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Ogodo et al.

SpringerPlus (2015) 4:683

DOI 10.1186/s40064-015-1475-8

RESEARCH Open Access

Production ofmixed fruit (pawpaw,

banana andwatermelon) wine using
Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolated frompalm
AlloysiusChibuikeOgodo1* , OsitadinmaChinyereUgbogu1, AmadikeEziucheUgbogu2

Pawpaw, banana and watermelon are tropical fruits with short shelf-lives under the prevailing temperatures and
humid conditions in tropical countries like Nigeria. Production of wine from these fruits could help reduce the level
of post-harvest loss and increase variety of wines. Pawpaw, banana and watermelon were used to produce mixed
fruit wines using Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolated from palm wine. Exactly 609 and 406g each of the fruits in two-
mixed and three-mixed fruit fermentation respectively were crushed using laboratory blender, mixed with distilled
water (1:1 w/v), and heated for 30min with subsequent addition of sugar (0.656kg). The fruit musts were subjected
to primary (aerobic) and secondary (anaerobic) fermentation for 4 and 21days respectively. During fermentation,
aliquots were removed from the fermentation tank for analysis. During primary fermentation, consistent increases
in alcohol contents (ranging from 0.0 to 15.0%) and total acidities (ranging from 0.20 to 0.80%) were observed with
gradual decrease in specific gravities (ranging from 1.060 to 0.9800) and pH (ranging from 4.80 to 2.90). Temperature
ranged from 27C to 29C. The alcoholic content of the final wines were 17.500.02% (pawpaw and watermelon),
16.000.02% (pawpaw and banana), 18.500.02% (banana and watermelon wine) and 18.000.02% (pawpaw,
banana and watermelon). The alcoholic content of the wines did not differ significantly (p>0.05). The pH of all the
wines were acidic and ranged from 2.50.01 to 3.80.01 (p>0.05). The acid concentration (residual and volatile
acidity) were within the acceptable limit and ranged from 0.350.02 to 0.880.01% (p>0.05). Sensory evaluation
(P>0.05) rated the wines acceptability as pawpaw and banana wine > pawpaw and watermelon > pawpaw, water-
melon and banana > banana and watermelon wine. This study has shown that acceptable mixed fruit wines could be
produced from the fruits with S. cerevisiae from palm wine.
Keywords:Wine, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Pawpaw, Watermelon, Banana

Background such as banana, cucumber, pineapple and other fruits are

Fruit juices are fermented to produce wine, an alcoholic used in wine production (Obaedo and Ikenebomeh 2009;
beverage. Grapes are usually preferred because of the Chilaka etal. 2010; Noll 2008).
natural chemical balance of the grape juice which aids Home-made wine production has been practiced
their fermentation process without the addition of sug- with various fruits such as apple, pear and strawberry,
ars, acids, enzymes, or other nutrients. However, fruits cherries, plum, banana, pineapple, oranges, cucumber,
watermelon, guava, etc. Using species of Saccharomyces
cerevisiae which converts the sugar in the fruit juices into
*Correspondence: alcohol and organic acids, that later react to form alde-
Department ofMicrobiology, Faculty ofPure andApplied Sciences,
Federal University Wukari, PMB 1020, Wukari, Taraba, Nigeria hydes, esters and other chemical compounds which also
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

2015 Ogodo etal. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license,
and indicate if changes were made.
Ogodo et al. SpringerPlus (2015) 4:683 Page 2 of 11

