Lectra Fashion Brochure - pdf898
Lectra Fashion Brochure - pdf898
Lectra Fashion Brochure - pdf898
In a difficult macroeconomic climate that makes the future of However, caution is advised: as a result of this success,
the manufacturing sector increasingly uncertain, now more big names in the sector will be encouraged to extend their
than ever, fashion companies need to combine flexibility product ranges in line with their original business activity in
and responsiveness when finalizing their collections. order to capitalize on their power to raise aspirations.
In the ready-to-wear sector, companies are finding new ways Powerful, collaborative, business-oriented technology is
to cope with the growing pressure to reduce costs; they are essential for all apparel companies in today's globalized
being forced to manage their development cycles and their production environment. That is why, for more than 35 years,
stocks strictly and carefully. The speed of collection renewal Lectra has provided its customers with ever more powerful
imposed by the fast fashion business model has also prompted and specialized solutions to enable them to overcome their
certain brands to adopt a more balanced sourcing strategy by specific challenges.
returning to suppliers closer to home. The need for creativity
is felt more keenly than ever before: companies are required Drawing on its expertise in the entire product development
to bring to market products that blend originality, comfort process, from design to production, Lectra allows fashion
and practicality, all at the right price. Products that fulfill all industry professional to design, develop, produce and manage
the requirements of fit, comfort and style have most chance their collections, maximizing their know-how and capitalizing
of succeeding with the target consumer, especially when they on their creative assets.
have the added advantage of a recognized brand name.
Now more than ever, Lectra provides close customer
In the luxury sector, where a slowdown in growth was greatly support, helping its partners deal with the challenges they
feared, the situation is more encouraging—consumers face on a daily basis, and working constantly to anticipate
attracted by these brands’ images have buoyed the market. the market’s future needs.
With Kaledo Collection, Kaledo Print, Kaledo Knit, OPTIMIZATION
and Kaledo Weave , users can easily propose, test
and modify multiple creations and generate their Lectra guarantees optimal use of its
variants. Designers can thus translate their creative solutions through a range of high value-
Designers have to be increasingly innovative and creative
ideas and communicate them to working partners added services.
in order to produce collections more frequently and with
with ease using very realistic simulations that enable Consulting: With specialist knowledge of
a clearer appeal to the target customer. In addition to
everybody to fully grasp their ideas and make the the industry and the processes involved in
ensuring that clothing lines are coherent, they need
right decisions. the apparel business, Lectra’s consultants
to reinforce the company’s defining concepts and
support its customers throughout their
develop a strong brand image.
Developed specifically for creative teams in the
THE CREATION OF NEW FABRI CS AND PRINTS Training: All over the world, Lectra’s trainers
fashion sector, the Kaledo ® range covers all their
Kaledo Print, Kaledo Weave and Kaledo Knit ensure that users are quickly operational
requirements in textile and collection creation. A true
software developed for the creation of printed, woven and that they make the best use of their
platform for professional design, Kaledo gives textile
and knitted textiles respectively, meet the needs of solutions through training programs
and apparel designers the visual and virtual environ-
fashion companies that want to stand out from the tailored to each customer’s particular activity
ment they need to create and manage apparel and
competition by designing fabrics for their collections. and products, and the level of expertise of
fabric collections.
The multiple possibilities offered by Kaledo textile their teams.
Powerful design tools stimulate artistic creativity
software help unleash creativity by enabling designers Remote Expertise: With five International
and accelerate the design and collaboration
to test numerous ideas. They thus capitalize on the Call Centers worldwide, Lectra’s experts
process, reducing the need for repetitive manual
company’s assets by limiting the costs involved in the enable its customers to get the most out of
purchase of external designs. their software within their own environment
Kaledo paves the way for smooth communication
Uncomplicated and created specifically for professional through remote control of workstations.
between designers and those in charge of product
use, this textile software also enables designers to
development. Thus, by involving the whole develop-
provide precise technical specifications, facilitating the
ment team—designers, buyers, and pattern makers
production process. Fabrics created and their variants
and developers at an early stage in the design process,
can be easily integrated into Kaledo Collection, allowing
sketches are made up intelligently, and each design’s
for rapid development of product lines.
integrity is preserved throughout the product life cycle.
