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Lost and found

In this unit, we
talk about unusual discoveries in the past
describe lost objects
write a thank-you note

Warm-up A

1 Match sentences 15 to pictures AE.

1 A nine-year old girl found these prehistoric
paintings while she was exploring some
caves with her father in 1879.
2 Some workmen were digging in 1599 when
they discovered part of this ancient Roman
city destroyed in 79 AD.
3 Local farmers discovered this army by B
accident in 1974. Nearly 8000 terracotta
figures were guarding the tomb of the Cave of Altamira
countrys First Emperor of China.
4 In 1911 an 11 year-old boy
took an American Historian to C
this Inca site built around 1450
and located at 2,430 metres.
5 In 1922 a group of men were
exploring when they found
this 14th century tomb of an
ancient Egyptian king. E
2 What recent discoveries have
Tutankhamuns tomb
you heard about in the news?

3 Watch the video.

Video: TBC


Machu Picchu

The Terracotta Army Unit 2 21

Talking about
2.1 We were walking on the beach lost objects

Vocabulary and Reading

Vocabulary presentation
Vocabulary practice

1 Match photos AL to the materials. Which of these

What a find!
People often find the best things when they arent looking for
items do you think people lose / find most often? them. At least that was the case with these three lucky finds.
A In 2011, Geoff Flood was walking along a beach in New
Zealand when he saw a glass bottle with a message inside on
paperplasticrubbersilver or goldwoodwool
top of a pile of rubbish. The message included an address in
1 a key metal Perth, Australia. Geoff sent a letter to the address and got
a reply from a man named Peter. Peter explained that in
1936, his grandfather was sailing on a ship when he threw
the bottle with the message into the sea. It was floating in
the sea for 75 years before Geoff found it in New Zealand.
A B C B In 1992, two men were working in a field in Hoxne,
England, when they lost a tool . They used a metal
detector to find it. While they were looking for the
tool, they found some very old coins. They told some
archaeologists who were very interested and wanted to
investigate the field a little more. They made an incredible
D E F discovery they found gold jewellery and more than
15,000 gold and silver Roman coins , from the fifth century
AD. The collection is now in the British Museum.
C One day Ken Wilmans dog was looking through some
rubbish on the beach when he found something strange.
Between the plastic bags, pieces of rubber and wood, there
G H I was a large rock with a strange smell . Ken called his dog
away. Later, while he was doing some research at home, Ken
discovered that the rock was ambergris. Ambergris is very
rare and comes from inside a whales stomach . It is a very
valuable ingredient in the worlds most expensive perfumes.
Ken ran back to the beach and took the ambergris
home. Later he found out that his discovery was
worth about $180,000.
2 0.00 Read and listen to the text. Which discovery
was not made by a person?

3 Read the text again and answer the questions.

1 What information was in the message in the bottle?
2 Who did the message come from?
3 Why were the two men using a metal detector in a field?
4 Where are the coins today?
5 Why didnt Ken Wilman take the rock home at first?
6 What did he do when he got home from his walk?
Reading extension

22 Unit 2 Complete all activities in your notebook.

4 In your notebook, complete the sentences with the 7 In your notebook, write sentences using the past
highlighted words in the text. continuous.
1 Look at that bull in the () . It looks angry! 1 At 10.15 a.m. / I / study / at school.
2 Mel ate too much at the party. Now her () hurts. 2 What / you and your friends / do / from 4.00 p.m. to
3 Nina has a box of (). Its useful for repairing things. 5.00 p.m. yesterday?
4 What is that delicious () ? Is it chocolate cake? 3 At 6.30 a.m. yesterday / Angela / eat / breakfast.
5 I havent got much money just a few () in my 4 Can you repeat that, please? Sorry, I / not / listen!
pocket. 5 Who / you / talk to / on the phone / this morning?
Vocabulary practice 6 Why did you wake me up? I / sleep!

