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A Contextualized Approach To Curriculum and Instruction

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EFF Research Principle:
A Contextualized Approach
to Curriculum and Instruction By Marilyn K. Gillespie

What Do We Mean by a Contextualized Approach?

The EFF publication Results

third key concept underlying Equipped for the Future (EFF) relates That Matter: An EFF Approach
to its contextualized approach to curriculum and instruction. Instead to Quality presents five key prin-
of first teaching skills and knowledge separated from their context ciples that reflect the theoretical
and hoping that learners will end up knowing how to transfer what foundations of EFF. Program
they have learned to life outside the classroom, EFF teachers start practices that support these
with real-life contexts and weave these contexts into every stage of the teaching and principles provide guideposts
learning process. Instruction and assessment are aimed directly at the skills and by which programs, teachers,
knowledge adults need to perform tasks they have identified as important and students, and their communities
meaningful to them right now in their everyday lives. The focus is on the applica- can assess their implementation
tion rather than on the possession of basic skills and knowledge (Merrifield, 2000). of the EFF Framework. They
help practitioners to better
The contextualized approach to instruction draws on the same body of cognitive answer the questions What
research described in Research to Practice Notes 1 and 2. Of key importance for this does it mean to practice EFF?
principle is research on the transfer of learning. Research shows that learning and What does EFF implemen-
transfers from one context to another more effectively when the learner under- tation look like in action?
stands not only the facts but also the big picturethe underlying principles, These Research to Practice
patterns, and relationshipsthat is acquired through the application of knowl- Notes will help you to:
edge (Glaser, 1992; Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, 1999; Greeno, Resnick, & identify the research basis for
Collins, 1997). This contextualized approach is also based on the recognition that the principles;
the development of expertise requires that a learner develop not only content but learn key concepts and terms
also procedural knowledge, such as the metacognitive awareness of when and how associated with the principles;
to apply what has been learned. This kind of knowledge can be acquired only see examples of how other
through practice (Pressley & Woloshyn, 1995; Hartman, 2001). programs have implemented
the program practices;
A contextualized approach to instruction also stresses the social nature of real- reflect on how you and your
world activities (Wenger, 1998; Lave & Wenger, 1991), the value of building a learn- program can implement the
ing community within the classroom, and the importance of incidental learning program practices.
that takes place when knowledge and skills are acquired within a social context. For
example, when the skill of filling out forms grows out of an immediate real-world
need of immigrant learners and is addressed in a community of learners, issues
such as understanding the conditions under which filling out forms is necessary,
when and how to call in an expert such as a lawyer, and the benefits and draw-
backs of asking family members for assistance become part of the curriculum. This
Research to Practice Note focuses on the following key assumptions:
Effective learning requires not only the acquisition but also the active applica-
tion of knowledge, skills, and processes. National Institute for Literacy
To encourage transfer to other contexts, effective learning requires the acquisi- 1775 I Street NW, Suite 730
tion of a complex knowledge base including content knowledge, skills, and cog- Washington, DC 20006
nitive and metacognitive strategies. T E L 202.233.2025
Learning is a function not only of the activity itself but also of the context and FA X 202.233.2050
culture in which it takes place. WEB
E F F R E S E A R C H T O P R A C T I C E N O T E 3

