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Power Outage Core Rules Book V1

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Core Rules Book

Game Design - Bebarce El-Tayib

Future Credits

V. 1.0
Table of Contents
Quick Play Instructions
Introduction ...............................................................................1
What Is Power Outage ....................................................................................... 1
What do I need to Play Power Outage .............................................................. 1
What the heck is a Table Top RPG? .................................................................... 2
How does Power Outage Differ? ........................................................................ 3
A Brief Education on Major Sections .................................................................4

Mechanics (Combat, Exploration, Puzzle, Alternative)........... 6

Heroes ....................................................................................... #
................................................................................................... #
Roleplaying (RP) ....................................................................... #
The World.................................................................................. #
Villains ....................................................................................... #
................................................................................................... #

Quick Play Instructions
These instructions are meant to get time in which to play the game before you
you into a game and playing as soon can pause and determine whether you
want to pick up and continue on with the
as possible. The instructions are
game. Theyre broken up so that you can
designed for level 1 playing, so dont choose to play 1 4 session depending on
involve information on leveling. how much game time you have and the
Please read through the Core Rules willingness of your players.
book to get extended information
Equip Yourself
on game play.
To play the game it helps to have:
Getting started A Grid you can draw on
Grab a Hero Markers to describe the position of
your players and their enemies
Download a premade Hero sheet from the
Power Outage website., for each player Paper and Pencils
that isnt a game master. Hero sheets will A set of Polyhedral Dice (or an app the
have preset stats, and powers. mimics them)
Grab an Adventure Imagination

Download a Level 1-4 Adventure Block

from the Power Outage website. It will
serve as a guide and frame of reference
CEPA Paths
for playing. Select the path you want to CEPA describes the types of components
take through the Adventure following the youll find in any Adventure block. They
CEPA Path depending on your audience. stand for Combat, Exploration, Puzzles,
Adventure blocks are broken up into and Alternative components. Theyre also
Sessions. Sessions describe a period of Color coded.
Combat (Red) the instructions for that specific power.
Using the Adventure Block as a guide You can use 5 powers before having to
draw out the map provided and place regenerate in a battle.
enemies where suggested. Every square If you bring an enemy to zero YP they give
on your grid will count as one space. up, or are in some other way incapacitated.
Depending on your story line your heroes
Every here also has their own Armor Score
will enter or position themselves in
and YP score. The enemy can hit in the
another spot on the map.
hero using the same method in reverse.
Combat is turn based. Everyone rolls a
Other standard actions include:
d20 die to establish the order of villains
and heroes get to have their turn RegenerateRoll a d20, and if you get a
(referred to as initiative). Combat 10 or higher, you can heal yourself or a
engagements occur in battles. Once all teammate for 1D6 (unless a power grants
enemies in an event are defeated, that further ability).
ends the battle. If the players are all
defeated they must regroup.
EnergizeRegain your Powers by
switching to a defensive stance for 2
On your turn you get 3 actions, rounds. In that defensive stance you take
movement, a minor action, and a half damage but cant attack. Once done
standard action. on the 3rd round you can roll a D4 in order
STANDARD Action to gain that many powers back as a minor,
or gift the Energy to a partner as a standard
As a standard action you can use an
IMPACT attack (IMP) which is either a
punch or kick, or a POWER (POW) attack Super EnergizeGo into a defensive
which utilizes one of your heros powers. posture for 3 rounds, but be unable to
move. Either gain or gift 4 power uses to
Roll a d20, add your IMP or POW score,
yourself (as a minor) or a partner (as a
and check if its equal or greater to the
enemies ARMOR (ARM) ARM score.
If you hit with an IMP attack you MINOR Action
automatically do 2 points of damage to A minor action is any small action such as
the enemies YIELD POINTS (YP). readying an attack, standing or sitting, a
If you hit with a POW attack you follow roleplaying act, or depending the

occasional power when listed as available (Game Master) it is your job to describe the
as a minor. story elements, and scenery, as well as
provide guidance to the players on what
options they have available to them.
Movement includes moving from one
During exploration, your players act out or
space to another, or standing up. If a
describe their searches through the various
person is knocked down, they must spend
scenarios you propose to them, describing
their movement action to stand up. You
what theyre doing. You also play the role
can not attack from the floor unless a
of every character and enemy that is not
power specifically grants you that ability.
the player, whether it be the shady
All heroes have a default movement of 10
informant, or the recently burgled shop
spaces. All IMP attacks require you to be
keeper, you provide the dialogue and
standing next to the enemy. POW attacks
environment as the player acts through the
depend on the particular power instruction
to determine distance.
The typical aim of Exploration aside from
Regrouping story telling is to gather clues that assist
If a single hero has their YP reduced to the players and propel the game forward.
Zero, they are incapacitated until a fellow But watch out, because Exploring can also
hero uses a Regenerate action to bring be dangerous and lead to traps.
them back into the fight. If the entire
group is brought down to Zero YP the team Puzzles (Orange)
is forced to Regroup. When they regroup, Using the Adventure Block as a guide,
the players are forced to return to their puzzles can be created and provided for
base, and go back to the last attempted your players in order to solve. These
Component once more. Any equipment, puzzles often unlock clues, or provide
experience earned, or enemies defeated benefits that can be used in game play.
are wiped, and the team is required to try Some times theyre a necessity in order to
again. move forward.

Exploration (Blue) Alternative (Green)

Using the Adventure Block as a guide, you Alternative components found in
will Roleplay with your players. As the GM Adventure Blocks are typically provided if
the Game Master is looking to reduce or
eliminate any violent combative elements
from Game Play. Depending on your play Play through the Adventure Block. See if
style, GMs are welcome to either use you like the game. If you want to get more
Alternative Game options instead of or invested in the world of Power Outage, if
along with Combat Components. Or of you have any questions about particular
course there is the option to ignore an rules, if you want to throw out the rules
Alternative Component altogether and and play however you want, feel free to do
move directly to combat. so. The goal of Power Outage is to get
The choice is yours depending on how you parents and adults to have some
want to play it. imaginative play time with their kids.
The number one rule that cant be broken
is have fun.

