
enzyme-surface exposed tryptophan Trp324 (equivalent to Trp306 in E. coli CPD
photolyase) of the conserved electron-transfer cascade. Under identical experimen-
tal conditions, the mutant protein did not exhibit any TREPR signal. The conclusion
that Trp324 is the terminal electron donor in the light-induced electron-transfer
reaction to the flavin chromophore in X. laevis cryptochrome is supported by
spectral simulations, which have been performed on the basis of the correlated
coupled radical-pair model and assuming the fixed orientations of the Trp324
radical and the flavin radical given by the three-dimensional structure of the protein
[109]. The strength of the dipolar interaction between the two radicals was
estimated based on the point-dipole approximation, which yielded d 0.36 mT
assuming an inter-radical distance of about 2.0 nm between Trp324 and FADH.
Principal values for the g-tensors of both radicals were taken from high-magnetic-
field/high-microwave-frequency examinations (see above). However, a satisfactory
simulation of the TREPR signal of the Trp324FAD radical pair was only obtained
if a non-zero and positive exchange interaction parameter J +73 mT was taken
into account. Together with recent findings from optical spectroscopy on the FADox
photoreaction of the related E. coli CPD photolyase from which an electronic
singlet precursor state of Trp306FAD radical pair formation was confirmed
[110], a positive J value indicates that the triplet radical-pair configuration is
favored by 2J over its singlet configuration. Both exchange and dipolar interactions
are rather large as compared to the strength of the geomagnetic field, which is on the
order of about 50 mT in Europe. Hence, the rather strong radicalradical interactions
may inhibit the magnetic-field dependence of singlet-to-triplet interconversion of
radical-pair states, and hence, make radical pairs of the type of Trp324FAD in
cryptochromes unsuitable as sensors for the Earths magnetic field unless cancella-
tion effects are in effect, as has recently been suggested by Efimova and Hore [111].
Examination of the radical-pair species generated by pulsed laser light by
TREPR at two different magnetic-field ranges and microwave frequencies, namely
at X-band and at Q-band, revealed that the overall electron spin polarization
(i.e., the integral of the TREPR signal amplitude over the magnetic field range of
the entire radical-pair resonances) is zero at both EPR working points [112]: one
half of the spectrum is in enhanced absorption, and the other half is in emission.
This can only be rationalized if the electronic precursor multiplicity of radical-pair
formation is a pure singlet state because a singlet has an equal number of spins with
spin-down and spin-up projection, while the triplet levels |T+, |T0, and |T
are not populated. This situation applies at all ranges of the magnetic field, e.g., at
the B0-values applied in X-band as well as in Q-band EPR. However, when the
radical-pair precursor is a spin-polarized triplet state, the initial TREPR spectrum
typically exhibits either net absorption or net emission. This is understood in terms
of the three triplet wave functions, |T+, |T0, and |T, which can now be
Radicals in Flavoproteins 59

populated. Similar to the singlet state, |S, the |T0-state has an equal number of
electrons with spin-down and spin-up projection. The |T+- and |T-states, on
the other hand, may contain different populations because of second-order effects
created by the size of the zero-field splitting parameters (D and E) relative to the
strength of the external magnetic field B0. If |T is in excess, then net enhanced
absorption occurs because |T contains two electrons with spin-down projec-
tion. Accordingly, if |T+ is in excess, net emission is observed (because of the two
electrons with spin-up projection). The stronger B0 is relative to the size of zero-
field splitting of the triplet zero-field sublevels |TX, |TY, and |TZ (X, Y and Z are
the principal axes of the dipolar coupling tensor in the triplet), the smaller the
population difference between the high-field triplet levels |T and |T+ despite the
non-Boltzmann population of the zero-field triplet levels [113]. In this so-called
high-magnetic-field limit, where the energies of |T and |T+ decrease and
increase, respectively, in a linear fashion with the external magnetic field B0, one
expects increasingly symmetric TREPR spectra [112]. In other words, the higher
the magnetic field, the more efficiently the enhanced absorptive and emissive
spectral contributions will cancel out, and the more the integral of the TREPR
signal intensity over the magnetic field will approach zero. Given typical zero-field
splitting parameters (|D|  70 mT, |E|  20 mT) and zero-field populations
(rX 2/3, rY 1/3, and rZ 0) of a flavin triplet state at physiological pH
[93], a net emissive TREPR spectrum is expected from a potentially triplet-born
cryptochrome radical pair at X-band, whereas at Q-band the spectrum will become
more symmetric with vanishing net electron-spin polarization. This is, however, not
observed [112]. Similar considerations can be applied to the potential case of a
triplet precursor state that is not spin-polarized but thermally relaxed prior to
radical-pair generation. In this situation TREPR spectra become more asymmetric,
i.e., net electron-spin polarization shifts towards enhanced absorption, with increas-
ing magnetic field B0. At X-band EPR, fairly symmetric spectra are expected,
whereas at Q-band net-absorption will be observed [112]. This nicely demonstrates
that a two-microwave-frequency TREPR approach can be used to draw conclusions
on the nature of the precursor electronic state in light-induced spin-correlated
radical-pair formation.
The TREPR results clearly show that cryptochromes (exemplified for the
DASH-type) readily form radical-pair species upon photoexcitation. Spin correla-
tion of such radical-pair states (singlet vs triplet), which is a necessary condition
for magnetoselectivity of radical-pair reactions, manifests itself as electron-spin
polarization of EPR transitions, which can be directly detected by TREPR in real
time. Such observations support the conservation of photo-induced radical-pair
reactions and their relevance among proteins of the photolyase/cryptochrome
family. The results are of high relevance for studies of magnetosensors based on
radical-pair (photo-)chemistry in general [114], and for the assessment of the
suitability of cryptochrome radical pairs in animal magnetoreception in particular
[17, 115].
60 E. Schleicher and S. Weber

4.2 TREPR Studies of BLUF Proteins

Blue-light sensitive photoreceptor BLUF (blue light using FAD) domains are
also flavoproteins, which regulate various, mostly stress-related processes in bacte-
ria and eukaryotes. BLUF domains were found in various proteins, e.g., in the N-
terminus of the AppA protein of the purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides. In
this organism, AppA acts as a transcriptional antirepressor and interacts with the
photosynthesis repressor protein PpsR to form a stable AppA-(PpsR)2 complex in
the dark and under low-light conditions [116]. The BLUF photoreceptor class was
also discovered in a series of gene products derived from proteobacteria,
cyanobacteria, and some eukaryotes [117]. Three-dimensional single-crystal and
NMR structures for a number of BLUF proteins reveal a novel FAD binding fold
(see, e.g., [118122]). Photo-excitation of BLUF domains induces a small but
characteristic red-shift of the FAD absorption of about 1015 nm in the UV/vis
region. This was rationalized with a reaction mechanism, in which a very short-
lived biradical species comprising an FAD radical and a tyrosine radical are
generated upon optical excitation of the FAD [123]. The proposed radical-pair
species are, however, too short-lived (<1 ns) to be directly detected by TREPR at
physiological temperatures, first because the temporal resolution of TREPR rarely
reaches values below 10 ns, and second because the initial electron-spin polariza-
tion is quickly abolished by overall protein motion in liquid solution. In frozen
aqueous solution, however, paramagnetic species could be detected by TREPR on a
time scale of up to 100 ms [124]; see Fig. 9.
Triplet states were observed for various dark-adapted BLUF domains from
different organisms. Based on the zero-field splitting parameters, the spin-polarized
TREPR signals could be assigned to flavin triplet states. Radical-pair signatures
were also detected, although, despite high conservation of amino acid sequence and
three-dimensional structure, only from BLUF domains of Synechocystis sp. PCC

Fig. 9 TREPR spectra of

wild-type and mutant
Slr-BLUF domains. Upper
panel: dark-adapted wild-type
Slr-BLUF TREPR spectrum
recorded 2 ms after pulsed
laser excitation and at a
temperature of 80 K. Lower
panel: dark-adapted Y8W
Slr-BLUF sample. Figure
adapted from [124]
Radicals in Flavoproteins 61

6803 (Slr-BLUF). The radical-pair signal of the wild type exhibits strong net-
enhanced absorptive spin polarization and is superimposed by a similarly strongly
spin-polarized flavin triplet spectrum. The narrow feature near g  2 was assigned
to a strongly coupled radical pair comprising the flavin chromophore and an
electron-donating amino acid, both in the radical form. Two aromatic amino acid
residues are reasonable close to the isoalloxazine ring of the FAD to transfer
efficiently an electron upon photoexcitation: Tyr8 and Trp91 in Slr-BLUF are
located within 0.50.6 nm to C4a of FAD, respectively (measured from the points
of highest unpaired electron-spin density of the respective residue). From the
magnetic-field position of extreme and inflection points, the zero-field splitting
parameters of the dipoledipole coupling tensor can be extracted. Under the
assumption of perfect axial symmetry (i.e., E 0) of the strongly-coupled radical
pair, the inflection points of the outer wings are separated by 2|D|, and
the inner features by |D|; see Fig. 9. Examination of the radical-pair feature yielded
|D| (10.3  0.3) mT. Using the point-dipole approximation, a distance of about
0.7 nm was calculated as the average distance between the two unpaired electron
spins of the radical pair, which is close to the distances found between Tyr8 and
FAD, or Trp91 and FAD. Hence, based on the dipolar coupling alone, the precise
origin of the radical pair TREPR signal cannot be unambiguously determined. To
assign the amino acid involved in electron transfer to the FAD, the radical-pair
signal of the wild type Slr-BLUF domain was compared to that of a mutant, where
Tyr8 was replaced by a tryptophan, Y8W. Removal of Tyr8 completely changed the
radical-pair feature, which now showed emissively and enhanced absorptively spin-
polarized signal contributions. These results show that Tyr8 is directly involved in
light-induced electron transfer to the flavin. However, the precise origin of the
radical pair signal from Y8W Slr-BLUF remains unclear. The electron-donating
residue could be Trp8, Trp91, or another as yet unidentified aromatic amino acid.
This issue needs to be addressed by a more comprehensive inspection of aromatic
amino acids and their involvement in the photocycle using TREPR preferably
performed at higher magnetic fields than in X-band EPR to resolve better the
radical pair signals by means of the different g-values of the coupled radicals.

5 Concluding Remarks

In recent years, a wealth of information on photolyase-mediated DNA repair and

cryptochrome- and phototropin-mediated blue-light responses was obtained
through the combined efforts of biologists, chemists, and physicists, from both
experimental and theoretical studies. Here we have chosen recent examples of
experimental work from our group to demonstrate the potential of modern EPR
methods to answer mechanism-related questions and to study reactive inter-
mediates in photo-induced electron transfer. Nevertheless, some key questions of
these reactions remain to be solved. Important questions are as follows. What are
the precise differences between CPD photolyase and (64) photolyase regarding
62 E. Schleicher and S. Weber

substrate binding and DNA repair? Why are the cryptochromes, despite their high
protein-sequence homology to (64) photolyases, incapable of repairing UV-
induced DNA lesions? Are cryptochromes capable of sensing and transducing
magnetic-field information, and if so, how is this task achieved in detail? Solving
these questions will be a challenge for the next decade(s). We are confident that
application of modern EPR will make an important contribution to this.

Acknowledgements We thank our colleagues, collaborators, and coworkers, who contributed

substantially over the past 10 years to the work that is reviewed here: Adelbert Bacher (Technical
University Munich), Alfred Batschauer (University of Marburg), Till Biskup (Oxford University),
Robert Bittl (Free University Berlin), Richard Brosi (Free University Berlin), Lars-Oliver Essen
(University of Marburg), Markus Fischer (University of Hamburg), Martin Fuchs (SLS, Paul-
Scherrer-Institute Villigen), Elizabeth D. Getzoff (Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla), Peter
Hegemann (Humboldt-University of Berlin), Kenichi Hitomi (Scripps Research Institute, La
Jolla), Boris Illarionov (University of Hamburg), Sylwia Kacprzak (University of Freiburg),
Chris Kay (University College London), Radoslaw Kowalczyk (University of Surrey, UK),
Anthony R. Marino (University of Chicago), Tilo Mathes (Humbolt-University of Berlin), Klaus
Mobius (Fee University Berlin), James R. Norris (University of Chicago), Asako Okafuji, Gerald
Richter (Cardiff University), Alexander Schnegg (Free University Berlin), and Takeshi Todo
(Osaka University). This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG
We 2376/3-1).


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DOI: 10.1007/128_2011_236
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
Published online: 28 September 2011

EPR Spectroscopy in Polymer Science

Dariush Hinderberger

Abstract Synthetic polymers belong to the vast realm of soft matter and are one
of the key types of materials to address societal needs at the beginning of the
twenty-first century. Polymer science progressively addresses questions that deal
with tuning mesoscopic and macroscopic structures and functions of polymers by
understanding the effects that govern these systems on the nanoscopic level. EPR
spectroscopy as a local, sensitive, and extremely specific magnetic resonance
technique in many cases shows sensitivity on well-suited length- (010 nm) and
time scales (msps) and can deliver unique information on structure, dynamics, and
in particular function of polymeric systems. A short review of recent literature is
given and the power of simple EPR methods, especially CW EPR performed on
a low-cost benchtop spectrometer, to elucidate complex polymeric materials is
shown with specific examples from thermoresponsive polymer systems. These
bear great potential in molecular transport and biomedical applications (e.g., drug
delivery) and insights into interactions between carrier and small molecule are
fundamental for designing and tuning these materials.

Keywords ESR/EPR spectroscopy  Non-covalent interactions  Polymers 

Responsive polymers  Soft matter

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
1.1 Non-covalent Interactions Shape the Molecular Scale of Complex
Polymeric Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
2 Radicals and CW EPR for the Study of Polymeric Systems on the Molecular Scale . . . . . 71
2.1 Radicals, EPR Spectra, and Their Information Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

D. Hinderberger
Max-Planck-Institut f
ur Polymerforschung, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany
68 D. Hinderberger

2.2 CW EPR: A Measure of Dynamics and of the Chemical Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

3 Nano-inhomogeneities in Thermoresponsive Polymeric Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
3.1 Static Nano-inhomogeneities of Structure and Function in Poly
(NIPAAM) Hydrogels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
3.2 Dynamic Nano-inhomogeneities During the Thermal Transition
of Dendronized Polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
4 EPR on Polymers: A Short Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
5 Conclusions and Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

1 Introduction

Synthetic polymers were one of the major driving forces of industrial and scientific
development in the second half of the last century. A large portion of research on
polymers initially dealt with understanding macroscopic properties, in particular
their mechanical features. Nowadays, research in the polymer or macromolecular
sciences has evolved far beyond these questions and specifically aims at under-
standing, manipulating, and designing the molecular level of polymers. Further-
more, not only classical structural polymers like polyethylene or polystyrene are
studied but also the focus has shifted towards functional and smart polymeric
In a recent article, leading researchers in the field have summarized challenges
and opportunities for research in macromolecular science [1]. Five societal fields
were identified, in which polymers can play a decisive role in the coming years and
that researchers in polymer science should be aware of. These fields are energy,
sustainability, health, and security, informatics/defense/protection. This extremely
broad collection of fields that certainly shape our near future already implies
that polymers (or even more generally, synthetic soft matter systems) are extremely
versatile in applications. This huge range of possible applications is a direct
consequence of the extreme variability of physical properties that can be achieved
by chemical fine tuning on the molecular level. Modern polymer science is
highly interdisciplinary, covering fields from chemical synthesis via processing
technology and physical characterization all the way into biology and theoretical
chemistry/physics. In the above-mentioned summary of current challenges and
opportunities in polymer science, key research fields are named, in which advances
are urgently needed to achieve progress for beneficial application of polymers
in the mentioned societal issues: (1) new synthetic routes, (2) complex polymer
systems formed through weak, non-covalent interactions, (3) characterization and
properties, (4) theory and simulations, and (5) macromolecular processing and
Of these five key fields, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy
as a local, sensitive, and highly selective technique can naturally add important
information to fields (2) and (3), i.e., formation of complex polymer systems through
non-covalent interactions and characterization and properties thereof, respectively.
Polymeric systems have been under investigation with EPR spectroscopy for more
EPR Spectroscopy in Polymer Science 69

than three decades. A fundamental introduction of EPR spectroscopic methods,

examples of past work, and to a large extent future possibilities for EPR in polymer
science were excellently reviewed in 2006 in the definitive book Advanced ESR
Methods in Polymer Research edited by Shulamith Schlick [2].
It is in the nature of review articles that the choice of presented work is
subjective and to a certain degree reflects the interests of the author(s). Here I
will only briefly summarize a narrow selection of the most recent EPR-related
research in polymer science and specifically put it in the context of the above-
mentioned, identified needs and roles of polymers for the next decade. I will first
use a few examples to put the spotlight on the specific question of how weak non-
covalent interactions shape the structure and properties of responsive polymeric
Using these examples, which are nowhere near complete, I aim at highlighting in
a conceptual manner which valuable insights EPR spectroscopy, mainly through
spin labeling and spin probing approaches, can add to modern polymer science in
the second decade of the twenty-first century.

1.1 Non-covalent Interactions Shape the Molecular Scale

of Complex Polymeric Systems

Polymers are one major part of the very broad field of soft matter. This term is
a classification that summarizes a wide variety of systems, from liquids via liquid
crystals, micelles, synthetic macromolecules, membranes, colloidal suspensions,
foams, and gels, right into the realm of biology with biomacromolecules (proteins,
enzymes, DNA, RNA), viruses, and even whole cells [310]. All these systems,
man-made or biological, have in common that their structure and function are
governed by physical processes and interactions that are comparable to the thermal
energy at room temperature (kBT 4.1  1021 J). Some of these interactions
are schematically depicted in Fig. 1. This differentiates them from hard matter, in
which typical energies are several orders of magnitude larger.
One of the most fascinating albeit complicating features of soft matter in
general and complex polymers in particular is that usually many (weak), often
counteracting, interactions on the molecular scale control their unique mesoscopic
and/or macroscopic structure and function. In addition, the contribution of the
chemical composition of the individual interacting species and entropic contributions
play a substantial role. One aspect that is of utmost importance in particular for
function in biological polymers is the existence of non-equilibrium processes on the
molecular scale [1113]. To achieve such molecularly controlled non-equilibrium
states it is in fact advantageous to utilize weak interactions. With interactions that are
too strong, living systems would be much better structured but their dynamics and
hence their function would simply disappear.
70 D. Hinderberger



(induced) dipole

hydrophobic - interactions

Fig. 1 A selection of weak interactions shaping polymers and soft matter in general on the
molecular scale. These interactions, often in combination with each other, govern polymer
structure and function

Ever since De Gennes and contemporaries shaped this vast field of condensed
matter research, many experimental and theoretical studies focused on their meso-
and macroscopic scale properties. Due to the weakness of the individual forces, the
complexity of the many contributing interactions and the varying degrees of order,
fewer studies have dealt with the molecular scale origin of soft matter and polymer
properties [6, 9, 1416].
The relevant length scales in polymers span a range of at least four orders
of magnitude, from Angstroms (see the forces in Fig. 1) up to at least a few micro-
meters. In soft matter and polymer theory the multiscale modeling approach, which
attempts to simulate such systems in total including all relevant interactions, has
recently attracted a lot of attention [17]. In experimental polymer research an
analogous approach would be the combination of results from many techniques
The central point of this chapter is to show that methods of EPR spectroscopy,
in particular simple CW EPR, can unravel structural, dynamic, and functional
properties of complex, synthetic polymers on the molecular scale. It will be
shown that although EPR spectroscopy is a local method that has greatest versatility
in the range of several nanometers, it is possible to obtain insight into fundamental
interactions on the short length scales and into macroscopically observable
functions on much longer length scales.
EPR Spectroscopy in Polymer Science 71

The work presented in Sect. 3 shows that with simple CW EPR on spin probes
that are directed to the site of interest solely through non-covalent interactions it is
possible to unravel and characterize structural and functional inhomogeneities on
the nanoscale in thermoresponsive polymeric systems. As no chemical attachment
was needed, this could be called a site-directed spin probing approach (see also,
e.g., [19] or Chap. 7 of [2]). The molecular-scale characterization in these cases
delivered evidence that the macroscopically observable thermal response has its
origin in these inhomogeneities on the nanoscale.
Section 4 then gives a very short summary of other polymer-oriented studies of
the last 5 years, again with no claim of completeness.
It should be noted that EPR spectroscopy in fields like bioinorganic chemistry or
protein research is nowadays often combined with other experimental and simula-
tion methods. In contrast, for rather randomly structured materials such as
thermoresponsive polymer systems presented here, one can obtain meaningful
insight with simple CW EPR methods. Before the specific recent examples are
presented, the necessary basics of CW EPR spectroscopy are explained in the next

2 Radicals and CW EPR for the Study of Polymeric

Systems on the Molecular Scale

EPR today is a spectroscopic method for determining the structure, dynamics, and
spatial distribution of paramagnetic species [20]. For the first 25 years after its
discovery in Kazan in the winter of 1944, EPR was a playground for scientists
studying the fundamental physical properties of condensed matter. There are
several reasons why this has changed markedly today and why EPR nowadays
has found its firm albeit specialized place in materials science and biophysics: (1)
the seminal work by Freed and others [2124] starting in the late 1960s on the
detailed analysis of molecular dynamics from EPR spectra, (2) the advent of several
pulse EPR techniques [25, 26] and the first commercially available pulse EPR
spectrometer in the 1980s, and (3) the breakthrough of making possible distance
measurements in the range between 1 and ~8 nm in the late 1990s [2729].
EPR applications are nonetheless limited due to lack of naturally occurring
paramagnetic systems. In many cases one has to introduce stable free radicals
artificially. These are called spin labels if they are covalently linked to the
investigated system and spin probes if their interaction is of non-covalent nature
[19, 3032]. This apparent disadvantage, though, can often be of great value, as
these spin probes can be detected very specifically and with higher sensitivity as
compared to NMR on, e.g., 1H-nuclei [33].
This section gives a concise introduction to CW EPR spectroscopy and only
highlights the points needed for understanding the examples from polymer science
in the following section. For a more detailed introduction to EPR spectroscopic
techniques the reader is referred to [19, 34].
72 D. Hinderberger

2.1 Radicals, EPR Spectra, and Their Information Content

The starting point for every kind of EPR study is the choice of the radical that is best
suited to deliver valuable information on the systems that are investigated. In this
chapter only three types of radicals are used for this purpose. Nitroxide radicals
such as TEMPO (2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl; Fig. 2), its derivatives, and
its five-ring analogs (Fig. 2) are the by far most widely used spin probes and spin
labels and they are the spin probes of choice for the majority of EPR spectroscopic
applications in naturally diamagnetic systems [2, 19].
For completeness one should note that the second very important type of
paramagnetic species that are studied intensively are paramagnetic transition
metals, mainly in the form of complexes. Whether transition metal ions are para-
magnetic or not depends on the oxidation state and, without giving a complete
list, examples often found in the literature are Cu2+, Cr3+, Mn2+, Fe3+, Co2+, and
Ni1/3+ [35].

Fig. 2 Chemical structures of common nitroxide spin probes: Fremys salt (potassium nitrosodi-
sulfonate); TEMPO and derivatives (2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl), DOXYL (4,4-dimethyl-
oxazolidine-1-oxyl); PROXYL (2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine-1-oxyl); Dehydro-PROXYL
(2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrroline-1-oxyl); 5-DSA (5-DOXYL stearic acid); 16-DSA (16-DOXYL stearic
EPR Spectroscopy in Polymer Science 73

Summaries of the information content of EPR spectroscopic methods (in partic-

ular on nitroxide radicals) and the length scales of interest are given in Fig. 3.
Focusing on one radical (observer spin), the standard method continuous wave
(CW) EPR at any temperature and echo-detected (ED) EPR at low temperatures
give valuable information on the fingerprint of the radical. This is mainly the
electronic but can also be the geometric structure of the radical center. From CW
EPR spectral analysis and/or simulations, rotational motion on the time scale
10 ps 1 ms can be characterized qualitatively and quantitatively. Furthermore,
in CW EPR, radicals also intrinsically report on their immediate (usually up to a
few solvation layers, maximum up to ~2 nm) chemical environment (e.g., polarity,
proticity, etc.).
There are also pulse EPR methods that probe the chemical or rather magnetic
environment. These are pulse electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) and
hyperfine sublevel correlation (HYSCORE) spectroscopy, which allow measuring
hyperfine couplings from the unpaired electron spin to surrounding magnetically
active nuclei ([20]; in Fig. 3 this is a 31P nucleus). As these experiments are
performed in frozen solution (e.g., in all examples of this chapter) or in solids,
from the anisotropy and orientation dependence of the hyperfine coupling one can
obtain valuable information on the structure up to ~1 nm.
Finally, in recent years one pulse EPR method that measures the dipoledipole
couplings between two (remote and observer) unpaired electron spins has
attracted a lot of attention, in particular in the field of biophysical structure
determination [2729, 3641]. This method, double electronelectron resonance

Immediate environment:
Coupled remote spin
g-value / tensor (fingerprint)

N hyperfine coupling: aiso / A-tensor

relaxation times T1, T2 DEER O

1.5-8 nm
rotational correlation time c


10 ps-1 ms
0-2 nm
dipolar hyperfine O
Observer spin HYSCORE
0-1 nm

Fig. 3 Graphical summary of the information content of EPR spectroscopic methods on nitroxide
radicals and a summary of the length and time scales of interest
74 D. Hinderberger

(DEER), allows distance measurements through the odd / r3 dependence (odd
dipolar coupling frequency; r interspin distance). Due to the frequency range
of EPR interactions, the accessible distances are in the extremely interesting range
of 1.58 nm. Particularly for biopolymers and soft matter in general, this closes
a gap between distance information from NMR (<1 nm, [33]) and from fluores-
cence-based methods, which on the other hand can address single molecule
(>3 nm, [4245]).

2.2 CW EPR: A Measure of Dynamics and of the Chemical


For nitroxides in dilute liquid solution, the generally anisotropic spin Hamilton
operator is simplified tremendously and, if unresolved proton hyperfine couplings
are treated as line broadening, only the electron-Zeeman interaction and the hyper-
fine coupling to the magnetic 14N nucleus (I 1) remain [20]. The g- and hyperfine
(A-) tensors are averaged to isotropic values due to fast motion of the spin probe and
the resonance condition for the irradiated microwave becomes

hoS gbe B0 aiso mI (1)

which explains the three-line pattern of the nitroxide CW EPR spectra shown in
Fig. 4. Due to the interaction with the nitrogen nucleus (I 1) there are three
transitions allowed that lead to the three-line nitroxide spectrum.
Equation (1) also nicely shows that the major advantage of performing high-
field/high-frequency EPR, e.g., going to W-band (~94 GHz) frequencies, is the
improved g-resolution, while the hyperfine resolution remains unaltered. It thus
becomes possible to separate contributions to the spectra from electron-Zeeman and
hyperfine anisotropies.
The effect of rotational motion and chemical environment on X-band CW EPR
spectra is also summarized in Fig. 4 [19]. Rotational diffusion of spin probe
molecules in CW EPR (Fig. 4a) can be roughly characterized by the rotational
correlation time tc as belonging to one of the following regimes: (1) fast motion
(tc  100 ps), (2) intermediate motion (100 ns > tc > 1 ns), and finally (3) rigid
limit (tc  1 ms).
Rotational motion can be isotropic or anisotropic (e.g., when spin labels are
attached to larger polymer molecules) and analysis of CW EPR spectra most often
is quantified by spectral simulations assuming a rotational model of some sort
(e.g., isotropic Brownian or uni-axial motion or more complicated models like
microscopic order, macroscopic disorder, or MOMD; see [19, 21]).
The effect of the local environment on the nitroxide spectra is illustrated in
Fig. 4b. The electronic structure of a nitroxide is slightly altered depending on the
EPR Spectroscopy in Polymer Science 75

Fig. 4 Information from nitroxide CW EPR spectra. (a) Right: principal axis system of electron-
Zeeman and hyperfine tensors (collinear). Left: the effect of rotational dynamics on the CW EPR
spectra. Fast rotation (i.e., faster than a typical rotational correlation time of tc ~ 10 ps) leads to the
averaged spectrum. The isotropic g-value giso determines the center of the central line and spacing
between the lines that is dominated by aiso. In the intermediate motion regime 100 ns > tc > 1 ns
and the rigid limit is reached at tc ~ 1 ms [19]. (b) Influence of the chemical environment on CW
EPR spectra. As both, hydrophilic and polar environments lead to an increased electron spin
density at the nitroxide 14N nucleus (see gray inset), aiso and hence the line splitting in the spectra
in hydrophilic and polar surroundings is larger than in non-polar and hydrophobic environments

interactions with molecules in its surrounding. In systems of different polarity

and/or proticity (pH), the same spin probe features slightly different hyperfine

aiso hydrophilic=polar environments > aiso hydrophobic=non  polar

The changes in the line splitting are small but add up at the high-field line.
Hence, spin probes in different nanoscopic environments in inhomogeneous
samples can be distinguished and analyzed separately. In fact, this ability to
distinguish regions of different environments is used to reveal nano-inhomogeneities
in the thermoresponsive polymeric systems, which are described in the next section.
76 D. Hinderberger

When the much higher resolution of high-field EPR is available, one can even
obtain a more detailed picture and distinguish polarity- and proticity-based effects
[46, 47].

3 Nano-inhomogeneities in Thermoresponsive
Polymeric Systems

For a multitude of reasons, synthetic polymers that exhibit environmentally respon-

sive behavior are a very interesting class of polymeric materials [8]. Most promi-
nently, living cells are regulated by macromolecules that either create or respond
to environmental triggers, and they can be considered as biomimetic. Hence,
their development is an integral part of the emerging field of smart applications
in biology and medicine and makes them a valuable class of polymers for health
applications [48]. Furthermore, as they to a certain degree mimic biomacromole-
cules and their assemblies but are less structurally complex, one may regard them as
model systems for specific proteins or biomacromolecular assemblies.
Another remarkable feature of responsive polymeric systems is that interactions
on the molecular scale (the stimulus of some sort) lead to macroscopically detect-
able changes that are finally employed for the function (e.g., directed delivery of
drugs). As the molecular-scale interactions and macroscopic function are so
intimately linked it is noteworthy that rather few studies have dealt with the
nanoscopic level of these materials. This may be due to the fact that many
conventional methods of physical polymer characterization may simply not be
able to resolve the many different, often counteracting interactions [18, 49, 50].
In processes like a response of any kind, solvent-polymer, solventsolvent, and
polymerpolymer interactions all play a crucial role. Better understanding of the
structure and interactions on the nanoscale is not only of value in itself but it may
also shed light on similar processes in biomacromolecules and may aid the design
and control of responsive polymers with respect to their applications [8, 48, 49].
These applications can be counted to the above-mentioned societal need of health,
as responsive polymers are hot candidates for, e.g., drug or nucleic acid delivery
In this section, the EPR spectroscopic characterization of thermoresponsive
polymeric systems is presented. The polymeric systems are water-swollen at
lower temperatures and upon temperature increase the incorporated water is
driven out and the system undergoes a reversible phase separation. Simple CW
EPR spectroscopy (see above), carried out on a low-cost, easy-to-use benchtop
spectrometer, is used here to reveal and characterize inhomogeneities on a scale of
several nanometers during the thermal collapse. Further, neither any physical model
of analysis nor chemical synthesis to introduce radicals had to be utilized. Adding
amphiphilic TEMPO spin probes as guest molecules to the polymeric systems leads
to self-assembly of these tracer molecules in hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions
of the systems. These probes in different environments can be discerned and one
EPR Spectroscopy in Polymer Science 77

can directly analyze the nanoscopic inhomogeneities from their CW EPR spectra.
In three-dimensional hydrogels based on poly(N-isopropylacrylamide), PNIPAAM,
as the thermoresponsive polymer we find static inhomogeneities not only of struc-
ture but most remarkably also of function (Sect. 3.1 [51]). In contrast, in thermore-
sponsive dendronized polymers, dynamic inhomogeneities over a broad temperature
range are accompanied by one of the sharpest macroscopic thermal responses ever
recorded (Sect. 3.2 [5254]).

3.1 Static Nano-inhomogeneities of Structure and Function

in Poly(NIPAAM) Hydrogels

A well-studied representative of thermoresponsive polymeric materials is poly

(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAM) in various modifications, which in water
exhibits a lower critical solution temperature (LCST) around 32  C [8, 55, 56].
Though responsive crosslinked hydrogels, especially PNIPAAM, have been studied
extensively in the literature, the bulk of the scientific research dealt with the
dependence of the macroscopic swelling behavior on the chemical structure.
Despite the fact that microstructure and inhomogeneities on the sub-micrometer
scale significantly influence the swelling and collapse behavior, considerably less
publications dealt with the structural morphology of hydrogels explicitly [57, 58].
In this section, it is shown that EPR spectroscopy of amphiphilic nitroxide spin
probes offers an interesting way to study the release of small molecules from
PNIPAAM hydrogels. EPR spectroscopy on these reporter molecules shows high
selectivity and site-specificity and delivers a large variety of information on local
guesthost interaction, the distribution of guest molecules (on the nanometer scale),
and accessibility by solvents. A picture of the collapse process at a molecular level
can be drawn that is specifically based on variations of the chemical environment
and rotational dynamics [32, 5961].
In PNIPAAM hydrogels, even at temperatures well below the LCST, CW EPR
signals from two types of TEMPO species are found. One of the species features
a significantly reduced hyperfine splitting constant aiso of 43.2 MHz (similar to
values in organic solvents like chloroform), while the other species still has an aiso
of 47.3 MHz, close to that in bulk water. The signal of the species with lower aiso
gradually increases with increasing temperature; see Fig. 5a. This suggests that with
increasing amounts of expelled water more and more polymer chains remain in the
direct surrounding of the spin probe, which provide a much more hydrophobic
environment for the low aiso species than water. Note that this is in good agreement
with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) based results obtained by Kariyo et al.
[58]. On the other hand, small molecules are continuously released from the
polymeric network when the temperature is increased; see Fig. 5a, b, although
macroscopically the polymeric network collapses rather sharply at the LCST
(at around 29  C) of the polymer (Fig. 5b). Note that the maximum deflection of
the EPR-derived curve coincides with this LCST [62].
78 D. Hinderberger

Fig. 5 (a) Temperature-dependent CW EPR spectra of TEMPO in an aqueous solution with

PNIPAAM-based hydrogels and (b) comparison of the fraction of spin probes in hydrophilic
environment nA, as found from combining spectral simulations of both species (according to
Scombined nASA + (1  nA)SB) and a macroscopic (AFM-based) observation of hydrogel col-
lapse. (c) Model of network collapse as seen by EPR spin probes: individual pockets continuously
collapse before the macroscopic collapse happens

These findings have led to the conclusion that the polymer network collapse is
a continuous, nano-inhomogeneous process, in which individual polymeric pockets
are in a collapsed state even at temperatures significantly below the LCST and
that the macroscopic collapse takes place only when a certain number and/or volume
of collapsed pockets is reached.
This is schematically depicted in Fig. 5c. These nano-inhomogeneities can
furthermore be considered as static on the EPR-time scale, as they neither change
with time nor with temperature. With temperature, only the number or volume
fraction of collapsed regions increases but there is no dynamic opening/closing of
the collapsed regions. Once they are formed and once they have trapped TEMPO
molecules, the only way to open the collapsed pockets for the aqueous phase is to
reduce temperature again. It is worthwhile to note that, if the cationic and more
hydrophilic radical Cat1 is used instead of TEMPO, no distinct second species can
be observed; Cat1 does not sample hydrophobic regions.
Remarkably, the hydrophilic regions further form nanoreactors, which strongly
accelerate acid-catalyzed disproportionation reactions if acidic protons are present,
EPR Spectroscopy in Polymer Science 79

Nanoshelter (B)
A 0 min
30 min
60 min
100 min

Nanoreactor (A)

Fig. 6 The high-field peak region of TEMPO CW EPR spectra in methacrylic-acid containing
PNIPAAM copolymer networks (left). A denotes the peak from TEMPO in hydrophilic envi-
ronment, while B denotes the peak from TEMPO in the collapsed regions. The spectra were
recorded in the course of 120 min and in this timeframe the B type species is only minimally
reduced, while the hydrophilic A species is significantly reduced due to acid-catalyzed dispro-
portionation of TEMPO to diamagnetic compounds. The coexistence of regions, in which this
chemical reaction is facilitated (nanoreactors) and simultaneously of regions, in which TEMPO
molecules are protected from the reaction (nanoreactors) is schematically depicted on the right

e.g., from methacrylic acid co-monomers in the hydrogel, while simultaneously the
hydrophobic regions act as nanoshelters, in which enclosed spin probes are
protected from decay (see Fig. 6). The results show that the system consisting of
a statistical binary or tertiary copolymer displays remarkably complex behavior that
mimics spatial and chemical inhomogeneities observed in functional biopolymers
such as enzymes.
Note that in a subsequent study a similar result of micro-/nanophase separation
has been observed in block copolymers of PNIPAAM and N-isopropylmetha-
crylamide (PNIPMAM). This small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) study used a
scattering analysis with a new form factor model taking into account a nanophase
separated internal morphology [50].
The simple and cheap EPR method presented here not only directly mirrors the
nanophase separation in the CW EPR spectra without the use of any model but even
allows the characterization of the nano-inhomogeneity on the functional level of a
chemical reaction.

