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Materials Science and Engineering: Doctoral School

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Materials very often set the bounds for
what can be achieved by man. Materials
Science and Engineering aims to
push these bounds by investigating,
understanding and engineering the
relations that exist between the
microstructure, the synthesis and
processing, the properties, and the
performance of all materials, i.e. of
what we make all engineered structures
from. It is a highly multi-disciplinary
field, situated at the forefront of
modern science and technology.

nanowires for next generation
electronics and solar cells
Our laboratory synthesizes semiconductor materials in the form of nanostructures, which can be nanowires,
nanoscale membranes, quantum wells and quantum dots. We then investigate the novel properties arising from
the nanoscale nature of our materials. For the synthesis we use molecular beam epitaxy, which serves us as a
model to understand the key issues for producing high quality materials. For the characterization we use
photoluminescence, Raman spectroscopy, electronic transport and high resolution transmission electron
microscopy related techniques.
Semiconductor nanostructures find applications in the area of optoelectronics, information
science and technology, biotechnology, and energy harvesting. Our principal interest lies in the
use of nanoscale materials for next generation of energy harvesting devices.

Anna Fontcuberta
Assistant Professor
Susanne Glock
Shape memory alloys are able to change their shape in a controlled manner when subjected to an external stimulation.
This behaviour generally results from a solid state phase change from a parent phase at higher temperature to a martensitic phase
at lower temperature. The slow kinetics of heat transfer, however, limit the thermal activation to a range of 1Hz. Magnetic shape
memory alloys are a sub-group of thermal shape memory alloys that can change their shape under magnetic activation and damp well
as mobile twins are present , making them promising candidates for applications requiring damping or isothermal, high frequency
actuation. An interesting candidate is Ni-Mn-Ga with a magnetic field induced strain (MFIS) caused by twinning of up to 10%.
Polycrystalline Ni-Mn-Ga, however, is brittle and grain boundaries hinder twinning and suppress MFIS. Single crystals of Ni-Mn-Ga,
on the other hand, are expensive to produce. In my thesis, the limitations of polycrystals are overcome by developing composites
of Ni-Mn-Ga wires or powders embedded in a polymer matrix. In wires or powders with grains as large as the element diameter,
twin boundaries span across entire grains and are mobile, resulting in a large MFIS. Such elements can then be embedded
in a polymer matrix to form a material that can be handled and shaped easily. Several main aspects are addressed both
experimentally and through modelling: optimisation of the composite microstructure, processing, damping and
actuation. Interfacial properties are analysed and showed that a silane treatment of the wires improves adhesion,
in turn leading to a more durable material response. Wire based composites are shown to be more efficient
for damping and energy dissipation than powder based composites, as the loss ratio is high and the overall
storage modulus of wire composites is higher than of powder composites. Model systems with single crystal
rods have shown a good potential for actuation and illustrated the requirement of a careful matching of the matrix
stiffness to allow large deformations.

Anand Chandrasekaran
Multifunctional oxides have a broad range of
physical properties that are being studied for
possible use in memory and logic devices,
solar energy conversion, actuators, sensors
and energy harvesting devices. Many of these
oxides exhibit ferroelectricity; i.e. they have a
spontaneous electric polarization which can be
reversed by the application of an external electric field
(Depicted in Fig. 1). Owing to the large coupling between
their polarization/strain states and external electric/stress
fields, these materials are of great interest for technological Figure 1. Structural transition from a paraelectric cubic
applications as well as fundamental research. phase to a ferroelectric tetragonal phase in Lead Zirconate
Ferroelectric materials used in practical applications exhibit Titanate.
deviations from a perfect crystalline order, and are most often
composed of multiple crystalline regions with unique orientations.
A domain wall is an interface which separates two such regions having different directions of polarization (Shown in
Fig.2). These quasi-two-dimensional objects display uniquely distorted electronic structures and ionic displacement.
The movement of these interfaces contributes upto 50% of the
dielectric and piezoelectric response and there is an ongoing
effort to control the nucleation, motion and properties of these
mobile interfaces at the nanoscale level in such a way that they
may be used readily in devices.
In my project I investigate the structure and mobility of
these domain walls through a combination of experiments
and first-principles modelling. Using ab initio calculations,
we developed an understanding of the atomistic structure
of these domain walls and their interaction with defects.
Through experiments, we then observed how these nano-scale
Figure 2. Schematic of a interactions dramatically influence macroscopic properties.
180 degree domain wall
Using this unique combination of modelling and experiments
separating two domains
having different directions of we hope to unravel the science to inspire the next generation of
polarization. ferroelectric and piezoelectric domain engineered materials.
Materials Science and Engineering is a strong focus of research Research Areas
at EPFL, and many doctoral candidates are pursuing their thesis
in the discipline. The EPFL Doctoral Program in Materials
offers the entryway, contacts to interesting research groups in
and outside EPFL, and advanced courses for EPFLs doctoral

Research Ceramics
Research in Materials Science and Engineering at EPFL
encompasses essentially all classes of materials including
metals, ceramics, polymers, construction materials,
semiconductors and composites, aimed at a wide array of Polymers and composite
applications that span from nano-scale devices over hot blades
of aircraft turbines to biomedical devices. Laboratories active
in Materials Science and Engineering at EPFL comprise the
twelve laboratories of EPFLs Institute of Materials and many Construction materials
laboratories within other research Institutes of the School of
Engineering Sciences, the School of Basic Sciences, the School
of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Approx. 140 doctoral students

Structural materials

Application Process Functional materials

You need to complete and submit the EPFL doctoral school
online application form on the following link: Materials processing

Beforehand, we encourage you to surf the EPFL Doctoral School
and EDMX program webpages:
Modelling and simulation

Application deadlines: January 15, July 31

Nanostructured materials

09.2015, Ecole polytechnique fdrale de Lausanne - Concept and design: with
General Information
The typical duration of the program is four years.
Students can start the program at any time of the year. Materials characterisation

Surface science and engineering


Contact information:
Doctoral Program in Materials Science and Engineering
Office MX-F 110 (MXF building)
Station 12
CH-1015 Lausanne

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