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The author documents their observations to appreciate the current dark night skies before light pollution increases. They feel like an explorer studying one of the last dark places on Earth.

Books like 'Atlas of the Messier Objects' and 'Deep-Sky Companions' series helped the author discover many difficult objects. Reading inspired them to achieve more with their observations.

The author feels living under natural dark skies is like studying the last tract of rainforest. They hope light pollution does not increase to the point their night sky views become regarded as myth rather than reality.

Scott N.

1st edition; May, 2017
To my family,
Who were always understanding of my excursions under the stars.

To the late Jack Horkheimer, a.k.a. Star Gazer,

Whose television show kept this young astronomer inspired during those crucial first years.

And in memory of my dog Nell, who kept me company many long evenings especially the one just before she passed away peacefully
at the age of fifteen. You will always be my favorite of our dogs.
Below is a list of books that I read (most for the first time) in the last 24 months. They were all deeply influential in helping me
discover many of the toughest objects that fill out my list.

Atlas of the Messier Objects by Ronald Stoyan

The Backyard Astronomers Guide by Terence Dickinson and Alan Dyer
Cosmic Challenge The Ultimate Observing List for Amateurs by Philip S. Harrington
Deep-Sky Companions: The Caldwell Objects by Stephen James OMeara
Deep-Sky Companions: Hidden Treasures by Stephen James O'Meara
Deep-Sky Companions: The Messier Objects by Stephen James OMeara
Deep-Sky Companions: The Secret Deep by Stephen James OMeara
Deep-Sky Wonders by Sue French
Observing Handbook and Catalogue of Deep-Sky Objects by Christian B. Luginbuhl and Brian A. Skiff
Touring the Universe through Binoculars by Philip S. Harrington
Star-Hopping for Backyard Astronomers by Alan M. MacRobert
A Visual Study of Deep-Sky Objects by Roger N. Clark

Explore the Night with Bob King, an ongoing series of articles on, has also been an inspirational source. It
is especially helpful for staying up-to-date on sudden and unexpected celestial happenings.

The map I used to hunt down almost every object was Michael Vlasovs Deep Sky Hunter Star Atlas (2nd release), which is a
free printable PDF available for download at, along with many other helpful PDF compendiums.

Cover Photo: Serge Brunier/NASA

Milky Way Panorama: Axel Mellinger
As for now, I am living under natural skies. I feel like an nights it takes a culmination of those rarest of nights and
explorer who has been given an opportunity to study the last you being out there to make use of them! So expect to lose a lot
great tract of rainforest. I spend my time documenting of sleep if you ever want to be proficient in this hobby.
everything I see, because I know that there will come a day I have now come to realize that when it comes to using
when everything I see will no longer be regarded as reality but the naked-eye or binoculars, the only major difference
as a myth. I hope that day never comes, but until it does, Ill be between Stephen James O'Meara and myself is that he lived
out there seeing what I can see. under darker skies when making the observations for his
first four Deep-Sky Companions books. The reason I can say
That beautiful passage comes from Hidden Treasures, this is because like he did, I live under these skies. Which
the third book in Stephen James OMearas Deep-Sky means that I can take the leisure to not just look at an object
Companions series. When I came across it, I was already well with my telescope, but also to push the limits of my 7x35
on my way to completing the observations for my list. The binoculars or unaided eyes to try and glimpse it. It has also
reason I found it to be so profound a statement was because allowed me as much time as I want to ferret out every object
he expressed the exact feeling I had just recently started to that might be visible from my location.
develop. That was because I was just then starting to truly Of course, only when I knew exactly where to look
appreciate how dark and enviable my skies actually are. could I spot many of the faint objects a distinct advantage
After you read through my list, you may think that Ive the original discoverers never had. But not detail, mind you,
achieved a lot (especially for having only been an amateur that's better left for larger instruments. I found that OMeara
astronomer for nine years). But to be honest, most of my said it best in his book Deep-Sky Companions: The Messier
progress came at a fairly measured pace. It wasnt until just a Objects when he wrote, Of course, no photograph can record
few years ago when I started exhausting the brighter emotion. When I finally pick out a faint blur in the sky and
objects and getting my hands on most of the books listed in realize that it is a galaxy 40 million light-years away, well, the
the acknowledgment section that my list really became visual image might not be all that impressive, but I am in awe
impressive. Before then, most of my observations were good, of it nevertheless.
but not uncommon for a person under dark skies. Im sorry to It is my ardent hope and ultimate mission for
say now that I didnt actually think my skies were any better publishing my list that more people see the brightest deep-
than average when I first started! sky objects in a different light and get acquainted with some
I must point out that as every observer is different, so of the lesser known ones. I made the rankings just for that
is a myriad of other things, such as their observing reason to inform anyone, using really any instrument, that
conditions. Ive found that it takes a truly never give up these are the brightest objects of their class that I could see
attitude before you can really reach your utmost limits. The from my location. And though a whole lot of my findings blew
reason for this is because it doesnt just take those rarest of me away, you would be gravely mistaken if you believe that
my list constitutes all the deep-sky objects visible with the Before I let you delve into my list, I would like to
naked-eye and 7x35 binoculars. Thats because any observer apologize beforehand for any mistakes you might find. I
further south will find there are many more things to see. would also like to remind you that I was born and raised in
Plus, any observer, at a darker site anywhere, will best my list North America and am a resident of the Northern
if they try hard enough. So venture forth into the night Hemisphere. Thus, any references to the seasons are for such.
knowing there is always another gem of the sky to discover.

