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Keb F5 Inverter Manual

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The document discusses an instruction manual for LIFT TECHNOLOGY frequency inverters and covers topics such as encoder connections, wiring examples, and speed controller adjustments.

The document describes several encoder interfaces that can be connected to the frequency inverter including incremental, SIN/COS, resolver, Hiperface, EnDat, UVW, HTL, and BISS encoders.

The document provides examples of adjustments that can be made to the speed controller including increasing or decreasing the Kp and Ki values and how that impacts the transient response and oscillation.


GB Instruction Manual COMBIVERT F5-Lift

Version 2.2

Mat.No. Rev.
00F5LEB-K220 1D
Table of Contents

1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................4
1.1 Preface................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Product description........................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Safety and Operating Instructions................................................................................................... 5

2. Overview of control connections....................................................................................6

2.1 Housing sizes DE........................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Housing sizes GU........................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Motor encoder connection X3A........................................................................................................ 7
2.3.1 Incremental encoder interface............................................................................................................. 7
2.3.2 SIN/COS encoder interface................................................................................................................. 7
2.3.3 Resolver encoder interface.................................................................................................................. 7
2.3.4 Hiperface encoder interface................................................................................................................. 8
2.3.5 EnDat encoder interface...................................................................................................................... 8
2.3.6 UVW encoder interface........................................................................................................................ 8
2.3.7 HTL encoder interface 0...30 V with differential signals....................................................................... 8
2.3.8 HTL encoder interface without differential signals............................................................................... 9
2.3.9 BISS encoder interface........................................................................................................................ 9
2.4 Lift shaft encoder connection X3B.................................................................................................. 9
2.4.1 Incremental encoder output / incremental encoder input..................................................................... 9
2.4.2 SSI encoder interface.......................................................................................................................... 9
2.5 Wiring examples / flow charts........................................................................................................ 10
2.5.1 Connection F5-Lift for binary-coded setpoint selection (factory setting)............................................ 10
2.5.2 Connection F5-Lift input-coded setpoint selection ((Lb.05=2, Lb.12=0, Lb.13=1)............................. 12
2.5.3 Connection F5-Lift for ogive travel with correction input (Lb.05=1, Lb.12=9) ................................... 14
2.5.4 Connection F5-Lift for UPS-run......................................................................................................... 16
2.6 Control terminal strip X2A.............................................................................................................. 19
2.7 Lift-Operator..................................................................................................................................... 20
2.7.1 Parameterizing interface X6B............................................................................................................ 20
2.7.2 RS232/485-Interface X6C.................................................................................................................. 20
2.7.3 The Operator Panel........................................................................................................................... 21

3. Parameter description...................................................................................................22
3.1 Overview of parameter groups ...................................................................................................... 22
3.2 Basic settings.................................................................................................................................. 22
3.3 Input of motor data.......................................................................................................................... 27
3.4 Adjustment of the motor encoder and shaft encoder.................................................................. 31
3.5 Lift functions.................................................................................................................................... 36
3.6 Positioning mode............................................................................................................................. 44
3.7 Information, indications and measured values............................................................................ 48
3.8 Adjustment of analog inputs and outputs..................................................................................... 56
3.9 Adjustment of torque precontrol . ................................................................................................. 60

4 Start-up............................................................................................................................62
4.1 Start-up of an asynchronous motor without speed encoder with gearbox. ............................. 62
4.2 Start-up of an asynchronous motor with speed encoder and gearbox...................................... 63
4.3 Start-up of a synchronous motor with speed encoder without gearbox .................................. 64

5. Error diagnosis...............................................................................................................65
6. Adjustment Speed Controller of F5 Lift with "speed jump".......................................71

GB - 3

1. Introduction
1.1 Preface
We welcome you as a customer of the Karl E. Brinkmann GmbH and congratulate you to the aquisition of this
product. You have chosen a product on highest technical standard.
This manual as well as the specified hardware and software are developments of the Karl E. Brinkmann GmbH.
Errors and ommissions excepted! The Karl E. Brinkmann GmbH have prepared the documentation, hardware
and software to the best of their knowledge, however, no guarantee is given that the specifications will provide
the efficiency aimed at by the user. The Karl E. Brinkmann GmbH reserves the right to change the specifications
without prior notification or further obligation. All rights reserved. The safety and warning instructions specified in
this manual do not lay claim on completeness.

The pictograms used in this manual mean:


observe at
all costs


1.2 Product description

This instruction manual describes the frequency inverter series KEB COMBIVERT F5 for lift drives. This series
convinces through the special adaption of the operation to the requirements of lift drives. The lift functions are
available only in connection with the lift operator (part number 00.F5.060-200C software version 2.2).

The power range of KEB COMBIVERT F5 for lift drives ranges from
2.245kW / 230V class
2.2630kW / 400V class

The designs are available in following variants:

heat sink for control cabinet installation (standard)
heat sink for control cabinet cutout (through-mount version)
without heat sink for customer-specific cooling systems (Flat-Rear)

GB - 4
Important, absolutely read

1.3 Safety and Operating Instructions

Safety and Operating Instructions for drive converters
(in conformity with the Low-Voltage Directive 2006/95/EG)

1. General portation or handling. No contact shall be made with

In operation, drive converters, depending on their de- electronic components and contacts.
gree of protection, may have live, uninsulated, and Drive converters contain electrostatic sensitive com-
possibly also moving or rotating parts, as well as hot ponents which are liable to damage through improper
surfaces. use. Electric components must not be mechanically
In case of inadmissible removal of the required covers, damaged or destroyed (potential health risks).
of improper use, wrong installation or maloperation, 5. Electrical connection
there is the danger of serious personal injury and da- When working on live drive converters, the applicable
mage to property. national accident prevention rules (e.g. VBG 4) must
For further information, see documentation. be complied with.
All operations serving transport, installation and com- The electrical installation shall be carried out in accor-
missioning as well as maintenance are to be carried dance with the relevant requirements (e.g. cross-sec-
out by skilled technical personnel (Observe IEC 364 tional areas of conductors, fusing, PE connection). For
or CENELEC HD 384 or DIN VDE 0100 and IEC 664 further information, see documentation. (Instruction
or DIN/VDE 0110 and national accident prevention manual part 1)
rules!). Instructions for the installation in accordance with
For the purposes of these basic safety instructions, EMC requirements, like screening, earthing, location
skilled technical personnel means persons who are of filters and wiring, are contained in the drive con-
familiar with the installation, mounting, commissioning verter documentation. They must always be complied
and operation of the product and have the qualifica- with, also for drive converters bearing a CE marking.
tions needed for the performance of their functions. Observance of the limit values required by EMC law is
2. Intended use the responsibility of the manufacturer of the installation
Drive converters are components designed for inclusi- or machine.
on in electrical installations or machinery. A high frequency filter and a THD filter are additi-
In case of installation in machinery, commissioning of onally required in order to meet the european lift
the drive converter (i.e. the starting of normal operati- standard EN12015.
on) is prohibited until the machinery has been proved 6. Operation
to conform to the provisions of the directive 2006/42/ Installations which include drive converters shall be
EC (Machinery Safety Directive - MSD). Account is to equipped with additional control and protective de-
be taken of EN 60204. vices in accordance with the relevant applicable safety
Commissioning (i.e. the starting of normal operation) requirements, e.g. act respecting technical equipment,
is admissible only where conformity with the EMC di- accident prevention rules etc.. Changes to the drive
rective (2004/108/EC) has been established. converters by means of the operating software are ad-
The drive converters meet the requirements of the missible.
Low-Voltage directive 2006/95/EC. They are subject After disconnection of the drive converter from the vol-
to the harmonized standards of the series EN50178/ tage supply, live appliance parts and power terminals
VDE0160. must not be touched immediately because of possibly
The technical data as well as information concerning energized capacitors. In this respect, the correspondi-
the supply conditions shall be taken from the rating ng signs and markings on the drive converter must be
plate and from the documentation and shall be strictly respected.
observed. During operation, all covers and doors shall be kept
3. Transport, storage closed.
The instructions for transport, storage and proper use 7. Maintenance and servicing
shall be complied with. The manufacturers documentation shall be followed.
The climatic conditions shall be in conformity with EN KEEP SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS IN A SAFE PLACE!
4 Installation
The installation and cooling of the appliances shall be
in accordance with the specifications in the pertinent
The drive converters shall be protected against exces-
sive strains. In particular, no components must be bent
or isolating distances altered in the course of trans-

GB - 5
Description of the Unit

2. Overview of Control Connections

2.1 Housing sizes DE

Lift operator





HSP5 interface X6B X6



RS232/485 interface X6D

No r PC
Control terminal strip X2A

Lift shaft encoding X3B

Motor encoder X3A

2.2 Housing size GU

Lift operator




HSP5 interface X6B X6




RS232/485 interface X6D


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Lift shaft encoding X3B

Motor encoder X3A

Control terminal strip X2A

Observe maximum width of the connectors

for X3A and X3B!

GB - 6
Description of the Unit

2.3 Motor encoder connection X3A

The connection of the motor encoder is done on socket X3A. Which of the encoders can be connected depends
on the installed encoder interface and is displayed in LC.11.
All encoder connectors may be connected/discon- X3A
nected only at switched off frequency inverter and
switched off supply voltage.
The frequency inverter monitores all encoder signals. 5 4 3 2 1
If the encoder alarm is activated and no zero track 10 9 8 7 6
is existent, connect N- with +5V (PIN12) and N+ with
COM (PIN13). 15 14 13 12 11

The encoder alarm can be switched off with LC.03.

2.3.1 Incremental encoder interface

PIN Name Description
3 A- Differential signal to A+
4 B- Differential signal to B+
8 A+ Incremental encoder track A
9 B+ Incremental encoder track B
11 +24V Voltage output 20...30V
12 +5V Voltage output 5V, power supply for the encoders
13 COM Reference potential for voltage supply
14 N- Difference signal to N+ (if non-existent, assign with +5V PIN12)
15 N+ Zero track (if non-existent, assign with COM PIN13)
- GND Connection for shielding at connector housing .
Internally directly connected with inverter earth.

2.3.2 SIN/COS encoder interface

PIN Name Description
1 C- Differential signal to C+
2 D- Differential signal to D+
3 A- Differential signal to A+
4 B- Differential signal to B+
6 C+ Absolute track for initial position and angular calculation
7 D+ Absolute track for initial position and angular calculation
8 A+ Incremental signals A for counter and direction detection
9 B+ Incremental signals B for counter and direction detection
12 +5,25V Power supply for encoder
13 COM Reference potential for supply voltage
14 -R Differential signal to zero track R+
15 +R Zero track
- GND Connection for shielding at connector housing .
Internally directly connected with inverter earth.

2.3.3 Resolver encoder interface

PIN Name Description
3 SIN- Negated sinus signal
4 COS- Negated cosine signal
5 REF- Negated field voltage output
8 SIN+ Sinus signal
9 COS+ Cosine signal
10 REF+ Field voltage output
14 GND Connection for shielding of signal lines
- GND Connection for shielding of the entire cable at the connector housing.
Internally directly connected with inverter earth.

GB - 7
Description of the Unit

2.3.4 Hiperface encoder interface

PIN Name Description
3 REF_COS Signal offset to COS
4 REF_SIN Signal offset to SIN
8 COS+ Incremental signal COS for counter and direction detection
9 SIN+ Incremental signal SIN for counter and direction detection
10 +7,5V Power supply for encoder
13 COM Reference potential for supply voltage
14 Data- Data channel RS485
15 Data+ Data channel RS485
- GND Connection for shielding at connector housing .
Internally directly connected with inverter earth.

2.3.5 EnDat encoder interface

PIN Name Description
3 A- Signal input A- (difference signal to A+)
4 B- Signal input B- (difference signal to B+)
6 Clock+ Clock signal RS485
7 Clock- Clock signal RS485
8 A+ Incremental signals A for counter and direction detection
9 B+ Incremental signals B for counter and direction detection
12 +5,25V Power supply for encoder
13 COM Reference potential for supply voltage
14 Data- Data channel RS485
15 Data+ Data channel RS485
- GND Connection for shielding at connector housing .
Internally directly connected with inverter earth.

2.3.6 UVW encoder interface

PIN Name Description
1 A+ Incremental signal A
2 A- Differential signal to A+
3 B+ Incremental signal B
4 B- Differential signal to B+
5 N+ Zero track
6 N- Difference signal to zero track N+
7 U+ Commutation signal U
8 U- Differential signal to U+
9 V+ Commutation signal V
10 V- Differential signal to V+
11 W+ Commutation signal W
12 W- Differential signal to W+
13 5V Voltage output 5V
14 COM Reference potential for supply voltage
15 - -
- GND Connection for shielding at connector housing .
Internally directly connected with inverter earth.

2.3.7 HTL encoder interface 0...30 V with difference signals

PIN Name Description
3 A- Differential signal to A+
4 B- Differential signal to B+
8 A+ HTL incremental encoder track A
9 B+ HTL incremental encoder track B
11 +24V Voltage output 20...30V
12 +5V Voltage output 5V, power supply for the encoders
13 COM Reference potential for voltage supply
14 N- Differential signal to N+ (if nonexistent, assign with +5V PIN12 )
15 N+ HTL zero track (if non-existent, assign with 0V PIN13)
- GND Connection for shielding at connector housing .
Internally directly connected with inverter earth.

GB - 8
Description of the Unit

2.3.8 HTL encoder interface without difference signals

PIN Name Description
1 NO contact Error relay NO contact
2 NC contact Error relay NC contact
3 Switching Error relay switching contact
4 HTL A+ HTL input track A+ (parallel X3A.7)
5 HTL B+ HTL input track B+ (parallel X3A.2)
6 +24V Voltage output 20..30 V, power supply for the encoders
7 COM Reference potential for voltage supply
8 GND Connection for shielding - directly connected with inverter earth.

