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Burkhead Fish Extinctions

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Extinction Rates in North American Freshwater Fishes, 19002010

Author(s): Noel M. Burkhead

Reviewed work(s):
Source: BioScience, Vol. 62, No. 9 (September 2012), pp. 798-808
Published by: University of California Press on behalf of the American Institute of Biological Sciences
Stable URL: .
Accessed: 21/09/2012 12:59

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Extinction Rates in North American

Freshwater Fishes, 19002010

Noel M. Burkhead

Widespread evidence shows that the modern rates of extinction in many plants and animals exceed background rates in the fossil record. In the
present article, I investigate this issue with regard to North American freshwater fishes. From 1898 to 2006, 57 taxa became extinct, and three
distinct populations were extirpated from the continent. Since 1989, the numbers of extinct North American fishes have increased by 25%. From
the end of the nineteenth century to the present, modern extinctions varied by decade but significantly increased after 1950 (post-1950s mean=
7.5 extinct taxa per decade). In the twentieth century, freshwater fishes had the highest extinction rate worldwide among vertebrates. The modern
extinction rate for North American freshwater fishes is conservatively estimated to be 877 times greater than the background extinction rate for
freshwater fishes (one extinction every 3 million years). Reasonable estimates project that future increases in extinctions will range from 53 to 86
species by 2050.

Keywords: North America, freshwater fishes, extinction rates,E/MSY, aquatic biodiversity

U nderstanding the underlying causes of the extinction of

modern organisms is, in most cases, relatively simple.
Extinction is the antithesis of speciation and a natural
become extinct, and three unique populations have been
extirpated (Miller etal. 1989, Jelks etal. 2008).

outcome of evolutionary change (Darwin 1859). Under

natural conditions, including catastrophic events, extinction Do not tell fish stories where the people know you;
is one of natures best ideas: It enables life to adapt to ever- but particularly, dont tell them where they know the fish.
changing environments. A fundamental concern among Mark Twain.
biologists is that contemporary rates of extinction due to
human activities are orders of magnitude greater than back-
ground rates evidenced in the fossil record, and these rates Declining biodiversity and increasing rates of extinction
appear to be increasing (May etal. 1995, Pimm etal. 1995, are fundamentally important metrics of natural resource
2006). Catastrophic events that caused the five well-known status and are the subjects of intensive investigation. In
mass extinctions, including the cataclysmic extermination of particular, the mitigation and prevention of biodiversity loss
the dinosaurs, are not responsible for the majority of extinc- are among the overarching goals of conservation biology
tions in geological history. Rather, 90%96% of all extinct (Helfman 2007, Pereira et al. 2010). The threat of extinc-
species variably disappeared during the normal give and take tion may be greatest in freshwater ecosystems, where the
of speciation and extinction over geological time scales (May proportion of threatened and endangered species is gener-
et al. 1995). In phylogenetic theory, ancestral species may ally greater than that in terrestrial ecosystems (Pimm etal.
become extinct in the evolutionary transition to new species, 1995, Strayer and Dudgeon 2010) and where imperilment
or conversely, derived taxa may split from the ancestral taxa levels are similar to those of tropical rain forests (Ricciardi
and remain extant. Both modes are theoretically plausible and Rasmussen 1999). Inferences that the rates of contem-
under allopatric speciation scenarios (Wiley and Mayden porary extinction will increase are based on large numbers
1985). In the present study, I am not concerned with meth- of organisms considered to be critically endangered world-
odological intricacies; rather, I focus on the human-caused wide (IUCN 2011), the increasing negative effects of human
extinction of North American freshwater fishes from the activities on the Earths biosphere (Vitousek et al. 1997,
close of the nineteenth century to the present. In the context Naiman and Turner 2000, McKee et al. 2004, Davies et al.
of human life spans, observations of extinction should be 2006), and the conclusion that such activities will result
extraordinarily rare. Nonetheless, since 1900, at least 57spe- in higher near-future extinction rates (Pereira et al. 2010,
cies and subspecies of North American freshwater fishes have Barnosky etal. 2011).

BioScience 62: 798808. ISSN 0006-3568, electronic ISSN 1525-3244. 2012 by American Institute of Biological Sciences. All rights reserved. Request
permission to photocopy or reproduce article content at the University of California Presss Rights and Permissions Web site at
reprintinfo.asp. doi:10.1525/bio.2012.62.9.5