Your Fellow Night Sky Enthusiast,

Scott N. Harrington; Evening Shade, Arkansas (May, 2017)
object. I decided early on however to not follow this trend by
As my title suggests, Ive compiled a list of over two instead focusing more on the harder and rarer deep-sky
hundred and fifty deep-sky objects that Ive found visible objects for small apertures. Thats why I intentionally took
from my home with only my naked eyes and a pair of 7x35 the time to seek out and rate only the open clusters that I
binoculars. Ive broken the objects into five distinct could see with my naked eyes. And it worked because by
categories: Galaxies, Bright Nebulae, Dark Nebulae, Globular doing so, I freed up much more time and energy to hunt
Star Clusters, and Open Star Clusters. If you manage to see all down many, many more galaxies, bright nebulae, and
the objects I have listed, you will have in turn seen 99 objects globular clusters than I ever thought possible. Thats why
from the Messier Catalogue, 44 objects from the Caldwell youll find those lists to be the most extensive. Alas, I did
Catalogue, 59 objects from Stephan James OMearas Hidden finish with two regrets. The first is that I probably didnt do
Treasures Catalogue, and 25 objects from his Secret Deep as complete a job on listing all the dark nebulae that are
Catalogue (including a Hidden Treasure and a Secret Deep visible. That is something I would like to get to. The second is
object in Appendix A). that I didnt get around to giving all the globular clusters that
Each table lists the objects by their descending order of I can see with 7x35 binoculars a rating for this edition.
brightness as based on my unique 0 to 10 rating of visibility Instead, the ones that are unrated I have simply listed them
scale. I have broken the objects in each table into two parts: by their descending order of brightness (as found in Harriss
those that are naked-eye visible and those that are 7x35 paper). I hope to rate them sometime, but until then, dont be
binocular visible. The naked-eye section comes first with the fooled at all into thinking that theyll appear in the exact
objects based on their own 0 to 10 scale while the 7x35 order that they are listed (like NGC 3201, which Ive found is
binocular section follows with the objects based on their own a 10).
0 to 10 scale. That way if an object is just beyond naked-eye One thing that youll find absent from my list that
visible, it immediately falls into the first (brightest) part of really every other one has is the coordinates to each object.
the binocular section, and vice versa. When dealing with faint objects in a telescope, they can be
Included after the five categories of classic deep-sky quite helpful in searching for them. But if you ever want to
objects are three appendices with objects that I have found find objects with proficiency in just binoculars or a small
also visible with the naked-eye and 7x35 binoculars. telescope, youre going to have to learn to star-hop. Thats
Appendix A constitutes a mix of twenty-five unique stars one of the biggest reasons Im so good at using binoculars.
while Appendix B lists twenty-one double stars and Appendix Besides, my list is only composed of the brightest deep-sky
C list the twenty-five brightest asteroids. objects anyway!
Id like to point out that every stargazing book Ive ever One question you may have asked yourself is why did I
read that was written for use with binoculars or a very small use such a small size of binoculars when most amateurs
telescope always inherently contained more open clusters for observe with 50-millimeter or larger? Well, for one reason, it
the observer to seek out than any other type of deep-sky was the only good pair to choose from on my familys shelf
when I first started years ago. Another reason, that Ive since After finishing my list, I noticed that the five
come to believe, is that most observers cant resist at least constellations with the brightest galaxies within their
trying to see an object if its been quoted as being visible in borders are exactly the ones youd think: Virgo, 18; Coma
only 7x35 binoculars (I certainly can't)! Im really just glad I Berenices, 10; Canes Venatici, 10; Leo, 9; and Ursa Major, 5.
didnt start using a pair of 7x50 binoculars because I know Just those five alone comprise two thirds of all the galaxies on
just the number of galaxies I couldve seen in them alone my list. I also noticed that the three constellations with the
would be over a hundred. Which wouldve only wore me out brightest globular clusters within their borders are pretty
even more by my trying to discover and rate all of them!! much what you would expect also: Ophiuchus, 13; Sagittarius,
12; and Scorpius, 4. And just those three alone contain half of
all the globular clusters on my list.
How to Use My List
with whichs border they are very close to. Immediately
All the objects have one prominent designation from a following that, in bold italics, you may find a popular
catalog (mainly the NGC or IC and in bold if not also a nickname(s) that I liked or thought seemed fitting.
Messier object) while some even have two. The second My unique rating system starts at 0 for the very
designations that I list are either from Charles Messiers brightest objects and goes all the way sometimes in half
Catalogue (with a bold M), Patrick Caldwell-Moores steps to 10. Youre welcome to compare the ratings of
Catalogue (with a C), or from Stephen James OMearas objects from different categories, but be warned that they
Hidden Treasures (with an HT) or Secret Deep Catalogue may not always appear to match up in your eyes since it is a
(with an SD) in his Deep-Sky Companions series. Why list very personal rating system. Ill go into further detail about
whether the object is from OMearas books, you wonder? them in the next section.
Well, first of all, OMeara wrote a spectacular essay about The distances that I tried to include for every object
each Messier and Caldwell object in his first two aptly titled were gleaned from professional sources (which are listed in
Deep-Sky Companions books which I admonish every small the footnotes for each table of objects). However, they are to
telescope user to read. Secondly, he did the same thing for not be relied on too heavily because there is always some
each object that I have designated with an HT or SD. So by inaccuracy in the methods that professional astronomers use
noting each object that he has wrote about, Im informing you to derive them. The worst of the worst are the nebulae, which
of one of the best all around sources if you want to know have uncertainties in their distances ranging from a few
more than what my simple naked-eye or binocular hundred light-years to a few thousand light-years.
descriptions give. My source for the magnitudes of all the deep-sky
For the galaxies, I list their Hubble morphological objects (except the globular star clusters or unless otherwise
classification (as later improved by Sandage and de noted) was Cragin and Bonannos Uranometria 2000.0 Deep
Vaucouleurs) from Cragin and Bonannos Uranometria 2000.0 Sky Field Guide (2nd edition, 2001). A -- means that either no
Deep Sky Field Guide (2nd edition, 2001). They were all kindly magnitude was listed or that the object itself was simply not
provided to me by fellow amateur astronomer Cliff Mygatt of listed. They also were all kindly provided to me by Cliff
Washington State. For the bright nebulae, I list which of four Mygatt. Their only purpose is to give a sense of perspective as
types (emission, reflection, planetary, or supernova remnant) to what most amateur astronomers (including myself) use
they are. The dark nebulae have their rating in the Lynds while considering viewing an object. However, one of the
opacity scale while the globular clusters have their Shapely- hardest lessons I learned early on was to not wholly trust the
Sawyer Concentration Class number listed. I came up with a exact listed magnitude of an object. Thats the biggest reason
personal rating for the open clusters that comprises four for why I started trying to rate each object as to how bright it
sizes as viewed with the naked-eye. actually appeared to my eyes.
For every object, I list the Latin name of the In the Bright Nebulae, Dark Nebulae, and Open Star
constellation they reside in and occasionally a second one Clusters tables you will find a few objects that are listed in
red. Though they do not truly belong to the category they them. They constitute an interesting scattering of objects off
appear in, I nonetheless encourage anyone to have a look at the beaten path. I even like to think of some of them as being
akin to objects 40 and 73 in Messier's Catalogue.
My Rating System
because the further an object is viewed from the zenith, the
As the heart and soul of my observing list is my unique more air (and thus moisture, which scatters light) you have
rating of visibility, which I have painstakingly given to most to look through.
of the objects, I would like to take the time to go into further The open cluster NGC 6124 in Scorpius (with a max
detail about it. The first iteration of it was a simple 1 through altitude 13) is a great example of this because on most
5 difficulty scale that eventually evolved into what you see summer nights (which are notoriously warm and humid), I
now as the number of objects I saw grew. The reason I like to find it to be difficult or not visible at all in my binoculars. That
use the term rating of visibility is because for some objects frustrated me for a long time because it has a listed
(like the planetary nebula NGC 2440 or the galaxy NGC magnitude of +5.8 so it should even be visible with the
5195), its location close to a brighter star or even another naked-eye! I have also found that the second magnitude star
deep-sky object can make it harder to glimpse. My rating Alpha () Arae, which only gets 4.25 up, would be barely
takes that into account since I am only viewing them in visible in binoculars. Then, on one cold April morning with
binoculars and with such a low magnification. My rating the temperature in the low 40's (F), I got out and found that
method also better correlates between the visibility of large, suddenly I could see NGC 6124 with my naked eyes! I was
extended nebula and stellar-looking planetary nebulae. even able to see Alpha () Arae without the binoculars. The
However, because I simply eyeballed the rating for difference was the amount of haze along the horizon in a
each object, Im aware that its inevitably a very personal list spring morning compared to that of a midsummer evening.
that will not be exactly replicable for everyone since some So sure, it felt strange to be shivering while looking at the
objects especially the dark nebulae can actually only be summer constellations, but I was finally able to see them at
glimpsed under really dark skies. I must also point out that their best. Consequently, that's also when I first found I could
even though I observe from a near mid-northern latitude, I just make out the planetary nebula M27 with my naked eyes!
have tried my hardest to reach for objects as far south as I So I expect my more southerly observations should be helpful
could. Doing this however tends to lead to ratings for very for people observing further south then myself while sadly
southern objects that can only be seen as such on only a few being only that much more antagonizing for people observing
exceptional nights each year. The reason for this is simply further north.
My Observing Sight and Instruments
Im lucky. Every single observation was made on my since the faintest stars I have been able to see at the zenith
farm at an altitude of only 650 feet (195 meters) above sea are at least magnitude +7.1. Also because I have been able to
level. In addition, they were all done within 100 yards of my easily detect my own shadow being cast by the light of Venus
house with most quite literally just outside of my backdoor. and discern the large glow of the Gegenschein on most clear
So though I have never had to travel to do observing, that nights in the fall. With my glasses correcting for my slight
doesnt mean I dont have to contend with light-pollution. On astigmatism, I have been able to split the 209 arc-second
the contrary, I actually have four light-pollution domes: a wide double star Eta () Lyrae. I have tried and will continue
small one in the west, north-northeast, and east, along with a to attempt glimpsing one of Jupiter's moon with the naked-
more moderate sized one in the south-southeast. The biggest eye until I have proven that I truly cannot.
reason for why I believe they dont affect me as much as they The binoculars I used were an old pair of 7x35
probably should is because of trees. From where I normally Bushnell Falcons (coated, porro prism) with a 7 field-of-
set up my telescope, even my best horizon (or tree-line, as I view that I found on our shelf at home. Amazingly, the
have to call it) is blocked by at least a degree or two of faintest stars I could see in them were around magnitude
treetops. But coincidentally, each of the afore mentioned +9.9 at the zenith. The double star Psi1 (1) Piscum, with a
light-pollution domes is also blocked, and quite well too, by separation of 30 seconds of arc between its magnitude +5.3
the closer parts of the woods that inhabit my property. Just primary and +5.5 secondary, was the closest pair I have
another reason why I love my trees! found I could split. I do want to make sure to note that I never
The latitude at which I live at is 36.1 on the north used or needed any form of a tripod in conjunction with my
parallel. This means that only 20% of the entire sky stays binoculars. To best view the objects, I used a chaise longue,
permanently below my southern horizon. However, due to which I found to be a perfect substitute for a tripod. Also,
light-pollution and horizon haze, the lowest object visible unless otherwise noted, I tried never to block a close star
with the naked-eye on my list is the globular cluster NGC nearby or surrounding stars when I gave the rating for an
5139 (Caldwell 80, Omega Centauri) while the lowest object. Instead, I tried to keep all my observations as natural
binocular object on my list is the globular cluster NGC 3201 and replicable as possible (that's also why I never involved
(Caldwell 79). They only get 6.5 and 7.5 above my southern nebula filters in my ratings).
horizon, respectively. But I must again remind you, I only There is one handicap that I had while using my
made the final ratings you see on the best of nights when each binoculars. Instead of looking through both eyes like you're
object was at or near culmination. supposed to, I only used one eye and looked through the right
I have to wear glasses to correct for my side of my binoculars (sorry Philip Harrington). To put it
nearsightedness, so every time I mention using my naked briefly, about five years ago my 7x35 binoculars came out of
eyes, Im actually wearing glasses. With them, I rate my skies alignment mysteriously while out observing. I chose to
as between a two and three on the Bortle Dark-Sky Scale continue using them like this because...well, because I kept
finding new objects visible in them as I became a better to using one eye through a slightly larger aperture (at the
observer. As my list continued to grow and I saw exceedingly same magnification). For me, a view through my 7x35
more and more difficult objects, I decided to complete my list binoculars using both eyes would probably be equivalent to a
like this and use it as a handicap to hopefully entice other one eyed view through a pair of 7x38 binoculars. That means
observers to take it on. I have since learned of the idea of that at the most Im missing out on a 20% increase in light
binocular summation from Philip Harringtons (no relation) gathering which works out to be only about 0.2 magnitudes.
book Cosmic Challenge. Its the idea that the view through So although I didnt get to make use of that for my
binoculars, since youre using two eyes, is actually equivalent observations, I fully agree that using two eyes instead of one
is easier and gives you an edge.
Designations1 Type2 Constellation/Nickname3 R4 Distance5 M6 Comments and Visual Notes*
NGC 224 M31 Spiral Andromeda Great Andromeda 3 2,530,000 3.1 L-E, Can see the magnitude +6.9 star off its SW tip; Is seen 12.5 from edge-on
NGC 598 M33 Spiral Triangulum/Pisces Triangulum 7.5 2,815,000 5.7 L, Is seen 55 from edge-on
NGC 3031 M81 Spiral Ursa Major 9 11,840,000 6.9 M, Never gets higher than 57 for the author; Is seen 32 from edge-on
M-E, Never gets higher than 29 for the author; Is seen 17 from edge-on; Brightest
NGC 253 C65 Barred Spiral Sculptor/Cetus Great Sculptor 9.5 10,760,000 7.2
member of the South Polar Group of Galaxies.
All together, I have found four different galaxies are visible naked-eye from my observing location where the limiting magnitude at the zenith is +7.1.
NGC 4736 M94 Spiral Canes Venatici Crocs Eye 2.5 15,850,000 8.2 S, Could glimpse expansive outer halo
NGC 3034 M82 Irregular Ursa Major Cigar 3.5 12,070,000 8.4 S-E
NGC 2403 C7 Barred Spiral Camelopardalis 4 11,220,000 8.5 M, Is seen 60 from edge-on
NGC 5194 M51 Spiral Canes Venatici Whirlpool 4.5 26,580,000 8.4 M, Is seen 60 from edge-on
NGC 4594 M104 Spiral Virgo/Corvus Sombrero 5.5 32,530,000 8.0 S-E, Is seen 6 from edge-on
NGC 4258 M106 Barred Spiral Canes Venatici 6 24,400,000 8.4 S-E
Hydra/Centaurus Southern
NGC 5236 M83^ Barred Spiral 6 15,640,000 7.5 M, Is seen 66 from edge-on
S+, Physically very small only about 7,000 light-years across; Involved with M31s
NGC 221 M32 Dwarf Elliptical Andromeda 6.5 2,540,000 8.1
expansive glow.
NGC 3627 M66 Barred Spiral Leo Leo Triplet 6.5 30,430,000 8.9 S, Brightest galaxy in Leo
NGC 4826 M64 Spiral Coma Berenices Black Eye 6.5 17,090,000 8.5 S+, Brightest galaxy in Coma Berenices
NGC 205 M110 Elliptical Andromeda 7 2,660,000 8.1 S, Now considered a dwarf spheroidal galaxy
S, Tied for brightest member of Virgo Cluster; Now considered a lenticular galaxy with
NGC 4382 M85 Spiral Coma Berenices 7.5 51,860,000 9.1
hints of spiral structure.
NGC 4472 M49 Elliptical Virgo 7.5 52,510,000 8.4 S, Tied for brightest member of Virgo Cluster
NGC 5055 M63 Spiral Canes Venatici Sunflower 7.5 27,720,000 8.6 S, A 9th-magnitude star lies 4 W.
NGC 5457 M101 Barred Spiral Ursa Major/Botes Pinwheel 7.5 22,500,000 7.9 M, Spans nearly twice the diameter of the Milky Way.
NGC 1068 M77 Spiral Cetus Cetus A 8 40,610,000 8.9 S+
Ursa Major Tigers Eye,
NGC 2841 HT49 Spiral 8 55,450,000 9.2 S, A magnitude +8.5 star lies 5 NE; Member of the Leo Spur of Galaxies
Sunflower Junior
NGC 3115 C53 Spiral Sextans Spindle 8 32,620,000 8.9 S, Now considered a lenticular galaxy
NGC 4449 C21 Irregular Canes Venatici Box 8 13,270,000 9.6 S, Now considered an irregular barred dwarf galaxy.
NGC 4486 M87 Elliptical Virgo Virgo A 8 53,490,000 8.6 S, A magnitude +8.7 star lies 6 N.
NGC 4649 M60 Elliptical Virgo 8 54,790,000 8.8 S
NGC 5128^ C77 Spiral Centaurus Centaurus A 8 11,940,000 6.8 M, Never gets higher than 11 for the author; Now considered a peculiar galaxy
S, Never gets higher than 16.5 for the author; Member of the South Polar Group of
NGC 300 C70 Spiral Sculptor 8.5 6,460,000 8.1
IC 342 C5 Barred Spiral Camelopardalis 8.5 10,780,000 9.1 M, Only recently discovered around 1890 by William F. Denning.
NGC 2903
HT51 Barred Spiral Leo 8.5 29,840,000 9.0 S, Member of the Leo Spur of Galaxies
NGC 3521 HT56 Barred Spiral Leo 8.5 37,830,000 9.0 S, Member of the Leo Spur of Galaxies
NGC 4214 HT59 Irregular Canes Venatici 8.5 9,820,000 9.8 S
NGC 4406 M86 Barred Spiral Virgo/Coma Berenices 8.5 54,790,000 8.9 S, May be a transitional object between elliptical and spindle-type galaxies.
NGC 4631 C32 Barred Spiral Canes Venatici Whale 8.5 18,530,000 9.2 S-E

