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20th March 2017

Subject CT7 Business Economics
Time allowed: Three Hours (10.30 to 13.30 Hours.)
Total Marks: 100


1. Please read the instructions inside the cover page of answer booklet and
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without exception.
2. Mark allocations are shown in brackets.

3. Attempt all questions, beginning your answer to each question on a separate

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same sheet.
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IAI CT7 - 0317

Q. 1) The Government recently hiked the price of domestic LPG Gas. As a result of which a lot
of consumers have switched to Kerosene oil for their domestic cooking. Mention the effect
that has resulted in reduced demand for LPG gas.

A. Income Effect
B. Substitution effect
C. Supply effect
D. Both (A) and (B) [1.5]

Q. 2) If rise in the price of Good X causes the demand curve for Good Y to shift to the left, then

A. Good X and Good Y are complimentary

B. Good X and Good Y are substitute
C. Good X and Good Y are inferior good
D. Good X is inferior good and Good Y is normal good [1.5]

Q. 3) Demand and Supply function for a cotton industry are given by the following equations:
Qd = 300 - 12P
Qs = 6P
Where P is the price in rupees (Rs).
In order to boost the cotton industry recently the Government announced a reduction in
taxes imposed on supplier by Rs. 10 per unit. Following this announcement the new
equilibrium market price is:

A. 16.66
B. 13.33
C. 20
D. 17.22 [1.5]

Q. 4) The price of Good X was recently increased from Rs. 8 to 10, following which the demand
for the good reduced by 6% from its original demand of 100 units of good. The price
elasticity of demand using the 'average' method for Good X is

A. -0.27835
B. -0.24
C. -0.31915
D. 0.31915 [1.5]

Q. 5) Following goods tend to have negative cross-price elasticity of demand:

A. Substitute goods
B. Complimentary goods
C. Luxury goods
D. Inferior goods [1.5]

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IAI CT7 - 0317

Q. 6) Following are NOT the possible causes of Diseconomies of scale

A. The container principle

B. Co-ordination and communication
C. Industrial relations
D. Alienation and poor motivation of workforce [1.5]

Q. 7) The CEO of a monopoly firm engaged in telecom business is provided with the following
information about the company:

Marginal revenue = Rs. 15

Marginal Cost = Rs. 18
Average Cost = Rs 20
Average Revenue = Rs 25

In order to maximize the profit, the firm should:

A. Reduce price and increase output

B. Reduce price and reduce output
C. Increase price and increase output
D. Increase price and reduce output. [1.5]

Q. 8) Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A. Rational decision making for firms involves weighing up the benefits of total revenue
against the additional cost of production.
B. Speculators use futures and forward contracts to try and make money based on their
expectation of what the actual spot prices are likely to be in the future.
C. Stabilising speculation occurs when speculators believe that the price change that has
occurred is temporary.
D. Both (A) and (C) [1.5]

Q. 9) Profit maximising level for a Cartel is when:

A. MC > MR
B. MC = MR
C. MC < MR
D. MC > AR [1.5]

Q. 10) Mr X is an owner of a private equity firm. He is presented with two investment options both
of which requires same initial capital investment.
Option 1: This project will generate revenue of Rs 1,00,000 per year for the firm
Option 2: This project can generate revenue of Rs 33,000 or Rs 1,00,000 or Rs 2,00,500 per
year with probability of 0.3, 0.5, 0.2 respectively.
Which of the following statements is TRUE:

A. If Mr X is risk-loving he will chose Option 1

B. The expected return for Option 2 is lower than Option 1
C. If Mr X is risk averse he will chose Option 1 over Option 2
D. If Mr X is risk averse he will chose Option 2 over Option 1 [1.5]

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Q. 11) Below data related to a firm is given to you:

Marginal Cost of
Output revenue from the Average Revenue Average Cost
the next unit
next unit
25 19 10 31 22
26 15 6 29 20
27 11 2 27 18
28 7 25 25 16
29 3 37 23 17

What is the supernormal profit at the profit-maximising output?