798 BioScience September 2012 / Vol. 62 No. 9


North American freshwater fishes: A brief synopsis and the filling of numerous basins gouged by the giant
North America is geographically defined as Canada, the ice sheets (e.g., the Great Lakes; Hocutt and Wiley 1986).
United States, and Mexico, including the coastal islands off The evolution and biogeography of the North American
Canada and Alaska but excluding Hawaii and the southern fish fauna is intimately linked to transitional changes to
Mexican states of Quintana Roo and Campeche (Jelks etal. landforms and their influences on continental watercourses
2008). The diversity of fishes is equivalent to that of all other over time (Mayden 1988, Smith GR etal. 2002). Generally,
vertebrate groups combined (Nelson 2006); therefore, the species richness per drainage (or ecoregion) increases from
number of descriptions of fishes new to science exceeds that Canada southward, but over two-thirds of species richness
of descriptions of new tetrapods each year. At the close of occurs east of the Great Continental Divide, especially in
2010, the cutoff point for this study, 31,769 valid fish species the Interior and Appalachian Highlands (Hocutt and Wiley
had been described worldwide (William N. Eschmeyer, 1986, Mayden 1992). Fishes in the western United States and
California Academy of Sciences [retired], personal com- Mexico exhibit relatively lower species richness per drainage
munication, 28 August 2011). About 43% of the worlds unit but generally have higher endemism and dispropor-
fishes are freshwater or diadromous species (Nelson 2006). tionate numbers of extinct species (Minckley and Douglas
Comparatively, the freshwater fish diversity of North America 1991, Burr and Mayden 1992).
is less than those of Africa (about 2945 species), Asia (3533),
and South America (4035), but higher than those of Europe Rates of faunal documentation and evidence of
(330), Russia (206), and Oceania (260) (Lvque etal. 2008). extinction
North America has the most diverse nontropical freshwater Our knowledge of North American fishes is facilitated by
fish fauna in the world (Lundberg etal. 2000). At the end of a long tradition of faunal study and public access to most
2010, the freshwater fish fauna of North America consisted river and lake systems. From 1758 to 2010, the average
of 53 families, 214 genera, and 1213 species, or about 8.9% rate of fish descriptions for North America was 4.8 species
of the Earths freshwater fish diversity (Nelson etal. 2004). described per year, but as is evident in figure1a, the rates
Continental fishes primarily consist of obligate freshwater varied over time and logically increased as more biologists
species, diadromous fishes (species in which part of their life studied the fauna. From 1970 through 2010, species docu-
cycle occurs in the marine realm), and marine fishes that mentation averaged 6.7 species described per year, which is
occasionally or regularly enter freshwater during their lives. considered the modern rate of faunal discovery and docu-
The tally through 2010 is based on independent counts of mentation (figure 1a). The discovery and description of
species described after 2004, aided by comments from Larry North American freshwater fishes continues unabated, and
Page (University of Florida Museum of Natural History, unlike birds (see Pimm and colleagues [2006] figure 1),
personal communication, 14 October 2010). there is no evidence of an asymptote in the rates of species
Patterns of species richness Modern extinctions of North American fishes were first
Until recently, most species of the modern North American observed at the dawn of the twentieth century, and the trend
fish fauna were considered derived from the mid-Miocene continues (figure 1b). The exact year of extinction can be
to the late Pleistocene, or about 151.5 million years ago difficult to document (Harrison and Stiassny 1999) because
(mya) or less (Mayden 1988, Strange and Burr 1997, Smith of the inherent difficulty of observing an organism when
GR et al. 2002). However, cross-calibration of molecular- theprobability of its detection approaches zero. Among the
clock and fossil data (chronograms) has significantly revised first fishes observed to be declining (and later to become
the concepts of lineage ages in fishes. For example, half of extinct) were commercially important Great Lakes fishes for
the sunfish familys (Centrarchidae) lineages significantly which harvest data were kept (McCrimmon 2002). Included
predate the Pleistocene, and the least-derived taxonthe in that group is the first fish population to disappear from
mud sunfish (Acantharchus pomotis)emerged by the early North America, the Lake Ontario population of the highly
Oligocene, 33.7mya (Near etal. 2005). The mean age esti- valued Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). The year of expira-
mates for species lineages in the diverse family Percidae have tion for six narrow endemics is exactly known because the
been pushed back to the Oligocene, from 30.7 to 34.8mya desiccation of their habitats (four springs and one caldera)
(Near et al. 2011). These studies suggest that many North was observed. These species included five desert pupfishes
American fishes are likely to be far older than was previously (Cyprinodon spp.; Contreras-Balderas and Lozano-Vilano
recognized. 1996) and the last known fish to go extinct in North America,
There is, however, clear evidence for the derivation of spe- the Alberca silverside (Chirostoma bartoni), which vanished
cies from the late Pleistocene (Near and Benard 2004, Near when the Alberca caldera temporarily dried in August
etal. 2005) to the last 10,000years for species that evolved 2006 (Edmundo Daz Pardo, Universidad Autonoma de
after the glaciers retreated (e.g., Hatfield 2001, Taylor etal. Queretaro, personal communication, 13 September 2007).
2006). The end of the Pleistocene was demarked by dramatic In many cases, extinction was recognized only in hindsight,
changes: subsidence of glaciers, rising sea levels, severing and the last year of observation was used to estimate the
of lateral connections between some coastal drainages, extinction year (Miller etal. 1989). September 2012 / Vol. 62 No. 9 BioScience 799