What Research Says about Contextualized

Designs for Learning Environments Learning
The authors of How People Learn: Brain, Mind,
Effective learning requires not only the
Experience, and School (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking,
1999) identified the following as key components that acquisition but the active application of
work together to make up a contextualized and mutually knowledge, skills, and processes.
supportive learning system: In recent years, an accumulating body of research
evidence has demonstrated that the acquisition of con-
Learner-centered Assessment-centered
environments. Effective environments. Students
tent-related knowledge and skills alone is not sufficient
learning begins with what thinking must be made for the development of expertise. To move from novice to
learners bring to the environ- visible, and feedback must expert levels of performance or competence, learners
ment; this includes cultural be provided on an ongoing need to acquire both content knowledge and procedural
practices and beliefs, as well basis to give them the knowledge related to when and how to apply what has
as knowledge of academic opportunity to revise and been learned. (Procedural knowledge, including cognitive
content. Evidence shows improve the quality of their and metacognitive strategies, is described in Research to
that learners use their cur- thinking and understanding. Practice Note 2.) Since procedural knowledge deals with
rent knowledge to construct The kinds of assessment the processing and application of skills, it can be learned
new knowledge and what chosen should reflect their only through action. For example, to develop procedural
they know and believe at the learning goals.
knowledge related to science, students need to simulate
moment affects how they
the kinds of activities real scientists do. To learn math,
interpret new information. Community-centered
environments. The learning
students need to think and act like mathematicians (von
Knowledge-centered environment should promote Glasersfeld, 1987; Glaser, 1992; Bransford, Brown, &
environments. The ability to a sense of community. Cocking, 1999). These same principles apply to workforce
think and solve problems Classroom norms should education, where nationwide studies (Secretarys Com-
requires that knowledge of a encourage students to mission on Achieving Necessary Skills, 1991; Carnevale &
subject area be accessible learn from one another Porro, 1994) have confirmed that acquiring job-related
and linked to current and support one anothers content and basic academic skills is not enough to
understanding. Designs for improvement. Learning in prepare adults and youth to be effective on the job. Just as
subject area study should school should be connected important are interpersonal, decision-making, and plan-
help students learn with with outside learning ning skills and the knowledge of when and how to apply
understanding instead of activities.
these skills within the social context of the workplace.
promoting the acquisition of
These skills require instructional approaches that focus
disconnected sets of facts
and skills.
on cooperative learning, apprenticeship models, and
teamwork (Grubb, 1997; Kerka, 1997; National Associa-
tion of Manufacturers, 2001).

Within adult education, the concept of contextualized learning is not new. Sticht
(1997) describes how as early as the 1940s, the armed forces had begun to contex-
tualize instruction to reflect the everyday life experiences of soldiers. Functional
context instruction (Sticht et al., 1974), instruction based on learners immediate
needs and life skills (Knowles, 1980), and the importance of teaching for transfer
(Mikulecky, Albers, & Peers, 1994) have been advocated by adult educators since
the early 1970s.

The EFF development team drew on this knowledge base to develop its field
research process (Stein, 2000). Adult learners, teachers, program directors, and
content experts from around the United States engaged in an intensive process of
mapping what adults commonly need to know and do to be effective in everyday

2 EFF Research Principle: A Contextualized Approach to Curriculum and Instruction

E F F R E S E A R C H T O P R A C T I C E N O T E 3

life. The EFF Role Maps, Common Activities, and Content Standards that grew
out of this process provide teachers with the tools through which to help learners
identify their broad purposes and immediate needs. Once these needs have been
identified, teachers can work backwards to deter-
For reflection mine the knowledge, skills, and strate-
Think about a situation where you had a gies learners need to accomplish
chance to learn through the active application the tasks. Only then do they
of knowledge and skills. What difference did reach the step of developing
it make to what and how you learned? learning activities.

To encourage transfer to other contexts, effective learning

requires acquiring a knowledge base of content knowledge,
skills, and strategies. Students develop flexible understanding
To prepare adults for the future requires making sure that learning of when, where, why, and how to use their
will transfer from one setting to another. The process of adapting knowledge to solve new problems if they
what one has learned in one context to new problems and settings in learn how to extract underlying themes
another is known as the transfer of learning. Many approaches to and principles from their learning
instruction may look the same if learners are simply tested on the exercises. Understanding how and when
facts they have memorized. But approaches can differ considerably in to put knowledge to useknown as
how they foster learning transfer (Donovan, Bransford, & Pellegrino, conditions of applicabilityis an
1999). Research has shown that knowledge learned only at the level of important characteristic of expertise.
rote memory rarely transfers. Transfer is most likely to occur when
Bransford, Brown, & Cocking (1999)
the learner knows and understands both the facts and the big pic-
turethe underlying principles that can be applied to problems in
new contexts. This understanding requires acquiring a deeper knowl-
edge base of the basic patterns, relationships, and principles related to Learners are not always able to readily
the information. For example, the fact that a learner has memorized identify what they are learning when
the parts of a typical business memo and how to punctuate sentences using a contextual approach. Teachers use
does not mean he will know how to use this information on the job. the EFF skills wheel posted in the class-
To do so requires that he understand the various purposes for writing room to help students identify what they
memos at his workplace and how to organize and tailor what is have learned. Following activities, learners
written for different kinds of audiences. This process is also enhanced discuss what they have learned and how
by the explicit identification and development of cognitive and they can apply it in the various roles that
metacognitive strategies. they play. This approach has been
particularly useful in helping learners
How the EFF approach encourages transfer. The EFF Role Maps and
solve difficulties in their lives. The teachers
Common Activities are important tools for promoting transfer. Using
have been able to use the skills wheel to
EFF, learners begin an instructional cycle by thinking about what they
need to know and be able to do within and across their key life roles, help break the challenge into manageable
such as within the family, at work, and in the community. In selecting pieces and prioritize. In this way, learners
a task to work on within one of those roles, they are guided to first have been able to experience increased
look at the big-picture issues. For example, if they name writing success in resolving personal difficulties
memos at work as a goal, they are encouraged to examine why, to while identifying skills they possess and
whom, and in what contexts they need to send memos before moving need to develop.
on to decide on a learning activity that will allow them to practice the Robin Stanton, Tacoma, Washington
basic skills associated with memo writing. While they are learning,
they reflect on and monitor the cognitive and metacognitive skills