Welcome to the World of Power Outage

What is Power Outage? What do I need to Play Power

Power Outage is a game designed to mimic the
qualities of standard adult table top games, Surprisingly little actually. It all depends on the
but with a focus on playability for younger equipment you have on hand. As a minimum all
aged children. While the children themselves you need is some pencils, paper, and Polyhedral
may not necessarily need to digest all the dice (most smart phones these days actually
information found within this Core Rules Book, have virtual dice you can use in a pinch.)
this will hopefully serve as a compendium for
world building and creating great narratives for While you may include as much or as little as
children. you want in the game, from fully rendered 3D
environments, to a something as simple as a
Power Outage itself is set in a parallel Earth
scratch pad, I can advise you on what I started
environment where a large island found in the
out with when playing with my daughters.
Bering Sea has become a hotbed for super
heroic activity. Outage, Alaska which covers
A gaming mat (1 inch squares) - Chessex is nice,
the entirety of the Island, is one of the great
but I went with a Paizo lamenated cardboard
metropolises of the world, as well as a
map as it was cheaper and folded away nicely.
thoroughly contested landscape. The many
districts of Outage form one of Earths greatest
Game Cards printed on Card Stock - Again
melting pots of Old and New Technology,
while not absolutely critical to play, it really
Magic, Industry, and Agriculture. Speaking of
helped my younger daughter play her powers.
culture, it is a centrally located fixture which
supports all citizens of the world. Depending
Gaming Dice - Tactile instruments are great for
on where you stand in Outage, you could be in
kids, and they love owning their own sets.
a city as a shiny beacon of futuristic hope, or a
tumbled down Post Industrial smoke stack.
Seasoned Tabletop Gamers can skim this intro,
or skip straight to Mechanics.
Gems - I actually used multicolored large plastic
gems that were meant for a fish tank as What the heck is a table top RPG?
character tokens. They also worked well for
keeping track of whatever random use I had Whoops, I guess I should have started there.
for them. I had small and large stones. Plus An RPG is a Role Playing Game, and a Table Top
theyre cheap. RPG is one that is typically (but not limited to)
playing on a table with people around you.
There are typical elements common to all
RPGS. The players usually play characters set
in a world that go on adventures. Typically
they grow as characters in both physical
attributes and with the development of
continuing storylines.

With a tabletop RPG you have two types of

players. The GM (Game Master) which
functions as they story guider as well as
managing the entire cast of characters and
villains that are not the player, and the players
themselves. Now please note I said Story
Your Kit - Your notes, module, session guides, Guider not Story Teller because a story is
the rule book, descriptions of the powers of never fully controlled and thus told by the GM,
both your heros and your villains. Scrap paper but moves like a fluid ad hoc collaboration
and pens are also needed. between everyone involved.

In a typical game the GM starts the characters

Unnecessary but Worthwhile off with a story that leads to two typical forms
of play. Players will either take part in
discussions or problem solving exercises that
Miniatures (Minis) - These characters can be allow them to be in the characters of a story, or
found from countless games and are available they will engage in a Combat, Exploration, or
at your local gaming store. I always encourage Puzzle Solving challenge that makes use of
you to support game stores, but additionally
the characters can be used to create a
different mechanics.
familiarity with the characters the players
These play periods typically happen in sessions
arbitrarily determined by time or milestones in
A tablet - It was pretty great for scrolling the game. Those sessions add up to an
through and finding information, and keeping overarching storyline known as a campaign.
track of everything. Less paper waste too.
This all might sound confusing so here is an

Example - The Technician Campaign How does Power Outage Differ?

The Technician Campaign is an example of a So there are a couple obvious thing that
story line that can be completed in multiple differentiate Power Outage from your standard
sessions. Within a single session you might Table Top RPG. For starters, its designed at its
have a round of discussion and role-play, core to be as simple to pick up and play as I can
followed by a round of combat or puzzle possibly make it. That means there are no
solving. classes or races to have to select from. There is
no secondary document filled with monsters,
Ill continue to use this Campaign throughout or just equipment.
the instructions to illustrate engagements. To Instead the Power Outage Website will provide
summarize however, the campaign is broken a gallery of Heroes to choose from, or a service
up into approximately 4 parts. to assist new players based off of unique heros
they create. I will also have a guide to
Part 1 designing your own heroes. Campaigns will be
Social - Chief calls super heroes and released containing sessions and villains built
informs them of crimes. into them. From its core it will be simple, but
Combat - Superheros face off against as the game builds on itself you will have more
henchmen trying to steal components and more resources available to you to make
from a tool store your sessions more complex. At its heart
Part 2 though is simplicity, and from its basics found
Social - Heroes follow leads and here in this book, youll be able to start setting
interrogate the henchmen to determine up sessions of play with your children.
when and where the next hit will be
This is your starter set, and the best part is that
Combat - Heroes prepare an environment
the building blocks are yours to grasp. Work up
to be a trap, heroes combat higher level
from here. Add depth, add intrigue, add fun.
Most importantly though, play games with your
Part 3
children. Your time can not be spent better
Puzzle - The heros travel to the lair of the
anywhere else.
Technician working their way through
obstacles and challenges to get deeper
into the heart of the structure.
Combat - The heros face off against higher
level guards of the Technician. Dont feel bound to any rules in
Part 4 this rule book. Play what you
Combat - The final face off occurs with the think will be fun, not what you
technician. think youre supposed to do.
Social - Figuring out how wrap things up.

A Brief Explanation of the major Using the site to create your
sections Personal Gaming Environment
Mechanics - Ill first jump right into the As of the formation of this document, and
mechanics and rules for combat in this game. hopefully subsequent versions,
Theyre the most mathematical component and will be a great
for that reason Ive created several options for resource for helping you to plan and execute
how to make them more accessible to younger your game.
The goal of Power Outage is to provide a free
Roleplaying - Not so much rules, as just personalized and fun experience with children.
guidelines loosely placed to assist you in world Table top gaming brings together the best
and campaign building. Here youll get to know elements of team work, problem solving,
a bit more about the world Power Outage is set communication, and creativity.
There are two big resources that you will need
The World - Power Outage is set in a parallel from the website however in order to take
world. That means you have the comfort of advantage of the game, at the very least when
controlling a world where the rules of our you start playing or if you are new to this style
society exist, with the flexibility to embellish to of gaming. The first is the Hero Submission
whatever suits the fantasy you want to create. and Gallery, and the next are the Adventure
Will you be teaching value lessons? Will you use Blocks. Once you get a general idea of what
the world to explain real life processes? Or will you can do though, by all means take the game
you just break from reality and let imaginations to whatever unique heights you may.
take the wheel? You decide.
Hero Submission & Gallery
Heroes - A brief explanation of how existing
heros are in place and what your options are Due to the simplified nature of Power
depending if you want to create your own Outage, player characters are prebuilt.
super heroes, submit a Hero guide to the This will reduce the complexity required in
website, or use a pre-existing hero. a typical RPG. In order to make this
process easy for you, Pre-Built Super
Villains - Here youll get an idea of what you
Heroes are available on the site for you to
might face off with, as well as some
use and tweak. Additionally as a service or
considerations that describe tactics and scaling
your combats based off your audience. eventual part of the community, you can
submit Super Hero ideas, and a custom
Adventure Blocks- Power Outage attempts to
super hero character will be crafted for
accommodate multiple play styles depending
you. The caveat of this process, and in an
on the level of comfort a parent may have. To
effort to expand the Power Outage
that extent, for each campaign there will be
Universe, you agree to share the Hero and
alternate options available that allow play
expand the Hero gallery.
variability based off the parents comfort level.