3.2 Dynamic Nano-inhomogeneities During the Thermal

Transition of Dendronized Polymers

Ever since Wus discovery of the coilglobule transition of single PNIPAAM

chains near the LCST [6366], the collapse mechanism including the formation
of stable mesoglobules has been a topic of intense research [8, 48, 50, 6773].
Despite these efforts, a molecular scale picture of what happens when thermore-
sponsive polymers start to dehydrate at a certain temperature, subsequently
80 D. Hinderberger

Fig. 7 (a) Chemical structure of the thermoresponsive dendronized polymer PG2(ET), denoting a
second generation dendron that is capped with ethoxy groups. (b) The high-field peak region of
TEMPO CW EPR spectra in PG2(ET). In contrast to the spectra in PNIPAAM (Figs. 5 and 6) there
is a temperature dependent shift of the hyperfine splitting. This indicates dynamic inhomogeneities
on the nanoscale, as explained in the text

collapsing and assembling into mesoglobules, does not exist. This severely hampers
rational materials design.
In studies aiming at detection of unusual properties of dendronized polymers
[7478], Schl uter, Zhang, and coworkers recently discovered that such systems
based on oligoethyleneglycol (OEG) units exhibit fast and fully reversible phase
transitions with a sharpness that is amongst the most extreme ever observed (see
Fig. 7a) [7981].
These dendronized polymers with terminal ethoxy groups are soluble in water
and their LCST is found in a physiologically interesting temperature regime
between 30 and 36  C. It is also interesting to note that the LCST of these OEG
dendronized polymers is as low as is known for poly(ethylene oxide) and long chain
ethylene oxide oligomers. For the latter the influence of hydrophobic end groups on
the LCST has been thoroughly investigated both experimentally and theoretically
[82]. Given this extraordinary behavior, these polymers are particularly suited to
gain a deeper fundamental understanding of the processes involved. As described
in the previous section, there are clear indications that thermal responses proceed
via the formation of structural inhomogeneities of variable lifetimes on the nano-
meter scale that are still poorly understood. In this section, the focus is on a
clearer understanding of the formation, structure, and lifetimes of these local
inhomogeneities, the effect of the individual chemical structures on the physical
processes, and the influence of the local heterogeneities on the aspired function
(e.g., drug delivery).
The remarkable macroscopic behavior of such materials results from the systems
being far from classical macroscopic equilibrium. It can be viewed as an example of
EPR Spectroscopy in Polymer Science 81

molecularly controlled non-equilibrium. Such macromolecule-based processes

far from equilibrium are extensively found in nature, e.g., in DNA replication, to
obtain high specificity in the noisy environment of a cell. Investigations into similar
concepts in synthetic macromolecular systems are still rare [1113].
To obtain insights into the molecular processes associated with the thermal
transition again the amphiphilic radical TEMPO was used. While as for
TEMPO in PNIPAAM, see Fig. 5. the low field and center peaks remain almost
unaffected, the high-field line, most sensitive to structural and dynamic effects,
changes considerably and is displayed in Fig. 7b for various temperatures. The
apparent splitting of this line at elevated temperatures again originates from two
nitroxide species A and B that are placed in local environments with different
polarities. This gives rise to considerable differences of the isotropic hyperfine
coupling constants aiso (and the g-values giso).
The spectral parameters for component A again coincide with those of TEMPO
in pure water (aA ~ 48.3 MHz), i.e., this spin probe is located in a strongly
hydrated, hydrophilic environment. The observed decrease of aiso by 3.7 MHz
for species B (final at 65  C) is indicative of much more hydrophobic and less
hydrated surroundings for these spin probes (comparable to chloroform or tert-butyl
alcohol [83]). At temperatures below the collapse temperature TC, only the hydro-
philic spectral component A is observed since all dendritic units are water-swollen.
Above the critical temperature of 33  C an increasing fraction of hydrophobic
species B is observed with increasing temperature. The dehydration of the dendritic
units thus leads to a local phase separation with the formation of hydrophobic
cavities. Unlike in PNIPAAM hydrogels (Sect. 3.1), here hydrophobic regions are
not observed below the macroscopic collapse temperature.
Strikingly, the peak position of the spectral component B is not fixed but
approaches its final value only at temperatures well above TC. This indicates
a dynamic exchange of the spin probes between hydrophilic and hydrophobic
regions. This exchange leads to an intermediate hyperfine coupling constant that
is an effective weighted average between the two extreme values of the hydrophilic
and the (static on the EPR time scale) hydrophobic regions (at 65  C). Thus, the
inhomogeneities formed upon the phase separation are not static, but dynamic and
strongly influence the EPR spectral shape. This is a marked discrepancy again when
compared to the case of PNIPAAM where only static hydrophobic regions are
The exchange detected by the spin probes can be caused by two effects: hopping
of the spin probe between collapsed and hydrated polymer aggregate regions,
or fluctuations of the aggregates themselves. The latter can be viewed as fast
opening and closing of hydrophobic cavities or a fast swelling and de-swelling of
regions surrounding the spin probe. The size of the inhomogeneities can be
estimated by the translational displacement of TEMPO in the polymer matrix,
given by hx2 i 6DT tT . At T 34  C, a maximum translational displacement
hx2 i1=2  5:1 nm of the spin probes due to diffusion is obtained, which is assisted
by fluctuations of the polymer undergoing the thermal transition [34, 84].
82 D. Hinderberger

Hence, slightly above TC the few hydrophobic cavities formed are still small,
i.e., in the range of a few nanometers. Then spin probe movement and/or local
polymer fluctuations lead to an exchange of the probe molecules on the EPR time
scale between the hydrophobic and large hydrophilic regions. The latter are still
overwhelmingly more abundant. The spin probes thus mainly sample the interface
between the two fundamentally different regions. Note that a few local dynamic
heterogeneities on a nanometer scale are sufficient to induce a macroscopically
observable (by turbidity measurements) transition in the sample. This macroscopic
transition is detected at the same temperature as the change in the EPR spectra
occurs. This suggests that the small hydrophobic regions detected by EPR might
be visualized as cross-links affecting the organization of the dendronized
macromolecules on much larger scales. The sharp macroscopic transition can
then be viewed as the onset of a complex de-swelling process that is broad on the
molecular scale rather than a sharp transition.
When increasing the temperature, not only the fraction of the hydrophobic
regions but also their size grows and exchange of probe molecules between
hydrophobic and hydrophilic sites becomes unlikely. The spin probes now sample
the bulk hydrophobic (and remaining hydrophilic) regions rather than their inter-
face. Together with the increase in size, the dynamics of the polymer fluctuations
slow down, as both effects are coupled. In combination, a final state of distinct
hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions is observed that are static on the EPR time
scale (denoted B (final) in Fig. 7b). The complex collapse transition is
schematically illustrated in Fig. 8.
The aggregation and the collapse can further be characterized by analyzing the
effective hyperfine coupling constants of those TEMPO molecules in hydrophobic
environments aB and the fraction of TEMPO in hydrophilic environments yA as
a function of temperature. By plotting these parameters vs the reduced temperature
(T  TC)/TC it was possible to check whether the collapse results from a well-
behaved phase transition. Both parameters do not follow one straight line, expected

Fig. 8 Model of the collapse of thermoresponsive dendronized polymers as seen by EPR spin
probes: few individual hydrophobic and dynamic patches of ~5 nm are sufficient to achieve
a macroscopic collapse at the cloud point. Only at temperatures well above Tc a static state
(on EPR time scales) is reached
EPR Spectroscopy in Polymer Science 83

for a simple phase transition, but instead strongly deviate from linearity [85]. Thus,
in this wide temperature range, a complex dehydration takes place which cannot be
described in the picture of a classical phase transition based on a single de-swelling
Furthermore, the effect of the chemical structure in the core of the dendrons on
the thermoresponsive behavior can be tested. It is found that the initial dehydration
and aggregation process at Tc turns out to be most effective when the dehydration
is supported by a hydrophobic core. It deteriorates when the core contains
oxyethylene groups, which can trap more water [53].
Altogether, a collapse transition as sketched in Fig. 8 is found: below Tc, no
aggregation of dendrons is observed. At and above Tc, there is a growing number of
uncorrelated hydrophobic regions up to a concentration and/or a volume fraction
that is similar to that of the remaining hydrophilic regions. This could be an
indication that the growth of hydrophobic regions reaches a threshold that could
be interpreted as a percolation point. When the fractions of species A and B become
equal, the likelihood of two hydrophobic regions (which up to that point can be
largely uncorrelated) becoming neighbors increases immensely and the role of the
interface becomes less important. Hence, at temperatures well above Tc (i.e., at least
30  C), a static situation is achieved where TEMPO molecules are either trapped
in hydrophilic or hydrophobic regions. There is no exchange on relevant EPR time
scales between these two regions any more.

4 EPR on Polymers: A Short Survey

Several groups have in recent years employed similar principles of self-assembly as

shown in the examples from the previous section.
Ottaviani and various coworkers have in the past often used a spin probing/
spin labeling approach to study self-assembled soft matter systems. In a recent
paper they describe the complexes formed between cationic surfactants and
hydrophobically modified anionic polymers. Analyzing the changes in dynamics
as well as environment (hydrophobicity) of the long-chain fatty acid spin probe
5-DSA (see Fig. 2), they were able to extract indirectly information of the structure
and dynamics of the complex formed [86] in dependence of the surfactant concen-
tration and the pH. Such complexes of hydrophobically modified polyelectrolytes
or ionic polymers with surfactant have unusual properties (in particular rheological)
and are therefore widely used in, e.g., cosmetics or food applications.
In a series of papers, Jeschke and coworkers [8790] as well as Schlick and
coworkers [91, 92] studied self-assembled nanocomposite materials made from
polymers and natural clays or artificial silicates. These nanocomposite materials
have superior mechanical and also heat resistant properties and are hence interest-
ing for applications in the fields of defense and protection. Such polymerinorganic
hybrid materials form complex structures and EPR spectroscopy has to be
combined with other physical techniques such as NMR spectroscopy, small and
84 D. Hinderberger

wide angle X-ray diffraction, FT infrared spectroscopy, or differential scanning

Jeschke et al. studied the impact of surfactants on the nanocomposites in
particular and in a combined CW EPR and pulse (ESEEM-based) approach
demonstrated that there are two types of surfactants present in the composites.
They could distinguish surfactants that adhere strongly to the surface of the
nanoplatelets from those that are intercalated and interact most strongly with the
added polymer (in this case poly(styrene)) [87].
The group of Schlick has shown how spin-labeled polymers like poly(methyl
acrylate) or PEO can be used to study the self assembly of these polymers
with clays and artificial silicates [91, 92]. As an example, through temperature-
dependent CW EPR measurements they could very well distinguish polymer
segments that strongly interact with the inorganic platelets from those that have
a significantly increased segmental mobility.
The group of Goldfarb and coworkers have in recent years explored how
(spin-labeled) thermoresponsive triblock copolymers of the Pluronic#-type
(PEO-PPO-PEO, poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(propyleneoxide)-poly(ethyleneoxide))
can be used to build templates, e.g., for the formation of mesoporous frameworks
[93, 94]. These structures bear great potential as carrier materials for catalysts and
hence could aid societal needs in energy and sustainability.
This group could also show how such spin-labeled amphiphilic polymers
self-assemble and decorate carbon nanotubes in aqueous dispersion and can help
to solubilize them by attaching their hydrophobic PPO cores to the hydrophobic
nanotubes while expanding their PEO blocks into water [95].
Similarly, Wasserman and coworkers have studied a wide selection of polymeric
materials in aqueous solution that are associative of some kind, i.e., that form some
sort of self-assembly through non-covalent interactions [96]. Their study mainly
deals with hydrogels of hydrophobically modified polymers, aqueous solutions
of polymeric micelles created by block copolymers, and hydrogels based on poly
(acrylic acid) and macrodiisocyanates. The spin probes of choice were hydropho-
bic, such as 5- and 16-DSA (see Fig. 2) or even spin labeled polymers. It was, e.g.,
possible to screen for the effect of chemical structure on the gel formation by
recording and understanding the local mobility of the hydrophobic, long chain spin
probes as a function of temperature.
As pioneered by Schlick and coworkers, EPR imaging (EPRI/ESRI) combined
with a spin trapping approach can also be used in polymer science, mainly when
studying the progress of polymer degradation [97]. By introducing hindered amine
stabilizers that convert short lived radicals produced during degradation into longer
lived nitroxide radicals, one can follow the degradation with one- and two-dimensional
EPRI. This is particularly relevant as such stabilizers are routinely added to com-
mercial polymers to suppress radical chain degradation processes. Information on
the photo-, mechanical, or thermal stability of polymer-based devices is immensely
important and EPRI can reveal in a destruction-free manner that the polymer decay
in the presence of stabilizers is inhomogeneous on a millimeter length scale.
EPR Spectroscopy in Polymer Science 85

Almost naturally, CW EPR spectroscopy can also contribute to understanding

the electronic properties of polymers that are envisioned for application in the fields
of polymer electronics (e.g., [98, 99]) and photovoltaics (e.g., [100102]). Unlike in
the studies highlighted before, in these cases all materials are EPR active and
paramagnetic probes do not have to be added. Going beyond the conventional use
of simple CW EPR spectroscopy to study electronic defects, Van Doorslaer,
Goovaerts, Groenen, and coworkers have used multifrequency (X-, Q-, and
W-band) EPR techniques such as HYSCORE and pulse ENDOR (see Sect. 2.1)
to elucidate the extension of polarons in films of electro-active polymers [103].
Finally, the use of nanoscale distance measurements using DEER (see Sect. 2.1)
in polymer science has been nowhere near as widespread as it already is in
biophysics [108, 109]. Jeschke and coworkers very convincingly applied DEER
to study the shape persistence of nominally rigid structures made from para-
phenylene, ethynylene, and butadiynylene building blocks [104, 105]. Fitting two
types of physical models, a worm-like chain and a newly developed harmonic
segmented chain model, to DEER data obtained from doubly spin-labeled
oligomers, they could quantify the backbone flexibility [105]. In combination
with molecular dynamics simulations, they could even predict values for the
persistence lengths of (13.8  1.5) nm for poly(p-phenyleneethynylene)s and of
(11.8  1.5) nm for poly(p-phenylenebutadiynylene)s. A simple and more general
description of how the conformational flexibility can be assessed in oligomers or
larger molecules in general from DEER data has been developed by Prisner and
coworkers [106].
Finally, a DEER study on models for molecular wires made from butadiyne-
linked zinc porphyrin oligomers, end-labeled with nitroxide radicals, was
performed by Lovett, Anderson, and coworkers [107]. Unlike in [104106],
one can control the conformations of these metalloporphyrin-based structures by
self-assembly with multidentate amine ligands, which bend the rigid oligomeric
structure. The experimentally found end-to-end distances in these complexes match
the predictions from molecular dynamics calculations. This study thus presents
a proof-of-principle that DEER spectroscopy is also well suited for understanding
more complex supramolecular structures.

5 Conclusions and Outlook

Modern polymer science is highly interdisciplinary, covering fields from chemical

synthesis via processing technology and physical characterization all the way into
biology and theoretical chemistry/physics. Increasingly complex systems are in the
focus nowadays which are often structured on the nanoscopic scale by non-covalent
interactions. The studies presented here generally have in common that the great
disadvantage of the probe molecule-based technique EPR can be turned to great
advantage: the use of radicals as spin probes that are allowed to self assemble
in largely disordered and complex systems results in excellent selectivity.
86 D. Hinderberger

The interesting structural and functional properties of thermoresponsive polymers

can be determined on the molecular or nanometer scale. Here it is shown that very
simple and cheap CW EPR on small amphiphilic spin probes can characterize
how thermal responses proceed in two very different thermoresponsive polymer
systems. In these disordered systems the complexity is due to their statistical nature
and the many counteracting forces, and the thermal collapse is intricately linked
to static (Sect. 3.1) and dynamic (Sect. 3.2) inhomogeneities on a scale of
several nanometers. Considering that these studies were performed on a low-cost,
easy-to-use benchtop CW EPR spectrometer, one could arguably imagine that CW
EPR on physically added, suitable (small) spin probes could in fact be used as
a standard tool for the characterization of responsive, self-assembling functional
polymers. In particular the desired use as transporting vehicles (drug, DNA/RNA
delivery, etc.) makes understanding of non-covalent interactions between carrier
systems and transported molecules indispensable, and this simple CW EPR-site
directed spin probing approach could deliver valuable insights.

Acknowledgments I gratefully acknowledge my coworkers in my polymer-related EPR

research, Matthias J.N. Junk and Dennis Kurzbach for their work as well as Hans W. Spiess and
Gerhard Wegner for helpful discussions. I am grateful to my cooperation partners A. Dieter
Schluter, Afang Zhang, and Ulrich Jonas, for some of the thermoresponsive materials and helpful


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# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
Published online: 9 August 2011

EPR in Protein Science

Intrinsically Disordered Proteins

Malte Drescher

Abstract Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) form a unique protein category

characterized by the absence of a well-defined structure and by remarkable confor-
mational flexibility. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy com-
bined with site-directed spin labeling (SDSL) is amongst the most suitable methods
to unravel their structure and dynamics. This review summarizes the tremendous
methodological developments in the area of SDSL EPR and its applications in
protein research. Recent results on the intrinsically disordered Parkinsons disease
protein a-synuclein illustrate that the method has gained increasing attention in IDP
research. SDSL EPR has now reached a level where broad application in this
rapidly advancing field is feasible.

Keywords a-Synuclein  DEER/PELDOR  EPR  Intrinsically disordered

proteins  Site-directed spin labeling

1 Site-Directed Spin-Labeling of Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
2 SDSL EPR Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
2.1 Mobility Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
2.2 Distance Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
2.3 Accessibility Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
3 Applications to Intrinsically Disordered Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
3.1 a-Synuclein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
4 Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

M. Drescher
Department of Chemistry, Zukunftskolleg, and Konstanz Research School Chemical Biology,
University of Konstanz, 78457 Konstanz, Germany
92 M. Drescher

The main purpose of this chapter is to summarize the state of the art in Electron
Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy combined with spin-labeling
approaches as a tool for studying structure and dynamics of proteins. It should
give the non-specialist reader an overview of the tremendous methodological
developments and applications which have a huge impact on the field of biophysics,
biology, and biochemistry. In particular, contributions of site-directed spin labeling
EPR (SDSL EPR) to the rapidly advancing field of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins
(IDPs) are described.
SDSL EPR as pioneered by W. L. Hubbel and co-workers has become a
powerful tool for studying structure and dynamics of macromolecules, in particular
biological macromolecules as proteins, which do not necessarily contain endoge-
nous paramagnetic centers [14]. While SDSL EPR is applied to many bio-
macromolecules, this chapter provides a rather selective insight into the field of
SDSL EPR of proteins and is organized as follows.
First a basic introduction into approaches of SDSL of proteins is given, followed
by a summary of the important approaches for mobility measurements, accessibility
studies, and distance determination. Finally, we will address IDPs. Since structure
and dynamics of IDPs drastically depend on the environment and corresponding
details are notoriously difficult to unravel by NMR or X-ray structure determina-
tion, SDSL EPR can significantly contribute in the investigation of those systems.
To showcase the use of SDSL EPR in this field, recent results on a-synuclein being
a canonical model among the IDPs are reviewed.

1 Site-Directed Spin-Labeling of Proteins

Usually, nitroxides are used as spin-labels in SDSL EPR [5, 6]. However, with
increasing spread of high-field EPR the relevance of other paramagnetic labels, e.g.,
Gd3+, could gain increased relevance [7, 8]. Nitroxides are stable free radicals of the
general form O-NR1R2. The unpaired electron required for EPR detection is (de-)
localized on the NO bond, about 40% of the spin density at the nitrogen atom and
60% at the oxygen atom. Since many biological macromolecules are diamagnetic,
the nitroxide resonance is most often the only signal in the EPR spectrum. Nitroxide
radicals are very stable, e.g., they can be stored for months under ordinary
conditions. This stability is mainly due to steric protection of the NO bond.
Other parts of the molecule can be modified in order to attach the radical covalently
to larger molecules [9].
Nitroxides can be used either as spin probes or as spin labels. Spin probes are
subject to non-covalent interactions with the system under study. In many cases, spin
probes very similar to one component of the system, e.g., spin-labeled lipids, are
introduced. In contrast, spin labels are covalently linked to a complex structure, in
many cases to a specific site, e.g., of a protein (SDSL) [10]. An alternative approach
includes spin labeling of ligands interacting with the protein under study [11, 12].
The most common spin labeling strategy for proteins uses cysteine substitution
mutagenesis followed by modification of the unique sulfhydryl group with specific
EPR in Protein Science 93

Fig. 1 Left: Structure of

MTSSL bound to a cysteine
residue within an amino acid
sequence (shaded). The
rotational degree of freedom
caused by participating single
bonds is indicated. Right: The
unnatural spin-labeled amino
acid TOAC

labeling agents, e.g., MTSSL (1-oxyl-2,2,5,5-tetra-methylpyrroline-3-methyl)-

methanthiosulfonate (Fig. 1, left) [13]. The modified side chain resulting from the
reaction is often designated as R1. For a variety of reasons, side chain R1 has become
the spin label of choice in SDSL studies. On one hand, R1 is tolerated surprisingly
well at the vast majority of sites at which it has been introduced in many different
proteins. On the other hand, its EPR spectra are exquisitely sensitive to features of the
local environment and provide a fingerprint for virtually every site [14].
Other possible spin labels specific for sulfhydryl groups are nitroxides contain-
ing an iodoacetamide group [15]. Spin labels featuring different specificity are
available [16, 17]. After the labeling procedure, excess spin label should be
removed, for instance using a size exclusion spin column. For labeling procedures,
see [148].
Nitroxide spin labels are small and have been shown to have minimal effects on
protein structures [18, 19]. However, for SDSL, as for all labeling techniques,
control experiments comparing wild type protein and labeled mutants are essential
to exclude distortion of protein conformation and function due to the label.
An alternative strategy for the introduction of spin labels can be used in protein
and peptide chemistry by spin label building blocks, e.g., 4-amino-1-oxyl-2,2,6,6-
tetramethyl-piperidine-4-carboxylic acid (TOAC, Fig. 1, right) which are directly
incorporated into the peptide during chemical synthesis [2025].

2 SDSL EPR Methods

From EPR experiments with spin labels, four primary parameters are obtained: (1)
side chain mobility, (2) distances to other paramagnetic centers, e.g., a second
spin label or a metal ion within the very same or another molecule, (3) solvent
94 M. Drescher

and oxygen accessibility, and (4) a measure for polarity of the environment of the
In the following sections methods for obtaining the first three types of informa-
tion are explained. Polarity measurements are particularly useful for membrane
proteins and are reviewed in [148].

2.1 Mobility Measurements

The typical CW EPR spectrum of nitroxide labels in X band consists of three lines
due to the hyperfine interaction with the 14N nucleus featuring a nuclear spin I 1.
As a consequence of the common experimental procedure which includes signal
detection using a lock-in technique, EPR spectra are usually shown as first
derivatives of the absorption spectrum (Fig. 2). In a homogeneous magnetic field
the EPR signal does not depend on the spatial position of the label, and therefore
motion and translational diffusion cannot be detected unless applying magnetic
field gradients [27, 28]. However, since the Zeeman interaction and, in particular,
the hyperfine interaction of nitroxides are anisotropic, the EPR signal is sensitive to
the molecular orientation of the label with respect to the external magnetic field.
Thus, rotational diffusion can generally be detected by EPR.
Rotation of the label with correlation times of the order of the inverse width of
the nitroxide spectrum (5.5 ns) partially averages the anisotropy, resulting in
spectral changes (Fig. 2). Slight narrowing of the spectrum is detectable up to
rotational correlation times of 1 ms and anisotropy-related line broadening is
detectable down to rotational correlation times of 10 ps. Therefore, SDSL EPR
is sensitive to dynamics on the picosecond to microsecond timescales, covering a
variety of the important biological molecular mechanisms such as the dynamics of
proteins in solution [2931].

Fig. 2 Simulated EPR

spectra for nitroxides in X
band (9.7 GHz) assuming
different (isotropic) rotational
mobilities. (a) Very fast
rotational mobility
corresponding to the isotropic
limit, rotational mobilities
corresponding to rotational
correlation times of (b)
100 ps, (c) 1 ns, (d) 3 ns, (e)
10 ns, (f) very slow rotational
mobility corresponding to
rigid limit. Simulated using
EasySpin functions Garlic
(ac), Chili (d, e), and
Pepper (f) [26]
EPR in Protein Science 95

The spectra do not directly report on the dynamics of the labeled macromolecule
as a whole but contain information on three types of motion: (1) internal motion of
the nitroxide about the chemical bonds of the linker (cf. Fig. 1, left), (2) motion of
the site of attachment relative to the rest of the macromolecule (conformational
flexibility), and (3) motion of the macromolecule as a whole. The internal motion of
the label may be restricted by the environment, depending on the extent to which
the molecular environment engulfs the label. These three dynamic components
significantly complicate the spectral analysis. However, a spectrum can often be
approximated by a simple motional model to provide information on the properties
of the macromolecule [32]. Temperature dependent experiments can adjust the
contributions of the different types of motion to the motional properties reported by
the EPR spectra [33].
The accessible timescale depends on the experimental frequency, e.g., the slow
overall and collective motion will show up best at lower operating frequencies and
fast motion will show up best at higher operating frequencies. In particular, high
field EPR can be used to analyze anisotropic motional dynamics.
One EPR spectrum measured at one single frequency does not allow complete
description of the spin label motion. Therefore, multifrequency EPR studies are
preferable to separate various motional modes in a protein according to their
timescales [34, 35].
In order to analyze the rotational mobility of the spin label quantitatively,
spectral simulations are required. Simulation programs for CW EPR spectra are
available [26, 3638]. For the case of fast isotropic motion, approximate values of
the rotational correlation time can be calculated from the line height ratios [39].
A semiquantitative measure for nitroxide mobility is the inverse central line
width [18], another measure is the inverse second moment of the entire spectrum.
Plotting the inverse central line width vs the inverse second moment allows for
distinguishing different topological regions. So, different categories, namely sites
in loops or unfolded regions, sites on the surface of ordered structures, e.g., helices,
or sites that are buried inside the core of a protein can be identified [18, 4043]. The
periodic dependence of mobility along a sequence can be used to identify secondary
structure elements and protein topography [44].
While quantitative labeling is often checked by mass spectrometry, free labels
and labels attached to a macromolecule can be distinguished by EPR mobility
measurements (Fig. 3). For comparison, the correlation time of the unbound, free
label in aqueous solution at room temperature is ~0.05 ns; in the example shown in
Fig. 3 its mobility is reduced to a correlation time of 0.8 ns upon attachment to a
protein fragment. Labels immobilized in well folded proteins feature typical corre-
lation times in the order of several nanoseconds [46].

2.2 Distance Measurements

Exploiting different experimental approaches, EPR spectroscopy can access distances

between paramagnetic centers in the range between 1 and 8 nm [1, 13, 4754].
96 M. Drescher

Fig. 3 Experimental CW
EPR spectra of free label
(black) and the same label
attached to a soluble protein
fragment (TonB) in aqueous
solution at room temperature
in X band. (Experimental data
taken from [45])

332 334 336 338 340 342

B0 /mT

By proper data analysis, distance distributions can be obtained [5561] allowing for
analyzing flexible structures or coexisting conformations. Such techniques have
been successfully applied on soluble proteins [6264].
While the complementary technique F orster resonant energy transfer (FRET),
which is widely used for studying distances in proteins requires two different,
relatively large chromophores, which must be chosen according to the expected
distance, EPR distance measurements can be performed using two identical much
smaller nitroxide labels and are precise over a broad range of distances [51, 65, 66].
Depending on the labeling strategy, inter- and intramolecular distances are
accessible. While for measuring intramolecular distance constraints doubly spin
labeled molecules can be used, intermolecular distances can be determined between
singly labeled molecules (Fig. 4).
Distance measurements by EPR rely on the dipoledipole coupling between
spins, which is inversely proportional to the cube of the distance [67]. Additionally,
the dipoledipole coupling also depends on the angle between the spinspin vector
and the magnetic field (Fig. 5a). For oriented samples this angular dependency can
be observed (Fig. 5b). Fast reorientation of the spinspin vector, e.g., fast rotational
diffusion of the doubly labeled protein under investigation, results in averaging
over all possible orientations and cancels the dipoledipole interaction to zero.
Therefore, most often distance measurements are performed in a frozen state upon
shock freezing in glass forming solution, e.g., aqueous buffer solution mixed with
glycerol, resulting in an isotropic orientation distribution. Hence, the dipolar spec-
trum of such a macroscopically isotropic sample consists of a superposition of
dipolar spectra of all possible orientations of the spinspin-vector resulting in a
classic Pake pattern (Fig. 5c).
Folding kinetics of proteins can be determined by a combination of rapid freeze-
quench experiments and SDSL EPR distance measurement or stopped-flow EPR
[68, 69].
In EPR distance measurements, two cases have to be distinguished. For
distances between nitroxide spin labels below 2 nm the dipoledipole coupling
EPR in Protein Science 97

Fig. 4 Cartoon representation of EPR distance measurements. (a) Doubly labeled monomeric
proteins give rise to intra- and intermolecular spinspin interactions. In order to determine
intramolecular distances, experimental data has to be corrected for intermolecular contributions.
(b) Intermolecular distance measurements using singly labeled proteins in protein oligomers or
aggregates. Multiples of the distance are also expected. This may be even more complicated for
different types of aggregation and can be analyzed by studying a series of samples with increasing
content of non-labeled molecules (diamagnetic dilution). (c) To measure intramolecular distances
within oligomers/aggregates, a mixture of doubly labeled and non-labeled proteins can be used

exceeds the inhomogeneous line width of the EPR spectrum caused by unresolved
hyperfine couplings and g-anisotropy. In this case, distances can be derived by CW
EPR. For distances between nitroxide spin labels larger than approximately 2 nm,
the dipoledipole coupling is much smaller than competing interactions of the spin
Hamiltonian. Thus the dipoledipole coupling has to be separated from those larger
interactions, which is usually done by pulsed EPR approaches, among these the
four-pulse double electron electron resonance (DEER) [48, 51, 70, 71]. By using
multiple techniques a more complete picture is obtained than can be found by a
single technique [72]. In the borderline region of applicability of CW EPR and
DEER (1.72.0 nm) both methods have to be combined in order to obtain accurate
inter-nitroxide distances [73]. The lower limit of precise distance measurements is
determined by the exchange coupling between two spins. With respect to the
dipoledipole interaction it can usually be neglected for distances larger than
about 1.2 nm [74, 75]. On the other hand, for much shorter distances characteristic
98 M. Drescher

Fig. 5 (a) The dipoledipole interaction between two spins A and B depends inter alia on the
angle y between the spinspin-vector and the external magnetic field B0. (b) This angular
dependency can be observed for oriented samples as shown with this experimental data for a
biradical in a liquid crystal under different orientations. (c) Simulated dipolar spectrum for a
macroscopically isotropic sample (Pake pattern). Adapted from [66], copyright Wiley-VCH
Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA. Reproduced with permission

exchange narrowed single line EPR spectra indicate orbital overlap between multi-
ple spin labels in close contact [7678].

2.2.1 CW EPR Experiments

CW EPR experiments for distance determination can be performed on standard

spectrometers, most commonly in X band which are quite generally accessible, and
the measurements are technically not very demanding. Typical sample volumes are
50 mL at concentrations of about 50 mM.
Distances in solution at physiological temperatures can at least be estimated
under conditions where the reorientation rate of the spinspin-vector is reduced
by other mechanisms, e.g., embedding the proteins in membranes or upon
addition of viscosity agents [79]. In this case the dipoledipole interaction is
partly averaged out, making accurate distance measurement difficult. Quantitative
EPR in Protein Science 99

Fig. 6 Spin-normalized EPR

spectra of aggregated
peptides showing dipolar
broadening at T 120 K.
The broadened spectrum
originates from a sample
containing 100% singly
labeled peptides (red), while
the reference sample (black)
contains 90% unlabeled and
10% singly labeled peptides.
This diamagnetic dilution
suppresses dipolar
broadening. (Experimental
data taken from [80])
325 330 335 340 345
B0 /mT

distance measurement is performed in frozen solution, the optimum temperature

being T 120 K.
Dipolar interaction can lead to an EPR line broadening (Fig. 6). The spectrum of
the interacting spins can be treated as the convolution of the non-interacting powder
pattern spectrum with a dipolar broadening function which is known as Pake pattern
in randomly oriented samples.
When EPR spectra are normalized to the same number of contributing spins (as
in Fig. 6), dipolar broadening is apparent by a decrease of the signal amplitude,
which can be recognized more easily.
The non-interacting powder pattern which is required for distance analysis is
experimentally accessible by measuring EPR spectra of samples containing either
singly labeled proteins or, in the case of intermolecular distances, containing both
labeled and unlabeled proteins (diamagnetic dilution) to avoid interspin distances
below 2.0 nm.
Software for extraction of distances from CW spectra, e.g., by analysis of
spectral lineshapes by simulation or lineshape deconvolution [50, 81], is available
and reviewed in [148].

2.2.2 Pulsed Methods

Pulsed methods [82] increase the range of distance sensitivity. They can be used to
separate the dipoledipole interaction from other contributions of the spin Hamil-
tonian. At very large available microwave power, distances can be measured well
by double quantum coherence (DQC) that uses a single frequency. With the power
available on commercial spectrometers, double electron electron resonance [DEER,
an acronym which is synonymously used with PELDOR (Pulsed Electron Double
Resonance)] is the more sensitive technique and is thus most widely applied in the
100 M. Drescher

Fig. 7 Pulse sequence of the dead-time free four-pulse DEER experiment. The pulse sequence at
frequency n1 (refocused spin echo) addresses the A spins, only, while the pulse at n2 flips the B
spins. Applying the pump pulse at variable time T results in a modulation of the refocused echo
intensity V (cf. Fig. 8a)

field. It requires a pulsed EPR spectrometer equipped with a two-frequency setup,

which are commercially available. The DEER pulse sequence is depicted in Fig. 7
and is described below. Measurements are typically conducted using the dead-time
free four-pulse DEER sequence and require typically 12 h of signal averaging for
biological samples in X band [70]. Note in this context that one DEER measure-
ment most often enables one to derive one distance constraint, only.

The Four-Pulse DEER Experiment

Originally, DEER was introduced as a three-pulse experiment [83, 84]. The dead
time inherent with this pulse sequence prevents one from recording the important
first data points of the DEER curve. Therefore, a dead-time free four-pulse variant
of DEER was introduced [70] and is now used extensively.
The pulse sequence of the four-pulse DEER experiment is shown in Fig. 7. We
consider a system of electron spins A (observer spins) and B (pumped spins)
possessing a resonant microwave frequency n1 and n2, respectively. Spins A and
B are usually chemically identical nitroxide labels. Since the nitroxide spectrum
features a width of approximately 180 MHz, it is possible to apply pulses at two
different frequencies with non-overlapping excitation profiles and subsequently
divide the nitroxides in the sample into A- and B-spins, respectively. Accordingly,
the pulse sequence at n1 addresses the A spins only, while the pulse at n2 flips the
B spins. At frequency n1 a two-pulse Hahn-echo sequence is first applied resulting
in an echo depicted in Fig. 7 with negative phase, which is followed by a third pulse
at this so-called observer frequency which leads to a refocused echo of the observer
spins A. The dipolar interaction can be studied by insertion of an additional p-pulse
at the second frequency n2 between the two p-pulses at n1. This pulse affects the
B spins only. Their inversion leads to a change of the local magnetic field at
the A spins. Applying the pump pulse at variable time T results in a modulation
of the refocused echo intensity V with the frequency of the dipolar coupling
between A and B spins. Plotting V vs T yields the typical DEER curve (Fig. 8a).
EPR in Protein Science 101

a 1.0
b c

V/ V0

V/ V0

0.2 0.4
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 2 3 4 5 6
T/s T/s r/nm

Fig. 8 (a) Simulated DEER data for a doubly labeled model system. The intensity V of the
refocused observer echo (cf. Fig. 7) is plotted vs the delay T of the pump pulse (black). The DEER
curve can be corrected for a background signal (red) originating from intermolecular interactions
(cf. Fig. 4a). (b) Dipolar evolution (form factor) derived from DEER data in (a) by correcting for
the intermolecular background. (c) Corresponding distance distribution. Simulations were
performed using DEERAnalysis [61]

Measuring in frozen solution is desired in order to avoid the averaging out of the
dipoledipole interactions and, in particular, the strong decrease in transverse
relaxation time T2 that is induced even by moderate spin label dynamics. Addition-
ally, the proper choice of temperature is important in pulsed EPR to optimize
relaxation rates. T 50 K is ideal for DEER at nitroxides in aqueous solution, so
liquid helium cooling is advantageous [85].
A dramatic increase in sensitivity can be obtained by lengthening the transverse
relaxation time by choosing the right solvent. At low temperatures the transverse
relaxation time is significantly longer in a fully deuterated matrix than in a
protonated one. Deuteration of the underlying protein, as well as the solvent,
extends the transverse relaxation time to a considerable degree and gives enhanced
sensitivity and an extended accessible distance range [86].
Typical sample volumes for X-band measurements are in the order of some
10 mL at minimum concentration of some 10 mM. There is an optimum concentra-
tion depending on the required maximum accessible distance. For distances of up to
2.5 nm, concentrations up to 4 mM can be used; for measuring distances up to 8 nm,
the concentration should not exceed 0.35 mM [66].
While most experiments reported in the literature were performed in X band, Q
band DEER gains increasing attention owing to its superior sensitivity revealing
higher-quality distance data as well as significantly increased sample throughput
[87, 88]. DEER in W band gives access to the relative orientation of spin labels due
to orientation selection at high fields. More precisely, selective excitation by
microwave pulses may unravel if the orientation of the spinspin vector is
correlated to the orientations of the molecular frame of the two nitroxides [89,
90]. However, due to conformational freedom of the labels, such correlation is often
not very strong.
In most cases, EPR distance measurements are performed to determine a dis-
tance within a nanoobject, e.g., the spinspin distance in a doubly labeled protein.
It is desirable to consider an isolated pair of spin labels; therefore dipolar
interactions to spins of neighboring objects, e.g., intermolecular interactions,
102 M. Drescher

should be suppressed. This can be achieved by diamagnetic dilution, e.g., mixing

with non-labeled wild type protein or protein labeled with a diamagnetic label
analog. In the case of studying intramolecular distances in protein oligomers,
diamagnetic dilution is of particular importance (cf. Fig. 8) [79, 91].
In any case, the DEER signal has to be corrected for the background originating
from couplings to spins outside of the interesting nanoobject (Fig. 8a) [85]. Experi-
mental background functions can be derived from singly labeled samples; they can
be used for correcting the background in corresponding doubly labeled samples. If
experimental background functions from singly labeled molecules are not avail-
able, theoretical functions taking homogeneous distributions of nanoobjects into
account can be applied for correction. In many samples the distribution is homoge-
neous in d 3 dimensions. Proteins bound to a membrane surface may be confined
to d 2 dimensions.
The data after background correction is often referred to as form factor (Fig. 8b).
The assumption of well separated spin pairs may not always be valid, e.g., in
singly labeled trimers. Those cases lead to signal contributions from sum and
difference combinations of dipolar frequencies which are not easy to analyze in
terms of distances [92].
However, a parameter being rather easily determined is the number of spins per
nanoobject, e.g., the number of proteins in an oligomer [57, 93, 94]. It is directly
related to the modulation depth of the DEER curve after background correction,
which additionally depends strongly on the excitation position, length, and flip
angle of the pump pulse. Uncertainty in the degree of spin labeling affects interpre-
tation of the oligomerization state [9395]. In turn, reduced modulation depth for
intramolecular distance measurements can indicate a fraction of de facto singly
labeled molecules.
In analogy, from the background of the DEER signal reflecting homogeneously
distributed spins, local spin concentrations up to 20 mM can be measured [96].
For evaluation of experimental DEER data several software packages are
available [59, 61]. They cater either for data analysis based on a model of the
distance distribution [9799] or for model-free methods, e.g., Tikhonov regulariza-
tion [57, 59]. For the model-free approach, the underlying mathematical problem
is (moderately) ill-posed, i.e., quality of the analyzed data is very crucial. Incom-
plete labeling of double mutants results in (1) lower signal to noise of the primary
data with increasing number of completely unlabelled molecules and (2) reduced
modulation depth with decreasing number of doubly labeled molecules.
It is important to note that the distance between the spin density on the nitroxides
differs from the corresponding distances of the protein backbone, since distance
measurements utilize spin-labels as MTSSL which possess a number of single bonds
in their linker allowing for different rotamers (Fig. 1 left) and thus are not conforma-
tionally unambiguous [100]. This introduces an uncertainty of the backbonespin
distance and complicates the interpretation of the spinspin distances in terms of the
protein backbone [64], although the uncertainty becomes less important for longer
distances between the labeled sites [101].
EPR in Protein Science 103

This uncertainty can be reduced by molecular modeling of the spin label behav-
ior. Several approaches were made to overcome this problem [64, 102, 103]. For
instance, the program package MMM describes spin labels by a set of alternative
conformations, rotamers, which can be attached without serious clashes with atoms
of other residues or cofactors. The individual rotamers are assigned Boltzmann
populations corresponding to an estimate of the sum of their internal energy and
interaction energy with the protein. All simulations of experiments on spin labels are
then based on the population weighted average over the ensemble of rotamers [104].
Experimental data for DEER experiments can be predicted for a modeled
structure and favorable attachment sites can be predicted by scanning the whole
protein [105].

