Finweek - June 25, 2015 ZA
Finweek - June 25, 2015 ZA
Finweek - June 25, 2015 ZA
25 June 2015
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Inside 4 Feedback Letter from the Editor
6 In Brief News nuggets
Rebuilding Liberia 12 Letter from Nigeria House of Cards: Nigeria edition
14 Context Social expenditure in SA
16 Cover SA economy: The centre cannot hold
20 In The News Anglos Cutifani intent on cost-cutting spree
21 AngloGold now in better position
22 Myriad hurdles diminish junior miners chances
24 Agoa renewal: Local poultry industry loses out
28 Rebuilding Liberia
30 Spotlight The Cape is proudly African
32 Insight Going legal
35 Medical aid schemes: How they stack up
38 Five ways to be resilient in the workplace
39 House View Renergen, MTN Group Limited
40 Fund Focus Old Mutual Global Equity Fund
41 Invest DIY How to analyse company debt
Going legal 42 K iller Trade PPC donning a contrarian hat
43 Simons Stock Tips Telkom, AngloGold Ashanti,
Murray & Roberts, Anglo American Platinum, P30
The Cape is
Peregrine, African Bank
44 Pro Pick Over a century old, JSE boasts solid track
proudly African
45 M oney Investing offshore: Why less is more at current
rand levels
46 Why you should never cash in your retirements savings
48 Money 101 Top tips to help you save SA ECONOMY:
50 The great savings debate: Retirement vs education
52 Selling your home: What will it cost?
54 Entrepreneur Living in the material world CANNOT HOLD
57 Technology Vodacom to expand niche offerings
58 D irectors & Dividends Dealings and payouts Cover story: Tina Weavind
59 Last Word How the Navy SEALs train for leadership Cover layout: Zandri van Zyl
60 Life Quiz, Crossword Cover story layout:
62 Piker Funny business Tshebetso Ditabo
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The number of people
who have died to
date due to exploding
airbags. Tokyo-based
airbag supplier Takata
agreed in May to double
its US recall to a record
of nearly 34m vehicles to
fix its defective airbags.
While Honda has
been the most heavily
affected by the recall,
other manufacturers
including Toyota,
Ford, General Motors,
Vodacom CEO Shameel
Joosubs total remuneration
in the year to end March,
more than R2m less than his
earnings the previous year. The
decline was mainly due to a
39% cut in his bonus to R3.7m,
according to Vodacoms
annual report. Chief financial
officer Ivan Dittrich saw his
pay decline 17% to R6.2m,
while chief technology officer
Nissan and BMW have
Andries Delports package fell
also been impacted.
from R6.3m to R6m.
The defect can cause
The amount (R18.6bn) Chinas top taxi-hailing app, which
is backed by Alibaba and Tencent, is expected to raise in a
new funding round as it battles increased competition from
private car-booking companies such as Uber. The funding
round values Xiaoju Kuaizhi, which runs the Didi and Kuadi
apps, at up to $15bn (R186bn), Bloomberg reported.
The amount (R495bn) of damages claimed by Maurice Greenberg, former CEO of
AIG, in a class-action suit brought against the US government. Greenberg argued
that the Federal Reserve overstepped its legal powers when it bailed out AIG at
the height of the financial crisis in 2008. A judge ruled on 15 June that the Fed had
crossed the legal line when it demanded a 79.9% stake in AIG as a bailout condition,
but declined to award any damages. Without the bailout, which eventually totalled
$185bn (R2.3tr), AIG would have gone bankrupt, the judge said.
The expected decline in
The amount (R4.8bn) billionaire investor Warren
Buffett will pay for a 3.7% stake in Insurance
this years maize harvest Australia Group (IAG) as he targets the growing
in Zimbabwe compared Asian insurance market, The Guardian reported.
to 2014, according In terms of the deal, Buffetts Berkshire Hathaway
to the UN Food and will receive 20% of IAGs gross written premium
Agriculture Organisation, and pay 20% of its claims for the next decade.
as drought and a decline
in free fertilizer and
seed distribution from
government hurt harvests.
The country will need
to import about half the
maize it requires this year. The expected price per Fitbit share (R210-R235)
in its initial public offering (IPO), an increase from
its previous guidance, according to filings with
the Securities and Exchange Commission. At the
midpoint of the new price range, Fitbit would be
valued at nearly $3.7bn (R45.8bn), The New York
Musician, anthropologist and former anti-apartheid activist Times reported. Fitbit, which was founded in 2007,
Johnny Clegg (61), internationally known as the White Zulu, sells wearable devices that allow consumers to track
is to be awarded the Office of the Order of the British Empire their physical activity, heart rate and calories burned.
(OBE) by Queen Elizabeth later this year. Clegg, who was born
in the UK but moved to what is now Zambia when he was only
six months old, described the award as a career highlight.
Industry and civil society groups are slamming an application
by embattled power utility Eskom for a 25.3% hike in the
price of electricity for the 2015/16 financial year, including
the 12.69% increase that has already been approved by
regulator Nersa. The additional increase is sought to pay for
its open-cycle gas turbines and short-term power purchase
programme while it battles to complete new power stations
Medupi and Kusile.
Our troops in Darfur are already vulnerable. Theyve
been led into traps numerous times and had their
weapons confiscated. If there was a confrontation,
I have no doubt that the South Africans would have
returned in body bags. They have been deployed
as peacekeepers, not as combat troops. If the
threatening situation is confirmed, South Africa has no
Sudanese president Omar Al-Bashir, who is sought by the other option than to withdraw its troops from such an
International Criminal Court (ICC), was allowed to leave South impossible situation. Military expert Helmoed-Rmer
Africa following the AU Summit, despite a court order to have Heitman comments on a report in Beeld that South
him arrested. The ICC is seeking to hold him responsible for African peacekeepers were held hostage in Sudan to
genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. He oversaw ensure the safe departure of Sudanese President Omar
a civil war that led to the deaths of an estimated 300 000 Al-Bashir from the AU Summit in Johannesburg.
people and the displacement of 2.5m.
Pawn Patel from Minnesota prepares to take a
midnight swim in the Arctic at Barrow, the USAs
northernmost city. Barrow, in Alaska, has become
the new frontier in the fight against climate change,
with activists opposing Shells plans to do offshore
exploration drilling in Alaskas Chukchi Sea, about
160km from Barrow. Despite the protests, Shells
drilling rig, the Polar Pioneer, left Seattles harbour
for the Arctic on 15 June. The Arctic holds about
27bn barrels of recoverable oil, according to US
government estimates.
Picture: David L. Ryan/The Boston Globe via Getty Images
ay goodbye to loyalty cards consumers addresses, which often just you can get information on the user base
because mobile applications are end up in the dustbin, adds Shadab as a whole, says Daniel.
set to replace traditional loyalty Rahil, director of Paradigm Group. Depending on the capabilities of the
programmes. Additionally mobile applications save businesss IT systems, it is possible to use
Businesses can set up loya lt y businesses the cost of producing and geo-tracking to engage with consumers
programmes on mobile applications in distributing cards and promotional in real time. This way, consumers can be
the same way as cards, offering cash material, says Rahil. notified of discounts and other special
rewards, coupons or discounts. This There is also a more secure component offers at nearby stores. Their movements
offers convenience to consumers who to mobile applications in that points in stores can be tracked to identify areas
wont have to carry cards anymore, says earned are linked to the consumers where they spend a lot of time and
Nolan Daniel, director at Paradigm number. Your phone might get stolen, deduce what they like, explains Daniel.
Group. but no one can steal your cellphone Two types of tracking technology
Consumers get more benef its number, which means points wont be can be used. Geo-fencing can track
in that customised marketing and lost, says Rahil. Consumers can block consumers within 20km of a store.
relevant information is sent to them loyalty programmes online and respond Bluetooth low energy is used in stores,
through notifications and messages in real time, adds Daniel. tracking consumers from 50cm to 50
from organisations. This also benefits Businesses can also collect data on metres away, says Daniel. Consumers
businesses in building customer relations consumers, such as their buying patterns. are informed of tracking technology
with real-time consumer engagement, You [businesses] can really decide how in the terms and conditions of mobile
says Daniel. Card loyalty programmes much data you want to use You can applications. They have a choice to opt
often send promotional materials to get specific information on individuals or out and simply use their phones to earn
reward points, he says.
If communication tools are not used
correctly, consumers could become
IT COULD TAKE irritated with spam messages and
notifications and opt out, warns Rahil.
THREE TO FOUR YEARS Marketing intelligence is needed
TO HAVE A BIG PENETRATION OF MOBILE to tap into the use of mobile loyalty
LOYALTY AND PAYMENT SOLUTIONS programmes. You need to be relevant
and offer them useful information that
will save them extra money and be
BECOME MORE AVAILABLE. beneficial to them, he advises.
A lot of businesses have been finalising
and testing these mobile applications. It
is not likely that cards will disappear in
the near future. South African markets
are heavily banked and consumers use
cards. Getting consumers to migrate to
mobile-based solutions could be slower,
says Rahil. It could take three to four
years to have a sizeable penetration of
mobile loyalty and payment solutions
in South Africa as smartphones become
more available. The opposite is true for
Gallo Images/iStock
The number of dollar millionaires in China in 2014, an
increase of 1m from 2013, according to the latest Global
The total number of millionaire households last year, an
increase of 13%. Global private wealth grew by about 12% last
Wealth report by Boston Consulting Group (BCG). China has year to $164tr, the BCG report found. In the Asia-Pacific region,
the worlds second-largest population of dollar millionaires, private wealth grew by 29% last year to $47tr to make it the
with the US in first place with 7m, it said. The rise in Chinese worlds second-wealthiest region, replacing Europe. North
private wealth was largely driven by a surging stock market, America, with $51tr in private wealth, remains the richest
which was up 38% last year, according to BCG. Japan made region in 2014. Asia-Pacific is expected to overtake North
up third place, with 1m millionaire households last year. America next year as the richest region in the word, BCG said.
n 16 June, an Egyptian court upheld a death sentence
against ousted president Mohamed Morsi and other
Muslim Brotherhood leaders in a case that relates to
their escape from prison during the 2011 revolution. At the time,
Morsi was detained without charge. He fled the prison after it
was stormed and guards overpowered during the uprisings that
eventually ended President Hosni Mubaraks 30-year reign. Morsi,
Gallo Images/iStock
who subsequently became Egypts first democratically elected
president, was removed from power by the Egyptian military in
July 2013 following days of mass protests. The Muslim Brotherhood
has since been declared a terrorist organisation in Egypt.
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House of Cards:
Nigeria edition
ust when you think you have
the lie of the land in Nigeria,
t heres a not her p ol it ic a l
tremor. And just when you IT MIGHT BE FUN TO WRITE
think youre used to life with tremors, AND ARGUE ABOUT IN
Nigeria w ill give you a politica l THEORY, BUT IN PRACTICE
The simu ltaneous beaut y and
discomfort of this is that no one can
ever quite settle to something. Youre
always looking over your shoulder NIGERIANS WAITING FOR
at the younger guy or the person in THEIR POLITICIANS TO DO
the chair next to you who is more BETTER BY THEM.
ambitious. You cannot ever assume
you have sussed the systems ability to
shock and therefore you cannot ever a clear mandate by the population
know what will happen tomorrow, in Marchs election, with a tough
much less the next day. legislative job on his hands.
