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Tensor Calculus For Physics Concise by Dwight Neuenschwander

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The document provides excerpts from a book on tensor calculus and its applications to physics. Key concepts discussed include tensors, vector spaces, metric tensors, and differential geometry.

The book appears to provide an introduction to tensor calculus and its application in physics. Based on the contents page, it will cover topics such as two-index tensors, the metric tensor, derivatives of tensors, and their use in relativity and fluid mechanics.

Chapter 3 distinguishes between distance, which is a physical measurement, and coordinate displacement, which depends on the choice of coordinates. The metric tensor relates these two concepts.

Tensor Calculus for Physics

Tensor Calculus for Physics

A Concise Guide

Dwight E. Neuenschwander
2015 Johns Hopkins University Press
All rights reserved. Published 2015
Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper
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Johns Hopkins University Press

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Baltimore, Maryland 21218-4363

ISBN-13: 978-1-4214-1564-2 (hc)

ISBN-13: 978-1-4214-1565-9 (pbk)
ISBN-13: 978-1-4214-1566-6 (electronic)
ISBN-10: 1-4214-1564-X (hc)
ISBN-10: 1-4214-1565-8 (pbk)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2014936825

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To my parents, Dwight and Evonne

with gratitude
We were on a walk and somehow began to talk about space. I had just read Weyls book
Space, Time, and Matter, and under its influence was proud to declare that space was simply the
field of linear operations. Nonsense, said Heisenberg, space is blue and birds fly through
Felix Bloch



Chapter 1. Tensors Need Context

1.1 Why Arent Tensors Defined by What They Are?
1.2 Euclidean Vectors, without Coordinates
1.3 Derivatives of Euclidean Vectors with Respect to a Scalar
1.4 The Euclidean Gradient
1.5 Euclidean Vectors, with Coordinates
1.6 Euclidean Vector Operations with and without Coordinates
1.7 Transformation Coefficients as Partial Derivatives
1.8 What Is a Theory of Relativity?
1.9 Vectors Represented as Matrices
1.10 Discussion Questions and Exercises

Chapter 2. Two-Index Tensors

2.1 The Electric Susceptibility Tensor
2.2 The Inertia Tensor
2.3 The Electric Quadrupole Tensor
2.4 The Electromagnetic Stress Tensor
2.5 Transformations of Two-Index Tensors
2.6 Finding Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
2.7 Two-Index Tensor Components as Products of Vector Components
2.8 More Than Two Indices
2.9 Integration Measures and Tensor Densities
2.10 Discussion Questions and Exercises

Chapter 3. The Metric Tensor

3.1 The Distinction between Distance and Coordinate Displacement
3.2 Relative Motion
3.3 Upper and Lower Indices
3.4 Converting between Vectors and Duals
3.5 Contravariant, Covariant, and Ordinary Vectors
3.6 Tensor Algebra
3.7 Tensor Densities Revisited
3.8 Discussion Questions and Exercises

Chapter 4. Derivatives of Tensors

4.1 Signs of Trouble
4.2 The Affine Connection
4.3 The Newtonian Limit
4.4 Transformation of the Affine Connection
4.5 The Covariant Derivative
4.6 Relation of the Affine Connection to the Metric Tensor
4.7 Divergence, Curl, and Laplacian with Covariant Derivatives
4.8 Disccussion Questions and Exercises

Chapter 5. Curvature
5.1 What Is Curvature?
5.2 The Riemann Tensor
5.3 Measuring Curvature
5.4 Linearity in the Second Derivative
5.5 Discussion Questions and Exercises

Chapter 6. Covariance Applications

6.1 Covariant Electrodynamics
6.2 General Covariance and Gravitation
6.3 Discussion Questions and Exercises

Chapter 7. Tensors and Manifolds

7.1 Tangent Spaces, Charts, and Manifolds
7.2 Metrics on Manifolds and Their Tangent Spaces
7.3 Dual Basis Vectors
7.4 Derivatives of Basis Vectors and the Affine Connection
7.5 Discussion Questions and Exercises

Chapter 8. Getting Acquainted with Differential Forms

8.1 Tensors as Multilinear Forms
8.2 1-Forms and Their Extensions
8.3 Exterior Products and Differential Forms
8.4 The Exterior Derivative
8.5 An Application to Physics: Maxwells Equations
8.6 Integrals of Differential Forms
8.7 Discussion Questions and Exercises

Appendix A: Common Coordinate Systems

Appendix B: Theorem of Alternatives
Appendix C: Abstract Vector Spaces
By the standards of tensor experts, this book will be deemed informal, repetitious, and incomplete.
But it was not written for those who are already experts. It was written for physics majors who are
new to tensors and find themselves intrigued but frustrated by them.
The typical readers I have in mind are undergraduate physics majors in their junior or senior year.
They have taken or are taking courses in classical mechanics and electricity and magnetism, have
become acquainted with special relativity, and feel a growing interest in general relativity.
According to Websters Dictionary, the word concise means brief and to the point. However,
tensor initiates face a problem of so much being left unsaid. Few undergraduates have the opportunity
to take a course dedicated to tensors. We pick up whatever fragments about them we can along the
way. Tensor calculus textbooks are typically written in the precise but specialized jargon of
mathematicians. For example, one tensor book for physicists opens with a discussion on the group
G and affine geometry. While appropriate as a logical approach serving the initiated, it hardly
seems a welcoming invitation for drawing novices into the conversation. This book aims to make the
conversation accessible to tensor novices.
An undergraduate who recently met the inertia and electric quadrupole tensors may feel eager to
start on general relativity. However, upon opening some modern texts on the subject, our ambitious
student encounters a new barrier in the language of differential forms. Definitions are offered, but to
the novice the motivations that make those definitions worth developing are not apparent. One feels
like having stepped into the middle of a conversation. So one falls back on older works that use
contravariant and covariant language, even though newer books sometimes call such approaches
old-fashioned. Fashionable or not, at least they are compatible with a junior physics majors
background and offer a useful place to start.
In this book we speak tensors in the vernacular. Chapter 1 reviews undergraduate vector
calculus and should be familiar to my intended audience; I want to start from common ground.
However, some issues taken for granted in familiar vector calculus are the tips of large icebergs.
Chapter 1 thus contains both review and foreshadowing. Chapter 2 introduces tensors through
scenarios encountered in an undergraduate physics curriculum. Chapters 3-6 further develop tensor
calculus proper, including derivatives of tensors in spaces with curvature. Chapter 7 re-derives
important tensor results through the use of basis vectors. Chapter 8 offers an informal introduction to
differential forms, to show why these strange mathematical objects are beautiful and useful.
Jacob Bronowski wrote in Science and Human Values, The poem or the discovery exists in two
moments of vision: the moment of appreciation as much as that of creation. . . . We enact the creative
act, and we ourselves make the discovery again. I thank the reader for accommpanying me as I
retrace in these pages the steps of my own journey in coming to terms with tensors.
To the students in the undergraduate physics courses that I have been privileged to teach across the
years I express my deep appreciation. Many of the arguments and examples that appear herein were
first tried out on them. Their questions led to deeper investigations.
I thank the individuals who offered practical help during the writing of this book. Among these I
would explicitly mention Nathan Adams, Brent Eskridge, Curtis McCully, Mohammad Niazi, Reza
Niazi, Lee Turner, Kenneth Wantz, Johnnie Renee West, Mark Winslow, and Nicholas Zoller. I also
thank the Catalysts, an organization of SNU science alumni, for their support and encouragement
throughout this project.
Looking back over a longer timescale, I would like to acknowledge my unrepayable debt to all my
teachers. Those who introduced me to the topics described herein include Raghunath Acharya, T.J.
Bartlett, Steve Bronn, James Gibbons, John Gil, David Hestenes, John D. Logan, Richard Jacob, Ali
Kyrala, George Rosensteel, Larry Weaver, and Sallie Watkins. Their influence goes deeper than
mathematical physics. To paraphrase Will Durant, who acknowledged a mentor when introducing The
Story of Philosophy (1926), may these mentors and friends find in these pagesincidental and
imperfect though they aresomething worthy of their generosity and their faith.
Many thanks to former Johns Hopkins University Press editor Trevor Lipscombe for initially
suggesting this project, to JHUP editor Vincent Burke for continuing expert guidance, and to the ever-
gracious JHUP editorial and production staff, including Catherine Goldstead, Hilary S. Jacqmin,
Juliana McCarthy, and others behind the scenes.
Above all, with deep gratitude I thank my wife Rhonda for her support and patience, as this project
like most of my projectstook longer than expected.

- D. E. N
Tensor Calculus for Physics
Chapter 1

Tensors Need Context

1.1 Why Arent Tensors Defined by What They Are?

When as an undergraduate student I first encountered the formal definition of a tensor, it left me
intrigued but frustrated. It went something like this:

A set of quantities Trs associated with a point P are said to be the components of a second-
order tensor if, under a change of coordinates, from a set of coordinates xs to xs, they transform
according to

where the partial derivatives are evaluated at P.

Say what?

Whatever profound reasons were responsible for saying it this way, this definition was more
effective at raising questions than it was at offering answers. It did not define a tensor by telling me
what it is, but claimed to define tensors by describing how they change. What kind of definition is
that supposed to be, that doesnt tell you what it is thats changing? It seemed like someone defining
money by reciting the exchange rate between dollars and Deutchmarkshowever technically
correct the statement might be, it would not be very enlightening to a person encountering the concept
of money for the first time in their lives.
Furthermore, why was the change expressed in terms of a coordinate transformation? If Trs is a
component, what is the tensor itself? Why were some indices written as superscripts and others as
subscripts? Why were some indices repeated? What does the order of a tensor mean (also called
the tensors rank by some authors)?
Such a definition was clearly intended for readers already in command of a much broader
mathematical perspective than I had at the time. Treatises that begin with such formal definitions aim
to develop the logical structure of tensor calculus with rigor. That approach deserves the highest
respect. But it is an acquired taste. Despite its merits, that will not be the approach taken here. For
instance, I will not use phrases such as to every subspace Vr of En there corresponds a unique
complementary subspace Wnr. Rather, we will first encounter a few specific tensors as they emerge
in physics applications, including classical mechanics and electrodynamics. Such examples will
hopefully provide context where motivations behind the formal definition will become apparent.
In the meantime, however, we have been put on notice that coordinate transformations are
evidently an essential part of what it means to be a tensor. What are coordinates? They are maps
introduced by us to solve a particular problem. What are coordinate transformations? If I use one
coordinate system and you use a different one to map Paris (or the hydrogen atom) a transformation
provides the dictionary for converting the address of the Louvre (or of the electron) from my
coordinate system to yours. This elementary fact suggests that the tensor definition cited above forms
a theory of relativity, because any theory of relativity describes how quantities and relationships are
affected under a change of reference frame.
A coordinate system is chosen as a matter of taste and convenience, a map we create to make
solving a problem as simple as possible. Maps are tools to help us make sense of reality; they are not
reality itself. Just as the physical geography of the Earth does not depend on whether the mapmaker
puts north at the top or at the bottom of a map, likewise the principles and conclusions of physics must
transcend a choice of coordinates. Reconciling these competing valuesof choosing coordinates for
convenience but not being dependent on the choicelies at the heart of the study of tensors.
Any theory of relativity is built on a foundation of what stays the same under a change of reference
frame. Quantities that stay the same are called invariants or scalars. For example, the distance
between two points in Euclidean space does not depend on how we orient the coordinate axes: length
is invariant, a scalar. To say that a number is a scalar means that when we transform from one
system of coordinates to another, say, from coordinates (x,y,z) to (x, y, z), remains unaffected by
the transformation:

This statement formally defines what it means for a quantity to be a scalar.

Notice how this formal definition of scalars describes how they transform (in particular, scalars
stay the same) under a change of reference frame. Suggestively, it resembles the statement
encountered above in the formal definition of a tensor. Although operational definitions prescribe
how a bodys mass and temperature can be measured, identifying mass and temperature as scalars
has no relevance until a change of coordinate system becomes an issue.
In contrast to scalars, vectors are introduced in elementary treatments as arrows that carry
information about a magnitude and a direction. That information is independent of any coordinate
system. But when a coordinate system is introduced, a vector can be partitioned into a set of numbers,
the components, whose separate numerical values depend on the orientation and scaling of the
coordinate axes. Because coordinate systems can be changed, equations that include vector
components must inevitably be examined in the light of their behavior under coordinate
transformations. Vectors offer a crucial intermediate step from scalars to the tensors that belong to the
formal definition introduced above.
Some books launch into tensor analysis by making a distinction between vectors and something
else called their duals or one-forms (with extensions to two-forms and so on). Feeling like
someone stepping cluelessly into the middle of a conversation, one gathers that dual vectors are
related to vectors, but are not necessarily identical to vectorsalthough sometimes they are! This
raises challenges to mustering motivation. Upon being informed that a one-form is a way to slice up
space, the novice is left to wonder, Why would anyone want to consider such a thing? Why is this
necessary? What am I missing? This problem is especially acute if the reader is pursuing an interest
in tensor calculus through self-study, without ready access to mentors who are already experts, who
could fill in the gaps that remain unexplained in textbook presentations.
Let us look backward at how vectors are discussed in introductory physics. We will first do so
without coordinates and then introduce coordinates as a subsequent step. Then we can look forward
to appreciating scalars and vectors as special cases of tensors.

1.2 Euclidean Vectors, without Coordinates

Introductory physics teaches that vectors are quantities having magnitude and direction. Direction
seems to be the signature characteristic of vectors which distinguishes them from mere numbers. Let
us indulge in a brief review of the elementary but crucial lessons about vectors and their doings
which we learned in introductory and intermediate physics. Much about tensors is foreshadowed by,
and grows from, vectors.
Perhaps the first lesson in vector education occurs when one learns how to draw an arrow from
point A to point Ba displacementand declares that the arrow represents the vector from A to
B. Vectors are commonly denoted typographically with boldface fonts, such as V, or with an arrow
overhead, such as . Any vector carries a magntiude and a direction, making it necessary to
emphasize the distinction between the vector V and its magnitude |V| V.
To make a set of vectors into a mathematical system, it is necessary to define rules for how they
may be combined. The simplest vector operations are parallelogram addition and scalar
Imagine the arrow representing a vector, hanging out there in space all by itself. We can move it
about in space while maintaining its magnitude and direction, an operation called parallel
transport. Parallelogram addition defines a vector sum V + W operationally: parallel-transport W
so that its tail joins to the head of V, and then draw the resultant from the tail of V to the head of W.
Parallelogram addition of two vectors yields another vector.
If is a scalar and V a vector, then V is another vector, rescaled compared to V by the factor ,
pointing in the same direction as V if > 0, but in the reverse direction if < 0. In particular, (1)V
V is a vector that has the same magnitude as V but points in the opposite direction. A scalar can be
a pure number like 3 or 2, or it might carry dimensions such as mass or electric charge. For instance,
in elementary Newtonian mechanics, linear momentum p is a rescaled velocity, p = mv.
Vector subtraction is defined, not as another operation distinct from addition, but in terms of scalar
multiplication and parallelogram addition, because AB means A+(1)B. The zero vector 0 can be
defined, such that A+0 = A, or equivalently A + (1)A = 0. Geometrically, 0 has zero magnitude and
no direction can be defined for it, because its tail and head are the same point.
A dimensionless vector of unit magnitude that points in the same direction as V is constructed
from V by forming . Said another way, any vector V can be factored into the product of its
magnitude and direction, according to V = V . In a space of two or more independent directions,
having at ones disposal a unit vector for each dimension makes it possible to build up any vector
through the scalar multiplication of the unit vectors, followed by parallelogram addition. We will
return to this notion when we discuss vectors with coordinates.
A more sophisticated algebra can be invented by introducing vector multiplications. When you and
I labor to push a piano up a ramp, the forces parallel to the pianos displacement determine its
acceleration along the ramp. For such applications the dot product falls readily to hand, defined
without coordinates according to

where denotes the angle between A and B. The number that results from the dot product loses all
information about direction. If the dot product were a machine with two input slots into which you
insert two vectors, the output is a scalar. To be rigorous, we need to prove this claim that the dot
product of two vectors yields a scalar. We will turn to that task when we discuss theories of
relativity. Anticipating that result, the dot product is also called the scalar product. As an invariant,
the scalar product plays a central role in geometry and in theories of relativity, as we shall see.
Another definition of vector multiplication, where the product of two vectors gives another vector,
finds hands-on motivation when using a wrench to loosen a bolt. The force must be applied off the
bolts axis. If the bolt is too tight, you can apply more forceor get a longer wrench. To describe
quantitatively whats going on, visualize the lever arm as a vector r extending from the bolts axis to
the point on the wrench where the force is applied. That lever arm and force produce a torque, an
example of a new vector defined in terms of the old ones by the cross product. In coordinate-free
language, and in three dimensions, the cross product between two vectors A and B is defined as

where the direction of the unit vector is given by the right-hand rule: point the fingers of your right
hand in the direction of A, then turn your hand towards B. Your thumb points in the direction of . The
result, A B, is perpendicular to the plane defined by the two vectors A and B. Because the cross
product of two vectors yields another vector (an assertion that rigorously must be proved), it is also
called the vector product.
Notice that the dot product is symmetric, A B = B A, but the cross product is antisymmetric, A
B = B A.

1.3 Derivatives of Euclidean Vectors with Respect to a Scalar

With vector subtraction and scalar multiplication defined, all the necessary ingredients are in place to
define the derivative of a vector with respect to a scalar. Instantaneous velocity offers a prototypical
example. First, record a particles location at time t. That location is described by a vector r(t),
which points from some reference locationthe displacement from an originto the particles
instantaneous location. Next, record the particles location again at a time t + t later, expressed as
the vector r(t + t). Subtract the two vectors, divide by t (in scalar multiplication language,
dividing by t means multiplication by the scalar 1/t), and then take the limit as t approaches zero.
The result is the instantaneous velocity vector v(t):

As parallelogram addition shows, the displacement vector dr and thus the velocity vector v are
tangent to the trajectory swept out by r(t).
To have a self-contained mathematical system in the algebra and calculus of a set of vectors,
operations between elements of a set must produce another element within the same set, a feature
called closure. As a tangent vector, does v reside in the same space as the original vector r(t) used
to derive it? For projectile problems analyzed in a plane, the velocity vector lies in the same plane as
the instantaneous position vector. Likewise, when a particles motion sweeps out a trajectory in three-
dimensional Euclidean space, the velocity vector exists in that same three-dimensional space. In all
cases considered in introductory physics, the derivative of a vector resides in the same space as the
vector being differentiated. The circumstances under which this happens should not be taken for
granted. They will occupy our attention in Chapter 4 and again in Chapter 7, but a word of
foreshadowing can be mentioned here.
In introductory physics, we are used to thinking of vectors as a displacement within Euclidean
space. That Euclidean space is often mapped with an xyz coordinate system. Other systems are later
introduced, such as cylindrical and spherical coordinates (see Appendix A), but they map the same
space. When we say that the particle is located at a point given by the position vector r relative to the
origin, we are saying that r is the displacement vector from the origin to the particles location,

When velocity vectors come along, they still reside in the same xyz system as does the original
position vector r. The space of tangent vectors, or tangent space, happens to be identical to the
original space. But as Chapter 7 will make explicit, vectors defined by such displacements reside
formally only in the local tangent space. To visualize what this means, imagine a vector that points,
say, from the base of a flagpole on your campus to the front door of the physics building. That is a
displacement vector, pointing from one point to another on a patch of surface sufficiently small,
compared to the entire planets surface, that your campus can be mapped with a Euclidean xy plane.
But if you extend that vectors line of action to infinity, the Earths surface curves out from beneath it.
Therefore, other than on a locally flat patch of surface, the vector does not exist on the globes
From the derivative of a displacement with respect to a scalar, we turn to the derivative of a scalar
with respect to a displacement and meet the gradient.

1.4 The Euclidean Gradient

Examples of scalar fields encountered in everyday life include atmospheric pressure and temperature.
They are fields because they are functions of location in space and of time. The gradient operator
takes the derivative of a scalar function and produces a vector. Whereas velocity was a coordinate
displacement divided by the change in a scalar, the gradient is the change in a scalar divided by a
displacement. For that reason, the velocity and the gradient are examples of families of vectors that
are said to be reciprocal or dual to one anothera distinction we do not need for now, but will
develop in Chapter 3 and revisit from another perspective in Chapter 7.
In three-dimensional Euclidean space, the gradient of a scalar function is denoted. Together
with a unit vector , it defines the coordinate-free directional derivative () . To interpret it, let
us denote as the instantaneous slope of the function in the direction of . Imagine standing on a
mountainside. Walking east, one may find the slope to be zero (following a contour of constant
elevation), but stepping south one may tumble down a steep incline! From the coordinate-free
definition of the scalar product, it follows that

where denotes the angle between and . The slope, /n, will be greatest when cos = 1,
when the gradient and point in the same direction. In other words, the gradient of a scalar function
is the vector that points in the direction of the steepest ascent of at the location where the derivative
is evaluated. The gradient measures the change in per unit length.
The gradient, understood as a vector in three-dimensional space, can be used in the dot and cross
products, which introduces two first derivatives of vectors with respect to spatial displacements: the
divergence and the curl. The divergence of a vector field is defined as A, which is nonzero if
streamlines of A diverge away from the point where the scalar product is evaluated. The curl of a
vector field, A, is nonzero if the streamlines of A form whirlpools in the neighborhood of the
point where the curl is evaluated.
Second derivatives involving which we shall meet repeatedly include the Laplacian ()
= 2, the identities () = 0 for any scalar , and ( B) = 0 for any vector B.

1.5 Euclidean Vectors, with Coordinates

The story goes that early one morning in 1637, Ren Descartes was lazing in bed and happened to
notice a fly walking on the wall. It occured to Descartes that the flys location on the wall at any
instant could be specified by two numbers: its distance vertically above the floor, and its horizontal
distance from a corner of the room. As the fly ambled across the wall, these numbers would change.
The set of all the pairs of numbers would map out the flys path on the wall. Thus goes the advent
story of the Cartesian coordinate system, the familiar (x, y) grid for mapping locations in a plane.
When the fly leaps off the wall and buzzes across the room, its flight trajectory can be mapped in
three dimensions with the ordered triplet (x, y, z), where each coordinate is a function of time.
In three-dimensional Euclidean space with its three mutually perpendicular axes and their (x, y, z)
coordinates, it is customary to define three dimensionless unit vectors: , , and , which point
respectively in the direction of increasing x, y, and z. As unit vectors that are mutually perpendicular,
or orthogonal, their dot products are especially simple. Being unit vectors,

and being mutually orthogonal,

We can compress these six relations into one line by first denoting , and
summarize all these relations with
where n, m = 1, 2, 3 and we have introduced the Kronecker delta symbol nm, which equals 1 if n =
m and equals 0 if n m. Being orthogonal and normalized to unit magnitude, these vectors are said
to be orthonormal. Any vector in the space can be written as a superposition of them, thanks to
scalar multiplication and parallelogram addition. For example, consider the position vector r:

To make such sums more compact, let us denote each component of r with a superscript: x = x1, y =
x2, z = x3. We use superscripts so that our discussions notation will be consistent with other literature
on tensor calculus. Books that confine their attention to Euclidean spaces typically use subscripts for
coordinates (e.g., Ch. 1 of Marion and Thornton), such as x = x1 and y = x2. But our subject will take
us beyond rectangular coordinates, beyond three dimensions, and beyond Euclidean spaces. In those
domains some vectors behave like displacement vectors, and their components are traditionally
denoted with superscripts. But other vectors exist, which behave somewhat differently, and their
components are denoted with subscripts. In Euclidean space this distinction does not matter, and it
becomes a matter of taste whether one uses superscripts or subscripts. However, so that we will not
have to redefine component notation later, we will use superscripts for vector components from the
outset. Whenever confusion might result between exponents and superscripts, parentheses will be
used, so that (A1)2 means the square of the x-component of A. Now any vector A may be written in
terms of components and unit vectors as

or more compactly as

A set of vectors, in terms of which all other vectors in the space can be expressed by
superposition, are called a basis if they are linearly independent and span the space. To span
the space means that any vector A in the space can be written as a superposition of the basis vectors,
as in Eq. (1.12). These basis vectors , , and happen to be normalized to be dimensionless and of
unit length, but being unit vectors, while convenient, is not essential to being a basis set. What is
essential for a set of vectors to serve as a basis is their being linearly independent. To be linearly
independent means that none of the basis vectors can be written as a superposition of the others. Said
another way, u, v, w are linearly independent if and only if the equation

requires a = b = c = 0.
With orthonormal unit basis vectors one synthesizes the vector A by choosing components Ax,
Ay, and Az and with them constructs the sum of Eq. (1.12). Conversely, if A is already given, its
components can be determined in terms of the unit basis vectors in a procedure called analysis,
where, thanks to the orthonormality of the basis vectors,
An orthonormal basis is also said to be complete. We will shortly have an efficient way to
summarize all this business in a completeness relation, when we employ a notation introduced by
Paul Dirac.
Let e n or denote a basis vector; the subscript identifies the basis vector, not the component of a
vector. Notice the notational distinction between basis vectors not necessarily normalized to unity,
(with arrows), on the one hand, and unit basis vectors such as (boldface with hat) on the other
hand. If the basis vectors are not unit vectors, Eq. (1.10) gets replaced by

where the gnm are a set of coefficients we will meet again in Chapter 3 and thereafter, where they are
called the coefficients of the metric tensor. In this case the scalar product between two vectors
and a vector B similarly expressed takes the form

Until Chapter 7 all our basis vectors will be unit vectors. Then in Chapter 7 we will make use of Eq.
(1.18) again. For now I merely wanted to alert you to this distinction between matters of principle
and matters of convenience.
If one set of axes gets replaced with another, the components of a given vector will, in the new
system, have different values compared to its components in the first system. For example, a
Cartesian system of coordinate axes can be replaced with spherical coordinates (r, , ) and their
corresponding unit basis vectors , , and ; or by cylindrical coordinates (, , z) with their basis
vectors , , and (see Appendix A). A set of axes can be rotated to produce a new set with a
different orientation. Axes can be rescaled or inverted. One reference frame might move relative to
another. However, the meaning of a vectorthe information it represents about direction and
magnitudetranscends the choice of coordinate axes. Just as the existence of the Louvre does not
depend on its location being plotted on someones map, a vectors existence does not depend on the
existence of coordinate axes.
As a quantity carrying information about magnitude and direction, when a vector is written in
terms of coordinate axes, the burden of carrying that information shifts to the components. The number
of components must equal the number of dimensions in the space. For example, in the two-
dimensional Euclidean plane mapped with xy coordinates, thanks to the theorem of Pythagoras the
magnitude of A, in terms of its components, equals

and the direction of A relative to the positive x-axis is . Conversely, if we know |A|
and , then the components are given by and .
In a system of rectangular coordinates, with vectors A and B written in terms of components on an
orthonormal basis,

their scalar product is defined, in terms of these components, as

We can see how this definition of the scalar product of A and B follows from the orthonormality of
the basis vectors:

With trig identities and direction cosines this definition of the scalar product in terms of components
can be shown to be equivalent to AB cos .
The vector product A B is customarily defined in terms of rectangular coordinates by the

The equivalence of this definition with (AB sin ) is left as an exercise.

In Cartesian coordinates, the i th component of the vector product may also be written

where by definition the Levi-Civita symbol ijk = +1 if ijk forms an even permutation of the three-
digit sequence {123}, ijk = 1 if ijk forms an odd permutation of {123}, and ijk = 0 if any two
indices are equal. Permutations are generated by switching an adjacent pair; for example, to get 312
from 123, first interchange the 2 and 3 to get 132. A second permutation gives 312. Thus, 132 = 1
and 312 = +1, but 122 = 0.

1.6 Euclidean Vector Operations with and without Coordinates

Coordinate systems are not part of nature. They are maps introduced by us for our convenience. The
essential relationships in physicswhich attempt to say something real about naturemust therefore
transcend the choice of coordinates. Whenever we use coordinates, it must be possible to change
freely from one system to another without losing the essence of the relationships that the equations are
supposed to express. This puts constraints on what happens to vector components when coordinate
systems are changed.
This principle of coordinate transcendence can be illustrated with an analogy from geometry. A
circle of radius R is defined as the set of all points in a plane located at a fixed distance from a
designated point, the center. This concept of the circle of radius R needs no coordinates. However,
the equation of a circle looks different in different coordinate systems. In polar coordinates the circle
centered on the origin is described by the simple equation r = R, and in Cartesian coordinates the
same circle is described by the more complicated equation . The equations look
different, but they carry identical information.
For a physics example of a coordinate-transcending relation between vectors, consider the relation
between a conservative force F and its corresponding potential energy U. The force is the negative
gradient of the potential energy, F = U. This means that the force F points in the direction of the
steepest decrease in U. Coordinates are not necessary to describe this relationship. But when we sit
down to calculate the gradient of a given potential energy function, we typically find it expressed in
rectangular, spherical, or cylindrical coordinates. The gradient looks very different in these
coordinates, even though all three ways of writing it describe the same interaction. For instance, in
rectangular coordinates the gradient looks like this:
In cylindrical coordinates it takes the form

while in spherical coordinates the gradient gets expressed as

All of these equations say the same thing: F = U. Thus, when the expression gets presented to
us in one coordinate system, as a matter of principle it must be readily translatable into any other
system while leaving the information content intact.
As a worked example of a physics calculation transcending coordinates, consider a scenario
familiar from elementary mechanics: Newtons laws applied to the ubiquitious block on the inclined
plane. We model the block as a particle of mass m, model its interactions with the rest of the world
through the language of force vectors, and choose to do physics in an unaccelerated reference frame,
where the working equation of Newtonian mechanics is Newtons second law applied to the particle,

F denotes the vector sum of all the forces, and a denotes the particles acceleration in response to F.
The dominant forces on the block are those of gravity mg exerted by the Earth and contact forces
exerted on the block by the plane, which includes friction f tangent to the blocks surface, and the
normal force N. When we write out what F means in this situation, F = ma becomes

This statement as it stands contains the physics. However, to use this vector equation to solve for one
or more unknowns, for example, to find the inclined planes angle that will result in an acceleration
down the plane of 3.5 m/s2 when the coefficient of friction is 0.2, it is convenient to make use of
parallelogram addition in reverse and project the vector equation onto a set of coordinate axes.
Figure 1.1: The two coordinate axes xy and x y

A set of mutually perpendicular axes can be oriented an infinite number of possible ways,
including the (x, y) and (x y) axes shown in Fig. 1.1. The coordinate-free F = ma can now be
projected onto either set of axes. Formally, we use the scalar product to multiply Newtons second
law with a unit vector, to project out the corresponding component of the vector equation. When a
vector equation holds, all of its component equations must hold simultaneously.

In the xy axes for which x is horizontal and y is vertical, gives

By dotting F = ma with , there results the y component,

But when we use the x y system of Fig. 1.1, the x-component is obtained by dotting F = ma with ,
which yields

and a similar procedure with yields the y component:

Both pairs of (x, y) and (x, y) equations describe the same physics. We know both pairs to be
equivalent because we started with the coordinate-independent relation of Eq. (1.28) and merely
projected it onto these different systems of axes. However, suppose you were given the already-
projected equations in the x y system, and I was given the equations in the xy system. How could we
confirm that both sets of equations describe the same net force and the same acceleration? If you
could transform your xy equations into my xy equations, or if I could transform my xy equations into
your xy equations, we would demonstrate that both sets of equations describe the same relationship.
To carry out this program, we need the transformation that relates one set of coordinates to the other
In our example, the xy axes can be generated from the xy axes by a rotation about the z-axis
through the angle . With some trigonometry we construct the transformation from xyz to xyz and

Notice that, even though we write z = z, z is not a scalar; it was never transformed in the first place,
because the two coordinate systems share the same z-axis. In this instance z = z offers an example of
an identity transformation.
The transformation we have just described forms an example of an orthogonal transformation, so
called because the mutual perpendicularity of each set of axes (and their basis vectors)their
orthogonalityis preserved in rotating from (x, y, z) to (x, y, z).
By differentiating Eqs. (1.33)(1.35) with fixed, we obtain

The distance between two points does not depend on the choice of coordinate axes, because it
does not even depend on the existence of any axes. This invariance of distance was assumed in
deriving Eqs. (1.33)(1.35) from the geometry. Distance between a given pair of points is an
invariant, a scalar under orthorgonal transformations. Therefore, the transformation of Eqs. (1.36)
(1.38) must leave invariant the square of infinitesimal distance,

which can be readily confirmed:

The invariance of any finite length from point a to point b therefore follows by integration over ds:
Conversely, had we started from the requirement that length be an invariant, we would have been led
to the orthogonal transformation (see Ex. 1.8).
In Newtonian mechanics, time intervals are explicitly assumed to be invariant, dt = dt. But in an
orthogonal transformation, the issue is not one of relative motion or time; observers using the primed
axes measure time with the same clocks used by observers in the unprimed frame. So upon
multiplying Eqs. (1.36)(1.38) by the invariant 1/dt = 1/dt, the components of a moving particles
velocity vector transform identically to the coordinate displacements under a rotation of axes:

Differentiating with respect to the time again, the acceleration components also transform the same as
the original coordinate displacements:

Now we can verify a main point in the relativity of vectors (see Ex. 1.1): Although ax ax and Fx
Fx, the relation between force and acceleration is the same in both frames, Fx = max and Fx = max.
The relation Fk = mak is said to be covariant between the frames, regardless of whatever system of
coordinates happens to be labeled with the xk . For this to happen, the force and acceleration vector
componentsindeed, the components of any vectorhave to transform from one coordinate system
to another according to the same transfomation rule as the coordinate displacements. This is the
definition of a vector in the context of coordinate systems. (Note that the mass is taken to be a scalar
see Ch. 3.)

Vectors as Ratios, Displacement in Numerator

Leaving aside the gradient, think of all the vectors you met in introductory physicsvelocity,
momentum, acceleration, and so on. Their definitions can all be traced back to the displacement
vector dr, through the operations of scalar multiplication and parallelogram addition. For instance,
velocity is v = dr/dt, momentum is p = mv, and dp/dt is numerically equal to the net force F. The
electric and gravitational field vectors are proportional to forces on charged and massive particles.
The magnetic field, angular momentum, and Poyntings vectors are formed from other vectors through
the vector product, and so on.
If the vector involves a ratio (as it does for velocity), such vectors carry the coordinate
displacement in the numerator. I suggested leaving the gradient out of this consideration because, as a
ratio, it has a coordinate displacement in the denominator. We will return to this point again in
Chapters 3 and 7, as it lies at the heart of the distinction between a vector and its dual.
Now we can summarize the coordinate system definition of any vector that is derived from a
rescaled displacement: the quantity Ak is the component of a vector if and only if, under a coordinate
transformation, it transforms the same as the corresponding coordinate displacement. For the
orthogonal transformation of Eqs. (1.36)(1.38), this means

To be a robust definition of vectors that holds in generalized coordinate systems, we will have to
show that such a statement applies to all kinds of coordinate transformations, not just orthogonal ones.
It may prove instructive to consider the transformation of the basis vectors. Let us start with
rectangular Cartesian coordinates in the two-dimensional plane, with unit basis vectors and . Under
a rotation of axes, by virtue of Eqs. (1.47) and (1.48),

On the other hand, consider a transformation from rectangular to cylindrical coordinates, when both
systems share a common origin. In the cylindrical coordinates denotes radial distance from the
origin and the angle from the original positive x-axis (see Appendix A). The transformation
equations from (x, y) to (, ) are

A displacement in this space can be written, starting from Cartesian coordinates and converting to
cylindrical ones:

How do we find the cylindrical basis vectors (not necessarily normalized to unit length) from this?
We can see from the expression for dr in Cartesian coordinates that and .
Accordingly, we define


In this way we obtain

Notice that Eqs. (1.47)(1.49) describe the same vector in terms of how its new components are
superpositions of the old ones, whereas Eqs. (1.50) and (1.51) describe new basis vectors as
superpositions of the old ones.
The gnm coefficients, computed according to Eq. (1.18), , are g = 1, g = 0, g
= 0, and g = 2. Thus an infinitesimal distance between two points, in cylindrical coordinates,

To obtain the unit basis vectors and familiar in cylindrical coordinates, divide the basis vectors,
as found from the transformation, by their magnitudes and obtain


or . This distinction between basis vectors and unit basis vectors accounts for
some of the factors such as 1/ that appears in expressions for the gradient in cylindrical coordinates,
and 1/(r sin ) in spherical coordinates.