2.3 Accessibility Measurements

Secondary structure can be obtained by studying the accessibility of the nitroxide

label to paramagnetic colliders. The collision rate (more precisely the Heisenberg
exchange frequency) with the spin label influences the relaxation time of the latter
which can be measured and be used to estimate the local concentration of a
paramagnetic quencher near a nitroxide spin label.
Water-soluble quenchers are transition metal complexes such as chelated
nickel [nickel(II)-ethylenediamine-N,N0 -diacetic acid (NiEDDA)]. A ubiquitous
paramagnetic quencher is triplet oxygen, which is much more soluble in apolar
environments, such as lipid bilayers, than in polar environments [3, 106]. As a
consequence, by measuring the respective local concentration, membrane-exposed
sites can be distinguished from solvent-exposed sites.
At very high local concentrations such quenchers cause line broadening. At low
local concentration exchange broadening is insignificant and the transverse relaxa-
tion time T2 is the same in the presence and absence of the quencher. In this case,
the influence of the quenchers on the longitudinal relaxation time T1 can be
quantified by measuring saturation curves. For this, the peak-to-peak amplitude of
the first derivative central line of the nitroxide spectrum is measured as a function of
microwave power. Measuring on a reference substance such as dilute diphenylpi-
crylhydrazyl powder in KCl and defining a dimensionless accessibility parameter P
enables one to eliminate the dependency of those saturation curves on T2 and the
conversion efficiency of the microwave resonator [107110].

3 Applications to Intrinsically Disordered Proteins

The most powerful techniques for protein structure determination in general are
X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Very
limited structural information is available if these techniques are not applicable.
104 M. Drescher

This holds true for many membrane proteins which are difficult to crystallize or
concentrate; therefore the determination of their structures is one of the most
challenging fields in structural biology. Furthermore, structure determination of
membrane proteins is an important application of SDSL EPR which is reviewed
[33, 111113, 148].
X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy are also less successful in deter-
mination of structure and dynamics of IDPs [114]. IDPs have been recognized as a
unique protein class as well, justified by the clear structural and functional separa-
tion which they have in common, and again, SDSL EPR can significantly contribute
to their characterization as illustrated in the following.
IDPs comprise a large fraction of eukaryotic proteins (>30%). They lack a well-
defined three-dimensional fold and display remarkable conformational flexibility.
This property potentially enables them to be promiscuous in their interactions and
to adapt their structure according to the needed function.
Since structure and dynamics of IDPs drastically depend on the environment,
corresponding details are notoriously difficult to unravel. Because of their inherent
flexibility, IDPs often fail to crystallize in their free form. When crystallization is
successful, it only leads to a snapshot of a single conformation not representing the
whole conformational ensemble [115]. The most common goal of structural studies,
the determination of unique high-resolution structures, is not attainable for IDPs
due to the absence of a well-defined structure.
Upon interaction with other cellular components, IDPs adopt more highly
ordered conformations. These are subject to high-resolution structures in some
cases; however, at least in some cases, the bound states of IDPs remain highly
non-compact and retain substantial mobility [116, 117].
SDSL EPR offers a powerful tool to study IDPs. Nitroxide spin labels introduce
a minimal perturbation of the system, and probe the very local environment of the
label [3, 4, 38, 118]. The higher sensitivity of EPR compared to NMR allows for
much lower concentrations of protein samples.
Several IDPs have already been subjected to SDSL EPR investigations. So EPR
data showed decreased flexibility in a region of residual helical structure in the
disordered C-terminal domain of the measles virus nucleoprotein, and
demonstrated the further ordering of this region upon interaction with a binding
partner [119, 120].
The amyloid b peptide Ab was the subject of several studies [91, 121123];
structural constraints on Ab140 fibrils were obtained from measurements of CW
EPR spectra and determination of spinspin couplings in a series of spin-labeled
cysteine mutant samples. Conclusions about molecular structure and supramolecu-
lar organization were drawn from these data. The observation of co-fibrillization of
Ab140 and Ab142 suggested the absence of large structural differences between
Ab140 and Ab142 fibrils.
Further examples of IDPs studied by SDSL EPR are the prion protein H1 [124],
ubiquitin [125], or serum albumin [12]. In the following, recent results concerning
a-synuclein are reviewed to illustrate the potential of SDSL EPR in the field
of IDPs.
EPR in Protein Science 105

3.1 a-Synuclein

Intrinsic disorder is highly abundant among proteins associated with neurodegen-

erative diseases. The canonical model among the IDPs is a-synuclein (ASYN), a
140-residue protein that is abundantly present in the Lewy bodies characteristic of
Parkinsons disease (PD). PD is the most common age-related movement disorder
and the second most common neurodegenerative disorder. ASYN with its high
propensity to aggregate and its conformational flexibility is an ideal model system
for IDPs and for understanding PD and related disorders.
Depending on the environment, it adopts a variety of structurally distinct
conformations including the intrinsically unfolded state, an amyloidogenic partially
folded conformation, and different a-helical and b-sheet conformations. This
conformational flexibility led to the term protein-chameleon.
The exact physiological role of ASYN has yet to be determined, but membrane
binding seems to be important for its function. As a consequence, the membrane
bound form has received considerable attention in the last several years. Preferen-
tially, ASYN binds to negatively charged lipid surfaces.
Human ASYN does not contain any cysteine residues. Singly and doubly labeled
ASYN derivatives can be generated by site-directed mutagenesis introducing
cysteines and subsequent spin labeling with MTSSL. Spin-labeled ASYN in solu-
tion at room temperature gives rise to sharp EPR line shapes characteristic for loop
or unfolded regions indicating that ASYN is intrinsically disordered, e.g., largely
unfolded in solution (Fig. 9a, b).

Fig. 9 CW EPR spectra at

room temperature of (a)
ASYN labeled at residue 140
in solution (black) and upon
vesicle binding (blue), and
ASYN labeled at residue 90
(b) in solution and (c) upon
vesicle binding including
corresponding spectral
simulations (red). Taken
from [126]
106 M. Drescher

3.1.1 Fibrils

The aggregation of proteins into amyloid fibrils is associated with several neurode-
generative diseases. It is believed that the aggregation of ASYN from monomers
by intermediates into amyloid fibrils is the toxic disease-causative mechanism
of PD.
A large set of singly labeled ASYN derivatives were used in order to investigate
the structural features of ASYN fibrils. Fibrils grown from spin-labeled ASYN
featured a fibril morphology being very similar to fibrils taken from wild type
ASYN as verified by electron microscopy. Additionally, co-mixing of wild type and
labeled ASYN indicated that both species are able to adopt similar structures within
the fibril, confirming that the introduction of a spin label is tolerated remarkably
well in amyloid fibrils [91].
Analyzing the intermolecular spinspin interaction within the fibrils in terms of
dipolar broadening depending on diamagnetic dilution, it was shown that similar
sites from different molecules come into close proximity. While the accuracy of this
analysis was not sufficient to distinguish fully whether parallelism occurred
between strands or sheets (corresponding to distances of 4.7 or 10 A) [127], a
highly ordered and specifically folded central core region of about 70 amino acids
was identified. The N-terminus is structurally more heterogeneous; the C-terminus
consisting of 40 amino acids is completely unfolded [128].
The latter encouraged Chen et al. [127] to employ a C-terminal truncation
mutant of ASYN containing residues 1115. This allowed for optimizing spectral
quality and minimizing components from non-fibrillized protein or other back-
ground labeling possibly due to codon mistranslation [129]. Single-line, exchange
narrowed EPR spectra were observed for the majority of all sites within the core
region of ASYN fibrils. Such exchange narrowing requires the orbital overlap
between multiple spin labels in close contact and therewith confirmed that the
core region of ASYN fibrils is arranged in a parallel, in-register structure wherein
similar residues from different molecules are stacked on top of each other. This core
region extends from residue 36 to residue 98 and is tightly packed. Accessibility
measurements suggested the location of potential b-sheet regions within the
fibril. Furthermore, the data provide structural constraints for generating three-
dimensional models.

3.1.2 Membrane Binding

Not only misfolding and fibril formation of ASYN but also membrane binding
are of particular interest, especially for unraveling its physiological role. The
N-terminus of ASYN contains 7 repeats, each of which is made up of 11 amino
acids. Sequence analysis suggested that this part is likely to mediate lipid
interactions [130, 131]. NMR studies are limited by the size of the complex under
investigation. Hence, the structural information available concerns NMR studies of
ASYN on micelles [132135].
EPR in Protein Science 107

Micelles, however, differ in important aspects from biological membranes.

Micelles have typical diameters of 5 nm and therefore may be too small to mimic
organellic membranes. In order to understand the conformational changes that
occur upon membrane binding of monomeric ASYN, SDSL EPR was performed
with ASYN bound to phospholipid vesicles, e.g., small or large unilamellar vesicles
(SUVs or LUVs, respectively).
To characterize the structural changes induced by membrane binding, the EPR
spectra of 47 singly spin labeled ASYN derivatives were recorded in solution and
upon binding to small unilamellar vesicles [42, 128].
As already mentioned, spin-labeled ASYN in solution gives rise to sharp EPR
line shapes characteristic of intrinsic disorder (Fig. 9a, b). Upon membrane binding,
spectral changes were observed for ASYN derivatives labeled within the repeats
region (Fig. 9c). In contrast, little or no changes were detected for labels at positions
within the last 40 amino acids, confirming that conformational changes upon
membrane binding do not occur within the C-terminal portion (Fig. 9a).
The spectra upon membrane binding still contained residual sharp spectral
components allocated to unbound ASYN. The spectra can be corrected for this
component by subtraction of the spectrum of the free label. Analyzing the resulting
spectra originating exclusively from membrane bound ASYN labeled within the
repeat region exhibited line shapes indicating lipid- or solvent-exposed helix
surface sites.
Additionally, O2 and NiEDDA accessibilities (PO2 and PNiEDDA, respec-
tively) were determined for the labels in the repeat regions. Nonpolar O2 preferen-
tially partitions into the membrane whereas the more polar NiEDDA preferentially
partitions into the solvent. As a consequence, membrane-exposed sites show
enhanced accessibility to O2, whereas solvent-exposed sites are preferentially
accessible to NiEDDA. In agreement with the formation of a helical structure,
PO2 and PNiEDDA exhibit continuous periodic oscillations. The accessibility
data for both colliders can be conveniently summarized by the depth parameter
F [F ln(PO2/PNiEDDA)] (Fig. 10), which increases linearly with increasing
immersion depth [136].
The consecutive scan of the residues with respect to mobility and accessibilities
demonstrates the formation of a single, elongated helix, wherein each 11 amino
acid repeat takes up 3 helical turns.
Without subtracting the residual sharp spectral components of spin-labeled
ASYN in the presence of SUVs, a multi-component spectral simulation strategy
is required in order to describe the experimental data (Fig. 9b, c). Three different
contributions featuring different isotropic rotational mobilities can be allocated to
free spin labels, labeled residues not bound to SUVs, and residues bound to SUVs
by the following approach. The spectra of ASYN in the absence of liposomes are
well described by a superposition of two components, S1 and S2, where S1
corresponds to the spectrum of the free spin label MTSSL measured independently.
In the presence of SUVs, an additional component S3 is needed, corresponding to
the broadened part of the spectra. The shape of component S3 and the prefactors
108 M. Drescher

Fig. 10 Solvent accessibility analysis of singly labeled ASYN derivatives. The ratios of the
accessibilities to O2 and NiEDDA (PO2 and P NiEDDA, respectively) for residues 2590
summarized by the depth parameter F ln(PO2/P NiEDDA), with increasing F values
indicating deeper membrane immersion depth. The blue line indicates the best fit to a cosine
function and the resulting periodicity corresponds to the theoretically predicted periodicity of 3.67
amino acids per turn. Copyright 2005 National Academy of Sciences, USA, reproduced from [136]

a, b, and c are determined by least square fits to the data according to S aS1
bS2 cS3 [126].
Hence, the local binding affinity can be determined. Using this approach a
systematic study varying the charge density of the membrane allowed for a locally
resolved analysis of the proteinmembrane binding affinity. The results showed
that binding of ASYN to artificial phospholipid membranes is initiated by the
N-terminus (Fig. 11) [126].

3.1.3 Conformation of Membrane Bound a-Synuclein

The NMR structure of ASYN bound to SDS micelles, commonly used for mem-
brane mimicking, revealed a break in the helix, resulting in two antiparallel alpha-
helices [132]. This model was confirmed by distance measurements exploiting
SDSL EPR utilizing 13 different ASYN double mutants each containing 2 spin-
labeled cysteines (horseshoe model, Fig. 12) [137].
In this study, one mutant includes a pair of cysteines placed within a single helix
to provide an internal distance control. Distance distributions were obtained by
DEER measurements and Tikhonov regularization. Studying ASYN bound to
detergent and lysophospholipid micelles, it has been shown that the inter-helical
EPR in Protein Science 109

Fig. 11 Spin-label EPR revealed that ASYN membrane binding is triggered by its N-terminus.
Schematic representation of ASYN at the membranewater interface. Positions of spin labels used
in this study are depicted as red circles, and the number of the labeled residue is given.
Representing electrostatic interactions, the cationic residue K80 is shown as a white circle.
Adapted from [126]

Fig. 12 Cartoon
representation of the two
helices and linker region of
ASYN bound to an ellipsoidal
micelle, illustrating the
different distances measured
using pulsed EPR (taken
from [137])

separation between the two helices formed upon binding to micelles is dependent
on micelle composition, with micelles formed from longer acyl chains leading to an
increased splaying of the two helices. The distance constraints were in accord with
the NMR data. The data suggested that the topology of ASYN is not strongly
constrained by the linker region between the two helices and instead depends on the
geometry of the surface to which the protein is bound.
The geometry of micelles, however, differs significantly from those of biological
membranes. Micelles have typical diameters of 5 nm and therefore may be too
small to accommodate ASYN in the extended conformation (around 15 nm for an
extended helix of 100 residues). Therefore, it had been postulated that the small size
of the micelles may have artificially constrained the protein into a horseshoe
A subsequent study considered two selected possible conformations for ASYN
bound to SUVs, namely an extended helix and the horseshoe structure. Theoreti-
cally expected spinspin distance distributions for doubly labeled ASYN taking the
possible rotamers of the spin labels into account were calculated. This enabled one
to identify label positions in the crucial location close to the potential linker region
between the two horseshoe helices which would allow distinguishing between these
conformations by CW EPR distance measurements. CW EPR spectra of corre-
spondingly labeled ASYN bound to POPC SUVs were measured and, using the
theoretical distance distributions, calculated. The authors interpreted their results in
110 M. Drescher

Fig. 13 The distance distribution for ASYN bound to LUV and labeled at residue 27 and 56
clearly consists of two contributions. The shorter distance agrees well with the expected distance
of 2.7 nm for the horseshoe conformation derived from the NMR structure (pdb access code
1XQ8) while the longer distance is consistent with an extended alpha-helix. Taken from [140]

such a way that an unbroken helical structure around residue 40 was ruled out and
confirmed the picture of the interhelix region characterized by conformational
disorder [138]. Later, a close inspection of the data resulted in suggesting that the
measured distances may be more consistent with an extended helix form than with
the horseshoe model [139].
ASYN bound to vesicles, bicelles, and rodlike micelles was also studied by
DEER allowing for measuring longer distances. Jao et al. reported results
suggesting an extended helix conformation being significantly different from that
of ASYN in the presence of SDS micelles. Their DEER study showed that for
several double mutants the average distance per residue was 1% of that for an
alpha-helix, which argues strongly for an extended helix [137].
Already in this study, a number of samples have yielded somewhat bimodal
distance distributions, suggesting distinct conformations of the protein. Actually,
this was confirmed by a further DEER study [140], which used the ability of DEER
to measure distance distributions for direct evidence of coexisting horseshoe and
extended helix conformations of membrane bound ASYN (Fig. 13).
A DEER study [141] measuring distances of up to 8.7 nm showed that the PD-
linked ASYN mutations also remain capable of adopting both structures, and that
the protein to lipid ratio determines whether the protein adopts the broken or
extended helix conformation.
This ability of ASYN to adopt different structures can provide an explanation of
the disparate results obtained using similar experimental techniques and often with
only slight variations in experimental conditions reported in the literature
[99, 133136, 138, 139, 142].
A complementary approach studying proteinmembrane interaction by SDSL
EPR is to utilize spin-labeled lipids. In the case of ASYN, different restrictions of
EPR in Protein Science 111

segmental motion in the chains of different lipids were observed upon ASYN
binding. This observation indicates that ASYN associates at the interfacial region
of the bilayer where it may favor a local concentration of certain phospholipids

3.1.4 Lipid-Induced Aggregation

Using singly spin labeled mutants, intermolecular distances are also accessible by
DEER. It was shown that ASYN may influence the membrane structure and even
disrupt membranes. Under those conditions intra- and intermolecular distance
measurements by DEER allowed for the conclusion that ASYN forms aggregates
once in contact with SUVs [99, 147].
The simplest model for such an aggregate was proposed based on the distance
constraints (Fig. 14). In these aggregates, two ASYN molecules are in close contact,
but they could form part of a larger aggregate in which the proteins are arranged in
an ordered fashion.

4 Concluding Remarks

SDSL EPR has developed as a powerful tool in order to study structure and
dynamics of bio-macromolecules. Mobility and distance measurements being sen-
sitive to dynamics on the picosecond to microsecond timescales, covering the

Fig. 14 Left: ASYN forms well-defined aggregates with lipids. In these aggregates, two ASYN
molecules are in close contact, but they could form part of a larger aggregate in which the proteins
are arranged in an ordered fashion. Spin labels are depicted as red circles. Right: Cartoon
representation of EPR distance constraints. Taken from [141]
112 M. Drescher

dynamics of proteins in solution, or giving access to distances between spin labels

in the nanometer range, are probably amongst the most important experimental
Advantages of SDSL EPR include straightforward labeling procedures using one
type of label for a broad accessible range in distance measurements, small size of
label-molecules featuring minimal perturbations of the system under investigation,
virtually no limitation of the size of the complex under study, and high sensitivity.
Sophisticated pulsed EPR methods for distance determination compel by their
unsurpassed accuracy as well as their ability to extract distance distributions and
therefore to detect coexisting structures. Since unlabeled diamagnetic molecules
are EPR silent, distance constraints can be obtained background free in (frozen)
IDPs form a unique protein category characterized by the absence of a well-
defined structure and by remarkable conformational flexibility. As a result of these
properties, and because of its high potential, SDSL EPR is amongst the most
suitable methods to study IDPs and will gain increasing attention in this rapidly
advancing field. Recent results on a-synuclein show that SDSL EPR has now
reached a level where broad application unraveling structure and dynamics of
IDPs is feasible.

Acknowledgements I am indebted to C. Jao, J. Freed, G. Jeschke, and R. Langen for permission

to reproduce figures. I wish to thank Dr. Martina Huber and Prof. Dr. Vinod Subramaniam for a
longstanding cooperation, Marco Wassmer, Martin Spitzbarth, and Christian Hintze for designing
figures, and Gunnar Jeschke and the EPR people in Konstanz for fruitful discussions.


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DOI: 10.1007/128_2011_243
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
Published online: 7 September 2011

Site-Directed Spin Labeling of Membrane


Enrica Bordignon

Abstract EPR spectroscopy of site-directed spin labeled membrane proteins is at

present a common and valuable biophysical tool to study structural details and
conformational transitions under conditions relevant to function. EPR is considered
a complementary approach to X-ray crystallography and NMR because it provides
detailed information on (1) side chain dynamics with an exquisite sensitivity for
flexible regions, (2) polarity and water accessibility profiles across the membrane
bilayer, and (3) distances between two spin labeled side chains during protein
functioning. Despite the drawback of requiring site-directed mutagenesis for each
new piece of information to be collected, EPR can be applied to any complex
membrane protein system, independently of its size. This chapter describes the state
of the art in the application of site-directed spin labeling (SDSL) EPR to membrane
proteins, with specific focus on the different types of information which can be
obtained with continuous wave and pulsed techniques.

Keywords Conformational changes  Distances  Dynamics  EPR  Membrane

proteins  Spin labeling  Structural biology  Water accessibility

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
2 Spin Labeling of Membrane Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
2.1 Spin Labeling Protocols for Membrane Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
2.2 Reconstitution Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
3 Dynamics of Spin Labeled Side Chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
3.1 EPR-Derived Molecular Architecture of the Potassium Channel KcsA . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
3.2 Light-Induced Conformational Changes in Bacteriorhodopsin Detected via
Transient Mobility Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

E. Bordignon
Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, ETH Zurich, Wolfgang-Pauli-str. 10, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland
122 E. Bordignon

4 Accessibility, Polarity and Proticity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

4.1 Alternating Access in the ABC Transporter MsbA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
4.2 Water Penetration Profile in the Bacteriorhodopsin Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
4.3 Pulsed EPR Determination of Water Accessibility in LCHIIb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
5 Interspin Distance Determination: Modeling Structures and Conformational Changes of
Membrane Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
5.1 CW-Detected Distances Unravel the Structure of KcsA Intracellular Gate in the
Open State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
5.2 High Resolution Structure of an Na+/H+ Antiporter Dimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
5.3 Following Membrane Insertion of Soluble Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
5.4 Distance Mapping Reveals Light Activation of Rhodopsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

1 Introduction

In 1989, 4 years after the first high resolution X-ray structure of a membrane protein
[1], a paper on site-directed spin labeling (SDSL) EPR on a transmembrane protein
appeared in Biochemistry [2], followed by a second report in Science [3] titled
Transmembrane protein structure: spin labeling of bacteriorhodopsin mutants.
Hubbell suggested that a combination of EPR, site-directed mutagenesis and
nitroxide labeling could serve as a new biophysical tool to unravel structural details
of membrane proteins. This first EPR study focused on the different dynamics
(mobilities) of 18 consecutive spin labeled cysteines in the protein and their distinct
water accessibility. The EPR analysis could clearly distinguish between a short
water exposed loop and the transmembrane a-helical segment of the protein. In the
same year the first 3D structure of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) was solved by electron
microscopy [4]. The X-ray structure of BR appeared only later [5]. In 1994 in a
review article, Hubbell further confirmed the potentiality of the technique, stating
that the technology is now in place for an expanded range of applications of
SDSL [6]. Indeed, to date, a plethora of structural information has been obtained
by SDSL EPR on a variety of membrane proteins, confirming the statement of the
pioneer of the technique. The increased availability of structures with atomistic
details from X-ray and NMR did not relegate SDSL EPR to proteins of unknown
structure or to minor aspects of the spin labeled side chains accessibility and
dynamics. On the contrary, it enormously favored its application to conformational
transitions between different protein states, dimerizationoligomerization pro-
cesses, characterization of protein dynamics during the conformational changes
under physiological conditions, and recently also modeling of overall conforma-
tional transitions based on interspin distance constraints.
This chapter will introduce the most important aspects of SDSL EPR applied to
membrane proteins corroborated by prominent examples from the literature and
will address the newest developments of the technique.
Site-Directed Spin Labeling of Membrane Proteins 123

2 Spin Labeling of Membrane Proteins

To date, the most commonly used spin labels for membrane proteins are pyrroline-
type nitroxide radicals. Several labeling strategies and spin labels are available at
present. However, the extreme specificity for the free thiol of cysteines, a stoichio-
metric reaction at most sites, and the relatively small size and flexibility of the
modified side chain make the (1-oxyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-D3-pyrroline-3-methyl)
methanethiosulfonate spin label (MTSSL) the most popular choice for SDSL
applications. 3-(2-Iodoacetamido)-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1-pyrrolidinyloxy radical
labels (IAP) are also used in combination with cysteines. The advantage of IAP
vs MTSSL is that the covalent bond with the cysteine is irreversibly formed and this
may be more suitable for particular situations in which the MTSSL tends to be
released from the labeled sites.
The labeling strategies for membrane proteins are similar to those applicable to
water soluble proteins (a cys-less background is also required prior to the cys site-
specific mutagenesis); however more care must be taken in identifying sites which
are accessible for the spin label. In particular, sites buried in the middle of the
transmembrane core of the protein may not be labeled at all, or once labeled may
influence the protein stability. Sites located at the interface between the membrane
and the bulk water, e.g., in the short loops connecting the transmembrane helices, or
at cytoplasmic or periplasmic domains, are usually highly accessible and can be
targeted for first tests on the protein under investigation (Fig. 1a). The freely
downloadable software MMM [] can be
used to predict the accessibility towards spin labels (currently MTSSL or IAP)
for each site of the protein prior to the site-specific mutagenesis if a structural
template of the protein exists [7].
Experimentally, the spin labeling procedure is carried out on proteins solubilized
in detergent, to maximize the reaction yield. In a few cases (protein- and detergent-
dependent) the spin labels may bind aspecifically to the cys-less protein, or to the
detergent micelles. It is then good practice to spin label prior to the SDSL study the
cys-less protein and eventually also the empty micelles, to verify that noncovalent
aspecific labeling is negligible. Otherwise, one needs to change the spin label to
protein ratio during the labeling procedure or eventually the type of detergent to
minimize this unwanted effect. It is worth mentioning that the labels trapped in the
micelles are removed by the reconstitution procedure, unless the protein is
measured in detergent-solubilized form.

2.1 Spin Labeling Protocols for Membrane Proteins

In the following, a general protocol for spin labeling membrane proteins with
MTSSL (also valid for IAP) is described, with particular attention to steps which
may cause problems or may need to be slightly modified according to the protein
124 E. Bordignon

Fig. 1 Membrane-mimicking environments. (a) Bacteriorhodopsin spin labeled at position 36 and

46 with the software MMM. (b) Schematic drawings of bacteriorhodopsin inserted in micelle,
liposome, membrane bilayer and nanodisc. The liposome is not drawn to scale

stability. Here it is assumed that the expression and purification of the cys-less
membrane protein of interest has been optimized prior to the spin labeling. The
membrane protein engineered to have one cysteine residue to be spin labeled is
usually prepared in the detergent-solubilized form and its purity is >98%. Knowl-
edge of the protein concentration is mandatory for the spin labeling protocol, and
for the subsequent determination of the spin labeling efficiency. For labeling, the
detergent-solubilized protein is diluted to a concentration of about 1030 mM. In
some cases the protein is incubated for 1 h at room temperature with 10 mM DTT
(1,4-dithio-DL-threitol) to reduce eventually oxidized cysteines. DTT must be
removed before starting the labeling procedure (1 mM final residual concentration)
to avoid nitroxide reduction and to allow the formation of the disulfide bond
between MTSSL and the cys residue. Immediately after DTT removal, tenfold
molar excess of MTSSL is added from a 100 mM stock solution (usually in DMSO,
stored at 80  C). If the final concentration of MTSSL in the water solution
exceeds 500 mM, spin label biradicals can form which are not anymore available
for the labeling of the protein. Usually, the protein-MTSSL solution is shaken
overnight at 4  C, after which the labeling should be complete. Labeling can also
be performed for 45 h at room temperature, depending on the protein stability.
Note that very accessible sites can be labeled after few minutes of incubation. In
general, the labeling efficiency increases with (1) increasing the label-to-protein
molar excess (e.g., up to 40-fold); (2) increasing the temperature (from 4 to 37  C,
depending on the protein stability); (3) slightly denaturating the protein (valid only
for very stable proteins, e.g., 40% DMSO was used to label position 46 in bacterio-
rhodopsin, Fig. 1a); and (4) preincubating the protein with reducing agents. After
Site-Directed Spin Labeling of Membrane Proteins 125

the spin labeling, one proceeds with the removal of the excess free label in the
buffer. Different methods are possible: (1) dialysis slow but efficient, requires at
least 500 mL of detergent-containing buffer, which could be expensive; (2) centrif-
ugal filter devices fast and efficient, but some proteins precipitate on the mem-
brane after centrifugation; (3) desalting columns very fast and efficient,
performed by centrifugation or gravity, requires a larger volume than centrifugal
Once the free label is removed, the protein is concentrated to the desired final
concentration. At this stage the labeling efficiency can be tested. Continuous wave
EPR is highly sensitive, enabling measurements on as little as 100 pmol of protein
(10 mL of 10 mM spin labeled protein). For optimal signal-to-noise ratio,
concentrations in the order of 100 mM are preferable. The residual free label is
clearly distinguishable in the EPR spectrum from the bound fraction due to its
narrow three-line spectrum typical of isotropic fast motional regimes. In the case
that the spectrum still contains a disturbing fraction of free label, further washing is
necessary. The labeling efficiency can be calculated directly from the continuous
wave EPR spectrum by second integral analysis and comparison with the spectrum
of a standard nitroxide radical of known concentration (typically a 300 mM water
solution of TEMPOL). The ratio between the spin concentration and the protein
concentration gives directly the labeling efficiency for single cys mutants. Labeling
efficiencies in the 70100% range are considered good; problematic sites allows
only for 050% efficiency. Efficiencies >100% pose some questions on the speci-
ficity of the labeling, which must be further tested with the cys-less background
protein. For interspin distance determination (two spin labeled cysteines per pro-
tein) an average efficiency of at least 6070% per cysteine is advisable.

2.2 Reconstitution Protocols

After successful spin labeling, the detergent-solubilized protein can be either used
directly or reconstituted into liposomes or other bilayer-mimicking environments
(Fig. 1b). Reconstitution protocols are strictly protein-specific and several methods
can be found in the literature based on detergent extraction by biobeads, dilution
methods, etc. An important issue in membrane protein reconstitution in general and
most specifically for EPR analysis is the homogeneity of the distribution of the
proteins inside the membranes. In particular, lipid to protein ratios >500 are
advisable to avoid protein crowding which may lead, for example, to unwanted
interprotein interspin distances in the 28 nm range. Extrusion of the liposomes
before or after reconstitution can be performed to increase the homogeneity of the
sample. The type of lipids plays an important role in either determining the
efficiency of the insertion or contributing to the directionality of the insertion
process. In fact, membrane proteins can insert into liposomes both with no prefer-
ential orientation (e.g., 50% of the proteins exposes the cytoplasmic regions to the
lumen and the other 50% the periplasmic region) or with remarkable preference for
126 E. Bordignon

one specific orientation with respect to the lumen (e.g., proteins having long
cytoplasmic domains tend to insert in liposomes leaving those domains exposed
to the bulk water).
An alternative approach consists in reconstitution of the membrane protein in
bilayer-mimicking environments, i.e., self-assembling lipid bilayer nanodiscs
(Fig. 1b). Nanodiscs consist of a small portion of membrane bilayer that has been
solubilized by the addition of two amphipathic proteins, the membrane scaffold
proteins (MSP) derived from the apolipoprotein A-1 [810]. Details of the prepara-
tion can also be found at
These proteins wrap around the hydrophobic core of the lipids, effectively creating
a soluble portion of membrane.
The advantages of this method are: (1) different nanodiscs diameters can be
obtained with different MSP sequences; (2) the protein is in a bilayer-mimicking
environment; (3) both the cytoplasmic and the periplasmic exposed regions of the
protein are easily accessible with ligands, nucleotides, interacting proteins, etc.,
without the problems associated with the directional incorporation of the proteins in
liposomes and the compartmentalization between lumen and bulk water. The
disadvantages are: (1) the reconstitution in nanodiscs is protein-specific and
requires optimization of the protocol and of the MSP to be used; (2) the maximal
concentrations achievable are less than 100 mM.

3 Dynamics of Spin Labeled Side Chains

Room temperature EPR spectra of spin labels attached at protein sites are extremely
sensitive to even minor changes in the reorientational motion of the spin label with
respect to the external magnetic field. The reorientation of the spin label in the
protein is generally anisotropic and it is a complex function of the spin label
molecular structure and the primary, secondary, tertiary, and eventually quaternary
structure of the protein under investigation. Complex distributions of motional
states can often be observed in spectra exhibiting more than one spectral compo-
nent. Simulations of the CW spectra are performed using molecular dynamics
simulations [1115] or a slow motion theory based on the stochastic Liouville
equation (SLE). The theoretical model developed by Freed based on the SLE
(SRLS, Slowly Relaxing Local Structure) is the most advanced to date [16, 17].
Two principle dynamic modes are included in SRLS, the global tumbling of the
protein and the internal spin label motion consisting of side chain isomerizations
and protein backbone fluctuations. In the case of medium-size membrane proteins
embedded in micelles or in membranes, the overall tumbling of the object generally
exceeds the range of rotational correlation times measurable by EPR (>100 ns).
Thus, one can consider the protein as immobile on the EPR timescale, and the
spin label motion only due to internal rotation around the dihedral angles of the
label and to the protein backbone fluctuations. Even with the reduced number of
rotational motions to be considered in the case of membrane proteins, a
Site-Directed Spin Labeling of Membrane Proteins 127

comprehensive theoretical description of the spectra has not yet been achieved. The
SRLS model was shown to be able to separate the effects of faster internal modes of
motion from slower overall motions only if spectra at multiple frequencies are
available. Even with the multifrequency SRSL approach, up to three distinct
spectral components are often required to account for all observed spectral features,
showing the intricate and composite interaction between the label and the protein
The complications in the spectral fitting partially stem from the fact that MTSSL
is a rather long and flexible label characterized by five rotatable bonds. Clearly a
more rigid label, with the NO group closely related to the backbone atom
positions would alleviate this problem, but it would also create steric constraints
at the spin labeled site, which may disturb the protein fold. In fact, it is exactly its
intrinsic flexibility that makes MTSSL a nonperturbing probe at the majority of the
sites in proteins.
For a semiquantitative description of spin label mobility, simple empirical
parameters extracted from the spectra at room temperature are widely used. Exper-
imentally, to detect room temperature EPR spectra, 1020 mL of sample are
inserted in glass capillaries (0.9 mm outer diameter) and the spectra are detected
with a sweep width of 15 mT, 0.15 mT maximal modulation amplitude
(corresponding to the natural linewidth of a freely tumbling MTSSL in water)
and 0.51 mW microwave power (the power saturation curve must be measured
at least once for the cavity in use). The mobility scale is based on (1) the inverse of
the spectral second moment and (2) the inverse of the central EPR linewidth. Both
parameters are increasing functions of the spin label mobility and can be used to
give insights into the protein secondary structure, based on the available correlation
between mobility and protein structure obtained from a large number of studies,
mainly on a-helical proteins [1820]. Although the semiquantitative analysis is
usually enough to draw conclusions on secondary structure and conformational
changes, interpretative problems may arise if spectra show complicated features
with multiple components, which in the literature are often identified as immobile
and mobile components.
The high sensitivity for relatively fast motions (rotational correlation times in
the 0.13 ns range) extends the structural analysis beyond the usually silent
flexible regions, which are increasingly identified as relevant for signal transduc-
tion. In general, the extent of labeling is correlated to the accessibility of the site
towards the spin label; thus very mobile positions show spin labeling efficiency
close to 100%. Nevertheless, very immobile positions can be labeled due to the
flexible nature of MTSSL, and the plasticity of the side chains surrounding a buried
spin labeled site. Care must be taken when spectra close to the rigid limit are
detected at room temperature; in fact the label can be trapped in one specific
orientation relative to the backbone. This makes general statements about side
chain mobility or distances with respect to a second spin labeled site ambiguous.
Moreover, the protein structure might have been affected by the introduced steric
hindrance. Such interpretative problems can be solved by analyzing the overall
pattern of side chain mobilities in an extended protein segment, i.e., by performing
a nitroxide site scan on consequent residues.
128 E. Bordignon

It is worth noting that macromolecular crystallography, in contrast to SDSL

EPR, requires solution conditions that may also alter the conformational sampling
of a macromolecule, especially in dynamic regions. Interestingly, a recent SDSL
EPR study examined a conformational equilibrium in the N-terminal energy cou-
pling motif of BtuB, the E. coli outer membrane transporter for vitamin B12 [21].
EPR indicated that this segment is in equilibrium between folded and unfolded
forms and that the substrate binding shifts this equilibrium toward the unfolded
form. EPR spectra obtained from the same spin labeled mutant in protein crystals
indicated that this unfolding transition is blocked in the crystal. SDSL may as well
influence protein structures or conformational transitions if the label is attached to
sites relevant for function. To avoid this possibility, spin labeling should not target
side chains directly involved in active sites, or buried in tight protein pockets.
However, the proteins activity after spin labeling should always be measured.
In the following paragraphs a selection of relevant SDSL EPR studies performed
on several membrane proteins is reviewed. The data presented, far from being
comprehensive, were chosen to emphasize in detail all information which can be
derived from mobility, accessibility, and distance measurements.