As I am writing, Nigeria is reeling, All this in a country that is crying
giggling, gasping and rubbing its hands out for stability, for predictability and
together following the goings on at for the enforcement of the radical
the countrys National Assembly on legislative agenda Buhari promised
9 June that saw Bukola Saraki elected during his campaign. It might be fun
senate president, a role perceived as less to write and argue about in theory, but
powerful only than the president and in practice there are 170m Nigerians
vice-president. waiting for their politicians to do better
Saraki, a senator of the incumbent Bukola by them.
All Progressives Congress (APC), but The goings-on at the Senate are
notably not the APCs first choice for thought to be as much to do with
senate president, won the leadership of positioning for the 2019 Nigerian
Nigerias upper chamber after finding joining your party, but imagine tens of general election as they are to do with
support from within the opposition defections. How much trust can there disrupting the law-making process of
Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), who be in the upper echelons of Nigerian the next few months and years.
left government last month. politics when theres little clarity day Knowing how fast and dramatically
Nigeria watchers have noted that to day about whether youre on the the Nigerian political arena changes,
President Muhammadu Buharis APC same side or opposing sides, briefing I wouldnt be so nave as to draw
comprises many former members of against one another or in favour of one predictions for 2019 on the basis of
the PDP, following mass defections another? these latest developments. But I would
over the past two years of the PDP It would take more space than this advise investors and observers to keep
administ rat ion. Notably, Sa ra k i page affords to describe the agendas a close eye on Bukola Saraki.
himself is a former PDP man. that led to these results, but if youre Right now, all I can say for sure is
One defection might have left you watching House of Cards, you can that we need to hold on tight: its going
suspicious of that mans intentions imagine the sort of scene. The goings- to be (another) bumpy ride.
either for leaving your party or for on have left Buhari, who was given
Challenges for a youthful continent
Africa will have the youngest population in the world by the end of the century. Policies of
each African country should be geared towards making the continent more youth-friendly
and address issues such as rapid population growth and urbanisation, according to the Unicef
Generation 2030 report.
Cairo, currently the city on
Other issues that should be addressed include the high rates of adolescent pregnancies
the continent with the biggest
expected over the next 15 years. In countries such as Niger, where child marriage of girls under
population, will see its populace
the age of 18 is at 76%, it is important that womens rights are central to change and growth
grow from 19m to 25m, while the
in the region.
population of Lagos will boom
It is also imperative to pay special attention to Nigeria as it is expected to have the highest
from about 13m currently to 24m
number of births on the continent. By 2050, one in every 11 of the worlds babies will be born
in 2030. It is projected that by
in Nigeria, which will experience more than 360m births in the next 35 years.
the late 2030s, 60% of Africas
population will be living in urban
TOTAL FERTILITY IN COUNTRIES IN AFRICA, 2015 areas, compared to a current
40%. Other countries that will
CHILDREN PER WOMAN experience rapid urban growth
include Gabon, Libya, Algeria,
Tunisia and Morocco. Some
countries such as Burundi and
2.7 Malawi will remain very rural.
4.5 6.8
7.5 4.5
2.2 4.8 6
There will be 1bn under-18s in
5.4 4.3
5.7 4.7 3.3 Africa by 2050. This will equate
4.8 4.7 5.9 to almost 40% of the worlds
4.6 4.8 4.3 total population. Currently,
4.2 4.7
4.5 4.6 Africa has more child-
4.6 dependent households than
3.7 4.6 5.7 6.4 the rest of the world and 73
3.9 4 4.9 4.2 of every 100 working persons
5.7 4.3 2.1 in Africa are children under
5.9 the age of 15. This is double
5.1 the world average. By 2035,
4.6 Africa will have first generation
of children that will reach the
Note: This map is stylised and 5.7 5.2 pensionable age of 65.
not to scale. It does not reflect
a position by Unicef on the 5.6
legal status of any country or
area or the delineation of any 5 1.5
frontiers. The final boundary
between the Republic of the 2.9 2.5
Sudan and the Republic of
South Sudan has not yet been 3.2
determined. The final status
2.9 The proportion of sub-Saharan
of the Abyei area has not yet
been determined. 2.3 Africas population who live in
extreme poverty, or on less than
$1.25 (R15.53) per day. About
SOURCE: UNICEF analysis based on UN WPP 2012 revision
70% of the regions population
live on less than $2 (R24.78) a
In 2015-2050, 1.8bn babies will be born in Africa, day. Around a quarter of the
700m more than in 1980-2015, according to Unicef. continents population resides
On average each woman will have 4.7 children, in 20 African countries deemed
which is high compared to about 2.5 in the rest fragile and conflict-affected,
of the world. Niger has the highest number of which continues to undermine
children born to one woman at 7.5. Ninety-eight human rights as well as social
per 1 000 births in Africa are from teenage girls and economic progress.
aged 15-19.
Social expend
has gone up by 15 percentage
points since 1994/95 from 45% Consolidated national and provincial government expenditure by type, 1994/95 and 2014/15 (actual numbers) Rbn.
of government spending to 60% in
General and General and unallocable
2014/15 and today there are more unallocable government expenditure
people in receipt of social grants than government 188.6
there are people employed, according
10.9 Other4 Economic services
to a new report by the South African 24.6 130
Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR). Economic services3
It is projected that there will be more
Protection services
than 17m social grant beneficiaries by Protection
services1 Social 158.3
2016/17, from 13.7m in 2013. Social 25.4 services
While educations share of the 711.7
social services pie (which also includes
health, social security, housing and TOTAL
community amenities and recreation 1 188.6
and culture) has dropped from 49% 1994/95 2014/15
in 1994/95 to 35% in 2014/15, social
security spending (such as social 1 Includes defence, police, prisons and courts of law
2 Includes education, health, social protection, housing and community amenities, and recreation and culture
grants) has increased from 21% to 3 Includes general economic, commercial and labour affairs; agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting; fuel and energy; mining,
26% and spending on housing grew manufacturing and construction; transport; communication; other industries; and economic affairs not classified elsewhere
4 Includes interest, government enterprises and other expenditure that cannot be allocated in the main budget
from 7% to 17% over the same period. 5 Numbers should add up vertically but may not, owing to rounding
The increased spending has achieved
SOURCE: National Treasury
mixed outcomes, with improvements
in e.g. the proportion of the population 30
Social services
expenditure shrinking as our
expenditure by
democracy matures, it seems that type as a proportion % 15
many South Africans still need a leg of consolidated
up, the SAIRRs Lerato Moloi said. national and
A paradigm shift is needed in the provincial
governments developmental policy
model, so that employment and 1994/95 and
higher growth are prioritised, she said. 2014/15
Education Health Social Housing and Recreation Total
security community and culture
nditure in SA
*The percentage of children who weigh below 60% of expected weight for 2001 12 494 000 3 993 133 310 to 100
their age per 1 000 children under the age of five.
SOCIAL GRANT BENEFICIARIES AS A PROPORTION OF 2002 11 995 000 4 925 900 240 to 100
2003 11 666 000 6 494 115 180 to 100
ith unemployment A SLOW PUNCTURE
at its highest level With growth collapsing and inflation
since 2003, soaring, unemployment figures are
economic growth at predictably depressing. Headline
a ble a k 1.9 % , unemployment people who dont
manufacturing output now 10% below have a job but are looking for work
2008 levels, a credit rating just a notch rose to 26.4% from 24.3%, the highest
above junk status and regular load- level since 2003. And according to
shedding expected to further hurt analysis by Japanese investment bank
activity, there is little to cheer about in Nomura, the percentage of those no
the South African economy. longer actively looking for work had
And nobody believes it can get also ticked up from to 34.9% to 36%.
anything but worse: Two things that Eskom is a glaring red light both
are set to affect South Africans on a to growth and the inf lation rate.
daily basis are food price increases after Wayne McCurrie, portfolio manager
the recent drought shrank agricultural at Momentum Wealth, said in the light
output and soaring fuel prices on the of how long it is taking to get the first
back of rising oil prices. In Gauteng, unit going at Medupi, Eskom will be
e-tolls can be added to the mix. trouble for the next 10 years.
South Africans should also brace The rosy glow that has shone on
themselves for further interest rate hikes, growth figures since the five-month
with Reserve Bank Governor Lesetja long mining strike last year has also
Kganyago warning that rates would be faded. Growth appeared to be soaring
increased for the first time since July immediately after mining output
2014, albeit moderately without unduly resumed, but it was coming off a
sacrificing economic growth. Growth low base. According to Peter Attard
has been slowing: it measured 1.9% in Montalto, emerging markets economist
the first quarter of the year, compared at Nomura, growth is now ref lecting
with 4.1% in the final quarter of 2014. the fading impact of the post-mining
The monetary policy committees strike recovery.
(MPC) decision not to hike rates at its But despite the gloom, McCurrie
21 May meeting was not unanimous. was pragmatic. He sa id that,
The economic outlook was rocky enough comparatively speaking, economic
to warrant two of the six members of g ro w t h i s not a n u n m it i g at e d
the committee voting for a 25 basis- disaster. Its not good, but we arent
point rate hike at the bodys bimonthly in a recession. We arent Brazil, or
meeting. Inflation accelerated to 4.5% in Zimbabwe or Russia, he said.
April and is expected to peak at 6.8% in However, McCurrie described the
the first quarter of 2016, above the target economy as having a slow puncture.
band of 3% to 6%. The wheels are turning, but we cant
go above 80. Regulatory uncertainty
USD/ZAR EXCHANGE RATE in issues such as empower ment
legislation in mining, aff irmative
action, visa regulations, land reform
and strikes was going to st y mie
growth because no one knows whats
coming next.
see only 12.69% increases in July this risk [to inf lation] and predicted will escape a rate hike next month.
year and next year as was stipulated t hat it cou ld inc rease average The committee expected inf lation
by the multiyear price determination inf lation by around 0.5 percentage to move between 6.8% and 6% next
process drawn up by the National points over a year. Few analysts year.
Energy Regulator (Nersa). and economists believe the country But it is not just what is said at
But when Nersa decided on this
long-term series of increases its KEY ECONOMIC INDICATORS AND FORECASTS
members had not been apprised of (annual averages)
the extent of the decay in the power
grid. Eskom in March asked the 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
South African Local Government Global GDP
Association (Salga) and Nersa to USA 1.7% 2.2% 1.9% 2.4% 3.2% 2.5%
divert from the long-term plan Euro area 1.5% 0.1% -0.4% 0.9% 1.5% 2.2%
and bump up power costs by an Japan -0.9% 2.1% 1.6% -0.1% 1.4% 1.5%
China 9.2% 7.8% 7.7% 7.4% 7% 7%
additional 12.6% at the beginning
SA GDP 3.6% 2.5% 1.9% 1.5% 2.1% 2.5%
of next month making the total
SA headline CPI 5% 5.6% 5.8% 6.1% 5% 5.4%
increase 25.3%. SA current -2.3% -5.2% -5.8% -5.4% -4% -4%
K g a ny a go sa id t he possible account (% of GDP)
increase poses a significant upside SOURCE: Old Mutual Investment Group May 2015
ne of the first steps taken by costs will also have to be cut back as it mining operations, so an element of
Mark Cutifani on joining will have hundreds of people employed right-sizing will be required, he said.