Vectors as Ratios, Displacement in Denominator

As alluded to above, we will meet another kind of vector whose prototype is the gradient, which
takes derivatives of a scalar function with respect to coordinate displacements. For the gradient I put
vector in quotation marks because in the gradient the coordinate displacement appears
downstairs, as or . In contrast, the vectors we discussed prior to the gradient were
proportional to rescaled coordinate displacements, with components such as or . Following
tradition, we use superscripts to label vector components that are proportional to numerator
displacements, such as

and we will use subscripts for denominator displacements such as

In the classic texts on tensor calculus coordinate-displacement-in-numerator vectors are called

contravariant vectors (with superscripts) and the coordinate-displacement-in-denominator
vectors are called covariant vectors (with subscripts). Unfortunately, in tensor calculus the word
covariant carries three distinct, context-dependent meanings: (1) One usage refers to the covariance
of an equation, which transforms under a coordinate transformation the same as the coordinates
themselves. That was the concept motivating the inclined plane example of this section, illustrating
how the relationship expressed in the equation transcends the choice of a coordinate system. (2) The
second usage, just mentioned, makes the distinction between contravariant and covariant vectors.
Alternative terms for covariant vector speak instead of dual vectors (Ch. 7) or 1-forms (Ch. 8).
(3) The third usage for the word covariant arises in the context of derivatives of tensors, where the
usual definition of derivative must be extended to the so-called covariant derivative, which is
sometimes necessary to guarantee the derivative of a tensor being another tensor (see Ch. 4). Thus,
covariant derivatives (usage 3) are introduced so equations with derivatives of tensors will
tranform covariantly (usage 1). Of course, among these will be the derivatives of covariant
vectors (usage 2)!
I emphasize that, for now and throughout Chapter 2, usages (2) and (3) do not yet concern us,
because we will still be working exclusively in Euclidean spaces where contravariant and covariant
vectors are identical and covariant derivatives are unnecessary. But to develop good habits of mind
for later developments, we use superscripts for vector components from the start.

1.7 Transformation Coefficients as Partial Derivatives

Let us take another look at the formal tensor definition presented at the beginning of this book. Where
do its partial derivatives come from? In particular, go back to Eq. (1.33) which says

Notice that x in this instance is a function of x and y (with the rotation angle considered a fixed
parameter). Then

and similar expressions may be written for the other transformed coordinates (viz., x/z = 0). Now
Eq. (1.36) can be written

and likewise for dy and dz.

This result illustrates what would have been obtained in general by thinking of each new
coordinate as a function of all the old ones, x = x (x, y, z), y = y (x, y, z), and z = z (x, y, z).
Evaluating their differentials using the chain rule of multivariable calculus, we would write

Such equations hold not only for orthogonal transformations, but for any transformation for which the
partial derivatives exist.
For example, in switching from rectangular to spherical coordinates, the radial coordinate r is
related to (x, y, z) according to

Therefore, under a displacement (dx, dy, dz) the corresponding change in the r-coordinate is


and so on.
The components of any vector made from a displacement in the numerator must transform from one
coordinate system to another the same as the coordinate differentials. Whenever the new coordinates
xi are functions of the old ones, the xj , the displacements transform as

Therefore, vectors are, by definition, quantities whose components transform according to

a statement on the relativity of vectors!

1.8 What Is a Theory of Relativity?

At the beginning of this book we wondered why tensor components are traditionally defined not in
terms of what they are, but in terms of how they change under a coordinate transformation. Such
focus on changes in coordinates means that tensors are important players in theories of relativity.
What is a theory of relativity? Any theory of relativity is a set of principles and procedures that
tell us what happens to the numerical values of quantities, and to relationships between them, when
we switch from one member of a suitably defined class of coordinate systems to another. Consider a
couple of thought experiments.
For the first thought experiment, imagine a particle of electric charge q sitting at rest in the lab
frame. Let it be located at the position identified by the vector s relative to the origin. This charge
produces an electrostatic field described by a vector E. At the location specified by the position
vector r in the lab frame coordinate system, E is given by Coulombs law,

where is Coulombs constant. Since this charge is at rest in the lab frame, its magnetic field
there vanishes, B = 0.
A rocket moves with constant velocity vr through the lab frame. The subscript r denotes relative
velocity between the two frames. In the coasting rocket frame, an observer sees the charge q zoom by
with velocity vr.
A theory of relativity tackles such problems as this: given E and B in the lab frame, and given the
relative velocity between the lab and the coasting rocket frames, what is the electric field E and the
magnetic field B observed in the rocket frame? We seek the new fields in terms of the old ones, and
in terms of parameters that relate the two frames:

It was such problems that led Albert Einstein to develop the special theory of relativity. His
celebrated 1905 paper on this subject was entitled On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies. He
showed that, for two inertial frames (where vr = const.),


where and c denotes the speed of light in vacuum, which is postulated in

special relativity to be invariant among all inertial reference frames.
For the second thought experiment, imagine a positron moving through the lab and colliding with
an electron. Suppose in the lab frame the target electron sits at rest and the incoming positron carries
kinetic energy K and momentum p. The electron-positron pair annihilates into electromagnetic
radiation. Our problem is to predict the minimum number of photons that emerge from the collision,
along with their energies and momenta as measured in the lab frame. Working in the lab frame,
denoting a free particles energy as E, we write the simultaneous equations expressing conservation
of energy and momentum in the positron-electron collision that produces N photons. For the energy,

and for momentum,

From special relativity we also know that, outside the interaction region where each particle moves
freely, its energy, momentum, and mass are related by

where E = mc2 = K + mc2, p = mv, and (this v and its are measured for
velocities within a given frame; they are not to be confused with vr and r that hold for relative
velocity between frames). For a photon, E = pc since it carries zero mass.
Our task is to determine the minimum value of N. In the lab frame, the total energy and momentum
of the system are nonzero, so their conservation requires N > 0. Could N be as small as 1? A second
perspective may be helpful.
In the center-of-mass frame of the positron-electron system, before the collision the electron and
positron approach each other with equal and opposite momentum. By the conservation of momentum,
the momentum of all the photons after the collision must therefore sum to zero. We immediately see
that there can be no less than two photons after the collision, and in that case their momenta in the
center-of-mass frame must be equal and opposite. We also know that their energies are equal in this
frame, from E = pc. To find each photons momentum and energy back in the lab frame, it remains
only to transform these quantities from the center-of-mass frame back into the lab frame. Now we are
using a theory of relativity effectively.
For this strategy to work, the principles on which the solution depends must apply within both
frames. If momentum is conserved in the lab frame, then momentum must be conserved in the center-
of-mass frame, even though the systems total momentum is nonzero in the former and equals zero in
the latter. But whatever its numerical value, the statement total momentum before the collision equals
total momentum after the collision holds within all frames, regardless of the coordinate system.

Physicists have to gain expertise in several theories of relativity, including:

* Changing from one kind of coordinate grid to another (rectangular, spherical, cylindrical, and so

* Rotations and translations of coordinate axes.

* Relative motion, or boosts between inertial reference frames. These include Newtonian
relativity, based on the postulates of absolute space and absolute time, which find expression in the
Galilean transformation. Boosts between inertial frames are also the subject of special relativity,
expressed in the Lorentz transformation, based on the postulate of the invariance of the speed of light.

* Changing from an inertial frame to an accelerated frame.

Other transformations of coordinates, such as conformal mappings, rescalings, space inversions,

and time reversals, have their uses. But the theories of relativity mentioned above suffice to illustrate
an essential point: any theory of relativity is built on the foundation of what stays the same when
changing coordinate systems. A theory of relativity is founded on its scalars.
The choice of a reference frame is a matter of convenience, not of principle. Any laws of nature
that we propose must transcend the choice of this or that coordinate system. Results derived in one
frame must be translatable into any other frame. To change reference frames is to carry out a
coordinate transformation.
Any equation written in tensors is independent of the choice of coordinates, in the sense that
tensors transform consistently and unambiguously from one reference frame to anotheras go the
coordinates, so go the tensors. This relativity principle is articulated by saying that our laws of
physics must be written covariantly, written as tensors.
For example, in Newtonian mechanics, the coordinate-free expressions

can be expressed covariantly in terms of generalized coordinates xi by writing

This expression is reference frame independent because it can be transformed, as easily as the
coordinates themselves, between any two coordinate systems related by a well-defined
transformation. This follows from simply multiplying Fi = mai with transformation coefficients:

Summing over i, we recognize the left-hand side as Fj and the right-hand side as maj and have thus
moved smoothly from Fi = mai to Fj = maj . In that sense Eq. (1.80) is just as coordinate frame
independent as F = ma.
Finally, in this section we make an important technical note, which holds for any transformation,
not just the orthogonal ones we have been using for illustrations. Under a change of coordinates from
the unprimed to the primed system we have seen that

Likewise, for the reverse transformation from the primed to the unprimed system we would write

By putting Eq. (1.83) into Eq. (1.82), which reverses the original transformation and returns to what
we started with, slogging through the details we see that

The double sum must pick out dxi and eliminate all the other dxn displacements; in other words, this

where in is the Kronecker delta.

1.9 Vectors Represented as Matrices

Any vector in three-dimensional space that has been projected onto a coordinate system may be
written as the ordered triplet, A = (a, b, c). The components of the vector can also be arranged into a
column matrix denoted |A:

The arrow A, the ordered triplet (a, b, c), and the matrix |A carry the same information.
This bracket notation was introduced into physics by Paul A. M. Dirac, when he developed it
for the abstract state vectors in the infinite-dimensional, complex-number-valued Hilbert space
of quantum mechanics. Diracs vector notation can also be used to describe vectors in three-
dimensional Euclidean space and in the four-dimensional spacetimes of special and general relativity.
In the notation of Dirac brackets, a vector equation such as F = ma may be expressed as the
equivalent matrix equation

(A notational distinction between |F and | F is not necessary; in this book F denotes an arrow
and |F denotes the corresponding matrix, but they carry identical information.) To write the scalar
product in the language of matrix multiplication, corresponding to a vector |A, we need to introduce
its transpose or row matrix A|:

(For vectors whose components may be complex numbers, as in quantum mechanics, the elements of
A| are also the complex conjugates of those in |A. The transpose and complex conjugate of a matrix
is said to be the adjoint of the original matrix. When all the matrix elements are real numbers, the
adjoint is merely the transpose.) Let another vector |B be

According to the rules of matrix multiplication, the scalar product A B will be evaluated, in matrix
language, as row times column, A|B. Upon multiplying everything out, it yields

as expected. The scalar product is also called the contraction or the inner product of the two
vectors, because all the components get reduced to a single number. That number will be shown to be
a scalar, an invariant among the family of coordinate systems that can be transformed into one another.
An outer product |AB| can also be defined, which takes two three-number quantities (for vectors
in three dimensions) and, by the rules of matrix multiplication, makes nine numbers out of them,
represented by a square matrix:
The familiar unit basis vectors for xyz axes can be given the matrix representations


The inner product of any two of these orthonormal unit basis vectors results in the Kronecker

The sum of their outer products gives the completeness relation

where 1 means the 3 3 unit matrix, whose elements are the ij . Any set of orthonomal unit vectors
that satisfy the completeness relation form a basis; they are linearly independent and span the
As a superposition of weighted unit vectors, any vector |A can be written in bracket notation as

and similarly for B|,

Consider the outer product M |AB|. Its element standing in the ith row and jth column, Mij , is the
same as

as you can readily show. For instance, by the rules of matrix multiplication, in our previous example
M12 = 1| AB|2 = af.
As we saw earlier in other notation, through basis vectors the algebra of vectors exhibits a
synthesis/analysis dichotomy. On the synthesis side, any vector in the space can be synthesized by
rescaling the unit basis vectors with coefficients (the components), and then summing these to give
the complete vector. On the analysis side, a given vector can be resolved into its components. The
Dirac bracket notation, along with creative uses of the unit matrix 1, allow the synthesis/analysis
inverse operations and coordinate transformations to be seen together with elegance. Begin with the
completeness relation for some set of orthonormal basis vectors,

Multiply the completeness relation from the right by |A to obtain

illustrating how, if the A are given, we can synthisize the entire vector |A by a superposition of
weighted unit vectors. Conversely, the analysis equation has presented itself to us as

which shows how we can find each of its components if the vector is given.
Let us examine vector transformations in the language of matrices. The properties of unit basis
vectors themselves can be used to change the representation of a vector |A from an old basis
(denoted here with Latin letters) to a new basis (denoted here with Greek letters instead of primes),
provided that each basis set respects the completeness relation, where

in the old basis and

in the new basis. Begin by multiplying |A with 1, as follows:

The transformation equations, in bracket notation, can be derived by multiplying this superposition
over the |i basis by | to obtain

which is a Dirac notation version of our familiar vector transformation rule (restoring primes),

Comparing these results yields

where denotes the matrix of transformation coefficients, with i the matrix element in the th row
and jth column (the matrix elements are not tensor components themselves; subscripts are chosen so
the notation will be consistent with tensor equations when distinctions eventually must be made
between upper and lower indices). The component-by-component expressions for the transformation
of a vector can be gathered into one matrix equation for turning one column vector into another,

The row vector A| is defined, according to the rules of matrix multiplication, as

where denotes the adjoint of the square matrix , the transpose and complex conjugate of the
original matrix. Notice a very important point: To preserve the magnitude of a vector as an invariant,
we require that

But in terms of the transformation matrices, A|A means

Therefore, the -matrices must be unitary,

which means that the adjoint equals the multiplicative inverse,

Term by term, these relations say that, with


The adjoint of a transformation matrix being equal to its multiplicative inverse is the signature of a
unitary transformation. For a rotation of axes, all the matrix elements are real, so the adjoint of the
transformation matrix is merely the transpose; therefore, the transpose is the multiplicative inverse in
an orthogonal transformation.
We have said that A| is the dual of |A. Throughout this subject, especially beginning in
Chapter 3, the concept of duality will be repeatedly enountered. In general, any mathematical object
M needs corresponding to it a dual M whenever M, by itself, cannot give a single real number as the
measure of its magnitude. For instance, consider the complex number z = x + iy, where x and y are
real numbers and i2 = 1. To find the distance |z| between the origin and a point in the complex plane
requires not only z itself but also its complex conjugate z = xiy. For then the distance is
. The square of z does not give a distance because it is a complex number,
z2 = x2 y2 +2ixy. To define length in the complex plane, z needs its dual, z.
Similarly, in quantum mechanics we deal with the wave function (x), and the square of is
supposed to give us the probability density of locating a particle in the neigborhood of x. However,
is a complex function, with both a real and an imaginary part. Thus, by the square of we mean
, where means complex conujugate. Thus, is the dual of beause both the wave function and
its dual are necessary to measure its magnitude, in this case the probability of a particle being
found between x = a and x = b as a kind of inner product,

Probabilities must be real numbers on the interval [0,1].

In general, if M is a mathematical object and some measure of its magnitude or length is required,
then one defines a corresponding dual M defined such that the length extracted from MM is a real
In the next chapter we will go beyond scalars and vectors and make the acquaintance of tensors
with two or more indices as they arise in the context of physics applications.

1.10 Discussion Questions and Exercises

Discussion Questions

Q1.1 Write a diary entry describing your first encounter with tensors. How were you introduced
to them? What did you think of tensors on that occasion?

Q1.2 In introductory physics a vector is described as a quantity having magnitude and direction,
which respects scalar multiplication and parallelogram addition. Discuss the consistency between
this definition and the definition of a vector in terms of its behavior under coordinate transformations.

Q1.3 List several of the vectors (not including the gradient) that you have met in physics. Trace
each one back to a rescaled displacement vector; in other words, show how a vectors genealogy
ultimately traces back to the displacement vector dr, through scalar multiplication and parallelogram

Q1.4 Critique this equation:

Q1.5 What are the advantages of using basis vectors normalized to be dimensionless, of unit
length, and orthogonal? Do basis vectors have to be orthogonal, of unit length, or dimensionless?


1.1 Confirm by explicit calculation that ax cos +ay sin gives ax in Eq. (1.44), by using the ax
and ay from Eqs. (1.29)(1.30).

1.2 Using the Levi-Civita symbol, prove that

You may need this identity (see, e.g., Marion and Thornton, p. 45):
1.3 Show that the scalar product, A B or A|B, is a scalar under an orthogonal transformation.

1.4 Show that the two definitions of the scalar product,


are equivalent.

1.5 Show that the two definitions of the vector product,


are equivalent.

1.6 (a) Write the matrix for the simple orthogonal transformation that rotates the xy axes through
the angle about the z axis to generate new x y z axes.
(b) Show by explicit calculation for the of part (a) that = 1.
(c) Show that ||2 = 1, where || denotes the determinant of . Which option occurs here, || = +1 or |
| = 1?

1.7 Consider an inversion of axes (reflection of all axes through the origin, a space inversion), x
i= xi.
(a) What is ? What is ||?
(b) Under a space inversion, a vector A goes to A = A and B goes to B = B. How does A B
compare to A B, and how does A B compare to A B? When the distinction is necessary,
vectors that change sign under a space inversion are called polar vectors (or simply vectors) and
vectors that preserve their sign under a space inversion are called axial vectors (or
(c) Show that (AB)C is a scalar under a rotation of axes, but that it changes sign under a space
inversion. Such a quantity is called a pseudoscalar.
(d) Is (A B) (C D) a vector or a pseudovector?

1.8 Consider a rotation of axes through angle about the z-axis, taking (x, y) coordinates into (x, y
) coordinates. Assuming a linear transformation, parameterize it as

By requiring length to be an invariant, derive the results expected for A, B, C and D, in terms of .

1.9 Consider a rotation about the z-axis that carries (x, y) to (x, y). Show that, if the rotation
matrix from xyz to xyz (where z = z) is parameterized as

then just from the requirement that = 1, it follows that a = d = cos and b = c = sin .
Therefore, a unitarity transformation requires the coordinate transformation to be equivalent to a
rotation of axes. (Sometimes, as in the unitary transformations of quantum mechanics, the axes exist
within a highly abstract space.)
Chapter 2

Two-Index Tensors

Tensors typically enter the consciousness of undergraduate physicsts when two-index tensors are first
encountered. Let us meet some examples of two-index tensors as they arise in physics applications.

2.1 The Electric Susceptibility Tensor

Our first exhibit introduces a two-index tensor that describes a phenomenological effect that occurs
when dielectric material gets immersed in an externally applied electric field. Place a slab of plastic
or glass between the plates of a parallel-plate capacitor and then charge the capacitor. Each molecule
in the dielectric material gets stretched by the electric force and acquires a new or enhanced electric
dipole moment. The macroscopic polarization in the dielectric can be described with the aid of a
vector P, the density of electric dipole moments. If there are N molecules per unit volume, and their
spatially averaged electric dipole moment is p, then P = Np. In most dielectrics, P is
proportional to the E that produces it, and we may write

which defines the electric susceptibility of the material (the permittivity of vacuum, o, is
customarily included in the definition of the susceptibility to make dimensionless). In such
materials, if E points north, then P has only a northward component.
However, some dielectrics exhibit the weird property that when E points north, then P points in
some other direction! In such dielectrics, the y-component of P depends in general not only on the y
component of E but also on the latters x and z components, and we must write

Similar expressions hold for Px and Pz. The nine coefficients ij are called the components of the
electric susceptability tensor. These components can be calculated from quantum mechanics
applied to the field-molecule interaction. Our business here is to note that the set of coefficients ij
fall readily to hand when the response vector P is rotated, as well as rescaled, relative to the
stimulus vector E.
Introducing numerical superscripts to denote components, where x1 means x, x2 means y, and x3
means z, we may write
where i = 1, 2, or 3. The nine ij can be arranged in a 3 3 matrix. The susceptibility tensor can be
shown from energy considerations to be symmetric (see Ex. 2.15),

which reduces the number of independent components from 9 to 6.

Just because these susceptibility coefficients can be arranged in a matrix does not make them
tensor components. For an array of numbers to be tensor components, specific conditions must be met
concerning their behavior under coordinate transformations. Without resorting for now to a formal
proof, what can we anticipate about transforming the ij ? The very existence of electric polarization
depends on the existence of a displacement between a positive and a negative charge. The
coefficients ij should therefore be proportional to such displacements, and we know how
displacements transform. This intuition is confirmed when the susceptibility tensor components are
computed from quantum mechanics applied to a molecule in an electric field (see Ex. 2.17).

2.2 The Inertia Tensor

Typically one of the first two-index tensors to be confronted in ones physics career, the inertia tensor
emerges in a study of rigid-body mechanics. In introductory physics one meets its precursor, the
moment of inertia, when studying the dynamics of a rigid body rotating about a fixed axis. Let us
review the moment of inertia and then see how it generalizes to the inertia tensor when relaxing the
fixed axis restriction.
Conceptualize a rigid body as an array of infinitesimal chunks, or particles, each of mass dm. The
dm located at the distance s from the fixed axis of rotation gets carried in a circle about that axis with
speed v = s, where denotes the rotations angular velocity vector. To calculate the angular
momentum L about the axis of rotation, because angular momentum is additive, we compute the sum

Introducing the moment of inertia,

we may write

For instance, the moment of inertia of a uniform sphere of mass m and radius R, evaluated about an
axis passing through the spheres center, is .
Significantly, for rotations about a fixed axis the angular momentum vector L and the angular
velocity vector are parallel. For instance, if the rigid body spins about the z axis, then component
by component Eq. (2.6) says

The rigid bodys rotational kinetic energy K also follows from energy being additive:

We may also write K as

The moment of inertia generalizes to the inertia tensor when the assumption of rotation about a
fixed axis is lifted, allowing the possibility of an instantaneous rotation with angular velocity about
a point. Let that point be the rigid bodys center of mass, where we locate the origin of a system of
coordinates. If r describes the location of dm relative to this origin, this particles instantaneous
velocity relative to it is v = r. Calculate L again by summing over all the angular momenta of the
various particles. Along the way the vector identity

will prove useful, to write

Relative to an xyz coordinate system, and noting that

the ith component of L may be written

The components of the inertia tensor are the nine coefficients

Notice that Iij = Iji, the inertia tensor is symmetric, and thus it has only six independent components.
If some off-diagonal elements of the inertia tensor are nonzero, then in that coordinate system the
angular momentum and the angular velocity are not parallel. Explicitly,

Eqs. (2.13) - (2.15) can all be summarized as

Throughout this subject we are going to see summations galore like this sum over j. Note that
repeated indices are the ones being summed. To make the equations less cluttered, let us agree to drop
the capital sigma. With these conventions Eq. (2.16) compactly becomes

with the sum over j understood. If for some reason repeated indices are not to be summed in a
discussion, the exception will be stated explicitly. For instance, if I wanted to talk about any one of
the I11, I22, and I33 but without specifying which one, then I would have to say Consider the Ikk (no
Later on, when summing over repeated indices, we will also impose the stipulation that one of the
repeated indices will appear as a superscript and its partner will appear as a subscript. There are
reasons for deciding which indices go upstairs and which ones go downstairs, but we need not worry
about it for now, because in Euclidean spaceswhere we are working at presentthe components
that carry superscripts and the components labeled with subscripts are redundant. We return to this
important issue in chapter 3, when we entertain non-Euclidean spaces and have to distinguish
vectors from dual vectors.

2.3 The Electric Quadrupole Tensor

In the 1740s, Benjamin Franklin conducted experiments to show that the two kinds of so-called
electrical fire, the vitreous and reninous, were additive inverses of each other. He described
experiments in static electricity with glass bottles and wrote, Thus, the whole force of the bottle, and
power of giving a shock, is in the GLASS ITSELF (Franklin, 1751, original emphasis; see Weart).
Imagine one of Franklins glass bottles carrying a nonzero electric charge q. Sufficiently far from
the bottle the details of its size and shape are indiscernible, and the electric field it produces is
indistinguishable from that of a point charge, whose potential varies as the inverse distance, 1/r.
Move closer, and eventually some details of the charge distributions size and shape begin to emerge.
Our instruments will begin to detect nuances in the field, suggesting that the bottle carries some
positive and some negative charges that are separated from one another, introducing into the observed
field the contribution of an electric dipole (potential 1/r2). Move in even closer, and the distribution
of the dipoles becomes apparent, as though the distribution of charge includes pairs of dipoles, a
quadrupole (whose potential 1/r3), and so on. The contribution of each multipole can be made
explicit by expanding the exact expression for the electric potential in a Taylor series.
Let an infinitesimal charge dq reside at a source point located relative to the origin by the vector
. According to Coulombs law and the superposition principle, the exact electric
potential = (r) at position r is given by

where denotes the Coulomb constant and

Here denotes the charge density and the vector from the source point to the field point r.
Let us assume that the charge density vanishes sufficiently rapidly at infinity for the integral over all
space to exist.
Place the origin near the finite charge distribution and perform a Taylor series expansion of
about . Any function of (x, y, z) expanded about the origin will result in a Taylor series of the

Working in rectanglar coordinates, so that

we obtain (recalling the summation convention)

Evaluating the derivatives and then setting in them, and putting those results back into Eq.
(2.18), develops a multipole expansion as a power series in 1/r:

where i xi/r denotes the cosine of the angle between the xi-axis and r. The distributions total

is the monopole moment in the multipole expansion. The second term,

denotes the ith component of the electric dipole moment vector. In the third term, the ijth component
of the electric quadrupole tensor introduces itself:

To the extent that the distribution includes pairs of dipoles, it carries a nonzero quadrupole moment,
described by the components Qij of the quadrupole tensor.
Higher-order multipole moments (octupole, 16-pole, and so forth) follow from higher-order terms
in the Taylor series. Notice that the net charge carried by a 2n-pole vanishes for n > 0. The net
electric charge resides in the monopole term, but higher-order multipole moments give increasingly
finer details about the charges spatial distribution.
Multipole expansions can also be written for static magnetic fields; for dynamic electric and
magnetic fields including radiation patterns from antennas, atoms, and nuclei; and for gravitational

2.4 The Electromagnetic Stress Tensor

To see another tensor emerge in response to a physics application, let us continue with a distribution
of electrically charged particles, but now allow them to move.
Newtons third law says that when particle A exerts a force on particle B, then particle B exerts an
equal amount of force, oppositely directed, on particle A. Since force equals the rate of change of
momentum, in a two-body-only interaction momentum is exchanged between the bodies but conserved
in total. For example, in collisions between billiard balls the momentum exchange is local and
immediately apparent.
But suppose particle A is an electron in, say, the antenna of a robot rover scurrying about on the
surface of Mars. Let particle B be another electron in a radio receiver located in New Mexico. When
electron A aboard the Martian rover jiggles because of an applied variable voltage, it radiates waves
in the electromagnetic field. Electron B in New Mexico wont know about As jiggling for at least 4
minutes (possibly up to 12 minutes, depending on the locations of Mars and Earth in their orbits
around the Sun), while the electromagnetic wave streaks from Mars to New Mexico at the speed of
light. In the meantime, what of Newtons third law? What of momentum conservation? Electric and
magnetic fields carry energy; what momentum do they carry?
To answer our question about the momentum of electromagnetic fields, consider the interaction of
charged particles with those fields, by combining Newtons second law with Maxwells equations.
Newtons second law applies cause-and-effect reasoning to the mechanical motion of a particle of
momentum p. The vector sum of the forces F causes the particles momentum to change according to

Let this particle carry electric charge q, and let other charges in its surroundings produce the electric
field E and the magnetic field B that exist at our sample particles instantaneous location. When these
are the only forces acting on the sample particle, then Newtons second law applied to it becomes

To apply Newtons second law to an ensemble of particles, we must sum the set of F = dp/dt
equations, one for each particle in the ensemble. To do this, let us conceptualize the system of
particles as having a charge density . Our sample particles charge q now gets expressed as an
increment of charge dq = dV, where dV denotes the infinitesimal volume element it occupies.
Moving particles form a current density j = v, where v denotes their local velocity. Now Newtons
second law, summed over all the particles in the system, reads

where V denotes the volume enclosing the entire distribution of charged particles, and the m subscript
on p denotes the momentum carried by all the systems ponderable matter.
The charge and current densities can be expressed in terms of the fields they produce, thanks to the
two inhomogeneous Maxwell equations. They are Gausss law for the electric field,
and the Ampre-Maxwell law,

where oo = 1/c2. Now Eq. (2.29) becomes

The third term on the left-hand side suggests using the product rule for derivatives,

and then invoking a third Maxwell equation, the Faraday-Lenz law,

to replace with E. These steps turn Eq. (2.32) into

To make E and B appear as symmetrically as possible, let us add zero in the guise of a term
proportional to the divergence of B. This we can do thanks to the remaining Maxwell equation,
Gausss law for the magnetic field:

Now we have

which looks even more complicated, but will neatly partition itself in a revealing way.
In the last term on the left-hand side, we recognize Poyntings vector S, defined according to

Since oo = 1/c2, the last term contains the time derivative of S/c2. This vector carries the
dimensions of momentum density; thus, its volume integral equals the momentum pf carried by the

This rate of change of electromagnetic momentum within V can be transposed from the force side of
the equation to join the rate of change of the momentum carried by matter, so that Eq. 2.37 becomes

To make the components of the electromagnetic stress tensor emerge, write out

by components, and do likewise for B (see Ex. 2.13). The result gives a component version of
Newtons second law for the coupled particle-field system, in which the electromagnetic stress
tensor Tij , also known as the Maxwell tensor, makes its appearance explicit,


Its components carry the dimensions of pressure or energy density and include the electromagnetic
energy density

By virtue of Gausss divergence theorem, the volume integral of the divergence of Tij may be written
as the flux of the stress tensor through the closed surface enclosing the distribution. Doing this in
Eq. (2.42) turns it into

where nj denotes the jth component of the unit normal vector that points outward from the surface ,
at the location of the infinitesimal patch of area dA on the surface.
Notice that if encloses all of space, and because realistic fields vanish at infinity, then the total
momentum of the particles and fields is conserved. But if refers to a surface enclosing a finite
volume, then according to Eq. (2.45), on the left-hand side the flux of energy density or pressure
through the closed surface equals the rate of decrease of the momentum of particles and fields
within the volume enclosed by . Conversely, if all the particle and field momentum within V is
conserved, whatever volume V happens to be, then Eq. (2.42) becomes an equation of continuity
expressing the local conservation of energy and momentum:

We could go on with other examples of tensors, but this sample collection of two-index tensors
suggests operational descriptions of what they are, in terms of the kinds of tasks they perform. We
have seen that, in a given coordinate system, if a two-index tensor has nonzero off-diagonal elements,
then a vector stimulus in, say, the x-direction will produce a vector response in the y- and z-
directions, in addition to a response in the x direction. This practical reason demonstrates why
tensors are useful in physics.
When such directional complexity occurs, one may be motivated to seek a new coordinate system,
in terms of which all the off-diagonal components vanish. A procedure for doing this systematically is
described in Section 2.6, the eigenvalue problem. But first let us examine coordinate
transformations as they apply to two-index tensors.

2.5 Transformations of Two-Index Tensors

Overheard while waiting outside the open door of a physics professors office:
Distressed student: What are these tensors?
Professor: Just think of them as matrices.
Greatly relieved student: Ah,OK, that I can do.

We have seen that vectors can be represented as column or row matrices, and two-index tensors as
square matrices. If our mission consisted of merely doing calcuations with vectors and two-index
tensors within a given reference frame, such as computing , we could treat our tasks
as matrix operations and worry no more about tensor formalities. Are vectors and two-index tensors
merely matrices? No! There is more to their story.
Whenever we, like the distressed student, merely need numerical results within a given coordinate
system, then the calculations do, indeed, reduce to matrix manipulations. The professor in the above
conversation was not wrong; she merely told the student what he needed to know to get on with his
work at that time. She left for another day an explanation of the relativistic obligations that are laid on
tensors, which form an essential part of what they are. Tensors carry an obligation that mere arrays of
numbers do not have: they have to transform in specific ways under a change of reference frame.
Before we consider the transformations of tensors between reference frames, let us first attempt to
write a tensor itself, in coordinate-free language, within a given reference frame. For an example,
consider the inertia tensor. In terms of the coordinates of a given frame its components are
The idea I am trying to communicate here is that this is a projection of the inertia tensor onto some
particular xyz coordinate system, not the tensor itself. A tool for writing the tensor itself in a
coordinate-transcending way falls readily to hand with Diracs bracket notation.
The inertia tensor components are given by , where the boldface distinguishes the
tensor itself from its components Iij . In addition, the factors in the integrand can be written r2 = r r
= r|r, xi = i|r = r|i, and i|j = j|i = ij . Now Iij may be written

Pull the i| and |j outside the integral to obtain

where 1 denotes the unit matrix.

We can now identify the inertia tensor itself, , alternatively denoted by some authors as or {I},
as the abstract quantity

The beauty of this representation lies in the fact that can be sandwiched between a pair of unit
basis vectors of any coordinate system, with a row basis vector | on the left and a column basis
vector | on the right, to express the ( )th component of in that basis:

Some authors effectively describe this process with a vivid analogy, comparing a two-index tensor
to a machine into which one inserts a pair of vectors, like slices of bread dropped into a toaster. But
instead of toast, out pops one real number, the tensor component, , another notation
for our (more about this way of looking at tensors appears in Ch. 8).
We can change the representation of from an old basis (denoted with Latin letters) to a new basis
(denoted with Greek letters), by using the completeness relation, which in the old set of coordinates

(summed over i). To use this, insert unit matrices into as follows:
where (recalling primes to emphasize new coordinates vs. unprimed for old ones)

is the matrix element in the th row and ith column of the transformation matrix . (These coefficients
are not components of tensors, but describe how the coordinates from one system map to those of
another system.) These results display a similarity transformation, which says in our example of the
inertia tensor

which contains the transformation rule for two-index tensor components: Starting from the matrix
multiplication rules, we would write

which by Eq. (2.53) becomes

Let us confirm these ideas explicitly with the inertia tensor. When projected onto some xyz
coordinate system, its components are

Alternatively, the inertia tensor components could have been evaluated with respect to some other xy
z system of coordinates, where the components are

which we abbreviate as Iij . Suppose the xyz coordinates were transformed into those of the xyz
system by the orthogonal transformation we saw earlier, which I repeat here for your convenience:
Let us substitute these transformations directly into Iij and see by a brute force calculation how they
are related to the Iij . Consider, for example, Ixy:

Let us see whether this result agrees with the transformation rule of Eq. (2.56). Writing out the right-
hand side of what Eq. (2.56) instructs us to do, we form the sum

From the foregoing transformation equations we evaluate the partial derivatives and obtain

which is identical to our brute force calculation.

A pattern seems to be emerging in how tensors whose components carry various numbers of
indices transform under coordinate transformations. For a scalar ,

Scalars are invariant, carry no coordinate indices, and in the context of tensor analysis are called
tensors of order 0. For a vector with components Ai,

which transform like coordinate displacements themselves, carry one index, and are tensors of order
1. For a two-index, or order- 2, tensor,

The number of partial derivative factors in the transformation rule equals the number of indices, the
tensors order. Extensions to tensors of higher order will be forthcoming.
In response to the question of what a tensor is (aside from how it behaves under changes of
coordinates), we now have at least one answer in terms of a coordinate-free mathematical entity. For
the inertia tensor, it is the operator of Eq. (2.50). For the purposes of calculating its components,
merely sandwich the operator between a pair of unit basis vectors to generate the nine components (in
three-dimensional space) of the inertia tensor, represented by a square matrix. But in so doing we
must remember that inertia tensorsindeed, all tensorsare not just matrices. Tensors also have the
obligation to respect precise rules for how their components transform under a change of coordinate
Changing a coordinate system can be an effective strategy for solving a problem. A problem that
looks complicated in one reference frame may appear simple in another one. If a two-index tensor has
nonzero off-diagonal components, it may be because the object or interaction it describes is genuinely
complicated. But it may also be due to our evaluating its components with respect to a set of axes that
make the tensor appear unnecessarily complicated. A systematic method for finding a new coordinate
system, in terms of which all the off-diagonal components vanish in the matrix representation, forms
the eigenvector and eigenvalue problem, to which we turn next.