Adventure Blocks Adventure blocks are designed to be
played within hero level ranges. These
Adventure Blocks are Self Contained
ranges are 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13-16, 17-20. At the
Adventures you can play out in your game.
first range of levels, typically 2-3 Adventure
Game Sessions are sorted by level intervals
blocks are all that is necessary to advance
they are meant to support, and will
from level 1-5. As levels increase however,
generally include 1-2 villains. Eventually if
more adventure blocks may be necessary
the community is large enough, you will be
to increase levels, or more experience may
able to select specific Villains at every level
need to be earned. The rate of this
so that you can maintain an Arch Enemy.
progression can be determined by the GM,
You can jump to and from one villain to the
or by the play skill of the adventurers.
next try to play all the story sessions.
Additionally story arcs that focus on a
Adventure Blocks include Guidance toward
single district, villain or continuing story will
roleplaying components (RP) as well as
occur from block to block. While some will
the Combat/Exploration/Puzzle/Alternative
only last 2-3 ranges, others might
components (CEPA).
encompass all 5.
The RP components will have rough guides
Adventure blocks are also broken up into
for story occurrences, and potential
sessions. Sessions are advisable stopping
rewards for proper some responses, but
points within the adventure that function
the user can take it anywhere from there.
to provide necessary breaks in game play
Theyre baseline guides though and in no
with younger audiences. They also serve as
way a limit to what can happen in the
rest periods where your players can
reevaluate character, and apply any
CEPA components are outlined with maps, experience points earned. This also allows
villain stats, the quantity and appearance for periods in which characters can gain
of villains, and the rewards for successfully levels if the experience has reached that
beating them. Itll include puzzles and point.
recommendations on non power specific
There are typically 4-6 sessions within each
methods for counteracting them.
adventure block, but that may vary with
Together these components get chained
level range. Each session can contain 1 or
together (as in the example earlier) to
more RP and CEPA components. At the
form an interactive storyline that your
start of each CEPA component, an outline
children can play through. The level limits
of the CEPA path illustrates all options
are built in to ensure that challenges arent
available for adventurers and are typically
too difficult, but of course difficulty can be
color coded for clarity.
variable by skill, ingenuity, and luck.


In the game there are 4 main attributes as will be illustrated in the Variations
that are attached to any character, both section.
Hero or Villain. Future releases may include Impact either equates to the strength of a
additional attributes to account for Melee attack (Punch/Kick) or the Force of
growing children, but in an attempt to keep Presence in negotiation. Impact as an
things simple were sticking with 4. attribute, will target an enemies Armor.
Additionally these 4 attributes are pretty The impact of an Enemy, will attack your
constant across any starting character in Heros armor.
order to allow for a feeling of fairness, as POWER
well as to level the playing field between
younger and older players. These Power relates to the strength of any given
attributes are Impact, Power, Armor, and power that a hero uses. It affects the
Yield Points. success of a power affecting the enemy,
and at times the success of a personal use
IMPACT of that power when exploring, or problem
Impact has a dual function depending on solving.
the type of engagement, or how the player Power also targets an enemies Armor, as
wants to approach the engagement. Were does the villains Power targeting the hero.
using the dual purpose meaning of It also targets any preset game function
Impact to allow for either violent, or non specified by the Game Session or the GM
violent play. Even violent combat can be on the fly. Powers are often used in unique
toned down, or have its severity reduced ways and its up to the GM to determine
its efficacy.

Armor has the sole function of prevention
of damage or the affect of a power on
either a hero or villain. Both Impact and
Power are rolled against Armor, and the
higher your armor, the less likely you are to
be hit.
For the purposes of simplicity, Power
Outage doesnt have equipment, so there
are no bonuses inherent.

YIELD POINTS (YP) The starting stats are as follows

Yield Points are the total number of points

a Hero or Villain has before they are IMPACT (IMP) 2
disabled or forced to return back to base.
In order to maintain a child friendly
atmosphere Power Outage has eliminated ARMOR (ARM) 10
character death. Even Villains dont die but
are retained for capture or questioning. I YIELD POINTS (YP) 10 + D6
originally thought this might have a
negative impact on play, but without the
fear of death, the children were far more
willing to experiment and be creative in D-What did you say?
solving problems or fighting villains.
Once a Hero reaches Zero yield points they
are incapacitated, until their companion
has a chance to regenerate them, and D6 refers to a 6 sided di. It is what
ignored by all other combatants and people most commonly think of
effects. If the entire group is brought when they think of Dice. In table top
down to Zero they are forced to regroup at gaming however you use Dice with
the base. different numbers of sides.
Regrouping means that any experience or D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D20 - All
rewards from the prior battle are lost. You corresponding to the number of
can choose more severe repercussions for sides.
regrouping if youre so inclined, but again, A D3 is a D6, but you count the
the less painful loss is, the greater the lowest two numbers (1-2) as 1,
willingness to explore what is possible. middle numbers (3-4) as 2, and high
(5-6) as 3.


To start off your character you get to add 2
Every Hero begins at level 1 (unless joining
points split to any of the top 3 attributes
in the session later ) and start with points
(IMP, POW, ARM). To get total Yield Points
allocated to each of the 4 Attributes, with 1
you roll a D6 dice and add the results to 10.
attribute having a bit of fate in the mix.

