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Agenesis of The Lung

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1989, 2, 690--692

Agenesis of the lung

I. Safa Kaya, U. Dilmen

Agenesis of the lung. I. Safa Kaya, U. Dilmen . Dept of Pediatrics, Turkish Health and Therapy
ABSTRACT: Agenesis of the lung is extremely rare. Developmental de- Foundation, Memorial Ahrnet C>rs Hospital, Emck,
fects of the lung are usually associated with other congenital malfor- Ankara, Turkey.
mations. Half of all reported patients die either at birth or within the
Correspondence: I. Safa Kaya, Misket Sk. No: 30,
first 5 yrs of life. We report a case of right lung agenesis with absence 06510 Emek, Ankara, Turkey.
of the left kidney, and fusion anomaly between ribs 4 and 5 on the left
hemithorax. Keywords: Kidney agenesis; lung agenesis.
Eur Respir J., 1989, 2, 690-692.
Received: November, 1988; accepted for publication
February 9, 1989.

Agenesis, affecting both hemithoraces and both sexes in the right lung, and a partial absence of perfusion at
almost equally, should be separated for physiological the apex of the left lung (Fig. 2). The i.v. pyelogram
reasons from hypoplasia by the total absence of lung (Fig. 3) and abdominal ultrasonogram disclosed absence
parenchyma, bronchial tree, and supporting vasculature of the left kidney as well as hydronephrosis and hy-
[I]. This extremely rare condition was first described droureter in the right kidney. Electrocardiographic ex-
by De Pozze who discovered it accidentally at the au- amination and blood chemistry analysis were within
topsy of an adult female in 1673 [2]. Genetic, terato- normal limits.
genic, and mechanical factors may have a bearing on The child expired on the forty-fifth day. The parents
the aetiology. Developmental defects of the lung are did not give consent for postmortem examination.
usually associated with other congenital malformations,
which include the skeletal, cardiovascular, gastrointes-
tinal, and genitourinary systems (1-8].

Case report

A 24 day old, white female infant was admitted to

the hospital for evaluation of dyspnoea, cough and cya-
nosis on crying. After a normal term pregnancy, the
labour and delivery were unremarkable. The birthweight
was 2600 g. The baby cried spontaneously but soon
became dyspnoeic.
Physical examination produced the following
fmdings: body weight 2750 g, length 48 cm, pulse rate
160min 1, respiratory rate 80min1 The patient had
tachypnoea, the right hemithorax was flat to percussion,
and the left was dull. Heart sounds were loudest to the
right of the sternum, without a murmur. With positive
pressure oxygen followed by high enviromental oxygen,
there was improvement.
Fig. 1. - Anteroposterior view of chest made on the 24th day of
X-ray study revealed a homogeneously dense right life. There is complete opacity of the right hemithorax. The heart
hemithorax with fusion anomaly between ribs 4 and 5 and mediastinal contents are displaced entirely into the right side.
The left lung is somewhat emphysematous, the ribs on that side are
on the left hemithorax (Fig. 1). Pulmonary scintigraphic more widely spread, and the diaphragm is flattened. Also there is a
examination revealed a complete absence of perfusion fusion anomaly between left ribs 4 and 5.

Agenesis of the lung itself does not give rise to

symptoms unless complicated by bronchopulmonary dis-
ease. In most cases the patients are investigated because
of repeated chest infections [8). The time of onset of
symptoms is remarkably variable. Some infants are in
great difficulty at birth and survive only one or two
gasping respirations. The presenting symptom is, at
times, tachypnoea without cyanosis; tachypnoea occurs
with cyanosis only upon undue exertion. More often,
the presenting complaint has been repeated attacks of
lower respiratory tract infection, described as bronchi-
Lis, asthmatic bronchitis, or pneumonia [7).
Physical examination reveals characteristic signs. The
affected hemithorax may be slightly flattened, but usu-
ally little difference can be found in the size of the two
sides. One side, however, moves less well than the
Fig. 2. - Pulmonary scintigraphy. other. On this side, the percussion note is at first flat
from top to bottom, front and back, but later some reso-
nance appears over the upper part of the chest in front,
where the emphysematous nonnal lung has herniated
across the midline. Breath sounds follow the same pat-
tern, completely absent over one lung at first, later
present but ctiminished over the upper lobe in front. The
heart and mediastinum are found, by percussion and
auscultation and by observation and palpation of the
~pex beat, to have shifted far to the affected side. The
note on the good side is resonant or hyperresonant, the
breath sounds are stronger, and no adventitious sounds
are heard [7).
Chest roentgenograms suggest the diagnosis, but care-
ful bronchographic, angiocardiographic, and echocarcti-
ographic studies, as well as computed tomography in
some instances, are necessary for confirmation [1, 3, 4,
10). Other X-rays studies (e.g. i.v. pyelogram) must also
be conducted for other possible malformations. In our
case, in addition to absence of the left kidney, a fu-
sion anomaly between ribs 4 and 5 on the left hemitho-
rax was observed.
The aetiology of these malformations remains un-
known. The high incidence (greater than 50%) of as-
sociated cardiac, gastrointesti:''ll, genitourinary, and
skeletal malformations, as well as frequent abnormali-
ties in the bronchopulmonary vasculature, lends support
to generalized teratogenic factors [1, 7, 8]. On the other
hand, ScnoBER et al. [11] reported a case with pulmo-
Fig. 3. - Intravenous pyelogram. nary agenesis in partial trisomy 2p and 2lq.
Half of all the reported patients ctie either at birth or
Discussion within the first 5 yrs of life [1, 9, 12]. Mortality and
morbictity are related to complications and associated
Agenesis of the lung may be defined as total absence cardiac anomalies as well as severity of the lung anom-
of bronchi beyond the bifurcation, pulmonary paren- aly. Death is due to progressive respiratory failure fol-
chyma and pulmonary and bronchial vasculature [1]. AU lowing a complicated clinical course. Severe respiratory
gradations of underdevelopment of the lung are encoun- infections are common in infancy and may lead to
tered, ranging from hypoplasja of one segment or lobe pneumonia and death [1, 12].
to complete absence of both lungs. Unilateral pulmo- Individuals with agenesis of the left lung have a
nary agenesis is extremely rare and in most of the less longer life expectancy than do those with agenesis of
than 200 examples recorded there were adctitional con- the right lung. This is probably related to a more se-
genital anomalies [3). vere mediastinal and cardiac displacement. The exces-
In 1953, 0YAMADA et al. [9] found, in a survey of sive mediastinal shift and malrotation of the carina,
the world literature, 109 reported cases of all varieties. which is greater in right than in left lung agenesis,
Fifty of these were right-sided defects, 59 left-sided. hinders proper drainage of the functioning lung and

reduces the resistance to respiratory infection. This may 8. Sbokos CG, McMillan IKR. - Agenesis of the lung. Br
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Prof. K.F. Kerrebijn for his editorial assistance. 10. Konishi H, Nakamura H, Mizukami Y, et al.- A case
of pulmonary agenesis associated with congenital tracheal
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1986, 31, 741-744.
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