2.6 Finding Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues

If you have ever driven a car with unbalanced wheels, you know that the resulting shimmies and
shakes put unnecessary wear and tear on the cars suspension system and tires. This situation can
become dangerous when the shaking of an unbalanced wheel goes into a resonance mode.
Balanced or not, the tire/wheel assembly is supposed to spin about a fixed axis. Let that axis be
called the z-axis. The xy axes that go with it lie in a plane perpendicular to the axle. Although the
wheels angular velocity points along the z axis, an unbalanced wheels angular momentum points
slightly off the z axis, sweeping out a wobbly cone around it. Because , the shaking about
of an unbalanced spinning wheel/tire assembly suggests that its inertia tensor has nonzero off-
diagonal terms relative to these xyz axes. When a mechanic balances the wheel, small weights are
attached to the wheel rim. The mass distribution of the wheel/tire assembly is modified from its
previous state so that, when evaluated with respect to the original coordinate system, the new inertia
tensor has become diagonal. Then the spinning wheels angular momentum vector lines up with the
angular velocity vector. The ride is much smoother, the tire does not wear out prematurely, and
vibration resonances do not occur.
The mechanic had to change the mass distribution because changing the spin axis was not an
option. However, from a mathematical point of view we can keep the original mass distribution, but
find a new coordinate system in terms of which all the off-diagonal terms in the matrix representation
of the tensor are zero. Then the nonzero components all reside along the diagonal and are called
eigenvalues. The basis vectors of the new coordinate system, with respect to which the tensor is
now diagonal, are called the eigenvectors of the tensor. Each eigenvector has its corresponding
To find the eigenvectors and eigenvalues, one begins with the tensor expressed in terms of the
original coordinates xi, where the tensor has components . The task that lies ahead is to
construct a new set of coordinates x with their basis vectors |, the eigenvectors, such that
is diagonal,
where , the eigenvalue, corresponds to an eigenvector |, and is the Kronecker delta. Eq.
(2.67) is a component version of the matrix equation

which can be transposed as

where 1 denotes the unit matrix and |0 the zero vector.

One obvious solution of this equation is the unique but trivial one, where all the | are zero
vectors. Not very interesting! To find the nontrivial solution, we must invoke the theorem of
alternatives (also called the invertible matrix theorem) that comes from linear algebra. Appendix
B presents a statement of the theorem of alternatives. I suppose the theorem takes the name
alternatives from the observation that the determinant |M| of a matrix either equals zero or does not
equal zero. The theorem says that for a known matrix M and an unknown vector |x, if | M| 0, then
the solution of the homogeneous matrix equation M |x = |0 is the unique but trivial | x = |0, but
if |M| = 0, then a nontrivialbut non-uniquesolution exists. The nontrivial solution can be made
unique after the fact, by imposing the supplementary requirement that the eigenvectors are constructed
to be mutually orthogonal unit vectors, so that we require

Then the eigenvectors will form an orthonormal basis for a new coordinate system.
Guided by the theorem of alternatives, we set to zero the determinant

which yields a polynomial equation for whose roots are the eigenvalues. Once we have the
eigenvalues, we can find the eigenvectors from Eq. (2.68) and the supplementary orthonormality
conditions. An example may illustrate the procedure better than speaking in generalities.
Consider an inertia tensor evaluated in some xyz coordinate system where its array of components
has the form

Such an inertia tensor applies to a piece of thin sheet metal lying in the xy plane. If the sheet metal is a
square of mass m with sides of length a, and the edges lie along the xy axes with a corner at the
origin, then and . For this case the determinant becomes
where ma2. The roots are

Now we can find the eigenvectors one at a time. Let us start with . Put it back into Eq.
(2.68), and parameterize the eigenvector as

so that Eq. (2.68) says

Component by component this matrix equation is equivalent to the set of relations

which yields 1 = 2 = 0 with 3 left undetermined. All we know so far about | is that is has only a
z-component when mapped in the original xyz axes. This is where the non-uniquness promised by
the theorem of alternatives shows itself. To nail | down, let us choose to make it a unit vector, so
that | = 1, which gives 3 = 1. Now we have a unique eigenvector corresponding to the
eigenvalue 8/12.
In a similar manner the other two eigenvectors are found. Give new names |, | , and | to the
eigenvectors. In terms of the original xyz axes, the eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue
takes the form

For the eigenvalue ,

and for the eigenvector that has ,

If these eigenvectors are drawn in the original xyz coordinate system, | coincides with the original
unit vector , and . These eigenvectors form a set of basis vectors
for a new set of xyz axes that are rotated about the original z axis through 45 degrees. Notice that
the eigenvector | points along the square sheet metals diagonal, one of its symmetry axes.
Now recompute the components of the inertia tensor in this new {|, | , | } basis, and denote
them as and so forth. We find that there are no nonzero off-diagonal elements, and the
eigenvalues occupy positions along the diagonal:

If the piece of sheet metal were to be set spinning about any one of the three axes defined by the
eigenvectors, then its angular momentum would be parallel to the angular velocity, and the moments
of inertia would be the eigenvalues.
One complication occurs whenever two or more eigenvalues happen to be identical. In that case
the system is said to be degenerate. The eigenvectors of degenerate eigenvalues can then be chosen,
so long as each one is orthogonal to all the other eigenvectors. In the example of the balanced wheel,
the eigenvector along the spin axis has a distinct eigenvalue, but the eigenvalues of the other two
eigenvectors are degenerate, because those eigenvectors could point anywhere in a plane parallel to
the wheels diameter. One chooses them to be orthonormal so they can serve as a normalized basis. A
balanced wheel is highly symmetrical. Degenerate eigenvalues correspond to a symmetry of the
If the eigenvalue and eigenvector results are compared to calculations of moments of inertia for
simple rigid bodies rotating about a fixed axisthe calculations familiar from introductory physics
it will be noticed that, in most instances, the object was symmetrical about one or more axes:
cylinders, spheres, rods, and so forth. Those moments of inertia, evaluated about a fixed axis of
symmetry, were the eigenvalues of an inertia tensor, and the axis about which I was computed
happened to be colinear with one of the eigenvectors.
2.7 Two-Index Tensor Components as Products of Vector Components
A two-index tensors components transform as

On the other hand, the product of two vector components transforms as

This appears to be the same transformation rule as the component of a second-order tensor, suggesting
that we could rename Ak Bn Tkn.
Here we find another way to appreciate what a tensor is besides defining it in terms of how it
transforms: a tensor component with n indices is equivalent to a product of n vector components. We
have already seen this to be so for the inertia tensor components Iij , and Ex. 2.17 shows it to be so for
the susceptibility tensor components ij .

Incidentally, a significant result can now be demonstrated through the back door of the inertia
tensor. Because the inertia tensor is a sum, we can break it into two chunks,

Since the Iij and the rirj dm are components of second-order tensors, and r2dm is a scalar, it follows
that the Kronecker delta, ij , is a second-order tensor.

2.8 More Than Two Indices

In the derivation of the quadrupole tensor of Section 2.3, it was suggested that higher-order
multipoles could be obtained if more terms were developed in the Taylor series expansion of
, where identifies the source point and r the field point. When the multipole expansion for
the electric potential includes the term after the quadrupole, the 1/r4 octupole term appears:

where i = xi/r and

Is ijk a third-order tensor? The transformations of the source point coordinates, such as

do indeed identify ijk as a tensor of order 3, because the product of coordinates in Eq. (2.83) gives

As implied by the multipole expansion, tensors of arbitrarily high order exist in principle. We will
encounter an important fourth-order tensor, the Riemann tensor, in Chapter 5.

2.9 Integration Measures and Tensor Densities

Hang on a minute! Havent we been overlooking something? The inertia tensor components Iij were
defined by an integral whose measure was a mass increment dm. The quadrupole and octupole
tensors Qij and ijk included the integration measure dq. But to evaluate the integrals for a specific
mass or charge distribution, we must write dm or dq as a density multiplied by a volume element
(dropping overbars for source points, since we are not involving field points in this discussion): dq
or dm = dxdydz d3x, which introduces more displacements. Shouldnt we take into account the
tranformation behavior of this integration measure d3x, which includes a product of displacements?
Yes, we should. However, it is all right so far with our inertia tensor and electric multipole moments
because dm and dq are scalars. Evidently some non-scalar piece of cancels out any non-scalar
behavior of dxdydz, leaving d3x a scalar. This leaves us free to determine the tensor character of the
inertia tensor or multipole moments from the remaining factors (which are coordinates) that appear
behind the integral sign.
However, this brings up a deeper issue. If we did not have the charge or mass density in the
integral, then we would have to consider the transformation properties of dxdydz when studying the
transformation behavior of something like Iij or ijk . This reveals the distinction between tensors
and tensor densities, which will be pursued further in Section 3.7. For example, the Kronecker
delta ij is a tensor, but the Levi-Civita symbol ijk is a tensor density and not, in general, a tensor.
The Levi-Civita symbol offers an interesting study. Under some transformations it can be
considered to be a tensor, but not under all transformations. The situation depends on whether the
transformation is a proper or an improper one. This distinction has to do with the determinant of
the matrix of transformation coefficients. Recall that, in matrix language, the coordinates change
according to
where, to maintain x|x = x||x = x|x, the transformation matrix satisfies the unitarity

Since the determinant of a matrix and the determinant of its adjoint are equal, taking the determinant
of the unitarity condition yields

and thus

Proper transformations, such as orthogonal rotations of axes, have || = +1. Transformations with |
| = 1 are called improper and include inversions of the coordinate axes, x = x, y = y, z =
z. If the xyz axes are right-handed , then the inverted xyz system is left-handed
. The Levi-Civita symbol ijk in Cartesian coordinates transforms as a tensor of order
3 under orthogonal transformations for which || = +1. But ijk does not transform as a tensor under
reflection, for which || = 1. Such an object is is called a pseudotensor. It is also called a tensor
density of weight +1, as will be discussed in Section 3.7.

2.10 Discussion Questions and Exercises

Discussion Questions

Q2.1 A set of 2-index tensor components can be represented as a matrix and stored as an array of
numbers written on a card. How could a 3-index tensors components be represented in hard-copy
storage? What about a 4-index tensor?

Q2.2 For tensor components bearing two or more indices, the order of the indices matters in
general. However, some symmetries or asymmetries in a tensors structure mean that the interchange
of indices reduces the number of independent components. In three-dimensional space, how many
independent components exist when a two-index tensor is symmetric, Tij = Tji? How many
independent components exist for an antisymmetric two-index tensor, Fij = Fji? What are the
answers to these questions in four dimensions?

Q2.3 Comment on similarities and differences between the inertia tensor and the quadrupole

Q2.4 An electric monopolea point chargelocated at the origin has no dipole moment, and an
ideal dipole, made of two oppositely charged point charges, has no monopole moment if one of its
two charges sits at the origin. However, even an ideal dipole has a quadrupole moment. An ideal
quadrupole has no monopole or dipole moment, but it may have octupole and higher moments in
addition to its quadrupole moment. This pattern continues with other multipoles. Whats going on
here? If a monopole does not sit at the origin, does it acquire a dipole moment?

Q2.5 Discuss whether it makes sense to write the inertia tensor components (or any other two-
index tensor) as a column vector whose entries are row vectors:

Would it make sense to think of the array of Iij as forming a row vector whose entries are column
vectors, such as

Q2.6 In rectangular coordinates, the z-component of the angular mometum vector L may be written

or as

where p denotes the linear momentum. In other words, for ijk denoting the numerals 123 in cyclic

Can we think of angular momentum as a second-order tensor instead of a vector? Would your
conclusion hold for any cross product A B?

Q2.7 Why are the dot and cross products typically defined in rectangular coordinates? Do we lose
generality by doing this?

Q2.8 In nuclear physics, the interaction between the proton and neutron in the deuteron (the
nucleus of hydrogen-2) includes a so-called tensor interaction, proportional to

where Sn and Sp are the spin of the neutron and the proton respectively, and is the unit vector in the
radial direction of spherical coordinates. Why do you suppose this interaction is called the potential
corresponding to a tensor force? (See Roy and Nigam, pp. 72, 78.)

Q2.9 The inverse distance from the source point to field point r can be expanded, in
spherical coordinates, as a superposition of spherical harmonics Ylm(, ), where l = 0, 1, 2, 3,
and m = l, (l 1), , l 1, l (see any quantum mechanics or electrodynamics textbook for more
on the spherical harmonics). The spherical harmonics form an orthonormal basis on the surface of a
sphere; any function of latitude and longitude can be expressed as a superposition of them. A theorem
(see Jackson; the subscripts on Ylm are Jacksons notation) shows that

where r< is the lesser, and r> the greater, of |r| and , and means complex conjugate. With this, the
electrostatic potential may be written


denotes the multipole moment of order lm in spherical coordinates. J. D. Jackson remarks on the
relationship of the Cartesian multipole moments [such as our Qij ] to the spherical multipole moments.
The former are (l+1)(l+2)/2 in number and for l > 1 are more numerous than the (2l+1) spherical
components. There is no contradiction here. The root of the differences lies in the different rotational
transformation properties of the two types of multipole moments. He then refers the reader to one of
his exercises. What is going on here? (See Jackson, pp. 102, 136-140, and his Ex. 4.3 on p. 164.)

Q2.10 Multipole moments and components of the inertia tensor involve volume integrals over a
mass density, so that dm or dq = d3x. How do we handle these integrals when the mass or charge
distribution happens to be one or more distinct point sources? What about infinitesimally thin lines or
sheets? If you have not met it already, find out whatever you can about the Dirac delta function,
essentially the density of a point sourceit is a singular object, but its integral gives a finite result.

2.1 The Newtonian gravitational field g produced by a massive object is the negative gradient of a
potential , so that g = , where

G is Newtons gravitational constant, and is the objects mass density.

(a) Place the origin of the coordinate system at the objects center of mass, and perform a multipole
expansion at least through the quadrupole term.
(b) Show that the gravitational dipole moment vanishes with the objects center of mass located at the
(c) Show that the dipole moment vanishes even if the objects center of mass is displaced from the
origin. Thus, the first correction beyond a point mass appears in the quadrupole term.
(d) What is different about Coulombs law and Newtons law of universal gravitation that precludes a
Newtonian gravitational field from having a dipole moment?

2.2 Fill in the steps in the derivation of the electric quadrupole tensor in rectangular coordinates.

2.3 (a) Transform the electric quadrupole tensor from rectangular to spherical coordinates.
(b) Write the electrostatic potential in a multipole expansion using the law of cosines in spherical
coordinates to express the angle (see Appendix A) in terms of r and . Show that (see Griffiths, p.

where in terms of Legendre polynomials Pn(x) (see any electricity and magnetism or quantum text)

(no sum over n in the integral). Can we say that Qn is a tensor?

2.4 Calculate the inertia tensor for a solid cylinder of radius R, height h, uniform density, and mass
m. Use a rectangular or cylindrical system of coordinates, with the z axis passing through the
cylinders symmetry axis. Comment on what you find for the off-diagonal elements. With these same
axes, compare the diagonal elements to various moments of inertia for the cylinder as done in
Introductory Physics.

2.5 Two uniform line charges of length 2a, one carrying uniformly distributed charge q and the
other carrying charge q, cross each other in such a way that their endpoints lie at (a, 0, 0) and (0,
a, 0). Determine the electric potential (x, y, z) for field points |r| a, out through the quadrupole
term (adapted from Panofsky and Phillips, p. 27).

2.6 Compute the inertia and quadrupole tensors for two concentric charged rings of radii a and b,
with b > a, where each ring carries uniform densities of charge and mass. Let both rings have mass m,
but the inner ring carrry charge +q and the outer one carry charge q (adapted from Panofsky and
Phillips, p. 27).

2.7 When a charge distribution is symmetric about the z-axis, show that the quadrupole
contribution to the electrostatic potential simplifies to
where denotes the latitude angle measured from the +z-axis, , and the trace of the
quadrupole tensor, TrQ, is the sum of the diagonal elements, TrQ Q11 + Q22 + Q33 = Qii.

2.8 Consider a uniformly charged spherical shell of radius R which carries uniformly distributed
total charge q. Calculate the force exerted by the southern hemisphere on the northern hemisphere (see
Griffiths, p. 353).

2.9 Using xyz axes running along a cubes edges, with origin at the cubes corner, show that the
inertia tensor of a cube of mass m is

where a denotes the length of the cubes sides (see Marion and Thornton, p. 418).

2.10 Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for the cube whose inertia tensor is originally given by
the matrix representation of Ex. 2.9.

2.11 Another language for dealing with second-order tensors is found in dyads. Dyads are best
introduced with an example. Consider two vectors in three-dimensional Euclidean space,


Define their dyad, denoted AB, by distributive multiplication. This is not a dot product multiplication
(which gives a scalar), or a cross product multiplication (which gives a vector perpendicular to A
and B), but something else:

A dyad can be displayed as a matrix, which in our example is

(a) Does AB = BA?
A dyad starts making sense when it gets multiplied by a third vector with a scalar product. For
example, along comes the vector . C hooks onto the dyad, either from the left or
from the right, through dot product multiplication, where C AB means (C A)B. For instance, the
leading term in AB C is .
(b) Calculate AB C.
(c) Does C AB = AB C?
(d) Write the inertia tensor of Ex. 2.9 in dyad notation. How would the relation between angular
momentum and angular velocity be expressed in terms of dyads, when these two vectors are not
(e) Write the quadrupole tensor in dyad notation and in the Dirac notation (in the latter case, as we
did for ).
(f) Can AB C be defined?

2.12 A superposition of dyads is called a dyadic. (a) Write the completeness relation as a
dyadic, and (b) use it to express the synthesis/analysis relations for a vector.

2.13 (a) In the derivation of the electromagnetic stress tensor, show that

Eq. (1.116) may be useful.

(b) was said to be the divergence of the tensor Tij . Since we are used to thinking of the
divergence as operating on a vector, how can this claim be justified?

2.14 Suppose a fluid flows over a surface, such as air flowing over an airplane wing. The force
increment that the wing exerts on a patch of fluid surface of area dA may be written in terms of the
components of a hydrodynamic stress tensor Tij (e.g., see Acheson, pp. 26-27, 207):

where the normal unit vector is perpendicular to the surface element of area dA and points outward
from closed surfaces. The tangential component (shear) is due to viscosity; the normal component
is the pressure. A simple model of viscosity, a Newtonian fluid, models the viscous force as
proportional to the velocity gradient, so that
where denotes the coefficient of viscosity and vi a component of fluid velocity. When gravity is
taken into account, Newtons second law applied to a fluid element of mass dm = d3r (where is the
fluids density and d3r a volume element) becomes the Navier-Stokes equation, here in integral form
after summing over fluid elements,

where a fluid volume V is enclosed by surface S and gi denotes a component of the local gravitational
field. Write the stress tensor for a viscous fluid sliding down a plane inclined at the angle below the

2.15 Show that the electric susceptability tensor ij is symmetric. Background: Gausss law for the
electric field says

where is the density of electric charge due to all sources, which includes unbound free charges of
density f , and charges due to electric polarization for which p = P. Writing = f + p,
Gausss law becomes

where, for isotropic dielectrics, D o(1 + )E. The quantity 1 + is the dielectric constant . For
anisotropic dielectrics, the dielectric constant gets replaced with the dielectric tensor

where ij = ij + ij . The energy density stored in the electrostatic field (i.e., the work necessary to
separate the charges and create the fields) equals D E. Show from these considerations that ij = ji
and thus ij = ji (see Panofsky and Phillips, p. 99).

2.16 We have used extensively a simple orthogonal rotation about the z axis through the angle ,
with rotation matrix

Of course, most rotations are more complicated than this. With three-dimensional Cartesian systems,
a general rotation can be produced in a succession of three one-axis rotations (each
counterclockwise), as follows:
(1) Rotate the original xyz about its z-axis through the angle to generate the new coordinate axes xy
z (where z = z). Let this rotation matrix be denoted 1().
(2) Next, rotate the xyz system through the angle about its x axis to give the new system xyz,
described by the rotation matrix 2().
(3) Finally, rotate the xyz system through the angle about its z axis, described by rotation matrix
3(), to give the final set of axes XYZ.
The final result, which describes how the xyz system could get carried into the XYZ system with one
rotation matrix, is computed from

(a) Show the final result to be

The angles , , and are called Euler angles (see, e.g., Marion and Thornton, p. 440).
(b) Show that = 1.
(c) Show that, for infinitesimal rotation angles, any orthogonal transformation is approximated by the
identity matrix plus an antisymmetric matrix, to first order in angles.

2.17 From the perspective of molecular physics, here we examine a model that enables one to
calculate the electric susceptability tensor components ij . If you have encountered time-independent,
nondegenerate, stationary state perturbation theory in quantum mechanics, please read on (see
Merzbacher, p. 422).
Let N denote the number of molecules per volume, let E be an applied electric field, denote the
average molecular electric dipole moment as p, and define ij as a component of the molecular
polarizability tensor for one molecule, defined by pi = ij Ej . Thus Pi = Npi = N ij Ej . But, in
addition, Pi = oij Ej defines ij , so that . The conceptual difference between ij and ij is
that one speaks of the polarizability of the chloroprene molecule (microscopic), but the susceptability
of the synthetic rubber material neoprene (macroscopic).
Model the molecule as a 1-electron atom (or any atom with only one valence electron outside a
closed shell). The electron carries electric charge e. Let denote the electrons de Broglie wave
function. The probability that the electron will be found in volume element dV is dV = ||2dV,
where denotes complex conjugate. The molecular average electric dipole moment will be

Now turn on a small perturbing interaction U p E. The wave function adjusts from that of the
unperturbed atom, and the adjustment shows up as an additive correction to each of the quantized
stationary state wave functions, according to
where denotes the unperturbed stationary state wave functions for state n that has unperturbed
energy , and denotes its first-order correction caused by the perturbation. This correction,
according to perturbation theory, is computed by

where the matrix element

(a) Show that, to first order in the perturbation, the probability density is

(b) In our problem the perturbation is the interaction of the molecules dipole moment with the E
field, U = p E. Show that, in dyadic notation (recall Ex. 2.11),


The first term, p(0) n|(er)|n, denotes the unperturbed molecules original electric dipole
moment due to its own internal dynamics. The second term, p(1), denotes its dipole moment induced
by the presence of the applied E, for which pi(1) = ij Ej .
(c) Write the final expression for the susceptability tensor ij using this model. Is ij a product of
displacements that will transform as a second-order tensor?
Chapter 3

The Metric Tensor

3.1 The Distinction between Distance and Coordinate Displacement

The metric tensor is so central to our subject that it deserves a chapter of its own. Some authors call
it the fundamental tensor.
It all begins with displacement. Let us write the displacement vector dr, measured in units of
length, in three-dimensional Eucildean space, using three different coordinate systems (see Appendix
A). In rectangular coordinates,

in cylindrical coordinates,

and in spherical coordinates,

It will be noticed that a coordinate displacement is not always a distance. In rectangular

coordinates, |dx| equals a length, but in cylindrical coordinates, the differential d needs the radius
to produce the distance |d|. The metric tensor components gij , introduced in this chapter (note the
subscriptsstay tuned!), convert coordinate differentials into distance increments.
Displacements can be positive, negative, or zero, but displacements squared (assuming real
numbers) are nonnegative. In Euclidean space the infinitesimal distance squared between two points,
(ds)2 dr dr, respects the theorem of Pythagoras. Expressed in rectangular coordinates, the distance
between (x, y, z) and (x + dx, y + dy, z + dz) is given by the coordinate differentials themselves,
because they already measure length:

Let me pause for a moment: To reduce notational clutter coming from an avalanche of parentheses,
(dx)2 (for example) will be written dx2. Distinctions between the square of the differential, the
differential of the square, and superscripts on coordinate displacements (e.g., dx2 = dy) should be
clear from the context. When they are not, parentheses will be reinstated.
Back to work: The infinitesimal distance squared, expressed in cylindrical coordinates (, , z),
Here d and dz carry dimensions of length, but d denotes a dimensionless change in radians.
In spherical coordinates (r, , ) the infinitesimal length appears as

Here two of the three coordinate differentials, d and d, are not lengths, so r and r sin are required
to convert coordinate increments to distances.
Each of these expressions for the infinitesimal length squared, ds2, can be subsumed into a generic
expression by introducing the symmetric metric tensor with components gij (recall the summation

If all the g are nonnegative, the geometry of the space is said to be Riemannian, after Georg G.
B. Riemann (1826-1866), who will be a towering figure in our subject. If some of the g are
negative, the geometry is said to be pseudo-Riemannian. We shall have to deal with both Riemannian
and pseudo-Riemannian spaces.
In rectangular coordinates, dx1 = dx, dx2 = dy, dx3 = dz, and gij = ij (note that the Kronecker delta
is here a special instance of the metric tensor and therefore carries subscripts). In cylindrical
coordinates, dx1 = d, dx2 = d, dx3 = dz, with

In spherical coordinates, dx1 = dr, dx2 = d, dx3 = d, and

Euclidean spaces need not be confined to two or three dimensions. A four-dimensional Euclidean
space can be envisioned, and its logic is self-consistent. The distance squared between the points
with coordinates (x, y, z, w) and (x + dx, y + dy, z + dz, w + dw) is

where g = , represented with a 4 4 matrix. This is not far-fetched at all. For instance, for a
particle in motion, one could think of its position (x, y) and its momentum (px, py) not as two separate
vectors in two-dimensional space, but as one vector with the components (x1, x2, x3, x4) = (x, y, px,
py) in four-dimensional space. This so-called phase space gets heavy use in statistical mechanics.
As suggested above, geometries for which all the gij are 0, so that ds2 0, are called
Riemannian geometries. Spaces for which some of the gij may be negative, so that ds2 may be
positive, negative, or zero, are called pseudo-Riemannian spaces.
The proof that the gij are components of a second-order tensor will be postponed until later in this
chapter, after we have further discussed the reasons for the distinction between superscripts and
subscripts. Then we can be assured that the proof holds in pseudo-Rimennian as well as in
Riemannian geometries.

3.2 Relative Motion

Henceforth space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and
only a kind of union of the two will preserve an independent reality.
Hermann Minkowski (1908)

Coordinate transformations can include reference frames in relative motion, with time as a
coordinate. Transformations to a second reference frame that moves relative to the first one are called
boosts. The set of reference frames that have velocities but no accelerations relative to one another
are the inertial frames. Newtons first law is essentially the statement that, for physics to appear as
simple as possible, we should do physics in inertial frames. Of course, reality also happens in
accelerated frames, and physicists have to consider the relativity of accelerated frames, which
modifies F = ma. But for now let us consider only boosts between inertial frames.
For a vivid mental picture of two inertial frames, imagine the Lab Frame and a Coasting Rocket
Frame (see Taylor and Wheeler, Spacetime Physics). Observers in the Lab Frame mark events with
space and time coordinates (t, x, y, z), and Coasting Rocket observers use coordinates (t, x, y, z). In
the simplest scenario of their relative motion, observers in the Lab Frame see the Coasting Rocket
Frame moving with uniform velocity vr in their +x-direction. For simplicity let the x and x axes be
parallel, likewise the y and y, z and z axes. It is also assumed that, within each frame, a set of clocks
have been previously synchronized, and for the event where the origins of both frames instantaneously
coincide the clocks record t = 0 and t = 0. Let us call these circumstances a simple boost. We now
consider a simple boost in Newtonian relativity, followed by a simple boost in the special theory of
In Newtonian relativity, it is postulated (1) that the laws of mechanics are covariant between all
inertial frames, and (2) that length and time intervals between two events are separately invariant.
Newton made the latter assumptions explicit. In The Principia (1687) he wrote, Absolute, true, and
mathematical time, of itself, and from its own nature flows equably without regard to anything
external.. . . Absolute space, in its own nature, without regard to anything external, remains always
similar and immovable. (Motte translation).
An event that has time and space coordinates (t, x, y, z) in the Lab Frame has coordinates (t, x, y,
z) in the Coasting Rocket Frame. Under Newtonian assumptions, in a simple boost the two sets of
coordinates are related by the Galilean transformation:
Consequences of the Galilean transformation include the relativity of velocity. When a particle
moves parallel to the x-axis with velocity v = dx/dt in the Lab frame, its velocity along the x-axis in
the Rocket Frame is

Significantly, if that particle happens to be a beam of light moving with speed c through the Lab
Frame, then Newtonian relativity predicts that c c. Notice that since vr = const, it follows that a =
dv/dt = dv/dt = a, that is, acceleration is invariant among inertial frames (the very definition of
inertial frames).
In contrast, the special theory of relativity postulates that, among all inertial frames, (1) all the
laws of physicselectrodynamics as well as mechanicsare covariant, and (2) the speed of light in
vacuum is invariant. Einstein made these postulates explicit: Examples of this sortlead to the
conjecture that not only the phenomena of mechanics but also those of electrodynamics and optics
will be valid for all coordinate systems in which the equations of mechanics hold.. . . We shall raise
this conjectureto the status of a postulate and shall also introduce another postulate, which is only
seemingly incompatible with it, namely that light always propagates in empty space with a definite
velocity V that is independent of the state of motion of the emitting body (1905, Statchel translation).
As logical consequences of these two postulates, one derives the time dilation and length
contraction formulas, to find that t t and s s. In particular, if a clock in the Lab Frame
reads time interval t between two events that occur at the same place in the lab (e.g., the start and
end of class, measured by the classroom clock), then identical clocks staked out in the Coasting
Rocket Frame, moving with speed vr relative to the Lab Frame, measure time interval t for those
same two events (for this observer the start and end of class occur in different places, because this
observer sees the classroom zoom by). As shown in introductions to special relativity, the two times
are related by

and c denotes the speed of light in vacuum (Einsteins V). If the rocket has length L as measured by
someone aboard it, the rockets length L as it zooms by in the Lab Frame is

Although t t and L L, a kind of spacetime distance is invariant between the frames. For a
beam of light, the second postulate requires that c = ds/dt = ds/dt so that, for infinitesimal
displacements between events connected by the emission and reception of the same light signal,

The time dilation and length contraction results further illustrate that, for any pair of events, even
those not connected by the emission and reception of the same light signal, the so-called spacetime
interval is invariant:

even when it is not equal to zero. The invariance of the spacetime interval serves as an alternative
postulate for special relativity, equivalent to the postulate about the invariance of the speed of light.
In the reference frame where the two events occur at the same location (ds = 0 but dt 0), that
particular frames time interval is called the proper time between those events and dignified with
the notation d. Because this spacetime interval, and thus the numerical value of proper time, is a
scalar under boosts, observers in any inertial reference frame can deduce the value of proper time
from their metersticks and clocks, even if their frames clocks do not measure it directly, because of

If the two events whose time and space separations being measured are the emission and reception of
the same flash of light, then the proper time between those events equals zero (lightlike events);
they are separated by the equal amounts of time and space. If d2 > 0, then more time than space exists
between the two events (timelike events), which means that one event can causally influence the
other, because a signal traveling slower than light could connect them. If d2 < 0, then there is more
space than time between the events (spacelike events), so the events (distinct from the places)
cannot communicate or causally influence one another; not even light can go from one event to the
other fast enough.
No generality is lost by considering infinitesimally close events, because for events separated by
finite intervals we merely integrate along the path connecting events a and b:
For two coordinate systems related by a simple boost, the transformation that preserves the
invariance of the spacetime interval, and the invariance of the speed of light, is the simplest version
of a Lorentz transformation:

To make these expressions look cleaner, first move the cs around to write

Next, absorb c into t, so that henceforth t denotes time measured in meters (in other words, t now
denotes the quantity cT with T measured in seconds; thus, if T = 1 s, then t = 3 108m). Also, absorb
1/c into the velocities, so that speeds are now expressed as a dimensionless fraction of the speed of
light (so that v now means V/c, and if V = 1.5 108 m/s, then ). Now the simplest Lorentz
transformation from the Lab Frame coordinates (t, x, y, z) to the Coasting Rocket Frame coordinates (t
, x, y, z) takes the symmetric form

along with the identity transformations y = y and z = z. Notice that the limit vr 1 (or vr c in
conventional units), the Lorentz transformation reduces to the Galilean transformation.
As an aside, an especially elegant way to parameterize velocities arises by introducing the
rapidity r, defined as vr tanh r. For the transformations of Eqs. (3.24)(3.25) the Lorentz
transformation equations are analogous in appearance to those of a rotation of axes (but quite
different in meaning, featuring hyperbolic, not circular, trig functions):
The nonvanishing partial derivative transformation coefficients are

Returning to the main task at hand, I said all of that to say this: Consider two events that are nearby
in space and time, where the coordinate displacements between those two events are denoted dx0 =
dt, dx1 = dx, dx2 = dy, and dx3 = dz. A set of these four coordinate displacements forms a four-
component vector in spacetime, a so-called 4-vector,

The spacetime interval for the proper time squared between those two events can be written with a
metric tensor:


This particular metric tensor of Eq. (3.37), which uses Cartesian coordinates for the space sector,
will sometimes be denoted = when it needs to be distinguished from other metric tensors.
Whatever the coordinates, spacetimes for which

are called Minkowskian or flat spacetimes.

