This document discusses maritime law regarding risks, damages, accidents, and averages that can occur during voyages. It defines simple/particular averages as expenses or damages not for common benefit, such as cargo or vessel losses. General/gross averages include expenses that deliberately save vessel and cargo as a whole, such as jettisoning cargo. The captain must record resolutions in the log book and notify authorities. Goods jettisoned can be claimed, and all interests on board contribute to general averages. The captain can decide to divert to the nearest port if provisions run low, pirates are feared, or the vessel is disabled.
This document discusses maritime law regarding risks, damages, accidents, and averages that can occur during voyages. It defines simple/particular averages as expenses or damages not for common benefit, such as cargo or vessel losses. General/gross averages include expenses that deliberately save vessel and cargo as a whole, such as jettisoning cargo. The captain must record resolutions in the log book and notify authorities. Goods jettisoned can be claimed, and all interests on board contribute to general averages. The captain can decide to divert to the nearest port if provisions run low, pirates are feared, or the vessel is disabled.
This document discusses maritime law regarding risks, damages, accidents, and averages that can occur during voyages. It defines simple/particular averages as expenses or damages not for common benefit, such as cargo or vessel losses. General/gross averages include expenses that deliberately save vessel and cargo as a whole, such as jettisoning cargo. The captain must record resolutions in the log book and notify authorities. Goods jettisoned can be claimed, and all interests on board contribute to general averages. The captain can decide to divert to the nearest port if provisions run low, pirates are feared, or the vessel is disabled.
This document discusses maritime law regarding risks, damages, accidents, and averages that can occur during voyages. It defines simple/particular averages as expenses or damages not for common benefit, such as cargo or vessel losses. General/gross averages include expenses that deliberately save vessel and cargo as a whole, such as jettisoning cargo. The captain must record resolutions in the log book and notify authorities. Goods jettisoned can be claimed, and all interests on board contribute to general averages. The captain can decide to divert to the nearest port if provisions run low, pirates are feared, or the vessel is disabled.
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SECTION ONE AVERAGES ARTICLE 806. For the purposes of this code the following shall be considered averages: 1. All extraordinary or accidental expenses which may be incurred during the voyage in order to preserve the vessel, the cargo, or both. 2. Any damages or deteriorations which the vessel may suffer from the time it puts to sea from the port of departure until it casts anchor in the port of destination, and those suffered by the merchandise from the time they are loaded in the port of shipment until they are unloaded in the port of their consignment. ARTICLE 807. The petty and ordinary expenses incident to navigation, such as those of pilotage of coasts and ports, those of lighterage and towage, anchorage, inspection, health, quarantine, lazaretto, and other so-called port expenses, costs of barges and unloading until the merchandise is placed on the wharf, and any other usual expenses of navigation, shall be considered ordinary expenses to be defrayed by the shipowner, unless there is an express agreement to the contrary. ARTICLE 808. Averages shall be: 1. Simple or particular. 2. General or gross. ARTICLE 809. As a general rule, simple or particular averages shall include all the expenses and damages caused to the vessel or to her cargo which have not inured to the common benefit and profit of all the persons interested in the vessel and her cargo, and especially the following: 1. The losses suffered by the cargo from the time of its embarkation until it is unloaded, either on account of inherent defect of the goods or by reason of an accident of the sea or force majeure, and the expenses incurred to avoid and repair the same. 2. The losses and expenses suffered by the vessel in its hull, rigging, arms, and equipment, for the same causes and reasons, from the time it puts to sea from the port of departure until it anchors and lands in the port of destination. 3. The losses suffered by the merchandise loaded on deck, except in coastwise navigation, if the marine ordinances allow it. 4. The wages and victuals of the crew when the vessel is detained or embargoed by legitimate order or force majeure, if the charter has been contracted for a fixed sum for the voyage. 5. The necessary expenses on arrival at a port, in order to make repairs or secure provisions. 6. The lowest value of the goods sold by the captain in arrivals under stress for the payment of provisions and in order to save the crew, or to meet any other need of the vessel, against which the proper amount shall be charged. 7. The victuals and wages of the crew while the vessel is in quarantine. 