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Integrated Optics and Lightwave:An International Journal(OPTLJ), Vol. 1, No.

1 , 2016

Deepanjali Misra1 and Sukanta Kumar Tripathy2
Department of physics, Berhampur University, Odisha, INDIA
Department of ECE, National Institute of Science and Technology, Berhampur, INDIA


This paper presents a theoretical model for the effect of electron-phonon interaction, temperature and
magnetic field on degree of electron spin polarization in GaAs/InAs quantum dot LED. To describe the
dynamics, quantum Langevin equation for photon number and carrier number is used. Simulation results
show that degree of electron spin polarization in quantum dot decreases with increase of electron phonon
interaction parameter at constant temperature and constant magnetic field which agrees with experimental
results in literatures.

Electron-phonon interactions, Quantum dot, Spin polarization.

High quality spin polarized electron sources are important for applications in quantum
computation, spintronic devices, cryptographic optical communications, optical switching and
biomedical engineering. In a spin polarized light source, spin population is transferred from a
magnetic contact to a forward biased P-I-N diode. The injected spin reacts in the active region (of
PIN), which usually comprises of quantum well structure or quantum dot layer, by both diffusion
and drift through a spacer layer. The spin polarized carriers recombine radiatively with the
unpolarized carriers injected from a magnetic contact. The resulting emission will exhibit circular
polarization if the carriers do not lose their spin orientation due to various relaxation mechanisms.
It is shown both by theory as well as experiment [1,2,3], that the degree of spin polarization in
LED (GaAs) depends on temperature and magnetic field. In the theoretical investigation we
started with formulation of Hamiltonian, which includes terms due to free carriers as well as
different interactions. When polarization of electron spin is considered at room temperature,
electron phonon interaction cannot be overlooked, since lattice vibration is a common phenomena
at higher temperature. Again the interactions of electrons with phonons have been demonstrated
to affect greatly the optical properties of semiconductor [4]. Phonons can participate in the near-
Integrated Optics and Lightwave:An International Journal(OPTLJ), Vol. 1, No.1 , 2016

band emission and in the absorption processes, which leads to enhanced absorption and broadens
the emission peak [4]. So we have attempted to find out how the electron phonon interaction
effects the polarization of electron spin during radiative recombination in the active zone. We
have considered a quantum dot layer In the active region, for quantum dot can be a more suitable
recombination media as the spin relaxation time in quantum dot is longer than that of quantum
well [5]. Further phonon assisted hoping, where the electrons hop from one dot to a nearby dot by
absorbing one or multiple photon proves to be the most likely charge transfer mechanism between
two quantum dots [6]. We in this investigation studied the effect of electron phonon interaction
on the spin polarization of a LED containing a layer of quantum dots in the active region. For this
we model the quantum processes in spin polarized LEDs with a microscopic description using
quantum Langevin equation for photon number and carrier number [7]. Particularly we extend the
multimodal light emission treatment of [8] by including the effect of electron-phonon interaction
on degree of spin polarization where a semiconductor quantum dot is in the epitaxial active

We consider a GaAs LED whose active region comprises a quantum dot layer and model the
degree of spin polarization of light emitted in the equilibrium condition with injected carriers. A
magnetic field is applied perpendicularly to it to lift the degeneracy of spin and light-heavy hole
degeneracy is lifted by confinement. In the presence of magnetic field, perpendicular to the layer,
if electron phonon interaction is taken into account inclusion with the Hamiltonians for carriers,
incident photons, the total Hamiltonian for the system is ref. [8]

H = H c + H p + H d + H m + H e ph + H ph (1)

Where H c is Hamiltonian for free carriers , H p is the Hamiltonian due to multi photonic process
,the dipole interaction is described H d using a mean field approximation and Magnetic field
Hamiltonian is given by H m ref [6]. In a quantum dot which is present in the active region,
electrons interact with phonons making transition between electronic states. The Hamiltonian for

phonon number is H ph = hw k f k f k and for electron phonon interaction can be written as [9]

H e ph = M k ck ck f k + f k ) (2)