Nelson and colleagues (2004). Excluded are 77 marine fishes

that are tolerant of variable salinities, because these species
do not appear to be dependent on freshwater to complete
their life cycles throughout their ranges. A well-known
example is the bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas). Examples
of euryhaline species with populations dependent on fresh-
water and included as part of the freshwater fauna tallied
herein are the Atlantic needlefish (Strongylura marina), the
opossum pipefish (Microphis brachyurus), and the California
killifish (Fundulus parvipinnis).
The term extirpated (meaning that all individuals in a
population have been lost) is distinguished from extinct (all
individuals of a species have been permanently lost). The
three categories of extinct defined in the conservation assess-
ment of North American freshwater fishesextinct in nature,
possibly extinct, and extinct (Jelks etal. 2008)are combined
herein to simplify the analyses. Three taxa listed as extinct by
Jelks and colleagues (2008) are actually extirpated popula-
tions, but they are retained on the list (table1) because their
ranges and years of extirpation are known and because they
are analogous to regionally extinct taxa tracked by the IUCN
(Snoeks et al. 2011). The last year of observation and the
estimated year of extinction listed by Miller and colleagues
(1989) for three species of the minnow genus Evarra are
corrected to be 1957 and 1970, respectively (Edmundo Daz
Pardo, Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro, personal com-
munication, 13 August 2011). Because the AFS definitions
of possibly extinct and extinct incorporate hiatuses of 20 or
Figure 1. (a)Cumulative rate of North American fish 50years since the last observation of a species, respectively
descriptions from 1758 to 2010 (n= 1213 species). (Jelks etal. 2008), it is possible, even though 12years have
(b)Cumulative rate of North American fish extinctions passed, that the tally of twentieth century fish extinctions
from 1900 to 2010 (n= 57 [39 species and 18 subspecies]). remains incomplete. I reviewed literature cited by Miller and
colleagues (1989) and data compiled by Jelks and colleagues
(2008) to determine the last year of observation to estimate
Data sources, definitions, corrections the difference in years between the last observation and the
The data for this study were derived from the foundational estimated year of extinction for the 60 fish taxa.
study by Miller and colleagues (1989), which provided the The Highland splitfin (Girardinichthys turneri), a species
first list of 40 extinct fishes and included the causes and listed as extinct by Jelks and colleagues (2008), was reported
estimated years of their extinction. The conservation assess- to be extant in Lake Zacapu but as Hubbsinna turneri
ment by Jelks and colleagues (2008) reduced the number of (Ramrez-Herrejn et al. 2010). The Lake Zacapu popula-
extinct fishes listed by Miller and colleagues (1989) from 40 tion in Michoacn, Mexico, is recognized as a distinct sister
to 35 taxa (four fishes were determined to be extant, and one taxon, the Zacapu splitfin (Girardinichthys ireneae; Radda
was a synonym), and added 26 new taxa to the list. During and Meyer 2003). Therefore, of the 60 extinct taxa (table1),
data compilation for this report, one fish listed as possibly 35 are from Miller and colleagues (1989) and 25 are from
extinct (Jelks et al. 2008), an undescribed species of Gila, Jelks and colleagues (2008), including three extirpated
carpa gorda de Parras, an endemic known only from desert populations.
springs near Parras, Coahuila, Mexico (Contreras-Balderas This assessment of North American fish extinctions is a
et al. 2003), was rediscovered from a nearby spring after a spin-off study of the AFS Endangered Species Committee
42-year hiatus inobservation (Dean Hendrickson, University (ESC) that was active from 2004 to 2008 (i.e., after Jelks
of Texas at Austin, personal communication, 10 June 2010). et al. 2008). This report is the first of three articles on the
Additional data on fish extinction from other continents were extinction patterns in North American fishes that are built
downloaded from the International Union for Conservation on the data developed by Miller and colleagues (1989) and
of Natures (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN Jelks and colleagues (2008). A summary of data on extinct
2011). North American freshwater fishes is at the USGS Web site,
The total richness of freshwater fishes listed here does as are relevant definitions and other information sources. In
not include all species characterized as freshwater fishes by the present article, I focus on the current, background, and

800 BioScience September 2012 / Vol. 62 No. 9


Table 1. Extinct North American freshwater fishes as of December 2010.