8. The loss inflicted upon the vessel or cargo by reason of an impact or collision with another, if it is accidental and unavoidable. If the accident should occur through the fault or negligence of the captain, the latter shall be liable for all the losses caused. 9. Any loss suffered by the cargo through the fault, negligence, or barratry of the captain or of the crew, without prejudice to the right of the owner to recover the corresponding indemnity from the captain, the vessel, and the freightage. ARTICLE 810. The owner of the goods which gave rise to the expense or suffered the damage shall bear the simple or particular averages. cd ARTICLE 811. As a general rule, general or gross averages shall include all the damages and expenses which are deliberately caused in order to save the vessel, its cargo, or both at the same time, from a real and known risk, and particularly the following: 1. The goods or cash invested in the redemption of the vessel or of the cargo captured by enemies, privateers, or pirates, and the provisions, wages, and expenses of the vessel detained during the time the settlement or redemption is being made. 2. The goods jettisoned to lighten the vessel, whether they belong to the cargo, to the vessel, or to the crew, and the damage suffered through said act by the goods which are kept on board. 3. The cables and masts which are cut or rendered useless, the anchors and the chains which are abandoned, in order to save the cargo, the vessel, or both. 4. The expenses of removing or transferring a portion of the cargo in order to lighten the vessel and place it in condition to enter a port or roadstead, and the damage resulting therefrom to the goods removed or transferred. 5. The damage suffered by the goods of the cargo by the opening made in the vessel in order to drain it and prevent its sinking. 6. The expenses caused in order to float a vessel intentionally stranded for the purpose of saying it. 7. The damage caused to the vessel which had to be opened, scuttled or broken in order to save the cargo. 8. The expenses for the treatment and subsistence of the members of the crew who may have been wounded or crippled in defending or saying the vessel. 9. The wages of any member of the crew held as hostage by enemies, privateers, or pirates, and the necessary expenses which he may incur in his imprisonment, until he is returned to the vessel or to his domicile, should he prefer it. 10. The wages and victuals of the crew of a vessel chartered by the month, during the time that it is embargoed or detained by force majeure or by order of the government, or in order to repair the damage caused for the common benefit. 11. The depreciation resulting in the value of the goods sold at arrival under stress in order to repair the vessel by reason of gross average. 12. The expenses of the liquidation of the average. ARTICLE 812. In order to satisfy the amount of the gross or general averages, all the persons having an interest in the vessel and cargo therein at the time of the occurrence of the average shall contribute. ARTICLE 813. In order to incur the expenses and cause the damages corresponding to gross average, there must be a resolution of the captain, adopted after deliberation with the sailing mate and other officers of the vessel, and after hearing the persons interested in the cargo who may be present. If the latter shall object, and the captain and officers or a majority of them, or the captain, if opposed to the majority, should consider certain measures necessary, they may be executed under his responsibility, without prejudice to the right of the shippers to proceed against the captain before the competent judge or court, if they can prove that he acted with malice, lack of skill, or negligence. If the persons interested in the cargo, being on board the vessel, have not been heard, they shall not contribute to the gross average, their share being chargeable against the captain, unless the urgency of the case should be such that the time necessary for previous deliberations was wanting. ARTICLE 814. The resolution adopted to cause the damages which constitute general average must necessarily be entered in the log book, stating the motives and reasons for the dissent, should there be any, and the irresistible and urgent causes which impelled the captain if he acted of his own accord. In the first case the minutes shall be signed by all the persons present who could do so before taking action, if possible; and if not, at the first opportunity. In the second case, it shall be signed by the captain and by the officers of the vessel. In the minutes, and after the resolution, shall be stated in detail all the goods jettisoned, and mention shall be made of the injuries caused to those kept on board. The captain shall be obliged to deliver one copy of these minutes to the maritime judicial authority of the first port he may make, within twentyfour hours after his arrival, and to ratify it immediately under oath. ARTICLE 815. The captain shall direct the jettison, and shall order the goods cast overboard in the following order: 1. Those which are on deck, beginning with those which embarrass the maneuver or damage of the vessel, preferring, if possible, the heaviest ones with the least utility and value. cda 2. Those which are below the upper deck, always beginning with those of the greatest weight and smallest value, to the amount and number absolutely indispensable. ARTICLE 