Designations1 Type2 Constellation/Nickname3 R4 Distance5 M6 Visual Notes*

NGC 4725 HT69 Barred Spiral Coma Berenices 8.5 41,420,000 9.4 S, Now considered a peculiar barred spiral galaxy.
NGC 628 M74 Spiral Pisces 9 31,080,000 9.4 S
NGC 2683 HT47 Elliptical Lynx/Cancer UFO 9 31,930,000 9.8 S, Member of the Leo Spur of Galaxies; Now considered a spiral galaxy
NGC 3368 M96 Barred Spiral Leo 9 34,740,000 9.3 S
NGC 3379 M105 Elliptical Leo 9 34,900,000 9.3 S
NGC 3621 HT57 Spiral Hydra 9 21,950,000 9.7 S, Member of the Leo Spur of Galaxies; Now considered a barred spiral galaxy
NGC 3623 M65 Barred Spiral Leo Leo Triplet 9 42,240,000 9.3 S
NGC 4303 M61 Barred Spiral Virgo 9 47,290,000 9.7 S
NGC 4321 M100 Barred Spiral Coma Berenices 9 51,860,000 9.4 S
NGC 4365 Elliptical Virgo 9 70,940,000 9.6 S, Currently considered one of the most distant galaxies visible in my 7x35s.
NGC 4374 M84 Elliptical Virgo/Coma Berenices 9 55,280,000 9.1 S
NGC 4490 HT63 Barred Spiral Canes Venatici Cocoon 9 23,350,000 9.8 S, Now considered a peculiar barred spiral galaxy.
NGC 4501 M88 Spiral Coma Berenices 9 60,670,000 9.6 S
NGC 4559 C36 Barred Spiral Coma Berenices 9 26,400,000 10.0 S, In telescopes the star 2 W is still much dimmer than the overall galaxy.
NGC 4579 M58 Barred Spiral Virgo 9 65,230,000 9.7 S
NGC 4699 HT68 Barred Spiral Virgo 9 71,920,000 9.5 S, Currently considered one of the most distant galaxies visible in my 7x35s.
NGC 5005 C29 Barred Spiral Canes Venatici 9 65,070,000 9.8 S
NGC 6946 C12 Barred Spiral Cepheus and Cygnus Fireworks 9 17,790,000 8.8 S, Has a 10th-magnitude star 6 S; The brighter open cluster NGC 6939 lies 0.6 NW.
M-E, Never gets higher than 15 for the author; Member of the South Polar Group of
NGC 55 C72 Barred Spiral Sculptor/Phoenix Surfboard 9.5 6,490,000 7.9
S, Brightest member of the Fornax Galaxy Cluster; Now considered either a peculiar
NGC 1316 HT13 Barred Spiral Fornax Fornax A 9.5 58,060,000 8.5
elliptical or barred lenticular galaxy.
NGC 1407 SD13 Spiral Eridanus Eridanus A 9.5 79,580,000 9.7 S, Now considered a massive elliptical galaxy
S+, Has a magnitude +7.3 star 10 SE and an equal magnitude star 10 NE; Now con-
NGC 2655 HT48 Barred Spiral Camelopardalis 9.5 79,580,000 10.1
sidered a barred lenticular and one of the most distant galaxies visible in my 7x35s.
NGC 3607 Spiral Leo 9.5 64,910,000 9.9 S
NGC 3953 SD48 Barred Spiral Ursa Major 9.5 61,320,000 10.1 S
S+, An equal magnitude star lies only 2.5 E; Currently considered one of the most
NGC 4125 Elliptical Draco/Ursa Major 9.5 77,950,000 9.7
distant galaxies visible in my 7x35s.
NGC 4254 M99 Spiral Virgo 9.5 50,720,000 9.9 S+
NGC 4414 SD54 Barred Spiral Coma Berenices/Canes Venatici 9.5 59,030,000 10.1 S+, Now considered just a spiral galaxy
S, View is possibly a combination of NGC 4438 and the +10.8 galaxy NGC 4435 5 N.
NGC 4438 SD56 Spiral Virgo/Coma Berenices The Eyes 9.5 36,860,000 10.2
Now considered a lenticular galaxy.
S, Midway between two 7th-magnitude stars which are separated by 15; Now
NGC 4526 HT65 Barred Spiral Virgo 9.5 50,880,000 9.7
considered a barred lenticular galaxy.
NGC 4552 M89 Elliptical Virgo 9.5 51,530,000 9.8 S, Several faint stars nearby
NGC 4569 M90 Barred Spiral Virgo/Coma Berenices 9.5 38,810,000 9.5 S
NGC 4621 M59 Elliptical Virgo 9.5 50,390,000 9.6 S
NGC 4636 SD62 Elliptical Virgo 9.5 49,900,000 9.5 S
NGC 4697 C52 Elliptical Virgo 9.5 36,040,000 9.2 S, Now considered possibly a lenticular galaxy
S, 8x56 binoculars better separate NGC 5195 from M51 and show it to be a 9 if M51
NGC 5195 SD67 Irregular Canes Venatici M51b 9.5 26,080,000 9.5
wasnt so close. Now considered a barred spiral galaxy.

