PLS-MGA: A Non-Parametric Approach To Partial Least Squares-Based Multi-Group Analysis
PLS-MGA: A Non-Parametric Approach To Partial Least Squares-Based Multi-Group Analysis
PLS-MGA: A Non-Parametric Approach To Partial Least Squares-Based Multi-Group Analysis
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Jrg Henseler
University of Twente
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PLS-MGA A Non-Parametric Approach to
Partial Least Squares-based Multi-Group
Jorg Henseler1
1 Introduction
For decades, researchers have applied partial least squares path modeling
(PLS, see Tenenhaus et al., 2005; Wold, 1982) to analyze complex relation-
ships between latent variables. In particular, PLS is appreciated in situations
of high complexity and when theoretical explanation is scarce (Chin, 1998).
Many fields of research have embraced the specific characteristics of PLS path
modeling, for instance behavioral sciences (c. f. Bass et al., 2003; Henningsson
et al., 2001) as well as many disciplines of business research, such as marketing
(c. f. Fornell, 1992; Ulaga and Eggert, 2006), strategy (c. f. Hulland, 1999), and
management information systems (c. f. Gefen and Straub, 1997; Chin et al.,
In many instances, researchers face a heterogeneity of observations, i. e. for
different sub-populations, different population parameters hold. This hetero-
geneity can result from different manifestations of an observed grouping vari-
ables or the assignment of cases to latent segments. For example, institutions
releasing national customer satisfaction indices may want to know whether
model parameters differ significantly between different industries (c. f. For-
nell, 1992). Another example would be cross-cultural research in general, in
which the culture or country plays the role of a grouping variable, thereby
defining the sub-populations. In case of latent segments, the grouping vari-
able is unknown a priori. While several PLS-based segmentation techniques
have been proposed (c. f. Esposito Vinzi et al., 2007), they all share the final
step of analysis: a comparison of PLS parameter estimates across groups (i.e.,
identified segments). Therefore, both in cases of observed and unobserved het-
erogeneity there is a need for PLS-based approaches to multi-group analysis.
The predominant approach to multi-group analysis was brought foreward
by Keil et al. (2000) and Chin (2000). These authors suggest to apply an un-
paired samples t-test to the group-specific model parameters using the stan-
dard deviations of the estimates resulting from bootstrapping. As Chin (2000)
2 Jorg Henseler
(1) (2)
t= r (1)
2 2
(N (1) 1) (N (2) 1)
1 1
N (1) +N (2) 2
s(1) + N (1) +N (2) 2
s(2) N (1)
+ N (2)
(1) (2)
t= q (2)
s2(1) + s2(2)
Also this statistic follows a t-distribution. The number of the degrees of free-
dom for the t-statistic is determined by means of the Welch-Satterthwaite
equation (Satterthwaite, 1946; Welch, 1947)1 :
2 2
s (1) s2(2)
N (1)
N (2)
(t) 2 2 2 2 (3)
s (1) s (2)
1 1
N (1) 1
N (1)
+ N (2) 1
N (2)
The outcome of this formula is a real value and must be rounded to the next
integer in order to obtain the number of degrees of freedom.
4 A marketing example
We illustrate the use of both the existing and the new PLS-based approach
to multi-group analysis on the basis of an example from marketing. More
specifically, we investigate the customer switching behavior in a liberalized
energy market. According to prior studies as well as relationship marketing
theory (c. f. de Ruyter et al., 1998; Jones et al., 2000), customers are less likely
to switch their current energy provider if they are satisfied or if they perceive
high switching costs. From the Elaboration Likelihood Model it can be derived
that consumer behavior differs depending on the level of involvement (Bloemer
and Kasper, 1995; Petty and Cacioppo, 1981).
A cross-sectional study among consumers was conducted in order to test
the proposed hypotheses. The data at hands stems from computer-assisted
telephone interviews with 659 consumers. 334 consumers indicated to be
highly involved in buying electricity, while 325 consumers said to have a
low involvement. Customer satisfaction, switching costs, and customer switch-
ing intention were measured by multiple items using mainly five-point Likert
We create a PLS path model as depicted in Figure 1. This model captures
the two direct effects of customer satisfaction and perceived switching costs
2 = .2794 (High Involvement)
Switching Costs
2 = .2910 (Low Involvement)
power between the approaches. For instance, both the parametric test with
equal variances not assumed and PLS-MGA are able to detect the group effect
on a .01 significance level, whereas the parametric test with equal variances
assumed is not.
5 Discussion
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Keil, M., Tan, B. C. Y., Wei, K.-K., Saarinen, T., Tuunainen, V., and Wasse-
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partial least squares path modeling; PLS; group comparison; multi-group anal-
ysis; customer switching behavior