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Nature and Science 2012;10(12) http://www.sciencepub.


Design, fabrication and testing of hydraulic crane

Muhammadu Masin MUHAMMADU

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal University Technology P.M.B. 65, Minna, Nigeria

Abstract: In this paper, design, fabrication and testing of hydraulic crane is intended to replace the local or
traditional method of lifting heavy load with hand with emphasis being laid on performance, safety and reliability.
Also, hydraulic crane is capable of carrying load up to 1000kg at a time was developed using locally available
materials. The crane is comprised of six primary load-carrying members that are joined together in a particular
fashion, actuator, oil tank, hose, pipe and a pump that is powered by a D.C. motor. The principle of operation,
fabrication details and methods were critically analyzed, calculations were clearly laid out and material selection and
costing were also discussed. The machine Factor of Safety (FOS) is 2 and in the performance evaluation, it indicated
81.2% efficiency.
[Muhammadu Masin MUHAMMADU. Design, fabrication and testing of hydraulic crane. Nat Sci
2012;10(12):1-6]. (ISSN: 1545-0740). 1

Keywords: Pump, actuator, hydraulic crane, reliability, load, hose and efficiency

1. Introduction This machine was able to lift up to two tons. Wire

Hydraulic crane is a hydraulic machine that uses a rope was added to the crane during the same year by
system of hydraulics (which uses special fluids) to Herr Albert Sr. an official of the German superior
transmit forces from one point to another to lift heavy Board. The wire rope meant the crane was stronger
loads. These fluids are typically incompressible or at and more durable, enabling cranes to have a higher
their maximum density. Most times this fluid is capacity for lifting heavy weights. Wire ropes were
simply regular oil. The machines essentially work by weaved together to create an even more powerful
using a piston to press down on the oil which then capacity with the added benefit of flexibility.
transmits the force to another piston, which is then Germany also decided to build cranes using cast iron;
driven up. So basically when one piston goes down the first one was built in Neuburg four years later.
another is raised. It uses one or more simple Joseph Monier came up with the idea of embedding
machines like a hoist to create mechanical advantage wire mesh into concrete to increase the strength of
and thus move loads beyond the normal capability of the cranes. He noticed that concrete could handle the
a human (Muhammad, 2004). Cranes are commonly pressure of weight but not the traction, but with his
employed in the transport industry for the loading and alteration he was able to create something that
unloading of freight, in the construction industry for worked efficiently.
the movement of materials and in the manufacturing New project like the building of bridges and
industry for the assembling of heavy equipment, railways meant cranes needed to get with the times.
(Decker and Robert, 1980) William Fairbain from Great Britain came up with
Cranes have played important part in constructing the idea to rivet two arch shaped jibs on a crane. His
houses, buildings, cities, and nations throughout creation was successful in developing a device more
history. Structures such as the pyramids in Egypt stable and capable of safely lifting weights and he
have likely been constructed with the help of cranes patented the idea shortly thereafter.
to lift even the heaviest of material in what can only Cranes became mobile in 1868 when the firm
be described as feets unimaginable to man. The Aveling and porter thought of mounting cranes on top
earliest representation of a crane appeared during of automobiles. The steam traction engine and steam
Ramses regime in Egypt in 3000 B.C. a portrayal of roller production company named the first mobile
a lifting device used to collect water- but the first crane little Tom, which was produced in 1884.
crane appeared in ancient Greece and was used to Little Tom had a two-ton capacity and could pick up
build an entire nation in the fifth century B.C. items and carry them. The first lattice beam on a
Cranes were made of woods until designers building gantry crane was the result of bridges being built in
dockyards decided they needed something bigger and Germany during 1874. It was the first time any crane
stronger. In 1884, cranes were develop using cast iron had been made of iron but designers found that this
by a firm called Hick and Rothwell in Bolten, material helped the crane deal with the stress.

Nature and Science 2012;10(12)