5 How do you say these words in your language? 8 In your notebook, complete the newspaper article
with the materials and the correct past continuous
Learn it! form of the verbs.
False friends
You dont often find ambergris its very rare. describelook fornot wearringsitwait
Ambergris has a very strange smell. I cant describe it.
The London Underground
Grammar Past continuous Lost Property Office
collects the things people
Grammar animation lose on buses and trains
like books, mobile
6 In your notebook, copy and complete
phones, keys, umbrellas
the table. Then complete the rule.
and handbags. Last year,
Subject Affirmative / Verb + -ing they also found more than
Negative 4,000 pieces of jewellery,
I (1)
/ wasnt walking. including a gold Rolex
He / She / It was / (2)
running. watch. When we visited the office last week, it was
very busy. Phones (1)
constantly, and more than
having lunch.
We / You / They were / (3)
fifty people (2)
for their property. A 90-year-old
studying. man (3) what his walking stick looked like he said
it was made of natural wood with a metal handle.
Questions Short answers
A woman (4) an expensive leather coat. A metre-
Was I walking? Yes, I was. / No, I (4)
. tall plastic Mickey Mouse (5)
on a chair in a corner!
he / she / it (6 run)? Yes, he / she / it was. One worker told us about a customer who collected
No, he / she / it wasnt. some false teeth. A few hours later he returned
we / you / (9) .
(8 have) lunch? Yes, we / you / they them. He (6) them because they werent his!
they (10)
No, we / you / they .

We use the past continuous for actions in progress in the Language in action
past / finished actions at a particular time in the past.

Grammar practice
9 Write sentences about what you were doing
yesterday at the times below. Then ask questions
to find someone who was doing the same thing
as you at the same time.

6.30 a.m 8.00 a.m. 9.15 a.m. 12.00 p.m.

3.45 p.m. 7.00 p.m. 10.00 p.m.

At 6.30 a.m., I was sleeping. What were you doing?

I wasnt sleeping. I was getting dressed.

Language summary SB page 31 Grammar reference WB page 88 Unit 2 23

Talking about
2.2 I found it while I was waiting for a bus unusual discoverie

Vocabulary, Reading and Listening 3 0.00 Listen to four people who found secret notes.
What were they doing when they found the notes?
Vocabulary presentation
Vocabulary practice 4 0.00 Listen again and answer the questions.

1 Look at photos AD. Which of these containers can 1 How was speaker 1 feeling before she found the note?
you see in each photo? Why?
2 How did speaker 2 feel after he found the note?
bottlebowlboxcancartoncase 3 What was the weather like on the day that speaker 3
cupenvelopeglassjarpackettin found his note?
4 What did speaker 4 do with her note? Why?
A bottle,
5 Look at the words. Make two pairs of opposites and
2 0.00 Read and listen to the introduction to the
one pair of words with a similar meaning.
podcast. Answer the questions.
1 Why did Hannah feel sad and lonely? cheerfulemptyextraordinaryfullmiserablespecial
2 What did she do to make herself and others happy?
Vocabulary practice
3 Where did she leave her letters?

audio A B

The World Needs
Share More Love Letters
24-year-old Hannah didnt know anyone
when she moved to New York after
college. She often felt sad and lonely.
01.58 02.16
One day, while she was travelling to
work on the underground, she wrote
a letter to the person who was sitting C D
opposite her. After that, she left letters
to people all over New York. She
wanted to make people happy.
Over the next year, Hannah wrote
400 letters to strangers, and started a
website, The World Needs More Love
friends, Letters. Today, more than 10,000 people
letters, all over the world are finding letters
new, from strangers. Listen to some of their
found stories. 04.02 05.23

About Hannah Archive FAQ Contact Privacy Policy Terms of use

24 Unit 2 Complete all activities in your notebook.

Grammar Past continuous and 9 In your notebook, write the correct form of the
past simple verbs in brackets and choose the correct words to
complete the articles.
Grammar animation
to marry him,
When Sophias boyfriend (1 ask) her
6 In your notebook, copy and complete he (2 not put) a ring in a box of chocola
tes, or at
She (3 sit) in a
the bottom of a glass of champagne.
the rules.
) Will you
She was texting local cinema when suddenly she (4 read
a friend when marry me, Sophia? on the screen!
PAST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X NOW
she walked A woman (5 find) $70,000 in a brown paper
into a tree. envelope while she (6 work) at the airport. The
owner of the money (7 travel) to another city by
1 The past continuous is very often used with the () plane when he (8 lose) it.
to say that something happened in the middle of
something else.
2 We use the () to describe the action already in A supermarket worker (9 unpack) a box of
progress. bananas from Brazil, when suddenly a big, ugly
3 We use the () to describe the other shorter action. spider (10 jump) out.
4 We often use when before the () and while before
the () .