816. In order that the goods jettisoned may be included in the gross average and the owners thereof be entitled to indemnity, it shall be necessary insofar as the cargo is concerned that their existence on board be proven by means of the bill of lading; and with regard to those belonging to the vessel, by means of the inventory prepared before the departure in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 812. ARTICLE 817. If in lightening a vessel on account of a storm, in order to facilitate its entry into a port or roadstead, part of the cargo should be transferred to lighters or barges and be lost, the owner of said part shall be entitled to indemnity, as if the loss had originated from a gross average, the amount thereof being distributed between the vessel and cargo from which it came. If, on the contrary, the merchandise transferred should be saved and the vessel should be lost, no liability may be demanded of the salvage. ARTICLE 818. If, as a necessary measure to extinguish a fire in a port, roadstead, creek, or bay, it should be decided to sink any vessel, this loss shall be considered gross average, to which the vessels saved shall contribute. SECTION TWO ARRIVALS UNDER STRESS ARTICLE 819. If during the voyage the captain should believe that the vessel can not continue the trip to the port of destination on account of the lack of provisions, well-founded fear of seizure, privateers, or pirates, or by reason of any accident of the sea disabling it to navigate, he shall assemble the officers and shall summon the persons interested in the cargo who may be present, and who may attend the meeting without the right to vote; and if, after examining the circumstances of the case, the reason should be considered well-founded, the arrival at the nearest and most convenient port shall be agreed upon, drafting and entering the proper minutes, which shall be signed by all, in the log book. The captain shall have the deciding vote, and the persons interested in the cargo, may make the objections and protests they may deem proper, which shall be entered in the minutes in order that they may make use thereof in the manner they may consider advisable. ARTICLE 820. An arrival shall not be considered lawful in the following cases: 1. If the lack of provisions should arise from the failure to take the necessary provisions for the voyage according to usage and customs, or if they should have been rendered useless or lost through bad stowage or negligence in their care. 2. If the risk of enemies, privateers, or pirates should not have been well known, manifest, and based on positive and provable facts. 3. If the defect of the vessel should have arisen from the fact that it was not repaired, rigged, equipped, and prepared in a manner suitable for the voyage, or from some erroneous order of the captain. 4. When malice, negligence, want of foresight, or lack of skill on the part of the captain exists in the act causing the damage. ARTICLE 821. The expenses of an arrival under stress shall always be for the account of the shipowner or agent, but they shall not be liable for the damages which may be caused the shippers by reason of the arrival provided the latter is legitimate. Otherwise, the ship agent and the captain shall be jointly liable. ARTICLE 822. If in order to make repairs to the vessel or because there is danger that the cargo may suffer damage, it should be necessary to unload, the captain must request authorization from the competent judge or court for the removal, and carry it out with the knowledge of the person interested in the cargo, or his representative, should there be any. In a foreign port, it shall be the duty, of the Philippine Consul, where there is one, to give the authorization. In the first case, the expenses shall be for the account of the ship agent or owner, and in the second, they shall be chargeable against the owners of the merchandise for whose benefit the act was performed. If the unloading should take place for both reasons, the expenses shall be divided proportionately between the value of the vessel and that of the cargo. ARTICLE 823. The custody and preservation of the cargo which has been unloaded shall be intrusted to the captain, who shall be responsible for the same, except in cases of force majeure. ARTICLE 824. If the entire cargo or part thereof should appear to be damaged, or there should be imminent danger of its being damaged, the captain may request of the competent judge or court, or of the consul in a proper case, the sale of all or of part of the former, and the person taking cognizance of the matter shall authorize it, after an examination and declaration of experts, advertisements, and other formalities required by the case, and an entry in the book, in accordance with the provisions of Article 624. The captain shall, in a proper case, justify the legality of his conduct, under the penalty of answering to the shipper for the price the merchandise would have brought if they had arrived in good condition at the port of destination. ARTICLE 825. The captain shall be responsible for the damages caused by his delay, if after the cause of the arrival under stress has ceased, he should not continue the voyage. If the cause of arrival should have been the fear of enemies, privateers, or pirates, a deliberation