2.3.9 BISS encoder interface

PIN Name Description
Information on request

2.4 Lift shaft encoder connection X3B

The connection of the lift shaft encoder is done on socket X3B. Which of the encoders can be connected depends
on the installed encoder interface and is displayed in LC.21.
All encoder connectors may be connected/disconnected only at switched-off frequency inverter and swit-
ched-off supply volage.
5 4 3 2 1
5 4 3 2 1

9 8 7 6
9 8 7 6
Picture 1 Picture 2
2.4.1 Incremental encoder output /incremental encoder input
Pic- Pic- Name Description
ture1 ture2
1 1 A+ Incremental encoder output /-input track A
2 3 B+ Incremental encoder output /-input track B
3 5 N+ Output / input zero track
4 7 +5V Voltage output 5V, power supply for the encoders
5 - +24V Voltage output 20...30V
6 2 A- Differential signal to A+
7 4 B- Differential signal to B+
8 6 N- Differential signal to zero track
9 8 COM Reference potential for voltage supply
- - GND Connection for shielding at connector housing .
Internally directly connected with inverter earth.

2.4.2 SSI encoder input

Pic- Pic- Name Description
ture1 ture2
1 - CL+ Output of the clock signal
2 - DAT+ Input data track
3 - - -
4 - +5V Voltage output 5V, power supply for the encoders
5 - +24V Voltage output 20...30V
6 - CL- Differential signal to clock output CL+
7 - DAT- Differential signal to data track+
8 - - -
9 - COM Reference potential for voltage supply
- - GND Connection for shielding at connector housing .
Internally directly connected with inverter earth.

GB - 9
Description of the Unit

2.5 Wiring examples / flow charts

2.5.1 Connection F5-Lift for binary-coded setpoint selection (factory setting)

Braking resistor

++ PB


LHF-filter L1 U
L2 V 3~
L3 W
K1 K2
Bridge Temperature Motor-PTC
X3A Motor encoder
X3B Impulse output/-input
or SSI-input
Control release
Main contactors
X2A.16 ST R1 X2A.24
X2A.17 I6 X2A.25
Direction of travel for-
X2A.14 F X2A.26 +24V
Lift control

Direction of travel re- Brake

verse X2A.15 I5 R2 X2A.27 control
binary-coded bit 0 X2A.10 I1 X2A.28
X2A.11 I2 X2A.29 +24V
binary-coded bit 1
X2A.12 I3 O1 X2A.18 ready for operation
binary-coded bit 2
Free to assign Motor and inverter
X2A.13 I4 O2 X2A.19
temperature warning
+24V - output X2A.20 X2A.22 Ground

+2030V input X2A.21 X2A.23 Ground

Setpoint selection Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2

(X2A.10) (X2A.11) (X2A.12)
To switch the control release a relay (K12) must be
0 - - -
used parallel to the safety circuit.
VR (LF.20) 1 - -
All 24V-relays triggered by the inverter must be pro-
VL (LF.21) - 1 -
tected with diodes.
VN (LF.22) 1 1 -
VI (LF.23) - - 1
V1 (LF.24) 1 - 1
V2 (LF.25) - 1 1
V3 (LF.26) 1 1 1

GB - 10
Description of the Unit

Flow chart at factory setting

Setpoint Bit 1 (X2A.11)

Setpoint Bit 0 (X2A.10)

Setpoint Bit 2 (X2A.12)

forward (X2A.14)

Start (X2A.16)

HS (X2A.2426)

Brake (X2A.2729)
t1 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7

t1: The bit sample for the setpoint values and the direction of travel is set. Immediately after that the inverter
sets the output for the main contactors.
t2: The control release (Start) is set by a relay parallel to the main contactor control. Thereupon the output
phase check is executed.
t3: Upon successful output phase check the brake output is set. Thereupon the brake opening time runs out.
Then the motor starts to turn.
t4: The rated speed is reset and switched over to leveling speed.
t5: The leveling speed is reset and the stopping is initiated.
t6: On reaching the speed 0 rpm the brake output is reset. Afterwards the brake engage time runs off.
t7: The output for the main contactor is reset and thus also the control release and the direction of travel.

Generally the inverter switches the main contactors only in currentless condition.

GB - 11
Description of the Unit

2.5.2 Connection F5-Lift for input-coded setpoint selection (Lb.05=2, Lb.12=0, Lb.13=1)

Braking resistor

++ PB


LHF-filter L1 U
L2 V 3~
L3 W
K1 K2
Bridge Temperature Motor-PTC
X3A Motor encoder
X3B Impulse output/-input
or SSI-input
Control release
Main contactors
X2A.16 ST R1 X2A.24
VR Releveling
Speed X2A.17 I6 X2A.25
Direction of travel for-
X2A.14 F X2A.26 +24V
Direction of travel re- Brake
Lift control

verse X2A.15 I5 R2 X2A.27 control

VL leveling
speed X2A.10 I1 X2A.28
VN rated
X2A.11 I2 X2A.29 +24V
VI Inspection
X2A.12 I3 O1 X2A.18 ready for operation
V1 intermediate Motor and inverter
speed X2A.13 I4 O2 X2A.19
temperature warning
+24V - output X2A.20 X2A.22 Ground

+2030V input X2A.21 X2A.23 Ground

To switch the control release a relay (K12) must be

used parallel to the safety circuit.
All 24V-relays triggered by the inverter must be pro-
tected with diodes.

GB - 12
Description of the Unit

Flow chart at input coding

VL Leveling speed (X2A.10)

VN rated speed (X2A.11)

VI Inspection speed (X2A.12)

forward (X2A.14)

Start (X2A.16)

HS (X2A.2426)

Brake (X2A.2729)
t1 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7

t1: VN rated speed and direction of travel are set. Immediately after that the inverter sets the output for the
main contactors.
t2: The control release (Start) is set by a relay parallel to the main contactor control. Thereupon the output
phase check is executed.
t3: Upon successful output phase check the brake output is set. Thereupon the brake opening time runs out.
Then the motor starts to turn.
t4: The rated speed is reset and the leveling speed is set.
t5: The leveling speed is reset and the stopping is initiated.
t6: On reaching the speed 0 rpm the brake output is reset. Afterwards the brake engage time runs off.
t7: The output for the main contactor is reset and thus also the control release and the direction of travel.

Generally the inverter switches the main contactors only in currentless condition.

GB - 13
Description of the Unit

2.5.3 Connection F5-Lift for ogive travel with correction input (Lb.05=1, Lb.12=9)

Braking resistor

++ PB


LHF-filter L1 U
L2 V 3~
L3 W
K1 K2
Bridge Temperature Motor-PTC
X3A Motor encoder
X3B Impulse output/-input
or SSI-input
Control release
Main contactors
X2A.16 ST R1 X2A.24
Correction input
X2A.17 I6 X2A.25
Direction of travel for-
X2A.14 F X2A.26 +24V
Direction of travel re- Brake
X2A.15 I5 R2 X2A.27 control
Lift control

Setpoint Bit0
X2A.10 I1 X2A.28
Setpoint Bit1
X2A.11 I2 X2A.29 +24V
Setpoint Bit2
X2A.12 I3 O1 X2A.18 ready for operation

Free to assign Motor and inverter

X2A.13 I4 O2 X2A.19
temperature warning
+24V - output X2A.20 X2A.22 Ground

+2030V input X2A.21 X2A.23 Ground

To switch the control release a relay (K12) must be

used parallel to the safety circuit.
All 24V-relays triggered by the inverter must be pro-
tected with diodes.

GB - 14
Description of the Unit

Flow chart for digital direct approach, peak arch with correction

Setpoint Bit0 (X2A.10)

Setpoint Bit1 (X2A.11) set setpoint value LF.21 to 0

Setpoint Bit2 (X2A.12)

Correction (X2A.17)

Start (X2A.16)

Reverse (X2A.15)

Ready for operation signal (X2A.18)

Brake (X2A.2729)

Main contactors (X2A.24...26)

GB - 15
Description of the Unit

2.5.4 Connection F5-Lift for UPS operation

Lift control

Phase monitoring 1)




N 230V AC 1ph

We recommend the use of chokes to avoid current peaks. Without chokes the UPS may be bigger or go to the
Alternatively a single-phase transformer 230V AC can be used at 380V AC.

Between disconnecting the mains and connecting the UPS to the inverter a certain time must run out to avoid a
short circuit. The same is necessary for switching back to the mains.

F5-A-Lift offers the possibility to select a digital input with the function UPS-operation. With this the undervoltage
threshold will be decreased to 200 VDC.

It is also possible to execute an evacuation with an undersized UPS. In that case it is possible to evacuate
people to that floor where the load pulls the cabin. For this a digital output with condition 9: simple direction of
rotation identification for UPS is programmed (see Lb.1417).

GB - 16
Description of the Unit

Connection F5-Lift for UPS operation (Lb.05=1, Lb.12=5)

Braking resistor

++ PB


LHF-filter L1 U
L2 V 3~
L3 W
K1 K2 Encoder
Motor-PTC X3A

Control release
Main contactor
X2A.16 ST R1 X2A.24
X2A.17 I6 X2A.25
Direction of travel +24V
X2A.14 F X2A.26
Lift control

Direction of travel Brake

X2A.15 I5 R2 X2A.27 control
Setpoint Bit0
X2A.10 I1 X2A.28
Setpoint Bit1
X2A.11 I2 X2A.29 +24V

Setpoint Bit2
X2A.12 I3 O1 X2A.18 ready for operation

Free to assign Inverter-/ motor

X2A.13 I4 O2 X2A.19 temperature
+24V output X2A.20 X2A.22 Ground

+2030V input X2A.21 X2A.23 Ground

To switch the control release a relay (K12) must be

used parallel to the safety circuit.
All 24V-relays triggered by the inverter must be pro-
tected with diodes.

GB - 17
Description of the Unit

Flow chart for UPS operation

VU (LF.27)

forward (X2A.14)

Control release (X2A.16)

UPS operation (X2A.17)

Leveling speed (X2A.11)

Brake (X2A.27/28/29)

HS (X2A.24/25/26)

t1 t3 t5 t6 t7
t2 t4

t1 The travel direction and the set speeds VU and VL must be set.
t2 After a debounce timer run out the main contactors are controlled (powerless switching) . Via the main
contactors the control release X2A.16 is set and the inverter checks in all phases whether the current can
flow to the motor.
t3 When the motor phase check succeeds the output for the the brakes will be set and the brake release time
runs out.
t4 After the brake release time has run out the inverter starts turning the motor.The internal undervoltage level
is reduced to 200 VDC.
t5 When the car reaches the deceleration switch the setspeed inputs must be reset.
t6 When the motor has decelerated to zero speed the brake out will be reset. Afterwards the brake closing
time runs out.
t7 The main contactor output is reset after elapsed brake closing time. The control release is also switched
off with the main contactors and the direction of rotation can be reset.

For undersized UPS the inverter can recognise the easy direction. That means the travel direction will be in that
direction where the load is pulling (see also Ld.24). Therefore both direction inputs must be set together with the
set speed inputs.
GB - 18
Description of the Unit

2.6 Control terminal strip X2A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Tightening torque 0,220,25Nm

Use shielded / twisted lines

To avoid interferences a separate shield must be provided for analog and digital control lines as well as the
relay outputs
Apply shield to one side of the inverter to the earth potential.
The function of the inputs and outputs depends on the operating mode
PIN Function Name Description Specifications
1 + Set value input 1 AN1+
Differential voltage input for analog setpoint setting Input voltage:
2 - Setpoint input 1 AN1-
3 +Pretorque AN2+
Differential voltage input for analog torque control Ri: 55k
4 -Pretorque AN2-
AN- Output of actual speed Output voltage:
5 Actual speed
OUT1 010 VDC ^ 0maximum speed 010VDC
AN- Output of actual torque Ri: 100
6 Actual torque Resolution: 12 Bit
OUT2 010 VDC ^ 0maximum torque
Reference voltage output for setpoint potentiome- +10VDC +5%
7 +10V - output CRF
ter max. 4mA
8 Analog ground COM
Ground for analog in- and output
9 Analog ground COM
10 Progr. input 1 I1 Setpoint Bit 0
11 Progr. input 2 I2 Setpoint Bit 1
12 Progr. input 3 I3 Setpoint Bit 2 1330VDC 0%
13 Progr. input 4 I4 prog. mit Lb.13 smoothed
14 Input up/down F Input for direction of travel up/down Ri: 2,1k
15 Progr. input 5 I5 progr. with Lb.11 scan time: 1 ms
16 Control release ST Output is enabled, error reset upon release
17 Progr. input 6 I6 prog. with Lb.12
Ready for operation; is set if the unit is initialized
18 Transistor output 1 O1 Imax: 50mA altoge-
and no error is present, progr. with LB.16 gesetzt
ther for both outputs
19 Transistor output 2 O2 progr. with Lb.17
20 24V output Uout Supply voltage for digital inputs and outputs Imax: 100mA
21 2030V input Uin Voltage input for external supply, reference potential 0V
22 Digital ground 0V
Reference potential for digital inputs/outputs
23 Digital ground 0V
24 Relay 1 / NO contact RLA
Relay output 1, activation of main contactors,
25 Relay1 / NC contact RLB
progr. with Lb.14
26 Relay1 / switching contact RLC max. 30VDC
27 Relay 2 / NO contact FLA 0,011A
Relay output 2, brake control,
28 Relay 2 / NC contact FLB
progr. with Lb.15
29 Relay 2 / switching contact FLC

GB - 19
Description of the Unit

2.7 Lift-Operator
The F5-Lift operator is integrated into the FI housing by plug-in and fits into all KEB F5 lift units. Parallel to the bus
operation over the RS232/485 interface the operation via integrated display/keyboard as well as a further interface
for diagnosis/parameterizing (KEB COMBIVIS) is possible.

COM Interface control

(green) ON => Bus operation
E Operation / Error display
(red) ON => inverter ready for operation
flashing => inverter in error routine
COM START E off => no supply voltage
X6B HSP5 parameterizing interface (COMBIVIS)

X6C RS232/485 interface

Reset operator
in case of abnormal indications which are not described in this
X6B instruction manual.
disconnect operator briefly from the inverter and reconnect again.


