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Performance of Bored Piles Constructed Using Polymer Fluids: Lessons From European Experience

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Performance of Bored Piles Constructed Using Polymer

Fluids: Lessons from European Experience

Carlos Lam 1 and Stephan A. Jefferis 2

Abstract: Solutions of synthetic water-soluble polymers have been used for the construction of bored piles (drilled shafts) since the
early 1990s. These engineered fluids are very different from conventional bentonite slurries but there is currently a serious lack of industry
guidance. Despite their advantages over bentonite, performance issues have arisen in the past and foundation engineers remain wary of their
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use. To help practicing engineers avoid past pitfalls and to promote best practice, this paper presents a critical reappraisal of selected European
case histories of bored piles constructed using polymer fluids. A collective reassessment is necessary in order to provide an overall picture
of the situation as individual cases may show conflicting results. It is found that the completed piles can have excellent loadmovement
characteristics if polymer behavior is understood and respected. Conversely, excavation instability, structural defects, and poor pile perfor-
mance can result if the special properties of these fluids are not fully appreciated and as a result they are not properly maintained. The findings
presented in this paper will be useful for consultants and contractors when designing and constructing piles and diaphragm walls utilizing
polymer fluids in the future. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000756. This work is made available under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International license,
Author keywords: Bentonite; Bored piles; Case studies; Polymer.

Introduction slurry for excavation support. Unlike bentonite, polymer fluids do

not form a gel when left undisturbed (nonthixotropic) and have neg-
Since the pioneering work of Veder (1953), bored piles and dia- ligible yield stress, although they can still have very high viscosity,
phragm walls around the world have been regularly constructed up to 105 MPa s at low shear rates (Lam et al. 2015). Polymer
using bentonite clay slurries to stabilize the excavations prior to fluids have been found to offer many benefits such as smaller site
concrete placement. A vast database of knowledge and experience footprint, ease of fluid mixing, and better concretesand interface
with bentonite is now available and industry guidance and speci- resistance (Lennon et al. 2006; Lam et al. 2014a). However, since
fications exist [Federation of Piling Specialists (FPS) 2006]. How- polymer fluids are very different from their bentonite counterparts
ever, since bentonite is a natural and finite resource and its use both physically and chemically, their methods of use are also very
requires bulky ancillary plant for mixing and cleaning, foundation different (Jefferis and Lam 2013; Lam et al. 2014b) and workman-
engineers have been in search of a more sustainable and better ship issues have arisen on some projects in the past (Berkovitz and
alternative for many years. Since the 1970s, solutions of natural Long 1995; Institution of Civil Engineers 2007). Therefore, despite
polymers have been used sporadically in several countries but with the potential benefits many practicing engineers still remain wary of
mixed results partly due to their biodegradability. Natural polymers polymer use (Wheeler 2003). The current situation is also com-
are still used today but are limited mainly to the construction of pounded by a lack of industry guidance and specifications. For ex-
deep drainage trenches and permeable reactive barriers where bio- ample, ICE (2007) in the United Kingdom is silent on the required
degradation of the fluid is desirable (Day et al. 1999). properties of polymer fluids although it specifies bentonite in detail.
For the construction of deep foundations, the breakthrough Similarly, the European standards on the construction of bored piles
came in the early 1990s when partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamides and diaphragm walls do not provide any guidance on the use of
(PHPAs) were introduced to the construction industry by some polymers although they are mentioned as a possible medium for
material suppliers in the United States and their use has now spread excavation support [BS EN 1536 (BSI 2010a); BS EN 1538
from North America to other parts of the world. PHPAs are water- (BSI 2010b)]. The same can be said for many other countries. In
soluble synthetic polymers which carry a negative charge on the the United States, AASHTO (2010) gives some required properties
molecules. PHPAs now used in the foundation industry have a high for polymer fluids, specifying ranges for density, viscosity, pH, and
molecular weight, so that when dissolved in water they form a non- sand content but the suggested lower and upper limits appear to have
Newtonian solution which may be used in replacement of bentonite been directly transferred from material suppliers recommendations.
It is considered in this paper that these could be further developed.
Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering, School of Mechanical, Aero- To help develop guidance on polymer use, it is important to gar-
space, and Civil Engineering, Univ. of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, ner the experience available from published case histories, which
U.K. (corresponding author). E-mail: are scattered through the literature and may also be written in
Director, Environmental Geotechnics Ltd., Adderbury, Banbury OX17 languages other than English. To achieve this objective, a critical
3EN, U.K.; and Visiting Professor, Dept. of Engineering Science, Univ. of
reappraisal of six selected European case histories has been con-
Oxford, Oxford OX1 3PJ, U.K. E-mail:
Note. This manuscript was submitted on July 28, 2014; approved on ducted and the results summarized in this paper. The choice of this
January 19, 2015; published online on April 17, 2015. Discussion period limited geographic area makes the task more manageable. Only
open until September 17, 2015; separate discussions must be submitted for case histories that contain a reasonable amount of site and construc-
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Performance of tion information are included. In the subsequent sections, six differ-
Constructed Facilities, ASCE, ISSN 0887-3828/04015024(9)/$25.00. ent cases from the United Kingdom, Portugal, Italy, and Germany

