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Traveno v. Bobongon Banana Growers

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[G.R. No. 164205. September 3, 2009.]





By the account of petitioner Oldarico Traveo and his 16 co-petitioners, in 1992,

respondent Timog Agricultural Corporation (TACOR) and respondent Diamond Farms,
Inc. (DFI) hired them to work at a banana plantation at Bobongon, Santo Tomas, Davao
Del Norte which covered lands previously planted with rice and corn but whose owners
had agreed to convert into a banana plantation upon being convinced that TACOR and
DFI could provide the needed capital, expertise, and equipment. Petitioners helped
prepare the lands for the planting of banana suckers and eventually carried out the
planting as well. 1 CAIHTE

Petitioners asseverated that while they worked under the direct control of
supervisors assigned by TACOR and DFI, these companies used different schemes to
make it appear that petitioners were hired through independent contractors, including
individuals, unregistered associations, and cooperatives; that the successive changes
in the names of their employers notwithstanding, they continued to perform the same
work under the direct control of TACOR and DFI supervisors; and that under the last
scheme adopted by these companies, the nominal individual contractors were required
to, as they did, join a cooperative and thus became members of respondent Bobongon
Banana Growers Multi-purpose Cooperative (the Cooperative). 2
Continued petitioners: Sometime in 2000, above-named respondents began
utilizing harassment tactics to ease them out of their jobs. Without rst seeking the
approval of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), they changed their
compensation package from being based on a daily rate to a pakyawan rate that
depended on the combined productivity of the "gangs" they had been grouped into.
Soon thereafter, they stopped paying their salaries, prompting them to stop working. 3
One after another, three separate complaints for illegal dismissal were led by
petitioners, individually and collectively, with the National Labor Relations Commission
(NLRC) against said respondents including respondent Dole Asia Philippines as it then
supposedly owned TACOR, 4 for unpaid salaries, overtime pay, 13th month pay, service
incentive leave pay, damages, and attorney's fees. 5

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DFI answered for itself and TACOR, which it claimed had been merged with it and
ceased to exist as a corporation. Denying that it had engaged the services of
petitioners, 6 DFI alleged that during the corporate lifetime of TACOR, it had an
arrangement with several landowners in Santo Tomas, Davao Del Norte whereby TACOR
was to extend nancial and technical assistance to them for the development of their
lands into a banana plantation on the condition that the bananas produced therein
would be sold exclusively to TACOR; that the landowners worked on their own farms
and hired laborers to assist them; that the landowners themselves decided to form a
cooperative in order to better attain their business objectives; and that it was not in a
position to state whether petitioners were working on the banana plantation of the
landowners who had contracted with TACOR. 7
The Cooperative failed to le a position paper despite due notice, prompting the
Labor Arbiter to consider it to have waived its right to adduce evidence in its defense.

Nothing was heard from respondent Dole Asia Philippines.

By consolidated Decision dated October 30, 2002, 8 the Labor Arbiter, found
respondent Cooperative guilty of illegal dismissal. It dropped the complaints against
DFI, TACOR and Dole Asia Philippines. Thus it disposed:
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered:
1. Declaring respondent Bobongon Banana Growers Multi-purpose
Cooperative guilty of illegal dismissal;

2. Ordering respondent Bobongon Banana Growers Multi-purpose

Cooperative to pay complainants full backwages from the time of
their illegal dismissal up to this promulgation, to be determined
during the execution stage;

3. Ordering respondent Bobongon Banana Growers Multi-purpose

Cooperative to reinstate complainants to their former positions
without loss of seniority rights and if not possible, to pay them
separation pay equivalent to 1/2 month pay for every year of

4. Ordering respondent Bobongon Banana Grower Cooperative [sic] to

pay 10% of the total award as Attorney's fees;

5. All other respondents are hereby dropped as party-respondents for

lack of merit. (Underscoring supplied)

In nding for petitioners, the Labor Arbiter relied heavily on the following Orders
submitted by DFI which were issued in an earlier case led with the DOLE, viz.: (1) Order
dated July 11, 1995 of the Director of DOLE Regional Of ce No. XI declaring the
Cooperative as the employer of the 341 workers in the farms of its several members;
(2) Order dated December 17, 1997 of the DOLE Secretary af rming the Order dated
July 11, 1995 of the Director of DOLE Regional Of ce No. XI; and (3) Order dated June
23, 1998 of the DOLE Secretary denying the Cooperative's Motion for Reconsideration.

