L3 31BTRS06
L3 31BTRS06
L3 31BTRS06
3 a) In order to determine the water content 350 gms of wet sandy sample was [4M]
placed in a pycnometer the mass of the pycnometer, sand and water full to the
top of the conical cap was found to be 2350 gms the mass of the pycnometer
full of clean water was 2000 gms. Taking G =2.75, determine the water content
of the sample?
b) Explain the classification of soils by textural classification system. [8M]
c) Write a short note on pipette method. [4M]
4 a) Explain how the capillarity and permeability test is conducted. Describe [8M]
b) Evaluate the flow net construction is done by graphical method. [8M]
5 a) Explain how the vertical pressure determined due to strip load? [8M]
b) Derive an expression of vertical stress for normal load aver a circular area. [8M]
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Code No: RT31011 R13 SET - 1
b) Two clay specimens A and B, of thickness of 2cm and 3cm, have equilibrium [8M]
voids ratios 0.68 and 0.72 respectively under a pressure of 200kN/m2. If the
equilibrium void ratios of two soils reduced to 0.5 and 0.62 respectively. When
the pressure was increased to 400 kN/m2, find the ratio of the coefficient of
permeability of the two specimens. The time required by the specimen A to
reach 40 percent degree of consolidation is of that required by specimen B
for reaching 40 percent degree of consolidation?
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Code No: RT31011 R13 SET - 2
3 a) In order to determine the water content 385 gm of wet sandy sample was [4M]
placed in a pycnometer the mass of the pycnometer, sand and water full to the
top of the conical cap was found to be 2450 gm the mass of the pycnometer full
of clean water was 1870 gm. Taking G =2.55, determine the water content of
the sample?
b) Explain the classification of soils by US classification system? [8M]
c) Write a short note on particle size distribution curve? [4M]
4 a) Explain how the preatic line of an earth dam by using casagrande method. [8M]
b) Discuss briefly about falling head permeability test. [8M]
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Code No: RT31011 R13 SET - 2
b) Two clay specimens A and B, of thickness of 2.5cm and 3.5cm, have [8M]
equilibrium voids ratios 0.65 and 0.75 respectively under a pressure of
250kN/m2. If the equilibrium void ratios of two soils reduced to 0.57 and 0.71
respectively. When the pressure was increased to 450 kN/m2, find the ratio of
the coefficient of permeability of the two specimens. The time required by the
specimen A to reach 50 percent degree of consolidation is of that required by
specimen B for reaching 50 percent degree of consolidation?
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Code No: RT31011 R13 SET - 3
3 a) In order to determine the water content 370 gm of a wet sandy sample was [4M]
placed in a pycnometer. The mass of the pycnometer, sand and water full to the
top of the conical cap was found to be 2148gm.The mass of pycnometer full of
clean water was 1932gm taking G=2.65 Determine the water content of the
b) Explain the classification of soils by IS classification system. [8M]
c) Write a short note on sedimentation analysis. [4M]
5 a) Explain how the vertical pressure determined due to line load? [8M]
b) Derive an expression of stress distribution for uniform vertical load over a [8M]
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Code No: RT31011 R13 SET - 3
b) Two clay specimens A and B, of thickness of 1.8cm and 2.8cm, have [8M]
equilibrium voids ratios 0.63 and 0.70 respectively under a pressure of
280kN/m2. If the equilibrium void ratios of two soils reduced to 0.53 and 0.68
respectively. When the pressure was increased to 380 kN/m2, find the ratio of
the coefficient of permeability of the two specimens. The time required by the
specimen A to reach 40 percent degree of consolidation is of that required by
specimen B for reaching 40 percent degree of consolidation?
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Code No: RT31011 R13 SET - 4
1 a) Define the functional relationship between d , G, & e. [3M]
b) What do you understand by grain size distribution? Briefly explain. [3M]
c) Explain how to determine exit gradient? [4M]
d) Determine the vertical pressure distribution along a vertical line. [4M]
e) Define coefficient of compressibility. [4M]
f) Discuss about unconfined compression test. [4M]
2 a) A soil sample has a porosity of 50%. The specific gravity of solids is 2.80. [4M]
Calculate (a) Void ratio (b) dry density (c) unit weight if the soil is completely
b) What are the factors affecting compaction. Explain briefly? [8M]
c) Determine the field density of a natural soil by using water displacement [4M]
3 a) In order to determine the water content 360 gm of a wet sandy sample was [4M]
placed in a pycnometer. The mass of the pycnometer, sand & water full to the
top of the conical cap was found to be 2250gm.The mass of pycnometer full of
clean water was 2031gm, taking G=2.85. Determine the water content of the
b) Explain the classification of soils by HRB classification system. [8M]
c) Write a short note on Hydrometer method. [4M]
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Code No: RT31011 R13 SET - 4
b) Two clay specimens A and B, of thickness of 3cm and 4cm, have equilibrium [8M]
voids ratios 0.55 and 0.61 respectively under a pressure of 300kN/m2. If the
equilibrium void ratios of two soils reduced to 0.45 and 0.51 respectively.