Grammar practice

7 Read the sentences and say which action was already

in progress (1st) when the other action happened (2nd).
1 When I arrived at Susies party, everyone was dancing.
2 While my cousin was living in Canada, she learnt to
play ice hockey.
3 My friends were still eating their lunch when the bell
4 You didnt turn off your mobile phone while you were
watching the film!
5 We werent doing our homework when my parents
came home.

8 In your notebook, complete the sentences with the Language in action

past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in
brackets. 1
0 In your notebook, follow the instructions to
1 While we were having dinner, all the lights suddenly complete the sentence halves. In pairs, take it in
went out. (have / go) turns to complete each others sentences.
2 I () TV when I () myself on the screen! (watch / see) 1 Yesterday, I (What happened? Use the past simple
3 The boys () in the sea when suddenly they () and one of the containers below.)
someone shouting Shark! (swim / hear) 2 while . (What were you / was someone doing? Use
4 Tom () a shower when his phone (). (have / ring) the past continuous.)
5 While we () football, it () to rain. (play / start)
6 Where () you () when I () you yesterday? (go / see) cupenvelopeglassjarpackettin

A Yesterday, I ate a bowl of spaghetti

B while I was having a shower.

Language summary SB page 31 Grammar reference WB page 88 Unit 2 25

An important
2.3 Around the world discovery in the
North Atlantic

2 0.00 Read and listen to the article. Then

answer the questions in your notebook.
1 Why did the Titanic sink?
2 Where were most of the passengers when
the crash happened?
3 Why were musicians playing music as the
ship was sinking?
4 Where can you see part of the wreck?
5 What happened to the items from the ship?
Reading extension

Reading and Speaking

Reading preparation

1 Match 15 to AE. Read the article to check

your answers.
1 1912 A the year the Titanic was discovered
2 2,200 B the numbers of survivors
3 705 C the number of items from the ship
in museum exhibitions
4 1985 D the year of the Titanics journey
5 5,000 E the number of passengers

The Titanic sinks

On 10th April 1912, the Titanic set off from England For many years, nobody managed to find the ship.
on its first voyage to New York. The famous ship Finally, in 1985, a research team found the wreck
was almost 900 feet long, and it weighed about but it took until 1998 for part of the bottom of the
50,000 tonnes. Four days later, at 11.40 p.m., the wreck to be recovered from the water. You can
ship crashed into an iceberg . Water began to pour see this huge piece of metal, with its round glass
into the ship. As around 2,000 passengers were windows, at the biggest Titanic exhibition, in Las
sleeping, the ship was slowly sinking. Two hours Vegas, USA.
and forty minutes later, the Titanic broke into two
Several other museums in the USA have exhibitions
pieces and went down to the bottom of the ocean.
of some of the 5,000 different objects from the ship.
There were twenty lifeboats on the Titanic, enough They include leather luggage , bottles of perfume,
for only 1,178 people. The crew tried to keep people jewellery and cups with the name Titanic on them.
calm; the ships musicians were playing beautiful You can even see an unopened bottle of champagne
music, as women and children were climbing into from the ships dining room, with the date 1900
the lifeboats. Another large passenger ship in the on it. As one visitor said, We know a lot about the
area came to rescue them, and they survived the Titanic through films and stories, but when you
disaster. But most werent so lucky. Over 2,200 look at the personal objects in the exhibition, you
passengers were travelling on the ship, but there realise its more than just a story.
were only 705 survivors .

26 Unit 2 Complete all activities in your notebook.

Vocabulary 4 Look at the Language point and complete the rules
in your notebook.
3 In your notebook, complete the sentences with the
highlighted words in the text. Language point
In 2007, the Argentinian ship Explorer started its 19-day Simultaneous past actions
journey to Antarctica. It was carrying about 154 (1) .
As she was doing her homework, they were chatting online.
At about 11.30 p.m. on day twelve, there was a crash as
the ship hit an (2) . Everyone climbed into (3) and after We use as to connect two actions in the (1) past simple /
spending six hours at sea, finally, a large ship came to past continuous, to show that the actions were in progress
rescue them. Everyone (4) . Of course, they lost all their at (2) the same time / different times.
when the ship sank, but as one (6) says, We
were just happy to be alive. The (7) of the Explorer
5 Look at the picture. What were these passengers
is still at the bottom of the sea. of the Titanic doing as the ship was sinking? Make
Vocabulary practice affirmative and negative sentences. Use these ideas.

feed / baby pack / suitcase feel / terrified

take / photographs get into / lifeboats
write / letter musicians / play

The man wasnt writing a letter as the ship was sinking. He


Language in action
6 Youre preparing a bag with things to take with
you in an emergency. Choose six objects that are
important to you. Describe them and give reasons
for your choice.
Grammar practice

Did you know? Video

It took scientists and explorers
73 years to discover the wreck
of the Titanic.