Example 1 - Punch Girl
Attributes Can Match Flavor
Punch Girl is starting at level 1 with
The powers attributes to Heroes are never
fully balanced. They are somewhat
IMP 2 spontaneous. Most often a Hero will have
POW 2 sets of powers that allow for a mix of
ARM 10 support, offense, and utility. But based off
YP 10 +D6 the somewhat randomized nature of Hero
creation, one hero might have more
She wants a really High success of Impact powers that support utility than offense.
attacks landing. She adds both her In these situations pumping attribute
Attribute points to IMP. She rolls a D6 and points into POW might not be necessary,
gets a 2. Her attributes are now. and are better served in one of the two
others. Some times powers require close
proximity, so ARM is more preferable. Or
sometimes a hero wants to flatten some
POW 2 villains and IMP might be preferable.
ARM 10
YP 12
The choice is the child's. Outside initial
Example 2 - Shieldster Hero Creation, this and the selection of
Powers will allow a child to customize the
mechanical structure of their superhero.
Shieldster values his powers and defense.
But there are plenty of opportunities in the
He decides to split his points between
game to customize your super hero by
POW and ARM. He rolls a 4 on a D6. His
creating intricate histories, or character
attributes now read
quirks, by how they take on challenges,
and what their characters motivations are.
ARM 11 Finally you never have to worry about
being tied to the rules. Break them as
YP 14
often as youd like. Modify them when you
need to. Do you want to let them roll a D4
instead of a +2 attribute points? Why not.

WHEN IS IMPACT (IMP) USED? Skill Challenges and Social Challenges
There are three main instances where your Skill challenges are events where you want
impact score will come into play. to use some form of physical strength or
Combat endurance to achieve a goal.

When in combat your Hero has the ability Knock down a door, perform an acrobatic
to Punch or Kick a foe. Punch and Kick act, or push a heavy statue are some
have the same affect, but they add to the examples. Basically these are items that
flare of a story. However the story may cant be achieved by Power. In those
create situations where claiming to do one situations you use the IMPACT formula in
is preferable to the other. If Im stuck to the same way as you do in combat, only
my ankles in sticky tar, I might Punch. If my you set the number you want to beat,
arms are bound I might Kick. rather than basing it off a creatures
When Punching or Kicking you roll a d20
dice, add your impact score, and weigh You might have to get a 15 or higher in
that against armor. This determines IMPACT to be able to pull a rusted lever.
whether you actually land the punch/kick. Social Challenges also use the same
If it lands you do 2 points of damage to the IMPACT formula and are used when youre
enemys YP. trying to persuade a person by your force
of will, or the impact you have on them.
Example Maybe your message gives a person
enough courage to Grab your hand. Or
Punch Girl attempts to punch a maybe your Ominous presence is needed
to get a henchman to tell you of the next
location you must go to.
She has an IMP of 4
In Combat, Skill, or Social Challenges you
She rolls a D20 dice and gets a 7.
maintain the same formula
Her total Punch attack is an 11.
D20 + IMP >= Armor/Skill
When the player reads off the total,
the GM checks the villains Armor The only difference is what number
(ARM). your IMP is challenging and whether
The villain has 10 ARM and 10 YP. that number comes from a Villains
Because the 11 is greater or equal to stats, from a number you set
10, it hits. He receives 2 points of yourself, or a number that the
damage, and his YP is now 8. Session guide recommends.

Every hero gets powers. You gain new
powers at odd levels (1, 3, 5). Throughout
your first level youre allowed to play with By now youve probably realized that AR-
all your powers to get the feel for them, MOR is extensively used in the game to de-
but by level 2 you have to pick only 3 of scribe a characters ability to withstand or
them. When you get new powers at level avoid damage, or effect.
3, you can choose either new powers, or These external sources of attack can come
stronger versions of your old powers, de- from a variety of places. A villain can attack
pending on what is available to select. a Hero which requires their Armor to pre-
Powers can be either offensive, supportive, vent. Additionally a trap might get set that
or utility. causes the hero damage, or tries to freeze
them, or slow them down. The hero might
Offensive Powers
also want to jump from a high place, and
An Offensive Power is used in combat, to their armor resists damage from a fall.
reduce the Yield Points of an enemy or
In all these situations ARMOR is used as the
group of enemies. Or they are used to in
number that has to be met or beaten in or-
some way weaken, or hamper an enemy.
der for an effect to occur.
In any of these cases Offensive Powers
must use the formula
Yield Points are a number of points that a
D20 + POW >= Armor
creature or problem has. Reducing the
So much in the same way that IMPACT is creature or object to Zero will effectively
calculated, so too does Power attacks. The disable it.
formula determines whether or not the
While we mainly think of Yield Points at-
Power effected the Villain. What actually
tached to Heros or Villains, there may be a
happens is based off of what the Power ac-
challenge that requires a certain number of
tually does.
Yield Points which the Heros might have to
Supportive and Utility Powers may not re- use offensive Impacts or Powers to take
quire a Roll, but are immediately in affect down. A solid door might have 5 Yield
once used. Determination of whether or Points, where as brick wall might have 30
not a Supportive or Utility Power requires a Yield Points.
roll is up to the GMs prerogative. If a roll is
Heros have Yield points that will increase
required, the same formula can be used as
over time. In fact lets cover leveling next.
above, with the arbitrary challenge number
set by the GM.

Leveling Up Level 3 Steps and all Odd level steps

Every Hero has to start somewhere and for 1. Pick 3 new powers. If you select a more
the most part your heros will start at level powerful variation of an existing
1 (See Variations to cover late editions from powers, you have to replace that
new Players). powers with its prerequisite. A hero
can never have more than 6 Powers.
Building Your Hero
If you want to pick an upgraded
This will be covered more in the Heros power, but do not have the pre-
section of the book, but briefly, at level 1 a requisite power, you must use up 2
Hero will be given a list of powers. When power choices on that 1 selection.
in a battle they will be able to use those
powers up to 5 times. In any other kind of 2. Add 2 Attribute points.
challenge or exploration the number of Level 4 Steps and all Even level steps
powers they can use doesnt have a limit.
1. Roll a D3 and 1/2 your current level to
Level 1 Steps get how many YP you can add to your
1. Add your 2 Attribute points to either total. (Example - You roll a 3 + 1/2 of
IMP, POW, or ARM level 2 = 4 points. Add 4 points to your
total YP.)
2. Roll a D6 and add that to 10 to get your
initial YP. Levels 5, 10, 15, 20

3. At level 1 you can use 5 powers per 1. Add the ability to use 3 more powers
battle. per battle.

4. At level 1 any IMP attack does 2

damage. (Unless a power augments it)
Level 2 Steps A Battle is any Combat that includes
1. Choose 3 of your level 1 powers. You 1 or more villains at a time. If you
fight 1 Villain and no more arrive to
will not be able to use those powers
join in, that is a single battle. You can
that you did not choose. use up to 5 powers per battle at level
2. Roll a D3 and 1/2 your current level to 1. If a villain joins in a battle after it
starts you get 1 additional power for
get how many YP you can add to your
that battle. When you run out, you
total. (Example - You roll a 3 + 1/2 of can only use IMP attacks which are
level 2 = 4 points. Add 4 points to your limitless.
total YP.)