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Fig. 1. Soil profiles, casing lengths, and pile toe levels at five European test sites

are discussed individually. During the discussions, the writers Since the theoretical volume was only 51 m3, Pile P1 can be said
views are offered to explain some of the highlighted (non)perfor- to have an overbreak of 18%, whereas for Piles P2 and P3 the
mance issues. To aid the subsequent discussions, Fig. 1 shows the amount of overbreak was much smaller at 2 and 6%, respectively.
soil profiles of the test sites that will be discussed. The large overbreak of Pile P1 paralleled the irregular profile of the
Fig. 3 shows the loadmovement curves of the finished piles
United Kingdom which were statically load tested. There are two aspects that
are particularly worthy of discussion. First, although the water-
supported shaft (Pile P1) had the most irregular side-wall profile
Piles in Chalk at Norwich, Norfolk
Corbet et al. (1991) reported what is possibly the first documented
use of polymer fluids for the construction of bored piles. The site
was the A47 Norwich Bypass in Norfolk, where the ground con-
ditions consisted of 5 m of peat overlying 4 m of sand and gravel
and then a very thick layer of weathered chalk. The ground water
table was located near the surface (Fig. 1). The standard penetration
test (SPT) blow count (N) ranged from less than 10 blows near the
top to 20 blows at 45-m depth. The cone penetration test (CPT)
cone resistance (qc ) ranged from 0.2 MPa at the top to 2 MPa
at a depth of 32 m. Three 1.2-m diameter and 40-m long bored
piles were constructed using three types of excavation-support flu-
ids, as follows: (1) water (P1), (2) bentonite (P2), and (3) polymer
(P3). Unfortunately, no detailed information about the fluids
(e.g., type and viscosity) was given in the original publication.
An inquiry was made to the original researcher (Mr. Steve Corbet
of AECOM) but unfortunately the relevant records are no longer
After the excavations but before concreting, the side-wall pro-
files of the shafts were measured using a caliper. Fig. 2 shows the
mean diameter of the shafts. The shaft supported by water had the
Fig. 2. Side-wall profiles of three test piles constructed using water,
roughest side-wall profile probably due to a local collapse, whereas
bentonite, and polymer support fluids at Norwich, United Kingdom
the bentonite and polymer shafts were similar. The concreted
(modified from Corbet et al. 1991)
volumes were 60, 52, and 54 m3 for Piles P1P3, respectively.

