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Unit Tests Answer Key PDF

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Unit tests answer key

Allow approximately twenty to thirty minutes for each 6 climbed / ran

unit test, depending on the strength of the students 7 was getting / was waiting
in your class. You might like to allow students to use 8 arrived / was leaving
their books or notes to help them. There are additional
progress tests at the end of each unit if you would
1 the funniest film Ive ever
like to give your students a timed test.
2 wasnt as good as
3 as tall as
4 less interesting than
Unit Test 1 5 worse than
6 less expensive
7 higher I went, the dizzier
1 outfit 2 makeover 3 image
8 sooner you finish
4 baggy 5 eye contact
6 overcome 7 centre of attention
8 aggressive Unit test 3
2 1
1 show off 2 take off 3 wrap up 1 ambition 2 challenging 3 legendary
4 stands out 5 pick up 6 dress up 4 talent 5 self-confidence 6 determination
7 goes with 8 try on 7 personality 8 successful
3 2
1 immature 2 impossible 1 bored with 2 keen on 3 terrible at
3 disrespectful 4 invisible 4 good at 5 famous for 6 mad about
5 misread 6 illegal 7 fed up with 8 interested in
7 unreliable 8 illegible
4 1 experience 2 have 3 tutor
1 gets 2 Are you waiting 4 open 5 practice 6 come true
3 comes 4 doesnt seem 7 comprehensive 8 year, year
5 are always borrowing 6 helps
7 isnt wearing 4
8 Do these trousers look 1 never 2 just 3 ago 4 for 5 since
6 yet 7 still 8 ever
1 the 2a 3 4 an 5 a 6 7 the 8 the 5
1 himself 2 himself 3 each other
4 each other 5 herself 6 himself
Unit test 2 7 each other 8 yourself
1 tourist 2 book 3 events 4 gallery Unit test 4
5 exhibition 6 trip 7 tour 8 auctioned
2 1 have doubts
1 off 2 up 3 out 4 in 5 up 6 off 2 raise funds
7 on 8 over 3 set goals
3 4 light a fire
1 across 2 down 3 on 4 towards 5 to 5 find your way
6 at 7 from 8 into 6 complete the task
7 achieve your potential
4 8 overcome difficulties
1 was visiting / met
2 was working / was trying 2
3 asked / agreed 1 ability 2 fitness 3 intelligence
4 were having / noticed 4 activity 5 selessness 6 safety
5 left / went 7 weakness 8 usefulness


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Unit tests answer key

3 2
1 freezing 2 filthy 3 hilarious 4 delighted 1 boot camp 2 fast food 3 couch potato
5 amazed 6 deafening 7 starving 8 delicious 4 relay race 5 blood test 6 heart disease
7 weight training 8 health care
1 is travelling 2 is starting 3 ll be sitting 3
4 takes off 5 will join 6 ll have been 1 court 2 black eye 3 tough 4 sprain
7 s going to have 8 ll be 5 have the stomach 6 give a hand 7 pitch
8 put your foot down
1d 2a 3g 4f 5h 6b 7c 8e 4
1 should
2 must
Unit test 5 3 dont need
4 must
5 cant
1 haunted 2 ghosts 3 mysterious 4 scary
6 should / need to
5 pale 6 species 7 deadly 8 alien
7 be able to
2 8 shouldnt
1 a bit 2 totally 3 evil 4 really 5 a bit
6 nervous 7 absolutely 8 completely
1 should do
3 2 must be
1 from bad to worse 3 neednt bring
2 Rumour has it 4 could be
3 breathed a sigh of relief 5 might win
4 from time to time 6 cant have lost
5 from that day on 7 didnt need to stop
6 sends shivers down my spine 8 shouldnt have tried
7 all of a sudden
8 day after day
Unit test 7
1 been studying 1
2 had already left 1 overwhelmed 2 vulnerable 3 jealous
3 had died 4 cross 5 snobbish 6 weird 7 big-headed
4 went 8 depressed
5 had been playing
6 d already seen
1 resentful 2 advice 3 choice 4 envious
7 had just left
5 improvement 6 proud 7 supportive
8 had been raining
8 punishments
1 would 2 used to 3 would 4 Did you use to
1 sense of humour
5 did you use to 6 would 7 used to
2 blew his top
8 used to
3 as you please
4 take it easy
5 made it up
Unit test 6 6 piece of my mind
1 7 throw a wobbly
1 face the music 8 does wonders
2 let down
3 lose heart
1 made me take
4 have a head for
2 doesnt let her go
5 carry on 6 get out of
3 Dont pull
7 set up
4 make her do
8 get over
5 Be
6 never used to let me travel