and resolution in a meeting of the officers of the vessel and persons interested in the cargo who may be present, in accordance with the provisions contained in Article 819, shall precede the departure. SECTION THREE COLLISIONS ARTICLE 826. If a vessel should collide with another, through or the fault, negligence, or lack of skill of the captain, sailing mate, or any other member of the complement, the owner of the vessel at fault shall indemnify the losses and damages suffered, after an expert appraisal. aisadc ARTICLE 827. If the collision is imputable to both vessels, each one shall suffer its own damages, and both shall be solidarily responsible for the losses and damages occasioned to their cargoes. ARTICLE 828. The provisions of the preceding article are applicable to the use in which it cannot be determined which of the two vessels has caused the collision. ARTICLE 829. In the cases above mentioned the civil action of the owner against the person causing the injury as well as the criminal liabilities, which may be proper, are reserved. ARTICLE 830. If a vessel should collide with another, through fortuitous event or force majeure, each vessel and its cargo shall bear its own damages. ARTICLE 831. If a vessel should be forced by a third vessel to collide with another, the owner of the third vessel shall indemnify the losses and damages caused, the captain thereof being civilly liable to said owner. ARTICLE 832. If by reason of a storm or other cause of force majeure, a vessel which is properly anchored and moored should collide with those nearby, causing them damages, the injury occasioned shall be considered as particular average of the vessel run into. ARTICLE 833. A vessel which, upon being run into, sinks immediately, as well as that which, having been obliged to make a port to repair the damages caused by the collision, is lost during the voyage or is obliged to be stranded in order to be saved, shall be presumed as lost by reason of collision. ARTICLE 834. If the vessels colliding with each other should have pilots on board discharging their duties at the time of the collision, their presence shall not exempt the captains from the liabilities they incur, but the latter shall have the right to be indemnified by the pilots, without prejudice to the criminal liability which the latter may incur. ARTICLE 835. The action for the recovery of losses and damages arising from collisions cannot be admitted if a protest or declaration is not presented within twenty-four hours before the competent authority of the point where the collision took place, or that of the first port of arrival of the vessel, if in Philippine territory, and to the consul of the Republic of the Philippines if it occurred in a foreign country. ARTICLE 836. With respect to damages caused to persons or to the cargo, the absence of protest may not prejudice the persons interested who were not on board or were not in a condition to make known their wishes. ARTICLE 837. The civil liability incurred by the shipowners in the case prescribed in this section, shall be understood as limited to the value of the vessel with all its appurtenances and freightage earned during the voyage. ARTICLE 838. When the value of the vessel and her appurtenances should not be sufficient to cover all the liabilities, the indemnity due by reason of the death or injury of persons shall have preference. ARTICLE 839. If the collision should take place between Philippine vessels in foreign waters, or if having taken place in the open seas, and the vessels should make a foreign port, the Consul of the Republic of the Philippines in said port shall hold a summary investigation of the accident, forwarding the proceedings to the Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs for continuation and conclusion. aisadc SECTION FOUR SHIPWRECKS ARTICLE 840. The losses and deteriorations suffered by a vessel and her cargo by reason of shipwreck or stranding shall be individually for the account of the owners, the part which may be saved belonging to them in the same proportion. ARTICLE 841. If the wreck or stranding should be caused by the malice, negligence, or lack of skill of the captain, or because the vessel put to sea was insufficiently repaired and equipped, the ship agent or the shippers may demand indemnity of the captain for the damages caused to the vessel or to the cargo by the accident, in accordance with the provisions contained in Articles 610, 612, 614, and 621. ARTICLE 842. The goods saved from the wreck shall be specially bound for the payment of the expenses of the respective salvage, and the amount thereof must be paid by the owners of the former before they are delivered to them, and with preference over any other obligation if the merchandise should be sold. ARTICLE 843. If several vessels sail under convoy, and any of them should be wrecked, the cargo saved shall be distributed among the rest in proportion to the amount which each one is able to take. If any captain should refuse, without sufficient cause, to receive what may correspond to him, the captain of the wrecked vessel shall enter a protest against him, before two sea officials, of the losses and damages resulting therefrom, ratifying the protest within twenty-four hours after arrival at the first port, and including it in the proceedings