When the pressure was increased to 500 kN/m2, find the ratio of the coefficient
of permeability of the two specimens. The time required by the specimen A to
reach 45 percent degree of consolidation is of that required by specimen B
for reaching 45 percent degree of consolidation?
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Code No: RT31021 R13 SET - 1
1 a) How dynamometer instrument can be realized as a transfer instrument? [3M]
b) Enumerate the errors introduced by dynamometer type wattmeter. [4M]
c) Distinguish between dc and ac type potentiometer. [4M]
d) What are the difficulties associated with the measurement of very high [3M]
e) List out the advantages and disadvantages of flux meter. [4M]
f) A lissajous pattern on an oscilloscope is stationary and has 5 vertical maximum [4M]
values and 4 horizontal maximum values. The frequency of the horizontal input
is 1200 Hz. Determine the frequency of vertical input.
2 a) Give the basic principle of working of an electrostatic voltmeter. Explain how [8M]
would you increase (i) the operating forces and (ii) voltage range of the
b) A 1 mA full scale permanent magnet moving coil meter with a coil resistance [8M]
of 100 is to be converted into (i) 0-1 A dc ammeter and (ii) 0-30 V dc
voltmeter by connecting external series/parallel resistances. Show the
connections and find out the values of the external resistances in each case.
3 a) Draw the possible methods of connections of the pressure coil of a wattmeter [8M]
and compare the errors.
b) A 230 V, 50 Hz single phase energy meter has a constant of 200 revolutions [8M]
per kWh. While supplying a non-inductive load of 4.4 A at normal voltage, the
meter takes 3 minutes for 10 revolutions. Calculate the percentage error of the
4 a) Draw a connection diagram of Crompton potentiometer and bring out its [8M]
salient features. How is it standardised?
b) Measurements for determination of the impedance of the coil are made on a [8M]
coordinate type of potentiometer. The results are: voltage across 1 standard
resistance in series with the coil +0.952 V on in-phase dial and -0.340 V on
quadrature dial; voltage across 10:1 potential divider connected to the terminals
of the coil: +1.35 V on in phase dial and +1.28 V on quadrature dial. Calculate
the resistance and reactance of the coil.
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Code No: RT31021 R13 SET - 1
5 a) For Andersons bridge, derive the relation for unknown impedance. What are [8M]
the advantages and limitations of this bridge?
b) The four arms of a Wheatstone bridge are as follows: AB=100 ; BC=1000 ; [8M]
CD=4000 ; and DA=400 . The galvanometer has a resistance of 100 , a
sensitivity of 100 mm/A and is connected across AC. A source of 4 V d.c is
connected across BD. Calculate the current through the galvanometer and its
deflection if the resistance of arm DA is changed from 400 to 401 .
6 a) Describe the method for determination of B-H curve of a magnetic material [10M]
using method of reversals with neat sketch.
b) In a test on a specimen of total weight 13 kg the measured of iron loss at a [6M]
given value of peak flux density were 17 W at 40 Hz and 30 W at 60 Hz.
Estimate the values of hysteresis and eddy current losses W/kg at 50 Hz for the
same value of peak flux density.
7 a) Explain with block diagram how a digital multimeter can measure dc and ac [8M]
signals and various electrical parameters.
b) Explain the working of successive approximation DVM with a neat sketch. [8M]
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Code No: RT31021 R13 SET - 2
3 a) Derive the equation for average power over a cycle. Prove that it can be [8M]
measured by a electrodynamometer type of wattmeter.
b) A 230V, single phase watt-hour meter has a constant load of 4A passing [8M]
through it for 6 hours at unity power factor. If the meter disc makes 2208
revolutions during this period, what is the meter constant in revolutions per
kwh? Calculate the power factor of the load, if the numbers of revolutions
made by the meter are 1472 when operating at 230V, 5A for 4 hours.
4 a) What are the problems associated with ac potentiometer? Describe the working [8M]
of any one ac potentiometer with neat sketch.
b) A Cromptons potentiometer consists of a resistance dial having 15 steps of 10 [8M]
each and a series connected slide-wire of 10 which is divided into 100
divisions. If the working current of the potentiometer is 10 mA and each
division of slide-wire can be read accurately upto 1/5 of its span, calculate the
resolution of the potentiometer in volt.
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Code No: RT31021 R13 SET - 2
5 a) Why is Hays bridge suited for measurement of inductance of high Q-coils? [8M]
Derive the equation for balance condition.
b) In a Carey- Foster bridge a resistance of 1.0125 is compared with a standard [8M]
resistance of 1000 , the slide-wire has a resistance of 0.0250 in 100
divisions. The ratio arms nominally each 10 are actually 10.05 and 9.95
respectively. How far (in scale divisions) are the balance positions from those
which would obtain if the ratio-arms were true to their nominal values.