EFF Research Principle: A Contextualized Approach to Curriculum and Instruction 3

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For reflection they are using. Once the activity is completed, learners are
Think of a situation where you have transferred
often asked to go back again to the Role Maps to investigate
knowledge or a skill learned in one context to a new
how what they have learned might transfer to other roles
context. What helped you to do so?
they play in life. For example, learners might be asked to
How do you help your learners transfer what they have
brainstorm how what they have learned about memo writ-
learned? How could you use the EFF Framework to
ing could apply to sending notes to a childs teacher or to work
encourage transfer of learning?
they do in the community.

Learning is a function not only of the activity itself but

also of the context and culture in which it takes place.
I used to plan so that a specific learning activi-
Lave and Wenger (1991) point out that because our lives are
ty would take up the hour and a half that I
social, so are our experiences and the processes by which we
spent with a student; a full circle, beginning to
come to understand them. Their research has shown that, far
end. I felt that this was to the students advan- from being a trivial matter, the social nature of learning is a cen-
tagethe preview, presentation of new con- tral aspect of education (Lave & Wenger, 1991; Wenger, 1998).
cepts or materials, and then closure[Now] Learning always takes place within a specific social context. The
I like to think of activities less as a series of classroom, the teacher, the culture of the school, and the broader
closed circles and more as an educational community influence how people construct their definition of
spiral. I can link one weeks lessons to the next education and what it can do for them (Street, 1999). They learn
simply by considering student work as moving to develop an identity within the community at the same time as
toward independent action or attaining they master new knowledge and skills. In teacher-directed class-
greater voice. With overarching views such rooms where there is little interaction among students, students
as that, I can begin to think of my work with may come to see learning as something imposed by an expert
students as fitting a continuum of learning, rather than learning to see themselves as lifelong learners who
construct knowledge for themselves. Within EFF-based class-
which is the way I like to view attainment of
rooms, the aim is to design a learning environment that is simul-
literacy in general.
taneously community centered, learner centered, and knowledge
Jim Carabell, Burlington, Vermont centered (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, 1999; see Designs for
Learning Environments on page 2). In these contexts, learners
As a family literacy program, we taught GED are encouraged to work as a collaborative team to identify and
competencies in the context of parenting. This solve problemsjust as scientists, mechanics, nurses, musicians,
approach seems to make a lot of sense, since citizen group members, and parents do in everyday life. It is
competencies break down learning into man- through these kinds of collaborative experiences that adults can
ageable chunks. Learners saw success. What come to see that learning is a process of continually transforming
they didnt see was the big picture: How these and being transformed by social experience (Gee, 1999).
individual successes fit in terms of broader
rolesThe switch to standards-based educa- Curriculum development as an iterative process. Planning for
tion meant focusing on the skills, rather than contextualized learning requires that teachers make a fundamen-
tal shift in their understanding of what it means to plan curricula
the specific contextOur curriculum spirals
and instruction. Instead of mapping out all the prerequisite
around the skills, revisiting them within new
knowledge and skills students need and planning lessons before
contexts in each of the three roles. We now discovering learners immediate needs (Nelson & Hammerman,
measure student achievement in the ability to 1996), teachers begin with tasks learners need immediately in
transfer skills learned in one role to another: their daily lives and then back into the knowledge, skills, and
the ability to apply skills across contexts. strategies required to perform those tasks. This does not mean
Jane Meyer, Canton, Ohio that basic skills are not covered, but they are addressed in an iter-
ative rather than a sequential manner. These same processes

4 EFF Research Principle: A Contextualized Approach to Curriculum and Instruction

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apply to curriculum development in which skills are

cycled and recycled across a series of tasks. This
For reflection approach allows EFF teachers to avoid the com-
What approach do you take to mon problem of teaching a curriculum that is
curriculum planning? How can an a mile wide and an inch deep (Bransford,
iterative planning approach help Brown, & Cocking, 1999) and allows learners
you to contextualize instruction? to develop a deeper understanding of the big-
picture ideas and real-life applications.