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Unit tests answer key

7 made us really push 3

8 let your body cool 1 She sang the song quite nicely.
2 He definitely didnt do it. I was with him absolutely
all night.
1 e 2 g 3 d 4 f 5 h 6 a 7 c 8 b
3 Im fairly certain hes innocent. It was probably the
other man.
4 We looked everywhere for the lost dog but
Unit test 8 unfortunately we couldnt find it.
1 5 He was pretty angry when we got in so late last
1 rural 2 urban 3 donate 4 glaciers 5 survival night.
6 reduce 7 volunteer 8 wilderness 6 He put the book down carefully on the table.
7 He obviously wasnt telling the truth when he said
he was at the club last night.
1 national park
8 Im pretty sure it was on the table, just before I
2 endangered species
went outside.
3 global warming
4 human activity 4
5 wildlife centre 1 has been stolen
6 breeding ground 2 was robbed while he was walking down the street
7 environmentally friendly 3 had been locked at around 5 oclock
8 greenhouse gases 4 has been arrested
5 are going to be interviewed
6 is being held at the local police station
1 was just about to 2 is into 3 is all for
7 will be made later today
4 am over 5 was against 6 am at
8 will be sent to prison for a very long time
7 ll be in 8 are off
1 must have been
1 had
2 cant have
2 ll become
3 have been
3 hadnt seen
4 might
4 will be
5 might
5 wouldnt have seen
6 could have gone
6 will be destroyed
7 might
7 would go
8 have to be
8 were protected
1 is having Unit test 10
2 to have a large area cleared 1
3 are getting a local person 1 breaking 2 broadcast 3 bulletin
4 have already had some small houses installed 4 footage 5 incident 6 updates
5 is going to have a special office built 7 reporter 8 archives
6 have had all the costumes made
7 is going to get the food cooked for everybody 2
8 had the area 1 official
2 neighbouring
3 latest
Unit test 9 4 Icy
5 stormy
6 developed
1 suspects 2 jump to conclusions 3 solve
7 dramatic
4 guilty 5 evidence 6 innocent 7 clues
8 mild
8 commit
1 went along with 2 put in for
1 burglar 2 Criminals 3 murder 4 detective
3 working out 4 ran out of
5 theft 6 suspicions 7 witnesses 8 lawyer
5 hold me back 6 run over
7 looks up to 8 run into


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Unit tests answer key

1 Writing 2 finding 3 to see 4 using
Unit test 12
5 to understand 6 completing 7 to speak 1
8 deciding 1 blog 2 users 3 sign up 4 data 5 graphics
6 web 7 ICT 8 message board
1 to pass 2 replacing 3 putting 4 to phone 2
5 to rain 6 working 7 to tell 8 seeing 1 downloading 2 online 3 surfing 4 click
5 upload 6 receive 7 literate 8 chat

Unit test 11 3
1 an ancient Greek vase
1 2 an old black and white film
1 professional 2 workaholic 3 construction 3 a huge wooden statue
4 redundant 5 cooperating 6 further 4 a stunning Brazilian model
7 available 8 trainee 5 a brilliant comedy film
2 6 a new cotton T-shirt
1 at 2 by 3 for 4 from 5 of 6 with 7 a small modern town
7 on 8 to 8 handsome new boyfriend

3 4
1 had 2 online 3 profession 4 private 1 I saw a website which was about teen heroes.
5 conditions 6 industry 7 attend 8 business 2 There were a lot of things which were useful on the
4 3 I met a fifteen-year-old boy who had designed his
1 said it was a nice day own website.
2 admitted he had broken the vase 4 Wikipedia is a useful site where people can write
3 promised she would be there their own suggestions.
4 warned me that I would have to stay late if I didnt 5 There was an interesting film about a girl whose
finish parents were computer game designers.
5 told me she would give me the book later 6 He told me about a good blog which he had visited
6 realised that he had left his mobile phone at home the night before.
7 exclaimed that it was the best day of her life 7 She designed the website a couple of years before
8 complained that the DVD player wasnt working when she was still at school.
8 Alice, who uses the same chat room as me, is from
1 if youll be here later.
2 where this train goes? 5
3 if he liked the gift. 1 could spend / had spent
4 if you could tell me as soon as possible. 2 hadnt uploaded
5 if its going to be expensive? 3 could go / had gone
6 where we will be staying. 4 would leave
7 to book a single room. 5 was / were better
8 if there will be anyone else about my age there. 6 would stop
7 would stop
8 lived


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