Let a proton emerge from a cyclotron in the Lab Frame. Its velocity in three-dimensional space, as
measured by metersticks and clocks within the Lab Frame, is the ratio dr/dt. This notion of what we
mean by velocity can be extended so that we speak of a velocity through four-dimensional spacetime.
Differentiate the four spacetime coordinates with respect to invariant proper time. Why with respect
to proper time? For any pair of events, the Lab Frame and all Coasting Rocket Frames agree on the
value of the proper time interval, whether or not each frames clocks measure it directly. Accordingly,
the protons velocity through spacetime (not merely through space), with four components u, is
defined according to

But x = x(t), requiring the chain rule:

where we recognize a component of ordinary velocity v = dx/dt in the Lab Frame. But what is
dt/d? From

we obtain

(Notice carefully the distinction between vr and r that apply to boosts between frames on the one
hand and, on the other hand, and v for the motion of a particle within a reference frame.)
These 4-velocity components can be gathered up into another spacetime 4-vector,

Notice that, upon dividing d2 = gdxdx by d,

Just as Newtonian momentum p = mv is a rescaled velocity, in a similar manner relativistic
momentum is defined as a rescaled velocity 4-vector,

whose components form a 4-vector,

The = 1, 2, 3 components of p are straightforward to interpret, because they reduce to the

components of Newtonian momentum mv in the limit of small velocities. The interpretation of p0
requires more examination. In a binomial expansion of , no terms linear in v occur, but we do find

or, in conventional units,

which contains the Newtonian kinetic energy to lowest order in velocity. Therefore, p0 can be
interpreted as a non-interacting particles energy E, kinetic plus mass, p0 = E = m = K + m. The
momentum 4-vector components can therefore be identified as

Since these are the components of vectors in spacetime, their square follows from the metric

which also follows by multiplying Eq. (3.42) by m2. In conventional units, E = mc2, p = mv, and

The (+) signature of the signs along the diagonal of the special relativity metric tensor
identifies Minkowski spacetime as a pseudo-Riemannian geometry. Some authors uses the opposite
signature ( + ++); it makes no fundamental difference because the crucial feature of special relativity
is that the time and the space sectors of the metric carry opposite signs. Whatever the signature, these
opposite signs illustrate the necessity for making a distinction that gives rise to the subscript and
superscript labels for tensor components, to which we now turn.
3.3 Upper and Lower Indices
In Chapter 2 we used only superscripts to label the components of vectors and other tensors. But
when confronted with the formal tensor definition at the outset, we asked, Why are some indices
written as superscripts and others as subscripts? If tensor calculus were done only in Euclidean
spaces, then the distinction between upper and lower indices would be unnecessary. However, in
some geometries, the scalar product does not always appear with plus signs exclusively in the sum.
We have just seen an example in the Minkowski spacetime of special relativity. When an inertial
reference frame measures the time dt and the displacement dr between two events, the time squared
minus space squared equals the proper time squared between the events, an invariant:

In the four dimensions of curved spacetime around a spherically symmetric, non-rotating,

uncharged star of mass M, general relativity teaches us that the spacetime interval gets modified from
the Minkowski metric into the Schwarzschild metric (here restoring explicit cs):


and G denotes Newtons gravitational constant. Around a Schwarzschild star the metric tensor
therefore takes the following form, when using spherical spatial coordinates, with the spatial origin
located at the stars center:

The variety of geometries confronts us with a choice: do we assign the scalar product one
definition for Euclidean spaces, a different one in the Minkowskian spacetime of Special Relativity,
and yet another definition around a Schwarzschild star? Should we introduce imaginary numbers so
the proper time squared in Minkowskian spacetime looks superficially like the four-dimensional
Euclidean metric of Eq. (3.10)? We could choose any of these ways, defining the scalar product with
the necessary signs and other factors, as needed, on a case-by-case basis. On the other hand, wouldnt
it be more elegantand robustto maintain a universal definition of the scalar product as a sum of
productsfor Riemannian and pseudo-Riemannian geometries alikeand let the metric tensor carry
the distinctive signs and other factors? That way the meaning of scalar product will be universal
among all geometries. The distinctions between the computation of their scalar products will be
carried in their metric tensors.
The founders of algebra faced a similar choice when articulating the logic of subtraction. Should
subtraction be made another operation distinct from addition, or should subtraction be defined in
terms of addition? The latter option requires the introduction of a new set of numbers, corresponding
one-on-one to the original ones: for every x there exists a x, with the property that x + (x) = 0.
Then y x formally means y + (x), and subtraction becomes a case of addition.
Similarly, we choose to double the set of vectors while maintaining the formal definition of the
scalar product as a sum of products. Whatever the geometry of a space or spacetime we might
encounter, vectors will carry indices that henceforth will come in one of two notations: one kind
carries upper indices such as p, and the other kind bears lower indices such as p. The index
stands for 1, 2, or 3 in three-dimensional space, and = 0, 1, 2, 3 in four-dimensional spacetime,
where = 0 denotes the time coordinate. In addition, from now on, in our convention of summing
over repeated indices, one of the paired indices must be a superscript, and the other must be a
subscript; indeed, in this chapter we have already started doing this with gdxdx.
Therefore, in any Riemannian or pseudo-Riemannian geoemtry, the scalar product, that defines the
invariant distance or the proper time squared (as the case may be), is written according to

where g = g.
What rule or convention determines which quantities carry upper indices and which carry lower
indices? We originally defined vectors in terms of displacements from point (or event) A to point (or
event) B. The displacement vector led to velocity, acceleration, momentum, angular momentum, force,
torque vectors, and so on. The components of displacement-derived vectors are denoted with
superscripts and will continue to be called vectors, because the coordinates themselves are
labeled with superscripts, x.
What are the vectors whose components carry subscripts? To see them in relation to the
superscripted displacement vector components, break gdxdx apart into (gdx)(dx) and consider
the piece (gdx). The gets summed out, leaving behind a displacement dx:

For instance, setting = 0, in the case of special relativity, and with rectangular coordinates for the
spatial sector, gives

with only dx0 = dx0 = dt left standing as the surviving term. However, for dx1 we see that dx1 = dx1
= dx, and similarly dx2 = dy and dx3 = dz. One says that the dxi are dual to the dxi. (In
Euclidean spaces, vectors and their duals are redundant; in special relativity the spatial components
of a vector and its dual differ by a sign.) Corresponding to the vector with components dx = (dt, dr),
in special relativity we now have its dual vector with its components, which are the dx = (dt, dr).
In our approach so far, the dx are defined by the coordinate system, whereas the dx are derived
with the help of the g.
In traditional terminology one speaks of contravariant vectors with components A and
covariant vectors with components A. It is fashionable today to call the A the components of
vectors (without the contravariant prefix) and the A the components of the dual vector or, in
other language, the components of a 1-form. In Section 3.5 we also relate the components of vectors
and their duals to the components of the familiar ordinary vectors. More about the dual vector and
1-form concepts will be presented in Chapters 7 and 8.
The invariant spacetime interval may be written, in Dirac bracket notation, as the scalar product of
the vector |dx and its dual, denoted dx|:

Similarly, the inner product of any vector and its dual can be written, in any Riemannian or pseudo-
Riemannian space, as

which is a scalar, as will be demonstrated.

So far downstairs-indexed dual vector components are constructed from the upstairs-indexed
vector components through the use of the metric tensor. But it would be more satisfying if a
mathematical object could be found or invented that would naturally be represented by one
downstairs index, without having to go through gA. Can such a quantity be conceptualized that, on
its own, could serve as the prototope for dual vectors, analogous to how displacement serves as the
prototype for upstairs-indexed vectors? We find what we seek in the gradient.
By its definition in Cartesian coordinates, where all the coordinates have units of length, the
gradient is a vector whose components i are the derivative of a scalar with respect to a
coordinate increment having the dimension of length:

The gradient so defined is said to be a vector, but one whose coordinate displacement appears in the
denominator instead of the numerator; hence, the index is a subscript. Accordingly, the
transformation rule for will be different from the rule for dx.
In rectangular coordinates, the coordinates xi have the dimensions of length, so differentiating with
respect to a length and differentiating with respect to a coordinate are the same. However, in other
systems some of the coordinates may be angles. For example, in cylindrical coordinates (, , z),
evaluating the derivative with respect to is not dividing by a length, so the component of the
gradient in cylindrical coordinates needs a length in the denominator, and we have seen that

This is not a definition, but rather a logical consquence of the definition of the familiar Euclidean
gradient as the derivative of with respect to distance.
Going beyond Euclidean spaces to generalized coordinates, let be a scalar function of the
coordinates, = (x). For the purposes of tensor calculus, when we evaluate the gradient of , we
take derivatives with respect to coordinates (which may or may not have dimensions of distance),
according to

As noted above, since the superscript on x in the gradient appears upstairs in the denominator as
/x, it is notationally consistent and elegant to write a component of the gradient of using a
subscript on the partial derivative symbol, or with a comma and subscript:

To help avoid confusion between commas that denote partial derivatives and commas that are for
ordinary punctuation, note that a comma denoting a derivative immediately precedes the subscript or
superscript that labels the coordinate with respect to which the partial derivative is evaluated.
Now consider a coordinate transformation from the x to the x, where each x is a function of all
the x. By the chain rule for partial derivatives we find

which states the rule for the transformation of the gradient. In subscript notation,

and in a comma notation,

Because the gradient carries lower indices and transforms inversely to a vector, the gradients
transformation rule serves as the prototype for the transformation of all dual vectors. Thus, if A
denotes a component of any dual vector, it transforms according to

As promised, we can now demonstrate that A|B is a scalar:

Notice in the argument a crucial point, which can be seen as a trivial identity,

and since x = x(x), this is also an instance of the chain rule:

As already noted, the metric tensor of Euclidean space, mapped with Cartesian coordinates, is
expressed by the identity matrix, gij = ij . In that geometry a vector with superscript components and
its dual with subscript components are redundant. That is why, in Euclidean spaces, there was no
need for the distinction between superscripts and subscripts. But making the distinction everywhere
from now on, for the sake of consistency, is good practice. Therefore, to smooth out discussions that
follow, we will use upper and lower indices in their places, even in Euclidean cases where such
distinctions are unnecessary. That is why we initially wrote the components of the inertia tensor in
rectangular Euclidean coordinates as
3.4 Converting between Vectors and Duals
We have seen how a component A of a dual vector can be constructed from its corresponding vector
component A via the metric tensor, A = gA. Of course, we need to be able to go the other way and
find the A should we be given the A. This requires the multiplicative inverse of the metric tensor. If
g denotes the matrix representation of the metric tensor, then its multiplicative inverse, g1, has the
property that gg1 = g1g = 1, where 1 denotes the identity matrix with Kronecker delta matrix
elements . Let us define the components of g1 using upper indices, so that g denotes the th
component of g1. Thus, component by component, the g are defined by the system of equations

Bearing both upper and lower indices, , which is numerically equal to and , offers our first
example of a mixed tensor, in this instance an order-2 tensor that has one contravariant and one
covariant index.
For an example of this inversion, suppose we are given this metric tensor in spacetime:

The system of equations implied in Eq. (3.68) yields a set of simultaneous equations to be solved for
the various components of the inverse metric tensor, and one obtains

where D AB+C2. (Notice that this ABC metric contains the Schwarzschild and Minkowskian
metrics as special cases.)
With g in hand, one readily converts between vectors and their duals. We already know, from the
way that dx was introduced from dx, that A = gA. Multiply this by g and then use Eq. (3.68),
from which it follows that

With the same procedures, indices for higher-order tensors can be similarly raised and lowered:
and so on.
Since a component of the gradient (derivative with respect to a superscripted coordinate) is

a gradient evaluated with respect to a subscripted coordinate can be defined and denoted

consistent with the raising and lowering operations with the metric tensor,

Specifically, in Minkowski spacetime, the original gradient is

and its dual works out to be

By extension of the transformation of the gradient, we can define the tensor transformation law for
tensors of higher order which carry lower-index components, such as

As anticipated above, it is possible to have mixed tensors with some indices upstairs and some
downstairs. Tensors with a superscripts and b subscripts are said to be of order a + b, whose
components transform like a product of a vector components and b dual vector components, such as
this order 3 = 1+2 tensor
In any Riemannian or pseudo-Riemannian space, we are now in a position to prove that the g
are, indeed, the components of a second-order tensor, by showing that g respects the appropriate
transformation rule. Let us begin with the fundamental principle that distances in space (for
geometry), or proper times in spacetime (for relativity), are invariant. Hence, for two coordinate
systems mapping out in the same space interval,

In terms of the respective coordinate systems and their metric tensors, this says

We already have the transformation rule for the displacements, and with them we can write Eq. (3.80)

Transposing, this becomes

This must hold whatever the displacement, which requires

the rule for the transformation of a second-order tensor from the primed to the unprimed frame.
When a tensor of order 2 is represented as a square matrix, the left index, whether a subscript or a
superscript, denotes the row r, and the right index denotes the column c for that components
location in the matrix:

Through the metric tensor g or its inverse g, these subscripts and superscripts can be raised and
lowered, like toggle switches, as we have seen:

With the possibility of raising or lowering the indices, it is good practice when writing tensor
components to prevent superscripts from standing directly above subscripts.

3.5 Contravariant, Covariant, and Ordinary Vectors

NOTICE: In this section the summation convention will be suspended. Repeated indices are not
summed unless the capital sigma is written explicitly. In addition, it will be convenient to use here
the terminology of contravariant (upper indices) and covariant (lower indices) vector
components (instead of vectors vs. dual vectors), wherein the word vector will be used in
three contexts for the purpose of comparison.

In this section we will clarify how contravariant and covariant vector components are related to
the components of the good old ordinary vectors we know from introductory physics. Where do
those ordinary vector components fit into the contravariant/covariant schema?
To be clear, by ordinary I mean the coefficients of unit basis vectors in rectangular, spherical, or
cylindrical coordinates in Euclidean space. These are the vector components familiar to us from our
encounters with them in mechanics and electrodynamics courses on topics where non-Euclidean
spaces were not an issue. In this chapter these ordinary vector components will be denoted . Its
subscript carries no covariant or contravariant significance; it is merely a label to identify the unit
vector for which it serves as a coefficient. For instance, means the coefficient of , and so on. In
rectangular Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z), ordinary vectors are written

in cylindrical coordinates (, , z),

and in spherical coordinates (r, , ),

The question now addressed is this: how are these ordinary components such as or or
related to the contravariant vector components A and to the covariant vector (or dual) components
In the familiar Euclidean coordinate systems, where dx denotes a coordinate differential (note the
preserved superscript, which still has its contravariant meaning because this is a coordinate
displacement) the line element
features only diagonal metric tensors with (+ + +) signatures. Thus, each element of the metric tensor
can be written as

with no sum over . Written out explicitly, such a line element takes the form

A coordinate displacement dx mayor may notbe a length; however, hdx (no sum) does denote
a length. For example, in spherical coordinates,

so that h1 = 1, h2 = r, and h3 = r sin . Since contravariant vector components are rescaled coordinate
displacements, the can be consistently related to contravariant vector components by identifying

(no sum over ). What reason justifies identifying this as the relation between the contravariant and
ordinary component of a vector? As with so much in this subject, it goes back to the scalar product.
If we want the familiar dot product definition made with ordinary vectors, , to give the same
number as the scalar product in generalized coordinates, then we require

which is guaranteed by the relation of Eq. (3.97).

With the contravariant components in hand, the covariant ones follow at once in the usual way,

which along with Eqs. (3.94) and (3.97) gives

(no sum).
These relationships are readily illustrated with spherical coordinates in Euclidean space, where
the coordinates (x1, x2, x3) mean (r, , ). The contravariant (or displacement-based vector)
components are related to the ordinary ones by

and the covariant (or gradient-modeled dual vector) components are connected to the ordinary ones
according to

As we have seen, the metric tensors reason for existence is to turn coordinate displacements into
distances, and in generalized coordinates it does so by generalizing the job done by the hs that
appear in Euclidean space mapped with various coordinate systems.

Covariant, Contravariant, and Ordinary Gradients

Let us pursue the relation between the contravariant/covariant gradients and one the one hand
and, on the other hand, the ordinary gradient . (No tilde is used on the ordinary gradient
because, in this book, means the ordinary gradient; some authors, such as Hobson, Efstathiou, and
Lasenby use this symbol to mean the covariant derivative that will be introduced later.) Given some
scalar function f(xk ) for k = 1, 2, 3, its ordinary gradient f is defined in rectangular coordinates
(x, y, z) according to derivatives with respect to lengths,

For instance, the electrostatic field E is related to the potential by E = , the (negative)
derivative with respect to a length, and not, in general, the derivative with respect to a coordinate,
i. The gradient defined as in Cartesian coordinates must then be transformed to other
coordinate grids. When some coordinate x does not carry units of length, the appropriate length is
obtained by application of the appropriate h. Thus, the relation between the ordinary gradient
(derivatives with respect to length, ) and the covariant gradient (derivatives with respect to
coordinates, ) is
with no sum over . For instance, the gradient components in spherical coordinates are


This builds the gradient vector in spherical coordinates:

Before we examine other derivatives, such as the divergence, the curl, and the Laplacian, and
discuss how they are understood in the context of tensors, we first need to examine the notion of
derivative more carefully. That forms the topic of the next chapter. But algebra comes before
calculus, so we first note some points of tensor algebra in the next section.

3.6 Tensor Algebra

Vector algebra operations of scalar multiplication, addition, inner products, and outer products also
apply to tensors of arbitrary order and upstairs/downstairs index character. Such algebraic operations
for making new tensors from old ones are perhaps best illustrated with examples.

Scalar multiplication: If b is a scalar, then bR is a tensor of the same order as R.

Addition: For tensor components of the same order and the same upstairs/downstairs index
composition, component-by-component addition can be defined, such as

Contraction, an inner product (e.g., A|B), reduces the number of indices by two, as in


An important special case occurs when all the indices of an even-order tensor are contracted,
resulting in a scalar:

Proving that such contractions result in scalars can be easily demonstrated; for instance,

Instances of contractions in special relativity include dxdx = d2 and pp = m2.

An outer product (e.g., |A B|) increases the order:

In ordinary vector calculus, we know that the gradient of a scalar yields a vector, and the
derivative of a vector with respect to a scalar yields another vector. In tensor calculus, in general,
does the gradient of a tensor of order N yield a tensor of order N + 1? Does the derivative of a tensor
of order N with respect to a scalar always produce another tensor of order N? These questions are
considered in the next chapter. There we run into trouble.

3.7 Tensor Densities Revisited

In Chapter 2 we introduced the inertia and electric quadrupole tensors. As tensors of order 2, their
components were proportional to products of two coordinates, which appeared in integrals over
distributions of mass or electric charge. For instance, the inertia tensor components are
We claimed that these components transform as a second-order tensor under a coordinate
transformation xi xi. But the mass increment dm can be written as the product of a mass density
and a volume element,

Therefore, as we asked in Section 2.9, shouldnt we determine the transformation behaviors of the
volume element dx1dx2dx3 and the density, before declaring the Iij to be components of a second-
order tensor? Similar questions should be asked about the electric quadrupole and octupole tensors
with their integration measure dq that would be written as a charge density times a volume element.
In those particular cases we got away without considering the transformation properties of d3x
because dm and dq are scalars. But those instances do not advance our understanding of the
transformation properties of densities and volume elements.
One approach proceeds case-by-case. For instance, in the context of special relativity, the relation
between a charge or mass density in the Lab Frame and its density in the Coasting Rocket Frame
follows from the invariance of charge. In the case of the simplest Lorentz transformation between
these two frames, the length contraction formula, Eq. (3.13), applies to the relative motion parallel to
the x and x axes. This, together with the experimental observation that charge is invariant, gives the
relativity of charge density:

and thus

The same conclusion holds for mass density.

Another approach would be to discuss the relativity of volumes and densities for Riemannian or
pseudo-Riemannian spaces in general. As a product of three displacements, the volume element in
three dimensions d3x is not a scalarwe might be tempted to suppose that, by itself, it forms a third-
order tensor. If mass and electric charge are scalars, then the density cannot be a scalar either,
because its product with d3x somehow results in a scalar, dm or dq. Hence the subject of tensor
To get a handle on the issue, let us examine the relativity of area in a coordinate transformation.
Then we can generalize its result to volumes.

Relativity of Area and the Jacobian

A well-known theorem shows that, under a coordinate transformation (x, y) (x, y), an area
transforms according to


Figure 3.1: The area and coordinates used to illustrate the relativity of area.

called the Jacobian of the x with respect to the x, is the determinant of the matrix made from the
transformation coefficients x/x.
To prove the theorem, suppose a closed curve C forms the boundary of an area A. Lay out this area
on a set of axes x and y, and also map the same area with another coordinate system x and y (See
Fig. 3.1).
Let us calculate area A using the xy axes. Suppose we find the points x = a and x = b where the
tangent lines to C are vertical. Let us call the curve above those points of tangency yu(x) (u for
upper) and the curve below yl(x) (l for lower). Therefore, the area A enclosed by C follows from
When calculating the same area using the xy axes, by the same reasoning we obtain

Suppose the xy axes are related to the xy axes by the transformation

When placed in A of Eq. (3.113), these transformations become



Now recall Stokess Theorem,

where S denotes the area bounded by closed path C, and denotes the unit vector normal to the patch
of area da, with the direction of given by a right-hand rule relative to the sense in which the circuit
of C is traversed. For our curve in the xy plane, Stokess Theorem gives

With this, the area A of Eq. (3.113) may be written

The Jacobian J of the transformation from (x, y) to (x, y) is by definition the determinant of the
transformation coefficients (the determinant of the of Chs. 1 and 2):


But, in addition,

Comparing the two expressions for A shows that

Had we computed the transformed volume element, we would have obtained

where J is the determinant of a 3 3 matrix of transformation coefficients (see Boas, p. 171).

The Jacobian can be related to the metric tensor g. As a second-order tensor with downstairs
indices, the g transform according to

Now take the determinant of both sides:

The determinant of g requires further comment. In pseudo-Riemannian geometries this determinant

can be negative. An immediate example arises in Minkowski spacetime with Cartesian spatial
coordinates, for which detg = 1. Therefore, by |g| we mean the absolute value of det g; see
Question 3.9.
The Jacobian as we introduced it above is the determinant of transformation coefficients from the
original unprimed to the new primed coordinates; that is, the Jacobian we called J is the determinant
of the coefficients , which we abbreviated as . The Jacobian for the reverse transformation
from the new back to the original coordinates has the form . Since the forward-and-reverse
transformations in succession yield an identity transformation, it follows that (see Ex. 3.12)

Therefore, Eq. (3.124) may be written

and thus

It will also be seen that, in terms of the Jacobian we called J, |g| = J2|g|, and hence

Now Eq. (3.121) may be written in terms of the metric tensor determinants as
In summary, the Jacobian may prevent an area from being a scalar, but makes an
invariant area. These results generalize to volumes in Riemannian and pseudo-Riemannian spaces of
n dimensions: the volume element transforms as

with J the determinant of an n n matrix. An invariant volume element of n dimensions is

To illustrate, in three-dimensional Euclidean space mapped by Cartesian xyz coordinates, |g| = 1

and the same space mapped with spherical coordinates has |g| = r2 sin . The product dxdydz is a
volume with dimensions of length cubed, but drdd is not a volume in space because not all the
coordinates have dimensions of length. However,

which agrees with a coordinate-by-coordinate change of variables from Cartesian to spherical

Putting these considerations such as dq = dq together with their relation to volume elements and
charge (or mass) densities, the ratio of volume elements is seen to be equivalent to other expressions:

These imply that the density, like the volume element, does not quite transform as a scalar; the factor
that keeps it from transforming as a scalar is a power of the Jacobian:

Conversely, as a consistency check, had we started with Eq. (3.133), the charge and mass could have
been shown to be scalars, thanks to the Jacobian:

and similarly for dm.

Any quantity Q that transforms as
is said to be a scalar density of weight W. The square root of the determinant of the metric tensor
(or the square root of its absolute value if detg < 0) is a scalar density of weight 1; the volume
element is a scalar density of weight +1, and a mass or electric charge density is a scalar density of
weight 1.

3.8 Discussion Questions and Exercises

Discussion Questions

Q3.1 Since the Earth spins on its axis and revolves around the Sun, and the solar system orbits the
Milky Way galactic center (not to mention galactic motions), do exactly inertial frames exist in the
real world? If not, how are they conceptually meaningful? Discuss whether the following procedure
is useful: To see experimentally if your reference frame is inertial, watch a particle on which
allegedly no net force acts. If the particles acceleration is consistent with zero to one part out of
100,000, |a| = (0.00000 0.00001)m/s2, how small would an overlooked nonzero force have to be so
that a 0.1 kg particle could be considered to be moving freely?

Q3.2 Explain how the kinetic energy of a particle can be a scalar in Newtonian relativity (under
the Galilean transformation), but not in special relativity (under the Lorentz transformation).

Q3.3 Why does g = g?

Q3.4 For dealing with the minus signs in the metric of Special Relativity,

we could replace distance ds with an imaginary number ids, to make the Minkowski spacetime
interval appear superficially Euclidean. Why isnt this the dominant practice in special relativity?
See Farewell to ict in Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler, p. 51. They mention ict instead of ids because
they discuss a Minkowski metric with the ( + ++) signature.

Q3.5 Suppose the numerical value of the Jacobian is J = 1 for some coordinate transformation.
Can we then say that volume element is a genuine scalar? In other words, does the conceptual
distinction between tensor and tensor density hold even if J = 1?

Q3.6 The physicist Paul Dirac once delivered a lecture titled Methods in Theoretical Physics,
which was presented in Trieste, Italy, and later published in the first of the Dirac Memorial Lectures
(1988). Dirac said,

As relativity was then understood, all relativistic theories had to be expressible in

tensor form. On this basis one could not do better than the Klein-Gordon theory [that
describes the evolution of the quantum state for integer-spin particles]. Most physicists
were content with the Klein-Gordon theory as the best possible relativistic theory for an
electron, but I was always dissatisfied with the discrepancy between it and general
principles, and continually worried over it until I found the solution.
Tensors are inadequate and one has to get away from them, introducing two-valued
quantities, now called spinors. Those people who were too familiar with tensors were not
fitted to get away from them and think up something more general, and I was able to do
so only because I was more attached to the general principles of quantum mechanics
than to tensors. One should always guard against getting too attached to one
particular line of thought.
The introduction of spinors provided a relativistic theory in agreement with the
general principles of quantum mechanics, and also accounted for the spin of the
electron, although this was not the original intention of the work. But then a new
problem appeared, that of negative energies.

- P. A. M. Dirac (in Salam, pp. 135-136)

What is Dirac talking about here? Find out whatever you can about these spinors, and what he
means about their being two-valued (see, e.g., Dirac, Principles of Quantum Mechanics; Feynman,
Leighton, and Sands; Aitchison and Hey; Bjorken and Drell; Cartan). I should mention that Dirac did
not throw tensors out; rather, he extended relativistic quantum theory to include these spinors as a new
family of objects, along with tensors. To manipulate the spin degrees of freedom described by the
spinors, Dirac introduced some hypercomplex numbers denoted and represented as 4 4
matrices. If is one of these spinors (represented as a 4-component column matrix with complex
number entries), then was a type of adjoint, and the Dirac equation (which offers an alternative to
the Klein-Gordon equation in relativistic quantum theory, but applies to spin- particles) was made of
bilinear covariants, which include scalars , vectors , and second-order tensors
(along with pseudoscalars, pseudovectors, and pseudotensors that change sign under spatial
inversions, relevant for describing beta decay). The Dirac equation still respects tensor general
covariance under a Lorentz transformation, to be consistent with special relativity. But the spinors
have a different transformation rule from tensors. By the way, Dirac resolved the negative energy
problem (viz., an electron at rest apparently had energy E = mc2) by reinterpreting the minus sign
to successfully predict the existence of antimatter.

Q3.7 When showing that

why didnt we just write

and let it go at that?

Q3.8 In a textbook on relativistic quantum mechanics in Minkowskian spacetime, J. J. Sakurai

writes, Note that we make no distinction between a covariant and a contravariant vector, nor do we
define the metric tensor g. These complications are absolutely unnecessary in the special theory of
relativity. (It is regrettable that many textbook writers do not emphasize this elementary point.)
(Sakurai, p. 6). Defend Sakurais position: How can these complications be made unnecessary in
special relativity? How would we define the scalar product of two 4-vectors without the metric
tensor? Under what circumstances is it advisable to introduce the complexities of the metric tensor,
and the covariant and contravariant vectors?

Q3.9 When taking the determinant of the metric tensor during the discussion of the Jacobian and
tensor densities, it was necessary to comment that for pseudo-Riemannian spaces (such as the
spacetime of special and general relativity), |g| was to be interpreted as the absolute value of the
determinant of the metric tensor. For example, in Minkowskian spacetime, detg = 1. Weinberg (p.
98) and Peacock (p. 13) define the determinant of the metric tensor, which they denote as g, according

Is this equivalent to our procedure of handling the determinant of the metric tensor?

Q3.10 Offer an argument that the electric charge is an invariant, without having to resort to a
Jacobian. Hint: outside of spacetime arguments, what else do we know about electric charge?


3.1 Find the g from the set of equations gg = for the Schwarzschild metric.

3.2 Derive the Galilean transformation, starting from the assumption that length and time intervals
are separately invariant. Suggestion: consider two specific events, as viewed from the Lab and
Coasting Rocket frames.

3.3 (a) Confirm that F = ma implies F = ma under the Galilean transformation.

(b) Confirm that dr/dt is a tensor of order 1 under a Galilean transformation.

3.4 Consider a simple transformation from the Lab Frame to the Coasting Rocket Frame subject to
the postulates of special relativity. Assume dt2dx2 = dt2 dx2 and that the transformation from the
(t, x) coordinates to the (t, x) coordinates is linear,

where A, B, C, and D are constants.

(a) Derive the simplest Lorentz transformation in terms of vr.
(b) Now reverse the logic and show that the simple Lorentz transformation, taken as given, ensures
the invariance of the spacetime interval.

3.5 If observers in the Lab Frame and other observers in the Coasting Rocket Frame watch the
same particle moving along their respective x- and x-directions, derive the relativity of velocity from
the simple Lorentz transformation. What do observers in the Coasting Rocket Frame predict for the
speed of light c in the Coasting Rocket Frame if the speed of light is c in the Lab Frame?

3.6 (a) Derive the simple Lorentz transformation for energy and momentum. (b) Derive from part
(a) the Doppler effect for light in vacuum, by using quantum expressions for photon energy and
momentum, E = h and p = h/, where h denotes Plancks constant, the frequency, and the
wavelength of a harmonic electromagnetic wave.

3.7 Derive an expression for the transformation of acceleration for a particle that moves through an
inertial reference frame, according to the space and time precepts of special relativity. That is, derive
in the simple Lorentz transformation an expression for a, where

3.8 Transform E and B to E and B (recall Sec. 1.8) in the case where the Lab Frame sees a static
infinite line of charge lying along the x axis, carrying uniform charge per length . Let the Coasting
Rocket Frame move with velocity vr parallel to the line of charge.

3.9 Suppose that at a particular point P in a particular four-dimensional coordinate system, the
metric tensor components have these numerical values:

Also consider the vectors that, at P, have the values A = (1, 0, 4, 2) and B = (1, 5, 0, 1). At P, find
numerical values for the quantities asked for in parts (a) through (g):
(a) the dual vector components A and B;
(b) the scalar product AB;
(c) g;
(d) From the dual vector results of part (a), compute the numerical values of the components of the
second-order tensor W = AB and W = AB;
(e) Calculate W;
(f) Evaluate W.
(g) Now consider another tensor evaluated at P,
Construct the new tensor components S = FW.

3.10 Gravitation is often visualized as the curvature of spacetime. Here we address the question
of What does that mean? In the Schwarzschild metric of Eq. (3.53), the r-coordinate is not the
radial distance from the origin; rather, it is defined as follows: Circumnavigate the origin on a
spherical shell centered on the origin. Measure the distance traveled in one orbit, the circumference
C. Then, by definition, the r-coordinate of that shell is assigned according to
r C/2.
(a) For two concentric spherical shells with r-coordinates r1 and r2 > r1, show that the distance
between them is given by the integral

and show that it does not equal r2 r1.

(b) Suppose r1 = 10 km and r2 = 11 km. What is the difference between the integral and r2 r1 when
GM/c2 = 1.477 km (the Sun)? When GM/c2 = 4 109 km (a black hole)? When GM/c2 = 0.44 cm (the
Earth)? This discrepancy between the definite integral and the distance between the two shells as
measured by extending a meterstick radially between them is one observable artifact of a curved
space. (See Taylor and Wheeler, Exploring Black Holes, Ch. 2.)

3.11 (a) Show by using the tensor transformation rules that AB is a vector, given that A is an
order-2 tensor and B is a dual vector.
(b) Show that AB is a dual vector.

3.12 In this chapter it was argued informally that

Show this rigorously. It may be advantageous to make use of the familiar result

3.13 (a) Show that an arbitrary order-2 tensor T may always be written in the form


Under what conditions might this be useful?

(b) Consider an antisymmetric tensor A = A and a symmetric tensor S = S. Show that AS
= 0.

3.14 Show that the Levi-Civita symbol ijk in three-dimensional Euclidean space is a tensor
density of order 1 (see Weinberg, Sec. 4.4).

3.15 In Section 3.5 it was demonstrated that the metric tensor is indeed a second-order tensor by
showing that

which is the rule for the transformation of a second-order tensor from the primed to the unprimed
frame. From this, or by starting from scratch, demonstrate that, in more conventional arrangement
going from unprimed to primed coordinates,

3.16 Consider the tranformation for a tensor density of weight W, such that

Would |g|W/2D be a tensor? Justify your answer.

3.17 Show that there is no inconsistency in special relativity, for a simple proper Lorentz
transformation, in the comparison between

3.18 Derive the relations between the k and k in three-dimensional Euclidean space, in (a)
rectangular and (b) spherical coordinates.
Chapter 4

Derivatives of Tensors

4.1 Signs of Trouble

So many physics definitions are expressed in terms of derivatives! The definitions of velocity and
acceleration spring to mind, as does force as the negative gradient of potential energy. So many
physics principles are written as differential equations! Newtons second law and Maxwells
equations are among familiar examples. If some definitions and fundamental equations must be
written as tensors to guarantee their general covariance under reference frame transformations, then
the derivative of a tensor had better be another tensor! The issues at stake can be illustrated with the
relativity of velocity and acceleration. Let us begin with the Newtonian relativity of orthogonal and
Galilean transformations.
In three-dimensional Euclidean space, a coordinate transforms according to

To derive the transformation of velocity, we must differentiate this with respect to time, a Newtonian
invariant. Noting that each new coordinate is a function of all the old coordinates, with the help of the
chain rule we write

where vk dxk /dt. The first term on the right-hand side is the condition for velocity to be a first-
order tensor. What are we to make of the second term that features the second derivative of a new
coordinate with respect to old ones? If it is nonzero, it will spoil the tensor transformation rule for
velocity to be a first-order tensor. In the orthogonal-Galilean transformation, the transformations
include expressions like x = x cos + y sin for the orthogonal case and x = x vrt for the Galilean
transformation. With fixed and fixed vr, the second derivatives all vanish, leaving
Therefore, under orthogonal-Galilean transformations, velocity is a first-order tensor. The order-1
tensor nature of acceleration and other vectors can be tested in a similar way.
So far, so good: at least in the Newtonian relativity of inertial frames, the derivative of a vector
with respect to an invariant is another vector. Does the same happy conclusion hold in the spacetime
transformations of special and general relativity? Whatever the transformation between coordinate
systems in spacetime, consider a coordinate velocity dx/d. Is this the component of an order-1
tensor, the way dxi/dt was under orthogonal-Galilean transformations? To answer that question, we
must investigate how dx/d behaves under a general spacetime transformation. Since coordinate
differentials transform according to

we must examine

The new coordinates are functions of the old ones, so by the product and chain rules for derivatives
we find that

The first term is expected if the coordinate velocity is an order-1 tensor. But the second term, if
nonzero, spoils the tensor transformation rule. That did not happen in the orthogonal-Galilean
transformation, nor does it happen in any Lorentz transformation (why?). But it might happen in more
general coordinate transformations.
What about the derivative of a vector component with respect to a coordinate, which arises in
divergences and curls? It is left as an exercise to show that

The first term on the right-hand side is that expected of a second-order tensor, but, again, the term
with second derivatives may keep T from being a tensor of order 2.
In all the examples considered so far, second derivatives of new coordinates with respect to the
old ones were encountered,
which, if nonzero, means that the derivative of a tensor is not another tensor, preventing the derivative
from being defined in coordinate-transcending, covariant language. This is serious for physics, whose
fundamental equations are differential equations. It makes one worry whether tensor calculus might
be a contradition of terms!
An analogy may offer a useful geometric interpretation. In ordinary vector calculus the vector v(t)
describing a particles velocity is tangent to the trajectory swept out by the position vector r(t). In
Euclidean geometries v and r live in the same space. But in a curved space this may not be so.
Visualize the surface of a sphere, a two-dimensional curved space mapped with the coordinates of
latitude and longitude. Two-dimensional inhabitants within the surface have no access to the third
dimension. However, the velocity vector for a moving particle, as we outsiders are privileged to
observe it from three-dimensional embedding space, is tangent to the spherical surface and points off
it. But to the inhabitants of the surface, for something to exist it must lie on the surface. The notion of a
tangent vector has no meaning for them other than locally, where a small patch of the spheres surface
cannot be distinguished from a Euclidean patch overlaid on it. If the globes surface residents want to
talk about velocity, they have to define it within the local Euclidean patch. Otherwise, for them the
concept of velocity as a derivative does not exist. Similarly, in our world we may find that the
derivative of a tensor is not always another tensor, suggesting that we could reside in some kind of
curved space.
Since curvature requires a second derivative to be nonzero, these disturbing second derivatives
that potentially spoil the transformation rules for tensors may be saying something about the curvature
of a space. This problem never arose in Euclidean spaces or in the Minkowskian spacetime of
special relativity, where the worrisome second derivatives all vanish. These spaces are said to be
flat (see Ex. 4.1). But these questions become serious issues in the broader context of Riemannian
and pseudo-Riemannian geometries, including important physics applications such as the general
theory of relativity.
Let us demonstate the difficulty with a well-known application. It introduces a nontensor, called
the affine connection, that holds the key to resolving the problem.