help to preserve the wine (Fleet 2003; Duarte etal. 2010; be reduced and pawpaw can be made available all year
Isitua and Ibeh 2010). Yeasts from other sources such as round, by utilizing the fruits for other purposes such as
palm wine has also been used (Ayogu 1999) in the pro- wine production.
duction of fruit wine. Watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris L.) is a tropical fruit
Banana (Musa acuminata) is an important staple which grows in almost all parts of Africa and South East
starchy food in Nigeria. Ripe bananas are consumed Asia (Koocheki etal. 2007). It serves as a good source of
raw as a desert fruit. Banana serves as good nutritional vitamins and phytochemicals that have chemopreven-
sources of carbohydrates, minerals such as potassium tive effects against cancer Perkins-Veazie and Collins
and vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B12, C and E. Following 2004; Collins et al. 2005; Oms-Oliu et al. 2009; Enukai-
the high nutritional content of banana, it is consumed in nure et al. 2010; Inuwa et al. 2011). In Nigeria, water-
large quantity in a variety of ways in Africa. The banana melon are fermented, blended and consumed as juice,
fruit can be eaten raw or cooked (e.g. deep fried, dehy- nectars, fruit cocktails and can also be used as an appe-
drated, baked in its skin or steamed), processed into tizer or snacks, depending on how it is prepared (Kerje
flour or fermented for the production of beverages such and Grum 2003; Onyeleke and Olaniyan 2007; Oms-Oliu
as banana juice, beer (e.g. mbege brewed by the Chagga et al. 2009; Enukainure et al. 2010). The seeds are also
people in the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania), vinegar reported to possess medicinal properties and are used to
and wine (Pillay etal. 2004; Nelson etal. 2006; Pillay and treat chronic or acute eczema. It contains high levels of
Tripathi 2007). However, banana has a short shelf-life proteins, lipids and is a rich source of carbohydrate and
under the prevailing temperature and humidity condi- fibre. Arginine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid and leucine
tion in tropical countries, including Nigeria. This results are the predominant amino acids in watermelon proteins.
to wastage of the fruits as a result of poor handling and Reports are also available on the biological value, true
inadequate storage facilities (Akubor et al. 2003; Wall digestibility, protein efficiency ratio and net protein utili-
2006). Moreover, fermenting banana juice into wine is sation of watermelon seeds (Wani etal. 2011; Lawal 2011;
considered to be an attractive means of utilizing surplus Inuwa etal. 2011). Moreover, they are used as a domestic
banana, since the consumption of banana wine provides remedy for urinary tract infection, hepatic congestion,
a rich source of vitamins and ensures harnessing of the catarrh, worm remedy, abnormal blood pressure (Amadi
fruits into a useful by-product (Obaedo and Ikenebomeh et al. 2003). Watermelon contain large amount of beta
2009). carotene and are significant sources of lycopene (Collins
Pawpaw (Carica papaya) is grown mostly for fresh etal. 2005). The production of wine from common fruits
consumption or for production of latex. C. papaya plants could help reduce the level of post-harvest losses and
produce natural compounds (annonaceous, acetogenins) increases the variety of wines (Okoro 2007; Alobo and
in leaf bark and twig tissues that possess both highly anti- Offonry 2009).
tumour and pesticidal properties (Nwofia and Ojime- Palm wine is a refreshing alcoholic beverage widely
lukwe 2012; Nwofia and Okwu 2012). The papaya fruit, consumed in southern Nigeria, Asia and southern Amer-
as well as all other parts of the plant, contain a milky juice ica (Elijah etal. 2010). It is obtained from the sap of palm
in which an active principle known as papain is present trees such as oil palm (Elaeis guiniensis) and Raphia palm
which has value as a remedy in dyspepsia and has been (Raphia Hookeris and R. vinifera) (Okafor 2007). Palm
utilized for the clarification of beer. The juice has been wine is presented in a variety of flavours, ranging from
in use on meat to make it tender, (Ayoola and Adeyeye sweet (unfermented) to sour (fermented) and vinegary.
2010). The unripe fruit is used as a remedy for ulcer and It is produced by a succession of microorganisms, Gram-
impotence. It cleans bacteria from the intestines and negative bacteria, lactic acid bacteria and yeasts as well as
hence encourages the absorption of vitamins and min- acetic acid bacteria. Yeasts isolated from palm wine have
erals, especially vitamin B12. The tea prepared with the been identified as coming from various genera such as
green papaya leaf, promotes digestion and aids in the Saccharomyces, Pichia, Schizosaccharomyces, Kloekera,
treatment of ailments such as chronic indigestion, over- Endomycopsis, Saccharomyeoides and Candida which
weight and obesity, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure find their way into the wine from a variety of sources
and weakening of the heart (Nwofia and Ojimelukwe including air, tapping utensils, previous brew and the
2012). However, ripe pawpaw fruits are very perishable, trees. Hence, palm wine serves as a source of single cell
and large quantities are disposed off yearly due to lack protein and vitamins (Fleet 2003; Ezereonye 2004; Oka-
of or poor storage facilities resulting to loss of the vital for 2007; Duarte etal. 2010; Adedayo and Ajiboye 2011).
nutrients contained in the pawpaw fruits (Awe 2011; The major fermentation is undertaken by about twenty
Souza etal. 2008; Nwofia and Okwu 2012; OECD 2010; indigenous strains of S. Cerevisiae which are genetically
Ugbogu and Ogodo 2015). However, these losses can different from the strains used to make wine from grapes
Ogodo et al. SpringerPlus (2015) 4:683 Page 3 of 11