3.1 EPR-Derived Molecular Architecture of the Potassium

Channel KcsA

Details of the overall architecture and of the gating mechanism of the potassium
channel KcsA were elucidated in the last few years with SDSL by the group of
Perozo. Here, one long site scan (63 single cysteines spin labeled with MTSSL)
published in 1998 on this membrane protein is reviewed to highlight the potentiality
of the analysis of the nitroxide mobility to infer structural details of long protein
segments [22]. Some caveats arising from the use of homo-oligomeric proteins are
addressed. Potassium channels are integral membrane proteins which can be found
virtually in all living organisms. They catalyze an efficient flow of K+ across the
membrane bilayer, with a fundamental role in generation and modulation of the
electrical excitability in cells [23].
The data available at the time of the EPR research on the potassium channel
KcsA were: (1) mechanistic information derived from electrical measurements; (2)
tetrameric organization of the monomer (160 residue polypeptide); (3) a-helical
nature of the polypeptide chain; (4) stabilization of the open conformation by low
pH; (5) newly available X-ray structure from the MacKinnons group [24], with the
PDB file not yet released. The systematic EPR scan of the membrane embedded
region of the channel via mobility, accessibility and distance analysis was used to
generate a three-dimensional architecture of the two transmembrane (TM) helices
of the channel and to elucidate their topology with respect to the membranewater
interface. Interestingly, 66 cys mutants were prepared in the protein stretch 2252
and 86120 where the two TM segments were thought to be located (Fig. 2a) and
Site-Directed Spin Labeling of Membrane Proteins 129

only three of them were found not to be expressed, confirming that cysteine
mutagenesis is tolerated without relevant structural rearrangements in most cases;
thus they are good probes to report on local protein properties. All the cys mutants
were tested for structural and functionality studies prior to the EPR study. It is
important to note that functionality tests are mandatory for newly engineered
mutants, and it is recommended to perform them before and after labeling to
avoid interpretative problems. A nonfunctional or nonperfectly folded spin labeled
mutant cannot be used for EPR analysis.
Each single cysteine mutant was spin labeled and analyzed by RT CW EPR
spectroscopy. As an example of a nitroxide scan, spectra detected in the first
(2232) and second (86109) segments are shown in Fig. 2b. Interestingly, being
a homotetramer, each single cysteine mutant provides four spins per channel. If the
distance between the four spin labels in the tetramer is on the order of 2 nm or
higher, no dipolar interaction appears; thus the features of the room temperature
spectra purely reflect the spin label dynamics.
In contrast, for distances <2 nm, the evident spectral broadening due to spin
exchange and dipolar coupling interferes with the mobility analysis (e.g., position
108, Fig. 4b, denoted with an asterisk). To obtain mobility information, an approach
called spin dilution is used, which consists in under-labeling the protein (e.g., in
this study a 1:10 ratio spin label:channel was used) to obtain a spectrum which
reflects mostly the dynamics. Alternatively, to minimize asymmetry, it is possible
to label the protein with a mixture of MTSSL and its diamagnetic analog (several
molecules are available, e.g., the compound A167900 from Toronto Research,
In Fig. 4d, the effect of spin dilution is illustrated. Spectral broadening is clearly
evident in the spectral wings of the fully labeled sample. The shortest distance
between two adjacent monomers based on the X-ray structure (PDB 18L8) can now
be simulated with the software MMM (
based on a rotamer library approach [7] showing a mean distance of 1.4 nm, in
agreement with the dipolar broadening observed.
The structural analysis on KcsA was performed based on the mobility of each
spin labeled side chain in the protein segments under investigation. It is worth
recognizing in Fig. 4b that most of the CW RT spectra show multiple spectral
components, characterized by different mobility (a few examples are highlighted
by arrows). This is a very general property of the R1 side chain in proteins. The
components reflect the anisotropy of the spin label reorientational motion, but their
appearance could also have other causes. They could arise from a slow equilibrium
between two different protein conformations or the presence of asymmetric sites in
the protein. The molecular interpretation of different spectral components is cum-
bersome. Multifrequency EPR [17], temperature analysis of the CW spectra [27],
pulse saturation recovery techniques [28], or high pressure EPR [29] can help
unravel the possible origins of the spectral components. In the case of KcsA, the
spin labels motional information was quantitatively extracted from the inverse
central linewidth (DH01, mobility parameter) and was corroborated by the mea-
sure of the accessibility of the spin labeled side chains towards lipids (O2
130 E. Bordignon

Fig. 2 A nitroxide scan on KcsA. (a) Linear representation of the putative transmembrane
topology of KcsA and the nitroxide scan (linear scale with arrows). (b) Room temperature CW
EPR spectra for two regions in TM1 and TM2. Multiple nitroxide components are highlighted by
red arrows in selected spectra. (c) Mobility and accessibility plots. Periodical pattern are visible.
On the right, helical wheel representation showing the trends of the EPR parameters extracted
from the spectra in a polar coordinate representation. (d) Example of dipolar broadening on
position 108, and effect of underlabeling on the spectral shape. On the right the shortest distance
Site-Directed Spin Labeling of Membrane Proteins 131

accessibility) and water (NiEDDA accessibility) by power saturation measurements

(see Sect. 4 for a detailed description of the power saturation technique). Close
examination of the spectral set shows a periodic behavior in the mobility and
accessibility parameters (Fig. 2c). An ideal helix with 3.6 residues per turn yields
an angle of 360 /3.6 100 between successive residues. If a nitroxide scan
reveals the a-helical periodicity, the secondary structure of the segment under
investigation is unveiled. In this case both the mobility and the O2 accessibility
clearly show this pattern. The helical wheel representations are useful to correlate
the periodical pattern of a-helical segments with the orientation of the helices with
respect to the interfaces (Fig. 2c). In this representation the wheel is a view along
the long axis of the helix, with numbered positions and residues indicated by
vectors pointing out of the helix. The norm of each vector is chosen to be propor-
tional, for example, to the mobility or the accessibility parameter at the specific site.
The EPR data obtained by mobility and accessibility were complemented by the
dipolar broadening observed in between few pairs of residues (Fig. 2d). Using the
symmetry constraints of the tetramer and biochemical information on the analogous
Shaker channel, the EPR data provided the three-dimensional architecture of the
two TM helices in KcsA (Fig. 2e). The agreement between the EPR-derived model
and the X-ray structure of KcsA (Fig. 2f) shows the potential of a nitroxide scan to
obtain the architecture of a membrane protein.

3.2 Light-Induced Conformational Changes in Bacteriorhodopsin

Detected via Transient Mobility Changes

The dynamics of spin labeled side chains are strictly related to the secondary and
tertiary structure of the protein under investigation. If functional conformational
transitions are induced in proteins with substrates, ligands, pH, nucleotides, ions,
lipids, etc., the concomitant changes in the spin label dynamics describe the protein
rearrangements. SDSL EPR can follow the proteins in action, and being a
technique applicable to proteins in physiological environments, it gives unique
potentiality to unveil the rearrangements of membrane proteins during their func-
tion, e.g., substrate-ions transport, light activation, oligomerization, ligand binding,
etc. In the case of the seven-transmembrane helix protein bacteriorhodopsin, light
excitation induces transient isomerization of the retinal molecule bound in the core
of the protein through a Schiff base. It is the light-induced change in the conforma-
tion of the retinal molecule which results in a conformational change of the
surrounding protein and the proton pumping action during a so-called

Fig. 2 (continued) simulated with MMM on the X-ray structure (PDB 18L8). (e) EPR-derived
molecular architecture of the channel, colored according to the water accessibility scale (red, high
water accessibility; blue, low). Upper panel, intracellular view; bottom panel, lateral view of two
monomers. (f) Crystal structure of the channel (PDB 18L8). Panels ae adapted from [25]
132 E. Bordignon

photocycle. It is possible to follow repetitively by EPR the changes in spin label

mobility during the photocycle by transient detection. The first application of
transient EPR on spin labeled proteins was published in 1994 by Hubbell and
Steinhoff [30]. In this case the EPR spectrum is detected in the dark-adapted
state, and the spectral amplitude at each B field position is monitored after light
excitation for the time necessary for the dark state to be recovered at the end of the
cycle. By plotting the maximal transient change in spectral intensity for each B field
of the spectrum, one can obtain the difference light minus dark spectrum (2 minus
3 in the simulated example of Fig. 3a). An increase or decrease in mobility is
associated with characteristic features in the difference spectra; thus the changes in
mobility can be directly related to the protein conformational transitions (in Fig. 3a
a simulated mobility increase is shown). In bacteriorhodopsin (Fig. 3b) EPR
transient responses to light were observed for some spin labeled side chains during
the photocycle. The biggest response was found at position 101 (helix C), located
five residues away from the Asp which changes its protonation state during the
photocycle. The transient EPR change could be unambiguously assigned to a
decrease in mobility (Fig. 3c, highlighted by arrows, the opposite changes with
respect to those simulated in Fig. 3a). Further EPR characterization performed in
the group of Steinhoff revealed that helix F is moving outwards during the light-
induced activation [31]. The same light-induced opening mechanism was later
found by EPR also in the related protein sensory rhodopsin II (SRII) [3234].
SRII is an archaeal seven-transmembrane helix retynilidene protein found in
combination with a membrane embedded transducer protein in a 2:2 complex.
Remarkably, the complex topology and stochiometry was revealed by EPR [35]
before the release of the X-ray structure [36]. The two TM helices of the transducer
in the core of the complex are followed towards the cytoplasm by two HAMP-
domains and a methyl-accepting signaling domain. Upon light excitation, the
retinal in SRII isomerizes, helix F opens in analogy to BR, and transfers the signal
to the transducer which in turn signals this information to the flagellar components
of the cell via a rotation of the TM2 helix of the transducer (Fig. 3c). Both the SRII
light-induced conformational change and the related transducer signaling were
detected by transient EPR at room temperature, and corroborated by interspin
distance changes in different protein states trapped by freezing the complex during
illumination. Later in the chapter an analogous light-induced opening of the
G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) rhodopsin will be presented as elucidated by
pulse EPR techniques.

4 Accessibility, Polarity and Proticity

Side chains in membrane proteins are inherently facing different types of

environments: the neighboring side chains of the protein, the bulk water, or the
lipid alkyl chains. The protein topography with respect to the water and membrane
interfaces is an important aspect in membrane protein studies and is not directly
Site-Directed Spin Labeling of Membrane Proteins 133

Fig. 3 Light-induced helix movements in BR and SRII. (a) Schematic representation of the
conformational changes detected by EPR during the photocycle. The difference spectrum reflects
the increase in mobility in state 2 with respect to the ground state. Arrows highlight the character-
istic changes. (b) Left, periplasmic view of BR in ribbon (up) and schematic (down)
representations. The EPR-detected movements are highlighted by arrows. Central panel, EPR
detection of transient change in mobility at one fixed B field position, superimposed to the optical
traces detected at different wavelengths. Right panel, spectrum of the dark-adapted state and
difference spectrum characteristic of a mobility decrease. Adapted from [30]. (c) Analogous
scheme for SRII in complex with the transducer HtrII. Central panel, normalized transient traces
for two positions in SRII. Right panel, dark-adapted spectra with the difference spectra
superimposed (stick representation). Adapted from [33]
134 E. Bordignon

addressable by X-ray crystallography. The most common EPR technique to obtain

information on side chain accessibility at room temperature is power saturation CW
EPR, which consists in detecting spectra at increasing microwave power to induce
saturation [37, 38]. The amplitude of the central line is plotted vs the square root of
the incident microwave power, and the saturation curve is analyzed to obtain the
empirical P1/2 value (the power at which the intensity of the line is half of what it
should be in the absence of saturation) which is inversely proportional to the
product of the effective relaxation times T1 and T2. The saturation behavior is
characteristic of the local environment of the spin label and can be modified by
addition of paramagnetic species soluble in water (chromium oxalate CrOX,
charged or NiEDDA, neutral) or preferentially partitioning in membrane bilayers
(O2). Experimentally, to obtain a CW power saturation curve and extract the P1/2
(and subsequently the P values [20, 38]), the sample is loaded into gas-permeable
TPX (polymethylpentene) capillaries. Loop-gap resonators are preferentially used
which allow for sample volumes less than 10 mL and provide a homogeneous
microwave field. The first saturation curve is detected in the presence of N2.
Subsequently, for oxygen accessibility experiments, nitrogen is replaced by air
(21% oxygen) or 100% O2. For water accessibility, a negligible volume of a
concentrated NiEDDA (nickel-ethylenediamiediacetic acid) stock solution is
added to the sample to obtain the desired final concentration (usually 20 mM, to
be decreased if the P1/2 is difficult to extract). Collisions with the paramagnetic
reagents increase the nitroxide relaxation rates via Heisenberg exchange (predomi-
nant mechanism) which is proportional to the reagent concentration. The difference
in P1/2 (or P) in the presence and absence of paramagnetic species reflects the
relative collision frequency, or the relative accessibility of the spin labels towards
the exchange reagent. This method allows fast measurements on commercial CW
spectrometers on a small amount of sample. However, indirect effects of paramag-
netic quenchers are measured instead of the direct effects of water and in the case of
multiple spectral components only averaged accessibility can be obtained.
A second technique consists in the direct measure of the changes induced by
paramagnetic agents in the spin-lattice relaxation T1 by saturation recovery [39]. In
this case an intense saturation pulse of microwave is delivered at room temperature
at a frequency corresponding to the central EPR line and the return of the spectral
intensity is monitored with a weak CW observing microwave field. With this
relatively complex setup it is possible to measure T1 selectively on different spectral
A third approach is to detect the accessibility of the nitroxide towards deuterated
water molecules by comparing the amplitude of the ESEEM oscillations at cryo-
genic temperatures [40]. The advantage of this direct measurement of accessibility
is accompanied by the disadvantage of using cryogenic temperatures, and by the
difficulty in distinguishing protein-buried from membrane-embedded sites and in
disentangling the effects arising from deuterium atoms from water, exchangeable
protons, or deuterated glycerol (the latter is used as cryoprotectant).
A developing approach measures by NMR the local hydration dynamics around
nitroxides at room temperature via Overhauser dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP).
Site-Directed Spin Labeling of Membrane Proteins 135

Key steps to pave the way for the application to spin labeled proteins were
performed by the group of Han [41].
X-band nitroxide EPR spectra in the rigid limit (T < 200 K) also convey
information on the nitroxide microenvironment. In fact, the Azz principal value of
the 14N hyperfine tensor (half of the splitting between the positive low field peak
and the negative high field peak of the X-band CW spectrum) is proportional to the
polarity of the nitroxide microenvironment (for MTSSL the Azz value changes from
3.3 to 3.7 mT going from an apolar to a polar environment). This information can be
complemented by detection of the propensity of the nitroxide to form H-bond
(proticity) via the gxx principal value of the g tensor. Sufficiently precise
measurements of gxx require the continuous wave detection of the low temperature
nitroxide spectrum at W band (3.4 T/95 GHz).

4.1 Alternating Access in the ABC Transporter MsbA

MsbA is a putative lipid A flippase from E. coli [42]. It belongs to the ubiquitous
protein superfamily of ABC transporters, active transporters which couple the
vectorial translocation of a variety of substrates across the membranes with ATP
hydrolysis [43]. ABC transporters share a common architecture consisting of two
conserved cytoplasmic modules which harness ATP energy for biological work and
two highly divergent transmembrane domains (TMDs) which provide the translo-
cation channel for each substrate. MsbA has sequence similarity to the subclass
of exporters linked to the development of multidrug resistance and cancer. A
systematic SDSL EPR analysis on MsbA was published in 2009 by the group of
Mchaourab [26], which shed light on the overall conformational changes during the
nucleotide cycle. Here, the mobility and accessibility study performed on the
transporter is reviewed, with particular emphasis on the water accessibility infor-
mation obtained by continuous wave power saturation (examples of power satura-
tion curves for a water exposed residue are presented in Fig. 4e).
MsbA is a homodimer of a polypeptide consisting of fused nucleotide binding
domains (NBDs) and TMDs, a common feature of bacterial ABC exporters. The
substrate is picked up from the inner leaflet of the membrane, and exported to the
outside of the membrane by a conformational change of the transporter. Crystal
structures of MsbA exist in the apo inward-facing conformation (PDB 3B5W, Ca
atoms only) and in the AMPPNP-bound outward-facing conformation (PDB 3B60,
3.7 A resolution). AMPPNP (50 -adenylyl imidodiphosphate) is a nonhydrolyzable
analog of ATP, which traps the transporter in the closed state. The apo state of the
transporter is defined by a V-shaped chamber open to the cytoplasm and the inner
leaflet of the membrane, with the two NBDs separated by about 5 nm (Fig. 4a).
Addition of AMPPNP induces a tight packing of the NBDs which sandwiches the
two nucleotides and induces an opening of the TMDs towards the outer leaflet of the
136 E. Bordignon

Fig. 4 Accessibility data on MsbA reveals the alternating-access mechanism. (a) Structural
model of the open (provided by Chang) and closed states (PDB 3B60). The cytoplasmic region
in the nitroxide scan (green) is highlighted. (b) Accessibility profile of the apo-state. The
cytoplasmic region shows high water accessibility, in line with the structure. (c) Plot of the
water accessibility in water the structure. (d) Changes in water accessibility in the cytoplasmic
region upon transition to the ADP-Vi intermediate. (e) Example of three saturation curves for a
water-exposed side chain to extract the accessibility parameter. Adapted from [26]
Site-Directed Spin Labeling of Membrane Proteins 137

To obtain a complementary perspective on the nature and amplitude of MsbA

conformational motion, collision frequencies of 90 consecutive spin labeled side
chains (103193, highlighted in green in the MsbA ribbon representation of Fig. 4a)
with the apolar molecular oxygen and the water soluble NiEDDA were determined
in MsbA reconstituted in liposomes and compared to the available X-ray structures.
Large collision frequencies with NiEDDA are found in the apo state at solvent-
exposed sites from positions 103 to 140, in line with their cytoplasmic location. The
sequence-specific patterns reveal the a-helical character of the transporter. The
accessibility becomes progressively smaller approaching the bilayer, in line with
the X-ray structure. In contrast, the O2 accessibility increases towards the middle of
the bilayer, following the oxygen gradient in the membrane. The NiEDDA accessi-
bility trend mapped to the structure of the apo open conformation validates the
crystal model, and helps to define the membranewater boundaries which are
absent in the crystal (Fig. 4c, dashed lines).
Addition of ADP and vanadate traps the transporter in the post ATP-hydrolysis
intermediate state; in fact the vanadate acts as g-phosphate analog and along with
ADP forms a complex mimicking the transition state of ATP hydrolysis. In this
state opposite changes in the NiEDDA accessibility are detected at both sides of the
TM3 helix spanning the bilayer (cytoplasmic fragment of TM3 presented in
Fig. 4d). The result of this study highlights an alternation in the hydration profile
between the two sides of the bilayer, corroborating the alternating-access mecha-
nism for substrate export.
It is worth noting that the first systematic EPR analysis on Msba was published in
2005 [44] and the data were compared to the X-ray structures of MsbA in the open
and closed states published from 2001 to 2005, which were retracted in 2007 due to
data misinterpretation caused by an error in in-house data reduction software. The
comparison of the EPR data with the corrected crystal structures reviewed here [26]
resolved the earlier incongruencies brought about by wrong helix assignment.

4.2 Water Penetration Profile in the Bacteriorhodopsin Channel

A detailed polarity analysis can be performed on membrane proteins at cryogenic

temperatures extracting the Azz and gxx parameters from low temperature W-band
CW EPR spectra. In the temperature regime below 200 K the reorientational
correlation time of an otherwise unrestricted spin label side chain exceeds 100 ns,
i.e., the nitroxide may be considered as immobilized on the EPR timescale. The
study of bacteriorhodopsin (already introduced in Sect. 3.2) spin labeled with
MTSSL in the proton channel is a remarkable application of high field polarity-
proticity analysis on a membrane protein [45, 46]. Experimentally, for low temper-
ature W-band spectra, 1 mL of sample is inserted in quartz capillaries (0.5 mm inner
diameter) and the spectra are detected with a sweep width of 40 mT, 0.25 mT
modulation amplitude (due to the broad spectral linewidth), and 5 mW microwave
power (to avoid saturation at 160 K, the power saturation curve must be measured
138 E. Bordignon

to avoid lineshape artifacts prior to the high field experiments). The variation of
Azz (3.33.7 mT from an apolar aprotic to a polar protic solvent) and
gxx (2.00912.0081 from an apolar aprotic to a polar protic solvent) is observable
at W band. The gxx and Azz variation along the bacteriorhodopsin channel is seen as
a shift of the position of the low field maximum and of the hyperfine splitting in the
high field region, respectively (Fig. 5a). Spectral fitting can be performed with the
function pepper from Easyspin [48]. A distribution of H-bonds around the NO
group, and planar deviations of the NO group, make the gxx region of the W-band
spectra rather broad (gxx strain). Additionally, multiple components can be clearly
identified for several protein positions in the gxx region, arising from nitroxide
subpopulations having 0, 1, and 2 H-bonds [49]. Plots of gxx and Azz vs nitroxide
position along the bacteriorhodopsin proton channel (Fig. 5a, right panel) reveal a
characteristic variation in the polarity of the nitroxide microenvironment along the
channel. Residue S162R1 (R1 denotes the spin labeled side chain) is located in the
EF loop at the cytoplasmic surface, whereas residue K129 is positioned in the DE
loop on the extracellular surface. The high polarity detected is in agreement with
the structure. The polarity of positions 100, 167, and 171 is significantly less and
reaches its minimum at position 46 in the vicinity of the retinal. The plot directly
reflects the hydrophobic barrier which the proton has to overcome on its way
through the proton channel. The 2D plot gxx vs Azz is also used to discriminate
sites with different polarity and proticity [50, 51].

4.3 Pulsed EPR Determination of Water Accessibility in LCHIIb

An alternative approach to measure at cryogenic temperatures the proximity of

(deuterated) water molecules to spin labeled side chains consists in extracting the
modulation depth of the deuterium ESEEM (Electron Spin Echo Envelope Modu-
lation) oscillations for spin labeled membrane proteins in (partially) deuterated
solvents. This technique is highly sensitive and requires only 1020 nmol of singly
spin labeled protein per sample and relies on the reproducible and precise quantifi-
cation of the nitroxide hyperfine couplings to deuterium nuclei in deuterated water
molecules. The technique provides estimates of the distance and number of nuclear
spins in the proximity of an electron spin in the 36 A range [52]. This new method
was first applied in 2009 to the detergent-solubilized light harvesting complex
(LHCIIb) of photosystem II of green plants [47]. The light-harvesting (or antenna)
complex of plants is an array of protein and chlorophyll molecules embedded in the
thylakoid membrane which transfer energy to one chlorophyll molecule at the
reaction center of a photosystem. LHCIIb is the main antenna of photosystem II
and consists of a transmembrane protein and several cofactors, such as chlorophyll
a and b, carotenoids, and lipids that are noncovalently bound to it. Crystal structures
of the complex, except for the first few residues of the N-terminal domain of the
protein, are available [53, 54]. Hence, spin labeled sites accessible towards the
water (e.g., S52 at the interface with the stromal side of the thylakoid membrane) or
Site-Directed Spin Labeling of Membrane Proteins 139

Fig. 5 Polarity and proticity analysis. (a) W-band rigid limit spectra of BR (PDB 1MOL) spin
labeled in the proton channel. The changes in gxx and Azz are highlighted by vertical lines. Right
panel, plots of gxx and Azz vs nitroxide position showing the hydrophobic barrier in the channel.
Adapted from [45]. (b) Structure of LHCIIb (PDB 2BHW) with two IAP spin labels attached with
MMM at positions 52 and 196. Right panel, ESEEM traces detected on a water soluble standard
(gray) and on the two spin labeled positions. Bottom, ESEEM modulation depths correlated with
the water accessibility. Adapted from [47]

less accessible (e.g., V196 located towards the TMDs interior) can be predicted
(Fig. 5b, PDB 2BHW). LHCIIb used in this study was spin labeled with IAP
(iodoacetamido proxyl spin label). It is worth pointing out that the preparation of
the antenna complex requires the mixing of the purified apo-protein solubilized in
detergent with a solution of pigments and lipids in slightly reducing conditions
140 E. Bordignon

(necessary for the pigments stability). IAP was chosen as best labeling probe based
on the following criteria: (1) first attempts to use iodoacetamido TEMPO
(6-membered ring) revealed that the piperidine- was more easily reduced than the
analogous pyrrolidine-nitroxide; (2) the disulfide bond between the cys residue and
MTSSL was unstable, resulting in release of label from the sites. The reversibility
of the disulfide bond formation between the cys residue and MTSSL makes it
possible to remove the label (e.g., with 10 mM DTT, dithiothreithol) to recover
the single cys mutant. However, the weakness of the disulfide bonds also makes it
possible to release the label (1) upon relevant protein conformational changes
involving the spin label site, (2) in the presence of a neighboring unlabeled free
cysteine, and (3) upon temperature increase. Although the MTSSL is the most
widely used, the choice of the best spin label probe is necessarily protein- and
Experimentally, the three-pulse ESEEM experiment is performed at 50 K with a
p/2-t-p/2-T-p/2-t-echo pulse sequence with standard phase cycling. The pulse
length of the p/2 pulse is usually 16 ns and the constant interpulse delay t 344 ns,
corresponding to a proton blind spot. Suppression of the proton modulations at the
blind spot improves precision of the fitting of the deuterium modulation. The
second interpulse delay, T, with an initial value of 80 ns, is incremented in steps
of 8 ns. The three-pulse ESEEM time domain traces for two selected positions are
presented in Fig. 5b (right panel). The differences in water accessibility are clearly
seen in the normalized primary data by comparing the depth of the ESEEM
modulations, defined as the peak-to-peak amplitude between the first maximum
and the first minimum of the deuterium modulation (higher for 52 than for 196).
Different methods to extract quantitatively the deuterium modulation depth taking
into account its dependence on the interpulse delay are discussed in the original
work [47]. The ESEEM water accessibility method is shown to be robust and to
complement the more traditional accessibility analysis.

5 Interspin Distance Determination: Modeling Structures

and Conformational Changes of Membrane Proteins

The interaction between two spin labels attached to either a single polypeptide or
adjacent polypeptides (e.g., protein complexes, oligomers, etc.) is composed of
static dipolar interaction, which can be modulated by the residual motion of the spin
label side chains, and exchange interaction [55]. By measuring the spinspin
interaction at cryogenic temperature in the so-called rigid limit case (<200 K),
the residual motion of the label is minimized and the exchange and dipolar
interactions can be precisely extracted. Interspin distances in the 15 nm range
are routinely measured by EPR on membrane proteins with an accuracy varying
with the mean distance and distance distribution to be measured and with the
chosen experimental conditions. The short distances (12 nm) are extracted from
Site-Directed Spin Labeling of Membrane Proteins 141

continuous wave EPR spectra in the rigid limit via lineshape analysis [56, 57]. The
long distances (1.76 nm) can be measured by pulse EPR techniques, namely
Double Electron Electron Resonance (DEER, also known as PELDOR, pulsed
electron-electron double resonance) [58, 59] or Double-Quantum EPR [60]. The
interspin distance determination is a powerful strategy to deduce proximity of
selected secondary structural elements in membrane proteins or protein complexes
of unknown structure, and to follow conformational changes correlated with the
physiological activity of membrane proteins.
Since the linewidth of the spectra is a steep function of the interspin distance,
empirical or semiempirical parameters such as spectral amplitude ratios or spectral
second moment values were used to extract distances semiquantitatively and to
answer structural questions in the past. In the following, the software available to
extract distances and the caveats hidden in the analysis are presented.
The dipolar broadening produced by interspin distances in the 1.52 nm range is
extracted from low temperature CW spectra by convolution or deconvolution
methods given that the spectra of the two noninteracting spin labels are available.
In the case of homodimeric proteins, the noninteracting spectrum can be approxi-
mated by spin dilution methods (e.g., the protein is spin labeled with 20% MTSSL
and 80% nondiamagnetic analog, leading to approximately 4% of double labeled
homodimers in the final sample). In the case of higher order homo-oligomers,
molecular engineering can help to solve the problems of overlapping distances in
CW lineshape analysis (discussed in the next section).
The most popular pieces of software available to extract short distances from
CW EPR spectra are DIPFIT (from Steinhoffs group) [57], ShortDistances
(from Altenbach,
distances) or user-based fitting routines with Easyspin [48].
In DIPFIT one first needs to simulate the rigid limit spectrum of the noninter-
acting species (to extract the linewidth parameters pseudo Voigtian lineshape
which will be kept constant in the fitting of the dipolar spectrum). The
software performs a convolution of the simulated noninteracting spectrum with a
Pake function (in the strong coupling regime) characterized by a distance r and
Gaussian distance distribution with a standard deviation (sr) to fit the dipolar-
broadened spectrum. The distance distribution obtained can be considered reliable
if the mean distance is in the 1.42.0 nm range. For r > 2 nm, the accuracy of
the convolution methods progressively decreases, as the dipolar splitting gets
closer to the natural EPR linewidth, and for r < 1.4 nm the presence of exchange
coupling influences the accuracy of the distances extracted solely based on the
dipolar terms [61].
A problem arises if the spin labeling efficiency is not 100%, a case generally
encountered. DIPFIT allows the fraction of the noninteracting spectrum to be fitted.
However, the three main parameters to be varied, namely the distance, its distribu-
tion, and the fraction of noninteracting species, are strictly correlated. The knowl-
edge of the spin labeling efficiency is mandatory for an accurate determination for
the distance (and it should be >60% for reliable distance extraction).
142 E. Bordignon

The software ShortDistances is also solely based on dipolar terms, requires the
noninteracting spectrum as template, and performs the convolution based on a Pake
function (strong coupling regime) which allows for different distance distribution
functions to be used. Due to the large amount of parameters to be fitted, a simple
Gaussian distribution is to be preferred, because more complicated functions not
supported by modeling or structural information may lead to results difficult to
interpret. The possibility to extract distances from room temperature spectra, which
is in principle allowed in ShortDistances cannot be generalized to arbitrary pairs of
interacting spins, and each case must be evaluated thoroughly before convolution
with a Pake function to simulate interspin distances which are modulated by
the dynamics of the side chains [62]. Decreasing the temperature to 160 K is the
suggested general procedure to solve at least the problem of the residual spin label
In general, convolution of the noninteracting spectrum provides only an approx-
imation to the lineshape of the dipolar-broadened spectrum even in the rigid
limit. First, this corresponds to treating the dipoledipole interaction as a small
perturbation, neglecting the pseudosecular term. This approximation is valid only if
the dipoledipole interaction is much smaller than the typical frequency difference
between the two coupled spins. Second, orientation correlation between the
spinspin vector and the molecular frame of the nitroxide is neglected. Both these
approximations can be relaxed by simulating the dipoledipole coupled spectrum
with Easyspin [48]. However, such an approach is computationally much more
expensive than Pake convolution. Furthermore, the CW EPR lineshape at a single
frequency may not be sufficient to extract both the interspin distance and
the relative orientation of the labels. In any case these complications introduce
errors in distances extracted by Pake convolution methods, which have not yet been
systematically studied by theoretical approaches.
Many of the problems encountered by lineshape analysis are not present when
using DEER [58] for the longer distance range determination. In fact there is no
need to have the spectrum of each noninteracting spin system to obtain a reliable
interspin distance determination (one needs only one or two singly spin labeled
proteins to confirm the background decay function to be used throughout the study
on the same protein); the amount of noninteracting species in the sample does not
contribute to the form factor F(t), and thus not to the accuracy of the distance
extracted (only the modulation depth is affected); a large range of distances can be
determined with high precision including the 45 nm width of the membrane
bilayer barrier. The first DEER application to membrane proteins appeared in
2004 on the membrane protein Na+/proline transporter PtuP showing that it was
possible to measure the distance between two labels positioned across the mem-
brane bilayer (about 5 nm) [63]. Jeschke suggested DEER as a powerful method to
investigate structure and conformational changes of integral membrane proteins
reconstituted in liposomes. In fact, since then, a tremendous number of publications
using DEER as main driving technique for structural investigation on membrane
Site-Directed Spin Labeling of Membrane Proteins 143

proteins followed. The most common software used to extract distance distribution
from DEER traces is DeerAnalysis [64] (
Other software is available from Freeds (
acert_ftp_links. php) and Fajers (
defit.html) labs.
One of the major problems facing distance determination by pulsed EPR on spin
labeled membrane proteins is the short relaxation time Tm (generally around 1 ms).
Solvent deuteration is routinely used (1020 vol% deuterated glycerol as cryopro-
tectant for membrane-embedded or detergent-solubilized samples, or deuterated
buffer) to slow down the nitroxide relaxation, thus extending the range of distance
measurement and sensitivity. However, the problems connected to the too fast
relaxation time called for a systematic analysis of all factors modifying the Tm
[65]. Recently, deuteration of water-soluble histone proteins was shown to extend
Tm to a considerable degree (up to 30 ms) [66].
Other sensitivity problems arise from the low concentrations usually available
for membrane proteins, and the molecular crowding in the membrane bilayer
leading to very fast background decay functions which impair the DEER analysis,
especially for long distances. This problem can be minimized by increasing the
lipid to protein ratio (at least 5001,000 lipid per protein). All these factors call for
the development of even more sensitive techniques, e.g., Q-band DEER [67, 68] at
high microwave power, and new strategies, e.g., spin labels containing metal ions
which can also be used in combination with nitroxide labels [6971]. The DEER
experiment is rather expensive in terms of measurement time, typically one trace
with good signal to noise on membrane proteins requires 1224 h, and thus even a
small sensitivity increase (e.g., a factor 2 in S/N) can speed up a protein study four
The presence of multiple spins in the same protein or protein complex creates
interpretative problems in DEER, due to the appearance of artifact peaks in the
distance distribution. Methods to identify artifact distances in multispin systems
are under development [72]. Strategies to overcome problems due to the super-
position of distances in the same polypeptide can make use of orthogonal
labeling (e.g., using different spin labels binding to cys and unnatural amino
acids [73]). In the easier case of protein complexes with spin labels in different
subunits, one can use different nitroxide isotopes, as demonstrated on model
compounds [74].
Having an accurate distance determination between the NO groups of the spin
labeled side chains still does not directly convey the structural information at the
level of the backbone of the protein which would be required for modeling
structures and complexes at high resolution. To correlate the spinspin distance
constraints to the backbonebackbone distances requires modeling. At the present
time, modeling approaches combining sparse accurate distance constraints to
macromolecular structures are under development [7, 75].
144 E. Bordignon

5.1 CW-Detected Distances Unravel the Structure of KcsA

Intracellular Gate in the Open State

Ion channels gate by transducing a variety of physical stimuli into a series of

structural rearrangements controlling the access of permeant ions to a centrally-
located water pore. SDSL EPR makes it possible to address the structural details of
the gating mechanism by accurate determination of distance constraints during ion
translocation. The chosen example of CW lineshape analysis deals with the treat-
ment of interspin distance constraints in a problematic homotetrameric potassium
channel KcsA (already introduced in Sect. 3.1) [76]. Spin labeling one single cys
mutant of KcsA will lead to interspin distances between neighboring and diagonally
related nitroxide side chains (Fig. 6a), which can be difficult to disentangle in the
CW spectra. In the case of KcsA, the clear appearance of very short distances in the
room temperature CW spectra for some positions in the intracellular C-terminal
region of helix TM2 (e.g., position 108, Fig. 2d) was used to model the molecular
architecture of the channel. The decrease of broadening under conditions stabilizing
the open state also suggested the general opening mechanism of the gate. However,
a quantitative description of the gate helix movement based on a nitroxide scan and
interspin distance constraints faced the problem that both neighboring and diago-
nally placed side chains affected simultaneously the EPR lineshape, making the
assignment of the distances to the correlated pairs almost impossible. To avoid this
problem, molecular biology strategies were employed. Tandem dimer constructs
were engineered, linking a cys-free monomer with a cys-containing one, in order to
create a pseudo-dimeric channel, without dipolar interaction between neighbor-
ing subunits (Fig. 6a). In this way the distances extracted quantitatively from CW
EPR spectra at low temperature (to avoid residual motions which modulate the
dipolar interaction) could be precisely assigned to the diagonally located side
chains. The structure of the open gate was inferred from ten distance constraints
in the intracellular region (100119 segment, Fig. 6b). Comparison of low temper-
ature spectra can be done either normalizing the spectra to the maximum of their
amplitudes, or spin-normalizing them (Fig. 6c). The most relevant effect can be
seen in the spin-normalized comparison, with short distances inducing a relevant
amplitude decrease.
Figure 6b shows the spin-normalized rigid limit spectra detected in the closed,
nonconducting channel conformation (thick line, pH 7.0) and under conditions
favoring channel opening (thin line, pH 4.0). Site-specific amplitude changes are
clearly visible, correlated to interspin distance increase or decrease going from the
closed to the open state. The right panel of Fig. 6b shows the first integral
(absorption) of the spectra, with the fit obtained with convolution methods (Gauss-
ian distribution of distances), starting from the spectra of the noninteracting spins
(obtained by spin dilution) according to [56]. The pattern of distances was analyzed
in terms of possible conformational changes starting from the available structure of
KcsA in the closed state to obtain the conformation of the TM2 helix in the open
channel. The pattern of distance changes is illustrated by helical wheel models
Site-Directed Spin Labeling of Membrane Proteins 145

Fig. 6 Structural details obtained by lineshape analysis. (a) In KcsA, labeling at any residue
position renders a tetramer with potentially four spin labels. (i) Tandem dimer construct (ii) with
cys residues in both protomers (control used to evaluate the effects of the intersubunit linker) and
(iii) with only one of the protomers containing a cys (used in the analysis). (b) Rigid-limit X-band
EPR spectra obtained at pH 7 (thick line, closed state) and at pH 4 (thin line, open state). Right
panel, absorption spectra obtained from integration and relative fits obtained with convolution
superimposed. (c) Simulated spin- and amplitude-normalized spectra for the two interspin
distances in the figure (100% spin labeling efficiency). (d) Helical wheel representation of residues
100119. Both closed (top) and open (bottom) states are represented as pairs of helical wheel
146 E. Bordignon

(Fig. 6d), and gives the first insights into a possible rotation and translation
movement of TM2 away from the symmetry axis. Perozo developed a simple
computational approach (restraint-driven Cartesian transformation, ReDCaT)
based on the exhaustive sampling of rigid-body movement in Cartesian space to
determine the type, direction, and magnitude of the conformational changes in TM2
using limited distance information. The EPR-driven model of the conformational
change of the TM2 helices from the closed to the open channel is presented in
Fig. 6e, and supports a scissoring-type motion.

5.2 High Resolution Structure of an Na+/H+ Antiporter Dimer

Many processes in living cells involve the transient or permanent formation of

complexes between membrane proteins. However, X-ray crystallography often
reveals only the structure of a monomer which under physiological conditions
forms dimers or oligomers. This is due to the fact that packing interactions compete
with the weak interactions holding the complex together. Vice versa, complexes
observed in crystals may also just reflect the packing conditions and not the real
quaternary structure of the protein. SDSL EPR can be easily performed in
proteoliposomes, revealing the quaternary structure of a protein in physiological
environments. In the case of dimers, the analysis of the distances between the singly
labeled monomers is straightforward. SDSL EPR in combination with modeling
tools was shown to unveil the structure of the dimeric complex of the Na+/H+
antiporter NhaA using the available X-ray structure of the monomer and nine
distance constraints obtained by DEER [77]. NhaA, the Na+/H+ antiporter from
E. coli, is involved in regulation of intracellular pH, cellular Na+ content and cell
volume. It was crystallized as a monomer (PDB 1ZCD), but cryoelectron micros-
copy on 2D crystals showed that it exists as a dimer, as also supported by cross-
linking studies. Assuming that the structure of the two monomers is unchanged in
the dimer with respect to the one in the X-ray structure, only the relative arrange-
ment of the two molecules has to be determined to obtain a high resolution structure
of the dimer. This corresponds to solving a problem of docking two proteins based
on distance constraints. Just by detecting interspin distances between singly spin
labeled sites in NhaA, the dimeric nature of the antiporter was immediately
confirmed (Fig. 7a). A combined DEER-X-ray approach was applied to solve the
docking of the proteins in the dimer. A similar approach is used to obtain the
chemotaxis receptor-kinase assembly by Freed [78, 79]. To obtain the NhaA dimer,

Fig. 6 (continued) diagrams. The arrows inside the wheels in the open state represent distance
changes from close to open (outward is increase and inward, decrease). (e) Modeling the confor-
mational rearrangements in TM2. Up, graphical representation showing the type and extent of
individual helical movements (red closed and blue open), bottom, calibrated cross-sectional
representation of the conformational changes. Adapted from [76]
Site-Directed Spin Labeling of Membrane Proteins 147

Fig. 7 Modeling a high-resolution dimeric structure. (a) Estimate of the mean distance on the
example of spin label K-221R1. The primary DEER trace (V(t)/V(0)), the form factor and the
distance distribution obtained by Tikhonov regularization (the L curve is shown in the inset) with
the software DeerAnalysis are presented. (b) Fits of primary experimental DEER data (black lines)
by simulated data (red lines) corresponding to the final structure of the NhaA dimer and a
distribution of spin label conformations modeled by a rotamer library. (c) C2 symmetry axis of
the dimer created with the EPR constraints. (d) Comparison between the EPR structure and the
electron density projection to the membrane plane obtained by cryo-EM on 2D crystals. (e)
Comparison between the EPR structure and the dimer modeled on the refined cryo-EM data
(PDB 3FI1). Adapted from [77]

the primary data V(t) are fitted directly (Fig. 7b), and the information on the
distance distribution are used in the docking approach to match a modeled confor-
mational distribution of the spin labels.
In the first stage of the modeling the two component molecules are treated as
rigid bodies. The relative arrangement of a dimer requires in principle six
148 E. Bordignon

parameters (three Euler angles for the rotation and three components of a transla-
tion vector). In this case, the C2 symmetry of the resulting homodimer reduces the
necessary parameters to four (Fig. 7c). The nine distance constraints experimentally
obtained can then be considered enough to produce a reliable docking of the two
proteins. Details of the grid search algorithm and the final energy minimization
which yield the dimeric arrangement of NhaA are thoroughly described in the
original work [77]. The dimer obtained by DEER distance constraints in
proteoliposomes is presented in Fig. 7d, superimposed to the low resolution cryo-
EM density showing the rather good agreement, in particular in the interfaces. More
recently, a higher resolution dimeric model based on the monomeric structure was
produced (PDB 3FI1) using a better resolved 2D cryo-EM crystal. The new model
is shown to be in good agreement with the EPR-model (Fig. 7e), confirming the
high potentiality of EPR-driven modeling for membrane protein complexes in
quasi-native environments.

