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Gandionco v. Peñaranda Digest

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Republic of the Philippines Held: No, petitioner Froilan is not correct in his contention.

Manila Ratio: A civil action for legal separation, based on concubinage,
may proceed ahead of, or simultaneously with, a
SECOND DIVISION criminal action for concubinage, because said civil
action is not one "to enforce the civil liability arising
G.R. No. 79284 November 27, 1987 from the offense" even if both the civil and criminal
actions arise from or are related to the same offense.
Such civil action is one intended to obtain the right to
FROILAN C. GANDIONCO, petitioner, live separately, with the legal consequences thereof,
vs. such as, the dissolution of the conjugal partnership of
HON. SENEN C. PEARANDA, as Presiding Judge of the Regional gains, custody of offsprings, support, and
Trial Court of Misamis Oriental, Branch 18, Cagayan de Oro City, disqualification from inheriting from the innocent
and TERESITA S. GANDIONCO, respondents.
spouse, among others.

Re: the contention of petitioner that he must first be
Facts: convicted of concubinage before the action for legal
On 29 May 1986, private respondent, the legal wife of the separation can succeed.
petitioner, filed with the RTC of Misamis Oriental in Cagayan
de Oro City, presided over by respondent Judge, a complaint A decree of legal separation, on the ground of concubinage,
against petitioner for legal separation, on the ground of may be issued upon proof by preponderance of evidence in
concubinage, with a petition for support and payment of the action for legal separation. No criminal proceeding or
damages. conviction is necessary. To this end, the doctrine in Francisco
On 13 October 1986, private respondent also filed with the vs. Tayao has been modified, as that case was decided under
Municipal Trial Court of General Santos City, a complaint Act. No. 2710, when absolute divorce was then allowed and
against petitioner for concubinage. On 14 November 1986, had for its grounds the same grounds for legal separation
application for the provisional remedy of support pendente under the New Civil Code, with the requirement, under such
lite, pending a decision in the action for legal separation, was former law, that the guilt of defendant spouses had to be
filed by private respondent in the civil case for legal established by final judgment in a criminal action. That
separation. The respondent judge ordered the payment of requirement has not been reproduced or adopted by the
support pendente lite. framers of the present Civil Code, and the omission has been
Petitioner contends that the civil action for legal uniformly accepted as a modification of the stringent rule in
separation and the incidents consequent thereto, such Francisco v. Tayao.
as, application for support pendente lite, should be
suspended in view of the criminal case for concubinage
filed against him the private respondent.
The petitioner elaborated that such civil action arises from, or
is inextricably tied to the criminal action for concubinage, so
that all proceedings related to legal separation will have to be
suspended to await conviction or acquittal for concubinage in
the criminal case.

Issue: Whether or not petitioner Froilan is correct in his contention.

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