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Cooling Entire Data Center Using Only Row Cooling

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Cooling Entire Data Centers Using

Only Row Cooling

White Paper 139

Revision 0

by Jim VanGilder and Wendy Torell

> Executive summary Click on a section to jump to it

Introduction 2
Row cooling is emerging as a practical total cooling
solution for new data centers due to its inherent high The advantages of cooling the 3
efficiency and predictable performance. Yet some IT entire room with only row
equipment in data centers appears incompatible with coolers
row cooling because it is not arranged in neat rows due
How row-based coolers can 4
to the nature of the equipment or room layout support more than just the
constraints, suggesting the ongoing need for row-based loads
traditional perimeter cooling to support these loads.
This paper explains how a cooling system comprised A model for assessing cooling 6
only of row coolers, with no room cooling system, can needs for stand-alone loads
cool an entire data center, including IT devices that are
When additional cooling is 8
not in neat rows. required

Conclusion 11

Resources 12

white papers are now part of the Schneider Electric white paper library
produced by Schneider Electrics Data Center Science Center
Cooling Entire Data Centers Using Only Row Cooling

Introduction Row cooling has emerged as a best practice for efficiently cooling IT equipment in computer
rooms and data centers. With this cooling approach, the cooling units are coupled to (and
possibly integrated within) the rows of racks, providing much better predictability, higher
density, higher efficiency, and a number of other benefits. A detailed discussion of the
benefits and applications of row cooling can be found in White Paper 130, The Advantages of
Row and Rack-Oriented Cooling Architectures for Data Centers.
Link to resource
White Paper 130 For typical data centers, the majority of IT equipment consists of standard rack-mount
The Advantages of Row and servers, and other rack-mount equipment such as switches. These devices can be installed
Rack-Oriented Cooling Archi- in racks that are configured in hot aisle / cold aisle layouts for optimized cooling. However,
tectures for Data Centers. typically, there is also a small percentage of equipment that cannot go into these standard
rows of racks, because:

they are not rack-mount devices

their form factor doesnt allow them to line up with racks
their airflow is not front to back and would cause mixing of air in the hot & cold aisles
the device needs to be strategically located (i.e. a central location for storage rather
than multiple disk arrays)

The term ancillary equipment is used in this paper to mean any stand-alone equipment not
arranged in standard alternating hot aisle / cold aisle rows. In typical data centers, this
equipment includes devices such as switches, storage equipment, networking gear, and
power distribution equipment. This equipment is generally lower in power density and
accounts for approximately 5-10% of the IT load power for most data centers; however,
depending on the business application, (e.g., a company whose primary application is data
storage), this can be significantly higher.

Because of a lack of good

science, data center design-
ers tend to be very conserva-
tive in how they deal with
cooling for these loads, and
Because of a lack of good science, data center designers tend to be very conservative in how
they deal with cooling for these loads, and provision excess dedicated cooling in these
ancillary areas. In the majority of cases, it is not necessary to provide additional cooling, as
row cooling can effectively cool the entire data center, including the ancillary loads,

provision excess dedicated TradeOff Tool 12, InRow Ancillary IT Equipment Cooling Calculator (Figure 1), can help
cooling in these ancillary demonstrate to data center professionals how a pure row cooling strategy can effectively

support their entire data center, without the need for additional cooling..

Schneider Electric Data Center Science Center White Paper 139 Rev 0 2
Cooling Entire Data Centers Using Only Row Cooling

Figure 1
Screenshot of InRow
Ancillary IT Equipment
Cooling Calculator

(Click figure to link to

live version of tool)

The advantages A hybrid cooling architecture is a useful strategy when an existing data center with perimeter
cooling has a requirement for supplemental row cooling. However, when a new data center
of cooling the is being designed, and row cooling is being considered for the primary cooling means,
entire room with there are significant benefits of going with purely row cooling vs. a hybrid approach.
The next section, How row coolers can support more than just the row-based loads, explains
only row coolers why perimeter cooing is not needed for base room cooling and/or to specifically target the
non-row-based IT loads.