Although cranes had come a long way, the onset mounting cranes on tractors, an up-and coming
of the World War II forced man to become more trend.
inventive. But it would not be until 1946 that British Making cranes bigger was still important as can be
crane manufacturer. F. Taylor and sons would seen by the largest crane of this time, the Hydra
produce the first hydraulic crane. Although it was Husky 36/40 TS
used within the company and could not luff or slew, Perhaps the most important change was the way
it opened doors for a 42 and 50 series when it cranes were used and valued. Prior to the war, crane
hydraulic crane was place on a Morris W.D operated trucks were valued for how reliable they were, they
on cylinders that were lifted and lowered as well as a had to be during a time of such strife. After the way,
boom powered by a hydraulic pump. When the emphasis was placed on how comfortable the cranes
company could no longer use vehicles as a chassis for were for the drivers, cranes that carry maximum
the crane, production began for its very own mobile results for the smallest maintenance and costs. Being
hydraulic cranes. able to operate the hydraulics of cranes was of
During the 1950s, cranes were celebrated as paramount importance and such machines like the 65
devices that could rebuild what bombs from the war hydraulics lattice boom crane created frenzy for their
had destroyed homes, cities, and even countries. usefulness and features (
Hydraulic systems became more and more complex /index.php/Hydraulic Truck Crane, 10 Nov, 2009).
with gear systems and pumps that could be powered 2. Design Analysis and Calculations
while trucks remained immobile. The first truck to The crane made up of framed structure or truss is
loader crane made its appearance from companies composed of several bars or rods joined together in a
such as Hydraulic industry AB. The A2 crane was particular fashion; these bars are called members of
introduced in 1952. This model was essentially a the structure. A member in tension is called Tie and
crane mounted on the back of Chevrolet truck under compression is called Strut (R.K. Rajput,
complete with hydraulic lifting cylinders and hooked 1998).
winch. This loader crane started a trend Alas There are three main types of framed structures:
weyhausen, a company located in Bremen, started Efficient or perfect, deficient or imperfect and
similar versions. redundant. The structure is said to be efficient if it
Cranes were now becoming more advanced, with satisfies the equation:
companies and manufacturers making the winches = 2 3 (1)
more prcised, developing telescopic booms, Where, m = number of the member of the structure
improving the hydraulic pumps, and utilizing and j = number of the joint of the structure. When m
different materials to change the way the cranes was is one number less than the required, the structure is
made. termed deficient or imperfect, but when it is one
A hydraulic truck loader that consisted of a fitted number greater than the required, it is termed
winch could slew and lift up to a ton. This creation by redundant structure (R. K. Rajput 1998).
Steinbeck Moosburg was an example of how In the analysis of the forces acting in each member of
complex designs were becoming. A company called the crane structure, the following assumptions are
Liebhero developed a series of cranes known as the made: All members are pin-jointed, the frame is
14A and 25A series-they were self-climbing cranes loaded only at the joints, the frame structure is a
with special hydraulic embedded into fitted masts. perfect one and the self-weight of the members is
The more a crane could do, especially at the same neglected. (Rajput, 1998).
time, the more popular it was. Demag Zug built a A schematic layout of the crane configuration is as
crane with a 25-ton lifting capacity but it also had shown in the fig.2.1. The members are connected to
hydraulic cylinders that provided rapid movement in each other at joints A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I.
the luffing; several different movement could be Note that this is a simplified view of the crane
performed simultaneously. showing only the primary structural components and
Hydraulic mobile crane throughout the ages the forces in the plane of the applied load. The forces
Gottwalds hydraulic cranes became important to that are exerted in each load-carrying member are
their further development. The HKM 120 in 1959 analyzed by the application of equilibrium or
was a step in another direction. By this times the principle of statics i.e. = 0 (Rajput 1998).
bigger the crane, the better. The HKM 120 had a These forces are determined using the method of
tower, raised cab, and a luffing jib. By the time in moment and with a maximum load of 1 ton (or
1980s had arrived, cranes were everywhere and every 10KN) as shown in figure 3.2 below. Note that all
construction company was scrambling to carry one dimensions are in millimeters.
better than the next. Equipment companies such as

Nature and Science 2012;10(12)

3. Determination of the reactions at the supports Summing forces in the vertical direction, we find
(rollers) R = 10 R = 10 10.34 = 0.34KN (3)
The rollers at A and B provide vertical support to 4. Determination of Forces in each of the Load
the crane at A and B respectively. Reactions at these Carrying Member of the Crane
supports are calculated using the principle of statics Force exerted on the ram/actuator (i.e. member 5)
(i.e. = 0) as follows: Summing moment about A ram is a hydraulic cylinder designed to apply force
A, we find in only one direction. It consists of a barrel, a
cylinder cap, head, piston and piston rod.
R = = = 10.34KN (2)



Vertic S

D Brac
A C Ba B
Roll Ro
Figure 3.1

Nature and Science 2012;10(12)

The force RH, exerted on the ram/actuator is ( )

R = = = 14.49KN (9)
calculated by considering the free-body diagram of
Considering joint F, summing forces in the horizontal
member 6, as shown in figure 3.3 above.
Summing moments about G
R cos 71.1 + R cos 44.4 = 0 (10)
M = 0 = R 490 10 1200 and R = . . .

= = 24.49KN (4) R = .
= 77.2KN (11)
The actuator is pin-connected at each end and carries Therefore, is in tension.
loads only at its ends. Therefore, it is a two-force Also, considering the free-body diagram of member 1
member, and the direction of the force, RH, acts along Summing moment about A
the member itself. Then RHX and RHY are the M = 0 = R 460 10.34 1160 (12)
rectangular components of RH as shown in figure 3.3. R = = 26.07KN (13)
We can then say that tan 37.5 = (14)
tan 44.4 = , R = .
= .
= 25.0KN .
R = = = 33.98KN (15)
(5) . .