Leveling Chart

Level Additional Additonal Powers Per Additional

Attributes Powers Battle Yield Points
1 2 3 (Access all) 5 10 + D6
2 3 5 D3 + 1
3 2 3 (Max 6) 5
4 5 D3 + 2
5 2 3 (Max 6) 8
6 8 D3 + 3
7 2 3 (Max 6) 8
8 8 D3 + 4
9 2 3 (Max 6) 8
10 11 D3 + 5
11 2 3 (Max 6) 11
12 11 D3 + 6
13 2 3 (Max 6) 11
14 11 D3 + 7
15 2 3 (Max 6) 14
16 14 D3 + 8
17 2 3 (Max 6) 14
18 14 D3 + 9
19 2 3 (Max 6) 14
20 17 D3 + 10

How does one Level?
Team Work
Heroes gain levels by earning experience.
Any time two or more super heroes work
Small amount of experience are earned at together on a single task, or assist each
earlier stages with larger amounts of other in the middle of a battle/task, you can
experience at later stages. However the earn additional experience points for that
amount of Experience Points required to fight/problem.
get from one level to the next also
increases over time.
Level Experience to Total
The Hero gains experience in a multitude of
Next Level Experience
ways. Each enemy in combat has an
amount of earnable experience (XP) from 1 20 20
defeating them. Additionally you can gain 2 30 50
XP by fulfilling hidden requirements in any 3 40 90
encounter. These can include but are not
4 50 140
limited to Asking specific questions, solving
problems, or minimizing damage. 5 60 200
6 70 270
Heroes also earn more experience points
when they work together or help each 7 80 350
others. 8 90 440
It is also recommended that GMs award 9 100 520
experience points when the Heros use 10 110 650
unique solutions or come up with creative
11 120 770
12 130 900
Finally, completing storylines, and side
13 140 1040
stories also earns a hero experience.
14 150 1190
The amounts of experience awarded for
different scenarios are outlined within each 15 160 1350

Adventure Block. These are however, just 16 170 1520

guidelines and not definitive requirements. 17 180 1700
Award experience based off of your own
18 190 1890
personal preference. Keep in mind
19 200 2090
however that long periods of time without
any significant gains can be wearisome for 20 210 2300

The Mechanics of Playing

In the next chapter well discuss so desired.

Roleplaying, but for now the focus will be Alternative Components however, often
on the actual mechanics of playing the rely on prerequisite nonviolent component
game. Now the Roleplaying components completion (RP, Puzzle, Exploration).
are very important and may also include Additionally Alternative Components can
the functionality of using mathematical adopt turn based game mechanics, at
counters, but understanding the different which point the combat rules for actions
types of structured roll based game play per round take affect. There is simply no
will go a long way to enjoying the game. one to compete against in a direct physical
As mentioned, there will be 3 main types of altercation.
components that involve greater use of
mechanics than dialogue. These 3 are Impact and Powers may also be used in
Combat, Exploration, Puzzle, and Alternative play, but the Adventure Block
Alternative Components, or CEPA for may apply restrictions on their use. They
short. Lets look at it in reverse order. also typically adhere to combat rules unless
otherwise instructed.
Alternative components often coincide
with Combat Components, and their Puzzles can be a mixture of Social
desired goal is to provide a non-violent questions and answers, riddle solving,
alternative to the play style. Alternative power/impact use, luck, or exploration.
play typically requires additional For example, players might have to answer
components be completed to provide a a riddle of the sphinx in order to continue
resolution. on. Players might be faced with a flooding
The dynamics of what occurs within an room, and have to arrange statues in a
Alternative component vary dependent on specific order to stop the oncoming water.
what has been described in the Adventure Players may be confronted by moving
Block for that component. It can be statues that always block their way, and try
anything from problem solving, to trap to either find a way around them, or blast
negotiation, to role play resolution. Due to their way through them.
the extended nature of combat For the most part the puzzles will be
components, Players have the ability to outlined within the Game Session Blocks
access combat in a fairly direct path if it is

themselves, but its good to know all the Components.
options you have available to you, in case Basically you take turns when playing these
you want to customize or create your own components. If youre combatting
environments. someone, than each person in combat
Formulaic structures always can work the takes a turn. In Puzzles turns might be
same when considering POW or IMP use. determined on the environment (if the trap
Set a number to beat, and roll to see if you was sprung, than maybe the effects of the
can beat it. trap will have a round).

EXPLORATION To determine turn in combat, each hero

rolls a D20 (20 Sided Dice), while the GM
Power Outage is typical played with tokens rolls for every villain involved in a Battle.
or minis that represent a players hero, Any late comers to a battle automatically
plotted on a map. Maps are typically drawn take the last position. The highest roll goes
onto a 1 inch by 1 inch mat. Maps are often first. If you get a draw, those two roll
provided within the Game Session Blocks again.
that can be copied to the GMs mat, or the
GM can design their own landscape. Then again, you are always welcome to
throw out initiative if youre comfortable
Each square on a map describes 1 Unit of with response based game play. Initiative
Movement for an Enemy or Hero. Heros all helps to prevent kids from arguing over
have 10 default movement spaces in a turn turns
when in combat, or a puzzle solving
situation, and are generally free to move as Example
much as theyd like in Exploration
components. Villains movement spaces Punch Girl rolls a 13
vary, but are typically anywhere from 5-10. Shieldster rolls a 17

Now might be a good time to The GM rolls for

mention that this is a turn based Hench1 with 10
Hench2 with 2
Hench3 with 18
Actually the turn based system, primarily The order of combat would go
comes into play during Combat Hench3 > Shieldster >Punch Girl > Hench1 >
components, or possibly Puzzle Solving