Estimated year
Family Scientific name Common name of extinction

Cyprinidae (minnows) Cyprinella lutrensis blairia Maravillas red shiner 1960

Evarra bustamantei a Mexican chub 1983
Evarra eigenmanni a Plateau chub 1983
Evarra tlahuacensisa Endorheic chub 1983
Gila bicolor sp. b,c High Rock Springs Tui chub 1989
Gila crassicaudaa,c Thicktail chub 1957
Gila sp.b,c Carpa delgada de Parras 1968
Lepidomeda altivelis a Pahranagat spinedace 1940
Notropis aulidiona Durango shiner 1965
Notropis orca a,c Phantom shiner 1975
Notropis saladonisb Salado shiner 1992
Notropis simus simus a,c Rio Grande bluntnose shiner 1964
Pogonichthys ciscoides a,c Clear Lake splittail 1970
Rhinichthys cataractae smithia Banff longnose dace 1982
Rhinichthys deaconi a Las Vegas dace 1955
Rhinichthys osculus reliquusa Grass Valley speckled dace 1950
Stypodon signifer a Stumptooth minnow 1930
Catostomidae (suckers) Chasmistes liorus liorus a,c June sucker 1935
Chasmistes murieia Snake River sucker 1928
Moxostoma lacerum a Harelip sucker 1910
Ictaluridae (North American catfishes) Noturus trautmanib,c Scioto madtom 1957
Salmonidae (trouts and salmons) Coregonus johannae a Deepwater cisco 1955
Coregonus kiyi orientalis a Lake Ontario kiyi 1967
Coregonus nigripinnis nigripinnisa,c Blackfin cisco 1969
Coregonus reighardi reighardi b,c Shortnose cisco 1985
Oncorhynchus clarkii alvordensisa Alvord cutthroat trout 1940
Oncorhynchus clarkii macdonaldi a,c Yellowfin cutthroat trout 1910
Salmo salar b,c Atlantic salmon, Lake Ontario pop 1898
Salvelinus fontinalis agassiziia,c Silver trout 1930
Thymallus arcticus b,c Arctic grayling, Great Lakes pop 1935
Atherinopsidae (New World silversides) Atherinella callidab,c Cunning silverside 1957
Chirostoma bartoni b,c Alberca silverside 2006
Chirostoma charari b,c Least silverside 1957
Characodon garmania Parras characodon 1900
Goodeidae (goodeids) Empetrichthys latos concavus a Raycraft Ranch poolfish 1960
Empetrichthys latos pahrumpa,c Pahrump Ranch poolfish 1958
Empetrichthys merriami a Ash Meadows poolfish 1953
Girardinichthys turneri b Highland splitfin 1990
Skiffia francesaeb Golden skiffia 1978
Fundulidae (topminnows) Fundulus albolineatus a Whiteline topminnow 1900
Cyprinodontidae (pupfishes) Cyprinodon alvarezib,c Potos pupfish 1994
Cyprinodon arcuatus a Santa Cruz pupfish 1971
Cyprinodon ceciliae b,c Villa Lopez pupfish 1991 September 2012 / Vol. 62 No. 9 BioScience 801


Table 1. Continued
Estimated year
Family Scientific name Common name of extinction

Cyprinodon inmemoriamb,c Charco Azul pupfish 1986

Cyprinodon latifasciatus a Parras pupfish 1930
Cyprinodon longidorsalis b,c La Palma pupfish 1994
Cyprinodon nevadensis calidaea Tecopa pupfish 1971
Cyprinodon veronicae b,c Charco Palma pupfish 1997
Megupsilon aporusb,c Catarina pupfish 1994
Poeciliidae (livebearers) Gambusia amistadensis a,c Amistad gambusia 1973
Gambusia georgei a San Marcos gambusia 1983
Priapella bonitab Graceful priapella 1906
Gasterosteidae (sticklebacks) Gasterosteus sp. cf. aculeatus b,c Benthic Hadley Lake stickleback 1999
Gasterosteus sp. cf. aculeatusb,c Limnetic Hadley Lake stickleback 1999
Cottidae (sculpins) Cottus echinatus a,c Utah Lake sculpin 1928
Moronidae (temperate basses) Morone saxatilis b,c Striped bass, St. Lawrence Estuary pop 1968
Percidae (perches) Etheostoma sellareb,c Maryland darter 1988
Sander vitreus glaucus a Blue pike 1970
Cichlidae (cichlids) Cichlasoma urophthalmus conchitaeb,c Mojarra del cenote Conchita 1975
Cichlasoma urophthalmus ericymba b,c Mojarra de Sambul 1975

Note: The common names of undescribed taxa are in quotation marks. Abbreviations: sp., species; ssp., subspecies; pop, extirpated population.
35 extinct fishes (Miller etal. 1989).
25 taxa added to the list by Jelks and colleagues (2008).
32 taxa for which the last year of observation is the same as the estimated year of extinction.