Anglo American as its for only about nine mines in the country. Of course, any changes to the shape
CEO in 2012 was to sell Said Cutifani in a recent interview of the organisation will be undertaken
the groups fancy $64m corporate jet a with Miningmx: We are rebuilding our in full consultation with all relevant
trademark Cutifani move, as it focused business and its competitive position. stakeholders.
attention to the kind of strategy he Our tough reality is SA has a very high The ability of Cutifani to take costs
wanted to run at the company. inflation and so to compete we have to out of the system at Anglo is becoming
Two years down the line, and with continue to reduce our overheads and more crucial than ever because net debt is
Anglos share price still underperforming other costs. challengingly high at $13bn. The sale of
its peers BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and Yes, as we do reshape the portfolio, the groups 50% stake in industrial firm
Glencore, Cutifani has embarked on a there will be implications for the support Lafarge Tarmac is intended to take some
new wave of cost-cutting with the groups structures required to support those pressure off the debt pile, but it looks
offices, described by UK newspaper The increasingly likely that it wont be able to
Sunday Times as sumptuous, earmarked divest of 100% of its Rustenburg mines
for rationalisation. OUR TOUGH REALITY IS and that a listing for the mines is being
Actually, whats intended according to prepared.
the paper is for Anglo to prematurely end SA HAS A VERY But a listing is somewhat problematic
the lease on its St James premises 20
Carlton House Terrace a property near
HIGH INFLATION because Anglo will have to retain a
stake in the company, exposing itself
Buckingham Palace designed by Regency AND SO TO COMPETE WE to potential short-term losses, while
architect John Nash. The lease for the HAVE TO CONTINUE TO its also possible government could
offices runs until 2020. request the entity be debt-free as it did
There is no planned return of Anglos when AngloGold Ashanti attempted
head office to South Africa, however a AND OTHERS COSTS. to demerge local mines into a separate
development that would no doubt delight company. This would require Amplats
government, which has been critical of retaining signif icant debt, another
its wantaway firms (Anglo was founded headwind for the stock, said Goldman
in SA with UK and US money 98 years Sachs in a report.
ago). This is notwithstanding the fact Cutifani said: Were still in our dual
that Cutifani has had himself elected to track process of evaluating the best way
the chairmanship of Anglo American forward for Rustenburg and Union.
South Africa. Mark
Theres a lot of work we have put in to
It is clear that Anglo is pursuing Cutifani restructure these mines into a sustainable
all options to cut costs, said Investec standalone business profitable and cash-
Securities, while a source told The Sunday generative.
Times: The message is that the civil Weve received expressions of interest
service-style days of Anglo are over. and as I said earlier were only interested
Relocating the UK head office is but in selling for value. We are still evaluating
the tip of the iceberg for the cost-cutting which route to take and will make an
at Anglo. announcement by mid-year.
Should Anglo American divest of its
non-core Rustenburg platinum mines, as
planned, and dispense with many of its Cutifani was speaking to Miningmx in an
Eskom-dedicated coal mines, as stated interview that will appear in The Mining
by Cutifani, the groups SA corporate Yearbook in Finweeks 2 July edition.
Ashantis Mponeng
mine south-west of
t may have been a slip of the tongue, We view the announcement as positive anticipation of increased costs following
but AngloGold Ashanti CEO, and a significant step in the right direction wage negotiations, it said. However, as
Sr inivasan Venk ata k r ishnan, to de-leveraging the companys balance AngloGold has less than 20% exposure to
dismissed raising funds through sheet, said James Oberholzer, analyst for SA, we believe this underperformance is
shares as a dumb idea, even though thats Macquarie Research in Johannesburg. unwarranted.
exactly what was required of Newmont So with analysts agreeing that Of Harmony and Sibanye, however,
Mining in its $820m (R10.2bn) capture of selling CC&V makes good sense, there was less sanguinity.
AngloGolds US mine. Venkatakrishnan can confidently look to Even a 10% increase in the wage
The market agreed with closing out debt, starting with the $1.25bn bill would see Harmony Golds pretax
Venkatakrishnan by penalising Newmont (R15.5bn) bond that carries an expensive earnings fall by 19%, while the overall
shares roughly 10% in the first two days 8% coupon rate. health of SAs gold industry would be in
after the 9 June transaction. Pressure off the balance sheet also question since roughly 40% of all operating
Venkatakrishnan can call on his own loosens the shirt collar in respect of gold mines were losing money.
experience of trying to tap shareholders approaching wage talks with South We believe that in an environment of
for funds in the current downturn, when African unions. One of the potentially declining gold prices, substantial increases
AngloGold shares fell 12% as investors negative consequences of selling the US in labour costs may result in further
recoiled at a $2.1bn (R26bn) rights offer mine equal to 5% of AngloGolds total deterioration in the profitability of SA
intended to clear out debt. production is that it increases the firms gold mining and impact its long-term
Long-term investors dont favour the overall exposure to SAs flammable labour scope and sustainability, said Goldman
idea of being made to pay for past balance relations. Sachs. It also observed that the industrys
sheet excesses, nor of being diluted Wage talks may well be a difficult average operating profit margin in 2014
while the share price is under pressure. affair with both the National Union of was 25% versus 45% for gold miners in
The only alternative for AngloGold and Mineworkers (NUM) and the Association other countries.
Venkatakrishnan was the sale of assets, of Mineworkers and Construction Union Set against this is a current of disbelief
hence the divestment from Cripple Creek (Amcu) demanding an increase of between among government and unions, which
& Victor (CC&V) to Newmont cutting 80% and 150% for entry-level workers. have warned mining companies that they
the firms debt by a third to about $2bn, However, according to Goldman Sachs, will not accept retrenchments as a direct
removing the need for further asset sales. AngloGold still has far less exposure to consequence of higher wages.
Analysts liked the transaction. Leon SA (20% of total production) than either There was a threat a few years ago in
Esterhuizen, precious metals analyst for Harmony (90%) or Sibanye Gold (100%) the platinum sector that some 10 000 jobs
CIBC Markets, called it a coup while and is therefore the banks preferred stock would be lost and that hasnt happened
Andrew Byrne, analyst for Barclays, said through the wage talks. because of government intervention, said
AngloGolds 33% discount to its peer We b e l i e v e t h e r e c e nt Advocate Mahlodi Muofhe, spokesperson
group was now unjustified. He saw a 46% underperformance [of AngloGold] for the department of mineral resources.
upside to the share price. versus global gold peers is due to
w ing to the highly required urgent recapitalisation: Coal capitalised big players that either conduct
speculative and risky nature of Africa, Waterberg Coal Company, their own exploration, or buy up juniors
of the search for tomorrows Miranda Minerals, all in coal. Others, with good prospects.
minerals, investing in South such as Tawana Resources and Bauba Paul Miller, a resources banker at
Africas junior mining sector is best left to Exploration, had changed management Nedbank Capital, says its also worth
the professionals. Theres a number of or focus, or both. noting that more exploration companies
reasons for that. So why bother? sit outside the Chamber of Mines than
Mineral exploration is never quick or Well, when exploration companies do within it, while the South African
easy; it is riddled with unknowns, and the find something, in the right market, the Mining Development Association
companies that are involved in it are always returns can be stratospheric. (SAMDA), an organisation established
a bad winter away from insolvency. Even Eland Platinum sold its prospect specifically for junior mining, has fallen
companies with good projects can end up to Xstrata for $1bn. Australian-listed into disrepair.
victim to a bad market such as now when Riversdale sold its coking coal prospect to Worst, though, are the regulatory
the world is long on metals, and demand Rio Tinto and Indian conglomerate Tata headwinds. According to Otsile Matlou,
and capital have fallen badly away. for $4bn, while the worlds best-known a director at law firm ENSafrica, the
And if any further evidence is mining entrepreneur, Robert Friedland, current regulatory framework has been
required, not even the professionals fancy discovered the Voiseys Bay nickel deposit designed for existing mining companies,
South African exploration shares much. in Canada and sold it to Inco for $3.1bn. not for mines that will exist in the future.
According to Peter Major, a mining There are also good reasons why an Exploration companies have to deal
policy consultant for Cadiz Corporate economy needs junior mining, especially with 203 different statutes which, for
Solutions, exploration companies arent in SA where theres a strong history them, is like starting at technical non-
to be trusted in the main. of mineral activity and a need for job compliance even before you start, said
He responded to a question at creation. Matlou. There would be benefit from
the recent Junior Indaba conference According to industry commentators, the development of bespoke rules that
in Johannesburg as to why start-up however, there are too many historical, only speaks to that industry.
exploration firms always did so badly by regulator y and industr y obstacles R e g u l ator y u nc er t a i nt y w it h
making the facetious remark: Juniors preventing the take-off of junior empowerment rules in SA isnt helping.
havent failed. Juniors milk the suckers. exploration firms. The risk profile of SA has increased
The evidence in terms of JSE SAs history of conglomeration because of everything that has happened,
performance is not overwhelming either. Anglo American and Gencor for instance said Sacha Beukes, a senior investment
A quick scan of the JSE stocks pages means investors dont really have much officer at the IFC, the finance arm of the
shows that in the current market, a slew of of a track record with exploration firms; World Bank.
exploration and development firms have theyre more familiar with strongly Perhaps the most damning of all
statements was uttered by Miller, who
commented on the sinister side of
THE CURRENT REGULATORY government relations. You have to take
your battery out your cellphone because
FRAMEWORK HAS BEEN theyre suspicious you might record
DESIGNED FOR EXISTING meetings with your own company.
MINING COMPANIES, NOT You have to meet people in hotels
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housands of jobs and around 70% of Agoas (non-fuel) products. which bases its business primarily on
R900m in revenue in the Agoas benefit to SA last year clocked in chicken, warned the imports were likely
poultry industry have been put at $3.5bn (R43.5bn) in foreign exchange to negatively impact local farmers. But
on the line so that South Africa earnings. Indirectly through job creation having bargained the US down from its
can remain a beneficiary of Americas and numerous downstream businesses, initial quota demand of 110 tons a year to
African Growth and Opportunity Act the agreement is worth billions more. 65 tons a year, the company said the deal,
(Agoa). Industries such as citrus fruit, wine which was integral to the extension of the
The 15-year-old trade agreement and, importantly, vehicle manufacturing Agoa agreement, was acceptable.
allows 39 sub-Saharan countries to are at least partially powered by the Since 1999, SA has had in place
export duty-free more than 7 000 largesse of the USs trade policy. an antidumping duty of R9.40/kg on
products to the worlds biggest economy. But from next year, at least 65 000 chicken coming in from the US. This is
Its non-reciprocal too, so the beneficiary tons of US chicken pieces will be sold in in addition to the 37% tax on all chicken
countries are under no obligation to local supermarkets. The bone-in brown imports, most of which come from the
provide duty- or quota-free access to meat pieces primarily leg and thigh EU. America has demanded that this
their own domestic markets for US are expected to undercut local prices and antidumping duty be pulled and that the
goods. scythe the profits of producers. country be allowed to compete on the
South African exports account for Last month, JSE-listed Astral Foods, same basis as other importers.