When combat is initiated, players are asked as a minor), Regenerating, Energizing, or
to roll in order to determine their order. any action that takes place on a persons
Once an order is established, each player turn that seems like it would be equal in
takes turns until the combat is over. weight to one a more defined and
Combat is done in Battles, which can be important action. Picking a lock, Kicking a
anywhere from a Single to Multiple foes. door down, climbing a rope, activate a
Combat does not end until everyone on the door panel, loading a computer virus, etc
hero or the villain side is disabled (Brought Villains also have the ability to perform
to Zero YP) . In some cases additional these same actions. Once everyone has
villains might join into a battle while the had a turn, you repeat the cycle from the
Heros are still engaged. These additions top of the order. If a hero wants to wait on
count as part of the existing battle, and are an action until after the villain has done
not treated as separate battles. something, they will have to change their
On either the Heros or the Villains turn, position in the order and agree to be
they have the ability to do 3 things. They behind that villain from that point on.
can move, they can perform a minor action, In a battle, Heroes are allowed to use up to
or they can perform a standard action. 5 powers from levels 1-4 before needing to
Movement includes moving from one space energize, and as they gain levels will be
to another, or standing up. If a person is able to use more and more powers. They
knocked down, they must spend their can use the same power 5 times, or sort
movement action to stand up. You can not them however theyd like. Minor Powers
attack from the floor unless a power and Standard Powers each count as a
specifically grants you that ability. single use of a power. If in the midst of a
battle, a new enemy enters, they gain 1
A minor action is more of a roleplaying more power use. When they run out of
feature, or a power that is listed as being a POWERS they can always resort to IMPACT
minor. Flipping switches, readying an moves. IMPACT moves are limitless but
object, etc., are examples of minor actions. they dont have as much effectiveness as a
Some powers however are also minor power, unless a power has specifically
actions, especially powers that include made them more effective. It is a trade off
boosts to movement, armor, or provide that heros and villains alike must balance.
other minor benefits.
Villains powers are listed with the total
Standard actions are any IMPACT action quantity of their use.
(Punch/Kick), any POWER ( that isnt listed

IMP attacks as well as some powers require Failure to observe ones surroundings
the Heros token be adjacent to the villains however might lead to walking into traps.
token. Other powers may have a Depending on what trap is sprung the Hero
maximum range. may have to use a POWER to work their
way out of it, an IMPACT to bull their way
through it, or just rely on their ARMOR to
withstand the blow.
Additionally moving over certain ground or
low barriers require two move spaces.

In the example above, a hero (blue) is

Adjacent to two villains (red), and 2 spaces
away from his Ally (green). To be adjacent
the other party can be in any square that
touches the initial party.
Typically in order to create the illusion of
discovery, a GM will only draw sections of
the map that would be visible to the hero if
they were standing in the room (unless of
course they have X-Ray vision as a power).
So a GM might draw a room that the Heros
are in. If there is an open door, they might
draw the room and the hallway visible from
the open door. The GM asks the players
questions about where they want to go,
and what they want to do, while the
players ask questions about their

A personal note about terminology when describing battles
While battles involve fantasy violence, terminology is something I try to keep
mindful of when dealing with younger children. Of course this isnt a rule, and
everyone has their own boundaries (which well actually get more into when
describing variants) but I myself realized after a couple of rounds that some
words struck the wrong chord with my players. The following are suggestions of
what to use when describing events in a battle. They are what I used in battle
situations, and of course, its use is completely personal.

When damage is received by an enemy, I referred to it as You took X points

from him/her. I also set the terminology of what is regularly referred to as Hit
Points, or Health Points to Yield Points. It hopefully reduces the effect of a
person or things health actually being physically reduced. Of course older kids
will fill in the blanks, but theres only so much we can do.
When enemies are brought to Zero they give up or yield. When Heros are
brought to zero they are either Out of energy, or Have to return to base
depending on if one or all heros have been brought to Zero.
Its for this reason that Ive purposely removed death, and the idea of a total
party kill (TPK) from the game. Of course it is up to your discretion to do away
with these terms in favor of terms youre more familiar with.
I allowed the heros to use kick and punch as actions, but when referring to
actions against them I left it as took a swing at. For some reason it felt more
natural to me. It may have been different if I were playing with a slightly older
audience, but the hopes of this game is so that it can scale down as much as
possible to accommodate to all levels.
The initial design of the game only included battle mechanics but in the
upcoming Variants section Ill outline mechanics that can be used for mechanics
in more nonviolent confrontations. The choice whether to use those mechanics,
not use those mechanics, or include them as part of a larger set of options is
totally up to you.


GM Dialogue
Butterfly Girl and Ice Princess run through the Alley to the back parking lot.
(At this point I would draw the parking lot, indicated spots on the map where vehicles are parked and any exits
and maybe a dumpster near the exit.)
Two henchmen appear to be in a van looking to leave and they seem to have two exits to choose from,
what will you do?

Player 1 (Butterfly Girl)

Can I put up a wall of Butterflies using Butterfly Lift across the Alley?

GM Dialogue

Roll your Power attack

(I determine that this should be a reasonably difficult task and personally assign a number of 13 in my mind for
her to achieve it)

Player 1 Rolls a 9 on her D20 dice, adds her power points (4) and comes up with a 13.

Because this just meets my requirements I allow it, but I can indicate through dialogue how close she was to
being unsuccessful.

GM Dialogue
You strain your Powers and command the butterflies to form a net at the mouth of the Alley. It doesnt
quite make it al the way across, but its just enough to make them decide not to try it. Ice Princess? What
would you like to do?

Player 2 (Ice Princess)

Whats this? (Pointing to a sketch on the map)

GM Dialogue
A Dumpster.

Player 2 (Ice Princess)

Can I push it in the way?

I make note that shes used the environment and asked questions to solve the problem. I take note that
they both earn 1/4 extra experience for this.

GM Dialogue
Roll an IMPACT attack to see if you can push it in the way.
(I determine pushing the dumpster requires a 10 in IMPACT.)

Player 2 rolls a 13 add her Impact Points (2) and comes up with a 15.

GM Dialogue
You easily succeed. Do you want to act it out?

Player 2
I kick the dumpster and it goes flying into the Alley!

GM Dialogue
Seeing their escape is out of question the two henchmen step out of the vehicle. Everyone Roll for their

Every one rolls D20s, the GM rolls for each henchman, and then orders all the combatants.
Butterfly Girl (16) > Henchman 1 (12) > Ice Princess (7) > Henchman 2 (6)

At the start of the cycle, Butterfly girl is up first.


Butterfly Girl
Move: She moves into range of a henchman.
Minor: She declines to use a minor.
Standard: Rolls her first power I want to use Butterfly Breath

She rolls a 8, adds her POW (4) and gets a 12 total. Compared to the henchman's armor 10, it is a hit.

GM Dialogue
A hit! What does the power say? Do you want to Act it out?

Butterfly Girl

Reading from Power Card

I send a breath of butterflies at the enemy. 1D4 and I can push him back 1 space.

BG rolls a D4 and gets 3. She also chooses to act out a large exhalation.

I note a 3 point reduction from the first henchman.

GM Dialogue

Next up is the henchman 1. Seeing butterfly girl, he goes to swing at her.

Move: Move adjacent to BG.

Minor: He declines a minor.

Standard: Rolls an IMP Punch attack. Roll is a 3, adding his IMP (3) gets a total of 6.

He misses. Next up Ice Princess.

Ice Princess

Im going to help out Butterfly Girl. I want to do a sword strike.