he must institute in accordance with the provisions contained in Article 612. If it is not possible to transfer to the other vessels the entire cargo of the vessel wrecked, the goods of the highest value and smallest volume shall be saved first, the designation thereof to be made by the captain with the concurrence of the officers of his vessel. ARTICLE 844. A captain who may have taken on board the goods saved from the wreck shall continue his course to the port of destination, and on arrival shall deposit the same, with judicial the intervention, at the disposal of their legitimate owners. In case he changes his course, if he can unload them at the port of which they were consigned, the captain may make said port if the shippers or supercargoes present and the officers and passengers of the vessel consent thereto; but he may not do so, even with said consent, in time of war or when the port is difficult and dangerous to make. The owners of the cargo shall defray all the expenses of this arrival as well as the payment of the freightage which, after taking into consideration the circumstances of the case, may be fixed by agreement or by a judicial decision. ARTICLE 845. If on the vessel there should be no person interested in the cargo who can pay the expenses and freightage corresponding to the salvage, the competent judge or court may order the sale of the part necessary to cover the same. This shall also be done when its preservation is dangerous, or when in a period of one year it should not have been possible to ascertain who are its legitimate owners. In both cases the proceedings shall be with the publicity and formalities prescribed in Article 579, and the net proceeds of the sale shall be safely deposited, in the discretion of the judge or court, so that they may be delivered to the legitimate owner thereof. TITLE FIVE PROOF AND LIQUIDATION OF AVERAGES SECTION ONE PROVISIONS COMMON TO ALL KINDS OF AVERAGES ARTICLE 846. Those interested in the proof and liquidation of averages may mutually agree and bind themselves at any time with regard to the liability, liquidation, and payment thereof. cdt In the absence of agreements, the following rules shall be observed: 1. The proof of the average shall take place in the port where the repairs are made, should any be necessary, or in the port of unloading. 2. The liquidation shall be made in the port of unloading, if it is a Philippine port. 3. If the average occurred outside of the jurisdictional waters of the Philippines, or the cargo has been sold in a foreign port by reason of an arrival under stress, the liquidation shall be made in the port of arrival. 4. If the average has occurred near the port of destination, so that said port can be made, the proceedings mentioned in Rules 1 and 2 shall be held there. ARTICLE 847. In the case where the liquidation of the averages is made privately by virtue of agreement, as well as when a judicial authority intervened at the request of any of the parties interested who do not agree thereto, all of them shall be cited, and heard, should they not have renounced this right. Should they not be present or should the have no legal representative, the liquidation shall be made by the Consul in a foreign port, and where there is none, by the competent judge or court, according to the laws of the country and for the account of the proper party. When the representative is a person well known in the place where the liquidation is made, his intervention shall be admitted and shall produce legal effects, even though he be authorized only by a letter of the ship agent, the shipper, or the insurer. ARTICLE 848. Claims for averages shall not be admitted if they do not exceed 5 per cent of the interest which the claimant may have in the vessel or in the cargo if it be gross average and 1 per cent of the goods damaged if particular average, deducting in both cases the expenses of appraisal, unless there is an agreement to the country. ARTICLE 849. The damages, averages, loans on bottomry and respondentia and their premiums and any other losses, shall not earn interest by reason of delay until after the lapse of the period of three-days, to be counted from the day on which the liquidation may have been concluded and communicated to the persons interested in the vessel, in the cargo, or in both at the same time. ARTICLE 850. If by reason of one or more accidents of the sea, particular and gross averages of the vessel, of the cargo, or of both, should take place on the same voyage, the expenses and damages corresponding to each average shall be determined separately in the port where the repairs are made, or where the merchandise are discharged, sold, or utilized. For this purpose the captains shall be obliged to demand of the expert appraisers and of the contractors making the repairs, as well as of those appraising and taking part in the unloading, repair, sale, or utilization of the merchandise, that in their appraisements or estimates and accounts they set down separately and accurately the expenses and damages pertaining to each average, and in those of each average those corresponding to the vessel and to the cargo, also stating separately whether or not there are damages proceeding from inherent defect of the thing and not from accident of the sea; and in case there should be expenses