Tens of thousands of job losses in Swaziland are a taste of what it could be like
American poultry, Isakson said before
the deal was struck.
The Paris agreement doesnt ensure
for SA to lose Agoa. The government of Swaziland, with a population of just that SAs preferential export status will be
over 1m people, didnt implement a number of US demands on workers rights extended though, but its an important
and was excluded from Agoa last year. The textile industry, which was built step forward, according to the USAs
largely on the back of the Agoa agreement, has been hardest hit. minister counselor for economic affairs,
This week, a subcontractor to a textile producer, who asked not to be named, Laird Treiber.
said she had cut almost 10% of her workforce as US demand fell for Swazi
He said that health certification
Jim Wang, an administrator at Tex Ray, a Taiwan-based textile and garment
requirements still needed to be finalised
factory operating in Swaziland, said earlier this year that his company had for the import of beef and pork as well
retrenched 1 500 people from factories that were operating solely to supply as poultry, but that this was due to be
the US market. He said some of these workers had been lucky enough to find tied up by the end of June. He said the
jobs elsewhere, but others had returned to do agriculture at home, in other blistering pace of the decision-making
words subsistence farming. He said the company was currently trying to indicated just how seriously the two
increase its sales into the much smaller South African market also a duty-free governments viewed the extension of
zone but at the moment we cant increase enough to recover. the agreement.
Billionaire Natie Kirsh has been lobbying hard to get the US to reinstate Agoa While the rationale for the sacrifice is
Gallo Images/iStock
in Swaziland. Kirsh, 82, whose fortune far exceeds that of the controversial King not in doubt, the South African Poultry
Mswati III, kicked off his astounding career in property and retail in Swaziland.
Association (Sapa) is less than charmed.
He has a deep attachment to the country and a great deal of influence around
the world. However despite his efforts, the US has thus far stood firm.
Sapa CEO Kevin Lovell said that while
the agreement had brought vital certainty
to the industry, enabling producers and
buyers to plan ahead, it was potentially
destructive to the poultry industry.
Lovell said the eligibility of US
chicken in SA would be similar to a
grey import a product brought into
the country without the proper import
duties being paid. Theres no difference
to typical grey imports like microwaves
and hi-fi equipment, he said: Consumers
pay a lower price for the same goods.
Not so, said Treiber. Far from
destroying jobs and turnover, the
imports would grow the market. By
allowing more choice and lower prices,
new consumers would be attracted and
Threatening the loss of Agoa unless the consumption would increase.
antidumping duties on chicken were ASTRAL FOODS WARNED At an estimated 36.4kg per capita
dropped was driven by two senators IN MAY THAT IF A QUOTA consumed in 2013, according to Sapa
with major interests in accessing Africas data, SA is Africas top chicken consumer
biggest and growing chicken ON US POULTRY IMPORTS
and number four in the world, making
consumer market. WAS AGREED ON THE BACK it a lucrative target for global producers.
Delawares Democratic senator, Chris OF THE AGOA RENEWAL, IT Speaking from the US embassy in
Coons, and Georgia Republican Johnny Pretoria, Treiber this week highlighted
Isakson both represent states with vast WAS LIKELY TO
SAs growing demand for chicken.
poultry industries. They described South Africa has moved from being in
as iniquitous SAs continued benefit the top 20 to the top 10 global consumer
of Americas largesse while imposing
of the meat, and is the ninth-biggest
almost 100% duties on US-bred chicken. importer in the world.
I believe it unfair and inappropriate Poultry industry leader Astral Foods
that the country that benefits from the warned in May that if a quota on US
law the most South Africa continues LOCAL PRODUCERS. poultry imports was agreed on the back
to maintain unreasonable tariffs on
espite the past challenges strength of our natural resources and a middle-income country. This would
facing the war-torn state, the that endowment is still there. include addressing its long-standing
impact of lower commodity Liberias geography supports its infrastructural problems, says Sirleaf.
prices and the loss of attractiveness for investment. The In the past, the country did not have
development gains by the deadly Ebola f low of goods across international the diversity to withstand economic
outbreak, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf markets is made easy via seaports shocks and the largest constraint to
describes Liberia as a well-endowed along its 579km shoreline, explains achieving diversity has been the lack of
country. George Wisner, executive director of infrastructural development, she says.
Speak ing at the Johannesburg the National Investment Commission One of the issues that will be addressed
Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NIC). Opportunities to develop within the next 18 to 22 months is the
on 11 June, Sirleaf, who became the infrastructure of airport facilities gives need for energy resources including
first female democratically elected Liberia a comparative advantage over renewable energy such as solar and
head of state on the continent in 2006, neighbouring countries as it is in close hydroelectricity.
promoted Liberias natural resources as proximity to Latin and North America, We believe that we are now on the
investment opportunities. The mining, and Europe and the Middle East, says road to recovery and we can use the
agriculture, forestry and marine sectors Wisner. experience of the past to achieve the
all have potential for growth, she says. The long-term Vision 2030 plan for diversity and transformation goals, says
Weve been trying to build on the transformation will see Liberia become Sirleaf. Through the effective use of
Gallo Images/Thinkstock
Liberia, which was declared Ebola-free in says Konneh. The economy is expected to
May, is still counting the economic cost of grow 3% this year, according to the latest
the outbreak, which slowed investment World Bank estimates. Besides relying on
and cut economic growth. The outbreak, external support, such as debt relief and
the largest in history, killed more than trade facilitation from the World Bank, the
11 000 people in West Africa since it started rebuilding of Liberia starts from within, he
in February last year. New cases continue to says.
be reported in neighbouring Sierra Leone The Ebola outbreak served as a reminder
and Guinea. for the continuous investment in institutions
The children were not in school, we for human development such as education,
almost lost an entire year because of Ebola, health and social protection, says Konneh.
says Konneh. Economic growth for 2014 is Since its eradication, the country
estimated at 0.7%, down from 8.9% in 2013, has started to re-engage the investor
according to the International Monetary community and investors confidence is
Fund (IMF). Estimated GDP losses in 2015 picking up again, says Wisner.
are $240m (R3bn) for Liberia, a major When there is a common threat, a nation
impact if considered that GDP in 2013 was puts aside all of its differences political,
estimated at just under $2bn (R24.9bn). religion, ideological and can come and
In addition, the steep decline in iron ore confront that threat and win, says Sirleaf.
prices curtailed planned investment in the The silver lining in the situation is that the
mining sector, the IMF said. Other industries, international community recognises the
such as the services and agricultural importance of forming partnerships to
A woman stands in front
of her market stall selling sectors, also declined. Restaurants were prevent any global catastrophe, she says.
various grains in the virtually empty, says Konneh. Of her legacy, Sirleaf says: I met a
Liberian capital Monrovia. However, the disease brought together ravished country and we kept it peaceful
members of parliament, the private sector and had it develop and we left it better than
and civil society to work on a solution, we found it.
resources and partnerships for financing, is the stability in the country, which
the country can address poverty and
ensure sustainable economic growth,
she adds.
SNAPSHOT we have demonstrated in the past two
election cycles. Our country is on an
irreversible path to sustain growth and
If investors take advantage of the POPULATION: 4.3M development, says Konneh.
huge potential that exists in Liberia, It will be ideal if investors set up
it will benefit job creation, says the GDP PER CAPITA: $454.34 (2013) shop in Liberia, adds Konneh. We
countrys f inance minister Amara want to make our economy a three-ship
Konneh. LIFE EXPECTANCY: 60.2 YEARS economy. Right now we are only one
Liberia has incentivised investors by ship.
making the environment conducive for 63.8%
Liberias major trade partners are
business, he says. The efficiency of the Europe and China. There is a trade
environment ensures that it takes 10 ECONOMIC GROWTH: 3% deficit between Liberia and South
days to register a business, he explains. (ESTIMATED FOR 2015) Africa. Past efforts to establish trade
We also have an attractive percentage partnerships between the two countries
in our revenue growth for investors, he WORLD BANKS EASE OF DOING failed, but there are still hopes to establish
adds. The NIC allows easy repatriation business partnerships with South African
of profit, making it easy for investment to entities, says Sirleaf. MTN is the best-
grow, says Wisner. Investors find it easy KEY ECONOMIC SECTORS: known local company with operations in
to invest and find it easy to get profits. FORESTRY, MINING (IRON ORE AND Liberia.
The biggest guarantee we have DIAMONDS), AGRICULTURE
The Cape is
proudly African BY LIESL PEYPER
ntracontinental trade received a table in the form of R7bn worth of
major boost on 10 June when 26 foreign direct investment (FDI). And
A frican leaders signed a THERES NO its not only tourism, wine and asset
comprehensive free-trade agreement
connecting three existing trade blocs to
form the Tripartite Free Trade Area
management, says Harris, a former DA
shadow minister of finance. Its actually
incredibly diversified.
(TFTA), which will stretch from Cairo The Cape Peninsula boasts a number
to Cape Town. TO THE PROVINCE. of heavy industrial manufacturing
The deal, which has the potential facilities, such as in Atlantis where
to integrate the continent like never engine blocks for Mercedes-Benz are
before, also comes at a time when the the biggest global mining conferences in built and where Hisense puts together
Western Cape is repositioning itself as Cape Town a region where very little TVs and fridges for export to the rest
the preferred headquarter for existing mining activity is taking place shows of Africa, while Kimberly-Clark, which
and prospective investors into Africa. that companies around the world are manufactures fast-moving consumer
If theres one thing he wants to achieve coming to Cape Town to think about goods, is based in Epping.
during his tenure as chief executive of their Africa mining strategies. The more These industries show the Western
Wesgro, the Western Capes official we can replicate that, the brighter our Cape is not only about the service
trade and investment promotion agency, future will be. industry its also possible to run heavy
it is to change the view that Cape Town and light manufacturing operations.
is not part of Africa, says Tim Harris, IN SYMBIOSIS WITH SA
who was appointed to the position three Harriss counter-isolationist strategy for UNCERTAINTIES
months ago. the Western Cape also shines through Selling Cape Town and the Western
Theres no isolationist strategy when in his plans for the relationship he would Cape sometimes has its difficulties too.
it comes to the province, he says. On like to foster with the department of We recognise decisions are sometimes
the contrary, the only way we can really trade and industry (dti). made at a national level that dont make it
sell an economic future for the Western When were offering a package to easy to sell our region, says Harris.
Cape is through being incredibly South African investors, a substantial South Africas decision to cancel
integrated with the rest of the country part of the incentives come from the bilateral investment treaties (BITs)
and as importantly the rest of the dti, says Harris. The dtis incentives with the EU and the release of the draft
continent. impact the bottom line of investments, Promotion and Protection of Investment
In a way, Harris says, the Western so the Western Capes relationship with Bill in its place are cause for concern
Cape and Cape Town are already dti is very important and I intend to among investors.
achieving this. The annual Mining strengthen that relationship. The cancellation of the BITs, says
Indaba is a case in point. The Western Cape, in turn, is Harris, was unfortunate timing.