Cooling the entire room with only row coolers compared to a mix of row and perimeter coolers
results in the following advantages:

Allows elimination of the raised floor Perimeter coolers generally distribute air to IT
equipment via a raised floor plenum. The cost associated with installing and maintain-
ing the raised floor can be eliminated when row coolers are used to cool the entire
No fighting between row and perimeter coolers Both temperature and humidity
fighting can occur when two distinct cooling architectures are deployed in a room. This
leads to ineffective operation and increased energy bills. When only row coolers are
used, their operation is coordinated to avoid this.
Lower capital expense Over-conservative designing of a data center with row and
perimeter coolers results in significant capital expense waste. Up to half of this expense
can be eliminated by relying on the row coolers to cool the entire data center load.
Simpler redundancy If a data center has a redundancy requirement (i.e. N+1, N+2,
or 2N), further capital expense could be avoided by eliminating the need for redundant
coolers for the perimeter units.
Lower energy costs Over-provisioning of coolers results in added energy expense,
especially if the unnecessary coolers have fixed-speed fans, which is common in peri-
meter units supplying a raised floor.

Schneider Electric Data Center Science Center White Paper 139 Rev 0 3
Cooling Entire Data Centers Using Only Row Cooling

Lower maintenance costs Using only row coolers means no additional maintenance
contracts for perimeter coolers, reducing the operating expenses in the data center.
Less vendor interactions Often times when hybrid designs are considered, design-
ers look to multiple vendors to supply the different systems. Using additional vendors
means additional complexity in maintaining the data center operation.

How row coolers Although not intuitive, a row-based cooling unit, located within a row of IT racks can cool IT
equipment that is located outside of the row(s). Even row-based coolers in hot aisle con-
can support tainment systems can support these ancillary loads in many cases. Figure 2 illustrates a
more than just sample floor layout of a data center utilizing row-based coolers with ancillary loads placed in
the row-based one area of the room. The interactions of row-based coolers with the surrounding environ-
ment can be complex, and is often analyzed through computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
loads modeling, but there are some basic laws of physics that explain how it is possible for these
coolers to pick up the additional heat loads.

Figure 2
Sample data center layout
with row cooling and
ancillary IT equipment

So, how can row-based coolers, configured to support

row-based IT equipment support these ancillary > Heat removal
loads? First, it is important to understand that row equation
coolers are variable capacity devices that are capable
Q = (CFM x T)/3200
of over-supplying cold air to the cold aisle. Normally
they operate in balance with the local IT equipment in where,
the row, adjusting their capacity to the inlet tempera-
Q = sensible heat to be
ture of the IT loads. When the system is in balance,
removed in kW
the supply temperature from the cooler is equal to the
IT inlet temperature. When an additional heat load is CFM = cooler airflow (cubic feet
added outside of the rows, the temperature of the per minute)
overall room environment increases due to air mixing. T = temperature difference
When this increase is sensed at the row by the row (in Fahrenheit) between return
coolers, they will increase their air volume and cooling and supply of cooler
capacity in response. Since the increased airflow is 3200 = constant used to
greater than required by the IT equipment in the row, account for the properties of air
the excess begins to flow into the room space, cooling under standard conditions and
unit conversions
the room and any devices located in it. The horizontal

Schneider Electric Data Center Science Center White Paper 139 Rev 0 4
Cooling Entire Data Centers Using Only Row Cooling

airflow pattern of the row coolers, along with the airflow caused by the non-row IT equipment
causes sufficient mixing to create effective room cooling. Figure 3 illustrates the flow of what
happens when ancillary loads are added in this case.

Ancillary equipment
is added to space

Room temperature

Figure 3 IT inlet and cooler see

higher temperature
High-level flow of what
happens when ancillary
load is added
Cooler increases
airflow and cooling
beyond what is
needed by the row

Excess cooling floods

room temperature

Room temperature
is controlled

The steps describing how the row-based coolers pick up the ancillary load are the same
even when containment is used. In this case, the row coolers still see the increase in room
temperature caused by the non-row equipment and increase their airflow and capacity as a
result. The contained row becomes a net generator of cool air from the room perspective,
and that cool air causes mixing in the room that holds the hot spot temperature down.
In each case we do expect the non-row equipment to operate at slightly higher temperature
than the row equipment, because it is not coupled as well to the row coolers. Should we be
concerned about the temperature rise in the data center? Often times, the supply tempera-
ture of the row-based coolers (68F is common) is set well below what the IT equipment can
tolerate (80.6F is ASHRAEs recommended maximum). When this is the case, a small
temperature rise of the non row-based equipment is acceptable and may be no worse than
the temperature rise if a traditional raised floor system was installed.