Designations1 Type2 Constellation/Nickname3 R4 Distance5 M6 Visual Notes*

S+, Several stars nearby, including an equal magnitude star 7 to its NE. Now
NGC 5866 HT75 Spiral Draco M102 9.5 45,660,000 9.9
considered a barred lenticular galaxy being viewed nearly edge-on.
NGC 7331 C30 Spiral Pegasus 9.5 47,290,000 9.5 S+, A star of similar magnitude lies 8 E
S, Member of the South Polar Group of Galaxies; Now considered a dwarf spiral
NGC 7793 HT109 Spiral Sculptor 9.5 12,070,000 9.1
galaxy due to its size.
S+, Harder to glimpse because its nestled inside a triangle of roughly 9 th-magnitude
NGC 1023 HT10 Barred Spiral Perseus/Andromeda 10 33,920,000 9.3
stars with one (mag. +9.2) only 4 SW; Now considered a barred lenticular galaxy.
NGC 1398 HT19 Barred Spiral Fornax 10 62,460,000 9.7 S, Has a star of equal magnitude 7 W tough to split with only 7x binoculars.
NGC 3351 M95 Barred Spiral Leo 10 32,450,000 9.7 S
NGC 3384 Barred Spiral Leo M105 Twin 10 33,920,000 9.9 S
NGC 4473 SD60 Elliptical Coma Berenices/Virgo 10 51,210,000 10.2 S
NGC 4494 Elliptical Coma Berenices 10 43,700,000 9.8 S, Has a magnitude +7.9 star 7 N.
NGC 4565 C38 Spiral Coma Berenices Needle 10 39,140,000 9.6 S
All together, I have found seventy-four galaxies are visible in 7x35 binoculars from my observing location where the limiting magnitude at the zenith for them is +9.9.
The brightest, largest, and nearest galaxy in the sky is our very own Milky Way, which center lies about 28,000 light-years away.
- NGC stands for New General Catalogue, IC stands for Index Catalogue, M stands for Messier, C stands for Caldwell, HT stands for its number in Stephen
James OMearas Deep-Sky Companions: Hidden Treasures book, and SD stands for its number in Stephen James OMearas Deep-Sky Companions: The Secret
2 nd
- Hubble morphological classifications gleaned by Cliff Mygatt from Uranometria 2000.0 Deep Sky Field Guide (2 English edition, 2001).
- A commonly accepted nickname that I liked or one I gave it.
- Rated on a 0-10 scale, were zero is easiest to see and ten is the hardest to see (in its category).
- Mean distances, in light-years, extracted from NASAs The Extragalactic Database (NED).
6 nd
- Magnitudes gleaned by Cliff Mygatt from Uranometria 2000.0 Deep Sky Field Guide (2 English edition, 2001).
^ - Objects that keen observers, such as OMeara, have been able to see naked-eye from the Northern Hemisphere. These stand as challenges that very few
have bested from the United States (or no further south than latitude 19 N).
*As seen in 7x35 binoculars: L (-E) = large, large-elongated; M (-E) = medium, medium-elongated; S, S-E, S+ = small, small-elongated, or stellar.
Bright Nebulae (25 emission/reflection, 23 planetary, and 3 supernova remnants)

Designations1 Type2 Constellation/Nickname3 R4 Distance5 M6 Comments and Visual Notes*

NGC 1976 M42 EN Orion Great Orion 0.5 1,500 -- M, With Theta () Orionis included in rating
NGC 6523 M8 EN+OC Sagittarius Lagoon 1 4,300 -- L, Rating includes the open cluster NGC 6530 in its eastern side.
NGC 7000 C20 EN Cygnus North American 4 1,800 -- L
Sagittarius/Serpens Caput/Scutum
NGC 6618 M17 EN 7.5 5,900 -- M, A magnitude +5.4 star lies 0.3 N.
Sharpless 2- L, Huge emission nebula thats brightest part is an arc about 2.5 NW of the loose open
EN Orion Lambda Orionis 9.5 --
264 cluster Collinder 69 (the Head of Orion).
NGC 6853 M27 PN Vulpecula Dumbbell 9.5 1,200 7.4 S, A magnitude +5.7 star lies 0.4 N; Apparent size is growing by about 7 per century.
M, Suspected with the unaided eye though it never gets higher than 33.5 for the author! Its
NGC 7293 C63 PN Aquarius Helix 10 715 7.3
a large12 circular glow in binoculars thats paradoxically faint even in them.
All together, I have found seven different nebulae are visible naked-eye from my observing location where the limiting magnitude at the zenith is +7.1.
NGC 3242^ C59 PN Hydra Ghost of Jupiter 1.5 1,400 7.7 S+, blue color
NGC 6543 C6 PN Draco Cats Eye 2.5 3,300 8.1 S+, A fainter 8th-magnitude star lies only 3 NW; light blue color
IC 418 HT28 PN Lepus Raspberry Ring 4 3,600 10.7 S+, Current catalogs place it around +9.3 while I see that as still too faint; light blue color
NGC 6572 HT90 PN Ophiuchus Blue Racquetball 4 3,500 8.1 S+, A much fainter magnitude +9.5 star lies about 4 W.
NGC 7009 C55 PN Aquarius Saturn 4 1,400 8.0 S+, Magnitude +4.5 Nu () Aql lies 1.3 E; Light blue color
NGC 2237,
C49 EN Monoceros Rosette 5 5,400 -- L, Possibly naked-eye, but hard to confirm that it is the glow I see around NGC 2244.
38, 46^
NGC 6210 HT78 PN Hercules Turtle 5 5,000 8.8 S+, Has a magnitude +9.6 star 4.5 NE and a +7.3 star 9 SE
S+, Magnitude +5.8 13 And lies 0.5 NE with a mag. +8.0 star 8 E. Is part of the outline of a
NGC 7662 C22 PN Andromeda Light Blue Snowball 5 3,200 8.2
heart asterism 0.7 across discovered by Cloudy Nights member Philipp. Light blue color
L, Very unmistakable elongated patch of bright sky tough to tell how much is from
IC 1848 EN Cassiopeia Soul 6 6,500 --
unresolved stars in the Milky Way.
NGC 2175 HT37 EN Orion 6 6,400 -- M, Has a magnitude +7.6 star just S of its middle.
M, Visible as a bright glow (the emission nebula) around a magnitude +7.6 star and a faint
NGC 6514 M20 EN/RN Sagittarius Trifid 6 5,400 --
glow (the reflection nebula) around a magnitude +7.4 star 8 N.
Longmore- Only its magnitude +8.8 central star is visible. Actually, its a binary central star and whats
PN Coma Berenices 6.5 -- --
Tritton 5 responsible for ionizing the nebula is its invisible hot dwarf companion.
NGC 6826 C15 PN Cygnus Blinking 6.5 3,900 8.8 S+, The 6th-magnitude 40 wide double star 16 Cygni lies only 0.5 to the W.
NGC 7027 HT104 PN Cygnus Pink Pillow 6.5 2,300 8.5 S+, Probably the most studied planetary nebula ever by professional astronomers.
NGC 281^ HT3 EN Cassiopeia Pacman 7 9,600 -- M, The brightest star in the nebula is the small magnitude +6.3 open cluster IC 1590.
NGC 1499 EN Perseus California 7 1,000 -- L, Brightest edge lies 1 NE of Xi () Persei; Visible naked-eye with certain filters.
M, Circular apparition of faint light 15 ENE of Zeta () Orionis. Like a ghost of Zeta not seen
NGC 2024 HT34 EN Orion Flame 7 1,300 --
to the side of the other two stars in Orions Belt.
NGC 2467 HT43 EN Puppis 7 13,000 7.1 S, Its illuminating star is magnitude +9.2 and lies just E of center.
NGC 2068 M78 RN Orion 7.5? 1,600 -- S, Rating not final; Appears brighter due to two bright stars in it.
S+, Rating not final; A magnitude +8.2 star lies only 1.6 N, making it extremely difficult to
NGC 2392 C39 PN Gemini Eskimo 7.5? 2,900 9.1
rate its visibility with only 7x binoculars.
NGC 6720 M57 PN Lyra Ring 7.5 2,300 8.8 S+, Two equal magnitude stars lie nearby one 12 N and the other 13 E.
M, Is a distinctly blue swath S of Merope with its curving E and SE edge (paralleling a row of
NGC 1435^ RN Taurus Merope 8 440 --
progressively fainter 7th- and 8th-magnitude stars) the most distinct.
NGC 1514 SD15 PN Taurus/Perseus Crystal Ball 8 -- -- Only its magnitude +9.4 central star is visible.
NGC 1952 M1 SNR Taurus Crab 8 6,500 -- S, Apparent size is growing by about 30 per century.