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Fig. 3. Loadmovement curves of three test piles constructed using water, bentonite, and polymer support fluids at Norwich, United Kingdom
(modified from Corbet et al. 1991)

and the largest concreted volume (Fig. 2), as shown in Fig. 3 this is shown in Fig. 1. The groundwater conditions at this site, although
pile still showed the largest settlement. This result was not expected not known to the writers, are believed to be similar to those de-
by the original researchers as irregular side-wall profiles are com- scribed by Troughton (1992) for a nearby site.
monly believed to lead to higher shaft resistances due to better The aim of the trial at Canary Wharf was to assess whether the
interlocking between the pile concrete and the adjacent soil and pile design, which was carried out using empirical parameters de-
rock. In the writers opinion, what happened in the water-supported veloped for bentonite slurry, could be adapted to piles formed under
shaft was probably that, as water was unable to adequately stabilize polymer fluids. To this end, three 0.75-m diameter instrumented
the excavation, significant stress relief occurred in the soil which piles were excavated under polymer fluids [i.e., (1) Pile TP1,
led to weakening and sloughing of the side walls and thus a lower (2) Pile TP2, and (3) Pile TP2 R] and one was excavated under
shaft resistance. bentonite (Pile TP4). The polymer used was a PHPA marketed
Second, Fig. 3 shows that the pile formed under polymer fluid as CDP. To assess the effect of construction time, Pile TP1 was
(Pile P3) significantly outperformed the other two in terms of load constructed over 37 h and the others in 12 h. All the piles were
settlement characteristics. This was despite the fact that Pile P3 was statically load tested to at least 220% of the design working load.
fitted with an artificial so-called soft toe made of polystyrene foam Fig. 4 shows the loadmovement curves for the piles. The re-
whereas the other two were not. The term soft toe is commonly sults offer useful insights into the behavior of piles formed under
used to describe a layer of soft sediment formed at the base of a polymer fluids. First, the results showed that the measured resis-
pile which can be caused by insufficient base or fluid cleaning prior tances of all the piles were very good; they all equaled or exceeded
to concreting. A soft toe is undesirable but in this case it was the design values. Due to the high shaft resistances, there was little
artificially fitted to the pile excavated under polymer fluid (Pile P3) mobilization of pile base resistances and all piles failed structurally
to remove the effect of base resistance on the overall response of the near the top rather than geotechnically. This finding reassured the
pile. The superior performance of Pile P3 indicates that the shaft design consultant that the use of polymer fluids did not lead to a
resistance of this pile was very good and this was probably due to reduction in pile shaft resistance, so that the existing design practice
the successful stabilization of the pile bore during excavation as could be adopted for polymer fluids. Second, in terms of the pos-
shown in Fig. 2. Currently, in the design of bored piles (drilled sible effect of construction time, the pile constructed in 37 h was
shafts) no differentiation is made between the different types of found to behave similarly to the other piles which were completed
support fluid. This case study demonstrates that when polymer in 12 h. This finding led to the conclusion that the bores of the
fluid is used better pile performance is possible. working piles (250 nos.), when formed under polymer fluid, could
be left open overnight to allow better utilization of site resources.
This decision was reported to have led to an increase in productivity
Piles in Stiff Clay and Dense Sand in London: Case 1 of an extra half a pile per day because the contractor could start
There have been two separate studies that are concerned with the excavating a new pile bore in the afternoon and complete it the next
performance of bored piles constructed under polymer fluids in day. This would not have been allowed if bentonite slurries were
London, where the use of bentonite slurry is still the norm. The used since they are known to reduce pile shaft resistance with in-
first is a case history reported in a professional news article by creasing construction time (Thasnanipan et al. 1998).
Wheeler (2003) who described a trial involving four test piles
constructed using both polymer and bentonite fluids. Additional
Piles in Stiff Clay and Dense Sand in London: Case 2
load test data has been obtained from the design consultant
involved (D. Nicholson, unpublished presentation, April 2005). Lam et al. (2010) and Lam (2011) reported a similar comparative
The test site, known as BP1, was located in Canary Wharf in East trial at Stratford in East London, where the ground conditions con-
London, where the geological conditions consist of interbedded sisted of made ground overlying stiff sandy clay (Lambeth Group)
clay and sand layers from three different formations, as follows: and then very dense sand (Thanet Sand) as shown in Fig. 1. The
(1) Lambeth Group (stiff clay and sand), (2) Harwich Formation purpose of the trial was to independently confirm the findings of
(alluvial sand and gravel), and (3) Thanet Sand (very dense fine the first East London trial, and also to assess the effect of polymer
sand). The soil profile at one of the test pile locations (Pile TP2) fluids on the quality of hardened concrete. To this end, three 1.2-m