Schneider Electric Data Center Science Center White Paper 139 Rev 0 5
Cooling Entire Data Centers Using Only Row Cooling

A model for Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling is a useful tool for understanding how air
moves throughout a data center space. Over 200 CFD simulations were completed to
assessing analyze the effects of ancillary loads on airflow and temperature in the data center space.
cooling needs
When an ancillary load is placed in a data center, the area immediately around that equip-
for stand-alone ment will get hotter than the rest of the data center. In essence, the equipment becomes an
loads additional heat load which causes a hot spot, and the temperature will generally rise quickly
as the ancillary load is increased, as there is no cooling directly in this area of the room. This
temperature rise can be estimated through the CFD studies and reduced to an empirical
correlation based on the floor area and power associated with both the ancillary and row-
based data center spaces plus a characterization of the shape and location of the ancillary

The remainder of the data center (in which the row-based equipment is located) also gets
heated by this ancillary equipment, and it does so in a surprisingly uniform fashion. This
temperature rise may be estimated based on a simple heat balance equation. The CFD
images in Figure 4 illustrate how the temperature in the row-based portion of the data center
rises, but remains fairly uniform after the ancillary equipment is added. While there are the
expected hot areas at the exhaust locations of the ancillary equipment, the intake air remains
relatively cool as denoted by the light blue areas. The ancillary equipment is being effectively
cooled by the row cooling units.

Figure 4
CFD images of data center
with and without ancillary
load. With ancillary load,
temperatures are different
but reasonably uniform over
respective row-based and
ancillary areas.

WithoutAncillaryLoad WithAncillaryLoad

Based on the CFD models and heat balance equations, a model was developed that identi-
fies the parameters affecting the temperature rise in both the row-based and ancillary areas,
in order to determine the practical limits of using row coolers to cool ancillary devices. The
parameters that affect whether this approach will be effective fall under three categories:

geometry of room
IT equipment
cooling configuration

Geometry of room
The CFD analyses showed minimal correlation between where the ancillary equipment is
placed in the room to how well the row-based coolers could pick up the additional heat load.
Simulations were performed with the ancillary loads in several different places next to the
rows of coolers, off to the side, far away from the coolers, etc. In all cases, the additional

Schneider Electric Data Center Science Center White Paper 139 Rev 0 6
Cooling Entire Data Centers Using Only Row Cooling

heat increased the average room temperature fairly uniformly, distributing the ancillary load
over essentially all coolers in the row-based area.

The placement of the ancillary loads does, however, have an impact on the temperature of
the ancillary area. Figure 5 illustrates four possible placements of the ancillary equipment
within the data center. When the room is oriented like option d, the ancillary equipment is
more isolated (in an alcove) from the main row-based area. In this case, the aspect ratio, or
ratio of the width (W) to length (L) has a significant impact on the temperature in this area.
For the other three layouts, the aspect ratio has negligible impact.

a b c d
Figure 5
Placements of ancillary
equipment in the data center

For fixed densities, the temperature in the ancillary area increases slowly with an increase in
ancillary area or a decrease in row-based area since these scenarios lead to a greater
fraction of un-cooled ancillary area in the data center. The temperature in the row-based
area is less affected by the room geometry as the additional heat load is distributed fairly
uniformly across the data center as discussed above.

IT equipment
The mix and power density of IT equipment in the data center also has an impact on the
ability to remove the ancillary heat and the temperature rise because different types of IT
equipment have different characteristic Ts across them. In this model, the assumed Ts are
shown in Table 1.

Type of IT T(F) T(C)

Blade servers 40 22
Table 1
T by type of IT equipment
1U 2U servers 30 17

Other 20 11

A coolers capacity to remove heat increases with return temperature. As the average T of
the IT devices increases or the row-based IT rack power density increases, the exhaust air
becomes hotter, and the coolers return temperature increases. The increased capacity of
the coolers means more capacity to pick up ancillary heat loads which decreases the ancillary

Schneider Electric Data Center Science Center White Paper 139 Rev 0 7
Cooling Entire Data Centers Using Only Row Cooling

area temperature. However, as the IT density (e.g. W/ft2) of the ancillary area increases, the
temperature in the ancillary area also increases.