4.2 The Affine Connection

Suppose that, as an adventuresome spirit, you take up skydiving. You leap out of the airplane, and,
always the diligent physics student, you carry your trusty physics book with you. For the purposes of
this discussion, suppose air resistance may be neglected before your parachute opens. While you are
enjoying free fall, you let go of the physics book, and observe that it floats in front of you, as Galileo
said it would. If you construct a set of coordinates centered on you, the location of the book relative
to you could be described by a 4-vector with components X. In your locally inertial frame, relative
to you the book has zero acceleration,

Let us transform this equation to the ground-based reference frame (assumed to be inertial) that
uses coordinates x relative to which the book accelerates. The skydiver frame and ground frame
coordinates are related by some transformation
Since each X is a function of all the x, Eq. (4.8) says

Using the chain and product rules for derivatives, this becomes

To reveal the books acceleration relative to the ground frame by making stand alone, we need
to get rid of the coefficients, which we can readily do by making use of

To work this into our calculation, multiply Eq. (4.11) by , so that

Recognizing the , we obtain

where we have introduced the affine connection,

which contains the worrisome second derivative of old coordinates with respect to the new ones.
Under the typical circumstances (existence and continuity of the derivatives) where

it follows that the affine connection, whatever it means, is symmetric in its subscripted indices,
which we will always assume to be so (theories where this condition may not hold are said to have
torsion, but we wont need them).
Although the affine connection coefficients carry three indices, that does not guarantee them to be
the components of a third-order tensor. The definitive test comes with its transformation under a
change of coordinate system. This is an important question, and constructing the transformation for
is simple in concept but can be tedious in practice.
Before going there, however, let us do some physics and see how this transformed free-fall
equation compares to the Newtonian description of the same phenomenon. In so doing we might get a
feel for the roles played in physics by the affine connection and the metric tensor, in particular, how
they correspond, in some limit, to the Newtonian gravitational field.

4.3 The Newtonian Limit

We have seen that the equation describing a particle falling in a system of generalized coordinates, in
which there is gravitation (and no other influences), is


denotes a component of the particles 4-velocity in spacetime. This free-fall equation bears some
resemblence to a component of the free-fall equation that comes from F = ma when the only force is
gravity, the familiar Newtonian mg:

Comparing Eqs. (4.18) and (4.20), in both equations the first term is an acceleration, so evidently
the -term in Eq. (4.18) corresponds somehow to the gravitational field. Newtonian gravitation (as in
solar system dynamics) is weak compared to that found near neutron stars or black holes (you can
walk up a flight of stairs even though you are pulled downward by the entire Earth!). It is also
essentially static since it deals with objects whose velocities are small compared to the speed of
light. To connect Eq. (4.18) to Newtonian gravitation, we therefore take it to the weak-field, static
limit. Besides offering a physical interpretation of the in the context of gravitation, this
correspondence will also provide a boundary condition on a tensor theory of gravity.
In Minkowskian spacetime, the spacetime velocity components are

where = (1 v2)1/2. If our falling particle moves with nonrelativistic speeds v 1, then to first
order in v, 1 so that u0 = dt/d 1, and uk 0 for k = 1, 2, 3. Under these circumstances Eq.
(4.18) reduces to

In Section 4.6 it will be shown that the , in a given coordinate system, can be written in terms of
that systems metric tensor, in particular,

In that case,

In a static or semi-static field,

leaving . Furthermore, in a weak field we can write the metric tensor as the
flat-spacetime Minkowski metric tensor plus a small perturbation h,

where the components of are 0, +1, or 1. Now to first order in the h,

A static field eliminates the = 0 component, leaving from the spatial sector k = /xk . Thus, the
surviving superscript denotes a spatial coordinate of index k, for which

Eq. (4.22) has become a component of

Compare this to F = ma with F identified as mg. In terms of the Newtonian potential , where g =
, we see that
Since g00 = 00 + h00 = 1 + h00, the Newtonian-limit connection between one component of the metric
tensor and the nonrelativistic equations of free fall has been identified:

For a point mass m, in conventional units this becomes

4.4 Transformation of the Affine Connection

Is a tensor? To approach this question, consider two ground frames and compare their affine
connection coefficients to one other, each obtained by tracking the skydiver book acceleration. How
does the affine connection that relates the X to the x compare to the affine connection that connects
the X to some other coordinate system x? Let the ground frame 1 origin be located at the radar
screen of the airport control tower, and let the ground frame 2 origin be located at the base of the
town squares clock tower. We must transform Eq. (4.15) from the unprimed coordinates (control
tower origin) to the primed frame coordinates (town square origin) and see whether respects the
tensor transformation rule for a tensor of order 3.
In writing the affine connection in the town square frame, the x get replaced with x while
leaving the skydiver frame coordinates X alone. Denoting , we now examine the
transformation properties of

Since the x and the X are functions of the x, two applications of the chain rule give

Pull the derivative with respect to x through the square-bracketed terms, to obtain

Examine closely the first term on the right-hand side of this equation,
which can be regrouped as

and recognized to be

The second term in Eq. (4.35) contains

and can be regrouped as

The part between parentheses contains the Kronecker delta,

which leaves

Now when everything gets put back together, we find that the affine connection transforms
according to

The first term after the equals sign would be the end of the story if the affine connection coefficients
were the components of a third-order tensor with one upstairs and two downstairs indices. However,
the additional term (which looks like another affine connection relating the control tower and town
square frames), if not zero, prevents the affine connection from transforming as a tensor.
Fortunately, the term that spoils the affine connections third-order tensor candidacy contains a
second derivative similar to that which prevented the derivative of a tensor from being another tensor
(recall Section 4.1). This observation offers hope for salvaging the situation. Perhaps we can extend
what we mean by derivative and add to the usual derivative a -term, such that, when carrying out
the transformation, the offending terms contributed by the usual derivative and by the -term cancel
out. We will try it in the next section.
In the transformation of the affine connection, the last term in Eq. (4.43), the one that prevents
from being a tensor, is a second derivative of an old coordinate with respect to new ones, 2x/xx
. This term can alternatively be written as the second derivative of the new coordinates with respect
to the old ones, 2x/xx. To demonstrate this, begin with the identity

and differentiate it with respect to x:

Recognizing the second term as also appearing in Eq. (4.43), we can rewrite the transformation of the
affine connection an alternate way,

Incidentally, even though the affine connection coefficients are not the components of tensors, their
indices can be raised and lowered in the usual way, such as

That is why the superscript does not stand above the subscripts in .

4.5 The Covariant Derivative

In Section 4.1 we saw that the derivative of a vector is not necessarily another vector. Let us isolate
the anomalous term that prevents dx/d from transforming as a vector:

Similarly, the anomaly that prevents the derivative of a vector component with respect to a coordinate
from transforming as a second-order tensor can be isolated:
where we recall the notation T T, (a comma as derivative precedes the index, so that A,
means A/x whereas A, means an ordinary punctuation comma). From Section 4.4 we can also
isolate the factor that prevents the affine connection from being a third-order tensor:

In each of these cases, the offending term includes a second derivative of the new coordinates with
respect to the old ones. If the definition of what we mean by derivative was extended by adding to
the usual derivative a term that includes the affine connection, then hopefully the nontensor parts of
both might cancel out! By experimenting with the factors to be added, one finds that the following re-
defined derivatives transform as tensors. Called covariant derivatives, they are dignified with
several notations such as D or a semicolon, which will be introduced along with examples.
The covariant derivative of a vector component with respect to a scalar is

The covariant derivative of a vector component with respect to a coordinate is

The covariant derivative of a dual vector component is

This notation for expanding derivative into covariant derivative suggests an algorithm:
Replace d or with D or, as stated in another notation, Replace the comma with a semicolon.
Conceptually, if not precisely, D + term. In the comma-to-semicolon notation, T; T, +
term. (Some authors use to denote the covariant derivative, but in this book is the familiar
Euclidean gradient.)
Now if we return to our freely falling skydiver, in the skydiver frame the no acceleration
condition may be stated

where U = dX/d. To switch to the ground frame, replace the local X coordinates with the global x
coordinates, replace the local metric tensor with the global g, and replace the d derivative
with the covariant D derivative. Now the no acceleration condition gets rewritten as
Writing out what the covariant derivative means, we recognize the result (compare to Eq. (4.18):

The covariant derivatives are allegedly defined such that they transform as tensors, and that claim
must be demonstrated before we can put confidence in these definitions. Consider the covariant
derivative of a vector with respect to a scalar, which in the system of primed coordinates reads

When the primed quantities on the right hand-side of this equation are written in terms of
transformations from the unprimed ones, and some Kronecker deltas are recognized, one shows (Ex.
4.10) that

which is the tensor transformation rule for a vector. Similarly, one can show in a straightforward if
tedious manner (Ex. 4.11) that the covariant derivative of a vector with respect to a coordinate is a
second-order tensor, because

A few covariant derivatives of higher-order tensors are listed below:

One sees a pattern in the addition of + terms for derivatives of tensors with upstairs indices, and
terms for the derivatives of tensors bearing downstairs indices.

4.6 Relation of the Affine Connection to the Metric Tensor

In a transformation of coordinates, the affine connection coefficients bridge the two systems
according to
But when solving a problem, one typically works within a given coordinate system. It would be
advantageous if the could be computed from within a single coordinate system. This can be done.
Within a coordinate system that has metric tensor g, the affine connection coefficients will be shown
to be

Like most of the important points in this subject, the proof that the affine connection coefficients
can be calculated this way is messy to demonstrate. Since bridges the old and new coordinate
systems, start with the metric tensor transformed into new coordinates,

and evaluate its (non-covariant) derivative with respect to a new coordinate:

Now pull the derivative through, using the product and chain rules for derivatives. We confront a huge

Let us temporarily drop the primes and consider the permutations of the indices on g. This
presents us with two more terms, g and g. From these permutations construct the quantity

which is called the Christoffel symbol of the first kind. Multiply it by a component of the metric
tensor with upper indices and do a contraction, to define the Christoffel symbol of the second kind,

Now go back to Eq. (4.65), restore the primes, and, as suggested, rewrite it two more times with
permuted indices. Add two of the permutations and subtract the third one, and then contract with g,
which leads to

This is precisely the same transformation we saw for , Eq. (4.43)! Thus, the difference between
the affine connection and the Christoffel symbol respects the transformation rule for third-order
tensors, because the troublesome second derivative cancels:

Therefore, whatever the difference between the affine connection and Christoffel coefficients
happens to be, it will be the same in all frames that are connected by a family of allowed
transformations. In particular, in general relativity, we saw that the affine connection coefficients
correspond to the presence of a gravitational field, which vanishes in the local free-fall frame (see
Ex. 4.1). Also, in that free-fall frame, the metric tensor components are those of flat spacetime,
where all the vanish there as well. Thus, in the free-fall frame, and

by general covariance in all reference frames whose coordinates can be

derived from those of the free-fall system by a transformation. Thus, we can say, at least in the
spacetimes of general relativity, that

One admires the patience and persistence of the people who originally worked all of this out. See
Section 7.4 for an alternative introduction to the that relies on the properties of basis vectors.

4.7 Divergence, Curl, and Laplacian with Covariant Derivatives

Here we resume the discussion of Section 3.5 concerning the relation between ordinary vector
components on the one hand and contravariant and covariant vector components on the other hand. In
this section we apply this lens to derivatives built from the gradient, including the divergence, the
curl, and the Laplacian.
Let denote a unit basis vector, in Euclidean space, pointing in the direction of increasing
coordinate x. An ordinary vector takes the following generic form in rectangular, spherical, and
cylindrical coordinates in Euclidean space:
where the subscripts on the coefficients and have no covariant/contravariant meaning; they
are merely labels. The point of Section 3.5 was to discuss the relationship of the with
contravariant and covariant first-order tensor components. In these Euclidean coordinate systems, the
metric tensor took the diagonal form g = (h)2 (no sum). We determined that, for contravariant
first-order tensors (a.k.a. vectors),

and for the covariant order-1 tensors (a.k.a. dual vectors),

(no sum). In addition, and consistent with this, we saw that the components of the ordinary gradient
of a scalar function, f, are

(no sum), which makes explicit the distinction between the derivative with respect to a coordinate (to
give f, a first-order tensor) and the derivative with respect to a distance (that is, f).
However, in Riemannian and pseudo-Riemannian spaces, to be a tensor the extension of the
ordinary gradient must be not only written in terms of the but subsequently generalized to
covariant derivatives D as well. In this way the ordinary divergence gets replaced with

(restoring the summation convention). The contracted affine connection is, by Eq. (4.62),

In addition, with the result of Ex. 4.15, where one shows that

the covariant divergence may be neatly written

As one more simplification, by the product rule for derivatives one notices that
whereby the covariant divergence becomes the tidy expression

As a consistency check, the covariant divergence should reduce to the ordinary divergence when
the Riemannian space is good old Euclidean geometry mapped in spherical coordinates (x1, x2, x3) =
(r, , ), for which . Eq. (4.79) indeed yields the familiar result for the ordinary

where we have recalled (no sum).

Now let us extend the ordinary curl to the covariant derivative curl. The ordinary curl is
typically defined in rectangular coordinates, for which the ith component of reads

where ijk appear in cyclic order. In spherical coordinates,


A candidate extension of the curl, in the coordinate systems based on Eq. (4.80) (still Euclidean
space), would be to replace the ordinary curl component with C, to define a curl in generalized
coordinates according to
where are integer labels in cyclic order, and (no sum). Noting that, in spherical
coordinates, , h1 = 1, h2 = r, and h3 = r sin , in the instance of = 1 this would

Similarly, after considering = 2 and = 3, we establish the relation between components of the
ordinary curl and the curl made from covariant vector components,

(no sum).
Now we can go beyond Euclidean spaces and inquire about a covariant derivative curl by
adding to the partial derivatives the corresponding affine connection terms. Extend Eq. (4.85) to a
candidate covariant derivative curl

Because = , the affine connection terms cancel out,

leaving Eq. (4.85) as the correct curl with covariant derivatives. However, this looks strange, since
C on the left-hand side of Eq. (4.85) appears notationally like a tensor of order 1, whereas A
A on the right-hand side is a second-order tensor. Sometimes it is convenient to use one index
and a supplementary note about cyclic order; in other situations it will be more convenient to rename
the left-hand side of Eq. (4.85) according to

which will serve as our tensor definition of the curl, an order-2 tensor. Notice that the covariant curl,
like the ordinary curl, is antisymmetric, C = C.
By similar reasoning, the Laplacian made of covariant derivatives can be defined by starting with
the definition of the ordinary one as the divergence of a gradient,
which inspires the tensor version

in which the usual derivatives are next replaced with covariant derivatives, DD. From this it
follows that

which is consistent with Eq. (4.79).

4.8 Discussion Questions and Exercises

Discussion Questions

Q4.1 In thermodynamics, the change in internal energy U is related to the heat Q put into the
system and the work W done by the system, according to U = Q W, the first law of
thermodynamics. For any thermodynamic process, Q and W are path dependent in the space of
thermodynamic variables, but U is path independent. Describe how this situation offers an analogy
to tensor calculus, where a derivative plus an affine connection term yields a tensor, even though the
derivative and the affine connection are not separately tensors.

Q4.2 In the context of general relativity, the affine connection coefficients correspond to the
presence of a gravitational field. How can this correspondence be justified?


4.1 Show that

for a Lorentz transformation between Minkowskian coordinate systems.

4.2 (a) Show that the covariant derivative of the metric tensor vanishes, g; = 0. Hint: consider
interchanging summed dummy indices.
(b) Show also that g; = 0.

4.3 In spacetime mapped with coordinates x0 = t, x1 = r, x2 = , and x3 = , consider a metric

tensor of the form (see Ohanian, p. 229)

(a) Show that the nonzero affine connection coefficients are

where the primes denote the derivative with respect to r (for a shorter version of this problem, do the
first three coefficients).
(b) What do these affine connection coefficients become in Minkowskian spacetime?

4.4 In the same coordinate system as Ex. 4.3, consider the time-dependent, off-diagonal metric
tensor with parameters A(t, r), B(t, r), and C(t, r),

(a) Construct g.
(b) Let primes denote the partial derivative with respect to r, and overdots the partial derivative with
respect to t. With D AB + C2, show that the nonzero affine connection coefficients are

Confirm that these results agree with those of Ex. 4.3 in the appropriate limiting case. For a shorter
version of this problem, carry out this program for the first three affine connection coefficients.

4.5 Show that not all the affine connection coefficients vanish in Euclidean space in spherical
coordinates. Thus, vanishing of the affine connection is not a criterion for a space to be flat. If you
worked Ex. 4.3 or Ex. 4.4, you can answer this question as a special case of those.
4.6 Propose the covariant derivative of A with respect to a scalar , and verify that the result
transforms as the appropriate first-order tensor.

4.7 Does = 0 in a free-fall frame?

4.8 Show that Eq. (4.46) can also be derived by rewriting Eq. (4.43) for the reverse
transformation x x and then solving for .

4.9 Show that

4.10 Show that DA/D transforms as a tensor of order 1.

4.11 Show that A; transforms as a mixed tensor of order 2.

4.12 (a) If you are familiar with the calculus of variations, show that, in an arbitrary Riemannian
geometry, the free-fall equation

is the Euler-Lagrange equation that emerges from requiring the proper time between two events a and
b to be a maximum. In other words, require the functional

to be an extremal, with the Lagrangian

and where u = dx/d. This Lagrangian depends on the coordinates when the metric tensor does. The
trajectory given by this result is called a geodesic, the longest proper time between two fixed
events in spacetime.
(b) A similar result holds in geometry, where the free-fall equation becomes the equation of a
geodesic, the path of shortest distance on a surface or within a space between two points, if d gets
replaced with path length ds. Show that a geodesic on the xy Euclidean plane is a straight line.
(c) Show that a geodesic on a spherical surface is a great circle (the intersection of a plane and a
sphere, such that the plane passes through the spheres center).

4.13 In the equation of the geodesic of Ex. 4.12, show that if is replaced with w = + , where
and are constants, then the equation of the geodesic is satisfied with w as the independent
variable. A parameter such as or w is called an affine parameter. Only linear transformations on
the independent variable will preserve the equation of the geodesic; in other words, the geodesic
equation is invariant only under an affine transformation.

4.14 In special and general relativity, which employ pseudo-Riemannian geometries, this notion of
geodesic means that, for free-fall between two events, the proper time is a maximum (see Ex. 4.12), a
Fermats principle for free fall. Show that, in the Newtonian limit, the condition d = max. reduces
to the functional of Hamiltons principle in classical mechanics, (K U)dt = min., where K U
denotes the kinetic minus potential energy.

4.15 Show that

Notice that and that Trg = (gg). Note also that for any matrix M,
Tr[M1M] = ln |M|, where |M| is the determinant of M. See Weinberg, pp. 106-107 for further

4.16 Fill in the steps for the derivation of the Laplacian made with covariant derivatives, Eq.
Chapter 5


5.1 What Is Curvature?

In calculus we learned that for a function y = f(x), dy/dx measures the slope of the tangent line, and
d2y/dx2 tells about curvature. For instance, if the second derivative is positive at x, then the curve
there opens upward. More quantitatively, as demonstrated in Ex. 5.3, the local curvature (viz., the
inverse radius of the osculating circle, where the Latin osculari means to kiss) of y = f(x) is

An obvious test case would be a circle of radius R centered on the origin, for which
. From Eq. (5.1) it follows that , as expected.
A curve is a one-dimensional space according to a point sliding along it. But to measure the
curvature at a point on y = f(x) through the method used to derive , the curve had to be embedded in
the two-dimensional xy plane. Similarly, the curvature of the surface of a globe or a saddle is easily
seen when observed from the perspective of three-dimensional space. Pronouncements on the
curvature of a space of n dimensions, which depend on the space being embedded in a space of n + 1
dimensions, are called extrinsic measures of curvature.
To a little flat bug whose entire world consists of the surface of the globe or saddle, who has no
access to the third dimension off the surface, any local patch of area in its immediate vicinity appears
flat and could be mapped with a local Euclidean xy coordinate system. How would our bug discover
that its world is not globally Euclidean? Since our dimuntitive friend cannot step off the surface, it
must make measurements within the space itself. Such internal measures of the curvature of a space
are said to be intrinsic, probing the inner properties of the space.
For example, our bug could stake out three locations and connect them with survey lines that cover
the shortest distance on the surface between each pair of points. Such shortest distance trajectories
are called geodesics (recall Ex. 4.12). Once the goedesics are surveyed, our bug measures the sum of
the interior angles of the triangle. If the space is flat across the area outlined by the three points, these
interior angles add up to 180 degrees. If the sum of the interior angles is greater than 180 degrees, the
surface has positive curvature (e.g., the surface of the globe). If the sum of interior angles is less than
180 degrees, the surface has negative curvature, like a hyperbolic surface.
The bug could also mark out two lines that are locally parallel. If the space is everywhere flat,
those parallel lines will never meet, as Euclids fifth postulate asserts. If the locally parallel lines are
found to intersect, although each one follows a geodesic, the geometry is spherical (on a globe,
longitudinal lines are parallel as they cross the equator, but meet at the poles). If the geodesics
diverge, then the geometry is hyperbolic.
Suppose the three-dimensional universe that birds and galaxies fly through is actually the surface
of a sphere in a four-dimensional Euclidean space (this was Albert Einsteins first stab at
cosmological applications of general relativity, which he published in 1917, and started a
conversation that led over the next decade, through the work of others, to big bang cosmology).
Spacetime would then have five dimensions. But we have no access to that fourth spatial dimension.
Even if it exists, we are not able to travel into it, and would find ourselves, in three dimensions, in the
same predicament as the bugs in their two-dimensional surface. From within a space, the geometry
can only be probed intrinsically.
To illustrate why intrinsic measures of curvature are more fundamental than extrinsic
measurements, take a sheet of paper, manifestly a plane. Draw parallel lines on it; draw a triangle and
measure the interior angles; measure the distance on the paper between any two points. Then roll the
paper into a cylinder. The angles and distances are unchanged, and lines that were parallel on the flat
sheet are still parallel on the cylindrical roll. The intrinsic geometry is the same in the cylinder as in
the Euclidean plane. What has changed is the topology: Our bug can walk around the cylinder, never
change direction, and return to the starting place.
Topology is important, but for physical measurements we need distances; we need the space to be
a metric space. The metric on the flat sheet and that on the cylinder are the same; the distance
between any two dots as measured on the paper itself is unchanged by rolling the plane into a
cylinder. The cylinder is as flat as the plane in the sense that the Pythagorean theorem holds on both
when the surfaces inner properties are surveyed. In contrast, no single sheet of paper can accurately
map the entirety of the Earths surface; something always gets distorted.
Another example occurs in the Schwarzschild metric of Eq. (3.53), which describes the spacetime
around a star. The r-coordinate is not the radial distance from the origin; rather, it is defined as the
circumference, divided by 2, of a spherical shell centered on the origin. Ex. 3.10 described how, for
two concentric spherical shells with r-coordinates r1 and r2 > r1, the distance between them is given,
not by as would be the case in flat Euclidean space, but instead by

Measuring the radial distance with a meterstick, and getting something different from r2 r1, offers a
tipoff that geometry around the star is curved.
Another intrinsic way to determine whether a space is curved comes from the notion of parallel
transport of a vector. To move the Euclidean vector A from point P to point Q, some path C is
chosen that connects P to Q. Suppose that points on the path from P to Q along contour C are
distinguished by a parameter s, such as the distance from P. Let A label the components of A.
Transport A from s to s + ds. For A to be parallel-transported, we require, as the definition of
parallel transport, that its components remain the same at any infinitesimal step in the transport along

which holds locally since any space is locally flat. If the space is globally flat, then Eq. (5.3) holds
everywhere along any closed path C, and thus for every component of A,

Try it with a closed contour sketched on a sheet of paper. Draw any vector A whose tail begins at
any point on C. At an infinitesimally nearby point on C, draw a new vector having the same magnitude
as A, and keep the new vector parallel to its predecessor. Continue this process all the way around
the closed path. The final vector coincides with the initial one, and thus the closed path line integral
vanishes. In three-dimensional Euclidean space any vector A can be parallel-transported through
space, along any contour, while keeping its direction and magnitude constant.
Now try the same procedure on the surface of a sphere. Examine a globe representing the Earth.
Start at a point on the equator, say, where the Pacific Ocean meets the west coast of South America,
on the coast of Ecuador. Let your pencil represent a vector. Point your pencil-vector due east, parallel
to the equator. Slide the vector north along the line of constant longitude. At each incremental step on
the journey keep the new vector parallel to its infinitesimally nearby predecessor. Your trajectory
passes near Havana, New York City, Prince Charles Island in the North Hudson Bay, and on to the
North Pole. As you arrive at the North Pole, note the direction in which your vector points. Now
move along a line of another longitude, such as the longitude of 0 degrees that passes through
Greenwich, England. As you leave the North Pole, keep each infinitesimally translated vector as
parallel as you can to the one preceding it. This trajectory passes through Greenwich, goes near
Madrid and across western Africa, arriving at the equator south of Ghana. Keeping your vector
parallel to the one immediately preceding it, slide it west along the equator until you return to the
Pacific beach at Ecuador.
Notice what has happened: the initial vector pointed due east, but upon returning to the starting
place the final vector points southeast! Therefore, the difference between the inital and final vectors
is not zero, and the line integral does not vanish: the hallmark of a curved space. We take it as an
operational definition to say that a space is curved if and only if

for any closed path C in the space and for arbitrary A.

This definition does not tell us what happens to be, should it not equal zero. Ah, but our
subject is tensors, so when using Eq. (5.6) as a criterion for curved space, we should take into
account the covariant derivative. Perhaps it will tell us what the closed path line integral happens to
be when it does not vanish. Since the covariant derivative algorithm has D = + term, the
affine connection coefficients may have something to say about this.
Because curvature is related to the second derivative, and the derivatives of tensors must be
covariant derivatives, in Section 5.2 we consider second covariant derivatives. In Section 5.3 we
return to the closed path integral Eq. (5.6), informed by covariant derivatives, and find how it is
related to second covariant derivatives and curvature.

5.2 The Riemann Tensor

Since the differential equations of physics are frequently of second order, with some curiosity we
must see what arises in second covariant derivatives. That forms the subject of this section. In the
next section we will see what this has to do with curvature.
The covariant first derivative of a vector component with respect to a coordinate, it will be
recalled, is defined according to

which makes DA a second-order tensor. Consider the second covariant derivative,

. By the rules of evaluating the covariant derivative of a second-
order tensor, we have

Recall from calculus that when evaluating the second derivative of a function of two independent
variables, = (x, y), the order of differentiation will not matter,

provided that both of the second derivatives exist and are continuous at the point evaluated. In other
words, for non-pathological functions the commutator of the derivatives vanishes, where the
commutator [A, B] of two quantities A and B means

In terms of commutators, Eq. (5.8) may be written

Does so simple a conclusion hold for second covariant derivatives? Let us see.
First, reverse the order of taking the covariant derivatives, by switching and in (DA); to
Now comes the test. Evaluate the difference between these second derivative orderings. Invoking the
symmetry of the affine connection symbols, = , we find


This complicated combination of derivatives and products of affine connection coefficients denoted
R constitute the components of the Riemann tensor. As you may show (if you have great
patience), the Riemann tensor respects the transformation rule for a fourth-order tensor because the
parts of the affine connection transformation which spoil the tensor character cancel out.
With its four indices, in three-dimensional space the Riemann tensor has 34 = 81 components. In
four-dimensional spacetime it carries 44 = 256 components. However, symmetries exist that reduce
the number of independent components. For instance, of the 256 components in 4-dimensional
spacetime, only 20 are independent. The symmetries are conveniently displayed by shifting all the
indices downstairs with the assistance of the metric tensor,

The Riemann tensor is antisymmetric under the exchange of its first two indices,

and under the exchange of its last two indices,

It is symmetric when swapping the first pair of indices with the last pair of indices:

The Riemann tensor also respects a cyclic property among its last three components,

and the differential Bianchi identities that keep the first two indices intact but permute the others:

When two of the Riemann tensor indices are contracted, the second-order tensor that results is
called the Ricci tensor R,
which is symmetric,

Raising one of the indices on the Ricci tensor presents it in mixed form, R = gR, which can
be contracted into the Riemann scalar R,

The Ricci tensor and the scalar R offer up another form of Bianchi identity,

In a schematic cartoon equation that overlooks subscripts and superscripts and permutations,
since gg, we can say that the Riemann tensor components have the structure

Although the Riemann tensor is quadratic in the first derivatives of metric tensor coefficients, it is the
only tensor linear in the second derivative of the metric tensor, as will be demonstrated in Section
5.4. This feature makes the Riemann tensor important for applications, as we shall see.

5.3 Measuring Curvature

Now we return to the criterion for a space to be curvedthe nonvanishing of the closed path integral
for every closed path C. If the integral is not zero, what is it? The answer to that question
should give some measure of curvature.
This closed path line integral criterion began from the observation that, for a vector undergoing
parallel transport from one point on C to another point on C infinitesimally close by, with s a
parameter along C,

As the component of a vector field, A depends on the coordinates, so that by the chain rule,

But for this to be a tensor equation, the covariant derivative must be taken into account. Therefore, the
tensor equation of parallel transport says

Writing out the covariant derivative gives

Notice that if A = u, then Eq. (5.26) is the equation of a geodesic (recall Ex. 4.12). Thus, an
alternative definition of parallel transport says that a tangent vector undergoing parallel transport
follows a geodesic.
Now the condition for parallel transport, Eq. (5.23), generalized to the covariant derivative, may
be written

We could try to integrate this at once and confront

By the criterion for a space to be curved, , the integral on the right-hand side of Eq.
(5.28) would not vanish. However, the right-hand side of Eq. (5.28) is more complicated than
necessary for addressing our problem. Return to Eq. (5.26) and again invoke the chain rule. Eq.
(5.26) becomes

From Eq. (5.29), the rate of change of a vector component with respect to a coordinate, when
undergoing parallel transport, satisfies the equation
Given initial conditions, one can find the effect on the vector component, when moving from point P
to point Q, by integrating Eq. (5.30),

where I have put parentheses around to remind us that, in this integral, we do not sum over the index
Now return to the working definition of curvature: making points Q and P the same point after
traversing some closed path, we can say that if any closed path C exists for which

then the space is said to be curved.

Eq. (5.32) also tells us what the line integral of dA around a closed path actually is, when it does
not equal zero. For that purpose, please refer to Fig. 5.1. The figure shows a contour made of four
different sections, from point 1 to point 2, then from point 2 to point 3. From there we go to point 4,
and then from point 4 back to point 1. Each segment follows either a contour of constant x1, at x1 = a
or a + a; or constant x2 = b or b + b. Let I, J, K, and L denote the line integrals to be computed
according to Eq. (5.32). Traversing the closed path one section at a time, we write each segment of
the closed path integral using Eq. (5.31),

where the minus signs are used with K and L because the line integrals will be evaluated from a to a
+ a and from b to b + b, but those segments of the contour are traversed in the opposite directions.
For the entire contour, these four segments combine to give
Figure 5.1: The closed path used in evaluating . The surface bounded by an arbitrary
contour C can be tiled with an array of such infinitesimal contours that the only contributions that
do not automatically cancel out come from the perimeter.

By virtue of Eq. (5.31), the line integrals for each segment are

Putting in these expressions for the line integrals, we find

Evaluating the derivatives of products and with the help of Eq. (5.30) and some relabeling of
repeated indices, this becomes

Since the labels x1 and x2 are arbitrary, we can replace them with x and x, respectively, and obtain
at last

where the (, ) notation on the integral reminds us that the integral is evaluated along segments of
fixed x or x . The quantity in the square brackets will be recognized from Section 5.2 as a component
of the Riemann tensor,

In terms of the Riemann tensor, our contour integral has become

For arbitrary ab and arbitrary A, the closed path integral shows zero curvature if and only if all
the components of the Riemann tensor vanish. Thus, the R are justfiably called the components of
the Riemann curvature tensor. We study its uniqueness in the next section.

5.4 Linearity in the Second Derivative

Albert Einstein constructed general relativity by applying the principle of general covariance to
Poissons equation, whose solution gives the Newtonian gravitational potential. Poissons equation
happens to be linear in the second derivative of the potential, and from the Newtonian limit of the
free-fall (or geodesic) equation, the g00 component of the metric tensor yields the Newtonian
gravitational potential (recall g00 1 + 2 in Section 4.3). To make general relativity no more
complicated than necessary, Einstein hypothesized that his field equations should also be linear in the
second derivative of the metric tensor. Since the Riemann tensor offers the only tensor linear in the
second derivative of g, Einstein turned to it. This claim of linearity can be demonstrated. We
proceed by constructing a tensor that is linear in the second derivative of the metric tensor, and show
that it equals the Riemann tensor. Let us proceed in six steps.
First, begin with the alternative transformation of the affine connection, Eq. (4.46),

Because of an avalanche of partial derivatives that will soon be upon us, let us introduce in this
section the shorthand abbreviations


Second derivatives can be denoted

For the third derivatives a four-index symbol could be defined along the same lines, but the
third derivatives will be conspicuous in what follows. In this notation, the transformation just cited
for the affine connection reads

Second, because the Riemann curvature tensor features first derivatives of the affine connection
coefficients, we must consider their transformation. Upon differentiating Eq. (5.45),
where the chain rule was used in the last term.
Third, evaluate this expression at an event P for which all the second derivatives of primed
coordinates with respect to the unprimed coordinates vanish,

which means (because of the original definition of the affine connection coefficients) that

The set of such points P is not the null set: in the gravitational context, such an event P occurs in a
locally inertial free-float frame, and in a geometry context, locally the space can be taken to be
Evaluated in a local patch of spacetime near event P, in our long expression for /dx above,
the first and third terms vanish, leaving

With the assistance of the chain rule, the first term on the right-hand side can be rewritten in terms of
the derivative of the -coefficient with respect to an x-coordinate rather than with respect to an x-

Fourth, we note that = . Define the quantity

which coinicides with the first two terms of the Riemann curvature tensor, the terms that are linear in
the second derivative of the metric tensor. With the aid of Eq. (5.49), the transformation behavior of
T can be investigated:
In the fourth term, interchange the and , which can be done since they are summed out. Then the
second and fourth terms (the terms with the third derivatives) are seen to cancel. To group the
surviving first and third terms usefully, the coefficients can be factored out if, in the third term,
and are interchanged, leaving us with

which is the transformation rule for a fourth-order tensor. Thus, T is a tensor.

Fifth, we notice, in the frame and at the event P where



By the principle of general covariance,

in all coordinate systems that can be connected by transformations for which the partial derivative
coefficients exist. Therefore, any tensor linear in the second derivative of the metric tensor is
equivalent to the Riemann curvature tensor.

5.5 Discussion Questions and Exercises

Discussion Questions
Q5.1 In the nineteenth century, the Great Plains of North America were surveyed into 1 square
mile units called sections (640 acres). The sections were rectangular, with survey lines running
north-south and east-west. As the surveyors worked their way north, what difficulties did they
encounter in trying to mark out sections of equal area? What did they do about their problem?

Q5.2 Distinguish geometrical from topological differences between an infinite plane and an
infinitely long cylinder; between a solid hemisphere and a sphere; between a donut and a coffee cup.

5.1 Show that the nonzero Ricci tensor components for the metric of Ex. 4.4 are
Figure 5.2: The curve y = f(x) and its tangent vector .

where D = AB + C2, the primes denote derivatives with respect to r and overdots derivatives with
respect to t, and

5.2 Calculate the Ricci tensor components R and the curvature scalar R for the metric of Ex. 4.3.

5.3 This problem invites you to work through an analogy to the Riemann tensor, which applies to
any curve in a Cartesian plane. Consider a curve y = f(x) in a plane mapped with (x, y) coordinates or
with polar coordinates (r, ) (see Fig. 5.2). Let be a unit vector tangent to the curve,
where tan = dy/dx y. Parameterize , where s is a scalar parameter, such as arc length
along the curve, for which

(a) Evaluate a curvature vector defined according to

Note that plays a role here analogous to that of the Riemann curvature tensor in higher-dimensioned
spaces. Show that may be written

where y dy/dx.
(b) We can also introduce a curvature scalar ||. The radius of curvature is its inverse, =
1/. If s = s(t), where t denotes time, show that

where , and that

which is an analogue of the Riemann curvature scalar R.