6 a) Prove that in a ballistic galvanometer, the charge is proportional to first swing [8M]
of the moving coil.
b) In a power loss test on a 10 kg specimen of sheet steel laminations, the [8M]
maximum flux density and wave form factor are maintained constant and the
following results are obtained:
Frequency (Hz) 25 40 50 60 80
Total loss (Watts) 18.5 36 50 66 104
Calculate the eddy current loss per kg at frequency of 50 Hz.
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Code No: RT31021 R13 SET - 3
3 a) Describe the working of a single phase induction type energy meter. Show that [8M]
the total number of revolutions made by its disc during a particular time is
proportional to the energy consumed.
b) A dynamometer type wattmeter with its voltage coil connected across the load [8M]
side of the instrument reads 250 watts. If the load voltage be 200 volts, what
power is being taken by load? The voltage coil branch has a resistance of
Code No: RT31021 R13 SET - 3
5 a) Describe how an unknown capacitance can be measured with the help of [8M]
DSautys bridge. What are the limitations of this bridge and how are they
overcome by using modified DSautys bridge?
b) The insulation resistance of 2 metre cable was measured by the loss of charge [8M]
method. The voltage across the standard capacitor of 0.003 F falls from 222 V
to 155 V in one minute. Calculate the insulation resistance of the cable. Derive
the formula used.
6 a) Explain the working of flux meter. Prove that the flux is proportional to the [8M]
deflection of the flux meter.
b) The coil of a ballistic galvanometer has 115 turns of mean area 2540 mm2. [8M]
The flux density in the air gap is 0.12 Wb/m2 and the moment of inertia is
0.510-6 kg-m2. The stiffness constant of spring is 4510-6 Nm/rad. What
current must be passed to give a deflection of 1000 and what resistance must be
added in series with the movement to give critical damping.
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Code No: RT31021 R13 SET - 4
III B. Tech I Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, October/November -2017
(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answering the question in Part-Ais compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1 a) What are the major differences between attraction and repulsion type of [3M]
moving iron instruments?
b) Why is moving iron power factor meter generally used? [4M]
c) How is dc potentiometer made direct reading? [4M]
d) What is the purpose of Wagner earthing device? [3M]
e) A transformer is operated on 1000 V, 50 Hz and gives a total loss 1000W, of [4M]
which 700 W is due to hysteresis. If the transformer were to operate at 2000 V
and 100 Hz. What would be losses due to eddy currents?
f) What are the advantages of successive approximation DVM? [4M]
2 a) Explain the principle of operation of attraction type moving iron instrument, [8M]
showing how it is suitable for ac and dc measurements.
b) The dimensions of the coil of a PMMC voltmeter are 4 cm2.6 cm. The [8M]
number of turns in the coil are 80 and the flux density in the gap is 0.15T. The
resistance of the instrument is 15000 . Calculate the deflecting torque
produced in the instrument when a voltage of 300 V is applied to its terminals.
3 a) Describe the working of a single phase electrodynamic power factor meter. [8M]
Compare its working with a moving iron type power factor meter.
b) Two wattmeters are connected to measure power in a 3-phase network. The [8M]
two readings are 2000 watts and 1000 watts respectively. If another wattmeter
be connected such that its current coil is in one phase and the potential coil is
across the other two phase terminals. What will it read? Also estimate the
reactive power of the network.
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Code No: RT31021 R13 SET - 4
5 a) What is the principle of using loss of charge technique for measurement of [8M]
high resistance? Derive necessary relation.
b) In an Anderson bridge for measurement of inductance Lx and resistance Rx in [8M]
the arm AB, the arms CD and DA have resistance of 600 each and the arm
CE has a capacitor of 1 F capacitance. With ac supply at 100 Hz supplied
across A and C balance is obtained with a resistance of 400 in arm DE and
800 in the arm BC. Calculate the value of Lx and Rx.
6 a) What are the different methods used for measurement of core losses? Explain [8M]
any one method.
b) A certain flux meter has the following constants: Air gap flux density=0.05 [8M]
Wb/m2, turns on moving coil=40, area of moving coil=750 mm2, If the flux
linking a10 turn search coil of 200 mm2 area connected to the flux meter is
reversed in a uniform field of 0.5 Wb/m2, calculate the deflection of the flux
7 a) Draw and explain the circuit of a digital frequency meter. What are the [10M]
different methods used for high frequency determination?
b) The lissajous pattern in measurement of phase difference between two voltages [6M]
of same frequency is an ellipse. How is the phase difference computed?
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Code No: RT31031 R13 SET - 1
1 a) Write about pitching and rolling term used in connection with the movement of [3M]
a natural ship.
b) Define friction force? [4M]
c) How does fly wheel differ from that of a governor? [4M]
d) Write about hunting. [4M]
e) Write about hammer blow? [3M]
f) Write about transmissibility. [4M]
2 A trolley car of total weight 3000N runs on rails of 1.5m gauge and travels a [16M]
curve 30m radius at 8.7 m/s. The rails being at the same level. The car has
four wheels of 72cm diameter and each of the two axles is driven by a motor
running in a opposite direction to the wheels at a speed of 5 times the speed of
rotation of vehicle. Each axle with gear and wheels has a Moment of inertia
147kg m2. Each motor with the shaft and gear pinion has a Moment of inertia
10.5kg m2. Has centre of gravity 90 cm above the rail level. Allowing the
centrifugal and gyroscopic action, determine the vertical force exerted by
each wheel on the rails.
