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Humidity Calculator

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Humidity calculator

Using ambient temperature and pressure, and relative humidity (RH)

Temperature = 35
RH (%) = 60%
Moisture content = 21.45 g/kg
Enthalpy = 90.39 KJ/kg
Water vapour pressure = 5.63 KPa

Calculation Formulas:
Absolute humidity (AH) AH, kg/m = Pw (Rw T)
where Pw is water vapor pressure, T is ambient temperature in Kelvin, Rw is specific gas
constant for water vapor and it is equal to 461.5.
Note: This formula is derived from Ideal gas law, and adapted for water vapor.
Dewpoint or dew point temperature (Td)
Td, C = (B1 (ln(RH 100) + A1T (B1 + T)) (A1 (ln(RH 100) - A1T (B1 + T))

where T is ambient temperature in Celsius, RH is relative humidity (%), A1 = 17.625, B1 =

243.04C. [2 p.226]
Enthalpy (h) h, kJ/kg = T (1.01 + 0.00189 W) + 2.5 W
where T is ambient temperature in Celsius, W is mixing ratio (mass of water vapor mass of
dry air) in g/kg. [1 p.429]
Mixing ratio (W) W, g/kg = 621.97 Pw (P Pw)
where Pw is water vapor pressure, P is ambient pressure. [5]
Note: Replace 621.97 with 4354 to calculate the ratio in grains per pound (gr/lb or GPP).
Saturated mixing ratio (Ws) Ws, g/kg = 621.97 Pws (P Pws)
where P is ambient pressure, Pws is saturated water vapor pressure. [5]
Note: Replace 621.97 with 4354 to calculate the ratio in grains per pound (gr/lb or GPP).
Saturated water vapor pressure (Pws)
ln(Pws Pc) = Tc T (a1 + a2 1.5+ a3 3+ a4 3.5+ a5 4+ a6 7.5)

where: Pws is saturated water vapor pressure, Pc is critical pressure equal to

22.064MPa, Tc is critical temperature equal to 647.096K, = (1 T Tc), a1 =
7.85951783, a2 = 1.84408259, a3 = 11.7866497, a4 = 22.6807411, a5 =
15.9618719, a6 = 1.80122502. [1 pp.398-399]
Water vapor pressure (Pw) Pw = RH Pws 100
where Pw is water vapor pressure, RH is relative humidity (%), Pws is saturated water vapor
pressure. [2 p.226, 3]
Wet-bulb temperature is estimated by converging dewpoint to ambient temperature until
saturated water vapor pressure at the estimated temperature is approximately equal to actual
water vapor pressure with selected precision.[4]

1. The IAPWS Formulation 1995 for the Thermodynamic properties of ordinary water substance for
general and scientific use by W. Wagner and A. Prub. Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data.
2002 June; 31(2), 387-535.

2. The relationship between relative humidity and the dew point temperature in moist air: A simple
conversion and applications by Lawrence, M.G. Bulletin of the Am. Meteorol. Soc. 2005; 86(2), 225-233.

3. Relative Humidity and Dewpoint Temperature from Temperature and Wet Bulb Temperature.
National Weather Service. Southern Region Headquarters. 819 Taylor Street, Room 10A06, Fort Worth,
TX 76102.

4. Wet-bulb Temperature and Dewpoint Temperature from Air Temperature and Relative Humidity.
National Weather Service. Southern Region Headquarters. 819 Taylor Street, Room 10A06, Fort Worth,
TX 76102.
5. Mixing Ratio. National Weather Service. Southern Region Headquarters. 819 Taylor Street, Room
10A06, Fort Worth, TX 76102.

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