The fact that were hosting one of bringing an important element to the Internationally theres a move away
Cape Town and the Western Cape are a part of South Africa and the rest
of the continent, and therein lies the regions economic future, says Tim
Harris, CEO of Wesgro.
An architectural
impression of the
Werksmans building
ts a sign of the times that legal
services firms are booming while
the rest of the economy limps
Werksmans recently announced it
would relocate its Johannesburg head
office to the new Central development
opposite the Gautrain station in
Sandton, where it will be the anchor
tenant, occupying 12 500m of space.
ENSafrica (Edward Nathan pave the way for its expansion across
Sonnenbergs) recently took up more the continent. Christo Els, senior
space in its Cape Town and Durban partner at Webber Wentzel, says
off ices and is look ing to acquire the real growth opportunity going
bigger off ices in Johannesburg. It forward is in sub-Saharan Africa,
currently has 14 off ices in seven which like SA is beset w ith
countries across Africa. increasingly complex commercial and
Bowman Gilfillan Africa Group legal obstacles.
has grown its number of attorneys by It is no longer sufficient to offer
15% to 476 and doubled the size of clients vanilla legal advice. Most of
its Kenya office in the past two years. the big groups have added non-legal
Over the same period it added three services such as risk management,
new offices in Durban, Botswana and forensic investigations, accounting
Madagascar bringing its total office and other disciplines, blurring the
count in Africa to eight. lines between traditional accounting
Webber Wentzel in Johannesburg and legal services firms. In the era
currently occupies three buildings of globalisation, a vaguely worded
in Illovo, but plans to consolidate contract or a miscalculation on pricing
all its staff in one building now Marilise van der can be catastrophic. No South African
under development at 90 Rivonia Road Westhuizen company would venture into Central
in Sandton. or West Africa without an ace legal
THE REAL GROWTH expert at its side. The risks are simply
NORTH OF THE BORDER OPPORTUNITY GOING Norton Rose Fulbrights head of the
All of the Big 6 legal f irms report FORWARD IS IN SUB- regulatory and investigations practice,
substantial growth in the last two SAHARAN AFRICA, WHICH Marelise van der Westhuizen says the
years. The biggest growth appears to LIKE SA IS BESET WITH intensified regulatory regime in SAs
be in Africa, ref lecting the migration stringent and complex regulator y
of S A c omp a n ie s nor t h of t he INCREASINGLY COMPLEX environment is at the forefront of the
Limpopo in search of new markets. COMMERCIAL AND LEGAL issues facing businesses today. South
If SA has become a regulator y OBSTACLES. Africas regulatory environment is
minef ield, the rest of Africa is no the most complex and stringent on
d if ferent. W h i le Sout h A f r ica n the African continent and corporate
companies have to negotiate stiffer their own under the rubric of resource compliance has become particularly
m i n i n g a nd a f f i r m at i v e a c t ion nationalism and indigenisation. important as South Africa adapts its
regulations at home, other countries Webber Wentzel has teamed up legislative regime to meet external and
in Africa have adopted similar laws of with global law f irm Linklaters to internal economic forces.
hoosi ng a med ica l a id for their employees, GTC (formerly comprehensive options), net work
scheme is often a daunting Grant Thornton Capital) released its or non-net work plans (a net work
task and consumers fifth GTC Medical Aid Survey earlier option may be cheaper, but will have
typically go with whatever this month, enabling users to compare limitations regarding the hospitals and
suits their pocket, hoping it will cover apples with apples as they weigh the doctors, for example, you can visit) and
Gallo Images/iStock
their medical expenses when they need costs and level of coverage offered by the costs involved.
it most. the different medical aid schemes. The B a s e d on t h i s y e a r s r e p or t ,
In an attempt to help employers medical aids were ranked according CompCare Wellnesss Mumed NN
choose the right medical aid scheme to the types of plans (for example medical aid option, at a risk premium
Jillian Larkan, head of GTC Healthcare information in time to be included in
the survey, while others chose not to be
The survey looked at 12 different
hospital cover plans, but comparing
these was a challenge since their
benefits range vastly from one plan to
YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY another. One may only provide 100%
FOR. MEDICAL SCHEMES ARE in-hospital cover, compared to another
NON-PROFIT: IF YOU PUT X which may provide 200% in-hospital
AMOUNT IN, YOU CAN ONLY cover, says Larkan. When you identify
that the in-hospital cover is doubled
SPEND X AMOUNT. on one plan compared to another, you
Five ways
to be
he workplace of today is often and positive people have a positive and off from a potential protective factor,
inf used w it h fast-paced hopeful view of the future and they namely finding some form of social
c h a n g e , u n c e r t a i n t y, expect that things will work out well in support. They rather listen to other
complexity and stress. There the end. peoples perspectives on what can
are the pressures of work backlogs, possibly be done to resolve their
demanding clients and lingering threats Face your hardships. Do not problems. Remember the expression:
of restructuring that bring job insecurity shy away from your problems, Misery likes company, but company
and the accompany ing f inancia l but rather face up to them even does not like misery.
implications of losing an income. though they seem unpleasant at the
Welcome to the modern workplace. time. Make a deliberate choice to do THE NEXT TIME YOU ARE IN A
All these kinds of situations ask for something about your difficult situation, TIGHT SPOT, ASK YOURSELF THE
some kind of adaptive response, which while at the same time ensuring that your FOLLOWING:
might if the blows all come at the emotions do not become negative. Am I staying positive and optimistic
same time reduce your ability to deal about this situation what can I do to
with them. Be determined. Refuse to accept stay positive and optimistic?
How do you keep confident and failure as an option and persevere What small step can I take to solve this
motivated without being overwhelmed even when you experience some problem right now? Doing something,
and being unable to perform? setbacks. Face and deal with the obstacles however small, will give hope and
This is where resilience comes that come your way, one by one. motivation to carry on.
into play. Resilience is the ability to Do I believe that things will work out
overcome crises or bounce back from One of the most important well in the end?
difficult times and stresses. It is about skills of resilient people is Am I determined to overcome this
responding with inner strength to the that they do not get involved problem?
demands; an ability to absorb turmoil, in negative thinking patterns about Do I complain about my current
to stay competent while at the same themselves and the problems that problems?
time renewing yourself. they face. Do not ruminate about your Do I have a good friend to talk to
problems. Make an active choice to stop about the situation that I am facing?
THINGS THAT WILL HELP TO moaning and groaning about them.
Gallo Images/iStock
CIRCUMSTANCES ARE: Seek out the support of your Dr Willie Visser is the director of the Centre
Stay positive and optimistic even friends and family. If people for Positive People @ Work, providing
though things are not going as you complain too much about their thought leadership, research and practical
would like them to go. Optimistic problems, they will cut themselves implementation in employee engagement.
A great start Simon Brown
THE NEWEST JSE listing is a special The issue for me is multifold: firstly the
Last trade
purpose acquisition company (SPAC), hef ty premium, but also the hype ideas
essentially a listed cash shell that will around the renewable-energy tag. This
find businesses to buy. In the case of is a hot space and will be massive in Clover
Renergen it has some R74m, which decades to come, but right now it is an
equates to R10 a share, and the shares a re a of exp e rim e ntin g with lit tl e
have traded up at R18, a fairly chunky profitable substance and it is the
premium. profitable part of the equation that is of
The plan is to invest in renewable- most importance. RMBMID
energy companies. The rules of a listed The share has run already since listing
SPAC require that an acquisition be and an announcement of an acquisition South32
made within two years and I suspect will send it soaring higher. Then it will be
well see a deal announced sooner time to sell as the real, and hard, work
rather than later. of making profits will start.
TOP 10
Benchmark: MSCI World Index (AS AT END-MARCH)
Portfolio managers: Ian Heslop, Amadeo Alentorn and 1 Apple Inc. 2.3%
Mike Servent
Minimum lump sum/monthly R10 000/R500 2 Johnson & Johnson 1.2%
Total expense ratio (TER): 2.07%* 3 Exxon Mobil Corporation 0.9%
Fund size (Rbn): 6.8 4 Intel Corporation 0.9%
Contact information: 0860 234 234 / / 5 Novo Nordisk AS 0.8%
*The TER is for the Class A category of the fund, and includes the annual service fee. 6 Gilead Sciences 0.8%
How to analyse
company debt BY SIMON BROWN
write a lot about debt and am
consistently checking company debt
levels for a simple reason debt is a
classic two-edged sword. Used
correctly, it can help a company grow but
on the flip side, if its abused or managed
poorly, it can hurt growth or even lead to
the bankruptcy of a company.
The key point of debt is that if a
company is borrowing money that it can
afford to pay back and the loan ultimately
adds extra revenue and profit ahead of
Gallo Images/iStock
the cost of the debt, it is a good deal.
So, as an example, it would be great if
a company borrowed money at say 10%
that led to an increase of 15% in profits.
Debt is also the preferred way to raise IT WOULD BE GREAT IF one would remove any cash the company
money; other options such as rights issues holds from the debt on the assumption
are problematic as new shares are issued that this gives a clearer picture. While
and essentially youre paying for that new MONEY AT SAY in theory cash can be used for paying off
money forever by way of the new shares debt, it may have other uses. That said,
that have a permanent claim on future typically I look at both.
profits and dividends. In other words, the I then compare a companys ratios to
extra shares exist forever whereas debt THAT LED TO AN INCREASE industry peers and the own companys
can be paid back. previous levels. This now tells you how
So given that debt is a useful but
OF 15% IN PROFITS. its current debt situation stacks up.
potentially dangerous tool, how do we The annua l repor t is another
monitor it and ensure a companys debt problem with this type of debt is why it important document as it will give a
is not life-threatening? was taken out in the first place. Overdraft lot more detail on the debt a company
Firstly, we would check the balance debt suggests the company needed has. Payment dates and interest rates
sheet. Debt will be listed on the liability some cash in a hurry and rather than will be provided and the former is very
side either as current (due within the next (or perhaps unable to) borrow money, it important. If a company has a lot of debt
12 months) or non-current (due after the simply ran up an overdraft. This suggests expiring in say two years time, what is
next 12 months). either a crisis or lack of planning. the plan? Will it roll the debt over into
The f igure for current debt is a new loan or is the company planning
important as the company will have to SO NOW THAT WE KNOW to pay it off?
pay it back or roll it over via a new loan WHERE THE DEBT IS, HOW DO As a last point, debt should ideally
and the question is whether the company WE LOOK AT IT AND WHAT be project-specific. I prefer when debt
can manage one or the other. RATIOS SHOULD WE USE? is raised specifically for a project or
We will also sometimes see some Certainly the preferred ratio for debt is acquisition rather than when a company
debt sitting in an overdraft facility. This the debt-to-equity (D/E) ratio or the net- just borrows a large sum for no specific
I dont like one bit. Firstly, an overdraft is debt-to-equity ratio. This is simple the purpose. This makes it easier for
expensive debt in that it will be at a high equity on the balance sheet (remember shareholders to see if going into debt in
interest rate; secondly it can be called equity is all assets less all liabilities) into that specific case was ultimately worth
at any stage (in other words the lender which we divide debt. it or not.