near-future extinction rates out to 2050 in the continents The patterns of decadal extinctions in North America
freshwater fish fauna. roughly paralleled those on other continents, but the num-
ber of extinctions across decades was significantly higher in
Current rates of extinction North America than those in all other continents combined
Rates of extinction can be estimated indirectly using (figure3). Of the estimated 83 extinct fish species and sub-
speciesarea relationships (May etal. 1995), from models species worldwide (IUCN 2011), North America accounts
(Ricciardi and Rasmussen 1999), or directly when extinct for 57, Eurasia 19, Africa and Madagascar 5, South America
taxa and associated data are known. All extinct or extir- 1, and Oceania 1. Some of these discrepancies clearly relate
pated fishes treated herein represent modern losses as to the numbers of ichthyologists and the history of fau-
opposed to extinctions in the geological past (table 1). nal investigation in different regions of the world. Other
The rates of extinction fluctuated by decade, with a sig- regions with long (or longer) traditions of faunal study
nificant increase in the mean number of extinctions per exhibit similar overall extinction rates to that of North
decade after 1950 (figure 2). The post-1950s increases in Americafor example, in Europe, 3.4% of 531 species are
extinction probably resulted from indirect effects of the extinct or possibly extinct (Freyhof and Brooks 2011), and
postWorld War II baby boom, including demographic in the Mediterranean basin, 3.2% of 253 species are extinct
shifts from rural to urban areas, increased construction (Smith KG and Darwall 2006). Around 43% of the 31,769
of large and small dams, increased alteration of natural fish species on Earth are freshwater fishes (Nelson 2006),
water bodies (e.g., channelization, pollution), and other which equals about 13,661 species, 3% of which would be
consequences of economic growth and industrial expan- approximately 410 extinct freshwater species worldwide.
sion (CEC 2001, McKinney 2002, De Souza et al. 2003). This elementary extrapolation based on the North American
The recent decline in extinction rates is the fourth decadal proportion of extinct fishes suggests that worldwide tal-
decline since 1900, but three of the extinction declines lies of extinct freshwater fishes significantly underestimate
were followed by episodes of increasing or stable extinc- the actual number suggested by current databases (IUCN
tion rates (figure2). 2011)perhaps by several times.

802 BioScience September 2012 / Vol. 62 No. 9


Figure 2. Extinction rates of North American freshwater Figure 4. Lag time in years between the last observation
fishes by decade (n= 60). The solid black circles and of a species and its estimated year of extinction for North
dashed line represent cumulative extinctions and American freshwater fishes. Mean lag time= 3.8 years.
extirpations from 1898 to 2006. The open circles and The closed circles represent extinct species and subspecies,
solid line represent extinctions by decade (range= 011 including undescribed taxa. The open circles represent
extinctions per decade; pre-1950s mean= 2.5; post-1950s extirpated populations (32 taxa had lag times of 0years).
mean= 7.5; t-test for unequal variances, t(7)= 6.16, The fitted black trend line is that described by a simple
two-tailed, p= .0004). linear regression (R= .0994, p< .0001).

experienced biologists and provides classifications based on

different hiatuses in years since the last observation. I elected
to compare the last year of observation with the estimated
year of extinction for North American fishes. The data indi-
cated that the differences were greatest prior to 1940 and
decreased thereafter (figure 4). Some fishes may have been
extinct when they were described, although their fate was
unknown at that time. For example, a silverside species that
was known only from a single site (a narrow endemic), the
cunning silverside (Atherinella callida), was captured only
once, in 1962, and its common name was ironically coined for
its ability to avoid detection (Chernoff 1986)when it was
described, it may have already been extinct. Unexpectedly,
Figure 3. Comparison of extinction rates for freshwater the last year of observation was the same as the estimated
fishes of North America (black bars) and those from other year of extinction for 29 fishes and was the same as the year
continents (white bars). The other continents and islands of extirpation for the three populations (table 1, figure 4).
include Africa and Madagascar, Eurasia, South America, Examples of these fishes include commercially important
and Oceania. The data are from the International Union Great Lakes fishes for which annual catches were tracked
for Conservation of Nature (2011). The categorical (McCrimmon 2002). Also included in this number are fishes
differences in decadal proportions between North America that were narrow endemics, for which the years of habitat
and the other continents are significantly different destruction or introductions of a nonindigenous species
(Fishers exact test, p < .0001). were known (Contreras-Balderas and Lozano-Vilano 1996,
Hatfield 2001). The largest differences in lag times occurred
It has been argued that extinction dates should be clas- in the first half of the twentieth century, and the differences
sified relative to the strength of evidence supporting their generally declined toward the close of the twentieth century
validity, known as effective extinction dates (Harrison and (figure 4). The taxa with the three highest lag times were
Stiassny 1999). Harrison and Stiassny (1999) recommended the Parras pupfish (Cyprinodon latifasciatus, 27 years), the
listing a range of dates when the year of disappearance is stumptooth minnow (Stypodon signifer, 25 years), and the
not precisely known, and they suggested nine categories harelip sucker (Moxostoma lacerum, 17 years). The loss of
of extinction. The AFS definitions of extinction explicitly 57 species and subspecies and three unique populations
require that searches for missing species be performed by since 1898 is intuitively significant, but only a comparison September 2012 / Vol. 62 No. 9 BioScience 803