common to the different averages and to the vessel and its cargo, the amount corresponding to each must be estimated and stated distinctly. SECTION TWO LIQUIDATION OF GROSS AVERAGES ARTICLE 851. At the instance of the captain, the adjustment, liquidation, and distribution of gross averages shall be held privately, with the consent of all the parties in interest. For this purpose, within forty-eight hours following the arrival of the vessel at the port, the captain shall convene all the person interested in order that they may decide as to whether the adjustment or liquidation of the gross average is to be made by experts and liquidators appointed by themselves, in which case it shall so done if the interested parties agree. If an agreement is not possible, the captain shall apply to the competent judge or court, who shall be the one in the port where these proceedings are to be held in accordance with the provisions of this code, or to the consul of the Republic of the Philippines should there be one, and should there be none, to the local authority when they are to be held in a foreign port. cdtai ARTICLE 852. If the captain does not comply with the provisions of the preceding article, the ship agent or the shippers shall demand the liquidation without prejudice to the action they may bring to demand indemnity from him. ARTICLE 853. After the experts have been appointed by the persons interested, or by the court, and after the acceptance, they shall proceed to the examination of the vessel and of the repairs required and to the appraisal of their cost, separating these losses and damages from those arising from the inherent defect of the things. The experts shall also declare whether the repairs may be made immediately, or whether it is necessary to unload the vessel in order to examine and repair it. With regard to the merchandise, if the average should be visible at a mere glance, the examination thereof must be made before they are delivered. Should it not be visible at the time of unloading, said examination may be made after the delivery, provided that it is done within forty-eight hours from the unloading and without prejudice to the other proofs which the experts may deem proper. ARTICLE 854. The valuation of the objects which are to contribute to the gross average, and that of those which constitute the average, shall be subject to the following rules: 1. The merchandise saved which are to contribute to the payment of the gross average shall be valued at the current price at the port of unloading, deducting the freightage, customs duties, and expenses of unloading, as may appear from a material inspection of the same, without taking the bills of lading into consideration unless there is an agreement to the contrary. 2. If the liquidation is to be made in the port of departure, the value of the merchandise loaded shall be determined by the purchase price, including the expenses until they are placed on board, the insurance premium excluded. 3. If the merchandise should be damaged, they shall be appraised at their true value. 4. If the voyage having been interrupted, the merchandise should have been sold in a foreign port, and the average cannot be estimated, the value of the merchandise in the port of arrival, or the net proceeds obtained at the sale thereof, shall be taken as the contributing capital. 5. Merchandise lost, which constitute the gross average, shall be appraised at the value which merchandise of its kind may have in the port of unloading, provided that its kind and quality appear in the bill of lading; and should they not appear, the value shall be that stated in the invoices of the purchase issued in the port of shipment, adding thereto the expenses and freightage subsequently arising. cd 6. The masts cut down, the sails, cables, and other equipment of the vessel rendered useless for the purpose of saying it, shall be appraised at the current value, deducting one-third by reason of the difference between new and old. This deduction shall not be made with respect to anchors and chains. 7. The vessel shall be appraised at its true value in the condition in which it is found. 8. The freightage shall represent 50 per cent by way of contributing capital. ARTICLE 855. The merchandise loaded on the upper deck of the vessel shall contribute to the gross average should they be saved; but there shall be no right to indemnity if they should be lost by reason of having been jettisoned for common safety, except when the marine ordinances allow their shipment in this manner in coastwise navigation. The same shall take place with that which is on board and is not included in the bills of lading or inventories, according to the cases. In any case the shipowner and the captain shall be liable to the shippers for the damages from the jettison, if the storage on the upper deck was made without the consent of the latter. ARTICLE 856. Provisions and munitions of war which the vessel may have on board, and the clothing used by the captain, officers, and crew, shall not contribute to the gross average. The clothing used by the shipper, supercargoes, and passenger who may be on board at the time of the jettison, shall also be accepted. Neither shall the goods jettisoned contribute to the payment of the gross averages which may occur to the merchandise saved