Move: Moves adjacent to the Henchman 1.

Minor: I pull out my icy indestructible sword and shout Hyah!

Standard: Rolls 15 on the dice, plus her POW (4) and gets a total 19. Compared to the henchman's armor 10,
its a hit.


GM Dialogue

Read your power, act it out if you want.

Ice Princess

I slash with my Ice sword! 2d4.

IP rolls 2 d4 dice and gets a 1 and a 3 dealing 4 points to the henchman.

I note an additional 5 point reduction from the first henchman.

GM Dialogue

Next up is the henchman 1. Seeing Ice princess, he tries a swing at her.

Move: Move adjacent to IP.

Minor: He points at Ice Princess and says Ill get you!

Standard: Rolls an IMP Punch attack. Roll is a 7, adding his IMP (3) gets a toal of 10. Matching that of Ice

With the attack matching her armor class, it counts as a hit, and thus her YP is lowered by 2 points.

Now with all combatants having a round, the cycle starts over and returns to Butterfly girl at the top of the

Combat continues until all opponents on either side have had their YP lowered to zero.

Other Standard Actions in Combat
Battles can be wearisome, especially
When a hero energizes they must drop any
against many foes. Heroes may find their
benefit or transformation that assisted
Yield Points running low, or they may have
them and take a defensive stance as a
run out of Powers. These actions can be
standard action. They can move, but that
performed in combat to try to regain some
defensive stance affords them protection
of your vitality but they come at a cost. Ad-
from half of any Yield Points that might be
ditionally only Boss level villains are able to
taken from them during a round.
use these abilities as well. The rest of the
villains from henchmen to sub bosses can They must maintain this stance for 2 rounds
not. (using a standard action each round) at
which point they can on the 3rd round as a
minor action roll a D4 to determine how
REGENERATE many Power uses they gain back. At level 5
Heros all have the innate ability to restore this turns into a D6, at level 10 a D8, at level
their own or their partners vitality in com- 15 a D12, and at level 20 a D20.
bat. Of course they do have a chance of You can also transfer this energy to a Part-
being unsuccessful. In order to Regenerate ner, but on the 3rd round you must use a
Yield Points, a hero must be at or lower Standard action.
than their maximum Yield Points.
As a standard action they can choose to
Regenerate (Giving up the option to at-
tack) by rolling a D20. If the score is at or Super Energizing requires one additional
above 10, you can heal for 1D6. Any pow- round (3 rounds, with a minor in the 4th),
ers that grant you boosts to rolls will apply. and disables your ability to move as well.
But upon completion of super energizing
Heroes can also regenerate their partners
you can energize yourself for the full value
using the same formula, but get an auto-
of a D4 (D6 at level 5, and so on.)
matic +2 to rolls.
You can also transfer this energy to a Part-
ner, but on the 4th round you must use a
ENERGIZE standard action.
Energizing during battle is necessary when Because you are unable to move you are at
you have run out of powers, and there are a disadvantage, so it is up to your partner
still way too many people to handle. Ener- to make sure you stay secure.
gizing has the potential to restore some of
your powers, but again this comes at a
Rewards, Failures, and
Dropping to Zero Yield Points
When a player drops an Enemy to Zero
Yield Points, the enemy is incapacitated,
unless the GM uses a regenerate action to
revive them. GMs typically only have 2
regenerates shared between all enemies,
unless the Adventure Block specifies
A battle is typically over when all enemies
Yield Points are brought down to Zero.

The same applies in reverse however. If

any individual player is brought down to
Zero Yield Points, they are incapacitated.
The only way to revive that player and
bring them back into the battle is for a hero
to use a regenerate standard action, or a
Power that allows them to regenerate a
Example of Session Rewards and Failure
players Yield Points.
If all players are brought to Zero Yield reattempt at the last battle, but instead
Points the team must Regroup. When require the heroes to move on, potentially
they regroup, the players are forced to suffering from a lack of benefits in the
return to their base, and may go back to future rounds, or at the very least a loss at
the last attempted Component once more. potential experience points.
Any equipment, experience earned, or The adventure blocks function as guidance
enemies defeated are wiped, and the team however, so some rewards can still be
is required to try again. allotted to the team at the GMs discretion.
The adventure block is broken up into Weve done away with death in power
several sessions. At the end of each outage, to encourage continual play. But
session, the Rewards and Failure boxes that too is at the discretion of the GM and
explain how to go about guiding the based on the audience of players.
actions of the heroes. Some times the
options for failing may not allow for a


Well there are many ways to answer that Level 3 Power - 2D4 Damage to up to
question on a philosophical basis, but with 3 adjacent enemies.
regard to Power Outage the question is
quite simple. What Makes a Hero? You
Its your choice if that power is
and your player do.
accomplished by
One thing that differentiates Power
Ocean Boy Summoning up a wave
Outage from other RPGs is that Power
Outage does not create Races and Classes.
that smashes into 3 opponents
Typically those concepts box a character Or
into a certain types of play style. But the Ghost Mask slashing his Midnight
kids that play Power Outage dont have Cape around him.
specific classes or races. If they want to be Or
a human, or an alien, or a ghost, or a
Sun Queen slamming her scepter
monster, or whatever they want to
describe, so be it. If they want their super
down and singing the enemies.
hero powers to derive from Mutant Genes,
or Super Suits, or their Home Planet its Its an open ended world and yours
their choice. to make what you will of it.
That is part of the reason why equipment
doesnt really exist in the game. Why Guidance
would your kid want to use a +1 Club from
This book will however try to provide some
some troll, when theyre comfortable using
guidance when it comes to the mechanics.
their Wand, or Sceptor, or other iconic
In order to keep the game challenging, yet
super hero device.
not too difficult. But please always read
To that end, Power Outage Gives guidance these instructions as just that; guidance. If
on the mechanics that can be employed youre finding gameplay on your kids too
and leaves it up to the creators to difficult, increase the damage potential.
determine how those powers will Too easy? Decrease it. The goal is to get
delivered. you guys playing, not to put you off. Be
The choice is yours, and feel free to add wary however, not to make ever encounter
your own powers to the lists described. a cakewalk. Without some risk , reward is
not as sweet.