Designations1 Type2 Constellation/Nickname3 R4 Distance5 M6 Visual Notes*

NGC 1977, M, Also known as Sharpless 2-279; Has some surprisingly defined edges; Involved with a
HT32 EN Orion 8 1,500 --
75, 73 loose open cluster of bright stars.
NGC 1982 M43 EN Orion Comma 8 1,500 -- S, Tightly surrounds a magnitude +7.0 star.
NGC 1535 HT24 PN Eridanus Cleopatras Eye 8.5 5,800 9.6 S+
NGC 3587 M97 PN Ursa Major Owl 8.5 2,000 9.9 S
S, With averted vision, nebula appears to grow out from around a magnitude +7.4 star and
NGC 7023 C4 RN Cepheus Iris 8.5 1,400 --
give the star an out-of-focus look.
IC 1396^ EN Cepheus 8.5? 3,000 -- L, Rating not final; Glow is visible naked-eye with certain nebula filters.
IC 1805 EN Cassiopeia Heart 9 6,000 -- M
NGC 1999 HT33 RN Orion The 13th Pearl 9 1,500 -- S+, Tiny ball of nebula with a 10th-magnitude star at its center visible in telescopes.
Sharpless 2- Orion Barnards Loop, Herschels L, Brightest part of Barnards Loop NE of M78 by a little over 1. Best found by comparing
SD26 SNR 9 1,500 --
276^ Region #27 sky to area just NW of 56 Orionis.
NGC 2359 SD35 EN/RN Canis Major Thors Helmet 9 1,600 -- S, Shows strong enhancement with certain nebula filters.
Hercules/Serpens Caput White- S+, A star of similar magnitude (+9.5) lies only 5 N; Only discovered as recently as 1907
IC 4593 SD71 PN 9 7,900 10.7
Eyed Pea by Williamina Paton Fleming of Harvard College; view may include variable central star.
NGC 6818 HT99 PN Sagittarius Little Gem 9 4,800 9.3 S+, A star of similar brightness (magnitude +9.5) lies 8 SE.
NGC 6992,
C33 SNR Cygnus East Veil 9 1,500 -- S-E, Apparent size is growing by 6 per century.
S+, A magnitude +6.6 star lies 13 E and a magnitude +9.5 star lies 9 W. Is barely visible on
NGC 650, 51 M76 PN Perseus Little Dumbbell 9.5 2,500 10.1
best of nights while near the zenith.
NGC 1333 HT15 RN Perseus/Aries/Taurus Embryo 9.5 1,100 -- S, View is a combined image of its magnitude +10.5 star and nebula.
NGC 1360 HT16 PN Fornax Robins Egg 9.5 1,700 9.4 S, A faint 10th-magnitude star lies 13 S of its little disk..
NGC 1931 SD23 EN/RN Auriga The Fly 9.5 7,000 -- S+, Telescopes reveal a tight triple star at its center.
NGC 2261 C46 RN/EN Monoceros Hubbles Variable 9.5 2,500 -- S, January 2016 brightness rating; Brightest variable nebula (~10th-magnitude) in the sky.
S+, A magnitude +8.5 star lies about 3 E would rate a 9 if farther away. 8x56 binoculars
NGC 2440 HT41 PN Puppis Albino Butterfly 9.5 4,600 9.4
reveal a tiny Jupiter-sized disk.
S+, Never gets higher than 13.5 for the author; View is a combined image of its 10th-
NGC 3132 C74 PN Vela/Antlia Southern Ring 9.5 2,000 9.2
magnitude central star and nebula.
IC 3568 HT64 PN Camelopardalis Sliced Lime 9.5 ~8,000 10.6 S+, A star of similar brightness (about magnitude +9.6) lies 7 E.
Abell 35 PN Hydra/Corvus 9.5 -- -- Only its magnitude +9.6 central star is visible.
S+, A star of similar brightness (magnitude +9.6) lies 10 SW; Takes best of nights since it
NGC 6302 C69 PN Scorpius Bug 10 1,700 9.6
never gets higher than 17 for the author.
All together, I have found forty-forty nebulae are visible in 7x35 binoculars from my observing location where the limiting magnitude at the zenith for them is +9.9.
- NGC stands for New General Catalogue, IC stands for Index Catalogue, M stands for Messier, C stands for Caldwell, HT stands for its number in Stephen
James OMearas Deep-Sky Companions: Hidden Treasures book, and SD stands for its number in Stephen James OMearas Deep-Sky Companions: The Secret
Deep. Sharpless is from Stewart Sharplesss 1959 revised version of his 1953 catalog of emission nebulae.
- EN = emission nebula; RN = reflection nebula; PN = planetary nebula; SNR = supernova remnant.
- A commonly accepted nickname that I liked or one I gave it.
- Rated on a 0-10 scale, were zero is easiest to see and ten is the hardest to see (in its category). Gauging the visibility of a diffuse nebula involved with stars is
tricky because when employing averted vision, some of the starlight can appear scattered and thus create a false brightening around them.
- Distances, in light-years, extracted from various sources. Almost every nebulae listed has an uncertainty in its distance ranging from a few hundreds of light-
years to a few thousand light-years.
6 nd
- Magnitudes gleaned by Cliff Mygatt from Uranometria 2000.0 Deep Sky Field Guide (2 English edition, 2001).
^ - Objects that keen observers, such as OMeara, have been able to see naked-eye from the Northern Hemisphere. These stand as challenges that very few
have bested from the United States (or no further south than latitude 19 N).
*As seen in 7x35 binoculars: L (-E) = large, large-elongated; M (-E) = medium, medium-elongated; S, S-E, S+ = small, small-elongated, or stellar (so not as
sensitive to the effects of light-pollution as other nebulae).
Dark Nebulae
Designation1 Opacity2 Constellation(s) Rating3 Comments and Visual Notes
Great Rift 6? Cygnus through Centaurus Super Easy
Le Gentil 3 6? Cygnus Super Easy 7 x 2.5gash N of Cygnus; Known as the Funnel Cloud
B59, 65, 66, 67
5, 6, 6, 6 Ophiuchus Easy "stem" of the Pipe Nebula; Major part of the Great Dark Horse Nebula
(LDN 1773)
B78 5 Ophiuchus Easy "bowl" of the Pipe Nebula; Slightly more diffuse than stem; Major part of the Great Dark Horse Nebula
B79, 276 6, 2 Ophiuchus Easy Part of the Great Dark Horse Nebula
? Cygnus Easy OMearas Hidden Treasures object 102; Nearly fills the void between Alpha (), Gamma (), and Eta () Cygni.
B256 5 Ophiuchus Moderate South of Pipe Nebula
B262 4 Ophiuchus Moderate Part of the Great Dark Horse Nebula
B268, 270 4, 5 Ophiuchus Moderate Part of the Great Dark Horse Nebula
B111 complex 3 Scutum Moderate Just NW of the open cluster M11
B361 4 Cygnus Moderate Dark spot just off S edge of Le Gentil 3
B169, 170, 171 3, 4, 5 Cepheus Moderate
B137, 138 3, 2 Aquila Hard Great curved, semi-vacant lane over 3 in length. Curve is N to S with its concave side to E.
B143 6 Aquila Hard Top two-thirds of Barnards E nebula
I have found at least fourteen different dark nebulae that are distinctly visible naked-eye from my observing location where the limiting magnitude at the zenith is +7.1.
B44 5 Ophiuchus/Scorpius Easy Suspected its long form naked-eye on one superb morning
B53 4 Scorpius Easy
B63 3 Ophiuchus Easy Possibly visible naked-eye; Part of the Great Dark Horse Nebula
B64 6 Ophiuchus Easy The globular cluster M9 lies on its E edge; Part of the Great Dark Horse Nebula
LDN 1795 ? Scorpius/Sagittarius Easy
The Scratch -- Sagittarius Easy Lies 2.5 NW of Gamma () Sagittarii; Three nearly parallel dark streaks about 1-long aligned NNE to SSW.
B312 4 Scutum/Sagittarius Easy
B168 4 Cygnus Easy A 1-long strip known as the Road to the Cocoon; almost naked-eye visible
B45 5 Ophiuchus Moderate A less prominent strip of dark nebula just above B44
B50 6 Scorpius Moderate
B244 5 Ophiuchus Moderate Lies just S of Pipe Nebulas W tip
B259 4 Ophiuchus Moderate Part of the Great Dark Horse Nebula
B295 4 Sagittarius Moderate
B305 -- Sagittarius Moderate
B90 5 Sagittarius Moderate Small round inky spot
B92 6 Sagittarius Moderate Oval shaped nebula on N edge of Small Sagittarius Star-Cloud (M24).
B103 4 Scutum Moderate
B133 6 Aquila Moderate
B142 6 Aquila Moderate Lower bar of Barnards E nebula
LDN 935 4 Cygnus Moderate Gulf of Mexico and East Coast of North American Nebula (NGC 7000).
B93 4 Sagittarius Hard Skinny shaped nebula just E of B92 on N edge of Small Sagittarius Star-Cloud (M24).
I have found at least twenty dark nebulae that are distinctly visible in 7x35 binoculars from my observing location where the limiting magnitude at the zenith for them is +9.9.
- B stands for Barnard, LDN stands for Lynds Dark Nebula.
- Lynds opacity scale. In this 1-6 scale, the most opaque dark nebulae are classed as six whiles the least opaque are classed as one.
- Rated on a four-part scale of increasing difficulty (Super Easy, Easy, Moderate, and Hard) as devised by the author.
Globular Star Clusters
Designations1 Class2 Constellation/Nickname3 R4 Distance5 M6 Comments and Visual Notes
NGC 6656 M22 VII Sagittarius Great Sagittarius 5.5 10,400 5.10 Globular cluster with the third highest listed magnitude.
Though considered a bright naked-eye spectacle of the Northern Hemisphere, seven globular
NGC 6205 M13 V Hercules Great Globular 6 23,100 5.78
clusters have brighter listed magnitudes then it.
NGC 5272 M3 VI Canes Venatici/Botes 6.5 33,200 6.19 A magnitude +6.5 star lies 30 SW.
NGC 5904 M5 V Serpens Caput 6.5 24,400 5.65 Magnitude +5.0 star 5 Serpentis lies only 20 SE; Brighter than M3, but closer to its own star.
NGC 5139 C80 VIII Centaurus Omega Centauri 7 16,900 3.68 Visible naked-eye though it never gets higher than 6.5; Appears elongated in binoculars
NGC 7078 M15 IV Pegasus 7.5 33,900 6.20 A magnitude +6.1 star lies only 20 to its E.
NGC 6341 M92 IV Hercules 8 27,000 6.44
NGC 7089 M2 II Aquarius 8 37,500 6.47 One of the farthest objects in the Galaxy visible with the naked-eye.
NGC 6254 M10 VII Ophiuchus 8.5 14,300 6.60
Glare from Antares hinders viewing! Is believed to be the closest globular cluster, but only by a
NGC 6121 M4* IX Scorpius 9 7,200 5.63
statistically insignificant 300 light-years over NGC 6397 in Ara.
NGC 6809 M55 XI Sagittarius 9.5 17,600 6.32 Rare to glimpse takes best of nights since it never gets higher than 23 for the author.
NGC 6218 M12 IX Ophiuchus 10 15,600 6.70 Though M12 is the twelfth brightest one from the authors location, 18 are technically brighter.
All together, I have found twelve different globular clusters are visible naked-eye from my observing location where the limiting magnitude at the zenith is +7.1.
NGC 6266 M62^ IV Ophiuchus/Scorpius 0.5 22,100 6.45
NGC 6273 M19^ VIII Ophiuchus 0.5 28,700 6.77
NGC 6626 M28 IV Sagittarius 1.5 17,900 6.79
NGC 6093 M80 II Scorpius 2.5 32,600 7.33 Nearly stellar; Has two roughly magnitude +8.5 stars nearby one 4 NE and one 8 SW.