On partial appeal to the NLRC, petitioners questioned the Labor Arbiter's denial
of their money claims and the dropping of their complaints against TACOR, DFI, and
Dole Asia Philippines.
By Resolution dated July 30, 2003, 9 the NLRC sustained the Labor Arbiter's
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ruling that the employer of petitioners is the Cooperative, there being no showing that
the earlier mentioned Orders of the DOLE Secretary had been set aside by a court of
competent jurisdiction. It partially granted petitioners' appeal, however, by ordering the
Cooperative to pay them their unpaid wages, wage differentials, service incentive leave
pay, and 13th month pay. It thus remanded the case to the Labor Arbiter for
computation of those awards.
Their Motion for Reconsideration having been denied by Resolution of September
30, 2003, 1 0 petitioners appealed to the Court of Appeals via certiorari. 1 1
By Resolution dated February 20, 2004, 1 2 the appellate court dismissed
petitioners' petition for certiorari on the ground that the accompanying veri cation and
certi cation against forum shopping was defective, it having been signed by only 19 of
the 22 therein named petitioners. Their Motion for Reconsideration having been denied
by Resolution of May 13, 2004, 1 3 petitioners lodged the present Petition for Review on
Petitioners posit that the appellate court erred in dismissing their petition on a
mere technicality as it should have, at most, dismissed the petition only with respect to
the non-signing petitioners. CacHES

Dwelling on the merits of the case, petitioners posit that the Labor Arbiter and
the NLRC disregarded evidence on record showing that while the Cooperative was their
employer on paper, the other respondents exercised control and supervision over them;
that the Cooperative was a labor-only contractor; and that the Orders of the DOLE
Secretary relied upon by the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC are not applicable to them as
the same pertained to a certi cation election case involving different parties and
issues. 1 4
DFI, commenting for itself and TACOR, maintains that, among other things, it was
not the employer of petitioners; and that it cannot comment on their money claims
because no evidence was submitted in support thereof. 1 5
It appears that respondent Cooperative had been dissolved. 1 6
As respondent Dole Asia Philippines failed to le a comment, the Court, by
Resolution of November 29, 2006, 1 7 required it to (1) show cause why it should not be
held in contempt for its failure to heed the Court's directive, and (2) le the required
comment, within 10 days from notice.
Dole Philippines, Inc. (DPI) promptly led an Urgent Manifestation 1 8 stating that,
among other things, while its division located in Davao City received the Court's
Resolution directing Dole Asia Philippines to le a comment on the present petition, DPI
did not le a comment as the directive was addressed to "Dole Asia Philippines", an
entity which is not registered at the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Commenting on DPI's Urgent Manifestation, petitioners contend that DPI cannot
be allowed to take advantage of their lack of knowledge as to its exact corporate name,
DPI having raised the matter for the rst time before this Court notwithstanding its
receipt of all pleadings and court processes from the inception of this case. 1 9
Upon review of the records, the Court nds that DPI never ever participated in the
proceedings despite due notice. Its posturing, therefore, that the court processes it
received were addressed to "Dole Asia Philippines", a non-existent entity, does not lie.
That DPI is the intended respondent, there is no doubt.
Respecting the appellate court's dismissal of petitioners' appeal due to the
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failure of some of them to sign the therein accompanying veri cation and certi cation
against forum-shopping, the Court's guidelines for the bench and bar in Altres v.
Empleo, 2 0 which were culled "from jurisprudential pronouncements", are instructive:
For the guidance of the bench and bar, the Court restates in capsule form the
jurisprudential pronouncements already re ected above respecting non-
compliance with the requirements on, or submission of defective,
verification and certification against forum shopping :
1) A distinction must be made between non-compliance with the requirement
on or submission of defective veri cation, and non-compliance with the
requirement on or submission of defective certification against forum shopping.

2) As to veri cation, non-compliance therewith or a defect therein does not

necessarily render the pleading fatally defective. The court may order its
submission or correction or act on the pleading if the attending circumstances are
such that strict compliance with the Rule may be dispensed with in order that the
ends of justice may be served thereby.

