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Thermo Scientific

APEX 500 Rx
Metal Detector
Users Guide
REC 4345 Rev B
Part number 109541English
2010 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. All rights reserved

For future reference, write your APEX 500 Rx serial number below.

APEX 500 Rx serial # = __________________________________

Page 2 Thermo ScientificAPEX 500 Rx Users Guide

Table of Contents

Getting Started ............................................................................... 5

Installing Your APEX 500 Rx ............................................................. 6
Installing the Input and Output Chutes ............................................................ 6
Aligning the APEX 500 Rx in Your Production Line............................................ 10
Making the Electrical and Compressed-Air Connections .................................... 13
Setting Passwords ......................................................................... 16
Checking APEX Sensitivity .............................................................. 17
Fail-Safe Operation ....................................................................... 18
Troubleshooting ............................................................................ 19
Additional Information ................................................................... 20

Thermo ScientificAPEX 500 Rx Users Guide Page 3

Page 4 Thermo ScientificAPEX 500 Rx Users Guide
Getting Started
Congratulations on the purchase of your new Thermo Scientific APEX 500 Rx metal

The purpose of this manual is to help you get your APEX 500 Rx up and running as
quickly as possible. This manual covers the following topics.

Installing your APEX 500 Rx

Setting operator and other passwords
Checking sensitivity (the APEXs ability to detect metallic contaminants)

This manualplease noteis only a supplement to the main APEX Users Guide. As a
result, you should consult the main APEX Users Guide for complete information on
safely using, installing, operating, maintaining, and troubleshooting your APEX 500 Rx.

Thermo ScientificAPEX 500 Rx Users Guide Page 5

Installing Your APEX 500 Rx
This section tells you how to install the input and output chutes, align the APEX 500 Rx
in your production line, and connect the main power and compressed-air supplies.

Installing the Input and Output Chutes

Here are the instructions for attaching the input and output chutes to your APEX.

1) Match up the top and bottom halves of the input chute.

2) Slide the input chute into the search-head opening in the APEX.

Page 6 Thermo ScientificAPEX 500 Rx Users Guide

3) Attach the top cover of the output chute by aligning it with the stainless steel pins on
the side of the output chute. Make sure the pins are resting in position A.

4) Insert the reject chute onto the reject solenoid shaft. Make sure the key is correctly

Thermo ScientificAPEX 500 Rx Users Guide Page 7

5) Firmly attach the reject chute to the reject solenoid shaft using the supplied M5 hex
wrench. Tighten the M5 hex screw to 6 ft-lb (8N-m).

6) Attach the reject bin by doing the following.

a) Slide the reject bin over the plastic pin on the APEX output chute.

Page 8 Thermo ScientificAPEX 500 Rx Users Guide

b) Latch and lock the fastener on the reject bin to firmly attach the reject chute to
the APEX output chute.

7) Loosen the wheel locks on the APEX carrier and roll the APEX into position in your
production line. Lock the wheels again to ensure the carrier is totally immobilized on
your factory floor.

Thermo ScientificAPEX 500 Rx Users Guide Page 9

Aligning the APEX 500 Rx in Your Production Line
The next step is to install the APEX in your production line. Please note the following
important information about the APEXs default settings.

The default settings for operating the APEX (which were set at the factory before your
APEX was shipped) assume the APEX will be installed in your production line as follows.

The angle of the input chute is set to 35where horizontal equals zero degrees.

The total vertical drop from your product output-point to the search-head
opening is 10 inches (254 mm).

When the input chute is set to 35 and the vertical drop to 10 inches (254 mm),
product should flow through the search head at approximately 300 feet per
minute (91 meters per minute). The default speed-filter setting for the APEX
500 Rx is to use the wide-band filter #2.

Page 10 Thermo ScientificAPEX 500 Rx Users Guide

Using A Different Input Angle and/or Vertical Drop
If you need to use a different input angle and/or vertical drop because of the way your
production line is set up, the rate at which product flows through the search head
(product speed) willmost likelybe different from 300 feet per minute (91 meters
per minute). For example, if you use a smaller input angle or vertical drop, product
speed will decrease. Conversely, if you use a larger input angle or vertical drop, product
speed will increase.

In most instances, changes in product speed do not significantly affect the ability of the
APEX to detect metallic contaminants (that is, do not affect APEX sensitivity) when
the key pointthe default settings are used. However, if you discover that sensitivity
has been affected (described below) because you are using a non-standard input angle
or vertical drop, you should change the product speed setting.