Cooling configuration
There are many attributes of the cooling configuration that impact the ability to remove the
additional ancillary heat load. These include type and quantity of row-based cooler, chilled
water entering temperature (chilled water supply temperature), and the chilled water T.
Based on these attributes, the capacity of the system can be determined. The control system
of the coolers also impacts its capacity. In this model, it is (conservatively) assumed that
cooling units are operating at maximum airflow.

TradeOff Tool, InRow Ancillary IT Equipment Cooling Calculator

Link to resource Schneider Electrics Data Center Science Center created a web-based TradeOff Tool, InRow
TradeOff Tool 12 Ancillary IT Equipment Cooling Calculator to provide data center designers and operators
with a means of determining if ancillary loads can be supported by their row-based coolers,
InRow Ancillary IT Equipment
Cooling Calculator given room geometry, IT equipment, and cooling configuration attributes discussed above.

The calculator allows the user to estimate the impact of several adjustable parameters,
including the cooler set point, maximum allowable temperatures for the IT equipment and
ancillary loads, ancillary load, and the percentage of data center space taken up by the
ancillary loads.

The calculator provides a summary stating one of three conditions:

No additional cooling capacity is necessary. The cooling capacity is greater than the
total load and the row-based IT and ancillary IT temperatures are within the defined
The cooling capacity is greater than the total load but the row-based IT and/or ancillary
IT temperature(s) exceeded the defined threshold(s). In this case, either higher tem-
peratures must be tolerated or additional cooling capacity must be added.
In order to support the ancillary load, additional cooling capacity must be added to the
ancillary area. This is because the ancillary load has exceeded the available cooling
capacity and the cooling system is no longer able to effectively regulate the IT tempera-

Typical data centers, with ancillary loads on the order of 5-10% will not generally run into the
third condition above, but for some data centers with a higher percentage of ancillary loads or
with a room geometry in which ancillary loads are isolated in an alcove, the only alternative is
to add additional cooling to the design in the ancillary area.

When additional When additional cooling is required to adequately cool the ancillary loads, it is often assumed
that perimeter-based coolers are required. The reality is that row-based coolers can fulfill this
cooling is need as well, by placing them next to the perimeter ancillary loads. From a TCO perspective
required (upfront cost, energy cost, maintenance cost), it makes much more sense to do this rather
than installing perimeter coolers with supporting systems such as a raised floor. White Paper
130, The Advantages of Row and Rack-Oriented Cooling Architectures for Data Centers,
discusses in greater detail the benefits of row-based cooling.

Consider the example of Figure 6. Three design alternatives are shown: an alcove with no
additional cooling (6a), an alcove with additional cooling (6b), and no alcove (6c). Each
alternative consists of the same row-based IT and ancillary IT equipment population 140

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Cooling Entire Data Centers Using Only Row Cooling

kW and 12 kW respectively representing a typical ratio for this equipment (8% of total IT
load). Each alternative requires the same floor area and the maximum permissible tempera-
ture (in both the row & ancillary areas) is assumed to be 80.6F, the upper limit of ASHRAEs
recommended temperature range for IT systems.

Figure 6a illustrates the ancillary loads in the alcove result in temperatures well above the
80.6F design limit. The further into the alcove the loads are located, the more isolated they
become from the row-based coolers and the hotter they get. In fact, in addition to the
ancillary loads exceeding the allowable temperature, the IT racks closest to the alcove also
experience relatively high temperatures as well.

Figure 6a
Example of data center with
alcove and no additional
cooling to ancillary area



Figure 6b illustrates that adding two row-based coolers in the alcove area helps to cool the
alcove to within the defined allowable temperatures, although, due to the geometry of the
room, the temperature is still slightly warmer than the row-based-cooled area.