3) Veri cation is deemed substantially complied with when one who

has ample knowledge to swear to the truth of the allegations in the
complaint or petition signs the verification, and when matters alleged in
the petition have been made in good faith or are true and correct.

4) As to certi cation against forum shopping, non-compliance therewith or a

defect therein, unlike in veri cation, is generally not curable by its subsequent
submission or correction thereof, unless there is a need to relax the Rule on the
ground of "substantial compliance" or presence of "special circumstances or
compelling reasons". DcCITS

5) The certi cation against forum shopping must be signed by all

the plaintiffs or petitioners in a case; otherwise, those who did not sign
will be dropped as parties to the case . Under reasonable or justi able
circumstances, however, as when all the plaintiffs or petitioners share a common
interest and invoke a common cause of action or defense, the signature of only
one of them in the certi cation against forum shopping substantially complies
with the Rule.

6) Finally, the certi cation against forum shopping must be executed by the
party-pleader, not by his counsel. If, however, for reasonable or justi able reasons,
the party-pleader is unable to sign, he must execute a Special Power of Attorney
designating his counsel of record to sign on his behalf. (Emphasis and
underscoring supplied)

The foregoing restated pronouncements were lost in the challenged Resolutions

of the appellate court. Petitioners' contention that the appellate court should have
dismissed the petition only as to the non-signing petitioners or merely dropped them
as parties to the case is thus in order.
Instead of remanding the case to the appellate court, however, the Court deems
it more practical to decide the substantive issue raised in this petition so as not to
further delay the disposition of this case. 2 1 And it thus resolves to deviate as well from
the general rule that factual questions are not entertained in petitions for review on
certiorari of the appellate court's decisions in order to write nis to this protracted

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The sole issue is whether DFI (with which TACOR had been merged) and DPI
should be held solidarily liable with the Cooperative for petitioners' illegal dismissal and
money claims.
The Labor Code and its Implementing Rules empower the Labor Arbiter to be the
trier of facts in labor cases. 2 2 Much reliance is thus placed on the Arbiter's ndings of
fact, having had the opportunity to discuss with the parties and their witnesses the
factual matters of the case during the conciliation phase. 2 3 Just the same, a review of
the records of the present case does not warrant a conclusion different from the
Arbiter's, as af rmed by the NLRC, that the Cooperative is the employer of petitioners.

To be sure, the matter of whether the Cooperative is an independent contractor

or a labor-only contractor may not be used to predicate a ruling in this case. Job
contracting or subcontracting refers to an arrangement whereby a principal agrees to
farm out with a contractor or subcontractor the performance of a speci c job, work or
service within a de nite or predetermined period, regardless of whether such job, work
or service is to be performed or completed within or outside the premises of the
principal. 2 4 The present case does not involve such an arrangement.
DFI did not farm out to the Cooperative the performance of a speci c job, work,
or service. Instead, it entered into a Banana Production and Purchase Agreement 2 5
(Contract) with the Cooperative, under which the Cooperative would handle and fund
the production of bananas and operation of the plantation covering lands owned by its
members in consideration of DFI's commitment to provide nancial and technical
assistance as needed, including the supply of information and equipment in growing,
packing, and shipping bananas. The Cooperative would hire its own workers and pay
their wages and bene ts, and sell exclusively to DFI all export quality bananas produced
that meet the specifications agreed upon.
To the Court, the Contract between the Cooperative and DFI, far from being a job
contracting arrangement, is in essence a business partnership that partakes of the
nature of a joint venture. 2 6 The rules on job contracting are, therefore, inapposite. The
Court may not alter the intention of the contracting parties as gleaned from their
stipulations without violating the autonomy of contracts principle under Article 1306 of
the Civil Code which gives the contracting parties the utmost liberality and freedom to
establish such stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions as they may deem
convenient, provided they are not contrary to law, morals, good custom, public order or
public policy.
Petitioners' claim of employment relationship with the Cooperative's herein co-
respondents must be assessed on the basis of four standards, viz.: (a) the manner of
their selection and engagement; (b) the mode of payment of their wages; (c) the
presence or absence of the power of dismissal; and (d) the presence or absence of
control over their conduct. Most determinative among these factors is the so-called
"control test". 2 7
There is nothing in the records which indicates the presence of any of the
foregoing elements of an employer-employee relationship.
The absence of the rst requisite, which refers to selection and engagement, is
shown by DFI's total lack of knowledge on who actually were engaged by the
Cooperative to work in the banana plantation. This is borne out by the Contract
between the Cooperative and DFI, under which the Cooperative was to hire its own
workers. As TACOR had been merged with DFI, and DPI is merely alleged to have
previously owned TACOR, this applies to them as well. Petitioners failed to prove the
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contrary. No employment contract whatsoever was submitted to substantiate how
petitioners were hired and by whom.
On the second requisite, which refers to the payment of wages, it was likewise
the Cooperative that paid the same. As re ected earlier, under the Contract, the
Cooperative was to handle and fund the production of bananas and operation of the
plantation. 2 8 The Cooperative was also to be responsible for the proper conduct,
safety, benefits , and general welfare of its members and workers in the plantation. 2 9
As to the third requisite, which refers to the power of dismissal, and the fourth
requisite, which refers to the power of control, both were retained by the Cooperative.
Again, the Contract stipulated that the Cooperative was to be responsible for the
proper conduct and general welfare of its members and workers in the plantation. ADSIaT