of modern with background extinction rates (BERs) will species durations of these archaic fishes. At least two stur-
enable a robust evaluation of these losses. geon species of Pseudoscaphirhynchus are considered criti-
cally endangered in Eurasia (IUCN 2011); if one of these
Background rates of extinction sturgeons disappeared, the mean species duration interval
In their seminal studies, Pimm and colleagues (1995, 2006) for fishes would significantly increase, causing estimates of
demonstrated the utility of comparing modern extinctions E/MSY to increase likewise. If evolutionarily old taxa such
with BERs in birds by estimating the number of extinctions as sturgeons, paddlefishes, or gars became extinct, it might
per million species years (E/MSY). This logical approach be appropriate to divide extinct fishes into two groups
facilitates comparing modern bird extinction rates with archaic and modern bony fishes. The species duration
those of other biotas, and the examination of changes in interval estimated for freshwater fishes (Stanley 1985, 1990)
bird extinction rates in the past 500 years. To estimate the is based on Lyellian percentagesproportions of living spe-
E/MSY, the following must be known: the mean species cies within fossil faunas (Stanley etal. 1980). As was noted
duration interval from origination to extinction (from the in Near and colleagues (2005, 2011) discussions of recent
fossil record) in millions of years, the total number of extant chronogram estimates for centrarchids and percids, the lin-
taxa, the number of modern extinct taxa, and the interval eage derivation estimates are far older than was previously
in years in which modern extinctions occurred. Pimm and known, and it is possible that the mean duration interval
colleagues (1995, 2006) lacked data for the mean species of one extinction every 3 million years (Stanley 1985,
duration interval for birds, so they substituted data from ter- 1990) underestimates, perhaps significantly, the species age
restrial vertebrates (mammals; Pimm etal. 1995, May etal. for freshwater fishes. If that were true, it would make the
1995). They also considered 1 million years as the bench- E/MSY estimates low, possibly by an order of magnitude.
mark interval prior to human impacts. For example, if the mean species duration for freshwater
Pimm and colleagues (2006) specifically posited that fishes is actually closer to one extinction each 11 million
around 1.3% of the roughly 10,000 known bird species have years, the modern to BER estimate for North American
become extinct since 1500, which equals a modern to BER fishes would be 3215E/MSY.
of approximately 26 E/MSY (calculated by multiplying the The ability to compare modern extinction rates with
quotient of the mean species duration interval for birds and BERs facilitates meaningful comparisons of contemporary
total bird diversity [106/104= 100] by the mean annual bird extinction rates among different biotas (Pereira etal. 2010
extinction rate [130 extinctions/500 years = 0.26]). When [and its supplemental material], Barnosky et al. 2011).
shorter intervals over which extinction occurred (e.g., since Most of the bird extinctions investigated by Pimm and
1900) were examined, global extinction rates were as high as colleagues (2006) were of island species, which are inher-
65E/MSY (Pimm etal. 2006). ently susceptible to extinction because of high endemism;
For North American freshwater fishes, the mean species habitat destruction; and the introduction of nonnative
duration interval from the fossil record is 3 million years organisms, including humans. BERs are compared among
(Stanley 1990), the total number of species is 1213, the time world vertebrate groups for the twentieth century in table2.
interval over which modern extinctions were examined is The E/MSY estimate for freshwater fishes in the twentieth
110 years (1900 to 2010), and the number of extinct fish century was nearly twice that of other vertebrate groups.
species is 39 (3 of which are undescribed). The modern to The BER estimated for birds (table 2) is higher than that
BER estimate is 877E/MSY for North American freshwater estimated by Pimm and colleagues (2006) because I used
fishesthe highest estimate reported for contemporary different species duration data for birds (i.e., 2.5 million
vertebrates (Pimm et al. 2006, Pereira et al. 2010 [and its years; Stanley 1990). As was noted in the Current rates of
supplemental material], Barnosky etal. 2011). extinction section, the reported extinction rates for fresh-
Several issues merit a brief discussion relative to the water fishes from other continents appear grossly under-
comparison of modern extinction rates with BERs. First, estimated. If, for example, the continental extinction rate
the actual species richness of North America freshwater for North America (3.2%) mirrors the extinction rates of
fish fauna is not yet known, as is indicated by the lack of an freshwater fishes in other continents, the number of extinct
asymptote in the rate of fish descriptions (figure 1a), and fishes for the twentieth century would be around 384 spe-
it is possible that not all recent fish extinctions are known. cies (instead of 81 in table2) and the twentieth century BER
In addition, fishes are not equal entities evolutionarily or would be 960E/MSY.
with respect to species duration intervals. The latter spans The continental list of extinct fishes from Africa and
several orders of magnitude, from about 10,000years ago to Madagascar differs from the data given in the worldwide
the present for fishes that diverged after the last glaciation assessment of extinct fishes by Harrison and Stiassny (1999),
(Smith GR etal. 2002, Taylor etal. 2006) to over 160mya for in which about 50 haplochromine cichlids from Africa and
extant archaic fishes, such as the longnose gar (Lepisosteus Madagascar were considered possibly extinct. In a recent
osseus; Grande 2010). The loss of species such as sturgeon assessment, Snoeks and colleagues (2011) determined that
or gar would significantly increase the mean duration these species are critically endangered or that their status is
intervals for freshwater fishes because of the tremendous data deficient and in need of further study.