NGC 6402 M14 VIII Ophiuchus 2.5 30,300 7.59
NGC 6541^ C78 III Corona Australis 3 24,500 6.30 Never gets higher than 10.5 for the author.
NGC 6388, NGC 3201^, NGC 6723, NGC 1851^, NGC 6441, M30, NGC 5986, M54, M53, M69, M9, M79^, NGC 6544, M68^, NGC 6624, M70, M107, NGC 6553, NGC 288, NGC 6712, M71,
NGC 6293, NGC 6304, NGC 6356, NGC 6522, M56, NGC 6316, M75, NGC 5897, NGC 6284, NGC 6934, NGC 6638, NGC 5466, NGC 5824, NGC 6366, M72, NGC 6229, NGC 5694, NGC 4147
All together, I have found forty-five globular clusters are visible in 7x35 binoculars from my observing location where the limiting magnitude at the zenith for them is +9.9.
Of the 157 objects classified as globular clusters belonging to our Galaxy, I have seen over one third (57) with just 7x35 binoculars. Of the 94 listed in Harriss
paper as having magnitudes brighter than +10.0, only eleven never rise above my horizon.
- NGC stands for New General Catalogue, IC stands for Index Catalogue, M stands for Messier, and C stands for Caldwell.
- The Shapley-Sawyer Concentration Class (I - XII) denotes how condensed a globular cluster is by having I stand for most concentrated and XII stand for least.
- A commonly accepted nickname that I liked or one I gave it.
- Rated on a 0-10 scale, were zero is easiest to see and ten is the hardest to see (in its category).
- From Catalog of Parameters For Milky Way Globular Clusters by William E. Harris (Harris, W.E. 1996, AJ, 112, 1487), 2010 edition.
- Magnitudes from Catalog of Parameters For Milky Way Globular Clusters by William E. Harris (Harris, W.E. 1996, AJ, 112, 1487), 2010 edition.
^ - Objects that keen observers, such as OMeara, have been able to see naked-eye from the Northern Hemisphere. These stand as challenges that very few
have bested from the United States (or no further south than latitude 19 N).
* - While M4 in Scorpius is considered the closest globular cluster, the farthest on my list is NGC 5694 in Hydra at a distance of 114,000 light-years. The second
farthest globular cluster on it is NGC 5824 in Lupus (105,000 light-years) while the third farthest is M54 in Sagittarius, which is 86,400 light-years away but 1.5
magnitudes brighter than NGC 5824.
Open Star Clusters
Designations1 A.V.S.2 Constellation/Nickname3 R4 Distance5 M6 Comments and Visual Notes
Melotte 22 M45** L Taurus Pleiades 0 435 1.5 I can see upwards of 11 to 13 Pleiads with the naked-eye.
NGC 6475 M7** L Scorpius Ptolemy 0.5 980 3.3 Can resolve several stars
Sagittarius/Scutum Small
IC 4715 M24 L 1.5 ~10,000 2.5 Is not a true open cluster but merely a star-cloud.
Sagittatarius Star Cloud
NGC 2632 M44** L Cancer Beehive, Praesepe 2 610 3.1 Can resolve two stars and some clumps
NGC 869 & Perseus h & Persei, Double 5.3/ Visible as two distinct clusters with clumps of stars; Is barely brighter than nearby galaxy M31;
C14 L 2.5 6,780 & 9,580
884 Cluster 6.1 Possibly the most distant open clusters visible with just the naked-eye (most easily for sure).
NGC 6231 C76 S Scorpius False Comets Head 3 4,050 2.6 With the naked-eye, it resembles the head of a comet with Trumpler 24 above it being the tail.
Melotte 25** C41 VL Taurus Hyades 3.5 150 0.5 Aldebaran is not a true member and not included in rating.
NGC 2422 M47** M Puppis 3.5 1,600 4.4 Can resolve one star and a clump; Extreme contrast to open cluster M46 1.3 E in binoculars.
NGC 2451** HT42 S Puppis Tangerine Gemstone 3.5 615 2.8 An asterism thats as bright as M47
Melotte 111**# HT62 VL Coma Berenices Coma B 3.5 315 1.8 Furthest cluster on my list from the galactic plane but second closest on my list.
HT97 L Vulpecula Coathanger 3.5 -- 3.6 Not a true open cluster but instead a bright asterism.
NGC 6871 S Cygnus 4.0 5,130 5.2
Trumpler 37** HT105 M Cepheus 4.0 2,720 -- Can see the magnitude +5.6 star at its center naked-eye.
NGC 2244 C50 M Monoceros 4.5 5,410 4.8 Star 12 Monocerotis is not a true member but part of NE rating.
NGC 6405 M6 M Scorpius Butterfly 4.5 1,590 4.2 Couldnt quite resolve stars
NGC 2287 M41 S Canis Major 5 2,310 4.5 Glare from Sirius is distracting!
IC 4725 M25 S Sagittarius 5 2,020 4.6 A magnitude +6.0 star lies 0.7 N.
NGC 7092 M39 S Cygnus 5 1,060 4.6 A magnitude +5.3 star lies 1 W.
NGC 1039 M34 S Perseus/Andromeda 5.5 1,630 5.2
NGC 2168 M35 M Gemini Soccer ball 5.5 2,970 5.1 Has a much fainter and further companion (NGC 2158) faintly visible with 7x35s just to its SW.
Ophiuchus/Serpens Caput
NGC 6633 HT92 M 5.5 1,230 4.6 A magnitude +5.7 star lies 22 SE.
NGC 1981 HT30 S Orion 6 1,240 4.2
NGC 2548 M48 M Hydra 6 2,510 5.8
IC 4756 HT93 L Serpens Cauda Tweedledee 6 1,580 4.6 A possible cluster member (magnitude +6.4) lies 15 away on its SE edge.
Lies high (17) above the galactic plane; In binoculars appears to spell the word HI in
IC 4665 HT83 M Ophiuchus Hello 6.5 1,150 4.2
NGC 6611 M16 S Serpens Cauda Star Queen 6.5 5,870 6.0 No part of the nebula is visible in binoculars, so naked-eye rating is just of the cluster itself.
NGC 752 C28 M Andromeda 7 1,490 5.7 An old open cluster maybe 1.7 billion years old.
Camelopardalis/Cassiopeia Sometimes listed as magnitude +5.6; Discovered in the mid-1950s, its identity as a true open
Stock 23 S 7 1,240 --
Pazminos cluster is now under suspicion.
NGC 2099 M37 S Auriga 7.5 4,510 5.6 A magnitude +6.2 star lies 30 SW.
Trumpler 24 L Scorpius False Comets Tail 7.5 3,710 8.6 With the naked-eye, it resembles the tail of a comet with NGC 6231 below it being the head.
NGC 6531 M21 S Sagittarius 7.5 3,930 5.9 Lies over 0.5 NE of nebula M20.
NGC 663 C10 S Cassiopeia Horseshoe 8 7,890 7.1
NGC 1960 M36 S Auriga 8 4,340 6.0
NGC 2281 SD30 S Auriga 8 1,820 5.4
NGC 6705 M11 S Scutum Wild Duck 8 6,120 5.8 The bright surrounding star field adds difficulty; Its distance is one reason it looks so compact.
Sometimes listed as magnitude +5.6; Rather prominent group of 7th and 8th-magnitude stars in
Kemble 2 S Draco Little Queen 8 -- --
the shape of a small W in binoculars.
Stock 2 SD6 L Cassiopeia/Perseus 8.5 990 4.4
NGC 2447 M93 S Puppis 8.5 3,380 6.2
NGC 2682 M67 S Cancer 8.5 2,630 6.9 A very old open cluster maybe 4 billion years old.
NGC 6494 M23 S Sagittarius 8 2,050 5.5 Eclipses the magnitude +6.5 star that lies 20 to its NW.
NGC 1528 HT25 S Perseus 9 3,550 6.4
NGC 1647 HT27 S Taurus 9 1,760 6.4 A magnitude +6.0 star lies 20 N.
NGC 1750*
& M Taurus 9 2,050 6.1 With NGC 1758, a more distant cluster, included in rating.
NGC 2264 HT38 S Monoceros Christmas Tree 9 2,170 4.1 Magnitude +4.7 15 Mon is a true member but not part of rating (and therein lies the challenge).
NGC 2301 HT39 S Monoceros 9 2,840 6.0
NGC 2323 M50 S Monoceros 9 3,100 5.9
The reason I can see M46 with the naked-eye even though its dim in binoculars is because its
NGC 2437 M46 M Puppis 9 4,920 6.1
angular diameter shrinks when viewed naked-eye.
NGC 2546** HT46 L Puppis 9 3,000 6.3 Can see two stars on either side
NGC 6124 C75 S Scorpius 9 1,670 5.8
Brightest members shine only of 11th-magnitude; Rating includes brighter field stars
NGC 6940 HT101 M Vulpecula 9 2,510 6.3
superimposed on cluster.
Collinder 463 SD5 M Cassiopeia 9.5 2,290 5.7
NGC 1342 SD4 S Perseus Sting Ray 9.5 2,170 6.7
NGC 1912 M38 S Auriga 9.5 4,560 6.4
NGC 2360 C58 S Canis Major 9.5 3,650 7.2 Best to block Sirius when trying to spot!
NGC 7243 C16 S Lacerta 9.5 2,630 6.4
NGC 6242 HT79 S Scorpius 10 3,690 6.4
NGC 7654 M52 S Cassiopeia 10 4,560 6.9 Bright background makes it a very difficult object to detect with the unaided eye.
NGC 7789 HT108 M Cassiopeia 10 5,850 6.7
All together, I have found fifty-five different open clusters are visible naked-eye from my observing location where the limiting magnitude at the zenith is +7.1.
NGC 6913 M29^ S Cygnus 0.5 5,020 6.6
NGC 6709 HT94 S Aquila 0.5 3,500 6.7
Camelopardalis Kembles
Kemble 1 HT21 -- 2.5 -- -- Sometimes listed as magnitude +4.0; A less than 3-long chain of stars an asterism
There are too many open clusters to count that are visible in 7x35 binoculars from my observing location where the limiting magnitude at the zenith for them is +9.9.
- NGC stands for New General Catalogue, IC stands for Index Catalogue, M stands for Messier, C stands for Caldwell, HT stands for its number in Stephen
James OMearas Deep-Sky Companions: Hidden Treasures book, and SD stands for its number in Stephen James OMearas Deep-Sky Companions: The Secret
Deep. Collinder is from the Swedish astronomer Per Arne Collinders 1931 doctoral dissertation on open star clusters, Trumpler is from Robert Trumplers 1930
paper on open star clusters, and Melotte is from the British astronomer Philibert Jacques Melottes 1915 paper on open star clusters. Kemble is from a collection of
asterisms that the Canadian astronomer Lucian Kemble discovered and Stock is from Jrgen Stocks 1954 paper.
- Apparent Visual Size naked-eye: VL = very large; L = large; M = medium; S = small
- A commonly accepted nickname that I liked or one I gave it.
- Rated on a 0-10 scale, were zero is easiest to see and ten is the hardest to see (in its category).
- All distances, except for M24, from Catalog of Open Clusters by Dias W.S., Alessi B. S., Moitinho A. and Lpine J. R. D., 2002, A&A 389, 871.
6 nd
- Magnitudes gleaned by Cliff Mygatt from Uranometria 2000.0 Deep Sky Field Guide (2 English edition, 2001).
^ - Objects that keen observers, such as OMeara, have been able to see naked-eye from the Northern Hemisphere. These stand as challenges that very few
have bested from the United States (or no further south than latitude 19 N).
* - NGC 1746 is presumably the same cluster as NGC 1750, an original find of Sir William Herschel. NGC 1758 is either part of NGC 1750 or another more slightly
distance cluster.
** - I can make out at least one individual star.
- With an apparent diameter of 275, Melotte 111 is the largest open cluster on my list. I did not include any others because they were either too large, too
scattered, or a combination of the two.
Appendix A
25 Unique Stars brighter than +9.9