Culture video: TBC

Focus on
M at hs an d P hysi cs
Which weighs the most?
A water Bair Cgold Dplastic

Now read the text on page 124 to find the answer.

Unit 2 27
Describing lost
2.4 Practical English property



This artwork needs to add 5 mm bleed on the left

hand side as requested at the last proof stage
Lost Property Form
: 07936 721589
A Name: Kelly JamesContact number
Email address:
Description of the object:
Lost object: (1)

Colour: Brand:
Material: (2)
Journey details:
? (5)

When did the passenger lose the item (6)
ellin g to?
Where was the passenger trav
Where was passenger sitting?

28 Unit 2 Complete all activities in your notebook.

Listening and Speaking 7 Read the question aloud. Pay attention to the weak
forms. Then answer the question in your own words.
1 0.00 Sentences 15 describe objects people are Q: Can you describe your favourite item of clothing?
looking for at the lost property office. Match them to What colour is it, and whats it made of?
five objects in the picture. Then listen and check. Its my Peruvian cardigan. Its made of wool. My brother
1 Refresh. It says that on the front. was travelling in Peru when he bought it.
2 Its square, about 20 cm by 20 cm. Language practice
3 Its made of wood.
4 Its brownish grey, with a plastic belt. Language in action
5 Theyre size seven, and theyre made of rubber.
8 You left something on the bus yesterday. Describe
2 0.00 Listen to a conversation. In your notebook,
the object and answer questions about it. Use the
complete the lost property form on page 28. dialogue on this page and the Functional Language
to help you.
3 WORK IT OUT! Look at the picture on page 28
again. Which object is the customer describing? A I left my mobile phone case on the bus yesterday.
B What does it look like?
4 0.00 DICTATION Listen and write the five A Its small and black
sentences you hear. Match the sentences to gaps AE
in the dialogue. 9 Now watch episode 2 of the video.
OK. Youre looking for some lost property.
Yes, thats right.
Round up
Customer Its big, and quite unusual.
Assistant Whats it made of?
Customer But its got a metal handle.
Assistant What colour is it?
Customer I dont know. It hasnt got a label on it.
Assistant Interactive video Your turn
Customer Yes! Thats it! Dialogue practice

5 Describe an object from the picture on page 28 but

dont say what it is. Ask and answer questions to
Functional language
guess the object.
At the lost property office
A Its something you wear. B Whats it made of?
I lost my yesterday / last week.
6 0.00 Listen. How are the underlined I left my on the .
words pronounced in these sentences? What does it look like?
Listen again and repeat.
Its quite big
Say it! Whats it made of?
// Its made of (plastic)
What brand is it?
1 Can I help you?
2 Its made of wool. Its a () one.
3 I was travelling to Bristol. Pro Is it any of these?
R. S perty Yes, this is / thats it!
To imm of
coll s.
ed Unit 2 29
2.5 Writing a thank-you note

Dear Aunt Jane,

Thank you very much for sending me the DVD for
my birthday. Its perfect you remembered who my
favourite actor is.
I had a fantastic day. My parents present was amazing
a new laptop! I was opening it when yours arrived. In
the evening my parents took me and some friends to a
Chinese restaurant. It was my friend Matts birthday
too, so he couldnt come. Then we watched the DVD on
Mum and Dads TV. Its a really funny film we laughed
a lot.
Im looking forward to seeing you at the weekend.
Background texture Shutterstock 130557848
Claire (same as page 56)

Model text 3 Correct sentences 15 in your notebook.