804 BioScience September 2012 / Vol. 62 No. 9


Table 2. Comparison of current to background extinction

rates for world vertebrates in the twentieth century.
Total Total number Mean
number of of extinct species
Vertebrate group species species duration E/MSY

Freshwater fishes 11,997 81a 3.0b 203

Amphibians 5743 c
25 a
1.0 44
Reptiles 8860d 11a ~2.2e 27
Birds 9917c 45c 2.5b 113
Mammals 4853c 31c 1.7b 109

Note: The number of freshwater fishes in 2000 was 43% of about 27,901
total species (Eschmeyer and Fong 2012). Mean species duration is the
species life span in millions of years from origination to extinction;
when it was not known, it was estimated to be 1.0E/MSY, which is also
considered the benchmark extinction rate prior to human impacts (Pimm
etal. 1995). The correct twentieth century background extinction rate for
fishes may be over 900E/MSY (see the Background rates of extinction
Abbreviations: E/MSY, extinctions per million species years.
IUCN 2011. bStanley 1990. cPereira etal. 2010. dUetz 2000.
Stanley 1985.

Predicting extinctions to 2050

Human activities are inexorably linked to fish extinctions,
which makes prediction of future extinctions challenging.
The primary causes of imperilment and extinction in fresh-
water fishes are the loss of habitat and the introduction of
nonindigenous fishes (Harrison and Stiassny 1999, Jelks
et al. 2008). Even with prescient knowledge, it is doubt- Figure 5. Potos Spring, northwest of Galeana, Nuevo
ful that some extinctions resulting from introductions of Len, Mexico, was the only known locality for two narrow
alien fishes could ever be anticipated. For example, the endemic fishes, the Potos pupfish (Cyprinodon alvarezi)
unlikely introduction of brown bullhead catfish (Ameiurus and Catarina pupfish (Megupsilon aporus). The top image
nebulosus) into one of a few lakes on small coastal islands is from 1972, and the bottom is from 1995. Groundwater
off British Columbia (Hatfield 2001) resulted in the deci- pumping caused the spring to dry in 1994 and two
mation of sympatric populations of distinct sticklebacks pupfishes to go extinct. Photographs: Salvador Contreras-
(table 1). Likewise, the very remoteness of desert springs Balderas (deceased); images courtesy of his family.
seemed to ensure the security of isolated pupfishes, but in
hindsight, groundwater pumping was an obvious threat to
the persistence of the springs (figure5; Contreras-Balderas
and Lozano-Vilano 1996).
Future extinctions will probably include some of the
North American fishes recently classified as threatened (190)
and endangered (280), particularly the 73 endangered species
that were identified as declining (Jelks and colleagues [2008]
appendix 1). The Southeastern Fishes Council published
a list of the 12 most endangered fishes in the southeastern Figure 6. The slender chub (Erimystax cahni), a narrow
United States (SFC 2008), all of which are vulnerable to endemic in the upper Tennessee River drainage that
extinction in the near future. One of these fishes, the slender has not been observed since 1996 despite repeated,
chub (Erimystax cahni; figure 6), is a minnow that is most intensive searches. The slender chub may be the next
recently known only from a few sites in a 13-kilometer sec- fish declared possibly extinct in North America
tion of the Clinch River in northeastern Tennessee. Despite (adult male, 81.1millimeter standard length, Clinch
repeated intensive seining and snorkeling surveys focused on River, Hancock County, Tennessee, 29 June 1985).
the species, it has not been observed since 1996 (SFC 2008). Photograph: Noel M. Burkhead and Robert E. Jenkins,
The slender chub is on the knifes edge; we do not know courtesy of the Virginia Division of Game and Inland
whether it was the last fish to disappear in the twentieth Fisheries. September 2012 / Vol. 62 No. 9 BioScience 805