2.7.1 Parameterizing interface X6B

To avoid a desctruction of the PC-interface, the diagnostic interface may only be connected via a special
HSP5-cable with voltage adaption to a PC!
A HSP5-cable (00.F5.0C0-0001) is connected to the adapter (00.F5.0C0-0002 via the diagnostic interface. The
PC-software KEB COMBIVIS 5 now permits normal access to all inverter parameters. The internal operator para-
meters can also be read and adjusted or parameterized by means of download.

2.7.2 RS232/485-Interface X6C

5 4 3 2 1
5 4 3 2 1

9 8 7 6
9 8 7 6
PIN RS485 Signal Meaning
1 - - reserved
2 - TxD transmission signal RS232
3 - RxD receive signal RS232
4 A RxD-A receive signal A RS485
5 B RxD-B receive signal B RS485
6 - VP Voltage supply +5V (Imax=10mA)
7 C/C DGND data reference potential
8 A TxD-A transmission signal A RS485
9 B TxD-B transmission signal B RS485

GB - 20
Description of the Unit

2.7.3 The operator panel

The function key is used to change between parameter value and parameter number.


With UP () and DOWN () the parameter number or, in case of changeable parameters, the value is increased/
decreased. When holding the key it is automatically switched further.


Principally during a change, parameter values are immediately accepted and stored non-volatile. But at some
parameters it is not sensible that the adjusted value is accepted immediately. When this type of parameter is
changed, a point appears behind the last digit. The value is stored with ENTER.


If a disturbance occurs during operation, the actual display is overwritten with the error message. The alarm mes-
sage in the display is reset by ENTER.

=> Error=> F/R

With ENTER only the error message is reset. The status display continues to display the error that occurred. In
order to reset the error, the cause must be eliminated first. After that the "Reset"-input must be switched or the
inverter must be disconnected from the supply.

GB - 21
Parameter Description

3. Parameter Description
3.1 Overview of parameter groups
The operating menu is devided into following parameter groups:
Gruppe Name Function
Lb Lift basic Basic setting
Ld Lift drive Entry of the motor data
LC Lift encoder Adjustment of motor and shaft encoder
LF Lift Function Lift-specific adjustments
LP Lift Posi Adjustment for positioning operation and ogive run
LI Lift Info Information, running messages, measured values, error memory
LA Lift Analog Adjustment of analog in- and outputs

The adjustment of the parameters must absolutely be made in ascending order, because:
the operating menu optimizes itself by displaying only the required parameters.
the lower parameters effect pre-settings for the following parameters.
otherwise settings can be overwritten otherwise.

In case of doubt the factory settings should be kept.

3.2 Basic settings

Display Name Setting range Default setting

Lb.00 Parameter group BASIC -
Lb.01 Password 1065535 11
Lb.02 Customer-specific password 1165535 11
Lb.03 Drive selection 04 AG
Lb.04 Positioning mode 04 1
Lb.05 Setpoint selection 16 1
Lb.06 Reset to factory setting 01 0
Lb.07 Pretorque on/off 01 0
Lb.08 Switching frequency 2, 4, 8, 12, 16 16
Lb.10 In-/output configuration 12 1
Lb.11 Input function for terminal X2A.15 09 1
Lb.12 Input function for terminal X2A.17 09 5
Lb.13 Input function for terminal X2A.13 09 0
Lb.14 Output function for X2A.24 08 1
Lb.15 Output function for X2A.27 08 2
Lb.16 Output function for X2A.18 08 3
Lb.17 Output function for X2A.19 08 4
Lb.18 Brake resistance value 0,5300,0 30,0
Lb.19 Safety gear release 0...1 0

Lb.00 Display of the current parameter group Basic

Lb.01 Password
To protect the lift drive against unauthorized access, a password is to be entered before parameterizing. If no
password has been set with Lb.02, the factory setting 11 is valid.
Input Function
1065535 Input of password
10 Inhibits the programming
11 Factory setting

GB - 22
Parameter Description

Display Meaning
US_ro User read-only, programming inhibited, parameter can be read-only
US_on User on, programming enabled

Lb.02 Customer-specific password

With this parameter a customer-specific password can be defined. It becomes active at the next switch-on and
must then be entered before the programming of LB.01.
Input Function
1165535 Input of password

Lb.03 Drive selection

With this parameter the main lift drive is defined.
When Idata is indicated, the mode is unknown.
Remedy: Select the requested mode with up/down and confirm with Enter.
Input Setting Motor Gearbox Notes
AG x Asynchronous motor with
AGL Asynchronous motor none When you press ENTER all parameters
SG Synchronous motor with are reset to factory setting.
SGL Synchronous motor none

Shall be operated in open-loop mode, select LF.10 = 0.

Lb.04 Positioning mode

Input Setting Positioning mode
0 off, conventional lift shaft encoding
1 x Ogive function, dependent on LP.01
2 do not adjust
3 do not adjust
4 do not adjust

Lb.05 Setpoint selection

Input Setting Setpoint selection Direction of travel
1 x binary-coded via terminal X2A.1012 via terminal strip
2 Input-coded via terminal X2A.1012 via terminal strip
3 Analog setpoint setting 010V via terminal strip
4 Analog setpoint setting 010V sign-dependent
5 do not adjust
6 input-coded and VL via terminal strip
7 binary-coded without limits via terminal strip

Binary-coded setpoint selection (Lb.05 = 1)

Speed Bit 0 (terminal X2A.10) Bit 1 (terminal X2A.11) Bit 2 (terminal X2A.12)
0 - - -
VR (LF.20) 1 - -
VL (LF.21) - 1 -
VN (LF.22) 1 1 -
VI (LF.23) - - 1
V1 (LF.24) 1 - 1
V2 (LF.25) - 1 1
V3 (LF.26) 1 1 1

GB - 23
Parameter Description

Input-coded setpoint selection (Lb.05 = 2)

Speed Terminal X2A.10 Terminal X2A.11 Terminal X2A.12 Terminal X2A.13 Terminal X2A.17
0 - - - - -
VL (LF.21) 1 - - - -
VN (LF.22) - 1 - - -
VI (LF.23) - - 1 - -
V1 (LF.24) - - - 1 -
VR (LF.20) - - - - 1

Analog setpoint setting (Lb.05 = 3 or 4)

The analog setpoint setting is done over terminals X2A.1 and X2A.2. The speed is calculated according to fol-
lowing formula:
value 3 010V correspond to 0maximum lift speed (LF.01)
value 4 010V correspod to 0maximum lift speed (LF.01)

If the drive profile is generated with the setpoint value, the values LF.30LF.36 must be set to off.

Input-coded setpoint selection AND VL (Lb.05=6)

Speed Terminal X2A.17 T e r m i n a l Terminal X2A.11 Terminal X2A.12 Terminal X2A.13

0 0 0 0 0 0
VL (LF.21) 0 1 0 0 0
VN (LF.22) 0 x 1 0 0
VI (LF.23) 0 x x 1 0
V1 (LF.24) 0 x x x 1
VR (LF.20) 1 x x x x

Symbols: 1 = Input is set at 24 V

0 = Input may not be set
x = Input setting has no effect

Lb.06 Reset to factory setting

Input Setting Description
0 x -
1 Factory setting is loaded by setting 1 and pressing 'ENTER'. After that a power-on
reset must be made.

Lb.07 Pretorque
Input Setting Pretorque Description
0 x off Is adjusted for drives with gearboxes.
1 on Analog signal at the terminals X2A.3 and X2A.4 is used for the
torque precontrol with gearless drives.

Adjustment of amplification and offset see parameters LA.12 / LA.14.

Lb.08 Switching frequency

Factory setting: 16kHz

GB - 24
Parameter Description

Lb.10 In-/ Output configuration

With this parameter the programming of the digital inputs (Lb.1113) and the digital outputs (Lb.1417) can be
enabled. The programming is generally inhibited for positioning operation (Lb.01 = 24).
Input Setting Programming Description
1 x inhibited The configuration of the in- and outputs is reset to factory set-
2 enabled The programming of the in- and outputs with the parameters
Lb.1117 is enabled.

Lb.11 Input function for terminal X2A.15

Input Setting Function Description
0 X2A.13 off
1 X2A.15 Direction of rotation reverse
2 Contactor control
3 Quick stopping
4 Control mode
5 X2A.17 UPS operation
6 Safety-gear release
7 Brake switching surveillance
8 Contactor control and brake switching surveil-
9 Correction input
Lb.12 Input function for terminal X2A.17
Input Setting Function Description
0 VR with input-coded setpoint selection
1 Reset
2...9 see Lb.11
Lb.13 Input function for terminal X2A.13
Input Setting Function Description
0 off
1 V1 with input-coded setpoint selection
2...9 see Lb.11

Lb.14 Output function for X2A.2426 (relay output 1) see table Lb.17
Lb.15 Output function for X2A.2729 (relay output 2) see table Lb.17
Lb.16 Output function for X2A.18 (relay output 1) see table Lb.17
Lb.17 Output function for X2A.19 (transistor output 2)
Input Setting Function Description
0 off
1 X2A.24 Main contactor activation
2 X2A.27 Brake handling with phase check
3 X2A.18 Ready for operation and overspeed
4 X2A.19 Motor or inverter temperature warning
5 Activation contol cabinet fan
6 Speed for deceleration check
7 Speed for running open doors
8 Speed deviation warning
9 Easy direction of rotation UPS

GB - 25
Parameter Description

Lb.18 Brake resistance value

Value range Setting Description
0,5300,0 30,0 Input of the actually used brake resistance value. With it the inverter calculates the
refed energy and outputs the result in parameter LI.23. It serves as decision support
on whether the employment of a feedback unit would be worth it.

Lb.19 Safety-gear release

Value range Setting Description
01 0 The next drive is executed with hard ramps if value 1 is adjusted, in order to pull the
car out of the safety gear.

GB - 26
Parameter Description

3.3 Input of the motor data

Display Name Setting range Default setting AG

Ld.00 Parameter group drIuE -
Ld.01 Power rating 0,10400,00kW 4,0 kW
Ld.02 Rated speed 0,0004000,000rpm 1450,000rpm
Ld.03 Rated current 0,0710,0A 1,0 A
Ld.04 Rated frequency 0,0710,0Hz 50,0 Hz
Ld.05 cos phi 0,501,00 0,5
Ld.06 Rated voltage 120830V 400V
Ld.07 Winding resistance measure 01 0
Ld.08 Winding resistance 0,000250,000 1,864
Ld.09 Winding inductivity 0,00500,00mH -
Ld.10 Rated torque unit-dependent auto
Ld.11 Maximum inverter torque unit-dependent auto
Ld.12 Maximum torque limitation 0,01...32000,00 Nm 0,95 Ld.11
Ld.13 Field weakening speed 032000rpm auto
Ld.14 Motor identification 01 -
Ld.15 DSM max. inductance 0500mH auto
Ld.20 Maximum torque at UPS operation 0,01...32000,00 Nm auto
Ld.22 - only for internal use - - -
Ld.23 - only for internal use - - -
Ld.24 Rotation change UPS 01 1

Presettings are specified for Lb.03=0: ASM with gear (AG).

If Lb.03 is adjusted unequal 0, presettings can deviate from the specified values above.

Ld.00 Display of current parameter group drIvE

Drive-specific data are entered in this parameter group. Depending on the adjusted drive type (Lb.03) only certain
data are requerid.

Ld.01 Power rating

Value range Setting Description
0,10400,00kW 4,0kW Input of the motor power rating according to motor name plate. Only display
at synchronousmotors.

Ld.02 Rated speed

Value range Setting Description
0,004000,00rpm 1450rpm Input of the motor rated speed according to motor name plate.

Ld.03 Rated current

Value range Setting Description
0,0710,0A - Input of the motor rated current according to motor name plate.

Ld.04 Motor rated frequency

Value range Setting Description
0,0710,0Hz 50,0Hz Input of the motor rated frequency according to motor name plate.
For synchronous motors frequency and speed depend on each other accor-
ding to following formula.
Frequency 60
Motor speed =
Pole-pair number

The pole-pair number is always a whole-numbered value!

GB - 27
Parameter Description

Ld.05 Cos phi

Value range Setting Description
0,51,0 - Input of the cos phi of the motor according to motor name plate.

Ld.06 Rated voltage

Value range Setting Description
120830V 400V Input of the motor rated voltage according to motor name plate.

Ld.07 Calibration of winding resistance (only at Lb.03 = A G or A GL)

Value range Setting Description
0 x Basic position before and after the automatic calibration.
1 Bring motor to working temperature
Activate calibration mode by setting 1
Set drive command (e.g. return)
Set control release
Press UP () -key in Ld.08 once shortly
The calibration starts and is completed after approx. 10s
Ld.08 displays now the measured value
Cancel the drive command
Open control release, thereby the measure procedure is finished

Ld.08 Winding resistance

Value range Setting Description
0,00250,00 249,99 With this parameter the direct input of the motor winding resistance can be

Measure with a multimeter:

The motor resistance is measured, independent of the motor connection (/Y),
between two phases of the motor feed line. That way the ohmic line resistance
is recorded at the same time (important in case of long feed lines). At that the
motor should be at working temperature.

Input of the motor winding resistance according to data sheet:

When taking the motor resistance from a data sheet, the R120 - equivalent
resistance (phase value) is mostly specified there. Then the following values,
depending on the used connection, must be adjusted in Ld.08 :
Star connection: Ld.08 = 2 R120 to 2,24 R120
Delta connection: Ld.08 = 0,666 R120 to 0,75 R120
If only the warm resistance R1W is specified:
Star connection: Ld.08 = 1,4 R1W to 1,6 R1W
Delta connection: Ld.08 = 0,46 R1W to 0,53 R1W

Ld.09 Winding inductance (only at LB.03 = S G or S GL)

Value range Setting Description
0,00500,00mH x,xmH Input of the leakage inductivity of the motor winding.
When taking the leakage inductivity from a data sheet, the phase value for
LS is mostly specified there. Then the following value, depending on the
used connection, must be entere in Ld.09:
Star connection: Ld.09 = 2 x LS
Delta connection: Ld.09 = 2/3 x LS

Ld.10 Rated torque

Value range Setting Description
0,0xxx,0Nm xxNm Input of the motor rated torque of the synchronous machine according to the
data sheet. The value is automatically calculated at asynchronous machines

GB - 28
Parameter Description

Ld.11 Maximum torque of inverter

Value range Setting Description
0,0xxxxNm Nm Based on the peak current of the inverter, the maximum torque that can be
supplied by the inverter, is displayed.