4 The equation of the turning moment diagram for a three-crank engine is given [16M]
by T (N-m) = 25000 - 7500 sin 3, where radians is the crank angle from
the inner dead centre. The moment of inertia of the flywheel is 400 kg-m2,
and the mean engine speed is 300 rpm. Calculate the power of the engine and
the total percentage fluctuation of speed of the flywheel, if the resisting
torque is constant.
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Code No: RT31031 R13 SET - 1
5 A Porter governor carries a central load of 30 kgf and each ball weighs 4.5 [16M]
kgf. The upper links are 20cm long and the lower links are 30 cms long. The
points of suspension of upper and lower links are 5cms from axis of spindle.
Calculate: i) The speed of the governor in rpm if the radius of revolution of
the governor ball is 12.5 cm and ii) The effort of the governor for increase of
speed of 1%.
7 a) Describe about vibrations of beams with concentrated and distributed loads? [7M]
b) A machine part having a mass of 2.5 kg vibrates in a viscous medium. A [9M]
harmonic exciting force of 30 N acts on the part and causes a resonant
amplitude of 14 mm with a period of 0.22 second. Find the damping
coefficient. If the frequency of the exciting force is changed to 4 Hz,
determine the increase in the amplitude of the forced vibrations upon the
removal of the damper.
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Code No: RT31031 R13 SET - 2
1 a) Write about steering term used in connection with the movement of a natural [3M]
b) Define coefficient of friction? [4M]
c) What is the function of a flywheel? [3M]
d) Write about isochronism. [4M]
e) Write about swaying couple. [4M]
f) Write about vibration isolation. [4M]
2 a) What is the effect of precision by a body fixed rigidly at certain angle to [4M]
rotating shaft.
b) The propeller of an aero turbine has a weight of 550 N and radius of gyration [12M]
0.7m. The propeller shaft rotates at 1000 rpm clockwise viewing from the tail
and makes a complete half circle of 250 m radius towards left at a speed of 300
km/hr. Find the gyroscopic couple on the aircraft and state its effect on it.
What will be the effect if the aircraft turns to right instead of left?
3 a) Derive the expression for the torque transmitting capacity of a cone clutch by [6M]
considering uniform wear.
b) A friction clutch is required to transmit 34.5kW at 2000rpm. It is to be [10M]
single plate disk type with both sides of the plate effective, the pressure is
being applied axially by means of springs and limited to 70kPa on the plate. If
the outer diameter of the friction limit is 1.5 times the internal diameter, find
the required dimensions d1 and d2 of the clutch ring and the total force exerted
by the springs. Assume uniform wear condition (coefficient of friction=0.3).
4 a) Explain the effect of inertia force on the reciprocating engine mechanism by [8M]
drawing the free body diagram of each link.
b) Find the maximum and minimum speeds of a flywheel of mass 3250 kg and [8M]
radius of gyration 1.8 m, when the fluctuation of energy is 112kN-m. The
mean speed of the engine is 240rpm.
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Code No: RT31031 R13 SET - 2
5 In a Spring loaded governor of the Hartnell type, the mass of each ball is 1 kg, [16M]
length of vertical arm of the ball crank lever is 100 mm and that of the
horizontal arm is 50 mm. The distance of fulcrum of each bell crank lever is 80
mm from the axis of rotation of the governor. The extreme radii of rotation of
the balls are 75 mm and 112.5 mm. The maximum equilibrium speed is 5
percent greater than the minimum equilibrium speed which is 360 rpm. Find,
neglecting obliquity of arms, initial compression of the spring and equilibrium
speed corresponding to the radius of rotation of 100 mm?
6 The following data apply to an outside cylinder unbalanced locomotive: Mass [16M]
of rotating parts per cylinder per cylinder = 360 kg.
Mass of reciprocating parts per cylinder = 300 kg.
Angle between cranks = 900
Crank radius = 300 mm
Cylinder centers = 1.75 m
Radius of balance masses = 750 mm
Wheel centers = 1.45 m
If the whole of rotating and 2/3 of the reciprocating parts are to be balanced in
planes of driving wheels. Find:
(i) Magnitude and angular position of balance masses.
(ii) Speed in kilometers per hour at which the wheel will lift off the rails when
the load on each driving wheel is 50 KN and the diameter of tread of driving
wheel is 1.8 m.
(iii) Swaying couple at the speed arrived in the (ii) above.