The crucial element of control refers to the authority of the employer to control
the employee not only with regard to the result of the work to be done, but also to the
means and methods by which the work is to be accomplished. 3 0 While it suf ces that
the power of control exists, albeit not actually exercised, there must be some
evidence of such power. In the present case, petitioners did not present any.
There being no employer-employee relationship between petitioners and the
Cooperative's co-respondents, the latter are not solidarily liable with the Cooperative
for petitioners' illegal dismissal and money claims.
While the Court commiserates with petitioners on their loss of employment,
especially now that the Cooperative is no longer a going concern, it cannot simply, by
default, hold the Cooperative's co-respondents liable for their claims without any
factual and legal justi cation therefor. The social justice policy of labor laws and the
Constitution is not meant to be oppressive of capital.
En passant, petitioners are not precluded from pursuing any available remedies
against the former members of the defunct Cooperative as their individual
circumstances may warrant.
WHEREFORE , the petition is DISMISSED .
Quisumbing, Corona, * Del Castillo and Abad, JJ., concur.


*Additional member vice Justice Arturo D. Brion, due to prior participation in the Court of

1.Vide Position Papers of Petitioners, NLRC records, Vol. I, pp. 37-54; 67-86.
4.Id. at 38, 68.
5.Id. at 1-13.

6.Id. at 30-36.

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7.Id. at 119-134.

8.Id. at 103-115.
9.NLRC records, Vol. II, pp. 89-93.
10.Id. at 142.
11.CA rollo, pp. 2-24.
12.Penned by Associate Justice Eloy R. Bello, Jr., with the concurrence of Associate Justice
Amelita G. Tolentino and then Associate Justice of the Court of Appeals, now Associate
Justice of this Court, Arturo D. Brion; CA rollo, pp. 174-175.
13.Id. at 187.
14.Vide Petition, rollo, pp. 12-44.

15.Vide Comment of DFI, id. at 231-235.

16.Id. at 263-265.
17.Id. at 265.
18.Id. at 266-270.
19.Id. at 276-279.

20.G.R. No. 180986, December 10, 2008.

21.Vide Chan v. Secretary of Justice, G.R. No. 147065, March 14, 2008, 548 SCRA 337, 351-352.
22.Manaya v. Alabang Country Club, Incorporated, G.R. No. 168988, June 19, 2007, 525 SCRA
140, 159.
23.Salazar v. Phil. Duplicators, Inc., G.R. No. 154628, December 6, 2006, 510 SCRA 288, 305.
24.Vide Acevedo v. Advanstar Company, Inc. , G.R. No. 157656, November 11, 2005, 474 SCRA
656, 667.
25.NLRC records, Vol. I, pp. 162-183.
26.A joint venture is an association of persons or companies jointly undertaking some
commercial enterprise; generally, all contribute assets and share risks. ( Kilosbayan v.
Guingona, G.R. No. 113375, May 5, 1994, 232 SCRA 110, 144)
27.De los Santos v. National Labor Relations Commission, 423 Phil. 1020, 1029 (2001).
28.Vide NLRC records, Vol. I, p. 169.
29.Id. at 176.

30.Almeda v. Asahi Glass Philippines, Inc. , G.R. No. 177785, September 3, 2008, 564 SCRA 115,

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