Ld.12 Maximum torque limitation

Value range Setting Description
0,0xxxxNm 0,95 Ld.11 Adjustment of the maximum torque limit.

Ld.13 Field weakening speed

Value range Setting Description
0,032000,0rpm auto Input of the field weakening speed according to the data sheet.

Ld.14 Motor identification (only at Lb.03 = S G or S GL)

Value range Setting Description
0 - off 0 Calibration of the motor resistance and inductance
1 - start Adjust start with UP key, confirm with Enter
2 - calcu Give drive command and wait approx. two minutes until ready is displayed
Cancel the drive command
3 - ready

Ld.15 DSM max. inductance (only at Lb.03 = S G or S GL)

Value range Setting Description
0500mH auto The value is automatically set by Ld.14 after calibration..

Ld.20 Maximum torque for UPS-operation

Value range Setting Description
0,0xxx,0Nm xxx,0Nm Adjustment of the maximum torque limit during UPS-operation. The value be-
comes active, if an input programmed for it is set.

Ld.22 Do not change - only for internal use!

Ld.23 Do not change - only for internal use!

Ld.24 Rotation change UPS

Value range Setting Description
0 Serves for the driving change, if it is driven with under-sized UPS automatical-
1 x ly into easy direction.
Change the adjusted value, if empty car do not drive upwards.

GB - 29
Parameter Description

3.4 Adjustment of the speed encoder

Display Name Setting range Default setting
LC.00 Parameter group Enc -
LC.01 Selection motor encoder input 01 0
LC.02 Encoder 1 Status - -
LC.03 Encoder alarm mode 0...15 0
LC.11 Display Interface 1 - -
LC.12 Increments Encoder 1 065535inc 2500Ink
LC.13 Track change and travel direction inverting Encoder 1 019 0
LC.14 Encoder pole-pair 110 1
LC.15 Teach-in system position 03 0
LC.16 System position value 065535 -
LC.17 Filter time for actual speed Encoder 1 05 1
LC.18 System position detection (SPI) 015 0
LC.19 System position mode 01 auto
LC.21 Display Interface 2 - -
LC.22 Increments Encoder 2 065535 inc 2500inc
LC.23 Track change and travel direction inverting Encoder 2 019 0
LC.24 Operation mode output 0...127 0
LC.27 Filter time for actual speed Encoder 2 05 3
LC.30 Encoder 1 type - -
LC.31 Encoder 1 read/write data 04 4
LC.32 Encoder 1 SSI data code 01 0
LC.33 Encoder 1 SSI singleturn resolution 013Bit 10Bit
LC.40 SSI Multiturn-resolution 013Bit 12Bit
LC.41 SSI clock frequency 01 0
LC.42 SSI data format 01 1
LC.43 SSI voltage surveillance 01 0

LC.00 Parameter group

The LC parameters (Lift Encoder) include all parameters for the adjustment of the encoder and the encoder in-

LC.01 Selection motor encoder input

Input Setting Description
0 x Motor speed encoder is connected to input X3A.
1 Motor speed encoder is connected to input X3B .

LC.02 Encoder 1 Status

This parameter shows the status of intelligent encoders (Hiperface, ENDAT, SIN/COS) and the encoder interface
1. Depending on the encoder only certain messages are possible. An error is triggered only upon control reset,
even though it is already displayed in LC.02.

Inverter status Value Description

no error 16 System position values aer transferred, encoder and interface are all right.
continued on next page

GB - 30
Parameter Description

Inverter status Value Description

The correct evaluation of the system position is no longer ensured. The error E.EncC can
only be reset via parameters Ec.00/LC.11.
Exception! An error, due to wrong encoder increments (value 70), is immediately reset,
once the correct encoder increments are adjusted. Attention, if the control release is still
set, the modulation is enabled!
64 Encoder unknown and not supported.
68 No encoder connected of encoder breakage detection has tripped.
69 System deviation too large. The position, determined from the incremental signals,
and the absolute position (from absolute track, zero signal or serial read) no longer
Error E.EncC match or cannot be corrected.
see LC.12/ LC.22!
70 Adjusted increments do not match the encoder increments.
Please con-
71 Interface type is unknown: Interface was not identified.
sider LC.31 and/or
chapter 2.3. 75 Encoder temperature is too high (message from encoder)
76 Speed is too high (message from encoder)
77 Encoder signals are outside the specifications (message from encoder)
78 Encoder has an internal defect (message from encocer)
92 Encoder is formatted. When writing on an encoder, whose storage structure does
not correspond to the KEB definition, the storage areas are reorganized, so that
they can be written on. Depending on the storage structure, this process can take
several seconds.
96 New value recognized, because another encoder was plugged in.
98 Interface is busy.
During read out of the encoder the error E.Enc1 is output.
97 KEB identifier undefined. Storage structure of the encoder does not correspond to
the KEB definition, thus data cannot be read. By writing on it the encoder is defined.
Error E.Enc1
The error can be reset as follows:
Writing a system position into Ec.2.
Carry out a system position alignment .
Error E.Hyb No communication between interface and control board

LC.03 Encoder alarm mode

Input Setting Description
0 x off
2 Channel 1
8 Channel 2
10 Channel 1 and 2

LC.11 Display Interface 1

Shows which encoder interface is installed and thus which encoder may be connected to channel 1 (X3A).
Value Installed encoder interface
0 none
11 Hiperface
12 Incremental encoder input 24V HTL
13 Incremental encoder input TTL with error detection
15 Incremental encoder input 24V HTL with error detection (push-pull)
17 Incremental encoder input 24V HTL with error detection
19 Resolver
continued on next page

GB - 31
Parameter Description

Value Installed encoder interface

22 UVW

In case of an invalid encoder identifier the error E.Hyb is displayed in Li.01 and the measured value is indicated
negated. When changing the encoder interface the error E.HybC is displayed. By writing on this parameter the
change is confirmed and the default values for the new interface are loaded.

LC.12 Increment Encoder 1

Value range Setting Description
065535Ink 2500Ink Input of the encoder increments (number of increments per revolution).

LC.13 Track change and travel direction inverting Encoder 1

With this parameter the encoder tracks A and B on the encoder interface X3A can be exchanged. In addition to
that the travel direction inverting can be activated. Thus it is possible to run the motor with positive setting counter-
clockwise on the shaft without changing the hardware.
Input Setting Change encoder tracks A/B Travel direction inverting
0 x - -
1 YES -
16 - YES

LC.14 Encoder pole-pairs

Value range Setting Description
0xxx 1 Adjustment of the encoder pole-pairs for encoders with several commutation

LC.15 Determine system position (only at synchronous motors) -alternatively also possible with LC.18-
If the drive system (inverter and motor) is started for the first time, the system position of the encoder to the rotor
position of the motor must be known. By entering 1 in LC.15 the system position alignment is started. In doing
so the drive may not be loaded (remove cable from the leading sheave). After the system position alignment is
completed, the determined value is displayed in LC.16.

During the alignment several functional steps are carried out which are displayed as feedback signals.
Value Action inverter Action operator
off No system alignment carried out -
1 Display start Enter start, set drive command
2 Calibration procedure calcu -
3 Procedure completed ready Cancel the drive command

LC.16 System position value

Value range Setting Description
065535 - In this parameter the position of the encoder to the rotor position of the mo-
tor is displayed (also see LC.15). If the system position of motor and rotor is
known, then the position alignment described under LC.15 needs not to be
made. The position value can be entered directly into the parameter. The va-
lue is stored with ENTER.

LC.17 Filter time Encoder 1

Value range Setting Description
05 1 Serves for the smoothing of faulty speed signals.
0 = 0, 5ms 1 = 1ms 2 = 2ms 3 = 4ms 4 = 8ms 5 = 16ms

GB - 32
Parameter Description

LC.18 System position detection (SPI)

Value range Setting Description
0 x off
The function SPI (static pole identification)
1 after control release
finds the system position without rotation of the
2 after switching on
motor. LC.18 determines when the function be-
4 after direction of rotation re-
comes active. The sum of the values must be
entered in case of several possibilities.
8 after Reset
If the values of LC.16 should deviate more than 2500increments in spite of several procedures of calibration,
calibration by LC.15 is required.

LC.19 System position mode

Value range Setting Description
0 0, auto Ld is unequal Lq This parameter is determined by the automatic
1 Ld is equal Lq motor identification Ld.14.

LC.21 Display Interface 2

Indicates which encoder interface is installed and thus which encoder may be connected to channel 2 (X3B).
Value Installed encoder interface
0 none
1 Incremental encoder input TTL
2 Incremental encoder output 5V
3 Incremental encoder input and output direct
4 Incremental encoder input and output TTL
6 Sychron-serial interface (SSI)
9 Incremental encoder output TTL of resolver via channel 2
10 Incremental encoder output TTL

In case of an invalid encoder identifier the error E.Hyb is displayed in Li.01 and the measured value is indicated
negated. When changing the encoder interface the error E.HybC is displayed. By writing on this parameter the
change is confirmed and the default values for the new interface are loaded.

LC.22 Increments Encoder 2

Value range Setting Description
065535Ink 4096Inc Input of the encoder increments (number of increments per revolution).

LC.23 Track change and travel direction inverting Encoder 2

With this parameter the encoder tracks A and B on the encoder interface X3B can be exchanged. In addition to
that the travel direction inverting can be activated. Thus it is possible to run the motor with positive setting counter-
clockwise on the shaft without changing the hardware.
Input Setting Change encoder tracks A/B Travel direction inverting
0 x - -
1 YES -
16 - YES

GB - 33
Parameter Description

LC.24 Operation mode output

If one of the encoder channels is used as encoder output, the output increments per revolution can be adapted to
the requirements of the control card.
Input Setting Description
0 x off
1 256 Incr.
5 1024 Incr.
9 2048 Incr.
13 4096 Incr.

LC.27 Filter time Encoder 2

Value range Setting Description
05 3 Serves for the smoothing of faulty speed signals.
0 = 0,5ms 1 = 1ms 2 = 2ms 3 = 4ms 4 = 8ms 5 = 16ms

LC.30 Encoder 1 Type

Display Description
0 no encoder identified
2 SCS 60/70
7 SCM 60/70
34 SRS 50/60
39 SRM 50/60
64 undefined type

LC.31 Encoder 1 read/write data

Input Setting Description
014 0 In case of E.EncC together with EnDat- or Hiperface encoders: set
Lb.01 = 2206 + ENTER
EC.38 = 2 + ENTER
Ud.01 = 11 + ENTER

LC.32 Encoder 1 SSI data code

Input Setting Description

0 x Binary-coded
1 Graycode

LC.33 Encoder 1 SSI singleturn resolution

Input Setting Description
013Bit 10Bit This parameter adjusts the number of bits of the SSI data word to the con-
nected encoder. The resolution of the digital singleturn absolute position is
determined by the number of bits.

LC.40 SSI Multiturn-resolution

Input Setting Description
013Bit 12Bit Number of Bits for the multiturn-resolution, if a SSI multiturn-absolute valure
encoder is connected.

GB - 34
Parameter Description

LC.41 SSI Clock frequency

Adjustment of the clock frequency for SSI-encoder.
Input Setting Description
0 x 156,25kHz
1 312,5kHz

LC.42 SSI Data format

Input Setting Description
0 x Binary-coded
1 Graycode

LC.43 SSI Voltage monitoring

Input Setting Description
0 x off
1 on

GB - 35
Parameter Description

3.5 Lift functions

Display Name Setting range Default setting
LF.00 Parameter group Funct -
LF.01 max. speed of system 0,00015,000m/s 0,000m/s
LF.02 Traction sheave diameter 02000mm 600mm
LF.03 Gear reduction ratio multiplier 0,0099,99 1,00/ 30,00
LF.04 Gear reduction ration divisor 0,00...99,99 1,00
LF.05 Factor rope suspension 18 1
LF.06 Contract load 065535kg 0kg
LF.10 Control mode 02 2
LF.11 KP speed controller 032767 auto
LF.12 KI speed controller 032767 auto
LF.13 KI speed controller Offset 032767 auto
LF.14 KP current controller 065535 auto
LF.15 KI current controller 065535 auto
LF.16 Boost 0,025,5 % 10,0%
LF.17 Autoboost on/off 01 auto
LF.18 Autoboost / ampliciication 0,002,50 1,20
LF.19 Filter time for current loop 0...5 3
LF.20 VR releveling speed 0,0000,300m/s 0,000m/s
LF.21 VL leveling speed 0,0000,300m/s 0,000m/s
LF.22 VN nominal speed 0,000m/sLF.01 0,000m/s
LF.23 VI inspection speed 0,0000,630m/s 0,000m/s
LF.24 V1 intermediate speed 1 0,000m/sLF.01 0,000m/s
LF.25 V2 intermediate speed 2 0,000m/sLF.01 0,000m/s
LF.26 V3 intermediate speed 3 0,000m/sLF.01 0,000m/s
LF.27 VU evacuation speed 0,000m/sLF.01 0,000m/s
LF.28 Setpoint value debounce time 0127ms 10ms
LF.30 Starting jerk 0,109,99m/s 0,50m/s
LF.31 Acceleration 0,102,00m/s 0,90m/s
LF.32 Jerk at end of acceleration 0,109,99m/s 1,00m/s
LF.33 Jerk at begin of deceleration 0,109,99m/s 1,00m/s
LF.34 Deceleration 0,102,00m/s 0,90m/s
LF.35 Jerk at end of deceleration 0,109,99m/s 0,70m/s
LF.36 Stopping jerk 0,009,99m/s 0,40m/s
LF.40 Brake release time 0,003,00 s 0,25s
LF.41 Brake engage time 0,003,00 s 0,25s
LF.42 Switching threshold brake deactivation 0,0000,010m/s 0,005m/s
LF.43 Level overspeed 0,00018,000m/s 1,1LF.1
LF.44 Deceleration check 0,00015,000m/s 0,95LF.22
LF.45 Level running open doors 0,0000,300m/s 0,250m/s
LF.46 Speed deviation mode 01 0
LF.47 Spedd deviation level 030 % 10%
LF.48 Speed deviation tripping time 0,00010,000 s 3,000 s
LF.49 Motor + inverter OH-function 01 0
LF.50 drive OH delay time 0120s 0s
LF.51 Standstill control 0,00...8000,00 rpm auto
LF.52 KP start amplification 032767 1100 or LF.11
LF.53 KP start timer -0,01(oFF)50000,00s -0,01 = oFF
LF.60 Display levelling path 0,0...264,0 cm -
LF.61 Levelling path optimization VN 0,0200,0cm 0,0cm
LF.62 Levelling path optimization V1 0,0200,0cm 0,0cm
LF.63 Levelling path optimization V2 0,0200,0cm 0,0cm
LF.64 Levelling path optimization V3 0,0200,0cm 0,0cm
LF.65 Levelling path optimization VL 0...300 mm 0mm

GB - 36
Parameter Description

LF.00 Display of current parameter group Funct

LF.01 Max. speed of system

This parameter limits the speed of the system to the adjusted value. For analog setpoint setting applies 010V
correspond to 0LF.01.
Value range Setting Description
0,00015,000m/s 0,000m/s

LF.02 Traction sheave diameter

Value range Setting Description

02000mm 600mm Enter the diameter of the employed leading sheave.