century or whether it made it to the twenty-first century. If it sites or whose ranges are truncated by large impoundments
is not found in 5years, the slender chub could be the next fish are probably more vulnerable to future extinction because
to qualify for possibly extinct status in North America. of exposure to multiple stressors (McKinney 2002, McKee
Mexico has a large number of fishes vulnerable to extinc- etal. 2004).
tion in the near future, primarily because of high levels of
endemism. Of the 280 North American fishes identified Conclusions
as endangered, 65 were exclusively from Mexico, 70 were Each continental fish fauna is a unique, globally important
from the United States, and 21 were from Canada (Jelks resource of immensurable worth. The North American fish
et al. 2008). For example, the Ameca River system, noted fauna has tremendous recreational and commercial value,
for its high levels of endemism, has lost 70% of its native as well as aesthetic, scientific, and cultural importance
fish fauna (Lpez-Lpez and Paulo-Maya 2001, Prez- (Helfman 2007, NFHB 2010). In particular, fish represent
Rodrguez et al. 2009). The family Goodeidae has a large important sources of protein for individuals at lower socio-
number of endangered and extinct species in Mexico. Of economic levels worldwide (Helfman 2007). With respect to
the extant Mexican goodeids, 16 were identified as critically scientific and ecological studies, fishes are especially useful
endangered and 7 as endangered (Domnguez-Domnguez for evaluating environmental change, because biologists
et al. 2005); all are small fishes, and most are narrow or know much more about their biology than they do those of
localized endemics exposed to multiple threats. Another other aquatic biotas. Actually, declining fishes represent just
nine Mexican fishes were recently categorized as in danger of the tip of the iceberg regarding losses of freshwater biota and
extinction (Schmitter-Soto 2006). their habitats. Comparatively, mussels and snails are excep-
A frequently cited exponential-decay model used to esti- tionally imperiled, with BERs an order of magnitude greater
mate future extinction rates required recent data on the than that of freshwater fishes.
numbers of threatened and endangered species in order to The exigent issue regarding these extinctions is not so
model future extinctions (Ricciardi and Rasmussen 1999) much the number of missing fishes but the fact that these
and was therefore unable to estimate the number of future fishes disappeared in only 110years (figures 1b and 2). Fish
fish extinctions by 2050. Assuming no near-future cata- extinction rates are currently 877 times greater than BERs,
strophic events, different elementary approaches were used and since 1900, those rates have fluctuated between 556 and
to estimate the numbers of extinct fish species by 2050. 1042E/MSY. These BER estimates are low because they do
The number of currently declining endangered fishes (see not include infraspecific taxa (extinct subspecies or extir-
Jelks and colleagues [2008] appendix 1) plus the number pated populations). Future freshwater fish extinctions in
of currently extinct species equals 113 species. Although North America are estimated to range from 53 to 86 species
it is unlikely that all currently declining endangered fishes by 2050.
would become extinct by 2050, 113 species could be consid- Current estimates of the number of extinct fishes from
ered the upper limit of extinction in a worst-case scenario. all other continents are significantly lower than decadal
Two elementary extrapolations based on the mean annual extinction rates for North America (figure3). In most cases,
extinction rate (MAER) and on the mean annual description these discrepancies represent gross underestimates of true
rate (MADER) yielded the following estimates: The overall extinction levels on those other continents. However, recent
MAER is 0.35 extinct fish species per year (which is more changes in some of the IUCN (2011) data resulted from
conservative than the post-1950s rate of 0.73 species per year; increased caution about the accuracy of previously reported
see figure2). Beginning with 39 extinct species in 2010, the extinction estimates, particularly in the African rift lakes,
MAER extrapolation approximates 53 extinct species by 2050 where funding and logistics reduces the ability to inten-
(an increase of 14 species). The MADER extrapolation based sively sample and where the fauna is taxonomically complex
on 6.7 species described per year yields 1482 species by 2050. (Snoeks etal. 2011). Based on the continental extinction rate
Under the assumption that the continental proportion of of 3.2% for North America, the worldwide loss of freshwater
extinct fishes remains about 3.2% until 2050, the number of fishes may exceed 400 species.
extinct fish species approaches 86 (an increase of 47 species). After 253 years of faunal discovery and documentation
Therefore, by 2050, the number of extinct fishes is estimated (figure1a), the freshwater fishes remaining to be discovered
to range from 53 to 86 species, representing an increase of are more likely to be narrow or localized endemics, cryptic,
35.9%120.5%, with an improbable upper limit of 113 spe- and imperiled (Burkhead and Jelks 2000). The number
cies (a 190% increase). of humans recently increased to 7 billion individuals; the
What is more important to resource managers than totemic effects of our activities on the Earths systems and
estimating the number of future extinctions is identifying processes are quantifiable at global scales, are observable
which fishes are more likely to become extinct in the near from space, and include ongoing biodiversity decline and
future. Of the endangered fishes listed by Jelks and col- loss as well as worldwide changes to geochemical cycles
leagues (2008), those that are narrow or localized endemics and increasing climatic variability (Rockstrm et al. 2009,
and in proximity to major urban areas, transportation cor- Pereira etal. 2010 [and its supplemental material], Barnosky
ridors, future energy development, or resource extraction etal. 2011). The loss of 3.2% of the continental fish diversity

806 BioScience September 2012 / Vol. 62 No. 9


is not trivial and demonstrates that some of our resource Darwin C. 1859. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection,
practices are detrimental to the persistence of freshwater or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. John
fishes and likely to that of other aquatic faunas. Murray.
Davies RG, et al. 2006. Human impacts and the global distribution of
Online data on extinct North American freshwater fishes, extinction risk. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 273:
as well as any potential errata from this report may be 21272133.
found at the USGSAFS Web site ( De Souza R-M, Williams JS, Meyerson FAB. 2003. Critical Links: Population,
extinct_fishes/index.html). Health, and the Environment. Population Reference Bureau. Population
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This article is dedicated to eminent scholars, conservationists, Viviparous Fishes. New Life Publications.
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Freyhof J, Brooks E. 2011. European Red List of Freshwater Fishes.
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active from 2004 to 2011; all former committee members are Grande L. 2010. An Empirical Synthetic Pattern Study of Gars
recognized for their contributions to this study. In particular, (Lepisosteiformes) and Closely Related Species, Based on Mostly
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Autonoma de Queretaro), Dean Hendrickson (University of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Special Publication no.6; Copeia 10
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Leo G. Nico (US Geological Survey Southeast Ecological Helfman GS. 2007. Fish Conservation: A Guide to Understanding and
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808 BioScience September 2012 / Vol. 62 No. 9

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