and have the capability to survive and continue fermenta- 5 min. The sediments were collected and used for must
tion process up to ethanol concentration of 18%, making fermentation.
them ideal for producing ethanol (Ezeogu and Emeruwa
1993; Legras etal. 2007; Noll 2008). Preparation ofmust formixed fruit fermentation
Though, studies have shown that bananas, pawpaw The must was prepared for two-mixed fruit and three-
and watermelon (Obaedo and Ikenebomeh 2009; Enu- mixed fruit fermentation respectively. The fruits were
kainure et al. 2010; Awe 2011) and several other fruits washed thoroughly with distilled water and then peeled.
including, pineapple (Isitua and Ibeh 2010), carrot Mon- Exactly 609 and 406g each of the fruit samples, banana,
savi et al. 2011), mango (Reddy and Reddy 2005), guava pawpaw and watermelon were weighed for two-mixed
(Kocher and Pooja 2011) can be used in wine production, fruit and three-mixed fruit fermentations respectively.
the combination of these fruits in wine production is not This was then chopped into smaller pieces using a clean
readily available in literature. This paper reports the pro- knife before transferring them quantitatively into labo-
duction and the quality of wine made from mixed fruits ratory blender for crushing. The crushed sample was
of banana, pawpaw and watermelon using S. cerevisiae transferred into a clean new transparent bucket and
isolated from palm wine. mixed with distilled water (1:1 w/v). Exactly 0.656 kg of
sugar was added to the must followed by vigorous stir-
Methods ring. Exactly 4 g of sodium metabisulphate (Na2S2O5)
Source ofmaterials was dissolved in 400 ml of water and poured in 100 ml
Mature ripe banana (M. acuminata), pawpaw (C. papaya aliquots to each of the mixtures and stirred properly.
L), and watermelon (C. vulgaris L.) were purchased Sodium metabisulphate serve as a sterilizer and prevents
from the local central market (Nkwo Achara) in Uturu, fermentation before the addition of the yeast starter. The
Abia State, Nigeria. Fresh palm wine from Raphia hook- sugar concentrations were measured and the musts were
eri were obtained from the palm wine tappers in Uturu mixed in the combination of pawpaw and watermelon
within 1h of tapping. The fruits and the palm wine were (30.4 Brix), pawpaw and banana (29.3 Brix), pawpaw,
transported to the laboratory in clean cellophane bags banana and watermelon (32.1 Brix) and then banana
and in an ice box respectively for analysis. and watermelon (31.2Brix).

Isolation ofS. cerevisiae frompalm wine Preparation ofyeast starter culture

Culturing of the fresh palm wine was done on Potato The yeast starter culture was prepared from a known
Dextrose Agar (PDA) and incubated at room tempera- quantity of the must for fermentation, small quantity of
ture for 24 h. Nineteen isolates were obtained and sub- sugar, yeast and a known volume of water. The mixture of
cultured on fresh medium to obtain pure cultures. The all these were treated with yeast nutrients and allowed to
yeast cultures were transferred to modified Malt Extract stand for 24h. Approximately 200ml of water was boiled
Agar (MEA) containing yeast extract and 2% glucose and and allowed to attain 37C and 200ml of each mixture of
then incubated for 24h. Out of the 19 isolates, six were the must (banana and pawpaw, banana and watermelon,
identified as S. cerevisiae based on their cultural charac- pawpaw and watermelon, and banana, pawpaw and
teristics, microscopy and their pattern of fermentation watermelon) respectively treated with sugar was added.
and assimilation of glucose, sucrose, raffinose, galactose, Exactly 5g of citric acid was added to each of the prep-
maltose, dextrose, trehalose and meliobiose as described arations and then stirred for proper mixing. Exactly 2 g
by Amoa-Awua et al. (2006). The different isolates of S. each of the yeast nutrient namely Potassium phosphate,
cerevisiae were further screened for their ability to toler- Ammonium sulphate and Magnesium sulphate was dis-
ate different concentrations of sugar and alcohol by inoc- solved in 100ml of distilled water and poured to each of
ulating on MEA supplemented with 1060, and 530%, must mixture. Exactly 3.7ml representing approximately
sucrose and ethanol respectively. The isolate with the 108 cfu/ml (measured using McFarland standard) of the
highest sugar and alcohol tolerance was selected and yeast (S. cerevisiae) isolated from palm wine after centrif-
used as the starter culture. The identified organism was ugation was added to each of the mixture, stirred prop-
maintained on MEA slant. erly and allowed to stand for 24h before use.