LF.03 Gear reduction ratio/multiplier

Value range Setting Description

0,0099,99 1,00/ Adjustment according to gearbox name plate (possible determination by
30,00 counting the revolutions of the handwheel at one revolution of the leading
Example: i = 43:3
For gearless motors adjust value 1.

LF.04 Gear reduction ratio/divisor

Value range Setting Description

0,0099,99 1,00 Adjustment according to gearbox name plate (possible determination by
counting the revolutions of the handwheel at one revolution of the leading
Example: i = 43:3
For gearless motors adjust value 1.

LF.05 Factor rope suspension

Value range Setting Description

18 1 Adjustment according to system data (1:18:1)

LF.06 Contract load

Value range Setting Description

065535kg 0 Adjustment according to system data (possibly number of persons x 75kg)

LF.10 Control mode

Value range Setting Description

0 Without speed encoder (open-loop)
1 Control procedure switchable by digital input
2 x With speed encoder (closed-loop)

LF.11 KP Speed controller

Value range Setting Description

032767 auto Adjustment of the P-amplification of the speed controller. If the KP-values are
too large vibrations occur during the constant drive. If the KP-values are too
small a deviation between setpoint and actual value occurs. It results in tran-
sient effects after the acceleration.

GB - 37
Parameter Description

LF.12 KI Speed controller

Value range Setting Description

032767 auto Adjustment of the I-amplification of the speed controller reset time.

LF.13 KI Speed controller Offset

Value range Setting Description

032767 auto Serves for an improved load transfer at high-efficient gearboxes.

LF.14 KP Current controller

Value range Setting Description

065535 auto P-amplification of the magnetizing and active current.

LF.15 KI Current controller

Value range Setting Description

065535 auto I-amplification of the current controller reset time.

LF.16 Boost

Value range Setting Description

0,025,5 % Depen- Serves for the adjustment of the U/f-charateristic in open-loop operation. Too
ding on little torque increase makes the motor soft and the load cannot be lifted. Too
the motor much torque increase leads to vibration during acceleration and in the posi-
type tioning drive.

LF.17 Autoboost on/off

Value range Setting Description

0 auto Autoboost (torque compensation) off
1 Autoboost is effective in the motor-driven and generatoric operation (recom-
mend for old lift equipmen).

LF.18 Autoboost / amplification

Value range Setting Description

0,002,50 1,20 Adjustment of the amplification factor for Autoboost.

LF.19 Filter time for current loop

Value range Setting Description

05 3 0 = 0,5ms 1 = 1ms 2 = 2ms 3 = 4ms 4 = 8ms 5 = 16ms

LF.20 VR Releveling speed

Value range Setting Description

0,0000,300m/s 0,000m/s With the readjustment speed the lift is driven aligned.
for a better positioning the drive abort is made without jerk limitation
it cannot be accelerated from the readjustment speed
when Lb.05 = 2 or 6, only active if Lb.12 = 0

LF.21 VL Leveling speed

Value range Setting Description

0,0000,300m/s 0,000m/s it cannot be accelerated from the approch speed

GB - 38
Parameter Description

LF.22 VN Nominal speed

Value range Setting Description

0,000m/sLF.01 0,000

LF.23 VI Inspection speed

Value range Setting Description

0,0000,630m/s 0,000m/s it cannot be accelerated from the inspection speed

LF.24 V 1 intermediate speed 1

Value range Setting Description

0,000m/sLF.01 0,000m/s when Lb.05 = 2 or 6, only active if Lb.13 = 1

LF.25 V2 intermediate speed 2

Value range Setting Description

0,000m/sLF.01 0,000m/s not active at Lb.05 = 2 or 6

LF.26 V3 intermediate speed 3

Value range Setting Description

0,000m/sLF.01 0,000m/s not active at Lb.05 = 2 or 6

LF.27 VU Evacuation speed

Value range Setting Description

0,000m/sLF.01 0,000m/s off, if no input is assigned with the function UPS-operation

LF.28 Setpoint value debounce time

Value range Setting Description

0127ms 0ms

LF.30 Starting jerk

Important for the well-being of passengers in a lift is the so-called jerk or shock, that always occurs during acce-
leration processes. This phenomenon even causes objects on conveyor system to topple or fall and puts a heavy
strain on mechanical components. People perceive the jerk differently, depending on age, physical and mental
constitution and whether the movement was anticipated or not.
Value range Setting Description
0,109,99m/s 0,50m/s Experience values: 0,5...0,8 m/s for nursing homes, hospitals, apart-
ment houses
0,8...1,2 m/s for office buildings, banks etc.

LF.31 Acceleration

Value range Setting Description

0,102,00m/s 0,90m/s Experience values: 0,5...0,8 m/s for nursing homes, hospitals, apart-
ment houses
0,8...1,2 m/s for office buildings, banks etc.

LF.32 Jerk at end of acceleration

Value range Setting Description

0,109,99m/s 1,00m/s If the jerk at the end of acceleration is adjusted too low, the parameter dece-
leration LF.34 is overridden.

GB - 39
Parameter Description

LF.33 Jerk at begin of deceleration

Value range Setting Description

0,109,99m/s 1,00m/s

LF.34 Deceleration

Value range Setting Description

0,102,00m/s 0,90m/s

LF.35 Jerk at end of deceleration

Value range Setting Description

0,109,99m/s 0,70m/s

LF.36 Stopping jerk

Value range Setting Description

0,009,99m/s 0,40m/s The starting jerk determines the ride comfort on settling on the floor from the
positioning drive. With LF.36=off the stopping jerk is the same as the jerk at
the end of deceleration (LF.35).

LF.32 LF.33

LF.31 LF.34

LF.30 LF.35

Driving characteristic with jerk-free acceleration and deceleration

LF.40 Brake release time

Value range Setting Description

0,003,00 s 0,25s

LF.41 Brake engage time

Value range Setting Description

0,003,00 s 0,25s

LF.42 Switching threshold at brake deactivation

Value range Setting Description

0,0000,010m/s 0,005m/s

GB - 40
Parameter Description

LF.43 Level overspeed

Value range Setting Description

0,00018,000m/s auto The displayed value is 110 % of the maximum speed (LF.01).

LF.44 Deceleration check level

Value range Setting Description

0,00015,000m/s auto The displayed value is 96 % of the rated speed LF.22).

LF.45 Level running open doors

Value range Setting Description

0,0000,300m/s 0,250m/s Defines the maximum approach speed, on falling below this speed the doors
can open.

LF.46 Speed deviation mode

This parameter serves as control, whether the motor speed can follow the actual speed. Die monitoring is active
only in closed-loop operation with motor encoder. The tripping level is adjusted with LF.47 . If the function is assi-
gned to a digital output, a warning is given.
Value range Setting Description
off x No error switch off. The output condition. The output condition speed devia-
taion warning is set.
on Inverter switches off the modulation with error E.hSd (high speed difference).
The output condition speed deviataion warning is set.

LF.47 Speed deviation level

Value range Setting Description

030 % 10% The value in percent refers to the selected speed. The detection takes place
at constant run.

LF.48 Speed deviation tripping time

Value range Setting Description

0,00010,000 s 3,000 s Adjustment of the time between detection of a speed deviation and tripping of
the error E.hSd (LF.46 = 1).

LF.49 Motor + Inverter OH-function

This parameter activates the temperature monitoring of motor and inverter. Precondition for the motor monitoring
is the connection of a motor temperature sensor to the terminals T1/T2. When the heat sink of the inverter reaches
a temperature of 90C, the error E.OH is triggered and the drive is stopped. If the function is assigned to a digital
output, a warning is given. At a temperature of 75C the output is reset and the drive continues to run. The display
shows the warning message OH.
Value range Setting Description
off x No error switch-off at overtemperature. The output condition motor or inverter
excess temperature is set.
on When the heat sink of the inverter reaches a temperature of 90C, the error
E.OH is triggered and the drive is stopped. At a temperature of 75C the error
is reset and the drive continues to run. The display shows the warning mes-
sage OH.
At an excess temperature of the motor the drive behaves according to LF.50.
The output condition motor or inverter excess temperature is set immedia-

GB - 41
Parameter Description

LF.50 Drive OH Delay time

If a drive shall still be made despite a hot motor, a deceleration time between warning and triggering the excess
temperature error can be adjusted with this parameter. After the adjusted time has expired the inverter switches
off the modulation with error E.dOH.
Value range Setting Description
0s x After detection of motor excess temperature the current ride is still completed,
before the inverter switches off the modulation with E.dOH.
1120s After detection of motor excess temperature the adjusted time is waited for
before the inverter switches off the modulation with error E.dOH.

LF.51 Standstill control

A wrong system position or an encoder which is not securely mounted may lead to dangerous conditions with
gearless synchronous machines. If the different between set and actual speed cross over the speed level of this
parameter the inverter will trip with "E.EF".
This parameter is mainly designed for the period of load transfer and starting.
To avoid failures caused by wrong system position or bad encoder mounting a combination with function speed
deviation LF.46, LF.47 and LF.48 is recommended.
Value range Setting Description
0,00...8000,00 rpm auto

LF.52 KP start amplification

Value range Setting Description

032767 1100 The temporary proportional factor enables a better starting behavior at high
or static friction in the system. The duration is adjusted with LF.53 . A typical
LF.11 value here is 4000.

LF.53 KP start timer

Value range Setting Description

-0,01(oFF) off The timer determines the duration of LF.52. A typical value here is 2s.

GB - 42
Parameter Description

LF.60 Indication levelling path

Value range Setting Description

0,0264,0cm - The time of constant drive in crawl speed (VL) is measured and displayed
after each run in standardized cm. .




t t
Deceleration point Deceleration point

without optimization with optimization

Levelling path optimization VN

With the levelling distance optimization the levelling path become shorter by the entered value. 35cm levelling
path are sufficient. Measuring the levelling distance with LF.60.

LF.61 Levelling path optimization VN

Value range Setting Description

0,0200,0cm 0,0cm Out of operation at ogive function.

LF.62 Levelling path optimization V1

Value range Setting Description

0,0200,0cm 0,0cm

LF.63 Levelling path optimization V2

Value range Setting Description

0,0200,0cm 0,0cm

LF.64 Levelling path optimization V3

Value range Setting Description

0,0200,0cm 0,0cm

LF.65 Levelling path optimization VL

Value range Setting Description

0...300 mm 0mm

GB - 43
Parameter Description

3.6 Positioning mode / ogive run

Display Name Setting range Default setting

LP.00 Display POSI -
LP.01 Ogive function 02 0
LP.02 Minimum deceleration distance (calculated) 0,06553,5cm auto
LP.03 Deceleration distance (measured) -3276,73276,7cm 0,0cm
LP.04 Correction distance 0,06553,5cm 10,0cm

LP.00 Display of current parameter group POSI

LP.01 Ogive function

Input Setting Function Description

off x off With switched off ogive function the acceleration at the decelera-
1 Calibration run tion point is aborted immediately.
2 active With this parameter the ogive function is activated or a calibrati-
on run according to following description is carried out.

There are three possibilities to execute the ogive function:

Ogive run
with crawl path (DOL= digital ogive with leveling speed)
with direct approach(DODA = digital ogive with direct approach)
with direct approach and correction shortly before the stopping position (DODAC = digital ogive with direct ap-
proach and correction)

GB - 44
Parameter Description

Ogive run with crawl path (DOL= digital ogive with leveling speed)
This operating mode is recommended
for all conventional control with levelling switches.
if control run-times lead to large tolerances.
if strong slip develops on the leading sheave.
if speed signal are noisy.
if the shaft signals are not accurately installed.
if mechanical transient processes must be waited for.

The procedure is active as long as a crawl speed entered in LF.21 is larger than 0m/s.
V Speed v
VN Nominal speed
vL Levelling speed LF.21 vN
P1 Deceleration point from rated speed VN to
crawl speed VL s3=s1
P2 Levelling switch s3
s1 The distance between deceleration point
and levelling switch is measured.
s2 Levelling path + stopping path

P1 P2

Following conditions must be created:

Adjust/install deceleration points on all floors and for both directions equally.
Distance of the deceleration points as far away as possible from the floor, so that a pleasant ogive rounding is

Distintive features of ogive run with crawl path:

The F5-lift optimizes the crawl path principally to 5 cm.
This also applies to the run with rated speed.
ADA-function (auto deceleration adaption): If the change-over from VN to VL takes place too late at higher
floors, the F5-lift calculates a driving curve with steeper deceleration in order not to overrun the stopping positi-

Check whether Lb.4=1 is adjusted (Factory setting)
Enter deceleration path in LP.3
In case of unknown distances (e.g.renovation) carry out a calibration run, for that adjust LP.1=1 and perform a
normal drive. The distance between deceleration point and levelling switch is measured.
For a checkup compare input value with the calculated deceleration path in LP.2. Here the required minimum
deceleration path is displayed (see mapping: Distance s3 + 5cm). The value in LP.3 always must be larger or
equal to the value in LP.2.
If the deceleration curve is subsequently adjusted softer, check again whether value LP.2 is smaller than value
Swith LP.1 to 2. Thereby the value from LP.3 is accepted and the ogive function is activated.