(c) Verify that the evaluation of , , and gives the expected results for a circle of radius a centered
on the origin.
(d) Calculate , , and at the point (1, 1) on the curve y = x2.
For more on the curvature vector and scalar in the Euclidean plane, see Leithold (Sec. 15.9) or
Wardle (Ch. 1); for the Riemann curvature tensor on surfaces, see Weinberg (Sec. 1.1 and p. 144),
Laugwitz (Sec. 11.6), or Synge and Schild (Sec. 3.4).

5.4 Demonstrate these symmetry properties of the Riemann curvature tensor:

(a) R = R;
(b) R = R;
(c) R = R.
5.5 Compute R and R on a spherical shell of radius a.

5.6 Write at least some of the components of R in plane polar coordinates.

5.7 In 1917, Albert Einstein solved various problems at infinity (such as Olbers paradox)
which existed in a three-dimensional, eternal, static, infinite universe assumed by Newtonian
cosmology: Einstein abolished infinity! He hypothesized that cosmological three-dimensional space
is actually the surface of a sphere of radius a that exists in a four-dimensional Euclidean space. Thus,
in the spatial part of spacetime, any point in the universe that we would label with coordinates (x, y,
z) would actually reside on the surface of this hypersphere, which from the perspective of the four-
dimensional embedding space would be described by the equation

which requires the introduction of a new coordinate axis w.

(a) Show that the metric of the space on the hypersphere (and thus the geometry of our universe in
Einsteins model) may be written, in terms of three-dimensional spherical coordinates (x, y, z) (r,
, ), as

(b) Let some point be chosen to be the origin of three-dimensional space. Circumnavigate the origin
on a shell of fixed radius to measure the circumference C, and then define the value of the shells r-
coordinate according to r C/2. If a traveler moves from a shell with coordinate r1 to another shell
with coordinate r2, what is the difference between r2 r1 and the distance between the two shells as
measured directly with a meterstick held radially?
(c) Let w = a cos and define an angle where 0 . Show that the metric for four-dimensional
space can be written

(d) Show that the area of the hyperspheres spherical surface equals 22a3, which is the volume of the
three-dimensional universe in this model.

5.8 Two particles fall freely through spacetime and therefore follow geodesics. Suppose they are
falling radially toward the center of the Earth. An observer riding along with either particle would
notice them gradually approaching one another (even neglecting the particles mutual gravitation),
since the radial free-fall lines converge toward Earths center. Let be the component
of a 4-vector from particle 1 to nearby particle 2. For instance, an astronaut in free fall toward the
Earth could release two pennies inside the spacecraft and closely measure the distance between them.
Show to first order in that the line connecting the two pennies respects the equation of geodesic
(see Weinberg, p. 148; or Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler, p. 34).

5.9 (a) Show that the Ricci tensor may be written

(b) Derive a generic expression for the curvature scalar R = R in terms of the metric tensor and
affine connection coefficients.
Chapter 6

Covariance Applications

In this chapter we demonstrate how important principles of physics, when expressed in as tensor
equations, can lay important insights in ones path.

6.1 Covariant Electrodynamics

It is well known that Maxwells electrodynamicsas usually understood at presentwhen applied to
moving bodies, leads to asymmetries that do not seem to be inherent in the phenomena
Albert Einsteins introduction to On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies (1905)

As claimed in Section 1.8, an electric field E and a magnetic field B, measured in the Lab Frame,
can be transformed into the fields E and B measured in the Coasting Rocket Frame. Now we have
the tools to carry out the transformation efficiently. All we have to do is write the fields as tensors in
the Lab Frame, and then apply a Lorentz transformation that carries them into the Coasting Rocket
Maxwells equations are four coupled first-order partial differential equations for E and B. The
two inhomogeneous Maxwell equations, which relate the fields to the charged particles that produce
them, include Gausss Law for the electric field E,

and the Ampre-Maxwell law,

The homogeneous Maxwell equations include Gausss law for the magnetic field,

and the Faraday-Lenz law,

Although E and B are vectors in space, they are not vectors in spacetime, so expressions written
in terms of them will not be relativistically covariant. The avenue through the electromagnetic
potentials offers a straightforward path to general covariance, as we shall see. First, we need the
potentials themselves.
Since the divergence of a curl vanishes identically, Gausss law for B implies that the magnetic
field is the curl of a vector potential A,

Put this into the Faraday-Lenz law, which becomes

Because the curl of a gradient vanishes identically, this implies that a potential exists such that

The fields A and are the electromagnetic potentials. When E and B are written in terms of these
potentials, the inhomogeneous Maxwell equations become a pair of coupled second-order partial
differential equations. In particular, upon substituting for E and B in terms of the potentials, the
Ampre-Maxwell law becomes

and Gausss law for E becomes

So far A and are defined terms of their derivatives. This means that A and are ambiguous
because one could always add to them a term that vanishes when taking the derivatives. Changing that
additive term is called a gauge transformation on the potentials. For a gauge transformation to work
for both A and simultaneously, it takes the form, for an arbitrary function ,


The E and B fields are unchanged because the arbitrary function drops out, leaving E = E and B =
B, as you can readily verify.
We can use this freedom to choose the divergence of A to be whatever we want. For instance, if
you are given an A for which A = , and if you prefer the divergence of A to be something else,
say, , then you merely make a gauge transformation to a new vector potential A = A + and
require A = , which in turn requires that satisfies

To get the divergence of the vector potential that you want, merely solve this Poissons equation for
the necessary gauge-shifting function . Since the is no longer arbitrary, one speaks of choosing the

The differential equations for A and neatly uncouple if we choose the Lorentz gauge,

This so-called Lorentz condition turns the coupled differential equations into uncoupled
inhomogeneous wave equations for A and :

Can we now write electrodynamics covariantly in the spacetime of special relativity? Let us
absorb c into the definition of the time coordinate. The potentials A and may be gathered into a 4-
vector in spacetime,

as may the 4-vector of charge density and current density (with c = 1),

How do we know that the A and the j are components of first-order tensors under Lorentz
transformations? Of course, it is by how they transform; see Ex. 6.8.
In Minkowskian spacetime, the duals to the 4-vectors are

Let us also recall the two forms of the gradient,

Because electric charge is locally conserved, it respects the equation of continuity

which may be written covariantly,

The gauge transformation may be written with spacetime covariance as

and the Lorentz condition expressed as

Both inhomogeneous wave equations for A and are now subsumed into

where we have used

so that, with c = 1, we may write 1/o = o.

However, we are still not satisfied: although this wave equation is covariant with respect to
Lorentz transformations among inertial reference frames, it is not covariant with respect to a gauge
transformation within a given spacetime reference frame, because Eq. (6.20) holds only in the Lorentz
gauge. Can we write for the electromagnetic field a wave equation that holds whatever the gauge, and
thus is gauge-covariant as well as Lorentz-covariant? To pursue this line of reasoning, return to the
coupled equations for A and as they appeared before a gauge was chosen. Using the upper- and
lower-index forms of the gradient, and separating the space ( = k = 1, 2, 3) and time ( = 0)
coordinates explicitly, Eq. (6.9) says that

which can be regrouped into

The equation for the n = 1, 2, 3 components of Eq. (6.8) becomes

or, upon rearranging,

Eqs. (6.23) and (6.25) suggest introducing a second-order tensor, the Faraday tensor defined by a
covariant curl,

which is antisymmetric:

Comparing F to and B = A, the components of the Faraday tensor can be

written in terms of the ordinary xyz components of E and B (where the xyz subscripts are merely
labels, not covariant vector indices):

The Faraday tensor is invariant under a gauge transformation and transforms as a second-order
tensor under spacetime coordinate transformations, as you can easily verify. In terms of the Faraday
tensor, the inhomogeneous Maxwell equations can be written as one tensor equation with four

where = 0, 1, 2, 3. The homogeneous equations can also be written in terms of the Faraday tensor
(note the cyclic appearance of the indices),


These expressions are not only covariant with respect to spacetime transformations but also gauge
Now at last the transformation of E and B from the Lab Frame to the Coasting Rocket Frame
proceeds straightforwardly: The new Faraday tensor is made from components of the old ones
according to the usual spacetime transformation rule for second-order tensors,

Given the original electric and magnetic fields and the transformation matrix elements , the new
electric and magnetic fields follow at once.
For connecting inertial reference frames, the -matrices are elements of the Poincar group, which
consists of Lorentz boosts, rotations of axes, and spacetime origin translations. We saw that for the
simple Lorentz boost with x and x axes parallel, and no origin offset,

expressed in the transformation matrix

where sits in the matrix element entry at the intersection of row and column .
With this simple Lorentz transformation used in Eq. (6.32), we find for the new electric field

and for the new magnetic field

Recall how the rotation matrix about one axis could be generalized to an arbitrary rotation by
using Euler angles. Similarly, for an arbitrary constant velocity vr that boosts the Coasting Rocket
Frame relative to the Lab Frame, the boost matrix works out to be the following (where, to reduce
notational clutter, the r subscripts have been dropped from r and the vr components in the matrix


For this Lorentz boost, Eq. (6.32) gives the result claimed in Section 1.8 (here with c = 1),

6.2 General Covariance and Gravitation

The principle of equivalence demands that in dealing with Galilean regions we may equally well
make use of non-inertial systems, that is, such co-ordinate systems as, relatively to inertial
systems, are not free from acceleration and rotation. If, further, we are going to do away
completely with the vexing question as to the objective reason for the preference of certain systems
of co-ordinates, then we must allow the use of arbitrarily moving systems of co-ordinates.
Albert Einstein, The Meaning of Relativity

Newtonian gravitation theory follows from two empirically based principles, Newtons law of
universal gravitation and the principle of superposition. In terms of the Newtonian gravitational field
g, its divergence and curl field equations are


where G denotes Newtons gravitational constant and the mass density. From the vanishing of the
curl we may infer that a gravitational potential exists for which g = , which in the divergence
equation yields Poissons equation to be solved for the static gravitational potential,
The principle of the equivalence of gravitational and inertial mass says that gravitation can be
locally transformed away by going into a local free-fall frame. Thus, gravitation can be turned off
and on by changing the reference frame, which sounds like a job for tensors! This offers motivation
enough for finding a generally relativistic theory of gravitation. Further motivation comes from the
realization that Newtonian gravitation boldly assumes instantanous action-at-a-distance, contrary to
the special theory of relativity, which asserts that no signal may travel faster than the speed of light in
Special relativity and Newtonian relativity share a preference for inertial reference frames.
Special relativity made its appearance in 1905 when Albert Einstein published On the
Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies. During the next decade, he worked through monumental
difficulties to generalize the program to accelerated reference frameswhen incidentally he had to
master tensor calculus. Besides generalizing special relativity to general relativity, thanks to the
principle of equivalence it also generalized Newtonian gravitation to a generally relativistic theory of
gravity, by carrying out a coordinate transformation! The transformation takes one from a locally
inertial reference frame where all particles fall freely, with no discernible gravity, to any other
reference frame accelerated relative to the inertial one. Due to the equivalence principle, the
acceleration is locally equivalent to gravity.
Figure 6.1: Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann (1826-1866). Photo from Wikimedia Commons.

The necessary tools grew out of the non-Euclidean geometries that had been developed in
preceding decades by Nikoli Lobachevski (1792-1856), Janos Bolyai (1802-1860), Karl Friedrich
Gauss (1777-1855), and culminating in the work of Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann (1826-1866)
(see Fig. 6.1). Riemann generalized and expanded on the work of his predecessors, extending the
study of geometry on curved surfaces to geometry in spaces of n dimensions and variable curvature.
The language of tensors offered the ideal tool for Einstein to use in grappling with his problem.
Through this language, with its Riemann curvature tensor, Einsteins theory leads to the notion of
gravitation as the curvature of spacetime.
For such a notion to be made quantitative, so that its inferences could be tested against the real
world, the working equations of Newtonian gravitational dynamics had to be extended, to be made
generally covariant. Start in an inertial freely falling Minkowskian frame that uses coordinates X and
coordinate velocities U, so that for a freely floating body,

When the covariant derivative replaces the ordinary derivative, and the local coordinates X (with
their metric tensor ) are replaced with curvilinear coordinates x (with their metric tensor g),
these changes turn dU/d = 0 into

Writing out the full expression for the covariant derivative, this becomes

which we have seen before, e.g., Eq. (4.18).

A similar program needs to be done with the Newtonian gravitational field, applying the principle
of general covariance to gravitation itself. Since Poissons equation is the differential equation of
Newtonian gravitation, following Einstein, we will extend it, so the end result will be a generally
covariant tensor equation. Recall from Section 4.3 that g00, in the Newtonian limit here denoted ,
was shown to be approximately

in terms of which Poissons equation, Eq. (6.44), takes the form

I put the tilde on here to remind us that this is merely the Newtonian limit of the time-time
component of the exact g00. Clearly the way to start extending this to a generally relativistic equation
is to see in the of Eq. (6.49) a special case of g. We also have to construct generally covariant
replacements in spacetime for the Laplacian and for the mass density.
For replacing the mass density we take a hint from special relativity, which shows mass to be a
form of energy. Thus, the extension of the mass density will be energy density or other dynamical
variables with the same dimensions, such as pressure. The stress tensors T of fluid mechanics and
electrodynamics, which describe energy and momentum transport of a fluid or electromagnetic fields,
are second-order tensors. Their diagonal elements are typically energy density or pressure terms
(e.g., recall Section 2.4 and Ex. 2.14). Therefore, the in Poissons equation gets replaced by a stress
tensor T, the particulars of which depend on the system whose energy and momentum serve as the
sources of gravitation. For instance, special relativity shows that for an ideal continuous relativistic
fluid, the stress tensor is
where denotes the metric tensor in flat Minkowskian spacetime, with P and the pressure and
energy density, respectively (replace P with P/c2 when using conventional units). To generalize this
T to a system of general curvilinear coordinates x with metric tensor g, we write, by general

Various equations of state exist that relate P and . Some of them take the form (in conventional units)

where w is a dimensionless constant. For instance, with static dust w = 0, for electromagnetic
radiation , and for the enigmatic dark energy of cosmology w = 1.
Since energy and momentum are locally conserved, an equation of continuity holds for the stress
tensor, which requires in general the covariant derivative,

As noted above, on the left-hand side of the extended Poissons equation will get replaced by
g, and the second derivatives of the Laplacian must be extended to second covariant derivatives
with respect to spacetime coordinates. If the right side of the covariant extension of Poissons
equation is going to be a second-order tensor, then whatever replaces the Laplacian on the left-hand
side must also be a tensor of second order. To make his theory no more complicated than necesary,
Einstein hypothesized that the differential operator should be linear in the second derivative of g,
analogous to how the Laplacian is linear in its second derivatives. Since the Riemann tensor is the
only tensor linear in the second covariant derivative, Einstein turned to it. Requiring its second-order
version, the Ricci tensor R would appear. So could its completely contracted version, the curvature
scalar R, provided that it appears with the metric tensor as the combination Rg to offer another
order-2 tensor based on the Riemann tensor. In addition, general covariance also allows term g,
where is a constant unrelated to the Riemann curvature tensor.
With these considerations, Einstein had a template for a generally covariant extension of Poissons

where A, B, and are constants. It remained to impose various constraints to determine these
The constant carries an interesting history. Einstein originally set it equal to zero, since he was
committed to the notion of gravitation as the curvature of spacetime, and curvature is carried by R
and R. The initial applications that Einstein made with his equations included explaining the long-
standing problem of the anomalous precession of Mercurys orbit, and a new prediction of the amount
of deflection of light rays by the Sun, which was affirmed in 1919. These results were astonishingly
successful with = 0. When Einstein applied the general theory to cosmology in 1917, he assumed a
static universe, which the precision of contemporary astronomical data seemed to justify. But his
cosmological equations were not consistent unless he brought a nonzero back into the program.
Thus, became known as the cosmological constant. It is negligible on the scale of a solar system
or a galaxy, but could be appreciable on the scale of the entire cosmos. Significantly, it enriched the
discussion of a static versus an expanding universe, and it has re-emerged as a question of capital
importance in cosmology today. But pursuing this fascinating topic would take us too far afield. Our
task is to see how Einstein used tensor equations with their general covariance to produce the field
equations of general relativity in the first place. Therefore, as Einstein did originally, let us set = 0.
The g term can always be added back in afterward, because the theoretical constraints that
determine A and B say nothing about anyway. It remains a parameter to be fit to data, or assumed in
a model.
Without , the template for the relativistic equations of gravitation is

This is a set of 16 equations, but only 10 are independent because the Ricci, metric, and stress tensors
are symmetric.
The conditions to determine A and B include
(1) local conservation of energy and momentum, expressed by the vanishing of the covariant
divergence of the stress tensor, DT = 0;
(2) the Bianchi identities for the Riemann tensor; and
(3) the Newtonian limit.
Starting with the divergence, setting T; = 0 requires

But g; = 0 (recall Ex. 4.2). In addition, the Bianchi identity

yields B = A/2. Thus, the field equations so far read

The Newtonian nonrelativisitic, static, weak-field limit requires A = 1 (see Ex. 6.3), leaving us with
Einsteins field equations,
In deriving his field equations for gravitation, Einstein applied a procedure that offers an algorithm
for doing physics in the presence of gravitation, if one first knows how to do physics in the absence of
gravitation. The principle of the equivalence of gravitational and inertial mass assures us that we can
always find a reference frame for doing physics in the absence of measurable gravitation: for a
sufficiently short interval of time, and over a sufficiently small region of space (the latter to make
tidal forces negligible), we can go into a free-fall frame. For instance, if my chair were to somehow
instantaneously dissolve, then for a brief moment, over a small region, I would be in a state of free-
fall! Suppose in this locally inertial frame we have some important physics equation, perhaps some
quantity J is related to the derivative of some observable F. We can represent the overall idea with a
cartoon equation (suppressing any indices)

where stands for whatever derivatives are necessary. For instance, might be the Laplacian, F an
electromagnetic potential, and J an electric current density, so that F = J stands for an equation from
electrodynamics. Furthermore, in this locally inertial frame, the coordinates are X with metric tensor
. For the next step of the algorithm to work, it is crucial that F = J be an equality between
tensors. For then we turn on gravitation by transforming into a general coordinate system with
coordinates x and metric tensor g and replace the usual derivative with the appropriate covariant
derivative D, to write

Now we are doing physics in the presence of gravitation, because the D contains the affine
connection terms (and thus gravitation) within it, because D + term.

6.3 Discussion Questions and Exercises

Discussion Questions
Q6.1 Find out whatever you can about minimal coupling as used in electrodynamics, where a
particle of mass m carrying electric charge q moves in an electromagnetic field described by the
vector potential A. The minimal coupling algorithm says to replace (in the nonrelativistic case) the
particles momentum mv with mv + qA. How is this procedure analogous to the algorithm used in the
principle of general covariance?

Q6.2 Suppose you write a particles equation of motion in an inertial reference frame, within the
paradigms of Newtonian relativity. Let coordinates xk be rectangular Cartesian coordinates, with time
intervals taken to be invariant. Discuss the validity of the following procedure: To jump from the
inertial frame to a rotating reference frame, where the rotating frame spins with constant angular
velocity relative to the inertial frame, and the xk are the coordinates within the rotating frame, start
with the equations of motion as written in the inertial frame. Then change r to r, and replace the
velocity v with v + ( r). Does this give the correct equation of motion within the rotating system
of coordinates? What are the so-called fictitious forces that observers experience in the rotating
frame? This program is most efficiently done with Lagrangian formalism, where the equation of
motion follows from the Euler-Lagrange equation,

with and L the Lagrangian, in this context the difference between the kinetic and
potential energy,

(see Dallen and Neuenschwander).

Q6.3 Discuss whether Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics are already generally covariant.
Can covariance under spacetime transformations and gauge transformations be unified into a common
formalism (see Neuenschwander)?

Q6.4 Suppose you are given a vector potential A and its divergence is . Show that one can
perform a gauge transformation to a different vector potential A = A + that maintains the same
divergence as A. What equation must be satisfied by ? To choose the divergence of A is to choose a
gauge, and such a choice is really a family of vector potentials, all with the same gauge.

Q6.5 When extending Poissons equation into something generally covariant, why didnt Einstein
merely make use of the Laplacian made of covariant derivatives, Eq. (4.92), and let it go at that?

Q6.6 In the stress tensor for an ideal relativistic fluid,

what is implied when the covariant derivatives in curvilinear coordinates are written out? Does a
source of gravity, such as the relativistic fluid, depend on the local graviation? Comment on the
nonlinearity of Einsteins field equations.

6.1 Starting with the electrostatic field equations in vacuum (with no matter present other than the
source charges),

write them in terms of Faraday tensor components and appropriate spatial derivatives. Then allow
the static equations to become covariant in Minkowskian spacetime. Show that electrostatics plus
Lorentz covariance among inertial reference frames yields all of Maxwells equations (see Kobe).

6.2 Starting with the field equations of magnetostatics in vacuum,


write them using Faraday tensor components and appropriate representations of the spatial
derivatives. Then allow the static equations to become covariant in Minkowskian spacetime. Show
that magnetostatics plus Lorentz covariance among inertial reference frames yields all of
Maxwells equations (see Turner and Neuenschwander).

6.3 Show that A = 1in the Newtonian nonrelativistic, static, weak-field limit of Eq. (6.58). Do
this by starting with Einsteins field equations (without ) with A to be determined,

and require it to reduce to Poissons equation for the gravitational potential. (a) First, note that,
typically, stress tensors are energy densities in their time-time components, T00 = , and their time-
space components are proportional to a particles velocity. Therefore, for v 1, we may say that

where i and j label spatial components. Show from Einsteins field equations that this implies

(b) Next consider R = R = gR. Also recall that, in a weak field, g . Therefore, show that

(c) From parts (a) and (b), show that

and thus R = 2R00.

(d) From the foregoing, the only component of the field equations which does not collapse to 0 = 0 in
this situation is
From the Ricci tensor (Ex. 5.9) and allowing only static fields, so that time derivatives vanish, show

(e) To deal with the -terms in part (d), write the familiar

With g + h and |h| very small, show that

(f) Finally, show that R00 2 so that the surviving component of Einsteins field equations gives
A(2 2) = 8G and therefore, upon comparison with Poissons equation, A = 1.

6.4 Show that Einsteins field equations (with = 0),

can also be written

6.5 From Ex. 6.4, we can see that, in a region devoid of all matter and other forms of energy, the
stress-energy tensor vanishes and the field equations reduce to

Consider a static point mass M sitting at the origin of a system of spherical coordinates. From the
symmetry, the metric tensor components cannot depend on the coordinates t, , or . Therefore,
making the minimum changes to the Minkowski metric tensor, with the radial symmetry the metric
tensor for the spacetime around M can be parameterized as

Set up the differential equations that one must solve for A(r) and B(r). The solution to these equations
is the Schwarzschild solution, Eq. (3.53). The mass M enters the solution through the condition that
g00 1 + 2 (or 1 + 2/c2 in conventional units) in the Newtonian limit. The strategy for solving the
field equations is therefore to solve them in empty space here and impose the boundary condition
that a point mass M over there contributes to g00 the potential = GM/r.

6.6 Starting from the flat-spacetime inhomogeneous Maxwell equations, F = oj, build the
generally covariant version of them assuming the ABC metric of Ex. 4.4.

6.7 From Eq. (6.32) and the simplest Lorentz transformation, derive Eqs. (6.34) (6.39), the
expressions for the components of E and B in terms of E, B, and vr.

6.8 Show that the sources represented by j and the potentials A are the components of first-order
tensors. Eq. (3.110) may offer a good place to start; see Charap, Chapter 4.

6.9 Within the context of the calculus of variations, consider the functional with one dependent

The x(t) that makes J a maximum or a minimum will satisfy the Euler-Lagrange equation,

Now consider a change of independent and dependent variables, t = T(t, x, ) and x = X(t, x, ),
where is a continuous parameter, with = 0 being the identity transformation. Under an infinitesimal
transformation, to first order in the transformations become t t+ and x x+, where =
dT/d|0 and = dX/d|0 are called the generators of the transformation. If the difference between the
new functional and the old functional goes to zero faster than as 0, and if the functional is also
an extremal, then the conservation law of Emmy Noethers theorem results:


are the canonical momentum and the Hamiltonian, respectively. Generalize this procedure to fields,
whose functional is a multiple integrals (e.g., over space-time), with n independent variables x and
fields A = A(x). Thus, the functional will take the form
(a) Show that the Euler-Lagrange equation for the field theory becomes

In this situation the canonical momenta and the Hamiltonian become tensors:

Merely by using general covariance, show that Noethers conservation law becomes an equation of

and identify j (see Neuenschwander).

Chapter 7

Tensors and Manifolds

Tensors model relationships between quantities in the physical world. Tensors are also logical
relationships in the mental world of mathematical structures. Chapters 7 and 8 offer brief glimpses of
tensors as mathematicians see them.
Particles and fields need space. The properties of the space itself are independent of coordinates.
When coordinates are introduced, it is for the convenience of the problem solver, just as street
addresses are introduced for the convenience of the traveler. Chapter 7 examines properties of space
that transcend coordinates, such as the notion of a tangent space (which we have heretofore treated
informally), and defines the continuous spaces called manifolds. Then the discussion will invoke
coordinate systems and their basis vectors. We will see that many of the properties of tensor calculus,
such as the definitions of the affine connection coefficients and covariant derivatives, can be
expressed efficiently and effectively in terms of the basis vectors.
Chapter 8 takes us on a brief tour of tensors as seen in the context of abstract algebra, as mappings
from a set of vectors to the real numbers. This elegant mathematical approach begins with the abstract
notion of multilinear forms and wends its way to a very powerful tool called differential forms
that incorporate a new kind of vector product, the exterior product denoted with a wedge, .
Older books on general relativity (e.g., Einsteins The Meaning of Relativity and Eddingtons The
Mathematical Theory of Relativity) use tensors exclusively. Such references are still worth careful
study and always will be. Many later books supplement tensors with the newer language of
differential forms. When formally introduced as purely mathematical objects, differential forms can
seem strange and unnecessary, raising barriers to their acceptance by physics students. Context and
motivation are needed.
Let me offer a teaser. The vector identities


are special cases of one powerful identity, called the Poincar lemma, that has this strange

alternatively denoted d(d) = 0, where or d is a new kind of derivative called the

exterior derivative, and is a member of a family of objects called differential r-forms where r
= 0, 1, 2, 3, . . .. If is a differential 0-form, then Eq. (7.3) reduces to Eq. (7.1). If is a
differential 1-form, then Eq. (7.3) reduces to Eq. (7.2). To get to Poincars lemma, we need
differential forms; to get differential forms, we must work out the r-forms that are not differential
forms; to get to r-forms, we need to become familiar with the exterior product denoted by the wedge.
This does not take as long as you might expect; the main barriers to understanding are jargon and
motivation. The ideas themselves are no more complicated than anything else we have seen, but they
seem strange at first because it is not clear to the novice why one should care about them.
Once we are on friendly terms with the exterior derivative, then line integrals, Gausss divergence
theorem, and Stokess theorem will be seen as special cases of an integral theorem based on the
antiderivative of Poincars lemma.
The introduction to differential forms encountered here will not make the initiate fluent in
differential forms, but it should help make one conversational with them.

Notes on Notation
I need to specify the notation used in Chapters 7 and 8. Vectors in arbitrary spaces will henceforth
be denoted with italicized names and carry an arrow above the name, such as . The components of
vectors will be denoted with superscripts, such as A. Basis vectors (not necessarily normalized to be
unit vectors) are distinguished with subscripts, such as , to facilitate the summation convention.
Thus, any vector can be expressed as a superposition over the basis vectors according to

Dual basis vectors are denoted with superscripts: . A set of basis vectors dual to the set
is defined in terms of the latter according to

where denotes the Kronecker delta. A vector can be expanded as a superposition over the original
basis, or over the dual basis. In the latter case the vectors components are denoted A, and the
superposition over the dual basis takes the form

where, again, repeated upper and lower indices are summed.

When vectors in three-dimensional Euclidean space are discussed, they will be presented in the
boldface notation such as A familiar from introductory physics. Basis vectors that are normalized to
unit length, the unit vectors, will be denoted with hats, such as , , , and so on.
Second-order tensors will carry boldfaced names without arrows or tildes, such as the metric
tensor g. Whether boldfaced symbols denote vectors in Euclidean 3-space or tensors more generally
should be clear from the context.
In Chapter 8 the dual basis vectors will be re-envisioned as mathematical objects called 1-
forms and denoted with a tilde, , with components A. They can be written as superpositions over
basis 1-forms denoted with tildes, such as .
When r-forms (for r > 1) and their cousins, the differential forms, are introduced in Chapter 8, they
will carry italicized symbols but no accent marks.

7.1 Tangent Spaces, Charts, and Manifolds

When one says a vector exists at point P in a space, to allow for the possibility of curved space
one means that the vector resides in the tangent space TP that exists at P. All statements about
vectors and tensors are technically about what happens locally in the tangent space.
What is a tangent space? We have discussed it informally, exploiting the mental pictures of the
derivative as the slope of the tangent line, the instantaneous velocity vector being tangent to a
particles trajectory, and a postage stamp Euclidean patch of surface that locally matches a curved
surface. Outside of such infinitesimal regions, the tangent line or tangent vector or postage stamp does
not necessarily coincide with the host curve or trajectory or surface.
Let n be the number of dimensions of a space. Any point P in the space, along with other nearby
points, can be mapped locally to an n-dimensional Euclidean space. (In special and general relativity,
any event P in spacetime, along with nearby events, can be mapped locally to a free-fall
Minkowskian spacetime.) This notion expresses a familiar reality of cartography. Globally the
Earths surface is often modeled as the surface of a sphere. The paths of shortest distance between
two points on the globes surface, the geodesics, are great circles, the intersection of the globes
surface with a plane passing through its center. For all large triangles made of geodesics on the
globes surface, the sum of interior angles exceeds 180 degrees, demonstrating the non-Euclidean
nature of this curved surface. But within small local regions, such as a university campus, the
landscape can be adequately mapped on a sheet of paper, a flat Euclidean plane. Such a locally
Euclidean coordinate grid offers the prototypical example of a tangent space.
Figure 7.1: Making a chart from a curved space to a locally flat space.

Lay the local Euclidean map on the ground, and imagine extending its plane to infinity. Eventually
the Earth curves out from under the extended plane, showing by this extrinsic procedure the map to be
a tangent space, and the campus to be a small patch on the curved space. That is why a single
Euclidean (x, y) grid cannot be extended to map the entire globe without distorting areas or angles. (If
you have ever tried to wrap a basketball in a sheet of gift-wrapping paper, you see the problem.) For
instance, this is why Greenland appears unrealistically huge on a Mercator projection. To have an
accurate cartography of the entire globe with Euclidean maps requires an atlas of them. An atlas is a
lot of local Euclidean (or Minkowskian) maps stitched together.
A mapping of a small region of a curved space onto a local Euclidean space of the same number of
dimensions is called a chart by mathematicians. In our example of the globe the details work out as
follows. If the Earths surface is modeled as a sphere of radius a, any point on it can be mapped with
two numbers, latitude and longitude. Let measure latitude (this equals zero at the equator, +/2 at
the North Pole, and /2 at the South Pole). Let measure longitude (zero at the prime meridian
through Greenwich, measured positive going west). A student at Difficult University maps her campus
with an xy coordinate system (x going east, y going north). Let the latitude and longitude of her xy
charts origin be and , respectively (see Figure 7.1). In terms of the global coordinates, a point on
the campus will have local xy coordinates
The x and y axes are straight, while the globes surface is curved, so the chart and a patch of the
globes surface will agree only locally. Therefore, we acknowledge the crucial point that the angle
differences and must be small so that any distance between nearby points P and Q as
measured on the chart agrees to high precision with the actual distance between P and Q as
measured by following a geodesic along the globe.
Another observer at Challenging University maps his campus with an x y coordinate system (x
east and y north), with this systems origin at latitude and longitude . A point on his chart will
have local xy coordinates

Since observers and instruments confined to the surface do not have a view from on high, a mental
picture of the entire global surface will emerge for them only after enough local Euclidean charts
have been made and laid side by side to make an atlas of the entire globe. To measure accurately and
intrinsically the properties of the globes surface, wherever the xy and xy charts overlap, they must
agree. Suppose the two campuses are close enough that the xy and xy charts share a region of
overlap. For instance, both charts might include the downtown district that stands between the two
campuses. We can combine the two charts by overlaying them in their common overlap region, to give
us a view of a part of the globe which stretches all the way from the first university to the second, a
larger view than each chart provides alone. To map one chart directly to another, invert one of the
transformations, for instance, by solving for the global coordinates that locate a point on CUs map,

and then insert these results into the DU mapping, to show where any point on CUs map would be
plotted on DUs map:

This inversion of one locally Euclidean chart, with the aim of relating it to another locally
Euclidian chart, offers an example of what mathematicians call transition maps. When enough local
Euclidean maps or charts of the local tangent spaces have been made and compared through their
overlaps, such that the entire space has been consistently mapped, one says that an atlas of the entire
space has been assembled. If the atlas is connected (has no discontinuities), then the global n-
dimensional space is said to be a manifold.
The examples of manifolds most familiar to physicsts include coordinate grids that map Euclidean
spaces and the four-dimensional spacetimes of special and general relativity. When we think about it,
other manifolds come to mind. A particle moving through three-dimensional ordinary space sweeps
out a trajectory through the six-dimensional manifold whose axes are labeled with possible values of
the components of position and momentum. Such a manifold is called phase space. A set of
thermodynamic variables such as pressure P, temperature T, and volume V of an ideal gas can also be
represented on manifolds. An equation of state, such as the well-known PV = nRT for an ideal gas,
defines a surface in the manifold. The terms space and manifold are sometimes used
interchangeably, but to be precise, manifold means a continuous, differentiable, mathematical space
such that, at every point P within it, a local Euclidean space of the same dimension can be
constructed, the tangent space, whose chart coincides with the larger space in the neighborhood of P.
Because they are displacements from point a to point b, vectors are guaranteed to exist only in the
tangent spaces of a manifold, but not necessarily across a finite section of the manifold itself. The
importance of this point must not be underappreciated. This definition of a vector in terms of tangent
space will be made precise below.
We did not have to worry about the distinction between the global space and a local tangent space
in the Euclidean spaces of introductory mechanics or electrodynamics, or in the four-dimensional
Minkowskian spacetime of special relativity. Those spaces or spacetimes were three- or four-
dimensional flat manifolds. We may have used curvilinear coordinates (e.g., spherical
coordinates), but the space itself was globally Euclidean or Minkowskian. A given tangent spaces
coordinate grid could be extended to infinity and accurately mapped the global coordinate grid
because g = everywhere. Only in that context could the location of a point P, with its
coordinates (x, y, z), be identified with a single displacement vector extending all the way from the
origin to P, the vector

which could be as long as we wanted. This was the notion behind our comments in Chapters 1 and 2
stating that a vector is a displacement. Among manifolds in general, vectors are still defined in terms
of displacements, but technically they are defined only as infinitesimal displacements within the
tangent space (infinitesimal so they can fit within the tangent space). Let us look at the definition of a
vector from this perspective.
Consider a curve C wending its way through a manifold (like the Trans-Siberian Railroad wending
its way across Russia). Let locations on C be described by a parameter . This could be the arc
length along C measured from some reference point (e.g., the distance along the track from the
Moscow station); in spacetime could be the proper time as measured by the wristwatch strapped to
an observer in free fall along world line C. Whatever the meaning of , at any point P on C a tangent
vector may be defined in the local tangent space (i.e., on the local chart). This is done through a
limiting process, analogous to how the velocity vector is defined in introductory treatments. If point P
has the value of the parameter, and a nearby point Q on C carries the value + d, the tangent vector
from P to Q is defined according to a limit:

At each point P in the manifold, a set of basis vectors can be constructed to serve the locally
flat tangent space TP. These basis vectors do not necessarily have to be unit vectors. Within the
tangent space, the tangent vector may be written as the superposition

where its components are given in terms of a coordinate grid according to

evaluated at P.
In this way of looking at vectors, a vector field is defined point by point throughout the manifold
by giving a recipe for determining it locally as a tangent vector. The global vector field is described
as an atlas of local vectors.