5.3 Following Membrane Insertion of Soluble Proteins

Water soluble proteins can be triggered by a variety of factors to insert spontane-

ously in the membrane bilayer (e.g., toxins, apoptotic proteins, etc.). With SDSL
EPR one can observe in real time the membrane insertion via mobility and
accessibility changes. Moreover, interspin distances can be measured to model
the conformation of the active membrane-bound state of the protein. The case
presented here is the application of SDSL EPR to the proapoptotic Bcl-2 protein
Bax, triggered to insert into the membrane bilayer by the proapoptotic protein Bid
[80]. Bax and Bid are two water soluble ~20-kDa proteins. NMR structures exist for
both in the inactive water soluble form (Fig. 8a, one NMR model for each protein)
showing the hydrophobic helical hairpin protected in the core of the proteins
colored in orange in Fig. 8a. Despite the high similarity in their globular fold,
their function is complementary: Bid needs to be cleaved by caspases to be
activated and the resulting C-terminal 15 kDa fragment (p15 or t-Bid) in turns
activates Bax. The interaction is thought to involve the BH3 domain of Bid (colored
in yellow in Fig. 8a) which can dislodge the BH3 domain of Bax (colored in yellow)
[81]. The conformational change in Bax leads to insertion of the hydrophobic
hairpin (orange in Fig. 8a) in the membrane. Once inserted, Bax forms oligomers
which permeabilize the outer mitochondrial membrane. Through the membrane
pores, the formed cytochrome c is released, triggering cell death (apoptosis). The
graph in Fig. 8b shows how it is possible to follow the conformational change of
Bax via mobility changes of the spin labeled side chains over time. The very mobile
spectrum characteristic of the inactive form in water slowly changes towards a more
immobile spectrum when Bax becomes spontaneously membrane-embedded (black
trace) or changes immediately (within the 2 min needed to insert the tube in the
spectrometer) after addition of detergents (red trace). Addition of increasing
amounts of cleaved active Bid (p15/7-Bid) is shown to accelerate Bax
Site-Directed Spin Labeling of Membrane Proteins 149

Fig. 8 EPR detection of membrane insertion of spin labeled proteins. (a) NMR models of inactive
Bax and Bid (PDB 1F16, 2BID, respectively). The buried helical hairpin is shown in orange, and
the BH3 domain in yellow. Positions spin labeled in Bax are highlighted. (b) Kinetics of Bax
conformational changes at 37  C. Spectra of double labeled Bax were recorded each 43 s at 37  C
150 E. Bordignon

conformational changes. Overall, the fraction of Bax molecules inserted is inde-

pendent of the stochiometric ratio between Bid and Bax, indicating the catalytic
role of Bid in Bax insertion. Singly labeled Bax in the inactive monomeric form
does not show dipolar oscillations in the DEER traces, as expected (Fig. 8c, black
trace in the left panel). Dipolar oscillations appear as soon as detergent is added
(red), the protein is reconstituted in liposomes (cyan), or it is triggered by Bid to
insert into liposomes (green). Large Bax oligomers are formed, as judged by size
exclusion chromatography and cryo-EM performed on the spin labeled samples.
The narrow 2.4 nm distance between the two BH3 domains of Bax (position 62)
reveals the formation of the dimer, which is the building-block of the pore-forming
oligomers. One expects to detect both the intradimer distances and the interdimer
distances in an oligomer. However, due to the fast relaxation of the nitroxides in
membrane-embedded proteins, only relatively short DEER traces could be detected
(max 1.8 ms) yielding for position 62 a clear intradimer distance (2.4 nm) and only a
glimpse of the interdimer distances (asterisk in Fig. 8c, right panel), which are
suggested to be >5 nm.
To prolong the nitroxide relaxation time, 10% deuterated glycerol was used in
the sample, but this was not sufficient at the small protein concentration available to
detect traces longer than ~2 ms, as would have been necessary for the determination
of distances around 5 nm. Interestingly, deuterated water was found to decrease Bax
stability and thus it could not be used. For position 126, the large modulation depth
of the F(t) (~0.8) clearly reveals the presence of the multispin system due to the
oligomer formation [82]. The distances obtained cannot however be assigned to an
intra- or interdimer interaction, which are both suggested to be in the 34 nm range.
Analysis of the doubly labeled Bax required spin dilution (Bax spin labeled with
MTSSL and with diamagnetic analog in a 1:3 molar ratio) to obtain the
intramonomer distance in the oligomer. The interspin distances were used to
model an active quasi oligomeric state of Bax in the membrane (Fig. 8d).

5.4 Distance Mapping Reveals Light Activation of Rhodopsin

GPCRs convey 80% of signal transduction across cell membranes [83]. The
receptors consist of seven transmembrane helices (analogous to bacteriorhodopsin)
connected by intra- and extracellular loops and they can be activated by diverse
ligands (light-sensitive compounds, amino acids, peptides, neurotransmitters, etc.).
GPCR in turn can activate an associated G-protein which further affects

Fig. 8 (continued) with different triggering agents. The intensity of the central EPR line vs
incubation time (logarithmic scale) is plotted. The inset shows the spectra at time zero (black
dotted) and at the end of the incubation time. (c) DEER traces and distance distribution obtained
with DeerAnalysis in different conditions, as written in the figure. The asterisk highlights the
glimpse of long distances reflecting the interdimer interaction. (d) Model of three adjacent Bax
dimers, based on the interspin distances detected. Adapted from [80]
Site-Directed Spin Labeling of Membrane Proteins 151

intracellular signaling proteins or target functional proteins. GPCRs are highly

druggable, in the sense that one third of all drugs are targeted to them; thus the
knowledge at the molecular level of their activation mechanism is highly valuable.
The family of rhodopsins in GPCRs is the largest family, and rhodopsin was the first
GPCR crystallized in 2000 [84]. To date, a few other GPCRs have been
crystallized, both in the inactive and active forms, paving the way to the under-
standing of the ligand-induced mechanism of activation. The first evidence for
rhodopsin activation came from SDSL EPR studies in Hubbells lab. Transient EPR
recordings of mobility changes showed real-time structural movements of the helix
TM6 upon light excitation, analogously to what was observed in bacteriorhodopsin
[85]. In 2008 DEER was used for a high-resolution distance mapping of the
conformational changes induced by light monitored to unveil the activation mech-
anism [86]. In Fig. 9a the ribbon representation of rhodopsin is shown looking down
at the cytoplasmic surface which recognizes the G protein transducin. The 9 spin
labeled R1 side chains used in the study are shown with the 16 pairs of interspin
distances detected via DEER. Figure 9b shows the normalized form factors F(t) in
the inactive (black) and active (red) states, with the dipolar spectra and the distance
distributions obtained.
The capability of DEER to measure long distances made it possible to label
selectively surface-exposed sites in rhodopsin, yielding distances in the 25 nm
range. In this way the perturbation of the protein fold was minimized. Moreover the
relatively mobile sites showed only minor dynamic changes in the active compared
to the inactive state, suggesting that changes in the spin label conformation that
could affect the measured distance change did not occur. Thus, changes in interspin
distances between pairs of these nitroxides reliably report relative movements of
the helices to which they are attached. This advantage in terms of reliability of the
distance changes surely compensates for the broader distance distributions which
may appear between the solvent-exposed sites. To find the relative positions of the
nitroxides in the inactive and active states relative to the structure of inactive
rhodopsin (PDB 1GZM), all sets of interspin distances were taken into account
with a global geometry optimization. The calculated relative positions of the spin
labeled side chains are shown in Fig. 9c as blue (inactive) and red (active) clouds.
The activation of rhodopsin was found to be mainly accompanied by a radial
outward movement of helix TM6 by 5 A. The EPR results showed that the outward
displacement of TM6 is a hallmark of rhodopsin activation, a finding which can
probably be generalized to all GPCRs.

6 Conclusions

SDSL EPR is sensitive to flexible regions of proteins and to dynamical changes, and
can be used to measure water accessibility profiles and accurate distances between
spin labeled side chains. The wealth of information that can thus be obtained makes
SDSL EPR a direct tool to access conformational changes of proteins. The bridge
152 E. Bordignon

Fig. 9 Light-induced opening of helix TM6 in rhodopsin. (a) View of the cytoplasmic face of
inactive rhodopsin (PDB entry 1GZM) showing modeled R1 side chains for all sites investigated.
(b) Representative selection of DEER results in the inactive (black) and active (red) states. Left,
normalized dipolar evolution after removal of the exponential background. Middle, DC centered
Fourier transform of the data. Right, distribution calculated by Tikhonov regularization. (c)
Projection contours of the spin locations calculated from the measured distance distributions for
representative sites (blue, inactive; red, active). The outward movement of TM6 is highlighted by
an arrow. Right, after defining a central reference point halfway between the dark location of 74
and 252, the radial distribution profiles along a line connecting the center and the most probable
location is calculated for each site. Adapted from [86]
Site-Directed Spin Labeling of Membrane Proteins 153

between EPR and a de novo structural determination of proteins is the modeling

of the relative positions of the backbone atoms of a protein based on the spectro-
scopic information, which is still the limiting factor with respect to the more
developed NMR technique.


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Top Curr Chem (2012) 321: 159198
DOI: 10.1007/128_2011_300
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
Published online: 13 December 2011

Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids

Ivan Krstic, Burkhard Endeward, Dominik Margraf,

Andriy Marko, and Thomas F. Prisner

Abstract In this chapter we describe the application of CW and pulsed EPR

methods for the investigation of structural and dynamical properties of RNA and
DNA molecules and their interaction with small molecules and proteins. Special
emphasis will be given to recent applications of dipolar spectroscopy on nucleic

Keywords CW EPR spectroscopy  Dynamics  ENDOR  ESEEM  Hyperfine

spectroscopy  In-cell EPR  Nucleic acids  PELDOR  RNA-ligand interactions 
RNA-protein interactions  Structure

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
2 Spin Labeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
2.1 Nucleobases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
2.2 Sugar Phosphate Backbone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
3 Theoretical Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
3.1 CW EPR Spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
3.2 Hyperfine Spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
3.3 Pulsed Electron-Electron Double Resonance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
4 Applications to Nucleic Acids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
4.1 CW EPR Spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
4.2 Pulse-EPR applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
5 Summary and Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192

I. Krstic, B. Endeward, D. Margraf, A. Marko, and T.F. Prisner (*)

Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Center of Biomolecular Magnetic Resonance,
Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
160 I. Krstic et al.

1 Introduction

Nucleic acid (NA) molecules play essential roles in such biological functions as
translation and transcription, most importantly by storing the genetic code (DNA)
and transferring it for protein synthesis (RNA). Additionally, they are involved in
catalytic and regulatory functions in cells, as has been recently discovered in
ribozymes, riboswitches, small regulatory RNAs, and the ribosome. In all these
cases, the interactions of NAs with small molecules or proteins are of central
importance for their function. Different from most proteins, NAs can adopt several
tertiary structures, depending on their surrounding and external conditions. This
large conformational flexibility is on the one hand an important and crucial factor
for a detailed understanding of their specific function and on the other a limiting
factor for classical structural methods, such as for example X-ray crystallography.
Methods capable of investigating structural and dynamic aspects of
macromolecules are therefore especially significant for the functional characteriza-
tion of NAs. NMR is one of the most promising methods for working with NAs: it
can determine the tertiary structure and the fast local dynamics of NAs with atomic
resolution, but is at its limit for larger NA molecules or NAprotein complexes
and slow conformational dynamics [1, 2]. Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer
(FRET) can detect such long range distance changes by attaching two fluorophore-
labels to the NA molecule [3, 4]. Its high sensitivity allows the performance of such
measurements at room temperature down to a single molecule level; however, due
to the linker flexibility and other unknown parameters, the derived distance infor-
mation is mostly qualitative in nature. EPR spectroscopy is a method which can fill
this gap between the local high resolution structures, derived by NMR spectros-
copy, and the dynamical information obtained by FRET spectroscopy. Within the
last few years the bandwidth of EPR methods used to investigate dynamics and
structural constraints on NAs has strongly increased and has established EPR as a
new and promising method in the field of nucleic acid research. In this review we
want to summarize some of the more recent results obtained by EPR spectroscopy
on NAs. We first review the most common nitroxide spin labeling strategies used
for NAs, briefly introduce different EPR experiments used for the investigation of
structure and conformational flexibility of NAs, and discuss selected applications
which illustrate and highlight the potential of the EPR method on NAs. Finally, we
conclude by pointing out some new trends and potential perspectives for the future.

2 Spin Labeling

Site-specific spin labeling of nucleic acids differs substantially from the procedure
used for proteins; therefore the most common methods to attach nitroxide radicals
to nucleic acids will be described and compared in this chapter. Several reviews
Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids 161

[57] and monographs [8, 9] can provide the reader with more in-depth
First side-directed spin labeling (SDSL) studies date back to the early 1970s.
There, tRNAs were subjected to nitroxide labeling via either naturally occurring
rare nucleobases, e.g., 2-thio-uridine, enzymatically introduced nucleobases such as
2-thiocytidine and 4-thio-uridine, or the 30 -ends [1014]. It is worthwhile to note
that labeling of the 30 -end, 1 (Fig. 1), causes strong structural perturbations due to
the transformation of the sugar moiety to a morpholine derivative. Moreover, the
general drawback of the above-mentioned investigations is their requirement of
tRNA and, depending on the label, an introduction of a positive charge in the case
of 2-thiocytidine. The more recent approaches can be subdivided into strategies

Fig. 1 Overview of labeled and modified nucleobases

162 I. Krstic et al.

where either the nucleobase or the sugar phosphate backbone is specifically

modified by the nitroxide spin label.

2.1 Nucleobases

Approximately 25 years later, Hubbell and coworkers [15], as well as Varani and
Ramos [16], developed a labeling strategy that involves reaction of 4-thiouridine
substituted RNA with the nitroxides 2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrroline-1-oxyl-3-methyl-
methanethiosulfonate (MTSL) or 2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-pyrroline-1-oxyl-3-iodo-
acetamide leading to 2 and 3 (Fig. 1), respectively. Both labeling strategies report
almost quantitative yields as monitored via UV-spectroscopy, but compound 3
(Fig. 1) is chemically more stable than 2 due to thioether formation instead of a
disulfide bridge generation. However, a crucial step is the choice of the labeling site
to minimize disturbances of the intermolecular interface, which might arise from
the loss of the imino proton in 4-thiouridine upon spin labeling. None of the authors
found severe affection of the RNA structure at the chosen positions resulting from
nitroxide modification. Yet the approach is limited to 4-thiouridine. Hopkins and
Robinson circumvent the abstraction of the imino proton, thus lowering structural
perturbations by usage of 5-iodouridine, 2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-pyrroline-1-oxyl-
3-acetylene (TPA) and Pd-catalyzed Sonogashira chemistry during solid-state
synthesis [17]. This protocol has been extended by Engels and coworkers to
5-iododesoxyuridine, 5-iodocytidine, and 2-iodoadenosine [1821]; 46 (Fig. 1)
depict the respective structures. This on column coupling shortens the time-
consuming NAs synthesis of already spin-labeled phosphoramidites previously
used in DNA dynamic studies [22] and involves simple purification. Another
advantage is the coupling yield of 95% if a 20 -acid-labile orthoester strategy in
combination with a new class of 50 -silyl ethers (Dharmacon) instead of a standard
tert-butyldimethylsilyl protection scheme is applied. The latter conditions led to
quenching of the nitroxide radical and further byproducts. Also, the corresponding
tetrahydropyridine analog of TPA, spin label 7 (Fig. 1), was recently introduced [23, 24].
It can be readily prepared in half the number of steps that are needed for its spectroscopic
ancestor 4. In addition, the length of the acetylene chain connecting the nitroxide to the
base has been investigated [25] proving small amplitudes of internal motion for 4 as
compared to a diacetylene tether. This is of great importance for PELDOR
measurements discussed in Sect. 4.2.2. Alternatively, ethynyl side chain bearing
derivatives of 7-deaza-2deoxyadenosine or 20 -deoxyuridine may undergo a Cu+
catalyzed [3 + 2]-cycloaddition with 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-1-oxyl-4-azide
(so-called click chemistry) to yield ~60% of 9 and 10 (Fig. 1) [26]. Note that usage
of Cu2+ instead of Cu+ leads to a reduction of the nitroxide to the hydroxylamine species.
Enzymatic strategies based on Klenow filling were also applied by Bobst
and coworkers to incorporate different types of spin labels attached to the 5- or
4-position of uridine, or the 5-position of cytidine of RNA and DNA [9, 27, 28].
None of the labels affected the structure of the biomolecule when 12% nucleotides
Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids 163

were spin labeled. Nitroxide labeled deoxyguanine, 8 (Fig. 1), can be created post-
synthetically with 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl-4-amine and a 2-fluoro-
hypoxanthine containing oligodeoxynucleotide [29]. Melting point analysis
indicates that nitroxide labeling of the guanine base does not destabilize the duplex.
A more general strategy employed by H obartner and coworkers allows direct attach-
ment of the paramagnetic probe to the exocyclic amino groups of nucleobases cytosine
and adenine in the major groove, and of guanine in the minor groove of WatsonCrick
base-paired RNA duplexes. The convertible nucleosides O4-(4-chlorophenyl)uridine,
O6-(4-chlorophenyl)inosine, and 2-fluoroinosine were labeled with 2,2,6,6-
tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl-4-amine leading to compounds 1113 (Fig. 1) [30].
Thermal destabilization was found to be in the order of 56 C per spin label for A,
C, and G. It is worth noting that cleavage from the polystyrene support, deprotection of
the phosphate backbone and nucleobases, as well as nucleobase substitution take place
at the same time in this procedure.
Nitroxides may also be attached to the site of choice via more than one covalent
bond, causing extremely rigid spin labels. As mentioned before, this improves the
information content of PELDOR experiments. One route discussed in the literature
is the synthesis of a quinolonyl based, heavily modified C-derived phosphoramidite
14 (Fig. 1). Because of the formation of a base pair with 2-aminopurine [31], its
applications are limited. Nevertheless, to overcome the size limitations of synthesized
oligonucleotides, 14 can be chemically incorporated into DNA and subjected to
Klenow polymerase filling [32]. Another extremely rigid C-analog, 15 (Fig. 1), has
been developed by Sigurdsson and coworkers [33], inspired by a phenoxazine based
deoxycytidine derivative [34]. Thermal denaturation and circular dichroism (CD)
experiments revealed a negligible effect on DNA duplex stability and conformation
[35]. Moreover, simple treatment of 15 with sodium sulfide at 45 C for 14 h causes
complete conversion to the corresponding amine [36]. This highly fluorescent species
can therefore also be used for optical spectroscopy.
The same group has reported that removal of the sugar moiety in 15 leads to 16
(Fig. 1) showing unique properties [37] regarding specific interactions with abasic
sites in DNA. At 30 C, 1 equiv. of 16 is reported to readily bind to the abasic site in
a noncovalent manner until saturation occurs. The high specificity of binding was
demonstrated via the small change of binding constants upon introduction of a tenfold
excess of unmodified DNA. Minor nonspecific binding was found to be in the order
of 5% at low temperatures. This novel labeling strategy is named noncovalent-
SDSL and has promising applications on natural occurring DNA molecules.

2.2 Sugar Phosphate Backbone

Instead of altering nucleobases, several methods to address the sugar phosphate

backbone of nucleic acids have been published. One approach, reported by
Nagahara et al., is to incorporate a fully protected 20 -deoxyribonucleoside
H-phosphonate into the oligonucleotide by means of an automated solid-phase
164 I. Krstic et al.

Fig. 2 Overview of modified sugar phosphate backbones

phosphoramidite protocol [38]. Note that usage of a 20 -deoxyribonucleoside is

mandatory to avoid phosphodiester bond cleavage and that the negative phosphate
charge present in unmodified internucleotide linkers is lacking. The following
in syringe deprotection, reaction with 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl-4-
amine and reverse phase HPLC purification yields approximately 70% of both R
and S diastereomers of crude 17 (Fig. 2). As CD measurements suggested
differences in solution structures of the diastereomers, they need to be separated
via further HPLC steps. As a universal group is labeled, the method is sequence
independent and starting materials are commercially available. A similar yet more
cost effective technique that substitutes phosphorothioates at a specific backbone
position during chemical synthesis of RNA or DNA has been established by
Hubbell, Qin, and coworkers [3941]. MTSL is converted to a highly reactive
species, referred to as R5, using sodium iodide and is brought to reaction with the
corresponding phosphorothioate leading to racemic 18 (Fig. 2). The labeling
efficiency is close to 100% and attachment of the nitroxide probe does not severely
perturb the conformation of DNA or RNA duplexes. Additionally, separation of the
diastereomers is not required prior to EPR distance measurements and arbitrary
sequences can be subjected to spin labeling [42, 43]. One drawback is that the
20 -OH group neighboring the labeled phosphorus atom has to be removed to
circumvent cleavage of the phosphodiester bond and that the negative charge is lost.
A different tactic takes advantage of a functionalized sugar system. One example
from Flaender et al. is a synthesized 20 -O-propargyl-uridine phosphoramidite
monomer that was chemically inserted within a DNA fragment [44]. The
introduced acetylene unit reacts in a Cu+ catalyzed [3 + 2]-cycloaddition (so-called
click chemistry) with 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-1-oxyl-4-azide to produce
the triazole bridged molecule 19 (Fig. 2). This bioconjugation protocol is highly
efficient and mild, but the label is flexible due to the tether length. Alternatively,
commercially available 20 -amino substituted uridine ribonucleotides were
Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids 165

subjected by DeRose and coworkers [45] to 2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-3-pyrroline-1-oxyl-

3-succinimidyl-carboxylate to give 20 (Fig. 2). The yields varied between 20% and
50% depending on the length of the RNA. Also, thermal destabilization after
labeling was observed. It was proposed to be caused by the rigid amide linker
stabilizing a less favorable 20 -endo sugar pucker. Simply switching to 2,2,6,6-
tetramethyl-piperidine-1-oxyl-4-isocyanate as spin bearing unit by Sigurdsson
and coworkers results in the more flexible ureido linked compound 21 (Fig. 2)
[46, 47]. This strategy circumvents disrupting RNA structure, labeling yields are
~90%, and the approach is generally applicable to DNA.
To summarize, a manifold of techniques capable of attaching a large variety of
stable nitroxide radicals to nucleic acids exist. Great caution should be taken
choosing a proper spin probe, the chemical or enzymatic method, and the label
position of the system under study in order to avoid structural and functional
perturbations. Finally, a general protocol or strategy to yield spin labeled RNA or
DNA is not available it always has to be adapted to the system.

3 Theoretical Background

As described in the introduction, EPR spectroscopy is a very powerful tool to study

dynamics and structure of NAs and their interactions with metal ions, small
molecules, or proteins. CW EPR spectroscopy at room temperature provides valu-
able information concerning local dynamics and global tumbling of the NA mole-
cule, as well as the binding to other molecules (Fig. 3). The binding usually alters
both the local and global modes of motion. By increasing viscosity of the environ-
ment the overall tumbling of the macromolecule gets reduced and CW EPR spectra
are dominated by the base or nitroxide local motion. Hyperfine spectroscopy can be

Fig. 3 EPR spectroscopy provides detailed information regarding metal ion coordination sphere,
interaction with small molecules, local and global dynamics, as well as overall conformation of
nucleic acid molecules
166 I. Krstic et al.

used to probe the local surrounding up to about 0.8 nm of the unpaired electron spin
in great detail. This is especially interesting for metal ions like Mn2+ replacing
physiologically crucial Mg2+ ions that play an important role in catalytic function
and tertiary structure stabilization of ribozymes. Finally, dipolar spectroscopy can
be applied to determine long range distances in NAs. This is a well established
method to study complex structures of NAs and their changes upon binding to other
molecules, and for the determination of the conformational flexibility of NAs under
various conditions. In the following, a brief introduction to the basic concepts of
these subclasses will be given. More detailed information regarding these methods
can be found in standard textbooks of modern EPR [48].

3.1 CW EPR Spectroscopy

The shape of a nitroxide radical CW EPR spectrum reveals high sensitivity to its
rotational motion in liquid solutions. Thus, it can be used as a valuable tool for
monitoring the local and global dynamics of NAs on time scales defined by the EPR
Nitroxide EPR spectra are determined by Zeeman interactions of the unpaired
electron and nuclear spins with the external magnetic field B and the hyperfine interac-
tion of the electron spin with the nitrogen nuclear spin (I1 for 14N and I1/2 for 15N)
[49]. In solid phase the magnetic energy of the electron-nucleus spin system can be
described by the static Hamiltonian

^  mN gN B^I ^IAS
H^ mB BgS ^ (1)

where mB and mN are Bohr and nuclear magneton, respectively and S and I are the
electron and nuclear spin vector operators, respectively. The g-tensor accounts for
the anisotropy of the electron spin Zeeman interaction, whereas the A-tensor
describes the field independent electron nuclear hyperfine interaction. The magnetic
tensors g and A are both approximately diagonal in the coordinate frame reflecting
the symmetry of the nitroxide radical. In order to obtain the Hamiltonian in the
laboratory coordinate system with the z-axis parallel to the magnetic field B, g- and
A-tensors have both to be transformed from the nitroxide molecular axis system to
the laboratory frame. Calculation of the energy levels and corresponding transition
probabilities for all possible radical orientations with respect to the magnetic field
with their appropriate statistical weight results in the so-called powder spectrum
represented in Fig. 4. This spectrum has a width of approximately 70 Gauss at
typical X-band frequencies (9.5 GHz) and represents the experimentally observed
spectra of nitroxide radicals in a disordered frozen solution sample.
However, the method of obtaining the ensemble spectra by a superposition of
spectra from molecules with all possible random orientations with respect to the
external magnetic field, as used above for frozen samples, is not applicable for
Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids 167

Fig. 4 Absorption (top) and

derivative (bottom) powder
EPR spectra of a nitroxide
radical measured at X-band
frequencies (9.5 GHz)

335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342

magnetic field, [mT]

mobile radicals in liquid solution. In this case the effective values of the g- and
A-tensors determining the Hamiltonian H in the laboratory frame are all time
dependent and do not result in stationary solutions for the eigenvalues and
eigenvectors of (1). In this case the density matrix has to be found for the system
based on the Liouville/von Neumann equation with a time dependent Hamiltonian
H(t) to describe the spectrum [50, 51]:

r i^ 
 Ht; ^
r (2)

The general solution of the density matrix for arbitrary rotational correlation
time and ordering potential is non-trivial. In the case of very fast motion, meaning
that the rotational correlation time of the radical is much shorter than the combined
inverse anisotropies of the g- and A-tensor, the g- and A-tensors in (1) can be
substituted by their averaged values giso (gxx + gyy + gzz)/3 and Aiso (Axx +
Ayy + Azz)/3, respectively. In the high field approximation the Hamiltonian H
becomes diagonal, which allows solving the Liouville/von Neumann equation
exactly. The time evolution of the transversal magnetization M(t) is given by the
trace of the product of the density matrix with the spin rising operator
S^ S^x iS^y . Neglecting the nuclear Zeeman interaction, we obtain
  mB giso B Aiso t
^ ^ exp i
Mt / Tr S r t 1 2 cos t exp  (3)

h h T2
168 I. Krstic et al.

This expression describes the free induction decay (FID) signal of the spin
system after an intense and short mw-pulse, which usually cannot be realized
experimentally for a nitroxide. Nevertheless, for low microwave excitation power
the CW EPR spectra are given as the Fourier transformation of the FID signal (3).
For fast rotational motion this spectrum consists of three narrow hyperfine lines
of equal intensities at the spectral positions mB giso B  Aiso =h, mB giso B=h; and
mB giso B Aiso =h. The width of the lines in this fast tumbling case is defined by
(p T2)1, where T2 is the transversal relaxation time of the electron spin. For
nitroxide radicals and magnetic field values of about 0.3 T this is valid for rotational
correlation times faster than 10 ps.
If the radical motion slows down a gradual transition from a highly resolved
three line spectrum of a liquid to the broad powder spectrum of a solid is observable
(Fig. 5). For rotational correlation times tc in the range of 0.011 ns, the Lorenzian
form of individual spectral lines can be described by the width parameter
T21 Do2 tc , being proportional to the ensemble average of the squared resonance
frequency fluctuations Do. Any dynamical process which causes the resonance
frequency to change will therefore contribute to the line width. Approximating
that anisotropy can be described by axial tensors [52], the modulation of the

10 ns

5 ns

1 ns

100 ps

10 ps

335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342

magnetic field, [mT]

Fig. 5 Nitroxide EPR spectra as a function of the isotropic rotational correlation time for X-band
frequencies. Simulation is performed by EasySpin [53]
Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids 169

anisotropic Zeeman, and hyperfine interactions by the rotational diffusion can be

expressed by

Do Dg MI (4)

where MI is the nuclear spin quantum number and Dg and DA represent the
variation of Zeeman and hyperfine splitting, respectively. Inserting (4) in the
expression for T21 we obtain

a bMI cMI2 (5)

which predicts the line widths dependence on the nuclear spin quantum number MI.
The coefficients a, b, and c are defined as follows:

h 2 t c
a Dg2 mB B= (6)

b DgDA mB B=
h2 t c (7)

c DA2 tc =
h2 (8)

The narrowest line corresponds to MI 1 and the broadest to MI 1. This

effect can be easily observed in Fig. 5.
To treat slow motion spectra in the rotational correlation time regime of
nanoseconds, the time dependence of the Hamiltonian has to be taken explicitly
into account. This is most conveniently done by the Stochastic Liouville Equation
approach, which contains explicit superoperator expressions for the rotational
diffusion of the molecule [54].

3.2 Hyperfine Spectroscopy

Radicals induced by illumination, spin labels covalently attached, or metal ions

coordinated to a NA macromolecule may act as local sensors of the nuclei in their
close surrounding. EPR is only sensitive to nuclei with a nuclear spin (such as for
example 1H, 13C, 15N, 31P, and 55Mn) within a distance up to 0.8 nm with respect to
the unpaired electron spin. This is complementary to NMR, where such close-by
nuclear spins are invisible because of paramagnetic broadening. Depending on
distance and chemical nature, different interactions contribute to hyperfine spec-
troscopy. If the nuclei are very close to the unpaired electron, isotropic hyperfine
interaction (Aiso) can be observed:

H^hfi Aiso^Iz S (9)
170 I. Krstic et al.

This interaction, which does not depend on the orientation of the molecule with
respect to the external magnetic field, gives valuable information on the local
structure, such as for example the bond strength and geometry of hydrogen bonds
to the radical or on the covalency of metal ligand bonds.
The second interaction is the magnetic dipoledipole interaction between the
unpaired electron and nuclear spins. It is short-ranged due to its R3 dependency
and the weak magnetic moment of the interacting nuclei. This term is strongly
anisotropic, meaning that it depends on the angle between the vector connecting the
unpaired electron and the nuclear spin and the external magnetic field. Whereas this
interaction is only a small perturbation for the electron spin at magnetic fields above
0.1 T with respect to the electron Zeeman interaction, it has a severe influence on
the nuclear spins. The nuclear spin eigenstates are mixed by the additional hyper-
fine field arising from the strong magnetic moment of the unpaired electron leading
to forbidden transitions further complicating CW EPR spectra. The according
spin Hamiltonian can be expressed as

^  Azz^Iz S
H^hfi ^I A S ^z Axz^Ix S
^z Ayz^Iy S
^z (10)

A third contribution of importance in hyperfine spectroscopy is the nuclear

quadrupole moment for nuclei with I > 1/2, e.g., 2H, 14N, 17O, and 33S. They
lead to an additional line broadening, arising from the shift of the nuclear spin
eigenstates by the quadrupolar coupling:

H^qi ^I Q ^I (11)

All these effects usually cause an inhomogeneous broadening of the EPR lines in
frozen disordered samples or large and slowly tumbling macromolecules leading to
broad and unresolved EPR spectra. In such cases, advanced pulsed and double
resonance EPR methods have to be utilized to disentangle these interactions to
nearby nuclei spins.

3.2.1 Electron Spin Echo Envelope Modulation

Pulsed EPR methods refocus the inhomogeneous line broadening, usually by a

Hahn-echo sequence. Due to the mixed nuclear eigenstates the microwave pulses
simultaneously drive allowed and forbidden transitions, leading to interferences
between the excited transitions. This results in an oscillatory modulation of the
electron spin echo signal intensity with a frequency defined by the nuclear spin
energy splittings. These techniques are referred to as ESEEM (Electron Spin Echo
Envelope Modulation) used on Hahn-echoes or stimulated echoes [5557] or as the
most popular 2D-variant HYSCORE (Hyperfine Sublevel Correlation Spectros-
copy) [58]. The mixing of the nuclear spin states is most effective if the nuclear
Zeeman splitting matches the hyperfine coupling; therefore this effect shows a
Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids 171

strong dependence on the external magnetic field. Typically the effect vanishes for
field strengths above 1 T, where the nuclear Zeeman-splitting exceeds the hyperfine
splitting. Furthermore, it can only be observed in solids or frozen samples, because
the anisotropy of the hyperfine interaction is averaged to zero in liquid solutions.
The method allows one to obtain distances to close by nuclei. Quantitative simula-
tion of the ESEEM effect can be used to determine the number of coupled nuclear
spins [59]. The simplest experiment is the 2-pulse Hahn-echo ESEEM (Fig. 6).
It has a low resolution as the signal decays with the short transverse relaxation time
T2 but it is very simple and thus very efficient for a small number of coordinated

Fig. 6 Pulse-Sequences, different pulse sequences for hyperfine and dipolar spectroscopy
172 I. Krstic et al.

nuclear spins. The number of coupled nuclei spins is also extractable in favorable
cases. The 3-pulse ESEEM, based on a stimulated echo sequence, has a higher
spectral resolution. It suffers from so-called blind spots; certain hyperfine
frequencies are suppressed due to the selected pulse delay between the first and
second pulse. Repeating the 3-pulse ESEEM experiment with different pulse delays
usually circumvents this drawback. In addition, 4-pulse ESEEM and, in the 2D
version, HYSCORE further improve the spectral resolution of the ESEEM method.
The off-diagonal signals in HYSCORE correlate hyperfine frequencies arising from
one nuclear spin in the two different electron spin manifolds (mS 1/2). Espe-
cially in these 2D experiments a high sensitivity is obtained via a magnetic field
setting where the nuclear Zeemann splitting has approximately the same value as
the hyperfine coupling (cancelation condition) [60]. Otherwise matched pulses can
be applied to increase the modulation depth [61].

3.2.2 Electron Nuclear Double Resonance

In comparison to ESEEM, ENDOR (Electron Nuclear Double Resonance) [62] is

more demanding on the instrumentation side. As the method requires efficient
excitation of both the electron spin (typically microwave frequency region) and
the nuclear spins (typically radio frequency region) a more sophisticated double
resonance structure has to be employed. On the other hand, the obtained ENDOR
spectrum is usually simpler to analyze because it only depends on allowed electron
spin transitions. This method shows optimum performance at high external mag-
netic field strengths and can also be applied to radicals in liquid solution. In addition
to CW ENDOR, several pulsed ENDOR sequences exist. In the case of large
hyperfine couplings the Davies ENDOR sequence [63] is commonly used, whereas
the pulsed Mims ENDOR experiment [64] is of advantage for detecting small
hyperfine couplings arising from distant nuclei (Fig. 6). Similar to the 3-pulse
ESEEM, Mims ENDOR has blind spots, which can be circumvented by taking
spectra with different pulse separation times. In all ENDOR experiments the change
of the electron spin resonance signal as a function of the radiofrequency excitation
frequency is observed. The spectra are rather easy to interpret: in the case of a
hyperfine coupling smaller than the corresponding nuclear Larmor frequency the
two ENDOR lines (for a nuclear spin I 1/2) are centered at the nuclear Larmor
frequency and split by the effective hyperfine coupling constant. This allows
distinguishing and assigning different nuclei by their respective Larmor frequency.
Again the separation between nuclear spins with similar gyromagnetic ratios
becomes better at higher magnetic fields. Moreover, the high spin polarization at
high magnetic fields reveals the sign of the hyperfine interaction [65]. Alternatively,
advanced pulse and CW ENDOR methods also allow this at lower magnetic field
strengths [66]. At lower magnetic fields the mixed nuclear spin states hamper the
interpretation of ENDOR spectra and hinder the optimum performance. Addition-
ally, an efficient excitation of the nuclear spin transitions at rf-frequencies below
5 MHz is cumbersome. In such cases the ESEEM techniques are more sensitive and
Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids 173

successful. Therefore, both methods are mostly complementary and it is

recommended to use both in order to obtain maximum hyperfine information.

3.3 Pulsed Electron-Electron Double Resonance

As explained in Sect. 3.1, CW EPR spectra of nitroxide radicals in solution reveal

hyperfine splitting owing to the nitrogen nuclear spin interaction and can be used to
monitor the molecular motion. If at least two spin labels are attached to the NA the
splitting caused by the electron dipolar spinspin interaction may also be detected for
distances less than 2 nm, provided that the inhomogeneous line width is smaller than the
dipolar coupling strength and is not averaged by fast rotational tumbling. For distances
exceeding 2 nm the interaction strength is smaller than 10 MHz and is therefore not
resolved any more in a CW EPR spectrum. In such cases pulsed electron-electron double
resonance (PELDOR) can be used to increase the spectral resolution. The spectral
resolution is only limited by the transverse relaxation time T2 because the inhomoge-
neous linewidth is refocused. The PELDOR experiments are usually performed at low
temperatures (~50K), where a frozen ensemble of molecular conformers contributes to
the total signal. At this temperature the electron spin relaxation time is long enough to
measure dipolar couplings in a corresponding distance range of up to 8 nm.
In a 4-pulse PELDOR experiment (see Fig. 6) the refocused echo signal of spin
A of an AB spin pair is measured via excitation with microwave frequency nA. The
pulse sequence refocuses the inhomogeneous contributions to the linewidth. A
pump pulse with frequency nB inverts the spin state of the second spin B. If A
and B spins are dipolar coupled then a modulation of the refocused echo magnitude
is observed depending on the time delay T between the Hahn echo position of spin
A and the pump pulse (Fig. 7). Lengths and frequency difference of the microwave
pump and probe pulses are chosen to avoid strong spectral overlap, but short
enough to achieve sufficient excitation of the electron spins. This is important to
achieve good detection sensitivity and signal modulation.
The PELDOR signal of a spin ensemble can be described as a sum of the
products of individual pair interactions between spins k and j:
VT mk 1  lj lj cos 3 1  3cos yjk 2
k1 j6k

Here mk is the transversal magnetization of the kth spin at the time of the
refocused echo and lj is the inversion efficiency of the jth spin by the pump
pulse. Rkj and Ykj define the length and orientation with respect to the static
magnetic field of the vector connecting both electron spins, respectively. D is the
dipolar interaction constant, given as (2p  52.18) MHznm3 for two radicals.
In the case where the paramagnetic centers are randomly distributed within
the sample the average of (12) leads to an exponential expression of the signal
174 I. Krstic et al.