Putting Contextualized Learning to Work in Your Program

Results That Matter: An Approach to Program Quality Using Equipped for the Future
(Bingman & Stein, 2001) provides a vision for program-level system reform
(referred to as the EFF Quality Model). The EFF Quality Model identifies Pro-
gram Practices that reflect the theoretical foundations of EFF and provides a
guidepost by which administrators, teachers, students, and communities can
assess their implementation of the EFF Framework. As you reflect on the examples
below, think about how your program might answer the questions What does it
mean to practice EFF? and What does EFF implementation look like in action?

Teachers and students
use the EFF Framework to
K aren Hippert, an ABE teacher and EFF field researcher in Ohio, describes how the
idea for a learning activity arose out of a class discussion about planning for a class
trip. Karen and her students had been working together for some time and decided
construct contextualized they would like to take a trip together. Karen knew that many of her students wanted
learning opportunities that to improve their math skills but often found math hard, boring, and disconnected
focus on the development from their everyday lives. She used the opportunity of the class trip to suggest to the
and practice of skills the group that they plan ahead to figure out how much the trip would cost. This was a for-
students need to carry out
eign concept for all the students in her class. None of them had ever applied their math
skills to advance planning. Yet Karen knew that financial planning was a big-picture
activities and accomplish
concept related to mathematical problem solving in many contexts.
purposes in their lives.
Karen looked at the Standard Use Math to Solve Problems and Communicate. The
Components of Performance for the Standard helped guide her in planning the activi-
ty: Understand, interpret, and work with pictures, numbers, and symbolic informa-
tion; Apply knowledge of mathematical concepts and procedures to figure out how to
answer a question, solve a problem, make a prediction, or carry out a task that has a
mathematical dimension; Define and select data to be used in solving the problem;
Determine the degree of precision required by the situation; Solve the problem using
appropriate quantitative procedures and verify that the results are reasonable; and
Communicate the results using a variety of mathematical representations, including
graphs, charts, tables, and algebraic models.

With this as a guide, Karen and her students developed the activity. They began by
learning how to use a mileage chart. They applied their knowledge of multiplication
and division to figuring out the mileage for their trip. They also spent some time
looking at when and where estimation might be a better strategy to get at an answer

EFF Research Principle: A Contextualized Approach to Curriculum and Instruction 5

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quickly. Next they learned how to read and make their own graphs and charts
For reflection to compare information related to different modes of travel and vehicles.
How was what these students learned Many were surprised at what they found out about the relative costs of dif-
different from what they might have ferent kinds of travel.
learned by simply solving problems related
to calculating mileage in a math book? As they completed the activity, Karen asked them to think about how what
What might Karen do next to help learners they had learned might transfer to other contexts. Suddenly, Karen
see how the skills they had learned might observed, it dawned on them that they could use math for all kinds of plan-
apply to other kinds of planning? ning. By contextualizing instruction in a real-life application, Karens stu-
dents had broken through to a new understanding of the importance of math.

Teachers use the EFF J im Carabell (1999) describes how he helped one of his students to see how impor-
tant and meaningful learning activities can be found in the events of everyday life.
One day, after beginning a math lesson with Tammy, a 22-year-old single Vermont
Framework to integrate
found lessons that parent working toward her GED, she mentioned that a state trooper might interrupt
arise from in-class or their lesson that day. She told Jim how she was in the process of trying to untangle her-
self from the complications of buying a $500 car from her brother, who, through a
out-of-class student
series of events, didnt hold the title. Jim stopped what he was doing and began helping
needs into an overall
Tammy to fill out the papers she had received from the trooper at the police barracks.
learning plan.
Together they wrote an explanatory letter to the DMV, made a couple of information-
al phone calls, and copied and mailed the key information to the DMV. At the end of
their time together, Jim was able to show Tammy how much she had learned through
this unintentional lesson. Tammy saw that she had achieved some of her broader
purposes for learning. She had learned to gain access to information, give voice
For reflection to her opinions, and act independently. Whats more, she had worked in
Can you think of a situation where you were some detail on three EFF Standards: Convey Ideas in Writing, Learn
able to turn a real-life situation into a found through Research, and Solve Problems and Make Decisions. As Tammy
lesson? considered how she might use these writing, research, and problem-
In what other ways can teachers use the EFF solving skills in other parts of her life, such as in her role as a parent,
Framework to place found lessons into a she expanded her mental model of learning and became aware that her
meaningful context for adult learners? time with Jim had indeed not been wasted.