can request immediate repayment). The The second version is net debt here
PPC donning a
contrarian hat
it h i n f ra st r uc t u re to non-payment of contractors and sub-
spending under contractors in the building and civil
pressure, the engineering industries were published
construction industry earlier this month. Similar payment
and its related sectors such as steel and regulations have been introduced in
cement have been under pressure. the UK, Singapore, Hong Kong, New
Private sector spending on infrastructure, Zealand, Australia and most recently
for example, halved last year to R95.4bn. Malaysia, and are said to have made a
In addition, construction companies have positive impact.
been hit by fines for collusion and price- With the construction industry in the companies have paid dearly in terms of
fixing on tenders, notably related to doldrums, its inevitable that suppliers share value. How far can these shares
World Cup stadiums. to the sector will suffer the same fate. still fall? Wearing my contrarian hat,
Profitability has plunged for most PPC, which has been hurt by its own to me, current levels make good buying
major South African construction boardroom squabbles last year leading levels a call thats purely based on the
groups, and stock prices for the main to the high-profile departure of former fact that PPC, in particular, could be
JSE-listed construction companies have CEO Ketso Gordhan, has plunged to bottoming up.
plummeted between 42% and 72% in the levels last tested in 2004.
past year. Most construction companies Despite PPCs efforts to diversify, POSSIBLE SCENARIO:
have felt massive pressure from a expand and acquire businesses in PPC has broken out of its steeper bear
decline in mining investment and the Zimbabwe and Botswana, investors are trend (within its major bear trend)
almost non-existent roll-out of large less than convinced. A proposed merger and ended the consolidation phase
state infrastructure projects in South with AfriSam, which would have seen of a potential bottoming-up pattern.
Africa, while they are also facing labour the combined group control about 60% Support retained at 1 760c/share would
disruptions and problems with legacy of the local cement market, was called increase the chances of the group
contracts. off in March. embarking on the ascending phase of
On the plus side, draft regulations But look at it this way: construction the bullish reversal pattern towards the
that aim to overcome problems related in SA has suffered a big blow and the 2 840c/share prior high in the short
term (one to six months). However, stop
PPC LTD losses should be carefully monitored
with this call. A 100% retracement to
the 3 475c/share level would even be
possible above 2 840c/share.
A reversal below 1 620c/share could
trigger another sell-off to the 1 215c/
share support mark PPC would then
test its 2003 lows.
POLE There have been reports that
The construction sector remains Anglo American Platinum
a sector best avoided and this is looking to separately list
was once again illustrated by two its Rustenburg platinum
recent announcements. Firstly mines as it cant find a buyer
Murray & Roberts announced a at an acceptable price. The
R4.8bn contract that adds some usual rules apply here: if
12% to the order book. Nice, nobody else wants these
but considering we have no idea mines, why would I?
of margins or anything else, it is
hardly worth the excitement we BEGGING TO DIFFER
saw when the deal was announced.
More than anything, it shows how Peregrine results were absolutely normalised earnings are a better
desperate shareholders are for any top notch and here is a local sector ref lection of how the business is
good news. We then saw a trading that is doing well (Anchor Capital doing as they exclude share-based
update from Aveng indicating and Coronation in particular). payments. So are they saying that
HEPS will be at least 50% lower. Pereg r ine saw HEPS up 28% these free shares have no cost to
This sent the stock plunging, while the dividend was up 50% shareholder or the company? I totally
although it had run on the Murray and it is on a very good trajectory, disagree, hence I use the real HEPS
& Roberts announcement. This with more upside very likely. I do increase of 28% rather than its
sector remains extremely tough however disagree with members normalised HEPS increase of 36%
and I am leaving it well alone. of management who stated that that management prefers to parade.
he JSE came into existence
following the South African EXCLUDING THE
gold rush almost 130 years
ago. In the early 1990s the
stock exchange upgraded to an electronic MEMBERSHIP FEES, ALL THE
trading system. In the 2000s it launched DIVISIONS HAVE SEEN A
the AltX and YieldX exchanges and GOOD GROWTH IN REVENUE.
acquired the South African Futures
Exchange (SAFEX) as well as the Bond
Exchange of South Africa (BESA). The cash equity operations make up the
The JSE now remains South Africas bulk of the groups revenue. This consists
only full-service and licensed securities of fees relating to the equity market, the
exchange facilitating transactions in the primary market, membership, back-
equities, bond/interest rate, financial, office services and post-trade services
commodity and currency derivatives and amounts to almost 70% of group
markets. This makes for a Warren revenue. Excluding the contribution from
Buffett-style monopoly investment case, membership fees, all the divisions have
especially when we consider the extensive seen a good growth in revenue. Strong
barriers to entry for competitors and in annuity growth in 2014 was largely as a
turn the inherent pricing power of the result of 24 listings in the most recent
operator, which manages the largest financial year, showing an improving
equity exchange in Africa, in terms of interest in the capital markets at present. terms of dividend of around 3.3% has
value traded. The JSE (Ltd, not the exchange been returned to investors in the past.
As the provider of both primary as a whole) has historically produced a This makes a total return of 13% to 15%
and secondary markets as well as the healthy return on equity at around 28%. a feasible expectation going forward
technology services to facilitate trades, Headline earnings growth remains in based on historical performance. Trading
the JSE also operates as the regulator double-digit territory (14% in the 2014 on a forward price-to-earnings (P/E)
thereof and sells market data. financial year), while a decent yield in multiple of 15.5 times, the JSE trades at
a marginal discount to the average P/E
Revenue breakdown * multiple of the Alsis constituents, as well
as a number of its major US, European
Back-office services (BDA)
and Asian peers.
Commodity derivatives fees
16% The JSE remains relevant in the
Currency derivatives fees
1% functioning of our domestic economy,
3% Equity derivatives fees
1% providing both local and foreign access
Equity market fees
not only to local capital markets, but
Funds under management
12% 9% also serves as a gateway into the African
Interest market fees
continent. The regulator, which is highly
Primary market fees
regarded in terms of global securities
Market data fees
regulation, has had a solid track record
Membership fees
since its listing, suggesting a strong
Post-trade services
addition to an investment portfolio with
a long-term time horizon.
*Based on total revenue of R1.8bn for the year to end December 2014.
always enjoy the story of how the Decisions were made in fear of further on three prior occasions since 1981: in
Springboks played a test match devaluation and a large number of 1985 (Rubicon speech), 2001 (rand
against Scotland at Murrayfield foreign investment opportunities were manipulation) and 2008 (global financial
Stadium in Edinburgh in 1951 and taken up, only for investors to discover crisis).
how they beat them with a record score that, until recently, they should have been Furthermore, we will see that the
of 44-0. The Scottish commentator, Bill happy with 0% growth on their capital rand traded at an average premium of
McLaren, famously told his listeners that in rand terms. 36% over the past 22 years (since the
the Scots were lucky to have scored zero Back to the present. For nearly build-up to the first democratic election).
points. a decade, no one cared for foreign Unfortunately, our currency has become
We heard the same words from many invest ments, but I m becom ing a global speculative toy, and I urge
investors 50 years later after they were increasingly worried about the number readers and investors to act with extreme
pulled down along with a rand that lost of readers and clients who recently caution when it comes to new offshore
more than 50% of its value against the approached me for the first time since investments right now.
US dollar in a three-year period up to 2001/02 asking about the best possible Although historical figures bear no
the end of 2001 (R6/$ down to R12/$). foreign investment opportunities. Why? promise for future performance, it is
Lets look at the value of the rand. The still unlikely that I would get rid of my
easiest way to determine its value is first own rands, regardless of all the bad news
and foremost to establish why it weakens about SA that is currently filling up the
TRADING AT A PREMIUM OF and strengthens. Our general benchmark worldwide press. My reason is simply
NEARLY 66% COMPARED is the US dollar. The rand should weaken because I wont be told that as soon as
TO ITS PPP VALUE. WE WILL with the difference in South African and the dust settles again, the rand wont be
American inflation rates. able to strengthen to levels of between
In December 1981 the rand was R1/$. R9-R10/$ (closer to the 36% premium
ONLY TRADED AT SUCH If the rand weakened yearly with the compared to its fair value).
HIGH PREMIUMS difference in inflation between South Short term, I would recommend
Africa and the USA since 1981, we will to keep in mind the golden rule of
ON THREE PRIOR note that it is not currently trading at its applying make-up less is more
OCCASIONS SINCE 1981: indicated purchasing power parity (PPP) when approaching any new offshore
IN 1985 (RUBICON SPEECH), of R7.55/$, but rather at R12.50/$. investment transaction. Rather focus on
The rand, therefore, is trading at a personal debt levels, because if the rand
premium of nearly 66% compared to its does weaken further, interest rates will be
AND 2008 (GLOBAL PPP value. We will also note that the in danger of rising.
FINANCIAL CRISIS). rand only traded at such high premiums
recent survey conducted by now regret their decision to cash in their
San lam found many savings, says Maharaj.
employees are unaware of He says assuming a young person
the effects of cashing out changes jobs every five years and opts to
their retirement savings when they THE FIRST SEVEN YEARS withdraw their retirement savings each
change employers, and many pensioners time they switch employers, the research
said they now regret doing so, says OF YOUR RETIREMENT shows that had they preserved these
Viresh Maharaj, chief marketing actuary SAVINGS WILL savings from the start of employment,
at Sanlam Employee Benefits. CONTRIBUTE MORE THAN they would have close on 16 times more
The research included responses from wealth at retirement compared to the
100 stand-alone funds, 100 employers amount they would have built had they
participating in umbrella funds, 503 cashed it in.
active members and 250 pensioners. OF YOUR TOTAL PACKAGE Better communication is required of
Almost half of all active members [WHEN YOU RETIRE] AT employers to equip employees to make
and more than half of all pensioners THE END. better decisions when they change jobs.
indicated that they did not understand 63% of respondents who cashed in their
how this seemingly innocuous decision savings reported that they used the cash
would negatively affect their ability to to settle debt ranging from credit cards
create lifetime wealth. With the benefit through to mortgage bonds, Maharaj
of hindsight, they indicated that they explains.
Top tips to help you save
hen we kicked off this series, we
prom i s e d to g et you f rom
financially flustered to investing
with conf idence. Until now,
however, weve spoken very little about saving and
investing and rather a lot about how to get your
financial life in order.
If youve been following this series, you should
have or should be in the process of creating an
emergency fund equal to three months income. You
should also be actively paying off your debt and have
an income replacement and disability product to
protect your income. Once all of these things are in
place, you are ready to save and invest.
Nitesh Patel, head of personal banking at Standard
Bank, says its often our mindset, rather than our
income, that stands in the way of saving. Creating
room in your budget for discretionary savings starts
with an understanding of your current spending
habits. Patel advises you start this process by recording
what you spent your money on at the end of each day.
Lezanne Human, CEO of FNB Savings,
Investments and Fiduciary, says while many South
Africans believe they cant afford to save, its
important to create room in the household budget
for savings sooner rather than later.