1 The football belongs to the boys. Its the boys football.
1 Read the model text. Number points AE in the order 2 The shop opens its doors at 9 a.m.
they appear in the text. 3 Thats Jennys and Martins mother.
A why you like it 4 My old DVD player doesnt work.
B a closing sentence 5 My phones battery is flat. Can I borrow yours?
C what you are thanking someone for Language practice
D some personal details or news
E the name of the person you are thanking Writing task
Look at language apostrophes Writing preparation

4 Think of a present you received in the past and write

2 Read the rules for apostrophes. Then find an example a thank-you note.
of each one in the model text.
Paragraph 1: Say what you are thanking the person
We use the apostrophe: for and why it was important.
1 to show possession. Dear ,
2 to show possession of a plural noun. Thank you for , It was perfect because
3 to show possession after the last name in a list when Paragraph 2: Give some personal details or news.
there is more than one owner. My birthday was fun
4 to show missing letters in contractions. Paragraph 3: Write a closing sentence.
I hope to see you soon. / I hope youre well.
We dont use the apostrophe:
5 in plural nouns.
6 with possessive pronouns.
Writing extension

30 Unit 2 Complete all activities in your notebook.

Unit 2 Language summary
Unit 2 Game VOC APP

2.1 2.1 2.1

Materials Extra vocabulary Past continuous
cardboard coins (n) Affirmative / Negative Verb + -ing
ceramic field (n) I was / wasnt walking.
cotton smell (n) He / She / It was / wasnt running.
glass stomach (n) You / We / They were / werent having lunch.
leather tool (n) studying.
metal 2.2 Questions Short answers
paper cheerful (adj)
Was I walking? Yes, I was.
plastic empty (adj) No, I wasnt.
rubber extraordinary (adj) Was he / she / it running? Yes, he was.
silver or gold full (adj) No, he wasnt.
wood miserable (adj) Were you / we / having lunch? Yes, we were.
they No, we werent.
wool special (adj)
2.2 2.3
Containers iceberg (n)
bottle lifeboat (n) 2.2
bowl luggage (n) Past continuous and past simple
box passengers (n) She was texting
can survive (v) a friend when
carton survivors (n) PAST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X NOW
case wreck (n)
she walked
cup into a tree.
envelope Learn it!
We often use the past simple to describe a shorter
glass rare (adj)
action that interrupts a longer action. We use the past
jar strange (adj) continuous to describe the longer action.
packet when / while
tin We often use when before the shorter action and while
before the longer action.
We often use as to talk about two longer actions
happening simultaneously.

At the lost property office
I lost my (yesterday). Its made of (plastic).
I left my on the . What brand is it?
What does it look like? Its a () one.
Its quite big Is it any of these?
Whats it made of? Yes, this is / thats it!
Functional language

Grammar and vocabulary reference WB page 88 Unit 2 31

Unit 2 Review

Reading Listening
1 In your notebook, complete the text with the words 3 0.00 Listen to the story and choose the correct
and the correct past simple or past continuous form option.
of the verbs in brackets. 1 Dougie Campbell comes from the Big island / the area
near the island.
2 The strange discovery happened 1900 years ago / in 1900.
3 Three workers stayed on the island for two weeks /
three weeks at a time.
4 Mr Moore was one of the men who disappeared /
found the lighthouse empty.
5 There was / wasnt food on the table.
6 The last entry in the diary was on 14th / 15th December.

4 Ask and answer the questions about the picture.
Unusual discoveries When / it / happen?
In 2008, a fan of the rock n roll singer Elvis How / man / feel? Why?
Presley (1 discover) an unusual item for sale on What / happen to / false teeth?
eBay, the online auction site. He (2 buy) it for Who / find / false teeth? How?
$455. It was a small amount of water from a (3)
How / man / hear about / discovery / false teeth?
cup that Elvis Presley once drank out of. In 1977,
Elvis (4 play) a live concert in California, when he What / happen / then?
(5 stop) to have some water. As Elvis (6 drink), a It happened in . The man was feeling sick because .
young fan (7 watch) him. He picked up the (8) after
the show and (9 take) it home with him. He kept A B C
the water for more than 25 years, before he
(10 sell) it on eBay.
In 2008, two people (11 clean) the attic in their
new house one day. They werent expecting to
find anything (12)
, but then they (13 see), under
their feet, some very unusual (14) floorboards. The
floorboards were old signs from train stations, from
the 1950s. In total they (15 find) 49 signs with place
names such as London, Glasgow and Manchester.
Theyre worth 20,000. Its hard to believe they
(16 lie) in the attic for nearly half a century.

2 Read the text again and answer the questions. Writing

1 Why did someone buy water on eBay?
2 Why did Elvis stop playing? 5 Write the story in your notebook. Use the past simple
3 What did the boy take home with him? and the past continuous.
4 How did the people find the old train station signs? In 1994, a man was sailing in a ship. He was feeling sick
5 What are they worth? because

32 Unit 2 Review WB page 22 Complete all activities in your notebook.

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