A. 252
B. 174
C. 243
D. -504 [1.5]

Q. 12) Following are NOT the key assumptions of long-run average cost curves

A. Factor prices are given

B. Firms choose the cost-minimising combination of factors for each output level
C. Land and labour resources are given
D. Technology and factor quality are given [1.5]

Q. 13) In which market structure firms are price takers?

A. Perfect competition
B. Oligopoly
C. Monopoly
D. Duopoly [1.5]

Q. 14) The following pay-off matrix shows the profit resulting from various combination of low-
price and high-price strategies of two firms, Alpha and Beta respectively:

High Price Low Price
High Price (100, 100) (5, 175)
Low Price (175, 5) (15, 15)

Considering above, the dominant strategy for each firm, Alpha and Beta would be:

A. Alpha adopts High Price strategy and Beta adopts Low price strategy
B. Alpha adopts High Price strategy and Beta adopts High price strategy
C. Alpha adopts Low Price strategy and Beta adopts High price strategy
D. Alpha adopts Low Price strategy and Beta adopts Low price strategy [1.5]

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IAI CT7 - 0317

Q. 15) A Cola Company recently ran a huge advertisement campaign for its flagship cola brand, as
a result of which it has created huge brand loyalty among the consumers. The effect of this
has led to:

A. Making the product's demand highly price-elastic

B. Reduced price and reduced demand for cola
C. Making the product's demand less price-elastic
D. Increasing the number of perceived substitute goods [1.5]

Q. 16) Producer surplus is defined as

A. Total utility Total expenditure

B. Total revenue Total production cost
C. Total revenue Total variable cost
D. Total revenue Total variable cost - Taxes [1.5]

Q. 17) In a Country named Freeland the marginal propensity to consume domestically produced
goods is 0.7 and the exchange rate of local currency to US dollar is 70. The local currency
of Freeland is called Zeta. Socialist Government of Freeland decides to increase the public
spending by 100 million Zeta. As per Keynesian analysis, the total change in national
income due to the above policy of the Government will be.

A. 70 million Zeta
B. 1 million US Dollar
C. 333.33 million Zeta
D. 142.86 million Zeta [1.5]

Q. 18) Which of the following is NOT a market-orientated supply-side policy?

A. Measures to reduce the power of trade unions

B. Introduction of public-private partnerships
C. Removal of barriers to trade and capital movements
D. Provision of infrastructure [1.5]

Q. 19) Country A has decided to nationalise all banks to safeguard banking industry from
increasing Non-Performing Assets. This is an example of

A. Interventionist supply-side Policy

B. Market-orientated supply-side Policy.
C. Merger Policy
D. Competition Policy [1.5]

Q. 20) Which of the following could explain why a countrys aggregate demand curve might shift
inwards to the left?

A. An appreciation of the domestic currency

B. A decrease in interest rates
C. A rise in Government expenditure
D. An increase in business confidence [1.5]

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IAI CT7 - 0317

Q. 21) You are given the following data for an economy:

Consumer expenditure (including taxes on products) 120
Investment 60
Government expenditure (including transfer payments) 70
Exports 40
Imports 20
Taxes on products (Indirect taxes) 10
Capital depreciation 20
Transfer payments 10
Net Income from abroad 10

The value of the economys Gross National Income at market prices is:

A. 250 million.
B. 260 million.
C. 270 million.
D. 280 million. [1.5]

Q. 22) The monetary base is increased when:

A. The central bank prints more money.

B. The Government buys Treasury bills from the public.
C. A citizen buys a newly issued corporate bond.
D. A firm obtains an overdraft from a bank. [1.5]

Q. 23) Which one of the following is most likely to be the best method of reducing long term
structural unemployment?

A. Expansionary fiscal policy.

B. Increasing the money supply.
C. A reduction in trade union powers.
D. Better education and training. [1.5]

Q. 24) Which of the following does NOT form part of a countrys Gross Domestic Product?

A. Company profits
B. Investment expenditure
C. Net income from abroad
D. Salaries of Parliamentarians. [1.5]

Q. 25) In a certain economy in order to correct externalities, Government has decided to introduce
a subsidy equal to the marginal external benefit in order to increase production. Which of
the below will be true for this Economy.

A. Marginal Social Cost > Marginal Cost

B. Marginal Social Cost < Marginal Cost
C. Marginal Social Benefit < Marginal Benefit
D. Marginal Social Benefit > Marginal Benefit [1.5]

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Q. 26) In a Country named Greenland, the total population is 200 million. The recent census data
shows that there are 126 million actively employed and 15 million people are either out of
work or looking for employment. Assuming no other data is available, the unemployment
rate (rounded to two decimal place) of Greenland is:

A. 10.64%
B. 7.50%
C. 11.90%
D. None of the above [1.5]

Q. 27) Assume two countries, with the same level of technology and resources, do not presently
trade. In Country X one unit of labour and one unit of capital can produce 20 units of
Computers or 15 units of Bikes. In Country Y one unit of labour and one unit of capital can
produce 50 units of Computers or 25 units of Bikes

Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Country Y has a comparative advantage in the production of Computers.