to a different and subsequent risk. ARTICLE 857. After the appraisement of the goods saved and of those lost which constitute the gross average, has been concluded by the experts, the repairs, if any, made on the vessel, and in this case, the accounts of the same approved by the persons interested or by the judge or court, the entire record shall be turn over to the liquidator appointed, in order that he may proceed with the distribution of the average. ARTICLE 858. In order to effect the liquidation, the liquidator shall examine the protest of the captain, comparing it, if necessary, with the log book, and all the contracts which may have been made among the persons interested in the average, the appraisements, expert examinations, and accounts of repairs made. If, as a result of this examination, he should find any defect in the procedure which might injure the rights of the person interested or affect the liability of the captain, he shall call attention thereof in order that it may be corrected, if possible, and otherwise he shall include it in the exordial of the liquidation. Immediately thereafter he shall proceed with the distribution of the amount of the average, for which purpose he shall fix: 1. The contributing capital, which he shall determine by the value of the cargo, in accordance with the rules established in Article 854. 2. That of the vessel in her actual condition, according to the statement of experts. 3. The 50 per cent of the amount of the freightage, deducting the remaining 50 per cent for wages and maintenance of the crew. After the amount of the gross average has been determined in accordance with the provisions of this Code, it shall be distributed pro rata among the goods which are to cover the same. cdasia ARTICLE 859. The insurers of the vessel of the freightage and of the cargo shall be obliged to pay for the indemnification of the gross average, insofar as is required of each one of the objects respectively. ARTICLE 860. If, notwithstanding the jettison of merchandise, breakage of masts, ropes, and equipment, the vessel shall be lost running the same risk, no contribution whatsoever by jettison of gross average shall be proper. The owners of the goods saved shall not be liable for the indemnification of those jettisoned, lost, or damaged. ARTICLE 861. If, after the vessel has been saved from the risk which gave rise to the jettison, it should be lost through another accident taking place during the voyage, the goods saved and existing from the first risk shall continue liable to contribution by reason of the gross average according to their value in the condition in which they may be found, deducting the expenses incurred in saving them. ARTICLE 862. If, in spite of having saved the vessel and the cargo in consequence of the cutting down of masts or of any other damage deliberately done to the vessel for said purpose, the merchandise should subsequently be lost or stolen, the captain can not demand of the shippers or consignees that they contribute to the indemnity for the average, unless the loss should occur by reason of an act of the owner or consignee himself. ARTICLE 863. If the owner of the jettisoned goods should recover them after having received the indemnity for gross average, he shall be obliged to return to the captain and to the other persons interested in the cargo the amount he may have received, deducting the amount of the damage caused by the jettison and of the expenses incurred in their recovery. In this case, the amount returned shall be distributed among the vessel and the persons interested in the cargo in the same proportion in which they contributed to the payment of the average. ARTICLE 864. If the owner of the goods jettisoned should recover them without having demanded any indemnity, he shall not be obliged to contribute to the payment of the gross average which may have been suffered by the rest of the cargo after the jettison. ARTICLE 865. The distribution of the gross average shall not be final until it has been agreed to, or in the absence thereof, until it has been approved by the judge or court, after an examination of the liquidation and a hearing of the persons interested who may be present or of their representatives. ARTICLE 866. After the liquidation has been approved, it shall be the duty of the captain to collect the amount of the contributions, and he shall be liable to the owners of the goods averaged for the damages they may suffer through his delay or negligence. ARTICLE 867. If the person contributing should not pay the amount of the contribution at the end of the third day after having been required to do so, the goods saved shall be proceeded against, in the request of the captain, until payment has been made from their proceeds. ARTICLE 868. If the person interested in receiving the goods saved should not give security sufficient to answer for the amount corresponding to the gross average, the captain may defer the delivery thereof until payment has been made. aisadc SECTION THREE LIQUIDATION OF ORDINARY AVERAGES ARTICLE 869. The experts whom the court or the person interested may appoint, as the case may be, shall proceed with the examination and appraisement of the averages in the manner prescribed in Articles 853 and 854, Rules 2 to 7, insofar as they are applicable. Footnotes