Multiplication ofstarter culture Fermentation

The isolated organism was multiplied prior to fermen- The primary fermentation was initiated by the addition of
tation by culturing them on Malt Extract Broth (MEB) the starter culture. The must was stirred every 12h with
and incubating for 4872h at 27.0C0.02. The broth subsequent reading of the specific gravity, pH, tempera-
cultures of the organism were centrifuged at 500rpm for ture and alcohol content for 4days. After 4days, the wine
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was racked into the secondary fermenter. The secondary wines were determined using the method of McClements
fermentation was done in an air tight container in which (2003) and the pH and temperature were determined
a tube was passed into a clean bottle containing clean using a digital pH metre and an analytical thermometer
water. The essence was to monitor the course of fermen- respectively.
tation. This was allowed until completion of fermentation
as was evidenced by lack of the appearance of bubbles in Sensory evaluation
the container usually within 3weeks. Secondary fermen- The wines produced were compared for colour, fla-
tation was done for 21days. When fermentation stopped, vour, taste, clarity, and overall acceptability by a panel
the wine was promptly racked off the lees ensuring mini- of twenty judges on a seven point hedonic scale where
mum exposure to oxygen. After secondary fermentation, seven denotes excellent and one very poor.
the wines were clarified. The clarification/fining were
done using bentonite (a clarifying agent). Exactly 500 g Statistical analysis
of bentonite was dissolved in two litres of boiling water The completely randomized analysis of variance
and stirred properly to a gel form. This was allowed to (ANOVA) was used as described by (Winner 2004) to
stand for 24 h. Then 150 g of the gel-like bentonite was analyze the data obtained. Mean separation and com-
transferred into each of the wine followed by stirring to parison was done using SPSS version 16.0. Significance
dissolve properly. A small quantity of the mixture was was accepted at P < 0.05 and results were expressed as
collected in a clean bottle which was covered tightly and meanstandard deviation from the mean.
was used to monitor the process of clarification. This was
done for a period of 3months. Filtration was done after Results
the wines had completed clarification using muslin cloth, The morphological and physiological characteristics
sieve and syphon tubes sterilized by 70 % alcohol. The of the yeast isolated from palm wine are represented in
wines was syphoned into the sieve containing four layers Table1.
of muslin cloth. The residues were removed and the fil- There were fluctuations in the temperature of the
trates were allowed to mature for a period of 6 months mixed fruit wines throughout the period of fermenta-
before other chemical analysis was carried out. tion (Fig. 1). These variations were observed for all the
wines. In all the mixed fruit wines, the temperatures were
Isolation ofmicroorganisms fromthe fermentation broth observed to range from 27.0C0.02 to 29.0C0.02.
Microbial analysis of the fermentation broth was per- The pH in the mixed fruit wines was acidic through-
formed as described by Fleet (2003) using Nutrient Agar out the period of fermentation. This was also irrespec-
(NA), MacConkey Agar (MA) and Potato Dextrose Agar tive of the fruit wine. The pH ranged from 4.00.01 to
(PDA). The nutrient agar used was treated with fulcin 4.8 0.01 in pawpaw and watermelon wine, 2.9 0.01
(50 mg/20 ml of NA) to suppress fungal growth while to 3.80.01 in pawpaw and banana wine, 3.40.01 to
the PDA was treated with chloramphenicol. The cultured 4.00.01 in pawpaw, banana and watermelon wine and
plates were incubated at room temperature and pure cul- 3.60.01 to 4.30.01 in banana and watermelon wine
tures were obtained by streaking and identified based (Fig.2).
on colonial characteristics, microscopy, biochemical A steady increase in alcohol content was observed in
reactions and carbohydrate utilization (Fawole and Oso the mixed fruit wines throughout the period of primary
1988; Onyeagba 2004). The fungi were identified only on fermentation (Fig. 3). This increase was observed in
the basis of their cultural characteristics and microscopy all the mixed fruit wines irrespective of the fruits used.
(Isitua and Ibeh 2010 Barnett etal. 2000). The concentration of alcohol in the mixed fruit wines
at the end of primary fermentation were observed to
Chemical analysis ofthe wines range from 0 to 15, 0 to 14, 0 to 15.5 and 0 to 15 % in
The volatile acidity was determined using the method pawpaw and watermelon wine, pawpaw and banana
described by McClements (2003), total acidity of the wine, pawpaw, banana and watermelon wine and banana
wines was determined by titration and concentration and watermelon wine respectively. The highest alcohol
of the acid was calculated. The residual acidity of the content was observed in the wine produced by the mix-
wines was also determined as described by McClements ture of pawpaw, banana and watermelon (15.5%), while
(2003) while the alcohol content was determined using the least alcohol content was observed in pawpaw and
the density method. The specific gravities of the wines banana wine (14 %). The specific gravities of the mixed
were determined using the hydrometer method and the fruit wines gradually decreased throughout the period of
results were determined from the reading on the stem primary fermentation. After primary fermentation, spe-
(Awe 2011). The total solid and total sugar content of the cific gravity values were observed to range from 0.9800 to
Ogodo et al. SpringerPlus (2015) 4:683

Table1 Characteristics ofS. cerevisiae isolated frompalm wine

Colony Microscopy Gram Ascospore Growth Germ KNO3 Glucose Dextrose Maltose Sucrose Galactose Raffinose Trehalose Lactose Mannitol Melibiose Cellobiose Xylose Dulcitol
features reaction at37C tube

Smooth, Spherical, Positive, + + + + + + + + +

moist, elongated ascospore
white to cells with negative
cream multilateral
coloured budding

+, positive; , Negative
Page 5 of 11
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1.0600, from 0.9820 to 1.0300, from 0.9800 to 1.030 and
A B C D from 0.9810 to 1.0900 in pawpaw and watermelon wine,
29 pawpaw and banana wine, the three mixed fruit wines
and banana and watermelon wine respectively.