7.2 Metrics on Manifolds and Their Tangent Spaces

The location of a point P in the manifold is specified by its address. This can be done without
coordinates. For instance, three points in space (or events in spacetime) could be identified with the
names Larry, Moe, and Curly. While unambiguous, this is not very useful when the location
must be used in calculations or measurements of distances. Thus, the spaces of interest to physics are
metric spaces. A space S becomes a metric space whenever a distance s(P, Q), a real number, can be
defined between any two points P and Q within S such that the definition satisfies these four

(1) s(P, Q) 0 for all P, Q S;

(2) s(P, Q) = 0 if and only if P and Q are the same point;
(3) s(P, Q) = s(Q, P) for all P, Q S;
(4) s(P, Q) s(P, R) + s(R, Q) for all P, Q, R S (the triangle inequality).

Distances do not need coordinates, but the measurement of distances and directions are facilitated by
the introduction of coordinates. If point P resides at a location specified by the coordinates x, and
nearby point Q has coordinates x + dx, then distance ds (or its square) between P and Q is defined
by the specification of some rule,

which is a scalar. In the Euclidean plane, thanks to the theorem of Pythagoras, we have the familiar

But one may invent other metrics for the same plane, such as this example of a Finsler geometry,
illustrating the point that metrics are defined quantities, equally legitimate so long as they satisfy the
four criteria in the definition of distance. For example, in two-dimensional Euclidean space, suppose
that dx = 2 and dy = 2. With the Pythagorean metric, , but the same
displacement mapped with the Finsler metric gives . Any pair of points
on the xy plane can have the distance defined between them by either Pythagoreas or Finsler or by
some other rule, the lesson being that distance is a matter of definition, within the constraints (1)(4)
given above.
A Riemannian geometry, by definition, has a metric that turns coordinate displacements into
distances through a quadratic expression of the form

This includes Pythagoras but excludes Finsler. Strictly speaking, the manifold is Riemannian if and
only if all the g are nonnegative. Should one or more of the g coefficients be negativeas occurs
in Minkowskian spacetimethe manifold is said to be pseudo-Riemannian.
We have postulated that the infinitesimal neighborhood about any point P in a manifold can be
locally mapped to a tangent space that has a Euclidean (or Minkowskian) metric. If this assumption is
valid, then in any Riemannian or pseudo-Riemannian manifold mapped with a global set of
coordinates x and having the metric tensor g, one can always make a coordinate transformation x
x such that, in the neighborhood of a specific P, g(x) g(x) = . This is demonstrated
with a Taylor series below. However, it is not possible, in general, to find a transformation such that
g(x) = globally because Riemannian and pseudo-Riemannian spaces are not necessarily
globally flat.
In a Taylor series expansion of g(x) about P, one finds

Notably missing in the series is the first derivative, at P, of the metric tensor in the transformed
coordinates, because

The proof consists of showing that, given the symmetries involved, there are sufficient independent
conditions for Eq. (7.16) to occur (see, e.g. Hartle, pp. 140-141, or Hobson, Efstathiou, and Lasenby,
pp. 42-44; see also Ex. 7.4). In the neighborhood of P the metric is Euclidean (or Minkowskian) until
second order in the coordinate differentials.

7.3 Dual Basis Vectors

We have seen how a vector is formally defined in the local tangent space TP. Within each TP a set of
basis vectors may be constructed. At P it is also convenient to construct an alternative set of
basis vectors , which are dual to the set of . The dual basis vectors are defined from the
original ones according to

Notice that if is not a unit basis vector, then neither is . A vector can be written in two ways:

Thus, a displacement vector in the local tangent space, , may be written as the

so that, conversely,

which will be illustrated shortly with an example.

Notice also that

Likewise, by using the dual coordinate basis, we may write

and show from ds2 that

If the set of basis vectors are unit basis vectors (hats instead of arrows over them) in the tangent
space TP, then

where = , and similarly for .

Raising and Lowering Indices

The dual basis vectors can be used to write a scalar product in four equivalent ways:

Comparing first and last results shows that

so that


The dual sets of basis vectors are related by the superpositions

Transformation of Basis Vectors

When important results follow from several lines of reasoning, all ending up in the same place, the
results are robust and the methods equivalent. Here some familiar results will be derived all over
again, but this time with explicit reference to basis vectors. A given infinitesimal displacement in the
tangent space describes the same vector whether we express it with the set of coordinates x or with
another set of coordinates x:

Since each new coordinate is a function of all the old coordinates, x = x(x), and vice versa x =
x(x), by the chain rule the coordinate differentials transform as
Therefore, Eq. (7.34) becomes

and thus each new basis vector is a superposition of all the old ones,

Similarly, it follows that

Furthermore, since

we find the transformation rule for vector components:


Notice that the transformation of the basis vectors generates a new vector from all of the old ones,
whereas transformation of vector components keeps the original vector but rewrites its components
in the new coordinate system.
For an example of using these basis vector manipulations, consider the Euclidean plane mapped
with rectangular (x, y) or with polar (, ) coordinates. A displacement can be written

in xy coordinates, and as
in , coordinates. The two systems are related by

The transformation rule of Eq. (7.37) says

which gives

The metric tensor components, , are found to be

and thus

as expected.
From gg = one sets up a system of four equations for the four unknown g and finds

Turning now to the dual vectors , we find from Eq. (7.33)


These basis vectors and their duals are easily confirmed to be orthogonal,

7.4 Derivatives of Basis Vectors and the Affine Connection

A point P in a manifold has its local tangent space TP, and a different point Q has its local tangent
space TQ. Recall how parallelogram addition was invoked in introductory physics to define vector
addition. One vector had to be moved with its direction held fixed, joining the other vector tail-to-
head so the resultant could be constructed. But if the vectors reside in two different tangent spaces, it
may not be possible to parallel-transport a vector from TP to TQ. Only in flat spaces with no
curvature, as in globally Euclidean spaces and globally Minkowskian spacetimes, will TP and TQ
join smoothly together in a universal tangent space. Since a derivative is defined by comparing the
quantity at two nearby points, it follows that derivatives of basis vectors can be defined, in general,
only locally in tangent spaces.
Of course, the n-dimensional curved manifold can be embedded in a Euclidean space (or
Minkowskian spacetime) of n + 1 dimensions, analogous to how a globes surface can be studied by
embedding it in three-dimensional Euclidean space. In the (n+1)-dimensional emdedding space,
tangent vectors from different parts of the globe can be compared, because parallel transport can be
done over an arbitrarily large interval. In that embedding space, we may write

which defines the increment , where = 1, 2, . . ., n + 1. With it the derivative of a basis vector
may be defined through the usual limiting process:
which exists in the (n + 1)-dimensional embedding space. To translate it back into the original
manifold, this derivative must be projected from the embedding space onto the n-dimensional tangent
space TP at P. This projected limit formally defines the derivative of the basis vector with respect to
a coordinate,

This result will be a superposition of the local basis vectors within the tangent space TP, with some
coefficients :

Anticipating with our notation a result yet to be confirmed, these coefficients at P turn out to be
those of the affine connection, which will now be demonstrated.
To isolate the , multiply Eq. (7.49) by and then use :

Alternatively, by evaluating

it follows that

The transformation of the under a change of coordinates follows from the transformation of
the basis vectors, since
In the second term we recognize . In the first term, expand using the chain
rule and Eq. (7.49),

Put everything back together to obtain

This is the same result we obtained in Chapter 4 for the transformation of the affine connection
coefficients, which was done there without the help of basis vectors. Thus, the defined there and
the defined here at least transform the same. We next demonstrate that they are the same.
Start with

and evaluate its derivative with respect to a coordinate:

Now rewrite this equation two more times, each time permuting the indices , to obtain
Multiply this by g, and recall that gg = , to rederive a result identical to that found in Chapter

Now we see that the affine connection coefficients of Chapter 4 are the same coefficients as the
introduced in Eq. (7.49). The demonstration here highlights the role of basis vectors explicitly.
The covariant derivatives also follow immediately through the basis vectors. Start with
and differentiate with respect to a coordinate:

where we identify the covariant derivative that we met before,

Working with the dual basis , one derives in a similar manner

In contrast, for a scalar field ,

because does not depend on the choice of basis vectors.

Returning to our example of mapping the Euclidean plane in rectangular and in polar coordinates,
explicit forms for the follow in only a few lines of calculation from Eq. (7.51), where x1 = and
x2 = :
By Eq. (7.56), the covariant divergence in plane polar coordinates takes the form


with and 2 = 0. Therefore,

Rewrite this plane polar coordinate example in terms of the unit basis vectors,

Let temporarily denote a component of in the unit basis vectors, which means


and thus

which is how the divergence, expressed in plane polar coordinates, is usually presented on the inside
front cover of electrodynamics textbooks (without the tilde!).
We have seen in this chapter that some of the machinery of tensor calculus, such as the affine
connection and covariant derivatives, can also be seen as artifacts of the properties of basis vectors.
This should not be too surprising since indices imply coordinates and coordinates imply basis
vectors. In the next chapter we will look at tensors from another perspective: mappings and r-forms
where r denotes a nonnegative integer. The r-forms will then be extended to something curious and
powerful called differential forms.

7.5 Discussion Questions and Exercises

Discussion Questions
Q7.1 Continuous mappings that have a continuous inverse function, and thereby preserve the
topological properties of the space, are called homeomorphisms. Must the mappings that define
charts and transitions between them be homeomorphisms? What happens if they are not?

Q7.2 The Mercator projection is familiar to generations of schoolchildren as the map that hangs in
the front of countless classrooms, making Greenland and Canada look far bigger than they really are.
It maps the surface of the globe onto the xy coordinates of the map according to

where w is the maps width and h its height. The angle measures latitude on the globe, with = 0 at
the North Pole and = at the South Pole. The angle denotes longitude measured from the prime
meridian. Since the Mercator map is plotted on a Euclidean sheet of paper, why cant it serve as a
chart in the context of that terms usage in discussing manifolds?

Q7.3 Consider thermodynamic state variables internal energy U, pressure P, volume V,

temperature T, and entropy S. The second law of thermodynamics says that the entropy of an isolated
system never decreases. Combined with the first law of thermodynamics this means

Can we interpret entropy as a distance in an abstract space of thermodynamic variables and treat
thermodynamics as geometry (see Weinhold)?

Q7.4 Recall the discussion in Section 7.2 about it being possible to find a coordinate
transformation such that, at a specific point or event P in a Riemannian or pseudo-Riemannian
manifold, g|P = 0 (Eq. (7.16)). Is there an inconsistency here with the affine connection
not all being zero? Explain.

7.1 Find the and the , the affine connection coefficients, and the covariant divergence of a
vector A in three-dimensional Euclidean space mapped with spherical coordinates.

7.2 From the Schwarzschild metric (see Eq. (3.53)), find the and the , the affine connection
coefficients, and the covariant divergence of a vector whose components are A.

7.3 Covariant derivatives and intrinsic derivatives: Typically, a vector field is defined
throughout a manifold, . Examples include velocity fields in fluid flow, or
electromagnetic and gravitational fields. However, sometimes a vector is defined only along a
contour C in the manifold. Such an instance occurs when a particle moves along C. Its instantaneous
momentum and spin are defined only at points on C, not throughout the entire manifold. Let s denote a
parameter (such as distance along C from a reference point) that distinguishes one point on C from
another. Study the rate of change along C, by considering , where :

Using Eq. (7.49), this may be written

Show that this is equivalent to a superposition of covariant derivative components over the basis

The derivative is called the intrinsic derivative. See Hobson, Efstathiou, and Lasenby, pp.
71-73 and 107-108, for further discussion.

7.4 Consider a two-dimensional spacetime mapped with time and space coordinates (t, r), having
the spacetime interval
where A, B, and C are functions of t and r. In matrix representation,

Show that coordinate transformations exist such that, at least locally, this off-diagonal metric can be
diagonalized and then rescaled into a Minkowski metric. This illustrates by explict construction the
theorem that shows, to first order in about point P, that g = (recall Eqs. (7.15) and
(7.16) in Sec. 7.2).
(a) First, the diaganolization: show that an orthogonal transformation of the form

used to produce g = g, will give

provided that

What are U and V in terms of A, B, and C?

(b) Now that we have g so that d2 = U dt2 V dr2, find a rescaling t t, r r that makes
(this corresponds to the of Eq. (7.15)).
(c) Why does this procedure work only locally in general? In other words, why cant a transformation
always be found that will convert any given metric tensor into globally?
Chapter 8

Getting Acquainted with Differential Forms

If one takes a close look at Riemannian geometry as it is customarily developed by tensor methods
one must seriously ask whether the geometric results cannot be obtained more cheaply by other
machinery. Harley Flanders

Recent decades have seen tensors supplemented with the use of exterior products, also called
multivectors. An important special case is found in differential forms. While a thorough study of
these topics goes beyond the scope of this book, I would like to offer an informal introduction to these
neo-tensor vocabularies.
My goal for this chapter is modest: to suggest why these objects are relevant to physics, and help
make them desirable and approachable for students to whom these topics are new. A motivation for
inventing differential forms may be seen in the attempt to unify some differential vector identities that
involve the gradient, divergence, and curl. Could it be that the vector identities in Euclidean space,


are merely special cases of a single equation? If so, then could line integrals, Stokess theorem, and
Gausss divegence theorem be merely three cases of one idea? In the language of differential forms
the answers to these questions are yes. Eqs. (8.1) and (8.2) are instances of a strange-looking
equation called Poincars lemma which looks like this:

In an alternative notation the lemma is also written like this:

In the context of Poincars lemma, the meaning of distinguishes Eq. (8.1) from Eq. (8.2). In Eq.
(8.1), is something called a differential 0-form, but in Eq. (8.2), is something else called a
differential 1-form. If this unification intrigues you, read on, as we meet these differential forms.
But of course we must first discuss some preliminary concepts, including the notion of multilinear
forms, and a new kind of vector product.

8.1 Tensors as Multilinear Forms

More precisely, the metric tensor g is a machine with two slots for inserting vectors, g( , ). Upon
insertion, the machine spews out a real number.
Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler

From the perspective of abstract algebra, a tensor is a mapping from a set of vectors to the real
numbers. Metaphorically, a tensor of order N is like a machine with N slots. One inserts a vector into
each of the slots. The machine chugs and grinds, and out pops a real number. For example, the
second-order metric tensor is (metaphorically) a machine called g( , ), with two input slots for
inserting vectors. Insert vectors and into the slots. The metric tensor generates the number

as illustrated in Fig. 8.1. Linearity in the vector arguments is essential to the utility of this abstract
tensor definition. For instance, if one inserts into one slot of g the vector , where and
are scalars, and inserts the vector into the other slot, the result is

As we saw in Chapter 7, a vector can be written in terms of a set of basis vectors, .

Now the metric tensor machine gives the output

Figure 8.1: A tensor of order N is like a machine with N input slots. Insert N vectors into the
machine, one into each slot, and the machine generates a real number. Because the tensor mapping
is linear by definition, each vector put into a slot may be a superposition of vectors.

The same vector can also be written in terms of the dual set of basis vectors, . Now the
metric tensor machine gives the output

The tensor can handle mixtures of basis vectors and duals, such as

and so on. To say that a tensor has order N = a + b, usually denoted

means that for a tensor R, its components

are determined by inserting a dual basis vectors and b basis vectors into the various input slots.
In this chapter we also recast the notion of dual vectors into the concept of 1-forms. After that
we mention briefly their generalizations to r-forms, where r = 0, 1, 2, .... A subsequent step comes
with the absorption of a coordinate differential dx into each basis vector to redefine the basis
vectors as (no sum over ). Superpositions of these are formed with tensor
components as coefficients. Thereby does the extension of r-forms to differential forms get under
way. Of them Steven Weinberg wrote, The rather abstract and compact notation associated with this
formalism has in recent years seriously impeded communcation between pure mathematicians and
physicists (Weinberg, p. 114). Our sections here on r-forms and their cousins, the differential forms,
aim merely to introduce these creatures, to enhance appreciation of the motivation behind their
invention, and to glimpse why they are useful. I leave it for others to expound on the details and
nuances of r-forms and differential forms. If I can help make these subjects interesting and
approachable to physics students, that will be enough here.

Bilinear and Multilinear Forms

The dot product and thus the metric tensor offer an example of what mathematicians call a
bilinear form. Generically, in abstract algebra a bilinear form is a function ( , ) of variables a, b,
c, ... taken two at a time from a well-defined domain. is linear in both input slots and outputs a real
or complex number. By linearity, for a scalar ,

and so on.
This notion can be generalized to multilinear forms, a function of N variables (thus N input
slots), linear in each one:
In the language of abstract algebra, a tensor is a multilinear form whose inputs are vectors and
whose output is a real number. The number of slots is the order of the tensor. By way of concrete
illustration, consider a tensor T of order 3, T( , , ), into which three vectors, expanded over a basis,
are inserted:

Linearity is effectively utilized when vectors are written as a superposition of basis vectors.
Although tensors of order 2 or more are easily envisioned in terms of multilinear forms, from this
perspective tensors of order 0 and order 1 ironically require more explanation. A scalar field (x) is
a tensor of order 0 because it is a function of no vectors. This statement requires some reflection! In
the study of electrostatics we encounter the electric potential (x, y, z). Its argument often gets
abbreviated as = (r), where r = (x, y, z) (0, 0, 0) denotes the vector from the origin to the field
points location at (x, y, z). Such discourse on electrostatics gets away with saying = (r) because
the global Euclidean space and every points tangent space are the same space. However, in generic
manifolds, displacement vectors exist only locally in the tangent space, and thus the geometrical
object (x, y, z) (0, 0, 0) may not reside within the manifold.
The point is this: just as the address 550 S. Eleventh Avenue does not have to be the tip of a
vector, likewise the coordinates x merely specify the address that locates the point P uniquely,
distinguishing it from all other locations in the manifold. We could have described equally well the
location of P by naming it Frodo or by giving its distance along a specific contour C from some
reference point on C. The upshot is, scalar fields are functions of location, not, by definition,
functions of vectors. A scalar, even a scalar field, is therefore a tensor of order 0. We can write (r)
only because we are using r as the address when the distinction between a global space and its
tangent spaces is not at issue.
To describe a tensor of order 1 as a mapping, we need a machine into which the insertion of one
vector yields a real number. One approach would be to start with the second-order tensor g( , ) and
insert one vector , leaving the other slot empty. This would generate a new machine
, which can accommodate one real vector and yield a real number:

While offers an example of a 1-form, as a definition of a first-order tensor it would

seem to depend on a preexisting second-order tensor, which seems backward! In the next section we
examine 1-forms from another perspective and then generalize them to r-forms for r = 0, 1, 2, ....

8.2 1-Forms and Their Extensions

A first-order tensor called a 1-form takes a single vector as input and cranks out a real number
as output. Denote the 1-form as , where the slot for the insertion of a vector has been indicated.

for some real number . What machine can be built within the manifold that produces one real
number as output?
In the standard model visualization, in the local neighborhood of point P a 1-form is defined
by specifying a slicing of the space. Imagine a set of locally parallel planes. A scale for their
spacing can be assigned. The orientation of the planes and their spacing defines the 1-form at P.
When operating on a vector, by definition the 1-form at P counts the number of surfaces pierced by the
vector there, as illustrated in Fig. 8.2. The vector when put into yields the value 4; the vector
gives ; and the vector gives . When the vector is expanded as a
superposition of basis vectors that have been erected in the tangent space at P, so that ,
then by the linearity of tensors,

which is a scalar (proved below), and where the coefficient

the th component of the 1-form , counts the number of the 1-forms surfaces pierced at P by .
Figure 8.2: Inserted into the 1-form , the vectors , , and give, respectively, the values 4,
2.5, and 0. The orientation of the locally parallel surfaces that slice the space, and their
spacing, defines . The number of surfaces (imagine as many interpolating surfaces as necessary)
pierced by is the real number .

The scalar is the fundamental scalar in Riemannian and psuedo-Riemannian geometries, of

which the Euclidean 3-space A B and the Minkowskian dt2 ds2 are merely examples. It finds
several notations in the literature:
all of which equal fA.
Now you are surely thinking, since a patch of surface can have a normal vector, why not just talk
about the normal vector? To phrase this excellent question another way, could merely be an
elitist way of writing , where the vector is normal to the locally parallel surfaces that define
the 1-form ? Of course, in Euclidean space the suspected redundancy is correct: there a 1-form is
indeed redundant with a vector , echoing how in such spaces the dual basis vectors and the
original basis vectors are identical, rendering unnecessary the distinction between contravariant
and covariant vector components.
But to keep the definition of the fundamental scalar the same across all Riemannian and pseudo-
Riemannian geometries, the vector |A and a dual B| must transform differently. We can see this
from the transformation rule itself:

Since vectors transform differently from dual vectors, might it be misleading to represent them
both as arrows? Different kinds of geometrical objects are entitled to different visual
interpretations! Thus, the tradition has grown that vectors are arrows and 1-forms are surfaces. In
the scalar product, the 1-form surfaces are pierced by a vectors arrow.
The set of 1-forms at P is closed under addition and scalar multiplication: If and are 1-forms
and is a scalar, then and are 1-forms at P. A set of 1-forms forms a vector space (also
called a linear space; see Appendix C) in the sweeping abstract algebra sense of the term vector.
This means that, at any point P in a manifold of n dimensions, a set of basis 1-forms can be
constructed, denoted , where = 1, 2, . . . n. In terms of them any 1-form can be expressed as a

where repeated indices are summed, and the p are the components of . To interpret , merely
write as a superposition of basis vectors:

Consistency between and requires that

This becomes a set of equations for constructing the from given , as was similarly done in
Chapter 7 with the dual basis vectors, where . Thus, the number of independent basis
1-forms equals the number of independent basis vectors, the dimensionality of the space.

Transformation of 1-forms
We saw in Chapter 7 how the coordinate independence of a vectors information content,
expressed by

led to the transformation rule for the basis vectors, with each new basis vector a linear combination
of all the old ones:

The corresponding vector components (same vector , projected into a new coordinate system)
transform as

By similar reasoning, the transformation laws for basis 1-forms and their components are derived.
Start with

The notation means that the 1-form (which has meaning independent of coordinates, just as a
vector transcends coordinates) operates on the basis vector :

This says that the component p of a 1-form transforms the same as does the basis vector . For this
reason the 1-forms are sometimes called covectors, leading to the historical term covariant
vectors. Conversely, the components A of the vectors transform opposite, or contrary, to the basis
vectors , and for that reason they are said to be contravariant components. When 1-forms are
envisioned as another kind of vector (dual to the original ones), these adjectives are necessary.
From and the transformation rule for the p, the transformation of the basis 1-
forms immediately follows,

All of this echoes what we have seen before: under a change of coordinate system, vector
components transform one way,

and their dual or 1-form components transform another way,

It goes back to how vectors transform as displacements, whereas dual vectors or 1-forms transform
as a quantity per displacement.

The Gradient as a 1-Form

We have seen how a 1-form maps a vector to a real number. The prototypical example emerges in
the gradient. Let = (x) be a scalar field, a function of location as specified by coordinates. A
change in corresponding to displacement dx in the tangent space is given by

Compare this to the result of a 1-form operating on the displacement vector that resides in the
tangent space:

Comparing suggests that is the component of a 1-form. The 1-form itself is denoted

with an input slot, where

In this expression the basis vector is the argument of the 1-form , not the argument of . In other
words, and are different 1-forms, with components and .
In three-dimensional Euclidean space mapped with xyz coordinates, the 1-form components are
those of the familiar gradient, with the components

In Minkowskian spacetime mapped with txyz coordinates (note the necessity of a basis vector for the
time direction, ), the gradient 1-form components are

Components of the differential operator itself can be abstracted from the function ,

Whatever happens to be, the gradient 1-form may operate on any vector. Writing in terms
of basis vectors gives

On the other hand, when the gradient is expanded in a 1-form basis, , then the same
operation gets expressed as

To proceed, we still have to expand over a basis, which leads by this route to the result just
The gradient as a 1-form becomes especially useful when the displacement vector is
inserted, for then

which is a directional derivative in n dimensions. In Euclidean 3-space this reduces to a familiar


As Eq. (8.32) reminds us, in courses such as mechanics and electrodynamics we were taught to
think of the gradient as a vector. It is fine to think of it this way in three-dimensional Euclidean space,
where the 1-forms or dual vectors are redundant with vectors. It was through this notion of the
directional derivative that the gradient acquired its vector interpretation in the first place (recall
Section 1.4). This point of view requires the existence of the scalar product, and thus requires the
metric tensor, as we see now:

The claim that the gradient serves as the prototypical example of a 1-form, and the interpretation of
a 1-form as a set of surfaces slicing space, may seem more natural in light of a simple thought
experiment from introductory physics.

Figure 8.3: A topographical map showing contours of constant elevation (constant potential
energy) where the landscape topography intersects the horizontal equipotential planes.
Let U(z) = mgz represent the gravitational potential energy that describes the interaction between a
particle of mass m and the Earths gravitational field near the planets surface where the field has
uniform magnitude g. Here z denotes the vertical coordinate above a local xy plane on the Earths
surface. Equipotential surfaces form horizontal planes, each one at elevation z.
Imagine standing on the side of a mountain. The base of the mountain sits on the local xy
coordinate grid. The mountains visible shape brings to life a surface S above the xy plane. A
topographical map (see Fig. 8.3) shows contour lines made by the intersection of equipotential
surfaces with S. Your altitude at a point on the mountain is z = z(x, y). When you take a step, your
displacement, as projected onto the xy plane, has components dx = (dx, dy). Your altitude may go up,
go down, or stay the same, depending on the direction of your step. Suppose you take a step that takes
you upward toward the summit. In taking this step, you change your gravitational potential energy,
cutting through some equipotential surfaces. If instead your step carries you along a line of constant
elevation, then you cut through no equipotential surfaces. For a given displacement, the steeper the
slope in the direction you go, the greater the number of equipotential surfaces that are pierced by your
trajectory as you move through them. The frequency of spacing of the equipotential surfaces (say,
surfaces 10 J apart) as you move along a path on the mountains surface offers a visual representation
of the 1-form. Where the slopes are gentle, many steps on S are required to change your potential
energy by 10 J. In that region the 1-form, like the gradient, is small, which in turn means that U = 10
J contours are widely spaced on S in this vicinity. But where the slopes are steep, the U = 10 J
contours on the topographical map are close together; it takes very few steps on S to cross enough
equipotential surfaces for U to equal 10 J, and the 1-form (steep gradient) is large in magnitude.
For a given displacement, piercing the equipotential surfaces at a high frequency means that the 1-
form has a large magnitude. Piercing them at a low frequency means that the 1-form has a small
magnitude. (See Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler, pp. 53-59; Schutz, A First Course in General
Relativity, p. 66.)

Tensor Products and Tensors of Higher Order

New tensors are created from old ones of the same order by addition and scalar multiplication.
Can new tensors of higher order be made from old ones by multiplication? In Section 2.7 we
suggested that a component of a two-index tensor is merely the product of two vector components,
third-order tensor components are products of three vector components, and so on. That notion
generalizes to a formal algebraic operation called the tensor product. It works like this: Suppose U is
a set of vectors in n-dimensional space, and V is another set of vectors in m-dimensional space. From
these two vector spaces we define a new space, also linear, of nm dimensions. This new space is
denoted U V. If is an element of U and an element of V, then the elements of U V are denoted
. These objects, whatever they are, respect the rules of linearity that are common to all abstract
vector spaces:
What does look like in terms of and ? Since the tensor product makes an nm-
dimensional space out of an n-dimensional space and an m-dimensional space, if the elements of U
are represented by row matrices and the elements of V are represented as column matrices, then the
elements of U V are rectangular matrices; for example, if n = 2 and m = 3, then

For a particular example, the components Qjk of the electric quadrupole tensor are xixj dq, members
of an object we may denote rr dq. I invite comparison here with the Dirac bracket notation used to
illustrate the inertia tensor in Section 2.5.
Writing out explicitly required us to put and in terms of components, which implies a
coordinate system and basis vectors. The coordinate representation clearly shows that forms
an object more complicated than the vectors going into it. Although an explicit representation of U
V is facilitated by coordinates, the space U V and its elements exist without coordinates. Vectors
themselves, we recall, do not depend on coordinate systems for their existence. We anticipate that, if
n = m, the components of will be identified with the components of a second-order tensor. The
distinction between upper indices and lower indices remains to be articulated in this language; we
return to it below.
Once has been defined, objects such as can also be defined, a tensor product of
three vectors, elements of a space denoted U V W whose dimensionality is the product of the
dimensions of the spaces U, V, and W. One may continue in this manner with tensor products of higher
If and , where and are real numbers, then a second-order tensor output
can be thought of as a tensor product of two 1-forms,

This tensor product is also called the direct product of and . From this perspective, a
second-order tensor is also called a 2-form. Expand the vectors in terms of a basis, and invoke
linearity. Doing so puts us on notationally familiar ground:

A set of basis 2-forms, denoted , may be envisioned so that any 2-form can be expressed as a
superposition of them, according to

Specifically, since the order-2 tensor is a direct product of 1-forms, we can define (with input slots)

Let us do a consistency check. On the one hand, . On the other hand, in terms of
the second-order basis,

Consistency will be obtained if and only if

analogous to Eq. (8.17). One continues in like manner to higher orders.

1-Forms as Mappings
A tensor has been defined as a mapping from a set of vectors to the real numbers. We can turn this
around and think of a tensor as mapping a set of 1-forms to the real numbers:

for some real number . Breaking the 1-forms down into a superposition over a basis set of 1-forms,
we may write

where the components T of a second-order contravariant tensor are the real numbers that emerge
from the machine T(,) operating on a pair of basis 1-forms:

One can generalize further and imagine a tensor of order N = a + b to be like a machine into which
one inserts a 1-forms and b vectors to generate a single real number. For instance, into a 4-slot tensor
machine R, if we insert one 1-form and three vectors, the real number that emerges from the output
will be

An instance of this application was found in the Riemann curvature tensor.

8.3 Exterior Products and Differential Forms

At the outset we can assure our readers that we shall not do away with tensors by introducing
differential forms. Tensors are here to stay; in a great many situations, particularly those dealing
with symmetries, tensor methods are very natural and effective. However, in many other situations
the use of the exterior calculus...leads to decisive results in a way which is very difficult with
tensors alone. Sometimes a combination of techniques is in order. Harley Flanders

In this section we introduce a new kind of vector product, denoted with a wedge and thus called
informally the wedge product. Its formal name is the exterior product. It generates a new kind of
algebra that will also allow a new kind of derivative to be defined, the exterior derivative. In terms
of the exterior derivative, vector identities such as ( A) = 0 and () = 0 are unified,
as are the integral theorems of Stokes and Gauss. We will focus on the exterior product in this section,
turn to the exterior derivative in the next two sections, and conclude with integrals of exterior
derivatives in Section 8.6.

The Exterior Product

The notion of the exterior product builds on a familiar player in three-dimensional Euclidean
space: the antisymmetric cross product between vectors, A B = B A. Two vectors define a
plane, but to interpret AB as a vector perpendicular to that plane, the plane had to be embedded in
three-dimensional space. The exterior product, denoted with a wedge A B, does away with the
necessity for the embedding space.
The wedge product applies to any two vectors and in a space of n dimensions. By definition
the wedge product, also called a bivector, is antisymmetric:

The magnitude of the bivector is the area of the parallelogram defined by the two vectors,
although the bivector need not be in the shape of a parallelogram. For example, a circle of radius R
has the same area as a square whose sides have length . The direction of the bivector is
equivalent to the right-hand rule, but a normal vector is not part of a bivectors definition. (By way
of analogy, a family sitting down to dinner around the table can define a direction for the tables
surface without requiring a normal vector: agree that passing dishes to the right gives the surface a
postive sign, and passing to the left gives it a negative sign.)
Let V be a vector space of n dimensions over the field of real numbers (see Appendix C). In other
words, all elements of V have n components A, each one a real number. For any three vectors
belonging to V and for any real numbers and , the algebra of the exterior product is
defined by its anticommutativity, its associativity, and its being distributive over addition:

Notice that because of its antisymmetry, the wedge product of a vector with itself vanishes:

Therefore, any two colinear vectors have null exterior product.

When and are written in terms of basis vectors, their exterior product becomes a
superposition of exterior products of the basis vectors:

Since , we may write the superposition over the with antisymmetric

tensor coefficients and , in numerical order, so that

Let us work out an example in detail, because the anticommutativity of the wedge product lies at
the heart of the matter. Let and . Then
Notice that the coefficients of the bivectors (with ordered indices) are the components of
antisymmetric second-order tensors.
An alternative way of writing makes use of a cyclic property. Using the antisymmetry of the
wedge product, we may also write

where Ci Cjk = Ckj is the coefficient of (notice that ijk are in cyclic order).
There is yet a third way to compress the notation for all the terms in . Suppose we write
down all the terms in the sum . Using only the antisymmetry of the wedge product, the
nonzero terms would be

But with the Cjk also being antisymmetric, this becomes

Thus, if we write the wedge product of two vectors in terms of basis vectors without any notes made
about cyclical or numerical ordering, a compensating factor of must be included:
With bivectors in hand, it is irresistible to define a trivector, , and try to interpret it.
The interpretation that works is that of a directed threedimensional volume. The directed part
distinguishes right-handed coordinate axes from left-handed ones (see Hestenes, p. 20). With the
wedge product one can go on multiplying a trivector with another vector, and so on (with for an r-
vector written in terms of basis vectors, if cyclic or numerical order in the indices is not specified).
In a space of n dimensions the series of multivectors ends with a directed volume in n dimensions, a
so-called n-vector (these subscripts distinguish the vectors; they do not signify basis
vectors). The series stops here because in a wedge product of (n + 1) vectors in n dimensions, at
least two vectors will be colinear and give zero.
Formally, r-vectors for r = 0, 1, 2, . . ., n can be defined by successive applications of the exterior
product, to create the following spaces denoted r (see Flanders, Ch. 2): 0 , the set of real
numbers; the vector space itself, 1 = ; the set 2 V of bivectors, containing elements of the

where A = A; and so on. In general, an r-vector is an object from the set r that has the

where 1 < 2 < . . . < r, and where A12r for r > 1 is the component of an order-r tensor that is
antisymmetric under the exchange of any two indices. For example, if the k denote the labels 1, 2, 3,
4 in a four-dimensional space, then the sum above for a 3-form includes permutations of the orderings
(123), (124), (134), (234) for the wedge products of differentials. Thus, an element of 3 for
having four dimensions would be of the form

where each Aijk is an algebraic sum of coefficients, antisymmetric under the exchange of any two
Finally, we note that r = 0, the null set, if r > n because at least two of the vectors in the
exterior product would be identical.

Multivector Algebra
Now an algebra of r-vectors can be defined. If E and F are r-vectors in n-dimensional space, and
is a scalar, then E + F and E are also r-vectors.
If E is a p-vector and F a q-vector, then E F is a (p + q)-vector, provided that p+q n. Notice
something interesting about symmetry and antisymmetry: if p and q are both odd, then EF = FE,
as holds for . But if p and q are both even, or if one is odd and the other even, then
A B = +B A (see Ex. 8.9). In symbols, E F = (1)pqF E.
Having defined multiplication of multivectors by the exterior product, an inner product can also be
defined for multivectors if the underlying vector space has an inner product . Consider a p-
vector L,

and a q-vector M,

where again these subscripts on and are merely labels to distinguish various vectors, and do not
denote basis vectors. The inner product L M, also denoted L|M, is defined as a determinant of
inner products of vectors,

where i = 1, 2, ..., p and j = 1, 2, ...q.