In summary, if you use a non-standard input angle or vertical drop, please note the

The default settings assume that product speed = 300 feet per minute (91
meters per minute).

The product speed setting should be changed only if sensitivity is adversely

affectedas described in the Checking APEX Sensitivity section on page 17 of
this manual.

Adjusting the Input Angle and Vertical Drop

Locate the two black plastic handles (see the photo below and on page 12), which set
the angular alignment and vertical alignment of the APEX, and use them to properly
align the APEX in your production line.

1) Use this handle to set the angular alignment of the APEX.

Thermo ScientificAPEX 500 Rx Users Guide Page 11

2) Use this handle to set the vertical alignment of the APEX.

3) If desired, readjust the safety collar that prevents the APEX 500 Rx from falling to
the floor. Loosen the bolts in the safety collar using a " Allen (hexagonal) wrench,
slide the collar to its new position, and tighten firmly to secure the safety collar.

Page 12 Thermo ScientificAPEX 500 Rx Users Guide

Making the Electrical and Compressed-Air Connections
The last step is to connect the main power cord to the APEX, and connect the APEX to
your facilitys compressed-air supply.

Connecting the Main Power Cord

To attach the main power cord to the APEX, do the following.

1) Unscrew the eight bolts on the face of the APEXs control panel, and remove the face

2) Feed the main power cord through the hole in the frame and through the black
plastic grommet in the base of the control panel, as shown below.

Thermo ScientificAPEX 500 Rx Users Guide Page 13

3) Pull the male connector (A) from the female connector (B) and connect the power
cord wires to connector A. Please make sure you connect the live (L), neutral (N),
and ground/earth (E) wires to the correct terminalsas noted above connector B on
the integrated circuit board. (The L, N, and E notations are shown upside-down
above connector B.)

4) Push connector A firmly into connector B.

5) Place the face plate on the control panel and reattach using the eight bolts.

Page 14 Thermo ScientificAPEX 500 Rx Users Guide

Connecting the Compressed-Air Supply
The final step is to connect the APEX to your facilitys compressed-air supply, and set
the appropriate air pressure for operating the reject gate. The minimum air pressure and
volume required to operate the reject gate are as follows.

Minimum air pressure = 60 psi (pounds per square inch) or 4.13 BAR
Minimum air volume = 0.5 CFM (cubic feet per minute) or 0.014 CMM (cubic
meters per minute)

1) Connect your compressed-air supply to the inlet on the APEX carrier.

2) Set the air pressure to 70 psi (4.82 BAR) using the black regulator valve above the
air-pressure gauge, but do not exceed 70 psi (4.82 BAR).

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Setting Passwords
If you wish to restrict access to your APEX detector, you (as a supervisor) must assign
passwords to operators, engineers, and yourself. The following table shows the access
privileges of operators, engineers, and supervisors as well as their default passwords.
Use the default passwords, when entering this menu for the first time to set up security
levels for yourself and your coworkers. Unlike a personal computer, no names are
usedonly passwords. Thus, all supervisors, engineers, and operators are recognized
only by their passwords.
User Name


Available to this Not Available


Access Level to this Access Level

0 Read/Lock (None) View everything

Clear peak (N/A)

1 Operator 1 OPR1 AutoLearn Adjust

Learn detect level Phase angle
Change products Detect level

2 Operator 2 OPR2 Manual AuditCheck Pack gap

Manual QAT Detect no-pack
Manual print distance
Learn and adjust Machine settings
Phase angle Reject settings
Detect level I/O settings
Learn IXR Phase and IXR
Edit pack length tracking
Learn reject AuditCheck settings
confirmations QAT settings
Reset reject counts

3 Engineer ENGI Everything except Passwords

password changes NVRAM reset

4 Supervisor SUPE Everything Set APEX model

or machine type
SF factory menu

5 Factory Model/machine Password required for

SF factory menu every change

More Information
For more information about setting passwords, please see pages 249253 in the main
APEX Users Guide.

Page 16 Thermo ScientificAPEX 500 Rx Users Guide

Checking APEX Sensitivity
This section assumes you have installed the APEX 500 Rx in your production line, as
described above. The next step is to test the sensitivity of the APEXthat is, test its
ability to detect metallic contaminantsusing the test spheres that are supplied with
your APEX. Three types of test sphere are supplied: ferrous, non-ferrous, and 316
stainless steel.

There are six steps to testing the sensitivity of the APEX, as follows.

Establish a Baseline for Background Noise

See pages 101103 in the main APEX Users Guide.