28 Figure4 showed the trend in total acid concentrations
in the mixed fruit wines during the primary fermenta-
tion period with the test yeast. As shown in the figures,
total acidity was observed to show steady increase with
time throughout the period of primary fermentation.
25 These increases were irrespective of the test fruit wine.
0 1 2 3 4
At the end of primary fermentation, acid concentra-
tion in the pawpaw and watermelon wine was observed
Fig.1 Temperature variations of the wines during primary fermenta-
to increase from initial concentration of 0.20 0.01 to
tion. A Pawpaw and watermelon wine, B pawpaw and banana wine,
C pawpaw, banana and watermelon wine, D banana and watermelon final concentration of 0.320.02%. Similarly, total acid-
wine ity was observed to increase from initial concentration
of 0.400.02 to a final concentration of 0.800.02%,
0.41 0.01 to 0.71 0.01 % and 0.29 0.02 to
0.62 0.01 % for pawpaw and banana wine, the three
mixed fruit wine and banana and watermelon wine
After secondary fermentation, the temperature of
4 the wines were observed to range from 27 0.07 C
for pawpaw and banana wine to 28 0.07 C for paw-

paw, banana and watermelon wine and banana and

watermelon wine. The pH of the wines maintained
2.8 an acidic range of 2.7 0.1 for pawpaw and banana
2.4 wine to 3.9 0.1 for pawpaw and watermelon wine.
There were little increases in the alcoholic content of
0 1 2 3 4 the mixed fruit wines after secondary fermentation.
The alcohol content of pawpaw and watermelon wine
Fig.2 pH variations of the wines during primary fermentation. A increased from 150.02% in primary fermentation to
pawpaw and watermelon wine, B pawpaw and banana wine, C paw-
paw, banana and watermelon wine, D banana and watermelon wine

16 0.9


0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

Fig.3 Alcohol content variations of the wines during primary Fig.4 Variations in the total acidity of the wines during primary
fermentation. A pawpaw and watermelon wine, B pawpaw and fermentation. A pawpaw and watermelon wine, B pawpaw and
banana wine, C pawpaw, banana and watermelon wine, D banana banana wine, C pawpaw, banana and watermelon wine, D banana
and watermelon wine and watermelon wine
Ogodo et al. SpringerPlus (2015) 4:683 Page 7 of 11

16.5 0.02 % after secondary fermentation, 14 0.02 18.00 0.02 and 18.50 0.02 % respectively (Table 3).
to 15.2 0.02 %, 15.5 0.02 to 17.5 0.02 % and These variations do not show any significant difference
150.02 to 180.02% for pawpaw and banana wine, (p>0.05).
pawpaw, banana and watermelon wine and banana and Sensory evaluation (p > 0.05) rated the acceptability
watermelon wine respectively. The highest alcohol con- of the wines as pawpaw and banana wine > pawpaw and
tent was observed in banana and watermelon wine watermelon > pawpaw, watermelon and banana > banana
(180.02%) while pawpaw and banana wine recorded and watermelon wine (Table4).
the lowest alcohol content (15.2 0.02 %). In the case
of specific gravities, little decreases were also observed Discussion
in all the wines after secondary fermentation with The fermentation of wine is known to be complex with
banana and watermelon wine having the lowest value various ecological and biochemical processes involving
(0.9770 0.00) and, pawpaw and banana wine having yeast strains (Fleet 2003). The fermentation for the elab-
the highest value (0.98000.00) while the acid concen- oration of beverage is known to depend on the perfor-
trations ranged from 0.34 0.02 (pawpaw and water- mance of the yeast to convert the sugars into alcohol and
melon wine) to 0.860.02% (pawpaw and banana wine) esters. Besides, the different species of yeast that develop
(Table2). during fermentation determine the characteristics fla-
The general chemical parameters of the mixed fruit vour and aroma of the final product (Duarte etal. 2010).
wines after maturation compared favourably. The result Also, because different fruits have different composition,
indicated that the final alcohol concentration of paw- there is the need for yeast strains to adapt to different
paw and watermelon wine, pawpaw and banana wine, environments, such as sugar composition and concentra-
pawpaw, banana and watermelon wine, and banana tion of acetic acid (Fleet 2003; Chilaka etal. 2010; Duarte
and watermelon wine, were 17.50 0.02, 16.00 0.02, etal. 2010).

Table2 Temperature, pH, specific gravity, alcohol content andtotal acidity ofthe wines aftersecondary fermentation
Wines Temp (oC) pH Specific gravity Alcohol (%) Total acidity (%)

A 28.000.7 3.900.1 0.97900.00 16.500.2 0.340.02

B 27.000.7 2.700.1 0.98000.00 15.200.2 0.860.01
C 27.500.7 3.100.1 0.97800.00 17.500.2 0.740.01
D 28.000.7 3.200.1 0.97700.00 18.000.2 0.630.02
Values are expressed as meanstandard deviation
A pawpaw and watermelon wine, B pawpaw and banana wine, C pawpaw, banana and watermelon wine, D banana and watermelon wine, % percentage, Temp

