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Ujian Selaras 2 2010 Science

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Name :…………………………………
Class :…………………………………… SCIENCE

1. Which of the following is not a function

of the skin?
Antara berikut yang manakah bukan
fungsi kulit?
Which of the following represents P and
A To maintain body temperature Q?
. Untuk mengekalkan suhu badan P Q
B To absorb water from the surroundings. Brain Effector
. Untuk menyerap air dari persekitaran. B
Receptor Brain
C To excrete excess water and mineral C
. salt. Effector Receptor
Untuk menyingkirkan air dan garam D
mineral yang berlebihan Receptor Effector
D To prevent the entry of microorganisms
. Untuk mencegah daripada mikroorganisma
4. The basic unit of all living things is…
Unit asas benda hidup adalah…

2. Which of the following is a basic A An organ/ organ

quantities? .
Antara berikut, yang manakah kuantiti
asas? B A system/ sistem
A Volume/ Isipadu
. C A cell /sel
B Weight/ Berat .

. D A tissues /tisu
C Temperature /Suhu .
D Area / Luas
5. Figure 2 shows a power station.
. Gambarajah 2 menunjukkan stesen
3. Diagram 1 show the paths of an
impulses when the skin receive a
Rajah 1 menunjukkan laluan impuls apabila
kulit menerima rangsangan.
Stimulus P Nerve Q
Rangsangan Saraf

Muscle Nerve
Otot Saraf

Figure 2 Antara berikut, yang manakah ciri-ciri
Which of the following energy changes tumbuhan monokotiledon?
Antara berikut yang manakah perubahan A Leaf with network veins/ Daun berurat
tenaga yang berlaku? . jejala

A. Chemical energy  kinetic energy  B Has tap root/ Mempunyai akar tunjang
potential energy  electrical energy .

B. Potential energy  chemical energy  C Seed with one cotyledon/biji benih

kinetic energy  electrical energy . dengan satu kotiledon
C. Potential energy  kinetic energy 
electrical energy D Seed with two cotyledons/ biji benih
. dengan dua kotiledon.
D. Kinetic energy  potential energy 
electrical energy

6. Chlorine can be used to

Klorin digunakan untuk....
Figure 4
A kill microorganisms / membunuh The plants shown in the figure 4above
mikroorganisma belong to the class of
B make pencil lead / membuat mata Tumbuhan di atas tergolong dalam kelas
C make sulphuric acid / membuat asid
A Algae/ Alga
D produce fertilizer / menghasilkan baja .

B Ferns / Paku-pakis

C Dicotyledons/ Dikotiledon

D Fungi/ Fungus
Figure 3 .
7. The above Figure 3 shows a
longitudinal section of the human eye.
What is the function of the structure
labelled X?
Gambarajah 3 menunjukan keratan rentas
mata manusia. Apakah fungsi struktur
berlabel X?
Figure 5
A Protects the cornea /Melindungi kornea 10. An experiment is carried out and it is
observed that the part that is exposed
B Sends nerve impulses to the brain / to sunlight becomes dark blue when
Menghantar impuls saraf ke otak tested with iodine solution. What is the
conclusion of the experiment?
C Avoids light reflection in the eye /
Mengelakkan pantulan cahaya dalam Eksperimen di atas dijalankan dan
mata. pemerhatiannya ialah bahagian yang
terdedah kepada cahaya matahari bertukar
D Maintains the shape of the eye and kepada warna biru gelap apabila diuji
helps to focus the light onto retina / dengan larutan iodin. Apakah kesimpulan
Mengekalkan bentuk mata dan memfokus eksperimen ini?
cahaya ke retina.
A Photosynthesis requires water/
Fotosintesis memerlukan air
8. Which of following is the characteristic
of a monocotyledon plant?
B Photosynthesis requiressunlight/ Jadual di bawah menunjukkan bilangan
Fotosintesis memerlukan cahaya matahari. organisma dalam rantaian makanan.
Berdasarkan jadual tersebut, organisma
C Photosynthesis requires carbon manakah adalah pengguna primer?
dioxide/ Fotosintesis memerlukan karbon
dioksida Organism Number
I 27
D Photosynthesis requires chlorophyll/ II 4000
Fotosintesis memerlukan klorofil III 1350
IV 474

11. The gas released during combustion A.

can cause … I
Gas yang dibebaskan melalui pembakaran
akan menyebabkan..
A global warming/ pemanasan global
B acid rain/hujan asid
14. What is the function of chlorophyll in
C the decrease in pH value of soil / photosynthesis ?
penurunan nilai pH tanah Apakah fungsi klorofil dalam fotosintesis?

