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Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Persaudaraan Muslim

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Pidato Inggris
Pidato tentang persaudaraan muslim,

Alhamdulillahi robbil alamin ,washolatu awassalam ala

asrofil anbiya I walmursalin wa ala alihi alihi wa
ashabihi ajmaiin , amma badu.
Dear chairman , Dear juries , Dear followers of English speech contest And all audiences ladies and


Before I speak , lets thank to Allah the Almighty , Who has given us Mercy and Blessing, so we

can meet together in this Place . Lets deliver sholawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad saw,

Who has brought us from the darkness to the brightness, so we are always in the right way

And I dont forget to thank to the master of ceremony who has given me a little time to speak in

front of You all.

Dear ladies and gentlemen

In this occasion, I would like to speak in front of you all under the title lets improve our Islamic

brotherhood to make our school in progress

As we know that our country ,Indonesia , consist of many ethnic groups and each ethnic groups has

different culture , has different religion, has different tradition, and language. we live in heterogent

condition , so we sometimes find the clash .we sometimes find disintegration and find many trouble

in many sectors and factors, so that we are as young generation has responsible to make this

condition always peace full and joy full, dont make disintegration , dont make dissension, in any

matters ,we must understand each other if we find dissension we must tolerate each other if we find
trouble in all problems !because we live in the unity country, the peace full country although we have

many tribes in different culture and religion , we must be united in one nation, one mother land , and

language Indonesia , we must be united because we have slogan Bhineka tunggal ika ( The unity in

diversity ) .

Dear ladies and gentlemen

We are as moslems have Islamic brotherhood, because all the moslems are brothers, As Allah said

In the holy quran :

Innamalmu'minuna ikwatun faashlihu bayna akhowaykum. wattaqullaha la allakum turhamun

Indeed every believer is brother so you must correct among All ! .and fear to The God ( Allah ) in order

you will get the Blessing .

And it was said in hadist : Almuslimuna walmuslimiina kal jasadil wahid faidza sholuhat sholuhal

jasadu kullih faidza fasadat fasadal jasadi kullih It means every moslems look like one body if one

of our body is fine all body will sense fine ,if one of our body sense destroyed

All body will sense destroyed too !

So we area as moslems must strengthen our brotherhood , especially as moslems student

We must be united , dont be separated , we must be united to improve our achievement , to reach

our idol , to reach our ambition, to make us in progress in our future so we must be united As one

of the song : all the moslems be united , all the moslems be united , be united be united be united

be united all of the world Can you sing it . Oke ladies and gentlemen

We must be united please dont be separated ,we must keep our unity where ever and whenever ,

united we stand divided we fall as the proverb said .

No disintegration , no terrorism , we must be peace ! peace the juries ! peace the audience ! peace

all the followers of English speech contest ,peace all of MTs students .

Dear ladies and gentlemen

To make the MTs Students always in progress ,to make the Mts students always in victory and superior

we must pray to the God The almighty , Oh the Lord of the world give us the easy of our study !

Oh the Lord of the world give us the strength to get the use full knowledge , Oh the Lord of the world

give us the guidance to reach the achievement . Oh the Lord of the world avoid us from badness ,avoid

us from stupidity , avoid us from laziness ,ALLOHUMA TAQOBAL MINNA INNAKA ANGTA SAMIUL ALIM



Those are what I can deliver to you at this moment ,thank a lot for your attention and I ask

forgiveness for my mistakes , and the lass I say : Wabilahi taufik wal Hidayah Wasalamu alaikum

war wb

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