If LP.2 is larger than LP.3, increase the deceleration distance and correction in LP.3 or adjust a harder decele-
ration curve.
If the lift overruns the floor, an error in the measuring system of your shaft encoding exists.
If the crawl path of 5cm should be too short, enter a smaller value in LP.3. Reduce LP.3 by as many cm as the
crawl path shall become longer.

GB - 45
Parameter Description

Ogive run with direct approach (DODA = digital ogive with direct approach)
This operating mode is recommended
if the change-over of the speed inputs takes place precisely and fast (ca. 1ms)
if the mentioned problems at ogive run with crawl path do not exist. Otherwise it result in non-levelling.

The procedure is activated by adjusting the crawl speed LF.21 to 0m/s.

P1 Deceleration point from rated speed VN to crawl v

speed VL
s Path of deceleration = LP.03
V Speed
t Time s


Check whether Lb.4 is adjusted to 1 (factory setting).
Check whether LF.21 is = 0 m/s.
Enter path of deceleration in LP.3. The path of deceleration in LP.3 must match the position of the decelerati-
on points in the shaft to the millimeter. It is measured from the deceleration point to the levelling position/door
Activate ogive run with LP.1=2.

Ogive run with direct approach and correction shortly before the stopping position (DODAC = digital ogi-
ve with direct approach and correction)
This operating mode is recommended
if only minor system errors (up to 3cm) need to be adjusted.

With this procedure ca. 1015cm before the stopping position a digital input is set on the frequency inverter, by
which the actual residual distance is detected.
P1 Deceleration point from rated speed VN to crawl v
speed VL
P2 Correction switch
s Path of correction = LP.04
V Speed
t Time s

P1 P2

Check whether Lb.4 is adjusted to 1 (factory setting).
Check whether LF.21 is set to 0 m/s.
Adjust Lb.10 to 2 (customer-specific input assignment)
Adjust Lb.12 to 9 (assignment of correction input is terminal X2A.17)
Enter path of deceleration in LP.3. It is measured from the deceleration point to the levelling position/door
threshold. The path of deceleration in LP.3 must match the position of the deceleration points in the shaft to the
All correction points must have exactly the same distance (residual distance) to the stopping position.
The path of correction (residual distance) must be entered accurately to the millimeter in LP.4.
Activate ogive run with LP.1=2.

GB - 46
Parameter Description

LP.02 Minimum deceleration distance (calculated)

Value range Setting Description

0,06553,5cm auto only display

LP.03 Deceleration distance (measured)

Value range Setting Description

-3276,73276,7cm 0,0cm Distance from deceleration point to levelling signal.

LP.04 Correction distance

Value range Setting Description

0,06553,5cm 10,0cm

GB - 47
Parameter description

3.7 Information, indications and measured values

Display Name Unit Default setting

LI.00 Display InFo -
LI.01 Inverter status - -
LI.03 Set speed min-1 -
LI.04 Actual speed min-1 -
LI.07 Actual car speed m/s -
LI.08 Floor distance cm -
LI.09 Set torque Nm -
LI.10 Actual torque display Nm -
LI.11 Apparent current A -
LI.12 Actual load % -
LI.13 Peak load % -
LI.14 Actual DC link voltage V -
LI.15 Peak value DC link voltage V -
LI.16 Active parameter set - -
LI.17 Terminal input status - -
LI.18 Terminal output status - -
LI.19 Overload integrator (OL) % -
LI.20 Heat sink temperature C -
LI.21 Power on counter h -
LI.22 Modulation on counter h -
LI.23 Feedback energy display kWh -
LI.24 Modulation rate % -
LI.25 Minimum deceleration distance V1 cm -
LI.26 Minimum deceleration distance V2 cm -
LI.27 Minimum deceleration distance V3 cm -
LI.30 Inverter type - -
LI.31 Inverter rated current A -
LI.32 Serial number Date YY.WW -
LI.33 Serial number Counter - -
LI.34 Software version Inverter - -
LI.35 Software date Inverter DD.MM.Y -
LI.36 Software version Operator - -
LI.37 Software date Operator DD.MM.Y -
LI.38 Software version Interface - -
LI.39 Software date Interface DD.MM.Y -
LI.40 Last error - -
LI.41 Last error (t-1) - -
LI.42 Last error (t-2) - -
LI.43 Last error (t-3) - -
LI.44 Last error (t-4) - -
LI.45 Last error (t-5) - -
LI.46 Last error (t-6) - -
LI.47 Last error (t-7) - -
LI.48 Last error (t-8) - -
LI.50 AN1 display before amplification % -
LI.51 AN1 display after amplification % -
LI.52 AN2 display before amplificatiaon % -
LI.53 AN2 display after amplification % -

GB -48
Parameter description

LI.00 Display of current parameter group InFo

LI.01 Inverter status

This parameter shows the current status (e.g. constant run, acceleration counter-clockwise rotation) of the inverter.
You find a table of all status and error messages in the annex.

LI.03 Set speed

Display Description
04000 rpm Display of the current setpoint value. For control reasons the set speed is also displayed,
if the control release or the direction of rotation is not switched. If no direction of rotation
is given, the set speed for clockwise rotation (forward) is displayed.

LI.04 Actual speed

Display Description
04000 rpm Display of the current motor speed (encoder channel 1). For control reasons the set speed
is also displayed, if the control release or the direction of rotation is not switched. A counter-
clockwise rotating field (reverse) is represented by a negative sign. Precondition for the
correct display value is the in-phase connection of the motor and the correct adjustment
of the encoder increments as well as the direction of rotation.

LI.07 Actual car speed

Display Description
020m/s Display of the current speed of the lift. For control reasons the actual speed is also
displayed, if the control release or the direction of rotation is not switched. A counter-
clockwise rotating field (reverse) is represented by a negative sign. Precondition for
the correct display value is the in-phase connection of the motor and the correct basic

LI.08 Floor distance

Display Description
32767cm Indicates the last travel distance from start to stop.

LI.09 Set torque

Display Description

LI.10 Actual torque display

Display Description
0,0032000,00Nm The displayed value corresponds to the current motor torque in Nm. The value is calculated
from the active current. Due to common type variations and temperature drifts of the
motor tolerances of up to 30 % are possible in the base speed range.
Basic requirement for the torque display is the adjustment of the motor data. If the real
motor data deviate strongly from the name plate data, the operating performance can be
optimized by entering the real data. For the start-up the adjustment of the name plate data
is sufficient.

LI.11 Apparent current

Display Description
01000A Display of the current motor apparent current.

GB -49
Parameter description

LI.12 Actual load

Display Description
0200 %

LI.13 Peak load

Display Description
0200 %

LI.14 Actual DC link voltage

Display Description
01000V Display of the current DC link voltage in volt. Typical values are:
V-class Normal operation Overvoltage (E.OP) Undervoltage (E.UP)
230V 300330VDC ca. 400VDC ca. 216VDC
400V 530620VDC ca. 800VDC ca. 240VDC

LI.15 Peak value DC link voltage

Display Description
01000V This parameters makes it possible to determine short-term voltage rises within an
operating cycle. For that purpose the highest value that occurred is stored. The peak
value memory can be cleared by pressing the key UP, DOWN or ENTER and over Bus by
writing any value onto this parameter. Switching off the inverter also results in the deletion
of the memory.

LI.16 Active parameter set

Display Description
07 Display of the parameter set, in which the frequency inverter currently works.

LI.17 Terminal input status

Input Function
1 X2A.16
2 X2A.17
4 X2A.14
8 X2A.15
16 X2A.10 Display of the currently activated digital inputs. The logical levels at the digital inputs
32 X2A.11 and at the internal inputs are indicated, independent of the following linkage. A certain
64 X2A.12 decimal value is given out for each digital input. If several inputs are activated, the
128 X2A.13 sum of the decimal value is displayed.
256 internal A
512 internal B
1024 internal C
2048 internal D

GB -50
Parameter description

LI.18 Terminal output status

Output Function
1 X2A.18
2 X2A.19
4 X2A.2426
Display of the currently set external and internal digital outputs. A certain value is
8 X2A.2729
given out for each digital output. If several outputs are activated, the sum of the
16 internal A
decimal value is displayed.
32 internal B
64 internal C
128 internal D

LI.19 Overload integrator (OL)

Value range Description

0100 % To prevent overload errors (E.OL) (load reduction in time), the internal meter reading of
the OL-counter can be made visible with this parameter. At 100 % the inverter switches
off with error E.OL. The error can be reset after a cooling down phase (blinking display

LI.20 Heat sink temperature

Value range Description

0150C The parameter displays the current heat sink temperature of the inverter.

LI.21 Power on counter

Value range Description

065535h The power on counter shows how long the inverter was switched on. The displayed value
includes all operating phases. On reaching the maximum value (ca. 7.5 years) the display
stays on the maximum value.

LI.22 Modulation on counter

Value range Description

065535h The modulation on counter shows how long the inverter was active (power modules
activated). On reaching the maximum value (ca. 7.5 years) the display stays on the
maximum value.

LI.23 Feedback energy display

Value range Description

065535 kWh Display of the feedback energy during generative operation. On the basis of this value
it can be calculated, whether the use of a regenerative unit could be profitable. For that
purpose the actual resistance value of the brake resistor must be entered in Lb.18.

LI.24 Modulation rate

Value range Description

0110 % The modulation rate shows the output voltage in percent. 100% correspond to the input
voltage (unloaded). At a value above 100 % the inverter operates with overmodulation.

LI.25 Minimum deceleration distance V1

Value range Description

0,06553,5 cm Indicates the calculated deceleration distance for V1.

GB -51
Parameter description

LI.26 Minimum deceleration distance V2

Value range Description

0,06553,5 cm Indicates the calculated deceleration distance for V2.

LI.27 Minimum deceleration distance V3

Value range Description

0,06553,5 cm Indicates the calculated deceleration distance for V3.

LI.30 Inverter type

Bit Meaning Meaning

2 Inverter size binary-coded, e.g. 00101 for size 05
5 Voltage class 0 230V 1 400V
6 Phases 0 single-phase 1 3-phase
7 free
8 0 A-housing 7 H-housing
9 1 B-housing 10 K-housing
10 2 C-housing 15 P-housing
Housing Sizes
11 3 D-housing 17 R-housing
12 4 E-housing 20 U-housing
6 G-housing 22 W-housing
13 0 G-control 3 S-control
14 Control 1 M-control 4 A-control
15 2 B-control

LI.31 Inverter rated current

Value range Description

0710A Display of the inverter rated current in A. The value is calculated from the power section
identifier and cannot be changed.

LI.32 Serial number Date

Value range Description

065535 The parameter shows the date of production in the format YY.WW.

LI.33 Serial number Counter

Value range Description

065535 The parameter shows the consecutive number of the production date from LI.32.

LI.34 Software version Inverter

Value range Description

0,009,99 Display of the software version number of the inverter.

LI.35 Software date Inverter

Value range Description

065535 Display of the software date of the inverter in the format DD.MM.Y.

GB -52
Parameter description

LI.36 Software version Operator

Value range Description

0,009,99 Display of the software version number of the operator.

LI.37 Software date Operator

Value range Description

065535 Display of the software date of the operator in the format DD.MM.Y.

LI.38 Software version Interface

Value range Description

0,009,99 Display of the software version number of the encoder interface.

LI.39 Software date Interface

Value range Description

065535 Display of the software date of the encoder interface in the format DD.MM.Y.

LI.40 Last error

Value range Description

0255 The parameter stores the last error that occurrred. E.UP is not stored. The error messages
are described in the annex Error Diagnosis.

GB -53
Parameter description

LI.41 Last Error (t-1)

LI.42 Last Error (t-2)
LI.43 Last Error (t-3)
LI.44 Last Error (t-4)
LI.45 Last Error (t-5)
LI.46 Last Error (t-6)
LI.47 Last Error (t-7)
LI.48 Last Error (t-8)

Value range Description

00005FFFh The parameters LI.4148 show the last eight errors that occurred. The oldest error is in
LI.48. If a new error occurs, it is stored in LI.41. All other errors are moved one parameter
further. The oldest error (LI.48) is cancelled. The display of the error takes place in the
most significant word (Bit 1215).
Between errors of the same type (e.g. twice OC) the time difference is determined. It is
stored in the three low-order words. The display is hexadecimal.
Error Time difference
Bit Bit Bit Bit Value
1512 118 74 30
x 0 0 0 0min
x 0 0 1 1min
x : : : :
x F F E 4094min
x F F F >4095min
0 x x x no error
1 x x x E.OC
2 x x x E.OL
3 x x x E.OP
4 x x x E.OH
5 x x x E.OHI
Example The display shows following values:
LI.41: 3000
LI.42: 2000
LI.43: 4023
LI.44: 4000
LI.4548: 0000
Description The last error that occurred is stored in LI.41. The table shows for the most significant
hex-value "3" the error E.OP (overvoltage).
Before that the error E.OL (LI.42=2xxx) occurred. Because it concerns two different errors,
no time difference was stored.
In LI.43 and LI.44 the error E.OH is stored. Since these errors are of the same type, a time
difference (here 023) is stored in the three low-order words of LI.43. The hexadecimal
value of 23 corresponds to a time difference of 35 minutes in decimal.
No errors are stored in LI.4548.

LI.50 AN1 Display before amplification

Value range Description

065535 The parameter shows the value of the analog signal AN1 before the characteristic
amplification in percent. Depending on the setpoint setting the displayed value of
0100% corresponds to 010V, 020mA or 420mA.