D the depletion of ozone layer / penipisan A. To absorb oxygen / Menyerap oksigen

lapisan ozon
B. To absorb water / Menyerap air

C. To absorb carbon dioxide / Menyerap

karbon dioksida

D. To absorb sunlight / Menyerap cahaya


15. A certain amount of dilute acid is

Figure 6
electrolysed using platinum electrodes
as anode and cathode. What are the
gases formed at the anode and
12. The interaction between the two plants
shown in Figure 6 in which one of them
Asid cair dalam isipadu tertentu telah
benefits while the other is not affected
dielektrolisis menggunakan elektrod
is called … platinum sebagai katod dan anod. Apakah
Interaksi antara dua tumbuhan dalam gas yang terhasil pada anod dan katod?
Gambarajah 6 adalah di mana satu
daripada tumbuhan memberi manfaat
Anode Cathode
tetapi satu lagi tumbuhan tidak menerimai
A Hydrogen Oxygen
kesan apa-apa, ia dipanggil sebagai...
B Oxygen Chlorine
A. parasitism./parasitisme C Hydrogen Nitrogen
D Oxygen Hydrogen
B. competition/ persaingan
C. mutualism./mutualisme 16. The following are four steps that are
involved in water purification at the
D. commensalisms/ komensalisme water treatment plant.
Berikut adalah empat langkah yang terlibat
dalam penulenan air di loji perawatan air.
13. The table below shows the number of
organisms in a food chain. According to
P – Sedimentation / Pengenapan
the table, which organism is the
Q – Coagulation / Penggumpalan
primary consumer? R – Filtration / Penurasan
S – Chlorination / Pengklorinan
D Produces a 'pop' sound when tested
Which of the following shows the with a lighted wooden splinter/
correct sequence of steps? Mengahsikan bunyi ‘pop’ apabila diuji
Yang manakah menunjukkan turutan dengan kayu api menyala.
langkah yang betul?

A Q, R, P, S 19. When air is exhaled onto a piece of

B P, Q, R, S blue anhydrous cobalt chloride paper, it
C Q, P, R, S turns pink. This activity indicates that
exhaled air contains…
D R, Q, P. S Apabila udara di hembus ke atas kertas
biru cobalt klorida kering ia bertukar
kepada warna merah jambu. Aktiviti ini
17. This gas makes up about 78% of the menunjukkan udara hembusan
air. It is very useful for plants to grow mengandungi….
well. The gas is ………….
Gas ini terdiri 78% daripada udara. Ia A carbon dioxide / karbon dioksida
berguna untuk tumbesaran tumbuhan B oxygen / oksigen
dengan baik. Gas ini adalah …. C heat / haba
A O P N M D water vapour / wap air
AB Oxygen/
oksigen N P
D –Nitrogen/
O nitrogen
Filter the resulting solution N
Turas larutan yang terhasil.
C carbon dioxide / karbon dioksida
N –Dissolve the remaining mixture in
inert gases / gas nadir
Larutankan baki campuran dalam air.

O – Bring a magnet close to the 20. Which of the following is the correct
mixture. sequence of steps to separate a
Dekatkan magnet dengan campuran. mixture of salt, sand and iron filings?
Di manakah antara berikut adalah benar
P – Evaporate the filtrate obtained. mengenai langkah-langkah memisahkan
Sejatankan turasan yang diperolehi. campuran garam, pasir dan serbuk besi?

Figure 8

Diagram 7
18. The above Diagram 7 shows the
process of electrolysis. What is the
21. Figure 8 shows an inverted glass filled
characteristic of gas X collected in the
with water. The water does not spill and
test tube?
Gambarajah 7 menunjukkan proses
the cardboard does not fall when the
elektrolisis. Apakah ciri-ciri gas x yang hand below the cardboard moves
terkumpul di tabung uji ? away. Based on the observation, which
of the following statements is true?
A Has a pungent smell/ Mempunyai bau Gambarajah 8 menunjukkan gelas berisi
hangit. air yang ditelangkupkan. Air tidak
tertumpah dan kadbod tersebut tidak jatuh
B Supports burning/ Membantu apabila tangan di bawah kadbod dialihkan.
pembakaran Berdasarkan pemerhatian, yang manakah
kenyataan tersebut adalah benar?
C Acidic in nature / Semulajadi berasid

A The cardboard is very light. / Kadbod itu

B There is a vacuum inside the glass. /

Terdapat vaccum di dalam gelas.