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Fig. 4. Loadmovement curves of four test piles constructed using bentonite and polymer support fluids at Canary Wharf in London,
United Kingdom (data from D. Nicholson, personal communication, 2014)

diameter and 27-m long bored piles were constructed, two of the delivery truck and from the top of the concrete columns as it
which were excavated under polymer fluids [i.e., (1) Pile P1, and emerged from the bores of Piles B1 and P2. In a fluid-supported
(2) Pile P2] and one under bentonite (Pile B1). The Marsh funnel excavation, the top of the rising concrete column has the most ex-
viscosity of the support fluids, measured prior to use, were 70, 69, posure to the support fluid. Fig. 7 shows the strength and stiffness
and 34 s for Piles P1, P2, and B1 respectively. The only difference values of the concrete specimens plotted as a function of their age.
between Piles P1 and P2 was their soilfluid exposure time; the Both bentonite and polymer fluids adversely affected the quality
bore of Pile P1 was left open under fluid support for 7.5 h whereas of the concrete by a similar degree. The reduction was probably
Pile P2 was open for 26 h. The polymer product used was a PHPA
marketed as CDP.
Fig. 5 shows the loadmovement curves of the three piles which
were tested to 18.1 MN which was twice the design working load.
The head displacements under the maximum load were 51, 29, and
24 mm for Piles B1, P1, and P2 respectively. From the results, it can
be concluded that Piles P1 and P2 significantly outperformed Pile
B1, and that there was little difference between Piles P1 (7.5 h) and
P2 (26 h). The reason why Pile P2 showed slightly less settlement
than Pile P1 was probably due to the variation in the local ground
conditions; note the center-to-center distance between the piles was
6 m. Nonetheless, these results confirm the findings of Wheeler
(2003) that piles constructed using polymer fluids have good load
settlement characteristics and that increasing the construction time to
two days has negligible effect on pile performance. This is possibly
because of the ability of the polymer molecules to coat the exposed
soil surface on the side walls and thus prevent the swelling of the soil.
Fig. 6 illustrates this process by showing the interactions between
polymer molecules and the clay soil in an excavation. Further details
Fig. 5. Loadmovement curves of three test piles constructed using
about the chemical interactions between polymer and clay soil can be
bentonite and polymer fluids at Stratford, East London, United
found in Lam et al. (2014c) and are not repeated in this paper.
Kingdom; intermediate unloadreload curves are removed for clarity
To assess the effect of the polymer fluid on concrete quality,
(adapted from Lam 2011)
during concrete placement samples were taken from the chute of

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Fig. 6. Schematic interactions between polymer molecules and clay soil in an excavation supported by polymer fluids in different conditions
(reprinted from Lam et al. 2014c, with permission; copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428)