This accelerates the creation of storyboards and model
variants as well as the addition of updates. In a context
where demand for new products is high, Kaledo ensures
With Kaledo Collection , designers now have powerful
streamlined processes and significant optimization
visual tools for developing, testing and presenting
of the development cycle.
more creative ideas. Styles can be rapidly simulated
on-screen using the fabric association drag-and-drop
functions. Designers also have rapid access to style
archives and previous collections, which they can
use as a source of inspiration or in order to develop
variants. They can also simplify the management of
these resources using sorting and filing functions.
Modifications to styles are updated automatically and
transferred to all related documents to which the
change is relevant. With the elimination of a number
of repetitive and tedious tasks, designers are free
"Creativity is something we have inside ourselves.
to concentrate on creating new models. Decisions
Kaledo supports our creativity and lets us speed
are always made using the most recent information.
up all the technical activities involved in design.
As soon as products have received approval, reports
We're now free to devote more time to innovation.
are generated automatically. This allows all those
When we have an idea for a product, or a sketch
involved in the product development cycle to have
The result of more than 35 years of experience with of a shirt or accessory, we can simply draw it
immediate access to the data they need.
the biggest names in fashion, Lectra's Kaledo range and modify it in real time, whether we’re working
Kaledo Collection enables designers to share visual
was developed in line with the working processes on textiles, styles or colors. With Kaledo, all our
information and related analytical data (most recent
of each activity—collection creation, textile design. decisions are made faster, because we can see the
image of the product, style name, colors available,
The solution offers designers an even more user- options, very realistically, on-screen. Kaledo is a
fabric names and their position within the garment,
friendly working environment, with all the necessary tool that allows us to go straight from a concept
and personalized bills of materials) with all colleagues.
information easily available. or an idea to a visual representation."
This ensures that the work of product design and
development teams is perfectly synchronized. Paolo Montefusco, Design Project Manager,
Harmont & Blaine, Italy.
: Kaledo, Modaris, Diamino, ProSpin, Optiplan, Progress and Vector are registered trademarks of Lectra SA, France
"With its powerful algorithms that tight-pack all the pieces, DiaminoFashion Expert has enabled us to
achieve an incredible rate of efficiency with our fabrics. We have made material savings of between
3 and 4%. Everything is automated—not just the evaluations, but the marker-making as well.
As a result, we can multiply the number of markers made in the same amount of time.
With all the models we process, that kind of automation is really fantastic. While MANAGE
Diamino Expert is running markers, our team is free to manage other tasks
in the development office. Diamino Expert has freed up about 20% more
time compared to before."
e Mo
s hi
ra F
on P
L e ct
K a l ed
r a nge
ini n
C ons ul
(1 )
M e
am te n a nc
i no r tP
F a s hion E xpe
S pinF a s hionS T
Optipl a n®
P r ogr e s s B r io
Ve c tor ® r a nge
(1) The Kaledo ® range: Kaledo Collection / Kaledo Knit / Kaledo Print / Kaledo Weave
(2) The Modaris ® range: Modaris / Modaris ExpertPro / Modaris 3D Fit
(3) The Vector ® range: VectorFashionMX, VectorFashionFP, VectorFashionMH, VectorFashionM88, VectorFashionMX (VectorLingerieMX,
VectorDenimMX), VectorFashionMX9.
From the choice of a marker through to spreading
and cutting, each decision is optimized to incur
the lowest costs and follow the most efficient cut
plan possible. Optiplan can enable companies to
achieve additional fabric savings of up to 5% and
Specially developed to meet the needs of apparel
helps eliminate the risk of error during cut order
professionals, the VectorFashion strengthens fashion
planning. Capacities for selecting the most efficient
companies' competitive advantage. It optimizes
markers, proposing alternatives, simulating costs,
the use of technological equipment in terms of
and anticipating new production orders make
productivity and improves the flexibility and reliability
Optiplan an essential decision-making tool.
of processes. The VectorFashion guarantees a better
throughput, optimizes production costs, reduces the
P ROGRESSBRIO : FOR EFFICIENT risk of error, and increases capacity, allowing companies
SPREADING to fill a larger number of orders. It offers unbeatable
Lectra's ProgressBrio spreading systems guarantee
cut quality, and with Mosaïc , Lectra’s pattern motif
a perfect spread for all types of fabric prior to cutting.
recognition and processing software, that same
An electronic connection with CAD applications
impeccable cut is also guaranteed for fabrics that need
allows automatic programming of the spreader
to be matched. Lectra's strength lies in its ability Delivering high-quality cut with no compromise,
for non-stop production and excellent flaw manage-
to offer highly specialized cutting solutions which the VectorFashionM88 and VectorFashionM55
ment. The cradle feed system facilitates fast loading
help the fashion industry overcome the challenges are excellent investments for companies looking
of rolls for high flexibility and ensures both a
it faces. A number of different variant models to implement digitally-controlled cutting for the first
tension-free spread and perfect fabric alignment.