7 a) Derive an expression for the natural frequency of free transverse vibration of [8M]
simply supported beam carrying several of point loads by energy method.
b) A Shaft 40 mm diameter and 2.5m long has a mass of 15kg per meter length. It [8M]
is simply supported at the ends and carries three masses 90 kg, 140 kg and 60
kg at 0.8 m, 1.5m and 2m respectively from the left support. Taking E= 200
Gpa, find the frequency of the transverse vibration.
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Code No: RT31031 R13 SET - 3
1 a) Write about starboard and port terms used in connection with the movement [3M]
of a natural ship.
b) Define limiting friction? [4M]
c) Define fluctuation of energy? [4M]
d) Write about sensitiveness. [4M]
e) Write about variation of tractive effort. [4M]
f) Define forced damped vibrations? [3M]
2 A racing car weighs 20 kN. It has a wheel base of 2m, track width 1m and [16M]
height of C.G.300 mm above the ground level and lies midway between the
front and rear axle. The engine flywheel rotates at 3000 rpm clockwise when
viewed from the front. The moment of inertia of the flywheel is 4kg-m2 and
moment of inertia of each wheel is 3kgm2. Find the reactions between the
wheels and the ground when the car takes a curve of 15 m radius towards right
at 30 km/hr, taking into consideration the gyroscopic and the centrifugal effects.
Each wheel radius is 400mm.
3 a) Derive the expression for the torque transmitting capacity of a single plate [6M]
clutch by considering uniform pressure.
b) An effective diameter of the cone clutch is 75 mm. The semi-angle of the cone [10M]
is 180. Find the torque required to produce slipping of the clutch if an axial
force applied is 200 N. This clutch is employed to connect an electric motor
running uniformly at 100 r.p.m with a flywheel which is initially stationary.
The flywheel has a mass of 13.5 kg and its radius of gyration is 150 mm.
Calculate the time required for the flywheel to attain full speed, and also the
energy lost in the slipping of the clutch. Take coefficient of friction as 0.3.
4 a) Draw the turning moment diagrams for the following different types of engines, [8M]
neglecting the effect of inertia of the connecting rod: 1. Single cylinder double
acting steam engine 2. Four stroke cycle. I.C. engine
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Code No: RT31031 R13 SET - 3
5 The arms of a Proell governor are 30 cm long. The upper arms are pivoted on [16M]
the axis of rotation, while the lower arms are pivoted at a radius of 4 cms. Each
ball weighs 5 kgf and is attached to an extension 10 cm long of the lower arm,
the central weight is 60 kgf. At the minimum radius of 16 cm the extension to
which balls are attached are parallel to the governor axis. Find the equilibrium
speed corresponding to a radius of 16 cms.
6 Two weights of 8 kg and 16 kg rotate in the same plane at radii of 1.5 and 2.25 [16M]
m respectively. The radii of these weights are 600 apart. Find the position of the
third weight of the magnitude of 12 kg in the same plane which can produce
static balance of the system.
7 a) Prove, from first principles, that with viscous damping, the amplitudes of [8M]
successive oscillations are in geometric progression in the case of free damped
b) A shaft of 100 mm diameter and 1 m long is fixed at one end, and the other end [8M]
carries a flywheel of mass 1 tonne. The radius of gyration of the flywheel is 0.5
m. Find the frequency of torsional vibrations, if the modulus of rigidity of the
shaft material is 80 GN/m2?
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Code No: RT31031 R13 SET - 4
4 A machine has to carry out punching operation at the rate of 10 holes per [16M]
minute. It does 6 kN-m of work per mm2 of the sheared area on cutting 25 mm
diameter holes in 20mm thick plates. A flywheel is fitted to the machine shaft
which is driven by a constant torque. The fluctuation of speed is between 180
and 200 rpm. The actual punching takes 1.5 seconds. The frictional losses are
equivalent to 1/6 of the work done during punching. Find: i) power required to
drive the punching machine, and ii) Mass of the flywheel, if the radius of
gyration of the wheel is 0.5m.
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Code No: RT31031 R13 SET - 4
5 In a Porter governor, the arms and links are each 25 cms long and intersect on [16M]
main axis. Each ball weighs 3kgf and the central load 27.25 kgf. The sleeve is
in the lowest position when the arms are inclined at 270 with the axis. The lift
of the sleeve is 5 cm. What is the force of the friction at the sleeve if the speed
at the beginning of ascent at the lowest position is equal to the speed at the
beginning of descent from the highest position?
6 A four coupled-wheel locomotive with two inside cylinders has reciprocating [16M]
and revolving parts per cylinder as 300 kgf and 250 kgf respectively. The
distance between planes of driving wheels is 150 cms. The pitch of cylinders
is 60cms. The diameter of tread and driving wheels is 190 cms and the
distance between planes of coupling rod cranks in 190 cms. The revolving
parts for each coupling rod crank are 125 kgf. The angle between engine
cranks is 900 and the length of coupling rod crank 22 cms. The angle made by
coupling rod crank with adjustment crank is 180. The distance of center of
gravity of balance weights in planes of driving wheels from a scale center is
75 cms. Crank radius is 32 cms. Determine: (i) The magnitude and position of
balance weights required in leading and trailing wheels to balance 2/3 of
reciprocating and whole of revolving parts if half of the required reciprocating
parts are to be balanced in each pair of coupled wheels.