Fig. 7 PELDOR signal analysis. (a) Time domain PELDOR signal as a function of the delay time
T of the pump pulse. The dashed line shows the exponentially decaying intermolecular dipolar
contribution to the signal. (b) Time domain PELDOR signal after division of the original PELDOR
time domain data by the fit-function representing the intermolecular decay. (c) Fourier transform
of the PELDOR time trace (b) representing the dipolar Pake-pattern. (d) Distance distribution
function obtained from the PELDOR time traces (b) by Tikhonov regularization. From the last
representation the distances for spin pairs A-B can be the most easily extracted

4p2 l c
Vinter T V0 exp  p DT (13)
9 3

where c is the spin concentration in the sample and l is the fraction of spins excited
by the inversion pulse. Typically, this formula is used to describe the intermolecular
part of the PELDOR signal decay for spin labeled molecules (dashed curve in
Fig. 7a). More interesting is the specific intramolecular interaction between the
spin labels attached to one individual NA or a specific NAprotein complex.
This intramolecular PELDOR signal for N spin labels per randomly oriented
macromolecules in the sample can be calculated according to [67] by using

p=2 ! !
1 XN Y N
Vintra T 1ll cos 3 1  3cos y sin y dy
N k1 j6k 0 Rjk
Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids 175

The experimentally observed PELDOR signal is finally a product of the inter-

molecular decay function Vinter, given by (13) and the intra-molecular function
Vintra, described by (14).
In most EPR applications, the molecules under study are double-labeled,
simplifying (14) for the intra-molecular decay function to

Z1 Zp=2  
VT 1  l l f R cos 1  3cos 2
y sin y dy dR (15)
0 0

where f(R) describes the distance distribution function between the two spin labels.
This equation is most frequently used for the quantitative analysis of experimental
PELDOR time traces. It allows a parameter free extraction of the distance distribu-
tion function f(R) and therefore the determination of the average distance between
the two unpaired spins of the spin-labeled macromolecule from PELDOR
measurements. A typical example of such a data analysis is depicted in Fig. 7. In
a first step the intermolecular decay is separated from the original signal. The
experimental decay function at long times T is fitted with an exponential function
and then the experimental PELDOR time trace is divided by this function (Fig. 7b).
After that, the remaining PELDOR signal, which represents the intra-molecular
interactions Vintra, is analyzed to determine the average distance R or the distance
distribution function f(R). The singularities of the dipolar Pake pattern, obtained
after Fourier transformation, can be used to extract the average distance R (Fig. 7c),
or the Fredholm equation of the first kind (15) can be solved using Tikhonov
regularization methods to obtain the distance distribution function f(R).
However, it should be mentioned that this procedure is only valid for spin-pairs
(N 2) with a random mutual orientation. If the two spin labels have a fixed
relative orientation, the inversion efficiency depends on the specific orientation of
the molecule with respect to the external magnetic field, leading to a more elaborate
calculation of the PELDOR time trace:
Z Z    
1 p=2
VT 1  f R ly cos 1  3cos y  1 sin ydydR
0 0 R3

In general, the separation of the distance distribution function f(R) from the part
containing the mutual angular orientation between the two spin labels is more
cumbersome and not straightforward [6871]. However, it allows one to obtain
additional valuable information regarding structure and flexibility of the macro-
molecule under investigation, as will be shown in Sect. 4.2.2.
176 I. Krstic et al.

4 Applications to Nucleic Acids

4.1 CW EPR Spectroscopy

CW EPR spectroscopy is extensively used to probe local and global dynamics of

nucleic acid molecules and to correlate these data with NA structures and functional
aspects. This is particularly useful to investigate and monitor NAprotein or
NAligand interactions. In the following we are going to highlight some recent
applications of CW EPR to study RNA and DNA molecules.

4.1.1 CW EPR Studies of RNAs

Secondary structure elements, such as duplexes, single-stranded regions, hairpin

loops, bulges, mismatches, internal loops, abasic sites, and junctions, have been
thoroughly investigated by CW EPR spectroscopy [72]. For this purpose, single-
labeled NA molecules carrying fairly rigid spin labels have been widely employed.
In viscous media, such as buffer solutions containing 2030 wt% sucrose at 0 C, the
global motion of the NA molecules is strongly reduced and the CW EPR spectra are
mostly sensitive to internal spin label mobility. As the spin label is rigidly
connected to the nucleotide base, the nitroxide mobility reports on the nucleotide
dynamics occurring on picosecondnanosecond timescales, which are accessible
via CW EPR. Thus nucleotides located in different secondary structure elements
can easily be distinguished. As an illustration, in Fig. 8 we compare X-band
(9.5 GHz) CW EPR data of a neomycin-responsive riboswitch containing spin-

Fig. 8 The secondary structure of the neomycin-responsive riboswitch (left) and CW EPR data of
the single-labeled RNA samples at 0 C in 20 wt% sucrose solution (right)
Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids 177

label 4 (Fig. 1) at either the duplex (U26), bulge (U7), or terminal loop region
(U15) [73].
In each region the nitroxide displays a different spectral width, reflecting the
different mobility of these parts of the RNA molecule. The most immobilized
nucleotide is located in the closing stem (U26). The spectrum of this site is
characterized by a splitting of both low field and high field peaks, due to partial
averaging of the anisotropic hyperfine tensor. The nucleotide U15 resides in the
terminal loop, which is a well known RNA motif called U-turn, defined by a
sequence UNRN (N-any nucleotide, R-purine). The conformation of this motif is
stabilized by hydrogen bonds between the imino proton of U and a phosphate
oxygen of the last nucleotide in the motif and between 20 -OH of U and N7 in the
purine base (R) as inferred from crystallographic data [74]. Thus, the spin label at
U15 reveals only a slightly narrower hyperfine splitting due to the high order of the
nucleotide U15 in the loop. A much higher mobility is expected for a bulge region,
which is the least structured part of the riboswitch, as known from NMR [75].
Indeed, the spin label attached to U7 shows the highest level of hyperfine averaging
and the narrowest EPR spectrum.
Conformational dynamics and tertiary structure of RNA molecules are essential
for their functions as catalysts, regulatory elements, or structural scaffolds. Tertiary
structural elements between helical and unpaired regions of the molecule, e.g.,
pseudoknots or kissing loops, are stabilized through van der Waals interactions,
specific hydrogen bonds, metal ions, or p-stacking interactions. The motional
dynamics of such motifs and the changes induced by their interaction with metal
ions, small organic molecules, and peptides can be probed by CW EPR spectros-
copy. Some illustrative examples of such applications will be described in the
The interaction between the trans-activation responsive (TAR) RNA of the
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) with the trans-activator of transcription
(Tat) protein is essential for production of full-length RNA transcripts during
viral replication and has been studied via CW EPR in detail by Sigurdsson and
collaborators [47, 7679]. The TAR RNA consists of two helical regions,
connected by a tri-nucleotide bulge which acts as a joint between them. The motion
between the two helices is strongly reduced upon addition of Ca2+ or cognate
peptide, leading to a coaxial stacking. The changes in the spectral width of the
CW EPR spectrum of spin label 21 (Fig. 2) were measured at four different labeling
positions (Fig. 9) upon interaction with metal ions, inhibitors, and the Tat motif.
From the dynamic signature obtained for each interaction partner, the authors
concluded that the conformational change does not require divalent metal ions
because Na+ induces the same dynamic response as Ca2+. They suggested that TAR
is able to adapt its conformation to accommodate binding of metal ions with
different size and coordination properties in the bulge region [77]. The dynamic
response predicts that Arginin 52 (R52) is essential for Tat binding and that
argininamide has a binding motive similar to that of the wild type Tat protein
[78, 79]. Further investigations from the same authors with point mutations at the
C- and N-terminal also anticipated a possible role of R56 for the Tat protein
178 I. Krstic et al.

Fig. 9 Changes in CW EPR spectral width at four different labeling positions of TAR as a
function of the interaction with calcium, sodium, argininamide, and Tat protein. The figure is from
[79] with permission of the journal

binding. This point mutation affected the mobility of nucleotides U23 and U38,
which are part of a triple base interaction with the Tat protein [76].
DeRose and coworkers have explored conformational changes of TAR RNA
upon binding of divalent metal ions (Ca2+) by measuring the dipolar coupling
between two attached spin labels 20 using CW EPR (Fig. 2). The U25U40
distances obtained from Fourier deconvolution methods are 11.9  0.3 A for
TAR RNA in the absence of divalent metal cations and 14.2  0.3 A when
50 mM Ca2+ was added [45]. These results are in accordance with the proposed
coaxial stacking of the two TAR helices upon addition of metal ions based on the
X-ray crystal structure [80].
The group I intron of Tetrahymena thermophila, the first identified catalytic
RNA molecule, is another example of a tertiary structured RNA which was
investigated by CW EPR [39]. The exon substrate of this ribozyme forms a
double-stranded region (duplex P1) with an internal guide sequence. Docking of
P1 controls the substrate cleavage. Qin and coworkers have examined the nanosec-
ond dynamics of the P1 duplex, with spin label R5a (bromo-substituted 18; see
Fig. 2) conjugated to the Sp-phosphorothioate diastereomer. CW EPR spectra of
two spin-labeled RNA sequences, designated as SCSL and SOSL in Fig. 10, favoring
either the open or closed conformation, revealed lower nitroxide mobility in the
closed state of the ribozyme. The authors attributed this decreased P1 duplex
dynamics to the requirement for proper positioning of the bound substrate for the
catalytic reaction. Additionally, they have shown that in the open state of the
ribozyme the length of the J1/2 junction can influence the P1 duplex mobility [39].
Interaction between the GNRA hairpin loop and the asymmetric internal loop
(receptor) is one of the most abundant long-range tertiary interaction motifs in large
RNAs, such as group I and II introns. Hubbell, Qin, and coworkers have
investigated the hairpinreceptor complex formation in the presence of Mg2+ ions
by CW EPR employing spin label 18 (Fig. 2) attached to an RNA hairpin containing
Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids 179

Fig. 10 CW EPR probing of P1 helix docking. (a) Schematic renditions of the open and closed
ribozyme complex. The substrate sequences, the R5a spin label (asterisk), the cleavage site
(triangle), and the J1/2 junction are marked. (b) EPR spectra of various substrate/ribozyme
complexes. The figure is from [39] with permission of the journal

the GAAA tetraloop [41]. Monitoring the changes in the rotational correlation time
of the labeled RNA tetraloop, the formation of tetraloopreceptor complex due to
the increase in molecular size upon binding to the receptor has been detected. The
presence of Mg2+ ions was required for the complex formation, and the binding
constant was determined to be 0.40  0.05 mM. A free energy of 4.6 kcal/mol
has been calculated for this weak tetraloopreceptor interaction, assuming the
absence of other tertiary constraints.
Using spin-labeled nucleobase 2 (Fig. 1) incorporated in a tetraloop receptor
sequence (designated as TLR), Hubbell, Qin, and coworkers have studied confor-
mational changes induced by the GAAA tetraloop (designated as TL) docking in
the presence of Mg2+ [81]. As shown in Fig. 11, in the bound state of the receptor,
the mobility of the U19 base significantly increases, indicating unstacking of the
base upon tetraloop binding. This finding is consistent with the crystal structure of
a group I intron ribozyme domain containing the tetraloopreceptor complex, in
which the base equivalent to U19 is unstacked. On the other hand, spectral changes
were not detected at U5 and U17 within the receptor sequence, suggesting no
structural rearrangement in this local environment.
Most catalytically active RNAs require divalent metal ions, primarily Mg2+, to
accomplish full catalytic activity. CW EPR has been utilized to study the metal ion
180 I. Krstic et al.

Fig. 11 Conformational changes of the tetraloop receptor upon interaction with GAAA tetraloop
detected by CW EPR. (a) Schematic representations of receptor structures, with the dotted box
indicating the 11 nucleotide GAAA tetraloop receptor motif. (b) Spectra observed in the absence
(TL, black traces) and presence (TL, green traces) of tetraloop. The difference spectra (Diff,
red traces) were obtained by subtracting the TL spectra from the corresponding TL spectra.
This figure is from [81] with permission of the journal

binding affinities in the hammerhead ribozyme (HHRz) and the DielsAlder ribo-
zyme. For such studies, the naturally occurring diamagnetic Mg2+ has to be
substituted by the paramagnetic Mn2+ ion (S 5/2, I 5/2). Despite the fact
that the catalytic activity of ribozymes is reduced by metal exchange (even though
Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids 181

both metal ions have similar ionic radii, charge, coordination geometry, and ligand
exchange rates [82]), it has been shown by X-ray crystallography that Mn2+ occupies
the same binding sites as Mg2+ in the minimal HHRz (mHHRz) [83, 84]. CW EPR
spectroscopy can easily distinguish the free Mn2+ ions in a hexaaqua complex in
liquid solution from Mn2+ ions bound to the ribozyme, thus allowing one to count
binding sites and to determine binding constants by titration of Mn2+ into the solution.
The mHHRz contains a single Mn2+ binding site with an affinity of 10 mM in 1 M
NaCl solution, whereas at lower ionic strength (0.1 M NaCl) four binding sites are
identified with an overall Kd of 4 mM [85]. The aminoglycoside antibiotic neomycin
B inhibits the catalytic activity of this ribozyme [86]. Prisner, Schiemann, and
coworkers could show that the bound Mn2+ ion is released upon binding of
neomycin B (Kd 1.2 mM) to the hammerhead ribozyme. The tertiary stabilized
extended HHRz possesses a single high-affinity Mn2+ binding site with a Kd  10 nM
at an NaCl concentration of 0.1 M. This dissociation constant is more than two orders
of magnitude smaller than the Kd determined for the single high-affinity Mn2+ site in
the mHHRz [87]. The addition of two loops that interact between stems I and II leads
to an enhanced cleavage activity of HHRz at low Mg2+ concentrations [88]. Kim
et al. have probed the conformational dynamics of this structural element as
a function of concentration of added Mg2+ by using the spin-labeled nucleotides 21
(Fig. 2) located in the substrate stem. The splitting of both low field and high field
lines of the nitroxide spectra observed for the spin-labeled U1.6 (position 6 in stem I)
are ascribed to the docking of stems I and II originating from the folding of the HHRz.
Spectra recorded at different Mg2+ concentrations were fitted by two sites with
distinctive mobility. Thus, it was concluded that the docking of stems I and II occurs
at low Mg2+ concentrations (1 mM) [88]. A detailed description of the structure of
the metal binding site in HHRz has been achieved by using hyperfine spectroscopy as
will be described in more detail in Sect. 4.2.1.
Similar CW EPR titration experiments have been performed by Schiemann and
coworkers on the DielsAlderase ribozyme [89]. It was demonstrated that five high-
affinity Mn2+ binding sites with an upper Kd of 0.6  0.2 mM exist in this ribozyme.
From the spectral changes on stoichiometric mixtures of Mn2+ and Cd2+ the binding
sites could be assigned to three different types: inner sphere, outer sphere, and
a dimeric site.
RNAprotein interactions play a central role in cellular processes; therefore the
investigation of structure, conformational dynamics of such complexes, and their
relation to biological function is of major importance. Again, CW EPR spectros-
copy can help to provide detailed understanding of such processes and we will state
two selected examples in the following.
The interactions between a 22-amino acid long peptide (called N-peptide) and
a nascent mRNA hairpin element (called boxB) are of a crucial function in tran-
scription anti-termination. Qin and coworkers have studied this N-peptide/boxB
complex by monitoring the nanosecond dynamics of nitroxide spin labels attached
to different positions of the N-peptide [90]. Analysis of CW EPR spectra recorded
in viscous aqueous solutions at 5 C indicates that the bound N-peptide exists in
a dynamic equilibrium between two different conformational states, with the
182 I. Krstic et al.

peptide C-terminus either stacking on the RNA loop or pointing away from the
peptide/RNA interface. At the same time, the N-terminus of the N-peptide adopts
a single well defined conformation, confirming that the arginine-rich motif accounts
for boxB binding. Based on these findings, the authors suggested that the stacked
state is responsible for the function of the N-peptide/boxB [90]. Another example is
the interaction between a 20-mer HIV-1 RNA stem loop 3 and the HIV-1 nucleo-
capsid Zn-finger protein NCp7, investigated by Scholes and coworkers using
a stopped-flow CW EPR setup, with a time resolution of about 4 ms [91]. In their
experiments, spin-labeled RNA stem loop 3 was mixed with the protein NCp7 in
a ratio of 4:1 and the decrease in amplitude of the central line of the nitroxide EPR
spectrum recorded as a function of reaction time. The stopped-flow CW EPR signal
showed that the main interaction of NCp7 with the RNA stem loop 3 occurs within
the dead time of the apparatus (<4 ms); a second contribution with a time constant
of ~30 ms and a much slower immobilization over seconds (possibly concomitant
with large complex formation).

4.1.2 CW EPR Studies of DNAs

Similar to RNA, secondary structure elements of DNA (duplexes, hairpin loops,

bulges, mismatches, junctions, and abasic sites) have been identified and
characterized by CW EPR methods by several research groups, using both rigid
and flexible spin labels [9294].
Robinson and coworkers stated that the nitroxide mobility increases as spin label
14 (Fig. 1) is placed further away from the middle of the DNA duplex [95]. This
was recently confirmed by Qin and coworkers employing the flexible spin label 18
(Fig. 2) attached to a specific phosphate group on the backbone [96]. In this case,
the nitroxide internal motion depends on the three-dimensional structure of the
DNA molecule, which enforces restrictions to the sterical accessible volume and
therefore rotamer freedom of the nitroxide spin label. The specific base pair
dependence of the internal conformational dynamics of duplex DNA molecules
has been investigated thoroughly by Robinson and coworkers. Modeling their data
on the basis of a weakly bending rod, they demonstrated that AT base pairs are
20% more flexible than average base pairs in the 50-mer control sequence from
Drosophila melanogaster TATA-box binding protein TFIID gene [32]. Simulations
based on a model treating the spin-labeled duplex as a diffusing cylinder containing
internal dynamics indicated that Z-DNA is more rigid in comparison to B-DNA
[97]. Incorporation of an extremely rigid spin label 15 (Fig. 1) into double-stranded
DNA enabled Sigurdsson and coworkers to detect the end-to-end helical stacking
[35]. This was achieved by observation of the dipolar coupling between spin labels
positioned at the 50 ; end positions from CW EPR spectra. This additional dipolar
line splitting diminished after addition of 10 equiv. of unlabeled duplex.
CW EPR spectra can also be used to characterize more flexible parts in second-
ary structure elements in DNA molecules: a spin-labeled GT mismatch and a T
bulge in long DNAs yielded EPR spectra clearly distinct from those of spin-labeled
Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids 183

WatsonCrick paired double-stranded DNAs, pointing towards increased mobility

of these structural elements [17]. Single base mismatches in duplex DNA were
successfully identified with the flexible spin label 11 (Fig. 1), whereas a rigid spin
label 15 (Fig. 1) was not sensitive to changes in the motion induced by these
impairing. Such spin labels conjugated to the exocyclic amino group of a cytosine
base can not only be applied to detect mismatches but also to identify the base-
pairing partner in DNA duplex [93]. The structural flexibility of single base bulges
adjacent to a single base mismatch in duplex DNA was studied by Robinson and
coworkers employing the same rigid spin label 15. According to their findings the
bulge-mismatch motif can be described by equilibrium between two possible
conformations. The enthalpic and entropic contributions to the interconversion
have been determined by analyzing the changes in population of the different states
as a function of temperature [98].
The genetic information stored in DNA must be accessible to proteins that
transcribe it into RNA or that assist in DNA replication. Gene expression is often
regulated by proteins that activate or repress transcription by binding to short,
specific DNA sequences. A detailed understanding of such DNAprotein
interactions is therefore highly important. It is well accepted that proteinDNA
recognition involves two processes:
1. Charge neutralization of the phosphate groups on the DNA backbone
2. Protein-induced DNA bending
Robinson and coworkers reported that the application of methylphosphonates as
a model for an electrostatic neutralized phosphate backbone increased the backbone
flexibility by 40% [99]. This entropically stabilized partially uncharged DNA
duplex may be an intermediate along the protein-DNA binding pathway. Hubbell
and coworkers have shown for a homodimeric motif in the DNA-binding transcrip-
tion factor GCN4 (GCN4 bZip) that the protein backbone motion is attenuated
when it is bound to DNA [100]. Steinhoff and Suess employed CW EPR distance
measurements to study the molecular mechanism of gene regulation. They could
reveal a twisting motion of the DNA reading heads of a Tet repressor upon
interaction with a tetracycline antibiotic [101].

4.2 Pulse-EPR applications

Throughout the last few years, pulse EPR experiments have been increasingly
applied to study NAs. As explained in Sect. 3, such methods can be subdivided
into two major categories: hyperfine and dipolar spectroscopy. Hyperfine spectros-
copy has so far been used mainly in the context of NAs to probe the binding of Mn2+
metal ions to RNA structures, whereas dipolar spectroscopy has found more
widespread applications in the investigation of secondary and tertiary structure
and conformational changes on NAs.
184 I. Krstic et al.

4.2.1 Characterization of Metal Ion Binding Sites

by Hyperfine Spectroscopy

Hyperfine spectroscopy methods, such as 1D ESEEM, 2D HYSCORE, and

ENDOR, have been employed to determine the coordination sphere of Mn2+ ions
bound to the HHRz or to the DielsAlder ribozyme. The HHRz was first
investigated by X-band stimulated echo ESEEM by Britt and coworkers [102].
The ESEEM data revealed nitrogen hyperfine coupling of A(14N) ~ 2.3 MHz,
indicating that the Mn2+ in HHRz is coordinated by a guanine. One postulated
site in stem II of the ribozyme involves N7 of guanine G10.1 (the A9/G10.1 site).
Definitive assignment of the high affinity site to this region was achieved by site-
specific labeling of G10.1 with 15N guanine [103]. ENDOR performed at Q-band
frequencies (34 GHz) enabled DeRose and coworkers to observe the hyperfine
coupling to 31P (A(31P) ~ 4 MHz) providing evidence for a direct coordination
(inner sphere) to a phosphodiester group in the hammerhead Mn2+ site [104]
(Fig. 12). This finding was further supported by W-band ENDOR data on tertiary
stabilized HHRz (tsHHRz) [105]. The W-band (95 GHz) proton ENDOR spectrum
of the Mn-ribozyme sample shows features almost identical to those from [Mn
(H2O)6]2+, implying that the Mn2+ in the ribozyme contains one or more water
molecules in its inner coordination sphere. Non-exchangeable proton(s) at ~ 3.6 A
were assigned to the C8-H of a coordinated purine base [104]. The coordinated

Fig. 12 Summary of hyperfine spectroscopy results on Mn2+ bound to HHRz. Top right: Q-band
phosphor ENDOR showing a hyperfine splitting consistent with a inner-sphere coordination to the
phosphor-diester oxygen. Lower right: Fourier transform of X-band ESEEM measurements
showing the coordination to the nitrogen of dG10.1. Lower left: X-band ESEEM spectroscopy
of HHRz in deuterated water. A quantitative comparison with simulations allows to determine the
number of coordinated water molecules. Figure adapted from [106] with permission of the journal
Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids 185

metal ion retains four water ligands as measured by 1H/2H HYSCORE spectroscopy
for tsHHRz and mHHRz [86, 87, 103].
Another application of ENDOR and HYSCORE techniques on NAs represents
the study of the coordination environment of Cu2+ ions in poly (dG-dC) (dG-dC)
polymer reported by Jeschke and coworkers [107]. Two different copper species
were detected and analyzed. Copper I was characterized by a weak 14N coupling
and a moderate 1H coupling, which are assigned to a Cu2+ binding to N7 and H8
atoms of a single guanine. The authors proposed that species II forms coordinative
bonds with N7 and H8 atoms of a guanine and with N3 and H5 of cytosine in a
metal mediated Hoogsteen base pair.

4.2.2 Dipolar Spectroscopy to Study Structure and Conformational

Changes of NAs

Within the last 10 years PELDOR [108110] has demonstrated its applicability and
reliability to provide structural information on NAs. In the following we want to
highlight some applications of this method on double-helical and more complex
doubly spin-labeled DNA and RNA molecules to determine distances and distance
changes with high accuracy.

Secondary Structure of NAs

Several research groups demonstrated on double-labeled helical RNA and DNA

molecules that very precise distances in a range of 27 nm could be obtained and
that the structure of the NAs was not severely altered by the spin labeling proce-
dure. The first PELDOR experiments on NA molecules were performed by Prisner,
Schiemann, and coworkers on a self-complementary 12 bp long duplex RNA
molecule double-labeled at the sugar moiety at the 20 ; position by ureido-linked
spin label 21 (Fig. 2) [111]. This enabled the measuring of an inter-spin distance of
3.5  0.2 nm, in excellent agreement with the modeled structure. The development
of the more rigid spin label 4 (Fig. 1) allowed extension of this work to distances
between 1.9 and 5.2 nm, establishing a PELDOR-nanometer distance ruler for NAs
[7, 19], as illustrated in Fig. 13. Results of MD simulations, using all-atom force
field with explicit water, were in good agreement with the measured distances,
indicating that the NAs retain their structure in frozen aqueous solution and that the
attached spin labels induce only small local distortions [21]. The precision of the
PELDOR experiment allowed the distinguishing of A-form RNA from B-form
DNA duplex structures.
Hubbel, Qin, and coworkers exploited spin label 18 (Fig. 2) attached to the
phosphate group of the backbone during chemical synthesis of DNA or RNA for
PELDOR experiments. The extracted distances showed good correlation with the
distance distributions predicted by the NASNOX computer program that they
186 I. Krstic et al.

Fig. 13 (a) PELDOR time

traces for double-stranded
DNA molecules double spin-
labeled at different positions.
(b) Comparison of the
distances measured by
PELDOR and calculated by
MD. (c) Modeled structure of
the doubly spin-labeled DNA
2. Figure adapted from [19]

developed for calculating the phosphorothioate diastereomers and the allowable R5

conformations [40, 42, 43].
Ward et al. have employed the label 21 (Fig. 2) to investigate five double-labeled
DNA duplexes individually and in mixtures [112]. The distances obtained in the
range of 2.86.8 nm were in good agreement with B-form DNA. The deconvolution
of multiple distances from simple heterogeneous samples was quantitative, but
failed for more complicated mixtures. Seela and coworkers have applied the
azidealkyne click reaction to incorporate spin labels 9 and 10 (Fig. 1) into
B-form DNA. Reporter groups have been introduced into the major groove and
short distances measured by CW EPR (1.4  0.2 nm) and PELDOR (1.8  0.2 nm)
have proven the general applicability of this approach to study structural aspects of
DNA [26].
The novel nitroxide spin label 15 (Fig. 1) was covalently incorporated into DNA
by Sigurdsson and coworkers [33]. It was integrated into the polycyclic fused ring
system of a cytidine analog that forms a base pair with guanine. Therefore, the spin
label cannot rotate around the interconnecting bonds leading to very precise
distance determination without spin label rotamers. Moreover, the relative orienta-
tion of the two nitroxide spin labels with respect to the distance vector can be
extracted from the PELDOR time traces taken with variable observer frequency
because the out-of-plane axis of the nitroxide is fixed with respect to the DNA
molecule (Fig. 14) [113].
Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids 187

Fig. 14 Orientation selective PELDOR experiments on ds-DNA molecules with a rigid spin
label 15 incorporated. The geometry between the out-of-plane vectors with respect to the
interconnecting vector can be easily followed by measuring PELDOR as a function of the observer
frequency, as shown on the right side. Figure adapted from [113]

This spin label acts as a rigid cantilever, attached to the DNA molecule, and
therefore allows a very precise determination of the conformational flexibility of
double-stranded DNA as stretching, twisting, and bending [114].
Selectively attached spin probe 8 (Fig. 1) was employed by Sicoli et al. to
monitor quantitatively B-A conformational change of double-stranded DNA
[115]. The B-A transition was induced by a high concentration of trifluoroethanol
(higher than 70 vol.%) and very good agreement between the distances measured
by PELDOR and the average distance obtained from MD simulations was achieved.
These authors used the same spin label to study subtle structural changes in DNA
induced by lesions as a model for DNA damaging. Distance measurements on a
set of undamaged and damaged DNA duplexes that contain 8-oxoguanine, a nick,
a gap, a bulge, an abasic site analog, and an anucleosidic site were supported by
molecular dynamics studies [116].
Hobartner and coworkers have recently employed spin label 11 (Fig. 1) to detect
simultaneously two competing structures of the incompletely self-complementary
RNAs, the hairpin and duplex [30]. In the hairpin conformation the two spin labels
are 6 bp apart, resulting in a distance of 1.8 nm (Fig. 15). Upon addition of
complementary RNA strand the hairpin structure becomes disrupted and a continu-
ous 20-bp duplex is formed. In the newly formed helical structure the two TEMPO
groups are 11 bp apart, yielding a distance distribution centered at 3.1 nm. By
increasing the amounts of complementary RNA the ratio between the two coexisting
structures shifts completely towards the RNA duplex.

Tertiary Structure of NAs

Krstic et al. applied PELDOR spectroscopy for the first time to map the global
structure of a tertiary folded RNA molecule, precisely the neomycin-responsive
188 I. Krstic et al.

Fig. 15 Two RNA sequences, named 7 and 12, individually fold into a hairpin conformation but
form an extended duplex when mixed. PELDOR experiments for different ratios of 7 and 12 are
shown together with the distance distribution functions obtained from Tikhonov regularization of
the PELDOR time traces. Integration of the peaks in the distance distribution allows a precise
quantification of the different RNA structures in the mixture. Figure adapted from [30]

riboswitch [73]. It is an engineered riboswitch developed by combination of in vitro

selection and in vivo screening [117]. Upon insertion into 50 ; untranslated region of
mRNA and binding the cognate ligand it is able to inhibit translational initiation in
yeast. By enzymatic probing the secondary structure had been postulated compris-
ing global stem-loop architecture with a terminal and an internal loop. The nucleo-
tide labeling positions were chosen outside of the binding pocket and UV melting
curves show that conjunction of the spin label 4 (Fig. 1) neither disturbs the
secondary structure nor interferes with ligand binding. Efficient ligand binding
was proven by thermal stabilization of 20.3  3.3 C upon addition of neomycin,
as well as by alteration of the CW EPR spectra. PELDOR time traces, as well as
extracted distance distributions, for the aptamer with and without bound neomycin
are shown in Fig. 16. The fact that there were no shifts in the measured distances
upon addition of neomycin implied the existence of a prearranged tertiary structure
of the neomycin-sensing riboswitch at low temperature, without a significant global
conformational change induced by ligand binding. Measured distances were in very
Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids 189

Fig. 16 (a) Background corrected PELDOR time traces and distance distribution functions of
a double-labeled neomycin-responsive riboswitch in the presence (red) and absence (black) of the
ligand. The measured distances are in good agreement with the NMR structure determined for the
neomycin-bound state of the riboswitch. Figure adapted from [73]. (b) Model of labeled neomy-
cin-sensitive riboswitch based on the NMR structure (pdb-code: 2kxm) with spin labels attached to
C5-positions of U4, U14, U15, and U26

good agreement with the structure of the ligand-bound state of the riboswitch
determined by NMR spectroscopy [73]. This indicates the intrinsic propensity of
the global RNA architecture toward its energetically favored ligand-bound form
The structure of human telomeric RNA repeat in the presence of K+ ions has
been investigated by Sicoli et al. [30]. Spin label 12 (Fig. 1) was introduced into the
trinucleotide loop regions and efficient quadruplex formation was confirmed by UV
melting and circular dichroism experiments. The distance of 3.7  0.2 nm obtained
from high quality PELDOR data is in accordance with the NMR structure of
unmodified RNA, supporting the formation of a parallel-stranded G-quadruplex
conformation. Drescher and coworkers have studied conformations of human
telomeric DNA repeat in solutions containing different counter ions, employing
spin label 7 (Fig. 1). They inferred that the quadruplex in the presence of K+ ions
experiences both the propeller and the basket conformation, whereas in Na+ ions
containing solution the antiparallel form is the only conformation present [118].
Spin probe 21 (Fig. 1) was introduced into stems I and II of the extended
hammerhead ribozyme and folding process was investigated by measuring changes
in spin-spin distances upon addition of Mg2+ ions [119]. DeRose and coworkers
190 I. Krstic et al.

Fig. 17 Overlaid distance distribution functions for spin-labeled extended HHRz in 0.1 M NaCl,
pH 7.0 at Mg2+ concentrations of 0 (black), 1 (red), 10 (blue), 25 (green), and 50 mM (gold). The
black dashed line is for the isolated spin-labeled substrate in 1 mM Mg2+ and 0.1 M NaCl (left).
Model of spin-labeled HHRz created from the crystal structure (PDB ID 2GOZ). Substrate is
shown in blue and the enzyme is in magenta. The spin labels are shown in green with dashed
circles (right). Figure adapted from [119]

reported that at low ionic strength the two stems of HHRz are randomly oriented
resulting in very broad distance distribution. In contrast, at 10 mM and higher Mg2+
concentrations this RNA molecule is globally folded and the measured distance of
~ 2.4 nm is in accordance to a simple model constructed from a crystal structure of
this tertiary folded ribozyme (Fig. 17).
Recently, Steinhoff and coworkers have used the same labeling procedure to
study the conformational transition of a tetracycline aptamer upon ligand binding.
They concluded that this synthetic riboswitch exhibits a thermodynamic equilib-
rium between two conformations in the ligand-free state and captures one confor-
mation upon ligand binding [120].

5 Summary and Outlook

The global structure of nucleic acids depends on environmental conditions, such as

concentration of ions and small molecules, molecular crowding, viscosity, and
interactions with proteins. Lately, Krstic et al. performed for the first time nanome-
ter distance measurements on NAs inside cells, laying the foundation for PELDOR
application to study biological processes in cells, such as nucleic acid diffusion,
interaction with proteins, and other factors or chemical reactions [121]. They
investigated a double-labeled 12-base pair DNA duplex, the 14-mer cUUCGg
tetraloop hairpin RNA, and the 27-mer neomycin-sensing riboswitch inside
Xenopus laevis oocytes and compared the PELDOR distances obtained in
cells with in vitro measurements. The reduced lifetime of nitroxide spin labels
under cellular conditions has been a major obstacle in these measurements
(Fig. 18). Investigation of nitroxide reduction kinetics in-cell have shown that the
Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids 191

Fig. 18 In-cell reduction

kinetic curves for the spin
label TPA attached to a
27-mer neomycin-sensing
riboswitch (black), a 14-mer
RNA hairpin (red), a 12-bp
duplex DNA (olive), and for
the free spin label TPOA
(blue). Figure adapted from

Fig. 19 Secondary structure (with spin-labeled nucleotides in red), baseline corrected PELDOR
time traces and distance distribution for 12-bp double-labeled DNA in vitro (green) and in-cell
(incubation time indicated in legend). Data were fitted with two Gaussian functions. Figure
adapted from [121]

five-membered pyrrolidine and pyrroline rings are significantly more slowly

reduced compared to six-membered piperidine ring based nitroxides. Due to
prolonged lifetime of the spin probe 4 (Fig. 1) covalently attached to NA molecules,
PELDOR signals could be measured with good signal-to-noise ratios of up to
70 min incubation time.
The partial loss of coupled spin labels due to nitroxide reduction only led to
a decrease in the modulation depth upon increasing the incubation time (Fig. 19).
No alterations in the measured distances between in vitro and in-cell experiments
implies the existence of stable overall conformations of the 14-mer cUUCGg
tetraloop hairpin RNA and the 27-mer neomycin-sensing riboswitch, whereas the
12-bp duplex DNA experiences stacking in-cell while retaining the secondary
The variety of structural elements and the flexibility of NA molecules require
both structural and dynamic methods for a functional characterization. As shown in
this chapter, dipolar and hyperfine spectroscopy are important tools to determine
short and long range distance constraints on such molecules. CW EPR can probe the
dynamical behavior of NA molecules under physiological conditions and bridge the
gap to the frozen-in conformational states, reflected by the distance distribution
functions from low-temperature PELDOR experiments. The assortment of spin
labels and spin-labeled positions in NAs offer the unique opportunity to place the
192 I. Krstic et al.

spin markers in optimum positions to monitor specific dynamic modes or tertiary

structure elements selectively and with high accuracy. On the other hand, the
synthesis of spin-labeled NAs is still far from simple toolkit chemistry but requires
high expertise in synthesis instead. Further work in the direction of rigid, redox-
stable, or non-covalent spin labels, as well as the extension to larger NA molecules,
will further improve and extend the applications of EPR to such systems in the
future. Finally, the combination of NMR, MD, fluorescence spectroscopy, and EPR
methods might allow one to achieve a full description of NA molecules on all
length and time scales relevant for biological functions.

Acknowledgments Our own EPR work relied on the synthesis of spin-labeled RNA and DNA
molecules performed by Nelly Piton and Olga Romainczyk from the group of Joachim W. Engels
(Institute of Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Goethe University Frankfurt) and the work
by Pavol Cekan from the group of Snorri Th. Sigurdsson (University of Iceland) on the rigid spin
labels for DNA. Vasyl Denysenkov is thanked for high-field G-band PELDOR experiments on
DNA samples. Olav Schiemann (University of St. Andrews) is thanked for his major impact in the
initial phase of this work as Habilitand in Frankfurt. Funding from the German Research Society
(DFG) within the Collaborative Research Center 579 RNA-Ligand Interaction is gratefully
acknowledged as well as support from the Center of Biomolecular Magnetic Resonance
(BMRZ) and the Center of Excellence Frankfurt Macromolecular Complexes (DFG).


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Top Curr Chem (2012) 321: 199234
DOI: 10.1007/128_2011_303
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
Published online: 11 November 2011

New Directions in Electron Paramagnetic

Resonance Spectroscopy on Molecular

J. van Slageren

Abstract Recent developments and results in the area of electron paramagnetic

resonance (EPR) in molecular nanomagnetism are reviewed. Emphasis is placed
on unconventional measurement methods, such as frequency-domain magnetic
resonance spectroscopy, interferometer-based Fourier-transform, terahertz spectros-
copy, and terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. In addition, different methods to
investigate EPR by monitoring the change in magnetization or magnetic torque in
the presence of microwave radiation are discussed. Finally, an overview is given of
application of pulse EPR in investigations of molecular nanomagnets.