Obviously, if possible, a data center with a standard rectangular geometry should be de-
signed, however when that is not possible such as when an existing space is re-purposed
as a data center row-based cooling is still an effective cooling approach. When an alcove-
type layout is employed, additional cooling can be added as shown. In this case, the two
additional row-based coolers do, indeed, reduce operating temperatures to the acceptable
limit and provide some measure of redundancy (though ancillary temperatures will rise in the
event of a cooling failure). In this particular scenario, which is constrained by equipment
clearances and access space, there are limited options regarding where to place the coolers.
In general, row-based coolers can be placed essentially anywhere provided, front and rear
clearances are respected, bolt-down brackets are used for stability when required, and power
and cooling connections are available. As ancillary loads are often too diffuse to allow the
coolers to effectively capture and neutralize warm air, it is often a practical choice simply to
have the coolers blow directly on and around warm equipment in order to mix the warm air
down to an acceptable temperature.

Schneider Electric Data Center Science Center White Paper 139 Rev 0 9
Cooling Entire Data Centers Using Only Row Cooling

Figure 6b
Example data center with
alcove and row-based cooling
added to ancillary area



Figure 6c shows the scenario where no alcove exists. When a data center has standard
room geometry like this example, additional cooling is often unnecessary. The row-based
coolers in the 4 rows of racks are sufficient to cool not only the loads they were designed to
handle, but also to pick up the additional heat load of the ancillary loads. Temperatures in
the ancillary area, although warmer than the temperatures in the rows, are still below the
design threshold.

Figure 6c
Example data center with no



Consistent with the CFD analysis shown for the three scenarios, the InRow Ancillary IT
Equipment Cooling Calculator TradeOff Tool predicts that the layout with the alcove requires
additional cooling while the layout without the alcove does not.

Schneider Electric Data Center Science Center White Paper 139 Rev 0
Cooling Entire Data Centers Using Only Row Cooling

Conclusion It is practical and effective to use a purely row based cooling architecture to cool a complete
data center even when some of the loads are not located in neat rows. The row coolers
effectively provide a source of generalized room cooling, in addition to cooling the rows they
are placed in. This approach works when the non-row equipment is a small fraction of the
total, which is a common situation.

The approach of using a pure row cooling architecture has a number of benefits when
compared with a hybrid approach of room coolers and row coolers. Higher efficiency, lower
cost, and the ability to eliminate the raised floor are some of these benefits.

Extensive CFD analysis validates the effectiveness of this approach. Tradeoff Tool 12,
InRow Ancillary IT Equipment Cooling Calculator, assesses a data centers ability to cool
these loads, given a floor layout, row-based cooling configuration, and IT load attributes and

When additional cooling is necessary to support the ancillary loads (i.e., when ancillary loads
represent a greater percent of the total load than typical data centers or when the loads are
very isolated in an alcove), implementing additional row-based coolers is an effective cooling
approach, since the infrastructure is already in place.

About the author

Jim VanGilder has been in the data center cooling and simulation business for over ten
years. Prior to that, he specialized in the use of CFD for electronics-cooling applications.
Presently, he directs the cooling-prediction R&D efforts for Schneider Electric's data center
design and management software products. Jim has a masters degree in mechanical
engineering from Duke University and is a registered professional engineer in the state of
Massachusetts. He has authored or co-authored over 20 technical papers on data center
cooling and has had several patents granted with many more pending in this area. Jim is the
Vice Chair of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers
(ASHRAE) Technical Committee 4.10, Indoor Environmental Modeling.

Wendy Torell is a Senior Research Analyst at Schneider Electrics Data Center Science
Center. She consults with clients on availability science approaches and design practices to
optimize the availability of their data center environments. She received her Bachelors of
Mechanical Engineering degree from Union College in Schenectady, NY and her MBA from
University of Rhode Island. Wendy is an ASQ Certified Reliability Engineer.

Schneider Electric Data Center Science Center White Paper 139 Rev 0 11
Cooling Entire Data Centers Using Only Row Cooling

Click on icon to link to resource

The Advantages of Row and Rack-Oriented Cooling

Architectures for Data Centers
White Paper 130

White Paper Library

InRow Ancillary IT Equipment Cooling Calculator

TradeOff Tool 12

TradeOff Tools

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Schneider Electric Data Center Science Center White Paper 139 Rev 0 12

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