Table3 Chemical parameters ofthe final wines

Chemical parameters Wines P value

Alcohol content (%) 17.500.02 16.000.02 18.000.02 18.500.02 >0.05

Total acidity (%) 0.350.02 0.880.01 0.780.02 0.650.01 >0.05
Residual acidity (%) 0.130.02 0.300.02 0.280.02 0.220.02 >0.05
Volatile acidity (%) 0.240.02 0.580.02 0.480.02 0.440.02 >0.05
Specific gravity (kg/l) 0.97840.00 0.98000.00 0.97800.00 0.97400.00 >0.05
Density (kg/l) 0.98400.00 0.98800.00 0.98800.00 0.98800.00 >0.05
Total solids (%) 0.160.02 0.550.02 0.430.02 0.290.02 >0.05
Total sugar (%) 0.770.02 0.940.02 0.640.02 0.540.02 >0.05
pH 3.800.01 2.500.01 3.000.01 3.400.01 >0.05
Temperature (oC) 28.000.07 27.500.07 28.000.07 27.000.07 >0.05
Values are expressed as meanstandard deviation; Significant different are taken at P<0.05
A pawpaw and watermelon wine, B pawpaw and banana wine, C pawpaw, banana and watermelon wine, D banana and watermelon wine
Ogodo et al. SpringerPlus (2015) 4:683 Page 8 of 11

Table4 Sensory evaluation ofthe mixed fruit wines for bael wine. High acidity is known to favour the fer-
Parameters Wines P value
mentative and competitive advantage of yeasts in natu-
ral environment as reported by Reddy and Reddy (2005).
A B C D This acidity was observed to be more of volatile acidity
Taste 4.4 4.8 4.1 3.7 >0.05 than the residual acidity. This implies that even if the
Clarity 4.7 4.7 4.5 3.6 >0.05 wines are consumed in large quantities, the acidity level
Colour 4.5 5.0 4.7 3.9 >0.05 can easily be removed by the body system. Moreover the
Flavour 4.7 4.6 4.3 3.8 >0.05 acidity (volatile and residual) of the wines in the present
Overall acceptability 4.6 4.9 4.6 4.1 >0.05 study do not differ significantly (p>0.05).
In order to supplement the sugar content of the musts,
The wine colours are pale yellow (pawpaw and watermelon wine), straw yellow
(pawpaw and banana wine), dark brown (pawpaw, banana and watermelon sucrose was part of the additives. Reports have shown
wine) and cream colour (banana and watermelon wine) that the major problem associated with the use of tropi-
A pawpaw and watermelon wine, B pawpaw and banana wine, C pawpaw, cal fruits in wine production is their low sugar con-
banana and watermelon wine, D banana and watermelon wine
tents (Alobo and Offonry 2009). In the present study,
the fermentation was nearly complete with total sugar
content of 0.76 0.02, 0.94 0.02, 0.64 0.02, and
The mixed fruit wines (pawpaw and watermelon wine, 0.54 0.02 % in pawpaw and watermelon wine, paw-
pawpaw and banana wine, pawpaw, banana and water- paw and banana wine, pawpaw, banana and watermelon
melon wine and banana and watermelon wine) produced wine and banana and watermelon wine respectively.
in the present investigation revealed low pH values (in This observation did not correspond with the reports of
the range of 2.53.8) throughout the fermentation peri- Panda etal. (2014a), Ray etal. (2011), Sahu etal. (2012)
ods and in the final product. Similar observations have and Panda etal. (2014b) who reported higher values for
been reported for other tropical fruit wines such as sapota fruit wine (3.28 g/100 ml), purple sweet potato
tundu wine (Sahu et al. 2012), sweet potato wine (Ray wine (1.35 g/100 ml), tendu wine (3.78 g/100 ml) and
etal. 2011), sapota fruit wine (Panda etal. 2014a, b) and bael wine (2.050.12g/100ml) respectively. The result
banana wine (Obaedo and Ikenebomeh 2009). Studies revealed that the total sugar contents of the wines in the
have shown that during fermentation of fruit, low pH is present study are less than 1%. This is an indication that
inhibitory to spoilage organisms but increases conducive the wines will have a good keeping quality since the fear
environment for the growth of desirable organisms. Also, of further fermentation during storage which could lead
low pH is known to give fermenting yeasts a competi- to spoilage will not arise. This result also showed that the
tive advantage in natural environment (Reddy and Reddy wines could be classified as dry table wines because of
2005; Chilaka et al. 2010). The decrease in pH could be low total sugar content of less than 1%. The variations in
due to accumulation of organic acids during fermenta- the total sugar content of the wines were not observed to
tion and this reduces the influence of bacteria that can differ significantly (p>0.05).
lead to spoilage. Therefore the wines have a good keeping The total solids obtained in the wines were low ranging
quality. from 0.160.02% to 0.460.02 in pawpaw and water-
Fluctuations in temperature of the must were observed melon wine and pawpaw and banana wine respectively,
during the period of fermentation. This could be as a and do not differ significantly (p > 0.05). This could be
result of biochemical changes occurring during the attributed to the efficiency of the yeast in fermentation. It
metabolism of the substrates by the fermenting organ- also implies that consumers are not exposed to the risk of
ism. Temperature of the final mixed fruit wines ranged taking in too much solid into the body. However, reduc-
from 27.000.07 to 280.07C. tion in the total solid of the wines could be achieved by
The present study also revealed a consistent increase further filtrations.
in the total acidity of the mixed fruit wines through- Remarkable amount of alcohol were produced from
out the period of fermentation. The total acidity of final the fruit wines during fermentation with the test yeast
wine is expected to be between 0.5 and 1.0 % (Chilaka (S. cerevisiae from palm wine). This trend was consistent
etal. 2010). In this study, the result of the total acidity in in all the wines. In general, the percentage alcohol pro-
the mixed fruit wines fell within this limit ranging from duced from the respective mixed fruit wines at the end
0.350.02 to 0.880.01%. However, the acidity is lower of fermentation by the test yeast were 17.50 0.02 %
than the reports of Ray etal. (2011) for sweet potato wine (pawpaw and watermelon wine), 16.00 0.02 % (paw-
(1.34g/100ml) and Panda etal. (2014a) for sapota fruit paw and banana wine), 18.000.02% (pawpaw, banana
wine (1.29g/100ml) but is consistent with the report of and watermelon wine) and 18.50 0.02 % (banana and
Panda etal. (2014b) who reported 0.150.07g/100ml watermelon wine). This finding agree with the work of
Ogodo et al. SpringerPlus (2015) 4:683 Page 9 of 11