GB -54
Parameter description

LI.51 AN1 Display after amplification

Value range Description

0400 % The parameter shows the value of the analog signal AN1 after running through the
characteristic amplification in percent. The value range is limited to 400%.

LI.52 AN2 Display before amplification

Value range Description

0100 % The parameter shows the value of the analog signal AN2 before the characteristic
amplification in percent. Depending on the setpoint setting the displayed value of
0100% corresponds to 010V, 020mA or 420mA.

LI.53 AN2 Display after amplification

Value range Description

0400 % The parameter shows the value of the analog signal AN2 after running through the
characteristic amplification in percent. The value range is limited to 400%.

GB -55
Parameter description

3.8 Adjustment of analog inputs and outputs

Display Name Setting Range Default setting

LA.00 Display AnLog -
LA.01 AN1 setpoint selection 02 0
LA.02 AN1 interference filter 04 0
LA.03 AN1 zero point hysteresis 010V 0,2V
LA.04 AN1 amplification 0,0020,00 1,00
LA.05 AN1 Offset X 0,0100,0% 0,0%
LA.06 AN1 Offset Y 0,0100,0% 0,0%
LA.07 AN1 lower limit 0,0400,0% -400,0%
LA.08 AN1 upper limit 0,0400,0% 400,0%
LA.09 AN2 setpoint selection 02 0
LA.10 AN2 interference filter 04 0
LA.11 AN2 zero point hysteresis 010V 0,2V
LA.12 AN2 amplification 0,0020,00 1,00
LA.13 AN2 Offset X 0,0100,0% 0,0%
LA.14 AN2 Offset Y 0,0100,0% 0,0%
LA.15 AN2 lower limit 0,0400,0% -400,0 %
LA.16 AN2 upper limit 0,0400,0% 400,0%
LA.17 Selection REF-input/AUX-function 32768 2112
LA.23 Rope weight 0500kg 0

LA.00 Display of the current parameter group AnLog

LA.01 AN1 Setpoint selection

Input Setting Signal Description

0 x 010V
Depending on the setting the analog input can process the listed
1 020mA
setpoint signals.
2 420mA

LA.02 AN1 Interference filter

Input Setting Average value Description

0 x none
A query of the analog signal takes place every millisecond. The
1 2 values
interference filter shall suppress interferences and ripples of the
2 4 values
input signal, by forming the average value from 2, 4, 8 or 16
3 8 values
scanned values for further processing.
4 16 values

GB - 56
Parameter description

LA.03 AN1 zero point hysteresis

Value range Setting Description

010% 0,2% Through capacitive as well as inductive coupling on the inputs lines or voltage
fluctuations of the signal source, the motor connected to the inverter can drift
(vibrate). during standstill in spite of the analog input filter. It is the job of the
zero point hysteresis to suppress this.
The parameter masks out the analog signal in the adjusted value range. The
value applies to both directions of rotation.
If a negative percentage is adjusted, the hysteresis acts in addition to the zero
point also around the current setpoint value. Setpoint changes are accepted
only if they are larger than the adjusted hysteresis.
Fig. LA.03: for further signal processing
Zero Point Hysteresis


-10% of interference filgter


LA.04 AN1 amplification

Value range Setting Description

0,0020,00 1,00 The amplification of the input signal is adjusted with this parameter. At an
amplification of 1.00 the input value corresponds to the output value.
Fig. LA.04: output value (Out)
Amplification ofthe
analog input signal 100%

input value (In)

-100% 100%


Formula for the calculation of

Out = amplification ( In - Offset X) + Offset Y
the output value

LA.05 AN1 Offset X

Value range Setting Description

0,0100,0 % 0,0% The parameter shifts the input characteristic on the X-axis.

GB - 57
Parameter description

LA.06 AN1 Offset Y

Value range Setting Description

0,0100,0% 0,0% This parameter shifts the input characteristic on the Y-axis.

LA.07 AN1 lower limit

LA.08 AN1 upper limit

Value range Setting Description

0,0400,0 LA.07 The parameter serves for the limitation of the analog signal AN1 after the
-400,0 amplifier stage. As no interacting locking exists, it must be observed, that the
lower limit is adjusted smaller than the upper limit. (Exception F5-M: In case
LA.08 of lower limit > upper limit then output value = lower limit).
Fig. LA.07/08:
Limitation of the analog 400%
input signal AN1 LA.07/LA.16





LA.09 AN2 setpoint selection

Input Setting Signal Description

0 x 010V
Depending on the setting the analog input can process the listed
1 020mA
setpoint signals.
2 420mA

LA.10 AN2 interference filter

Input Setting Average value Description

0 x none
A query of the analog signal takes place every millisecond. The
1 2 values
interference filter shall suppress interferences and ripples of the
2 4 values
input signal, by forming the average value from 2, 4, 8 or 16
3 8 values
scanned values for further processing.
4 16 values

LA.11 AN2 zero point hysteresis

Value range Setting Description

010% 0,2% see LA.03

LA.12 AN2 amplification

Value range Setting Description

0,0020,00 1,00 see LA.04

GB - 58
Parameter description

LA.13 AN2 Offset X

Value range Setting Description

0,0100,0% 0,0% The parameter shifts the input characteristic on the X-axis.

LA.14 AN2 Offset Y

Value range Setting Description

0,0100,0% 0,0% The parameter shifts the input characteristic on the Y-axis.

LA.15 AN2 lower limit

LA.16 AN2 upper limit

Valuer range Setting Description

0,0400,0 LA.15 The parameter serves for the limitation of the analog signal AN2 after the
-400,0 amplifier stage. As no interacting locking exists, it must be observed, that the
lower limit is adjusted smaller than the upper limit. (Exception F5-M: In case
LA.16 of lower limit > upper limit then output value = lower limit).
Fig. LA.15/16:
Limitation of the analog 400%
input signal AN2 LA.07/LA.16





LA.17 Selection REF-input/AUX-function

To allow further expansions not all values are defined in the bit groups. Undefined values have the same function
as the value 0. The sum of the values is to be entered.
Bit Input Setting Function Description
0 x AN1
Selection of the analog input (AN1, AN2,
02 1 AN2
AN3) as REF analog
2 AN3
0 x Source1
8 Source1+ Souce2
35 16 Source1 (100%+Source2) Mode of the AUX-function
24 Source1Source2
32 Source1 absolute
0 AN1
64 x AN2
128 Setpoint value in percent
610 Selection of Source1 for the AUX-function
192 Motor potentiometer
256 Technology controller
320 AN3
0 AN1
2048 x AN2
1115 4096 Setpoint value in percent Selection of Source2 for the AUX-function
6144 Motor potentiometer
8192 Technology controller

GB - 59
Parameter description

3.9 Adjustment of pretorque function

1) Preparations
Enter motor data
Connect load weighing equipment to X2A.3 and X2A.4
Switch on the pretorque with Lb.7 =1
Drive the cabine to the middle of the shaft
Remain at the same position in the shaft when carrying out the measurements
Carry out measurements during standstill of the motor after the brake has released
Adjust the brake release time to 3s to get a better measurement

2) Measurement with empty cabine

Measure the signal of the load weighing equipment with LI.52. This value L1 is displayed in percent.
Measure the torque including the sign with LI.10.
Calculate the torque "T1" in percent according to formula: T1 = LI.10 100 / motor rated torque.

3) Measurement with 100% load in the cabine

Measure the signal of the load weighing equipment with LI.52. This value L2 is displayed in percent.
Measure the torque including the sign with LI.10.
Calculate the torque "T2" in percent according to formula: T2 = LI.10 100 / motor rated torque.

4) Calculate the amplification according to formula LA.12 = (T1-T2)/(L1-L2).

5) Calculate the Offset according to formula LA.14 = LA.12L1-T1.

6) Enter the caluculated values in LA.12 and LA.14.


Example 1: Payload 2000kg

Speed 1m/s
Motor rated torque 1200Nm
Counterweight balance 50%

Empty cabine LI.52 = L1 = 0% (0V) LI.10 = +1200Nm T1 = +100%

Full cabine LI.52 = L2 = 100% (10V) LI.10 = -1200Nm T2 = -100%

Gain LA.12 = (100%-(-100%))/(0%-100%) = -2

Offset LA.14 = -20%-100% = -100%

Example 2: Payload 2000kg

Speed 1m/s
Motor rated torque 1000Nm
Counterweight balance 45%
Load weighing signal has an Offset of -0,5V and can give out only 8V at 100%.

Empty cabine LI.52 = L1 = -5% (-0,5V) LI.10 = 1080Nm T1 = +108%

Full cabine LI.52 = L2 = 80% (+8V) LI.10 = -1320Nm T2 = -132%

Gain LA.12 = (108%-(-132%))/(-5%-80%) = -2,82

Offset LA.14 = -2,82(-5%)-108% = -93,9%

GB - 60
Parameter description

Example 3: Same system data as in example 2, but the installed motor is rotated by 180.

Empty cabine LI.52 = L1 = -5% LI.10 = -1080Nm T1 = -108%

Full cabine LI.52 = L2 = 80% LI.10 = +1320Nm T2 = +132%

Gain LA.12 = (-108%-132%)/(-5%-80%) = 2,82

Offset LA.14 = -2,82(-5%)-(-108%) = +93,9%

LA.23 Rope weight

Value range Setting Description

0500kg 0kg Enter the weight of the free-hanging part of the suspension rope at maximum

GB - 61

4. Start-up
Adjust the parameters in ascending order, because by doing so partial pre-adjustments of the unit are initiated.
Start with the basic settings (Lb-parameter). Store the adjusted data by pressing the Enter-key.

4.1 Start-up of an asynchronous motor without speed encoder with gearbox

The following procedure is recommended for the start-up of the COMBIVERT F5 Lift with a gearbox-fitted asyn-
chronous motor:

Lb.03: Selection of the appropriate motor type (Lb.03= A G/ 0:ASM closed loop geared)
Lb.05: Select the mode of setpoint setting
Ld.06: Enter the motor data according to the name plate.
Ld.07: Enter or calibrate winding resistance.
LF.05: Adjust the data of the elevator.
LF.10 set to 0 = open-loop operation
LF.27: Adjustment of the corresponding speeds.
LF.36: Adjustment of the drive profile.
LF.40: Adjustment of the brake release time. A time that is too short causes a starting jerk against the brake. A
time that is too long causes the rolling back after the brake is released. Experience values: 0.20.5s.
LF.41: Adjustment of the brake apply time. A time that is too short causes a rolling back before the brake is
completely applied. A time that is too short causes a rolling back before the brake is completely applied.
A time that is too long results in a dropout-delay of the main contactors. Experience values: 0.30.7s.
LF.49: If the motor temperature shall be monitored, enter the corresponding values.

Carry out following checks/optimizations during some test rides:

Load-dependent driving can be optimized by lowering the rated motor speed in steps of 10rpm.
Measure the motor speed during an inspection ride with a hand-held tacho. It should nearly be the same speed
at Empty-up and Empty-down.
Deviations within the range of 510rpm are normal.
The rolling back at releasing the brake or at stopping can be optimized by increasing LF.16 in steps of 0.5%.

GB - 62

4.2 Start-up of an asynchronous motor with speed encoder and gearbox

Lb.03: Selection of the appropriate motor type (Lb.03= AG/ 0: ASM closed loop geared)
Lb.05: Select the mode of setpoint setting
Ld.06: Enter the motor data according to the name plate.
Ld.11: If necessary, limit the maximum torque for normal operation.
Ld.20: Possible limitation of the maximum torque for UPS operation, to protect the UPS (uninterruptible power
supple) against overload..
LC.12: Adjust the increments per revolution of the motor encoder.
LF.05: Adjust the data of the elevator.
LF.27: Adjustment of the corresponding speeds.
LF.36: Adjustment of the drive profile.
LF.40: Adjustment of the brake release time. A time that is too short causes a starting jerk against the brake. A
time that is too long causes the rolling back after the brake is released. Experience values: 0.20.5s.
LF.41: Adjustment of the brake apply time. A time that is too short causes a rolling back before the brake is
completely applied. A time that is too long results in a dropout-delay of the main contactors. Experience
values: 0.30.7s.
LF.49: If the motor temperature shall be monitored, enter the corresponding value.

Carry out following checks/optimizations during some test rides:

Is the desired travel direction (up/down) maintained?
Compare setpoint speed LI.03 with actual speed LI.04. The sign of both speed displays in the same travel di-
rection must be the same (positive is not displayed). If the sign is not equal, an encoder track change must be
made with LC.13. In addition to that the travel direction can also be changed:
Optimization of the load transfer by increasing LF.13 in steps of 500, if the drive turns away too much on relea-
sing the brake.

GB - 63

4.3 Start-up of a synchronous motor with speed encoder without gearbox

Lb.01: Input of password
Lb.03: Select the appropriate motor type (Lb.03=S GL/ 3: SSM closed loop gearless)
Lb.05: Select the mode of setpoint setting
Lb.10: Decide, whether you want to assign other functions to the digital in-/outputs.
Lb.18: If you want to know the energy losses on the braking resistor, enter the value of the brake resistor
Ld.10: Enter the motor data according to the name plate.
Ld.12: Possibly adjust torque limit, to protect the drive against overload during acceleration.
Ld.14: If winding resistance (Ld.08) and winding inductance (Ld.09) are not known, they can be measured with
Ld.20: Possibly adjust torque load, to protect the UPS (uninterruptible power supply) against overload.
LC.12: Enter the increments per revolution of the motor encoder.
LC.16: Enter the system position value. If it is not known, it must be calibrated with LC.18=1 + start command.
This procedure should be repeated three times.
If the values of LC.16 should deviate more than 2500increments, calibration by LC.15 is required.
LF.05: Enter the data for the elevator.
LF.03: Set gear reduction ratio to 1 .
LF.27: Setting of the corresponding speeds.
LF.36: Setting the value for the drive profile.
LF.40: Set the brake release time. A time that is too short causes a starting jerk against the brake. A time that is
too long delays the start. Experience values: 0.30.8s.
LF.41: Set the brake apply time. A time that is too short causes a rolling back before the brake is completely
applied. A time that is too long results in a dropout-delay of the main contactors. Experience values:

Carry out following checks/optimizations during some test rides:

Rolling back upon releasing the brake or at stopping can be optimized by increasing LF.13 in steps of 500.
For fast plants it may be necessary to use the torque precontrol, to ensure a perfect load transfer.
Starting can be significant improved by LF.52/LF.53 at rucksack lifts.