Here M k is the electron-phonon coupling matrix, which depends on the size of the quantum
Qk nk
dot and f k = is the annihilation operator for electron-phonon interaction, where
h( q iq )
Qk is the phonon interaction parameter, nk is total number of free charge carriers, q is
coupling constant and q is phonon frequency. To find out the degree of spin polarization of
emitted light, dynamics of dipole operator and photon number is considered here and their

Integrated Optics and Lightwave:An International Journal(OPTLJ), Vol. 1, No.1 , 2016

interactions with carriers and photons is found out by using 2nd quantization method in a
Langevin approach. Solving Langevin rate equation for the dipole operator k ' = d k 'ck ei l t ( )
and following the same procedure as in ref [8], for the slow varying region under adiabatic
approximation, we get

i glk ' (1 nck nd' k ) Al ' + Fk '

k ' = l
+ ( ck + Vk ' + hl ) + B B(Ge Sck + Gh SVk ' ) + M k Qk Wkq

nk 2 q
Where, Wkq = 2 2

is the electron phonon interaction parameter arrises
h q + q
due to addition of electron phonon interaction in the total Hamiltonian glk ' is the dipole
coupling constant, nck nd' k ( ) is total number of electrons (holes) in conduction (valance) band,
ck and Vk ' are the conduction and valence band energy respectively, B is Bohr
magnetron, Ge ( h ) is electron (hole) Landau g-factor and sc and sv ' ' are spin matrices of
electrons and holes. Bz is the magnetic field strength, is the rate of dipole dephasing and F

is the career fluctuation term. In the denominator, an extra term M k Qk Wkq arises due to
addition of electron phonon interaction. Similarly solving the langevin rate equation for the
photon annihilation operator Al ' = al 'ei l t ( )
in a similar way, the rate equation for photon
operator is given by

dAl ' kl0 i A Q

= + i ( l l ) Al ' l ' nk Mk + k q + Gll' ' Al ' + Fl ' + Fl
dt l 2 h al ' ( q iq ) l '

where kl0 is rate of field decay and Fl is the fluctuation term for field.

Gll' ' = Dlk ' glk ' glk ' nck + ndk ' 1
( )

l = i g lk ' Dlk ' F k

F ' '

Where Dlk ' =
+ B Bz ( Ge Sc + Gh SV ' ' ) + ( ck + vk ' + h l ) + M k Qk Wkq
Integrated Optics and Lightwave:An International Journal(OPTLJ), Vol. 1, No.1 , 2016

As photon number density is nlk ' = Al ' Al ' [10], and the rate of change of photon number is

dnl ' dAl '

dAl '
= Al ' + Al ' (5)
dt dt dt

Number of photons generated due to radiative recombination of charges in the presence of

electron phonon interaction and in the low injection limit is nl ' = n ( l ) + Rspl
kl0 (
(6) )
Where n ( l ) is the thermal photon number with frequency in mode l, Rspl is the rate of
spontaneous emission given by

2 glk ' nck nd' k


' k
Rspl = (7)
1 2
+ 2 B Bz ( Ge Sc + Gh SV ' ' ) + ( ck + vk ' + h l ) + M k Qk Wkq

If Vl ' is the photon flux at the active layer, then from input output theory, Vl ' kl nl '

At the detector, photon flux N l ' = 0Vl ' and for a broad band frequency detector intensity of
light is

N l '
= Vl ' kl nl '
I= (8)

Here and ' represent the spin states and l is the mode of spontaneous emission. In this case
1 1
conduction band has two spin states +and where as the valance band has four spin states
2 2
3 3 1 1
given as + , (heavy hole) and + , (light hole). By selection rule the possible
2 2 2 2
1 1 1 3
transitions from + to , to giving + circularly polarized light and the transition
2 2 2 2
1 3 1 1
from + to + , to + giving polarized light. Now from equation (8) intensity of
2 2 2 2

Integrated Optics and Lightwave:An International Journal(OPTLJ), Vol. 1, No.1 , 2016

0 +
right circular polarized light is I = kl n 1 3 +n1 1 and left circularly polarized light is
2 2
2 2