Star Type1 Constellation M Significant Fact(s)

Sirius A A1 V Canis Major -1.46 Star with the brightest apparent magnitude and the 5th closest star system (8.58 l-y).
Canopus F0 I Carina -0.72 Second brightest star in the night sky, but never gets higher than 1.5 for the author.
Procyon A F5 IV Canis Minor 0.4 13th closest star system (11.40 l-y).
Gamma () Velorum WC7 Vela 1.8 Brightest Wolf-Rayet star; also a good double star for binoculars.
Polaris F8 I Ursa Minor 2.0 Closest star to the north celestial pole (will be at its closest on March 24, 2100 with an apparent separation of 27 09).
Tau () Ceti G8 Vp Cetus 3.5 19th closest star system (11.89 l-y).
Epsilon () Eridani K2 V Eridanus 3.73 Third closest star visible with the naked-eye and 9th closest star system (10.52 l-y).
Omicron2 (2) Eridani A K1 V Eridanus 4.4 12th fastest proper motion (4.1 a year) and the ~50th closest star system (16.26 l-y). White dwarf companion visible in 8x56s.
P (34) Cygni B1 Ia+ Cygnus 4.8 Brightest hypergiant and at over 5,000 light-years away, is one of the most distant stars you can see with the naked-eye.
61 Cygni A/B K5 V/K7 V Cygnus 5.2 7th fastest proper motion (5.2 a year) and 14th closest star system (11.40 l-y).
5.2 (+/- 2.0)
Chi () Cygni S10 1e Cygnus A variable star that takes 13.4 months on average to go from 5 th to 13th-magnitude; about 8 N of Albireo.
- 13th
Y Canum Venaticorum 54JCN3 Canes Venatici 5.2-6.6 Nicknamed La Superba, this carbon star is a semi-regular variable thats one of the coolest and reddest visible naked-eye.
Groombridge 1830 G8 Vp Ursa Major 6.45 3rd fastest proper motion (7.0 a year).
RW Cephei K2 0-Ia Cepheus ~6.5 Currently the third largest star known in our Galaxy and like most monsters, slightly variable.
All are visible naked-eye from my observing location where the limiting magnitude at the zenith is +7.1.
Lacaille 8760 M0 V Microscopium 6.67 Brightest red dwarf, 20th fastest proper motion (3.5 a year), and 26th closest star system (12.87 l-y).
Lacaille 9352 M0.5 V Pisces Austrinus 7.34 2nd brightest red dwarf, 4th fastest proper motion (6.9 a year), and 11th closest star system (10.74 l-y).
Lalande 21185 M2 V Ursa Major 7.47 3rd brightest red dwarf, 4th closest star system (8.29 l-y), and 8th fastest proper motion (4.8 a year) .
W Ursa Majoris F8 V Ursa Major 7.8-8.5 A contact binary star that takes only two hours to go from bright to dim, or vice versa.
Groombridge 34 A M1.5 V Andromeda 8.08 16th closest star system (11.62 l-y) and ~27th fastest proper motion (2.9 a year).
Lalande 21258 M2 V Ursa Major 8.66 11th fastest proper motion (4.5 a year).
HDE 226868 O9 I Cygnus 8.8 OMearas Secret Deep object 93; Visible companion to the first black hole (Cygnus X-1) to be discovered (1971).
Cordoba 32416 M4 V Sculptor 8.96 5th fastest proper motion (6.0 a year).
Barnards Star M4 Ve Ophiuchus 9.54 OMearas Hidden Treasures object 87; Fastest proper motion (10.3 a year) known and 2nd closest star system (5.96 l-y).
T Tauri G5 Ve Taurus 9.6-10.7 A class of variable stars that are erratic in brightness due to their very youth.
UY Scuti M4 Ia Scutum var. Currently the largest known star in our Galaxy and variable, though at times it can get as bright as about +9.5.
All are visible in 7x35 binoculars from my observing location where the limiting magnitude at the zenith for them is +9.9.
Though some of the stars (such as Canopus) are much more difficult to see than their magnitudes would imply (due to how low their maximum altitude is), the
author has seen all of them as pertaining to the section that they are listed in. The only exception is T Tauri, which the author has not yet seen in his 7x35
- Spectral type. Note that some of the more complex ones are in question.
Appendix B
21 Double Stars for the Naked-Eye and 7x35 Binoculars