Bechem et al. (2007) that palm wine yeast isolates may alcohol content in accordance with the report of Clem-
show a range of 10-20 % alcohol tolerance. Also, Noll ent-Jimenez etal. (2005).
(2008) reported that the strains of the yeast (S. cerevisiae) Sensory evaluation rated the wines acceptability as
isolated from palm wine are different genetically from pawpaw and banana wine > pawpaw and watermelon >
the yeast strains that are used to make wine from grapes pawpaw, watermelon and banana > banana and water-
and have the ability to survive and continue fermenta- melon wine. These attributes compared favourably with
tion process up to ethanol concentration of 18%, making the reports for other tropical wines (Akubor etal. 2003;
them ideal candidate for producing ethanol for fuel. Ray et al. 2011; Sahu et al. 2012; Panda et al. 2014a, b).
The performance and potential of the test yeast as sub- Also, the sensory evaluation of the wines in the present
stitute for commercial bakers yeast was measured by study do not differ significantly (P>0.05).
the amount of alcohol produced. The alcohol produced
by the test yeast in this study were high (16.0018.50%) Conclusion
compared to the studies on commercial yeast (10.46 %) The present study which was based on the evaluation of
as reported by Chilaka et al. (2010). High alcohols are three indigenous fruits as substrates for wine produc-
known to be important precursors for the formation tion and the efficiency of isolated S. cerevisiae from palm
of esters, which are associated with pleasant aromas wine for mixed fruit wine production has revealed that
Clement-Jimenez et al. 2005). Reports have shown that the three test fruits (pawpaw, banana and watermelon)
alcoholic fermentation leads to a series of by-products are good substrates for wine production. The biochemi-
in addition to ethanol. Some of the by-products include cal and sensory attributes of the wines were acceptable
carbonyl compounds, alcohols, esters, acids and acetyls. by the consumers. The study has also given an insight
All of which influence the quality of the finished prod- into the efficacy and role of S. cerevisiae from palm wine
uct. The composition and concentration levels of the by- during alcoholic fermentation of fruits. Pawpaw, banana
products can vary widely (Duarte etal. 2010). In general, and watermelon have short shelf-life under the prevail-
the concentrations of ethanol contribute to the whole ing temperature and humidity condition in Nigeria.
characteristic quality and flavour of the produced wine Therefore, this study provides an avenue to preserve their
(Reddy and Reddy 2009, 2004). However, the amount of nutrients, minerals, vitamins, aroma and taste to the con-
alcohol produced by the test yeast were not observed to sumers by fermenting them into wines.
differ significantly (p>0.05).
Authors contributions
In the present investigation, the test fermentation yeast This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. ACO and OCU
(S. cerevisiae) was the only organism isolated from paw- designed the study, wrote the protocol, interpreted the data and anchored
paw and watermelon wine as well as pawpaw and banana the laboratory study. AEU and CSE were involved in preliminary biochemi-
cal analysis and the literature search. All authors read and approved the final
wine while neither pawpaw, banana and watermelon manuscript.
wine nor banana and watermelon wine showed the pres-
ence of any microorganism. This is an indication of good Authors information
Mr. Alloysius Chibuike Ogodo holds Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Microbiol-
quality. This observation may be attributed to low pH val- ogy and Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Industrial Microbiology from Abia State
ues, high acidity and high alcohol contents of the wines University, Uturu and currently a Ph.D. student in Industrial Microbiology. He is
which are known to inhibit the growth of pathogens and a lecturer with Microbiology Department of Federal University, Wukari, Taraba
State, Nigeria. He has published in both local and international journals. His
gives fermenting yeast a competitive advantage in natu- research interests in the areas of microbiology includes; Food and Industrial as
ral environment as reported by Reddy and Reddy (2005) well as Environmental/Public Health Microbiology. Mr Ogodo is a member of
and Chilaka et al. (2010). The absence of the growth of the Nigerian Society for Microbiology (NSM) and Nigerian Institute of Manage-
ment (NIM).
the yeast in pawpaw, banana and watermelon wine and Dr. Ositadinma Chinyere Ugbogu holds B.Sc and Ph.D. degrees from Abia
banana and watermelon wine could be due to the high state University 1998 and 2008 respectively. He also has an M.Sc degree
alcoholic content which exceeded the ethanolic tolerance in Industrial Microbiology from Michael Okpara University of Agriculture
Umudike (2005). He taught Microbiology in Abia State University Uturu before
level of the yeast used for fermentation. joining the Federal University Wukari as pioneer Head of Department of
The colours of the wines in the present study were Microbiology. He has published scholarly articles in both local and interna-
observed to be pale yellow (pawpaw and watermelon tional journals. Dr. Ugbogu is a very active member of the Nigerian Society for
Microbiology and has served as the societys Business Manager and currently
wine), straw yellow (pawpaw and banana wine), dark Financial Secretary.
brown (pawpaw, banana and watermelon wine) and Dr. Amadike Eziuche Ugbogu holds B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Biochem-
cream (banana and watermelon wine). This is an indica- istry from Abia State University Uturu. He also holds an M.Sc. degree in
Food Science and Nutrition with distinction and Ph.D. in Biochemistry from
tion that the combination of the fruits served as a good Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh. He is currently a Lecturer in the Department
substrate for wine production with pawpaw and banana of Biochemistry, Abia State University Uturu. He has published in scholarly
being the most efficient as shown in this study. The good articles in both local and international journals.
Dr. Chukwuma Stephen Ezeonu (Ph.D.) obtained his B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D.
aroma obtained in the wines could be attributed to high degrees in Biochemistry from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State,
Ogodo et al. SpringerPlus (2015) 4:683 Page 10 of 11