Keywords Electron paramagnetic resonance  Electron spin resonance  Molecular

nanomagnet  Quantum coherence  Single-molecule magnet  Zero-field splitting

1 Introduction: Overview of EPR in Molecular Nanomagnetism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
2 Unconventional EPR Measurement Methods in Molecular Nanomagnetism . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
2.1 Frequency Domain Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
2.2 Interferometer-Based Fourier-Transform Terahertz Spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
2.3 Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
2.4 Comparison of EPR Measurement Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
2.5 Magnetization Detected EPR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
3 Pulse EPR in Molecular Nanomagnetism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
3.1 SpinLattice Relaxation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
3.2 Phase-Memory Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
3.3 Future of Pulse EPR in Molecular Magnetism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
4 Emerging Trends and Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226

J. van Slageren (*)

Institut fur Physikalische Chemie, Universitat Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 55, 70569 Stuttgart,
200 J. van Slageren

4.1 Molecular Nanomagnets vs Magnetic Nanoparticles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226

4.2 Single Chain Magnets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
4.3 f-Element Molecular Nanomagnets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228

1 Introduction: Overview of EPR in Molecular Nanomagnetism

Several decades worth of research in the field of molecular nanomagnetism has

yielded an impressive list of highlights in this area, and electron paramagnetic
resonance (EPR) methods have played a decisive role in the discovery and espe-
cially in the explanation of a great number of these findings. An early highlight was
the discovery of slow magnetization dynamics in molecular clusters of exchange-
coupled paramagnetic ions, as revealed by alternating-current magnetic suscepti-
bility and M ossbauer measurements [13]. However, only with the help of high-
frequency EPR measurements was it shown that the energy barrier between up and
down orientation of the magnetic moment is due to magnetic anisotropy in the form
of zero-field splitting (ZFS) of the orientations of the magnetic moment, which are
characterized by the MS quantum number [3].
Similarly, it was first demonstrated by means of magnetization measurements
that the magnetic moment can also tunnel under the energy barrier, if two levels on
both sides of the barrier are in resonance, leading to minima in the field dependence
of the relaxation time of the magnetization [4], and striking steps in the magnetic
hysteresis curve [5, 6]. However, again the intricacies of this tunneling process and
the transverse interactions responsible could only be fully unraveled with the help
of EPR studies [7, 8].
The molecular exchange-coupled clusters that show slow relaxation of the
magnetization have since become known as single-molecule magnets (SMMs)
[9], while the more general term molecular nanomagnet (MNM) [10] is often
reserved for any exchange-coupled cluster with interesting magnetic properties.
However, with the recent arrival of mononuclear complexes of lanthanide [11],
actinide [12], and even transition metal ions [13], that show slow relaxation of the
magnetization, this definition can be expanded to include any zero-dimensional
molecular species with interesting magnetic properties.
Finally, a number of observations had been published of energy splittings between
symmetric and antisymmetric superposition states [1417] that were reported to be
larger than the expected rate of quantum decoherence and hence taken as a signature
of quantum coherence in these systems. However, the direct observation of quantum
coherence in MNMs was possible only with the help of pulse EPR measurements
[18]. This area has received great impetus from the realization that molecular
magnets are not only excellent systems to study mesoscopic quantum coherence,
but are also promising candidates for qubit implementation [1921]. The area of
pulse EPR studies of MNMs will be described in detail in Sect. 3.
Further notable highlights in molecular nanomagnetism include the discovery
that a range of MNMs act as efficient cooling agents, based on the magnetocaloric
New Directions in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 201

effect, because of their large spin state degeneracy [22]. Because these magnetic
cooling MNMs have small anisotropies to provide the necessary large degeneracies,
EPR plays a less prominent role in this area, beyond materials characterization.
A final area where EPR has not played a decisive role so far, but possibly could, is
that of single-chain magnets (SCMs). SCMs are spin chains that combine ferro-
[23] or ferrimagnetic [24] interactions with Ising-type anisotropy, resulting in slow
relaxation of the magnetization that is governed by concerted action of both the
exchange coupling and the zero-field splitting of the individual units.
Most of the EPR studies of MNMs have focused on the investigation of the
magnetic anisotropy in the form of zero-field splitting, which is responsible for both
the energy barrier towards relaxation of the magnetization and for the quantum
tunneling process of the magnetization. Because ZFS is a field-independent inter-
action, it is advantageous to carry out EPR-measurements at a range of different
frequencies. Extrapolation of the dependence of frequency on resonance field to
zero field yields the splitting of the spin multiplet in zero field, i.e., the ZFS (see
Fig. 1 for a recent example). Different aspects of the origin of ZFS in MNM have
been described in various books [2730]. The ZFS of the ground spin multiplet can

Fig. 1 Top: High-field EPR spectra recorded along the easy axis of a single crystal
of [Mn6IIIO2(Et-sao)6(O2CPh(Me)2)2(EtOH)6] at 331 GHz and different temperatures as indicated,
and frequencies as indicated. Bottom: Diagram of microwave frequency as a function of resonance
field. adapted from [25]. Used with permission. #2009 Elsevier. See also Fig. 2
202 J. van Slageren

in most cases be described by a single-spin Hamiltonian of the type (Giant Spin


^ D S^2  1 SS 1 E S^2  S^2
H mB B  g  S z 3 x y Bqk O^qk (1)
k  4;q

where the first term is the Zeeman interaction between electron spin and magnetic
field, and the second and third terms are the second order axial and transverse ZFS,
respectively. Here, second order reflects the fact that the spin Hamiltonian contains
the spin operators to the second power. The last term is the sum of higher (than
second) order ZFS terms, which were shown to parametrize the effects of the ZFS-
induced mixing between spin states on the level splittings within the ground multi-
plet (S-mixing) [31]. In the case of SMMs or, generally, MNMs with large, negative
D-values, powder spectra or single crystal spectra recorded with the external field
along the zero-field splitting quantization axis (the easy axis, if D < 0) are often
not very informative regarding the transverse ZFS (the third term in (1) and the
elements of the fourth term with q 6 0), because the energies of the MS states with
large MS quantum number are little affected by transverse ZFS. It is this transverse
ZFS that is responsible for quantum tunneling of the magnetization. Much more
informative in that regard are single-crystal EPR spectra that are recorded with
the field perpendicular to the quantization axis (in the hard plane). For example,
in a recent study on [Mn12O12(tBuCH2CO2)16(CH3OH)4]CH3OH, this approach
allowed the determination of the transverse ZFS terms up to sixth order [32].
There have been a number of reviews of EPR studies of MNMs in the past
5 years [3337] especially by Barra/Gatteschi and McInnes, and it is not the aim of
the present chapter to repeat the content of those reviews in detail. From these
reviews, it is clear that certain EPR studies of MNMs have become classics in
their field and they are briefly outlined below. The reader is referred to the cited
reviews and primary literature for further detail. In addition, the quasi-biannual
reports by Collison and McInnes provide useful comprehensive overviews of EPR
studies on exchange coupled clusters, including biological systems, for the relevant
years [3841].
Studies on a six-membered, ferromagnetically coupled copper(II) ring were an
early triumph of high-frequency EPR in molecular nanomagnetism because of
the textbook-quality, perfectly axial spectra [35, 42]. Rather more investigations
have been carried out on antiferromagnetic rings which, for an even number of
equal metal ions, have S 0 ground states. EPR measurements have been suc-
cessfully employed to determine the ZFSs of the spin excited states in [Fe6(tea)6]
(tea3 is triethanolaminate) [35, 43], [Cr8F8Piv16] (Cr8, Piv pivalate) [35, 44],
and [CsFe8(tea)8]Cl [45]. In contrast, the antiferromagnetic rings (R2NH2)+
[CrIII7MIIF8(Piv)16] , and (Cr7M) have spin ground states of S 1/2, 1, or 3/2
[46]. Again, EPR investigations were very fruitful and yielded a wealth of
information on ground and excited states [36, 47, 48]. The ZFSs in Cr8 were
shown to result from a major contribution of the combined single-ion
New Directions in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 203

contributions and a minor, but important, contribution from the magnetic-dipolar

interaction between the CrIII-ions. Interestingly, in the Cr7M systems, the aniso-
tropic part of the exchange interaction (which has the same mathematical spin
Hamiltonian form as the magnetodipolar interaction) was demonstrated to play
a significant role in the ZFS of the spin states in these molecules. Only through
the powerful combination of EPR spectroscopy and advanced calculations could
this highly detailed understanding be obtained. Recent studies of linked rings
have shown that EPR is an excellent tool to study the weak exchange interactions
between the two rings [36, 49, 50]. These studies are of relevance in work
towards implementing two-qubit gates utilizing MNMs (see Sect. 3).
Undoubtedly, the largest number of studies have been performed on the arche-
typical single-molecule magnet [Mn12O12(OAc)16(H2O)4]2CH3COOH (Mn12Ac)
and its derivatives [3336]. Indeed, the progress in high-frequency EPR instrumen-
tation over the years can be followed on the basis of studies of Mn12 [51]. Initially,
these studies were aimed at the investigation of the sign and magnitude of the
second order axial zero-field splitting, as well as a confirmation of the ground state
spin of S 10. A more detailed study several years later yielded more accurate
ZFS splitting values, and this was probably also the first time fourth order ZFS
parameters were used in the analysis of EPR spectra of MNMs [52]. Detailed hard-
plane single-crystal investigations definitively determined the transverse anisotropy
parameters of Mn12Ac [7, 53] and gave support to the now widely accepted model
that ascribes local symmetry lowering to disorder of the cocrystallized acetic acid
molecules [54]. Carefully recrystallized single-crystal samples of a derivative of
Mn12 do possess cocrystallized solvent molecules, but these solvent molecules do
not form hydrogen bonds with the cluster and thus do not influence its magnetic
properties. The recent EPR study of this sample allowed the determination of para-
meter values of the ZFS up to sixth order, and also shed light on the origin of
the transverse anisotropy through detailed analysis, which included considering
the effect of tilting of the single-ion ZFS quantization axes on the higher-order
transverse anisotropy [32].
A comprehensive series of investigations on tetranuclear metalloheterocubane
nickel(II) clusters [Ni(R0 -hmp)(ROH)Cl]4 (R0 ,R alkyl) gave detailed insight into
the origin of ZFS and the efficient quantum tunneling of the magnetization observed
in these systems [37, 55, 56]. The elegance of this work lies in the fact that the
magnitude and the tensor orientation of the single ion ZFS were determined by
studies on a diamagnetic isomorphous zinc(II) cluster, doped with a small amount
of nickel(II) [57]. This then allowed one to fix a large number of parameters in the
analysis of the data on the nickel cluster [8]. The analysis showed that in order to
understand the physical origin of transverse anisotropy, one has to go beyond the
Giant Spin Hamiltonian, and consider the isotropic exchange interaction and the
single ion ZFS together.
Finally, the study of a range of star-shaped Fe4 clusters has actually allowed
devising a magnetostructural correlation for second order anisotropy
terms [Fe4(L)2 (dpm)6] (Hdpm 2,2,6,6-tetramethylheptane-3,5-dione; H3L
R0 OCH2C(CH2OH)3 with R0 alkyl and related moieties) [58, 59]. A clear
204 J. van Slageren

correlation between the axial zero-field splitting value D and the helical pitch of the
molecular structure was established.
To conclude this section, it is clear that over the past two decades EPR spectro-
scopic studies on MNMs have moved from sample characterization to detailed
investigations of the origins of ZFS and the establishment of magnetostructural
correlations for the ZFS. All these studies were carried out conventionally, in the
sense that the external field was swept at constant radiation frequency, while
monitoring the change in radiation intensity. There are a number of alternative
measurement methods that can be broadly divided into those where the measure-
ment is performed at fixed field and the frequency dependence of the transmitted
or reflected radiation intensity is obtained directly, and, second, those where the
magnetic resonance transitions are detected by a change in the thermodynamic
properties of the sample, such as the magnetization or the magnetic torque. These
methods are reviewed in Sect. 2. The third section of this review summarizes the
pulse EPR studies that have been performed on MNMs. This is an exciting new area
in molecular magnetism, where studies on MNMs can contribute to the understand-
ing of quantum coherence and decoherence and their dependence on molecular and
electronic structure and complexity.

2 Unconventional EPR Measurement Methods in Molecular


As the previous section documents, conventional EPR measurement methods have

been extraordinarily successful in many aspects of molecular nanomagnetism. For
the accurate determination of the zero-field splitting of high-anisotropy MNMs,
best results are obtained from a multifrequency approach. This approach allows
extrapolation of the resonance frequencies to zero-field, where the energy splittings
directly correspond to the ZFS. The question then arises as to whether ZFSs can or
should be measured by directly measuring the energy splittings in zero external
fields. This section shows that this is indeed possible. Possible implementations of
such a measurement scheme include frequency swept measurements at fixed or zero
field (frequency domain magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Sect. 2.1), measure-
ments using interferometer-based Fourier-transform techniques (far-infrared spec-
troscopy or Fourier-transform terahertz spectroscopy, Sect. 2.2), and measurements
in the time-domain (terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, Sect. 2.3). Section 2.4
compares the methods described in Sects. 2.12.3 to each other and to complemen-
tary methods such as inelastic neutron scattering (INS) spectroscopy and conven-
tional EPR spectroscopy (Sect. 1). Section 2.5 reviews measurement methods
where the change in magnetization or magnetic torque of the sample is monitored,
rather than the transmitted or reflected electromagnetic radiation.
New Directions in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 205

2.1 Frequency Domain Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

In frequency domain magnetic resonance (FDMR) spectroscopy, the electromag-

netic radiation is swept, while the external field is zero or kept at a fixed value. The
transmitted or reflected radiation is then measured as a function of frequency, and
the observed resonance frequencies allow direct determination of the ZFS. The
advantage of this approach is that no external fields (which are often considerable in
high-frequency ESR) are needed, which simplifies both the experiment and the
analysis. For example, spin Hamiltonian terms that contain the magnetic field in
higher powers may become significant, although their invocation appears not to
have been necessary in studies published so far [60]. In addition, lineshapes in the
field domain are not strictly equivalent to those in the frequency domain [61].
Earlier work was reviewed by Van Slageren [62] and selected examples by
McInnes [34]. The spectral simulation strategy was outlined by Kirchner et al. [63].

2.1.1 Instrumental Aspects

The prerequisite for FDMR is the availability of sweepable radiation sources.

Published FDMR data were all obtained on spectrometers, which employ back-
ward-wave oscillators (BWOs) as radiation sources [64]. BWOs are vacuum tubes,
in which accelerated electrons interact with a periodic metal structure. Because the
dispersion curves for the electron beam and the periodic structure intersect at a point
where the phase and group velocities of the periodic structure have opposite signs,
energy that is extracted from the electron beam by the electromagnetic wave will
flow in the opposite direction to the electron beam [65]. In recent years, the high-
frequency BWOs (n > 250 GHz) have become scarce, and solutions based on lower
frequency BWOs (e.g., 100180 GHz), combined with broadband frequency
doublers and triplers, are becoming more common. For such source-
plus-multiplier-chain type solutions, sweepable solid state sources can also be
used. The transmitted radiation is detected by means of Golay cells or bolometers.
With the use of an interferometer, phase sensitive detection can be realized,
allowing extraction of intensity and phase of the transmitted or reflected signal.
The samples are inserted into a cryostat with optical (Mylar) windows, optionally
equipped with a split-coil magnet. The sample rod is equipped with a sliding
sample holder allowing consecutive measurements with and without sample in
the beam which, after division, yields the transmission spectrum [62].

2.1.2 Zero-Field Splittings

The zero-field splittings of the spin ground states of a number of MNMs were
determined by means of FDMR (Table 1). In most of these studies, the data were
analyzed in the giant spin Hamiltonian framework, i.e., considering the ground spin

Table 1 Zero-field splittings of molecular nanomagnets determined by frequency domain magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Compound S D/cm1 E/cm1 105B40/cm1 105B44/cm1 Ref.
[Mn12O12(OAc)16(H2O)4] 10 0.461 0 2.2 0 [66]
[Mn12O12(O2CCMe3)16(H2O)4] 10 0.464 0 1.9 0 [67]
[Mn12O12(O2CPh)16(H2O)4] 10 0.47 0 2 0 [68]
(PPh4)[Mn12O12(O2CEt)16(H2O)4] 19/2 0.454 0 1 0 [69]
[(tacn)6Fe8O2(OH)12Br7(H2O)]Br(H2O)8 10 0.203 0.00307 0.004 0 [70]
[Mn9O7(O2CCH3)11(thme)(py)3(H2O)2] 17/2 0.247 0 0.46 0 [71]
[Ni4(MeOH)4(sea)4]a 4 0.93 0.023 43 210 [72]
[Mn6O2(sao)6(O2CMe)2(EtOH)4] 4 2.12 0 15 0 [26]
[Mn6O2(Et-sao)6(O2CPh)2(EtOH)4] 12 0.386 0 0.4 0 [26]
[Mn6O2(Et-sao)6(O2CPhMe2)2(EtOH)4] 12 0.362 0 0.6 0 [26]
[Ni(hmp)(MeOH)Cl]4 4 0.592b, 0.771 0 0 0 [73]
[Ni(hmp)(dmb)Cl]4 4 0.621, 0.631 0 0 0 [73]
[Ni(hmp)(dmp)Cl]4 4 0.610 0 0 0 [73]
The parameters D and B40 are related to the parameters D2 and D4 of the spin Hamiltonian H D2Sz2 + D4Sz4 that is also often used to describe the ZFS,
according to B04 D4 =35 and D D2  25 35 D4 35 SS 1D4 [74]
Including inelastic-neutron-scattering data
Resonance lines due to two different species were observed
J. van Slageren
New Directions in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 207

multiplet only. The first (1998) such study was performed on pressed powder pellet
samples of Mn12Ac [66]. The ZFS spin Hamiltonian parameter values of D2
0.389 cm1 and D4 7.65  104 cm1 (Table 1) were obtained. These para-
meters corresponded well to the parameters obtained by high-frequency EPR.
Furthermore, FDMR measurements showed the axial ZFSs of other Mn12 deri-
vatives, such as [Mn12O12(O2CCMe3)16(H2O)4] (Mn12Piv, Piv pivalate) [67] and
[Mn12O12(O2CPh)16(H2O)4] (Mn12Bz, Bz benzoate) [68], to be quite similar
(Table 1). One-electron reduction of Mn12 causes reduction of one of the aniso-
tropic MnIII ions to give a more isotropic MnII ion, with a concurrent decrease in
ZFS, evidenced by FDMR measurements which gave a slightly decreased D-value
of D 0.454 cm1, and, surprisingly, a change in sign in the case of B40 (Table 1).
The measurement also confirmed the ground state spin of S 19/2 [69].
Another early FDMR investigation further validated the usefulness of the tech-
nique. In this study, four resonance lines were observed for [(tacn)6Fe8O2(OH)12
Br7(H2O)]Br(H2O)8 (Fe8) [70]. Here the often excellent agreement between reso-
nance frequencies determined by FDMR and those determined by INS was also
noted for the first time. An attempt was made to extract the second order transverse
ZFS parameter from the data, and a value of |E| 0.0307 cm1 was obtained,
which is lower than that obtained from the INS data. It was noted that the simu-
lations are not very sensitive to the E-value, and not at all to the sign of E. FDMR
measurements on MNMs with large spins and large negative D-values are generally
not very sensitive to transverse ZFS, because transverse ZFS mostly affects levels
with small MS values, i.e., those close to the top of the energy barrier, and transitions
between these are often not observed in FDMR (see Sect. 2.4). The good correspon-
dence between INS and FDMR was also noted in the case of [Mn9O7(O2CCH3)11
(thme)(py)3(H2O)2]MeCNEt2O (H3thme 1,1,1-tris(hydroxymethyl)-ethane) [71].
Magnetization measurements demonstrated that the metallocubane clusters
[Ni4(ROH)4(sea)4] (H2sea salicylidene-2-ethanolamine; R Me or Et) with
approximate S4 symmetry have S 4 ground states and large negative D values,
and yet the expected slow relaxation of the magnetization was not observed, even
down to 40 mK [72]. A combined INS and FDMR study proved that this is due to
large transverse ZFS both in second and fourth order, which causes mixing of the
MS-states and hence efficient quantum tunneling of the magnetization. The origin of
the ZFS in S4 symmetry clusters was the subject of a theoretical study, which
proved that the first excited total-spin states belong to a degenerate representation
of the S4 point group, which corresponds to a quasi-orbital angular momentum [75].
First order spinorbit coupling then leads to an effective antisymmetric exchange
term in the spin Hamiltonian. An attempt was made to fit the INS spectra of
[Ni4(MeOH)4(sea)4] using this approach, although the nonzero E-value shows
that the effective cluster symmetry is lower than S4. In EPR studies on other Ni4
clusters, no antisymmetric exchange interactions were found [8].
Finally, a recent study reported FDMR and INS spectra of a series of hexa-
nuclear manganese(III) clusters, with both S 4 and S 12 ground states (Fig. 2)
[26]. Magnetically, these clusters consist of two exchange coupled triangles,
and ground state spin value depends on the nature of the exchange interaction
208 J. van Slageren

Fig. 2 FDMR-spectra
recorded on a powder
pellet of [Mn6O2(Et-sao)6
4EtOH at different
temperatures as indicated.
Adapted from [26]. See
also Fig. 1

(antiferromagnetic or ferromagnetic) within each triangle. The S 4-ground-state

of [Mn6O2(sao)6(O2CMe)2(EtOH)4]4EtOH (H2sao salicylaldoxime) has a very
large D-value of D 2.12 cm1, which is much larger than the D-values for other
MNMs. In contrast, the S 12 ground states of the clusters [Mn6O2(Et-
sao)6(O2CPh)2(EtOH)4]4EtOH and [Mn6O2(Et-sao)6(O2CPhMe2)2(EtOH)4]4EtOH
(Fig. 2) have much smaller D-values of ca. 0.37 cm1, in spite of the, presumably,
similar single-ion anisotropy. This is an elegant example of how the D-value of
cluster ground state is related to the size of its spin. In the strong-exchange approxi-
mation, the D-value of a given spin state is a linear combination of the D-values of
the single ions, where the coefficients become smaller for larger values of S [28].

2.1.3 Resonance Intensities

Because in the currently implemented FDMR spectrometers, measurements are

performed by consecutive measurement of the detector intensity with and without
sample, absolute transmission spectra are obtained. As a consequence, no scaling
factor is, in principle, required to match experimental and simulated spectra. Hence,
by comparison of the experimental and calculated intensities, further information
on the properties of the material under study may be obtained. This opportunity
has already been exploited in the first FDMR study on the Mn12Ac MNM,
where careful examination of the temperature dependence of the line intensities
suggested the presence of an excited state [66]. This state was subsequently
identified as an S 9 state by high-frequency EPR spectroscopy [32, 76]. In the
case of [Ni4(ROH)4(sea)4], the calculated and experimental intensities matched
very well, indicating the absence of low-lying excited states, in agreement
with the lack of intermultiplet excitations below 22 cm1 in the INS spectra [72].
Finally, the resonance line intensity allowed determination of D, without inves-
tigation of the temperature dependence, in the mononuclear transition metal
complex [Ni(HIM2-py)2NO3]NO3 (HIM2-py 2-(2-pyridyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-
4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazolyl-1-hydroxy), giving D 10.0 cm1 [77].
New Directions in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 209

2.1.4 Lineshapes

It was recognized early on that the lineshape formula that best describes the FDMR
lines in spectra recorded on MNMs is usually the Gaussian lineshape rather than the
Lorentzian [70]. This suggests that the linewidth is dominated by (Gaussian)
distributions in the spin Hamiltonian parameters, especially in D. For Mn12Ac
evidence for a discrete number of isomers rather than a continuous distribution
was found [78] in agreement with high-frequency EPR results [7, 79]. In two cases,
(PPh4)[Mn12O12(O2CEt)16(H2O)4] [69] and [Ni4(MeOH)4(sea)4] [72], the reso-
nance lines were observed to be better described by Lorentzian functions. This
suggests, that the linewidth may be determined by spin relaxation, in particular T2
relaxation. This was supported by the fact that the linewidth increased towards
higher temperatures. Assuming that the linewidth is determined by T2 relaxation, an
estimate of T2 5058 ps was obtained, which is much shorter than TM times that
were later obtained for other MNMs by pulsed EPR on dilute frozen solutions
(Sect. 3.1). Temperature-dependent Gaussian linewidths were also found in high-
frequency EPR measurements on Fe8, which were attributed to the change in
thermal fluctuations of the intermolecular magneto-dipolar interaction [80, 81].
The Lorentzian linewidth for [Ni4(ROH)4(sea)4] is largely temperature-independent,
suggesting that the spin relaxation is temperature-independent in the investigated
temperature range, or that the lineshape has a different origin. A priori, the
lineshape of an FDMR line is not necessarily Lorentzian or Gaussian. However,
when implementing a MachZehnder interferometer, one can also measure the
frequency dependence of the phase shift due to the sample (i.e., the dispersion,
rather than the absorption). This allows direct determination of both real and
imaginary parts of the magnetic permeability or dynamic magnetic susceptibility,
without assumptions regarding the lineshape [62]. In a magnetized medium, the
material parameters (dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability) become
tensorial in nature [82] and this can have an influence on the propagation of
radiation in such media, leading to magneto-optical effects. FDMR measurements
involve magnetic dipole transitions and, thus, only the magnetic permeability tensor
needs to be taken into account. When the radiation propagation is perpendicular to
the magnetization direction (Voigt geometry), the magneto-optical effects are
rather small and were reported to lead to slight shifts in the apparent resonance
frequency, as well as causing an asymmetry of the resonance lines, for measure-
ments on magnetized single-crystal mosaics of Mn12Ac [78]. In HFEPR measure-
ments in finite fields, asymmetric lines were also observed, due to distributions
in the angle between molecular ZFS tensor and external field [83]. If the radiation
propagation is parallel to the direction of the magnetization (Faraday geometry), the
effects are much more pronounced. In this case, a strong rotation (>150 /mm
sample thickness) of the plane of polarization of linearly polarized radiation
was observed off-resonance (the familiar Faraday effect), again on magnetized
Mn12Ac single-crystal mosaics (Fig. 3) [84]. At resonance, one circular component
of the linearly polarized radiation is virtually fully absorbed, and the transmitted
210 J. van Slageren

Fig. 3 Top: Transmission

spectrum recorded at 1.77 K
on a single crystals mosaic
of Mn12Ac with the
crystallographic c-axis
(easy axis) parallel to the
radiation propagation
direction, using parallel
polarizer and analyzer.
Bottom: Frequency
dependence of the Faraday
rotation, derived from the
transmission spectrum.
Adapted from [84]

radiation is therefore circularly polarized of the opposite polarization. This effect

is also exploited in induction-mode EPR [85].

2.1.5 Relaxation of the Magnetization

Because field and frequency can be changed at will, more elaborate measurements
can be carried out. The relaxation of the magnetization in Mn12Ac was investigated
in some detail, using the measurement procedure of cooling in a certain field,
followed by inversion of the external field to a certain value in the opposite
direction and subsequent recording of spectra at various time delays. FDMR
measurements on powder samples after inverting the field from +0.45 to 0.45 T
showed the gradual disappearance of one resonance line at 9.57 cm1, assigned to
a transition from the metastable MS +10 state, and the appearance of a resonance
line due to the transition from the 10 ground state. At the higher field of 0.9 T, the
relaxation no longer proceeds homogeneously, but a pronounced hole develops
in the resonance line, concurrently with the development of a peak at higher
frequencies. These observations were attributed to quantum tunneling of the mag-
netization [86]. The relaxation of the magnetization was also performed on single-
crystal mosaic samples of Mn12Ac [87]. The populations of the MS 10 states
New Directions in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 211

were extracted from the intensities of the resonance lines, and from the time-
dependence of these intensities the relaxation time was determined. These measure-
ments were repeated at many different longitudinal fields. The field dependence of
the relaxation time shows pronounced minima which were assigned to quantum
tunneling of the magnetization occurring at those longitudinal fields where
MS levels on the left and right of the potential energy barrier are accidentally
degenerate. The shift of the apparent resonance frequency during the relaxation
process and dependence of this shift on the longitudinal field were discussed in
terms of internal dipolar fields and quantum tunneling effects.

2.2 Interferometer-Based Fourier-Transform Terahertz


Most FDMR investigations of MNMs (Sect. 2.1) were performed in the THz-Far
Infrared (FIR) region of 90600 GHz. This frequency range is also accessible by
Fourier-transform infrared spectrometers, based on MartinPuplett or Michelson
interferometers. The advantage of this measurement method is that the entire
spectrum can be acquired with a single radiation source, in contrast to current
implementations of FDMR, which require about a dozen BWOs to cover the entire
frequency range from 30 to 1,200 GHz. In addition, higher frequencies are easily
accessed. Below ca. 300 GHz, the intensity of conventional far-infrared sources
drops drastically, which decreases sensitivity. With the use of coherent synchrotron
radiation, instead of a conventional mercury lamp, this disadvantage can be over-
come [88]. To enhance sensitivity, lock-in detection was employed, locked to the
pulse repetition rate of the synchrotron source (1.25 MHz). The FT THz method
was successfully used to measure the ZFS in Mn12Ac [88]. The spectra were
presented as the frequency dependence of detector signal at low-temperatures
divided by that at high temperatures, to eliminate the frequency dependence of
the source intensity, as well as absorption lines due to electric dipole transitions in
air. Note that the physical principles of FT THz and FDMR spectroscopies are
equal. FT-THz measurements on the SMM (NEt4)[Mn2III(5-Brsalen)2(MeOH)2
RuIII(CN)6] (5-BrsalenN,N0 -ethylenebis(5-bromosalicylidene) aminato anion)
showed features at 9.0, 12.8, 18.6, and 19.3 cm1, of which only the first two
were attributed to magnetic resonance transitions, because they split on application
of a magnetic field [89]. The combination of these magnetic resonance measure-
ments and susceptibility data allowed establishing of a consistent energy level
diagram. The analogous chromium complex, (NEt4)[Mn2III(5-Brsalen)2(MeOH)2
CrIII(CN)6] was also investigated by FT-THz spectroscopy, as well as by INS, and
gave similar results [90].
In addition to the studies cited above, Fourier Transform IR-spectrometers have
been used for the study of magnetic excitations since the 1960s. Thus, collective
excitations were observed in, among others, FeF2 [91, 92], FeIIIdithiocarbamate
212 J. van Slageren

[93] and LaMnO3 [94]. Crystal field splittings were observed for lanthanide ions
[95]. The ZFS was studied in mononuclear complexes of FeIII [96] FeII [97], and
square planar CoIII [98, 99] among others. Even hemoglobin and myoglobin were
successfully investigated in this manner [93, 100].

2.3 Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy

A second broadband method that can be employed to study EPR excitations in

MNM is THz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS). This method employs mode-
locked Ti:sapphire femtosecond lasers, where the fs pump pulse hits a photocon-
ductive antenna across which a bias voltage is applied. The acceleration of the
photogenerated charge carriers causes emission of a short (typically 2 ps) THz pulse
[101]. This THz pulse interacts with the sample. For detection purposes, a similar
antenna structure is employed, without bias voltage. A delayed fs probe pulse
generates charge carriers, which are accelerated by the electric field of the THz
pulse. By varying the delay between pump and probe pulses, the electric field of the
THz pulse is mapped out. Fourier-transformation then gives the THz spectrum
in the frequency domain. The advantage of this method is that both amplitude
and phase are detected, while conventional FT-IR spectrometers only record the
radiation intensity.
THz-TDS was also used to study the benchmark of molecular nanomagnetism,
Mn12Ac [102104], but has not been employed to study MNM since. These early
studies demonstrated that the ZFS of MNMs can be obtained by THz-TDS. Parks
et al. then investigated the linewidth in some detail, where they considered contri-
butions from hyperfine interactions and intermolecular magneto-dipolar inter-
actions on the linewidth and concluded that, in addition to these, there must also
be a distribution in the D-parameter. These investigations also made use of the fact
that both amplitude and phase of the THz electric field are obtained, which can be
converted to the real and imaginary parts of the index of refraction.

2.4 Comparison of EPR Measurement Techniques

The following is the personal view of the author, based on his experience with the
discussed techniques. The advantage of frequency-domain techniques, described in
Sects. 2.12.3 is that no external field is required and ZFSs are obtained directly.
The ability to apply a small field is useful, especially at frequencies above ca.
20 cm1, in order to distinguish magnetic resonance transitions from molecular
vibrations and other phonon-type excitations. The advantage of field-swept tech-
niques is that field-swept spectra tend to have flatter baselines, which increases
sensitivity. Cavity and other resonator methods, which are only easily implemented
in field-swept experiments, are much more sensitive. Therefore, single-crystal
New Directions in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 213

measurements are more easily carried out, which give access to a great deal of detail
that is not easily available from polycrystalline samples.
The linewidths of the resonance lines in FDMR and FT-THz measurements
(Fig. 4) are limited by the sample, although the intrinsic resolution of FDMR is
higher. FT-THz has the advantage that a single period of the interferometer covers
the entire frequency range available (typically up to 40100 cm1, depending on
source and detector), with the possibility of accumulating a number of scans (using
a mercury lamp source typically dozens of scans are acquired). FDMR, on the other
hand, is better suited to measurements below 10 cm1, where the optics of most IR
spectrometers starts to cut off some of the intensity. THz TDS suffers from much

Fig. 4 Comparison of Zero-Field techniques to determine the Zero-Field Splitting in Mn12Ac.

(a) Frequency Domain Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy [105]. (b) Frequency Domain Fourier-
Transform Terahertz Spectroscopy [88] (Schnegg, Personal communication). (c) Terahertz Time-
Domain Spectroscopy, adapted from [102]. Used with permission. #2001 American Physical
Society. (d) Inelastic Neutron Scattering, adapted from [106]. Used with permission. #1999
American Physical Society. Readers may view, browse, and/or download material for temporary
copying purposes only, provided these uses are for noncommercial personal purposes. Except as
provided by law, this material may not be further reproduced, distributed, transmitted, modified,
adapted, performed, displayed, published, or sold in whole or part, without prior written permis-
sion from the American Physical Society
214 J. van Slageren

lower resolution, which is limited by the length along which the delay stage can be
moved. Its advantage lies in the ability to record both amplitude and phase and
the inherent fast time resolution available, although both factors have yet to be
exploited in molecular magnetism.
INS also has a lower resolution and also suffers from poor sensitivity. Its
clear advantages (that should not be underestimated) are that transitions between
spin multiplets are allowed and that both the frequency- and wavevector (Q)-
dependence of the scattering intensity are recorded. The Q-dependence allows, in
principle, the distinguishing of magnetic from nonmagnetic excitations and also
gives information on the spin wavefunction [60]. Finally, because the scattering
intensity only depends on the population of the initial state, INS is very useful at
high temperatures, where the EPR intensities are low, because of limited population
differences between initial and final states.

2.5 Magnetization Detected EPR

Not all molecular systems are amenable to EPR in the field-, frequency-, or
time-domain. For example, fast spin relaxation can lead to excessively broad lines.
Furthermore, the sensitivity of nonresonator techniques, including all non-field-swept
measurement methods, is generally insufficient to allow for detailed single crystal
measurements. Finally, during the wide-range field sweep of a field-swept, conven-
tional (high-frequency) EPR measurement, the actual physical properties, including
the spin ground state may change, e.g., in the case of field-induced spin ground state
changes in antiferromagnetic (ring) systems. For these reasons, effort has been
invested into the development of other detection schemes, based on the monitoring
of a thermodynamic quantity of the system, such as the magnetization or the magnetic
torque. Many of the instruments described below were devised to investigate the spin
dynamics of MNMs, for which purpose pulse EPR spectrometers are also currently
used (Sect. 3).

2.5.1 Implementations

An early implementation of magnetization-detected EPR by Wernsdorfer et al.

employed a micro-SQUID detection system, employing field sweeps in the pres-
ence of microwave irradiation, at temperatures down to 40 mK, with the sample in
vacuum [107]. The advantage of this method is the very high sensitivity of micro-
SQUIDs that can detect the magnetic moment of 103 spins [108], with single-spin
detection sensitivity predicted [109]. This setup was used to investigate magnetic
resonance transitions in the molecule K6[V15As6O42(H2O)]8H2O, abbreviated
as V15. Clear dips in the magnetization curves at temperatures down to 40 mK,
attributed to MS 1/2 to MS 1/2 transition. Measurements at frequencies of
up to 20 GHz allowed extraction of the g-value as g 2.02, which is slightly higher
New Directions in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 215

Fig. 5 Magnetization curves measured on Fe8 in the presence of microwave radiation with
n 118 GHz and T 10 K. The dips are due to transitions between the MS states of the
S 10 ground state, as indicated. Adapted from [115]. Used with permission. #2005 American
Physical Society. Readers may view, browse, and/or download material for temporary copying
purposes only, provided these uses are for noncommercial personal purposes. Except as provided
by law, this material may not be further reproduced, distributed, transmitted, modified, adapted,
performed, displayed, published, or sold in whole or part, without prior written permission from
the American Physical Society

than previously reported values g||c 1.98 and gc 1.95 [110] or g||c 1.98 and
gc 1.968 [111] (both X-band EPR), g 1.97 (57.8 GHz) [112], g||c 1.981,
and gc 1.953 (FDMR) [113]. The same setup was used to detect EPR in
(H2NMe2)[Cr7NiF8(O2CCMe3)16] (Cr7Ni) [114] In later measurements, on Fe8,
a Hall bar was employed rather than a micro-SQUID (Fig. 5) [115].
A second instrument, developed by Friedman et al., employed a Hall bar sensor
to measure the magnetization of the sample, which has the advantage over micro-
SQUIDs that the operating magnetic field can be much higher [116, 117]. The
authors used this and later setups to investigate magnetic resonance and spin
dynamics of Fe8 in a series of papers. High-power BWOs and a rectangular cavity
were used to enhance the microwave field at the sample, and the Hall bar sensor was
mounted outside the cavity [117]. Heating of the sample to 4 K, at a nominal
cryostat temperature of 2 K by nonresonant heating of the resonator by the radia-
tion was observed, with additional heating observed at resonance. The D-value of
0.2944 K, obtained from measurements at different frequencies between 127 and
136 GHz, is in good agreement with published values. Further measurements were
performed on [Mn4O3Cl(O2CCH3)3(dbm)3] (Hdbm dibenzoylmethane) [118].
An improved setup employed a cylindrical rather than a rectangular cavity and
a thin film pick-up loop rather than a Hall bar sensor for detection [119]. The pick-
up coil makes the instrument well suited for the investigation of fast spin dynamics
(see below) but less for spectroscopic purposes. The emf induced in the loop is
measured with a SQUID voltmeter coupled to a room temperature amplifier.
216 J. van Slageren

A Hall bar sensor, but no resonator, was also used by del Barco, Kent et al. at
temperatures down to 0.38 K with the sample in vacuum [120]. Measuring
the longitudinal field dependence of the magnetization of [Ni(hmp)(dmb)Cl]4
(Ni4, Hhmp 2-hydroxymethylpyridine, dmb 3,3-dimethyl-1-butanol) with
and without radiation (at single frequencies between 24 and 43 GHz) allowed the
observation of magnetic resonance transitions, with extracted ZFS values in good
agreement with published values. In transverse fields, the plots of resonance fields vs
frequencies show a clear curvature near zero-field, which is a signature of the ground
state being a quantum superposition of states with opposite magnetization, as is also
required for quantum tunneling of the magnetization. This setup was later improved,
when a strip line resonator was implemented on the chip with the Hall sensor, where
different resonators allow for measurements between 10 and 30 GHz, and both the
transmitted radiation and the magnetization can be measured [121, 122].
A commercial SQUID magnetometer was used for magnetization detection in
combination with Klystron sources at 95 and 141 GHz, where the advantage lies in
the ability to determine the absolute magnetization quantitatively [123]. Investiga-
tion of the power dependence allowed extraction of T1 in copper sulfate. Direct
time-resolved measurements appear to be difficult to implement in view of the slow
measurement time scale of commercial SQUID magnetometers. Again, the method
was used to investigate Fe8, and clear magnetic resonances were observed [124].
The magnetic resonance transitions can also be observed by measuring the
magnetic torque in magnetically anisotropic systems [125]. The setup employed
BWO radiation sources in combination with an optical split coil superconducting
magnet, allowing excitation frequencies between 30 GHz and 1 THz, and fields up
to 7 T. A sample rotator is incorporated which allows measurements at arbitrary
angles with the magnetic field. The use of an optical cryostat enables arbitrary
polarization of the radiation with the external field. Preliminary measurements on
a star-shaped Fe4 single-molecule magnet in both field and frequency domains were
presented. The combination of EPR and torque magnetometry was also used by
Ohmichi et al., but has not yet been used for investigations of MNMs [126, 127].