Choosing the Correct Speed-Filter Settings for the Rx

See page 104 in the main APEX Users Guide.

Do a Full Product Calibration

See pages 105107 in the main APEX Users Guide.

Calibrate the AuditCheck Function (if applicable)

If your APEX 500 Rx is equipped with the AuditCheck option (which allows the
APEX to detect small changes in sensitivity over time), you must calibrate the
AuditCheck function. See pages 206213 in the main APEX Users Guide.

Drop the Test Spheres Down the Input Chute with No Product Present
Make sure no product (tablets, caplets, capsules, or other product) is flowing
through the search head. Drop the three types of test sphere (ferrous, non-
ferrous, and stainless steel) down the input chute from 510 times to verify they
are rejected by the APEX.

Drop the Test Spheres Down the Input Chute with Product Present
The final step is to start your product flowing through the search head. Then drop
the three types of test sphere down the chute from 510 times to verify they are

Now that you have verified the APEX can detect contaminants in your product stream,
you are ready to put it into service as part of your critical quality-control program.

What to Do If the Test Spheres Are Not Rejected

If any of the test spheres are not rejected, the sensitivity of the APEX needs to be
adjusted. The most common cause of decreased sensitivityas described aboveis
using small input angles (<35) and small vertical drops (<10 inches/254mm), which
reduce the product speed below the default setting of 300 feet per minute (91 meters
per minute).

This type of problem is usually solved by changing the product-speed setting, and is best
done by contacting one of Thermo Fisher Scientifics technical-support personnel (see
page 399 of the main APEX Users Guide). He or she will step you through the process,
because choosing optimum sensitivity settings depends on a number of factors including
product speed, detect level, search-head size, and so on.

Thermo ScientificAPEX 500 Rx Users Guide Page 17

Fail-Safe Operation
The APEX 500 Rx has been designed for fail-safe operation. The following table outlines
the fail-safe failures and the fail-safe actions taken by the APEX.

Fail-safe failure Fail-safe system action

No electrical input power The reject gate closes. All product
(contaminated or uncontaminated)
goes into the reject bin.

No air pressure The reject gate closes. All product

(contaminated or uncontaminated)
goes into the reject bin.

The APEX detects an active fault* The reject gate closes. All product
Reject-verification fault (contaminated or uncontaminated)
AuditCheck fault goes into the reject bin.
Any other active fault
* Active faults are always displayed on the Apex 500 Rx control panel. An optional
alarm fault output package is available to give a visual (red light) and/or audio
(horn) indication when a fault occurs.

Page 18 Thermo ScientificAPEX 500 Rx Users Guide

The table below shows some actions you could take should a problem occur with your
APEX 500 Rx.

System Failure Action

The reject device does not divert Verify air pressure is set to a
the rejected contaminant into the minimum of 60 PSI.
reject bin in time Verify product and machine
settings are correct and
have not been altered.
Verify multi-zone setting is
turned OFF.

The system does not detect the Verify product and machine
required test disks. settings are correct and
have not been altered.
Perform a full product
calibration to set the detect
level and phase angle for the
selected product.
Verify aperture balance and
input tuning settings are

The system falsely rejects Verify product and machine

uncontaminated product. settings are correct and
have not been altered.
Perform a full product
calibration to set the detect
level and phase angle for the
selected product.
Verify aperture balance and
input tuning settings are

Additional Information
For additional information about resolving APEX problems, please see page 262 in the
main APEX Users Guide.

Thermo ScientificAPEX 500 Rx Users Guide Page 19

Additional Information
Listed below are additional sources of information about your APEX 500 Rx.

Modifying 500 Rx Operating Parameters

For more information about changing the operating parameters (such as the reject-delay
time, reject-duration time, and so on) for your APEX 500 Rx, please see the Setting Up
Pharmaceutical (500 Rx) Applications section on pages 95109 in the main APEX Users

Supplemental Information
The following supplemental information is appended to this manual.

Description Document
APEX 500 Rx System Outline and Mounting D07404M-B005

APEX 500 Rx Head and Electronics Outline and Mounting D07404M-B002

APEX 500 Rx Head, Electronics, and Reject Outline and D07404M-B006


APEX 500 Rx Spare Parts Manual Illustration D07404M-Y001

APEX 500 Rx Pneumatic Reject Field-Wiring Diagram D07387M-W004

Revision History
Listed below is the revision history of the APEX 500 Rx Users Guide.

number Date released Details of the release

Revision A April 2010 First release of the APEX 500 Rx Users Guide.

Revision B June 2010 Update for full system release.

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