B. Country X has an absolute advantage in the production of Bikes.
C. Country X has an absolute advantage in the production of Computers.
D. Country Y has a comparative advantage in the production of Bikes. [1.5]

Q. 28 The adoption of a policy to reduce the Governments budget deficit will involve:

A. An increase in aggregate demand and a reduction in real output.

B. An increase in aggregate demand and an increase in real output.
C. A reduction in aggregate demand and a reduction in real output.
D. A reduction in aggregate demand and an increase in real output. [1.5]

Q. 29) If a country experiences high domestic inflation compared to its trading partners with a
fixed exchange rate then the effect of the inflation will be to

A. Decrease the countrys imports.

B. Increase the countrys exports.
C. Shift the countrys currency supply curve in the foreign exchange market to the right
requiring central bank purchases of the domestic currency to maintain the fixed
exchange rate.
D. Shift the demand curve for the countrys foreign exchange to the right requiring central
bank purchases of the domestic currency to maintain the fixed exchange rate. [1.5]

Q. 30) The Central Bank conducts an open market sale of bonds equivalent to 20 million. The
commercial banks hold reserves equivalent to 5 per cent of their deposits. What is the
maximum that the broad money supply may fall as a result of the open market operation?

A. 1 million
B. 20 million
C. 200 million
D. 400 million. [1.5]

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Q. 31) i) Explain why Governments may wish to avoid fluctuations in the value of a countrys
currency and how they can maintain its value in the short and long term. (7)

ii) Explain the problems associated with restriction on foreign exchange trading and other
methods of restricting the outflow of money. (3)

Q. 32) Discuss who gains and who loses as markets become continually more globalised. [4]

Q. 33) Outline three methods of measuring national income. For each method state the main point
that needs to be considered in order to avoid double counting. Why will the answers
produced by each of these methods be different? [4]

Q. 34) You are given the following table of information relating to the economy of Ekbull Island:
Investment 200
Government spending 150
Exports 200
Imports 0.24Y + 50
Taxation 0.2Y
Saving 100 + 0.2Yd
Where Y is national income.

i) Calculate the equilibrium level of national income, Y. (2)

ii) Calculate the equilibrium levels of:

a) Imports
b) Saving
c) Consumption (3)

iii) What is the value of the multiplier in this economy? (1)


Q. 35) You are given the following data on Country Es international transactions for the year
2016 with the rest of the world (ROW):
Exports of goods and services (paid for in cash) 120
Imports of goods and services 140
Interest, profits, dividends and transfers received from ROW 30
Interest, profits, dividends and transfers paid to ROW 20
Export of goods on trade credit 40
Loans received from ROW 30
Statistical error ?
Decrease in official reserves 20

i) Calculate the current account balance. (1)

ii) Calculate the capital account balance. (1)

iii) Calculate the value of the statistical error (make sure you clearly indicate whether it is
positive or negative). (1)

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iv) Does the country have a freely floating exchange rate? Explain your response. (1)

Q. 36) i) Explain the following terms:

a) Risk (0.5)
b) Uncertainty (0.5)

ii) State four ways in which firms may be able to deal with uncertainty while supplying
goods? (2)

Q. 37) Company XYZ Ltd. is a newly start-up company involved in manufacturing of mobile
phones. The Company has consulted you on framing strategies to further enhance its market
share. Discuss the four possible market strategies that you would recommend the Company
to adopt? [9]

Q. 38) i) Define Income elasticity of demand for a good? (1)

ii) A Company X which has monopolistic control over the telecom industry in Country
ABC has the following demand curve for its product:
P = 125 - Q
The Company X has a marginal cost of 50 per unit and fixed cost of 200 towards
building and network towers.
a) Determine the profit-maximising price and the output for Company X? (2)

b) Calculate the profit at profit maximising level of output (1)


Q. 39) Currently Mr. X income is Rs. 10,000 annually. The price of Good X is Rs 5, the price of
Good Y is Rs 6 and Mr. X has bought 400 units of Good X.
Given price elasticity of demand for Good X = - 2
Cross-price elasticity of demand for Good X with respect to Good Y = + 0.5
Income elasticity of demand for Good X = + 0.6
Using the original formulae, explain, with reference to the definition of the relevant
measure of elasticity, what will happen to Mr. Xs demand for Good X if:

i) The price of Good X increases to Rs. 5.50 (1)

ii) The price of Good Y decreases to Rs. 4.50 (1)

iii) Mr Xs income increases to Rs 12,000 per year. (2)


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Q. 40) Discuss the effect of Price Elasticity of Demand (PED) on Total Sales Revenue of a good,
under following scenarios:
i) PED > 1 (0.5)
ii) PED < 1 (0.5)
iii) PED = 0 (0.5)
iv) PED = - (0.5)

Q. 41) i) List the main assumptions under perfect competition? (2)

ii) Illustrate and discuss the short-term supply curve of a perfectly competitive firm using
labelled diagram. (3)


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