Star Seperation1 Constellation M2 Visual Notes

Zeta1,2 (1,2) Scorpii 389 Scorpius Not in WDS Catalog; A bright, wide double with 1 appearing orange and a star 8 S making it into a triangle.
Alpha1,2 (1,2) Capricorni 381.2 Capricornus (2012) A bright and wide pair that isnt hard to find and shouldnt give you much trouble if you concentrate.
Mu1,2 (1,2) Scorpii 346.8 Scorpius 2.97/3.51
(1999) Love finding this double star down the back of Scorpius and splitting it without trouble.
Theta1,2 (1,2) Tauri 338.0 Taurus 3.41/3.94
(2015) Noticeable if one takes the time to stare at the Hyades.
31 Cygni 337.1 Cygnus (2015) Binoculars reveal a golden primary (1) with a blue companion a good distance away.
(2015) Nicknamed the Double-Double because in telescopes each member can be split again. Probably the best
Eta1,2 (1,2) Lyrae 208.7 Lyra 4.56/4.67
double star with a separation at or very near most peoples naked-eye limit.
All can be split naked-eye from my observing location where the limiting magnitude at the zenith is +7.1.
Upsilon () Scorpii 508 Scorpius 2.7/7.5 Not in WDS Catalog; Though not easy at such a low altitude, it doesnt pose much of a challenge on good nights.
Alpha1,2 (1,2) Librae 231.1 Libra 2.74/5.19(2012) Lovely orange primary with a bright companion.
Beta1,2 (1,2) Capricorni 205.4 Capricornus 3.15/6.08(2012) Binocular double star with the second-largest magnitude disparagement on my list.
Rho () Ophiuchi 156.4, 149.2 Ophiuchus (2000) From A (+5.07) to D (+6.81) its 156.4 while from A to C (+7.29) its only 149.2.
16, 17 Draconis 89.9 Draco 5.38/5.50(2015) Doable with no bracing but exceptionally easy if binoculars are well braced.
37, 36 Herculis 69.6 Hercules 5.76/6.92(2015) So far east in Hercules that to the naked-eye seems to instead be part of Ophiuchuss Coffin.
Nu1,2 (1,2) Draconis 62.1 Draco 4.87/4.90(2015) On of the easiest to find but one of the first tough ones I found to split.
Zeta1,2 (1,2) Lyrae 43.7 Lyra 4.34/5.62(2015) The intensity and brightness with which its two members shine at makes it harder than you would think.
Nu () Scorpii 41.3 Scorpius 4.35/6.60(2015) Nicknamed the Southern Double-Double. The disparagement between its members makes this a tough one.
Delta () Cephei 40.8 Cepheus 3.5-4.4/6.11
(2015) Very tough due to companion being a dull color and over two full magnitudes dimmer.
16 Cygni 39.8 Cygnus 6.00/6.23(2015) This pair of off-white stars is a main guide star to finding the bright planetary nebula NGC 6826 only 0.5 E.
Struve 747 35.9 Orion 4.70/5.51(2014) Splitting this tough double star just adds to the many wonders around the Orion Nebula in binoculars.
57 Aquilae 35.7 Aquila 5.65/6.35(2014) Tucked in Aquilas SE corner, I could just spit this pair of similar white stars.
(2015) This amazing orange pair of stars is extremely hard to separate and tends to just look elongated. Truly the
61 Cygni 31.4 Cygnus 5.20/6.05
hardest pair to split on my entire list and possibly the closest pair if the WDS Catalog is incorrect.
(2015) If the WDS Catalog is correct, this is the closest pair of stars I can split in 7x35 binoculars. Amazingly, its twin
Psi1 (1) Piscum 29.7 Pisces 5.27/5.45
white suns are not as hard to split as 61 Cygni! Finding the right Psi could be more of a problem for some
All can be split in 7x35 binoculars from my observing location where the limiting magnitude at the zenith for them is +9.9.
List includes binary and optical doubles that the author has been able split. All the separations and magnitudes, unless otherwise noted, are from the
Washington Double Star Catalog, with the year last measured in parentheses.
- In seconds of arc.
- Magnitude of each member visible.
Appendix C
25 Asteroids brighter than +10.0

Brightness Range Average Brightness

(at opposition)1 (at opposition)2
(4) Vesta^ 5.3 to 6.5 6.0
(1) Ceres*# 6.7 to 7.7 7.2
(7) Iris* 6.7 to 9.5 8.5
(2) Pallas* 6.7 to 9.7 8.6
(3) Juno* 7.5 to 10.2 9.1
(6) Hebe* 7.7 to 10.0 9.1
(18) Melpomene* 7.7 to 10.4 9.4
(15) Eunomia* 7.9 to 9.9 8.9
(8) Flora 8.0 to 9.8 9.0
(324) Bamberga 8.1 to 12.1 10.9
(9) Metis* 8.2 to 9.7 9.2
(192) Nausikaa 8.2 to 11.3 10.3
(20) Massalia 8.4 to 10.1 9.4
(27) Euterpe 8.4 to 10.6 9.7
(12) Victoria 8.6 to 11.2 10.2
(29) Amphitrite* 8.7 to 9.6 9.2
(11) Parthenope 8.8 to 10.1 9.6
(5) Astraea 8.8 to 11.1 10.3
(43) Ariadne 8.8 to 11.1 10.3
(89) Julia 8.8 to 11.2 10.3
(39) Laetitia 8.9 to 10.4 9.8
(44) Nysa 8.9 to 10.7 10.0
(19) Fortuna 8.9 to 10.9 10.2
(10) Hygiea* 9.0 to 10.3 9.8
(14) Irene* 9.0 to 10.7 9.9
From my observing location, the limiting magnitude at the zenith with 7x35 binoculars is +9.9.
This list is from an August 2015 Astronomy magazine article written by Vincent S. Foster.
- Contrary to what many observers assume, an asteroid does not attain its maximum possible brightness when it reaches opposition at the perihelion of its orbit.
Rather, about 60% of asteroids are brightest when opposition comes at the orbits node closest to the Sun. In other words, its more important for the asteroid to be
near the ecliptic than near perihelion. For the other 40%, peak brightness comes some place between that node and perihelion. The reason is the opposition
effect, which makes any solid object reflect more light to us when it is directly opposite the Sun.
- Due to the uneven shape and speedy rotation of many of the asteroids, some can vary in brightness by several tenths of a magnitude over the course of a few
* - Author has seen in his own 7x35 binoculars.
^ - Author has seen with just the unaided eye!
- In 2007 the IAU upgraded Ceres from an asteroid to a dwarf planet (they also downgraded Pluto from a planet to a dwarf planet), making Vesta technically
the largest asteroid.
Is this project done? Its a simple but tough question, with Saturns moon Titan. You can also monitor variable
and one I asked myself a lot throughout the making of it. Im stars, watch Earth orbiting satellites, and see the occasional
wise enough now to say that the answer really depends on bright nova not to mention the handful of comets that get
how much more time Im willing to invest in it. Thats bright enough for binoculars each year!
because I do know of a few objects I might be able to see I have to say that the most amazing thing Ive
(mainly with the 7x35s), but that would only be on those discovered after nine years in the hobby is the hard-fought
rarest of nights and at the edge of my vision. To be firsthand knowledge of just how many deep-sky objects are
completely frank, Im tired of this project and ready to move bright enough to be visible with only the naked-eye and 7x35
on. And truth be told, I already started on my next one two binoculars! I cut my teeth on this project, so as my skills
years ago. Thats when I bought a pair of Celestron 8x56 grew, so did the number of objects I could see. However, I am
binoculars and began recording the objects that are visible in publishing my projects results not to just awaken others to
them. It just so turned out they were the single biggest reason the brightest deep-sky objects in the sky but to ask for
for why Ive achieved so much on my first project. suggestions as to objects I might not even be aware of and
But what if youre now hooked on binoculars missed. So please feel free to contact me at
like myself and want more to see with them? Well, dont if you have a good suggestion. Sometime
forget to check out the Moon and its craters, lunar next year I really hope to publish the final version after its
occultations and eclipses, planetary conjunctions, the planets been scrutinized by the amateur astronomy community. Until
Uranus (which I can see with the naked-eye usually after then, it is my express wish that you enjoy this version, learn
spotting it with binoculars) and Neptune, Jupiters four from it, get inspired, and send copies of it to every other
brightest moons (Ganymede, Io, Europa, and Callisto) along astronomer you know.

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