Eventually, if not already, the Power
Outage website will offer prebuilt heroes,
2. Have them come up with a name based
In our Hero Gallery.
off of a theme of their power, ability, or
This will be a great resource for families costume. Let them know that they
that just want to pick up the game and go. dont have to limit themselves to what
Or for kids who like exploring the game a theyve already seen in the comic books
bit, before they delve into the hefty and movies. Often times these powers
consideration of what they want their can be related to the interests that they
Super Hero alter Ego to be. Each of those already bring to the table. Does your
Heroes will have powers based off of the kid like dinosaurs? Does your kid like
level powers listed on the following page. science? Princesses? Does your kid like
Do you feel like sharing your hero for Dinosaur Princess Scientists? Then
others to use? There will eventually be maybe Professor Princess Pterodactyl
opportunities to share your hero with the (PPP for short) is just the hero for you.
Power Outage community so that others 3. Once youve got a theme for youre
might get a chance to play as your creation. your hero/heroine next its a good idea
to figure out what their capabilities are.
The level guides will give a pretty
Brainstorming expansive list of powers at each of the
power levels, but its best to have your
Some times it helps to have a bit of a
childs input on how theyre employed.
template to help a kid (and a parent) along
I asked my kids to pick 4 powers and 1
on the creation process. There are plenty
weakness. The 4 powers they picked
of ways to do this, so here are a couple tips
helped me come up with a majority of
based off of what I did to help accomplish
what the power flavorings might be.
this with my own kids.
The weakness plays a fantastic role in
1. Have them pick 2-3 colors that they the roleplaying aspect of game play.
want incorporated into their hero.
4. Do your best to apply the hero and
Often times colors help guide the kids
their traits to up to 5 powers you select
selection of powers. Hot colors,
from the appropriate level. At level 1
Patriotic colors, dark colors. Just
players can play with all 5 powers but at
describing them as such gets you
level 2 they will have to select 3 to
starting to imagine the different heroes
continue on with. At level 3 they can
that might embody those colors, and
either upgrade their powers or select
help with power creation.
new powers from that level or earlier.

Category Damage Target Additional Effect
Combat 1D4 1 Adjacent Enemy Push Target back 1 space

Combat 2D4 1 Adjacent Enemy None

Combat None 1 Enemy up to 5 Blind or Weaken causing next attack to take a

spaces away negative 2 to attack and damage roll
Combat None 1 Enemy up to 5 Stop Enemy Movement for 1 round
spaces away
Combat 1D8 Up to 4 Enemies Split any damage across enemies in any amount
up to 5 spaces so long as it totals the roll of the dice
Combat None 1 Enemy up to 5 Stop Enemy Attack for 1 round
spaces away
Combat 1d4 1 Enemy up to 15 None
spaces away
Combat 1d6 Up to 3 Enemies 1st enemy takes full damage, 2nd enemy takes
with at least 1 half, 3rd takes half of 2nd (rounding down)
enemy adjacent to
(Enemies must be in adjacent to each other )
the hero

Combat 1d3 1 Enemy up to 10 Enemy continues to take 1 damage per round for
spaces away the rest of the battle
Combat None 1 Adjacent Enemy Enemy moves back 5 spaces (avoiding hazards)

Combat None 1 Enemy up to 5 Enemy is pulled to the nearest adjacent spot

spaces away next to a hero (avoiding hazards)
Combat None 1 Enemy up to 2 Enemy is pushed back 2 spaces (not avoiding any
spaces away hazards)
Combat None 1 Adjacent Enemy Next round enemy attacks any adjacent enemy

Combat 1d6 2 Adjacent Roll Damage for each

Combat 1d3 1 Enemy up to 10 Slow enemy movement as if each space were 3
spaces away

Category Damage Target Additional Effect
Utility None Self Move additional 3 spaces per turn for the
remainder of the battle
Utility None Self Create barrier in the path of your movement
that remain for 1 turn for up to 3 turns
Utility None Self Lie Detector for rest of engagement

Utility None Self Flight - Move over traps or hazards at normal

Utility None Self Breathe air as if not effected by any atmospheric
conditions for the remainder of the battle
Utility None Self Become unmovable for 1 round, avoid damage,
but can not attack

Utility None Self Become Indestructible but unable to attack for 5

Utility None Anyone Create Lightsource or noncombative source of
power based energy

Utility None Self Become undetectable to enemies 5 or more

spaces away for 2 turns, attacking makes visible
Utility None Anything 20 Manipulate object up to 10 feet away
pounds or lighter

Utility None Self Detect Traps

Utility None Self Change your voice including perfect mimicry,

and/or throwing your voice
Utility None Self Transform into something else, not changing
your abilities in anyway.

Utility None Self Pull a random noncombative object out of

seemingly nowhere ( player or GMs choice)

Utility None Self Force Truth up for up to 2 questions, but

potentially anger the person questioned

Category Damage Target Additional Effect
Supportive None Friend ReviveRestore 2 points of YP to friend, only if
they are at Zero YP
Supportive None Friend Roll a d20If you get 10 or higher, an ally can
reroll their attack roll with a 4 (as a reaction)

Supportive None Friend Roll a d20If you get a 10 or higher, and ally can
reroll the dice on any power that requires a roll.
(as a reaction) The ally can use the higher roll of
the two
Supportive 1d3 Self and Friend Do 1d3 damage to self or friend in order to gain
1d4 YP to self or friend (Power must always
include Self either as the target or recipient.
1d4 You can not double down on yourself.
Supportive None Anyone Advanced Regeneration - Roll a D8 instead of a
D6 as a minor action for 3 Regenerations
Supportive None Any space up to 10 Create illusion undetectable to enemies up to 3
feet away spaces from the illusion

Supportive None Friend Boost friendly attack by 1 for 3 rounds

Supportive None Friend Boost friendly damage by 1 for 3 rounds

Supportive None Friend Boost friendly IMPACT attacks by 2 for 5 rounds

Supportive None Friend Reduce damage to a friend by 2 (as a reaction)

Supportive None Friend Reduce attack to a friend by 1 (as a reaction)

Supportive None Space Create 1 by 2 space barrier anywhere within 10

spaces from you.

Supportive None Space Make one space a safe zone for 2 rounds, can be
maintained per round at the cost of movement

More Powers
Coming Soon...


Players Name: _______________________
Heroes Name: _______________________
Heroes Secret Identity: ________________
Team Name: _______________________
Level: ______ Location: _______________


1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
3. __________________________________
4. __________________________________
5. __________________________________
6. __________________________________

1. __________________________________


1. __________________________________
IMPACT (IMP) 2+___= ______
2. __________________________________
POWER (POW) 2+___= ______
3. __________________________________
ARMOR (ARM) 10+___= ______ 4. __________________________________
YIELD POINTS (YP) ______ 5. __________________________________

Add 2 attribute points every odd level 6. __________________________________

Roll d3 + half your level and add it to your YP 7. __________________________________
at every even level (10 + 1d6 at level 1)


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