Students use the EFF
Framework to identify skills
A lthough in many programs teachers and learners decide to work on a single stan-
dard together, in other cases a contextualized learning activity can be designed to
allow learners to address different standards while working on the same activity. For
learned and practiced example, when learners at the Canton, Ohio, Even Start Program decided to set up a
through real-world learning family math night for their elementary school, they divided into committees based on
activities. their learning goals. Octavia, who had set a math goal, volunteered to be on the budget
committee. Rosa, who had a writing goal, served on the committee that wrote a pro-
posal to the principal requesting permission to do the project. Lou, who wanted to
improve her computer skills, helped create a flyer to advertise the program. After the
project was over, the program provided learners with a form to help them reflect on
what they could do now that they could not do before. Octavia noted that although
she already knew how to add, subtract, and multiply decimals, she had not known how
to use those skills to prepare a formal budget. Already she had used what she had

6 EFF Research Principle: A Contextualized Approach to Curriculum and Instruction

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For reflection learned to develop a personal budget at home. Rosa wrote that this had been
the first time she had written anything that would be read by someone as
How did the context and culture in which
important as a principal. She realized that she had good ideas she could
this activity took place help learners to see
express through writing. Learning in a real-life context had made it easier
how they could transfer what they had
for these students to see how they could transfer what they had learned to
other contexts. (Meyer, 1999)

Glossary Approach to Program Quality Using Equipped for the Future

(Bingman & Stein, 2001). Ordering and downloading infor-
Cognitive strategies: Any behavior, thought, or action a learn- mation can be found at
er engages in during learning that is intended to influence the eff/eff_publications.html.
acquisition, storage in memory, integration, or availability for
future use of new knowledge and skills. (See Weinstein & Iterative: A term used in research to refer to the repetition of a
Hume, 1998, p. 12; Pressley & Woloshyn, 1995.) cycle of processes with an eye toward moving ever more close-
ly toward desired results. In EFF, the term is used to describe
Common Activities: The term EFF uses to refer to those activ- how EFF has progressively refined the concepts and compo-
ities that adults perform in all three roles (worker, family nents of EFF through research, feedback from customers
member, community member). The EFF team identified the (learners, practitioners, stakeholders, and policy-makers),
13 Common Activities by looking across the Broad Areas of incorporation of research developments in related areas, and
Responsibility, the Key Activities, and the Role Indicators for further feedback from customers. (See Merrifield, 2000,
each Role Map. (See Stein, 2000, p. 14; Merrifield, 2000, pp. 4, 7-8.)
pp. 33-34.)
Metacognitive strategies: Metacognitive strategies consist of
Constructivism: A theory of learning and knowing that holds knowledge about strategies and about ones own thinking
that learning is an active process of knowledge construction in processes. They are the executive managers of knowledge
which learners build on prior knowledge and experience to and include planning, monitoring, evaluating, and revising
shape meaning and construct new knowledge. (See Lambert & ones own thinking. (See Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, 1999;
Walker, 1995.) Hartman, 2001.)

Content Standards: The term used in a variety of fields to Role Map: A publicly agreed to, explicit, consensus depiction
describe what individuals need to know and be able to do for a of the adult roles of worker, parent/family member, and
particular purpose. In EFF, the 16 Content Standards identify citizen/community member. For each adult role, the Role Map
what adults need to know and be able to do in order to meet provides definitions of the Broad Areas of Responsibility, Key
their goals for learning and to be effective in their adult roles. Activities, and Role Indicators, which describe, not prescribe,
Each EFF Content Standard consists of the title of the stan- effective performance in the role. (See Stein, 2000, pp. 8-13.)
dard and the Components of Performance for that standard.
(See EFF Standards, Stein, 2000, pp. 19-20.) Transfer of learning: The ability to extend or adapt what has
been learned in one context to new problems and settings.
EFF Quality Model: A vision of what system reform at the Research has shown that when a subject is learned in multiple
program level looks like using EFF Standards. The EFF tools, contexts, with opportunities to abstract general principles,
foundational theory and research, expected program practices, transfer to new situations is increased. (See Bransford, Brown,
and predicted short- and long-term outcomes are presented & Cocking, 1999; Stein, 2000, p. 20.)
and explained in the publication Results That Matter: An

EFF Research Principle: A Contextualized Approach to Curriculum and Instruction 7

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8 EFF Research Principle: A Contextualized Approach to Curriculum and Instruction


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