Those who start saving early will reap the rewards
in the long term. Time plays a huge factor in how
your savings will grow, so the earlier you start to save,
the more you earn because of compound interest,
she says.
For example, says Patel, saving R40 per saved R3 000, go out and purchase that Lezanne
work day about the price of a takeaway R500 outfit that you had your eye on. Human
lunch would result in massive savings Saving can be addictive: the more you
over a 10-year period. If you worked 260 save the more you will want to save.
days per year and saved R40 per day, you
would save R10 400 by the end of just DONT BE A PAY DAY
one year. The benefits of a packed lunch MILLIONAIRE
today could be worth the price of a small According to Patel, many people spend
car in 10 years, he says. 80% of their salary in the first week
of receiving it. This leads to financial
KNOW WHAT YOU WANT pressure towards the end of the month.
Saving for its own sake is harder than Create a culture where you stretch your
saving towards something. Building a money until the end of the month so you
savings or investment portfolio takes go into the new month with money from
time and discipline. the previous month. Apply this thinking
Create stretched but realistic goals to everything you earn. If you get a
and commit to the steps and sacrifices promotion, put the extra money aside
required to achieve them, says Human. for savings and building up your wealth,
Temptations will creep up, but if your rather than increasing your spending,
savings or investment goal is significant Patel advises.
or worth-while, it will help to keep you
focused. She adds that its important KEEP A CLOSE EYE ON YOUR
to set interim milestones to ensure you ACCOUNTS
remain on track. While its a good idea to forget about
spending your savings and investments
PAY YOURSELF FIRST to give them time to grow, Patel says
If your savings or investment strategy you should still keep an eye on your
depends on what is left at the end of the accounts. You may be paying a debit
month, you may be setting yourself up order for a service you no longer use. If IT IS OFTEN OUR
for failure, Human says. Its important you havent used that gym membership
to save and invest first, and then ensure in four months, consider cancelling it. MINDSET, RATHER
the money you have left can cover the rest You could use the money to pay off debt THAN OUR INCOME,
of your expenses. She says setting up a and being debt free will help you get your THAT STANDS IN THE
scheduled monthly transfer to a dedicated mojo back. You could also save money by WAY OF SAVING
savings or investment account is an easy, using the online services offered by your
free and automatic way to build a healthy bank. Instead of going into a branch, its
balance. worthwhile considering doing most of to fully understand the savings and
your payments via internet banking and investment products you use. Knowing
SAVINGS HACK: If youve recently paid debit orders, he says. the type of savings or investment product
off debt, putting the amount you used If youre using the same bank account you are depositing money into will be
to service your debt monthly into a you opened as a teenager, it might be empowering, as youll be able to ensure
savings account is an easy way to foster time for a change. According to Patel, that your product matches your risk,
the discipline of paying yourself first. evaluating your bank accounts is often return and access needs.
a good way to save money. You could She says its good to buy products that
TREAT YOURSELF save some cash by speaking to your bank match your circumstances or goals. If
The best part about saving is that you consultant to get the correct account you arent willing to take risks with your
get to reward yourself for your good for your needs. Check your insurance money, for example, you might need an
behaviour. Rewarding ourselves for hard and investment policies, they could be inflation-linked product, while those
work or a tough month is a great tool to inefficient and not delivering what you with a greater appetite for risk might
keep us motivated and inspired, says need. Checking them regularly will prefer to invest in shares.
Patel. Instead of spending money on an enable you to see if youre overpaying Keeping your spending in check and
item that you might like but do not need, in any areas and make adjustments that setting money aside to work for you is as
consider rewarding yourself for reaching could save you some cash. important as earning an income.
a savings goal. For example, when youve Human agrees, adding its important
he retirement landscape in worst things you can do as a parent is to
South Africa is not a positive GIVEN THE COST OF depend on your child during retirement,
one. Living in a country he says.
known for its poor saving
LIVING, SAVING FOR Your own financial future remains
habits, South Africans often leave RETIREMENT AND SAVING paramount, says King. Paying for
retirement on the backburner in favour FOR EDUCATION, THERE everything does not teach your child the
of immediate gratification. Treasury ARE FEW WHO CAN necessary financial hardship lessons
reports that only 6% of South Africans that is an important part of education.
will be able to maintain their current
COMFORTABLY AFFORD Overwhelmed with the cost of living,
lifestyle come retirement age. Putting ALL THREE. including the rising cost of education, the
away enough for an emergency fund is a majority of South Africans are opting to
huge challenge for many, let alone saving save for retirement over saving for the
enough money for retirement. This is there are few who can comfortably afford educational needs of their children, a
further compounded by the need to put all three. Studies are important, but trend that has emerged globally.
enough money away for the education of spend the minimum amount possible However, as a parent, you cannot
ones children and the rising cost to achieve studies [if battling to afford underestimate the importance of
thereof. saving for retirement simultaneously], providing your child with a good
Given the cost of living, saving for says Ronald King, head of technical education. So, how can one find the
retirement and saving for education, support at PSG Wealth. One of the right balance and be able to save for
There are no quick-fix tips to solve this
problem, says Lizl Budhram, head of advice at
Old Mutual. The only way to tackle this is with
a detailed financial plan that will highlight any
potential financial shortfalls. Then the adviser
and investor can discuss possible strategies to
address the identified shortfalls. SAVING FOR BOTH
This will give a clear indication of how
much needs to be saved per month for each
goal and whether there will be enough money How you can save for both, according to the educational
or not. If not, it will also show exactly how big website 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy:
the expected shortfall will be.
If even after seeking out an adviser you 1. DEFER RETIREMENT OR WORK PART-TIME DURING
are still unsure how you can meet both goals, RETIREMENT
perhaps a change in your lifestyle is required (see The longer you work, the more money youll earn and the later
box for further tips). youll need to dip into your retirement savings. Alternatively,
When asked whether taking out a student working part-time during retirement would also mean that
loan to pay for your childs education was a good you wont need to dip into your retirement savings as heavily
idea, Budhram says: It could be a good idea, as you would still be earning your own income.
depending on many factors, such as access to
credit, the surety requirements, the interest rate 2. REDUCE YOUR STANDARD OF LIVING NOW
and terms of the loan, the appetite for risk that Adjusting your spending habits now will ensure that you will
the parent and child would like to take with be able to retire comfortably while being able to provide your
borrowing/investing funds and the timeline child with a good education.
available before commencing studies.
Each case needs to be considered based on its 3. INVEST MORE AGGRESSIVELY
own facts, she says, reiterating the importance If you have several years until retirement, you might be able to
of seeking financial advice from an adviser. earn more money by investing aggressively but remember
However, she further says that this cannot that aggressive investments also bring a greater risk of loss.
be regarded as a general rule of thumb that will
be an appropriate strategy for most clients. For 4. SEND YOUR CHILD TO A LESS EXPENSIVE SCHOOL
example, it may be a much better strategy for a You may have dreamt that your child would follow your
specific investor to postpone their retirement by footsteps and attend a private school, however, you may
a year or two if this will allow you to fund your need to lower your expectations. Sending your child to a
childs education without taking out a loan. public school with a similarly high standard of education at
What parents should essentially do is open up a far lower cost could save you thousands of rand come the
an educational savings fund for their child when end of your childs school career.
they are born. Unfortunately, for most, this is
not the case and alternate measures need to be 5. INCREASE YOUR EARNINGS NOW
taken. What needs to be kept in mind is that You might consider increasing your hours at your current job
all hope is not lost. Saving for both is possible. (if it pays overtime), finding another high-paying job, taking
Saving for the future means making choices a second job or having a previously stay-at-home spouse
and creating a balance between competing return to the workforce.
financial demands, says Danelle van Heerde,
head of advice processes at Sanlam Personal
Finance. A professional adviser will be able to
work out how much you will need in retirement
and structure an investment plan accordingly.
Gallo Images/Thinkstock
ppermost in the mind of the homeowner when in 2014 for R1 194 200 would have been R556 900 over that
selling their home is capital profit. Likely to be a time. Little wonder then that many homeowners, basking in
secondary consideration is how much that sale is the glow of a healthy profit, pay less attention to the cost of the
Image/Rhodes Photographic
going to cost. But cost it will. The question is, how sale or to how much will it erode that capital profit.
much? Yet, selling your home requires giving away a sizeable chunk
On average, homeowners reside in their homes for eight of that profit. In South Africa, unless you are attempting a
years before selling, so the capital gain after this time is likely DIY project, that generally means money paid to either an
to be considerably more than chump change. estate agent or an auction house. But there is also a new kid
According to Absa figures, the capital profit of an average on the block, a low-cost online estate agency looking to buck
medium-sized home purchased in 2006 for R637 300 and sold traditional trends.
Homeowners predominantly concerned with the cost of the sale are
The estate agent platform has a long and proven record and
more likely to consider selling their home themselves. While there
is the method of choice in the country. Bound by the rules and
may be savings to be had, attempting to go it alone could end up
regulations of the Estate Agency Affairs Board, estate agents
costing as much as a traditional platform. Sellers should also bear
have the expertise and knowledge to manage the selling and
in mind that buyers of properties sold by owners may look to split
purchasing requirements on behalf of a homeowner. The
the savings that would normally be incurred on agents commission,
platform requires little effort from the seller. Estate agents
so there is the potential that they would not walk away with the full
manage the entire process from marketing, viewings and show
proceeds of those savings.
days to negotiating with both buyer and seller.
Anne Richardson brings acquired knowledge and passion
for fabric design to the world of interior decorating.
t has been a year since Anne specialises in home dcor and textiles, fabric design elements.
Richardson of Annapatat f irst Richardson began her career by studying For some 15 years, R ichardson
flung open the doors of her textile clothing design at a technikon and consulted to the wealthy elite in London.
shop in a restaurant-studded road working in the South African garment She met her partner, Andrew Berki, a
in Muizenberg, in Cape Towns False industry, before moving to London to try dealer in rare books, at a market in the
Bay. Richardsons partner owns a book to get into the fashion industry. UK. The couple eventually decided to
dea lership in the tow n, which is But Londons trendy clothes sector make the move to Cape Town. Berki set
considered the home of South African proved to be a closed shop for a fresh- up shop in Muizenberg, and Richardson
surfing. Before that, on the days that faced girl from South Africa, so she continued her interior decorating
shed be asked to keep an eye on the reinvented herself and found a new business, making curtains and doing
book dealership, Richardson would career path interior home furnishing. whatever she could with fabric.
often stare out across the road and Today Richardson through her brand Im passionate about textiles, says
wonder what it would be like to own her Annapatat Home Decor works with Richardson. The moment I picked up
own shop. homeowners and interior designers to a sewing machine I was hooked, at the
A s a c r e ator a nd m a k e r w ho create curtains, cushions, linen and other age of 18, I just loved it. I loved the fact
Anapatat stocks a select range of South African designed fabrics. Owner Anne
Richardson has a passion for the new wave coming from designers like Design
Team and Skinny laMinx.
that I could cut something out, zip-zip- about Drum magazine covers from the
zip and in a few hours, have a beautiful 1950s? But the minute you see these
thing that I can wear or use. fabrics you just understand why they
work and are reinventing local textile
When the shop across the road from When I opened my shop, I wanted
Berki s Rattlesnake Books became to do local textiles and the sort of textiles
available, Richardson decided to take you dont see in London. Because
the plunge and make it her own. An I think we have some very special
Afrikaans friend had given her the designers, doing very unique work that
nickname Annapatat, and she loved you seldom see, says Richardson.
the quirky ring to this moniker, so that Ever crafting and trying new things,
became the name of the store. Richardson also makes her own designs,
R ichardson stocks fabrics from using lino-printing, fabric painting and
lines that she feels passionate about, stitching.
like Skinny laMinx and Design Team. At first, opening a shop was scary,
These are South African designs that Richardson admits, but now she knows
Images/ Jon Pienaar
draw inspiration from recognisable it was worth it, saying: I have never had
South African motifs that are a part of my own retail space before I worked
our popular culture. These range from from home and did market stalls before. I
the elegant to the quirky a Karoo have learned that having your own retail
windmill as a curtain design? Or how space is great because it opens you up.
cannot be mass produced. A giant
retailer like Woolworths assists small
makers like Richardson, not only
by buying their products, but also
generating exposure for them.