caused by the increased water-to-cement ratio due to intermixing Portugal: Piles in Mixed Geology in Lisbon
between the support fluids and the fresh concrete. In practice, the
intermixed concrete can be removed by overpouring by a small Polymer fluids were used to construct the bored piles support-
amount and by trimming the pile head. This is a common practice ing the Vasco da Gama Bridge across the Tagus River in Lisbon.
for many contractors and in many countries. The test results show This project was documented by several teams of researchers
that the polymer fluid caused no more damage than bentonite and including Bustamante et al. (1998), Sco e Pinto and Oliveira
that the key issue is to always to minimize the intermixing of rising (1998), Manuel Correia and Sco e Pinto (1999), and Guadagnini
concrete and excavation fluid. (2001). Mr. G. Guadagnini provided additional information to the
writers. As shown in Fig. 1, the ground conditions below the river
bed consisted of 35 m of very soft silty clay (Layer 1), which was
underlain by 9 m of medium dense to dense silty sands (Layer 2),
6 m of hard clay (Layer 3), and then at least 7 m of very dense sandy
gravel with pebbles (Layer 4). The polymer used for this project
was a high-molecular-weight PHPA marketed as Geomud-15.
Brackish water from the Tagus River was used to mix the polymer
at a concentration of 2 kg=m3 . The Marsh funnel viscosity of the
fluid was 40 s. Although this viscosity value is rather low for PHPA
polymers, it is within the expected range if brackish river water was
used to prepare the fluids. The Marsh funnel efflux time for clean
water is 26  0.5 s.
Bustamante et al. (1998) and Guadagnini (2001) presented the
load test result for a 1.2-m diameter instrumented pile constructed
at the Pylon South (PS) location. This pile had a total length of
60.8 m, of which 52 m was embedded into the river bed. To evalu-
ate the behavior of base (toe) grouting, after the first load test to
17.5 MN, the base of the pile was grouted in three stages (total
injection volume 2,076 L) and the pile was tested again. Fig. 8
shows the loadmovement curve. Base grouting caused in a much
stiffer response and also probably a higher ultimate capacity. Stiff
Fig. 7. Effect of bentonite and polymer support fluids on the compres-
pile response was also observed in a trial in Taiwan where the pile
sive strength and stiffness of concrete (reprinted from Lam et al. 2010,
was also constructed using polymer fluids and was base grouted in
with permission)
several stages (Duann et al. 2004).

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Italy: Piles in Pyroclastic Soil from Naples to Rome