(ii) The maximum variation of tractive force and hammer blow when
locomotive speed is 100kmph.
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Code No: RT31041 R13 SET - 1
1 a) Determine the upper 3-dB frequency for low pass RC circuit, if a pulse of [4M]
0.5sec is required to pass without distortion. Find the value of resistance if
the capacitor is 0.001F.
b) Draw the diode based negative clipper and draw its waveforms [3M]
c) Give the Comparison of various logic families [4M]
d) Draw and explain the fixed bias transistor bistable multivibrator [3M]
e) Draw the constant current sweep circuit and explain [4M]
f) Explain the principle of synchronization with frequency division [4M]
2 a) Explain clearly with the help of a circuit and waveforms the response of high [8M]
pass RC circuit for step and pulse input
b) Explain (i) the working of attenuator as a CRO Probe ii) Ringing circuit [8M]
3 a) Compare and contrast series diode clipper and shunt diode clipper [8M]
b) In a shunt clipper circuit vin=20 sin wt , R=1K, and VR=10V is obtained [8M]
from a potential divider circuit using 100 V supply and 10 K potential
i) Draw the circuit
ii) If Rf = 50 and Rr = and V = 0 , Sketch the input and output
4 a) Explain how transistor acts as a switch? Draw the base and collector [8M]
waveforms by indicating all the time intervals.
b) Realize a two-input NAND gate using diode transistor logic and explain its [8M]
operation with the help of truth table.
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Code No: RT31041 R13 SET - 1
6 a) Explain the basic principle of a bootstrap sweep generator. Draw the circuit [8M]
and explain its operation. Derive the expression for its slope error.
b) Design a relaxation oscillator to have 5kHz output frequency using a UJT and [8M]
a 20 V power supply. Calculate the sweep amplitude.
Given that =0.7, Iv = 1.5 mA, IP = 8 A and VEB(sat) = 3 V
7 a) Explain how the loading of the control signal is reduced when the number of [8M]
inputs increases in a sampling gate.
b) How to cancel the pedestal in a sampling gate? Discuss with suitable circuit [8M]
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Code No: RT31041 R13 SET - 2
b) A two input NAND gate has Vcc=+5V and 1 K load connected to its [8M]
output? Calculate the output voltagei)When both input are Low ii)when
both input are High.
3 a) Draw the emitter coupled clipper, explain its operation and discuss its [8M]
transfer characteristics.
b) Determine v0 for the following circuit with the input shown and draw the [8M]
output waveform (consider ideal diode).
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Code No: RT31041 R13 SET - 2
6 a) With suitable diagram, explain the function of sweep circuit using UJT. [8M]
b) With neat circuit, explain about transistor miller time base generator. [8M]
7 a) Draw and explain with relevant waveforms the process of frequency division [8M]
by an Astable multivibrator
b) Explain the function of a sampling gate used in Sampling Scopes also [8M]
explain how sampling gate is used in chopping amplifiers.
2 of 2
Code No: RT31041 R13 SET - 3
4 a) Explain the saturation parameters of transistor and their variation with [8M]
b) A silicon transistor has hFE=50, ICO=0.1A, the cut-in voltage V=0.6V. The [8M]
parameter n of avalanche multiplication is 4 and BVCBO=40V.
i) Find BVCEO
ii) Find BVCER if RB=1M
iii) Find BVCEX , assume VBB=20V and RB=10K
1 of 2
Code No: RT31041 R13 SET - 3
6 a) How can represent deviation from linearity in sweep circuits? Derive the [8M]
relationamong possible errors in sweep circuits.
2 of 2
Code No: RT31041 R13 SET - 4
1 a) Show that the low pass RC circuit acts as an integrator [3M]
b) Draw the diode based negative clamper and draw relevant waveforms [4M]
c) Draw and explain the basic CMOS inverter circuit [3M]
d) Draw the Schmitt trigger circuit and discuss its operation [4M]
e) What are different methods of generating time base waveform [4M]
f) Compare sampling gates with logic gates [4M]
2 a) A 2 KHz symmetric square wave of 20 V is applied to a RC circuit having [8M]
2 msec. time constant. Calculate and plot the output to the scale for RC
configuration as. i) High pass circuit ii) Low pass circuit.
b) Draw explain the RLC circuit that can generate nearly undamped oscillations [8M]
and explain its working.
3 a) Draw the diode differentiator comparator and discuss its working with the [8M]
help of ramp input signal
b) State and prove clamping circuit theorem. [8M]
4 a) With neat sketches and necessary equations, explain in detail about transistor [8M]
switching times
b) Realize NAND and NOR gates using CMOS logic and explain their operation [8M]
with the help of truth table.