C Water is not affected by the pull of

gravity. / Air tidak dipengaruhi oleh tarikan Figure 10
gravity. 23. Figure 10 shows the production of
substance Z. Which of the following
D The air pressure acting upwards represents substances X, Y and Z?
supports the weight of the cardboard Gambarajah 10 menunjukkan penghasilan
and the water. / Tekanan udara yang Z. Manakah antara berikut mewakili X, Y
menekan ke atas menyokong berat kadbod and Z?
dan air di dalam gelas.
A Solute Solvent Solution
B Solvent Solution Solute
C Solvent Solute Solution
D Solution Solute Solvent

24. When zinc is put into solution X, a gas

that produces a 'pop' sound with a
burning wooden splinter is released.
Figure 9 Solution X could possibly be...
Apabila logam zink dicampurkan bersama
22. Figure 9 shows the condition of a fruit larutan X, satu gas yang menghasilkan
juice carton when a boy continues to bunyi ‘pop’ dengan menggunakan kayu uji
suck the straw after he has finished the menyala dibebaskan. Larutan X mungkin
drink. Which of the following causes the adalah...
walls of the carton to cave in?
Gambarajah 9 menunjukkan keadaan A nitric acid/ acid nitrik
kotak air minuman apabila seorang budak
menyedut secara berteusan selepas
B ammonia / ammonia
selesai minum. Di antara berikut yang
C calcium hydroxide solution/ larutan
manakah kesan ke atas dinding kotak air kalsium hidroksida
yang kemek itu?
D sodium hydroxide solution / larutan
A The air pressure in the carton has natrium hidroksida.
increased. / Tekanan udara di dalam
kotak air bertambah.

B The number of air particles in the

carton has increased. / Bilangan zarah –
zarah udara dalam kotak air bertambah

C The air pressure in the carton is lower

than the atmospheric pressure. /
Tekanan udara dalam kotak air lebih
rendah berbanding tekanan atmosphere.

D The air pressure in the carton is higher

than the atmospheric pressure./ Figure 11
Tekanan udara dalam kotak air lebih tinggi 25. The above Figure 11 represents a food
berbanding tekanan atmosphere web in a pond. How many food chains
are there in the food web?
Gambarajah 11 mewakili jaringan makanan
dalam kolam. Berapa banyak rantai
makanan dalam jaringan makanan di atas?

A 3 C the air pressure at position Y and
position Z becomes the same / tekanan
B 4 udara pada kedudukan Y dan Z menjadi
C 5
D the air pressure at position Z becomes
D 6 lower than the air pressure at position
Y/ tekanan udara pada kedudukan Z
menjadi rendah berbanding tekanan udara
pada kedudukan Y.

Diagram 12 Diagram 14
26. Diagram 12 shows a part of human 28. Diagram 14 above shows the stages
digestive system. Which of the in a water treatment plant. Among the
following parts does the digestion of following, which substance are added
protein take place? in the tank X?
Gambarajah 12 menunjukkan bahagian Gambarajah 14 menunjukkan peringkat-
system penghadaman manusia. Antara peringkat dalam loji pembersihan air.
berikut, bahagian manakah penghadaman Antara berikut, manakah bahan yang
protein berlaku? dicampurkan dalam tangki X?
I Slaked lime / kapur mati
II Alum / alum
III Chlorine/ klorin
A I and II only

B I and III only

C II and III only

D I, II, and III

Figure 13
27. Figure 13 shows a syringe being used
to take some water contained in a
beaker. When the plunger is pulled
Gambarajah 12 menunjukkan picagari Figure 15
digunakan untuk menyedut air daripada 29. Which of the following are
bikar. Apabila piston ditarik ke atas... characteristics of the animal shown in
Figure 15?
A the air pressure at position Y
decreases / tekanan udara pada Antara berikut yang manakah ciri-ciri
kedudukan Y berkurangan haiwan dalam gambarajah 15?
I. Cold-blooded/ Berdarah sejuk
B the air pressure at position Z increases/ II. Lays eggs/ Bertelur
tekanan udara pada kedudukan Z III. Breathes through lungs/ Bernafas
bertambah. melalui peparu.

IV. Body is covered with moist skin./
Badan diliputi kulit lembap.

A I and II only

B III and IV only

C I, II and III only

D I, II, III and IV.

Circle the question.

30. When using gas under high pressure,
the safety measures that need to be 1 A B C D
taken include.. 2 A B C D
Apabila menggunakan gas di bawah 3 A B C D
tekanan tinggi, langkah keselamatan yang 4 A B C D
perlu diambil termasuklah.... 5 A B C D
6 A B C D
I gas cylinder should be kept far
away from heat source. / tong gas 7 A B C D
haruslah di jauhi daripada sumber 8 A B C D
haba. 9 A B C D
10 A B C D
II gas cylinder should not be placed 11 A B C D
in an enclosed place/ tong gas 12 A B C D
tidak tersimpan dalam tempat yang
13 A B C D
14 A B C D
III gas cylinder must always be put 15 A B C D
in an upright position. / tong gas 16 A B C D
haruslah di letakkan dalam keadaan 17 A B C D
menegak. 18 A B C D
19 A B C D
A I only 20 A B C D
21 A B C D
B I and II only
22 A B C D
C II and III only 23 A B C D
24 A B C D
D I, II, and III 25 A B C D
26 A B C D
27 A B C D
28 A B C D
29 A B C D
30 A B C D


Answer all the question.