make up Lectra's VectorFashion range. time. These solutions are easy to use, ensure an excep -
Fabric savings are guaranteed, regardless of the
tional cut quality, and have operating costs among
type of fabric and spreading method chosen.
the lowest on the market. The VectorFashionM88
and VectorFashionM55 are versatile cutting sys -
tems, able to cut up to 8cm of fabric in 2 widths. This
equipment is particularly suitable for cutting
thick, compressible materials. Simple to use, they
can produce garments of all types, to optimal
quality standards.
Located in La Marsa, near Tunis, MFC (Marsa Fashion Company) is a specialized manufacturer of knitwear and woven-fabric clothing for women. Created
in 1998, the company produces two million pieces per year, mainly for the French brand Morgan, and also for La Redoute. In order to ensure perfect cut
quality for all the garments it produces, MFC decided to invest in Lectra’s new VectorFashionMH. This investment comes in addition to the Lectra
equipment the company already uses, which includes pattern-making and marker-making solutions, Modaris and Diamino, as well as two Brio
spreaders, the Optiplan cutting room management solution, and a Vector automated cutting solution.
"The cutting speed of the new VectorFashionMH is far superior to that of the previous generation of Vector. Our production has doubled in the last six years.
We have 120 different styles to manage every week, and we cut an average of 20,000 pieces per day, so speed is a very important factor for us.”
Nizar Halouani, Production Manager, MFC, Tunisia.
U NRIVALE D CUTTING QUALITY FOR LARGE The VectorDenimMX ensures exceptional producti -
PRO DUCTION RUNS vity for jeans manufacturers working with even the This unique offer, available on
The VectorFashionMH ’s high performance and excel - thickest materials. It guarantees the high levels of the entire VectorFashion range, is
lent cutting quality make it the industry standard quality expected by denim brands for products that made possible by the concept of in-built
for mass production of garments, irrespective of the are increasingly innovative and sophisticated. intelligence. It incorporates real-time
fabric to be processed or the complexity of the shape equipment monitoring, pilot software
to be cut. Designed to deal with the thickest spreads, Ideal for cutting the small pieces required for updates, a preventative maintenance
the VectorFashionMH offers better optimization of lingerie, the VectorLingerieMX is equipped with program, and a variety of other high
cutting time than all other systems available on the pilot software that adapts the machine’s behavior to value-added services, all delivered by
market, and also streamlines the cutting phase. the deliacte and stretchable materials used in this Lectra’s experts in its five International
The MH8 variant model is capable of cutting market. For maunfacturers of knitted garments, Call Centers.
compressed knit spreads of up to 8cm thick and the VectorFashionMX9 is the most productive
compressed woven spreads of up to 5cm thick. model on the market, combining impressive cutting
This multi-purpose cutter is able to handle even speed, the capacity to cut thicker than normal spreads,
the most varied orders. and exceptional quality.
F LEXIBLE , HIGH VOLU ME PRO DUCTION Through a maintenance plan integrated into the Vector
WITH NO COMPRO MISE ON QUALITY range’s pilot software, Lectra’s solutions work in a
With cutting productivity of up to twice that usually proactive mode. A system of alerts allows companies to
achieved with other technologies, for large manufac - take action even before malfunction occurs; this limits
turers the VectorFashionMX is an ideal solution to the need for intervention by Lectra’s technicians and
an increase in orders, shortened lead times, and the keeps machine down time to a minimum. To ensure
need to optimize processes. that the tool’s integration into the production site is
The surprising speed of the VectorFashionMX, even both efficient and reliable, the pilot software genera -
when cutting the most complex pieces, and the precision tes activity and productivity reports. This intelligent
of its operating system, which allows for cutting with system makes real improvements in a context where
no buffer zone between pieces, result in unprecedented the slightest delay can have serious consequences.
cutting room flexibility and raw material savings of up
to 5%. Even the largest orders can be handled swiftly,
enabling manufacturers to multiply the number of
orders produced, while still respecting deadlines and
without consuming raw materials allocated to other
orders. In terms of quality-productivity ratio, the Vector
FashionMX is peerless on the market.