Bustamante et al. (1998) reported on the piling works of the

NaplesRome section of the Italian high-speed train [Treno Alta
Velocit (TAV)] project, for which a total of 1,732 bored piles were
required to support the proposed viaducts. About half of piles were
formed using bentonite slurries with the remainder under Geomud-
15 polymer fluids. The polymer fluids were mixed at a concentra-
tion of 0.6 kg=m3 which gave a Marsh funnel viscosity of 48 s.
Compared to the Vasco da Gama Bridge project, the dosage of
the polymer was lower but the viscosity was higher. This was prob-
ably due to the use of potable rather than brackish waters for
Two static pile tests were carried out [at the (1) Peccia-1, and
(2) Cassino South-2 sites], where pyroclastic soil consisting of
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pumice and lapilli were present (Fig. 1). Pile 1 at Peccia-1 had
a diameter of 1.2 m and a total length of 33 m. Fig. 9 shows the
Fig. 8. Loadmovement curve of a test pile constructed using poly-
load test result. Due to the limited reaction load, the pile was tested
mer fluid at Pylon South, Vasco Da Gama Bridge, Portugal; inter-
only to 13.8 MN although the deduced ultimate capacity was over
mediate unloadreload curves are removed for clarity (adapted from
20 MN. The derived unit shaft resistance (f s ) curves showed that,
Guadagnini 2001)
except near the pile top, the shaft resistance of this pile was not fully
mobilized during the test so that the ultimate (highest possible)
values were not achieved during the test. Pile 2, which was located
From the load test results, ultimate unit shaft resistance (fs ) val-
at the Cassino South-2 site, also did not reach its ultimate resistance
ues were derived for each of the three soil layers and presented by
during the load test. Nevertheless, by comparing the mobilized f s
Bustamante et al. (1998). By comparing these f s values with those
values with those obtained for continuous-flight-auger (CFA) piles
obtained from other sites, the original researchers concluded that
from similar sites, the original researchers concluded that the poly-
polymer fluids did not lead to any reduction in shaft resistance,
mer fluid did not lead to any reduction in shaft resistance in the
a finding that corresponds with the conclusions from the United
pyroclastic soils. This conclusion is in line with the results from
Kingdom case histories discussed previously. Because of the sat-
the United Kingdom and Portuguese cases described previously.
isfactory performance of the test pile, polymer fluids were allowed
Following the satisfactory load test results, polymer fluids were
to be used for the construction of 278 working piles; these had
used to construct the working piles at eight viaduct sites, all of
larger diameters ranging from 2.0 to 2.2 m. At the time this paper
which were sited on pyroclastic grounds. A total of 951 piles with
was written, these piles are still some of the largest ever formed
a diameter of 1.2 m and up to 42-m deep were constructed. How-
under polymer fluids. Another 548 working piles were also con-
ever, it was reported that at one site (Pisciarello) bentonite fluids
structed using bentonite slurry by a different contractor. Of those
had to be used instead due to the markedly cohesionless nature
piles formed under polymer fluids, three were found by sonic log-
of the soil. In the writers opinion, this was probably due to the
ging tests to have defects at the pile toes. This was equivalent to a
relatively low Marsh funnel time of the polymer fluids used
defective rate of only 1%. This appears to suggest that polymer
(48 s) as for PHPA polymer a funnel time of 60 s is now the norm.
fluids do not adversely affect the structural integrity of piles.
Despite the encouraging experiences reported previously, a If the fluid at the Pisciarello site had been mixed to a higher vis-
major problem was also encountered on this project; two of the cosity, the use of bentonite might not have been necessary.
working piles supported by the Geomud-15 fluid had to be redrilled
using CDP polymer fluids. This was because the Geomud-15 fluid
became contaminated with the in situ soil during excavation and
lost its properties. The supplier of the CDP polymer noted that the
Geomud-15 fluid was contaminated by the large amount of calcium
and magnesium ions in the ground due to a nearby salt flats (KB
Technologies 2000). The adverse effect of dissolved salts (cations)
on the viscosity of PHPA polymer fluid was also observed by
Schwarz and Lange (2004) in another piling project in Benin
and by Jefferis and Lam (2013) in a laboratory trial. In the writers
opinion, the two collapses might have been prevented if (1) the
Geomud-15 polymer fluid had been mixed at a higher concentra-
tion, or (2) potable water had been used rather than brackish waters
to prevent the adverse effect of dissolved ions in the water; Point 2
also applies to bentonite slurry because dissolved salts can inhibit
the dispersion of the bentonite (clay) particles (FPS 2006). To sum-
marize, to avoid potential problems caused by fluid contamination,
it is recommended that the salt contents of soils and pore waters are
checked in advance when polymer fluids are proposed, if saline
Fig. 9. Loadmovement curve of a test pile constructed using polymer
conditions are suspected. While on site, it would also be prudent
fluid at Peccia-1, Treno Alta Velocit project, NaplesRome section,
to run the fluid at a concentration (viscosity) higher than would
Italy (adapted from Bustamante et al. 1998)
otherwise be required to create a buffer.