Total force, RH on the actuator is therefore, Total force

R R + R = 25 + 24.49 = 35.0KN (6) R = R + R = 26.07 + 33.98 = 42.83KN
We know that the forces on points F and H with Summing forces in horizontal direction, we have
respect to member 5, are equal and that they act in = = 33.98 (Compressive) (17)
line with member 5, 44.4o with respect to the Also, summing moment about C
horizontal. The reactions to these forces, then, act at M = 0 = R 460 0.34 460 10.34
point F on the vertical support, member 4, and at (1160 460) (18)
. . ( )
point H on the horizontal boom, member 6. By R = = 16.07KN (19)
considering the free-body diagram of member 6, RH is
found to be 35.0KN. It shows that member 5 is a two 5. Fabrication and testing
force member in compression. Although, some parts were bought from the market
Summing forces in the horizontal direction along however, the other components were manufactured
member 6, we have and produced to specification. The Table below
R = R = 25.0KN (7) shows the details and various manufacturing
Also, summing moments about H, to find processes used in the production of the components.
M = 0 = R 490 10 (1200 490) (8)

Table 1: This shown Fabrication process

Manufacture of hand lever and finishing Welding machine, grinding machine and hack Mild steel
Cutting and grinding of the I-section Cutting torch, grinding machine. Mild steel
Welding operation of joints Welding machine
Manufacture of oil tank Grinding machine, welding machine, hack saw. Aluminum alloy

Assembly of the links mechanisms, positioning of oil control

The assembly of various parts of the machine valves and connection of oil pressure hose or pipe to
follows the order stated below: Welding of the master and actuating cylinder, incorporation of metal
various I-Sections to produce the skeletal view of the clips to tighten the rubber pressure hose and the
machine, ram incorporated with bolts and fasteners, copper pressure hose welding of tank cover and
welding of chain and hook to the top plan lever arm filling of hydraulic tank and lines with hydraulic oil
of the machine, seating of the pump mechanism respectively.
inside the hydraulic crane frame, positioning of the
oil tank in the middle of the machine, lightening of 6. Finishing
the level arm to the top of the piston using M10 bolt, The finishing operation carried out on the project
welding of oil tank to the frame extension and fixing to be aesthetically appealing includes the following:

Nature and Science 2012;10(12)

removal of rough edges and surfaces using sand The testing was conducted as follows:
papers and wire brush, removal of dirt and oil from Raise a standard weight (e.g. 100 kg, 200kg, 300kg
surfaces using kerosene, and spraying of the machine etc.)
with paint to prevent corrosion and add to the beauty Lock the release valve.
aesthetic values. Take note of the load height from the ground.
Take note of the time it takes to reach maximum
7. Testing height.
After the successful fabrication of the machine, Allow the loads to stay at different time interval.
performance test was carried out on the crane, this Then check if there is a drop in load height.
was aimed at accessing the performance and ease at Note that drop in the loads height could be as a result
which different loads could be raised and dropped by of leakage in the system. This leakage could occur
the crane. Form the calculations; if the effort is more through: The actuating cylinder, the valves (outlet
than the calculated values hence, the following losses valves), the release valve and hose.
will occur: Frictional loss, viscous loss,
leakage loss, and transmission loss.

Table 2: This shown the results obtained from testing

(in Load (in Time to raise load manually. Time to raise load electrically. Retraction time (in
lb) kg) (in seconds) (in seconds) seconds)
35 15.9 120 80 40
70 31.8 120 80 36
80 36.3 120 80 31
115 52.2 120 80 27
160 72.6 120 80 21

8. Mode of operation saving and not convenient. This is the previous

The mode of operation of any machine or device existing system.
is of great importance to its user. The system has a 2- Future work
way mode of operation, i.e. manually and electrically In subsequent development a robotic device
operated. When operating electrically, the return should be incorporated in the machine to enable it
valve is pressed down gradually in other to bring the function automatically by self-maneuvering. In this
upper horizontal arm and the hook down. The load way there will be work station for its mode of
meant to be carried is hanged unto the hook device. It operation. This will save time and energy because it
must be hanged correctly to avoid accident. Since the will be faster and more efficient. It will also help to
electric motor employed is a 12V DC motor, the minimize accident in the workshops and factories.
crane is plugged to a 12V D.C source. This is done in
two ways: by either using a 12V battery or a 12V Conclusion
adapter to step down the usual domestic voltage for The design of the hydraulic crane involved
the motor. analysis of forces acting in various member of the
The motor rotates the four bar links, the links crane structure, analysis of the links mechanism,
pumps the incompressible fluid from the pump to the determination of pressure developed in the actuator at
ram and the ram in-turn lifts the upper horizontal bar maximum load, material selection and cost
of the frame carrying the hook and the load up to a evaluation. Its fabrication details involved some
certain level before the load is displaced from one workshop operations such as marking out, cutting,
position to another. This method is more convenient, machining, welding and surface treatment which was
energy saving and non-time consuming. It is the accomplished using locally available materials.
improved method of the work shop crane. Unlike the existing design that is powered manually,
In the manual operating system, almost the same a motorized system was incorporated into the crane to
procedure is followed. The links to the pump is drive the pump using electricity. This motorized
disengaged and the operator uses his hand to do the system can also be detached and the pump is powered
pumping until the hanged load rises to the maximum manually making the crane a two-way powered
level before it is displaced from one position to system. On performance and cost evaluation bases,
another. This method is time consuming, non-energy the machine is efficient, reliable, and cost effective.

Nature and Science 2012;10(12)

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