FOR EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT To ensure effective support for PLM project imple -
OF THE PRODUCT LIFECYCLE mentation, Lectra has a network of more than 190
Capitalizing on its 35 years’ experience with the fashion consultants and project managers in its subsidia -
industry worldwide, Lectra is the only market player with ries across the globe. These experts have in-depth
Developed by Lectra in collaboration with apparel
a technology and services offer specifically tailored to knowledge of the sector and the challenges facing the
and retail professionals, Gallery is without doubt the
the needs of this sector. fashion industry. For each project, Lectra Fashion PLM
most suitable solution for small and medium-sized
The range and specialized content of Lectra Fashion is adapted to the particularities of the customer’s
structures. A truly collaborative software solution,
PLM make it an unequaled solution on the market. processes, using a rigorous and structured inte -
Gallery enables users to centralize, structure
A real performance accelerator for fashion professio - gration methodology which takes into account the
and share detailed product data and graphics
nals, Lectra Fashion PLM simplifies the management specific constraints of collection management cycles.
between all those involved in product development.
of business processes, workflow, and collaborative
Among other things, it allows companies to monitor
work throughout the product lifecycle—from the
and verify product development tasks and generate
designer’s initial idea to the finished product, ready
status reports on the progress of models or
for sale.
product lines.
Lectra Fashion PLM offers a truly collaborative
environment for the design, development and
With prototype evaluation and the capacity to
manufacturing of fashion items (apparel, footwear
manage multiple fitting sessions, Gallery is flexible
and accessories) together with optimal collection
enough to handle the iterative nature of this process.
management. It is the only PLM solution to integrate
By reducing the number of steps necessary to
process management applications—Line Planning, Business expertise and project management metho -
develop prototypes and managing key process
product design and development management, dology designed specially for the fashion sector ensure
tasks (specification definition, fitting, costing),
strategic sourcing, and Workflow Management— timely implementation and respected deadlines. More
Gallery considerably shortens product develop -
with market-leading business applications for importantly, these assets also contribute to optimal
ment time and lowers associated costs.
design (Kaledo) , pattern-making (Modaris) , virtual support of teams as they manage the inevitable change
3D and physical prototyping (Modaris 3D Fit) , that is an essential part of the introduction of such a
and marker-making (Diamino) . s tr a te gic a nd c ol l a bor a tive s ol ution into the c om pa ny.
Maintenance and Support Services gives customers out of their Lectra solutions by giving training
access to the latest innovations developed by Lectra’s tailored to each company's needs. With a view
220 R&D engineers. Among other things, Lectra to providing full support for its customers, Lectra also
guarantees response times, offers accurate evaluations has a team of specialists to analyze each company's
carried out by experts, and ensures optimal availability challenges and identify the technologies best suited
of spare parts and consumables (all tested, approved to resolve them. Lectra’s consultants—who possess
With more than 300 engineers and experts intervening
and guaranteed). in-depth knowledge of the fashion industry—draw on
onsite, or working in our five International Call Centers,
proven design, development and production experience
Lectra offers a complete range of high value-added
services which allow customers to secure their invest-
T RAINING , E VALUATION AND C ONSULTING to carry out precise evaluations and deliver concrete
To enable its customers to be more efficient and recommendations on change leadership and project
ment and ensure its profitability. These services make
develop their skills, Lectra has more than 190 implementation.
up a comprehensive maintenance offer which can be
trainers and professional consultants responsible
adapted to meet every need: user assistance, preventive
for delivering specially designed training programs
and reactive maintenance, design optimization, product
and who combine teaching skills, product expertise,
development, and help with the production process.
and business know-how. They thus help teams
They ensure a significant increase in productivity by
develop all the skills necessary to get the best
optimizing the use of design and production tools.
In this way, preventive maintenance on equipment
minimizes down time and ensures total transparency
for production. The principle: Lectra consultants
monitor equipment remotely through a permanent link
created with Lectra solutions, leaving customers free
to concentrate on their core business. Subscribing to
Lectra is the world leader in integrated technology solutions that automate, streamline, and accelerate product design, development, and manufacturing
processes for industries using soft materials. Lectra develops the most advanced specialized software and cutting systems and provides associated services to
a broad array of markets including fashion (apparel, accessories, footwear), automotive (car seats and interiors, airbags), furniture, as well as a wide variety of
other market sectors, such as the aeronautical and marine industries, wind power, personal protective equipment. Lectra serves 23,000 customers in more than
100 countries with 1,500 employees. The company is listed on Euronext Paris.
For more information, please visit www.lectra.com