1 of 2
Code No: RT31041 R13 SET - 4
6 a) Draw and explain the transistorized constant current sweep generator circuit. [8M]
Derive expression for slope error and sweep voltage.
b) How a compensation circuit improves the linearity of a Bootstrap voltage time [8M]
base generator? Discuss.
2 of 2
Code No: RT31051 R13 SET - 1
1 a) Write the role of preprocessor in language processing. [3M]
b) Give an example to eliminate the left recursion with rules. [4M]
c) What is dangling else ambiguity? Give example. [4M]
d) Generate three address code for the given pseudo code [4M]
while(i<=100) { A=A/B*20; ++i; print(A value) }
e) Write the fields and uses of symbol table. [3M]
f) For the code given in Q.1(d) generate the basic blocks and write the rules. [4M]
2 a) What are the different phases of compiler in synthesizing the target program? [8M]
Explain with an example.
b) How to recognize various tokens of high level language program? Write the [8M]
regular expressions and transition diagrams for each.
3 a) How to prove a grammar G: bexprbexpr or bterm|bterm, btermbterm and [6M]
bfactor|bfactor, bfactor not factor|(bexpr)|true|false is LL(1)?
b) Construct the LL(1) parse table for the above grammar G. [10M]
4 a) Explain the structure of LR parsers. How they are different from LL parsers? [4M]
b) Build LR(0) parser and check the validity of the input string id+id*id by [12M]
the LR(0) parser for the given grammar EE+T/T, TT*F/F, F(E)/id
6 a) What is reference counting? Explain how they are used in garbage collection. [8M]
b) Efficient Register allocation and assignment improves the performance of [8M]
object code-Justify this statement with suitable examples.
7 a) Differentiate various techniques used for machine independent and dependent [8M]
b) Explain how code motion and frequency reduction used for loop [8M]
Code No: RT31051 R13 SET - 2
4 a) What is the importance of look ahead symbol in LR(1) parser? Construct the [12M]
canonical LR parser for G: SL=R|R, L*R|id, RL
b) Explain the rules to check the acceptance of input string : *id=*id [4M]
5 a) Differentiate bottom up and top down evaluation of semantic rules for [8M]
arithmetic expressions.
b) If (a< b+c *20) [8M]
{ a =a* b 50
d = (a/b) + 25;
print ( a,d )
For the given code generate three-address code.
6 a) What is runtime stack? Explain storage allocation strategies used for recursive [8M]
procedure calls.
b) Can we reuse the symbol table space? Explain through an example. [8M]
7 a) Write the algorithm to generate basic blocks and flow graph for quick sort [8M]
b) Apply the code optimization techniques on flow graph generated for quick sort. [8M]
Code No: RT31051 R13 SET - 3
1 a) Draw the transition diagram for comments. [3M]
b) Write the rules to construct follow() function. [4M]
c) Differentiate LR(0) and LR(1) items. [4M]
d) Write about dependency graphs in syntax directed translations. [4M]
e) What is run time environment? Give the structure. [3M]
f) At what levels code can be optimized by user and compiler? Discuss. [4M]
2 a) What do you mean by front end in the compiler design? Show the output [10M]
produced by it in different stages for a:=b*c/36; where a, b and c are real
b) Explain the way in which high level languages are processed by interpreter and [6M]
4 a) List out and explain the rules to construct simple precedence relation for a [8M]
context free grammar.
b) Construct the operator precedence parse table for EEAE|(E)|-E|id, A+|-|*|/| [8M]
5 a) Explain the type system in type checker? Write the syntax directed definition for type [8M]
b) What is syntax directed translation? Write the semantic rules for [8M]
DTL, T int|real, L L,id|id
Code No: RT31051 R13 SET - 4
3 a) What are the preprocessing steps required for predictive parse table [8M]
construction? Consider the grammar
SACB|CbB|Ba, Ada|BC, Bg|, Ch|
b) Construct the predictive parse table for the above grammar. And also check for [8M]
the validity of the input string of your choice.
4 Explain the following:
a) Usage of precedence and association rules to handle shift reduce conflicts in [6M]
LR parsers.
b) Error recovery LR parsers [5M]
c) Shift reduce parsing [5M]
5 a) What is an Abstract syntax tree? How to construct it using mknode(), mkleaf() [8M]
functions? Give an example.
b) What is type expression? How to construct them using various type [8M]
constructors? Explain.
6 a) What is scope of variable? Write about various ways to access non local [8M]
b) Generate target code from sequence of three address statements using simple [8M]
code generator algorithm.
7 a) What is machine independent optimization? What are the different techniques [8M]
used for it.
b) How to schedule the instructions to produce optimized code? Explain. [8M]
Code No: R31026 R10 Set No. 1
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, October/November-2017
(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1 a) Discuss the dc analysis of Dual input- balanced output differential amplifier.
Specify other types of differential amplifier configurations. Compare and
contrast these configurations
b) Describe the importance of active load in opamps.