GB - 64
Error Diagnosis

5. Error Diagnosis
At KEB COMBIVERT error messages are always represented with an "E." and the appropriate error code in the
display. Error messages cause the immediate deactivation of the modulation. Restart possible only after reset or
Malfunctions are represented with an "A." and the appropriate message. Reactions to malfunctions can vary.
Operating messages during the start-up phase start with an "S".
In the following the display indications and their cause are described.

Display COMBIVIS Meaning
Status Messages
bbL base block 76 Power modules for motor de-excitation locked
bon close brake 85 Brake control, brake engaged
boFF open brake 86 Brake control, brake released
Cdd Calculate drive 82 Measurement of the motor stator resistance.
dcb DC brake 75 Motor is decelerated by a DC voltage at the output.
dLS Low speed / DC brake 77 Modulation is switched off after DC-braking .
FAcc Forward acceleration 64 Acceleration with the adjusted ramps in clockwise direction of rotation.
Acceleration / deceleration phase is completed and it is driven with con-
Fcon Forward constant 66
stant speed / frequency in clockwise direction of rotation.
It is stopped with the adjusted ramp times in clockwise direction of ro-
FdEc Forward deceleration 65
The message is output if the output current reaches the hardware cur-
HCL Hardware current limit 80
rent limit.
This message is displayed if during acceleration the load is limited to the
LAS LA stop 72
adjusted load level.
This message is displayed if during deceleration the load is limited to the
LdS Ld stop 73
adjusted load level or the DC-link current to the adjusted voltage level.
LS Low speed 70 No direction of rotation pre-set, modulation is off.
This message is displayed if during deceleration the load is limited to the
nO_PU Power unit not ready 13
adjusted load level or the DC-link current to the adjusted voltage level.
noP No operation 0 Control release (terminal ST) is not switched.
PA Positioning active 122 This message is displayed during a positioning process.
PLS Low speed / power off 84 No modulation after Power-Off.
The specified position cannot be reached within the pre-set ramps. The
PnA Position not reachable 123
abort of the positioning can be programmed.
Depending on the programming of the function the inverter restarts au-
POFF Power off function 78
tomatically upon system recovery or after a reset.
POSI Positioning 83 Positioning function active (F5-G).
Acceleration with the adjusted ramp times in anti-clockwise direction of
rAcc Reverse acceleration 67
Acceleration / deceleration phase is completed and it is driven with con-
rcon Reverse constant 69
stant speed / frequency in clockwise direction of rotation.
It is stopped with the adjusted ramp times in anti-clockwise direction of
rdEc Reverse deceleration 68
rFP Ready for positioning 121 The drive signals that it is ready to start the positioning process.
This message is displayed if during constant operation the load is limited
SLL Stall 71
to the adjusted current limit.
SrA Search for ref. active 81 Search for reference point approach active.
Speed search function active, that means that the inverter attempts to
SSF Speed search 74
synchronize onto a running down motor.
continued on next page

GB - 65
Error Diagnosis

Display COMBIVIS Meaning
The message is output if as response to a warning signal the quick-stop
STOP Quick stop 79
function becomes active.
Error Messages
Error: can occur in the case of switched on brake control, if
the load is below the minimum load level at start up or the absence of an
E. br Error! Brake control 56
engine phase was detected
the load is too high and the hardware current limit is reached
Adjusted monitoring time (Watchdog) of communication between opera-
E.buS Error! Watchdog 18
tor and PC / operator and inverter has been exceeded.
E.Cdd Error! Calculation drive data 60 Error: During the automatic motor stator resistance measurement.
Error! Encoder counter
E.co1 54 Counter overflow encoder channel 1.
overflow 1
Error! Encoder counter
E.co2 55 Counter overflow encoder channel 2.
overflow 2
Error: Overtemperature of motor PTC at terminals T1/T2. Error can only
be reset at E.ndOH, if PTC is again low-resistance. Causes:
E.dOH Error! Drive overheat 9 resistance at the terminals T1/T2 >1650 Ohm
motor overloaded
line breakage to the temperature sensor
Error: Driver relay. Relay for driver voltage on power circuit has not pi-
E.dri Error! Driver relay 51
cked up even though control release was given.
After reset the operation is again possible (without storage in the EE-
E.EEP Error! EEPROM defective 21
Set speed and actual speed are different (see LF.46, LF.47, LF.48 and
E. EF Error! Speed deviation 31
E.EnC Error! Encoder cable 32 Cable breakage on resolver or incremental encoder
E.Hyb Error! Hybrid 52 Invalid encoder interface identifier.
Error: Encoder interface identifier has changed, it must be confirmed
E.HybC Error! Hybrid changed 59
over ec.00/ LC.11 or ec.10/ LC.21.
Hardware error at the NPN-/PNP changeover or the start/stop measure-
E.iEd Error! Input error detect 53
E.InI Error! Initialisation MFC 57 MFC not booted.
Load-shunt relay has not picked up. Occurs for a short time during the
switch-on phase, but must automatically be reset immediately. If the er-
ror message remains the following causes may be applicable:
load-shunt defective
E.LSF Error! Load shunt fault 15
input voltage wrong or too low
high losses in the supply cable
braking resistor wrongly connected or damaged
braking module defective
Motor temperature switch or PTC at the terminals T1/T2 is again in the
E.ndOH No error drive overheat 11
normal operating range. The error can then be reset.
No error over heat power Temperature of the heat sink is again in the permissible operating range.
E.nOH 36
module The error can be reset now.
No longer overheating in the interior E.OHI, interior temperature has
E.nOHI No error internal overheat 7
fallen by at least 3C, error can be reset.
continued on next page

GB - 66
Error Diagnosis

Display COMBIVIS Meaning
No more overload, OL-counter has reached 0%; after the error E.OL a
cooling phase must elapse. This message appears upon completion of
E.nOL No error overload 17
the cooling phase. The error can be reset now. The inverter must remain
switched on during the cooling phase.
E.nOL2 No error overload 2 20 The cooling time has elapsed. The error can be reset.
Occurs, if the specified peak current is exceeded. Causes:
acceleration ramps too short
the load is too big at turned off acceleration stop and turned off constant
current limit
short-circuit at the output
E. OC Error! Overcurrent 4
short-circuit at the output
deceleration ramp too short
motor cable too long
DC brake at high ratings active
Overtemperature of power module. Error can only be reset at E.nOH.
Error! Overheat power
E. OH 8 insufficient air flow at the heat sink (soiled)
ambient temperature too high
ventilator clogged
E.OH2 Error! Motor protection 30 Electronic motor protective relay has tripped.
Error: Overheating in the interior: error can only be reset at E.nOHI, if
E.OHI Error! Internal overheat 6
the interior temperature has dropped by at least 3 C
Error: Overload error can only be reset at E.nOL, if OL-counter reaches
0% again. Occurs, if an excessive load is applied longer than for the
permissible time (see technical data).Causes:
poor control adjustment
E. OL Error! Overload (Ixt) 16
mechanical fault or overload in the application
inverter not correctly dimensioned
motor wrongly wired
encoder damaged
Occurs if the standstill constant current is exceeded (see technical data
E.OL2 Error! Overload 2 19 and overload characteristics). The error can only be reset if the cooling
time has elapsed and E.nOL2 is displayed.
Voltage in the DC-link circuit too high. Occurs when the DC bus voltage
rises above the permissible value. Causes:
poor controller adjustment (overshooting)
E. OP Error! Overvoltage 1 input voltage too high
interference voltages at the input
deceleration ramp too short
braking resistor defective or too small
E.OS Error! Over speed 58 The speed lies outside the specified limits (LF.43)
E.PFC Error! Power factor control 33 Error in the power factor control
The drive has driven onto the right limit switch. Programmed response
E.PrF Error! Prot. rotation forward 46
Error, restart after reset.
The drive has driven onto the left limit switch. Programmed response
E.Prr Error! Prot. rotation reverse 47
Error, restart after reset.
E. Pu Error! Power unit 12 General power circuit fault (e. g. fan)
continued on next page

GB - 67
Error Diagnosis

Display COMBIVIS Meaning
Error: During the initialization the power circuit could not be recognized
E.Puci Error! Unknown power unit 49
or was identified as invalid.
Error: Power circuit identification was changed; with a valid power circuit
this error can be reset by writing to SY.3. If the value displayed in SY.3
E.Puch Error! Power unit changed 50 is written, only the power-circuit dependent parameters are reinitialized.
If any other value is written, then the default set is loaded. On some sy-
stems after writing Sy.3 a Power-On-Reset is necessary.
Error! Power unit communi- Error: Parameter value could not be written to the power circuit. Ack-
cation nowledgement from LT <> OK
Sychronization over sercos-bus not possible. Programmed response
E.SbuS Error! Bus synchron 23
Error, restart after reset.
E.SEt Error! Set 39 It has been attempted to select a locked parameter set. Error!
Error! Software limit switch The target position lies outside of the limit defined with the right software
E.SLF 44
forward limit switch. Error!
Error! Software limit switch The target position lies outside of the limit defined with the left software
E.SLr 45
reverse limit switch. Error!
Undervoltage (DC-link circuit). Occurs when the DC bus voltage drops
below the permissible value. Causes:
input voltage too low or instable
inverter rating too small
E. UP Error! Underpotential 2 voltage losses through wrong cabling
the supply voltage through generator / transformer breaks down at very
short ramps
if a digital input was programmed as external error input with error mes-
sage E.UP.
E.UPh Error! Phase failure 3 One phase of the input voltage is missing (ripple-detection)
Warning messages
Watchdog for communication between operator/control card or operator/
A.buS Warning! Watchdog 93
PC has responded. The response to this warning can be programmed.
The motor temperature has exceeded an adjustable warning level. The
A.dOH Warning! Drive overheat 96 switch off time is started. The response to this warning can be program-
med. This warning can be generated only with a special power circuit.
This warning is triggered via an external input. The response to this
A. EF Warning! External fault 90
warning can be programmed.
The motor temperature is again below the adjusted warning level. The
A.ndOH All-clear! Drive overheat 91
switch off time is stopped.
All-clear! Overheat power
A.nOH 88 The heat sink temperature is again below the adjusted warning level.
The temperature in the interior of the inverter is again below the warning
A.nOHI All-clear! Internal overheat 92
A.nOL All-clear! Overload 98 OL counter has reached 0%, the warning overload can be reset.
The cooling time after Warning! Overload during standstill" has elapsed.
A.nOL2 All-clear! Overload 2 101
The warning message can be reset.
Warning! Overheat power A level can be defined, when it is exceeded this warning is output. The
A. OH 89
module response to this warning can be programmed.
Warning: electronic motor protective relay has tripped. The response to
A.OH2 Warning! Motor protection 97
this warning can be programmed.
The temperature in the interior of the inverter lies above the permissible
A.OHI Warning! Internal overheat 87 level. The switch off time was started. The programmed response to this
warning message is executed.
continued on next page

GB - 68
Error Diagnosis

Display COMBIVIS Meaning
A level between 0 and 100 % of the load counter can be adjusted, when
A. OL Warning! Overload 99 it is exceeded this warning is output. The response to this warning can
be programmed.
The warning is output when the standstill continuous current is excee-
ded (see technical data and overload characteristics). The response to
A.OL2 Warning! Overload 2 100
this warning can be programmed. The warning message can only be
reset after the cooling time has elapsed and A.nOL2 is displayed.
Warning! Prot. rotation The drive has driven onto the right limit switch. The response to this
A.PrF 94
forward warning can be programmed.
Warning! Prot. rotation The drive has driven onto the left limit switch. The response to this war-
A.Prr 95
reverse ning can be programmed.
Sychronization over sercos-bus not possible. The response to this war-
A.SbuS Warning! Bus synchron 103
ning can be programmed.
It has been attempted to select a locked parameter set. The response to
A.SEt Warning! Set 102
this warning can be programmed.
Warning! Software limit The target position lies outside of the limit defined with the right software
A.SLF 104
switch forward limit switch. The response to this warning can be programmed.
Warning! Software limit The target position lies outside of the limit defined with the left software
A.SLr 105
switch reverse limit switch. The response to this warning can be programmed.
Messages during the start-up phase contactor closed 143 Contactor control input not reset contactor open 141 Setpoint selection without contactor control input
S.Ebd both directions 144 Both directions of motion actuated simultaneously
S.Ebr Error brake 142 Brake does not release illegal operation 140 Setpoint selection without control release
Other messages
Adjustments unknown. Select correct adjustment with "Up/ Down"
idata invalid data

GB - 69
Error Diagnosis

GB - 70
6. Adjustment Speed Controller of F5 Lift with "speed jump"
1. Open control release (terminal X2A.16) => frequency inverter in status noP
2. Select closed loop operation => Parameter LF.10 = 2
3. Motor without load
4. Set parameters LF.30, LF.31, LF.32 to maximum values
5. Give drive command and measure ru.02/ LI.03 and ru.09/ LI.04

Problem Very long transient process Problem Very long speed overshoot
Solution Increase KP speed (LF.11); eventually Solution Increase KP speed (LF.11); eventually
reduce KI spped (LF.12) reduce KI spped (LF.12)

Problem Sustained oscillation short billowy, Problem Transient too slow / remaining system
noises, vibes deviation
Solution Decrease KP speed (LF.11) Solution Increase KI speed (LF.12)

Problem Overshoot too long, strong speed Problem Sustained oscillation long billowy
decreases at load change

Solution Increase KI speed (LF.12) Solution Reduce KI speed (LF.12) and / or

reduce KP speed (LF.11)
Karl E. Brinkmann GmbH
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Mat.No. 00F5LEB-K220
Rev. 1D
Date 11/2010

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