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Pilih Jawapan Yang Terbaik Untuk Melengkapkan Ayat Berikut

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[20 marks]

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

1. The cat is looking at ___________ in the mirror.

A itself
B himself
C herself
D themselves

2. Please put these books into those ___________.

A box
B boxs
C boxes
D boxies

3. _________ class won the recycling competition?

A. Why
B. Where
C. Which
D. Who

4. My mother bought a _____________ of grapes from the market.

A. stick
B. comb
C. bunch
D. bundle

5. Wendy will ______________ all her friends to her birthday party.

A. invite
B. invites
C. invited
D. inviting
Choose the most suitable proverb.
Pilih pepatah yang sesuai.

6. You should have checked carefully before you bought it. You should
____________, scolded Mother.
A. easy come, easy go
B. look before you leap
C. let bygones be bygones
D. learnt to say before you sing

Questions 7 to 9

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Pilih jawapan terbaik untuk setiap tempat kosong

It is recess time and Yea Nee and Sujatha are at the school canteen. Yea Nee wants to

7_________ a bowl of curry noodles. She does not order a drink. She has 8_________ along

a bottle of water from home. Sujatha 9_____________ a roti canai and the Tarik. She loves

to eat roti canai. It is her favourite food.

7. A. eat 8. A. bring 9. A. order

B. ate B. brings B. orders
C. eats C. brought C. ordered
D. eating D. bringing D. ordering

Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.
Pilih perkataan yang berlawanan maksud dengan perkataan yang bergaris.

10. The Science Laboratory has hazardous materials but the urniture in the English rooms
are very

A. safe
B. heavy
C. sufficient
D. flammable
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.
Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.

11. A. She bought some curtains, blankets, and towels, during the sale.
B. She bought some, curtains, blankets, and towels, during the sale.
C. She bought, some curtains, blankets and towels during the sale.
D. She bought some curtains, blankets, and towels during the sale.
Questions 12 to 15

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Lihat gambar dan pilih jawapan yang terbaik.

Yesterday, I went to the post office. I went there to post 12__________ letter. A postman was

putting all the letters into a big 13_______________. Many people 14____________ queuing at

the counter. One man was 15_________________ a big parcel at the corner of the post office.

12 A. a 13. A. box 14. A. is 15. A. putting

B. an B. sack B. are B. lifting
C. the C. packet C. was C. carrying
D. - D. container D. were D. wrapping
Questions 16 to 20

Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

One day, a mother duck and her little ducklings were on their way to a lake. The
ducklings were very happy following their mother and were quack-quacking along the way.
All of a sudden the mother duck saw a fox in the distance. She was frightened and
shouted, Children, hurry to the lake. Theres a fox up ahead!
The ducklings hurried towards the lake. The mother wondered what to do. She began
to walk back and forth dragging one wing on the ground.
When the fox saw her he was happy and licked his lips. He said to himself, It seems that
shes hurt and cant fly! I can easily catch and eat her! So he slunk quietly towards her.
The mother duck saw the fox coming towards her and ran away from him, making sure
that she was moving away from the lake. The fox followed her closely. The mother duck
looked towards her ducklings and saw that they had made it to the lake. She gave a sigh of
relief and stopped to take a deep breath.
The fox thought she was too tired to run anymore so he crept closer and closer. With no
warning, the mother duck suddenly spread her wings and flew up into the air. She flew
towards the lake and landed right in the middle of it. Her ducklings quickly swam towards
The fox stared in disbelief at the mother duck and her ducklings.

16. What frightened the mother duck?

A. A fox was going to eat her.
B. A fox was chasing her ducklings.
C. The ducklings had run ahead her.
D. She had spotted a fox in the distance.

17. The phrase made it in the passage can be

replaced with the word _______________
A. flew
B. landed
C. entered
D. reached
18. Why did the mother duck drag her wing on the
A. She had injured her wing.
B. She was attacked by the fox.
C. She was pretending to be injured.
D. The ducklings were hiding under her wing.

19. Why did the mother duck sigh when she saw
that her ducklings had reached the lake?
A. The fox could nit swim
B. The fox hated going into the lake.
C. She was glad that her ducklings were safe.
D. The ducklings had finally learned how to swim.

20. The fox stared at the mother duck and her

ducklings in disbelief because ___________
A. they flew away from the lake
B. the ducklings had disappeared
C. they had gotten away from him
D. the mother duck was not injured
[30 marks]
Question 21
Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences
Write your answers in the spaces provided.
Berdasarkan gambar-gambar, berikan jawapan dalam ayat yang penuh.
Tulis jawapan di tempat yang disediakan.











Question 22
Read the story below and answer the questios that follow.
Baca cerita di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

There was a proud teak tree in the forest. He was tall and strong. There was a small herb plant
next to the tree.
The teak tree said, I am very handsome and strong. No one can defeat me. Hearing this
the herb plant replied, Dear friend, too much pride I harmful. Even the strong will fall one day.
The teak ignored the herb plants words. He continued to praise himself.
A strong wind blew. The teak tree stood strong and steady. Even when it rained, the teak
stood proudly, spreading the leaves.
At the same time, the herb plant would bend and sway in the wind and rain. The teak made
fun of the herb plant for being so weak.
One day there was a heavy storm in the forest. The herb plant swayed about violently in the
rain. As usual, the teak stood proud and refused to bend its branches during the storm. It did
not want to look weak like the herb plant.
The storm grew stronger. The teak tree could no longer stand firmly. He felt his strength
giving away.
Suddenly, the teak tree fell down. That was the end of the teak tree. When the storm blew
over and everything was calm, the herb plant stood upright again. He looked around for the tea
tree and was surprised to see it lying on the ground.