2 a) Define and discuss the effect of the following parameters on the performance
of operational amplifiers:
(i) Input offset voltage ii)CMRR (iii) PSRR and (iv) Slew rate
b) Explain briefly about external frequency compensation technique.
4 a) Draw the circuit of Schmitt trigger using 555 timer and explain its operation.
b) Explain how phase locked loop is used as a frequency translator and AM
5 a) Draw the first order lowpass Butterworth filter and analyze the same by deriving
the gain and phase angle equations.
b) Draw the circuit and explain the operation of a successive approximation type
analog to digital converter
6 a) Design a 32 to 1 multiplexer using four 74151 multiplexers and 74139
b) Explain the differences between multiplexers and Demultiplexers.
7 a) Design a modulo-100 counter using two 74163 binary counters?
b) Design an 8-bit parallel-in and serial-out shift register? Explain the operation
of the shift register with the help of timing waveforms?
8 a) Draw the block diagram and explain the function of PLA. Give the
comparisons between PROM, PLA & PAL.
b) Write briefly on Static bi-polar RAM cell and explain how does it differ from a
dynamic RAM cell.
Code No: R31036 R10 Set No. 1
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, October/November - 2017
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1 a) Define various tool angles used in single point cutting tool with neat sketch. [8M]
b) What are the adverse effects are of built up edge? How can we avoid them? [7M]
2 a) What are machining operations that can be performed on a centre lathe? [8M]
Explain them with sketches.
b) Differentiate between single spindle and multi spindle automatic lathes. [7M]
3 a) Explain the working principle of slotting machine with neat sketch. [8M]
b) What are the advantages, limitations and applications of planner? [7M]
4 a) Explain clearly with a neat sketch the construction and working principle of a [8M]
horizontal boring machine.
b) Why are drilled holes superior to punched holes in vessel work? [7M]
5 a) Show the nomenclatures of face milling cutter with sketch and mention their [8M]
b) What is an indexing? Explain compound indexing. [7M]
6 a) Describe in detail the various arrangements of centreless grinding with neat [8M]
b) Why is it undesirable to continue running coolant on to a grinding wheel after [7M]
the wheel has stopped?
7 a) What factors govern the choice of a clamping device to achieve the purpose of [8M]
clamping? Discuss them in detail.
b) Discuss the 3-2-1 principle of location. [7M]
Code No: R31046 R10 Set No. 1
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, October/November - 2017
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1 a) With a neat block diagram, explain briefly about the elements of digital [7M]
communication system.
b) Draw the block diagram of PCM scheme. Explain each block. [8M]
3 a) Write the comparison among binary modulated band pass signaling schemes [8M]
b) Define M-ary signaling scheme. Derive an expression for the bit rate in M [7M]
signaling scheme.
4 a) Explain correlation receiver with block diagram. Also explain why the [8M]
correlation receiver is also called an integrated and dump filter.
b) Calculate the error probability of the BFSK. [7M]
Code No: R31056 R10 Set No. 1
III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, October/November - 2017
(Common to Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1 a) Explain the layered approach and microkernel approach to operating system [7M]
b) Explain system calls and their types. [8M]
2 a) Consider the following set of process with the length of CPU burst time given [9M]
in milliseconds:
Process Arrival Time Burst Time Priority
P1 2 2 3
P2 3 3 2
P3 0 1 4
P4 4 2 1
P5 3 2 3
Draw the four Gantt charts illustrating the execution of these processes using
FCFS, SJF, Preemptive priority scheduling and calculate waiting and
turnaround time of each process for each scheduling algorithm.
b) What is scheduler? Explain various types of schedulers and their roles. [6M]
4 a) What is effective access time? Compute it for 70% hit ratio, 20nsec to search [7M]
TLB and 100nsec to access memory. Observe the difference when it is changed
to 90% hit ratio.
b) What is segmentation? Explain in detail about general method with hardware [8M]
implementation of segmentation.
5 a) Compute the number page faults for LRU, optimal page replacement [8M]
strategies for the given reference string
1,2,3,4,5,3,4,1,6,7,8,7,8,9,7,8,9,5,4,5,4,2 with 3 page frames.
b) What is the cause of thrashing? How does the system detect thrashing? Once it [7M]
detects thrashing, what can the system do to eliminate this problem.
1 of 2
Code No: R31056 R10 Set No. 1
6 a) Explain in detail the bankers algorithm for deadlock avoidance with example. [9M]
b) Explain the procedure for eliminating deadlocks using resource pre-emption [6M]
and process termination.
7 a) What are the allocation methods of a file system? Explain briefly. [8M]
b) Explain local file systems and directory structures file system implementations [7M]
in detail.
8 a) Why disk scheduling is needed? The disk is initially at cylinder 53. Schedule [8M]
the given requests with FCFS, SCAN, SSTF, LOOK algorithms. 98, 183, 37,
122, 14, 124, 65, 67, 10, 150.
b) Explain swap space management in detail. [7M]
2 of 2