I = kl0 n 1 1 + n 1 3
l2 2 l
22 .
As the degree of polarization by definition is given as P = + which for transition
I + I
between spin states 1/2, -1/2 in conduction band to 1/2, -1/2, 3/2, -3/2 in valance band can be
expressed as
1 3 1 1 11 13

+ Rspl
2 2
Rspl2 2 Rspl

P= (9)
12 32 1 3

13 13

l spl
R + R 2 2
spl + Rspl
+ R 22
spl + 4 n ( )

Using equations (9) and (7) we have plotted graphs to show the dependence of degree of spin
polarization on temperature and applied magnetic field for different values of electron-phonon
interaction parameter. We have also shown the variation of spin polarization with electron-
phonon interaction at constant magnetic field of 8T and room temperature for a LED containing
quantum dot in active region.


Integrated Optics and Lightwave:An International Journal(OPTLJ), Vol. 1, No.1 , 2016

Integrated Optics and Lightwave:An International Journal(OPTLJ), Vol. 1, No.1 , 2016

In fig.1(a) we have shown the variation of degree of spin polarization with electron phonon
coupling matrix for a given electron phonon interaction parameter. As electron phonon coupling
Integrated Optics and Lightwave:An International Journal(OPTLJ), Vol. 1, No.1 , 2016

matrix depends on the size of the quantum dot, fig.1(a) suggests that degree of spin polarization
decreases with the increase of the size of the quantum dot. Another important feature, which is
interesting is shown in figure 1(b), where the graph is plotted by changing the EPI parameter
from Q1=2 to Q2=2.5. As shown in figure 1(b) the concavity of the graph increases implying a
strong decay of spin polarization compared to fig.1(a) where Q1=2. The results are direct
consequence of equation (3), where dipole operator depends inversely on electron phonon
coupling matrix and electron phonon interaction parameter. So a similar graph is also expected
for the variation of degree of spin polarization with interaction parameter at a constant coupling
matrix value. This is shown in fig.(2). Thus the analysis made so far lead us to conclude that
either increase in the size of the quantum dot or electron phonon interaction parameter decreases
the degree of spin polarization. The above observations can be explained by using dynamics of
coherent inter band polarization. In the absence of phonons polarization is dephased by virtual
emissions and radiation damping. On the other hand in the presence of phonons polarization is
dephased rapidly by inclusion of phonon scattering with virtual emission and radiation damping.
Thus the role of electron phonon interaction here is to decrease the degree of spin polarization.
Further increase in size of quantum dots leads to decrease in upper level population density and
hence polarization. Increase in temperature, causes spin distortion which also decreases
polarization degree. This is shown in Fig:2. Further from Fig:2 it is observed that as the EPI
increases, the degree of polarization decreases. Interestingly these results agree with experimental
results in ref [2] and ref. [10]. We attribute the decrease in degree of spin polarization with
increase of temperature, to the dependence of Landau-g factor on temperature which increases
with increase in temperature.

One of the important parameter on which the spin polarization depends is applied magnetic field.
This is important because of its use in magneto spintronic devices. In Fig:3 , we have plotted the
variation of degree of spin polarization with magnetic field at 300K for different electron phonon
interaction. Here the degree of spin polarization increases with increase of strength of applied
magnetic field. This agrees with the experimental result in [2].

We have presented a theoretical model based on quantum Langevin equation to investigate the
effect of electron phonon interaction on electron spin polarization in a spin polarized quantum dot
LED. The quantum dot is assumed to be in the epitaxial layer of active region. It is found that
increase in the electron phonon interaction decreases electron spin polarization. As the electron
phonon coupling matrix depends on the size of the quantum dot, the spin polarized light emitted
from these LED can be controlled by changing the size of the quantum dot. Thus this
investigation reveals a new concept of controlling the spin polarization in quantum dot LED by
controlling the size of quantum dot.

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Deepanjali Misra is a Ph.D. scholar in Berhampur University in Physics.

Sukanta Kumar Tripathy is Prof. in Dept. of ECE in NIST,Berhampur, IEEE member,

has about 20 publications in different journals, guided 7 Ph.D. scholars and 5 M.Tech.
scholars, has published 2 books and the reviewer of 3 journals.
Short Biography.


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