Differential Forms
Now we are in a position to define differential forms. The move from an r-vector to a differential
r-form proceeds by rescaling basis vectors with coordinate differentials. These rescaled basis
vectors then get multiplied together with the exterior product. In Euclidean space, the rescaled unit
vector describes a displacement vector parallel to the x-direction. For any coordinate
displacement, under any basis, and in any number of dimensions (resorting to tangent spaces for
curved manifolds), a basis vector used in differential forms may be articulated as follows: With no
sum over , let

Analogous to how the component of a tensor of order N was the product of N coordinate
displacements, here the differential r-forms are defined as r-vectors made from wedge products of
the basis vectors .
A 0-form is a scalar, having no differential basis vectors. A differential 1-form (no tilde used
here for differential forms, although some authors use tildes) has the structure, in any manifold
(summing over ),

For example, in Euclidean 3-space,

This looks odd; one wants to call the left-hand side d instead of just . But the as written is the
notation of differential forms. As Charles Dickens wrote in another context, But the wisdom of our
ancestors is in the simile; and my unhallowed hands shall not disturb it, or the Countrys done for.
More will be said about this strange notation when we study integrals of differential forms.
A differential 2-form looks like this in Euclidean 3-space (written here with the vectors and their
coefficients in cyclic order):

The differential 2-form is the first r-form that can exhibit antisymmetry. Since the Ci in are to be
antisymmetric, we may rename them Ci Cjk = Ckj with ijk in cyclic order, so that may also be

Differential forms of degree 3 or higher (up to n in a space of n dimensions) may be similarly

Now that we have scalars, 1-forms, 2-forms, and so forth, the space of differential multivectors
can be defined. Let R denote an ordered set of indices, R = {1, 2, r}, where 1 1 < 2 ,
r. Let denote the ordered product , and let AR be their antisymmetrized (for
r 2) coefficients (include a factor of if the i are not in cyclic or numerical order, to avoid
double-counting). Consider the sum of multivectors

where the last term in the series will be a differential n-vector in n-dimensional space. If two
multivectors are equal, then their respective scalar, 1-vector, 2-vector,... components are separately
equal. Such a set of multivectors forms a vector space in the sense of abstract algebra (Appendix
C). It is closed under multivector addition and scalar multiplication, respects the associative law
under multiplication, and commutes under addition. We started out by asking, What does tensor
mean? Perhaps we should now be asking, How far can the meaning of vector be taken?
Differential forms come into their own when they appear in an integral. We will see that in line
integrals, in Stokess theorem, and in Gausss divergence theorem, the integral over an r-form gives
an (r 1)-form (for r 1) evaluated on the boundary of the region of integration. But before we
learned how to integrate, we had to learn about derivatives. Likewise, before we consider the
integral of an r-form, we must discuss its inverse, the exterior derivative.

8.4 The Exterior Derivative

The exterior derivative of a differential r-form T produces a differential (r + 1)-form, which carries
various notations:
It is defined as follows (sum over ):

(notice that a basis vector is needed for the time direction in spacetime).
Let us work our way through some exterior derivatives in three-dimensional space, showing that
the exterior derivative of a differential r-form gives a differential (r + 1)-form. Let be a scalar, a
differential 0-form. Then

which has the structure , a differential 1-form, where A, B, and C are derivatives
of with respect to coordinates. This is the differential form version of the familiar d = (k )dxk
well known from the chain rule.
Let be a differential 1-form , and take its exterior derivative:

which has the structure of a differential 2-form . We

recall that T can be written three equivalent ways (watch signs on the coefficients; Cij in the cyclic
ordering may not always have the same sign as Cij in the i < j ordering),

because both the second-order tensor coefficients and the wedge products are antisymmetric. In three
dimensions the tensor coefficients are the components of the curl of a vector field C.
The exterior derivative of a 2-form, in three-dimensional Euclidean space, gives a result that
contains the familiar Euclidean divergence,
To sum up so far, given a differential form T of degree r,

its exterior derivative is

In most literature on this subject, in such expressions the wedge products between differentials are
understood and not written explicitly. For instance, in the context of differential forms dydz = dzdy
because dydz means . Omitting the wedges raises no problem if one remembers
that the differentials anticommute. The distinction between (with wedges
understood) on the one hand and the usual volume element dxdydz = dydxdz (no implicit wedges) on
the other hand is that the former is a directed volume that distinguishes between right- and left-handed
coordinate systems, whereas the latter is merely a number that measures volume. I will continue
making the wedges explicit.

Properties of the Exterior Derivative

Let be a differential form of degree r, and let be a differential form of degree q. From its
definition one can easily verify the following properties of the exterior derivative:

and an especially significant one called Poincars lemma, which says that for any differential form

Poincars lemma is so important that we should prove it immediately. Let T be a differential r-


The first exterior derivative of T gives

Now take the second exterior derivative:

By virtue of continuity of the coefficients TR, the partial derivatives commute,


and thus ( T) = ( T) = 0, QED.

Applications of ( T) = 0 are immediate and easily demonstrated in three-dimensional

Euclidean space (see Exs. 8.1 and 8.2). For instance, if T is a 0-form , then

If T is a 1-form v, then

Conspicuously, the antisymmetric curl appears in both of these vector theorems.

A corollary to Poincars lemma immediately follows: if is a differential r-form and

then a differential (r 1)-form exists such that

The corollary seems almost obvious, given Poincars lemma, but proving it rigorously takes one
into the deep waters of articulating the circumstances under which it can happen. The proof (see
Flanders, Ch. 3) shows it to be valid only in domains that are topologically simple, that can be
deformed in principle into a point (e.g., a toroid cannot because however you stretch or distort it
without tearing, a hole remains).
Let us consider a sample application of differential forms. Whether or not this book is concise,
at least it should include concise applications of the methods it discusses.
8.5 An Application to Physics: Maxwells Equations
Physics in Flat Spacetime:
Wherein the reader meets an old friend, Special Relativity, outfitted in a new, mod attire, and
becomes more intimately acquainted with her charms.
Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler, about to introduce special relativity in the language of differential

Consider the electric fields in matter, E and D, and the magnetic fields in matter, B and H. The
fields D and H are due to free charges and currents, and the fields E and B are due to all sources of
fields, including the effects of polarization. The homogeneous Maxwell equations are


The inhomogeneous equations, which relate the fields directly to the density of free charges and the
density j of free currents, are


Let us examine unified treatments of Maxwells electrodynamics, first recalling the language of
tensors, and then after that using the language of differential forms.
In terms of tensors, we define the 4-vectors A = (, A) for the potentials and j = (, j) for the
sources, along with their duals A = (, A) and j = (, j), the gradient = (t, ), and its dual
= (t, ). From these comes the Faraday tensor, F = A A. The inhomogeneous Maxwell
equations (absorbing constants) then take the form

The homogeneous Maxwell equations may be written

The tensor formalism is elegant and useful. But here is something else elegant and useful: Armed
with the exterior product, introduce a time-like basis vector , so that exterior products for
spacetime can be defined. In particular, define a 2-form ,

and another 2-form ,

For the charge and current sources of the fields introduce a third differential 2-form ,

Now comes the fun part. Evaluate . Writing the spatial indices with Latin letters in cyclic
order, there results

By virtue of Maxwells equations, Eqs. (8.75) and (8.76), Faradays law and Gausss law for the
magnetic field are concisely subsumed into one equation by setting

Similar treatment for the inhomogeneous Maxwell equations (Gausss law for the electric field, and
the Ampre-Maxwell law) are left as exercises for you to enjoy (see Exs. 8.4-8.7).

8.6 Integrals of Differential Forms

Since the exterior derivative of a differential r-form produces a differential (r + 1)-form, we expect
the integral of a differential r-form to produce a differential (r 1)-form (for r > 0). When discussing
antiderivatives of exterior derivatives, the notation dT is more convenient than T, even though
their meanings are the same.
We might expect that the integral of d would simply be , but instead in the literature on
integrating differential forms we encounter this weird-looking formula:
Eq. (8.84) looks unsettlingand can be distractingbecause there seems to be a d missing in the
integral on the right. This oddness echoes the seemingly missing d that was mentioned after Eq.
(8.55). Here is a notational threshold to get over! Of course, in the strange notation of bdR, the
differentials are already built into and are joined together by wedge products if has degree r > 1.
Thus, bdR is indeed an integral over r differentials, with the differentials understood. But there
is more to it than implicit ds. Let us look for something analogous in elementary calculus.
In calculus we learned that

The term on the right-hand side of Eq. (8.84) means something analogous to the of elementary
calculus. Indeed, they would look almost the same if we wrote as . In both and bd R, the
result of evaluating the definite integral over a region R is that the antiderivative gets evaluated on the
boundary of R.
In an elementary integral , R is a piece of x-axis from x = a to x = b. The boundary of a
non-closed surface (e.g., a flux integral) is a closed contour; the boundary of a volume is the surface
enclosing the volume. Whatever region R happens to be, bdR means that gets evaluated on the
boundary of R.
Let me be more explicit. Consider a line integral, such as work done by a conservative force F as
a particle moves from r = a to r = b, so that

Also recall Stokess theorem, where C is the closed path that forms the boundary of surface S,

and the divergence theorem, where closed surface is the boundary of volume V,

The line integral, Stokess theorem, and the divergence theorem are familiar from vector calculus in
three-dimensional Euclidean space. However, these three integral theorems are merely special cases
of Eq. (8.84). Let us demonstrate that now, starting with path integrals. The beauty of differential
forms is that such results can be extended to manifolds of n dimensions and non-Euclidean metrics.
In ordinary calculus, we have the familiar result for a scalar function ,

Let us write its differential form analog. Being a scalar, is also a differential 0-form. Its exterior
derivative is a 1-form,

Now let us undo the derivative and integrate it from to :

The odd notation of Eq. (8.84) has the meaning of the middle term, and the right-hand term is an
instance of bd R . Now let us carry out the same procedure on higher-degree differential forms.
Consider a differential 1-form :

Evaluate its exterior derivative:

Allowing for the antisymmetry of the wedge product, this may be written

Now undo the derivative by evaluating the integral of d over a region R. That yields evaluated on
the boundary of R:

Since d has two differentials, R is a surface S. Since has one differential, bd R is a closed contour
C. Putting these limits into the integrals, and restoring what d and are in terms of differentials with
coefficients, Eq. (8.94) says

which will be recognized as Stokess theorem, Eq. (8.86), in the language of differential forms.
Let be a differential 2-form,

where C = C. Evaluate its exterior derivative:

Allowing for the antisymmetry of both the wedge product and the second-order tensor coefficients,
this becomes . Finally, denoting C C with , , in
cyclic order, we obtain

Now let us reverse what we just did and integrate Eq. (8.98),

restore what d and are in terms of differential forms, and write volume V for R and surface S for
its boundary:

In three-dimensional Euclidean space, this is the differential form rendition of the divergence
theorem, Eq. (8.87).
Thus, we have seen, for any differential form , that Poincars lemma,

is equivalent to the vector identities in Euclidean space

for any vector A and any scalar , and that the integral

contains line integrals, Stokess theorem, and Gausss divergence theorem as special cases.
Having announced that tensors are here to stay, Flanders also comments (p. 4) that exterior
calculus is here to stay, that it will gradually replace tensor methods in numerous situations where it
is the more natural tool [emphasis added], that it will find more and more applications because of its
inner simplicity,...and because it simply is there whenever integrals occur.... Physicists are beginning
to realize its usefulness.

The fundamental principles of physics must transcend this or that coordinate system and therefore
be amendable to being written in generalized coordinates. For any equation to be written with the
convenience of coordinates, while also transcending them, it must be written as tensors. Tensors
transform the same as the coordinates themselves, and therefore move smoothly between coordinate
systems. That is why tensors are formally defined by how they behave under coordinate
Tensors and their friends, such as the affine connection and differential forms, can get complicated
when working out their details. But the underlying ideas are simple and elegant, beautiful products of
the human imagination. Their applications are informed by the real world that we attempt to model
with these tools.
Physics is the art of creating, testing, and improving a network of concepts in terms of which
nature becomes comprehensible. Because nature is subtle but quantitative, we need robust
mathematical tools with which to engage her.

8.7 Discussion Questions and Exercises

Discussion Questions
Q8.1 A tensor can be defined as a mapping from a set of vectors to the real numbers. Is it possible
to map a tensor to another tensor? Consider, for example, the prospect of leaving one or more input
slots empty when inserting vectors into a tensor of order greater than 2, such as . What sort
of mathematical object is this? What sort of object results from inserting two vectors into two input
slots of the Riemann tensor, , leaving two unfilled slots?

Q8.2 Given the definition of a bivector , consider yet another kind of vector product,
simply called the vector product denoted by juxtaposition (not a dyad). This vector product is
defined by giving it a scalar and a bivector part:

(see Hestenes). Multiplication among multivectors is defined by extending this idea. If r is an r-

vector, so that , where r n in n-dimensional space (the subscripts label
distinct vectors and are not basis vectors) and is another vector, then
which produces an (r 1)-vector and an (r + 1)-vector (recall that the
wedge product of a vector with an n-vector is defined to be zero). Each multivector has a sense of
direction, such as a right-hand rule that orients the surface of a bivector, and the distinction between
left-and right-handed coordinate systems in trivectors.
A contraction of bivectors follows if an inner product exists between vectors, for example,

Another relation is

How is this geometric algebra similar to the exterior product discussed in this chapter? The
generalized multivector, with scalar, vector, bivector, trivector... components, is said to form a
tensor basis. Is this name justified?
Motivation for multivector approaches comes with the ability of these algebras to treat vectors and
tensors, as well as spinors and hypercomplex numbers (such as the Pauli spinors and Dirac -
matrices for relativistic electron theory), in a unified formalism (see Hestenes, Yaglom).

Q8.3 For another example where skew-symmetry plays a revealing role, and thereby motivates the
wedge product and its use in differential forms, consider an ordinary double integral

and carry out a change of variable,

so that

Upon substituting these expressions for dx and dy and gathering terms, the integral takes the form
If we could set


then the integral would become

where J is the determinant of the transformation coefficients:

Show how this procedure could be formalized with the exterior product.

Q8.4 The de Broglie hypothesis of quantum mechanics postulates that corresponding to the motion
of a free particle of momentum p, there is a harmonic wave of wavelength , where p = h/ and h is
Plancks constant. Discuss how this hypothesis could be eloquently expressed in the language of a 1-
form. See Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler, p. 53.

Q8.5 Let U denote the xy plane and V the real number line visualized along the z-axis. Is three-
dimensional Euclidean space equivalent to U V?

8.1 Consider a scalar , a 0-form. (a) Show that is a 1-form. (b) Show that ( ) =
0 and demonstrate its equivalence to () = 0.

8.2 Let be a 1-form,

(a) Show that is a 2-form.

(b) Show that ( ) = 0 and is equivalent to ( A) = 0.
8.3 Consider a 2-form T,

where C = C. Show that T is a 3-form that contains the divergence of a vector C.

Exs. 8.4 8.8 are adapted from Flanders:

8.4 Fill in the steps leading to for the of Section 8.5 which subsumes Faradays law and
Gausss law for B, viz., Eqs. (8.75) and (8.76).

8.5 Consider the differential 2-form of Eq. (8.81) and the differential 3-form of Eq. (8.82).
Show how they can be used to express the inhomogeneous Maxwell equations, Eqs. (8.77) and

8.6 Compute for the of Eq. (8.82) and show how it is related to the local conservation of
electric charge,

8.7 Consider the electromagnetic potential 4-vector A = (, A). Construct the differential form

Show that = is equivalent to E = tA and B = A, where is given by Eq.


8.8 Consider the differential forms made from the electromagnetic fields E, D, B, and H, and the
current density j:
(a) Show that

where Si denotes a component of Poyntings vector S = E H.

(b) Define T as the exterior derivative over spatial components only. Show that Maxwells
equations may be written

where denotes the electric charge density.

(c) Recall Poynings theorem, written conventionally as

where is the electromagnetic energy density, . Show that Poyntings theorem

may be written in terms of differential forms by applying the product rule for the exterior derivative,
Eq. (8.66), applied to ( ).

8.9 Let E be a p-vector and F be a q-vector. Show that EF = (1)pqFE, in particular:

(a) if p and q are both odd, then E F = F E;
(b) if p and q are both even, then E F = F E; and
(c) if p is odd and q is even, then E F = F E.
Appendix A

Common Coordinate Systems

Over a dozen coordinate systems exist for mapping locations in three-dimensional Euclidean space.
The systems most commonly used are rectangular (Cartesian), spherical, and cylindrical coordinates.
The cylindrical coordinates (, , z) and the spherical coordinates (r, , ) are related to the
Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) as follows (see Fig. A.1).


Figure A.1: Rectangular coordinates (upper left) mapped to cylindrical coordinates (upper right)
and spherical coordinates (bottom).
Appendix B

Theorem of Alternatives

Let M be a square matrix, let |y be a known vector, and let |x be an unknown vector. Consider
three types of matrix equations to be solved for |x: the inhomogeneous (I), homogeneous (H), and
transposed (T) cases,

where the dagger denotes the adjoint, the complex conjugate of the transpose of M, and |0 denotes
the null vector.
Because the determinant of M either does or does not vanish, the theorem of alternatives (a.k.a.
the invertible matrix theorem) offers the various kinds of solutions that may be found to (I), (H),
and (T). The theorem says:
If |M| 0, there exists unique solutions as given by

If |M| = 0, then there exists nontrival solutions

and there exists solutions |xI if and only if

for every |xT |0.

The part of the theorem we need for the eigenvalue problem is the homogeneous case. For a proof
and more discussion of the theorem of alternatives, see textbooks on linear algebra (e.g., Lay, p. 112).
Appendix C

Abstract Vector Spaces

In the context of abstract algebraic systems, a vector space may be described as follows:
Let V = {, , . . . } denote a set of elements called vectors on which has been defined a binary
operation called vector addition. Also the scalar multiplication of elements of V by the elements
(x, y, . . .) from a field F is well defined, so that x is an element of V for any element x of F and any
elements of V. Then V is an abstract linear space, or vector space over F, if and only if the
following conditions are satisfied for arbitrary elements , of V, and arbitrary elements x, y of F.
Vector addition is commutative,

Addition also distributes over multiplication by elements of F, so that


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abstract algebra, 176, 179
accelerated frame, 22
adjoint, 27, 91, 211. See also dual
affine connection: ABC off-diagonal metric, 114-115
basis vectors, related to, 167-168, 172
components in Euclidean spherical coordinates, 115
defined, 99-101, 167
Euclidean cylindrical coordinates, 169-170
exponentially parameterized metric, 113
Newtonian limit of and relation to gravitation, 101-103, 148, 151
metric tensor, related to, 107-109, 168-169, 171
symmetry of, 101
transformation of, 103-105
affine parameter, 116
affine transformation, 116
Ampre-Maxwell law, 40, 137, 200
analysis, 9, 26
angular momentum: as second-order tensor, 54
as vector, 35-36
angular velocity, 35
anticommutativity, 191
antimatter, 92
antisymmetry: exterior product, 190-191, 204
tensors, 53, 95, 141, 191. See also curl; differential forms
associativity, 191
atlas, 158, 159
axial vector, 30

basis: vectors, 3-9, 155

complete set, 9
as eigenvectors, 49
1-forms, 182
2-forms, 188-189
basis one-forms, 182
beta decay, 92
Bianchi identities, 124, 147
bilinear covariants, 92
bilinear form, 178
bivector, 190, 203
block on inclined plane, 12-13
Bolyai, Janos, 144
bracket notation (of Dirac), 23-27, 74, 188

calculus of variations, 116, 152

canonical momentum, 153
cartography, 157
center of mass, 35
center-of-mass frame, 21
chain rule, 19, 75, 76, 97, 98, 100, 126, 168
charge density, 38, 40. See also four-vector
chart, 157-158
Christoffel symbol: affine connection and, 109
first kind, 108
second kind, 108
closure, 5, 182
comma notation for partial derivatives, 75, 105. See also semicolon notation for covariant
commutator, 123
completeness relation, 9, 44
conservation: of energy, 21
of momentum, 21. See also equation of continuity
conservative force, 200
contraction, 83, 124, 193
contravariant, 18, 74, 81, 110, 182, 183
cosmological constant, 147
cosmology, 120, 135, 146, 147
Coulombs law, 20, 37, 55
covariance. See principle of general covariance
covariant derivative: applied to general covariance, 145-148
basis vectors, related to, 155, 169
introduced, 18, 105-107
metric tensor, vanishing of, 113
second covariant derivative, 122. See also under curl; under divergence; under Laplacian;
semicolon notation for covariant derivatives
covariant vector, 18, 74, 81, 110, 182, 183
covector, 183
cross product, 5
curl: as antisymmetric tensor, 112
with covariant derivative, 111-112
as introduced in Euclidean space, 7
related to differential forms, 196
current density, 40. See also four-vector
curvature: extrinsic measure of, 119
intrinsic measure of, 120
second derivative and, 99, 119
curvature of spacetime, 94-95, 144
curvature scalar: Ricci tensor and, 124, 134, 136
in xy plane, 119, 134
curved space, 99, 120. See also parallel transport; path integral; Riemann tensor
cyclic, 192. See also permutations
cylindrical coordinates, 63, 165-166, 209-210

dark energy, 146

degenerate eigenvalues, 49. See also eigenvalue
degree of r-form, 197
Descartes, Ren, 7
determinant: eigenvalues, related to, 48, 211
Jacobian, 85-87
multi-vector inner product, 193
proper vs. improper transformations, 52
in theorem of alternatives, 211
trace of matrix, related to, 116
of transformation matrix, 30
diagonalization, 49, 173. See also eigenvalue
differential forms, 155, 171, 175, 193-195
integrals of, 200-203
Maxwells equations as, 199-200, 206
differential 0-form, 156, 194, 195, 201, 205
differential 1-form, 156, 194, 195, 201, 205
differential 2-form, 196, 206
differential 3-form, 206
differential multivectors, 194
dipole: electric, 33, 60-61
gravitational, 55
molecular average, 60. See also electric dipole; multipole; quadrupole tensor
Dirac bracket. See bracket notation
Dirac delta function, 55
Dirac equation, 91-92
Dirac matrices, 203
Dirac, P. A. M., 23, 91
directed volume, 192
directional derivative, 7, 185
direct product, 188
displacement: defined as vector, 6, 16, 63
defined for coordinates, 64, 81
distinct from distance, 64, 81
in numerator vs. in denominator, 15-18
in various coordinate systems, 63
distance, 63, 80, 161-162. See also metric space
divergence, 7, 58
with covariant derivative, 110-111, 147, 170, 172
exterior derivative of 2-form, related to, 196, 201
divergence theorem: relation to differential forms, 156, 175, 195
for stress tensor, 41
Doppler effect, 93
dot product. See scalar product
dual, 3, 7, 28, 37, 74, 76, 77-79, 94, 95, 139, 156, 163, 166, 169, 177, 182
duality, 28
dyad, 57
dyadic, 57, 60

eigenvalue, 42, 47-50, 57, 211

eigenvector. See eigenvalue
Einstein, Albert, 20, 66, 120, 134, 137, 143, 147
Einsteins field equations, 146-148, 150, 151
electric dipole: moment, 33, 37, 38
moment density, 33
electric field D, 198-199, 206-207
electric field E, 20, 33-34, 39-42, 137-138, 198, 206-207
electric field, transformation of, 20, 94, 142. See also transformation
electric potential , 37-38, 54, 55, 82, 138-139, 179. See also four-vector
electric susceptibility tensor, 33-34, 58-59, 61
electromagnetic energy density, 41, 207
electromagnetic fields as differential forms, 199-200
electromagnetic stress tensor. See Maxwell tensor
electron-positron annihilation, 21
electrostatic field equations, 150
embedding space, 99, 119, 167
energy density: electromagnetic, 41
related to stress tensors, 146
energy, related to momentum, 21, 71. See also conservation; four-vector; momentum
entropy, 171
equation of continuity, 42, 140, 146, 153, 206
equation of geodesic deviation, 135
equation of state: dark energy, 146
electromagnetic radiation, 146
static dust, 146
equipotential surface, 186
equivalence principle. See principle of equivalence
Euclidean spaces, 37
four-dimensional, 64-65, 120, 135
n-dimensional, 157
Euclidean vectors, 3-18
Euler angles, 59
Euler-Lagrange equation, 116, 152
exterior calculus, 190
exterior derivative: antiderivatives of, 200-203
defined, 195-198
motivation for, 156, 190
exterior product, 155, 156, 175, 190-195
extremal, 116, 152

Faraday-Lenz law, 40, 198-199, 206

Faraday tensor, 141, 150, 199
Fermats principle for free-fall, 116
field equation of general relativity. See Einsteins field equations
Finsler geometry, 162
first law of thermodynamics, 113
Flanders, Harley, 175, 190, 203
flat spacetime. See Minkowskian spacetime
four-dimensional space. See Euclidean spaces; Minkowskian spacetime
four-vector: displacement, 69
electric current density, 139, 152, 199
electromagnetic potentials, 139, 152, 199, 206
gradient, 139
momentum, 71
velocity, 70-71, 101
Franklin, Benjamin, 37
free fall, 100, 106, 113, 116, 130, 143, 148, 157
functional, 116, 152-153

Galilean transformation, 22, 66, 90, 93, 97-98

gauge transformation, 138-140, 149
Gauss, Karl Friedrich, 144
Gausss divergence theorem. See divergence theorem
Gausss law for B, 40, 138, 198-199, 206
Gausss law for E, 40, 137, 199, 200
general covariance. See principle of general covariance
generators, 152
geodesic, 116, 120, 125, 159. See also equation of geodesic deviation
geometric algebra, 204
gradient: Euclidean, 6-7, 12, 74
as one-from, 184-187
superscripted or subscripted coordinates, 78
as vector, 185
gravitational potential energy, 186
great circle, 157
Great Plains, 132

Hamiltonian, 149, 152-153

Hamiltons principle, 116
Hilbert space, 24
homeomorphisms, 171
hydrodynamics stress tensor, 58
hypercomplex numbers, 91, 204
hypersphere, 135

ideal gas, 160

identity matrix, 25, 27, 77
identity transformation, 88
improper transformation, 52
inertial frame, 12, 22, 65, 90, 100, 143, 148. See also free fall
inertia tensor, 34-37, 53, 56, 76, 84, 188
eigenvalue problem, example of, 47-50
inner product. See contraction
intrinsic derivative, 172
invariant, 2. See also distance; spacetime interval
invariant charge, 93
invariant length, 14
invariant volume, 89
inversion of axes, 30
invertible matrix theorem. See theorem of alternatives
Jacobian: defined, 85
as determinant, 87
pseudo-Riemannian spaces, algebraic sign in, 88
related to metric tensor, 88-89
role in coordinate transformation, 86-93

kinetic energy: Newtonian, 71, 90

rotational, 35
in special relativity, 71, 90
Klein-Gordon equation, 91
Kronecker delta, 8, 23, 52, 76, 77, 156, 163, 168, 182, 189

Lagrangian, 116, 149

Laplacian: with covariant derivative, 112, 117, 145
as divergence of gradient, 7
left-handed coordinate system, 52, 192
Legendre polynomials, 56
length contraction, 67
Levi-Civita symbol, 11, 29, 95
light-like events, 68
linear independence, 8-9
linear space, 182, 213. See also vector space
line element, 80. See also distance
line integral. See path integral
Lobachevski, Nikoli, 144
Lorentz covariance, 150
Lorentz gauge, 139, 140
Lorentz transformation, 22, 68-69, 90, 93, 96, 98, 113, 137, 141-142, 150
lower indices. See superscripts vs. subscripts
lowering indices, 79, 164

magnetic field B, 20, 39-42, 137-138, 206-207

magnetic field H, 198-199, 206-207
magnetic field, transformation of, 20, 94, 142
magnetostatic field equations, 150
manifold, 155, 159-160, 167
mapping, 176, 203
Maxwells equations, 40, 137-138, 198-199. See also electromagnetic fields as differential forms
Maxwell tensor, 40, 58
Mercator projection, 158, 171
metric space, 120, 161
metric tensor: ABC off-diagonal metric, 114-115, 152
affine connection, related to, 107-109
converting displacement to distance, 63-64
definitions of, 9, 17, 63-65
Euclidean space, 64
exponential parameterization, 113
mapping from vectors to real numbers, 176
Minkowsian spacetime, 70
multiplicative inverse of, 77
perturbation on, 102
Riemann tensor, role in, 124
Schwarzschild, 72
symmetry of, 73. See also scalar product; superscripts vs. subscripts
minimal coupling, 148
Minkowskian spacetime, 70, 71, 72, 77, 78, 90, 102
Minkowski, Hermann, 65
Misner, Charles, 176, 198
mixed tensor, 77, 178
moment. See dipole; quadrupole tensor
moment of inertia, 33-34, 50
momentum: electromagnetic field, 39-41
Newtonian, 39, 71
special relativity, 21, 71
monopole, 38, 53
multilinear forms, 155, 176, 179
multipole, 37-39, 54-55
multivector, 175, 193, 194

Newtonian fluid, 58
Newtonian gravitational potential, 55, 102-103, 143
Newtonian gravitational vector field, 55, 101-102, 143
Newtonian limit, 101-103, 116, 145, 147, 150
Newtonian relativity, 66, 97-98, 147-148
Newton, Isaac, 66
Newtons second law, 12-13, 22, 39, 65, 93, 102
Newtons third law, 39
Noether, Emmy, 152
Noethers theorem, 152
normal vector, 42, 58, 87, 181, 190

octupole tensor, 51
one-form, 74, 157, 180-187
basis for, 182
slicing of space and, 180-181
transformations of, 183. See also differential forms; differential 1-form
On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies (Einstein), 20, 137, 143
order of a tensor, 1, 45, 176, 178, 179, 189
ordinary gradient, 82
ordinary vectors, 79-83, 109-110, 170. See also contravriant; covariant vector
orthogonal transformation, 14, 30, 59, 97-98
orthogonal vectors, 7, 166. See also Kronecker delta
orthonormal, 8
outer product, 84

parallelogram addition, 3-4, 167

parallel transport, 4, 121, 125, 167. See also path integral
path integral: closed path and curved space, 121-122, 125-128
with covariant derivative, 122
relation to differential forms, 156, 175, 195
work, 200
permittivity, 33
permutations, 11. See also cyclic
phase space, 65, 160
photon, 21
Poincar group, 141
Poincars lemma, 156, 175-176, 197-198
proof of, 197
vector calculus identities derived with, 197-198, 202
Poissons equation, 143, 145, 146, 149, 151
polarizability, molecular, 60
polar vector, 30
Poyntings theorem, 207
Poyntings vector, 41, 207
pressure, 58, 146, 160
Principia, The (Newton), 66
principle of equivalence, 143
principle of general covariance, 15, 109, 137-143, 148, 149
electrodynamics, applied to, 137-142
gravitation, applied to, 143-148
proper time, 67-68, 70, 72, 116
proper transformation, 52, 96
pseudo-Riemannian geometry (space or manifold), 64, 65, 72-74, 78, 85, 88, 110, 116, 162, 171,
181, 182
pseudoscalar, 30, 92
pseudovector, 30
Pythagorean theorem, 10, 120, 162

quadrupole tensor, 37-39, 53, 55, 56, 84, 187

quantum mechanics, 28, 60-61, 91-92, 205

raising indices, 79, 164

rank of a tensor, 2. See also order of a tensor
rapidity, 69
reciprocal vectors, 6. See also dual
rectangular coordinates, 209-210
displacement vector, 63
multipole expansion, 38
reverse transformation, 23
r-forms, 194-198
Ricci tensor, 124, 132, 133, 134, 135, 146
Riemann curvature tensor. See Riemann tensor
Riemann, Georg G. B., 64, 144
Riemannian geometry, 64, 65, 72-74, 78, 85, 110, 162, 171, 181, 182
Riemann tensor, 51, 122-124, 144, 146
linearity in second derivative of metric tensor, 124, 128-131
as mapping, 189
symmetries of, 123-124, 134
right-handed coordinate system, 52, 192
right-hand rule, 5
rotating reference frame, 149
rotation of axes, 13-14, 22, 30. See also orthogonal transformation
r-vectors, 192-195

Sakurai, J. J., 92
scalar, 2, 45, 92, 179, 181. See also curvature scalar; scalar product
scalar density. See weight
scalar field, 179, 184
scalar multiplication, 3, 83
scalar product, 4, 9, 10, 29, 72-73, 81, 94
Schwarzschild metric, 72, 77, 93, 94-95, 120-121, 152, 172
second law of thermodynamics, 171
semicolon notation for covariant derivatives, 106. See also comma notation for partial derivatives
similarity transformation, 44
simple Lorentz transformation. See Lorentz transformation
skew-symmetry, 204. See also antisymmetry
space inversion. See inversion of axes
spacelike events, 68
spacetime interval, 67, 74
span the space, 8
speed of light, 66-67, 93
spherical coordinates, 10, 63, 82-83, 209-210
spherical harmonics, 54
spin, 91
spinor, 91, 203
Stokess theorem, 87, 156, 175
relation to differential forms, 195, 201-202
stress tensor, 145, 150, 151
electromagnetic, 41
Newtonian fluid, 58
relativistic fluid, 146, 149
superposition, 8, 25, 37, 156, 157, 163, 167, 172, 178, 179, 180, 182, 188, 191
superscripts vs. subscripts, 8, 37, 71, 72-76. See also gradient
symmetric tensors, 53, 95
synthesis, 9, 25

tangent space, 6, 155, 157, 160-161, 163, 167

tangent vector, 5, 99, 133, 161
Taylor series, 38, 162
tensor: electric susceptibility, 33
Faraday, 141
inertia, 34
Maxwell, 41
metric, 63-79
Newtonian fluid, 58
octupole, 51
operator (coordinate-free representation), 43-44
product of vector components, 50
relativistic fluid, 146, 149
Ricci, 124
Riemann, 123
transformation of, 1, 78
tensor density, 51-52, 84-85, 88-90, 92, 95. See also weight
tensor interaction (nuclear physics), 54
tensor product, 187-189
theorem of alternatives, 47, 211
Thorne, Kip, 176, 198
time dilation, 67
timelike events, 68
topographical map, 186
topology, 120, 132, 198
torsion, 101
trace, 56, 116
transformation: affine connection, 103-105, 168
basis vectors, 16, 164-165
density (mass or charge), 84-85
electromagnetic field, 141
four-velocity in spacetime, 98-99
gradient, 75
orthogonal, 28
proper vs. improper, 52
second-order tensor, 44-45
similarity, 44
tensor, formal definition of, 1
unitary, 27
vectors as matrices, 26
velocity in Euclidean space, 97. See also Lorentz transformation; orthogonal transformation;
tensor; tensor density
transformation coefficients: matrix of, 27
as partial derivatives, 18-19
transition map, 159
triangle inequality, 161
trivector, 192
two-forms, 188-189. See also differential forms; differential 2-form
two-index tensor, 33-50

unitarity, 27
unitary transformation, 27, 31
unit vectors, 6, 7, 9, 47, 157
upper indices. See superscripts vs. subscripts

vector: as arrow, 3
components of, 3, 10
contravariant, 18
covariant, 18
curvature, 134
displacement, 6, 160, 165
dual, 3, 16 (see also one-forms); Euclidean, 3-28
as matrices, 23-24
order as tensor, 45
parallelogram addition of, 3
reciprocal, 3, 16
subtraction of, 4
transformation of components, 19
unit vectors, 4
velocity, 5
zero vector, 4
vector potential A, 138-139
vector product (A B), 5, 11, 29-30
vector product , 203-204
vector space, 182, 190, 195, 213
velocity, 5
viscosity, 58

wave equation, 138-141, 199

wedge product, 190. See also exterior product
weight, 52, 90, 96. See also tensor density
Weinberg, Steven, 178
Wheeler, John A., 176, 198
work, 200

zero-form, 194
zero vector, 4

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