1. Diagram 1 shows an activity conducted to determine the freezing point and the boiling point
of water.
Gambarajah 1 menunjukkan aktiviti yang dijalankan untuk menentukan takat beku dan takat didih air.

Diagram 1

(a) Why is salt added to the ice cubes in A?

Mengapa garam dicampurkan ke dalam kiub ais dalam A?
[1 mark]

(b) What is the function of the glass tube in B?

Apakah fungsi tiub kaca dalam B?

[1 mark]

(c) State the temperature of water in A when it begins to freeze.

Nyatakan suhu air A apabila ia mulai membeku.

[1 mark]

(d) State the temperature of water in B when it begins to boil.

Nyatakan suhu air B apabila ia mulai mendidih.
[1 mark]

(e) What is the change in the state of matter when water

Apakah perubahan keadaan jirim apabila air

(i) freezes/membeku:……………………………………………………………………………

(ii) boils/mendidih : ………………………………………………………………………………

[2 marks]

(f) What happens to the motion of water molecules when water

Apakah yang akan berlaku kepada pergerakan molekul air apabila air
(i) freezes /membeku : ………………………………………………………………
(ii) boils/ mendidih: ……………………………………………………………….
[2 marks]

2. A student carried out an experiment to study the effect of surface area on the
evaporation of water. Three equally damp filter paper, P, Q and R are left to dry under
the same condition as shown in Figure 2.1 P is left unfolded, Q is folded into halves and
R is folded into quarters. The time taken for the filter paper to dry is shown in the table
Seorang pelajar menjalankan eksperimen untuk mengkaji kesan luas permukaan ke atas
penyejatan air. Tiga kertas turas basah yang sama saiz , P, Q dan R diletakkan di bawah
cahaya matahari seperti di gambarajah 2.1, P dibiarkan tanpa lipatan, Q dilipatkan kepada dua
dan R di lipat kepada satu per empat. Masa diambil untuk kertas turas kering seperti di dalam
jadual di bawah:

Filter Paper Time taken for filter paper to dry (s)

P 200
Q 320
R 450

(a). State the variables in this experiment./ Nyatakan pembolehubah untuk eksperimen ini.
Manipulated variable/
dimanipulasi: …………………………………………………..
Responding variable/
Pembolehubah bertindak
balas: …………………………………………………..
Controlled variable/
Pembolehubah dikawa:
[ 3 marks]

(b). State the hypothesis for the experiment. / Nyatakan hipotesis eksperimen ini.

[2 marks]

(c) Using the table draw a bar chart to show the time taken for filter paper P, Q
and R to dry.
Berdasarkan jadual yang diberik plotkan carta palang untuk menunjukkan masa
yang di ambil untuk P, Q and R mengering.


Time taken for filter paper to dry (s)





[ 2 marks]

Filter paper
(d) Based on the bar chart in (c), what can be said about the time taken for the filter
papers to dry?
Berdasarkan graf garis di ( c ), apa yang boleh dikatakan tentang masa yang diambil untuk
kertas turas kering?

[ 1 mark]

(e) State the relationship between the surface area of the filter paper and the time taken
for the filter paper to dry.
Nyatakan perhubungan antara luas permukaan kertas turas dan masa yang diambil untuk
kertas turas kering.


[ 2 marks]

(f) 50 mℓ of water is poured into each of the three different containers, X Y and Z as shown
in Figure 2.2. The three containers are left under the sun.
50 ml air dituangkan kepada setiap bekas yang berbeza X, Y and Z seperti dalam Rajah 2.2.
Kemudian , tiga bekas tersebut dibiarkan di bawah matahari.


Figure 2.2

(i) In which container will the water evaporate the fastest?

Dalam bekas manakah air akan menyejat dengan pantas?
[ 1 mark]

(ii) Explain your answer in (f)(i).

Terangkan jawapan anda dalam (f)(i).

[ 1 mark]



Prepared by Checked by Verified by

…………………. ……………….. ………………

(Cik Norhayati Bt Md Baharum) (Pn Fatimah bt Mohd Hanefah) (Pn. Hjh Noriah Mat Isa)
Head Panel of Science Senior Teacher of Science


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