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Based on the results of structural integrity tests conducted on the an excavation may deteriorate as previously shown by the bore col-
completed working piles, it was revealed that about 10% of the lapse at the Vasco da Gama Bridge site.
piles had minor defects at the toes, although none required any After the construction of the test piles, Piles P3 (bentonite at
repair work. This defective rate is significantly higher than that 50 kg=m3 ) and P4 (XAN at 2 kg=m3 ) were load tested in compres-
reported in the Vasco da Gama Bridge project although the defects sion using the other four piles to provide the reaction (tension)
were more minor. Although the original researchers did not explain forces. Fig. 10 shows the loadmovement curves for the six piles.
the cause of the defects, the writers consider that the defects pos- Although the performance of both compression piles exceeded ex-
sibly may have been due to sediment accumulating at the base of pectations, Pile P3 settled 10 mm less than Pile P4 did under the
the bores over the period from the end of excavation to the first pour maximum load of about 5 MN. This finding is contrary to those
of concrete. Unlike bentonite, polymer fluids have a negligible obtained from the other case histories discussed previously, which
yield stress so that they cannot effectively hold soil particles in sus- all showed better pile performance when polymer fluids were used.
pension. Careful cleaning of the used fluids and of the pile bases The reason why this was not the case was possibly due to the low
thus becomes extremely important when polymer fluids are used. polymer concentration used for Pile P4. Typically, for foundation
Any sediment that is left at the base of a pile bore may not be drilling a concentration of 3 kg=m3 would be used for a natural
displaced during casting. To further analyze the development xanthan polymer (Beresford et al. 1989) whereas only 2 kg=m3
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of defects, it would have been useful to have had more informa- was used for Pile P4. As a result, the Marsh funnel viscosity for
tion on the base and fluid cleaning procedures adopted by the Pile P4, which was 38 s, was the lowest among all the piles con-
contractors. structed under polymers (Table 1). The effect of polymer concen-
tration can also be seen by comparing the loadmovement curves of
Piles P4 (tested in compression) and P6 (tested in tension), both of
Germany: Piles in SandGravel Mixture in Munich which were excavated under xanthan fluids but at different concen-
trations (2 and 4 kg=m3 , respectively). When the applied head load
Lesemann (2010) reported a field trial near the Munich Airport is small, the effect of pile base resistance is often small or negligible
in Germany. The ground conditions consist of sand and gravel so the response of these two piles can be compared. Fig. 10 shows
mixtures with an average permeability (k) of approximately that the initial loadmovement response of Pile P6 was much stiffer
5 103 m=s. The ground water table was located near the surface than that of Pile P4. This suggests better excavation support for the
(Fig. 1). The trial was conducted to assess the performance of former, although the original researchers also cited a flaw in Pile P4
polymer fluids in highly permeable coarse grounds. To this end, as a reason for its inferior performance.
six 0.6-m diameter bored piles (Piles P1P6) with a length of 10 m Piles P1 and P2 are another pair that is worthy of discussion,
were constructed. Three types of polymer, namely (1) polyacryla- as they are also excavated under the same type of polymer fluid
mide (PAA), (2) carboxymethyl cellulose (CAM), and (3) XAN (i.e., PAA) but at different concentrations (6 and 2 kg=m3 ). As
xanthan gum (XAM), were used for the trial. Bentonite slurry was shown in Fig. 10, pile P1 showed much larger movement than
also used to construct a pile for comparison. Table 1 summarizes Pile P2 although the former was excavated under higher concen-
the support fluid information for each pile. tration (viscosity) fluid. The inferior performance of Pile P1 can be
To assess the stability of the pile bores, profiling of the side explained by the fact that concreting of this pile was only successful
walls was carried out using the ultrasonic technique after excava- at the third attempt when the support fluid was replaced with water.
tion. Negligible difference was found between the side-wall pro- During the first two failed attempts, the pile bore was supported by
files of the piles. This finding disproves the common perception high-viscosity polymer fluids (funnel viscosity, 190288 s) and the
that only bentonite slurry can stabilize excavations in gravely soil tremied concrete stiffened prematurely. The original researchers
due to its ability to seal the surface by forming a layer of filter cake. postulated several reasons for the failed attempts including chemi-
As mentioned previously, polymer fluids were also successfully cal interaction between the concrete and the high-viscosity fluid.
used to stabilize a sandy gravel layer with pebbles for the Vasco da In the light of this experience, it may be prudent not to use polymer
Gama Bridge project. These experiences demonstrate that a layer fluids prepared at a very high concentration or viscosity. Jones and
of filter cake is unlikely to be a prerequisite for a stable fluid- Holt (2004) also noted that polymer fluids with a viscosity of 60 s
supported excavation. For polymer fluids, the key is probably appeared to have less detrimental effect on rebarconcrete bond
sufficient viscosity coupled with clogging of the coarser soil pores strength than polymer fluids with a viscosity of 100 s. To conclude,
with the finer excavated materials. If fluid viscosity is not main- this German case history highlights the importance of selecting a
tained due to salt contamination or other reasons, the stability of suitable concentration for the particular type of polymer used.