Richardsons passion is infectious, and
now she is using her space on weekends
to teach sewing and lino printing. This
provides an added source of income TEXTILES AND THE SORT
to offset the more long-term projects OF TEXTILES YOU DONT
that only pay at the end. Ever since SEE IN LONDON.
Ive worked for myself, in London and
here, Ive never relied on one thing. window is a big advertising space and
Because I think youve got to try and really draws people in.
diversify. Even in London I did a R icha rdson says that word of
market stall, and I did the curtains and mouth has been her greatest ally she
blinds. So I used to go to India, buy has attracted more business through
beautiful textiles, have a market stall recommendations than anything else.
that brought in cash every Saturday, This she puts down to always doing
says Richardson. every job to the best of her ability. I
As for marketing, Richardson says will not leave a job until Im happy with
that she has tried taking out ads in it. And I think people appreciate that,
magazines, but they didnt work for she says.
her. Now I just do Facebook and put Creative excellence is always a
Quirky, fun and inventive
fabric designs reassert South
my sandwich board outside my shop, sustainable business model, something
African culture and find new because I can pull lots of people from that Annapatats growth and success
meaning in old motifs. the nearby restaurants. The fabrics are proves.
striking so people see the fabrics. My
Vodacom to expand
niche offerings BY GUGU LOURIE
odacom, South A fricas rates the rates one network operator insurance portfolio as a noteworthy
bi g g e s t m o bi l e ph on e pays another to put through calls to its business. It generates about R441m in
operator in terms of network shaving R2bn off Vodacoms revenue. The mobile operator says its
subscribers, plans to scale up revenue line and another R1.2bn off its insurance business portfolio has been
its niche funeral and life insurance EBITDA line in the 2015 financial year, growing steadily at 36% a year.
business. the company has had to think of ways On average the device insurance
The mobile phone operator, which to support growth as its home market business processes approximately R1m
is 65%-owned by British mobile giant matures. in claims per working day. The number
Vodafone, provides life and funeral To build resilient revenue streams of policies in our long-term assurance
insurance. It also provides device and secure future growth opportunities, business grew more than 100% off a small
insurance services to both contract and Vodacom is investing in diversifying its but fast-growing base, the cellphone
prepaid customers in SA. business in a number of focused ways. operator said.
Vodacom, which is valued at more These include selling financial services The number of active smart data
than R 200bn, has more than 32m products such as insurance, providing devices on Vodacom network rose 29.7%
customers in SA. The company has content, connectivity for machine-to- to 11.6m (of which 9.3m are smartphones,
27.2m prepaid users and 4.9m contracted machine services, fibre-to-the-home and 1.1m tablets and 1.2m modems) in the
subscribers. Presently Vodacom provides ecommerce. year to end March, fuelled by more
device insurance to only 7% of its contract Vodacom a l ready rega rds t he affordable devices.
subscribers a situation that leaves Vodacom has sold more than 3m low-
significant room for growth in this cost smart devices, including Vodacom-
offering. The total insurance market in branded Smart Kicka and Smart Tab,
SA is worth approximately R61bn. INSURANCE BUSINESS CAN which sold more than 1m units since
Our focus has mainly been on device GROW EXPONENTIALLY BY launching in the third quarter of 2015
insurance, but we intend to scale up our SIGNING UP THE fiscal year.
funeral and life insurance business, the The companys insurance business can
company said in its latest annual report. grow exponentially by signing up the 93%
The move by Vodacom is part of its of its contract customers that are not yet
strategy to diversify its revenue streams. using its device insurance offering.
With mobile voice declining 4.6% and We will continue to use our customer
the impact of lower mobile termination CUSTOMERS THAT ARE value management system to market
NOT YET USING ITS DEVICE insurance products to our existing
The Vodacom Groups headquarters INSURANCE OFFERING. customer base. Customer demand for
in Johannesburg life and device insurance is growing, said
Shameel Joosub, Vodacoms CEO.
Despite the macroeconomic pressures
in our market, its really important that
we invest effectively in each of our
Dean Hutton/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Directors Dealings
Company Director Transaction Date Transaction Type Volume Price (c) Value (R) Date Modified
lmost every world-class organisation takes explicitly acknowledge and promote excellence. And,
training and education seriously. But the says Webb, they also need the courage and integrity to
US Navys special operations forces, the replace those who cant or wont step up.
SEALs, go far beyond. Their dedication Should training overwhelmingly focus on skills
to relentless training and intensive preparation, however, enhancement? Or must it be managed to build better
is alien to the majority of businesses worldwide. Thats bonds and relationships throughout the enterprise?
important because excellence requires more than Webb unambiguously champions both. The training
commitment to educational achievement. transformation made the SEALs culture more open
As an educator, I fear that business schools and to innovation and exchange. Incentives that facilitated
businesses overinvest in education and dramatically accountability improved the entire organisation, not just
underinvest in training. Leaders and managers get the trainees.
knowledge and education, while training and skills go to
those who do the work. That business bias is dangerous. Incorporate new ideas from the ground
The SEALs cant afford it. Under pressure, according Successful training must be dynamic, open and
to the SEALs, you dont rise to the occasion; you sink innovative. Ongoing transformation not just
to the level of your training. Thats why we train so incremental improvement is as important for trainers
hard. Many talented organisations find it difficult to as trainees. Its every teachers job to be rigorous about
innovate and adapt under pressure. A factor may be constantly being open to new ideas and innovation,
people who are overeducated and undertrained. Webb says. Its a huge edge, sometimes life-saving, to
Brandon Webb, an innovative SEAL trainer/ adopt a good idea early and put it into practice. As an
educator and now CEO of Force12 Media, served in instructor I learnt that you are never done learning, and
the US Navy from 1993 to 2006 and redesigned the your students can be a wealth of information.
SEAL training course curriculum.
Lead by example
HE EMPHASISES FOUR TRAINING THEMES: Arguably Webbs most passionate training theme
reflects his battlefield experiences. The most important
Produce excellence, not above average training behaviour a leader can demonstrate, he asserts,
Training programmes shouldnt be designed to deliver is leading by example. Leading by example means never
competence; they must be dedicated to producing asking your team to do something you arent willing to
excellence, Webb said. Serious organisations dont do yourself, Webb writes. This cant be faked; do it
aspire to be comfortably above average. right and your team will respect you and follow you.
Tr a i n i ng d ivorce d f rom e xcel lence is mere The level of motivation, dedication and self-sacrifice
compliance. It is more box-ticking than human the SEALs demand from themselves and one another
capital investment. Is above average training really goes far beyond what most businesses and business
worth the time, energy and expense? Webbs perspective schools should ever ask, let alone expect, from their
poses a challenge to most organisations views of human people. No one doubts the role that education plays
resources. Do they really want training to bring out the in creating and sustaining economic competitiveness
best in their people? Or does everyone train with the worldwide. But its long past time that CEOs, boards,
expectation that excellence matters less than being a business schools and universities revisit what world-class
bit better? training should mean.
Gallo Images/iStock
Reward excellence, not competence
Organisations need recognition and reward systems that 2015 Harvard Business School Publishing Corp
What is Lesetja
True or false? 8 Kganyagos title?
2 Robert Mugabe is the chair of the African Union.
Which South African musician
True or false? was recently awarded an Order
3 Cell C has been embroiled in a damaging of the British Empire (OBE)?
strike as employees demand higher wages. 9 Johnny Clegg
Hugh Masekela
Yvonne Chaka Chaka
4 Who is Angela Merkel?
5 Name the capital of Sudan. In last weeks edition, dated 18 June, we featured
the worlds largest credit card company youve
probably never heard of. Which is the
Who is Rachel Dolezal? 10 company concerned?
A UK singer SBI Credit
6 A human rights activist GoldCard
Miss South Africa 2015 UnionPay
DRAMA IN Two guys have just robbed a jewellery
store. They burst out the door running as
THE THEATRE they hear the sirens of police cars coming
A man lay sprawled across three entire closer. The thieves dive into two separate
seats in the posh theatre. When the bushes, hoping they wont get caught.
usher came by and noticed this, he Soon the police car stops near the bushes
whispered to the man, Sorry, sir, but and the two robbers, hearing footsteps,
youre only allowed one seat. grow more nervous.
The man groaned but didnt budge. A cop then grabs one of the guys, Brandon Els @TheOldCootBiker
The usher became impatient. Sir, if you pulling him out of the bush. Gotcha! @TraderPetri @gerhardparkin from
dont get up from there Im going to As the policeman drags the robber 12:00 have a tequila every time you
have to call the manager. off, he looks back, shaking his head in see Greece in your timeline. At 16:00 if
Again, the man just groaned, which shame... Come on, John! he shouts. youre sober, go long the Alsi.
infuriated the usher, who turned and They got us!
marched briskly back up the aisle in Teacher Dude @teacherdude
Remember kids, tomorrow is #Grexit
search of his manager.
Monday. Just like last Monday, and the
In a few moments, both the usher A woman dropped her handbag in Monday before that and the Monday
and the manager returned and stood the bustle of a busy shopping mall. An before that and the Monday...
over the man. Together the two of them honest little boy noticed her dropping the
tried repeatedly to move him, but with handbag, so he picked it up and returned Holger Zschaepitz @Schuldensuehner
no success. Finally, they summoned the it to her. Nielsen on #Grexit: Arranging new
police. The cop surveyed the situation The lady looked into her handbag banknotes wouldnt be an easy task for
briefly then asked, All right, man, and commented, Hmm... Thats funny. a government that cannot organise a
barbecue, frankly speaking.
whats your name? When I lost my bag there was a R50
Sam, the man moaned. note in my purse. Now there are five R10
Where are you from, Sam? notes. Jennifer Wright @JenAshleyWright
With pain in his voice, Sam replied: The boy replied, Thats right, lady. If #Trump won there is at least a 90%
The balcony. The last time I found a purse, the owner chance he would rename the country
didnt have any change for a reward. after himself.