Nigeria. He is a lecturer with the Department of Biochemistry, Federal Univer- Enukainure OL, Oke OV, Daramola AO, Adenekan SO, Umanhonlem EE (2010)
sity Wukari, Taraba State, Nigeria. His research interest is in the areas of Indus- Improvement of biochemical properties of watermelon rinds subjected
trial Biochemistry (Environmental Microbial Biochemistry) and Biotechnology. to S. cerevisiae solid media fermentation. Pak J Nutr 9(8):806809
To his credit are several publications in scholarly journals. He is a member of Ezeogu LI, Emeruwa AC (1993) High level ethanol tolerant Saccharomyces from
African Youth Forum on Science and Technology (AYFST), Nutrition Society Nigerian palm wine. Biotechnol Lett 15(1):8386
of Nigeria (NSN), International Association of Research Scholars and Fellows Ezereonye OU (2004) Nutrient utilization profile of S. cerevisiae from palm wine
(IARSAF) and American Association of Science and Technology (AASCIT). fruit fermentation. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 86(3):235240
Fawole MO, Oso BA (1988) Laboratory manual of microbiology. Spectrum
Books Limited, Ibadan, p 127. ISBN 978-029-256-X
Author details Fleet GH (2003) Yeast interaction and wine flavour. Int J Food Microbiol
Department ofMicrobiology, Faculty ofPure andApplied Sciences, Federal 86:1122
University Wukari, PMB 1020, Wukari, Taraba, Nigeria. 2Department ofBio- Inuwa HM, Aina VO, Gabi B, Aimola I, Thompson V (2011) Determination of dif-
chemistry, Faculty ofBiological andPhysical Sciences, Abia State University, ferences in nutrient composition of Citrullus vulgaries (water melon) fruits
PMB 2000, Uturu, Abia, Nigeria. 3Department ofBiochemistry, Faculty ofPure after plucking. Br J Dairy Sci 2(2):2730
andApplied Sciences, Federal University Wukari, PMB 1020, Wukari, Taraba, Isitua CC, Ibeh IN (2010) Novel method of wine production from banana (Musa
Nigeria. acuminata) and pineapple (Ananas cosmosus) waste. Afr J Biotechnol
Acknowledgements Kerje T, Grum M (2003) The origin of watermelon (Cucumis melo): a review of
The authors wish to acknowledge the efforts of Mr Arukwe, U.I in wine analysis the literature. Pak J Nutr 9(8):647654
and the panel of wine judges in ascertaining the acceptability of the wines. Kocher SG, Pooja (2011) Status of wine production from guava (Psidium gua-
java L.): a traditional fruit of India. Afr J Food Sci 5(16):851860
Competing interests Koocheki A, Razavi SMA, Milain E, Moghadam TM, Abedin N, Alamatiyan S,
The authors have declared no competing interest. Izadkhah S (2007) Physical properties of watermelon seed as a function of
moisture content and variety. Int Agrophys 21:349359
Received: 2 July 2015 Accepted: 27 October 2015 Lawal OU (2011) Effect of storage on the nutrient composition and mycobiota
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