Tick ( ) the correct answer.

(a) The teak tree was very proud because it was

the only teak tree in the forest.

the most beautiful tree in the forest.
tall and strong
[1 mark]

(b) The teak tree often made fun of the herb plant because

the herb plant was small and ugly.

the herb plant could not stand upright.
the herb plant would bend and sway in the
wind and rain.
[1 mark]
Write your answers in the spaces provided.

(c) Why did the teak tree refuse to bend its branches during the storm?


[2 marks]

(d) Do you think the herb plant expected the teak tree to fall? Why?

[2 marks]

(e) If you were the herb plant, would you feel sorry for the teak tree?

[2 marks]
Question 23
Study the information below and answer the questions that follow.
Fahami maklumat di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

From August 19th, Sunday, till September 2nd, Sunday, the Summer Mall, Kota Samarahan,
will host its restaurant weeks. More than twenty restaurants and food establishments in
the mall will be participating by offering special promotion.

Special Set Lunch

By Restaurant Lalita
A three-course set lunch
A mix of fresh and imported meat, vegetables and fish, with brown rice
RM50 per person (inclusive of coffee/tea and dessert)
Lunch only

Herbal Goodness
By Inn of Four Happiness
Freshly cooked soup
Mixture of herbs, chicken and lotus roots
RM15 per bowl(inclusive of dumpling)
Lunch and dinner

Peawns Galore
By Chuan Yi Chinese Restaurant
Freshwater prawns delicacies
Prawns - sweet firm, ans succulent
RM22 per prawn (inclusive of dessert)
Lunch and dinner

To make reservations, please call 012-6199 989.

For more information about the participating restaurants, please go to http://www.
Tick ( ) the correct answer.

(a) If Sebastian wants to try something that is juicy, he can probably go to.

Restaurant Lalita
Inn of Four Happiness
Chuan Yi Chinese Restaurant

(b) Lydia and her colleagues want to take a heavy meal. Which food should they choose?

Special Set Lunch

Herbal Goodness
Prawns Galore


(c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B. An example is given below.

List A List B

If you want to try something light, in the state of Sarawak.

you may
The food promotion will try the freshly cooked herbal
There will be information last for a fortnight.

The Summer Mall is situated on participating restaurants on

the website.
Write your answers in the space provided.
(d) What would you do if you do not want to queue up long waiting to be seated?


(e) What do you understand by the phrase inclusive of dumplings?


Questions 24 and 25
Study the television programme below and read the dialogue between Daniel and his sister
Selena. Answer the questions that follow.
Baca program televisyen di bawah dan dialog antara Daniel dan Selena. Jawab soalan-
soalan yang berikutnya.

Saturday TV One

7.00 a.m Hello Malaysia (Talk Show)

8.00 a.m News in Bahasa Melayyu
9.00 a.m Game Show
10.00 a.m Creature of the Amazon
11.00 a.m World News
12.30 p.m Wok with Shaun
1.00 p.m News in English
1.30 p.m Movie of the week
3.00 p.m Dress Right
4.00 p.m Game Show (repeat)

Daniel : Ive completed my homework and I want to watch TV now.

Mother said that were only allowed to watch one programme.
Selena : Lets watch a show on animals. You know how much I love them.
Daniel : Oh, no! Not this time. I would like to watch Movie of the week.
Selena : Theyre playing a horror movie today. I wont be able to sleep at night.
Daniel : Youre such a scaredy. All right. Well watch your show then.
Selena : Thanks, Daniel.

Tick ( ) the correct answer.

24 (a) If you are interested in fashion, you can watch a programme

after the movie.

at 9.00 a.m
in the morning
[1 mark]
(b) The programme after World News is most probably about .

a talk.

25 (a)
Youre such a scaredy.

Why do you think Daniel said that?





(b) Selena loves animals. Suggest a programme that Selena can watch and give reasons
to support your suggestion.




(c) Why is there a repeat of the Game Show at 4.00 p.m? Give reasons to support your





1 A 11 D

2 C 12 A

3 C 13 B

4 C 14 D

5 A 15 C

6 B 16 D

7 A 17 B

8 C 18 C

9 B 19 C

10 A 20 C



22 (a) tall and strong

(b) the herb plant was small and ugly


23 (a) Chuan Yi Chinese Restaurant

(b) Special Set Lunch

(c) The food promotion will last for a fortnight.

There will be information on participating restaurants on the website.

The Summer Mall is situated in the state of Sarawak.


24 (a) after the movie

(b) a talk


NAMA : ___________________________________________

TAHUN : ___________________________________________



Tahun 5 1 jam 15 Minit


Kod pemeriksa :
1 Tulis nama dan tahun pada tempat yang
No. Soalan Markah
telah disediakan.
1 - 20
2 Kertas soalan ini mengandungi dua (a)
bahagian: Bahagian A dan Bahagian B. 21 (b)
3 Kamu dikehendaki menjawap semua soalan (a)
dalam kedua-dua bahagian ini.
22 (c)
4. Tiap-tiap soalan dalam Bahagian A diikuti
oleh empat pilihan jawapan, iaitu A, B, C dan
D. bagi setiap soalan, pilih satu jawapan
23 (c)
25 (b)
Jumlah 50

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