Structural Health Monitoring of Aluminum Plate Using Acoustic Sensors
Structural Health Monitoring of Aluminum Plate Using Acoustic Sensors
Structural Health Monitoring of Aluminum Plate Using Acoustic Sensors
Abstract- Structural health monitoring (SHM) is an evolving technology being developed for monitoring of air and space
systems. The information gathered on a systems structural integrity through SHM detection methods may result in reduced
costly maintenance inspections, enhanced safety, and system failure predictions. This study evaluates Lamb wave approaches
used to detect simulated cracks in laboratory experiments on thin plates to detect realistic damage in a test article representing the
rocket motor casing. The main objective of the project is to measure the damage evaluation in Aluminum plate using pzt sensors
by generating Lamb wave because Lamb wave methods need little power for exciting transducers and is suitable for large plate-
like structures because of its characteristic of the long-range propagation.PZT sensors are used for emitting and receiving lamb
waves. Also this technique reduces signal processing time to extract damage information from the sensor signals because it does
not require continuous monitoring during operations unlike other Piezo-based methods. This work is carried out at Advanced
System Laboratory, DRDO, Hyderabad.
The potential direct benefits from such systems are 1.2.1 Smart Materials & Structures.
enormous. These include: 1.2.2 Data Acquisition Systems.
1.2.3 Lamb Waves Generation &Detection.
1. Real-time monitoring and reporting maintenance
cost savings
1.2.1 Smart materials and structures
2. Minimum human involvement labor, downtime,
Smart structures utilize active (smart) materials as
and human error reduction
sensors and actuators to sense and respond to their
3. Automation safety and reliability improvement environment Smart materials (e.g., electrostrictives,
shape memory alloys, and piezoelectric) are now used
1.2 METHODOLOGY in numerous applications. The electromechanical
The field of SHM is vast. The structure under property of piezoelectric materials has both a direct
investigation is energized using actuators. The and a converse effect. The direct effect is described as
response to the excitation is sensed at various the generation of an electric charge in a material when
locations throughout the structure. The aim of present it is subjected to a mechanical stress.
study is to evaluate defects in thin Aluminum plates
The converse effect is described as generation of a MATLAB is a programming language developed by
mechanical strain in a material in response to an Math Work. It is used in this class to write programs
applied electric field. Piezoelectrics are available in for the acquisition, processing, and presentation of
polymer (polyvinylidene fluoride or PVDF) or data.
ceramic (lead zirconate titanate or PZT) form.
1.2.3 Lamb Waves Generation & Detection
Piezoceramics are stiff and brittle, whereas
piezopolymers are compliant and soft. There are two SHM techniques are being developed to reduce
possible ways to utilize piezoelectric materials. First, operations and support costs, increase availability, and
piezoelectric materials can be used as sensors (direct maintain the safety of various structures, such as
effect). Second, piezoelectric materials can be used as bridges and aircraft. Conventional ultrasonic methods,
actuators (converse effect). Because the piezoelectric such as pulse echo techniques, have been used
materials can be used as both sensors and actuator. successfully to inspect structural integrity. However,
The converse effect is described as generation of a the application of these traditional techniques has been
mechanical strain in a material in response to an limited to testing relatively simple geometries or
applied electric field. inspecting the region in the changes of the transducer.
A new ultrasonic methodology which uses Lamb
There are two possible ways to utilize piezoelectric
waves to examine the structural components has been
materials. First, piezoelectric materials can be used as developed. Lamb waves are guided elastic waves,
sensors (direct effect). Second, piezoelectric materials
which can travel relatively large distances with very
can be used as actuators (converse effect). Because little amplitude loss they offer the advantage of large-
piezoelectric materials are applicable to sensors and
area coverage with a minimum of installed sensors
actuators, their use is very popular in smart structures
and systems.
structural system. For a SHM system, a data antisymmetric) are generated (figure1.2). As
structures response to ambient and external loads. existing wave forms also increases. Lamb wave
propagation is usually highly dispersive. Therefore,
These functions provide basic services for common how to choose the best frequency is a major issue. In
SHM related data acquisition tasks. Currently the Lamb wave inspection, mostly the so (symmetric) and
software supports basic functionality for MATLAB Ao (anti-symmetric) modes are used. So and Ao are
DAQ. In recent years, MATLAB has been widely referred to as the fundamental modes. These two
used in applications where engineers, scientists, and modes are the most important because they exist at all
technologists want to acquire, analyze, a present data.
frequencies, and they carry more energy than the Where k is wave number of lamb wave and is given
higher order modes in most situations. by: k=
angular frequency = ;
d= thickness of plate
Figure1.3 Group Velocity Dispersion Curve The phase and group velocity for antisymmetric and
symmetric are obtained by generating new MATLAB
(1) The ability to inspect large structures while
codes. The lamb wave equations used for obtaining
retaining coating and insulation, e.g. a pipe system
the Ao and So modes are given on appendix A. Of
under water.
these the Ao mode is chosen for testing since it can
(2) The ability to inspect the entire cross sectional travel a long distance up to 1meter and So mode is
area of a structure (100% coverage over a fairly long highly attenuate in nature. The lamb wave is generated
length. by using the functional generator and the obtained
wave form is monitored in the oscilloscope instrument
(3) Excellent sensitivity to multiple defects with high
both Ao and So is identified in at 300 kHz
precision of identification and Low energy
consumption and great cost-effectiveness
Figure1.5 Comparison of All Type of Defects
1.3.1 Acoustic emission wave form Similarly the wave form datas of all the plates are
collected and compared as shown in fig 1.5
This wave form of acoustic emission is obtained by
using Agilent functional generator and oscilloscope As the frequency of the transducer increases we can
for frequency 300 kHz and 10 amp for 10 cycles. It is observe additional modes like a1, s1, a2, s2 in the
applied in a plate of dimension 400*200*2 (mm) with subplots. Because of these modes detection of defect
horizontal, vertical and angular defect and a defect becomes difficult. To avoid the unwanted noises and
less plate. Thus the obtained value of boundary is disturbances filtering using the golay filter is done to the crack can be identified with in 30 us. the signal using MATLAB program and the filtered
Since the wave dimension between two peaks in the signal is obtained as shown in fig1.7.
defect less plate is 30us.