2.5.2 Spin Dynamics

A number of publications report the investigation of spin dynamics of MNMs,

where the change in magnetization is monitored following a pulse of microwave
radiation. As recognized early on [107], the phonon-bottleneck effect, i.e., a long
thermal equilibration time between phonons that are resonant with the spin system
and the cryostat, plays a major role in these investigations. This effect depends on
the crystal size, the coupling of the sample to the sample holder, and the sample
surroundings (vacuum/exchange gas/liquid), and, as a consequence, a large range of
time constants have been reported.
The most studied sample in this respect is Fe8. In this sample, the magnetiza-
tion relaxation, over or under the energy barrier, is a further dynamic process,
in addition to spinlattice relaxation and thermalization with the cryostat.
New Directions in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 217

In measurements on small crystals at temperatures between 2 and 10 K, two

processes were observed in the relaxation of the magnetization after 10 ms micro-
wave pulses [128] with time constants in the range of 110 ms and 25200 ms,
respectively. Both processes were reported to be determined by the phonon-
bottleneck equilibration time, with T1 expected to be several orders of magnitude
shorter. For larger crystals, the magnetization continues to change after the pulse,
before relaxing back. This was ascribed to the slow equilibration of the sample
with the lattice that was heated due to the microwave radiation or due to the
phonons released by the spin after absorption of microwave photons by the spins
[117, 118, 128]. This thermalization involves the magnetic moment crossing the
energy barrier generated by the axial ZFS, or tunneling of the magnetic moment
under the barrier. This interpretation is corroborated by the fact that measure-
ments at a field where quantum tunneling is possible showed much smaller
overshoots [117]. Even longer relaxation times, on the time scale of seconds,
were reported for Ni4 [120]. Later measurements gave relaxation times of 30 ms,
attributed to phonon-bottleneck processes [122].
By means of pumpprobe measurements, it proved to be possible to gain
information on the spinlattice relaxation time T1 [129, 130]. These studies
employed much shorter pulses of 2050 ns. A first pulse excites the Fe8 molecule
from MS 10 to MS 9. After a delay, a second pulse resonant with the
MS 9 to MS 8 transition is used. The effect of the latter pulse on
the magnetization, measured by a Hall bar sensor, depends on the population of
the MS 9 level at the time of the second pulse, which in turn depends on T1. The
delay between pulses was in the microsecond regime, which is much faster than
the thermal equilibration effects described above. Although the measurements were
hampered by the slow response of the Hall bar, the authors managed to extract T1
times of the order of 2 ms at 1.6 K, decreasing to 400 ns at 15 K. By means of
calculations using the generalized master equation for magnetization relaxation,
estimates were extracted for the spin-phonon coupling. In addition, it was shown
that phonon induced transitions with DMS 2 play an important role.
Bal et al. made extensive measurements on single-crystals of Fe8 to disentangle
phonon-bottleneck processes from true spinlattice relaxation [131]. Resonant
pulses 20 ms in length at 2.1 K induced a change in the magnetization, which
continued on a long ca. 1 ms time scale after the end of the pulse. This was
attributed to the lattice and the spins being out of equilibrium. On top of this,
a faster decrease was observed with a time constant of about 5 ms, with no syste-
matic dependence on temperature, field or radiation power, which was attributed to
the phonon bottleneck. The authors note that this time constant is similar to that
reported for T1 by Bahr et al. (see above) [129]. Extensive simulations gave a much
shorter time for T1 in these measurements of T1 ~ 40 ns [131].
No direct information on the phase memory or quantum coherence time TM has
yet been obtained from magnetization detected EPR investigations. In one study,
a spin echo measurement was attempted on frozen solutions of [Ni(hmp)(dmb)Cl]4
in toluene:dichloromethane (1:1) at 5.5 K, but no echoes were observed. An upper
limit of TM 50 ns was deduced from this observation [132]. For homogeneously
218 J. van Slageren

broadened lines, the half-width in CW-EPR is related to the real spinspin relaxa-
tion time T2, of which TM is a lower limit, by Dn (2pT2)1, assuming T1 >> T2
[133]. Although EPR lines of MNMs are generally inhomogeneously broadened,
a lower limit of TM can still be obtained from the linewidth. This approach yielded
values in the range of 1010 to 109 s, including 0.2 ns [121], 0.5 ns [120], 2 ns [107],
and 10 ns [114]. Pulse EPR measurements (Sect. 3) revealed that phase memory
times can fortunately be much longer than these estimates.

3 Pulse EPR in Molecular Nanomagnetism

Much effort has been devoted to the study of the dynamics of the magnetization in
single molecule magnets, where the axial magnetic anisotropy creates an energy
barrier towards inversion of the magnetic moment [29]. The relaxation time is
generally governed by an Arrhenius law t t0exp(DE/kBT). Microscopically,
relaxation of the magnetization is a multistep process, in which the molecule
undergoes multiple phonon-induced transitions to increasingly higher lying
MS-states, until the highest-lying MS state is reached. This is then followed by
multiple downward transitions on the other side of the energy barrier. For direct
spin-phonon interactions, the oscillating strain caused by a phonon causes modula-
tion of the ZFS, which can induce transitions between MS states with the selection
rule DMS 1, 2 [29, 74]. Because the phonon density decreases with decreas-
ing energy, the direct spin-phonon interaction process becomes slowest close to the
top of the energy barrier, where the spacing between MS levels is smallest. The rate
of the slowest spin-phonon transition is reflected by the Arrhenius prefactor t0. In
EPR terms, these individual phonon-induced transitions are nothing but spinlattice
relaxation. In addition to the direct process mentioned above, in ESR-spectroscopy,
two two-phonon processes, the Orbach and the Raman process, are generally
considered, where in the former the intermediate state is real while in the latter it
is virtual [74]. Although there is ample information on the spinlattice relaxation in
single-spin systems [74, 134, 135], much less is available on exchange coupled
systems [28]. One important finding is that spin relaxation in polynuclear systems is
generally faster, because of the presence of a number of additional relaxation
pathways. Thus modulation of the exchange interaction can lead to Orbach-type
spinlattice relaxation, with an excited spin state as the intermediate state. For
dimers only the nonisotropic exchange interactions are effective in this way, but
in larger systems, modulation of the isotropic exchange interaction can lead to
relaxation [28, 136].
The spinspin relaxation T2, or the experimentally determined phase memory
time TM, is a parameter of interest in molecular magnetism, because it is the time
available for a quantum computation. It was recognized several years ago that
MNMs may be used to implement quantum bits [137, 138]. There are currently
essentially three proposals for using MNMs for quantum information processing
[21, 139, 140]. The first is an elaborate scheme to use high-spin MNMs, such as
New Directions in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 219

SMMs, where it is important that the MS states are not equidistant. This is the
case for a ZFS split ground state [19]. A combination of multifrequency pulses at
high frequencies where the radiation magnetic field is perpendicular to the ZFS
quantization axis, and a low-frequency pulse where the field is parallel to this axis,
can create a simultaneous coherent population of many MS states. In addition, the
field strengths and phases of the high-frequency components must be judiciously
controlled. If those conditions are met, Grovers algorithm, which, in certain cases,
allows finding an entry in a database with one single query, can be implemented.
For this scheme, entanglement of many-particle systems is not necessary [19].
A second proposal deals with more conventional two-level systems for use as
qubits [139]. The advantages of MNMs for such purposes are generally listed as
follows. The larger physical size of MNMs compared to single sites makes resolu-
tion requirements for local addressing less strict. Second, the excited spin states
can, in carefully engineered systems, be used to implement effective switching of
the interaction between two qubits [141]. Engineering the interaction between pairs
of MNMs is currently receiving a great deal of attention [50, 142] but is far from
trivial. The interaction should be much weaker than the interactions within the
MNM qubit so that the two can be considered separate entities, but the coupling
energy should be much larger than the thermal energy [139]. The third proposal
concerns the electric control of the exchange interaction in triangular MNMs, where
an electric field can couple the two S 1/2 states, that can show a small energy
splitting. These two states are characterized by their chirality [140, 143]. The
advantage of electric field control is that electric fields can be applied much more
locally. In all of these schemes, the quantum operations need to be performed
within the lifetime of the generated coherent superposition states, i.e., within the
quantum coherence time, for which the experimentally determined phase memory
time TM is a lower limit.
The spin dynamics are also critically important in biophysical EPR. This field
revolves around the elucidation of geometric and electronic structures and dynam-
ics of biological systems, by the determination of g-tensors, of distances between
electron spins and of couplings between nuclear and electron spins. For many of
the measurement techniques employed, sufficiently long TM times are required for
these techniques to be fruitfully applied.
It is clear from the above that the spin dynamics of MNMs is a subject of great
current interest. The techniques to implement quantum operations and those of
pulse EPR are essentially the same. In both cases, pulses of arbitrary length and
phase, that are resonant with the energy splitting of the relevant states of the inves-
tigated system, are required. For a two-state system, the two states can be pictured
as opposite poles on a sphere (the Bloch sphere), where all possible coherent
superposition states are points on that sphere. Applying a resonant microwave
pulse causes a rotation of the spin in a direction perpendicular to that of the
microwave magnetic field [144]. The turning angle is given by the microwave
field strength (B1) and the pulse duration (tp) according to y o1tp, with o1
gmBB1/ h. For a given turning angle, short, intense pulses excite spins in a larger
frequency range than do long, less intense pulses, because of the Heisenberg
220 J. van Slageren

uncertainty relation, where the FWHM is given by Dn  1.207 tp1 for a rectan-
gular pulse [144]. Applying series of pulses of judiciously chosen lengths and vary-
ing the interpulse delays allow determination of the spin relaxation time constants
of MNMs, as detailed in the next two sections. The work by Takui et al. on pulse
EPR spectroscopy on high-spin organic radicals is not reviewed here [145, 146].

3.1 SpinLattice Relaxation

Some of the earliest spinlattice relaxation time measurements were carried out
using superheterodyne detection by partial saturation of the magnetic resonance by
a microwave pulse, and subsequent monitoring of the transient recovery on an
oscilloscope [147], which is essentially a type of saturation recovery measurement
[144]. In this manner, the temperature dependence of T1 in iridium(IV) pairs in
(NH4)2PtCl6 and copper(II) pairs in Zn(dtc)2 [dtc bis(diethy1-dithiocarbamate)]
was investigated in detail. These early measurements have been reviewed [28, 148]
and are not discussed further here. Another version of the saturation-recovery
experiment involves a long saturation pulse or sequence of pulses, followed after
variable time delay T by the primary echo pulse sequence p/2tfixptfixecho to
detect the longitudinal magnetization. A third method to measure T1 is by inversion
recovery, using the pulse sequence pTp/2tfixptfixecho. This last method is
more sensitive to spectral and spin diffusion than the former [144]. Finally,
stimulated echo decay can also be used to measure T1, by variation of T in the
pulse sequence p/2tfixp/2Tp/2tfixecho. This method is even more sensitive
to spin and spectral diffusion. In the following, we discuss spinlattice relaxation
times measured on MNMs and related systems (Table 2). We restrict ourselves to
pulse EPR measurements, omitting measurements of the electron spin dynamics by
NMR [134], or a.c. magnetic susceptibility [164].
The antiferromagnetic ring (H2NMe2)[Cr7NiF8(O2CCMe3)16] (Cr7Ni) has a spin
ground state of S 1/2, and was the first MNM to be investigated by pulse EPR
[18]. The spinlattice relaxation time was investigated by means of inversion
recovery measurements on frozen solutions in toluene at X-band. T1 reaches
a value of about 1 ms at the lowest temperature of 1.8 K (Table 2), but decreases
rapidly with increasing temperatures, down to 102 ns at 9.5 K, suggesting inter-
action with phonons, i.e., Raman or Orbach processes. Measurements on (H2NMe2)
[Cr7MnF8(O2CCMe3)16] (Cr7Mn), which has an S 1 ground state, gave similar
T1 values, where the authors note that the T1 values show a variation of a factor of
two at different points in the spectrum, indicating that the ZFS plays a role in the
relaxation. W-Band (95 GHz) measurements on the same compound revealed that
the spin-relaxation time is little dependent on microwave frequency, with T1 2.9
ms (W-band, 4.5 K) [149] compared to T1  3.5 ms (X-band, 4.5 K) [18].
The spinlattice relaxation was studied in more detail in a ferric triangle,
[Fe3(m3-O)(O2CPh)5(salox)(EtOH)(H2O)] (Fe3salox, H2salox salicylaldehyde
oxime) [150]. Inversion recovery measurements at X-band frequencies yielded
Table 2 Spin relaxation data of exchange-coupled metal ion species, determined by pulse EPR
Species Abbrev. S T1 / ms TM / ms T/K Ref
(H2NMe2)[Cr7NiF8(O2CCMe3)16] Cr7Ni 1/2 103 0.55 1.8 [18]
(H2NMe2)[Cr7NiF8(O2CCMe3)16] (X-band) 1/2 ~3.5 0.379 4.5 [18]
(H2NMe2)[Cr7NiF8(O2CCMe3)16] (W-band) 1/2 ~2.0 0.357 5.0 [149]
(H2NMe2)[Cr7NiF8(O2CCMe3-d9)16] 1/2 3.8 1.8 [18]
(H2NMe2)[Cr7NiF8(O2CCMe3-d9)16] 1/2 2.21 4.5 [18]
(H2NMe2)[Cr7MnF8(O2CCMe3)16] 1 103 ~0.55 1.8 [18]
[Fe3(m3-O)(O2CPh)5(salox)(EtOH)(H2O)] Fe3 1/2 693 2.6 5.5 [150]
K6[V15As6O42(H2O)]8H2O V15 3/2 0.340 4 [151]
[Fe4(acac)6(Br-mp)2] Fe4 5 1.06 0.63 4.3 [152]
[(tacn)6Fe8O2(OH)12Br7(H2O)]Br(H2O)8 Fe8 10 0.093 1.93 [153]
[(tacn)6Fe8O2(OH)12Br7(H2O)]Br(H2O)8 10 9.5  102 0.714 1.27 [153]
[Mn Mn (m-O)2bipy4]ClO4 1/2 1,380 25 [154]
[MnIIIMnIV(m-O)2bipy4]ClO4 1/2 11 75 [154]
[MnIIMnIII(m-OH)(m-piv)2(Me3tacn)2](ClO4)2 1/2 35 4.3 [154]
[MnIIMnIII(m-OH)(m-piv)2(Me3tacn)2](ClO4)2 1/2 0.42 9 [154]
[Fe2S2(S2-o-xylyl)2]3 1/2 ~55  103 5 [155]
{Mn4OxCa} Photosystem II S0 state 1/2 9.4 4.3 [154]
{Mn4OxCa} Photosystem II S0 state 1/2 0.85 6.5 [154]
1/2 1,220 4.2 [156]
New Directions in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

{Mn4OxCa} Photosystem II S2 state

{Mn4OxCa} Photosystem II S2 state 1/2 0.8 4.2 [157]
[4Fe4S]3+ (Ectothiorhodospira halophila) 1/2 2023 0.68 5 [158]
[4Fe4S]3+ (Chromatium vinosum) 1/2 9.111.9 0.46 5 [159]
[4Fe4S]1+ (Desulfovibrio gigas hydrogenase) 1/2 5 0.2 4.2 [160]
[4Fe4S ]x+ (Bacillus stearothermophilus) 1/2 5103 5 [161]
Ir4+ pairs in (NH4)2PtCl6 1 1.3  103 1.8 [162]
Cu pairs in Zn(dtc)2 1 18  103 1.8 [163]
Ti pairs in SrF2 2 1.1  102 1.3 10 [148]
222 J. van Slageren

T1 times between 693 ms (5.5 K) and 0.55 ms (11.0 K). The temperature dependence
of T1 could be fitted equally well to the equations describing Orbach or Raman
processes. The unrealistic obtained exponent value in case of the Raman process led
the authors to prefer the Orbach process. The Orbach energy gap was derived to be
57 cm1. This energy gap corresponds to the energy of the first excited spin state,
which allowed choosing between two sets of exchange coupling parameters that
fitted the susceptibility curve equally well.
A similar strong temperature dependence of T1 was found in inversion recovery
measurements on frozen toluene solutions of [Fe4(acac)6(Br-mp)2] (Fe4, acac
acetyl acetonate, or 1,3-pentanedioate, Br-mpH3 2-(bromomethyl)-2-(hydroxy-
methyl)-1,3-propanediol) [152] which has an S 5 ground state [165], with
T1  1.06 ms at the lowest temperature (T 4.3 K) employed. The strong temper-
ature dependence suggests that the spinlattice relaxation proceed via a two-phonon
process. Although the limited temperature range available did not allow the draw-
ing of definite conclusions, an Orbach fit gave a value of about 5 cm1 for the
Orbach energy gap, which is well within the ground spin multiplet.
Investigations of the spinlattice relaxation time of single crystals of Fe8 at
T 1.27 K, utilizing the stimulated echo sequence, revealed two relaxation
processes with time constants of 1.0 ms and 0.95 ms, respectively [153]. The authors
attribute the former time constant to spectral diffusion, and speculate that the
latter may reflect true spinlattice relaxation, although the time constant is two
orders of magnitude longer than values found by magnetization-detected EPR
(see above) [129, 131].
The results described above demonstrate that there is a large variation in T1 times
for different MNMs, as well as a strong temperature dependence of T1 (Table 2). An
extreme example of this variation in T1 is given by the two S 1/2 dimers
[MnIIIMnIV(m-O)2bipy4]ClO4 (bipy 2,20 -bipyridine) and [MnIIMnIII(m-OH)(m-
piv)2(Me3tacn)2](ClO4)2 (Me3tacn N,N0 ,N00 -trimethyl-1,4,7-triazacyclononane)
[154]. The spinlattice relaxation of the former is very slow and characterized by
a Raman process below 50 K, while that of the latter is best described by an Orbach
process. Apart from the metal oxidation states involved, the main difference
between these complexes is the strength of the exchange interaction which leads
to energy gaps between ground and first excited state of DE 450 cm1 and
DE 25.5 cm1, respectively, for the two complexes. The Orbach energy gap
(D ~ 26 K) in the latter complex was indeed found to match the energy gap to the
first excited state very well. Similar results (Table 2) are obtained for polynuclear
clusters in biological systems, e.g., the {Mn4OxCa} cluster in Photosystem II
[154, 156, 157] and ironsulfur clusters in different oxidation states [158161].

3.2 Phase-Memory Times

Phase memory times in solids are usually determined by the Hahn or primary echo
sequence, p/2tptecho, by variation of t [144]. For quantum computation
New Directions in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 223

purposes, the quantum coherence time must be sufficient to allow extensive quan-
tum manipulations, including error corrections. The quantum coherence time is the
same as the spinspin relaxation time T2, for which the experimentally determined
phase memory time TM is a lower limit.
For a long time it was unclear whether quantum coherence times in MNMs
would be long enough to make MNMs viable qubit candidates. Indeed, this was the
very question that the title of the first paper in this area asked [18]. The phase
memory time was determined to be TM 379 ns by X-band Hahn echo
measurements on frozen toluene solutions of Cr7Ni, which is two orders of magni-
tude longer than previous estimates of the lower limit of TM [18]. Interestingly, the
related compound (H2NMe2)[Cr7MnF8(O2CCMe3)16], which has an S 1 ground
state, has a very similar TM, which demonstrates that the ZFS or ground state spin
plays a limited role in the decoherence process. The echo decay for Cr7Ni displays a
pronounced modulation when using short, intense microwave pulses. This effect is
called electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM), and is caused by formally
forbidden nuclear spin flips by the p-pulse of the Hahn echo sequence [144]. The
oscillation frequency, therefore, corresponds to the Larmor frequency of the nuclei
that the electron spin couples to via superhyperfine coupling. The ESEEM in Cr7Ni
was found to be due to coupling to the ligand protons. No coupling to the bridging
F nuclei was reported. It is this coupling to proton nuclear spins that is the main
decoherence pathway. By deuteration of the ligand it proved possible to enhance
TM by a factor of 6 (TM 2.21 ms at T 4.5 K), in agreement with the smaller
nuclear magnetic moment of D, compared to H. The phase memory time was found
to increase with decreasing temperature (Table 2), but not as strongly as T1 (see
above). A very similar TM of 379 ns was found in W-band measurements on Cr7Ni
[149]. W-band pulse ENDOR measurements on Cr7Ni demonstrated that the
coupling between electron spin and proton nuclear spin is dipolar in nature, and
its strength is up to ~2 MHz [149].
In X-band Hahn echo measurements on frozen solutions of Fe3 in acetone, clear
spin echoes were observed, from which TM 2.18 ms at 7 K was extracted, which
is clearly longer than for Cr7Ni under similar conditions. The observation of
ESEEM again demonstrated hyperfine coupling of the electron spin to nuclear
spins. Interestingly, TM becomes temperature independent below ca. 7 K, at
which point TM reflects the true spinspin relaxation rate, whereas at higher temper-
atures it is influenced by spinlattice relaxation. The magnetization can be rotated
by a microwave pulse with length tp around an arbitrary angle y o1tp, where o1
is the microwave field strength. After a delay time, which ensures the decay of all
quantum coherences, the magnetization along the z-axis is measured. The measure-
ment of the z-magnetization as a function of tp is called a nutation measure-
ment. The corresponding oscillations of the magnetization are the so-called Rabi
oscillations. A nutation measurement performed on Fe3 showed that part of the
observed oscillations was due to nutation of the electron spin, but another part
was attributed to ESEEM-like effects (Fig. 6). The oscillations due to transient
nutation were observed to decay very quickly, presumably due to microwave
field inhomogeneities.
224 J. van Slageren

Fig. 6 Left: Echo-detected

longitudinal magnetization of
Fe3 as a function of nutation
pulse length. Right: Absolute-
value Fourier Transform,
showing contributions due to
ESEEM-like effects (sharp
peak) and Rabi oscillations
(broad peak). Adapted from
[150]. Used by permission of
the PCCP Owner Societies

Use of a surfactant allows solubilization of the polyoxometalate cluster

K6[V15As6O42(H2O)]8H2O (V15) in the organic solvent chloroform. Spin echo
measurements revealed a phase memory time of TM 340 ns, which was attributed
to resonances in the S 3/2 excited state of the cluster [166]. No quantum
coherence was detected in the pair of S 1/2 ground states [151]. By measurement
of the z-magnetization after a nutation pulse, and a delay to ensure decay of all
coherences, Rabi oscillations were observed. From the analysis of the different
possible decoherence mechanisms, it was concluded that decoherence is almost
entirely caused by hyperfine coupling to the 51V nuclear spins.
The S 5 ground state of the high spin cluster Fe4 possesses a negative axial
ZFS with D 0.342 cm1 [165]. As a consequence the zero-field energy gap
between the MS 5 and MS 4 is 92 GHz, which is close to the frequency
employed in a W-band EPR spectrometer (94 GHz). This fact was exploited in
pulsed W-band EPR studies on frozen toluene solutions of Fe4 in zero external field
[152], where a phase memory time of TM 307 ns at T 4.3 K was found in
Hahn-echo measurements. The echo decay in an external field of 0.373 T shows
ESEEM due to hyperfine coupling to protons. Interestingly, measurements on the
protonated compound in deuterated toluene show ESEEM due to coupling to
New Directions in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 225

deuterium, proving that at this field the main interaction is with the nuclear spins of
the solvent. In echo detected ESR spectra, ESEEM-like oscillations were observed
at low field, which demonstrated that hyperfine couplings to the nuclear spins of the
cluster are also present. Measurements in CS2, which is largely nuclear-spin-free,
show an increased phase memory time of Fe4 of TM 527 ns at T 4.3 K.
The transient nutation measurement showed pronounced Rabi oscillations. These
oscillations cannot be due to ESEEM-like effects, due to coupling to proton nuclei,
because the measurements were performed in zero external field, where the proton
nuclear Larmor frequency is virtually zero. On the other hand, quadrupole nuclei
(I > 1/2) may exhibit nuclear ESEEM at zero field [167]. However, the only
quadrupole nuclei in Fe4 are the two bromine atoms of the Br-mp-ligands. Strong
coupling of the electron spin to these bromine atoms is not expected because they
are far away from the spin carrying iron ions.
Measurements of the quantum coherence are usually performed in dilute
systems to prevent decoherence due to fluctuating intermolecular magnetic-dipolar
electronelectron interactions. In SMMs these fluctuations can also be frozen out at
low temperatures, below the blocking temperature of the magnetization. A single-
crystal study on Fe8 made use of this fact and, indeed, phase memory times of up to
712 ns were observed at 1.27 K [153]. Raising the temperature to 1.93 K results
in a drastic reduction of TM to 93 ns. Simulations showed that electron spin
electron spin interactions can account quantitatively for this behavior. A second
decoherence process was identified from these simulations, with a decoherence
time of about 1 ms, which was attributed to hyperfine-induced decoherence.
Spinspin relaxation was also studied for polynuclear clusters in biomolecules,
especially for Fe4S4 clusters. Interestingly a large range of values was found for
chemically similar species (Table 2) [158160].

3.3 Future of Pulse EPR in Molecular Magnetism

From the previous subsections it is clear that important first results from pulse EPR
investigation of MNMs have been obtained. The phase memory times are generally
two orders of magnitude longer than initially predicted, and were shown to increase
significantly at very low temperatures. Much remains to be understood about the
details of spin relaxation and decoherence in these materials, including the effects
of spectral and spin diffusion. Furthermore, no attempts have yet been made to
utilize nuclear spin in coherent spin manipulations. Indeed, no coherent manipu-
lations beyond spin echo and nutation measurements (Rabi oscillations) have been
reported. Here, the molecular magnetism community will be able to learn a great
deal from interaction with the biophysical EPR and quantum information proces-
sing communities. Progress along these lines will depend in part on material
development. To improve phase memory times, weakly coupled nuclear spins
should be removed completely or moved as far as possible in space from the
electron spin to limit dipolar hyperfine interactions. For detailed investigations of
226 J. van Slageren

anisotropy (both ZFS and g-value anisotropy), single crystal measurements on

dilute single crystals will be essential. This will require cocrystallization of the
MNM of interest with a diamagnetic analog.

4 Emerging Trends and Outlook

Recently, a number of further directions in molecular magnetism have developed

where EPR can or is starting to play a role of importance. These are very briefly
outlined below, with some reference to recent and older literature without the
aspiration to be comprehensive.

4.1 Molecular Nanomagnets vs Magnetic Nanoparticles

Most MNMs have well defined spin ground states. The splitting of the ground state
by ZFS can be excellently studied by EPR techniques, as the many reviews on this
subject attest. In several cases, this has proved to be impossible, often in systems
that combine high molecular symmetry with competing exchange interactions,
such as Na2[Mo72VIFe30IIIO252(CH3COO)20(H2O)92]ca. 150 H2O (Fe30) [168] or
(C5H6N+)5[Fe13F24(OCH3)12O4]CH3OH4H2O (Fe13) [169]. In such a case, in EPR
spectra a single broad line is observed, which broadens and shifts downfield
upon cooling [169, 170]. Such behavior is also observed in magnetic nanoparticles
(MNP) [171] and exploitation of the classical models used in the MNP field may aid
the description and analysis of the EPR spectra of the above-mentioned MNMs.
The spin Hamiltonian framework seems to be unable to account for these
observations, and for Fe30 a different nature of the low-lying excitations (spin
waves) has been invoked, but only partial agreement with experimental data
from INS was obtained [172]. Fittipaldi et al. have reviewed this area [173] and
have recently published new results [174].

4.2 Single Chain Magnets

Research in the area of single-chain magnets (SCMs) continues to flourish. In these

one-dimensional systems, the barrier for inversion of the magnetic moment is not
only given by the ZFS of the building block, but also by the isotropic exchange
interaction, which can potentially lead to much higher energy barriers [175]. These
systems have been almost exclusively studied by magnetometric techniques. This is
surprising, since EPR can yield information on both the ZFS and the exchange
interaction in one-dimensional chains, depending on their relative magnitudes.
Furthermore, one-dimensional spin chains show a very rich range of physical
New Directions in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 227

phenomena, including spin-Peierls transitions [176], field-induced transitions from

quantum to classical physics [177], magnetic phase transitions, and soliton excita-
tions [178], all of which can and have been investigated by EPR. EPR results on
ferrimagnetic manganese(II)-radical chains could be related to the exchange inter-
action [179] and short range order [180]. In the SCM [Mn2(saltmen)2Ni(pao)2(py)2]
(ClO4)2 (saltmenN,N-1,1,2,2-tetramethylethylene-bis(salicylideneiminate); pao
pyridine-2-aldoximate; pypyridine), evidence for collective (spin-wave) excita-
tions was obtained by HFEPR [181]. In addition, a Cu-Dy chain was studied,
which shows the onset of slow relaxation of the magnetization at low temperatures
[182, 183]. HFEPR measurements revealed that this system can be viewed as
a coupled chain of CuDyCu SMMs, and allowed quantification of the exchange
interactions in the system.

4.3 f-Element Molecular Nanomagnets

Since the discovery of slow relaxation in lanthanide complexes [11], lanthanides

[184, 185] and, more recently, actinides [12, 186] have become very popular in
molecular magnetism. Most of the analysis of the magnetic properties of these
complexes involved powder d.c. and a.c. susceptibility and magnetization mea-
surements [187, 188]. Other techniques used for the investigation of lanthanide-
containing MNMs have included single crystal susceptibility [189], Mossbauer
spectroscopy [190], muon spin relaxation [191], and magnetic circular dichroism
spectroscopy [192].
There have been very few EPR investigations on MNMs with f-elements,
although EPR-based techniques have been used extensively to study lanthanides
in extended lattices. Thus, EPR and ENDOR were used to study the excitations and
spin dynamics within the lowest doublet in the crystal-field split ground multiplet
[193, 194] and the crystal field splitting itself was investigated by far-infrared
spectroscopy (FT-THz spectroscopy, see above) [95] and HFEPR [195]. Perpen-
dicular- and parallel-mode X-band EPR spectroscopy was used to investigate
the anisotropic exchange coupling in a series of lanthanide-transition metal ion
dimers [196198]. A similar approach was used in the Nd3+ dimer compound
{[Nd2(a-C4H3OCOO)6(H2O)2]}n [199] using perpendicular mode EPR at X- and
Q-band. HFEPR studies were performed on the SMMs [Dy2Ni] and [Dy2Cu],
but only signals due to the transition metal ion were found [182]. Extensive
single-crystal EPR measurements were carried out for a series of complexes
[Ln(dmf)4(H2O)3(m-CN)M(CN)5]nH2O (Ln Ln3+, Ce3+, M Fe3+, Co3+, dmf
N,N0 -dimethylformamide) [200]. The low-energy electronic structure of the
complexes are characterized in detail, and the authors were able to show that
isotropic, anisotropic, and antisymmetric terms are required for a good description
of the systems, where they profited from a detailed ligand field theoretical analysis.
Lanthanides may also come to play an important role in the investigation of
quantum coherence in MNMs. Quantum coherence and coherent spin manipulations
228 J. van Slageren

of lanthanide ions in lattices were recently reported, with phase memory times of
TM 50 ms at 2.5 K for Er3+:CaWO4 (105 atom% Er) [201] and TM values of up to
134 ms at 4 K for Yb3+:CaWO4 (0.0025% Yb) [202]. Indeed, some of the very first
spin-echo experiments were carried out on lanthanides in lattices, e.g., Er3+:CaWO4
(TM  14 ms at ~1.8 K) [203] and Er3+/Ce3+:CaWO4 (TM  25 ms at ~1.8 K for
the Ce3+ ion) [204]. In molecular systems, TM times of 430 ns were found for
{[Nd2(a-C4H3OCOO)6(H2O)2]}n [199].


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A DNA, CW EPR, 182

ABC transporter MsbA, 135 duplex, 187
Amine recognition, chiral, 7 Double electron electron resonance (DEER), 4,
AMPPNP (50 -adenylyl imidodiphosphate), 135 100, 141
Amyloid b, 104 Double quantum coherence (DQC), 99
Asymmetric complexes, non-covalent Dynamics, 121, 159
interactions, 4
Asymmetric homogeneous catalysis,
selectivity, 4 E
Electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR),
4, 41, 45, 159, 172
B Electron spin echo envelope modulation
Backward-wave oscillators (BWOs), 205 (ESEEM), 4, 47, 159, 170, 223
Bacteriorhodopsin, 131 Epoxides, hydrolytic kinetic resolution
Benzyne, 22 (HKR), 14
BLUF photoreceptor, 41, 60 2,3-Epoxyalcohols, 3
EPR spectroscopy, 1ff
in-cell, 159
C ESR, 41, 67, 199
Catalysts, nanoporous, 24 Ethylene, polymerization, 16
CH bond activation, 22
Co-based salen catalyst, 3
Coilglobule transition, 79 F
Conformational changes, 121 Fibrils, 106
Cryptochrome, 41 Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), 42
paramagnetic intermediates, 55 Flavin mononucleotide (FMN), 42
CW EPR spectroscopy, 159, 166 Flavin radicals, 43
distance determination, 98 Flavin semiquinones, 43
Cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (CPD), 45, 47 Flavoproteins, 41
Free induction decay (FID), 168
Frequency domain magnetic resonance
D (FDMR) spectroscopy, 205
DEER/PELDOR, 91 FT-THz spectroscopy, 211
Dendronized polymers, 79
DielsAlder, 23
7,8-Dimethyl isoalloxazine, 42 G
Distances, 121 Galactose oxidase (GAO), 12

236 Index

H Nanoshelters, 79
Heterogeneous catalysis, 1 Neomycin-responsive riboswitch, 176
Hexene, 16 NhaA, 146
HFEPR, 227 Nickel(II)-ethylenediamine-diacetic acid
Homogeneous catalysis, 1 (NiEDDA), 103, 134, 137
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 177 Nitroxides, 92, 163, 166
Hydrolytic kinetic resolution (HKR), 14 Non-covalent interactions, 67
Hyperfine spectroscopy, 159, 165, 169, 191 Nucleic acids, 159
Hyperfine sublevel correlation (HYSCORE), 4, secondary structure, 185
14, 47, 73, 170, 184 tertiary structure, 187
Nucleobases, 162
Nucleotide binding domains (NBDs), 135
Interspin distances, 141
Intrinsically disordered proteins, 91 O
Iodoacetamido-tetramethyl-1-pyrrolidinyloxy Octene, 16
radical labels (IAP), 123 Oligodeoxynucleotide, 2-fluorohypoxanthine,
Iron oxygenases, non-heme, 8 163
Oxidation, 12
selective, 19
K state, 12
KcsA, 128

L Parkinsons disease (PD), 105
Light harvesting complex (LHCIIb), 138 PEO-PPO-PEO, 84
Lightoxygenvoltage (LOV) domains, Phase-memory times, 222
ENDOR, 50 Phenolate radicals, 14
Linear alpha olefins (LAOs), 16 Phenoxyl radical, 14
Lipid A flippase, 135 Photocatalysts, titanium dioxide-based, 27
Photolyase, 41, 45, 47
Phototropin, 41
M Photovoltaics, 85
Magnetic nanoparticles, 226 Plugged hexagonal templated silica
Membrane binding, 106 (PHTS), 26
Membrane proteins, 121 Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAM), 77
spin labeling, 123 Poly(N-isopropylmethacrylamide)
Mesoglobules, 79 (PNIPMAM), 79
Metal ion binding sites, 184 Polymer electronics, 85
Metallacycloheptane, 17 Polymers, 67
Metalloenzymes, artificial, 8 Potassium channel KcsA, 128
Metal organic framework (MOF), 29 Prion protein H1, 104
Methylbenzylamine, 7 Proteins, intrinsically disordered, 91, 103
Micelles, 107 SDSL, 92
Molecular nanomagnet (MNM), 199, 200 PROXYL, 72
MTSSL (1-oxyl-tetra-methylpyrroline-3- Pulsed electron-electron double resonance
methyl)-methanthiosulfonate, 93, 123 (PELDOR), 4, 159, 173
Pulse-EPR, 183

Na+/H+ antiporter, 146 Q
Nanomagnetism, 218 Quantum coherence, 199
Index 237

R Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy

Resonance intensities, 208 (THz-TDS), 212
Responsive polymers, 67 Tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl-4-amine, 163
Rhodopsin, light activation, 150 Tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl-4-azide, 164
Riboflavin, 42 Tetramethyl-3-pyrroline-1-oxyl-3-
RNA, CW EPR, 176 succinimidyl-carboxylate, 165
duplex, 187 6-(Thienyl)-2-(imino)pyridine ligands, 18
RNAligand interactions, 159 Titanium tartrate catalyst, 3
RNAprotein interactions, 159, 181 Trans-activation responsive (TAR) RNA, 177
Ruthenium carbene, 3 Transmembrane (TM) helices, 128
S ligands, 9
Serum albumin, 104
Single-chain magnets (SCMs), 201, 226
Single-molecule magnets (SMMs), 199, 200 U
Soft matter, 67 Ubiquitin, 104
Spin-labeled side chains, 126
Spin labeling, 91, 121, 160
site-directed, 91, 162 V
Spinlattice relaxation, 220 Vanadyl acetylacetonate, 26
Structural biology, 121
Superoxide reductase (SOR), 8
a-Synuclein (ASYN), 91, 105
Water accessibility, 121

Tat protein, 177 Zeolites, 24
TEMPO, 72, 78, 81 Zero-field splitting (ZFS), 199, 200, 205

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