Research Assignment 2
Research Assignment 2
Research Assignment 2
Topic Selected:
What does the research say about advantages and disadvantages of distance
In todays world, lifestyle is expanding by the development of the technology. Not only
lifestyles but also but also human being actions face with changes. Because of new
technology, people can reach information quickly, fast, and have easy access what they
need. people start to search for fast, accountable, home atmosphere knowledge learning
instead of classical learning in the classroom (Clark, 2001). Especially in 21 century,
technology gained massive popularity in education because of some reasons. The first
reason we can say is internet applications. Thanks to internet application, people can
reach whatever they need under comfortable, fast conditions. Instead of teacher, or
educators, people or students can reach information quickly. It helps students to learn.
Because they can reach immediate course application through the internet.
Distance educators concentrate on three distinct application of computer for study
environment at home. First one is a computer managed instruction that promotes the
administration of learning process. The second one is computer-aided learning that
teaches students through pre-structured and programmed materials, different subjects,
and concepts matter. The last one is computer conferencing which permits individuals to
communicate via computers as a group or between two individuals. Therefore, distance
educations allow fast and efficient two-way communication between teachers and
students, which provides discussion atmosphere to solve problems.
To sum up, with the development of the distance education, teaching and learning come
into the evaluation that helps students and educators access to the educational field and
create the alternative easy way, efficient learning through distance education.
It is a way where the students and instructor take a course. The fundamental point is that
students and instructors are separated from each other by the distance. And students do
not have to attend to classes. They can do their work at home or anywhere where they
Advantages of taking distance education
There are several reasons to take distance educations. The most significant reason to
choose distance education is to keep up with changing social conditional, environment,
lifestyles, and needs of individuals. One key advantage of taking distance education is to
have access to improved education. The reason is that distance education provides
students and educators flexible work opportunity. They can take their time whenever they
want to finish, and they can finish. Another great opportunity of taking distance
education is to have financial relief. Students do not have to commute, which means less
financial difficulty. They do not have to get gas or public transportation. Also, taking
distance education gives students to complete their work anywhere if they have the
internet connection. Whats more, students can have many choices for schools. Even
though students cannot find school or colleges around a place where students live,
distance learning allows students to choose a bunch of schools to complete their
education in their particular field. Besides, students can not only work but also complete
their distance learning courses. Thanks to distance this opportunity, they can gain more
income, and experience.
Even though distance education has many advantages, taking distance education has
Taking distance education causes lack of social interaction. Because of distance
education, students are not able to socialize and have the experience of life. When they
face problems, they have a hard time overcoming these issues. Another reason why
distance education has to disadvantage is that some employers do not accept online
degrees. After we graduate in online distance learning, we can be able to get hired
quickly. Students should realize that their online degree cannot be acceptable for any
field or job. Besides, relying on technology requires adaptability to new technologies,
which means that if students want to take distance education, they have to feel
comfortable with online programs and catch up with new updates.
According to articles that I have read, there are advantages and disadvantages of distance
education, which makes actually. However, In my opinion, the difficulties of distance education
overweighs over advantages of taking distance education. Because of distance education, students
have lack of communication, and they have a hard time with socializing with their peers. To come
together at their age is important. Otherwise, they can be shy to express themselves. Another
problem they will face is that they cannot be able to overcome problems they face. This is
because they can not improve their critical thinking ability.
I would like to take my students who received distance education (homeschool) as an example.
She is quiet in my class. I ask her how to experience it was. She said she did not like that. She
said she never has someone to talk. From my understanding, distance education caused lack of
socialization on her.
It can work for college students who cannot be able to go to any colleges because of some
reasons. However, I think I would not implement distance education students in elementary,
middle school, and high school students. The idea is that at their age, they need to socialize for
their future to be prosperous in their life.
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and Digital Electronics using Personal Learning Environments: From Traditional Learning to
Remote Experiential Learning. International Journal Of Online Engineering, 13(8), 18-30.
Fender, D. L. (1999). Distance education and the safety professional. Professional Safety,
44(10), 26-29.