Table 1. Summary of Support Fluid and Test Pile Information

Pile movement
Pile Support fluid Concentration Marsh funnel Loading Maximum under maximum
designation typea (kg=m3 ) viscosity rangeb direction load (kN) load (mm)
P1c PAA 6 190288 (225) Tension 2,475 19.8
P2 PAA 2 6067 (63) Tension 2,460 11.3
P3 Bentonite 50 3233 (32) Compression 4,950 15.5
P4 XAN 2 3741 (38) Compression 4,930 23.3
P5 CMC 4 4955 (52) Tension 2,475 12.4
P6 XAN 4 4852 (50) Tension 2,460 9.5
Note: Data from Lesemann (2010).
CMC = carboxymethyl cellulose; PAA = anionic polyacrylamide (i.e., PHPA); XAN = xanthan gum.
Figures within brackets are the average values.
Concreting of Pile P1 was only successful at the third attempt when the support fluid was changed to water.

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that currently recommended in AASHTO (2010) which specifies a
viscosity range of between 32 and 135 s.
Concrete quality and structural integrity. The London Stratford
case history has shown that there is little difference between ben-
tonite and polymer fluids in terms of their effect on the quality of
hardened concrete. Piles formed under polymer fluids have occa-
sionally been found to have minor defects at the pile toes as shown
by the Portuguese and the Italian cases. The writers note that de-
fects can be formed if sediment is allowed to accumulate at the base
of a pile during the period between end of excavation and the first
pour of concrete, a period that can be up to several hours.
Pile performance. The experiences gained in Norfolk (chalk),
East London (stiff clay and dense sand), Lisbon (mixed geology),
and Italy (pyroclastic soil) all show that polymer fluids gave excel-
lent load-movement characteristics to the completed piles. In addi-
Downloaded from by on 10/31/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

tion, the two London case histories independently confirm that

increasing the construction time to 2637 h has negligible effect on
Fig. 10. Loadmovement of six test piles constructed using bentonite the performance of the completed piles. This is possible because of
and polymer fluids at Munich, Germany; intermediate unloadreload the ability of polymer molecules to prevent the swelling of the clay
curves are removed for clarity (adapted from Lesemann 2010) soils. The German case history, however, shows that a pile formed
under xanthan gum fluids settled slightly more than a similar pile
formed under bentonite. This was believed to be caused by the low
polymer concentration used (2 kg=m3 ) as the typical dosage for
Too low or too high a polymer dosage is likely to cause problems or this polymer type is around 3 kg=m3 .
unsatisfactory performance.

The case histories discussed in this paper were studied as part
The following conclusions can be drawn from the case histories of research projects funded by the U.K. Engineering and Physical
examined in this paper. Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under Grants EP/H50026X/1
Pile bore stability. The field experience gained in Norfolk, (Knowledge Transfer Secondment) and EP/K503782/1 (Impact
United Kingdom, suggests that water cannot provide adequate sup- Acceleration Account). Mr. Giancarlo Guadagnini (ENSER S.r.l.)
port to excavation in very weak chalk as shown by the irregular provided additional information on the Vasco Da Gama Bridge
side-wall profile and large concrete overbreak. On the other hand, project. Messrs. Duncan Nicholson (Arup) and John Crack (Canary
polymer fluids can stabilize such soils without problems. The Wharf Contractors Ltd.) permitted use of previously unpublished
German case history demonstrates that polymer fluids, despite hav- data collected for the Canary Wharf BP1 project. Constructive
ing no gel and no ability to form filter cakes, can be successfully comments on the draft were given by peer reviewers.
used in gravelsand mixtures with an average permeability of
5 103 m=s. This finding challenges the common perception that
only bentonite slurry can stabilize very coarse soil. The Italian case References
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